BISHOP free porn video

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This story began one evening when my sister Louise and I were with daddy. He was lying on his back with Lou sitting on his face as he licked her out and me squatting on his cock as I slowly ground myself onto it. We had been fucking each other for about an hour and both Lou and I had cum several times. Lou and I were kissing and our tongues explored each others mouths as we enjoyed daddy pleasuring us.

“I think it’s time for you to cum now daddy,” I murmured as I broke away from Lou’s kiss, “I’m going to suck you off with my pussy muscles” I announced and began to contract and then relax my muscle walls as I rocked a little on daddy’s rigid cock. He felt so good in me but I wanted to feel him cum now and I could tell I was staring to bring him off.

Lou leaned forwards and began to stroke my clit with one hand whilst she reached beneath us to fondle daddy’s balls with the other. “Don’t take it all Ruth, I want to taste daddy’s cum too you know” she grinned at me and shuddered as daddy thrust his tongue deep into her again whilst he began to raise his hips towards me to get as far into me as he could whilst I rode him.

Then, with one great lunge upwards accompanied by a drawn out groan, I felt the first jet of his cum fly into me and I ground down hard on his rigid cock, forcing him to spurt right into the neck of my cervix. He felt so good as usual and I rocked through yet another orgasm as my pussy walls contracted and milked him.

“Ruth!” admonished Lou “you were supposed to let me have some too.”

We grinned at each other and as daddy finished shooting his spunk into me, I eased up off him and we both looked down as I dribbled his fresh cum out of me and onto his glistening cock where it ran down the sides to his balls. Swinging my leg away, I moved over so that Lou could get to his cock and she leaned down to take it in her mouth with a murmured groan of pleasure where she licked and sucked on it to taste the mixture of her fathers cum with her sisters juices.

Daddy’s head had now dropped away from licking her and he lay there catching his breath as I leaned past Lou’s buttocks to kiss him. “Just look at that perfect sight” he said to me as he nodded at Lou’s wet pussy before our faces “Is that the nicest cunt you have ever seen Ruth? Apart from yours of course but you are not allowed to compare yours with your sisters.”

“Daddy,” I sighed “you say that every time, and you say it to Lou when you are both looking at mine.”

“Yes I know princess, but you both know that you have the neatest and sweetest little fuck holes in the country, why else do you think you are so popular with everyone.”

“Well, it could be because you let them all fuck us” quipped Lou over her shoulder as she released his softening cock from her mouth.

“Ah but that is business” he replied “and although there may be an element of truth there the fact still remains that you both have very beautiful and talented holes which so many people give so much to get into. How would you like to use your talents to help another young lady develop her skills like you two?”

Lou and I looked at each other and she reacted to the intrigue in us both by responding “Well daddy, you have gained our interest so tell us more. Who is this young lady? Do we know her? And what do you want us to do with her?”

He sat up between us both and put his arms around us. “Yes you both know her. I’m talking about Charles’ daughter Victoria. You know what a charming little minx she is but Charles wants her to develop from the little innocent girl into a young lady with the commanding charms you two have managed to culture. He has his sights on a rather large business venture with a good deal of money involved and he has indicated some profit for me too if you two can help with Victoria.”

“But Victoria already knows how to use herself,” I chipped in “and Charles has been fucking her for years like you have with us.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” he countered with a hint of impatience in his voice “I know that even though she’s still sixteen she’s no virgin, and I’ve had her myself several times, but with her tender age she has so far played the little innocent conquest and now it is time for her to move her abilities forwards. You are both far more experienced than her and Charles would like you to guide her a little and help her become more of a woman and he has a special target for her to seduce to clinch his business venture. He wants you to make her skilled in a way that she makes someone fall in love with her and become infatuated so that he will agree the business proposition rather than lose her.”

“Alright daddy,” Louise countered “you’ve got our curiosity raised now so that we probably can’t resist, and Victoria looks so tasty with that beautiful long red hair of hers and her slight figure it will be fun but who is this mysterious future lover and how big a business deal is this that Charles is talking about? You’ve got to give us the details.”

He chuckled at this and gave us both a wry smile “I knew you would want to know and I knew it would be you Louise rather than Ruth who would ask first. The deal is very big and involves one of the richest landowners in the area where the caretaker is supposed to be much more celibate than he actually is and Charles has seen the way he looks at Victoria when he visits.”

“Wait a second, when you talk of a caretaker for landowners and you use the term celibate you can’t mean ……….”

“Yes I do. I’m talking of the Bishop. Charles has done his homework here and it seems the Bishop gives a couple of his female priests a little more than spiritual support on occasions and probably a few of his flock as well. The church has several large building projects planned and Charles wants to control the contracts. If he can bait the Bishop with Victoria he is sure to get that but he feels the need to have Victoria be a little more than a virginal teen for the Bishop to seduce. He wants her to get him so infatuated that he will do anything she asks. That’s where your experience will come into play so Charles has invited us around tomorrow afternoon for you to help Victoria get ready but you will need to move fast as the Bishop will be arriving later in the evening and Victoria needs to be ready then. We will stay for dinner and it should be amusing to watch after the Bishop has had a few drinks, especially when Charles adds the odd spike or two into his drinks.”

