First Time Out With Kate free porn video

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My First Time Out With Kate Author's Note: Sequel to My First Time Out, story just begged to be continued. I was surprised by how much it had to say. I woke up and thought back about the night before. Oh how I loved walking around that art show in my beautiful dress and my heels. Everything was perfect until my underwear broke. But what started as a disaster turned into a great opportunity. It set me on a course to meet Kate, a wonderful woman who helped me out. And I have a date with her this morning as John, rather than Joan who she met last night. I climbed out of bed and took off my nightgown and laid it back on the bed. Naked, I went to the shower to start my day. Today is a lot easier than yesterday, no makeup this time, hair brushed straight and tied into a pony tail. I grabbed my underwear from the drawer, men's bikini cut, and then I found some clean jeans and a polo shirt. I hoped Kate liked what she saw today. I don't have as nice clothes as Joan has. Shopping for clothes was never something I enjoyed doing, unless it was for Joan. I picked up a few things to straighten up and checked the time. I was glad to see it was already 10:15 so I stuck my wallet in my back pocket, keys in the front and headed out to the curb. I figured I'd give her until 10:45 to show up. It was entirely possible she would change her mind and not come by at all. I walked out to the curb and leaned against a light pole to wait. I was there only a couple minutes when I saw her car coming up the street. I felt as nervous now as I did yesterday when I left my house for the first time dressed as Joan and caught the cab. "John?" Kate called through the open window as she pulled up. "You certainly do look different in the daylight." "Hi, Kate." I leaned down to look through the window. She looked amazing again today. Capri pants, white blouse over an apricot tank. "Do you still want to do brunch? I'll understand if you want to pass." "Just get in, silly," she laughed. "I am still quite fond of the time I spent with Joan last night and I need to get to know you better if I want to spend more time with her." I opened the door and dropped down into the seat. I clicked the seatbelt into the slot and Kate hit the accelerator. "Where are we going?" "A nice little place not far. They have a patio, excellent omelets and cheap mimosas." "Sounds perfect." "Did you really think I would leave you at the curb?" Kate asked. "I wasn't sure. I mean, after you got to think about it some you might have decided to not show up, or maybe even just say you changed your mind." "OK," she shook her head, "first thing we are going to do is start building up your confidence. I had a wonderful time last night: great conversation, a little drama. I was serious about wanting Joan at the next art show. I hope you aren't going to disappoint me." We drove in silence for a few minutes until she pulled up near a little sidewalk caf?. This was a neighborhood I hadn't ever found a reason to venture into but it looked nice, sort of an old town neighborhood. There were several tables outside on the sidewalk surrounded by a short iron fence and Kate had the hostess seat us at one of them. "This is really nice," I nodded my approval. "Yes. While the weather holds it is one of my favorite places. I love sitting out here." "Hi, Kate," the waitress came to the table and set down a couple waters. "Do you know what you'd like today or need a couple minutes?" "Hi Becky, we are going to need a couple minutes to figure out the food but two mimosas will be just fine for starters." "You got it, be right back." "I guess you do come around a lot," I observed. "Yup, now decide on what you want to eat so we can order and get to talking. Despite being out in the open, it is hard to be overheard out here." I read through the menu and decided on a veggie omelet. Becky returned with the drinks, we both ordered and she scurried off. "So, the hair is real," Kate started. "Oh, yeah." I fiddled with my pony tail. "I always have liked it long. "Well it was fixed real nice last night. Not being a wig made it tough to figure out what was really going on with you. "So, what can you tell me about you? What do you do for a living, what about family?" "Are you really interested in me?" I was still feeling like an animal at the zoo certain I was just some curiosity for her. Kate sat there for a moment staring at me, then she suddenly leaned forward and smacked my off the side of my head. Not hard, but enough to get my attention. "You don't seem to listen too well." Kate leaned back in her chair. "And I am not going to keep repeating myself." Stunned I just looked at her for a moment. "Uh, ok, I uh. Hold on a sec." I took a sip of mimosa, the harshness of the champagne bubbles and orange juice always takes me time to get used to. By the time this glass is half gone I'll be drinking them like water though. "OK, I'm an IT guy and do the network stuff for a company downtown. I've been there since about a year after I left college. "My mom and sister live across town, haven't seen my dad in about 10 years." "Older or younger sister?" "Older, by 4 years." "Uhuh, are you close to them? Visit often?" "Often enough I think, every holiday, birthday, occasional visits." Our meals arrived and we stopped talking for a moment to get a few bites down. "Look," Kate started again between bites, "I am curious about a lot of things, so I just want you to know it is ok if I you tell me I've crossed a line. "Having said that, I wonder if Joan was born from it being just you, your mom and your sister? Did she help you at all?" "Oh, no, not in the least. Neither of them have any idea," I shook my head. "I started, uh, experimenting with clothes while my dad was still living at home. I think I was about 8 or 9 then. I started with my sister's stuff until one day she thought I was digging through her drawers looking for her diary. She griped me out saying I needed to stay out of her things. If she had known I was trying on her underwear and dresses I know she would have told my mom and then found ways to embarrass me to my friends." "So, you've hidden it from everyone for all this time? Haven't you had any girlfriends?" "Not since college. And I didn't tell the couple girls I dated there about any of it either. Too many opportunities to get harassed. Some college guys really aren't any more mature than high school guys, any excuse to beat someone down to make yourself look bigger." "That's sad," Kate frowned. "Oh, it's ok," I shrugged. "I got through it, once I got my own place I started buying a few things for myself. Last night was the culmination of many months work. If I hadn't had my little problem, I might have thought I pulled it off." "You did," Kate reached over and placed her hand over mine. "I guessed. If you had really been a woman I would have been really embarrassed and I doubt I'd be sitting here enjoying this meal with a woman named Joan." I smiled a little and took another bite. "So, are you wearing panties now?" she asked. I choked on what I had just tried to swallow and grabbed my water. "Sorry," she snickered. "I told you I was curious." "No," I whispered looking about to see if anyone was listening. "OK." Her smile widened a bit and took another bite. Becky chose then to replace the empty mimosa glasses with fresh drinks and walked away. "Please understand," I leaned toward her still whispering for no apparent reason, "my biggest fear is getting caught. First, I feel really strange talking to you about it because I am still trying to accept the fact that you know. Nobody knew until last night. What if at work I have to bend down and pull cables and my shirt was to ride up, and someone saw I was wearing panties I wouldn't know what to do. Same sitting here," I reached behind and checked to be sure the shirt was still securely in place. "OK, I get it." Becky returned and took the empty plates. "Anything else?" "Just the check I think," Kate answered. "Be right back." "So if you are so worried about getting caught how do you buy your clothes?" "Online. I have figured out over the years what sizes I wear and there are some helpful sites that can make it easier. First time I tried buying something at a store the cashier giggled through the whole transaction." "Oh, so you have actually gone shopping then." "Just that once. Internet makes it a lot easier and private." I pulled my wallet from my back pocket to contribute to the bill. "Put that away, I invited you, it's my treat," Kate scolded me. I hesitated for a second and decided to obey rather than risk another slap on the head. Kate slipped a credit card into the folder with the bill and it disappeared from the table. "Do you have another dress for the next art show?" "No, just the one you saw me in last night," I shook my head. "Nothing else is nice enough for an event like that. I saved a bit to be able to buy that dress. I am still paying off school loans and credit card debt that built up while I was looking for a job. I ride the ragged edge of poverty quite a bit." "Ah, well we will have to do something about getting you a dress." Kate took the bill back and signed the receipt and Becky reappeared. "Thanks, Becky. See you soon." "Thank you, Kate! Please come back and see us," Becky smiled. "And bring your friend back, too." She turned and walked away. We got up and started back toward the car. "We need to do some dress shopping," Kate informed me. "Perhaps the only thing worse than showing up in clothes that aren't nice enough, is to show up wearing the same thing twice in a row. And believe me, those ladies will notice." "I guess I'll have to skip the next one. I won't have spare money for a new dress for a couple months," I was a little relieved. "You never asked me anything about me at the restaurant," she pointed out as we got into the car. "Aren't you interested in me?" "Oh, absolutely! I want to know everything. But you were asking all the questions so I didn't want to interrupt." "Well, now is your chance," Kate pulled away from the curb. "Ask away." "Family?" "No, unfortunately I was an only child, born to a pair of parents who were only children themselves. My dad took off years ago and I haven't heard from him since, guess we have that in common. I didn't even hear from him when my mom passed from cancer last year." "Wow, I'm so sorry." I felt like crap for having asked. "What are you sorry for? You didn't run him off or give her the cancer," she stated. "OK, well, what do you do for a living? Whatever it is, you seem to be doing really well." "Thanks, I am a realtor," she glanced over at me. "Part of my money came from my mom last year. I also have worked my way up so that I deal with higher priced properties. Nicer commissions. I played it smart and didn't squander my inheritance plus adding my income I live very comfortably these days. I can't buy a Caribbean island but I can get most anything else I want." "Must be nice, I figure I have about another year and a half before I can start building a savings." We pulled up in front of my apartment. "Do you have a car?" she asked as the doors unlocked. "Yeah, an old Mustang. Works well enough to get me from place to place." "Great. Here's my address." She handed a business card with her home address written neatly across the back. "Next Saturday you, that is to say Joan, come to my house and we are going dress shopping." "Seriously?" I felt my stomach turn. "I can't let you buy me anything. I don't want our relationship, if we actually have a relationship, to start out that way." "OK," she smiled, "I can respect that. I still need to get a dress though and I still want to have Joan with me to pick it out." "Do you want to come in?" I asked trying to avoid answering the question. "Sure," Kate hit the button killing the engine. We walked up to my place and I let us in the door. I keep things pretty neat so I wasn't worried about a mess. I don't have many visitors, I just like things organized. "Do you mind if I use your bathroom?" Kate asked. "Not at all, just head down the hall and you'll see it on left." Kate disappeared down the hall. I went and got a couple glasses of water, about the only thing I had to offer. I heard the bathroom door open but after a minute Kate still hadn't reappeared. I got up and went down the corridor to see where she had gotten to. I walked into my bedroom and found her holding up my nightgown. "Sorry." She didn't turn to look at me. "I peeked in and saw this laying on the bed and had to look. Do you always sleep in a nightgown?" "Yeah, for the last couple years," I admitted. "Do