My Amazing Cousin Kate: The Miracle Month Part One free porn video

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My name's Alex, and I miss my cousin Kate. I always miss my cousin Kate. I keep the little lock of hair she left with me at all times: in my pocket, under my pillow, in my backpack, everywhere. It's supposed to remind me she'll come back, help me get along without her, you know? But it doesn't work. It just reminds me Kate's not here, and the scent of it, what I call Kate Smell, just makes me miss her even more.

My mom's real worried. See, I don't eat much anymore. I try, because I love my mom, but it all tastes like cardboard to me. Mom understands about Kate, and she's always quiet and patient, but when I refuse most of my dinner, she frowns and sighs and shakes her head. And it's not just the food. I don't play much these days. I can't really get into Laser Tag or Mega Man X or anything. It all feels pointless, and I just end up in my room, pretending to read something until it's time for bed.

School isn't that much better, either. I used to ask and answer questions a mile a minute. Now I barely ever make a peep. You'd think that nothing could ruin recess, no mather how sad and lonely I was, but I mostly just moped around the playground. I have six friends, and they took turns trying to cheer me up, but nothing ever worked, and eventually, they gave up. Well, most of them did. Not Agatha. Agatha stuck by me no matter what.

Who's Agatha? Well, when I was six, Agatha was this tall, lanky, black girl with honey-colored hair and eyes. She beat me up just about every day, until Kate had a little word with her. I don't know what she said, but Agatha never hurt me again. There was an awkward week or two where she didn't do anything. Then she's suddenly leapt upon another one of my bullies, and from that moment on, we were thick as theives.

Now, at recess, Agatha struggles to get me to play anything. She doesn't let me being all sullen stop her one bit. When I finally agree to something, a foot race say, she lets herself be so silly I just can't help giggling. Whenever that happens, she gets this smile like she won something, and then she gives me a little hug. Yup. Agatha's a hugger. Some days, I eventually end up playing like a human, and it's almost fun again, until I think of Kate. But even though I get all depressed again, Agatha just won't give up. A lot of the time, she follows me home, a thing that makes Mom very happy.

So, yeah, Agatha's awesome. A really good friend. And when she hangs out with me, Mom says I'm almost normal again. Honestly, I like having her around to keep me from thinking about how much I miss Kate. We got through Mega Man together, but it wasn't until halfway through Super Mario World that I realized my friend and I had a huge problem. I really should have seen it coming, but with everything going on, I really wasn't thinking straight.

"I love this part where you ride all the dolphins," Agatha said, clearly trying to draw me out. "I wonder if Yoshi can eat them."

"He can't," I replied her. "I've tried it a lot. It would make getting across the water a bit harder if he could, though."

"That's true. There's the exit up ahead. I like how catchy the music is when you finish a level. Okay, the next level's yours. Good luck!" As she said that, she gave my left hand a quick, little, squeeze.

It felt like a bit of static electricity shot up my arm, and I got nervous right away. Agatha could clearly see it, but she didn't say anything, so I didn't either. I led Mario through the next level, making tons of mistakes, because I felt Agatha's eyes watching me instead of Mario's progress. I didn't say a word, and when I crossed the finish line, I just looked at my friend to let her know it was her turn.

She squirmed uncomfortably for a second or two. Then she started trying to balance her controller on her nose. A few moments of watching that and I was laughing myself silly, which was just what she wanted. All awkwardness gone, we continued rescuing the princess, and with anyone else, the story would end there, but Agatha never gives up.

We were at the door to my house, saying goodbye to each other, when Agatha suddenly moved in to kiss me. As soon as I saw her, I turned my head away. When I looked at her again, her eyes were flaming with hurt and anger.

"Agatha, I..." I sputtered.

"Hush!" she growled at me.

Her fists were balled up, and I was sure I was about to get pummeled. She saw the terror in my eyes, and it made her smile wickedly. She didn't hit me though. She simply marched off home. Nobody saw her again for two days.

When Agatha returned, she tried it again and again, growing more exasperated every time I refused her. I felt like some slimy, horrible, monster. I could clearly see the pain I was causing her. And she'd been so nice to me, put up with all my black moods, and tried to get me to be happy again. But Agatha wasn't Kate, and I love my cousin more than breathing. I just couldn't hurt her.

One day, Agatha just couldn't take it anymore. We were in my bedroom, and her eyes were dripping with tears.

