Subservient Slut free porn video

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I knew my Master was on his way. We’d agreed earlier this week to meet at this motel. I look around the room to make sure that everything is in place. The room in which I await his arrival isn’t lavish, but it’s clean and affordable. Besides, at least here we wouldn’t draw any unwanted attention from anybody snooping around. Since he was scheduled to arrive at any moment, I situate myself into the position required for greeting Daddy.

In the far corner of the room lies a cushion where I kneel naked, waiting. I hang my head down, so that my eyes are focused on the floor. This was mandatory whenever Master and I got together. Taking another quick glance at the clock, I start to grow anxious. In a feeble attempt keep my wits, I try to focus on something, anything, which will distract me. That something was the collar, tight, around my neck.

It had been a gift from Daddy, for being his good little girl. A charm hung from the metal ring spelling out the word, slut. Most people would consider it to be vulgar, or degrading. To me, however, it is a symbol of acceptance and unity. It signifies that I belong to him. Truthfully, I’d have it no other way. The Master treated me like a princess. That is as long as I remained devoted to his every whim.

The sound of the key card sliding into the lock makes my heart skip a beat. I smell his body spray the moment he opens the door. My Daddy is home! I listen to his soft sound of amusement, as he puts down his things and gets comfortable. The whole time he moves about, I remain in my spot. I know better than to move or speak without permission. I hear him turn on the television and settle comfortably on the couch. Even though I wait like an obedient slut, he pretends not to acknowledge my presence.

It is a game we often play, Daddy’s little way of testing me. In the beginning, it had been quite difficult to resist whatever temptations he withheld. Over time though I have gotten a handle on my self-control. Still it is getting more difficult to ignore the ache growing between my thighs, and the wetness that accompanied it. I haven’t seen him in so long, even my body works against me. With some effort I fight the urge to break my role, and rush over to his side. I remain on my cushion reluctantly. Moving without permission would only accomplish in me getting punished. Depending on Daddy’s mood, that could be a flying leap in the dark.

‘How’s my little slut doing today?’ his voice carries from across the room.

Even though his words are directed at me, I don’t reply. Another test of my willpower and my desire to obey. But oh how Daddy knows that I struggle with the urge not to respond. For my own sake, or rather the sake of my backside I resist. Daddy enjoys every opportunity he gets to punish me. Secretly I, both, enjoy and despise my punishments. Particularly because my own body betrays me at my lowest moments.

Daddy’s punishments are designed for pain, but are never without pleasure. That is what makes each experience so bittersweet. I love, as much as hate Daddy. I Love him for all that he is, and hate him for having so much control over me. This was the lifestyle I had chosen for myself though and I knew what I was getting into from the start. What I hadn’t been prepared for was how much I’d obtain from it all.

I didn’t realize I’ve been holding my breath, until Daddy rose up from the couch and made his way toward me. My chest rises and lowers, though I attempt to keep as inconspicuous as possible. The Master is no fool. I have no doubts that he can see right through my façade. He bends down to my level and cups my chin in his hand. My breath hitches at the contact. Tilting my head back, he looks into my eyes.

‘That’s my good girl,’ he says before capturing my lips with his own.


This simple gesture is my cue that I’m allowed to move at my own free will. Yet, I stay put. When he turns and makes his way back toward the couch, I count up to ten. Only on the strike of ten do I dare rise from my cushion. I am now permitted to do as I please, as long as Daddy approves.

Whilst Daddy stands near the couch, I head over to the small refrigerator. Like the obedient slut that I am, I begin mixing the cocktail of his preference. I don’t have to look in order to know that his eyes are trained on me. Like a tingle of electric fire, I can feel it. With the skill of a seasoned waitress, I grab the glass and take it to him. He takes it, rewarding me with a smile of approval.