you wear panties when you sleep?" she laid the nightgown back down on the bed and turned to face me. "Depends." I tried to act more casual than I was feeling. "I have some short ones that have a matching panty that I wear sometimes as well." "Nice," she grinned. "Maybe one day I'll get you to wear one for me." "What about you?" I asked trying to show her I was just as interested. "Me? Oh, it really depends on my mood," she stated as she looked about the room. "Sometimes I wear a nightgown, long or short. Sometimes I just put on a t-shirt over my panties and sleep that way. Then other times I wear sweats. Bet you'd love to see me that way," she laughed. "I wouldn't mind seeing you in bed no matter how you're dressed," I stammered. Kate smiled and cocked her head a little when she looked at me. "Wow, didn't expect to get that from you this quick. We'll see how things go for a while before we go there." "Oh, yeah, of course," I back peddled. "I just, um..." "Relax," she came to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "We are fine, we just aren't rushing into anything. Now, would you show me the outfits you own?" "Sure," I grinned and went into the closet. She sat on the edge of the bed while I brought out my dresses a couple at a time. She commented on them and suggested one for our dress shopping excursion the next weekend, the one I hadn't agreed to yet. She saw my hesitation. "What's the matter," she asked as she checked the fabric of one of the dresses. "Having second thoughts about spending a day with me? Don't want to see me trying on beautiful dresses?" Despite myself I was getting excited at the thought. "Actually, I love the idea," I admitted. "But you are talking about being out in broad daylight! Last night was, well, night. It was dark, even the lighting at the gallery was focused on the art so people weren't able to see me as well." "Trust me, please," Kate stood up with a tan wrap dress in her hand. "You come to my place next Saturday, bring this dress," she came to me and held it up against my body, "and I'll see to it that all anyone will see is two girls out enjoying the day doing some dress shopping." "OK," I took the dress from her hands still holding it against me. "Terrific," she kissed me on the cheek and then left the room. I laid the dress on the bed with the others and followed her back to my small living area. She saw the glasses of water I had set out and picked one up taking a drink. She set it back down and turned toward the door. "I like your place," she commented as she opened the door. "It's cozy. I hope I wasn't being too pushy or nosy." "No, you were fine. I'm not used to sharing this with anyone and it is taking a little for me to be comfortable. I'm getting there, though. At least with you." "Good. I am looking forward to next Saturday. Try to come over about 11. And come as John, just bring the clothes you are going to wear. That way we won't need to undo anything when you get there, just work with a nice clean palette. I know you did a great job for the gallery, but that will be too much for the daytime. I'll show you what I mean." I nodded. She took my hand for a momentary squeeze and left. I went back and collapsed on the couch. I was overwhelmed. Too much in too little time. I picked up a glass of water and drank it down. After a few moments I went back to my bedroom and began putting my wardrobe back in the closet. Perhaps I would change first. I was in the mood for a particular blue dress I owned. * - * - * The week crawled by for me. It seemed like Saturday would never get here. I was a bit surprised at myself that I was so looking forward to this shopping trip and being out in the daylight. The best thing about the week was that a robe I had ordered came in. Finally Saturday rolled around. I leapt from the bed throwing my nightgown off and into the laundry basket. I jumped into the shower and did a hasty but thorough shave of my entire body. I got back into my room and made a decision. I put on a pair of yellow, nylon panties under my male clothes. I figured I would be changing into Joan in a short time anyway, why not. I found a paper shopping bag and carefully laid the brown dress, my only bra with the breast forms that I had worn the week before, a purse and a pair of medium heeled shoes in the bag. I decided to toss the robe in as well. Perhaps we would both be working on our makeup in our underwear and robes chatting away like girl friends for a while. I grabbed the bag and the rest of my things and went to my car. I had directions to her place committed to memory so I started off. As I got closer I started getting worried. I knew this was going to be a nice neighborhood, but this was ridiculous. It seemed like each house ought to have its own zip code there was so much land around them. They sat far back from the street with long driveways. I pulled a scrap of paper from my back pocket as I gaped at one mini-mansion after another and checked my memory. I was in the right place. Two more houses on the right and I turned into the driveway. As I approached the house the driveway split, the right headed toward the back, likely to a garage, the left circled to the front door. I turned left. I decided to leave my shopping bag in the car until I was certain I was in the right place. I approached the door and rang the bell. "Hey, you made it!" Kate called out as she pulled the door open. Then her eyes narrowed. "You aren't going with me, are you? You didn't bring your dress." "Oh, no." I thumbed back toward my car sitting on the drive. "I just wanted to be sure I was in the right place. You told me you were doing well, but oh my God!" The smile returned to her face. "Get your stuff and come in. We'll get started because I am looking forward to shopping." I trotted back to the car, grabbed the bag from the passenger seat and went back into the house. I closed the door behind me and listened to see if I heard an echo. Actually, the place seemed quite warm inside, not the sterile setup I expect to find in a place like this where it is waiting for some magazine photographer to show up and take pictures to make the rest of the world envious of the pristine and spacious living room, kitchen, and bedrooms. "Well, are you coming?" Kate called from somewhere upstairs. "Did you leave a trail of breadcrumbs for me?" I called as I started up the broad stairway. "Very funny. Top of the stairs. Double doors on the left." I reached the top of the stairs and saw the double doors just down a short hallway; one of them was standing open. I walked in and stopped again. The bedroom was almost the size of my apartment. A huge king bed stood in the center of one wall. Other furniture dotted the room: chairs, a desk with a computer, but no dresser. I wandered further in and saw the entrance to the bathroom. I entered and saw Kate sitting in front of a mirror fixing her hair. The bathroom was, of course, huge. Large spa tub, glassed in shower, double sinks, a door into a water closet, and an entrance into a closet. "Hi, I'll be in here a few more minutes. Why don't you use the bedroom to get into your dress," she instructed. "We'll work on your hair and makeup when I get done." She was already dressed in a loose green knee-length skirt and off-white peasant blouse. "You want me completely dressed before we do my makeup? I thought it was makeup and hair, then dress." "Don't worry, we won't get anything on your dress," she smiled. "Now go!" I went back into the bedroom and placed my bag on the bed. I was a bit disappointed that it looked like I wouldn't need my robe. I quickly stripped down to my panties. Between the ideas of going out again, standing in Kate's bedroom, and knowing Kate was in the next room had me very excited. I quickly put on the breast forms and bra then pulled my dress on over my head. Just as I was getting it straightened out and in place Kate appeared in the bathroom door. "Ready?" she asked. "I guess so," I answered as I finished smoothing out the skirt. "Come on in then." I went back into the bathroom and sat in the chair she indicated. She picked up an apron and draped it across me. "I'll explain as I go along," she told me and began putting the base on my face. "We want makeup on, but for a day of shopping and being just the girls hanging out, we don't want it to look like we are wearing makeup. Lighter shades, less drama." She puttered around me doing everything and I sat there enjoying all the attention. I also enjoyed watching Joan emerge and my face went under the subtle changes she worked. Just a little mascara, a little shadow, a little bit of lip gloss, she was an artist. "OK, a little curl in your hair and we are ready to go!" Less than 20 minutes later I walked back to the bedroom to get my shoes on while Kate retrieved hers from her closet. "Well, Joan," Kate called as she came from the bathroom, "it's great to see you again. I hope you've been looking forward to this as much as I have." "Oh, I have been," I immediately dropped back into Joan's voice. "We'll be going to stores that I only dreamed of going into. I'm sure we'll find you something spectacular to wear to the next showing." "Let's get going, I'll drive." Kate grabbed her purse and headed toward the door. "Just a sec," I called as I hurriedly moved a couple things from my pants to my purse and then walked quickly from the room. I followed Kate through the house and out to the garage where her car was waiting. There was a second car, an SUV, also in the garage. "We'll be taking the Lexus again, I only drive the bus when I need to pick up something too big for the car." "You call it the bus?" "Yeah, it is a convenience but I just don't like driving it as much." We got in, she triggered the garage door, put on sunglasses and pulled out. "I can't believe we are actually doing this," I told her. "I might even try on a dress if I find something I can't resist." "Oh, I hope you try on several," she encouraged me. "After all you can't really buy a nice dress without trying it on." "Kate, I told you," I sighed, "I don't have the money to buy any new clothes right now. I tapped myself out buying the things I needed for the gallery last weekend." "Yeah, I know, I heard you," she smiled. "I wanted to give you this." She handed me a small envelope. "Call it a birthday present." "My birthday is still four months away," I frowned. "I don't want to feel like some charity project." I refused to open it. "Joan, please," Kate begged, "I promise this is a one-time thing. I liked spending the evening with you at the gallery. I don't make friends that easily, I'm always leery that I am being used for my money or something else. I feel like we got off to a great start and the fact that we are sitting here in my car on our way to go shopping after I so rudely accused you of being a man makes me even more certain we are going to be amazing friends for a very long time. "So Joan, please, take the gift. It's a prepaid credit card. Buy something nice to wear so we can go to the art show together next weekend. Then you can take whatever is left and donate it, spend it on whatever you like, I don't care." "How much is on it?" I asked almost afraid of the answer. "Just a thousand." "Just?" my voice cracked it went so high. "A thousand dollars is not something I can just come up with in a whim." Kate said nothing and I watched her for several minutes while we drove along in silence. "OK," I relaxed back into the seat. "I'll use it." Kate's face instantly brightened. "But," I continued. "If we are still going out doing things together when my birthday rolls around you better remember you've already given me my present." "I promise I won't forget this!" Kate beamed. I opened the envelope and inside was a VISA card. I sighed and slipped it into my purse. We were pulling into the parking garage at an outdoor mall. As Kate pulled into the space I pulled down the visor and checked my face in the mirror. I was still amazed at the job she had done. We got out and walked together down the sidewalk looking in the windows of the various shops. We started talking about other things: movies, music, television shows, places we wanted to go and places we've (well she mostly) have been. We went in a couple stores but weren't able to find anything we wanted to mess with trying on so we would leave and wander along some more. Once again I was so enjoying being outside, this time in the sun, feeling my dress caress my legs as the breeze played with it. "Well, I thought we might find something at one of the other shops, but I usually end up in this one anyway," Kate explained as we entered a shop that had dresses from casual to formal in