"I hate your cousin!" she roared, shoving me down on my bed. "She's never coming back, Alex! Do you hear me? Never!"

So saying, she started punching me as hard as she could, aiming for my stomach or ears whenever there was a chance. It hurt a lot, but not nearly as much as what she said about Kate. When she said my cousin was gone forever, it felt like Agatha stabbed me in the heart and twisted. I was sure she was wrong, but it had been two months. Kate and I had never been apart that long my whole life.

I was bawling now and trying to fight Agatha off. I knew I was bleeding somewhere because I felt the blood running along my chin. My mother wasn't home, so there was no one to save me. I looked up into Agatha's flaming eyes and begged her to stop.

"Please, Agatha. I'm sorry! I can't help it. I don't want to do this to you it's just..please stop it! Please? You'll kill me if you don't! Agatha! Please! You have to stop!"

I don't think she could hear me anymore. She just had too much grief in her heart. And this would be where the story ended if Agatha hadn't been suddenly snatched away.

"Oh, my God! My little angel! Alex, honey? Can you hear me? Oh, God! You're bleeding! Alex, honey! Please tell me you can hear your Katie! Please!"

I couldn't believe my ears, but warm, wonderful, flowery, Kate Smell wafted over my battered body. I felt her arms cradle me and saw her bright, green, eyes. Kate looked absolutely hysterical.

"Katie?" I coughed. "Katie dear?"

"Oh, thank God!" she sighed loudly, pulling me into a hug. Two months of sadness just overwhelmed me and I fairly soaked my cousin's shoulder.

"There, there, Alex, honey. I'm here now. Don't cry." But she was weeping just as bitterly as I was.

Gently laying me down again, my cousin rounded on Agatha, who glared at her, full of defiant rage. Kate took a knee, so that they could see eye to eye, and then she spoke in a surprisingly sympathetic tone.

"Didn't I ask you not to hurt my angel? You're not six anymore, Agatha. You might have really hurt him. I've told you before: you can't just hit Alex because he loves me. You can't just force him to change his mind and..."

"You abandoned him!" Agatha cut in hotly. "You left him here by himself for two months. Who's been dealing with his depression all this time, struggling to get him to play and eat and be happy? 'Katie dear?'" she asked acidly, growling in my direction. "No. I did that. Not some cousin that pops in when she feels like it. Me! And the only reason he-"

"I didn't abandon him!" Kate said. Her voice sounded like a knife. "I had to go. My mother just got out of prison. There's a lot she needed my help with. And she just got a job now. I've been working, Agatha. I didn't abandon Alex, but I didn't abandon my mother either. I'm going to take my angel to the hospital, and see what you've done to him. I need you to go home now."

Agatha didn't budge until Kate threatened to call her mom, and then the girl slunk away looking like she'd swallowed a glass of vinegar. When she was gone, Kate started alternating between kissing me and tending my wounds.

"I missed you so much," she said tenderly, gently cleaning the scar on my cheek. "I'm so sorry I couldn't come back sooner, but I'm almost an adult now, Alex, and I had to take care of my mom."

"I'm just glad you're here now," I said. Despite being in a lot of pain, I was really, really, happy. "How long can you stay?"

"Just long enough to get you to the hospital and a restaurant. Then," she said, just bubbling over with joy. "Then you're coming with me!"

"What?" I gasped. I was still shocked she was here. Now she was taking me somewhere?

"Your mom says you just refuse to be happy without me, so she's sending you to live with me for the next month. All your stuf's packed away in my trunk. We can-"

"Oh, my God, Katie! Do you really mean it?" I cried out right away. Kate smiled and nodded.

My mom met us at the hospital, where they detirmined that Agatha hadn't done anything too serious. I was tender in several places, but otherwise unharmed. My mother told me how happy she was to see me smiling again. I told her I felt guilty about leaving her by herself, but she assured me she would be just fine. Before I knew anything, it was time to go, and Katie helped me into the front seat of her car.

As we drove, I saw something lying across the dashboard that I hadn't seen in several years. It was my teddy bear from when I was little, and it looked and smelled like Katie had been hugging the life out of it. I smiled at that, and struggling my seat belt, gave Kate a peck on her cheek.

"I love you, too," she said with a laugh. "But I have to focus on the road if we're going to live through this."

