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My name is Claire. I am 15 years old, almost 16. Today is Saturday, October 6, 2018.

This is a story about incest. More importantly, it is an account of my weeks-long struggle last month to have sex with my brother, David. He is almost 17.

The account is straightforward (though somewhat convoluted), and ends the moment he and I couple our first time in the early morning hours of Sunday morning, September 16th. It occurs in my dad’s pup tent, as you might discern from the title. I include a short epilogue at the end, but that’s it. I only want to tell my story of pursuing David, and his pursuit of me.

The account begins in the tent, Saturday night of Labor Day Weekend, the official end of our summer vacation. I stretched and playfully batted the side of the tent, your typical green canvas two-person camper with a ridgepole down the middle. Flaps at one end, available online or in any sporting goods store anywhere. It was nominally waterproof, though neither David nor I wanted to put that claim to the test. The forecast was for overcast skies and overnight temps in the low 70’s, which was fine with David and me. The problem was Dad.

“Be careful with that lantern, kids. Even though it’s impossible to catch anything on fire with it, your mom hates the idea of you having it out here. You know how she is about fire.”

“I know how she is about everything,” David grumbled irritably. I laughed, which drew a reproving glare.

Mom is 43 years old, a true soccer mom with the cutest little figure. Every boy in the neighborhood adores her. (Girls, along with their moms, not so much.) I don’t care, but David is at once intimidated, and protective of her. God help the kid who says anything disrespectful to or around David.

“You should join us, Dad,” I said. David wanted to swift-kick me in the rear end, but Dad only grinned and rolled his eyes.

“Some other time, kids. I’m sure you’d rather me out here pestering you than your mom, though.”

“Six of one, half-dozen of the other,” David muttered, eyeing me reproachfully. Mom would hen-peck Dad all night long, sending him out to check every half hour until we finally went to sleep. Every time she got up to go pee, or started awake from a dream of her little one being raped, sodomized and murdered in the back yard. David hated her sometimes; I just took her in stride.

“Remember, no later than midnight, kids. Not a second later. Twelve-oh-one a.m., and Mom’ll be out here like a lioness. You don’t want that.”

Mom took no prisoners; that we all knew.

We had use of Dad’s heavy-duty extension cord to power our iPads, and we played each other until after 11 o’clock, when Dad suggested we start to wind things down. Mom stood just inside the sliding patio door, arms folded tightly across her chest. Was she tapping her foot? I bet she was. I tried to imagine the kind of trouble she worried about us getting into—besides me being raped, sodomized and murdered. Did she expect a meteor impact to wipe us out? Insurgents to kidnap us for ransom? How about a direction she would never consider: her own children.


Busy with my bedroll, I just answered: “Yeah?”

“Keep your voice down, okay?”

Now I did look around, curious. By unspoken agreement we had not talked—or even mentioned this subject--in nearly two years. I was about to be floored.

“You want to do something tonight?” He shook his head. “Forget that. Thoroughly stupid and tactless, sorry.”

The florescent light in my eyes made it hard to see. Was he blushing? Clueless, I asked, “What are you talking about, David?”

He was blushing now for sure. His expression was tortured. “Do I have to spell it out for you? The tent, overnight, alone?”

My jaw dropped. “You’re kidding me!”

He shook his head, though with a fair amount of restraint in the movement.

Flabbergasted, I cried, “No!” and then, “David!” and then “Do you want to?”

We didn’t of course. The risk of being caught was simply too great. But we talked about it, a relief after so long.

“What changed your mind?” I asked.

“What changed yours?”

“You did!” I said immediately, which made him uncomfortable. “I’m just surprised, is all. I thought that possibility was over forever.”

“So did I,” he muttered. “But I’ve been thinking about it lately.”

I never stopped thinking about it, but I didn’t say that.

“Does it scare you?”

“Of course it does,” I said.

“But you’re willing to anyway?” he questioned.

“I’ve always been willing, David. Since you know when.”

He shifted uncomfortably. “What if Mom and Dad find out?”

“They’ll kill us,” I said. “They always would have killed us, so it’s not like we’re risking anything new.” I laughed. “We’re too old to spank now.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” he grunted.

“You’re too old to spank,” I corrected. Mom was entirely capable of spanking me, if she got mad enough.

“I wish we could now,” I said softly. “It’s been so long, David.”


This had him really on edge. David had never been comfortable with this; not like me. But David was smarter than me.

Monday, Mom and Dad were home, so naughty behavior was out of the question. We helped complete the addition Dad had put on over the summer, doing finish work inside the room. We installed an acoustical ceiling and a ceiling fan. It was Mom’s new home office for nights and weekends—Dad’s was upstairs, in the spare bedroom. It was fine, until Dad dropped a hand grenade on our plans for Tuesday.

“Kids, I’m taking vacation this week. Mom wants this office finished, and I’m about sick to death of it. The only way to get it done, is to get it done,” he said resolutely. I eyed David in distress. A whole week? “You guys can chip in after school, if you want to.”

“Sure, Dad,” we said in unison. What a horrid idea.

David was particularly put out. Two years to make the decision and work up the courage to bring it up to me, and Dad bombs our plans? It was so unfair. I took it more equitably than David, though. I’d waited two years with no expectation of ever having David again.

I wondered if Mom, with her infallible mom-radar, hadn’t figured something out from our behavior. Mom is ultra sharp when it came to questionable behavior; she put a stop to us the first time, after all, and David was a mess.

“David... ?”

“What?” he snapped. This was just after one o’clock, and Dad was inside. Mom had run to McDonald’s. I had salad, and David had his Big Mac meal.

“Please stop acting like Mom said no to the Stone’s concert.” David was a huge retro-fan, and had tickets to the upcoming concert in October. I could care less about the Stones.

“Whaddya mean?” he said sullenly.

“I mean--” I wiped my lips because he kept eyeing the right corner of my mouth. “Put bluntly, in terms I know you can understand: Dad being home this week shouldn’t mean squat to you. Mom already has her suspicious face on. So please cut it out.”

