Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
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Twenty-two year old Jason had just graduated from a state university with a marketing degree. After a long difficult decision, he moved back to his hometown and into the house that he and his older sister grew up in. He had taken a job with a marketing firm that promised to challenge him and reward him generously if he performed to their high standards.
Twenty-four year old Kate had graduated from the same university two years ago and was now working in a small Certified Public Accounting firm. She had purchased the house from their parent's estate after the car accident that took their lives. When Jason had told her that he was moving back to town, she did not hesitate to offer him his old bedroom until he got on his feet and could afford a place of his own.
They had grown up not only as siblings, but also as friends and were excited the weekend he moved in. It had been a long time since they had lived in this house at the same time. The difference this time would be that their parents were no longer with them.
The next few weeks were very busy for Jason. He was assigned to a group of three other men all of them about the same age who were to work together to come up with catchy advertising campaigns. They were all assigned private cubicles but the leader of the group took over one of the conference rooms, effectively making it their combined office. Between getting to know his co-workers, learning the way the company liked to do business and going out for drinks two or three nights a week with his team, he had little time to think of dating. Even though a couple of the ladies in the office made it clear that they were available if he so desired.
It was rare for him to be home much before seven in the evening and almost a miracle when on a Friday evening, he walked in the front door just after five. He did not see or hear Kate and her car was not parked in the driveway. He thought it would be nice if the two of them could hang out for the evening, since they had had little opportunity up to this point to catch up with things going on in each other's lives.
"I need to pee," he said out loud, as he headed toward the bathroom. He glanced around the small room, as he stood in front of the toilet. He saw Kate's hamper and a slight smile played at his lips. He remembered when they were younger she would leave her panties on the floor, usually where they landed.
"At least she learned to pick them up," he thought to himself, as he opened the lid to look inside. On top of some towels and other pieces of clothing, he saw a pair of pale blue panties and without taking time to think about what he was doing, picked them up and brought them to his nose. "Oh God," he moaned, as his sister's aroma filled his nostrils.
He quickly walked to his bedroom and once his door was closed, he quickly stripped out of his clothes and lay in the middle of his bed. He brought the panties up to his nose and inhaled the aroma and thought of who had worn them. He prick was now rock hard as he wrapped the silky garment around his shaft and started slowly stroking.
"Oh god," he thought. "That feels so fucking nice."
His hand tightened and stroked faster as the wonderful sensations ran from his cock and through his body. He closed his eyes and thought more about the owner of the silky panties that he had wrapped around his raging hard-on.
He turned his head quickly to the see his door open and his sister's head poking through it. His hand froze in mid-stoke as he saw her eyes focus on where his hand was. It seemed like an eternity before he could react to her presence. Then he pulled his hand and the panties quickly from his wilting shaft as he rolled away from the door in an effort to hide his nakedness.
"Oh, ah, I'll..." Kate stammered, as she backed out of the doorway and closed it.
"Shit, shit, shit!" Jason said, as he hid the panties under his bed and grabbed his clothes. "I hope she didn't see them."
He took a couple deep breaths and then opened his door and walked to the living room where Kate was sitting. "You're home. I didn't see your car."
"Its in the garage," she said.
Jason tired to smile and started to walk to the kitchen. "Wait," she said softly. "I should have knocked. I'm sorry."
Jason couldn't meet his sister's eyes but shrugged his shoulders as to say it was no big deal.
"What did you have in your hand?" she asked him, before she lost her nerve.
"I mean, ah, besides, your, ah ... they were blue," she said.
"Nothing," he lied, hoping she would believe him and feeling his cheeks burning in embarrassment.
"Were they mine?" she asked softly.
"Kate!" Jason said as to say he could not believe she would even think such a thing.
"Were they mine?"
Jason could not speak but knew that he could not pretend she didn't see what she had obviously seen. He nodded his head yes, looking at the spot on the floor between his feet.
Kate took a deep breath, trying to sound calm even though her heart was racing wildly. "What you do in private is your business, but I must ask you not to use mine things to do it with."
"I'm sorry," he said very quickly.
