Kissing Kate free porn video

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This is one of my fantasies. We move back to California in November and I'm finally able to become an actress. It's been one of my dreams and since my husband sold his business we have enough money that I can peruse my acting career.

Finally I got my big break. I was to play the next door neighbor to Kate Walsh's character on 'Private Practice', and after my character goes through a bad break up, Kate comes over to console me. We end up in my hot tub, share a bottle of wine, and then in my bed. Needless to say, I've been on cloud nine ever since my agent told me about the part. The part also meant a fat paycheck and that my bills would be paid for the rest of the year. Talk about taking the pressure off. Which was a good thing, since I was going to be working with Kate Walsh.

The director could sense that I was nervous. After all I think Kate is a goddess. Her long legs, toned body. Well she always looks amazing. Guess I was nervous that she would discover I had a secret crush on her and that she would freak out. Secondly, this was my big chance and I didn't want to make any mistakes. Since this role was kind of naughty, the director and producer asked Kate to spend some time with me so that we could build up some chemistry.

My part was a little racy and the script read like something from Cinamax. Yep, ABC was pulling all the stops out for this show. They wanted to spark some interest and what better than to have a "normal" character have her first lesbian experience. We were to wear bikinis in the hot tub and be "nude" in bed. Not really nude but in a nude body suit. I'm pretty comfortable with my body and love to show off, but have never been nude on camera before. Needless to say that added a little stress as the camera can find all those little trouble areas. Our bodies are pretty similar. Kate has a very athletic body, while I'm bigger busted than she is. In fact, I think that I've caught her checking me out a few times.

I'll spare you all the details, and jump to the director's meeting.

There I was, my first big time TV show, on set, and only wearing a barely there body suit; almost sheer and selected to match my skin tone. Just in case the director wanted to be sure that nothing stopped our shoot. He knew that Kate was not happy with this shoot and he feared having to make her do it over again.

Please, look at what "Wild Things" did for Neve Campbell and Denise Richards. Oh and if you can remember all the attention that "Basic Instinct" received. I knew we had nothing to worry about. But my career was just starting and Kate has been a pretty conservative actress.

Anyway I was pretty excited about this opportunity but could tell that Kate was a little resistant. The day of the shoot I took my time getting ready. First item on my list was to make sure my legs and pussy were smooth. Even though I was getting ready for work my body started to come alive. I decided to shave everything just to be safe. After all it would be quite embarrassing if I had hair showing under my bodysuit. My mind started to drift. How would she kiss? What if she freaked out? What if she was okay with the shoot but upset with how I kissed her? What if she responded and started to enjoy it?

With so many thoughts racing though my head I had to stop thinking about that and get to work. I quickly dressed and raced down to the studio. There the girls would take care of my hair and makeup and if I had to wear something wardrobe would take care of me. If only I could bring these people home with me!

Luckily for me traffic was moving and I made excellent time to the studio. I raced over to hair and makeup and then finally to where we were shooting. Kate was just coming out of her trailer and the first setting was ready for us.

We did the first shoot in three takes and everyone was in a groove. Things were just flowing and everything felt natural. I think that settled me down and Kate was looking pretty relaxed. Granted she is a goddess and a professional so what did she have to worry about? She always looks amazing!

Next shoot: the hot tub!

We went to our dressing rooms. Well I had a dressing room but Kate had a large motor home that was her private area. I wasn't too jealous but wow that must have been nice. Some day I will have my very own motor home.

Still, this was a pretty great job. After all I'm starting to earn a ton of money, and money that we needed. If I played my cards right, well I could become the next naughty hottie. Then after a few movies I can retire and we can move to the mountains, own a small plot of land and have a nice cabin and there we can live off the land. Well the land and the money I'm earning today.

Anyway enough about that, I'm working with the sexy Kate Walsh! And in ten minutes we will be in skimpy bikinis and in a hot tub together sharing our first kiss! Now it was time for hair and makeup. The girls were very chatty and wanted to know how I felt about the next two scenes. All I could say was that I was nervous but looking forward to the challenge. Once all that was done I walked to the set and waited two minutes for Kate to appear.