It took two hours, but we got to Katie's home: a small apartment sixteen stories in the air. It had two bedrooms, a little closet with a small, stacked washer and dryer, a tiny kitchen, a large living room, and two bathrooms. It was nothing too fancy, but Kate had decorated it well, and the whole thing was as neat as a pin.

"I made a present for you," Kate said as soon as we entered, and she handed me a little cellophane pouch tied with ribbion.

The most wonderfully delicious candy smell met my nose, and I saw the thing was full of gummy bears.

"My favorite!" I said happily. "Thanks, Katie!"

"You're welcome, sweetheart. And before you ask, never mind just how I learned to make gummies. We've got to get you settled in, and then we've got catching up to do!'

The gummies were the single tastiest candies I've ever eaten. They weren't too soft or chewy, and each one seemed to be flavored with very sweet juice. While I was enjoying them, we brought all my stuff in. Yet another wonderful surprise: I was bunking with Kate. She'd emptied out half of her closet and four drawers to accomodate me, and when everything was packed away, she suggested that, since it was evening, we change into our pajamas.

I didn't bother pretending not to watch as Katie eased her shirt over her head.

"I picked up something else you might like," she said in her naughty voice, and I nearly fainted when I saw what she meant.

Kate's breasts were amazing enough on their own, but now she had them covered in a black, lace, bra. I got hard right away. The patterns made her breasts look darker and more mysterious. I was dying to know how they would make them feel. Kate giggled when she saw how mesmerized I was. Then she lowered her shorts, and I saw she had panties to match. My jaw fell open, and I started walking toward Kate at once.

"You're still dressed," she smiled, fighting through her giggle fit. I stripped down to my underwear, and Kate got me into my blue, rayon, pajamas.

Sliding on an overlarge tee shirt, Kate slipped into bed, and I followed her. Right away, she started petting and cuddling me, whispering how much she loved me and how glad she was we were alone. She held me close, resting my head on her breasts, and then we started making out. Kate was much hornier than usual, that was clear right away. Still, she went slowly as usual, squeezing my butt as she kissed me. But when I grabbed her butt, she moaned right away, and pulled her tee shirt out of the way. The lacce felt really good to my fingers, and Kate shivered whenever I rubbed it.

"Alex, honey, I'm going to lay on my side, and you slip your arm under my legs. Good boy! Now put the other one over them. That's the way. Now you can reach both of my cheeks at once. I want you to squeeze them for me, Alex. Please squeeze them nice and hard. Oh, yes! Just like that! God, those panties feel good when you do that! Oh yes, sweetheart, keep it up! Squeeze'em hard for Katie! Squeeze'em for your good, little, girl!"

As I did what Katie wanted, she slipped her hand through the fly of my pajamas, cupping the bulge my cock was making in my briefs. Every time she encouraged me to grab her butt, she could feel it twitch and grow a little in her hand.

"Rub it for me, Katie," I pleaded. "Get it all big and hard in your hand. Oh, that feels really good. Squeeze it a little. Make your little angel happy, Katie, dear. Oh, God! Yes, Katie. Jerk it up and down just like that! Yes! Oh, Katie, yes! Take it out and play with it. Rub the head with your thumb like that! It feels so good!"

I slipped Katie's panties down around her ankles and started playing with her fuzzy pussy. It was really warm and just coated in juices. Since there was no one to hear her, she didn't really try to be quiet either. As I rubbed her pussy, she purred and groaned loudly. Soon, she was taking hold of my hand and moving it even faster. She started humping against my hand and panting heavily, all the while managing to jerk my cock expertly.

"Finger me, Alex!" she suddenly begged. "Please, oh please put your fingers inside me!"

I might have done that before, but I don't think so. I let Katie guide my fingers in. She moaned out encouragement as I pushed them in and out of her, and groped her breasts through the lace bra. Watching her hands cup them under the tee shirt looked hot as hell to me, and I grabbed my cock with my free hand. Katie was making lewd grunting noises I'd never heard before and wildly humping herself on my hand. Suddenly, she let out a yell, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She shook and shimmied her way out of the tee shirt and bra, and in the middle of her cum, she looked at me with pleading eyes.

I knew just what she needed, and I fell on her nipples, sucking one and pinching the other. She cradled my head and whimpered loudly as, with a bit of work, I returned two fingers to her slit. She called me her darling, sweetheart, honey, and angel as I nursed her pink, perfect, little, nipple.