Using his free hand, he tucks my hair behind my ears. I melt into his touch. Reopening my eyes, I am unable to resist the urge to look down. As I’d hoped, the front of his jeans have grown tight. The temptation to feel him is mind boggling. Slowly, I reach out and massage the bulge in his pants. Daddy groans, watching me as he takes another drink from the glass. With a gesturing motion from his head, he hints for me to go to the bed.

Compliantly I walk over and sit on the edge of the mattress. Daddy throws back the remainder of his drink, and then walks over to stand in front of me. He strokes his hand over my soft hair, looking at me with burning intensity. Without further provocation, I know what he desires. Deftly I unzip his jeans, pulling them down just enough to free his erection from its denim prison. I work my hand along his shaft, and worship Daddy’s cock. He groans letting his neck lull to the side. All the while, my hands massage his erect pole. One hand squeezing his shaft as it moves back and forth, the other kneading and tugging on his balls.

I lean in and begin to kiss his gorgeous manhood. I warm his sensitive skin with the heat of my breath. I work the head of his cock, licking up the pre-cum oozing at its tip. Then opening my mouth I pull him in between my lips. My mouth now firmly around his shaft, I release a moan letting him know that I enjoy performing my services. Again, he strokes a hand through my hair. As I glide my mouth back and forth along his shaft, I put much affection into it. Daddy places both of his hands on the back of my head, but does not apply force. The pleasure I bestow onto him is mine alone. No assistance required.

I ease his hard cock deeper into my mouth, until it breaches the entrance of my throat. With one hand, I stroke his engorged dick helping to guide it farther still. With my opposite hand, I continue massaging his sac. My Daddy deserves the best, and I plan to give him no less. By the time he motions for me to stop, I can tell he is resisting the urge to cum. Pulling back slowly to allow his cock to slip out of my mouth, I observe how slick it is with my saliva. Innocently, I stare up at him. I make no attempt to hide the longing in my expression.

Even though Daddy and me have been together numerous times, he’d yet to penetrate my pussy. Daddy hadn’t done so, not because he didn’t want to. Simply it was because we wanted to keep things interesting. It was a good way to keep our encounters from turning stale. The time for waiting and all the built up anticipation, however, was over. Tonight I was utterly 100% his for the taking. Both of us fully intend to savor this moment.

Unlike all of our previous rendezvous, there was no shortage of time. No pressure to hurry back to our pre-existing lives apart from this one. Tonight is for us and us alone. We can do what we want, when we want, and nobody would be here to stop us. As the reality of it sinks in I stifle a smile. Despite Daddy’s adoration of my smile, now is hardly the appropriate time.

‘Lay back and get comfortable slut,’ Daddy commands.

Something in his tone catches my attention. There is an underlying demand. Instinctively, I know that I am not meant to move a muscle, nor make a sound. Admittedly, this will be particularly difficult for me. Not only am I forbidden to allow my body to react naturally to his advances, but also I have to repress my vocal responses to the stimulation. Honestly, it is a hefty order to fill and I’m not certain I can deliver the intended results. Still, like the obedient slave I am determined to be, I try my best.

I lay back silently, tucking my arms beneath me. I hope it would help me to resist the urges that are already threatening to transpire. Daddy frowns at me, shaking his head. Holding back my sigh of exasperation, I remove my arms and place them reluctantly at my sides. Shit, I think, he isn’t fooling around this weekend. That much was becoming painfully obvious. Yet, I’m far too excited to dwell on that fact. As I lay there unmoving, I observe him as he stands at the foot of the bed.

Keeping his steely eyes locked on mine, he removes only his shirt. His jeans are still undone, giving me full view of his protruding cock. Noticing where my eyes have been lingering, he wraps a hand around his shaft and strokes it a few times. When Daddy wants to, he can be quite the tease. Suddenly, he grabs me behind my knees and pulls me to the edge of the bed. As my legs dangle over the side of the mattress, I start to tremble. The anticipation of what is to come has my nerves on over drive. Long have I waited this moment.

