Comida Pelos Vizinhos free porn video

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Quando conheci aquele casal simpático e delicioso, estava longe de imaginar as aventuras deleitosas que me aguardavam.

Gostava de partilhar convosco

a melhor noite de sexo que já tive. Jacinto é o nome do homem com quem partilho o meu apartamento. Gosto dele. É um Homem trabalhador, honesto, carinhoso, etc. Mas isso para uma mulher fogosa como eu, não chega – pois ele na cama não satisfaz minimamente os meus desejos e fetiches, então encaro-o como um bom amigo apenas.

Fico frustrada com os seus orgasmos precoces, pois ele fica satisfeito, e eu fico a ferver. Já o aconselhei a comprar umas capsulas que fazem prolongar o acto sexual, mas ele é tão quadrado que nem quis saber…
Nunca gosta de se divertir e anda sempre carrancudo e cansado do trabalho. Um dia ele deu-lhe uma coisa má e fez-me um desafio:

- Porque não saímos e nos divertimos?

- Boa ideia – redargui. – O primeiro a chegar deixa a chave debaixo do tapete!
Gosto de ser fornicada por muito tempo e em várias posições!

Aqui no prédio onde resido, mora um jovem casal com quem me dou muito bem, pois são muito simpáticos e acessíveis.

Ele é um espanto de homem - Jovem, moreno, alto e entroncado.

Ela também é jovem. Tem cabelo loirinho e traja roupinhas muito


e provocantes. Aqui no bairro, quando ela sai à rua, é um deleite para os homens. É óbvio, que quando vieram para cá morar, fiz logo amizade com ela, e passadas algumas semanas, este casal começou a convidar-me para beber café no apartamento deles.

Ultimamente andava a sentir-me entediada. Eu era nova ali, por isso ainda não tinha socializado muito. A televisão só passava porcaria, e no


estava sempre a receber mensagens de


que não me

interessavam para nada.

O meu companheiro, o Jacinto, estava quase sempre no turno da noite, o que era sinonimo de serões entregues à solidão. Foi quando decidi subir até ao 2º andar, esquerdo, e tocar à campainha. Apetecia-me conversar um pouco, sei lá…ter um pouco de acção!

Eles receberam-me com a simpatia e cordialidade que lhes era característica. Entrei e apercebi-me que eles estavam a ver um



um filme porno.

- Estamos a ver “

a criadinha Portuguesa

” – murmurou Sónia.

- Ah, não me importo. – Retorqui eu meia encavacada.

Percebi que eles eram um casal com mente aberta, e aparentavam ter muito prazer em estar a ver aquele filme de produção medíocre.

Olhei para o plasma, e já a


mamava o membro de um gajo

qualquer, que devia ser o seu patrão, o que me fez soltar uma risada. Nisto, apercebi-me que as mãos de Fernando já procuravam a zona íntima da sua namorada.

Comecei a sentir-me excitada. Subtilmente as mãos de Sónia foram trepando por mim a cima. Primeiro começou por me apalpar as mamas, depois beijou-me e procurou as minhas virilhas, subiu por elas,


onde me acariciou a vulva, afastando-me o fio dental. Sentia o meu corpo a libertar-se - Estava sequiosa de sexo.

Oh, mas nós as duas não estávamos sós, e não éramos as únicas a querer sexo. Fernando, o namorado dela, não se fez rogado, e logo se juntou a nós. Sem hesitar, levantou-me a saia e mergulhou a sua cara entre as minhas pernas, lambendo-me avidamente com a sua língua trepidante. Ui, que bem quer ele o fazia! A sua companheira, puxou-me pelo cabelo e deu-me um linguado demorado. A boca dela soube-me bem, e eu insisti. Nunca tinha sido beijada por uma mulher.

- Caramba, que beijo – Gemi.

Ela, em vez de responder, ainda fez questão de me deixar mais louca, percorrendo a sua língua até se fixar nas minhas mamas, onde se demorou lascivamente.

