Pebble BeachChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 25
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The following morning after breakfast we trundled off to see the new store. The building was old but in good condition, there was some evidence of modernisation present.
After we had taken a good look at the place I asked to see the books. The accountant brought out the last two years ledgers.
"Here you are Mr Taylor, the last two years. I think you will find them in order, we have an audit every six months, there has been a 8% growth in sales over the last six months. This is a healthy business if you don't mind my saying so."
I thanked him and started to leaf through the latest ledger, sales were good and all outgoings were up to date. Their bean counter was good at his craft and I felt confident that their claims were genuine.
After I had perused the books I took another walk around on my own. I noted things that would need attention and what would cost us money to fall in line with our other stores.
We had a bit of a parley in the car park, Bruno asked each of us what we thought. I told him that on the financial side it looked healthy, a few things needed to be attended to maintenance wise. It had my vote to go and haggle, Joey pointed out that their checkout system was a bit antiquated and would be one of the first things to need attention.
We all agreed to negotiate so Bruno and I sat down with the owners and after a spirited debate settled on a price. Because we didn't need to look for finance we had a good bargaining chip. The next move was for the legal folk to take care of the conveyancing.
Things moved swiftly when the ink was dry. Ed and Erin set up a small temporary office and began to bring the store in line with the other three. I popped my head in a few times and asked if there was anything I could do to help.
"Thanks Jim, Ed and I seem to have it under control, we both have our own sections worked out and so far things appear to be running smoothly."
Annie and I returned to Pebble Beach and it was damned hard not to show our affections for each other when anyone was around.
The folk of Pebble Beach usually had a get together every second week, this was mainly a social affair, although it gave us the opportunity to discuss issues pertinent to Pebble Beach. The get together this week was at Hattie Marks place. We were all sitting around enjoying a few drinks and consuming the spread that the ladies provided. When out of the blue Sally James posed the question.
"So when are you two going to make it public then?"
Annie and I sat there in stunned silence. Finally Annie got her senses together and replied.
"Jim and I considered it only respectful to hold off for a while. Clarrie has only been dead for a short while and it would seem improper for me to be jumping into bed with Jim. Yes we do have feelings for each other and I'm sure they will amount to something in the future but for the time being we wish to show respect to Clarrie."
"I agree with Annie, she is, as I'm sure you all know a very moral person. In her old country respect for those who have passed is very important. That said, I have very strong feelings for her and when an acceptable time has passed I think you folk will be the first to know, until then we intend to remain 'just friends'.
After a while the get together wound down and we all returned to our homes. As we were walking back Annie held my hand and said, "Thank you Jim I think you put my thoughts on respect perfectly. In my old country we do hold death in a different manner than we do here and it's good you made them aware of that. I'm sure every one of them wants us to be together and I'm sure they understand our reluctance."
We arrived at Annie's door and I gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
"Good night my love, I'll be thinking of you until tomorrow."
Annie returned my peck with a full blooded kiss, "Leave the back door open Jim, I'm not sleeping on my own this night or any other in the near future."
In a short while Annie slipped into the house, "I've transferred my phone to your number so if any busybody decides to ring I won't miss the call."
Devious woman my Annie.
We had a long luxurious shower before slipping between the sheets. We didn't make wild passionate love but just held and cuddled each other, the love flowing between us, it was love and not just the sex that attracted us to each other.
Today was bath day for Rosie. Once a week we pulled out the big zinc tub and filled it with warm water, unlike most animals Rosie loved being bathed. She would step into the tub and I would pour the water over her and then rub the shampoo into her coat. She seemed to go into a trance with an occasional twitch running down her spine. Come the time to get out she showed reluctance, so I just bailed the water out and left her to exit under her own steam. She smelt lovely for a few days but by the weeks end she was starting to smell a little bit musty again.
At the following get together we was told that there was a candidate for Annie's house when she decided to make it public that she wasn't using it at night. You can't win with these old buggers. It seems as though they become more aware of what's happening around them when they get older.
After a quick chat between Annie and me we decided to come out into the open, Annie told them that they were a pack of old busy bodies. We know that their hearts were in the right place but we didn't want anyone to think less of us for being together so close to Clarrie's passing.
"Don't worry about it lass" said Fred Jacobs "We all know how you felt about Clarrie and I think he would be the first to wish you both all the best. You looked after him through his final days and we respect you greatly for what you did for him."
So that was it, Annie moved in with Rosie and me the next day, I think Rosie was tickled pink.