The butterflies really started to stir in my stomach when Kate walked in. Her perfume quickly filled the room and her scent was soft and sexy. The room started to warm up.

It was now or never. Kate didn't look at me, just some last minute makeup touch ups and the director barking orders. As she was preoccupied I slipped into the hot tub and waited for my on screen lover to come to me. Well she was going to be my on screen lover. I have to say, we both looked hot in our little bikinis, and feeling her body touch mine started to get me aroused. She felt so soft even though she has a toned body. We did our scene and I really think she enjoyed the tease. Yeah, I did my best to tease her and pique her interest. Kate looked amazing and I've had a crush on her for a few months so it was pretty easy to kiss her. I was so happy to be the first woman she kissed.

Once the director was satisfied with the hot tub scene we moved on to the bedroom.

The director yelled, "Action!"

I pulled Kate closer to me; this was my one big shot. Slowly we kissed with everyone watching us. I knew this was going to draw attention for prime time TV and I wanted to take advantage of my one shot. As the passion grew between us Kate started to become a little aroused. I poured my heart and soul into this shot giving everything that I had.

The crew gasped as we started to French kiss. Oh yeah, this was totally hot! We were not supposed to French or even open mouth kiss but the director asked us to make it hot. In other words, French kiss.

The room became very warm as Kate started to respond. Between takes I could see the effect that our scene was having on the staff. Seeing others feeling our passion only made me more aroused. To know that others were getting off watching us, more importantly I could tell that Kate was aroused. Her face was flushed and her nipples were rock hard. The director wanted to redo our first kiss and we did as he requested.

Kate started to kiss me back and now we both were touching each other. I became lost in the moment and forgot about everyone watching and slid my hand down her body. What others were not able to see was that my hand was on her pussy. Kate was a professional and there was nothing that could stop her. Plus I think she wanted to get this shot over. However, when I felt her panties become wet, I knew she secretly was enjoying our kiss. That is when I opened my mouth, and touched her lips with my tongue.

Then something happened. Kate's mood changed. I could sense it but she didn't say anything. The director yelled that our shoot was a take and his bark freed people. People raced off, doing different tasks. The director came over and told Kate how amazing the shoot was and he even thanked her since he knew she was worried about the shoot. As he talked one of the staff came over with robes and we both dressed. Kate did her best to hide her body but I could see her arousal. By that point, I didn't care who saw me as I put the robe on. Kate was cold and a little distant.

Once the director left Kate gave me a look, grabbed my hand, and led me to her trailer. She looked pissed, and didn't speak or look at anyone. She rushed me to her private trailer. Once in there, the door locked, she vented, "What the hell was that?"

Kate followed me and both of us sat down.

Taking a chance, I grabbed her hand and walked over to the sofa. "Kate I'm so sorry but please allow me to explain."

I looked into her eyes, "You see, you've already made it and I'm still trying to break in. This kiss is going to set the entertainment world on fire. Kind of like the Britney and Madonna kiss. I never meant to upset you but it just felt so right. Please, please forgive me. Plus, you're so beautiful and I've have had a crush on you for so many years."

She was taken back, "Really a crush? But you're married?"

I slowly touched the back of her hand, "Yes I am married." I kissed her hand, "I'm married to a great man but every now and then I crave the touch of a woman. The commercial you did for Cadillac really turned me on."

Time to go for broke as Kate's defenses were down. I knew she was open to experiment, "I've wanted to kiss you for a long time."

I leaned forward to kiss her, softly at first with our lips just barely touching. Her perfume teased my mind with her sexy scent. I watched as Kate closed her eyes and surrendered herself. We were still wearing the bodysuit and robe. Somehow I had to get her nude, to feel her body against mine!

Kate opened her lips allowing out tongues to touch, softly at first. We kissed and touched for what seemed like hours slowly allowing our bodies to come alive. The heat between us could have melted steel.

I'm a very visual person and love to look at the person I'm in bed with. Kate's hard nipples were clearly showing though the sheer body suit. Our legs were intertwined and I could feel her arousal against my thigh. Kate was pressing herself against me, grinding her clit into my thigh to give her some relief.

