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Quando conheci aquele casal simpático e delicioso, estava longe de imaginar as aventuras deleitosas que me aguardavam.

Gostava de partilhar convosco

a melhor noite de sexo que já tive. Jacinto é o nome do homem com quem partilho o meu apartamento. Gosto dele. É um Homem trabalhador, honesto, carinhoso, etc. Mas isso para uma mulher fogosa como eu, não chega – pois ele na cama não satisfaz minimamente os meus desejos e fetiches, então encaro-o como um bom amigo apenas.

Fico frustrada com os seus orgasmos precoces, pois ele fica satisfeito, e eu fico a ferver. Já o aconselhei a comprar umas capsulas que fazem prolongar o acto sexual, mas ele é tão quadrado que nem quis saber…
Nunca gosta de se divertir e anda sempre carrancudo e cansado do trabalho. Um dia ele deu-lhe uma coisa má e fez-me um desafio:

- Porque não saímos e nos divertimos?

- Boa ideia – redargui. – O primeiro a chegar deixa a chave debaixo do tapete!
Gosto de ser fornicada por muito tempo e em várias posições!

Aqui no prédio onde resido, mora um jovem casal com quem me dou muito bem, pois são muito simpáticos e acessíveis.

Ele é um espanto de homem - Jovem, moreno, alto e entroncado.

Ela também é jovem. Tem cabelo loirinho e traja roupinhas muito


e provocantes. Aqui no bairro, quando ela sai à rua, é um deleite para os homens. É óbvio, que quando vieram para cá morar, fiz logo amizade com ela, e passadas algumas semanas, este casal começou a convidar-me para beber café no apartamento deles.

Ultimamente andava a sentir-me entediada. Eu era nova ali, por isso ainda não tinha socializado muito. A televisão só passava porcaria, e no


estava sempre a receber mensagens de


que não me

interessavam para nada.

O meu companheiro, o Jacinto, estava quase sempre no turno da noite, o que era sinonimo de serões entregues à solidão. Foi quando decidi subir até ao 2º andar, esquerdo, e tocar à campainha. Apetecia-me conversar um pouco, sei lá…ter um pouco de acção!

Eles receberam-me com a simpatia e cordialidade que lhes era característica. Entrei e apercebi-me que eles estavam a ver um



um filme porno.

- Estamos a ver “

a criadinha Portuguesa

” – murmurou Sónia.

- Ah, não me importo. – Retorqui eu meia encavacada.

Percebi que eles eram um casal com mente aberta, e aparentavam ter muito prazer em estar a ver aquele filme de produção medíocre.

Olhei para o plasma, e já a


mamava o membro de um gajo

qualquer, que devia ser o seu patrão, o que me fez soltar uma risada. Nisto, apercebi-me que as mãos de Fernando já procuravam a zona íntima da sua namorada.

Comecei a sentir-me excitada. Subtilmente as mãos de Sónia foram trepando por mim a cima. Primeiro começou por me apalpar as mamas, depois beijou-me e procurou as minhas virilhas, subiu por elas,


onde me acariciou a vulva, afastando-me o fio dental. Sentia o meu corpo a libertar-se - Estava sequiosa de sexo.

Oh, mas nós as duas não estávamos sós, e não éramos as únicas a querer sexo. Fernando, o namorado dela, não se fez rogado, e logo se juntou a nós. Sem hesitar, levantou-me a saia e mergulhou a sua cara entre as minhas pernas, lambendo-me avidamente com a sua língua trepidante. Ui, que bem quer ele o fazia! A sua companheira, puxou-me pelo cabelo e deu-me um linguado demorado. A boca dela soube-me bem, e eu insisti. Nunca tinha sido beijada por uma mulher.

- Caramba, que beijo – Gemi.

Ela, em vez de responder, ainda fez questão de me deixar mais louca, percorrendo a sua língua até se fixar nas minhas mamas, onde se demorou lascivamente.

Seguidamente ele estirou-se no

c h e z lo n g

, colocando-se

completamente ao dispor de nós duas. E, pela primeira vez pude constatar que ele era mesmo uma verdadeira delícia. Tinha um corpo musculado e depilado. Ostentava o seu mastro grosso e rubro – Uma coisa como nunca tinha visto!

