Subservient Ch. 02 free porn video

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Note: Hope you all enjoy this net section, gets a bit steamier in this section, and there is a bit of bisexuality thrown in just as a warning.

beyond that feel free to share your thoughts and questions


The last time I was in a hotel remotely like this nightmare, I was in the elevator shaft twenty floors up wiring explosives. With Nigh guiding my actions over the radio, and whispering her twisted plans for the rest of the evening into my earpiece I found it as much an escape from her grip as it was a personal challenge to stay focussed. I had to leap from one ledge swing from the main cable and prey that it didn’t move before I released it sailing over to the next sure foothold, and setting the next charge. Wiring in the timer and arming the device was second nature so it only took moments ‘You know Carn you’ll be needing a good long shower when you’re finished, maybe I’ll have you join me.’ She wasn’t expecting an answer so I never gave one either way she’d do as she wished and was sure to make me miserable, she preferred it that way said ‘it brought out the fire in my eyes.’

‘The next charge ma’am?’ I needed the last location, my whisper as lifeless as the dark shaft lingering below me.

Her sick smile was an image never far from my mind, and I’d bet that the bitch had it plastered across her face at that moment ‘At the top of the Shaft Carn, it’s the last one, and I’ll be seeing yours soon, so don’t keep me waiting.’

She had me set the charges to go 8hrs from then, a little thrill to be screwing in a building that was about to be engulfed in flame. About 100 maybe 200 people were in that tower I never bothered checking the guest lists. Nigh kept gasping those sadistic little details as she made good on all those dirty little ideas she put in my head.

I tried not to think of all the carnage that was to come simply to rid the world of one Politian. There were no comforting thoughts to be found, though her finger nails digging into my flesh would provide a distraction whilst I invaded familiar dark territory.


‘Now arriving at the twentieth floor presidential sweets please exit the elevator.’ A synthetic voice chimed freeing me from that wretched memory, and back into this new nightmare.

‘So Carn how long have you been with the military?’ My whole fucking life! I wasn’t going to tell her that in such a tone but didn’t stop me from thinking it. Still I was as always chained to the rules I was raised by, and that made the question as good as a command.

‘As long as I can remember Ma’am.’ It was kind of pointless to ask, any information about me would be in the dossiers they no doubt sent to her secure network account. Every embarrassing detail leaving out all the mission data they didn’t want a foreigner to see which most of it was

‘Not much for conversations are you?’ and yet another stupid remark pricked my skin like an 8cy needle, slaves weren’t for conversation unless it was some pathetic little house pet.

‘No Ma’am.’

‘Could you stop calling me Ma’am?’ She huffed as in frustration not liking the authority afforded to her, it was amusing and there were very few times in my life where the rules brought me joy. Irritating her was entertaining at the very least and I wasn’t about rob myself of it if had any choice in the matter.

‘No, Ma’am I cannot.’

‘Is there anything ‘else’ you can call me, I hate the Ma’am title.’ And I hate dumb questions, looks like we were both outta luck.

‘No Ma’am.’

As we walked down the hall I noticed how empty this place really was, they must’ve cleared out the entire floor for the Ambassador’s visit, very dumb idea might as well put a neon sign on the building or paint a big target on her room’s window, better yet get a quality rocket launcher and stick it somewhere unpleasant.

God I hate being on this side of the target, I’d rather be the one aiming at it rather than standing between it and the bullet. Then again very few assassins these days cared about collateral damage it was the pray’n’spray method easy but messy, bombs and the like made things too easy in my opinion.

‘Here’s our room, at least now we can get comfortable.’ Fuck I hated those words, ‘get comfortable’. Every time Nigh used it I knew exactly what she expected of me, it was a sort keyword…’Carn’ you better get comfortable’ ‘Carn I’m gonna get comfortable’ ‘aren’t you going to get comfortable’… Hopefully it didn’t mean the same coming from this woman, problem was if it did and I had to be told twice……

Inside the room door closed behind us she wandered off into the next room…My assumptions were getting to the point that my body acted on reflex, shedding my armour my shirt, boots… She walked in ‘This room is amazing you rea-….!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!’ I stopped with my pants around my ankles, and just looked at her like she was the odd one, no woman I ever met would’ve been so embarrassed, and she couldn’t even look at me. Were Colonials truly that different??

‘Following orders Ma’am.’ Assumed orders but never-the-less.