the window. I felt like we were in heaven. The store was huge with racks of dresses, manikins arrayed in dozens of styles, and colors. I stood there and stared for a moment until Kate took my arm and led me toward a section of the store that was set aside for the semi-formal look we needed. "Yes," Kate whispered to me, "there is a lot here but wait until you see the price tags. They are quite proud of them." We started working through all the racks and I found several dresses I wanted to try on. I had an armful when I found Kate. She had a couple ready for the changing room as well so we went to the back of the store where the rooms were. A girl at the desk handed us a card with the number of items we were bringing back there and directed us to our own little booth. I hung the dresses on one of the hooks. I looked around suddenly paranoid that there were cameras watching me. I didn't see any so I proceeded to strip off my dress. The first dress was green, yes, green is my favorite color. I got it on and it fit nicely so I stepped outside the booth to look at myself in the mirror. Kate was already out there looking at herself in a red dress. I stepped up to the next mirror beside her. "That's an awful lot of red," I told her. "Not that you don't look stunning, but I'm not certain it would work at an art gallery, night club maybe, but not the art gallery." "Actually, I think it might be a bit long for a nightclub," Kate turned to look at the back. "But you are right about the gallery. "Now, are you really going with green again? A little variety would be nice." "Yeah, I know," I also performed the same twist trying to see how my backside looked. "I just really like green. But don't worry, the other dresses I am going to try are not green." "Then let's get to them," Kate winked at me, then turned and went back into her changing booth. I closed the door behind me and pulled off the dress, carefully placed it back on its hanger and took the next one down. It was blue silk this time and I couldn't wait to get it on. I pulled it on reveling in the fabric against my body but when I tried to zip it I couldn't get it closed. After a couple minutes I realized I would have to give up. I would need a larger size of this one if I wanted it. I struggled out of it and hung it with the green on. "Are you coming out?" I heard Kate call. "Last one wouldn't zip up, have to change again," I called back. "Be out in a minute." "No rush," she called back. "I don't like this one anyway. I'm changing again." I grabbed the next dress, a black one that had glitter all over. Not a lot but enough that I could see it sparkle in the light. It was a simple dress and easily slid onto my body. I went back to the mirror. This time I was there first. I looked in the mirror and really liked what I saw. "Very nice!" Kate came up beside me. "I like that on you. It looks like it would be perfect." "I know," I nodded. "I like it, too. I'm just afraid it is too simple for that crowd." "No, that is exactly why you should get it," Kate explained. "It looks simple but you can tell it isn't when you look, and you will get looks in that. Also, there is very little chance anyone else would choose something like that, they prefer flashier things." "OK, sounds good. I still have one more to try before I decide," I looked over at her. She was now in a white halter dress with a short layered skirt. "Wow, I thought white might not be a good color for you. Most red-heads can't pull it off. But, I repeat, wow!" "Thanks," she turned quickly watching the skirt fly out. "I usually like my dresses short and tight, but perhaps I'll do this one this time. It'll be another real change for me." "Another?" I asked. "Yes, my dear," she laid her hand on my arm. "You are the first change, I've never gone to one of these with someone before." "We could start a scandal," I laughed. "I only wish that were funny," she dropped her hand and turned back to the changing room. I went back and traded out dresses again. The last dress I brought in was a simple sleeveless blue dress with a layered skirt. Not as flashy as the dress Kate had just worn, with a single sheer blue overlay over the skirt, but it was nice. I went back to the mirror just as Kate emerged carrying the dresses she had tried on. "I like that one, too," she told me as I approached the mirror. "But I like the black one better. Get both, you'll have another occasion to wear it." I considered it. I hadn't looked at the price tag yet just wanting to enjoy the experience but real life was about to settle in again. I went back to the changing room. After putting my own dress back on I took a breath and started looking at the price tags starting with the dresses I hadn't chosen. The green dress was $179, expensive but not too bad. The blue silk was $450! Glad it didn't fit, I don't know if I could have paid that much for a dress even though I have $1000. The back dress was cheap, only $139, and the other blue was also affordable at $149. They were less than the silk dress together! That made it seem like it was a truly great deal. I grabbed my things along with the dresses and the card and headed out of the changing area. Kate was already waiting there, the white dress lying across her arm. "Thank you," I said to the girl as I handed her the card and the two dresses I weren't taking with me. "I'm going to take these." "Thank you," she answered without much enthusiasm and turned to hang them on a rolling rack. "Decided to get them both," Kate nodded. "Good choice." "You are going to look amazing in that white dress," I told her. "Didn't find anything else you wanted?" "No," Kate was still looking as we passed the dresses heading toward the front of the store. "I should have had you look in my closet back at the house to get a feel of what else you might like. It is getting to the point I need to make another donation because I have way too much. I wish you were a couple sizes smaller, you could wear some of my things." The idea of going through a closet like hers and having my pick of wearing whatever I wanted gave me a tingly sensation. Goose bumps raced down my arms. But, there was nothing I could do to get a couple sizes smaller; I was in very good shape. She was just smaller than me. We checked out at the register and I still managed to have almost $700 left on the card. I was caught between wanting to give it back and enjoying the freedom of buying things I wanted. Plus it was obvious that Kate was enjoying the outing as much as I was. "So, you need lingerie," Kate told me in no uncertain terms. "Now that we have the dresses, we need things to go under them. And also shoes, we'll need them too." I nodded as I tried to keep pace as she marched toward a lingerie shop just down the block. We walked into the store. It was much smaller than the previous shop but still plenty to see. We wandered the store looking at things and Kate would pick up a bra or pair of panties and examine them checking the fabrics and I'm not sure what else. Some she would hand to me and ask my opinion of them. I tried to be objective like a girlfriend but I was getting very excited. I think she could tell because my hands were trembling as I would take a bra from her. She just pretended not to notice but I saw the corner of her mouth turn up. "So, grab a couple bras and go try them on," she commanded. "You can't keep wearing that same one all the time." I selected a handful and went to the changing room. I thought she might want to help me but she continued to shop for herself. I finished and got myself dressed again, deciding next shopping trip I would find clothes easier to change in and out of in dressing rooms. Skirt, blouse and definitely flats. I joined Kate back out in the store and showed her my choices. She nodded her approval and then looked about grabbing another half dozen in the same size, but various styles and colors, then handed them to me. "You don't want to have to come back every time you buy a new dress. Also, you should find some panties, maybe something sexy if you are in the mood." I looked at her and realized my mouth had dropped open. "Don't get any ideas, Joanie" she stressed my name. "It is nice to feel sexy under the clothes once in a while. Something special just for yourself. Women don't always wear sexy underwear because they want to get laid, they just want to feel good." I nodded again afraid to speak out loud then turned to the area of the panties. "Have you found anything for yourself?" I asked her as I found myself watching her browse. "No, not really," she tossed something down into a pile. "I think I've got everything I need at home. Are you ready to head to the shoe store?" I looked down at my arms full of bras and panties, then back at her. I couldn't help grinning as I nodded to her. She laughed, "Come on, let's get moving. The afternoon is just about gone." Another couple hundred was gone from the Visa. Women's underwear is really expensive. No wonder I didn't have a lot at home. Or perhaps I should say didn't use to have. Once again we trekked outside and over to another store. It was another big store with lots of shoes. One sample shoe sat atop the shelving with boxes below. We wandered about looking at the shoes and discussing which would work with the dresses we just bought. We each found the shoes we needed, a very successful day of shopping. Even more for me as I got to spend the day with Kate, as Joan! I was so thrilled. As we approached the register to pay for the shoes I spotted a sale display with ballet flats. I grabbed several pairs in different colors to add to my haul and dumped them all on the counter. After we left the store I felt like I might not be able to be seen behind my pile of bags. Kate took a few from me and we went back to the car. We got everything stowed away and climbed in. "Thank you so much!" I blurted once my seatbelt was fastened. "I've just had the most amazing day!" "It's nice to have money to spend, isn't it?" Kate answered as she started the car. "Sure, but it wasn't just that," I reached over and placed my hand on her arm. "It was getting to do it with you. You made it all worthwhile. I think I might have had just as much fun if I hadn't had the money." "Might have?" she grinned. "OK, maybe there was being able to buy all that fabulous stuff, but without you it would not have been one-tenth as much fun." Kate stared at me for a moment. "I think you really mean it." "Of course I do," I was surprised she thought I would lie about it. "I will always tell you the truth. I mean you already know the biggest and deepest of my secrets, I don't feel like I need to lie to you about anything." She reached over and patted my hand that still rested on her arm. Then she started to back out of the parking space so I took it back. As we started heading back to the house I realized something that I wanted to know. "When is your birthday?" I asked. "Why do you want to know?" she countered. "Because, I told you mine is coming up in a few months. I was so concerned with the Visa thing I didn't think to ask when your birthday is. Now that we are settled, I want to know." "Actually," she hesitated, "it's today." "What!" I was astounded. "Today? I didn't realize." "Of course you didn't," she went on. "How could you know? We just met, so don't worry about not getting me a card or anything. I got what I wanted if you must know. I got to spend the day with you shopping." "Well, first, Happy Birthday!" I cheered. "Wait. You said to think of the Visa as a birthday present. You didn't mean a present for me, you meant it was your present to enjoy the day together." "You are smart, another thing I really like about you," she grinned. I sat and thought for a minute. "Would it be considered tacky if I asked to buy you dinner for your birthday and used my Visa gift card to do it? I have about $300 left and we could go somewhere pretty nice?" Kate looked at me for a second then turned back to watch the traffic. "You sure there isn't more shopping you would rather do? You could get a couple more dresses or nightgowns or something." I sat for a moment thinking how to respond. We stopped at a red light so I turned a little and reached up and gave her a gentle slap off the back of her head. She looked at me with a stunned expression. "I don't want to have to keep telling you," I explained, "I don't want your money. I want to spend time with you. You said I could use it for anything I want. I want to buy you dinner." Her face lit up in a huge smile. "Fine," she turned back to watch the other cars as the light had turned green, "but only if you wear that new blue dress you bought." "Agreed," I quickly answered. "You