"Oh, God, eat me, Alex!" she cried at last.

"Yes, Katie!" I replied, eagerly diving in.

God, I missed my Katie's pussy. I loved the warmth and tanginess of her juices. I loved all the wonderful noises my tongue drew out of her. I loved the way her thighs would shiver and shake. Most of all, I loved to hear her calling out my name as her walls gripped my tongue and her juices sprayed everywhere. She was holding the back of my head with both hands, nudging me deeper still as a second orgasm washed over her, and technically speaking, me too.

"Your turn," she panted when she recovered. "I'm going to give you a treat today!"

She produced her oil again. I'll find out where she hides it someday. She slathered my cock in the stuff, and then, bending over, asked me to do the same to her butthole. Full of excitement, I did as I was was ordered, and she groaned once I slipped my finger insude. When she was good and lubed, she placed my cock at her entrance.

"Push!" she instructed. And I did. "Oh, God, that feels amazing. Just like that, Alex. In and out. Am I making you feel good, honey? Are my butt muscles grabbing your cock?"

"God yes, Katie! This is the best thing ever! Oh, good girl, Katie! Hump it just like that!"

"Grab my hips, Alex! Shove yourself in deeper!"

"Yes, Katie, dear. I bet you'll like this, too!"

"Oh hell yes! You're so good to me, Alex. Rub that pussy for me!"

I was in heaven. Katie's butthole was almost literally milking me, she was making all my favorite sounds, and I was cuddling a bit of her hair. It wasn't long before I began tensing up and Katie said something that made me lose it.

"Cum in me, Alex. Go on. Let it go for your Katie. You know you want to, so-"

She was cut off by my loud grunt as I did what she asked. I had such a powerful cum I nearly fell over. Katie slipped into orgasm number three, and didn't let me take my cock out of her until it was over. I expected it to come out dirty, but it was the color of a peach just like always. I don't know how you clean up in there, but Kate managed it as usual, which made me feel much better when she pushed my cum out into her waiting hand. I was astounded to see her swallow it, just like last time, but she simply flashed me a satisfied smile. As it turned out, she hadn't touched herself since she'd left me for the same reason I hadn't been eating or playing.

And that was the first night of my month with Katie. And there were still at least twenty-nine more to go. As I lay there in the dark, in a puddle of Katie's juices, wrapped up tight in her loving arms, I realized something: I am, and have always been, the luckiest boy who ever lived. And it's all thanks to my amazing cousin Kate.

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This is a story of a young woman’s sexual awakening at the hands and cock of an older man — me. of, well, me. I’m an older man. I’m almost 50, with a still somewhat athletic build, hairy chest and body, and a decent-sized cock of about eight inches long rooted in a mass of wiry brown pubic hair. The young woman I’m about to tell you about is Kate N.. I’ve known her for a very long time. Let’s just leave it at that. Kate was adopted as an infant from China by her mom, Ewa, and her adoptive...

2 years ago
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Cousin Billy and Theresa

It was February or March in Connecticut, and colder than anything I could ever remember before that. All the kids were home from school, maybe it was Easter vacation or something, and we were running around outside, trying to keep ourselves warm. In our neighborhood, almost all of the parent's worked, the moms and the dads. It was kind of a housing project where we lived, the rent was cheap, and there was a long waiting list for families to get in. My Uncle Bill and Aunt Margaret lived right...

1 year ago
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Aunt Kate part 3

I had been dropped of at my aunt Kate’s and uncle Jim’s house a few days ago. My mom had had a few difficult years making ends meet and finally could support both of us. When an opportunity for a new job came up she had a meeting with aunt Kate and I to discuss the possibility of me living with her for a while. The job, which was hours away, was an entry level position but had great opportunities for advancement. It would be difficult at first but would pay off in the end. We all agreed I...

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kate becoming a bitch part 4

Friday night was pub night we got dressed I was wearing a knee length summer dress was allmost see through with heels and nothing underneath Kate had on a shortish brown skirt stockings heel and a white boob tube no bra. On the way to the pub I stopped Kate and put her coller on once were in the pub we ordered drink and went to sit in the corner away from the main bar from there we couldnt really be seen unless people went to the toilet they had to walk straight passed us the pub was quiet...