He gave me a flinty-eyed stare, scowling.

“You are!” I protested. “Another week won’t kill us! Besides,” I said, grinning impishly. “There’s always text and FaceTime.”

His expression brightened at that.

That night, we kept filth to a minimum in our text session. I initiated the session at 10 p.m., and we spent until 11:30 telling each other secrets, and discussing things you should never mention in a text message.

Tuesday night we communicated via FaceTime, and I spent 20 minutes with my shirt off, letting him savor my black bra. He deserved something for his patience, I thought. He kept after me the entire time, but I declined to flash my bare boobs for him. I chose to save that for later.

Wednesday morning, on the walk to the bus stop, I broke my silence about Mom and her radar. He stopped dead in his tracks.

“Are you saying she knows?” He was aghast.

“I don’t know,” I admitted truthfully. “She’s 43, and I’m only 15, David. Who do you think is smarter?”

He gulped, loudly. “That’s just great, Claire. That’s just fucking great.”

“Keep you voice down,” I whispered. “We don’t know anything yet. Not for sure. It could just be coincidence.”

“Coincidence my ass,” he grumbled. His expression tightened. “That means we can expect something else next week? Mom taking a leave of absence to explore her inner self, maybe? Dad putting in the pool he keeps talking about? What’s to keep Mom from deciding we need quality Mom time in the afternoon?”

This of course, meant me, her flightless chick. I eyed him, wounded.

“What?” he said as I walked away with clenched teeth. “Claire, wait! I didn’t mean anything by that!”

“Not meaning it, doesn’t make it any better,” I growled.

I am 5’6” tall, weigh 125 lbs, and have bright blue eyes and blonde hair. I have a flawless complexion, and breasts big enough to generate looks all day long at school--and everywhere else. I am also unlovely. And ungainly. And inept--especially around boys.

“Claire, wait a minute!”

“It’s okay,” I said, regaining my composure. “I’m just ... it’s been hard on me too, the last couple of days, David.”

I was a virgin. I had never dated. Three boys had kissed me, and all wanted my boobs, using my mouth to get there. Aidan Marsh wanted me to go all the way one night--he’s the only boy to ever bare my breasts and suck my nipples—and I was aroused, intimidated, and put off in equal measure. He wanted to fuck me, and have nothing to do with me afterward. I wanted to be more than a pair of boobs and a fuck. What saved me from Aidan was throwing up on him that night.

“You are not the lump you think you are, Claire.”

I looked at him fiercely and sped up. “Thanks a lot!”

“You’re not!” he insisted. “I never understood how you see yourself, Claire.”

“In the mirror,” I said stiffly. “Same way everyone else does, only mirror-image. I’m just as ugly one way or the other, David, face it!”

We reached the bus stop and that ended discussion. He fumed, eyeing me furiously. I sat beside Stacey Lever, making him sit alone in the back. We drew looks, and not a few smirks.

After school, I rode the bus home, calmed from my morning fit. I felt sad, rather than sullen. I hate being the butt of jokes. Why couldn’t I be pretty?

David wisely stayed clear of the morning’s touchy subject matter. Instead, he returned to his feeling of paranoia.

“There’s no way they’d bug our rooms, right? No way they would do that,” he muttered. I stared ahead at the house, looming on the left, two blocks away. If that horrible suggestion was true, I thought, we were really sunk. You couldn’t silence bugs without Mom and Dad knowing we’d found and disabled them. I winced, thinking of what had transpired electronically between our two bedrooms Monday and Tuesday nights. Were they monitoring our iPads? Would Mom do that? The idea made me almost turn around and head in the opposite direction.

“If there are bugs... ?” I worried.

“Leave them alone,” he agreed, “until we have an afternoon to look around. Don’t do anything that might make Mom more suspicious.”

Easy to say, I thought sourly. Not looking would be like not scratching a mosquito bite on the back of your calf--impossible.

Despite all, we had a good week helping Dad with the addition. David did, at least. He was incredibly agile swinging a hammer, wielding a paint roller, or hanging drywall. Tool belt slung around his waist, a cocky grin on his face, his muscles rippling beneath his t-shirt as he worked; I had great talent for mashing my thumb, dropping boards on my toes, and getting splinters in my fingers. Also turning around and running into things like doors, desks, and David. Twice I ripped out the seat of my jeans, squatting to pick something up. Skinny jeans and squatting repeatedly don’t mix.

“Should we, you know, bring up camping again tomorrow night?” I asked.

He looked at me, doubtful. “Let’s not push our luck, Claire.”

“We’d actually be able to talk,” I reminded him, brushing his hand clandestinely. “And do other things.” I could imagine taking his hand, walking like we did as kids, back when holding hands was permissible. He was weighing possibilities, I saw. We hadn’t so much as kissed since Saturday night. I found that realization just astounding. We wanted to fuck our brains out, and were afraid of the slightest untoward touch?

The weekend proved unbearable. We didn’t camp out, didn’t see much of each other at all. I hung out with Julie, Jen, and Cee Cee, my only three friends, while David spent Saturday finishing the addition with Dad. Sunday he hung out with his friends.

Paranoia kept us off text or FaceTime until Monday afternoon. David promised to inspect our iPads immediately after school. I couldn’t fathom how he knew so much, or how he could be so popular, knowing the things he did. I was toadstool dumb, and unpopular despite that.

David walked me to the bus stop Monday morning as usual. “Buck up, Claire. Dad went to work today. That’s reason to run around naked right there!”

“Halleluiah!” I whispered sarcastically. He meant me, of course, doing the running around naked. I got a little jolt, imagining actually doing that for him today. My underarms immediately itched, my face grew warm, and my gait got even more pigeon toed than normal.

“We’re tearing our rooms apart this afternoon,” he said. “I want to know if we’re fucked.”