We arrived shortly after lunch and daddy and Charles directed us to Victoria’s room where she was already waiting for us and greeted us with a rather petulant look as we entered. “I don’t understand why daddy has asked you to show me things. I already know how to screw and I’ve had no complaints so far!”

Lou and I looked at each other and grimaced a little. We had half expected Victoria to react like this as we would probably have done the same at her age when we also felt that the world revolved around our feet, but that is what you get when you have over indulgent fathers.

Lou was first to respond with “Don’t let us fight Victoria. We know you are just as capable as us but your father thought that with our extra years experience we could help you enjoy things more. After all, we have been doing this quite a while so we believe that we should enjoy ourselves as well as please daddy’s guests and friends. So why not indulge us and let’s see if we can give you a few extra ideas on how to enjoy yourself?”

I had to admire Louise’s approach and could see that she had already managed to get Victoria to lower her resistance. We crossed over to her and each took her by the arms, leading her back towards her bed where we sat her down between us. As she sat beside me I reached for her and turning her head towards me I kissed her deeply and gently eased her to lie down on the bed between Lou and me.

I released her and looked down at her. She looked so beautiful with her red hair cascading across the pillow and against her flawless white skin which had a slight smattering of freckles. Her pert little boobs heaved beneath her white t-shirt as she breathed and her flat belly looked so inviting over the belt of her jeans. None of us spoke at first as we all settled to the roles we were about to play and I began to lift her t-shirt up and over her head as Lou unbuckled her jeans and began to slide them free. Soon she was lying between us with a flowery bra and panty set which we then peeled off her leaving her naked.

“Gosh Victoria,” I gasped looking down at her pert breasts with little pink nipples and her neat fiery red bush nestling at the top of her thighs “I knew you were a beauty but never realised just how gorgeous you are. You have such pretty little nipples, you must display them more to your admirers and get them to nibble on them like this” and I leaned down and circled the tip of her nipple with my lips, holding them in a rigid circle as I brushed them over her. Immediately it began to harden and stand proud, ready for my tongue to circle it and for me to suck gently on it as my hand moved over her belly and down to her tightly curled hair over her pussy.

By now, Louise had stripped and she knelt between Victoria’s thighs, inserting her tongue into her slit as I slowly opened it for her with my first and middle fingers. “Now feel this” I murmured to her as I slid my two fingers into her and Lou moved lower to lap at her little ass hole. I moved around inside her a little to allow her to adjust but she was already so wet that I proceeded to the next stage by pushing my finger high into her and flexing them against the front wall of her little cunt to brush against her ‘G’ spot. As I struck home she thrust herself up to meet me in attempt to get more stroking pressure on herself.

“Oh that feels so good,” she groaned “I’m going to cum already if you keep going right there.” I continued to stroke her ‘G’ spot whilst Lou lapped her anus and after just a few minutes I felt her contract around me in her first orgasm. When she had come down a little I said “You see Victoria, there are so many things we can show you. It’s nice to cum with your clit being stroked but you will find a lot of men don’t even know where to find it, let alone use it properly. This little area inside you is perfect for when you are on top facing the man. His cock naturally tends to push upwards so you can manipulate it to rub against you there to make yourself cum.”

“Now Victoria, give me your finger” crooned Louise “and we will pretend it’s a cock and I’ll show you a few things you can do when you are sucking a cock to get the best for yourself and not just give a quick blow job.”

Victoria duly obliged and Lou passed on idea after idea to her by using her finger as a demonstration as I continued to gently bring her off several more times during the afternoon. By the time we had finished she had orgasmed half a dozen times and was a height of sexual tension whilst both Lou and I had to forgo our pleasures and wait ‘till later that evening for our own release.

Finally we had to conclude and we left Victoria having given her a few suggestions about seductive dressing for the evening and we went to our rooms to get ready ourselves.

It was just before eight when Lou and I went down for dinner and we could hear daddy and Charles talking to a third person whom we guessed must be the Bishop. Sure enough it was he and he turned to face us as we entered the room. “Ah,” beamed daddy, “let me introduce my daughters Bishop. This is Louise and this is her younger sister Ruth.”

“Good evening Bishop,” we both responded as we held out our hands to him.

“Oh please let’s not be too formal,” he blustered, lechery embedded across his face “please call me Gregory. What two beautiful young women you have here Michael you should have introduced me years ago.” We smiled as he undressed us with his eyes flitting from Louise with her long black evening gown and low exposed cleavage to me with a shorter clingy green dress which showed the bumps of my nipples through the material.

Charles brought us drinks as the Bishop continued to ogle us and we responded with subtle flicks of the hair and fluttering of our eyelashes to keep him simmering and I glanced down to see a stirring of his cock as it began to thicken at the though of what he might like to do with us.

“Victoria, at last” chipped Charles as she entered the room “we were beginning to think you had abandoned us to dinner without your company.”
“Of course not daddy,” she beamed “I was just trying to make myself presentable for our guests.”

That she had certainly done and I had to admit she looked stunning as she swept into the room. She had followed a couple of the ideas we had offered to her and she wore a white halter neck dress which settled a couple of inches above her knees. It was as clingy as mine and her pert breasts stood proud with the outline of her nipples clearly visible through the material (assisted no doubt with our suggestion of applying a light amount of lipstick to enhance the colour). My gaze moved down to the slight swell of her belly and another visible hint of red through the material as her bush pushed against it, clearly unhindered by underwear. Her outfit was completed with white hold up stockings and deep red pumps presenting the illusion of virginal white with flashes of reds throughout. Perfect colouring for her.