will help me with my makeup for tonight, won't you?" "Of course, Joan. That is what besties do for each other." We discussed restaurant ideas as we drove to the house. Once there Kate pulled into the garage and helped me drag my bags upstairs. "Here," she walked to a door and pushed it open. "You can use this room to change. It has its own bathroom so feel free to clean up any way you like. Me, I'm going to soak in a tub for at least 20 minutes before I do anything else. Give me at least 45 minutes before you come get me, ok?" She dropped the bags just inside the door and left. I think I heard her humming but I didn't catch the tune. I turned and entered the bedroom closing the door behind me. It was very nice, large but not as large as Kate's room of course. Another king- sized bed, a dresser, a chair sat by a window on the far side of the room. Just as I started to walk across the room I heard a gentle tap on the door. I pulled it open and Kate was standing there. "I thought you might like to have the rest of your things," she handed me the bag with the clothes I wore this morning and my robe. "Oh, thanks," I took the bag and she turned back to her room. I closed the door and went into the room. I found the bathroom door and went in. Again it was smaller but had more than enough room for me, especially compared to the cramped space I was used to. There was even a spa tub! I was thinking Kate had the right idea about soaking in the tub after walking around in those heels all day. I walked through the bath into the closet. It was huge but I was guessing still on a smaller scale than Kate's. I admit I was a little disappointed. I was hoping that maybe Kate was using it as an overflow and would have some things in here that I might look through. Instead it was empty so I hung my new dresses on the rack and went back to the bedroom. I dumped out the other bags on the bed. Then I sat down and peeled off my shoes. I stretched my feet out for a moment before standing up and stripping off the rest of my clothes. I wandered naked back into the bathroom and turned the water on in the tub. Once I got the temperature right, I picked up a bottle of bubble bath and poured a little in. The spa would make its own but I wanted some of these as well. I turned around to wait for the tub to fill and was confronted with my own image in the mirror. It is a bit dispiriting; I see a fairly pretty face with makeup and hair nicely done, then a flat chest and further south something that doesn't belong to a face such as that. I turned and climbed into the tub luxuriating in the aroma of the soap bubbles as the water climbed up my body. I reached the bottom and considered turning on the spa bubbles but I instantly felt like I was melting into the water and didn't want to move. I laid my head back, closed my eyes and relaxed. I woke with a start. The bubbles had mostly disappeared and the water was cool. I quickly climbed out of the tub and grabbed a fluffy towel and started drying off. I looked around and didn't see a clock. The windows indicated it was late, the sky still had a little color to it. I finished drying and trotted back to the bed where all my new lingerie was strewn about. I decided to go with a lacy bra and panty and once I had them on I hurried back through the bath to the closet. I quickly got my blue dress on and grabbed the shoes that went with it. I carried the shoes through the hall, in truth my feet were still sore and I was not looking forward to spending all evening in heels again. I wasn't used to wearing them all day but I was looking forward to celebrating with Kate and any sacrifice would be an easy one to make. I knocked on her door. "Come in." I walked in and found her sitting on the chair by the window. She was already completely dressed and ready to go. She looked brilliant in a bright yellow dress. Once again I could see that it was tight and short. "Sorry," I explained, "I fell asleep in the tub. It felt so good." "No problem," she stood and walked toward me on the way to the bathroom. "But, let's get your hair and makeup done. I am hungry and ready for that dinner you promised." I dutifully waited for her to pass so I could follow and I was glad I did. I know my eyes went wide when I saw the back of her dress. Or perhaps I should say the lack of a back. One small strap near her neck connected the top, then her back was bare to just above her butt. I stared at her all the way into the bathroom. "Sit down and stop staring," she commanded. "Oh, um, ok, sorry," I stammered. "Once I'm finished you'll be getting your share of looks, too," she started brushing out my hair. "Even without that, you look great in that dress." "Next to you, I doubt anyone will notice me." "Don't kid yourself, you look terrific. Now be quiet for a bit and let me work." I sat there while she fussed about me doing my hair and then moved on to my makeup. When she finally finished and let me see I was shocked. The job I had done for the art gallery was flawless, in my opinion, until I saw the result of Kate's efforts. "Did you ever do this professionally?" I asked. "I mean, I thought I had done a really good job before, now I feel like I was a kid with a crayon." "I've always had a knack for it, but never done it as work. And you did do a good job, I just added a few little tricks that I know. "Now, get your shoes on and let's go get that dinner." Kate turned and left the room. I got my shoes on as quickly as I could and followed along. I reached back into my room to retrieve my purse and then made my way down the stairs and back to the garage. Once again Kate was driving the Lexus. I was starting to get used to my role as passenger. I got into the car, making sure my skirt didn't catch in the door, and got my seatbelt on. "I am really excited about going to dinner," I squealed. Kate laughed, "Shopping wasn't enough for you today?" "I had a great time shopping, but dinner, well the only decisions are what to order. Shopping is deciding on a dress, deciding on shoes, walking all over. The mind is occupied with too many things. Once we decide on what to eat and drink it is relax and enjoy. I am really looking forward to that part of the evening." "Me too," Kate smiled. We went to a steak and seafood place, upscale but not too over the top. My Visa would cover it but it would be close which was good because I didn't want to have to make any more decisions about what to do with this gift. It did make me want to press harder to take care of my own debt so that I can start doing these things without help. I've been riding the ragged edge already, but I've got to find a way. I saw several pairs of eyes follow us across the restaurant as we were led to our table. I knew they were watching Kate. Not only did she look amazing, but the way she walked left no doubt in her confidence. We looked over the menu, discussed appetizer options, decided on a bottle of wine and placed our order with our waiter. I decided I needed to make a run to the ladies? room and excused myself. ?You didn?t break your panty again did you?? Kate teased. ?If I have, I am better prepared to handle it,? I teased back. I smirked to myself how easily I was functioning in public already as I made my way toward the restrooms. It was only my third outing, if you count today as two different outings. I spotted the door and went inside. I took care of my business, made sure my dress was straight, left the stall to go to the sink and wash my hands as well as check my makeup. OK, I wanted to admire myself a little more as well. I made my way back to the table and noticed several faces watching me. A couple men were taking no shame in looking me over, their dates glowering at them and me, as if it were my fault they were looking at me. If only they knew who they were really looking at. ?See, I told you that you would get your share of looks,? Kate giggled as she took a sip of her wine. ?They were even more obvious staring at your backside.? I wasn?t sure how I was feeling suddenly. I was pleased that I was attractive, but upset that I was being ogled so openly. I suddenly felt exposed. I tugged a bit on my dress and tucked it under my leg trying to be certain not to expose more than necessary. ?So, do you still like being a girl?? Kate asked. I sat and thought about it for several minutes and she gave me the time. I didn?t want to snap off an answer that she would know I didn?t put any thought into. I thought about how I felt at home wandering about in my dresses and nightgowns, I thought about the night at the art gallery, about our shopping trip, and about right now here at dinner, aware of the clothes on my body, my sore feet, being the object of some strangers admiration, or just plain lust. I balanced the good and bad and then met Kate?s eyes. ?Yes,? I nodded. ?I love the clothes and the feelings I get when I wear them. I go all out in public trying to appear as a girl because it is just easier. I didn?t think I wanted it that much except to be able to wear the clothes I like to wear, but now I am so happy I met up with you and we have gotten to spend all this time together. I would do it again in a heartbeat.? Kate nodded and raised her glass in a toast, ?To sisters, we aren?t always born into the same family!? I picked up my glass and touched it to hers and heard the ring of the glass. We both sipped and laughed. We enjoyed our dinner and talked more about common things like work schedules and future events. The bill came and I was happy to see that it was going to be a perfect amount. I added a bit more to the appropriate tip so that it would zero out the card and we headed back to the house. As we left the garage I told Kate, ?I just need a few minutes to pack up my things. Then I?ll head on home. Thank you so much for the day today. And, once again, happy birthday! I really enjoyed sharing it with you.? ?If you would like to stay here tonight, you can,? Kate offered. ?You can sleep in the bedroom you used earlier,? she went on before I could even consider another motivation for the offer. ?Thanks, but I think I would rather head home tonight. It?s been quite a day and I think it might be best to sleep in my own bed. How about omelets and cheap mimosas tomorrow though? Are you up for brunch with John?? ?I?m afraid I have some appointments tomorrow so I can?t make it,? Kate stopped and got some water from the fridge. ?Would you like some?? ?No, thanks,? I headed for the stairs. ?Let me just get my stuff and I?ll get out of your way.? I went up the stairs and grabbed my bag. I decided to just wear the clothes I had on back to my apartment and stuffed all the things from the bed into the bag. I got the shoes and black dress from the closet and carefully laid the shoes on top and the dress on top of everything else. Kate was waiting at the bottom of the stairs as I came back down. ?I really do have appointments tomorrow,? she explained. ?Real estate is about being there when the client needs you. I don?t have a set schedule like you do.? ?I understand,? I nodded. ?Sometimes my schedule isn?t that regular either.? Kate stepped to me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I could feel her breasts pressing against me just below my own fake ones. I dropped the bag and held her. My hands against the bare skin of her back elicited another reaction and it brought the laciness of my underwear to my full attention. I tried to pretend I didn?t notice and hoped Kate didn?t either. She gave me a little kiss on the cheek. ?Thank you for spending my birthday with me. It was the best one I?ve had in several years. And thank you for dinner. It was great. I hope we can do it again some time.? ?Me too,? I picked up my bag again and went to the front door. As I pulled the door open and started down the stairs I called back, ?call me when you have time to get together. I can always do a pizza or something like that. Me or John.? I opened the passenger door to my car and placed my bag inside. Closed it and started around to the driver side. My thoughts were now on how it was going to be driving in high heels, I hadn?t done that before. That was why I took a cab to the art show. ?Joan,? Kate called. ?Can I ask you something?? ?Of course,? I stood with my door open. ?Any time.? ?I have a proposition for you,? she spoke as she started down the stairs and walked to the opposite side of my car from me. ?How long is it going to take you to get out of debt?? I frowned, ?Eighteen months to two years, if something doesn?t happen to slow me down, why?? ?What if you didn?t have rent, electricity, etc. to pay? Would it help you to pay it off sooner?? I thought about it for a few minutes calculating