Kate looked at her brother for a long moment. "Do you, ah, what I mean is," she paused, took a breath and then started over. "Were you thinking of me?"
If Jason's cheeks were burning before they were scorching now. His head involuntarily shot up and he looked at his older sister. He was so surprised that she had asked him that question that his mouth was hanging open. Then it happened. Just as involuntarily as his head shot up, his eyes dropped to her chest and his prick twitched in his pants.
"I think we should talk some more later," Kate said, as she stood up and walked quickly to her bedroom. "Oh, and please return them to the hamper."
Their conversation at dinner was light and they laughed at the things they normally laughed at but they both knew there were unsettled business that needed to be discussed but neither of them wanting to reopen that particular conversation. When they were finished eating, Jason gathered the dishes and rinsed them off in the sink before putting them in the dishwasher. Kate had cooked a fine meal of spaghetti so Jason thought that it would be appropriate for him to do the dishes.
Kate went to the living room and turned on the television. She tried to pay attention to the show but to many questions ran through her mind. "How long has he been using my panties? Does he think of me every time? What things does he think about?" When she looked at the clock she was surprised to see that three hours had gone by virtually unnoticed.
Jason had quietly gone to his bedroom and closed the door behind him and turned on the light by his bed. He thought about playing some Halo on his Xbox but decided against. Instead, he reached under his bed and found his sister's panties. His intention was to return them to the hamper but the sight of them combined with the feel of the silkiness made his cock twitch. He looked to the door and listened for any movement before stripping out of his clothes and flopping in the middle of his bed. He sighed as he wrapped the silky garment around his hardening member.
"Mmmmmmmmmmm," he moaned, as his hand started slowly stroking his pole.
It was different this time. The knowledge that his sister knew that he use her things to relieve his sexual charge made the sensations flowing through his body all the better. He thought about what she must look like naked. He had accidentally walked in on her once when they were teenagers while she was changing her shirt and saw her in her bra. That image served to make his balls tighten as he felt his cum rushing through his dick and landing on his stomach.
"Ohhhhhhh Yesssssssssss," he moaned, as the last of his spend oozed over his fingers.
Slowly, he rubbed the undergarment over the end of his cock and moaned again at the exceptional feeling it caused. He squeezed his cock a couple more times and watched as they absorbed his spend. He deliberately brought them up his tummy and wiped the rest of his stuff with them.
When his breathing and heart rate were back to normal, he pulled his pajamas on and took the soiled panties to the bathroom and deposited them in the hamper. He then turned, lifted the toilet seat and relieved his bladder.
Kate was standing at the kitchen sink the next morning when Jason walked in. They were both still in their pajamas, Jason in only his bottoms, while Kate was wearing a loose t-shirt and bottoms. "Morning," she said.
"Morning. What's for breakfast?" he asked, as he sat at the table.
"There's milk in the fridge and cereal in the cupboard," she responded.
"Any chance of you making pancakes?" he asked.
"No. We need to finish our talk," she said, turning to face him. "First, thank you."
"For what?" Jason said, his eyes squinting, as he tried to figure out what she was thanking him for.
"For returning my panties."
A smile played on the corners of Jason's lips but he could not raise his head to look at her. "You're welcome."
Kate sat across from him at the kitchen table and stared at him for a few moments. She was gathering her thoughts and building the nerve to open this difficult conversation.
"Why do you use my things?" she asked, getting right to the subject.
"I ... ah ... I don't know," he finally stammered.
"How long have you been doing it?" she asked.
"Yesterday was the only time," he hoped she would believe his lie.
"Honestly?" she asked, her eyebrows arching.
Jason stared into his cereal bowl and felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment. He nodded his head slightly, knowing she did not buy it.
"I want the truth this time. How long have you been using my panties to, ah, to ... play with yourself?"
Jason played with his food as he hesitated to answer his sister. He really hoped that she would forget about the whole thing but knew that was wishful thinking. He shrugged his shoulders and finally admitted using them a few times since he moved in.
"You didn't answer my question last night," she told him.
"What? What question?" this time he managed to look at the woman sitting across from him. He knew that she was upset with him and waited to hear what she had to say.