I glanced at Lou and we smiled at each other as we observed the Bishop visibly redden with lust and break out with little beads of perspiration across his forehead and top lip as he moved to greet her and take her hand, his eyes flicking from the bumps of nipple to the hint of pubic hair and he gave a sharp intake of breath as she innocently leaned forward to kiss his cheek in greeting.

“Oh I’m so sorry,” she gasped in feigned embarrassment, “I’m so sorry Bishop, I forgot you were a man of the cloth and I’m just so used to greeting people with a kiss. Please forgive me.” She lowered her head as we had suggested and gave him a ‘Princess Diana” look with upturned eyes which clearly captivated him there and then.

“Of course you are forgiven” blustered the Bishop “I’ve already suggested we drop these silly formalities and you call me Gregory rather than Bishop although so far no one has taken me up on that. Perhaps you will be the first?”

“If it will please you then, Bishop Gregory, I’m more than happy to oblige.”

“My god,” I whispered to Louise, “she’s even better than we expected, maybe she didn’t need our help after all.”

“No, maybe not, and did you catch the bait she threw him about her pleasing him and being happy to oblige him?” she mused with an admiring tone “she might be able to teach us a thing or two!”

During dinner the seating was arranged for maximum effect on the Bishop with Victoria seated opposite him between her father and mine whilst Louise and I sat either side of the Bishop with our chairs almost touching his so that any sideways movement from either of us caused our thighs to touch against his. He frequently reached across both of us in order to either brush his arm against our breasts or to sneak a glance at them but most of his attention was focussed on the sight of Victoria opposite him with her pert nipples being hinted at through her tight white dress.

Both Lou and I giggled and flattered him at every opportunity and made sure we ‘accidentally’ touched his arms or legs as often as possible to heighten his awareness of our feminine presence. Victoria was perfect though and she adopted the ‘Princess Diana look’ we suggested to maximum effect by dropping her gaze in a submissive gesture whilst retaining eye contact and a pursed lip smile towards him.

Both daddy and Charles boosted him by complimenting him on all sorts of ridiculous things, from his business sense in not rushing to complete the contracts they asked him for, to his captivating conversation and as he was so flattered, Charles ensured his wine glass remained charged and it was soon evident that the Bishop was less than fully in control of himself particularly as Charles slipped a couple of ‘additives’ into his drink.

When dinner finished Charles suggested we all take some air in the gardens and, on cue, Victoria asked if she could stay indoors as she felt a little chilly. Needless to say the Bishop took the bait and offered to stay with her to keep her company. We went out into the gardens whilst Victoria led the Bishop into the lounge. It was quite a dark night and we soon had a clear view through the windows where we could watch developments without being seen.

Victoria was seated in a chair next to the fire and the Bishop stood opposite leering at her. With a touch of perfection she reached over to the fire in pretext of putting more wood on but her movement caused her legs to open and even from where we were, her neat red bush was visible and clearly more so from the vantage point of the Bishop. That move in itself probably did the trick but she pretended to be unable to reach the log and rubbed her arms in a feigned attempt to warm herself.

The Bishop moved across and kneeling in front of her he placed the log on the fire and then reached over and hugged her as though to help her keep warm. Once he had his arms around her he lost his fragile control and he clasped her head to kiss her. She in turn kept hold of him and nestled her head into his shoulder as he slid his hand down to fondle her breasts. Having found that she gave no resistance he dropped back onto his haunches and slid his hands up her dress along the outside of her thighs to stroke the cheeks of her buttocks.

She smiled seductively and let her legs drop open a little which gave him enough hint of freedom to press on and he did so by raising her dress to her waist and nuzzling his face to her pussy where he began to lap and suck on her as she stroked his head. From the look on her face he was clearly performing well and she shifted her gaze towards the window where she knew we would be watching and she stuck her tongue out at us and gave a quirky smile.

As we watched the scene Charles moved behind me and I felt his hand slide up my thighs and his finger slide in me as I backed myself towards him. At my side I could see daddy doing the same with Louise and she reached behind her to stroke his cock which she began slowly pumping as I copied her and did the same with Charles. We both bent forward further at the waist and Charles slid his cock into me as daddy slid his into Louise and we all four stood watching the scene in the room as we silently fucked in the garden.

Meanwhile the Bishop was fumbling with his flies and pulling his cock from his trousers. He rocked backwards as he stroked it and said something to Victoria who smiled back at him and then he got up on his knees, pulled her to the edge of the chair and sank his cock into her. Watching him pump in and out of her whilst still wearing his suit and dog collar started us giggling and we stifled our laughter as we watched the scene.

“I think it’s time we went in and confronted this wayward cleric” whispered Charles to which daddy agreed and they both speeded up their thrusts. Daddy came first in Lou and I heard them both grunt with satisfaction as I felt Charles shoot his thick wad of cum deep up into me. He felt so good and I clenched my pussy muscles to grip him tighter so that I could feel each spurt dousing inside me. As he and daddy slid their cocks back into their trousers we headed back into the house and I could feel the hot trail of sperm dribble down my leg in the cold night air and I knew I wanted more before the evening finished.