I bunched my eyebrows. “Why not just--” I lowered my voice to a barely audible whisper, making David lean close. “What about the family room?”

He thought about that. “That’s not a bad idea, Claire. What if they have that bugged too, though?”

I looked at him questioningly.

“We play X-Box in the family room. She’d be covering the bases, right?”

“What do we do then?”

“We search all three!”

Which we did, every square inch of our bedrooms, and the family room downstairs: if a microphone existed—or a webcam--it was so well concealed that three hours searching failed to turn it up.

“Fuck!” David grumbled. He flopped down on the couch and then snapped off “Fuck!” again.


He jumped up. “Dad went back to work today!”


“If Mom was trying to catch us, and thought we suspected what she was up to, she wouldn’t be dumb enough to hide a webcam or a microphone today, where we could find it, would she?”

I was incredulous at the suggestion. “You mean wait until tomorrow to put it in?” I threw up my hands. “No, David! That’s ridiculous!”

Ridiculous or not, Tuesday afternoon we repeated the process and found absolutely nothing again.

“Are you satisfied?” I demanded. I was getting a very bad feeling about this.

“Maybe she’s counting on paranoia to keep us from doing anything again.”

I stared at him, drop-jawed. “You’re not serious!”

“She’s devious enough to think like that,” he argued.

I laughed, which got me an angry look. “You’re the paranoid one, David! Dad taking off last week was just coincidence and we’re wasting time searching for bugs that don’t exist!”

“Maybe,” he grunted unhappily. “But we’re doing it again tomorrow, just to be safe.”

“I have an orthodontist appointment Thursday afternoon!” I complained. “And Friday’s the after-school assembly! We won’t get home until like, 4:30!”

“So?” he said obstinately.

I wanted to punch his nose. Instead, I kicked the chair, crying, “Whatever, David!” and stormed upstairs to my bedroom.

Wednesday afternoon we searched again. Thursday afternoon I got my braces adjusted, and Friday was the assembly. We stepped off the bus just before 4:30 and headed toward the house.

“I am not doing it again!” I said furiously.

He made a frustrated sound and flicked his right hand, accidentally or not whacking my left boob. I stopped and waited for an apology.

“What?” he demanded.

I teared I was so angry. “This is so fucking stupid! You looked again yesterday, didn’t you, David?”

He shrugged, cutting his eyes away.

“Did you find anything, David?”

He shook his head, grudgingly.

“Know what I think?” I stomped away, teeth grinding audibly. He quickly caught up.

“It’s not that, Claire! Not what you’re thinking.”

I spat: “It sure seems that way to me, David Carver!”

He grabbed my arm and spun me around. “I promise you I’m not!” His eyes opened wide and he shot looks around clandestinely. “You are not going to cry! Jesus Christ, Claire! You do that, and I’m walking away.” He stepped back and threw another quick glance around. “Don’t you fucking cry on me, Claire Lynne!” His face went red with mortification.

I tried to calm. I dropped to one knee and tied my shoelaces as cover. I felt every eye in the neighbor was turned on me. Fucking busybodies, I fumed. I couldn’t believe how close I’d just come to loosing it and bursting into tears. Finally, I stood, some measure of calm restored. David looked crestfallen.

“I swear to you, sis. I was not putting you off, consciously or unconsciously.” He sighed. “OK, maybe I was, unconsciously. I don’t know. It’s been...”

“Stressful?” I suggested angrily.

“Yeah, maybe.”

I wanted to punch him, shrug off my backpack and smash him with it, screaming. He was stressed?

I leaned in close and said to him fiercely: “It’ll be me, sucking your cock, David! I’ll be the one spreading my legs and letting you put your cock in me and fuck me silly. It won’t be your asshole getting buggered when you put me on my knees and do what you say you want to do to me, will it? If anyone is stressed here, David, it’s me!”

I stormed off again, tears overrunning my eyelids and streaming down my cheeks.

“Claire, wait up!”

“Fuck you, David Carver!”

“I can’t believe you said that shit to me, Claire...” He began to laugh.

“You are in danger of never getting anything from me but grief for the rest of your fucking life!” I hissed.

“Monday for sure,” he said firmly. “No more paranoia, no more bullshit. OK, Claire?”

“I’m not waiting that long!”


“We are doing it, tomorrow night, in the tent. Or we never do it at all, David Carver!”

Saturday, September 15, 2018
“This is so fucking stupid,” he complained, for perhaps the 40th time. I held the third stake while he set it with his heel.

“It’ll be fine,” I assured him.

It would not be fine, and we both knew it. Mom would have Dad out here driving us crazy all night long. Again. David laughed.

“I’m glad you think this is funny!”

“It is,” he assured me. “I had a talk with Mom today.”

I jerked up. “What?”

“I confronted Mom this afternoon and told her to back off. We’re too old to have her surveiling us like 3-year-old’s, I told her. We didn’t camp out last weekend for exactly that reason, I told her. Christ! I’m only two years away from college, Mom!”

Stunned, I numbly positioned the last stake, which he drove in carefully with his heel. I stood and brushed my hands on my shorts.

“She admitted a lot had to do with us getting older and her being freaked about that.”

“You could have told me you planned to do that,” I said, appalled. “When the hell did you?”

“When you were in the shower,” he said. “I hope you shaved, by the way.”

I turned purple with mortification and pounded his arm with my fist.

“You hit like a girl, girl.”

I wished for a 2x4 to brain him with. I’m sure Dad had one left over somewhere. He didn’t even rub his biceps where I had hit him, probably to embarrass me even more.

“You better hope I do other things like a girl!” I hissed, pushing hair behind my ear, an age-old reaction to being embarrassed.

“Oh, I’m sure you will, Claire. Explosively too!”

I flushed bright red. He laughed and gave me a hug. “No one heard me, sis.”

“I did!”

He laughed, glanced quickly around, and pecked me on the cheek. “I have a little surprise for you later on,” he confided.