‘I didn’t-I didn’t tell you to do that, why would you?! I mean what kind of military-?! Have you no shame?’

‘No Ma’am, shame is a luxury, slaves don’t have that luxury.’ I just stared at her hiding her eyes behind her hand but still I swear she struggled not to peak passed it…a very strange woman.

‘You’re…you’re a slave?? I didn’t think-‘

‘No you didn’t Ma’am.’

‘Didn’t what?’

‘Think…Ma’am.’ I insulted her but she never noticed it.

‘Could you please put your clothes back on?’ I almost smiled, a rare occasion to say the least. I pulled my pants back up and re-did my belt as she started to talk again ‘I thought slavery was illegal.’ She really needed to read up on her history, Coryn has been a slave nation for a VERY long time, I’d think everyone thinking to travel here would know that much.

‘Not in the Coryn Empire Ma’am.’ I thought there was something odd about this woman, she obviously never owned a slave, any woman raised in this society wouldn’t think twice about taking advantage of a Slave, unless he was defective or unsightly but those were often cast aside executed or shipped to the mines depending on how bad their case was, a bullet was cheaper than surgery and there were always more and better looking pieces of meat sitting in the fridge.

‘So that’s why you- ummmmm.’

‘Offered myself to you… yes and no Ma’am,’ I wasn’t going to lie.

‘Are there many slaves in Coryn?’ FUCK yet another stupid question.

‘Every living man and boy Ma’am.’ You could see them everywhere doing the jobs women felt were below them, men were useful for breeding, hard labour and military servitude. they had uses for the ‘barbaric instincts of men’ my former instructors words not mine…I’d say these women could be just as barbaric as any man given enough power and lack of rules, just look at Commander Nigh for an example ruthless and consumed with desire for all things related to pleasure or power, often both accompanied with leather.

‘So, you’re not really a bodyguard??’ I’d laugh if I remembered how to, she thought I was some simple boy toy sent to keep her company…It may have been a part of it but not the whole point, I was supposed to keep her happy and keep her safe a double edged job, but apparently I was free of that half of the job for now…

‘I am fully trained, an am more than capable of protecting you Ma’am.’

‘I’m sorry if I’ve offended you.’ Wasted apologies why did she care, my opinion didn’t matter in the least. The apology was the only thing that offended me…

‘I’m a slave Ma’am no apology required, I follow your orders Ma’am.’ Like a goddamn robot I just gave her control, just like that no thought just…just reacting like I was taught to. It was nothing new but still it only served to piss me off eve
ry time was reminded how badly my mind had been fucked with, I almost wished I wasn’t aware of it, a special part of my training. Not all slaves are aware of how badly they’ve been warped ‘ignorance is bliss.’

She didn’t know what to do, what to think or even say. That blank look plastered across her face…How could she be an ambassador? This was pathetic, Politian’s were supposed suave, confident, charismatic especially those granted the status of an Ambassador ‘they’ stood to represent their country their people and this lithe woman stood there meek and unsure, wringing her hands hoping to squeeze a thought from them. No wonder the Colonials couldn’t keep order.

‘I’m sorry I’ve work to do before I’m to meet with your Empress, could you ummm ah….’ She didn’t even know what orders to give.

A knock came to the door ‘Expecting anyone Ma’am?’

‘Yes Carn, my advisor, Sheila Versy, could you finish getting dressed and let her in.’ Stupid move, she held too much trust. How did she know for sure…? But then again a killer doesn’t walk through the front door not one as well guarded as this building, not unless it’s me, or someone better.

I put on my shirt and opened the door to a dark skinned woman older maybe 33 years old, she dressed like a lawyer, albeit one with too much make up and perfume I almost choked. I needed only brief glance to see she wasn’t a threat and let her pass closing the door behind her ‘Hello handsome.’ She smiled wide as if party to a joke I hadn’t been told ‘Chelsey my dear you lucky little thing!’ This one acted more like the women I was used to, unfortunately. ‘This is what I love about visiting this Coryn on diplomatic missions.’ With a passing grope and a worthless come hither stare she closed the distance between her and the Ambassador and I saw to locking the door.

‘Couldn’t you warn me?!’ Ms. Kritten wasn’t happy about the surprise of a Slave nation, this Sheila had a different point of view.

