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Kate, Part 4 By Ricky (My apologies for the long wait since part 3, but I have had to resume working for a living instead of being a student with lots of spare time. You may want to go back and read the earlier parts of the story since I'm going to dispense with a long and boring recap and just jump right in where I left off. By the way, the saga will be completed some day ? if you have patience.) Sunday dawned bright and clear, but I had to take that on faith since Steph and I slept through it. We awoke rested and happy that morning. Only the sounds of Tom and the kids kept us from staying in bed and enjoying each other for a little while longer. Having other people in the house complicates life for a crossdresser. The bathroom is down the hall from our bedroom, and I was uncomfortable about appearing halfway between Steve and Kate. Feeling a bit silly, I put on the first bra I found in my lingerie drawer and slipped in my forms before covering them with a bathrobe. I covered the distance to the bathroom as quickly as I could and then removed the bra. As I showered some lines from Robert Burns went through my mind: "Oh, would some power the gift give us / to see ourselves as others see us! / It would from many a blunder free us." I just hoped I wasn't making a blunder in embracing life as Kate. Showered and shaved, I noticed I had chosen a powder blue bra in the half light of the bedroom, so I let that dictate my outfit for the day - a T-shirt with a blue rose and a blue checked skirt with a country sort of flavor to it. As I put on a pair of white sneakers, I paused to wonder what my mother would have thought of her daughter wearing sneakers with a skirt. You see it all the time these days, but she would have been scandalized. Then again, she would have been scandalized to see me wearing a skirt. Breakfast was waiting when we were dressed, with Tony at the waffle iron and Julia putting the finishing touches on a fruit salad. Tom was reading the paper with a steaming cup of coffee close to hand. "Very nice!" commented Stephanie. "Do you hire out by the week? I could get used to having breakfast waiting when I wake up." "We're cheaper by the month, and we guarantee to beat any price Aunt Lucy's catering offers by 10%," announced Tony. "Who's talking about money? I was thinking along the lines of slave labor." "OK, 20% discount for family but not a penny less," countered Julia "Tom, you're raising a couple of robber barons." "Hey, I'm their agent and get 10%. You think I'm going to let them cut their prices too much?" "Sorry to break it to you, Daddy," Julia replied, "but you're fired. We do our own negotiating now. Ten percent? Highway robbery!" "Hey, Aunt Kate, you want to make us an offer? You're not a cheapskate like Aunt Steph, are you?" Tony asked. "No comment! Besides, we're going on vacation." "We'll come with you; there's enough room in that house on wheels you rented," Tony offered. "We love camping!" Julia enthused. "We'd even do the dishes and walk the dog for you," Tony offered. "We don't have a dog." "You could get one, and then we could walk him." "Do you do windows? "And Macs and Unix, and I'm learning C#," boasted Tony. "Huh?" Stephanie was confused. "That's a computer joke, Sis." answered Tom. "We're too old to understand computers. Children, give your aunts a break and let them eat breakfast before you whipsaw them with your snappy repartee." "Snappy repartee, brother?" You trying to take over from Kate as the English professor?" "Just displaying my erudition, dear sister." "Please, I don't want to lose this marvelous breakfast." In one of those moments of lightning unspoken communication, Steph raised her eyebrows at me and I shrugged back indicating my assent. "Are you two serious about coming with us, or are you just giving us grief?" she asked. It was Tony and Julia's turn for some unspoken communication and the result was clear. Julia acted as the spokesperson. "We'd love to go if it's all right with you both. We really would help out and wouldn't get in the way. It's been a long time since we got to see you, Aunt Steph." "Not to be gauche, guys, but are you going to be comfortable living in a trailer with me? My illusion of femininity won't hold up in such close quarters," I pointed out. Robert Burns be damned! "It couldn't be any worse than seeing my sister in the morning," cracked Tony. "You are what you are, Aunt Kate. It won't bother me," Julia replied. "Besides, after my dear brother's smelly sweat socks, nothing could shock me." "Do I get a vote in this?" queried Tom. "Oh Dad!" they said in unison. "I'm not going to worry too much about it, but I think your mother is going to have some rather strong objections to this plan." The mood shifted very quickly. We had all pretty much ignored Deb's existence since she stormed out. It was time to go back to reality after the holiday weekend. "Have you heard from Mom? Julia asked. "No, I haven't. I don't know where she is