4 years ago
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A Sisters Love Jay Lael and Kate part 1

One afternoon on a Saturday Jay went for a walk on the park to clear his mind. He has been thinking about his favorite girls on his soccer team and the time on a Friday night when he had scored with Faith and some of her friends in the locker room after a late game. "Hey coach!" He heard a voice call to him from behind him. It was Lael, the tall busty brunette bombshell that he had fucked in the showers that night he was just recalling in his mind. "Hey pretty girl" he said as he...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Kate Part 1

Rachel was a senior in high school - Kate was also, both been on the cheerleading squad they both had guys hanging off them. They were always been asked for sex, especially by the guys on the football team. While in the locker rooms after cheerleading practice, after everybody had left for the weekend Rachel asked Kate if she wanted to spend the weekend at her house - explaining her parents were away in Florida for the whole week. Kate agreed and said she's be there after school because she had...

3 years ago
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Kates descent part 2

Alan jumps in the car for the daily trip into town with his girlfriend's mum, Mrs Chalmers.He's been thinking how to bring up last night. He's still thinking resulting in an awkward silence.After a few minutes, Helen breaks the silence. "Alan, about last night. I hope you weren't creeped out. I guess that it looks really weird and you, and Kate, must think I'm scary. " She doesn't really mean it but she wants to give an easy way to let Alan talk about it. It works."No worries. We talked about...

1 year ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 7

Chapter 7 But this motorcycle officer was no normal police officer? The city of Columbus had started hiring female officers over 20 yrs ago mostly for addressing domestic issues. But women and especially women libbers on the department had viewed these jobs for years as non traditional police work. Being a female officer in a police cruiser with another male was one thing, but a female patrol officer on a motorcycle now that was quite something and this woman officer...

2 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 6

Introduction: Catherines Excellent Adventure Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 6 Catherines excellent adventure Catherine wanted to leave the parking lot right now, worried that her boss might see her with these two black men!. Her boss was an older successful business man of some sort of mixed ethnic South African race. But to look at him you would never know it. He was rumored to have made a small fortune and had been involved in the illicit diamond an ivory trade of the black...

2 years ago
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Kates descent part 4

Alan and Kate are making out on her bed. He's desperate to get into her panties. His hand runs over his fit 15 year old girlfriend. His hand moves down to her jeans. He undoes the button and zip. His hands slides into Kate's panties.Kate breaks their hard, open mouthed kiss. "Calm down! What if mum comes in! " Desperately trying to kiss her, "it's been a week now. Face it, she's not coming in and I'm needing to cum so badly. ""Patience, I'm sure she will. " A few minutes pass and the door...

1 year ago
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Celebrities Fucking Part 2Kristen Kruek Kate Beckinsale and Selena Gomez

The first guy he asked about Kristin had confirmed she was an actress, and that she was a blazing hot piece of ass he’d give his left nut to screw. The next guy Ian talked to looked at him like he was retarded for not knowing who she was, and then proceeded to ask him if he’d ever seen an episode of Smallville. When Ian admitted to having seen a few episodes of the show back when it had started, the guy told him Kristin was the girl who’d played Lana Lang. A couple of more questions just...

3 years ago
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Forever Kate Lynn Part 2

Anne stopped talking to see how Jimmy was taking all of this. A few moments went by and she was about to continue and then notice he was about to speak, but nothing came. "Well, am I way wrong here?" asked Anne. Jimmy flopped himself further into the bean bag chair and let out a long breath of air, taking his right hand and flipping his long hair out of his face he ask, "How long have you known?" Jimmy could not believe he just admitted it, his heart was racing, every muscle was...

1 year ago
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My MotherInLaw Kate Ch3

After I send my mother-in-law Kate to the station of orgasmic heights, I tell her, "I want to marry you."   Kate is so much nicer a woman than her daughter could ever be. That is what I want in my life, a good, kind woman. I did consider that maybe Kate could turn out the same in a few years, as did her daughter, but right from the beginning her mom was always nice to me and frankly speaking, I would have been much better off "snagging" Kate to begin with.Kate starts moving in a bit at a...

4 years ago
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Min Wong Forces Kate Part Two

Entering the lobby I haul Kate behind me by her leash. She seems reluctant to enter the hotel. I just yank her leash harder. As we pass the hotel desk the hotel keeper remarks without looking up, “Guests cost extra.” I stop and reply in my best broken English (I’ve been using Chinglish in England just to see the local’s reactions.) “What mean ex charge? This Kate. She fren. Make deal? Me finish Kate, you borrow her me. You wham bam thank you ma’am. No ex charge? Yes?” The hotel...