I eyed him mistrustfully. I was horribly overheated, and my mush-brain was running too slow. What he didn’t know--and what I wasn’t about to tell him--was that I was two weeks into my cycle, and ovulating this weekend. While David undertook his talk with Mom this afternoon, I had shaved more than my legs and underarms. I understood what being in heat was about.

I changed the subject. “She agreed then, to back off?”

He shrugged, being realistic. “We’ll have to wait and see what happens, sis.”

By 11 p.m., it was obvious some ground had been gained. Dad visited us only once, and only to deliver an update on the weather. A line of thunderstorms would pass farther to the west than originally forecast, and the severe thunderstorm advisory was lifted. The worst we could expect was a light drizzle on the tent. We all sighed in relief at that.

We played an insanely stupid game of Strip Spin The Bottle. I wore a sleeveless blue and white check shirt, unbuttoned all the way, with my shorts unzipped: as far as I was willing to take things so early. I did spread the front of my shirt wide and let David have a good long look at my bra. It was midnight blue, the sexiest thing I owned, with blue panties to match. The tops of my panties were visible between the sides of my open zipper, and I was incredibly horny. I wanted David to attack me.

The final 10 minutes before lights-out, we whispered about things David wanted to do to me, what I was willing to let him do, and what he could expect to coerce me into. I have never said no to David about anything. Thank God, he didn’t normally use that failing against me. Dad interrupted us just as I thought about unbuttoning again, unhooking my bra and letting David see.

“Lights out, kids.” I got an odd look, David told me later, over my mis-buttoned shirt. But Dad left us in peace, taking the extension cord which had powered our iPads and the fluorescent light. Rain poured down--so much for the revised forecast—though with no lightning or thunder. Mom offered her tentative permission to continue our sleepover into the morning. The first crack of lightning, however, and the campout was history.

It bothered me, more than I was willing to admit, that Mom had not spoken to me concerning her conversation with David. She and I are unusually close (for a mother and her sophomore daughter, I guess) and I’m always the first to get her opinion on anything--or her flat refusal. Which included what I wanted to do, wear, whom I wanted to see, or where I wanted to go. She and David barely spoke most of the time. This sudden reversal of alliances put me out of sorts. I didn’t like it. It eventually affected my mood.

“What’s going on? Are you upset at me about something?”

“No,” I lied sulkily. The growing intensity of the rain assaulting the tent didn’t improve things. I wouldn’t put up with getting wet if it leaked. David could use his hand tonight.

“I asked her not to, if that’s what you’re in a snit about suddenly,” he said.

“What?” I clumsily pushed up on an elbow.

“I told her all this mother-henning was driving you crazy. You were afraid to talk to her because you didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I know how close you two are lately.” He grinned at the emphasis on “close.” He knew how downtrodden I felt, Mom vetoing everything I wanted to do. She even ... well, never mind that. It’s too personal.

I glared at him.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he said, laughing. “You weren’t going to do it.”

I huffed indignantly.

“You wouldn’t!” he insisted. “And she needed straightening out.”

“Eff you!” I said angrily and lay back down, turning away. He could use his hand, tonight, no matter what. In fact...

“I’m going inside!” I exclaimed, struggling to sit upright and get myself free of the sleeping bag. I gasped, finding David right there, on hands and knees, grinning at me. I recoiled when he attempted to kiss me.

“Get away from me, you pervert! David!”

Grinning wolfishly, he cornered my mouth and put his lips against it. I stared at him defiantly, keeping my lips rigid. He didn’t try to coerce me, though; he just pressed his lips against mine until I quieted.

“It’s too early!” I whispered fiercely.

His grin only got wider. “I’ll wait.”

“You bet you will,” I grumbled, retreating as best I could. He had chased me right into the corner of the tent. “Will you please stop?”

“Not until you kiss me, Claire Lynne.”

“No!” I said determinedly. Then, less unwaveringly, I added, “We’ll get caught.” I retreated again as his lips chased mine, and this time, I did kiss him. I began to melt inside.

Sunday, September 16, 2018
Just before one a.m., I had nearly drifted off to sleep; David, watching the house, shook me lightly.

“What?” I muttered.

“Time for your surprise.”

I eyed him dubiously. What kind of surprise could you hide in a tent? It had to be in his sleeping bag, I decided, though it couldn’t be very big, or I would have seen an outline through the material. I looked and choked on my response.

“David! What the fuck is that?!”

He snorted, shaking with suppressed laughter. In his hand was a dildo. A very large dildo, with a huge scrotal sack as a base, allowing it to stand upright. The shaft had to be 6” long and 1-1/2” thick. I gaped, open-mouthed. And then blushed every shade of red possible.

Indignantly, I hissed: “You put that thing away! Are you insane?” I choked as he obscenely ran the length of the shaft through his circled forefinger and thumb. I grabbed at it, and missed.

“Where did you get that, anyway?” I demanded. My eyes exploded and my jaw dropped at the truth. Stunned, I stared at the house through the side of the tent, mental x-ray vision turned on.

I choked out: “David! What if she finds it missing?”

“Like she’d gonna look tonight,” he guffawed, twirling the dildo clumsily like a baton.

“This is exactly the night she’d looked for it, you idiot!”

He blinked at my fierce expression. Then he glanced toward the house, uncertain. “Shit,” he muttered. “You don’t think... ?”

I grabbed the intimidating thing from his hand. I was hugely embarrassed, my blush raging hot. “What were you thinking?” I demanded.

He shrugged, embarrassed now, also.

“Put it back in your sleeping bag, right now! And pray Mom never discovers you found it, much less brought into this tent, David Carver!”

His face brightened again. “Would you like to, though? Theoretically?”

My face got even hotter. “No!” I hissed angrily.

He gazed at me thoughtfully, knowing that was a lie. It made my humiliation so much worse. I told him to wait when he shrugged and flipped open his sleeping bag.

