Pups R Us 2 Sex on ParadeChapter 3
- 2 years ago
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The upshot of all of this was that Grace agreed to purchase the remaining dogs from Hank, and Liz would show up on Monday to begin work at Pups-R-Us. They put Butch, Jug, and Hammy into pens and realized that they had run out of space. There was room for only two more dogs, and that was it. It was a good thing that Liz was going to show up on Monday, or they would be in a serious bind with the dogs' sex education.
Titan was the one they needed to concentrate on, since he was the only MP dog they had for sale. They already had one potential buyer for an MP dog, and they needed to get him ready as soon as possible. The woman who wanted an MP dog called every day to ask about the possible availability of Titan. Finally, Grace ran out of patience after the fifth phone call and suggested that the woman come out for a trial run with Titan. If she took him then, she could have him for $15,000, but if she did not take him, there would be a $350 fee charged for her time with the dog.
Grace was sure that would shut the woman up, but just the opposite happened. The woman was delighted with the choice and asked when she could come out for the demonstration. Grace told her to be at her kennel at 10:00 AM two days hence. Grace had to explain that hence meant that this was Tuesday, so the woman should show up on Thursday.
Liz had started work on Monday, so they had two partners for Titan to practice with. In a way, they were working at an advantage because they would be able to assess Titan's progress very accurately. This was because of their lack of experience with MP dogs. They should have no problem with spotting something that Titan did wrong and acting immediately to correct it, rather than assuming that the dog would catch on eventually.
Anyway, when Liz showed up Monday morning, one of her first jobs was to fuck Titan. She was agreeable, so she stripped and lay down on the pad while Sue fetched the dog and put on his socks. Her pussy was freshly shaved, so there was no problem there, and Titan stood quietly while Liz applied the ointment. Titan had never seen Liz before, so he was not sure what he was supposed to do. However, the application of the ointment told him all he needed to know. Liz had used the minimum of ointment on her pussy, though she had liberally put it inside her vagina.
Titan was ready for action with his cock pushed out to its full extension, and he rushed to Liz's pussy to lick it in preparation for penetration. He stayed at her pussy longer than he should, so Liz called him higher on her body. Dutifully, Titan moved up her body, making sure not to step on her. Ah, he had finally learned that.
He stopped when he came to Liz's tits, which were much larger than Sue's, and paused long enough to take a few licks on her nipples. Liz jumped in surprise at that, but she laughed and called to Titan to come a little higher. The big dog did that, and Liz finally remembered to raise her knees to give the dog a better angle of attack, to coin a phrase. Liz was thick enough through her pelvic region that Titan did not need to squat to reach her pussy with his cock head.
He stopped as soon as he felt his cock push against Liz's pussy lips and wiggled enough to get lined up with her vagina. This was the best exhibition that Titan had ever put on, and Sue wondered if he were showing off for a new woman. Anyway, he found her entrance and pushed in past Liz's pussy lips. Now Titan knew who was in charge, and almost rammed his cock into the willing tunnel. He seemed to feel that he had found a bitch that he could impress.
Titan paused a moment, as if he were letting Liz have time to adapt to him. That was wonderful if that were really his plan, but Liz appreciated it, no matter what the reason. After the pause, Titan began to stroke relatively slowly, again as if he were trying to please his bitch. However, it did not take long for him to speed up, and this time he was rubbing on Liz's G-spot with every stroke. Thus, she was climbing to her climax faster than she had ever before done, and Liz was about to explode with an orgasm that she would long remember.
Liz was a moaner, not a screamer, but she also was one who screwed up her face into a horrible grimace as she panted and came. Titan seemed to feel that such a reaction was his due, so he ignored the grimace, but Sue was thoroughly impressed, as she had never seen such an expression except on church gargoyles.
Liz ran a long time with this orgasm and had finally come back to Earth just as Titan spurted his first load of semen. She felt that as a warm stream spraying the her insides, and she started to come again. Meanwhile, Titan had expanded his knot, and the added pressure of that had some effect on Liz's G-spot. The result was another orgasm that peaked just as Titan stopped stroking.
That was not important because of the position of his knot affecting her G-spot, and she began to shake, causing even more pressure against her G-spot. "OH, MY GOD! WHAT A COME! I NEVER KNEW THAT IT COULD BE LIKE THIS!" That was from a woman who was not a screamer! Liz fainted, but continued to spasm inside her vagina until Titan's knot went down, and he was able to withdraw.