Daddy, affectionately, begins rubbing his hands along my inner thighs. Grabbing each of my knees, he spreads apart my legs, gaining unhindered access to my bare sex. Already I struggle against the desire to move. He lowers his head nipping and kissing a trail toward the apex of my thighs. My eyes flutter shut, as his warm breath reaches my cunt. When I look back at him, he is smiling at me with a cocky grin.

‘Don’t move, or make a sound sweetheart,’ he says in a husky voice.

The words are said with much love and tenderness, but the undertone of dominance is unmistakable. I have to focus all of my attention on remaining still, when his tongue slides up my swollen slit. When he reaches my clit he twirls his tongue around it in tiny circles. I can feel the muscles in my thighs twitch uncontrollably. I know full well that Daddy is enjoying the profound effect he has on my body. This is a game he cannot lose, and we both are aware of it!

Master then inserts two fingers into my tight hole. Every now and again he curls his fingers toward him, deliberately stroking my g-spot. I bite my lip, hard, to prevent myself from whimpering. My fists balling together in the sheets. The instant he spreads me farther apart, I know I am in for it. Daddy dives in before I can so much as steady my breath. I feel his tongue dart in and out of my tight little slut hole. By now more than just my thighs are trembling.

Daddy licks and sucks at my cunt feverishly. My palms are sweating from the excursion of my battle with resistance. Of which I am quickly losing. When Daddy starts to finger fuck me using deep strokes, I shatter. I cry out in pleasure, and grab his head pulling him into me. Any concerns of my unavoidable punishment, don’t matter in the slightest. My orgasm ripples through out my entire body with intense pleasure. Daddy groans drinking in my sweet juices. Juices reserved especially for him.

I collapse onto the mattress as my orgasm slowly subsides. Daddy stops pleasuring my pussy, and grabs me again behind the knees. In one swift display of masculine strength, Daddy flips me over, so that I now lay on my stomach. My heart plummets as the realization of what’s about to happen dawns on me. I don’t look at him out of shame. I had disobeyed his commands to remain still and silent. Therefore, I deserved to be punished for my actions. Tears sting my eyes even though nothing has happened yet.

‘You were a naughty wench,’ he says, self-satisfaction imminent. ‘You deserve to be punished.’

I hold my breath, waiting what is inevitably to come. I dare not clench my body, or move away. I just want this over with as soon as possible. His hand lands with a solid smack upon my backside. Ten spankings is my due reward for rebelience. Tears roll down my cheeks, not just from the sting of each strike, but for another reason. I cry because of my perverse reaction to his punishments. My body is betraying me yet again. After each spanking, my arousal heightens. Even more so as he massages my ass in between strikes. I’m accustomed to the routine. With as much devotion as I can summon I say the following.

‘One. I love you Daddy. Please sir, may I have another?’

Over and over I repeat my mantra until he finishes. When his hands loosen their possession on me, I remain absolutely still. I feel Daddy crawl possessively over my body. His chest against my back keeps me pinned in place. Grabbing a fist full of my hair, he pulls back my head, firmly.

‘Don’t ever disobey me again.’ He kisses me passionately before continuing, ‘Now turn over.’

I do as I am told and roll over to face him. Daddy begins jacking his cock, aiming for my face and tits. In no time at all he groans releasing a cascade of his seed onto my body. Daddy takes a few moments to look over his work. Then he backs off the bed and stands looking at me with mock disdain. Mock disdain or not, it still stings.

‘Go clean yourself up,’ Daddy growls.

Not meeting his gaze, I hastily remove myself from the bed, and hurry into the bathroom. In the bathroom, I wash the man chowder from my body. Staring at myself in the mirror, I finally permit myself to smile. The fact that I had been punished didn’t matter. I love the way I feel everytime I am with Daddy. With each new encounter comes the feeling of being revitalized.