how much more I could put toward the loans if I had that extra cash. ?I could probably pay them off in nine months to a year, again, if nothing nasty happened that I needed to come up with extra cash.? ?OK,? Kate hesitated. I hadn?t seen her nervous like this. ?If I give you the other bedroom to use and we share the house. You agree to pay off your debts as quickly as possible. Nothing goes on between us except the sort of thing we did today. Friends.? ?Sure, that would help me a lot,? a breeze reminded me that I was standing in her driveway in a dress that I had bought with a gift card she had given me just that morning. ?Why? I don?t want you to feel like I?m using you any more than you want to feel like you are being used. You also know I don?t want to feel like a charity case.? ?Because,? she stood a bit taller now, proceeding with more confidence,? I want more days like today and I really feel like I can trust you to do what is needed. If I am wrong, it shouldn?t cost me anything except some privacy for a few months. And if you stole from me, well I would have no problem putting the resources into getting you put away in a less comfortable living arrangement. But I don?t think I need worry about that, it is just old paranoia in me. ?When does your lease run out?? ?Actually, the end of next month,? I answered while running numbers through my head deciding what I might be able to do. ?Please, think about it,? Kate turned to go back to the house. ?I?ll have an answer for you before we go to the next gallery. Is that ok? And, no matter what I decide, we stay friends, right?? ?Yes to both,? she smiled and waved. ?Call me sometime this week so we can arrange for the gallery.? Kate disappeared into the house. I got into the car and got settled. It was odd thinking about driving in the heels and dress. I tucked my skirt down between my legs out of the way while I watched my feet to see how I would need to work the pedals. After a minute I decided I could handle it pretty easily and started the car and headed back home. I walked into my apartment and looked around. I started picturing not being here. I mean it isn?t that great a place but it is clean, quiet and my space. And what do I really know about Kate? How can she make an offer like that after just a couple outings together? Is she that lonely or should I be the one worried about being taken advantage of? The ability to pay off those loans and debts is tempting, but what might the final price be? Oh, too many questions! I grabbed my bag of clothes and went to the bedroom to put everything away. I didn?t sleep all that well that night trying to fit the pieces together and decide what I needed to do, and what I wanted to do. I woke the next morning no closer to an answer. I decided to go visit my mother and tell her about what I was considering. I had all week to sort it out. * - * - * I arrived at Kate?s about 3:00 Saturday afternoon. I didn?t want creases in my dress so I left it on a hanger and carried it. The rest of the things I needed were in my bag. I rang the bell as an announcement, Kate and I had already discussed her not needing to answer the door. I walked in, locked the door behind me and proceeded to ?my? bedroom to change. I hung the dress in the closet, spread my things out on the vanity in the bath and decided to take a quick shower before John became Joan once again. After the shower I dried off and proceeded to slip into my lingerie. The weather had gotten a bit cooler so I decided to add sheer black pantyhose as well. I wriggled into my little black dress and checked myself out in the mirror. I decided to add the shoes before going in to see Kate for the finishing touches, soon I would do it all myself. I had practiced a couple times at home but still didn?t quite have the knack Kate did for applying makeup. I did take time to fix my hair, when I finished the broad curls laid about my shoulders. I was very pleased. Now, time to see Kate and talk about my decision. I grabbed my purse and strutted to Kate?s room, feeling very good. I loved the feeling this dress had on my body. It felt different against the lower part of my body with the hose on. Not better nor worse, just different. I knocked as I pushed her door open. ?Hey, I?m ready for you to do your magic,? I called as I walked through her room toward the bathroom. ?Come on in here,? she called back. ?I?m just sorting through some things while I was waiting for you.? I walked in and saw a pile of clothes near the door of the closet. ?Donations,? Kate indicated as she tossed another item onto the stack. ?I like what you did with your hair, it looks fuller. And you are wearing hose tonight, eh? Pantyhose or stockings? Or am I supposed to guess?? I laughed, and felt a stirring of excitement thinking about her being interested in finding out. ?Pantyhose, I don?t have any stockings or garters or anything like that. And thanks, I?m glad you like the hair.? ?Yet,? she added. ?You will likely own plenty of sexy things in the future,? she responded to my puzzled look. ?Take a seat.? ?I?ve been trying to duplicate your artistry at home this week. I still can?t quite do it,? I told her as she went about doing the makeup. ?It?s a gift,? she explained as she moved about me. ?I?ve been thinking about your offer,? I ventured. ?Mm, hmm,? she tried to sound nonchalant about it but I felt her hands stop for a second. Afraid I would accept, or that I wouldn?t, I wish I knew. ?If you are still offering, I would like to accept,? I tensed waiting for her reaction. What she did I wasn?t expecting. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug. ?That is great! I am so very happy. We will have a great time together. Now, before we get too deep I have a request for you, sort of a condition,? she went back to working on my face. I tensed wondering if this is where I would find out what sort of trouble I could be in for. ?While you are staying here I would like it if when you got home from work on Friday you would be Joan for the rest of the weekend, during the week, John is fine.? ?Can there be exceptions? I talked to my mom about it this week and there is a good chance she and my sister would like to come by,? I told her. ?I?m assuming Joan wasn?t part of that conversation. All rules have exceptions, if we have guests that don?t know Joan, you can be John while they are here. Same goes for an evening during the week if the visitor only knows Joan.? ?If that is it, I can be happy with that,? I smiled and she frowned because I caused her to smear a line of mascara. ?Sorry.? ?No problem,? she carefully tried erasing her mistake. ?Seems like we?ll have plenty of time for me to teach you how to do this yourself. ?So, when do you want to move in? It shouldn?t take much, all the furniture is here unless you have a preference to some of your own things.? ?I?m not attached too much that I have. I?d like to move my clothes and a few little things like my CDs and DVDs, stereo, stuff like that. The rest I think I?ll try and sell off so I don?t have to rent storage. If I don?t sell it I can get storage for what is left until I can sell it.? ?Why not just donate what is left? Believe me, what I?ve seen of your stuff people can use. It looked to be in good shape,? she looked to see if there was anything more that needed to be done and seemed satisfied. ?Then, I would like to start moving in tomorrow. If you can help, I can get everything I need in a day.? ?I can do that,? she grinned. ?In the meantime, let?s have a really good time tonight!? * - * - * A week after I moved in Kate gave me a small gift box. ?I didn?t think changing living arrangements meant changing the gift giving status,? I complained. ?This one is special,? she crossed her arms refusing to take the gift back. ?Open it.? I stripped off the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a garage door opener. ?I sold the bus,? she informed me. ?I never drove it anyway and you need a place to park your car.? ?Thank you,? I went and hugged her. I got almost everything sold and donated the rest as Kate suggested. We had a wonderful time together, often doing Sunday brunch when Kate didn?t have any appointments. I was concerned the first time I went as Joan that the hostess or waitress would recognize me from being John but I needn?t have worried. That first visit apparently wasn?t enough for me to make much of an impression on them. Kate also gave me permission to go to her closet to look around. I didn?t want to get off on the wrong foot and get caught in her things without it. The first time I went into her closet I was amazed. It was disappointing that I couldn?t wear any of it. I found a few that I might have gotten on, but I likely would have stretched them out terribly. She had tons of short dresses and skirts that I knew she preferred to wear. I found a few floor length gowns wrapped in plastic. She also had several pairs of slacks that really didn?t interest me that much. Blouses and skirts adorned hangers in one section. All very organized. About a month after I moved in my mother did indeed insist on coming by to see where I was ?hanging my hat? these days. She dragged my sister along as well. Kate graciously showed her about the house and while showing my room, which now had many of my things arranged about it, managed to get them in and out without allowing them a chance to tour my closet. Kate continued to teach me about applying my makeup and I was getting good enough at it that I was doing my own without any help from her. There was still a little room for improvement, but I was definitely improved. I was making a dent in the debts, the reason I was living here. I could already see that if nothing happened I could be out of debt before the next summer. It also encouraged me to take a few extra dollars and invest in some casual around the house dresses and skirts. Going and trying on the clothes was a lot better than the online shopping now that I had the confidence to do it. I hadn?t realized how ill-fitting some of my clothes were before. I wish clothes manufacturers would decide on a size and stick to it. My closet had things in it from size 8 to size 12. It?s frustrating. Sometimes when Kate had a Saturday appointment I would do a little shopping for those things. I would go to cheaper stores and find things that looked nice but would never do for a night out with Kate. It was good practice being out on my own as Joan. One Saturday, just before my birthday, I came in from a shopping trip where I didn?t find anything to buy. This was ok by me, I just enjoyed the shopping trip these days, though it was still more fun when Kate was with me. These days she had been putting in a lot of extra hours on Saturday with some big deal she was trying to seal. I found a note in the kitchen. ?Hey Joan, I hope you are having a good day. I stopped by but you were out. I left a gift for you in your room. Please, I need a favor. If you don?t like it we can return it. I?ll explain when I get home. Thanks, K? I took the note with me as I went upstairs to my room. I still didn?t like the idea of getting gifts from her as I was still living here by her good graces unable to contribute to maintaining the household. I walked into my room and saw it lying on my bed. I went over and inspected the gift. Another note was attached. ?J I haven?t ever seen you wear pink but I thought this would look amazing on you. Dinner plans for 8:30. If you like this, please wear it tonight. K? I held the dress up. It felt like silk. The top half had half-sleeves and the front buttoned down to the waist, the skirt was pleated. It was longer than most of my dresses reaching to just below my knee. There was a narrow white belt and the last couple inches of the skirt was white as well. I never had worn pink before. Something in my own mind saying that was crossing a line. But as I held the dress against me it felt so smooth and amazing I had to try it on. Kate has a good eye, or knows the clothes well, because it fit perfectly. I went to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror and marveled at the feel of the skirt against my legs. It was so light it was almost like it wasn?t there. I decided I would definitely wear it for her. I peeled the dress back off and started removing the tags. That was when I saw the price: $795! My breath caught in my throat. I almost changed my mind, but I decided to give Kate a chance to explain before I rejected it. I laid the dress carefully back on my bed and grabbed my robe. I figured I would hang out around the house the rest of the afternoon until she came back. She got back home just before six and found me in the living room readi