As we sneaked into the room Victoria had her legs wrapped behind the Bishops back as he thrust in and out of her. She was caressing her breast with one hand whilst stroking her clit with the other and he was so absorbed he had no idea we had entered until Charles prodded his shoulder. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as scared as he seemed then as his mind suddenly jerked back to where he was and what he was doing and with the realisation that he was fucking a sixteen year old girl in front of her father and three witnesses I thought he was going to have a heart attack.

Blustering and simpering as he attempted to formulate an excuse or an apology he was trying to pull out of Victoria but her clasped legs wouldn’t let him and the more he tried, the more it looked like he was continuing to fuck her in front of us all and the sight was too much for me and I burst out laughing. Once this happened, none of the others could maintain straight faces and they too began to laugh, much to the confusion of the Bishop who flitted his glances from one to the other of us in a mask of complete confusion.

“I do hope, Gregory, that since you have taken the liberty to seduce my daughter you will be certain to complete our business venture and sign the contracts forthwith” said Charles in a voice straining to be firm and it was then that Gregory realised he had been set up and he shrivelled before us like a lost c***d as he nodded his agreement.

I must confess that I felt a little sorry for him and that, combined with my current state of being aroused and wet, caused me to move over to his side where I looked down at his cock still embedded in Victoria. I couldn’t see the length as he was still inside her but the girth looked more than ample as the shaft protruded from her and I lifted his hand and slid it up my dress to place it on my own sopping cunt.

Immediately he returned to his confident lecherous self, knowing he had been trapped and also now knowing he was going to be able to take things further. Not just with Victoria but also with me and possibly Louise who now caught his eye behind me.

“Well done Charles” he gasped, his head beginning to clear a little. You certainly caught me tonight but as you obviously planned all this, you can’t now object to me fully enjoying the rest of the evening and, indeed, fully enjoying your lovely daughter” and having said that he began to thrust back at Victoria as he slid his fingers in me.

The bait had been laid, the trap successfully sprung and so now the free for all commenced. I watched as daddy stripped and approached Victoria who reached out and took his cock in her hand, stroking its length with her small pale hands and then slowly wrapping her lips around the tip to gently suck on the head. The Bishop gasped at the sight of this and I clamped down on his hand as I too came with the eroticism taking place. Charles and Louise had also stripped by now and Lou peeled my own dress over my head leaving Victoria and the Bishop as the two remaining clothed people in the room.

Not for long though as Charles helped his daughter ease out of her dress whilst Lou peeled the Bishop’s jacket and shirt off him and undid his trousers. He now looked quite ridiculous with his cock sticking out of his shorts, buried in Victoria with a pair of suit trousers crumpled around his knees. He must have realised this as quickly as we did and he pulled out of her to remove them himself leaving her beautiful little cunt wet and open before us.

Now his full cock was visible and the length was complimentary to the girth I had seen earlier and Lou, taking full advantage of the scene, dropped forwards and took it in her mouth which she held wide and stretched to take him in as she slid down the full length of his shaft taking him deep to the back of her throat.

I needed another cock and as Gregory was now otherwise engaged and as I’d already had Charles shoot into me I whispered “Daddy, I need you now. Leave her ‘till later and fuck me now!” and I propped my leg up against the side of the sofa and held my pussy open to give him access.

He smiled and took his cock from Victoria’s mouth and sliding it up into me he began speedily fucking me, knowing this was how I wanted him and I clung to him with my arms around his neck, pushing myself onto him to meet each of his thrusts.

Bishop Gregory then seemed to realise he had forgotten Victoria who was lying there with open wet pussy lips as she stroked her own clit and slid her fingers into herself. Prising his cock from Lou’s mouth he slid it back into her and resumed his earlier fucking leaving Lou to replace his cock in her mouth with Charles’. She however was clearly as hot as I was and she soon slid down onto her back with legs spread wide as she pulled Charles into her and he began to pump his cock in her.

There we remained for some time, enjoying the mutual fucking. Lou and Charles lying on the floor, Bishop Gregory still on his knees fucking a slumped Victoria whilst daddy and I continued fucking standing up to complete the tableau.

Now Bishop Gregory began to thrust harder and he was yelling at Victoria “Right, you fucking little whore, you open cunted bitch, I’m going to fucking drown you now! Here it comes! Ah, fuck yes!” and grabbing her hips he pulled her hard towards him as he thrust fully into her and I could see his buttocks clench and his hanging scrotum leap upwards as he began to cum in her.

Victoria gasped with her mouth falling open and her eyes turning upwards as his streams of sperm flew into her and she began her orgasm along with his. He threw his head back and almost roared as he shot spurt after spurt as far into her as he could get and watching her face in that throe of ecstasy was enough to take me and the rest of us over the edge as well.

I felt daddy shoot his cum in me as I’ve he has for so many years now and it still felt as good as the first time and I welcomed it with a convulsion of my cunt muscles as they spasmed, gripping him tightly in their attempt to squeeze every drop from him.

Charles had collapsed in a heap on top of Lou who was working her legs like the handles of a water pump as she was also receiving a load from him and she too tried to suck him dry.

Then there we all were, in an exhausted montage of bodies, catching our breath and trying to simply enjoy the throbbing feelings of our own cumming. We were all covered in sweat and every ones loins were streaked with cum, both male and female and the air was heavy with that deep, sweet aroma of sex.