I can’t deny how strong my passion for him really is. To do so is futile. My true emotions do not come from lust, or pretending to be in love. Our relationship is pure, and undeniably real. Our love is true. Neither of us will deny that. He is a part of my world, and I a part of his. Now, he’d finally become a part of me. Content with this realization I get into the shower to clean up, like Daddy had commanded.

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Pet Mommy DP Slut

Introduction: Mom is dpd by son and his best friend. PET MOMMY: DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! Summary: Pet Mommy: Creating a Mommy-Slut Summary: A mother learns her son fantasizes about fucking her and, realizing just how much he resembles her deceased dominant husband, decides to make his fantasy a reality…in the end seducing her son and becoming his submissive pet Mommy. Note: A special thanks goes to Mab7991 DP MOMMY-SLUT!!! I am sure you have heard the saying be careful not to wake up the sleeping...

1 year ago
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Becoming a slut

She loved talking with her friends over few drinks. Topics varied from lovely boyfriends to dreams about raising a family. Slut was having the time of her life. As they were departing, slut separated from the group to go to the toilet. Anyways, she was going to the other direction.As she was entering the toilets she was blocked by a muscular arm leaning to the wall. Her excuse was stopped by the man saying "Lady, I've just heard you talk nice shit for few hours. You need to understand that you...

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Coffee Shop Slut

I checked my reflection in the shop window adjacent to the coffee store and knew I looked good. I had dressed as master had instructed. Three and a half inch heels, fishnet hold-ups, black silk mid-thigh flared mini skirt. I wore a black satin bra and matching thong and the bra was clearly visible through the clinging low-cut white chiffon blouse. I pulled out my compact from my handbag and with perfectly manicured bright-red nails, flipped it open to check my make-up. Again, as instructed, I...

Group Sex
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New GF Trains Me to be a Sissy Slut

"That's it baby! You are such an amazing cock sucker!" I moan around the cock in my mouth as I bob up and down quickly. I feel hands on the back of head grab my hair to stop me from moving up and down the amazing 10 inch black cock. I've been kneeling for almost twenty minutes slowly working this monster. I've only been able to take just over half of the cock so far. "You are doing very well sucking your first dick. Though a good cock whore needs to learn to deepthroat and feel what it's like...

3 years ago
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A Natural Slut

Nick, a teenage boy seduces his uncle John. The story charts his evolution from a shy infatuated lover to an accomplished slave-concubine. Nick becomes Nikki and relishes his role as a sex-slave. Uncle John is a stern master who uses Nikki in every possible way.A Natural Slut By Nikki Part 1 Nick was getting out of the cab in front of his grandparents' home for the first time. He had never met them. He was alone at 18, his Mom having been killed in a car accident. The youngster was nervous....