Seguidamente ele estirou-se no

c h e z lo n g

, colocando-se

completamente ao dispor de nós duas. E, pela primeira vez pude constatar que ele era mesmo uma verdadeira delícia. Tinha um corpo musculado e depilado. Ostentava o seu mastro grosso e rubro – Uma coisa como nunca tinha visto!

- Gostas? – Inquiriu Sónia com um ar de



Completamente doida, Sónia ajoelhou-se e começou a masturbar o membro do namorado. Se o pau dele já estava grande, ainda maior ficou. Tornou-se mesmo gigantesco entre as mãos dela, que o acariciavam meigamente.

Gatinhei até eles. Sequiosa, roubei-lhe o mastro das mãos e abocanhei-o todo, de forma lasciva.

- Tens uma boquinha gulosa. – Suspirou.
Continuei a suga-lo loucamente das mãos de Sónia, que era quem me concedia o pau do namorado, e eu mamava ao ritmo que ela sugeria. Por vezes, segurava-me na cabeça, obrigando-me a engoli-lo até aos tomates, o que eu fazia com

enorme dificuldade.

Aquilo era a loucura. Mais desvairada fiquei quando ele passou as mãos pelas minhas nádegas, e desceu até encontrar o meu buraquinho quase imaculado.

- Olha que a


parece a ser virgem nesse sítio. – Asseverou Sónia. Aquele palavreado vernáculo ainda me excitou mais.

- Nada que um bom gel não resolva – retorquiu ele confiante.

Senti a penetração dos seus dedos grossos em mim. Lubrificava-me com desprezo. Senti-me uma cadela nas mãos dele, mas estava a adorar e sentia-me em êxtase.

Ah, o




sabia fazer-me gozar. Em poucos minutos de sexo, eu

percebi que ele era mestre na arte erótica. O meu marido, o Jacinto não passava de um

menino de coro

, comparado com este gajo. Acto continuo,

ele colocou-me em posição de suplicia, obrigando-me a permanecer prostrada com as nádegas inteiramente ao seu dispor. E foi quando ele... oh, sim me penetrou por trás!

- Loucura de cu! – Gritou ele.


-Ah, sim! Rebenta com o cuzinho dessa puta – rosnou Sónia.

- Mete-o todo, Fernando!

– Grunhi eu, completamente arrebatada pelo deleite. Estava possessa com tanto prazer. Ah, ele enrabou-me sim! Mas como um verdadeiro fidalgo. Deu-me

um prazer frenético, fornicando-me com avidez, sem nunca me magoar.

Sónia Colocou-se debaixo de mim, e desatou a lamber-me a ratinha com vigor, levando-me de novo à loucura, como nunca ninguém me tinha levado antes.

Eles eram dois Olimpos do Sexo. Sabiam dar prazer! Por fim, ele veio-se mesmo dentro do meu cuzinho, e eu vim-me na boca da mulher dele, o que a fez chupar-me ainda com mais força.

Dias depois só pensava naquilo. Receei ter ficado viciada naqueles dois. Desde aquela noite, nunca mais os vi. Considerei ainda que pudessem ter ido para fora, ou algo parecido, pois pouco ou nada sabia da vida Os dias foram passando e continuava sem notícias deles. Se antes, o Subitamente, recebi um


no meu telefone. Era Sónia.

“Logo queres festa?”

Arrepiei-me toda. O desejo era mais forte que eu, e hesitei em responder.

Pouco depois ela insistiu.

“Daqui a meia hora lá em casa. Traz langerie bem provocante. Não te esqueças que és a nossa puta. bj”

Pela primeira vez sentia-me submissa, e gostava do que sentia.

Passado uma hora, estava de novo à porta do apartamento deles.

Fernando veio à porta de roupão vestido. Assim que pus o pé dentro do apartamento, ele desabotoou o robe, exibindo o seu corpo completamente nu mesmo à minha frente.

- Ajoelha-te, puta – Ordenou ele, puxando-me pelos cabelos.

Obedeci e comecei a mama-lo freneticamente. Ohhh, vocês nem imaginam. Tal não era o meu desejo, que até me espumava pela boca a abocanhar quele volume grosso e saboroso. Sónia surgiu a meu lado e veio-me ajudar a dar conta daquele naco deleitoso.