‘And ruin the surprise.’ I wasn’t going to just stand in that room as they argued I’d take this time to hunt down my things. I could get away with it under guise of checking the security of the room, only Nigh would see through that bullshit excuse just to put distance between us. Whatever I needed had been sent up here, and there wasn’t likely to be very much, I didn’t own anything…so I assumed ‘weapons’.

I was going to take inventory while they talked. ‘I mean c’mon why do you think they ‘NEVER’ allow male diplomats across the boarder?’ Ms Versy was going cause me trouble, I just knew it.

The Ambassador just remained silent and angry ‘Remember Ms. Big-wig this is the safest place in the world unless it’s Coryn targeting that tiny white ass of yours, luckily they LIKE you,’ Apparently my new owner had some enemies ‘AND who are we to judge their way of life, it works for them so why not enjoy it? These men the do ANYTHING you order them to!’

She paused for a moment, and all I could think was ‘oh crap’ ‘What?! I had a good time my last couple visits, the stories I could tell you.’ Ms. Versy had likely been privy to the favours of office and didn’t seem shy of accepting them.

Unpacking the suitcase marked with my brand I found clothes in one and weapons in the other, though holding a gun right then may not have ended well if I were a lesser man ‘Did they send this guy up after you got here? He’s better looking than the one I got last time and I had to call the front desk to get that much, and yours is young too I’m so jealous!’ My rifle was looking real friendly I must say.

‘He’s our body guard Sheila…’ I could hear her tapping away at a laptop ‘His dossier is right in the package they sent us, look.’

’19…nice.’ That knowing grin made me sick to my stomach.


‘I’m still reading, calm yourself okay…holy shit, this is hard to believe, apparently, he knows yoga, gymnastics, cooking, cleaning,’ Look I found my revolver and a box of bullets… ‘If you don’t want him I’ll take him? Killing machine or not this guy is apparently perfect according to the record, and with yoga and gymnastics mmmm-mm girl, a rock hard body, flexible, come on and he’s GOT TO have a bi-‘

‘SHEILA ENOUGH!! He’s supposed to keep us alive, not one of your boy toys besides we’ve got work to worry about……and yes.’ I hated being talked period, I’d rather be unnoticed for the most part.

There was moment of silence before ‘Yes what??’ More silence until laughter burst forth from Ms Versy’s lips. Footsteps soon followed across the wood floor stopping behind me, I put down my things and stood, bowing courteously.


‘So you’re Carn? Nice to meet you I’m Sheila Versy,’ this was what I was used to, and she looked at me with one idea in mind, and all I could do was stand there and accept the fact, that was my fate ‘Well I for one am glad to have your services on hand…as a bodyguard.’ She added casting a glance back at the door. The look in her eye told her story in an almost lude display.

‘Thank you Ma’am.’ Now leave before I pick up another gun… If only I could but my body was trained for obedience. I wouldn’t dare do it, even the thought of it drowned me in memories of pain. Had I actually made the attempt I would’ve crumple to the floor screaming, a very deep very eloquent form of hypno-therapy reinforced with electro-shock, so in laymen’s terms an expensive and effective mind-fuck.

She left me in peace and I went about checking out my equipment, extra armour, assorted knives, grenades, a few shaped charges, my S-34 anti-material rifle, revolver and slug gun. Not to mention my cleaning kit and an entire trunk filled with ammo. It almost therapeutic going about cleaning and organizing every piece, it was one of the few things I enjoyed, didn’t care if that was the training talking.

‘Carn?’ Ms. Kritten was calling me, now began the power trip…

I walked out into the main room finally taking stock of the place, the first room was shooting gallery a two floor open concept penthouse first floor wide open kitchen, and bar including plush leather couches and dinning room. The big god damn window with great view of the city was my main concern, these windows stretched up to the second level it too was open, well lit and housed a small entertainment center of it own center around an expensive computer wired into room’s electronic functions. Among the second floor rooms was the master bedroom out of sight at least and, down stairs was the guest bedroom, and a massive bathroom, a Jacuzzi sized tub and a waterfall shower.

I wasn’t pleased with the idea of the sleeping arrangements, two beds three of us considering how much Ms. Versy consistently reminded me of the Commander.

Finding my way to the second level Ms Kritten was on her laptop, Ms. Versy was downstairs getting a drink, whiskey by the look of it, with too much ice. ‘Yes Ma’am?’