As we began to recover I noticed a brief exchange of looks between daddy and Charles as they smirked at each other, task completed, they had the Bishop in the palms of their hands now and would milk every drop of potential financial contracts from him in the months and years to come. It was equally clear though that he was no longer the confused victim as he shifted his gaze from Victoria’s leaking cunt to that of Louise. Having fucked Victoria and felt me, hers was the only one he had yet to experience and as he stared at it now, he began to stroke his cock back to an erect state and shift his frame towards her where he then planted himself between her legs and entered her without further ado.

Now all that remained was to decide how Charles, daddy and I end the evening with Victoria.

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I knew she was a wreck, she was twenty three and by all standards a pretty girl, but her life was one big mess. She picked asshole boyfriends and she just couldn’t keep a job, either because her asshole boyfriends sabotaged her or because she sabotaged herself. I had been working her for a few months now, presenting myself as the shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, her friend. It should’ve come as no surprise to me that she called me in tears. Upset because she had found out her latest...

3 years ago
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Tonys AdventuresChapter 3

Tony Finds a Bride It had been about two months before Tony arrived, that the Lady Rota Montreeth had been summoned to the presence of Great Aunt Ada. She had been told in no uncertain terms, that her Aunt expected her to get a man, marry him, and produce an heir. "This time get a young man - someone who doesn't have a heart attack every time you get him into bed. If you don't, I'll leave every penny to Malcolm, that homosexual cousin of yours, and his starchy wife." The Lady Rota...

4 years ago
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Seducing Jennifer Pt 27

Part 27 I sat up, my head swimming sickeningly. My mouth was so dry I could barely move my tongue. This changed, however, when saliva flooded in, and I staggered to a potted palm where I retched violently, nearly falling to my knees. ‘Fuck me, Dude,’ I said, drying my lips with the back of my hand. ‘I’m either coming down with the plague or I have the mother of all hangovers.’ I heaved again, but my stomach was empty. My bowels cramped and rumbled. ‘Tell me about it, Dude,’ Tommy groaned,...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 31 A Funeral

Four years after Princess Elaheh's arrival in Kobekistan, the Emir was genuinely sorry to hear that the Earl of Bargoed, his long time friend, had died at the ripe old age of seventy-nine. Their relationship had been very close, closer than would have been legal in the west; the Earl was the father and grandfather of two of the Emir's wives, Princess Ayda and her daughter, Princess Alima. The Earl had also become the third husband of the Emir's English mother, Amelia, Princess...

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New Jock talesChptr 3Benjie Mattox gotta Older Bro

“Yo Benji—what's up ?” “Ahh nuttin man, just chillin” “Say—let's go down to the diner” “Ya—How we getting there ?” “See if ur big bro will take us—give us a ride in that sweet GTO” “Ahh, I dunno man, he's kinda a big shot now since he got that car” “Just ask him dude—I'll buy, anything he wants” “He said anything?” “YA dude, whatever he wants” “Steak ?” “Fuck, ya if it takes a steak, I guess so” “Aight then we will be there in 15 to scoop you up---ur lil bro too ?” “Ya...

2 years ago
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A New Discovery

Monday morning. Susan awoke and found herself alone in bed. Michael, her husband, had gotten up very early and gone off to the airport to catch a flight for a business trip. Susan stretched across the width of the bed and thought that she was missing him already. They had been married ten years and still had sex often. She reasoned that this was because they maintained their curiosity about each other and never let things get stale and, of course, their love had endured. They had gone to bed...

3 years ago
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My Four Friends And Me

Hi friends, mera naam silvy khanna hai and mai chandigarh se, agar apko mere story achi lage toh ap feedback pe de sakte hai. Jaise ki mera naam silvy hai and figure 34,26,36 and mai chandigarh se ho toh mujhe clubbing, disc and hangout bahut pasand tha, mai chandigarh study karni aye hoye thi and mai mba kar rhe thi chandigarh business school se, maine bahar apna ek personal room liya hoya tha,mai ek saal se chandigarg mai study kar rahe thi and mera koi bf nai bcz mujhe koi intrest nai tha...

4 years ago
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Mom told me and little sister not to bother getting dressed. Just to go on to bed. My older sister made sure we would not have the chance by grabbing up our clothes . My younger sister slowly slipped out of my lap. My limp cock made a sucking sound as it slid out of her very wet and tight cunt.She stood up and then reached out to me to stead herself. I could see she was ditsy.I stood up and then picked her up. (yea what a gent)She felt light as a feather to me. As we got to their room she was...

2 years ago
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The new maid

When my wife went back to work and I decided to work from home, I thought it was going to be a good thing. It all started well; I had the house to myself during the day, and when she came home, we would spend quality time together. Then came her promotion; the longer hours, and quality time ended up with me being a sleep by the time she wandered in. Adding to the struggle, my business started doing better, so keeping up with the house duties became more difficult. My wife had the idea of...

3 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 18

Ken woke with the alarm, of course. Jane did not. Of course. Quietly, he unclipped Ally and woke her. She groaned softly and flexed her shoulders, not moving very much because it was crowded in the bed - not that anyone was complaining. Certainly not Ken who was greeted by the sight of two naked women. Their scent filled the room, exciting him. "Why don't you wake her up, Ally?" The girl rubbed the sleep from her eyes and nodded. Jane was on her side, facing away from them and Ally...