Kate was mine but was she ready for more? Would she be upset if I went down on her? Oh how wonderful she would taste, I bet she would be so sweet. I imagined how she would look between my legs, her nose resting against my pelvic mound as her tongue danced over my clit. Oh how I wanted to brush her hair to the side so that I could see her enjoying my nectar.

She never broke the kiss nor did she open her eyes. Tight, she kept herself against me. Moaning and grinding Kate was feeling sensual and sexy and her trailer filling with our scents.

Slowly I reached down, sliding my hand down her body, under the little panties to find her very wet. Kate didn't pull back but bit my lower lip. Tenderly I cupped her pussy to which she pressed herself down on my hand. Kate was still on top and I hoped that she would roll over on her back. Instead she started to rock her hips, moving her pussy to allow my fingers to find her clit.

She was ready and I became a little aggressive with her. I guided her to lie on her back and looked down at her, "You're so beautiful and have an amazing body."

For the first time Kate opened her eyes. I leaned forward and kissed her chin, then slowly started to kiss and lick down to her hard nipples. Leisurely I kissed all around her areola making sure not to touch her nipple. Kate just sat back and enjoyed the attention. After a few minutes I took her nipple in my mouth, slowly twirling my tongue around it.

Kate started to moan and her hips started to rock, "You're killing me."

"Good," I gave her nipple a nice soft bite.

Time to taste her. Oh how I wanted to taste the beautiful Kate Walsh for so long and now, I was about to! Kate kept her red bush neatly trimmed. I moved down, between her legs. She responded by opening up for me, her lips parted and glistening with arousal. Her scent was intoxicating.

As I moved between her legs, I could see just how wet she was. Whether she would admit it or not she was aroused, when her lips parted like a soft flower reveling her hard clit. Kate's mind might have been telling her one thing but her body craved my touch. I wanted to tease her a little and made sure that she could feel my breath against her pussy.

With my left hand I slowly moved my index finger in her. Just the tip at first, touching all around teasing her. I watched how her body responded to me touching her. This time my index and middle finger entered her wet pussy. I pushed them deep inside her causing her to gasp.

Kate lifted her hips up. She caught me off guard and her pussy pushed into my face and in a sexy voice she said, "I've never had," she paused for a moment, "I've never been with another woman before."

I gentle placed my fingers on her lips; gently placing my fingers on her lips. Kate took my wet fingers in her mouth. Oh she likes this! When she rested back on the bed, I took her! Slowly I started to lick her clit. Oh she tasted like candy. Once she became comfortable, I sucked her clit into my mouth. With my tongue I rolled her clit, and started to lightly suck her. Kate responded by gyrating her hips like she was trying to fuck my face. I worked my fingers into her and searched for her g-spot.

"Kate you taste so heavenly."

She reached out for my head and pulled me back to her clit, "Don't talk just eat me! Make me cum, oh god, I'm going to cum on your face. I've never felt so hot before."

She granted and groaned, "I'm so close. Don't stop, oh please don't stop!"

Kate became more vocal and started to move her hips. She allowed herself to let go and give in to the pleasure that I was giving her. I'm sure like most women she felt guilty for being with another woman but I had freed her allowing her to enjoy her womanhood. Oh how she was enjoying my tongue on her clit. She started to run her hands through my hair, pulling me into her. Knowing that Kate wanted me to eat her made me want to suck on her clit harder.

She tasted to sweat and sexy and her pussy felt so smooth. Her arousal glazed my fingers allowing me to probe her deeper. Kate's sugar walls were coated with her sweat arousal which was begging to be touched. If only I had a thick strap on to fill her. So with my fingers I did my best to fill her, to give her something to hold on to when she came. My fingers probed her pussy while my tongue licked her clit. How I wanted to lick her clit forever.

Softly I moved my mouth all around her exposed clit as I sucked her into my mouth. Then when my tongue darted over her clit she screamed in pleasure. I thought for sure security was going to barge in at any moment.

"Oh Kate I can eat you forever." I was so embarrassed for saying that, it just blurted out.

Her fingers dug deeper into my hair, "Oh god, don't stop. I'm so freaking close!"

I looked up at her and could tell she was about to explode. She would take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds to savor the pleasure I was giving to her. Then I shoved three fingers deep into her pussy and that pushed her over the edge. She grunted and screamed, and then I felt her body shake, my face buried in her sex.