‘We’re meeting with the Empress tomorrow, and we have guests coming over tonight…Sheila’s idea,’ ‘No kidding’ came to mind, ‘she has a few friends they want to touch face with the new Colonial Ambassador, should be just business and a few drinks.’ Finally she was starting to act intelligently telling me these things made protecting her easier, surprises would compromise her safety, so would the indulgences of Ms Versy…One of those problems was dealt with, but I’d needed more information about these guests, the other problem was out of my hands.

‘What do you know about these people Ma’am?’ She went to tell me in depth what she knew bringing up files via the network connection provided by the hotel, I saw very little threat to her, these women were wealthy business owners, they often have… eccentric tastes that I recall with a good deal of disgust. I hoped that they’d bring their own fun and leave me out of it. I wasn’t very lucky though and somehow I expected to be the entertainment regardless what I was MEANT to be doing here.

A few hours later I’d
went back and finished taking stalk of my weapons cleaning and oiling the parts organizing my clothes into neat piles. Ms. Versy hi-jacked the closet of the guestroom room, and Ms. Kritten was tapping away at her laptop the whole time checking news feeds from the colonies. I was happy to have even that short time to myself though they both took a break to dress more elegantly for their evening. Ms Kritten in blue velvet, Ms. Versy in red silk.

Ms. Versy was more endowed than the lithe Ms Kritten, but neither seemed out of shape. The women that arrived were more akin to sluts than powerful women of industry tiny little dresses low cut neckline, and a hem two inches away from being indecent. Trailing behind was a doe-eyed boy-toy, lean not overly fit like many hulking freaks some women like to cultivate.

I felt envious of for him, not much older than me but I could tell he hadn’t lived a hard life, he was probably groomed for simple service meaning he wasn’t all that bright either, he didn’t have to be. He was a little nervous looking like a puppy not used to being outside, they even had him collared… looked good on him… What the fuck was I thinking… this night was going to be a nightmare and my thoughts strayed to…that.

‘Hello ladies thought we’d bring the entertainment while we worked, but I see you’ve got your own…’ The ice eyed blonde closed in on me like a shark a hand on my cheek grasping at my chin knowing full well I wouldn’t do a damn thing to stop her. Turning my face from side to side checking my mouth appraising me with her hands stopping only to look in my eyes ‘top dollar too, beautiful eyes.’ Indifferent toward me as I would be to my meal, she was unarmed by the look of that painted on dress. Silk like Ms.Versy but deep violet following the exaggerated curves of her hips and swell of her backside, and pressed upward to enhance a modest bust at best, guess she didn’t care for implants…or underwear for that matter.

The other was a small Asian woman, Lidia Dulshye she was the owner and operator of a massive company controlling well over half the Import and Export into this country, so there was more threat there than anywhere just her knowledge of Ms Kritten might draw unwanted attention. Short wild hair, black save for the bright highlights, she wore a dress more akin to a body wrap, covering just enough to reveal a body a swimmer would kill for, sculpted and cut through some form of intense athletics. Didn’t have access to her files or I’d know what it was.

‘Miribell watch that one, he is not some simple pretty thing.’ Smart woman, very observant. It was very easy to tell the difference between a soldier and someone like ‘doe-eyes’ standing in the open door almost timidly as he waited for his next command, it was…cute.

‘Leonard please shut the door and make yourself familiar with the kitchen.’

‘The bar especially, Leonard.’ Lidia added quickly.

A glorified waiter, cook, and jiggalo he read like bad comic book, but I could see what women saw in him, though unfortunately their attention focused on me instead. ‘So are you more than a pretty thing,’ She turned her attention to me, Miribell’s fingers curling at the hem of my shirt pulling ever so slightly upward teasing the on looking audience.

‘Yes Ma’am.’ Ms. Versy was grinning like an idiot in the background as I was turned about to see her and Ms. Kritten as she tried to restrain outrage, uncomfort, and blushing cheeks, as the blonde…Miribell kept on with curious hands. Her unwelcome pawing growing more intimate with every passing moment. Still I didn’t move remaining as a statue as she explored, raking her nails across bare skin as they traveled beneath my clothes. Had I reacted at all it wouldn’t end well, I learned that a long time ago at the end of a cattle-prod ‘Not even a flinch, someone trained him well.’ She stripped the shirt from my back only to give way to gasps as all laid eyes upon my back, even Leonard seemed shocked.