2 years ago
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1 January 2009

Cast Ben and Cathy McCormack Dan, Karen, and Wendy Hayward Tina Hamilton-Hayward Chapter 1 “Five ... four ... three ... two ... one, Happy New Year!” Everyone yelled. “Happy 2009 to everyone!” Dan exclaimed raising his glass of champagne, as they all toasted to the New Year. “I’m looking forward very much to May when our babies are born!” Tina remarked giving Dan their first hug and kiss of the year. “I guess I am too. I get no sleep now. By May I’ll have been awake all year,” he joked....

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The Night I Tied up my Girlfriend and Paddled her Ass Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

My girlfriend and I have an explosive relationship. We love hard and we fight hard as well. And sometimes the makeup sex is rough, but it works for us. We have been together for 5 years and it’s the same story. We will have an argument; we will scream, shout and fight. Then proceed to have the most amazing and rough make up sex. This story is about a night I tied up my girlfriend and paddled her ass to make her feel the bdsm pleasure of sex. We had been talking about bringing in some BDSM...

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Reds Bar HookUp

It was a dingy, nasty redneck dive bar where I first saw Karen. She was obviously out of her element and was not the type that would not usually patronize a seedy bar such as Red's Bar. Red's bar catered to the lowlifes of the world, or at least this seedy neighborhood. Working men who did a daily grind at one of the local and looked forward to a shot and a beer before going home to the old lady if they were still married or hooked up. The women that came to Red's were women without morals...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Jasmine Jae DP Satisfaction For Busty Babe

Yanick Shaft and Jasmine Jae are having sex in the bedroom. He licks her shaved pussy a bit too intense and makes his busty wife pass out. Within seconds, Doctor Ricky Mancini shows up and helps revive that hot British bombshell. Jasmine Jae wants to thank her lifesaver and grabs him by the dick. Today’s Busty Hardcore episode by the DDF Network will blow your mind just like our athletic curvy bombshell blows these two cocks! Her big 34DD / 75F boobs dance when the two boys start banging...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 7

Hello readers welcome to this beautiful journey. I am very happy for the response that I got from all of you. Keep giving your feedback. I am male the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha had her independent masturbation experience last night. I asked her in the morning, “Did you enjoy last night, my child” “Yeah mom I did a lot.” “So do you think you can do it on your own?” “Yeah mummy I shall manage.” “But remember don’t do it without my permission.” “Yeah Mamma I...

1 year ago
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Goth Goddess III

I was sleeping deeply after the seemingly endless hours of sex Aurora and I had after returning from the club. At some point, my brain acknowledged that something was going on and I woke up, realizing that Aurora was pinching my nipples and kissing my neck! "Good morning my beautiful slave girl! Wake up! Your Mistress wants to have some fun!" I began to sit up a bit and realized that my wrists and ankles still had the cuffs and chains Aurora had locked onto me the during the night!...

3 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 26 The Passion of the Concubines

Wednesday, January 27th – Paradise, Mount Rainier, WA Majlis al Jinn... "That's where we need to go?" Kyle demanded, his entire body trembling. He tired to ignore the burning cold as Niqualmie, the Native American spirit, spoke to him and his harem. Kyle, his three wives, and their concubines all lay naked in the cold, risking death to summon the spirit and find the way to reach Aaliyah. The spirit didn't answer. "Where is that?" he shouted. It sounded...

2 years ago
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My real life sexy chat

hey how are you? great, really horny mmm good me too how big are you? 8in very thick ohh yeah you like the thought of rapeing me? i want to dominate and pleasure your body in every way punishing you and you love it oh yeah, tell me what your gonna do to me rip off your clothes and tie you to each post of the bed. start by teasing your feet and then moving to your pussy smacking it hard. then shoving my cock in while choking you oh yeah shove it in there deep, i'm...

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Seductive SisterInLawChapter 7

It was Winter and New Year's Eve had finally come around. Long Island was covered with a thick mantle of snow, and more had been predicted for the rest of the night and for the following day. It fell in long driving white swirls around the large suburban ranch house, heaping up, drifts against hedges and eddying in curled billows against the frosted window panes of the Howards' bedroom. Betty Howard leaned back on the bed, sighing deeply as she pulled the silk stockings up her legs that...

3 years ago
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Bou chode chakor ar swami chode oporer stri

Anjali bose, boyes 42, gayer rong prochondo rokom phorsa, ar ekhono phataphati figure. Swami abhijit-r sange 17 bochor-r sukhi bibahito jibon, jodio bachha kachha hoi ni. Tobe se niye anjali ba abhijit, keu-i dukhi noi. Abhijit ekhon ekta mnc-te country manager, prochur tour korte hoi. Anjali biyer age school teacher chilo, kintu abhijit etobar chakri change kore je, anjali-ke biyer por housewife hoye-i thakte hoi. Bochor charek ager kotha, abhijit kolkata-te thakle anjali-r sange prai roj...

1 year ago
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Peter fucks my Wife

A snapshot into the fucking of my wife by Peter (more to come)I was naked by the side of the bed slowly playing with my cock. My wife was on the bed with Peter between her legs. Her cute feet were resting on Peter's shoulders with her toenails painted a light pastel blue. She was nicely tanned from a recent trip to the beach and that contrasted perfectly against her painted toes. Her heels sat upon his bulging traps, her arches curved over his wide shoulders with her toes resting on his...