right now. I tried calling home and nobody answers." "What are you going to do?" "Talk to her when she comes back. Try to see if we can get some help. We obviously aren't doing too well on our own. I'm sorry that you guys have to go through all this, I don't want to hurt you. I want you both to remember that this is our problem; you didn't cause it, and you can't cure it. I don't want you feeling guilty about our problems." "I love you, Daddy." Julia gave her father a kiss. "Even my big lunk of a brother loves you, but he's too slow to say it." "Thanks, Julia," Tony deadpanned. "I love you too." "I'll bet. Daddy, even if you and Mom don't make it, we'll still love you both. Don't you feel guilty if you can't be the person Mom needs. You're cool the way you are." "Maybe you should take up Social Work in college, Julia. You sound like a therapist already." "You pay me a hundred bucks an hour, and I'll give you all the advice you need, Pops. Worth every penny, too." "Looks like it's a good thing you're going off with your aunt; I can't afford to keep you around the house at those rates." "You mean we can go?" "If my sister is crazy enough to put up with you, then I'll handle your mother when she finds out." "Can we go with you, Aunt Steph? Please?" they begged. Steph cast another inquiring glance at me before she answered. "What the heck?" I mused out loud. "I wouldn't mind not having to wash dishes for a couple of weeks. You're in, guys. You just have to be quick about packing, because we want to have camp set up before dark." It didn't take long to pack up and go; we had been preparing for quite a while, and the trailer was loaded with everything we needed. Bernie's caterers would take care of the tent and chairs and what cleanup remained, which wasn't much because the festival crowd had been amazingly careful about keeping the place clean. We just had to move the perishables from the house to the fridge in the trailer and lock the door. Since Deb had taken off with the family car, Tom and the kids rode with us. Although we could all have fit into the club cab of the pickup, Tom and the kids rode in the trailer, with Steph and me in the pickup cab. There was probably some kind of law saying you couldn't do that, but none of us particularly gave a damn. Besides, the three of them needed some time to themselves to discuss what was going to happen in their family. The bustle of the Pie Festival hadn't allowed any time for serious discussions. Speaking of which, Steph and I had our own serious discussion as we cruised down the Thruway toward Buffalo, trying to sort out the practicalities of our impetuous decision to take the kids with us. It wasn't like we were planning two weeks of uninhibited lovemaking (we were over that first rush of sex after a long hiatus), but we were a bit wistful about having to be discrete in our activities. The landscape was conducive to such thoughts. During my time at a small college in rural Pennsylvania, the locals had derisively referred to anyone from outside the area as a "flatlander". At the time I had simply accepted the designation without much thought; it was just one of the local peculiarities, of which there were many. It wasn't until I ended up in Brockport that I realized the truth of the matter. The part of Pennsylvania where I had lived was all lush, green valleys; wherever you went there was always a hill of trees in front of you. Up here the land was flat (surprise!); you could see off into the distance. Sure there were little undulations, but we're talking drainage ditches as opposed to thousand foot hills. With the cruise control set on 70 (5 miles over the limit because in NY they hit you for speeding at 10 miles over), we cruised down a long ribbon of concrete while the engine never once had to strain or downshift to get us up a hill along the Thruway to Buffalo. There were trees and farm fields in profusion and even a vast expanse of sod farm ? now that's flat land. We spent much of the trip thinking of the details of maintaining Kate with close company, and that made me wonder why I had agreed to live with two teenagers. While our bedroom had a door, the small bathroom sink in the trailer had no privacy, nor did the path to the shower and toilet. With the kids sleeping on the fold out beds in the kitchen area, they were going to see beyond the veil of illusion that was Kate's physical manifestation on an intimate basis. Spiritually, I doubted I would ever be anyone but Kate again, but body and soul were not in complete alignment. On the other side of the picture, Julia was a fine looking young woman whose charms I could appreciate. My heart may have belonged to Stephanie, but my eyes were working quite well, thank you. Part of me hoped she preferred utilitarian sleepwear, but part of me hoped for sheer fabrics and delightfully obscured details. I guess my soul wasn't completely female after all. The question was, just how female was it? It was hard to believe that it had only been a few weeks since