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Slave Training for Kate

SLAVE TRAINING FOR KATEPART 1It was Monday evening. And what a weekend it had been. Kate sat at her computer desk, completely naked, fondling her nipples, occasionally stroking her very wet pussy, reading the story on the screen. She had found this story, and others, on a website where people posted their writing setting forth various tales of slavery, bondage and discipline. She had read this one story she had found several times, the tale of a woman gardening in the nude in her fenced-in...

3 years ago
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Don and Kate

This story is about how I first met Kate. My name is Don. Im just your average 22 year old guy. Im 5'10'' tall and around 200 pounds. I have brown hair and eyes. Nothing really special about me. I work for a company that goes all over the United States to help remodel wal mart stores. Im usally gone for about a month at a time and home for about a week or two, then Im gone again. Since Im single and dont have any kids its a good job for me. So because Im gone so much, I dont have many...

3 years ago
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The Real Kate

Introduction: This is the beginning of my slavery. Kate had been married for almost 25 years. Karl was a wonderful man, but because of his many medical problems, he had developed ED. Kate spent whatever time she wasnt working in caring for Karls needs. Kate felt trapped, bored, and mostly sexually frustrated. Once every six months or so, Karl would skip his meds and then Kate would get a little attention, but Karl felt if he was doomed to a life of sexual frustration that Kate should be too. ...

4 years ago
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Acts of Infidelity John and Kate

I don’t normally do requests though I am often asked to do so.As a female author, I also receive a lot of messages which appear to be nothing but fantasies but when ‘John’ first wrote and began telling me about a brief but important period in his marriage, from the very beginning there was a real ring of truth about his story.John wrote in a pleasing, slightly old-fashioned style which I have tried to retain in this story about a period of four years in which, with his complete agreement, his...

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The Real Kate

Kate had introduced her single sister, Marie, to one of Karl’s friends, David. David and Kate had known each other for about 10 years. Kate constantly teased David and secretly wished she could act on some of her suggestions. Because David and Marie lived far apart, they communicated by phone and e-mail. One day Marie shared a story with Kate that David had written. He had written about how he wanted Marie to be his sex slave, call him Master, and do anything and everything he wanted. He was...

1 year ago
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Katebydarkharbour©The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew...

2 years ago
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The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew the rules - no...

4 years ago
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Sharing Kate

“No thanks man,” I answered with a dismissive wave of my hand. “I think I’m done for the night.” “Oh come on!” Ryan goaded. “Don’t be a pussy!” I just laughed and shook my head at my friend’s persistence. “Fine,” I responded in resolution. “But only if Kate has one too.” Ryan cocked his head in the direction of his girlfriend who was seated on the couch beside me, her legs pulled up under her body. His expression revealed his desire for all three of us to continue our...

2 years ago
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Sharing Kate

“Do you want another drink?” “No thanks man,” I answered with a dismissive wave of my hand. “I think I’m done for the night.” “Oh come on!” Ryan goaded. “Don’t be a pussy!”   I just laughed and shook my head at my friend’s persistence. “Fine,” I responded in resolution. “But only if Kate has one too.” Ryan cocked his head in the direction of his girlfriend who was seated on the couch beside me, her legs pulled up under her body.   His expression revealed his desire for all three of us to...

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My Amazing Cousin Kate

My name's Alex, and I love my cousin Kate. I've always loved my cousin Kate. The first time I remember seeing her, I was three, but Mom says she visited the delivery room the day I was born. According to Mom, there was this eerie thing between us where Kate could always seem to tell what I wanted. Mom swears I would make a fuss, and Kate, who was five then, would run over and go, "Alex wants milk," or "Give Alex his teddy bear," or "He just needs cheering up," and she would always be right. I...

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Kissing Kate

Feel free to send me an email ( ) telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! Please help point out any mistakes or spots that could be written better. My skin is pretty thick and as appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing.All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including photocopying, recording or by any information and retrieval...

3 years ago
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A true story about my first wife Kate

KATEI meet my first wife at school we were c***dhood sweethearts, we were both 16years old and as usual at that age we all hung around with a group of friends which is when I first found out about Kate’s flashing tendencies often she would inadvertently flash her panties at our male friends but nothing more until one Saturday evening when we all ended up at my sister’s house (I was on babysitting duty).There was 3 couples in our group Jim and Ann, Nick and Naomi and me and Kate we had been...