1 year ago
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My MotherinLaw Kate Ch2

Well, Janice didn't come back three days later from the bingo marathon as she said she would. Not that I expected her to. With her attitude towards me, she only pushed me closer to her mother. I loved what Kate did that night but the next time there would be no heel in the way.Kate dropped in a week later to say hi and visit for a while. Janice was off somewhere and I didn't care as she was no company for me anyway."So how are things with Janice?" asked Kate."Same lousy attitude, Kate. ...

1 year ago
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Kates descent part 1

This story is written in the third person but I'm "Alan". Although fictional, I have an old girlfriend in mind! This is my first story so be gentle but advice welcome as I want write more! Helen stands outside her daughter's bedroom shaking with nerves. She can feel her heart pounding and her stomach in her mouth. "Oh god, I can't do this but, god, I need to" she says to herself. She can hear Kate moaning and the movement of the bed. Closing her eyes and counting to three she pushes the...

1 year ago
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Rachel and Kate Part 2

Rachel and Kate were the last in the changerooms after Friday gym class. Rachel was wearing a very loose kaftan dress she had pulled on after class and Kate was wearing an oversized mens polo shirt. Rachel went over to Kate and slid her hand up her dress and squeezed her boobs. Kate moaned with delight and pulled off her polo revealing a set of mountainous tits. Rachel kissed down her neck and eventually stopped and her boobs, beginning to suck her left nipple while teasing her right with her...

1 year ago
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Kate Bishop and the Tracksuit Mafia

“Why the hush hush? You said that the city was free of the archer.” the goon replied to his boss, referring to the first Hawkeye, Clint Barton. “Yes, but there’s still a Spider crawling about, a devil, and the other archer.” Dmitri replied. The only vigilante he was worried about was the other archer, Kate Bishop. She had foiled his last few attempts to regain a foothold back in NYC for the Tracksuits. Other 22-year-old girls were out having a grand ol time, but Kate found her happy place in...

1 year ago
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The Seduction of Kate

The Seduction of KateMy wife and I had been invited to the wedding of a distant relative of mine, I felt I had to make an effort to go and represent my side of the family, unfortunately my wife had another commitment and was unable to attend, so I had to go on my own. I had booked into the hotel where the reception was being held, when I arrived I went to my room and got changed ready to go to the church for the ceremony, as I didn’t really know many people that were there, I sat by myself in...

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Bree 1 Kate

Introduction: Girlfriend Unexpectedly Encounters A Pony Our Related Stories in Succession. It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains 4. Bree 4 -Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 Shannons Encounter with Jake The Donkey 8. Bree 8 The Reunion (a stand...

2 years ago
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Bree 1 Kate

It is advisable to read them in order as the stories transcends to the next one: 1. Bree1 – Kate- Story for Texans, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 – Girlfriend’s Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains 4. Bree 4 -Wife’s Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 – Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 – The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 – Shannon’s Encounter with Jake The Donkey 8. Bree 8 – The Reunion (a stand alone story but references people in Bree 1 – 6) As a...

3 years ago
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Kate and The Christmas Detour

“ What do you mean I’m not going to see you until January? Evan! You told me we could be together for part of the holidays. We talked about going away for New Year’s Eve!” Evan cringed as Kathleen’s voice grew shrill. “I’m sorry if I misled you. My family always goes to our home in Telluride for the holidays.” “ Misled? Misled? You call telling me that something special would happen when we were together at the stroke of midnight misleading? How could you do this to me?” “ Kathleen, I’m sorry,...

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Mike and Kate Chapter 1 Poker Poker Night

He had found it difficult to make friends as he was at his new high school but eventually made a few friends, Kate and Sophie. For some reason all the male pupils were not interested in being friends with Mike. Mike had a crush on Kate but, he never knew if she actually liked him that way, then one New Years Eve party when they were both 20 would change their lives forever when they finally got together. Kate was Mikes first girlfriend but Kate had had a few boyfriends before and was...

