Unfinished Business
- 3 years ago
- 29
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"Fuck! I forgot my underwear back there!"
"Well, shit. I was hoping to steal those for myself as a souvenir."
Skye rolled her eyes. "If you had helped me pack up our shit instead of antagonizing the ranger, you might have them."
The trip to Upper Catawba Falls had gone far better than I could have ever hoped. Not only did the time alone allow us to hash out what was bothering her and causing all of the awkwardness between us, but the rest of the day was like something out of a dream.
It turned out that Skye was under the impression that I was dating someone and therefore cheated on them when we fooled around in the car. It was all a miscommunication, of course. I'm not a cheater; I had broken up with my girlfriend months ago. But my brother didn't know, and she had gotten her information from him. Well, technically from her brother, but he got it for my brother. You get the point.
After that revelation, the spark that we had felt both at our brothers' wedding, and then in the car, returned in a hurry. When we got to the falls and realized it was the most romantic place on Earth, that spark was fanned into a burning hot flame. That is, until a park ranger caught me with my face buried in between Skye's legs.
Skye took the whole thing in her stride. She found it as funny as I did, and we spent most of the two-hour hike back laughing about it.
"Have you ever been caught?" I asked.
"No way! I'm typically WAY more careful than that. You won't find anyone that thinks I'm anything but a proper lady," she said, faking a British accent to hammer home the idea that she was a chaste and honorable woman. "How about your degenerate ass?"
I couldn't say the same. Last year, I had brought a girl I met at a bar downtown back to the newsroom, since it was closer than my apartment. I had her bent over the news editor desk and was fucking here from behind when the then-managing editor walked in to grab something he had forgotten when he left for the night.
"Oh my God! What did he say?!" Skye asked, when I told her the story.
"He laughed and said to be sure to leave what I was working on on his desk in the morning." Damon was always joking around like that. I was gonna miss him next year. Skye burst into laughter.
"You are managing editor next year, right?" she asked, still giggling.
"Yep yep."
"So does that mean there wouldn't be anyone to catch you next time?"
"I guess not. You volunteering?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She didn't answer. But her Cheshire Cat grin gave me all of the information I needed. She changed the subject.
"Maybe we DON'T tell the adults about what happened shall we?" She said, gesturing ahead.
"Your secret is safe. My tongue and I won't be the reason you can't wear white at your wedding. I promise."
"We'll see if that is still the case after tonight."
My jaw dropped open, and I just stood there dumbfounded as she walked through the clearing and greeted our brothers.
That night's bonfire was CONSIDERABLY more enjoyable than the one we had the first night. All four of us were in a great mood. We told the traditional scary stories that were more dumb than scary, and this time, when Colin broke out his guitar, Skye was more than happy to sing along. Her song of choice? The "campfire song" from SpongeBob. It's like this girl had a Ryan McCormick playbook and was running through it flawlessly. It wasn't fair.
The entire evening was good, old-fashion fun. Just like the old days when it was just George, Dad, and me.
OK, with one small change: Skye was doing her best to keep my mind in the gutter. Not that it needed any help with that. Maybe she knew it, maybe she didn't, but whenever she caught me looking at her, she would spread her legs wide and give me a little wink. And when we were leaning over the fire to cook the marshmallows for our s'mores, she intentionally got in front of me and wiggled her ass against my groin. Sweets were the last thing on my mind.
My mind kept going back to what she had said earlier. Remember the thing about tonight?
Was she playing with me? If she wasn't, how are we going to do anything if we were sleeping in separate tents? Tonight is our last night, and tomorrow, all four of us are going on a long hike together.
"Hey Col', why don't George and I switch tents tonight?" Skye offered. "You two should at least get ONE night together, and I don't mind babysitting this one for the rest of the night."
Can she read my thoughts? Skye, if you can hear this, say "Saskatchewan."
She didn't say it, but I was still convinced. Regardless, her suggestion worked. Colin seemed to take the gesture as a generous act of a loving sister and agreed, thanking her. Skye smiled at me and went to throw her bag and pillow into my tent.
The four of us stayed out by the campfire for probably another hour or so after that. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and we wanted to take one last look at all of the stars that were not even close to visible back home. We took turns making up fake constellations that were ridiculous. George drew out a dick with six stars that were right by the Big Dipper, and Skye drew out Mickey Mouse.
Of course, calling our fake ones "ridiculous" seems disingenuous. It's not like the real ones make more sense. It's a pet peeve of mine, if I'm being honest, and I began to rant.
"Not THIS again," George said rolling his eyes. "Every damn year."
"What?" Colin said, confused.
"This is where Ryan is going to go on and on about how the constellation Cassiopeia is 'literally just a fucking W.'"
"It is, though! It's total horseshit!" I said, indignantly. "It's just a fucking W, yet we are supposed to look at it and say 'oh yeah that is totally what a woman sitting down and holding a mirror looks like.'"
"God, that is SUCH a Libra thing to say." Skye shook her head.
Oh no. Please don't tell me that Skye believes in that shit.
Believing in Astrology is a total deal-breaker for me.
Much to my chagrin, Skye began insisting that I just did not understand astrology and that she would send me a link to a horoscope website that would "absolutely change my life."
I KNEW there had to be something wrong with her.
Then she burst into laughter. "Oh my God, George, look at his face!"
Now everyone was laughing except me.
"What is going on?" I was really confused.
"George guaranteed me that you would somehow find a way to go on your 'constellation rant,' as he called it. And then he said that when you did, I needed to pretend to be into astrology just to see your face."
I couldn't front. She had gotten me again; this time with an assist from my brother. I couldn't decide if I was mad or impressed.
"You think you are real funny, don't you?" I said, looking over at Skye.
"No...I KNOW I am."