With her body convulsing my face dripped from with her juice.

When her eyes opened I knew she was back with me, "Jen, I don't know if I can ever give that up. Oh my god, no one has ever. I mean no one has ever driven me so wild before."

Carefully I moved up next to her. There is nothing better than snuggling after I reach a powerful orgasm. Once I moved up next to her I pulled the covers over us. Kate looked so sexy resting on her back with that glow. "I've just had the best orgasm of my freaking life."

Kate looked so relaxed and had a glow that glow we woman crave.

Our legs crossed and we became one on her bed. Our bodies pressing and touching each others' like old lovers. My own pussy was alive and craving to be fucked. As we moved on her bed, I found her thigh and pressed myself into her.

"Oh Jen, I think you left a wet spot on my thigh."

With her saying that I reached for her hand and guided it down to my very wet pussy. Her fingers lightly touched my engorged lips and I allowed her to touch her first clit. Then I guided her fingers up to my mouth and licked them. She understood and once I cleaned her fingers she moved her hand back down to touch me, only this time she teased me, pushing the tips of her fingers into my body. I pushed down, trying to get more of her hand in my aching sex.

Kate pulled her hand back up and this time she licked her fingers. I watched as her ruby red lips opened and her wet fingers entered those sexy lips. She tasted me; Kate actually was enjoying my arousal on her fingers. Oh how I wanted her to go down on me and tried to help her by rolling over on my back.

I smiled as she looked at me. Slowly she started to lick and kiss her way down my body. She gave my nipples a quick lick, and then around my belly button. She looked so sexy kissing my body till she moved between my legs. When I opened my legs to her, I felt my pussy lips open and hopefully she watched my flower open to her.

Tentatively she moved closer and started to lick around. At first she was clumsy.

"Kate, just think of my body as yours and how you like to be eaten."

She thought about that for a second and this time she licked me like I wanted to be eaten, and more importantly, how I needed to be licked. With her tongue on my most personal womanhood, she would not open her eyes. I brushed her reddish hair to the side, exposing her pretty face to me. She looked so sexy, her nose resting comfortably on my pelvis and her tongue eagerly lapping my juice.

If only I could see her tongue licking my clit, the sexy Kate was enjoying her first pussy. Now she was eating pussy like a professional. I liked how she would use her tongue to lick over my clit, then several soft jabs. Each time she dabbed her tongue against my clit, she made sure to give a little lick. God, she was good.

"Kate, you're going to make me cum. What you're doing is so amazing!"

She just moaned a little but kept on eating me. I could feel it, the back of my head and my toes started to tingle. Kate was about to lick her first pussy to orgasm! Would she want more after tonight? Oh if only she would come home with me. After all my husband's birthday was coming up!

Out of the blue Kate started to run her tongue up and down over my clit. Oh that felt so good, "Oh Kate!"

My clit throbbed from her tongue lashing. "Kate I'm so close, lick me baby."

And she did, bring me so close to the edge. My legs tightened as my body released. Waves of pleasure exploded from my clit outward. I reached out and grabbed her head. I didn't care what I did but I had to pull her in, tight into my body! Waves and waves of pleasure released though my body and was so lost in the moment didn't know if I was screaming or moaning.

Kate pulled back and allowed me to enjoy the last few seconds of my orgasm. She took that time to move back up to me and into my arms.

"Jen, I never knew how hot something like this could be."

I kissed her, "Yeah, you were amazing. You're so beautiful, have an amazing body, and such are giving lover."

She blushed, "Thank you. When can we do it again?"

Without thinking I blurted, "How about tonight?"

"I," She started to think about, "I don't know. Why."

"Kate it's okay, you don't have to."

"No, I would like to."

I kissed her, "Maybe you can come over for dinner tonight."

"Oh Jen that would be great! I'm alone at my house and it would be nice to have some company for once, but Jen what about your husband?"

"Trust me you will love him!"

"Okay, well you've got a date." She kissed me, "What are you going to tell him?"

"What do you want me to tell him?"

"Well I don't know. Will he be okay with what we did?"

"Trust me, like a kid at Christmas."