Fomos alternando a mamada. Duas bocas sequiosas devoravam aquele pau que rebentava de tesão - Tal não foi a orgia oral que fizemos.


Fernando manteve-se firme sem se vir! Qualquer homem teria tido uma ejaculação imediata, após ser mamado daquela forma, mas ele não!

O Fernando era um Patrão!

Continuadamente, a Sónia convidou-me para eu montar o seu marido, ao que eu aquiesci com deleite e agrado. Eu não sei se consigo descrever o prazer que obtive, enquanto o marido dela me fornicava a ratinha quente, mas asseguro-vos que ele me deixou novamente doida de tesão! A Sónia também não parava, e passava a sua língua por todo o meu corpo, como se eu fosse um gelado numa tarde quente de verão.

- Ah, lindos!...mais, mais... – Gemi eu, obtendo vários orgasmos viscosos.

-És uma grande depravada, sabias? – Sussurrava ele ao meu ouvido, deixando-me ainda mais louca.

Nisto, o meu telemóvel começa a tocar e a vibrar – Era o Jacinto!

- Sim querido? – Atendi

- Então amor, tudo bem? – Indagou

- Sim…

- Onde estás?

- Estou em casa da Sónia – respondi num tom aflito.

- Ah, e que gemido é esse que estou a ouvir?

- Ah, o marido dela estava desmaiado, e ela veio pedir-me ajuda para o reanimar.


- Ah, Ok! Coitado, e ele já está bem? Oiço uma respiração tão ofegante!

- Sim querido. Ele está bem, e já está bem



Foi um serão de loucura e deboche!

Agora, posso-vos revelar que não passo muitos serões em casa da Sónia e do Fernando, mas tenho tido diversas aventuras com outros casais, sempre que o meu marido adormece ou está no turno da noite.

Quem sabe, um dia eu não caio da cama de vocês, hein?...

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Love amongst the Stacks

It’s a nice day … too nice a day to be inside. I decide to play hooky from work in the middle of the afternoon. Walking around old town for a while, I am just enjoying window-shopping along the avenue. Noticing a used bookstore, I decide to stop in. Hell, I have too many books already, but I was hoping that my late afternoon goldbricking might turn up a good read, and a bargain. One never knows! I am a bit of an amateur historian, but browsing the history section was not turning up any gold …...

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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 5 Jumpin Jack Flash

NIS Day 2 – Afternoon - Medway High School 12:55pm, Tuesday, October, 30, 1979 I tucked my hands under my butt to help me physically resist the urge to push Tempe’s mouth deeper onto my cock as she suctioned it between her lips. Tempe’s long blonde hair semi-hid a close-up viewing of her mouth’s bobbing over my cockhead. However, any of the art students watching us knew exactly what my partner was doing to me on the art studio’s bed. “Tempe-Tempe! Oh! Gaawwdddd! Girl! ... You better pull...

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10th GradeChapter 21

It was decided that I needed to keep away from the country club for at least two weeks. Part of this decision was to allow Mr. Chalmers to return before allowing me outside in public again, and part of it was that Mrs. Parsons wanted to try to help Mrs. Connor and Brenda to come to terms with my not being sent away to the orphanage. Mrs. Parsons waited until Wednesday before calling Mrs. Connor. She asked about Brenda, but then said her main reason for calling was to ask Mrs. Connor to join...

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At the mercy of a North Korean She Devil

Summary: Secret operatives know only as She Devils use, sex, blackmail and torture to steal United States. PREFACE He'd never given much thought to how important his defense work reallywas, or to what lengths someone would go to steal it. He'd been so stupidabout that. Even careless, but now it was too late. Too late to change what was about to happen. . . He stared without breathing at the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen;into the black eyes of a true She-Devil, and she looked...

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Cupids ApprenticeChapter 14

What Barb, Josh, Sandy, Kenny and the sixteen young teeners agreed on for the remaining week and a half of summer camp was this: Since all of the didactic material had been more than adequately covered, the rest of the special camp would be dedicated to the practical application of the things they had learned. Any individual or couple could request and receive tutored sessions with any of the instructors. It seemed only fair. There was a special room in the lodge specifically designed for...