Finally, the fire started to dwindle, and we got ready to go to bed. We extinguished the flame and cleaned up as much as we could, so that we didn't have as much work to do tomorrow. Colin and George got into their tent, and Skye jumped in ours to change while I went into the woods to take a leak. It also served to give me time to settle my nerves. I was about to spend the night in a tent with Skye — something I had been hoping for since George's text informing me she would be coming. So yeah, I was nervous.
Calm down, Ryan. It's possible she really did just want to give a married couple an evening together. Don't assume anything and you won't make an ass out of yourself.
It didn't work. My dick was hard as a diamond and entirely upright. Thank God I wasn't trying to aim my stream at a toilet, because it would have required that awkward thing you have to do in the morning when you lean all the way over.
I finished my business and headed back over to the tent. Skye must have had a lamp on inside because I could see her silhouette through the tent's fabric. It looked like she was getting into her sleeping bag. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what was on the other side of the flap, again telling myself that it was just as likely that Skye had been teasing earlier.
As I crawled into the tent, Skye was indeed in her sleeping bag and reading.
Dammit. Guess it really was all talk.
I took off my shirt and shorts and changed into a pair of pajama bottoms. I looked up at her, but she had her nose deep in whatever she was reading.
"What are you reading?" I asked, trying to mask my disappointment.
"Angels and Demons."
"I've actually read that one. Where are you in the book?"
"The second preferiti just got axed."
"Oh, shit is about to get real then."
"I gotta ask... Are all of Dan Brown's books the exact same?"
"What do you mean?
"This just seems like the Da Vinci Code with names changed. College professor needs the help of a supersmart woman to save the day from a secret society. Even the way the story is told from both the protagonist and antagonist point of view is the same."
"Wait, did you read the Da Vinci Code first? You know this one comes before that, right?"
"I do."
I laughed. "Well, I can't speak for EVERY book of his, but from what I read, basically. Granted, I only read those two, and half of The Lost Symbol."
She shook her head and smiled, as she closed the book. "You give up pretty quickly, don't you?"
"Give up? I got through like half of the book! It was just too much of the same shit so I put it down."
"That's not what I was talking about, dummy." She threw her sleeping bag open to reveal that she had been completely naked underneath. This girl was full of surprises.
Oh thank fucking God!
I leapt on top of her as fast as I could manage without hurting her, and we started to make out. There was no slow build-up like earlier in the day. If anything, we were trying to get back to where we had left off as quickly as possible.
"About... fucking... time" she said between kisses. I took off my pants and underwear as we continued to aggressively kiss one another, but she surprised me again by rolling on top of me and seizing control.
"Time to do it right this time," she said, positioning herself in between my legs, licking her lips. She then let a globule of spit leave her mouth, which landed a direct shot right on the head of my cock.
Do it RIGHT?! If what she did in the car was the "wrong" way, I can't wait for this.
Skye rubbed the spit in with her right hand and began jerking me off, getting me back to completely hard — I had successfully willed it down to about 80% when I had convinced myself this wasn't going to happen. Once that task was complete, she dove right in, taking almost all of my length into her mouth.
Unlike in the car, where our movement was severely limited due to us not wanting to get caught, Skye bobbed her head up and down forcefully. My cock bounced off the back of her tonsils with every dive. She was a woman possessed, only pausing to come up for air. Even then, she would take the tendrils of saliva coming from her mouth and jerk me off while she caught her breath. It was without a doubt the sloppiest blow job I had ever experienced. It looked like something you'd see in porn. So did she, with her ass sticking up to form a perfect heart shape as her face was buried between my legs. And the sounds? Every time my throat breached her throat, it made a very wet gwap sound that was a turn on completely by itself.
She was right... this was a blow job done RIGHT. It felt incredible. Like a ball of heat in the bottom of my stomach that was shooting pulses throughout my body. There was also a mental aspect that made this one so much hotter than in the car. Here was this perfect girl, and she was so caught in the moment, so full of lust that she was basically choking herself on my dick. It was mesmerizing.
I was close. I could feel that tingling sensation in my balls and the start of every muscle in my body tensing up.
"Skye, I'm almost there. Where do you want it?" I was panting at this point.
Just like in the car, she let me know her intentions without saying a word, electing to take me all the way past her throat barrier for the first time. I erupted instantly. I came so hard that I was pretty sure I blacked out.
I must have indeed lost consciousness for a second, because when I regained the ability to see, Skye was already on top of me and lining up my still-hard cock with her sex. I could help but give her a quizzical look.
"Don't give me that," Skye said with a smirk. "I DID tell you this was going to happen. And besides, I've been thinking about it since this afternoon."
She put her hand on my chest and slowly lowered herself into my cock. She was certainly wet enough to do it all in one fluid motion, but she elected to go slow with it, allowing both of us to really enjoy it. We both looked into each other's eyes as it happened. There was a sensualness to it. I knew it wouldn't last, but it was nice. It was the eye of the storm. A peaceful calm before our passion returned like a hurricane. Once she had me all of the way inside her, I sat up and kissed her.
"Fuuuuuuck," she said, exhaling deeply. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."
After taking a moment to just enjoy the feeling of me filling her up, she finally began grinding on top of me, slow at first, but she picked up her pace rapidly. All I could do was just look up at her and watch. It was like I was in a trance. Soon, the eye of the storm had passed, and with a newfound enthusiasm, she was thrusting her hips with all of her considerable athleticism.
Skye continued grinding on me for a significantly longer amount of time than I would have been able to muster. It was becoming more and more clear that for Skye, sex was a workout. It was both cardio and muscle strengthening. And if she wanted me to sign up for a six-month program, I was ready to do so.
That all being said, up until that point, Skye was the one doing all of the work. She was beginning to get out of breath, and I had just been lying there. I was the life support system for her dildo. I figured it was time to actually put forth some effort.
I sat back up to kiss her while simultaneously grabbing her ass and forcing her grinding to increase in force and speed. She wrapped her legs around my back and began using those for leverage as well. It felt like I was in some sort of wrestling move. You know, if instead of a sweaty guy with those weird ear things, it was my dream girl.