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Lucky Encounter With Kate At The Beach

When I happened to go over to the beach, I decided to take my yellow lab with me, and was I ever glad I did. Any way, as I walked through the dune access, there happened to be a family set up just off the beach entrance, and as I walked past them, an older lady stepped out of the “Easy up” sun shade and remarked, “She looks like a good dog.” I simply acknowledged her by smiling and saying, “Thanks,” as I moved down past where they were set up. After quickly setting up my umbrella, a beach...

2 years ago
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Kate Abducted

Kate Abducted - Part 1 ======================"Kate you're fired!" yelled a voice across the call centre startling Kate who'd just slipped back into the room after a slightly longer than allowed cigarette break."But Steve!" she exclaimed, shuffling towards her desk, "It makes my voice more sexy.""That's the fourth break you've had this morning, three too many!  You're out!" he shouted, striding angrily across the room and blocking Sarah's path.Kate surveyed the room for allies but saw only the...

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Kerry and Kate

KERRY AND KATE is the sequel to KERRY AND THE SECURITY CHECK, a long wait I know for which I apologise, but these things take time, especially when done in secret for I find I write better when I am more suitably dressed. The soft hair of a wig against my face, the constriction of bra (and sadly given my girth a corset) the light flow of an A line skirt and the softness of nylons around my legs feeling feminine gives me the power to type and so here it is please enjoy. Kerry and...

3 years ago
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Molested by my Cousin Matthew

Otherwise...Enjoy my childhood... When I was 10 I went to spend a summer in Oklahoma with my dad's family. Dad and I spent our first few days with his mom in OKC then on the fourth of July we went up to Tulsa to my Aunt Denise's where I was to spend the rest of my summer. I had been excited for many weeks prior to arriving in Oklahoma. I was an only child and my cousin Matt, at the time 14, was going to be spending a month with me an Aunt Denise's. He was not her son, but I'll go...

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Mike and Kate Chapter 3 Couples Massage

“Everything ok,” Mike said to Kate. “Not really, the Estate Agent has just said the house has fallen through, the sellers have decided they don’t want to sell anymore," Kate said. “What, really?” Mike said, “Do they not know we sold our house and had to move in with your mom?” “I did tell them but they don’t seem to care,” Kate said. Both Mike and Kate were both shocked, they had not expected this to happen and were looking forward to their new life in a their new house. “We will have...

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The Real Kate

Introduction: This is the beginning of my slavery. Kate had been married for almost 25 years. Karl was a wonderful man, but because of his many medical problems, he had developed ED. Kate spent whatever time she wasnt working in caring for Karls needs. Kate felt trapped, bored, and mostly sexually frustrated. Once every six months or so, Karl would skip his meds and then Kate would get a little attention, but Karl felt if he was doomed to a life of sexual frustration that Kate should be too. ...

2 years ago
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First Time Out with Kate

My First Time Out With Kate Author's Note: Sequel to My First Time Out, story just begged to be continued. I was surprised by how much it had to say. I woke up and thought back about the night before. Oh how I loved walking around that art show in my beautiful dress and my heels. Everything was perfect until my underwear broke. But what started as a disaster turned into a great opportunity. It set me on a course to meet Kate, a wonderful woman who helped me out. And I have a date...

3 years ago
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Introduction: Would a snowstorm keep her from her family at Christmas? What do you mean Im not going to see you until January? Evan! You told me we could be together for part of the holidays. We talked about going away for New Years Eve! Evan cringed as Kathleens voice grew shrill. Im sorry if I misled you. My family always goes to our home in Telluride for the holidays. Misled? Misled? You call telling me that something special would happen when we were together at the stroke of midnight...

2 years ago
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An Adventure with Kate and Karl

Number 4 of a series of individual stories. ([email protected]... - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!)? An Adventure with Kate and Karl ? by: Sonia_en_femme Chapter 1 - The Phone Call I came home from work and found Sally Anne looking excited. "What is it?" I asked. "Do you remember Karl the waiter that we met on our sexy weekend?" she asked and then went on, "Well Kate, his wife, rang me and she seemed very upset and had said that Karl had asked...

4 years ago
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The Real Kate

Kate had introduced her single sister, Marie, to one of Karl’s friends, David. David and Kate had known each other for about 10 years. Kate constantly teased David and secretly wished she could act on some of her suggestions. Because David and Marie lived far apart, they communicated by phone and e-mail. One day Marie shared a story with Kate that David had written. He had written about how he wanted Marie to be his sex slave, call him Master, and do anything and everything he wanted. He was...

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