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My name is Claudia and I am a single parent raising two children up in Lancaster. The city is a medium sized one, around a 75,000 people or so, in what is known as the high desert area about 60 miles north of Los Angeles. My daughter Jesse is 16 and growing into a beautiful young woman and my son Scott just turned 14 and is the typical teenage boy, interested in nothing but sports and girls. It is mid-summer in Lancaster and as such it doesn't get dark until around nine. I was standing at the sink washing the dinner dishes and watching the sun go down over the foothills when I heard the kids screaming, not out of fear but with joy so I dried off and walked into the living room to see what all the shouting was all about and saw that they were engrossed in something they euphemistically called 'singing' on MTV. "Alright you two, time to get ready for bed. I want both of you in the sack, lights out by ten so you had better get going."

As they raced off down the hallway to their room and I picked up the channel changer and tuned to a Lifetime Movies for Women and sat down and took another sip of my wine. They were really good kids I thought, I was lucky to have them. It had been another long day at work and I didn't get off until after six, then it was home to feed the kids. I lay back on the couch and closed my eyes and that's the last thing I remember until I felt a hand over my mouth. My eyes jerked open and there was a man standing beside me in an orange jumpsuit with blood trickling down his left arm and a gun in his right hand. I tried to talk, to scream actually, but he held his hand over my mouth and slowly shook his head and said, 'NO'.

"If you scream or make any sound at all I'll kill you, do you understand me?"

I nodded my head yes.

"That's very good, now I'm going to take my hand off your mouth, so remember no noise."

Again I shook my head so he knew I understood him.

What's you name?"

"Cla... Claudia."

"Alright Claudia, who else is in the house?"

"Uh, no one, it's just me." He slapped me across the face so hard that I thought my head was going to come off.

"Look Claudia, don't fuck with me, I'm not in the mood. I came in through your unlocked kitchen door, you really ought to be more careful Claudia, and anyway there were three plates in your drying rack. Now I don't think that a pretty lady such as yourself would have used three plates so tell me who's in the fucking house?"

"My son and daughter."

"No husband? Where's he at?"

"I'm divorced."

"For your sake I hope you're telling the truth this time Claudia, I really do. Now let's go get the kids up and out here with us. Oh, and don't worry about the phones, I've already cut your lines."

"Can't you just leave the children alone, let them sleep? I'll do anything you want, give you anything I have, but please leave my kids alone."

"Sorry Claudia but I need them out here with me so I can watch them — and control you. As you probably have guessed I escaped from a prison work detail and I need a place to hang out for a while, at least until I can contact my partner and get her up here to pick me up, so you and your family are stuck with me for a while. Now let's go."

We walked down the hallway his gun prodding me in the back, urging me forward. I stopped in Jesse's' room first and gently shook her awake.

"Huh... what... mom?"

"Come on honey, we have to go out to the living room." She sat up in bed and saw the man standing behind me.

"Who's... who's he mom?"

"Never mind honey, it will be alright just come with me."

The three of us walked into Scott's room and I woke him too. "Scott honey, come on with me and your sister."

"Mom, wha... who's that?" He said pointing to the convict.

"Don't worry honey we just have to go into the living room with him." The three of us walked down the hallway, trailed by the man, and went into the living room. Jesse was wearing her normal shorty nightgown while Scott was wearing just Jockey shorts. I could tell that the children were scared and nervous; Jesse curled up in a ball in one corner of the couch while Scott sat with his legs under him, his hands trying to cover up his nakedness. The three of us sat down on the couch while the stranger towered over us.

"That's good kids, you just do what your mother says and no one is going to get hurt. He turned to each child and asked their name and age and they told him.

"Alright. Now who has cell phones? Come on raise your hands."

The kids looked at me and I slowly raised my hand, then Jesse did too.

"Good. Scott you go gather up your mother's and sister's phones and bring them back to me. Go on, get!"

Scott left trotting down the hallway towards his sister's room.

"Now for you Jesse, can you cook?"

"A little."