This position was great for intimacy, feeling her nipples against my chest as we did our best to fuse into each other. But as we continued, I felt the animalistic urge to FUCK. My body told me that it was time to take over and rail this woman with all of my might. I slipped out from the grasp of all four of her limbs and flipped her over onto her hands and knees.
Before I gave in to my urges, I took one last look to soak all of this in. Skye was on all fours in front of me, looking over her shoulder in anticipation. This was the exact thing I had been thinking about in the car when she was blowing me. It was even better than what I had pictured.
"Fuck! Your ass is incredible."
I grabbed her by her hips and thrust my face into the crack of her ass. I licked her from her clit, all the way to the very edge of her asshole. I paused there, waiting for her to react.
"Don't stop there," she whined. "Keep going."
"Keep going?" I wanted to hear her say the words.
"Lick my asshole, baby. Please?"
That was a first for me. Not the eating ass part — I had done that a handful of times — but I had never had a girl actually ask for it. Monica had hated it, and the few times I had experimented with it during the occasional drunken hookup, they always seemed lukewarm to it at best. It was always more because I thought it was hot than them wanting it. Yet here was the most perfect girl, with an even more perfect backside, and she was BEGGING for it. Not like she needed to convince me. An ass that amazing deserved to be worshipped.
I used both of my hands to spread her ass cheeks as far as they would go and looked at the enticing target between them. Finally, I let a bead of saliva leave my lips and watched it land a direct hit. I lapped it up with my tongue with long slow licks. I could feel her squirming with each. She has also begun rubbing her pussy to add to the overall pleasure.
"So close... keep... going... so good."
It was time to kick it up a notch. I tensed up my tongue and began tongue fucking her as hard as I could, passing her balloon knot and diving into her ass.
"Fucking HELL Ryan! Keep doing that right there. Jesus Christ!" She was almost screaming now. "Deeper!"
It didn't take much more before she came. Hard. As she exploded, she lost the ability to hold herself up with her arms and buried her face in her pillow, yelling obscenities at the top of her lungs.
I thought about giving her some time to catch her breath, but I had held off the beast inside me long enough. And listening to Skye climax had pushed me over the edge. I fisted my cock, and as Skye was still attempting to catch her breath, I shoved it back in her soaked cunt in one thrust.
"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" she screamed, shooting back up and gasping for breath like she had just surfaced from a deep dive underwater.
I could feel her pussy pulse around my cock. I guessed it was still aftershocks from her first orgasm.
"You just... you just made me cum. No one has ever made me do that so fast."
"What do you mean? I had you screaming this afternoon," I reminded her. I was now thrusting with long, slow strokes as she got her breathing under control.
"No... I mean... again... you made me cum again. First from licking my ass... then again when you shoved your dick in me," she panted. "No one has ever made me cum twice in a row like that."
I'm not gonna lie, I was beaming with pride at that admission. I lifted her torso up so that she was now standing up on her knees.
"Let me know when you are ready for more." I continued my slow rhythm, but began kissing and nibbling on her neck and shoulders.
About a minute or so later, Skye took one final deep breath. She was back.
"Give me all you got, stud. Make me yours."
I did. I pushed her back down onto her elbows, and for probably fifteen minutes, I ravaged her from behind. Hard. With every thrust, you could hear the clap of my hips against her ass. My balls pendulumed against her clit. I was in a zone, letting myself be completely taken over by the desire to fuck as hard as I could. Without thinking, I reached back and slapped her ass as hard as I could.
Whoops! Guess that was too much?
"Do it again! HARDER!"
I spanked her until both cheeks were red, and you could feel the heat coming off of them. She just asked for more. My hand was beginning to hurt; I can't imagine what her ass was feeling like.
I was getting close. I put her hands behind her back and used her wrists to piston into her even harder.
"Ryan... stick a finger... in my ass," Skye said in between gasps for air.
"Such a dirty... fucking girl." I was out of breath myself now, but I wasn't going to stop, even if my lungs popped in the process.
"PLEASE!! I'll be whatever you want me to be. Just do i—AHHHHH!" And with that I penetrated her aching rosebud with my thumb.
Being penetrated in both of her holes simultaneously sent Skye off the edge once again. She came so hard that her whole body began to spasm. It was just a torrent of "oh my God"s and "fuck"s as she collapsed underneath me. Watching her come undone like that was all I needed to do the same. I tried to pull out, but her pussy had my dick in a clamp.
When I came, I can only describe it as a life-changing experience. Each rope of cum that I shot into her felt like its own individual orgasm, firing one after another in rapid succession. And there were a lot of them. It was too much, and I followed her lead by collapsing into a combination of leaning on my elbows and resting on her back.
"I'm sorry about that. Really." I was nervous about the fact that I had just unloaded what I assumed was a sperm bank's worth of my stuff inside her.
"Don't be. I'm on the pill."
She dipped her finger between her legs and scraped some of my cum out of her, bringing it to her lips so she could give it a taste. "You make one hell of a protein shake, by the way."
Hearing that had little Ryan ready to go another round, even if it would kill me. She took notice, delicately stroking him as she leaned towards me and gave me a soft kiss.
This woman is literally going to fuck me to death, isn't she?
Luckily, she was as spent as I was. Round two would have to wait for another day. At least, I was pretty sure there'd be another day.
Skye put her underwear and shirt back on, much to my dismay — I was really hoping to have her naked body against me tonight.
"I have an idea. Follow me!" she said exiting the tent with her sleeping bag. I put my boxers back on, unaware of what she had in mind, and eventually followed suit.
When I got out, Skye had already draped the blanket from that afternoon on the grass and unzipped her sleeping bag completely so that it functioned as a blanket.
"I've always wanted to sleep under the stars, but never done it. Will you join me?" Skye asked, patting the blanket next to her with her hand invitingly.