Annie and I soon became comfortable with each other's presence. When the subject of children came up for discussion I made it clear that my mind was open on the matter. If Annie wanted children then I was all for it.
The next morning, when all of the kids returned from their sleeping quarters, accompanied by our local folk. Sister Teresa called for a 'bit of shush'. "Children, the kind folk of Pebble Beach have offered to build the orphanage a large log cabin. They are also providing us with a bus for when we need to come down here. I would like you all to put your hands together and show them our appreciation." There were squeals of joy, "whoopee, wow, great," and much more. I spoke up, "Looks...
Bruno contacted both the TV station and the local rag, asking them to call for volunteers to help us dismantle the café equipment. The response was staggering. There were all the tradesmen needed to legally disconnect services and render the equipment in a safe condition, also the offer to reinstall it when the cabin is completed. A spin off from the call for the volunteers was offers to assist with the completion of the cabin. The owner of a floor covering store Ray Hartley, rang me at home...
We stripped off and stood under the shower heads. When we built the ablution block we decided on communal showers, this put four shower heads in both the male and female blocks. The water was nice and hot, the pressure was good and there was plenty of it. Rosie took to it like a duck takes to water, she stood under the spray and gave that satisfied shiver all down her back. "This is great Jim, the pressure is better here than the shower up at the house." "And we have endless hot water...
Allie and Joey became regular visitors to the beach, Joey took over the role of bus driver. Because Mama had reluctantly given them her approval to sleep together Annie made up the guest room to accommodate them. Allie continued to excel in her accounting course and spent a lot of her free time from college working with Erin and Ed. Along with Joey, the four of them became firm friends and often we would have them all visiting us. This gave me the opportunity to catch up on how the...
I received a phone call from Mama later on in the week, "Jim, Allie told me about her worries, Bruno and I soon put her mind to rest. She's a lovely girl Jim and we are only too happy to have her and Joey together." "Thank you Mama, I told her the same thing, Allie thinks that because she is an orphan that she's worthless, that's not the case at all. I know that both her and Joey will make a great couple." "The only thing we asked of her is that they wait until after she graduates...
Saturday morning Bruno, Joey, Allie, the Sisters and the kids arrived. As soon as the bus stopped the kids were off and over to where the bits for the raft was stacked. "When can we start Mr Jim?" "Well first we must move the pontoons over to the beach kids. If we were to build it here we wouldn't be able to launch it." "I thought we were going to have the raft in the lagoon Mr Jim," a young girl said. "That's right Jennie, we will build it on the beach and then push it into the...
Epilogue Annie and I sit back and survey our little town, it's been a happy journey from when I, as a burnt out bean counter, travelled down that bumpy road to Pebble Beach and saw the woman trying to put up the sign 'house for sale' Rosie is sitting with her head in Annie's lap, a contented look on her face. Annie is snuggled against me. "You look like you're in deep thought Jim." "Yes Annie, I was just thinking how contented I am, I have the love of a special lady, a contented...
This story came to mind just after logging into xhamster to check my mail. I read Pebbles message that suggested "I could read her mind", and I thought "if only she knew in her mind right now that I am admiring her sexy nude beach images again right now and they have me feeling horny".So I sent a message back and kept looking at the sensual nude images. My cock is hard and feeling horny straining inside my pants and ache for another sweet release. So I unzip and pull it out. It stands proud...
Pebbles fantasy finally comes to life.Your fantasy begins with you going out for a night on the town with your girlfriends. Your boyfriend is away with his friends on a camping trip for three days, so you ring around your friends and arrange to go out on Friday night to the club. When you get there you do some dancing and drinking and have lots of fun. You meet two guys Jason and Joel at the club. There is instant chemistry between the 3 of you.Though only in their early 20’s, you first notice...
With Clarrie laid to rest, Annie was a little out of her league for a while. The rest of the villagers were a lot older than both of us and although they tried to help her with her grieving it wasn't enough. She came over to milk Rosie every day and we become fast friends. We would sit and talk, her about her early life in the Philippines and me talking about my job at the supermarket. One day she came over and I was playing the banjo, "I've heard you playing that thing quite often, I...
The next morning the locals arrived with wheel barrows, rakes and shovels. The women folk were setting up trestle tables for refreshments, they decided on a barbeque when the pour was finished. Just after eight o'clock the first truck arrived and it head down and arse up. Mick directed where to dump the barrow loads and as soon as there was enough to start levelling he was in there with a shovel. After he was satisfied that the menfolk were dumping the loads in the right place he told me...