- Gostas? – Inquiriu Sónia com um ar de



Completamente doida, Sónia ajoelhou-se e começou a masturbar o membro do namorado. Se o pau dele já estava grande, ainda maior ficou. Tornou-se mesmo gigantesco entre as mãos dela, que o acariciavam meigamente.

Gatinhei até eles. Sequiosa, roubei-lhe o mastro das mãos e abocanhei-o todo, de forma lasciva.

- Tens uma boquinha gulosa. – Suspirou.
Continuei a suga-lo loucamente das mãos de Sónia, que era quem me concedia o pau do namorado, e eu mamava ao ritmo que ela sugeria. Por vezes, segurava-me na cabeça, obrigando-me a engoli-lo até aos tomates, o que eu fazia com

enorme dificuldade.

Aquilo era a loucura. Mais desvairada fiquei quando ele passou as mãos pelas minhas nádegas, e desceu até encontrar o meu buraquinho quase imaculado.

- Olha que a


parece a ser virgem nesse sítio. – Asseverou Sónia. Aquele palavreado vernáculo ainda me excitou mais.

- Nada que um bom gel não resolva – retorquiu ele confiante.

Senti a penetração dos seus dedos grossos em mim. Lubrificava-me com desprezo. Senti-me uma cadela nas mãos dele, mas estava a adorar e sentia-me em êxtase.

Ah, o




sabia fazer-me gozar. Em poucos minutos de sexo, eu

percebi que ele era mestre na arte erótica. O meu marido, o Jacinto não passava de um

menino de coro

, comparado com este gajo. Acto continuo,

ele colocou-me em posição de suplicia, obrigando-me a permanecer prostrada com as nádegas inteiramente ao seu dispor. E foi quando ele... oh, sim me penetrou por trás!

- Loucura de cu! – Gritou ele.


-Ah, sim! Rebenta com o cuzinho dessa puta – rosnou Sónia.

- Mete-o todo, Fernando!

– Grunhi eu, completamente arrebatada pelo deleite. Estava possessa com tanto prazer. Ah, ele enrabou-me sim! Mas como um verdadeiro fidalgo. Deu-me

um prazer frenético, fornicando-me com avidez, sem nunca me magoar.

Sónia Colocou-se debaixo de mim, e desatou a lamber-me a ratinha com vigor, levando-me de novo à loucura, como nunca ninguém me tinha levado antes.

Eles eram dois Olimpos do Sexo. Sabiam dar prazer! Por fim, ele veio-se mesmo dentro do meu cuzinho, e eu vim-me na boca da mulher dele, o que a fez chupar-me ainda com mais força.

Dias depois só pensava naquilo. Receei ter ficado viciada naqueles dois. Desde aquela noite, nunca mais os vi. Considerei ainda que pudessem ter ido para fora, ou algo parecido, pois pouco ou nada sabia da vida Os dias foram passando e continuava sem notícias deles. Se antes, o Subitamente, recebi um


no meu telefone. Era Sónia.

“Logo queres festa?”

Arrepiei-me toda. O desejo era mais forte que eu, e hesitei em responder.

Pouco depois ela insistiu.

“Daqui a meia hora lá em casa. Traz langerie bem provocante. Não te esqueças que és a nossa puta. bj”

Pela primeira vez sentia-me submissa, e gostava do que sentia.

Passado uma hora, estava de novo à porta do apartamento deles.

Fernando veio à porta de roupão vestido. Assim que pus o pé dentro do apartamento, ele desabotoou o robe, exibindo o seu corpo completamente nu mesmo à minha frente.

- Ajoelha-te, puta – Ordenou ele, puxando-me pelos cabelos.

Obedeci e comecei a mama-lo freneticamente. Ohhh, vocês nem imaginam. Tal não era o meu desejo, que até me espumava pela boca a abocanhar quele volume grosso e saboroso. Sónia surgiu a meu lado e veio-me ajudar a dar conta daquele naco deleitoso.

Fomos alternando a mamada. Duas bocas sequiosas devoravam aquele pau que rebentava de tesão - Tal não foi a orgia oral que fizemos.


Fernando manteve-se firme sem se vir! Qualquer homem teria tido uma ejaculação imediata, após ser mamado daquela forma, mas ele não!