"That sounds great, actually."
I walked over and laid beside her, looking up at the sky full of stars. It was such a beautiful night. I felt Skye nuzzle into me as we both drifted off to sleep.
What a fucking day.
"Well aren't you two adorable." We woke up to Colin and George looking down at the two of us, shaking their heads. "Though I have to say, if I knew that changing tents meant that I had to listen to my sister shrieking like a banshee, I would have probably passed on it."
Skye ducked under the covers to avoid making eye contact.
"At least they have clothes on," George said, laughing.
We got up, ate breakfast, and began packing up the rest of the camping equipment. We wanted everything ready so that once we had finished hiking back, we could just hop in her car and head out.
The trail for the day was to Looking Glass Rock. If you aren't familiar, it isn't an easy hike — it's a steady climb for a couple of miles, finishing with a short section with much steeper terrain as you get closer to the summit — but it isn't anything especially difficult. It definitely isn't as challenging as the one Skye and I had done the day before. Of course, I also hadn't spent the night prior to that hike getting my brains fucked out. For the life of me, I don't remember being as sore as I was that day. Every incline was excruciating. Being that hurt just from sex was definitely a shot to my ego. And it certainly didn't help that Skye didn't seem to be affected by it at all. She was in MUCH better shape than my ass.
The hike was worth it though once we got to the peak. I had done this trail before, and even back then, I was in awe of the view. But having Skye here with me during that moment made it all the better. Just having her by my side could make the mundane special. In this case, it turned something already beautiful into a memory that would last a lifetime.
I looked out into the distance, having a whole new appreciation for a place I had stood close to a decade ago. I began thinking about how I'd remember this weekend years from now. It all came back to her. I wasn't naive enough to think that she was "the one" — hell, I had no idea if she wanted this to be anything other than a vacation fling — but it didn't matter. She has made this the best camping trip ever. Eventually, I felt someone come up and stand next to me, taking my hand in theirs. I turned my head to see Skye looking out, just as I was. It was such an amazing moment. Perfect, even.
The drive back home was uneventful. Since Colin and George has driven us there, Skye and I were the ones tasked with the drive home. Everyone kept their hands to themselves, though Skye did reach over the console a couple of times to take my hand in hers.
We got to my apartment in great time and arrived right as the sun was setting.
"Do y'all want to come upstairs for a bit? I don't really have any food, but we could order something."
"Nah," Colin said. "I was actually gonna ask you if you wanted to go to dinner with us. George told me about a place you apparently always go to when your family visits. Mama... something?"
He was referring to Mama J's. And yeah, it is some of the best fried chicken you'll ever have. But before I could answer, George cut in.
"Actually, I think the two yutes (youths) should probably talk. And I do mean TALK."
Both Skye and I looked at each other and then down at the ground.
Colin and George left, and as I looked back at my building, it dawned on me that I was back in the real world. A world where Skye and I lived over two hours away from each other. I think she must have realized it too because she was no longer her smiley self. We both walked up to my apartment in mostly silence.
I unlocked the door and let her in first. "I'd give you a tour, but there isn't much to see." Most of my stuff was already in boxes, ready for my move. She asked off she could use the bathroom, and I directed her to the door next to my small kitchen area.
When she came out, I was sitting on the couch, playing on my phone. She came and sat next to me. It was time to debrief, and I'm not talking about underwear.
"So..." I tried to start, though that's all I ended up saying.
I couldn't do it. So I stalled.
"Can I make you something to eat? It won't be as good as Mama J's, but I can make a mean grilled cheese."
"That sounds great, actually."
I am actually a decent cook. The grilled cheese offer was really just because my kitchen was empty. I had just been gone for four days, so no groceries, and most of my pans and stuff were packed.
We sat down with our sandwiches and tried again to start the conversation again. Neither of us could get past the deafening silence.
Finally, I swallowed my discomfort and in the least smooth way you can probably imagine, I blurted out what I had been dying to tell her all day.
"I'm absolutely crazy about you, Skye."
I said it so fast that it may as well have been a single word. I also said it with my eyes fixated on the sandwich on my plate. As if I was announcing my affection towards it and not the woman across from me. I was terrified to look up. I had shot my shot, but was too nervous to see how it had landed.
I felt a hand on top of mine, and heard Skye get up from her seat. I looked up just in time to see her beaming smile, as she sat in my lap and straddled me. She didn't say a word, but then leaned down to kiss me, locking her lips to mine in a way that answered for her.
We made out tenderly, completely forgetting about our sandwiches. We moved to the couch so we could have more room to remove clothing and feel each other's warmth. We didn't have time to have sex, but I don't think either of us were really thinking about that. This was more about a budding romance. There was plenty of time for sex in the future.
Finally, she cuddled up into me and I turned the TV on, figuring our brothers would be back soon.
"So when can I see you again? Baltimore and DC are like an hour apart, right?" She laughed.
"Silly boy. I don't live in DC. That's just where I go to school."
"...So where do you live?" I was confused.
In two weeks, I'd be living in the same city as her. At least for the summer. Sure, it was just for a few months, but the fact that we would have that to see if there was something there between us had me positively giddy. Like I was a six-year-old that had just been told he was headed to Disney World.
"I can't wait to give you a proper welcome to Charm City," she said, as she kissed me again. I could feel her smiling against my lips.
Colin and George must have taken their sweet time at dinner, because they didn't come around again until like 9:30, over two hours after they originally left.
"So are you ready to go, Skye?" Colin asked as they got out of the Subaru.
"Actually, there's been a change in plans." Skye replied with a smile on her face.
"How so?"
"Ryan and I talked, and I want to stay here with him."
Colin was still confused. "We can't just leave you here. How are you going to get home?"
"I'll take her back when I when I begin my internship for the Sun," I answered for her, taking her hand in mine. "That's only two weeks away."