“I’m not saying yes,” I clarified. “I just want to talk about it.” I shrank back, cringing when he offered the dildo. “I’m not doing anything with that, though,” I warned. The very thought, made me shudder with revulsion.

“It was still in the package,” he said.


“I had to open it, dummy. You wouldn’t believe what a pain that was, doing it without damaging the plastic. I have to reseal it again. Almost as bad as the packing on electronic stuff, you know.” He waited expectantly.

“This is new then?” I asked.

His grin returned, full strength. “I wouldn’t expect you to use...” He laughed. “It was great though, watching your expression when I brought it out.” He laughed again, batting the head of the dildo against his palm. “I probably should have mentioned the new part before, huh?”

“You think!” I hissed, punching at him and missing. “You still shouldn’t have taken it, David.”

He shrugged. “What’s done, is done.”

I eyed the thing worriedly. A shudder of fear and excitement ran down my spine. I glanced at the tent flaps.

“It’s still too early,” he admitted.

“We should have waited for Monday,” I grumbled.

I fought free of my sleeping bag, crawled over, and peeked out. And then giggled when he devilishly poked my rear end with the head. I wagged playfully, grinning over my shoulder at him.

“Why pretend, when you can have the real thing,” I said in a low, sultry voice. He motioned me to turn around, which I did. I grinned when he pointed at his crotch, and pantomimed a dog licking happily.

“Dream on,” I advised.

He stuck the dildo back inside his bedroll and stretched out atop it.

“We should get some sleep. As long as it’s raining like this...” He made a gesture at the top of the tent, being pummeled by heavy rain. “It’s too dangerous, even thinking about it. Mom’s still awake in there, laying in bed, fretting over us.”

“Or standing at the patio door,” I suggested, “watching it rain.” I almost wished lightning would strike and get it over with. Though not leaking, the canvas did nothing to stop the clammy humidity. It made the tent an uncomfortable place to be.

“I’m going to bed. Wake me when this damned rain stops, or you think it’s safe.” I was itching like crazy inside my clothes and wanted to strip them off. I hate cool, clammy weather.

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Never Let A Hung Boy Share A Tent With You And Your Wife

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); After reading the title of this story you could probably guess what it’s about, but you’ll never believe the shenanigans that transpired last summer when my wife and I went camping. My wife and I had been married for 3 years with no c******n, yet. Two years younger than me, at age 29, my wife is pretty hot. She’s a natural brunette with blonde hair, nice perky tits and as a result of being very athletic her...

3 years ago
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Workmates aged 14 and 16 end up working on each other alone in a tent HOT

Introduction: This is about Jordan and me, we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night alone in a tent! WARNING: SERIOUSLY SEXY! ???? Hay, If youve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My names Josh, Im an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it...

3 years ago
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Tent Sex Extravaganza 1 by loyalsock

When I was first met Kat, I was with my ex-girlfriend. I was having a party, and she was standing in my kitchen, being super chatty and loud, and looking better than anyone else there, including my ex. She was a small Mexican girl that couldn't have been any taller than 5'1. Her skin was light-brown, her hair was long and black, and she had these gorgeous brown eyes which were accentuated by just the right amount of eye-liner. It was a chilly evening and she was bundled up, so I couldn't get...

2 years ago
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Workmates aged 14 and 16 end up working on each other alone in a tent HOT

If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!) This one is about Jordan and me; we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night! This was actually my most...

1 year ago
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Tent Sharing

Mark and I go camping every year. This last summer we went on about a 15 mile hike. Its not enough to be completely away from the world, but its enough that we don’t usually see many other hikers. At the trail head, we met two good looking girls who were also there for the 4 day weekend. Usually the only girls who you see hiking that far are really granola, but these two had been best friends for years and always did car camping and wanted to try an actual hike. I could hardly pry Mark away...

4 years ago
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What Happens in a Tent Part 1

Pretty self explanitory, big group of horny high school kids go camping. Narrative switches between three characters, the main is Ella (no prizes for guessing who she's based on), then Leon (the longterm boyfriend of Ella's best friend Becky) and then Steve (the ex-boyfriend of Ella). It's a bit of a teen romance to be honest, not a lot of wild sex or anything but may add that later in Part 2. What happens in a tent STAYS in a tent! Louise and I grinned at eachother as we...

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What Happens in a Tent Part 1

Introduction: Roughly based on a camping trip I took part in when I was in high school, might be a little confusing as the narrative switches several times. This is a first installment just to get some feedback. Slow to start and not a lot of sex in this one but tell me what you think! True story but obviously not exact as I couldnt be everywhere at once… Pretty self explanitory, big group of horny high school kids go camping. Narrative switches between three characters, the main is Ella (no...

3 years ago
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Her Oral Intent

Nikki was excited about taking the wilderness survival course. She had signed up with her girlfriend, Cat, and they planned to share a tent. The weekend was supposed to be warm during the days but there had been frost warnings all week, so they were prepared for a few chilly nights. They both knew a couple of the other people taking the course. One guy in particular, for whom Nikki had the hots, was going. So was a guy with whom Cat had already been with a few times. Cat had warned Nikki that,...

2 years ago
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Playing in the tent

Me and Dave had gone camping a lot in the past. We are both guy's but have been friends for years. There was nothing usual about us seeing each other naked. We were both 19 and had decided to go for a week away with our tent. There was a little place we had booked which was fairly remote. When we arrived at the site there was only a handful of tents there. So we set up the tent, had our dinner followed by a few beers just to relax. It was the start of June and the weather was fairly warm. The...

4 years ago
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Too Tight Tent

Amada was a tiny girl. She only weighed 105 ponds, soaking wet. She had long blond hair and took care of herself very well. She had bright green eyes and a model's smile. Her titties we small but perfect in every way. Her mother taught her about " girl" stuff as she grew. It was important to her to do her nails and hair and dress like a "women" all the time. I watched her develop and saw the baby fat come off at about 14. She had a unbelieveable ass and knew it. I enjoyed...