"Good, then your job is to go into the kitchen and make me something to eat. Bacon and eggs would be fine. Can you do that honey?"

She nodded her head. "Yea... I think so."

"Alright, then get going and remember honey I have a gun pointed at your mother's head so don't do anything stupid or she ends up with no face."

Jesse stood up, pulled her nighte down as far as possible and shuffled off to the kitchen. She never took her eyes off of us until she disappeared into the kitchen.

Scott returned with the cell phones and handed them to the man and then came over and sat beside me.

"That's a good job boy. Claudia do you have a first aid kit in the house?"

"Yes, in the linen closet."

"Any chance you have some men's clothes left around?"

"There are some sweats my ex left after our divorce; I can get them for you."

"No way, I don't want you out of my sight, where are they?"

"On the top shelf of my closet."

"Alright, Scott you get them and then the first aid kit. Go on, get going boy!"

The man took his shoes off then stood up and shucked out of his jumpsuit. All he was wearing just a pair of worn boxer shorts. Scott came back into the living room carrying the sweats and first aid kit. He handed them to the man and he took them then tossed the first aid kit to me and put the sweats on the floor beside the chair. "Claudia, come over here and fix my arm." It was only a superficial wound apparently caused when he ran into a barb wire fence. Just about the time I finished bandaging his arm Jesse came into the living room with his food. He sat down in the big armchair, in his underwear, and turned to face us.

"OK everyone here's the deal. My name is Bristol and I need to eat and then rest while I wait for my partner. I don't think that she can possible get up here before two or three so it looks like we'll be a family for a little while. If you don't give me any problems or any shit everything will be just fine, does everyone understand?

We all nodded our heads yes.

Bristol picked up the cell phones and took the batteries out of mind then tossed it onto the table. He opened Jesse's and made one short call saying nothing but his name and giving our address and then saying 'fine' and hanging up.

"OK that's taken care of, now the three of you just sit there quietly while I eat."

We watched Bristol wolf down the bacon and eggs and a glass of OJ and I decided that he wouldn't hurt us if we just cooperated with him. I motioned to Scott and Jesse to sit quietly and the three of us sat there nervously and waited. Finally he finished eating and handed the plate and glass to Jesse and she took it out to the kitchen then returned to sit beside me.

Bristol looked at the three of us and a smirk formed on his face. He looked over at my daughter. "You know something Jesse; you're a very attractive girl. Are you still a virgin?"

Whoops, that was it! That was too much for me and definitely out of line. I jumped up, "Look Mr. Bristol, you leave my kids alone. I told you I'll do what ever you want but just leave my kids out of this!"

Laughing he pointed the gun right between my eyes. "Claudia, Claudia, you'll do what ever I want anyway, so sit down and shut the fuck up. Now Jesse, answer my fucking question." The barrel of the gun swung Jesse's way

Jesse's' eyes darted over to me and then down to the floor. "Uh... no, no I'm not."

My head swiveled around to face my daughter. "What!" I screamed at her. "What do you mean you're not a virgin? Who the hell have you been with?"

Tears formed in her eyes and she began to sniffle. "Bradley mom. I'm sorry it just sort of happened."

Bradley was Jesse's current boyfriend de jour and the son of one of my best friends. "Oh my God Jesse, oh my God, how could you?"

Jesse began to sob in earnest and she grabbed me around the waist. "Momma I'm sorry, really I am."

Bristol began to laugh. "Well, well that just goes to show ya that mom's don't always know everything. How about you boy, you still a virgin?"

Scott looked defiantly at the man then slowly nodded his head yes.

"OK, your turn mom. You have a steady boyfriend?"


"Hummm, I guess you don't get screwed much then?"

I didn't even dignify him with an answer.

"Well?" He pointed the gun towards Jesse.

"No, I don't have the time for such things, I'm busy working and trying to raise a family."

"So you don't you like sex then? Is that why your husband left you, no sex drive?"