Colin just shook his head and laughed. "You crazy kids fucked one time and now can't go two weeks without seeing each other?"
"'Can't' and 'don't want to' are two very different things," Skye sniped back.
"Ahhh young love" George mocked. He had already taken the liberty of taking Skye's stuff out of the trunk. I was beginning to think he knew this was going to happen all along.
"Do you really have enough here to last you two weeks?" Colin asked, still unsure. "You only packed stuff for the trip."
"I'll make do," Skye shrugged.
I don't think either of us really believed much clothing would be worn over the next thirteen days anyhow. I had already made a firm decree of "no pants allowed in the apartment" that Skye had agreed to.
George handed me Skye's bag and we all said our goodbyes.
"I can't wait to meet your new puppy," I said as I shook Colin's hand and gave George a hug.
"Shoot! I completely forgot about that!" Skye stumped her foot on the ground in disappointment.
"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you," I promised with a wink.
"Please don't elaborate on that," Colin cringed.
"Oh don't be such a prude. It's not like you didn't catch the audio broadcast of their inaugural banging last night," George joked. Colin smacked him upside the head and we all laughed.
As George and Colin got back in the car and drove off. Skye and I headed back up to my apartment. We had all of the time in the world now, and I had a good feeling about it.
One of my fondest memories of growing up was a camping trip with my best friend, Michael. I was 12 and he was 13. We pitched our tent in a field near to our village and settled down for the night. After 30 minutes or so of chatting, Michael suggested that to keep warm perhaps we should zip our sleeping bags together to make a double. I wasn't too sure about this, so I declined, however when he suggested we play 'army inspection' by standing to attention naked outside, I agreed.Something inside...
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“Sabine, what are you doing here at the conference?” I asked. Sabine was from our marketing department in France. I’d only seen her once before when I’d visited the Paris office, but I remembered her very well. We’d almost ended up in bed together after the office party that night. Unfortunately, she’d changed her mind at the last minute because she didn’t want to be unfaithful to her boyfriend. She looked even more beautiful than I’d remembered her, with her wavy brown shoulder length hair, a...
Quickie SexThis is perhaps one of the hottest hook up I have had with a guy. I was extremely horny early morning after me and my mate were just both sucked by a stocky masculine gay guy a week ago. I was craving to play more as my mate and our visitor ended up playing in the other room. I casually send a "hi" message to this guy from another dating site. He is a young muscular guy with a picture flexing his biceps on his profile. I send a nude photo of myself with a very hard cock just to tease. I did not...
Hello friends feeling good to write again. Hope you read my previous story ‘Unfinished Business With Shruti’ (refer this link for the story – https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/unfinished-business-shruti/). I forget to mention about her stats in the previous story. So she’s a not very tall girl bur has a very sexy body, big boobs may be 36” slim at waist 28 around and not very big ass but round and firm. As told in that story I had an incomplete encounter with Shruti as I did not have a...
My father’s parents weren’t still with us. I barely ever knew them. I don’t think them and Dad were that close. The grandparents on my mother’s side were (and still are) alive and kicking however, and they live in the same city. Usually, when my dad went away, one or both of my grandparents would come over and babysit me, as if that was really necessary any longer! But, I suppose I liked getting meals prepared. This time around my grandparent’s would, however, not be able to look after me...
An Unfinished Story Waiting to be Lived He figured after 34 minutes if she didn’t show then he would stop waiting, but no, he waited 54 minutes and completely gave up hope. He had been stood up, she wasn’t coming! The pain of the realization hit him and his voice cracked as he called the waitress over. He could get a quick bite to eat and leave. ‘I’m ready to order now.’ ‘Don’t tell me a handsome guy like you got stood up?’ He looked at her really seeing her for the first time as she spoke....
Author's note: this story is unfinished and will remain unfinished, but as I start my next story I wanted to publish it anyway. I very much like the idea of an erotic wrestling story set in the "game mode", where certain choices will lead to different options down the line because the reader is either winning or losing the fights. However, I bit off more than I can chew with this. I had this system set up for fighting 3 different girls one after the next, with each character having certain...
BDSMForeword: For the sake of publishing something (and because finding the time to write new things is hard), I have uploaded some very old things I wrote which I never really finished. I've tried to put up a lot of warning signs to keep anyone who doesn't want to read something without an ending from wasting their time, so hopefully no one gets mad. I'd imagine doing this might hurt my integrity as a writer. If you're worried (please don't leave!) I'll say this: All of the...
The rest of January flew by. On the last weekend of the month, we went to meet James parents. When I was introduced to James’ family, I could see where he got his good looks from. His dad was a real honey. His mother, however, was a little stiff to start with. I got the impression James’s failed marriage had cost them some loss of face in their community according to his mother. Having a son set aside as first husband had apparently been a really big thing, as I was starting to appreciate....
It took a whole day to prepare.I wanted it to be a special day in lots of different ways, one that would create strong memories, the kind that stays with you for life.Earlier, I had gone shopping for ingredients to make a good chicken stirfry, free-range chicken, fresh vegetables, and cashew nuts. Also, fruit so we could make a fruit salad together.I finished the photograph I mounted for you of a Madagascar ring-tailed lemur looking you right in the eye, that I took in Nosy Be, and placed it on...
BDSMIt took a whole day to prepare. I wanted it to be a special day in lots of different ways, one that would create strong memories, the kind that stay with you for life. Earlier, I had gone shopping for ingredients to make a good chicken stirfry, free range chicken, fresh vegetables, and cashew nuts. Also fruit so we could make a fruit salad together. I finished the photograph I mounted for you of a Madagascar ring-tailed lemur looking you right in the eye, that I took in Nosy Be, and placed it...