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Saras Surrender Part 5 Im a Filthy Slut

~~~~~Sara had just masturbated by rocking back and forth on a fallen tree trunk, rubbing her tits and clit against the rough bark, which made her cum, and cum hard. When she had recovered, she turned to me and said, “Master!” indicating how much she was enjoying being my submissive. I smiled up at her, then suddenly had another idea. I find that it’s always a good idea to have a plan with a submissive, but you shouldn’t let that interfere with inspiration.“Come down here, Little Slut, and lie...

Mind Control
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Lisa had lived with her dad Frank since he and her mom separated when she was 15. She was now 18 and her dad still hadn't dated anyone and she was starting to worry about him. She knew how lonely he was. Whenever he wasn't at work he would just sit around the house doing nothing. Sometimes she would hear him moaning late at night in his bedroom and she knew he must be in there crying. She hated knowing her daddy was upset so she decided that the next time she heard him crying in his room she...

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The Slut

Last night a old friend called me up he seen my post on my profile stating " I need a good caning " He was happy to help out. He give me the address of a factory unit he told me to get there at 7 pm sharp and not to plan on leaving for a while. I was running late so I didn't have time to get changed. I arrived late at 7.15 pm He was standing there very angry he said were the fuck have you been. I said there was traffic. He said I don't believe you show me your hamster page. I had been online...

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Jessica the Cum Slut

The following story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.My name is Jessica, but my Master affectionately calls me "Cum Slut". I am 24 years old, and Master is training me to be a cum slut. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes. My tits are a perky 36C cup (natural), a thin 23" waist, very curvy 34" hips, and a firm...

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Mind Controlled Mothers Club Chapter 1 Making a Mommy Slut

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter One: Making a Mommy Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller's clean suit rasped and crinkled as he worked in shipping at the Institute of Apotheosis Research. The box to contain the Halo lay open, ready to receive the device which would create the next new god. Twenty-one-year-old Ulrich trembled. Though he had only met the great founder of the Institute, Dr. Henry Blavatsky,...

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Lisa my submissive slut

A few moments later, with my shirt un-tucked, carrying a bucket of ice and champagne, I walk through my bedroom door. In the silhouette of the lampshade, you are standing naked covering yourself up. “I told you to be on your knees.” I say, in a calm, stern voice. “Move your hands, I want to see your sexy body.” Modestly, you move your hands - first away from your breasts, where I can make out your small, hardened nipples. Your chest is heaving slightly in excitement. You then slowly move your...

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I Dominus The Edification Of A Slut

 I had been back in Toronto for two weeks. Aiko had emailed me pictures and videos of her masturbating, and in teasing states of various dress and undress. She also teased me about coming to Toronto for her summer break. I offered her a place to stay, if she did make the journey. Heather and Jessica had anxiously awaited my return. They were eager to meet with me again, eager to be Sir’s cunts again, to be exact. Unfortunately, their husbands had surprised them with a trip to Europe the same...

2 years ago
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Sushmitha 8211 The Slut

Hello, guys, my name is John. This is a real story of a girl from my college. Hope you guys enjoy it. To make it interesting I will be narrating the story from her view. Hi guys, this is Sushmitha. I am 22 years old and studying my BTech 3rd year. Coming to my description, I am 5’5″ tall with black hair and a sexy figure. My figure is 36-28-36. I have light brown nipples which are very sensitive. Every boy in my college used to stare at my boobs and ass, my face was pretty cute too. I lost my...

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I was so anxious for Daddy to come pick me up cause I was getting to spend the whole summer with him far away from my strict, controlling mother. I was gonna have the best summer, and hopefully lose my virginity to boot. My best-friend Amy had just lost her's to an older that lives in her neighborhood, and she told me every juicy detail which made me want to lose mine very badly. I had given in to the desire with my mother's boyfriend last night but he wouldn't let me do anything but suck his...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 9 Teaching Their MommySlut

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Teaching Their Mommy-Slut By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “You are going to be such a good, little masseuse, aren't you, Mommy-slut,” my girlfriend said, a husky tone in her voice as I pulled my car into the back lot of the Lady Touch Massage Parlor. “Yes, Daughter,” Mrs. Armstrong said, her voice submissive as she sat in the backseat. We'd just picked her up from her home. We got to own her during...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Slut

GloryHole Slut Guy looking for a good time gets more than he bargained for. Enjoy! Had the itch to start writing again and will try and do less series and more one and done stories...enjoy sluts! I had been to the usual sex shops but just heard about a new one that opened up with a huge selection and great prices. I typically looked for the hardcore stuff where the guy gets a little forceful with the girl with hair pulling and some slapping of the ass with some...

