Pebble BeachChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 25
- 0
We stripped off and stood under the shower heads. When we built the ablution block we decided on communal showers, this put four shower heads in both the male and female blocks.
The water was nice and hot, the pressure was good and there was plenty of it. Rosie took to it like a duck takes to water, she stood under the spray and gave that satisfied shiver all down her back.
"This is great Jim, the pressure is better here than the shower up at the house."
"And we have endless hot water as well love, just look at Rosie, I bet she thinks she's in paradise."
"Well she certainly not complaining, wonder what will happen when the water is turned off?"
"I'm nearly finished Annie, give me a hand to scrub Rosie and then we will find out."
Annie helped me clean Rosie up and then we shut the water off. Rosie did her usual ritual, she just stood there enjoying the moment. We dried ourselves off and then rubbed Rosie dry with an old towel.
Back in the house we decided on a light tea as we had eaten the picnic bag after our swim. We then sat on the front porch with a couple of home brews, Rosie nuzzled up for her scratch and tickle, "Gee Rosie you smell of roses," laughed Annie. It was a peaceful, relaxed moment.
On the Tuesday Annie and I collected Allie, we went to the local college and enrolled her for the coming semester. With her book list in hand we visited the college book shop and bought the required material. As it was close to lunch time Annie suggested we go for a counter lunch at the local pub.
Allie and Annie got on famously, they chattered away during the meal, I don't know how people can let words get between them and their food. The 'T' bone steak was perfection, a nice salad and chips, it couldn't be much better.
After lunch Annie took Allie shopping for some clothes to wear for college. Allie was protesting but Annie wouldn't have any of it.
"Allie please let me do this for you, I want you to look your best when you start classes. If you are well dressed you will feel more confident and believe me, you will need all the confidence you can muster on that 'first' day; so lets start buying."
I decide that while they were shopping I would drop in and see Erin and Ed. We had an enjoyable hour, they brought me up to date with the latest happenings and showed me a few update to the computer code. The updates were mainly for the new cash registers we had bought in, all the stores had the same equipment now so programming the code was much more simpler.
I told them about Allie and suggested they invite her in and give her an insight on our system and what to expect when she graduates. They both agreed it was a good idea and they would contact her to make the arrangements.
I picked the girls up at our prearranged place, they were loaded down with packages, both of them were on a high that women can only get from 'retail therapy'
Allie was brimming over with excitement, "Jim, please don't get mad at Annie for buying me all these clothes, I just couldn't stop her."
"Allie, what Annie spends is nothing to do with me, she is her own woman. I'm just lucky she want's to be around me."
We headed off back to Bruno's house, with me telling Allie to expect a call from either Erin or Ed, inviting her to acquaint herself with our accounts department.
"I'll be looking forward to that Jim, although I've worked on the orphanage books, something this size will be a great experience."
Agnes White was Pebble Beach's oldest resident, pushing close to ninety Agnes was still as sharp as a tack. Laurie, her husband had passed on before I had bought the house. We were talking one afternoon when she confided in me
"Jim, my mind is as clear and active as it was twenty years ago but unfortunately the body isn't. I'm afraid that I won't be able to cope on my own much longer, that means going into a nursing home. They are terrible places Jim, full of old doddering vegetables, I don't want to go but there's no other option."
"Can't any of the ladies here assist you Agnes? I'm sure if you asked they would be only too happy to help you."
"They already do Jim, what worries me is being on my own, if anything happened to me I'd be in real trouble. I can't expect them to be there for me all of the time, they have their own lives to live."
"I know that Annie and I will miss you if you decide to go Agnes, I hope that it isn't soon though."
"I will miss Pebble Beach and all my friends Jim, I'm going to hang on as long as I can though."
I told Annie of our conversation and she assured me she would take extra time in keeping an eye on Agnes. "I can understand how she feels Jim, she was one of the first residents to set up here. Laurie and Ned were close friends.
The following weekend Joey drove the bus over with the kids, Allie was with him and they were almost stuck together. With the kids and all their gear was unloaded, Joey asked if would be OK to stay with Annie and I.
"Joey, you know that you are always welcome here, what about Allie?"
"Allie is sleeping in the cabin Jim, we are getting on great but I have had it made quite clear to me that there will be no hanky panky."
"Sounds like a sensible young lady Joey, I hope that you respect that."
"Mama and Dad would have my head if I stepped out of line, they made it quite clear when they accepted Allie into our home that every thing between us had to be over and above board or I would be looking for a new place to live."
The small motor home that I rented was more than adequate for my needs. It had a small shower recess with a portapotti which saved leaving the van for the necessaries. A microwave oven, a cook top and a small fridge. It wasn't a speedy machine but I wasn't in any hurry to get there, no destination, no fixed abode, at least while I was on holiday. For the first few days I just bummed around getting used to the way things handled. I parked in van parks overnight and spoke to other folk who...