‘Looks like you were a bad pet.’ Lidia sat at the bar glass in hand admiring the scarred landscape of my back, she was wrong those scars were a ‘gift’ from the Commander, and a memory for another time. Luckily the question was never asked, the answer already implied though it still pissed me off to think about it.

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Merie wasn’t at school on Monday and Brock was noticeably worried. “Call her,” Jen suggested. “Or maybe I should call her. If she’s mad at you it’s because of me.” “I was there, too,” he told her. “If she’s mad at me it’s because of me. I could have stopped but I didn’t. Don’t blame yourself.” Easier said than done, Jen thought to herself. Her guilt was magnified tenfold when Brock sat down forlornly at lunch. “I called,” he said simply. “She doesn’t want to speak to me. I don’t know if...

2 years ago
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Cumming Home

Cumming Home For the last ten months the only contact he had was email, when he had the time, and it had to be basic. Thank goodness she sent him pictures and voice clips to keep his morale up or he might have gone insane. This tour of duty had been hard on him, one man can only take so much. This one was the third 'going to war' and it felt emptier then any other time. This time, he figured, it was because he had someone to go home to. They met only six months before he left in an online chat...

Straight Sex
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I Find a Real Cock for My Husband

I just turned thirty-five, but I must say I'm a sexy, youthful thirty-five with a hell of a body and a scorching libido. The latter should be no surprise since it's no secret that a woman in her mid-thirties is often at her sexual peak. I certainly am, and was when two years ago I finally divorced my quite unexciting and less than satisfying husband, who was some years older than I was. He was replaced him with a much younger man, ten years younger than myself, in fact. And that man, Rick,...

2 years ago
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New Beginnings Pt 2 Ch 2

‘Where are my fucking legs? ‘Fuck, I’m bleeding all over… Can’t back up… fucking bomb is behind me – Shit! Just like last time! ‘Mom! Help me! I need… to… nuugh… can’t… flare… Got… Go forward!’ ‘I am really, really fucked…’ Lisa reached toward a face she knew and pushed as hard as she could against the expanding white fire she had pulled into the teleportation zone with her, then the white fire consumed her. As she blacked out, her shield failed and the nuclear explosion pushing...

3 years ago
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Sheryls StoryChapter 3

Morning and I awoke with a headache, and a mouth that felt as I imagined the bottom of our garbage can would feel. It didn't matter. I had slept well, no dreams, no lying awake thinking back over the fun Scott and I had. Just the blissful nothingness. It was mid-morning; Paul and dad would be at work. Mum would be pottering around doing the housework. Sue, who was between jobs, would be out either looking for work or helping with the house. What to do? I could lie in my cosy bed and let...

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Youre My Bitch Now Part 9

Part Nine Rick had confessed everything to Chris, who hadn't stopped saying sorry for leaving him alone. Chris dragged him back to the flat where Rick collapsed onto the sofa. Chris wrapped his arms around him and tried to get him to calm down. What Scott had done to him freaked Rick out, and it felt good to have Chris hold him tight until he got himself back under control. Chris kept apologising and Rick told him to stop. It wasn't his fault he said, he'd been so star struck and...

3 years ago
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Wife Goes Out

Wife Goes OutThis happened a few years ago when we lived in Ca. My wife always wore short dresses & usually wore panties with a snap crotch. I had a few drinks & she was upset with me so we had words. She left, found out later that she walked up the street to the movie. When she came back I asked what had transpired in the movie. She said this guy sitting behind her kept pkaying with her hair & telling her how beautiful it was. I pushed her up against the wall & put my hand up...

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Getting Behind MotherChapter 8

When she woke up, she found they had turned about in the bed during the night, her face now resting against his cock and balls. She smiled as she saw how hard he was. Tony lay on his side, one arm around her hip, his breath fanning the soft hair of her cunt. Coming awake slowly, Judy pulled her head back a ways, so she could see his cock and balls without being cross-eyed. His prick throbbed visibly, and his balls appeared full again. She was fascinated by how quick her son could get hard....

1 year ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 31 Alone at the Top

Time: Judgment 1, 8239 10:00 PM At the sound of the gong, I released my form and slowly stood up. I had spent the last hour in the Prayer of Repose holding a Shaolin half-lotus sit while nervous Commander Priests questioned me on theology. My mind went back to my conversation with Makin two years ago at the boy's monastery at Karbala. Adult testing is indeed easier than passing the third childhood gate, even with the ringers I suspected the Health faction had lined up against me in the...