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Natural Born Slut

Introduction: From the age of thirteen, Laura loves boys and sex. She realizes that shes a natural born slut and decides to go for it. Natural Born Slut Laura started her career as a slut at the age of 13 in the backseat of an old Chevy with a guy shed just met. Well three guys actually, and theyd picked her up as she walked down the street. The guy in the back seat was particularly cute and when he told her to get in she did. He told the driver to keep driving and started kissing Laura and it...

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My Sweet Slut

I’m a self-made man and I’m a writer. I write books a few times a year and work for myself. About a year ago, I was looking for a new assistant and met this wonderful girl named Roxanne. She’s nineteen years old and I hired her right away, but quickly learned she was better suited for me to be my slut. She has no family and took a liking to me right away. I worked out an arrangement with Roxanne. I bought her a condo and bought her all of her clothes. I pay her a salary of one-hundred thousand...

Group Sex
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A Slut is A Slut

Executive DecisionJoan was an executive lady at the age of 42 and never been married. She was totally successful in her business life but at a cost of social life. She had no sex life at all. Her young secretary Lucy said she was always too tight and gave an address to a nightclub she said would help her loosen up. She liked Lucy but at the time she just stuck it in a drawer and ignored it. Today however, she was really tired of work and didn't want to go home for another sandwich and TV so she...

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Jean Black Cock Slut

Strategic Communication / Information Operations / Public Affairs Chap 1.As Jean and Ray Howell pulled into the driveway of their Virginia home, they both seem to be deep in thought and looked tired.? They had just dropped their youngest son, Brad, off at his freshman dorm at the University of Pittsburg.? He received a full scholarship and looked to be on the way to becoming an engineer.? Their oldest son, Jake, was already out of school, working in Buffalo and seemed to be in a good...

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Trained slut

Trained Slut ? Part I Trained Slut ? Part I A suburb of Los Angeles can mean a lot of places, some of them big enough to earn the title of ?Town?.? Dave and Bob work together in the office of a small company with just a secretary and the owner in one such suburb.? Dave and Bob could easily have spent their working lives as acquaintances, knowing little or nothing of the other?s life outside work.? That?s just how they were.? It was probably more surprising that they were fast friends,...

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Bonfire Slut

"No, no, nooooooo. I'm a virgin, Please don't do this ... Aaaaaghhhh" My cock pierced her fiercely defended hymen and penetrated that place where no man had ever gone before. Literally. "You're no longer a virgin, babe. You're a slut now." I stated matter of factly. In three stabs most of my cock had entered between those pristine pussy lips, turning red with her virgin blood and I started to fuck her. I found she was damp, but not wet. She thought herself ready to go with the...

3 years ago
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Turned Into A Slut

TURNED INTO A SLUT by Mirax [email protected] This is a repost/reedit of my previous story. I put all 4 parts together and added a 5th ending scene. I always welcome comments and advise. Enjoy! My girlfriend and I have always been a little kinky. We liked to tie each other up every now and then. We both enjoyed it every time we did it. I didn't realize that it was only the start of something that would land me in the position I am in now, on my knees dressed in a slutty skirt...

2 years ago
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A Mistress and Her Slut

A Mistress and Her SlutMistress Ambyr waited for her little slut; she had a fun evening planned for. This was the beginning of a new relationship with her new little girl, Cristinna. She was excited because she oh so loved making a new girl her personal slut, slut a loving term for her that only her favorite girls got called.She looked at her room with the huge king size bed to play on with its fluffy bedspread and big soft pillows for her girls to hold while she loved them.She also had a big...

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Public Slut

Naughty dogging sluts! Finally! Call it like you see it! I am fucking tired of feminist crap, fake expressions like content creators, adult actresses, and shit! Even the name is straightforward to the bone -! Even the stupidest of retards would figure out that some chicks do some shagging out in public, but there's more to this page than this! Would I be reviewing if it was that simple?! C'mon, think outside the box for one freaking second and get ready to see...

Premium Gangbang Porn Sites
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Pet Mommy 2 DP Mommy Slut

I am sure you have heard the saying be careful not to wake up the sleeping giant. Well, I woke the giant up both figuratively and literally with my son, Michael. Before I seduced him, he was a meek, shy and conservative boy who stroked himself often to incest fantasies online. But once he had a taste of the forbidden fruit, he turned from boy to man, from mouse to lion. I knew I had changed our relationship that glorious first night, when I gave myself to my son unconditionally, allowing him...


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