The next morning, when all of the kids returned from their sleeping quarters, accompanied by our local folk. Sister Teresa called for a 'bit of shush'. "Children, the kind folk of Pebble Beach have offered to build the orphanage a large log cabin. They are also providing us with a bus for when we need to come down here. I would like you all to put your hands together and show them our appreciation." There were squeals of joy, "whoopee, wow, great," and much more. I spoke up, "Looks...
Bruno contacted both the TV station and the local rag, asking them to call for volunteers to help us dismantle the café equipment. The response was staggering. There were all the tradesmen needed to legally disconnect services and render the equipment in a safe condition, also the offer to reinstall it when the cabin is completed. A spin off from the call for the volunteers was offers to assist with the completion of the cabin. The owner of a floor covering store Ray Hartley, rang me at home...
Allie and Joey became regular visitors to the beach, Joey took over the role of bus driver. Because Mama had reluctantly given them her approval to sleep together Annie made up the guest room to accommodate them. Allie continued to excel in her accounting course and spent a lot of her free time from college working with Erin and Ed. Along with Joey, the four of them became firm friends and often we would have them all visiting us. This gave me the opportunity to catch up on how the...
I received a phone call from Mama later on in the week, "Jim, Allie told me about her worries, Bruno and I soon put her mind to rest. She's a lovely girl Jim and we are only too happy to have her and Joey together." "Thank you Mama, I told her the same thing, Allie thinks that because she is an orphan that she's worthless, that's not the case at all. I know that both her and Joey will make a great couple." "The only thing we asked of her is that they wait until after she graduates...
Saturday morning Bruno, Joey, Allie, the Sisters and the kids arrived. As soon as the bus stopped the kids were off and over to where the bits for the raft was stacked. "When can we start Mr Jim?" "Well first we must move the pontoons over to the beach kids. If we were to build it here we wouldn't be able to launch it." "I thought we were going to have the raft in the lagoon Mr Jim," a young girl said. "That's right Jennie, we will build it on the beach and then push it into the...
Epilogue Annie and I sit back and survey our little town, it's been a happy journey from when I, as a burnt out bean counter, travelled down that bumpy road to Pebble Beach and saw the woman trying to put up the sign 'house for sale' Rosie is sitting with her head in Annie's lap, a contented look on her face. Annie is snuggled against me. "You look like you're in deep thought Jim." "Yes Annie, I was just thinking how contented I am, I have the love of a special lady, a contented...
This story came to mind just after logging into xhamster to check my mail. I read Pebbles message that suggested "I could read her mind", and I thought "if only she knew in her mind right now that I am admiring her sexy nude beach images again right now and they have me feeling horny".So I sent a message back and kept looking at the sensual nude images. My cock is hard and feeling horny straining inside my pants and ache for another sweet release. So I unzip and pull it out. It stands proud...
Pebbles fantasy finally comes to life.Your fantasy begins with you going out for a night on the town with your girlfriends. Your boyfriend is away with his friends on a camping trip for three days, so you ring around your friends and arrange to go out on Friday night to the club. When you get there you do some dancing and drinking and have lots of fun. You meet two guys Jason and Joel at the club. There is instant chemistry between the 3 of you.Though only in their early 20’s, you first notice...
With Clarrie laid to rest, Annie was a little out of her league for a while. The rest of the villagers were a lot older than both of us and although they tried to help her with her grieving it wasn't enough. She came over to milk Rosie every day and we become fast friends. We would sit and talk, her about her early life in the Philippines and me talking about my job at the supermarket. One day she came over and I was playing the banjo, "I've heard you playing that thing quite often, I...
The next morning the locals arrived with wheel barrows, rakes and shovels. The women folk were setting up trestle tables for refreshments, they decided on a barbeque when the pour was finished. Just after eight o'clock the first truck arrived and it head down and arse up. Mick directed where to dump the barrow loads and as soon as there was enough to start levelling he was in there with a shovel. After he was satisfied that the menfolk were dumping the loads in the right place he told me...
After Alex had rung off I received another call, this time from the editor of the local rag. "Mr Taylor, I was watching the news on television, is it correct that you have donated the log cabin to the Church?" "No Editor, Father Ryan took it upon himself to claim it was a donation. Nothing could be further from the truth, the cabin is being built for the exclusive use of the orphanage; it is on my land and remains my property. There is a covenant on the land title that gives the...
After a visit to the local plumbing supplier we purchase a pump, several fittings and three rolls of black poly pipe, we were set for Ron's part of the installation. Ron arrived early the next morning. "All set Jim?" "Yeah Ron, I was just looking at this poly pipe, there's a hundred metres in each roll. That should give us plenty of hot water when the sun's out." "It's a lot of pipe Jim, you will need to warn the kids that the water will burn them, it gets bloody hot in the...