O Fernando era um Patrão!

Continuadamente, a Sónia convidou-me para eu montar o seu marido, ao que eu aquiesci com deleite e agrado. Eu não sei se consigo descrever o prazer que obtive, enquanto o marido dela me fornicava a ratinha quente, mas asseguro-vos que ele me deixou novamente doida de tesão! A Sónia também não parava, e passava a sua língua por todo o meu corpo, como se eu fosse um gelado numa tarde quente de verão.

- Ah, lindos!...mais, mais... – Gemi eu, obtendo vários orgasmos viscosos.

-És uma grande depravada, sabias? – Sussurrava ele ao meu ouvido, deixando-me ainda mais louca.

Nisto, o meu telemóvel começa a tocar e a vibrar – Era o Jacinto!

- Sim querido? – Atendi

- Então amor, tudo bem? – Indagou

- Sim…

- Onde estás?

- Estou em casa da Sónia – respondi num tom aflito.

- Ah, e que gemido é esse que estou a ouvir?

- Ah, o marido dela estava desmaiado, e ela veio pedir-me ajuda para o reanimar.


- Ah, Ok! Coitado, e ele já está bem? Oiço uma respiração tão ofegante!

- Sim querido. Ele está bem, e já está bem



Foi um serão de loucura e deboche!

Agora, posso-vos revelar que não passo muitos serões em casa da Sónia e do Fernando, mas tenho tido diversas aventuras com outros casais, sempre que o meu marido adormece ou está no turno da noite.

Quem sabe, um dia eu não caio da cama de vocês, hein?...

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Tasting my Son

I smiled at my Son and gave him a wink, it's been awhile since our last encounter and the sexual tension was mounting. What began years ago has manifested itself gloriously. Michael is captivated by this side of his mother,... totally. I find myself feeding from his desire to pursue even more, my thoughts consumed. With his father home the atmosphere was instantly altered, as well as my attire. The candles that once encircled the Den are now hidden, my cotton shorts stuffed deeply back...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Game Pt 5

I had the game "warworld" loaded in my new gaming console and a cute yellow skater dress on. The console had set me back a big chunk of money, but it would be worth it. It wouldn't be long now and this would all be over. Anyway, Abby had done a new braid thing with my hair, and fixed my makeup so I looked both cute and hot. (IMHO) I put out a bowl of chips. Claire had given me a little marijuana and I had been able - though just barely - to buy a Sixpack. The salesman had been...

4 years ago
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Dangerous Games

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIALOF A SEXUAL AND VIOLENT NATURE. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to posting.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dangerous Gamesby Night OwlChapter...

2 years ago
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Family Mein Chudai Ke Maze 8211 Part 1 Baap Beti Sex Kahani

Ye story ek story reader ki hai. Jisne story padh kar kuchh karne ki sochi. Story mein kya kuch hua ye sab to story padh kar hi pata chalega. Family mein aaj kal kya kya ho sakta hai aap padh sakte hai is baap beti sex kahani mein. Mere paas ek girl Chanchal ka email aaya. Usne story ko bohut like kiya tha. Maine usko thanks bol diya. Fir thodi hi der mein uska reply aaya. Usne puchha ki ye sab real mein hota hai kya. Maine bola hota hai. Thodi hi der mein uska reply aa gaya. Usne meri age aur...

2 years ago
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All comments welcome -- [email protected] Don't read this if you can't, or can't claim you can. Makeover by Vickie Tern It really was the most amazing birthday my wife could ever have given me! Even now my eyes fill with tears just thinking about it. It seemed overwhelming two nights ago, when she first proposed it. But since then? She'd sat me down and told me the whole thing was arranged, never mind thanking her, there...

4 years ago
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The Death of Love

One cold autumn evening there was a heavy knocking at the door which reverberated throughout the house. Rising from my chair, the sound shook my entire body as the air became bitter cold in an instant. The walk to the door seemed like an eternity as the sound became louder and more frequent with the walls and floor now visibly vibrating with each knock on the door. The sound continued to reverberate throughout the house. Before I could reach the door, it swung open and the coldest air I...