3 years ago
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We Advance

Jon and Jeni, thoroughly relaxed, were sleeping. Their hands were entwined. I could not settle as my brain was in a turmoil. So, I moved as quietly as I could to the edge of the bed, stood up and headed, once again, to the shower. They moved only a little, although I did notice that Jeni’s free hand reached out into the space where I had been lying. In the shower, I washed myself down. For some reason, I’d always been self-conscious of my own body odours and made a thorough job of cleaning all...

2 years ago
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Its Actually Her Fault

I was standing there rooted to the doorway of my bedroom. Even though my eyes were seeing it, I still couldn't believe what was transpiring before me! All I could do was watch in shock as my son, my very own son, fucked his mother! How could I ever look at his face again? How would I ever be able to tell him to do anything again? Essentially, he had replaced me as the man of the house. Sure, I was the one who brought home the money. I was the one who took care of the house, but he was the one...

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Grandfather Yule

( A Darkniciad story ) Stepping out of a warm, brightly lit cottage into a gentle, moonlit snowfall, an elderly woman approached the man standing just beyond the silhouette of light from the door. "What are you watching, dear?" The old man chuckled and said, "Someone special, I believe." The silver-haired woman laid an arm over his shoulder with obvious familiarity, gazing into the glowing snowball her husband was using to scry. She saw a man who looked much like her husband, with his full...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Finding myself Part 3 The Longest Day

Part 3 - The Longest Day Although I didn't really sleep well as my body was so contorted by the bindings, I was woken by the ring gag being pushed into my mouth and secured while I was still coming round. "There we are!" Allie said breezily, taking the goggles off my eyes, smiling broadly. "A whole weekend to learn more about ourselves, Tina - isn't it wonderful?" She had this really annoying habit of asking me a question when she had made it impossible for me to answer. The...

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Quick Flash I HAVE to tell you what happened this morning

I have to tell you what happened to me this morning!I really didn’t have time to stop for coffee, but you know me without coffee…a bitch without caffeine is a supreme bitch.So I ran into my local coffee shop, you know, the cute little place at the corner where we had coffee last time? Anyway, I ran in and thankfully there wasn’t a line. So I go up to the counter and I order my latte, or whatever it was that I ordered. I can’t even remember right now even though it was the most important thing...

Straight Sex
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Dressing Up

We spent nearly the entire morning shopping at women's boutiques andlingerie shops, and I was looking forward to trying on my newly boughtclothes. I was in the privacy of a rented room at a Victorian hotelwith my new friend, another young crossdresser, whose femme name wasLisbeth. We met at a local Transvestite convention in Sacramento,where we soon became fast friends. He was great fun to be with;slender, blonde with green eyes, and like me, could easily pass inpublic as a pretty girl. As...

4 years ago
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I was traveling on business when my flight was laid over at O'Hare for bad weather. The airline put me up at a airport hotel and told me it could be as long as 48 hours before they could get me another flight. I took a cab to a bar the bellhop recommended and sat down for a few beers and watched the Bulls. When I got up to take a leak and noticed a lovely brunette sitting by the door. She was about 5-7 with nice tits and lecherous smile. I got back from the head and looked for the brunette. She...

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Gloryhole invite

About 11p I walked over to the bookstore. The front was pretty small, but towards the back I could see a doorway that went to the theatre. Stopping at the checkout, I swapped $20 for some tokens and went back to the booths. The booths were down a hallway with 5 or so booths on each side and it looked like another 5 or so along the back wall. The booths had full doors that appeared to lock. A few were open but many were occupied. A screen at the front showed the videos that were playing,...

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Body Holes

This interactive involve stories about people who has been body hopped by someone. Meaning that someone manage to physically enter their body in various way.

2 years ago
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Punjabi Wife Fucked By White Man

This is a true story of me and my husband. I am 25-year Punjabi girl (fair, slim and tall) recently married to a well-educated man who works in private company in Foreign. He is 28 and the very decent guy who loves me more than anything else. I am Punjabi wife and I like wearing traditional clothes like Punjabi suit salwar. My husband loves to see me wearing this outfit. He likes me to wear a simple dress and don’t want me to put any makeup. However, when I go out I usually wear western...

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Evening the Score Chapter 4

Jess: “What do you mean, ‘What we’re going to do?’”Me: “Well, you said you don’t want a divorce, and you haven’t said anything about ending your whorish behavior. I’m not sure where I come down on this yet, so it may take me a while to decide. So, in the meantime, we’re going to do this.”Jess: “Don’t call me a whore. I’m not, and not a slut either. Such derogatory names. I won’t stand for it!”Me: “If it walks like a duck, Honey …. Don’t worry, those words are not in our normal vocabulary, but...

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The Teenage Lesbian Bitch the story continues

‘Persuading’ her to lay over my knee and count aloud the strokes of her first lesbian spanking. Getting her to stand up, remove her dress and panties, then to lay back down over my knee. Spanking her bare ass to a nice ruby red, before my fingers started probing her wetness. Grabbing her hair and calling her a slut and then dragging her into her own bedroom. And how my big bag of “toys” and my sick, twisted mind intended to continue the “fun”. ………………….. I love inflicting sexually...