3 years ago
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SHEILAChapter 9

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android - S.H.E.I.L.A. Looking back even as we were moving away, I saw a fully outfitted assault team. Swiftly they entered the building even as we went through the back wall accelerating rapidly. ‘Damn it,’ I thought, ‘what had happened that they had found us this fast?’ Then as the building receded in the distance I realized that we had been there for over a day. “I am scanning for another location as we move Doctor Gance. I regret...

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Necrophilia Isn8217t My Best Move

Hello guys, its rakesh here. Thanks for appreciating my last narration. Well, nothing much has happened for some time so it’s just a description of what happened with a reader of mine as he has requested to write it for him. So here it goes and he would be telling from now on. Hi guys this is varun. I am 21 and currently pursuing my bachelors from delhi university and I wanna share something which happened last month. I am very much into incest since I was in school. I don’t know why but...

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The Ring AOChapter 24 Asian Treat

Helena returned to her unit, then went over to visit Suzanne unit. The smell was gone together with the carpet and kitchen units. They had washed everything and some of the paint work had started to peel. Pleased Helena returned to her unit making a mental note to thank Zac for a good job. Just as she entered the unit Fred rang and requested her company for dinner. He would pick her up outside of her building at 6.30pm. Helena was happy and started to plan her dress for the evening, then...

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Ms. Robinson was the only teacher at Mickinly High School that all the boys wanted to fuck. She was perfect, with voluptuous breasts and a nice firm ass. Her clothes were always tighter than they should be and she loved the attention it got her. But someone had found out that she wasn’t looking for a man in her life, rather a woman. This didn’t stop the boys from watching her hips dance as she crossed the room, her long brown hair flowing along behind her. I, on the other hand, found it rather...

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The works

Introduction: A compilation of unfinished works This is a compilation of works I have started or written an ending for but Ive never finished. I hope to one day finish or start them but until then here are some chapters in my collection which are sort of just sitting on my iPad. All these stories are fiction but the characters are all people I know. Emma and Rachel have been my best friends and neighbours since I was thirteen and now they are the stars of a porn story I wrote not that they...

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The Model Part 4

‘Meet us in room 34A at 9:00 tonight . James has the key. Make sure to wear something sexy. xoxo- Alana’ I had been anticipating this since the night before. I didn’t know what was in store for me, but I wanted it. I tied my hair up in a long bouncy ponytail and wore another set of fishnets and garters with a lacy red thong. I kept my look simple with a white button up top with no bra, exposing just the right amount of cleavage, and a tight black mini skirt. I spritzed on a sensual perfume...

4 years ago
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The Cable Slave Chapter 1

‘Too good to be true,’ that’s what the guy said. I should have thought about those words more carefully. “Security System – Special offer” It detects any movement, calls the cable company and they send the cops, or the fire brigade. Even my husband thought it was a good idea and the price was ridiculous. The installers were good but kind of secretive too. They said it was better for the householders not to know exactly where the sensors were but we should be happy that it covered the house,...

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Fucked Naani Her Daughters 8211 Part I

Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...

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Pebble BeachChapter 5

The following morning after breakfast we trundled off to see the new store. The building was old but in good condition, there was some evidence of modernisation present. After we had taken a good look at the place I asked to see the books. The accountant brought out the last two years ledgers. "Here you are Mr Taylor, the last two years. I think you will find them in order, we have an audit every six months, there has been a 8% growth in sales over the last six months. This is a healthy...

2 years ago
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Green DoomChapter 7 Upon the Altar of Astur

"Follow me, and quietly," Chinzel commanded, his slight form taking on added stature as he led them through the seemingly trackless swamps. Twice more, he blew on his talisman, shrill blasts that made Ashaia wince. Gortai darted swift glances behind them and to both sides, trying to catch a glimpse of the swamp dwellers he was sure surrounded them, but it was on the trail ahead of them that one first appeared. Shantar motioned the others to silence as Chinzel called out a low greeting to...