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My MotherinLaw Kate

Kate calls me around mid-afternoon on a cold and windy Saturday and asks if she could hop over for a visit as she is lonely.I reply, "Well, Kate, Janice just left for a three-day bingo marathon, but you are more than welcome to come over for a supper of stew and watch a movie or two."She stands about five foot eight a bit on the chunky side, with nice 42D size bosoms. I know because I had a time with her bra six months ago. I really like her style of clothes, a skirt, a blouse, and low heels,...

3 years ago
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My Sex Diary Part 2 Weekend with Kate

So... I was supposed to tell you about my actual first time, with someone other than myself, right? And I already told you who that was. My not-really-a-cousin. First off, let me clear some things out.We aren't really related. She is the daughter of my uncle's second wife. His first marriage didn't last long. I never even met his first wife. Fortunately he quickly found a replacement for her. His second wife had a daughter from her previous marriage. A really hot daughter... Her name is......

3 years ago
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Sex With Kate

Wife Ashley and I have been married for several years. She has a younger sister named Kate that is 19 and always in trouble. She’s been picked up shoplifting, with drugs, drinking under age and other stuff. Kate was attending a college about an hour from our house, and I use the term “attending” very loosely. A little while back Kate was at our house for the weekend as she is every once in a while. Her and Ashley have fun together shopping and stuff. This time it was a Saturday morning and I...

4 years ago
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Understanding Kate

I know, that looking back, there is no excuse for my actions. But I have been thinking about Kate for almost five years to the day and there was something about her that bothered me. It kept niggling at the edges of my conscious mind and I had to do something about it. Kate and I dated about five years ago. We were both around forty-five years old at the time. It was an on and off relationship that lasted for about five months; though I fancied the pants off her on the first date. Kate’s...

1 year ago
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Kate By Sirdar This is a story that I wrote some years ago. I have rewritten parts of it and reposted it under another name *************** My partner Joan and I had lived happily together for seven years. She was an operating theatre Sister at the local district hospital, and I worked as a teacher at the local High School. We had frequently discussed marriage, but had never got around to fixing the date for the happy day. It was the middle of January when I first set eyes on Kate , and from...

Erotic Fiction
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jake loves kate

by undies *** *** *** I love Kate Simons. I love her ridiculously cute bum when she walks down between the seats. I want to taste the soft dark hair that covers her face as she speaks to her friends. I want to touch the smooth cream of legs that flash under her skirt as she hops back into her seat. I want to kiss the hand that brushed against me as we got on the bus. These are the things I realise during the four hour trip from school to our camp. Four hours spent pretending...

2 years ago
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KATEAfter twenty two years in the Army and nineteen in a special forces regiment I had enough I took my discharge and walked through the gate my own person no one to order or dictate where I should be or what orders I must obey. There was a major problem I didn’t know what I wanted or where I wanted to be, all I had was my bergan and an old letter from my Sister Kate eight years older and much wiser written ten years ago informing me parents had passed away. I was unable to attend as I was on...

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Sexy new neighbor Kate

My name is Henry Bowman and I can hardly believe this has happened. As I am mostly a very private person there is a very good chance I will not finish this story. The only reason I'm starting it is that it's such an amazing thing and I'm hoping that writing it down will help me come to grips with my own feelings around the lack of guilt I feel about what I've done....and will surely do again and again!My family and I live in what most would call an upper middle class neighborhood. The houses...

2 years ago
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Triptych InterviewsKate

Monday, September 19 (After Chapter 15 of Triptych) KATE: Hi. I'm Kate. aroslav: Nice to meet you Kate. I'm aroslav. KATE: Are you some kind of professor? aroslav: Sort of, but that's not why I'm here. KATE: They said an interview. What do you want to know? aroslav: All about what makes you Kate. KATE: Are you a stalker? aroslav: No. Just a friend of Tony's. KATE: Okay. But you are kinda old and creepy. aroslav: Noted. Now how about we start with your full name. KATE: Katarina...

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That Summer with Kate

My summer with Kate didn’t get off to a very good start. In fact it could have ended before it even began. Ever since I was a little kid I had spent my summer holidays on the family farm with my uncles, aunts and assorted cousins. This one was going to be different, for a start it was longer than normal, given that I had graduated high school and was heading for Uni, and this started a month or so later than school. And this was the first time that I had brought a girl with me. Stephanie...

4 years ago
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Chapter 16 Chrissie Kate

Chapter 16Chrissie & KateIt was the end of our first day of the working week and mommy and Isneaked into one of the empty rooms, locked the door and climbed on thebed. She lewdly spread her legs allowing me to lick her pussy clean,savouring the scent of her juices and the remnants of the many men whohad been inside her. She let me tease her clit briefly but was toosensitive to let me carry her to a climax. After I was finished I wipedmy lips with my hand and looked down at my mother's...

2 years ago
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Chrissie and Kate

Chapter 16 Chrissie & Kate It was the end of our first day of the working week and mommy and I sneaked into one of the empty rooms, locked the door and climbed on the bed. She lewdly spread her legs allowing me to lick her pussy clean, savouring the scent of her juices and the remnants of the many men who had been inside her. She let me tease her clit briefly but was too sensitive to let me carry her to a climax. After I was finished I wiped my lips with my hand and looked down...

2 years ago
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David and Kate

Kate’s insides knew it was a bad idea from the very first moment she heard him speak. But she couldn’t help it. She lost her mind to him, which was how she thought about it – that she lost her mind, not her heart, – very early on in their relationship. Kate had moved to Atlanta a few months earlier from Chicago and was working for a publishing house. She lived downtown and could walk to her office from her condo. She was on her way to the office the morning that they met. She was standing in...

1 year ago
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Swimming with Kate

Her name is Kate, and she's a swimmer. Well, of course she's a swimmer. That's why we're all here, right? A small happy band of nuts who swim almost every morning at dawn, rain or shine, at this saltwater pool at the south end of the beach. If you show up and swim, you're a member of our group. Some people would call her full-figured, or curvy. To me, Kate is simply gorgeous. As tall as I am. Muscles under those curves. Confident stride, looks everyone straight in the eye, often a smile,...

3 years ago
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Daddy and Innocent Kate

Out of the evening gloom, a young girl of 16 appeared smiling warmly. It was Kate wearing well...almost nothing. A short mini skirt and a tight fitting top with bare midriff. She was already over 175cm and her long, lithe legs; toned upper body, pert breasts, cascading blonde hair and her exceptionally pretty face made for an intoxicating combination. In a word, she was hot. Kate leaned softly against Daddy and brushed his cheek with her lips. “Thanks for coming Daddy. I’ve had such a good...

2 years ago
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Second Chance At The Beach With Kate

Every time I headed over to the beach, I hoped that the family from before would be there, but they never were. However, this time as I went over, I could see there was a family setup just off the entrance to the beach. They looked familiar, but at first I couldn’t put my finger on it until one of them happened to come over and asked if their music was too loud. Right then, as I looked over at them, I realized it was the same family as last year. Looking back at the guy talking to me, I...

4 years ago
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Slutty Kate

Kate woke up feeling horny again.It was frustrating , her husband Mike worked worked long hours and was not often interested anymore.With the k**s at uni Kate had a lot of spare time.When Mike was at work she often lingered in bed to play .She had bought a couple of sex aids online from Ann Summers and would lie naked in bed gently playing till she orgasmed ,Lately she had been turned on by watching herself in the mirror as she slowly brought herself to a climax .There was nothing like the...

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Kate woke up feeling horny again.It was frustrating , her husband Mike worked worked long hours and was not often interested anymore.With the k**s at uni Kate had a lot of spare time.When Mike was at work she often lingered in bed to play .She had bought a couple of sex aids online from Ann Summers and would lie naked in bed gently playing till she orgasmed ,Lately she had been turned on by watching herself in the mirror as she slowly brought herself to a climax .There was nothing like the...

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My sub and her daughter Patty and Kate

My sub and her daughterPatty and KateWhen Patty arrived the next morning from her ‘date’, meaning she had whored as directed, Kate was in bed naked and I was in the kitchen fixing coffee and a bite to eat. Patty came thru the back door and into the kitchen still dressed from the night of play. With a smile on her face she showed me the $500 that she had made from three different tricks, or ‘dates’. I told her that she had done just what I had directed her to do and that she was a good sub,...

3 years ago
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The atmosphere of the small room was thick with lust. Kate Winters, a long-legged brunette, was staring directly at Dante Hale. Dante was pure eye candy with his chocolate brown hair that was thick and wavy and those piercing blue eyes that reminded many of the sky. His hair parted perfectly in the middle and his bangs fell into his face when he moved just ever so slightly, which caused him to run his fingers through the thick waves. The ends just barley touched his shoulders and flipped out...

2 years ago
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Punished During My Stay By Auntie Beryl Daughter Kate

When I last stayed with Aunty Beryl I was nineteen. I am now twenty-three and working for a consultancy company which means I have to travel a fair bit. At short notice, I was asked to work on a project in the West Midlands for a week or more and I was struggling to find a hotel room. On the off chance, I phoned Aunty Beryl to ask if I could stay there for the week and she said I’d be welcome. On the second day of my visit, Aunty’s daughter Kate was punished naked right in front of me and I...