"Do you think of me when you use my things?"
"Hell yeah, I think of you," he thought to himself but said out loud, "No."
"Does using my panties feel good to you?"
"Yeah," he said, resigning to the fact that this conversation was going to take place whether he liked it or not.
"Mom and Dad always told us that they wanted us to tell them the truth no matter what, didn't they?" she asked. "And when we did, it usually went a lot better for us, right?"
"So tell me the truth this time. Do you think of me?"
Jason lowered his eyes and nodded his head. He felt horrified admitting it and knew at any moment her anger at him would explode.
"You do know how sick and perverted that is, don't you?" she asked, and heard the shakiness in her own voice.
"Yes," Jason voice was soft and just as shaky as his sister's.
"If you want to use my panties again," she said, feeling much less confident than she sounded, "ask first."
Jason continued to stare at his cereal bowl as her words filtered through his mind. Then his head shot up and his eyes grew wide as he realized what she had just said. "What?"
"If you want to use my panties to masturbate, please ask me first," she repeated and then rose from the table and walked to her bedroom.
"Oh my god!" she said to herself, as she closed her door and leaned against it. "What did I just do? How in the hell could've I just given my brother permission to that?" She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She felt her heart beating in her chest and her breathing coming deep and quick. It was then that she noticed just how wet the thought of it was making her. Without much thought, she slipped one hand into the waistband of her pajama bottoms and touched her clit. She started rubbing it, feeling the sensations flow through her vagina and traveling to every nerve ending in her body. The image of Jason laying on his bed with her panties wrapped around his cock only made her pussy all that wetter. "Oh fuck," she moaned, as she slipped her middle finger inside her and stroked it in and out, bringing on her first orgasm while thinking of Jason.
After Jason finished his breakfast, he went to his bedroom and turned on his Xbox. He wanted to forget the conversation that just taken place and knew that nothing took his mind off things like a good game of Halo. He only left his room when his stomach protested that not enough food was in it and his bladder protested that it was too full.
"You hungry?" Kate asked him when he walked into the living room.
"Very," he told her and sat on the sofa to see what she was watching on TV.
"How does grilled cheese sandwiches sound?" she asked.
Kate smiled at him and ruffed his hair with her hand as she walked to the kitchen to prepare lunch. She knew how much that would irritate him but she had done it since they were kids.
She had showered and dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt. She still was feeling very apprehensive about the talk she had had with him but decided that if he didn't say anything about it then neither would she.
Jason sat and waited in the living room watching the show his sister had on and wondering how she could watch something as boring as people choosing which house to buy. He was reaching for the remote when Kate came into the room, handed him a plate with two grilled cheese sandwiches and a glass of milk then grabbed the remote away from his reach.
"I'm watching this," she told him, as she sat down on the opposite end of the sofa with her own sandwiches.
"Thanks," Jason said, as he took a big bite of the sandwich. "But who cares which house they buy?"
"I like watching it," she told him in a voice that told him there was no use in arguing.
He ate his sandwiches in silence but watched his sister out of the corner of his eye. She was sitting with one leg tucked under her butt and the other one bent so that both feet were on the cushion. He loved the way her blues jeans formed around her thighs and the way her t-shirt was pulled over her breasts. He noticed, not for the first time, that she was not wearing a bra.
When they were through eating, he took their plates and glasses to the kitchen and placed them in the sink then walked back to the living room. "Kate? Were you serious about what you said this morning?"
Kate slowly turned her head toward her brother and could see the seriousness on his face. She thought she detected some apprehension in his voice. "I was serious about everything I said this morning, but which part did you have questions on?"
"That," he stopped, looked around the room and then at his feet. "That I needed to ask first?"
Kate inhaled deeply, delaying her answer so that she could maintain control of her emotions. "Yes, do you want to borrow them now? I mean so soon?"
Jason's face was as red as it ever was with embarrassment. It took all the will power and strength he had just to be able to ask. He was sure she was going to turn him down.
"I did laundry this morning and I don't want you using my clean ones," she told him.