4 years ago
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Two Girls in a Tent

[Note: The author of this story is Sh'tun'gl, the Zhon-Gurkkin Ambassador to Earth. He noted elsewhere that he had modified some Zhon-Gurkkin specifics of the story to be more accessible to humans.] We're different from you in several ways. Some are well known, and can be found in any online source. For instance, our men are taller, while our women are shorter. We have six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. We grow up much more slowly than you -- roughly three times more...

4 years ago
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Cool down tent

My wife and I ,joined a local nudist camp in the summer last year. We heard from other couples it was a pretty wild place after dark. We paid our membership and set up our tent, and campsite. We thought It was a great time to cool off and take a swim at the large pool. ( Now the rest of the story is going to be carefully worded , to avoid banned words or ideas)The whole nudist retreat was filled with nuclear and extended groups, of all ages, mostly white in this particular area of the...

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Tent 15 Ch03

Miranda huffed as she trudged over the packed sand. She made her way down to the low tide towards the water. If she was going to do this she was going all in, taking the moist stage out front for the whole beach to see. She reached the waterline and let a wave crash over her toes, sighing in relief. She stood for a moment psyching herself up, enjoying the cool relief, before taking a deep breath and taking off down the shore. She traveled back the way they had come from the hotel, passing...

2 years ago
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Now Is the Winter of Our Discount TentChapter 3

I was nearly asleep ten or fifteen minutes later all snuggled up in my sleeping bag in my tent. It might have been twenty below zero or worse outside in the storm but I was at least comfortable, if not quite toasty-oasty warm inside. The roaring blizzard gale outside was somewhat muffled and it certainly didn't pierce the stealth insulated lining of my tent. That all changed in an instant when the tent flaps suddenly burst open and two rather frozen young ladies suddenly tried to join me in...

3 years ago
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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

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Pitching A Tent 2 The Fallout

"Now Entering Pisgah National Park"The sign signaled the end of our seven-hour road trip, and I was excited to stretch my legs. The back seat of George's car was not meant for people as tall as me, and my legs were getting numb.Under normal circumstances, I probably would have thrown a fit and demanded to at least spend SOME of the trip up front. George was three inches shorter than me, and Colin was easily six or seven. It didn't make sense to have my gangly ass back there. So why didn't I...

Love Stories
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The Preachers Wife Finds Love in a Tent in Africa

Maggie’s customers included the Christians of Faith (COF) organization in Omaha. She audited their books every three months, a job of 3 or 4 days for which they paid her one thousand dollars plus the cost of a modest hotel room. By the standards of the small town in Kansas where she lived with her husband, an evangelical preacher, that was good money. She was working her way through the accounts one afternoon when her phone rang. It was John Bright, the President of COF in Washington,...

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Her father Charlie worked long times he was already at work when she woke up and got home after she fell asleep. But she wasn't mad. That's something a mom takes care of but since she walked out before Marie could crawl... Marie shook her head pushing the "what if" I had a mom thoughts away. The home phone rang. She set the broom against the counter. "Jones home" Marie said in a perky voice. "Hello Marie, My name is Burt Smith. I'm your father's boss and co-worker. I have...

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Vacation Tent and my Cousin

*Characters are fictional but represent real life people and true events**This is my first story so be patient and use your imagination My name is R.J. and I'm 17 years old with medium length blonde-red hair and I'm about 6'2". I'm a bit thinner than the other guys at school but just as strong and play lacrosse year round. I was born in Florida and have lived there all my life. One day my parents announced we would be taking a 3 week vacation to visit family up in South Dakota and Colorado. I...

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BondingChapter 5 In a tent together

Slowly and carefully Bob and Charley made their way along the narrow path. The diffused light of the mist made it very difficult to see the track in places but by constantly checking compass direction and the GPS they knew within a little where they were. 5:00 Charley noted her watch. "Bob, were not going to make the hut tonight are we?" "I doubt it. I've been thinking. If we carry on for another mile around the bend in the valley we'll come to Tor Crags where they do a lot of climbing....

4 years ago
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Pitching a Tent 3 Unfinished Business

"Fuck! I forgot my underwear back there!""Well, shit. I was hoping to steal those for myself as a souvenir."Skye rolled her eyes. "If you had helped me pack up our shit instead of antagonizing the ranger, you might have them."The trip to Upper Catawba Falls had gone far better than I could have ever hoped. Not only did the time alone allow us to hash out what was bothering her and causing all of the awkwardness between us, but the rest of the day was like something out of a dream.It turned out...

Love Stories
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PupsRUs 2 Sex on ParadeChapter 2

Helen showed up three days later with the final rendering of the float and the expectation of having her second adventure in being fucked by a dog. Grace looked over the drawings and gave an enthusiastic agreement to what she saw. That was enough for Helen to remind her of the promised MP fucking when she brought the final float drawings. Grace smiled and led Helen to the Doggy Bordello room that she had previously used. Hero was available, and Betty brought him in to do his thing. Helen...

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PupsRUsChapter 4

The upshot of all of this was that Grace agreed to purchase the remaining dogs from Hank, and Liz would show up on Monday to begin work at Pups-R-Us. They put Butch, Jug, and Hammy into pens and realized that they had run out of space. There was room for only two more dogs, and that was it. It was a good thing that Liz was going to show up on Monday, or they would be in a serious bind with the dogs' sex education. Titan was the one they needed to concentrate on, since he was the only MP dog...

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PupsRUsChapter 6

Agnes Witherspoon had experienced an epiphany! Orgasms weren't supposed to be that good. An orgasm was a reward for submitting to a husband's needs and was a rare thing that a woman hoped for but expected to happen only occasionally. When she came to herself, Agnes was at a total loss for words. One thing for sure: she was not leaving without that dog! Now she could understand what had happened to her bodyguard, and all reproaches that she had thought of had vanished under the pressure of...