‘Haven’t you ever done anything on the spur of the moment, Mom?’ Rachel gave her mother an exasperated look. Jill looked over the top of her reading glasses at her daughter. ‘I’m sorry. I like to know where I’m going, who I’m going with, little things like that. And I certainly don’t want to go somewhere by myself.’ ‘Live a little, Mom, take some chances in life. Don’t you get tired of being Mrs. Safe and Sound?’ Rachel was attempting to get her mother go to Jazz in the Park by herself. The...
That day I met whith my chat friend in the first time. We'll set up a date in the night club to spand it on chating, drinking and dancing.What was my huge dispapointment, when the fab girl (long, dark, curl hair, big black eyes, and sweet lips) start to dancing after one pint with the strangers not with me... And her dance was such a sexual... She'd moved as a pro stripper nearly. And what I supposted to do? I said to myself. GO ON you IDIOT. She's your date-get a fack out others guys! And...
An Unfinished Symphony Kelly Ann Rogers One of the nice things I've learned about writing is to share the process of creation with others. It's not just that this keeps me from writing badly, but also because it's fun to engage other writers. As a result, there are several people to thank. First and foremost is Jill MI. She's a great editor and put in more time than I could ever thank her for. She has posted many of her own stories (some as Angel Rasch) and edited the work of a...
An Unfinished Symphony Part III Chapter VII Back to the Future By lunchtime Monday, it was as if the previous week had never existed. We were back on the work treadmill, beginning with our standard Monday morning staff meeting. We caught up on old business, made sure everyone was keeping up with their assignments, solved problems and discussed approaches to a new account we were pursuing. During the day on Monday, it never even entered my consciousness that my toe nails were...
An Unfinished Symphony - Part IV Chapter IX Watch out for that first step "Ronni, I think it's time." "Time for what?" she asked, teasing. She knew exactly what I meant. For the past eighteen months, ever since I had moved out of my house, we had been talking about giving me a new hairstyle, but I so loved my long hair, I just didn't want to cut it, except to keep the ends neat and even. It hung down almost to the middle of my shoulder blades, the ends cut straight across. I kept...
An Unfinished Symphony - Part V By Kelly Ann Rogers Chapter X - Things that go bump in the night Things got pretty normal over the next several months, at least as normal as they could be for someone who can't figure out whether he's a man or a woman. I focused on living as a woman, not considering the 'man' part of me at all. I looked good, and I felt comfortable in my skin. Nearly everyone I met treated me just like the woman I appeared to be, and the few you...
Wolfe ran his fingers through his thick wavy black hair and looked over at the large manila envelope in his passenger seat. He had been sitting in his car for over thirty minutes trying to will himself to go into the bar that had just officially become his.Not that he had wanted the bar. He had never wanted anything to do with the bar or his angry, alcoholic father that had passed away almost a week ago. Wolfe was an only child, but he never expected to get anything. There was no love lost...
Straight SexNote : This story is completely fictional! Every once in a great while, Natalie actually managed to have a tolerable day at work. Her managers weren’t too hard on her for once, and only the nicer customers came through her check out isle. However, even the good days had the occasional rain clouds. Only thirty minutes were left on her shift, and the final customer she dealt with had found every little thing to complain about, as if her world would come to an end if one thing were to go even...
IncestIt’s been almost a year that these neighbors from around the corner have been parking their vehicles in front of my house and my neighbors on the same street. I never really understood it as they rent a house around the corner that has a huge driveway. I get the fact that they can’t park their vehicles overnight on their street, but why can’t they park in their own driveway? It was actually over 6 months before I actually figured out who’s vehicles these were. There was a extended bed truck...
Dieter was sitting looking out over the water. He slowly sipped his beer. From somewhere behind him he became aware of an English voice speaking on a mobile phone. “Must go, sorry…..and you…..take care, you.” In an instant that voice took him back to L’Auditori in Barcelona, several years before. Vividly he saw legs, and thighs. In his mind he played that scene again, savouring the feeling he had felt in his loins as his eyes ran up those legs and over those thighs. It was as if...
That was two weeks ago after a wonderful session when his buddy Nigel gave my man a tremendous blow job while Gloria and I watched before I gave Juan a blow job while Gloria tongue fucked me. Juan emailed us a video clip of him strutting around flaunting his body. Absolutely magnificent legs any woman would be proud of. Various states of dress and undress, always with some type of covering over his chest. Roger and I were both rapt in the clips of him in skin tight shorts with his ass cheeks...
Knock knock knock! After waiting a minute, I knocked at the door again, but there was no answer. I was going to peer in through a window, but... “Can I help you?” I turned. A short, curvy woman with brown hair and glasses was approaching the house from across the street. “Patty Calloway?” I asked her. She stepped up. “Yes?” I thrust the romance novel at her. “Just returning your book.” Her face broke into a grin. “Oh, I’ve been missing that! I ... umm...” Then her eyes went wide. “Umm,...
Maggie's customers included the Christians of Faith (COF) organization in Omaha. She audited their books every three months, a job of three days for which they paid her one thousand dollars plus the cost of a modest hotel room. By the standards of the small town in Kansas where she lived with her husband, an evangelical preacher, that was good money.She was in Omaha working her way through the accounts one afternoon in 2001 when her phone rang. It was John Bright, the President of COF in...
Straight Sex“Carter?” “Hm?” “Do you mind if I take my pants off?” I lay there motionless, stunned. Whether or not the question should have come as a shock to me, I really couldn’t say – but it did. I tried to think of how I ended up in this situation. Jennifer had always been my favourite cousin, but now things were getting as close to the edge as they could. For the last few years as she had navigated through puberty, I had found myself strangely and wildly attracted to her more and more...
The campfire guttered and snapped as it starved, launching showers of hungry sparks high into the starlit August sky. Low flames cast haunting, dancing, skeletal shadows of branches and twigs on the translucent walls of the tent. They danced a gleeful and macabre jig on the canvas that reminded me of sleepless nights in my childhood. All was quiet save the crackling of the fire, the crickets chirping in the grass around our tent, and the hollow sounds of our breath as we lay on our backs inside...