Jason swallowed and felt awkward but he had asked the hardest question he ever asked his sister and now was not the time to back down. "I don't like clean ones. May I use the ones you have on?"
Kate was stunned into silence. She thought he would let the subject go but she had misjudged the boldness of her younger brother. "Oh, ah, well..." she stammered.
"Please?" he asked, a little more confident now.
"Look me in the eye and ask again," she said, hoping that he either couldn't or wouldn't do as she requested. To her surprise, she saw him lift his head and look her straight in the eye.
"May I please use the panties you have on?"
That put the ball in her court now. She either had to tell him no or she was going to have to be true to her word. After all, she was the one to tell him to ask first. As she got to her feet and started for her bedroom, she could hear Jason following her. She stopped just inside her door and turned to face the young man. "I'll be out in a minute," she told him, as she slowly closed the door between them.
Jason was disappointed that he was banned from her bedroom but he had pushed himself way beyond his comfort zone and did not want to push any harder. He was about to step into his bedroom when his sister's door opened. Turning his head, he saw that she was now wearing her robe and holding a pair of pink panties out to him. As he reached for them, his fingers touch hers and they both froze. Their eyes met but no words were spoken. Finally, Jason took the panties and stepped into his bedroom and closed the door.
Kate stood in the hallway, not knowing exactly what to do. "This is crazy," she thought to herself and forced her feet to take her to the living room. She thought about yesterday afternoon, when she had heard him come home from work. It surprised her that he didn't say hello but went straight to his room and then to the bathroom. She remember getting to her feet when she saw him walk back to his room with what looked like a pair of her panties. A low almost silent moan escaped her mouth as she remembered opening his door and seeing him lying naked on his bed with her underwear wrapped around his hard cock. She squeezed her thighs together when she felt dampness leaking from her pussy and closed her eyes, as she imagined him lying on his bed now, the pink panties wrapped around him, his fist stroking up and down his shaft. She could not help but slip her hand between the folds of her robe and run a finger through her very moist slit.
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Feel free to send me an email ( ) telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! Please help point out any mistakes or spots that could be written better. My skin is pretty thick and as appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing.All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including photocopying, recording or by any information and retrieval...
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Kate woke up feeling horny again.It was frustrating , her husband Mike worked worked long hours and was not often interested anymore.With the k**s at uni Kate had a lot of spare time.When Mike was at work she often lingered in bed to play .She had bought a couple of sex aids online from Ann Summers and would lie naked in bed gently playing till she orgasmed ,Lately she had been turned on by watching herself in the mirror as she slowly brought herself to a climax .There was nothing like the...
Kate woke up feeling horny again.It was frustrating , her husband Mike worked worked long hours and was not often interested anymore.With the k**s at uni Kate had a lot of spare time.When Mike was at work she often lingered in bed to play .She had bought a couple of sex aids online from Ann Summers and would lie naked in bed gently playing till she orgasmed ,Lately she had been turned on by watching herself in the mirror as she slowly brought herself to a climax .There was nothing like the...
My summer with Kate didn’t get off to a very good start. In fact it could have ended before it even began. Ever since I was a little kid I had spent my summer holidays on the family farm with my uncles, aunts and assorted cousins. This one was going to be different, for a start it was longer than normal, given that I had graduated high school and was heading for Uni, and this started a month or so later than school. And this was the first time that I had brought a girl with me. Stephanie...
Her name is Kate, and she's a swimmer. Well, of course she's a swimmer. That's why we're all here, right? A small happy band of nuts who swim almost every morning at dawn, rain or shine, at this saltwater pool at the south end of the beach. If you show up and swim, you're a member of our group. Some people would call her full-figured, or curvy. To me, Kate is simply gorgeous. As tall as I am. Muscles under those curves. Confident stride, looks everyone straight in the eye, often a smile,...
The atmosphere of the small room was thick with lust. Kate Winters, a long-legged brunette, was staring directly at Dante Hale. Dante was pure eye candy with his chocolate brown hair that was thick and wavy and those piercing blue eyes that reminded many of the sky. His hair parted perfectly in the middle and his bangs fell into his face when he moved just ever so slightly, which caused him to run his fingers through the thick waves. The ends just barley touched his shoulders and flipped out...