5 years ago
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Uncle and his friends

My name is Aditi and this happened when I was 19 years old and I went to visit my uncle’s house in Goa for one week. He is old, fat and spends all his time drinking the minute he comes home from work and he owns a restaurant. He is tall though, with a beard and still has all his hair. In fact, his arms look strong, but his stomach is bloated from all the drinking. The minute he comes home from work, he picks up a bottle of whiskey from his cabinet. But since I was there on holiday, I decided to...

3 years ago
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Glory Hole Shame

It had been over 10 years since my wife passed away suddenly. Even though I had become very lonely I never really felt like getting back into the dating scene. Raising a young daughter as a single father was hard enough. Maintaining a relationship with a woman, I felt, would have distracted me from that priority.That's not to say that my sexual urges were diminished. Lacking a regular sexual partner, my libido seemed to increase to levels like that of a teenager. Nevertheless, I tried to use...

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Ashley D Part One

I work at a large brokerage firm. I don’t actually do investing, but do a lot of background investigations of prospective companies that we invest in, for brokers and business people at work. Recently we had begun to trim the fat so to speak, with guidance from the main office. They wanted to cut all expenses that weren’t essential to running things, and I was spared, as I’m a one-man operation. After the main office went through their downsizing period, they found other ways of saving money,...

Straight Sex
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anal showers

im a male with a womans figure a very nice figure this has caused lots of problems in the gym showers as all the men cant help looking at my curvy hips and plump bum! I love them watching me in the shower i pretend i dont know and wash my body like a horny little slut would! I eventually get to my private area by now my cock is semi hard and flopping from side to side! Oops the soap slips from my hands by accident of course NOT :) I slowly bend over bum facing you this allows my cheeks to part...

2 years ago
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Summer of 93rsquo Borrow Him Part III

Summer of 93’ Borrow HimPart IIIMaggi took about 20 minutes before she was completing whole sentences again and Natalie kept asking me about The Venus Butterfly. We had a lot of fun. We moved into the kitchen bar and sat together snacking on some leftover pizza and replenishing our fluids. Natalie and Maggi got up and laid down in our bedroom. They were on their backs, legs spread, Natalie said, “come lay down Pete let’s kiss and cuddle.” I said, “in a couple of minutes I need some more water....

4 years ago
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Me and My Sexy Coworker finally have some fun

There he was again. Sexy and toned, with smoldering dark eyes and a beautiful Mexican skin tone. Every time he walked by he seemed to mesmerize me, and I hated it. Of course I loved seeing him, imagining what was underneath those clothes, but it was no fun since I never got to act out my dirty desires. I had been working at the same job for the past two summers, whenever I came home from college for my three month vacation. I had plenty of coworkers, and my boss was even pretty good looking,...

Straight Sex
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She Surprised Me Part 8

I knew that it was wrong, yet I couldn't stop myself from doing it. I knew deep down what anyone would think if they ever heard about what was going on in my house, the fallout, repercussion, and the consequences of my actions. Yet I had no intentions of stopping, and at the time it was happening, I didn't even care what "might" happen afterwards.I wasn't stopping what I was doing.My step-daughter Amanda, her best friend Jessica and I were in the basement of my house. And although it sounds...

3 years ago
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Uncle Bob BluesChapter 25

Naturally, I asked Maggie what she meant by Beth needing me and she told me that Beth had gone to Aunt Prudie for advice, believing that Elvis could help her. Apparently, Beth going to my aunt for advice wasn't anything new. She had been doing this since she was a seven and needed to know what to do about getting kissed so that she could turn into a princess. Maggie didn't know what Beth needed advice for this time, but whatever it had been, Elvis and Aunt Prudie encouraged her to chase...

4 years ago
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Santas Special DeliveryChapter 4

Breakfast didn't slow him down at all. By the time breakfast was over he had interrogated me enough to find out I was a detective, how old I was, that I didn't have any children and had never been married. At one point he said "Are you sure you're not trying to be my mother's boyfriend? Because you sure sound like what she's been looking for." That flustered her and she barked at him. I diverted him by asking him to tell me about his school, and what he liked to do, and what TV...