My name is Claire. I am 15 years old, almost 16. Today is Saturday, October 6, 2018. This is a story about incest. More importantly, it is an account of my weeks-long struggle last month to have sex with my brother, David. He is almost 17. The account is straightforward (though somewhat convoluted), and ends the moment he and I couple our first time in the early morning hours of Sunday morning, September 16th. It occurs in my dad’s pup tent, as you might discern from the title. I include a...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); After reading the title of this story you could probably guess what it’s about, but you’ll never believe the shenanigans that transpired last summer when my wife and I went camping. My wife and I had been married for 3 years with no c******n, yet. Two years younger than me, at age 29, my wife is pretty hot. She’s a natural brunette with blonde hair, nice perky tits and as a result of being very athletic her...
Introduction: This is about Jordan and me, we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night alone in a tent! WARNING: SERIOUSLY SEXY! ???? Hay, If youve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My names Josh, Im an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it...
When I was first met Kat, I was with my ex-girlfriend. I was having a party, and she was standing in my kitchen, being super chatty and loud, and looking better than anyone else there, including my ex. She was a small Mexican girl that couldn't have been any taller than 5'1. Her skin was light-brown, her hair was long and black, and she had these gorgeous brown eyes which were accentuated by just the right amount of eye-liner. It was a chilly evening and she was bundled up, so I couldn't get...
If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!) This one is about Jordan and me; we were (and still are!) close workmates that became very close one particular night! This was actually my most...
Mark and I go camping every year. This last summer we went on about a 15 mile hike. Its not enough to be completely away from the world, but its enough that we don’t usually see many other hikers. At the trail head, we met two good looking girls who were also there for the 4 day weekend. Usually the only girls who you see hiking that far are really granola, but these two had been best friends for years and always did car camping and wanted to try an actual hike. I could hardly pry Mark away...
EroticPretty self explanitory, big group of horny high school kids go camping. Narrative switches between three characters, the main is Ella (no prizes for guessing who she's based on), then Leon (the longterm boyfriend of Ella's best friend Becky) and then Steve (the ex-boyfriend of Ella). It's a bit of a teen romance to be honest, not a lot of wild sex or anything but may add that later in Part 2. What happens in a tent STAYS in a tent! Louise and I grinned at eachother as we...
Introduction: Roughly based on a camping trip I took part in when I was in high school, might be a little confusing as the narrative switches several times. This is a first installment just to get some feedback. Slow to start and not a lot of sex in this one but tell me what you think! True story but obviously not exact as I couldnt be everywhere at once… Pretty self explanitory, big group of horny high school kids go camping. Narrative switches between three characters, the main is Ella (no...
Nikki was excited about taking the wilderness survival course. She had signed up with her girlfriend, Cat, and they planned to share a tent. The weekend was supposed to be warm during the days but there had been frost warnings all week, so they were prepared for a few chilly nights. They both knew a couple of the other people taking the course. One guy in particular, for whom Nikki had the hots, was going. So was a guy with whom Cat had already been with a few times. Cat had warned Nikki that,...
Me and Dave had gone camping a lot in the past. We are both guy's but have been friends for years. There was nothing usual about us seeing each other naked. We were both 19 and had decided to go for a week away with our tent. There was a little place we had booked which was fairly remote. When we arrived at the site there was only a handful of tents there. So we set up the tent, had our dinner followed by a few beers just to relax. It was the start of June and the weather was fairly warm. The...
Amada was a tiny girl. She only weighed 105 ponds, soaking wet. She had long blond hair and took care of herself very well. She had bright green eyes and a model's smile. Her titties we small but perfect in every way. Her mother taught her about " girl" stuff as she grew. It was important to her to do her nails and hair and dress like a "women" all the time. I watched her develop and saw the baby fat come off at about 14. She had a unbelieveable ass and knew it. I enjoyed...
[Note: The author of this story is Sh'tun'gl, the Zhon-Gurkkin Ambassador to Earth. He noted elsewhere that he had modified some Zhon-Gurkkin specifics of the story to be more accessible to humans.] We're different from you in several ways. Some are well known, and can be found in any online source. For instance, our men are taller, while our women are shorter. We have six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. We grow up much more slowly than you -- roughly three times more...
My wife and I ,joined a local nudist camp in the summer last year. We heard from other couples it was a pretty wild place after dark. We paid our membership and set up our tent, and campsite. We thought It was a great time to cool off and take a swim at the large pool. ( Now the rest of the story is going to be carefully worded , to avoid banned words or ideas)The whole nudist retreat was filled with nuclear and extended groups, of all ages, mostly white in this particular area of the...
Miranda huffed as she trudged over the packed sand. She made her way down to the low tide towards the water. If she was going to do this she was going all in, taking the moist stage out front for the whole beach to see. She reached the waterline and let a wave crash over her toes, sighing in relief. She stood for a moment psyching herself up, enjoying the cool relief, before taking a deep breath and taking off down the shore. She traveled back the way they had come from the hotel, passing...
IncestI was nearly asleep ten or fifteen minutes later all snuggled up in my sleeping bag in my tent. It might have been twenty below zero or worse outside in the storm but I was at least comfortable, if not quite toasty-oasty warm inside. The roaring blizzard gale outside was somewhat muffled and it certainly didn't pierce the stealth insulated lining of my tent. That all changed in an instant when the tent flaps suddenly burst open and two rather frozen young ladies suddenly tried to join me in...
Maggie’s customers included the Christians of Faith (COF) organization in Omaha. She audited their books every three months, a job of 3 or 4 days for which they paid her one thousand dollars plus the cost of a modest hotel room. By the standards of the small town in Kansas where she lived with her husband, an evangelical preacher, that was good money. She was working her way through the accounts one afternoon when her phone rang. It was John Bright, the President of COF in Washington,...