When I last stayed with Aunty Beryl I was nineteen. I am now twenty-three and working for a consultancy company which means I have to travel a fair bit. At short notice, I was asked to work on a project in the West Midlands for a week or more and I was struggling to find a hotel room. On the off chance, I phoned Aunty Beryl to ask if I could stay there for the week and she said I’d be welcome. On the second day of my visit, Aunty’s daughter Kate was punished naked right in front of me and I...
SpankingEvery time I headed over to the beach, I hoped that the family from before would be there, but they never were. However, this time as I went over, I could see there was a family setup just off the entrance to the beach. They looked familiar, but at first I couldn’t put my finger on it until one of them happened to come over and asked if their music was too loud. Right then, as I looked over at them, I realized it was the same family as last year. Looking back at the guy talking to me, I...
Introduction: Only genuine comments please I had the house to myself for the evening, Champions League football on the TV, a six pack of lager in the fridge and a family bag of sweet chilli crisps, magic. Id just sat down on the sofa, a bottle in front of me and opened the crisps, when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to the door, our friend Kate was stood there. Oh hi Kate, if youre looking for Caroline Im afraid youre out of luck, shes at the theatre. In fact I thought you were with her....
Not everyone in our group that I like to call the “Neighborhood Milfs” is actually from our neighborhood. Kate is our insurance agent who lives just on the other side of the bridge in Wisconsin. The fellow redhead was a year ahead of me in school, and was always considered to be kind of a nerd. But the petite bookworm seemed to do pretty well for herself, marrying some rich bigwig from one of the local manufacturing plants. Kate probably didn’t need to work, but DJ and and I have always been...
I met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...
I'd always wanted to fuck Kate. She'd turned 20 and was already making noise about moving away from home when I almost got the chance. This was years ago now, and here's how it happened.So Kate was still at home, as I've said, but she hated it. Her parents had started fighting recently since her step-dad's business had gone bust. Not his fault, it was just a sign of the times, with the local economy taking a blow. Anyway, it made things tough for everyone. This was in the days before I'd become...
Even since i was started watching porn, i starting liking incest porn. I used to watch alot of brother sister porn. It was then i wanted to fuck my sister. I never did anything until I was 20. We used to sleep together, we had separate beds but the same bedroom. I used to jack off looking at her ass. One night she was sleeping and in her sleep she ended up sliding her tank top. I could see her left boob slip out on the side. I got up and stood next to her bed. I was jerking myself off on the...
Today is Saturday, so you will have all day to do this, but first, you have to pick the girl you want to test your fantasies with Kate, the beautiful redhead you have been great friends with for years. You never really had a crush on her but damn, she has beautiful feet, to say the least. Because of having been friends with her for years, she won't suspect a thing when you call her to come over at your place. 'Yeah, calling her to come over seems like the best action,' You think to...
This happened while I was living in London some years back. 27 years old, I was working as an office clerk during the day, while the evenings were spent on my favourite hobby; dancing. And it was at a dancing course I met Kate. Kate was the best dancer in the group, and the instructor often used her as an example of how we should do the various steps. She was 30 years old, and a very nice person who everybody got along with. This particular evening we were learning some jumps, and Kate with her...
LesbianKate Fagan, Kermit's wife of slightly over fourteen years and the mother of his two daughters, Tanya who was fourteen and Caitlin who was thirteen was twelve years younger than her husband. She was, at twenty eight, still a beautiful woman and maybe Tanya would look like her in another fourteen years. The resemblances between mother and daughters were striking. Their faces were round and attractive, they were little more than five feet tall and they all had large, soft breasts, especially...
Uncle Jim worked in the city making good money. He was some kind of executive and spent a lot of time at work. Or at least that’s the story. He was most likely fucking his secretaries and interns all day and night. He would come home late or sometimes not at all and every weekend was ether at the country club or at some convention. Aunt Kate never seemed to care. She had a big beautiful house and when she wasn’t laying out at the pool she was ether at the spa or the gym. She was 41, ...