"The bastard didn't leave me I threw his ass out and it isn't true, I have as big a sex drive as any other mother of two, it's just that I really don't have the time for that and besides I'm trying to set a good example for my children although apparently that isn't working either."

"I see no time, no energy and setting an example for the kids, Christ your pussy ought to be as tight as a drum. Say, I've got an idea, how about a little show for me and the kids, after all I've been locked up for over a year now and just the thought of a naked woman turns me on. And as for the example, well it appears that Jesse didn't catch on and maybe Scott needs some visuals to help him along so why don't you stand up and give us a little show."

"No, God damn it, I will not! Not in front of my children!"

"Ok bitch, that's fine with me. Come here Jesse, I think you'll put on a better show anyway."

"MOMMA!" Jesse screamed and held on to me tightly.

"Alright Bristol, just leave her alone, I'll do it."

"Now that's what I wanted to hear, so come over here and let me have a look at you."

Jesse still held on to me tightly, "No momma, don't do it.

"It's alright honey, I'll be fine." I got off the couch and walked over to his chair and just stood there while his eyes scanned my whole body. Finally he rose up and ran a hand through my hair, down across my face and over my breast. I shivered with a combination of fear and contempt.

"Not to bad Claudia, not bad at all. How old are you?"


"Jesus you really look good for your age, now take off your blouse."

I turned and look at my children. Scott was looking down into his lap, his eyes avoiding the situation and Jesse was just starring at the wall behind me. I turned back to face Bristol, took a deep breath and reached up and unbuttoned my blouse and when I got to the last button I pulled the blouse out from my skirt and off my shoulder and dropped it onto the floor. I was tremendously embarrassed at standing in front of my kids half naked and I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

"Very nice Claudia. What's your bra size?"


"Give it to me."

I shut my eyes tightly and reached behind me and unsnapped my bra and shucked it off my shoulders and tossed it onto his lap.

"Wow! Those puppies stand out right nice Claudia. It's a real shame that they're not getting any attention"

"OK Bristol, you got your jollies, now can I cover up?"

"Oh Claudia you didn't pay any attention to me at all, the fun is just getting started. Jesse get your ass over here and stand behind your mother."

I turned my head and nodded to her that it was alright. She reluctantly got off the couch and walk up behind me. Her hands were shaking, mostly from fear I guessed. I patted her on the head and whispered. "It will be alright honey, just do what he tells you."

Bristol laughed again, "Yea it will be just fine honey, now get down on your knees and take off your mom's skirt."

Jesse dropped onto her knees and then with trembling hands reached up and unzipped my skirt and slid it over my hips and down my legs until it puddled at my feet. I lifted each of my feet and she took off my skirt and carefully folded it and laid it on the floor.

"Very good Jesse, now take off her panty hose too."

"Momma do I have too?"

"Yes honey, do what he says." I felt her tiny fingers shaking as they hooked inside my waistband and pulled my pantyhose down to my ankles. She sat on down her butt and unlaced my shoes then gently took them off. Once she had my shoes off Jesse pulled my hose off my feet and just sat there with tears streaming down her cheeks. I was mortified, here I was standing there in front of this stranger and my two children in nothing but a pair of cotton panties.

"Turn around Claudia; I want to see all of you."

I covered my breasts with my arms and did a 360 twirl and stopped.

"Jesus Christ Claudia I said I wanted to see all of you, so drop your fucking arms."

I did as he asked but I stood stock still, trembling with the fear of what he was going to ask me do next.

"Alright Claudia now for the grand finale, I want you to face me, bend over at the waist and slowly pull down your panties. Do you understand what I want?"

"Yes." I turned around and looked at my son, sitting on the couch his face impassive but I knew he had to be damn scared too. I shrugged my shoulders and mouthed the words "I'm sorry' to him then turned around and bent over and started too pull down my panties. I knew what Bristol wanted to happen because I used to tease my husband in exactly the same way. Bent over, slowly revealing my ass, then the little brown puckered hole then slowly my labia would come into Scott's view and bent over in this position he would have a perfect view of my pussy. I finished and looked up at Bristol, "Can I stand up now?"