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PupsRUsChapter 9

"Jarvis, now that I have seen the size of this dog, I think that it would be prudent for you to remain in here while I try him out. I am afraid that his weight would be too much for me, and I may need you to rescue me." "Very well, Ma'am. I will do as you request." "Sue, my dear, please don't be shocked at that request. Jarvis often has to help me when I use the bathroom, so he is used to seeing my naked body and me doing what would embarrass most people." Sue nodded, but she was...

2 years ago
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PupsRUsChapter 10

Sue fitted Jack with his protective socks and helped Susan to assume the correct position. Susan had never practiced DP with a man, so she was unsure of what to do, but Sue helped her to place her arms and legs. Oops, they had forgotten the lubricant, so Sue picked up the KY and squeezed a whole tube into Susan's cunt. During all of this, Jack was on his best behavior, and he calmly waited until Susan was ready for him. Jack was called by Susan, and he walked over to sniff her pussy and to...

5 years ago
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PupsRUsChapter 13

Sue cautioned Martha not to go too far too quickly at first. She recommended that Martha schedule for Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday before she committed for seven visits per week. As soon as she tried to sit up, Martha realized that she had received good advice and agreed to the schedule that Sue had suggested. The next demonstration was for Janice Parks, practically next door to Gladys Glover, so they had no trouble finding the house. This time, it was Bill's turn to service the...

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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Tent 15 Ch04

Derek's eyes shot open. He'd been so wrapped up in his incestuous thoughts he'd forgotten his swimsuit had fallen off during their mishap. "Oh god…" Miranda muttered as she began whipping her head back and forth for any sign of their clothing, "I don't see them anywhere. Check underwater!" Derek was getting worried. He ducked his head underwater and began looking around for anything. It was clear enough that he could see a good distance but there was nothing around. His stomach sank....

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Young Lyn 3 Loitering within tent

(Explanatory note - "loitering with intent" - British legal term meaning hanging around with the intention of committing a crime)I bloomed early and always got a lot of attention from the lads. I will mention no ages here,but I was young. Ok, well I did start early. I started messing around with cocks when I was young to be honest. I looked a lot older and I was drinking in pubs early. I managed to avoid getting a reputation, somehow, more by luck than judgement, but sexual confidence was not...

5 years ago
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Programmed Ponygirl

Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah        ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.?        Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms.  Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform.  She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt.        Jim was 23, and a junior in college.  He had met Sarah on a...

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The Tent 5 and final

Everyone else, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed the story. Comments are appreciated. *** Hooper went with me on the bee trail hike. Trace and David sat with us at lunch. After lunch, I was the only one signed up for the mile swim so we split up again. My time on the swim was good, but I was hurrying to get done because I was afraid the other three would doing things without me -- sexing things. The four of us, met up again at supper. I felt better because it didn't sound like...

2 years ago
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Tent Sex Extravaganza 2 by loyalsock

"Yeah, that was wonderful," I mumbled feeling very sleepy. "You don't mind if I fall asleep, do you?""Dios mio, already?""Mmm-hmmm," I said, struggling to keep my heavy eyelids from dropping."Fine, but if it gets cold in the middle of the night and I want to have sex to warm up, you have to fuck me, okay? And you can wake me up to fuck if you want, too. I don't think the blanket's going to keep us warm.""Okay," I said before nodding off.Lying on top of rocks under a drenched blanket and sharing...

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The Couriers Ripening FruitChapter 4 Pitching a Tent

Hannah walked along the narrow trail, watching to see where Molly put her feet. The path was muddy and overgrown, and if she wasn't careful she could easily slip. The heavy load of hard green melons packed into her womb did nothing to help Hannah's balance. She rubbed her belly, feeling the oval shapes inside her. "Well this is a first," Hannah said to no one in particular. "Pregnant with fruit!" As if in response, her belly made a little "blorp" noise and she gave it a protective...

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Amy Criminal Ponygirl

Amy – Criminal Ponygirl By Arnold Puttwyn? This story is a work of fiction, made up entirely in my own mind. Any similarity to any person or persons living or dead is coincidence.This is a story using the society from ‘Kari in Training’ The time is fifteen years after the finalization of the Slave Act.     Society had to change because an unknown genetic disorder caused men to have many more X chromosome sperm cells, so the birth of females 2 to 1 over males made the population change to 67%...

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In my tent discovering im gay

We met at the fishing pond after dinner , he was 4 yrs older but we had a great day fishing catching nice rock bass and talking about video gamesI invited him over for the camp fire and mommy was happy i had made myself a nice friend to spend the week of camping with so she could relax and read her book we had a nice time at the campfire and mom got sleepy my friend was waiting for it before showing me his big bottle of rhum ''you have coke , youll like it ''we started drinking and playing with...

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Taboo in the Tent

Sammy’s Mom said that Jimmy and I could stay over Saturday night but since Sammy’s sister was visiting with her kids we would have to sleep in the tent in the backyard. I had just turned 15 and Jimmy and Sammy were a bit younger. I was excited about having a whole night to have fun, but I was also nervous because I didn’t really know how things were going to go. The three of us had been hanging around together since we were little kids, but over the past few months Jimmy and I had taken “fun”...

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Forced to be a Ponygirl

This is one of my fantasies. I’ve always dreamed of being made into a ponygirl, so here we go?Amy couldn’t remember much of what had happened last night. A college girl, she had been in a bar for a while. A handsome man, a fair bit older than her, had bought her a drink and chatted her up for a while. Amy was a slim brunette who normally had her fair share of successes attracting guys in bars, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. But then there had been something about going home in a taxi,...

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The Jokers On Batgirl

INTRODUCTION: Attention - this work of fiction contains scenes of comic book violence, super villainous rape and bad puns. It is not a “safe space” and no doubt abounds with micro and mega aggressions. If reading this will cause you to visit the fainting couch or get the vapors then by all means don’t read. Stick to something more to your tastes, I wouldn’t want to lose sleep worrying you might need therapy or counseling due to my warped mind. To those that wish to read, enjoy my take on...