A flatshare with two girls? Count me in. Girls are way tidier. It was time for me to move on, ever since me and Eleanor split up, and I wanted to see that back of that place we had anyway, so I asked around. I was casual friends with Pippa through someone at work, she seemed nice and sane enough, and showed me round on a weekday evening. The place had a nice feel, and I was sick of sharing with guys who had parties and I didn’t connect with. The room was nice. It wasn’t cheap, but I was...
Candace Wu slumped down in her bed after what felt like the thousandth fake orgasm of her life. Her husband Henry lay beside her panting from exertion, no doubt grinning like an idiot. She felt his few drops of watery semen run out of her. This was why Candace never even bothered with birth control. Though there was only a five year age difference between Candace and Henry, most people would mistake them for father and daughter. Candace was a slim, petite Taiwanese woman who was blessed with DD...
Jason and Kershaw were college roommates. Both were straight,good-looking, well-built athletes, Jason was white of Irish descent,Kershaw was black. They got along well and often dated the same chicks,which tended to be co-eds that put out since neither of them were lookingto fall in love, as young as they were.One night, Jason and Kershaw got drunk over a few pitchers of margaritaswith two girls, Tammy and Sheila. After the girls had a few too many, theysplit, but the room mates stayed until...
Jason and me Part 1 - First Sex I realised after I'd started to write this that you may need some background to make sense of it, so I've added it here at the beginning. Jason is my best mate and has been for about 4 years since his dad died in a car accident. My Dad had walked out on my Mum at about the same time and we seemed to have something in common. I'm only 5' 5" and skinny whereas Jason is 5' 9" and does a lot of sport. Physically we look like an odd couple and Jason has...
BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. “Ugh, fuck.” I thought as I rolled over to shut my phone up. I groggily looked onto the blinding screen of light that was my phone. 6:30 a.m., the day had finally come. It had been a week since I had seen my beautiful girlfriend Kate. I rolled out of bed and got on my feet, damn, today was going to be great. Kate and I had been together for a while, and it made me the happiest guy in the world to call her mine. She was a very beautiful blonde haired girl with...
It was a start of summer party, my sister Kate and I usually attended these just to catch up on friends that we hadn't seen since winter set in. My name is Jack Walsh and I won't tell you what I do for a living suffice to say I make damn good money. My sister Kate Walsh is two years younger than I am, she has blond hair that falls just below her ears. Tonight she has her hair clipped back with one of those hair clips that you don't see much of these days. Kate has dark blue eyes a slightly...
IncestCopyright 2014 by PostScriptor, All Rights Reserved Jason cautiously walked up to the unadorned dark gray building where he had been instructed to meet his contact. He’d only received word of the possible rendezvous that very afternoon, and he had to hurry just to arrive on time. Jason was in his late twenties, still a young man, strong and able, and skilled at his trade. He was considered by women to be a fine looking man, his head covered with unruly curly black locks of hair and dark eyes...
Jason drove home that night, but he didnt go inside he decided to go for a walk. He thought about what had happened between him and Julia. He has always wondered what it would be like to be with Julia, and now it had. Him and Julia had taken that first step, and it was amazing! He relished in the though of what had happened today. It wasnt enough though. His feelings ran deep, and his wants did as well. He wanted to take Julia, and he knew she wanted to be taken. He couldnt wait any longer, so...
Jason's girl By Lizzy I am a 19-year-old guy living in the south of the UK. I have been dressing since I can remember but have never got caught. It was Saturday night and I had been drinking with the guys from football. I was pretty drunk and had made my way home. I live at home but my parents were visiting my aunt up north. Walking home I had been dreaming of getting dressed in my sisters clothes, she was away at college, and I had been using her spare clothes for the whole term. I...
Jason, at 14-years of age, one day wandered into his mother's bedroom and, looking through her dresser, his world was suddenly turned upside down as he picked up and eventually tried on his mom's panties and bras, one set after the other. He didn't expect mom to come home and catch him, but she did. Mom was divided on how to deal with her son's activity. (Fm, ped, inc, cd, mast, oral, 1st)***When Jason was only five, his father Troy was killed in an automobile accident when a 47-foot long,...