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Jason and Kate

Twenty-two year old Jason had just graduated from a state university with a marketing degree. After a long difficult decision, he moved back to his hometown and into the house that he and his older sister grew up in. He had taken a job with a marketing firm that promised to challenge him and reward him generously if he performed to their high standards. Twenty-four year old Kate had graduated from the same university two years ago and was now working in a small Certified Public Accounting...

4 years ago
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My first time with Kate

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. “Ugh, fuck.” I thought as I rolled over to shut my phone up. I groggily looked onto the blinding screen of light that was my phone. 6:30 a.m., the day had finally come. It had been a week since I had seen my beautiful girlfriend Kate. I rolled out of bed and got on my feet, damn, today was going to be great. Kate and I had been together for a while, and it made me the happiest guy in the world to call her mine. She was a very beautiful blonde haired girl with...

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Coming Home A Visit From Kate

Introduction: Only genuine comments please I had the house to myself for the evening, Champions League football on the TV, a six pack of lager in the fridge and a family bag of sweet chilli crisps, magic. Id just sat down on the sofa, a bottle in front of me and opened the crisps, when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to the door, our friend Kate was stood there. Oh hi Kate, if youre looking for Caroline Im afraid youre out of luck, shes at the theatre. In fact I thought you were with her....

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My relationship with Kate

Even since i was started watching porn, i starting liking incest porn. I used to watch alot of brother sister porn. It was then i wanted to fuck my sister. I never did anything until I was 20. We used to sleep together, we had separate beds but the same bedroom. I used to jack off looking at her ass. One night she was sleeping and in her sleep she ended up sliding her tank top. I could see her left boob slip out on the side. I got up and stood next to her bed. I was jerking myself off on the...

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The Neighborhood MILF Kate

Not everyone in our group that I like to call the “Neighborhood Milfs” is actually from our neighborhood. Kate is our insurance agent who lives just on the other side of the bridge in Wisconsin. The fellow redhead was a year ahead of me in school, and was always considered to be kind of a nerd. But the petite bookworm seemed to do pretty well for herself, marrying some rich bigwig from one of the local manufacturing plants. Kate probably didn’t need to work, but DJ and and I have always been...

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WebcamChapter 10 Kate

I met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...

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The foot fetish with kate

Today is Saturday, so you will have all day to do this, but first, you have to pick the girl you want to test your fantasies with Kate, the beautiful redhead you have been great friends with for years. You never really had a crush on her but damn, she has beautiful feet, to say the least. Because of having been friends with her for years, she won't suspect a thing when you call her to come over at your place. 'Yeah, calling her to come over seems like the best action,' You think to...

1 year ago
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Dancing with Kate

This happened while I was living in London some years back. 27 years old, I was working as an office clerk during the day, while the evenings were spent on my favourite hobby; dancing. And it was at a dancing course I met Kate. Kate was the best dancer in the group, and the instructor often used her as an example of how we should do the various steps. She was 30 years old, and a very nice person who everybody got along with. This particular evening we were learning some jumps, and Kate with her...

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I'd always wanted to fuck Kate. She'd turned 20 and was already making noise about moving away from home when I almost got the chance. This was years ago now, and here's how it happened.So Kate was still at home, as I've said, but she hated it. Her parents had started fighting recently since her step-dad's business had gone bust. Not his fault, it was just a sign of the times, with the local economy taking a blow. Anyway, it made things tough for everyone. This was in the days before I'd become...

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The Flatshare Cumming With Kate

A flatshare with two girls? Count me in. Girls are way tidier. 
It was time for me to move on, ever since me and Eleanor split up, and I wanted to see that back of that place we had anyway, so I asked around. I was casual friends with Pippa through someone at work, she seemed nice and sane enough, and showed me round on a weekday evening. 
The place had a nice feel, and I was sick of sharing with guys who had parties and I didn’t connect with. The room was nice. It wasn’t cheap, but I was...

3 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 13 Carnal Christian Kate

Kate Fagan, Kermit's wife of slightly over fourteen years and the mother of his two daughters, Tanya who was fourteen and Caitlin who was thirteen was twelve years younger than her husband. She was, at twenty eight, still a beautiful woman and maybe Tanya would look like her in another fourteen years. The resemblances between mother and daughters were striking. Their faces were round and attractive, they were little more than five feet tall and they all had large, soft breasts, especially...

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Aunt Kate

Uncle Jim worked in the city making good money. He was some kind of executive and spent a lot of time at work. Or at least that’s the story. He was most likely fucking his secretaries and interns all day and night. He would come home late or sometimes not at all and every weekend was ether at the country club or at some convention. Aunt Kate never seemed to care. She had a big beautiful house and when she wasn’t laying out at the pool she was ether at the spa or the gym. She was 41, ...

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Reform School TutorChapter 2 Abed with Kate

"She didn't take her punishment very well, Paul." Through my tears and the noise of my crying, I didn't see or hear David enter the room. My body began shaking with fear again. Kate cuddled me and I calmed a little. "Not surprising Sir, that was a harsh punishment for a woman to take." "She committed a similar crime to you so, in all fairness, she had to have the same punishment. You know we try to keep things equal for boys and girls in this establishment." "That doesn't take...

1 year ago
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Humiliating Kate

It was a start of summer party, my sister Kate and I usually attended these just to catch up on friends that we hadn't seen since winter set in. My name is Jack Walsh and I won't tell you what I do for a living suffice to say I make damn good money. My sister Kate Walsh is two years younger than I am, she has blond hair that falls just below her ears. Tonight she has her hair clipped back with one of those hair clips that you don't see much of these days. Kate has dark blue eyes a slightly...

3 years ago
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I had just turned forty and had taken a job at a fairly senior position at a different professional service firm in my town and was starting to get familiar with their procedures and personnel. I started noticing one of the junior associates who was assigned to a few of my projects, a striking girl of about 24 with long legs, blonde/brown hair and a very slim (some would say skinny) body with exciting blue eyes and a saucy, teasing look on her face. I felt very attracted to her, but because of...

1 year ago
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My Mate Kate

It was just meant to be a lift home for her. I offered to run Kate back to her place after a social evening in “The Rose’, our local in the town. She had been drinking all evening, even before I arrived but, as I was driving, I was the sober one now. Kate was a pretty divorcee in her mid forties, she wasn’t a super model type with her size 24 frame, and even her coat, her chest appeared big. She had long blonde hair and quite a personality too. This particular evening she was in leggings...

3 years ago
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My Friend Kate

I decided to have a few friends over one night when my parents were gone on holiday, it was only a few people, like 4 or 5 (including Kate obviously), it was a sort of movie and pizza night. “Hey John, how are you? Was what most people greeted me by when they arrived. “So what should we watch?...I have Kill Bill, Taken, Atonement, Saving Private know...just choose something” “I think we should watch Saving Ryan’s Privates...I mean Saving Private Ryan” “Oh come on Joe...

4 years ago
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my step sister kate

Me and my dad lived alone for a few years after my mum left for another man, He had been seeing a women called Dawn for about six months when he invited her a her daughter Kate for dinner on eveningKate was three years older then me, she was plump quite plain and small breasts, but that was just my opinion, She was a bit shy I think we both felt awkward really, we sat in the garden talking leaving our parents alone.She told me she was training to be a hair dresser , we also talked about...

4 years ago
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School With Kate

Introduction: Like my other stories, this is based on true events. Its pretty slow, but if I get enough of a response Ill write another thats a bit more full on. When I was younger I went to a very expensive, private, Christian school. There, I made friends with a girl the year above me called Kate. She had long dark brown, almost black hair and about C cup tits. She was hot, especially to a younger me. It turned out we didnt live that far from each other, and so we would catch the same...

2 years ago
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Poem for Princess Kate

My fresh friend cute Kate really liked my inviting idea I would write for Her.Preferably a poem. She tried to inspire me with a few lovely lines at my wall:My body is like neverland, a valley of beauty and lust with sexy ups and downs.I don't know anything about her sexy ups and downs, but she's a beauty for sure!It is difficult to tell my readers much about Kate as I hardly know her yet.I will let you in on the bits I know. She is a Gothic Princess and a Witch.So far she writes me sweetly, so...

1 year ago
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Enslaving Kate

My name is Jack Jones, and I used to be Kate Beckinsale's agent. No, really. It's true. I was her agent since she acted in that Adam Sandler movie Click in 2006. And I was a damn good agent, too. So what happened to get me fired? Nothing I did, I assure you. Kate just wanted me fired because I was a 'lazy good-for-nothing', ignoring the fact that I had suggested she improve her PR by doing some charity work. Okay, okay, maybe I had spied on her in her dressing room once....or twice...or four...

Mind Control
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Nurse Kate

On my first day of school I promised my mother that I would try and cut down on my use of drugs at least while I was at school and at the very least be sober for my first day of school. The school was not like any school I had seen before the architecture of the front of the building was a classic Italian style but the back was very modern and I was fascinated by it. My first class was English (my worst subject) but they were reading my favourite Shakespeare play so I was willing to pay...

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