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A Dish Best Served Cold Ch 03

This opens three months after the wedding. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, this won’t make any sense, so you should do that now. Go ahead, we’ll wait. Votes and comments (especially comments) welcome. Signed comments acknowledged. Enjoy. Jb7 * The sun was bright and warm, the wind, brisk and chilly. The hills surrounding the small city were bright with the reds and oranges of fall from the hardwoods on the hillsides. It was a beautiful October day. Rosa Montero pulled her light...

2 years ago
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Buffy The Erection SlayerChapter 5

Clint picked up the phone and recognized Buffy's voice instantly. "Hi!" he said happily. "How's my favorite girl?" "I just dodged a bullet and need some help." she said. "Anything I can do?" he asked. "As a matter of fact, there is ... maybe." She launched into an explanation of the idea she had for the Pledges of Delta Chi Epsilon. When she was done there was silence from the other end of the line. "Clint?" she said. 'I'm here." he chuckled. "I'm just trying to figure...

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Bent over and Punished A Nyasia Story

“HHMMM HMHPH HMMM” were the lovely sounds his naked brown skinned slave girl was making as he led her out of the ‘playroom’. She was almost entirely silenced, with a large volume, mouth filling, bulbous panel gag, strapped tight and padlocked around her head.She was visibly uncomfortable as her master grasped her tightly handcuffed wrists and pushed her down the long hallway, past the other slave girls he had working for him as captive ‘maids’. Uncomfortable because of their sympathetic and in...

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It Happened That Summer

My name is sanyam (name changed) and this story is between me and my sexy cousin sister Priya (name changed) who is 1 month younger than me. I am a guy with height 6 feet and have a cock of size 8”. Any young girl or lady who needs satisfaction may contact me with my e-mail address given at the end of the story. Priya is a modern hot girl of height 5 feet 8” and her size is 34-36-34d. She has a nice pair of round boobs with pink nipples which can make anyone die for her. Now not wasting time...

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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 03

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. In the interest of full disclosure there are a couple of things that you should keep in mind when you read on. I started this with the initial...

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Dead Rosed

I haven't been able to sleep lately. I started a new shift at work, and it seems like the world is always asleep, while I'm awake at crazy hours, working hard to afford the life I want us to live. I never wanted her to feel like I didn't care about her needs, because I do. I guess I just have trouble exspressing how I feel sometimes. But i do it all for her. I do it all for us. She says I don't try hard enough to make time for her. She says that I concern myself too much with money, and the...

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Arrived home Too Early

I had only been working for a year or so & was still living at home with my mom & stepdad (Who I didn't get on with). I had told mom I wouldn't be home until after dinner. But ended up finishing work at lunch time. After I got off the bus & walked home, I got home to see my Stepdad's car wasn't there, I could actually talk to mom alone. When I walked in the house was quite, so I thought mom was having a nap. But no, she wasn't having a nap, she was lying on their bed legs spread...

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My Very First

She was older then me but younger then my mother by some years through still very attractive. We were staanding in my apartment as I hung up her coat... this guy from work dared me to ask her if she wanted to go home with me and to my surprise she accepted.I was 22 nd still a virgin. I mean I had never been joined to a woman though I'd seen plenty of naked women in mags, movies and strip clubs but I had yet to enter one.We had a beer which loosened me up some but I was still very nervous and...

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Shadow and LightChapter 25

The Pit, Vampire Temple, Beneath New York, 20 Minutes Later At the bottom of the pit, Max limply lay on his back and surrounded by inch deep water. Normally a fall like that would have broken every bone in his body, it should have outright killed him, but instead he was more or less intact. Aside from the water moving back and forth against him and moved his limbs with the gentle flow, other than that he was completely motionless. The only light shone down from the opening high above he was...

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Teaching My Boss a Lesson

Jessica, or Jess to her friends had just graduated from college. She was a wide-eyed optimistic twenty-something determined to change the world. She was not as na?ve as everyone thought, even had a little bit of a dark side that she hid very well. She was about 5'6", average build with long dancer's legs, blue eyes and long straight dark hair that was the envy of all of her friends. The only job she could find in the job market when she graduated was a glorified intern on a senator's r...

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