3 years ago
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Corrupting Emma Watson

Emma Watson. Beautiful, lovely, talented, and divine. So many words can be used to describe the young celebrity it is hard to choose the right one. Not too tall, not too short, not too thin, not too fat, with soft light brown hair spilling down her shoulders, long smooth legs. Perfection. Which is why I have to have her. No matter the cost... ATTENTION: Rape is wrong, immoral, and illegal. Please don't do it! Fantasizing and reading about it is merely the sign of a healthy imagination. 1.3...

2 years ago
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Culture Shock 1123

Elaine was suddenly attacked by a severe case of hyperventilation. Her heart rate skyrocketed and her chest tightened, making her fight for air. I just wanted to know 'hypothetically', not 'actually'! her mind screamed as she typed desperately. "I'm sorry! That's not what I meant!"A second later, Gary messaged her back. "Let's pause for a moment."Sitting back in her chair, Elaine closed her eyes as smaller and smaller butterflies attacked her stomach. The grip on her chest slowly loosened, and...

2 years ago
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Der Einbruch

Teil 1: Das MädchenIch schleiche vorsichtig ums Haus, jede Deckung und jeden Schatten nutzend. Irgendwo muss sich doch eine Schwachstelle finden, die ich nutzen kann, um herein zu kommen. Tatsächlich: die Terrassentür ist nur angelehnt. Wie unvorsichtig von den Bewohnern. Aber wie einladend und vorteilhaft für mich. So wird es keine Spuren geben! Ich gehe hinein. Vorsichtig erkunde ich die Räume im Erdgeschoss. Kein Mensch zu sehen. Ich schleiche runter in den Keller. Aus einem Zimmer, dessen...

4 years ago
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Sid and Melissa

At eighteen, Melissa was hardly sexually experienced. This was a small college town in a state in which abortion was not legal. A girl of her age couldn’t just walk into the family doctor’s office and say, ‘Hey, I really want to fuck! Put me on birth control pills.’ When she started college in the fall in the big city, she was sure she’d be able to get on the pill. Her first, ‘lover’, if you could even call him that, had been an upper classman at the university in town. They’d really only had...

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Lexies Master Part Two

"Alexandria."He was sitting by the fire in a red leather arm chair. He looked handsome, other worldly, like something out of the eighteen hundreds. "Come here." I approached him and looked at him defiantly. "Have you settled in?" I nodded. It had been a few hours. He had prepared me a nice room. It was big and everything was purple, blue and silver. "Is everything to your liking?" I forced another nod. "The reason I've called you here is to deal with your punishment." "You already spanked...

3 years ago
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My First Male Experience

My first experience with another cock as a sex object,r ather than playing with my own or seeing other guys’ cocks in the gym showers, happened when I was 18 years old whilst on holiday in Atlanta, Georgia. It happened on a family exchange visit whilst I stayed with a cute couple in their late 30s. He, Herb, was athletic, tall and tanned and she, Lucy, was shapely, without being model-type beautiful, but a nice cute girl all the same. They were friendly and I quickly settled into their home. ...

2 years ago
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Building Harrys harem part 4

At the end of the class Harry’s potion was perfect. It was the exact colour and texture asked for, with an aroma of blooming flowers. It was a potion for curing the common cold. Snape tried to take points and destroy the potions, but Harry glared at him with such hatred, anger, and power that snape paled and ran to his office, dismissing class. Harry made a conscious effort to look 100% normal in public. He figured he would be hugely suspect if all the girls started liking him and he was...

1 year ago
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Wish Shift The Things That Bind You

Wish Shift: Chapter Twenty Seven The Things That Bind You Year 1 A.S. Day 157 Jenny looked up when Derek opened the front door. She was in the kitchen going over some of what she wanted to do with him during the next week. She put down the pad of paper that she had been writing ideas on down on the counter and walked into the living room to see why he was back so early today. She had been busy over the last few days. In fact she had only really left the house when she had to. As...