*Characters are fictional but represent real life people and true events**This is my first story so be patient and use your imagination My name is R.J. and I'm 17 years old with medium length blonde-red hair and I'm about 6'2". I'm a bit thinner than the other guys at school but just as strong and play lacrosse year round. I was born in Florida and have lived there all my life. One day my parents announced we would be taking a 3 week vacation to visit family up in South Dakota and Colorado. I...
IncestSlowly and carefully Bob and Charley made their way along the narrow path. The diffused light of the mist made it very difficult to see the track in places but by constantly checking compass direction and the GPS they knew within a little where they were. 5:00 Charley noted her watch. "Bob, were not going to make the hut tonight are we?" "I doubt it. I've been thinking. If we carry on for another mile around the bend in the valley we'll come to Tor Crags where they do a lot of climbing....
Derek's eyes shot open. He'd been so wrapped up in his incestuous thoughts he'd forgotten his swimsuit had fallen off during their mishap. "Oh god…" Miranda muttered as she began whipping her head back and forth for any sign of their clothing, "I don't see them anywhere. Check underwater!" Derek was getting worried. He ducked his head underwater and began looking around for anything. It was clear enough that he could see a good distance but there was nothing around. His stomach sank....
Incest(Explanatory note - "loitering with intent" - British legal term meaning hanging around with the intention of committing a crime)I bloomed early and always got a lot of attention from the lads. I will mention no ages here,but I was young. Ok, well I did start early. I started messing around with cocks when I was young to be honest. I looked a lot older and I was drinking in pubs early. I managed to avoid getting a reputation, somehow, more by luck than judgement, but sexual confidence was not...
Everyone else, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed the story. Comments are appreciated. *** Hooper went with me on the bee trail hike. Trace and David sat with us at lunch. After lunch, I was the only one signed up for the mile swim so we split up again. My time on the swim was good, but I was hurrying to get done because I was afraid the other three would doing things without me -- sexing things. The four of us, met up again at supper. I felt better because it didn't sound like...
"Yeah, that was wonderful," I mumbled feeling very sleepy. "You don't mind if I fall asleep, do you?""Dios mio, already?""Mmm-hmmm," I said, struggling to keep my heavy eyelids from dropping."Fine, but if it gets cold in the middle of the night and I want to have sex to warm up, you have to fuck me, okay? And you can wake me up to fuck if you want, too. I don't think the blanket's going to keep us warm.""Okay," I said before nodding off.Lying on top of rocks under a drenched blanket and sharing...
Hannah walked along the narrow trail, watching to see where Molly put her feet. The path was muddy and overgrown, and if she wasn't careful she could easily slip. The heavy load of hard green melons packed into her womb did nothing to help Hannah's balance. She rubbed her belly, feeling the oval shapes inside her. "Well this is a first," Hannah said to no one in particular. "Pregnant with fruit!" As if in response, her belly made a little "blorp" noise and she gave it a protective...
We met at the fishing pond after dinner , he was 4 yrs older but we had a great day fishing catching nice rock bass and talking about video gamesI invited him over for the camp fire and mommy was happy i had made myself a nice friend to spend the week of camping with so she could relax and read her book we had a nice time at the campfire and mom got sleepy my friend was waiting for it before showing me his big bottle of rhum ''you have coke , youll like it ''we started drinking and playing with...
Sammy’s Mom said that Jimmy and I could stay over Saturday night but since Sammy’s sister was visiting with her kids we would have to sleep in the tent in the backyard. I had just turned 15 and Jimmy and Sammy were a bit younger. I was excited about having a whole night to have fun, but I was also nervous because I didn’t really know how things were going to go. The three of us had been hanging around together since we were little kids, but over the past few months Jimmy and I had taken “fun”...
OK, everybody put your way back hat's on to remember a simpler time, before cell phones, computers in your home and all that kind of stuff.It was summer, school was out and we were just shy of our teens. We had spent the day playing like k**s in the early 70's did. We went into a friend's pool to cool off when the idea came to have a sleepout. The friend with the pool had just gotten a new tent so it was decided to be at his place in the back yard (we were in a suburban area). All of us had...
My name is Michael, and I was 17 at the time, when I first discovered I was into men as well as women. I was about 5 foot 8inches tall with a small muscular frame, so nothing special. I wouldn't say I was hung, but well off maybe. I am a full 7.6 inches long with a full hard on. At the age of 16, I knew I wanted to try sexual actions with another guy but had been to scared to do anything about seeking the attention of another man. When I turned 17, I started to get into chat rooms and talking...
Gay Male“Is that your family?” Jake asked, pointing to a picture on my wall. It was a candid shot from the previous summer picnic.“Yep, my beautiful wife, Nicola and our daughter Olivia. Before you ask, the ugly git’s me.”Jake chuckled, “If you don’t mind me saying, you all look very happy there.”“Yes, we were, it was a grand day. Mr A’s summer picnics are usually really good. Though Olivia’s off to stay with Nicola’s parents for part of the summer, so she’ll miss this year’s.”A wistful feeling washed...
Quickie Sex"It must feel nice," Miranda said softly, "being free like that. They looked like they were really enjoying themselves.""I guess," Derek muttered, unsure of where she was going to steer the conversation."I wonder what they think of everyone staring at them. Do you think they like all the attention?" Miranda asked, trying to pry some information from him."Y-yea probably. Why else would they do it?" Derek responded. He was a bit standoffish, embarrassed about having a conversation with...
IncestAbout a year after our initial mutual understanding in my Cousin Nancy’s tent, we both were thrown together at the family re-union in the hall above Murphy’s Funeral Parlor. The only way to get in and out of the meeting hall was to go through the lobby of the undertaker’s place of business and it was a sobering exercise for one and all. All of my older relatives seemed mightily displeased at the inconvenience and I can’t say I blamed them much because if I was that old I would be unhappy at...