becoming Kate full time, but I felt more comfortable and complete than I had ever been in my life. The idea of returning to being Steve was disquieting. Was I crazy to be contemplating such a great change after such a short time? Again, the desire for real breasts crept into my mind -- to be able to know what a born woman felt when wearing a bra. No more shaving, either. Not that I had to work so hard at it with my light beard, but it would be a blessing to no longer have to be concerned about it. Blessing? Hadn?t used that word in a long time, not since I decided the church was not for me. Hadn?t thought much about the soul either, but I was realizing that what passed for my soul was that of a woman. Nothing like upheaval in your life to start you thinking about the divine. Steph and I kept a companionable silence as the truck ate up the miles. We hadn't been alone and unhurried in some time, and it felt good just to let go for a while. At last, Steph broke the silence. "What have we gotten ourselves into, Kate?" "Trouble, my dear. The common state and constant affliction of humanity." "I'm glad you cleared that up. When Deb sends the sheriff to haul us away for child abuse or something, at least I'll know what's happening. Why did we agree to something so crazy?" "Because you love your family, and they're great kids who are about to go through a very traumatic time with their parents. Other than warping their sexuality by living with a man who thinks he?s better off as a woman, what could go wrong?" "Julia could go butch just to balance things out?" "And Tony will miraculously decide he's a crossdresser so we can all go shopping together at the Mall." "I hate to break it to you, but there aren't any malls in the park or in Salamanca." "Darn! Maybe I should turn around so we can stop at that monster mall we just passed." "No, to get there, you get off at the next exit. To go to hell in a hand basket you keep going straight ahead." "Aye, captain! Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes, consequences and pissed off mothers!" Following her directions, we safely reached Buffalo and pulled up in front of a suburban house indistinguishable from all the other suburban houses surrounding it. Flat land and flat architecture ? how did people stand living in places like this? Steph and I stayed in the pickup just in case Deb was at home, so we wouldn't be the cause of any problems. I felt almost furtive, although how anyone could be furtive dragging a monster trailer behind them was beyond my comprehension. In any case, we cuddled up and listened to the CD player while the air conditioner kept the July heat at bay while we waited. Twenty minutes later, the kids came out of the house with their suitcases, and we said our goodbyes to Tom. Following Steph's directions, we headed South on Route 219. There the land began to change as we entered hill country. Steph said they were the Boston Hills, logical because they were around Boston, NY, but she had no idea how they came by the name. Probably some frontiersman longing for baked beans and codfish when he settled the town. By the time the road changed from expressway to two lane, I felt a sense of satisfaction and peace. I hadn't realized how much I had grown to love the hills of Pennsylvania until that moment. It was a beautiful drive through the green, wooded hills and through picturesque little towns. Ellicottville, home to a large ski resort and country club, tried hard to make you think of an alpine village but even I wouldn't compare these hills to the Alps. When we got to Salamanca, you couldn't miss the modern, big green signs directing us to the expressway and the entrance to the park, but Stephanie told me to ignore them and just keep on driving straight ahead into the old entrance to the park. We wound our way up the hill slowly, in deference to the trailer we were hauling, stopped at the park gate, then continued up the hill. Living in rural Pennsylvania had given me an appreciation for country life, but the quiet beauty of the old road through the forest was a deeply spiritual experience. The children were silent with awe, and Steph moved a little closer on the seat. I felt at one with nature in that place, the sunlight piercing the tops of the trees and dancing off the meadows. Stone bridges and culverts dotted the roadside, built during the depression by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and still standing unchanged. Oddly, it was the strap of the seatbelt between my breasts that suddenly made me aware of how intensely feminine I felt in this beautiful landscape. Once again, I longed for real breasts, not the poor substitute of the forms I wore. "Look! A deer!" Tony's cry broke my reverie, and I saw a deer standing by the side of the road. I slowed the pickup so we could watch just as she bounded across the road, to be followed by two fawns a moment later. "They're so beautiful!" cried Julia. "Aren't they?" replied Stephanie. "You'll get to see lots of animals