3 years ago
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After School Job

"Are you almost finished with that, Craig," Paula Horton asked!?! "Uh, yes ma'am," he replied while placing the last gallon of paint on the display shelf, "all I have left is to clean up the empty cartons and packaging!!!" "Good," she said while walking away, "when you're done, I want to see you in my office!!!" "Sure thing," he answered, "I'll be there in ten minutes!!!" Craig had been working afternoons and Saturdays at Paula Horton's hardware store for the past three...

1 year ago
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MylfXToughLoveX Luna Star Daddys Girl

Sweet Sweet Luna, she’s been one my top girls for years now. You might even say she’s got a special place in my heart but that would be naive. Fucking Luna always brings a smile to my face so it’s angers me when I see some punk ass pimp abuse my shit. She was covered in bruises and scratches from a low level worm who calls himself Lil Peter. Everyone knows she’s a working girl but she’s always been my working girl. Every whore needs a Daddy and that’s who I am to Luna. She cums to me for...

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BangbrosClips Cristi Ann Lexi Luna StepSisters Lexi Luna and Cristi Ann end up sharing a cock

Conniving Lexi Luna seduces Cristi Ann’s man for his cock. This chick is super hot so it wasn’t long until we see her sucking on cock and getting fucked. The two go over to her room while Cristi is looking for Lexi all over the house. We see Lexi sexy body take a hard pounding before Cristi Ann angrily walks in. She’s mad at first but she takes this opportunity to finally do the threesome that she’s been fantasizing about. Yup, Cristi Ann and her stepsister Lexi Luna get wild with JMac’s cock....

2 years ago
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Marathi 8211 Neighbor Kaku 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone, me ahe raj and gheun aloy tumchyasati next part of my marathi story marathi – neighbor kaku – part 1. Jar tumhi adhichi story vachli nasel tar please do read it first (link above) So , ata tumcha jast vel and gheta maja anubhav sangayla suruwat karto. Stranger banun maja ani anita kakucha roj ratri chat chalat ase.Ekmekana nude pics send karne, jamel tevda awaj change karun kakushi phone sex karne yat maja yet hoti. Tya divashi kaka sutti sati yenar hote so kakune mala 3-4 days...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Gillian Hot all nature blonde MILF

– 36 years old divorced single MILF – Has a degree, works in an office – Lately she has been trying to express her artistic side – Loves to paint and refurbish old furniture – Has recently tried out some modeling gigs – Decided to do her first porn while she’s still HOT – She does watch porn but mostly girl/girl stuff – Usually goes for older men but is open minded to all – What a beautiful all natural body on this sexy blonde – I gave her some good dick and enjoyed fucking her – At the end she...

2 years ago
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James 5

‘I don’t know where they are at’ I said looking over at James. His gray eyes scanned my face and a small smile appeared on his face. ‘What?’I asked bending over the bed looking for his keys. I soon felt James’s hand on the back of my thigh moving lightly up my shorts. I sat up and looked back to see him smiling up at me, he bit his lip a little ‘your so fucking hot’ He smiled. I smiled slowly and turned towards him, his eyes pointed to my chest. I looked down and saw that my tank had come down...

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The Minx Part I

Tiffany, the daughter of my next door neighbour, was a hot eighteen year old girl who had a body that men would drool over. She often liked to flaunt herself for the boys, wearing small cut-off tops that revealed her slim waist, and small daisy duke jean shorts which showed ample cheeks of her round, perfect ass. I’d often see her lying in the back yard, wearing little more than a string bikini that showed the natural curves and smooth skin of her half-naked form. At times I used to stand to...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 18

Closing the doors behind him, Dan walked over to the three tarpaulins that covered the cars. Pulling them off he was happy with the choices Rob had made. Seeing the Skoda, he remembered what Rob had said earlier about the size of the boot, now opening the boot and eyeing the size, he understood what he meant and knew there would be plenty of room. People had slated Skoda when they first launched, mainly for their cheapness and style, since Volkswagen had bought them they had definitely...

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JessicaChapter 2 Tabitha

"Hi! This is Jessica. I can't come to the phone right now. Please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible..." I waited for the voice mail connection and promptly forgot what I wanted to say. "Uh, hi. It's John, from last Thursday? Anyway, I was wondering if you'd be free this evening. Not free, uh ... I mean, available? For a date? Um ... Maybe I'll email you. Shoot. But if you want to call me back, my number is..." I hung up the phone feeling like...