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Gretchen Lovewell 1

It all started with my husband Richard’s crazy idea for a family Christmas photo. He fancies himself as a photographer – he has a lot of equipment, anyway – and for some reason, he wanted to get a photo of us in running gear. I’m a serious runner, I qualified for and ran the Boston Marathon, whereas Richard is a modest runner and only does the occasional 5k. But he’s always been proud of my athletic prowess.I’m Gretchen Lovewell, 26 years old, and just out of law school. I’m a new associate in...

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Kaamwali Ki Chut Fadi Maine Apne Ghar Par Jam Kar Choda

Hello friends, mera naam Amit Sharma hai mai up meerut se hu mai joob karta hu or mere lund ka size 7″ inc or 4″ mota hai ye meri sachi chudai story hai ak ak shabd sacha hai. Ab boor na karte huye ab mai storry par ata hu ak din ki baat hai mai apne office ka holiday tha mai apne ghar par hi tha mere mummy papa or bhai ghar se bhar gaye the do din k leye Mai ghar par akela tha hamare yaha ak kaam karne wali ate thi uska naam geeta hai or uski umar 20 saal ki thi dekhne me bahut sunder thi koye...

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Part 2 Mandy is deflowered

The time finally came! Mandy was 18 and she was kind of chubby, what you may call a nerd girl as she never dated but spent her time studying to get in to a larger college. Mandy had full firm breats and her ass was firm and round. She was a very pretty girl and when she was naked her body fit her frame and she was very attractive. I bought a few tickets to aconcert for all her parents had done for me and the night they were to go would be the night I planned to deflower their cute...

2 years ago
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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 10

As soon as her architectural practice began to take off, Helen had recognized the need for an office staff that could support her design work and keep things going while she traveled and, after her move to Cap d'Agde, provide a Paris location for her consulting business. She had looked for an office for some time, but wasn't satisfied either with dingy quarters near Montparnasse or elegant offices on the Right Bank. It didn't seem to matter where they were, they were all expensive. And she...

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Island of Incest

This story will have a plot. The choices you make will determen whether or not you live or die, stay or leave. So, if living on an island is not for you, then you can leave. In the story you can either choose to be one of the sisters, a crew member, or the brother. They, and their mom are wrecked on an island somewere in the northern caribean, off the coast of florida. They can either choose to colonise the island or escape it. If you want to stay choose the "stay" option. If you want to leave...

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Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 19 September 14th 1918

There was a small patch of dirt that Toha stood by as his eyes were closed. Ariadne stood by him. Her towering figure was dwarfing his height as she stood with her hands to her hips. “Close your eyes, my love,” Ariadne told him. Toha closed his eyes. “Now ... I want you to focus on the patch of dirt you were looking at. Lift up your hand towards that dirt. Picture it in your mind as it moves.” It was the next day of the grasslands of Oklahoma. The beautiful day was marked with clear...

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Jack chapter 6

Here is new chapter but those who havent read previous chapters please do so. Positive comments are appreciated as well as new ideas. Story: I woke early the next morning and slid out of bed to make coffee. Tina had to work today and had to be in early so I figured that since I was up I would treat her to a nice breakfast. I had had my first cup of coffee and read the paper when I heard her get up and go into the bathroom. I took a cup of coffee made the way she likes it and walked to the...

2 years ago
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The Love Monk or Zen in the BedroomChapter 9

When they recovered from the orgy, the dyke night manager was standing by the bed, her clothes opened, one hand twisting a nipple while the other was shoving fingers quickly into her pussy until her whole big body was rocked by orgasm. "Hi Jeanette," said SHE, her body embedded in the pile of bodies. "What brings you here?" "People have been complaining," explained Jeannette, putting her clothes back together, her face beat red from a combination of embarrassment and intense orgasm,...