while we're here. Too bad most of the raccoons are gone these days; they used to come begging every night, and they were so funny." "What happened?" "Rabies. A lot of them died off, so you don't see them as much these days. Which reminds me, don't try to touch any of the animals; they're wild, and you don't want to have rabies shots." ?That's so sad. Why do things like that have to happen?" "It's the way life works, honey. The good and the bad come together, so you have to get used to both." With that bit of philosophy, we crested the hill and descended into the valley. Driving around the lake, we found the campground and checked in. I backed the camper into position with Steph acting as monback, waving her arms like a runway attendant, then shut off the motor. (The official title for the person directing a backing vehicle is the ?monback.? They just wave their hands and keep calling, ??Mon back, ?mon back.?) "Wheet-Whew!" the wolf whistle came through the cab?s window. A wolf whistle? For me? Now there?s something I had never expected. "Thank you," I replied. No sense in starting anything; he probably meant well. "You should see me with a semi ? piece of cake!" Yeah, right. I'd never done anything like driving a big truck in my life until I rented the trailer, but I wasn't going to tell him that. I got out, being particularly careful of how I did so with the guy watching me. Good thing I had a long, gauzy skirt on, so I didn't have to worry overmuch about what I did with my knees. I'm not sure what got into me, but as I stood and stretched my body, working the kinks out after a couple of hours driving, I deliberately thrust out my chest as I did so. Our neighbor got a good look at my phony tits. If he only knew! I could tell he appreciated the view and felt the power a woman has over a man for the first time. OK, I shouldn't have enjoyed it so much, but there was a delicious sense of power in flaunting my body. "Looks like we got some great weather for camping. It always seems to rain when I go on vacation.? I told my admirer. ?I'm Kate, by the way." "Charlie. Charlie Graves. The weather report says it won't rain for a while, so you're safe, ma?am." Safe from what? Not from someone him, I had the feeling. Especially a woman as strange as me. "Meeting the neighbors, Kate?" Steph came up behind me and put her arm around my waist in an unmistakable gesture. Poor Charlie about had a kitten when the light went on in his fuzzy little head. "Charlie, meet my partner, Steph," I replied. Since Charlie seemed to have temporarily lost the capacity for speech, I spoke for him. "This is our neighbor, Charlie. He seems to appreciate someone who can maneuver a long object into a tight space, eh Charlie?" Nasty, nasty! Maybe Charlie wasn't as dumb as I thought; he got the innuendo right away. I had better control myself, or I would be the one with a problem. "We better show the kids how to set up the legs on the trailer. Nice meeting you, Charlie." Taking Steph's hand in mine, we left our bemused neighbor and started setting up camp. "Damn girl!" Steph exclaimed, "Where'd you learn to be such a troublemaker?" "From you, lover! What happened to the ?two friends on vacation? scenario?" "The way he was looking at you made me realize I don't want to spend the summer pretending we aren't in love." "Good point. What about the kids?" "If they can handle you as a woman, why can't they handle us as lovers both inside and outside the trailer?" "Logic ? kids don't operate on logic, my love." "Neither do I, so who cares. Give me a kiss so there's no doubt in anyone's mind." I complied; then we got to work setting up camp. By the time we?d set up the outdoor kitchen and finished dinner, the light was starting to wane. Too restless to just sit around the camp, we decided to take a walk around the campground and see what was happening. The first thing we learned was that there were lot of kids with bikes whizzing around the place. Fortunately, the dirt roads prevented the skateboarders from plying their hobby, or we might not have gotten more than a few feet without a collision. It also seemed like every person in the campground had brought their dog with them. We were greeted by a continuing chorus as we strolled along the road. In the recreation area, we found a list of events for the following week ? we sure wouldn't lack for things to do while we were here. "What's an 'Owl Walk,' Aunt Steph?" asked Tony. "You open your eyes wide, flap your arms and walk like this!" Steph started moving with a rolling, bowlegged gait. "Who! Who! Whoooo...." "I hadda open my big mouth." "Hey ? my second graders think that's a hoot!" "Ouch! Aunt Kate? Any chance we can leave her at those Bear Caves on Tuesday when they have the hike?" "Sorry, I don't get bare in public these days, Tony." "Jeez. I won't even ask about the Beaver Walk, then." "Yeah, let's try that one, Aunt Steph!" Julia challenged. "Dam-ed if I will, children!" We went on like that for a while longer, but I will be merciful and