3 years ago
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My Sister The Alcoholic

My Sister The Alcoholic My sister wouldn’t admit it but she was an alcoholic. I should know because both of our parents were alcoholics too. They drank themselves into a stupor every night. That’s what made it so easy for my sister to get drunk, booze was everywhere. My parents would let us kids run out of food before they would run out of booze and cigarettes. It was disgusting. When I told my sister that she was an alcoholic she called me a fucking liar. So I challenged her to go...

2 years ago
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Sex With My Sister8217s Friend

Hi I am Arjun from Hyderabad actually I am 20 years from Tirupati and right now I am working in hyd in a call center. This is a true story. I want to share my sex relationship with my sister’s friend. Her name is teddy she is 3 years elder then me this happened few months back. She was a sexy blond. Her boobs were big and firm and her buttocks are medium. She live in a 1bhk flat, In her room she and her friend will stay. I will go every week to her room. One day her friend gone to a relative...

3 years ago
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Pearlybeads Gail and Me

The first part of this story is 100% true with very little embellishment. The second part is what would have happened if the plan had gone thru as agreed and arranged I met her on 'Yahoo Personals'. She had put a few 'code words' on her profile to make it clear she differed from the usual frustrated and bitter widows and divorcees on that site. I didn't mean to be looking for a 'hook-up' on there as I was already in a fuck-buddy affair with Gail. And Gail was enough to handle for...

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Hot Thai Girl And Her Indian Boyfriend 8211 Part 4

“Wow! I can’t believe that you didn’t cry! More than that I can’t believe that you didn’t let him do this to your nipples.” My roommate Ruvena exclaimed as she giggled. I was standing topless in our bathroom with Ruvena examining the love bites Dhruv gave me on my back. Dhruv had bitten me really hard. It was more than a week since that day still his teeth marks were very well visible on my back. Looking at them used to make both of us horny. “Somehow I didn’t feel the pain. All I felt was his...

4 years ago
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BBC Fucking your Man Pussy PT2

I had met a really nice African-American guy named Karl for some hot sex. I was travelling for business and was satisfying my bi desires on these trips. I had met Karl through a gay chat room and we had a great hook-up. We promised to meet up again when I had to visit his city again. (See "My First BBC" for the story of how I hooked up with Karl.) Karl and I exchanged e-mails and I told him I was coming to his city soon. He mentioned that he had hooked up with another African-American man and...

1 year ago
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Brother Sister Engage In Passionate Taboo

Note : This story is completely fictional! Okay so let me start off with saying that my name is Oliver. I'm 18, I go to community college. I'm tall, green eyes, buzz cut and in shape. I try to eat healthy and exercise so my body is lean, hard and healthy. My sister's name is Jackie. She is 21, works at a beauty salon, and very attractive. She is shorter than I, tan, light brown eyes, shoulder length wavy brown hair, full lips, hour glass figure, B-cups, and a tight ass. She eats healthy and...

3 years ago
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Prodigal SonChapter 9

During what had become a Saturday tradition. The four men met once again for their weekly poker game at Bart’s saloon. Pete Quigley and Joshua Anderson were in their reserved seats against the wall. The other two places were occupied by Mayor Dan Coleman and Doctor Stone, the fourth regular member. The game was a friendly one. Table stakes and a $5.00 limit. Professional gamblers couldn’t be bothered at this level. But if they had been, they would have been surprised at the expertise of the...

2 years ago
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LoveHerFeet Scarlett Bloom The Webcam Girl

My boyfriend and I have been kind of tight on money lately. But I love shopping and eating out at nice restaurants so I knew something had to change. Some of my girlfriends suggested webcamming. Girls can make decent money by showing off their feet to random guys online and masturbating together over webcam. I started doing it and made a lot of money but didn’t mention it to my boyfriend since I wasn’t sure what his reaction would be. One day, as I was heading out to go shopping, he...

3 years ago
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Hot Bus Sex Leads To An Affair

Hey, readers Rahul here. I’m from Bangalore, and I was traveling to Mangalore for a job interview. I had already booked my ticket in advance. I was just sitting next to the window, and a beautiful woman entered . I was just checking her out and hoping that she would sit beside me. Well, the almighty heard my prayers, and to my surprise, she sat beside me. I do not usually start conversations with strangers. So I was thinking of an excuse to talk to her. By the way, she was very fair, was...

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