Mama and Bruno arrived early the next morning, Mama was bubbling over with excitement. "Where is she Jim? I've been on tenterhooks all night, don't keep me waiting any longer." "Whoa there Mama, Allie doesn't know about this yet so let's play it by ear OK?" "Yes, of course Jim, it's just that I'm so excited. Since Joey grew up I've been a bit of a lost soul. The mother instinct in me needs nourishing and I hope this Allison is my salvation." "That's all well and good Mama...
This weekend Bruno and Mama brought the kids over. They hemmed and hawed for a bit, then Mama decided to talk to us. "Annie, Jim ... Bruno and I would like to build a house here, would you mind?" "Mama, I would love to have you for neighbours, you are very welcome to build ... as long as you don't build some great mausoleum. The folks around here, as you well know are old age pensioners and I think that they would feel a little put out if you did." "No Jim we don't want to build...
“I can't believe we have less than 24 hours left now,” I said. “I know sis, but it's only for a year and then I'll be back again, but for good,” Mitch replied. I was always relived to hear that. “I know, it still sucks, you are the only family I have and it just sucks,” I said. “Well, don't worry, I'll be sure to come back in one piece,” Mitch replied. “You better, or there will be extreme hell to pay, you got that?” I asked. “Yes sis, and to make matter worse,...
So I'm 24 now and still in the basement despite being an adult for over 6 years now and now matter how hard I make everyone cum around me I'm not getting anywhere.Aside from the personally performed proliferous porn swamping the entire house save the receiving/living room. So as I'm 24 now and still in the basement despite being an adult for over 6 years now and now matter how hard I make everyone cum around me I'm not getting anywhere, Ive decided to allow it all to go public.Aside from the...
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Hi my name is karthik am from hyderabad this is my true story,pl z if u like my stories send ur feedbacks to my yahoo id am 24yr old single guy studying in some college in hyd, and love to live to the fullest. The incident i am telling you today is a real one and happened just few days back.if aunties, gals, wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id , sorry dis is my story if any mistake pl z forgive me ok…. Ye story mere or mere sister ki hai ki kaise maine apni sister ko choda. Or naa sirf...
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Suddenly, such freedom is opened to Tim and Abbie. No longer shackled to public transportation, they have extra time in the morning to begin their day. Time for them to spend on some morning enjoyment. Whether in the bed, bath, or shower. All made possible by now having a car of their own.Neither has ever owned their own car. Tim has his license, thanks to Leslie. When he was sixteen, she taught him to drive using her car and urged him to get a license. She told Tim, congratulating him... is a fucking mystery even to the kind of depraved motherfuckers who would associate with a guy like me. The site has been around for nearly a decade and has had 154,445,334 visitors so far, according to the counter on the front page. You’d never guess that looking from the outside, because it’s hard to tell exactly what the site is all about. Is it hentai, amateur pics, or something else?Today, I’m going to try to straighten out the learning curve when it comes to Xbooru. If you’ve...
Hentai Porn SitesHi to all and this is Vishal from Coimbatore, basically from Kerala. I am a regular reader of this site and now I am narrating my experience not a story. I am 5.3 tall bit fatty guys working for a MNC company. Due to some internal reasons my company transferred me to Coimbatore from Kerala being a bachelor it was very difficult to find accommodation after a long searching. I got an accommodation as a PG and the house was 2 floor building. I have to stay in second floor. I was having a good area...
“You’d really do that?” Todd asked. “You’d give me a blow job if our basketball team wins tonight? And if we lose I will give you $50 right?”“Sure will, if you win that is. A bet is a bet, isn’t it?” Replied Angie. “Fact is I would be willing to give the team a blowjob if they could ever win a game” Angie added. “If you can pull it off tonight I’ll be ready to suck any cock that helps win the game. Oh, and be ready to pay up. Cause a bet is a bet. And I have a feeling I am going to win...
Inside the Ship, Arlene stopped to lean against a bulkhead as she took a sip of her coffee. "There was no need for you to bring coffee with you. I could easily have provided it. As you know, your mother and your sister-wives have furnished me with samples of several foods, although I have not yet been given an example of the food you have brought with you today." The young Queen put her coffee down to open her container. "It's a sweet roll recipe we've altered a little to suit our...
It all began with a letter Charles received on Friday after being home ill for a week with an undiagnosed lower abdominal disturbance. I had a nice chat with your wife Paula, the other day. We both agreed that you need a new direction in your life to help you stop playing this silly role-swapping game. She tells me that she has once again caught you attempting to wear some of her clothes. It is obvious that you cannot make up your mind what you are and how you ...
The first thing I did when I returned to residence from home was to call Stephanie. Nobody answered the phone. I kept on calling every hour and before five o'clock Stephanie answered the phone. I ran over to her residence to meet her for dinner. I saw her in the lobby and we kissed for what seemed like a day before we went to dinner. Stephanie didn't invite me to her room, as Betty was there. We kissed good night and I returned back to my residence. The next day I went to the cafeteria to...