4 years ago
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Cellphone slave pt 7

Some nights were more miserable than others. The heat in the dorm only abated slightly at nights. The flimsy shades did little to keep out the powerful orange floodlights outside. Amaya had brought her pillow from home but it didn’t make up for the hardness of her university issued bed. sleeping was a constant struggle.Then there was the complication of Amaya’s roommate, Helen. During the week, Helen would arrive late at night, waking Amaya up from whatever hard fought sleep she had managed to...

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Gloryhole visit

I see myself as heterosexual with the occasional need to play with a cock. I got into swinging in the mid 1990s and I love watching and joining couples fucking. At some of these parties in the 1990s I did watch guys playing with each other, but never really thought about joining in. Then there were a few occasions when I was taking part in a threesome when I was asked to help guide a guy’s cock into the woman and I didn’t hesitate in holding the cock, and in some cases having my cock guided in...

1 year ago
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How Big Are My Balls

Some may be asking ,"How big are your balls for real?" Well im very good at math and after many hours of calculations here is the stats on my big huge balls... Following Measurments for one testical only..unless stated. Height : 3" inches Width : 2" inches Depth : 2 1/2" inches Volume of one testical : 7.8569 cubic inches volume of both testicals ; 15.7138 cubic inches Volume in mililiters of one testical : 128.75316 ML Mililiters to fluid onces of one testical ; 4.3536623 oz fl Total volume of...

3 years ago
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Preparing a Friend for her Husband

You told me he likes to have his mates for you meet in the nude. So we can do one of two things. He can get a room for you for my sexual work, or he can bring you to me and survey my place and leave. Once you are ready I will bring you to him for his pleasure. You WILL be more than ready, and from what you tell me he will enjoy. You will drink at least two liters of water on the way to my place. Don’t think of releasing, I will be the one for that to decide. When he delivers you, I will...

3 years ago
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Virgin Dost Ko Resort Mein

Mein hyderabad se hoon ,kareeb 22 ke kareeb aur ek average person hoon. Yeah baat kuch mahino pehele ki jab meri doast hyderabad choad ke gowahti hamesha ke liye jaa rahi thee. Uska naam chetana hai aur aapko bata doon woh bahot hi sexy hai height mein thodi choti lekin boobs ekdum tarbooj ki tarah jinhe dekhte hi khaane ka man karta hai, agar koi uski ass dekh le toh use maslne ka jee karle aur lund toh shaant hone ka naam na le. Toh baat aise hui chetana is sehar mein nayi nayi aayi aur uske...

2 years ago
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The Lure of Babysitter UndiesChapter 3

Poor Tony’s revenge-driven spouse Roxy didn’t mind that he was screwing the brigade of babysitter’s that substituted for her when she was on the continuous road-trips that her business demanded if they were to make the income necessary for their current lifestyle. The thing that bothered her was that the middle-aged bitch of a neighbor from next door had been coming over in her absence to supposedly “borrow sugar” from her husband and stop long enough to give him a glorious blow-job in the...

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False SignsChapter 3

Whitaker looked at the file Taylor handed back, and waited. “And?” she said, when he didn’t say anything else. “And, ‘yes, ‘ you guys made a mistake.” “What exactly did we make a mistake on?” “When you jumped to the conclusion that this was terrorism related.” “Ohh, and you think someone blowing up a government building was, what, an accident?” “I don’t know why the building blew up, yet, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t of a terrorist origination.” “Let me guess, Islam is a religion of...

2 years ago
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My husband let me fulfill our fantasies but I dont

When I met my husband I was very sly, and not to talkative to the other sex. So my girlfriends were shocked when I got engaged to a very handsome man I met in the park a year ago. I was running beside the duck pond, when he went for the football past running into me knocking me into the pond. Ya maybe it was a different way to meet the man you end up married too. I wasn't a virgin when we married, but he was the first man I wanted to make love too. All I will say about the first man was to say,...

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California Zephyr Ch 03

Train 5, Car 0535, Bedroom E [I had never experienced such an emotional involvement with my research before. Therefore, parts of this are written in the first person. – Richard ___________, PhD formerly with the University of _______________.] On the evening that Karen had left Galesburg, she sat in her sleeping car compartment for awhile with the lights off, watching night fall over Iowa. She enjoyed the sight of glowing farm kitchens, a farmer working on his truck, children playing on a...