Titan did pause to lick Liz's pussy lips, but the effort was wasted as far as Liz was concerned because she was still unconscious. Titan turned to look at Sue, and his expression said it all, "See what I can do when I really try!" He then sat down to lick his balls. Sue didn't care, she hugged and kissed the dog to show her appreciation for such an exhibition. Hell, as far as Sue was concerned, Titan was ready to go. He had earned his wings!
Sue returned Titan to his pen and it was only after she returned to check on Liz that the woman came out of her faint. "Oh, my God, Sue, I have never had a fuck like that before! That dog is a marvel and should be enshrined at the Vatican for the miracle that he is! If I could have a come like that every day, I would never do anything else."
Sue laughed and commented, "You can have comes like that every day if you work around here for very long. I am convinced that a woman is as much responsible for the quality of her comes as the cock that causes them. Okay, on your feet, we still have some other dogs to train, and I want to be sure to have some time for my special lovers."
They needed to test the new dogs, so Liz got dressed and they brought in Jack, one of the new DP dogs. He was supposed to be partly trained, so they needed to know what they had to work with. It was now Sue's responsibility, and she wanted to see just how far Jack had progressed in his training. Sue wanted to test Jack without the fucking-ramp, so they put on his socks, and Sue stripped, all but her skirt. She wanted to start the training about the skirt meaning off-limits along with the test, so this seemed like a good time.
Liz relaxed some of the tension on Jack's leash and let him trot to Sue. He tried to jump up on her and stick his nose in her face. It was a good thing that he was wearing the protective socks because he would have gashed Sue's chest with his claws otherwise. Liz managed to pull Jack back some to give Sue operating room, and she removed the skirt. She was naked, and Jack was going crazy trying to get to her. Uh-oh, this was going to take more hands, so the two worked together to fasten Jack's leash to a snubbing post. Liz went to fetch Grace to come lend a hand, and Sue put the skirt back on while she was gone.
When the two women showed up, both of them held the leash while Sue dropped the skirt. That was enough to set off Jack, but the two women together were strong enough to control him. At this point, Sue assumed the DP position on the mat, but she did not use any of the ointment. She wanted to see what Jack would do without its encouragement.
The two women eased off on the leash and let Jack approach Sue from her rear. Jack came up and did sniff her pussy, but he seemed quite puzzled and didn't know what else to do. Okay, that answered the first question: Jack was barely trained at anything.
Sue applied a small quantity of the ointment to her pussy and vagina and resumed the DP position. This time, Jack was slowly released and allowed to approach Sue. He sniffed at her pussy and began to lick as if he was putting out a fire. He did try to mount Sue, but he just did not know how. Obviously, they needed the fucking-ramp for now.
The lawyer was there on time as promised. Sue was still around, but Betty had already left for a full day devoted to home visits. Grace wanted Sue to be present because Sue had most of the current customer contacts, and a question about that might come up during the discussion with the lawyer. Mr. James Douglas, esq. was the lawyer and an old friend of Grace, so she felt comfortable talking frankly to him about the business. Grace carefully explained how the Pups-R-Us operation had grown...
Helen showed up three days later with the final rendering of the float and the expectation of having her second adventure in being fucked by a dog. Grace looked over the drawings and gave an enthusiastic agreement to what she saw. That was enough for Helen to remind her of the promised MP fucking when she brought the final float drawings. Grace smiled and led Helen to the Doggy Bordello room that she had previously used. Hero was available, and Betty brought him in to do his thing. Helen...
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"Jarvis, now that I have seen the size of this dog, I think that it would be prudent for you to remain in here while I try him out. I am afraid that his weight would be too much for me, and I may need you to rescue me." "Very well, Ma'am. I will do as you request." "Sue, my dear, please don't be shocked at that request. Jarvis often has to help me when I use the bathroom, so he is used to seeing my naked body and me doing what would embarrass most people." Sue nodded, but she was...
Sue fitted Jack with his protective socks and helped Susan to assume the correct position. Susan had never practiced DP with a man, so she was unsure of what to do, but Sue helped her to place her arms and legs. Oops, they had forgotten the lubricant, so Sue picked up the KY and squeezed a whole tube into Susan's cunt. During all of this, Jack was on his best behavior, and he calmly waited until Susan was ready for him. Jack was called by Susan, and he walked over to sniff her pussy and to...
Sue cautioned Martha not to go too far too quickly at first. She recommended that Martha schedule for Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday before she committed for seven visits per week. As soon as she tried to sit up, Martha realized that she had received good advice and agreed to the schedule that Sue had suggested. The next demonstration was for Janice Parks, practically next door to Gladys Glover, so they had no trouble finding the house. This time, it was Bill's turn to service the...