1 year ago
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Joanie and the JunkyardChapter 3

When Anselm McDougal came back home from fighting the Hun in France in December of 1918 he returned to the small cotton-growing town of Gushing Springs, Texas. While he was in Europe his job in the army was Motorcycle Courier. He drove an Indian Brave (Indian Motorcycle Company was founded in 1901, Harley Davidson in 1903). After the war, because there was a glut of cotton caused by the slowdown of war production, the commodity became depressed and there were no jobs in town. In the Army,...

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The Vacation

Clint and Elsa were on vacation for the first time since they'd been married which meant it had been five years. Both had been busy with careers, and getting ahead, but now it was time for a break. Clint had finished his shower expecting to find his wife in the bedroom, but to his surprise she wasn't there. Still naked he walked out into the darkened living room and looked around. Finally he saw her out on the balcony wearing only the thinnest of negligees. He could feel his cock stiffening as...

Erotic Fiction
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Naughty Christmas shopping

Christmas today is about giving and sharing, and after eleven years of marriage to the same man, which has cooled off somewhat, I decided to give some of my own sort of cheer, a present few men could resist, and at the same time do something for my own lingering libido.A few days earlier I had met up with an old school chum, and we went into the city to mingle with the throng of shoppers.We were in a store and I remember standing off from Alexandra and noting her rigidity, as she stood bolt...

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Marcy The Seminar and a Birthday Weekend

Marcy - The Seminar and a Birthday Weekend By Sissie Maid Cuckold Pansy was told to get ready to go home. He went to the restroom and took a tampon out of his purse and inserted it knowing if he did not, cum would be running down his leg for the next half hour. Besides he knew all to well it was a crime to waste a Black Man's cum and letting it run out, down and on to the ground would certainly constitute a crime. It was 2:00 AM when Pansy left the party. Mr. Marcus gave him bus...

3 years ago
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The Case of the Missing WomanChapter 32 Finding Judith

Ray and Percy were working in Ray's study. The costs of the hunt for Judith were piling up. The two men were streamlining Ray's regular businesses to be able to extract the maximum profits from them. The protection of their families and the constant searching for Judith was placing a strain on the money. They were working on squeezing a few more nickels out of one operation when the secure phone rang. Percy had grown in Ray's eyes so he was now allowed to answer that phone. Percy was now...

1 year ago
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DarkX Sydney Cole I Always Get What I Want

After a long tour Sydney Cole lands back in LA with back up dancer Jon Jon who she wants badly. She’s in luck! His ride home from the airport didn’t show up, so she offers to give him a ride. Since LA traffic is so bad they stop at her place till it dies down. She finally has him alone and is ready to get all over that huge cock! Nothing will stop her, she seduces him with kisses, then quickly switches to sucking his dick! She wants him to pound her tight pussy till they’re...

1 year ago
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Squirting for son

It was early Saturday morning. I grabbed my small hamper full of dirty clothes and carried them down to the basement to toss in the washing machine, only to find that my mother had beaten me by a few moments."I had no idea you'd be up so early on a weekend," she said as she shoved her bed sheet in the washing machine. "I'm going to the gym later and I forgot to do my laundry," I replied. "Oh. Well, this won't be too long.""No worries. Are you washing your sheets again? Didn't you wash them a...

2 years ago
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The Lady Who Picked Me Up

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume I The Lady Who Picked Me Up -- Tales Of Sport And Hunting : Part One She was a princess, queen of the Highway. Sign on the road said "Take us to Madre." No one can save her save the Blind Tiger. He was a monster, black dressed in leather. She...

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Daddys Little Girl in Trouble

Daddy’s Little Girl in Trouble By Aspererus ([email protected]) Chapter One        Brittney slowly jogged down the street, oblivious, or more precisely, indifferent, to the rest of the world.  Her iPod flipped from song to song randomly as the high school cheerleader moved her gorgeous young body to the rhythm of the music.         Brittney was barely 5’3? and 110 lbs, her long blonde hair fell to the small of her back and was perfectly coifed, much like the rest of her body.  Though tiny,...

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This story is about my aunty her name was sheela. She looked very sexy and horny, she was about 5’3 in height, aged between 30-35yrs. she had very big breasts & her structure always made me horny. I saw her in my sister’s marriage and vow…i missed my heartbeat when I saw her. She was looking very sexy in her attire (sari). Her eyes were sparkling too with some sort of sexiness. My name is rahil and I am from khi 24 yrs old, this incident happened when I was in my teens and this was my first...

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A Pictures WorthChapter 3

The next morning Sally again, slowly woke up. She let out a little groan. Why do mornings need to be so early? she asked herself, not for the first time. Through her bedroom door, she could faintly hear, her father's voice coming from the kitchen. Her clock said it was already 10:00 am, she decided to get up and see if there was any more news about Jessie. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Sally shuffled into the bathroom. She picked up her electric toothbrush and brushed her teeth. Sally...

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fantasy about medical

I sat on the couch waiting to be called. A man in a white coat opened the door, looked at the papers in his hand and said "Miss Smith? Come this way."I followed him into the room. "Have a seat." He said, indicating the exam table. I sat down, put my hands in my lap and looked at him. He was a handsome man in his early forties with a shaved head and sexy, chocolate brown eyes."I am Dr. John." He said shaking my hand briefly. "What can I do for you today?""Well, I have this friend...and I want to...

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