"What does he look like?"

"He's very good looking and was blessed with a hot body. He used to play linebacker in college and has worked hard to stay in shape."

"Oh he sounds like a stud."

I pulled her hand to my lips, "Yes, very much so and a giver in bed. He loves the art of romance. Loves to get me going and then just use me in bed. Let's say he's been blessed in both girth and stamina."

"Okay, we better get back to the set otherwise people will worry."

We dressed and went back to work. Luckily both of us were finished for the day. I found a computer and printed her a yahoo map to my home. I asked her to come over around seven and that was that.

The end....or should there be more?

Please vote and remember to mark me as one your fav authors! I'll be posting more soon

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Monday, September 19 (After Chapter 15 of Triptych) KATE: Hi. I'm Kate. aroslav: Nice to meet you Kate. I'm aroslav. KATE: Are you some kind of professor? aroslav: Sort of, but that's not why I'm here. KATE: They said an interview. What do you want to know? aroslav: All about what makes you Kate. KATE: Are you a stalker? aroslav: No. Just a friend of Tony's. KATE: Okay. But you are kinda old and creepy. aroslav: Noted. Now how about we start with your full name. KATE: Katarina...

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Chapter 16 Chrissie Kate

Chapter 16Chrissie & KateIt was the end of our first day of the working week and mommy and Isneaked into one of the empty rooms, locked the door and climbed on thebed. She lewdly spread her legs allowing me to lick her pussy clean,savouring the scent of her juices and the remnants of the many men whohad been inside her. She let me tease her clit briefly but was toosensitive to let me carry her to a climax. After I was finished I wipedmy lips with my hand and looked down at my mother's...

2 years ago
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Chrissie and Kate

Chapter 16 Chrissie & Kate It was the end of our first day of the working week and mommy and I sneaked into one of the empty rooms, locked the door and climbed on the bed. She lewdly spread her legs allowing me to lick her pussy clean, savouring the scent of her juices and the remnants of the many men who had been inside her. She let me tease her clit briefly but was too sensitive to let me carry her to a climax. After I was finished I wiped my lips with my hand and looked down...

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David and Kate

Kate’s insides knew it was a bad idea from the very first moment she heard him speak. But she couldn’t help it. She lost her mind to him, which was how she thought about it – that she lost her mind, not her heart, – very early on in their relationship. Kate had moved to Atlanta a few months earlier from Chicago and was working for a publishing house. She lived downtown and could walk to her office from her condo. She was on her way to the office the morning that they met. She was standing in...

3 years ago
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My Sex Diary Part 2 Weekend with Kate

So... I was supposed to tell you about my actual first time, with someone other than myself, right? And I already told you who that was. My not-really-a-cousin. First off, let me clear some things out.We aren't really related. She is the daughter of my uncle's second wife. His first marriage didn't last long. I never even met his first wife. Fortunately he quickly found a replacement for her. His second wife had a daughter from her previous marriage. A really hot daughter... Her name is......

2 years ago
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Sex With Kate

Wife Ashley and I have been married for several years. She has a younger sister named Kate that is 19 and always in trouble. She’s been picked up shoplifting, with drugs, drinking under age and other stuff. Kate was attending a college about an hour from our house, and I use the term “attending” very loosely. A little while back Kate was at our house for the weekend as she is every once in a while. Her and Ashley have fun together shopping and stuff. This time it was a Saturday morning and I...

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Daddy and Innocent Kate

Out of the evening gloom, a young girl of 16 appeared smiling warmly. It was Kate wearing well...almost nothing. A short mini skirt and a tight fitting top with bare midriff. She was already over 175cm and her long, lithe legs; toned upper body, pert breasts, cascading blonde hair and her exceptionally pretty face made for an intoxicating combination. In a word, she was hot. Kate leaned softly against Daddy and brushed his cheek with her lips. “Thanks for coming Daddy. I’ve had such a good...

4 years ago
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Slutty Kate

Kate woke up feeling horny again.It was frustrating , her husband Mike worked worked long hours and was not often interested anymore.With the k**s at uni Kate had a lot of spare time.When Mike was at work she often lingered in bed to play .She had bought a couple of sex aids online from Ann Summers and would lie naked in bed gently playing till she orgasmed ,Lately she had been turned on by watching herself in the mirror as she slowly brought herself to a climax .There was nothing like the...