Bruno was huge, even for a Great Dane. However, he was so well mannered that he was easy to handle. He was even relatively docile when Sue dropped her skirt. He did get excited at the smell of the special ointment that Sue smeared on her pussy, but he did not try to get to her until she was in position in the ramp. Once both of them were in position, Bruno walked up to Sue's pussy, sniffed as if to be sure that he was at the proper place, and inserted his cock with a minimum of fuss. Bruno...
The only dog without a fuck that day was Attila, so they decided to fix that with a pairing of Attila and Joe. To Grace's surprise, she was feeling so horny that she was about to scream. She announced that she wanted to be Attila's partner, and Sue and Liz could decide between themselves who would fuck Joe. Liz wanted that job, and Sue gave in without the thought of an argument. Sue brought in Attila, and Liz brought in Joe. They went through the same routine as with Bruno, and Grace...
Things were now moving rather quickly on several fronts. In the past four weeks, the Doggy Bordello had been used three times, and one woman had ordered two dogs for fucking on the same day. Grace was sure that the woman had no real idea of what she was asking for, but Grace was willing to accommodate the customer if she paid in advance. Samson had been sold to a woman in the social elite, so Grace was hoping for some word-of-mouth advertising. That was the best kind of advertising there...
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Humor---------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: What happened after supper ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL CHARACTERS DEPICTED IN SEXUAL ACTS ARE OF LEGAL AGE. THIS STORY IS A FANTASY LOOSELY BASED ON TRUE EVENTS. ALL NAMES AND PLACES ARE FICTIONAL, AND ANY RELATION TO ANY PERSON, PLACE, OR THING IS COMPLETELY COINCIDENTAL. THIS STORY IS COPYRIGHT 2014 BY THE AUTHOR AND UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OR OTHER FORMS...
My wife is a little younger than me, we have been married for 18 years and have never strayed. We both felt that sex, while still good, was getting a little routine and it could do with spicing up, we have chatted for ages about what to do and have tried a few different things. We both decided that we would have a box each, write our fantasies on a piece of paper and we would take one fantasy from each others box and arrange it but not let on which fantasy it was or when it would happen to make...
Wife LoversHi friends, Mu rohit ray, odisha cuttack re ruhe, friends eita mora 1st story au friends bahut thara sex kari sarichi mo family member saha sesabu mu sabu kichi share karibi au sabu sata ghatana, janichi kehi bi beleve karibe nai, jadi mate support miliba ta dhire dhire sabu ghatana share karibi, please support me. Aji mora pura 1st incident share karuchi. Kemti mu sex kana janili au mo sex kali mo nija bada bhauni saha, Ebe mora age 24, jetebele mu 5th class re padhuthili setebele ra ghatana...
My wife’s best friend is a cute blonde that I have had a thing for since we’ve met. Heather and I have flirted back and forth for years (well, more so me flirting to her more than her back, but she flirts back just enough to keep me going.) In the past we have chatted online about when she and my wife lived together. She would hint they have played naked a little bit but would never admit it. Jenny, my wife, would tease me with those thoughts once in a while too. I’m sure they never did...
A Weekend Away With a Difference - by: Sonia_en_femme Number 1 of a series of individual stories. My wife and I have a good sex life and enjoy playing a variety of sex games. One of our favourite games is to each write on cards fantasies or dares and then to each pick a card and carry out whatever the card instructs. It was one of these games that lead to one of the best evenings of my life. We had gone away for a long weekend to a friends cottage on the east coast. It was...
Wife has slept with a different man about every six months for years now, really likes the excitement of it. She'll spend either a day or usually a weekend with him. We attend many nude functions to facilitate this, she likes seeing new men. Wife always has her choice in men, she's gorgeous, 42DD-35-41, all natural, curvy, blonde, blue eyed, full bush, large pussy lips. This pierced penis (picture not available here) reminds her of an experience back when she was 48. We attended this function,...
I was about fifteen when I really knew my single mom was a slut. She loved to fuck and would fuck any man. Many of her men were married and she did not care. Their wives no longer loved sex like my mom did. Mom was thirty five and had a great figure and great looks. She loved dressing sexy or even being naked. She was naked the day she fucked my boyfriend. He came over and I was gone and mom was sunbathing naked. When he saw her he got an immediate hard on which mom ended up sucking before they...
Time Stands Still Chapter Eight: Junior By r.gold 9:30 a.m. As the couple hugged each other, Jack comforting his wife. I went to find Junior and tell him the bad news. Walking down the hall, I opened the first door that led to the basement. Jack had fixed Junior a complete suite in the basement. I walked down the steps and the noise and laughter got louder. The door was closed, so I knocked. "Junior, its Renee. Can I come in?" "Renee! Sure, the door's open. Come...