1 year ago
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Just One Kiss

“In the six years we’ve known each other we’ve never once tried to get it on.” Luke absently stroked Jade’s long dark hair, his fingers combing through the strands. She lay with her head on his lap and her legs extended along the length of the couch. “Why’s that, do you think?” The sound of cheering drifted from the game show playing on the television and empty dishes from their takeout dinner littered the coffee table. The drapes were closed, a lamp on the side table throwing a wide arc of...

Quickie Sex
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My Neighbors

My wife and I were going on vacation and we had asked the neighbors daughter to look after our cat and get the mail in for us. My wife and I are in our low thirties and Katie, our neighbors daughter, is a sophomore in college. Three days before we were to leave, she came over to see where things were at. My wife was still at work, working over to get caught up, when Katie came over.Katie apologized for being in her bikini but said she had been sunbathing. Beads of sweat were running down into...

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Wie jedes Jahr fuhren die zehnten Klassen der öffentlichen Realschule nacheinander ins Skilager nach Inzell. Wir wollen heuer die 10b bei ihrer Reise begleiten. Insgesamt 23 Schüler werden von zwei Lehrern begleitet und freuen sich schon riesig aufs Skifahren. Bis auf Klaus. Klaus ist seit vier Wochen mit Sarah aus der 10c zusammen und will lieber bei ihr sein, als zur Skifreizeit fahren zu müssen. Aber nichts half, am Tag der Abreise hatte er entgegen seiner Hoffnung kein Fieber, keinen Hals-,...

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Wendys intimate night of lust

*** The sequel to " Wendy's night of lust " please read that first ***It's now been a couple of years since Wendy started her own business venture as a strippagram. Although that business now booming especially given her one customer guarantee which she set from the beginning, FULL STRIP GUARANTEED!!!! Meaning no matter what gear she started in like a slinky evening dress, sexy pvc outfit basically any outfit requested by her clients, she always ended up COMPLETELY NAKED everytime! She felt...

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Felicity Ch 04

Chapter 04: First Kiss Trouble ‘Excuse me miss, ‘ I said. I had approached a beautiful lady, a tall redhead, slim, with freckles, and green eyes. Exactly the type of woman my dad warned me against. We were at a political reception for our Senator. ‘I was wondering and hoping if I could have a kiss?’ ‘What?’ ‘A kiss. Nothing out of the ordinary, I seem to need one from you very badly.’ ‘Why do you want a kiss from me?’ ‘I am assuming witchcraft on your part.’ ‘So now you are calling me a...

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         "Where are we going?" asks Rose. Two years is a long time to get used to someone who kidnapped you but treated you well. Thats somehow what rose felt: Comfort around him because of the way he treated her. Always giving her what she wants, keepin her in good shape. But never letting her out of his sight for even one minute. He was always afraid she'll run away.          "To a club," replies William. His icy blue eyes meet her green ones. She grimaces. Somehow she knew this was the...

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A Dirty Wish Part 2

Mr. Larkin, the general manager of the company's west coast division, was annoyed. Normally, his was a quiet and orderly department, everyone doing their jobs with little fuss or bother but the last two weeks had been abuzz with whisperings and suppressed giggles and then this morning an outright shouting match between one of his employees and her assistant had upset the entire office.Susan Blake, his department head, had explained that one of her assistants had been a little out of sorts and...

Oral Sex
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Downing Abbey Chapter 2

(Abigail)At some point in every woman’s life, a man’s personality becomes more important than his looks. Whether it’s by choice or by circumstance, it’s the concept that still makes life-long unions possible, and what some consider true love. It signifies the kind of maturity that you and your partner benefit from for the rest of your lives.And Lucas Brimstone made it glaringly obvious that I was not at that point yet.I sat down beneath a declining willow, unpacking a familiar lunch of turkey...

Straight Sex

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