1 year ago
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Kate woke up feeling horny again.It was frustrating , her husband Mike worked worked long hours and was not often interested anymore.With the k**s at uni Kate had a lot of spare time.When Mike was at work she often lingered in bed to play .She had bought a couple of sex aids online from Ann Summers and would lie naked in bed gently playing till she orgasmed ,Lately she had been turned on by watching herself in the mirror as she slowly brought herself to a climax .There was nothing like the...

2 years ago
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That Summer with Kate

My summer with Kate didn’t get off to a very good start. In fact it could have ended before it even began. Ever since I was a little kid I had spent my summer holidays on the family farm with my uncles, aunts and assorted cousins. This one was going to be different, for a start it was longer than normal, given that I had graduated high school and was heading for Uni, and this started a month or so later than school. And this was the first time that I had brought a girl with me. Stephanie...

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My sub and her daughter Patty and Kate

My sub and her daughterPatty and KateWhen Patty arrived the next morning from her ‘date’, meaning she had whored as directed, Kate was in bed naked and I was in the kitchen fixing coffee and a bite to eat. Patty came thru the back door and into the kitchen still dressed from the night of play. With a smile on her face she showed me the $500 that she had made from three different tricks, or ‘dates’. I told her that she had done just what I had directed her to do and that she was a good sub,...

1 year ago
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Swimming with Kate

Her name is Kate, and she's a swimmer. Well, of course she's a swimmer. That's why we're all here, right? A small happy band of nuts who swim almost every morning at dawn, rain or shine, at this saltwater pool at the south end of the beach. If you show up and swim, you're a member of our group. Some people would call her full-figured, or curvy. To me, Kate is simply gorgeous. As tall as I am. Muscles under those curves. Confident stride, looks everyone straight in the eye, often a smile,...

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The atmosphere of the small room was thick with lust. Kate Winters, a long-legged brunette, was staring directly at Dante Hale. Dante was pure eye candy with his chocolate brown hair that was thick and wavy and those piercing blue eyes that reminded many of the sky. His hair parted perfectly in the middle and his bangs fell into his face when he moved just ever so slightly, which caused him to run his fingers through the thick waves. The ends just barley touched his shoulders and flipped out...

2 years ago
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Punished During My Stay By Auntie Beryl Daughter Kate

When I last stayed with Aunty Beryl I was nineteen. I am now twenty-three and working for a consultancy company which means I have to travel a fair bit. At short notice, I was asked to work on a project in the West Midlands for a week or more and I was struggling to find a hotel room. On the off chance, I phoned Aunty Beryl to ask if I could stay there for the week and she said I’d be welcome. On the second day of my visit, Aunty’s daughter Kate was punished naked right in front of me and I...

1 year ago
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Second Chance At The Beach With Kate

Every time I headed over to the beach, I hoped that the family from before would be there, but they never were. However, this time as I went over, I could see there was a family setup just off the entrance to the beach. They looked familiar, but at first I couldn’t put my finger on it until one of them happened to come over and asked if their music was too loud. Right then, as I looked over at them, I realized it was the same family as last year. Looking back at the guy talking to me, I...

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Jason and Kate

Twenty-two year old Jason had just graduated from a state university with a marketing degree. After a long difficult decision, he moved back to his hometown and into the house that he and his older sister grew up in. He had taken a job with a marketing firm that promised to challenge him and reward him generously if he performed to their high standards. Twenty-four year old Kate had graduated from the same university two years ago and was now working in a small Certified Public Accounting...

1 year ago
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Coming Home A Visit From Kate

Introduction: Only genuine comments please I had the house to myself for the evening, Champions League football on the TV, a six pack of lager in the fridge and a family bag of sweet chilli crisps, magic. Id just sat down on the sofa, a bottle in front of me and opened the crisps, when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to the door, our friend Kate was stood there. Oh hi Kate, if youre looking for Caroline Im afraid youre out of luck, shes at the theatre. In fact I thought you were with her....