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My Love Story 8211 Part 1

Hai everyone. This is Preethi (name changed). I am not a regular reader of this site. I just came to know about it a few months before. I would like to narrate my life incidents and it’s completely real. First of all this is not a story related to only sex but about a girl’s feelings, fears of having sex. Please be patient while reading this story. And I welcome all the comments. Forgive me for all the mistakes I have made while writing this story. Ok coming to me I am a beautiful girl of age...

1 year ago
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Shoe GirlChapter 3

At ten past nine the next morning, while I was still eating breakfast, my doorbell rang. I had a minor panic: I wasn’t expecting anyone until possibly Mel at half nine. I hoped that I could quickly get rid of whoever it was at the door so they wouldn’t encounter Mel if she actually turned up. When I opened the door, my panic turned to relief. Mel was early. She appeared to be wearing the same clothes as the day before, topped off by a pink jacket that looked a couple of sizes too small....

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Repopulating the World

The sirens screamed as everyone in town rushed around in a panic. Rich and Allie run to their underground bunker and close the door waiting for their friends and family to join them. It had been on the news for weeks. A giant meteor was headed straight for earth. As in the movie Armageddon, many countries had joined together to try and destroy the huge space rock, but to no avail. So many brave men and women had lost their lives trying to save mankind. The last week, the meteor had picked up...

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HerLimit Ariela Donovan A pounding to remember

This nasty babe with a school girl look came to hook up with a big thick cock. She teased and pleased this lucky guy until her kinky mouth gave it a try to suck his dick balls deep. After some hardcore deepthroating, her nasty pussy was ready for fucking. Ariela adored the way her pussy got worn during this memorable pounding while Angelo was still hungry to fuck her more & more. The passion in their action led to multiple orgasms & a strong squirting completed with him cumming on her...

1 year ago
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The Babysitter Spanks Jack and Jill

Brandi had been a babysitter, like, forever. Her Dad was a Gynecologist. He had his own private practice in a Doctor's office park not far from their home. All of Brandi's friends told her she was lucky to have a Doctor for a Father and Brandi knew it was true. Her Daddy had a library of books loaded with pictures of female and male private parts that made her feel all tingly down below between her legs. Whenever she visited his office Brandi snuck one of the books from the top shelf and...

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Store Manager the young assistant

My name is not important, my intentions are. Over several years i have gone to shoe & lingerie stores seeking out young shop assistants to flash my pussy at & to see there reactions & to find out if my understanding is correct, more young girls are bisexual & they are comfortable with another woman seducing them.This occassion the store i picked had a manager & young assistant, who appeared to me learning the ropes so she was not going to be alone. I watched from outside...

4 years ago
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Erica Meets Tony

Erica Meets Tony By Erica Wright 03/02/03 - 08/01/03 After months of teasing, Tony and I were finally meeting. I booked the room for the weekend, and checked in around eleven am. I left word with the front desk that a friend would be stopping in to visit and that it would be fine to give him the key to the room. As soon as the door was closed and locked I opened my overnight bag and lay out my clothes on the bed. I opened the double pack of enemas and dropped them in the sink....

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10000 Housewife Party

This is a true story, i am a middle aged women that has been married to my wonderful husband for close to 40+ years, my name is Diane and i live in beautiful Queensland Australia. There is a trend going around at the moment in Australia which is called $100.00 Housewife Fucks, it's basically where Housewives offer their body to strangers for sex for a $100.00. We were running a bit short on money and i decided to talk to my hubby about this trend, i said i would like him to organise...

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David Finally Gets His Wish

David Morrison had just graduated from college. His father called in some favors and got him a job at a leading Marketing firm. He was an Account Level Executive. He liked the company, because most of the employees were young like himself. David was learning the job and getting situated comfortably there. David did very well in college and maintained a 4.0 grade point average. He was part of a popular fraternity. He pledged his second year of college and got in. All of his fraternity brothers...

1 year ago
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Balling Hot DaughterChapter 8

Chrissy felt crushed. Just when she'd been hoping to keep her handsome father all to herself, he was announcing his engagement to Kelly. Now what was she going to do for fun all summer? She'd go crazy with frustration if she didn't have regular love-making from Daddy. There was no way she could conceal her disappointment. "I... I hope you'll both be very happy," she stammered, bursting into tears. "I guess I better leave you two alone now." "Wait, Chrissy," Kelly said, grabbing...

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