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The Jokes On Batgirl Sequel to The Jokers On Batgirl

(The Sequel to The Joker’s On Batgirl) By rutger5 Copyright 2016 Barbara Gordon peppered the heavy bag with one final flurry of punches but like all previous efforts it left her feeling somehow unsatisfied. Grabbing a towel she wiped her brow then tossed it into the dirty bin before heading for the gym exit. If anything the humid, summer air felt even stickier against her alabaster skin than the steamy gym interior had but it didn’t cause Barbara to change her plans. After a quick...

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Black TGirls

This next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Batman and Batgirl

Batman and Batgirl By Alana I anxiously paced back and forth, scarcely believing I was in the world famous Batcave, taking in the sights, in awe of the incredible high tech crime-fighting equipment. I was waiting for Batman to make his decision, but I already knew what it would be. I was going to be his partner! Me, Dick Grayson, partner to the coolest crime-fighter the world had ever known! Batman came into view. He was carrying a garment I didn't recognize. "You may...

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Ich hatte einen sehr stressigen Job, und so suchte ich f?r meinen Urlaub etwas sehr Ruhiges. Keine St?rungen und kein Handy-Empfang. Nur Ruhe. Angeln vielleicht, aber das war auch schon das Stressigste, was ich geplant hatte. Ich fand was ich suchte in Skandinavien. Finnland kam mir zuerst in den Sinn, aber dann erfuhr ich von den vielen M?cken. Norwegen schien das bessere Ziel zu sein. Und ich mochte Berge, deshalb war ich dort richtig. Ich hatte eine kleine H?tte an einem Fjord...

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The Sleep Out in the Tent

OK, everybody put your way back hat's on to remember a simpler time, before cell phones, computers in your home and all that kind of stuff.It was summer, school was out and we were just shy of our teens. We had spent the day playing like k**s in the early 70's did. We went into a friend's pool to cool off when the idea came to have a sleepout. The friend with the pool had just gotten a new tent so it was decided to be at his place in the back yard (we were in a suburban area). All of us had...

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Online friend and I finally meet in a tent

My name is Michael, and I was 17 at the time, when I first discovered I was into men as well as women. I was about 5 foot 8inches tall with a small muscular frame, so nothing special. I wouldn't say I was hung, but well off maybe. I am a full 7.6 inches long with a full hard on. At the age of 16, I knew I wanted to try sexual actions with another guy but had been to scared to do anything about seeking the attention of another man. When I turned 17, I started to get into chat rooms and talking...

Gay Male
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Dont Need To Camp To Pitch A Tent

“Is that your family?” Jake asked, pointing to a picture on my wall. It was a candid shot from the previous summer picnic.“Yep, my beautiful wife, Nicola and our daughter Olivia. Before you ask, the ugly git’s me.”Jake chuckled, “If you don’t mind me saying, you all look very happy there.”“Yes, we were, it was a grand day. Mr A’s summer picnics are usually really good. Though Olivia’s off to stay with Nicola’s parents for part of the summer, so she’ll miss this year’s.”A wistful feeling washed...

Quickie Sex
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Harley Quinn and Batgirl

Batgirl was out in gotham it had been a long night and she was ready to head home as nothing much was going on. Just then something caught her eye a shadow in the next street.She moved stealthy over and knelt down peering around the corner, she saw harley quinn trying to break in to the back of a jewelers store, batgirl sighed thinking she was in the mood for this but moved round the corner sneaking up behind harley."need a hand there harley" batgirl said, harley jumped around "no im ok...

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Tent 15 Ch02

"It must feel nice," Miranda said softly, "being free like that. They looked like they were really enjoying themselves.""I guess," Derek muttered, unsure of where she was going to steer the conversation."I wonder what they think of everyone staring at them. Do you think they like all the attention?" Miranda asked, trying to pry some information from him."Y-yea probably. Why else would they do it?" Derek responded. He was a bit standoffish, embarrassed about having a conversation with...

2 years ago
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Sharing Cousin Nancys TentChapter 2

About a year after our initial mutual understanding in my Cousin Nancy’s tent, we both were thrown together at the family re-union in the hall above Murphy’s Funeral Parlor. The only way to get in and out of the meeting hall was to go through the lobby of the undertaker’s place of business and it was a sobering exercise for one and all. All of my older relatives seemed mightily displeased at the inconvenience and I can’t say I blamed them much because if I was that old I would be unhappy at...

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Sharing Cousin Nancys TentChapter 5

All of a sudden, my cousin Nancy started to change her entire attitude. She was hanging out with a bunch of prima donna bullshit artists from downtown that thought their poop didn’t stink like the rest of us. One minute she was our Queen in residence and the next she was off with the upper class and wanted nothing to do with us commoners. I really wanted to lock her bedroom door and give her a good spanking before I taught her a memorable lesson with no lube straight up the rear door. That...

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The Erotic Adventures of Supergirl

Beads of cold sweat ran down Susan Wienczorkowski’s neck as she carefully navigated the long dark and empty warehouse corridor. Clad in lightweight body armor, the newest addition to the Metropolis Special Crimes Unit looked like one of the troopers from Star Wars. Close behind her followed a similarly clad associate. “Wienczorkowski ... west corridor clear.” she said into her helmet’s comlink. With a nod she motioned for her partner, Sergeant Mike Robinson to cover her as she dashed across...

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Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Perils of Dating Supergirl

Hi my name is Robert Shephard...yeah I see you scratching your head. Don't worry I get that a lot. Needless to say I'm a nobody, however you've probably heard about my Girlfriend people call her Supergirl. Wait don't go, I'm serious. You see six months ago I met an amazing girl named Linda Lang. She was Smart, Funny and very very passionate about....things. We started going out almost every night but every once in a while she'd leave for one reason or another. It got to the point where I was...

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The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls

The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...

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