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The Neighborhood MILF Kate

Not everyone in our group that I like to call the “Neighborhood Milfs” is actually from our neighborhood. Kate is our insurance agent who lives just on the other side of the bridge in Wisconsin. The fellow redhead was a year ahead of me in school, and was always considered to be kind of a nerd. But the petite bookworm seemed to do pretty well for herself, marrying some rich bigwig from one of the local manufacturing plants. Kate probably didn’t need to work, but DJ and and I have always been...

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WebcamChapter 10 Kate

I met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...

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I'd always wanted to fuck Kate. She'd turned 20 and was already making noise about moving away from home when I almost got the chance. This was years ago now, and here's how it happened.So Kate was still at home, as I've said, but she hated it. Her parents had started fighting recently since her step-dad's business had gone bust. Not his fault, it was just a sign of the times, with the local economy taking a blow. Anyway, it made things tough for everyone. This was in the days before I'd become...

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My relationship with Kate

Even since i was started watching porn, i starting liking incest porn. I used to watch alot of brother sister porn. It was then i wanted to fuck my sister. I never did anything until I was 20. We used to sleep together, we had separate beds but the same bedroom. I used to jack off looking at her ass. One night she was sleeping and in her sleep she ended up sliding her tank top. I could see her left boob slip out on the side. I got up and stood next to her bed. I was jerking myself off on the...

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The foot fetish with kate

Today is Saturday, so you will have all day to do this, but first, you have to pick the girl you want to test your fantasies with Kate, the beautiful redhead you have been great friends with for years. You never really had a crush on her but damn, she has beautiful feet, to say the least. Because of having been friends with her for years, she won't suspect a thing when you call her to come over at your place. 'Yeah, calling her to come over seems like the best action,' You think to...

1 year ago
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Dancing with Kate

This happened while I was living in London some years back. 27 years old, I was working as an office clerk during the day, while the evenings were spent on my favourite hobby; dancing. And it was at a dancing course I met Kate. Kate was the best dancer in the group, and the instructor often used her as an example of how we should do the various steps. She was 30 years old, and a very nice person who everybody got along with. This particular evening we were learning some jumps, and Kate with her...

3 years ago
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Fertile FlockChapter 13 Carnal Christian Kate

Kate Fagan, Kermit's wife of slightly over fourteen years and the mother of his two daughters, Tanya who was fourteen and Caitlin who was thirteen was twelve years younger than her husband. She was, at twenty eight, still a beautiful woman and maybe Tanya would look like her in another fourteen years. The resemblances between mother and daughters were striking. Their faces were round and attractive, they were little more than five feet tall and they all had large, soft breasts, especially...

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Aunt Kate

Uncle Jim worked in the city making good money. He was some kind of executive and spent a lot of time at work. Or at least that’s the story. He was most likely fucking his secretaries and interns all day and night. He would come home late or sometimes not at all and every weekend was ether at the country club or at some convention. Aunt Kate never seemed to care. She had a big beautiful house and when she wasn’t laying out at the pool she was ether at the spa or the gym. She was 41, ...

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The Flatshare Cumming With Kate

A flatshare with two girls? Count me in. Girls are way tidier. 
It was time for me to move on, ever since me and Eleanor split up, and I wanted to see that back of that place we had anyway, so I asked around. I was casual friends with Pippa through someone at work, she seemed nice and sane enough, and showed me round on a weekday evening. 
The place had a nice feel, and I was sick of sharing with guys who had parties and I didn’t connect with. The room was nice. It wasn’t cheap, but I was...

4 years ago
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My first time with Kate

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. “Ugh, fuck.” I thought as I rolled over to shut my phone up. I groggily looked onto the blinding screen of light that was my phone. 6:30 a.m., the day had finally come. It had been a week since I had seen my beautiful girlfriend Kate. I rolled out of bed and got on my feet, damn, today was going to be great. Kate and I had been together for a while, and it made me the happiest guy in the world to call her mine. She was a very beautiful blonde haired girl with...