After Alex had rung off I received another call, this time from the editor of the local rag. "Mr Taylor, I was watching the news on television, is it correct that you have donated the log cabin to the Church?" "No Editor, Father Ryan took it upon himself to claim it was a donation. Nothing could be further from the truth, the cabin is being built for the exclusive use of the orphanage; it is on my land and remains my property. There is a covenant on the land title that gives the...
After a visit to the local plumbing supplier we purchase a pump, several fittings and three rolls of black poly pipe, we were set for Ron's part of the installation. Ron arrived early the next morning. "All set Jim?" "Yeah Ron, I was just looking at this poly pipe, there's a hundred metres in each roll. That should give us plenty of hot water when the sun's out." "It's a lot of pipe Jim, you will need to warn the kids that the water will burn them, it gets bloody hot in the...
Mama and Bruno arrived early the next morning, Mama was bubbling over with excitement. "Where is she Jim? I've been on tenterhooks all night, don't keep me waiting any longer." "Whoa there Mama, Allie doesn't know about this yet so let's play it by ear OK?" "Yes, of course Jim, it's just that I'm so excited. Since Joey grew up I've been a bit of a lost soul. The mother instinct in me needs nourishing and I hope this Allison is my salvation." "That's all well and good Mama...
This weekend Bruno and Mama brought the kids over. They hemmed and hawed for a bit, then Mama decided to talk to us. "Annie, Jim ... Bruno and I would like to build a house here, would you mind?" "Mama, I would love to have you for neighbours, you are very welcome to build ... as long as you don't build some great mausoleum. The folks around here, as you well know are old age pensioners and I think that they would feel a little put out if you did." "No Jim we don't want to build...
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IncestWe agree to meet for lunch in a bar in is fresh, but bright and the sun feels good after a period of gloomy weather.I arrive first and find a bench style table in one of the bay windows of the bar.You arrive slowly after looking fantastic in your office outfit of black above the knee dress, jacket, tan hosiery and black calve length boots. Very nice indeed!!I get up to great you and we smile as our eyes meet. I buy you a drink and we return to our table making small talk.I cannot take...
An unfamiliar scent woke Argent from his sound sleep. Sitting up in bed, it took his a moment to recall just where he was. As the events of last night played back in his mind the scent grew fainter. He head the door in the next room close, and footsteps receading down the hallway away from his room. He opened the bedroom door, and found that there had indeed been someone in the room, and they had left something behind. A large covered tray was on the table nearby, and what looked to be shirt...
Hi all, This is prasanth age 30, height 5.11″. An average physique with 6 inches tool. This is my first story in indian sex stories dot net and the only incident happened in my life. This incident happened 3 years before. It’s a real story. Kindly send your feedback on At that time I am married for 2 years . My wife is beautiful and caring. She is fat. That’s the only thing my mind diverted from her. Because I couldn’t do many poses in sex. I always dreamed to fuck in many poses which I have...
IncestHi! This is my first story here. I am 20 currently and have had my share of sexual experiences but I was unsure what of sharing first so I decided to start with this panty-wetting sex story incident that happened with me while I was in school. I was 18 years old when this happened. I have always had a curvy body, not too fat but not thin also. I was a waist 30 with 36D cup size, 5″7 tall, fair complexion with light brown eyes and waist length hair. My boyfriend was 6 foot tall with an athletic...
Introduction: William James loves his games. Now that a stranger online is giving him a chance to get exclusive items, what is William willing to do for the stranger in return? Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series....
"I'm so goddamn sick and tired of it all, I don't know if I can keep going," said Velvet in disgust. She lounged back in the metal chair, her long legs resting over the edge of the coffee- stained table. She sipped at the bitter coffee and wished for more sugar. She wished for more everything. "I know what you mean," said Tony Sims. He shook his head. "I'm good and they won't give me anything important. Why'd we spend all that time in college?" "Beats me," she said. Her mind...
I am Ravi Kumar, a regular reader of Incest Stories. I wish to share my experience with all of the readers. Now I am living in Coorg (Madikeri, a hilly village in Karnataka State, India) & running a small hotel with my wife, 3 kids and my grandma. I had been paved in my mother’s womb as a result of cheating of a guy to my mother. I studied up to 12th Std. I am 6 feet height and a strong & perfect guy and my mother was just 4 feet 8 inches height and a very cute, white skinny lady. My mother had...