1 year ago
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Humiliating Kate

It was a start of summer party, my sister Kate and I usually attended these just to catch up on friends that we hadn't seen since winter set in. My name is Jack Walsh and I won't tell you what I do for a living suffice to say I make damn good money. My sister Kate Walsh is two years younger than I am, she has blond hair that falls just below her ears. Tonight she has her hair clipped back with one of those hair clips that you don't see much of these days. Kate has dark blue eyes a slightly...

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I had just turned forty and had taken a job at a fairly senior position at a different professional service firm in my town and was starting to get familiar with their procedures and personnel. I started noticing one of the junior associates who was assigned to a few of my projects, a striking girl of about 24 with long legs, blonde/brown hair and a very slim (some would say skinny) body with exciting blue eyes and a saucy, teasing look on her face. I felt very attracted to her, but because of...

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My Mate Kate

It was just meant to be a lift home for her. I offered to run Kate back to her place after a social evening in “The Rose’, our local in the town. She had been drinking all evening, even before I arrived but, as I was driving, I was the sober one now. Kate was a pretty divorcee in her mid forties, she wasn’t a super model type with her size 24 frame, and even her coat, her chest appeared big. She had long blonde hair and quite a personality too. This particular evening she was in leggings...

3 years ago
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Reform School TutorChapter 2 Abed with Kate

"She didn't take her punishment very well, Paul." Through my tears and the noise of my crying, I didn't see or hear David enter the room. My body began shaking with fear again. Kate cuddled me and I calmed a little. "Not surprising Sir, that was a harsh punishment for a woman to take." "She committed a similar crime to you so, in all fairness, she had to have the same punishment. You know we try to keep things equal for boys and girls in this establishment." "That doesn't take...

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My Friend Kate

I decided to have a few friends over one night when my parents were gone on holiday, it was only a few people, like 4 or 5 (including Kate obviously), it was a sort of movie and pizza night. “Hey John, how are you? Was what most people greeted me by when they arrived. “So what should we watch?...I have Kill Bill, Taken, Atonement, Saving Private know...just choose something” “I think we should watch Saving Ryan’s Privates...I mean Saving Private Ryan” “Oh come on Joe...

4 years ago
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my step sister kate

Me and my dad lived alone for a few years after my mum left for another man, He had been seeing a women called Dawn for about six months when he invited her a her daughter Kate for dinner on eveningKate was three years older then me, she was plump quite plain and small breasts, but that was just my opinion, She was a bit shy I think we both felt awkward really, we sat in the garden talking leaving our parents alone.She told me she was training to be a hair dresser , we also talked about...

4 years ago
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School With Kate

Introduction: Like my other stories, this is based on true events. Its pretty slow, but if I get enough of a response Ill write another thats a bit more full on. When I was younger I went to a very expensive, private, Christian school. There, I made friends with a girl the year above me called Kate. She had long dark brown, almost black hair and about C cup tits. She was hot, especially to a younger me. It turned out we didnt live that far from each other, and so we would catch the same...

2 years ago
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Poem for Princess Kate

My fresh friend cute Kate really liked my inviting idea I would write for Her.Preferably a poem. She tried to inspire me with a few lovely lines at my wall:My body is like neverland, a valley of beauty and lust with sexy ups and downs.I don't know anything about her sexy ups and downs, but she's a beauty for sure!It is difficult to tell my readers much about Kate as I hardly know her yet.I will let you in on the bits I know. She is a Gothic Princess and a Witch.So far she writes me sweetly, so...

1 year ago
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Enslaving Kate

My name is Jack Jones, and I used to be Kate Beckinsale's agent. No, really. It's true. I was her agent since she acted in that Adam Sandler movie Click in 2006. And I was a damn good agent, too. So what happened to get me fired? Nothing I did, I assure you. Kate just wanted me fired because I was a 'lazy good-for-nothing', ignoring the fact that I had suggested she improve her PR by doing some charity work. Okay, okay, maybe I had spied on her in her dressing room once....or twice...or four...

Mind Control
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Nurse Kate

On my first day of school I promised my mother that I would try and cut down on my use of drugs at least while I was at school and at the very least be sober for my first day of school. The school was not like any school I had seen before the architecture of the front of the building was a classic Italian style but the back was very modern and I was fascinated by it. My first class was English (my worst subject) but they were reading my favourite Shakespeare play so I was willing to pay...

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