not inflict the rest of the conversation on you. We were giggling happily on our way back, thoroughly enjoying ourselves. As we passed one campsite with a great, blazing fire, a beautiful golden retriever came hurtling at us trailing her leash behind her. Before I knew what had happened, I was roped and thrown like a steer at the rodeo. As I lay in the dirt, I felt a soft, wet tongue licking my face. Something else was wrong; I felt unbalanced, even if I was lying down. One of my breast forms was missing! Desperately, I felt around near me, trying to find the errant form as I lay on the dirt road. At last I found it, but it was gritty with the road dust. There was no time to be fussy, I swatted the dirt from it and frantically reached under my blouse as I heard several voices approaching, but the angle was too awkward. Lying on the ground, I couldn't manage to pull my bra away from my chest far enough to get the form back in. "Lucy! Come here!" The command came a bit too late; Lucy was already sniffing my breast as I tried to put it back in. With very little choice in the matter, I pulled myself into a sitting position. Although I knew it would be hard to see what was happening in the semi-darkness of the campground, it still felt like the desert sun was burning down on me, it's pitiless light revealing every detail of my embarrassment. I finally got the errant blob of silicone in it's proper place as the earth shook to giant, pounding footsteps. Well OK, they were the normal footsteps of a slim, blonde woman, but my hearing was on hyperdrive at the moment. She had a great deal to say to the dog, but since she said it in a mixture of German and English, I'm unable to reproduce it here. There was, however, no doubt that poor Lucy was in big trouble. "Hello, puppy!" I gasped. The dog stopped nuzzling my breasts as her owner made her displeasure known. Apologizing profusely, the woman helped me to my feet. "I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? I'm so sorry!" "Just my pride, I think," I replied as I vainly tried to brush the dust off my clothes. Despite the scolding, Lucy's tail was still wagging furiously. "Don't be too hard on the poor dog, she was only trying to be friendly." ?Lucy, you are soooooo stupid! Sit! Sit!? she commanded. Lucy sat but continued to raise a cloud of dust with her tail as it furiously swept the dirt road. ?Oh Lucy, you?re in big trouble now!? That last from a large man in a faded flannel shirt despite the warm evening. He had a shock of gray hair, a short mustache and a guitar in his hand. ?Please, I?m perfectly fine. Don?t yell at poor Lucy; she just wanted to make friends. Didn?t you, Lucy? ?Is that what a rodeo cowboy is trying to do when he hogties a steer? If you weren?t human, I think Lucy could have set a new record in calf roping,? the man commented. ?I guess I?m just the type to fall for blondes, especially one with a tongue like Lucy?s.? ?Come over and sit by the fire before you fall over again. This madman I married is David, and I?m Helga. I suppose Lucy has already introduced herself.? ?Intimately!? I replied. ?That?s very kind of you, Helga. I?m Kate, and this is my partner, Steph, and her niece, Julia, and nephew, Tony. This is our first adventure camping together, and I suspect it?s going to be a memorable experience.? We joined them at their campfire and soon discovered that they lived not to far from us and that Helga was an art teacher and Dave a carpenter. The others receded into the background as Helga, Stephanie and I traded war stories about teaching until the kids wandered off to find some more interesting entertainment. Steph and I spent a very enjoyable couple of hours talking and listening to David play the guitar. By the time we returned to our campsite, we had made plans to go hiking together the next day. --- I woke relaxed and refreshed the next morning, but it felt like a field army had been tramping through my mouth all night, leaving indescribable gunk behind as their tiny boots trampled over my tongue. No way I was going to try and kiss Steph until I brushed my teeth. I left the bedroom and stood at the sink scrubbing quietly when I became aware of a quiet giggle in the room. ?Aww waaa saaa fuuwah?? I asked, and the giggling was no longer quiet. Damn! You can?t expect to converse with a mouth full of toothbrush. ?You?re looking rather flat this morning, Aunt Kate. Did your balloons spring a leak overnight?? giggled Julia. ?Child, didn?t anyone ever tell that only macho jerks make comments about a woman?s breast size?? ?That shows how much you know. We girls talk about it all the time, especially while we were waiting for them to grow in. I started late ? for the longest time I thought I would never have any boobs.? ?That?s funny ? neither did I. I have to be content with silicone substitutes, but you can?t sleep in them.? ?I never really thought about it. You always look so nice that it seemed funny to see you without, uh, breasts.? ?Nor will anyone outside this trailer. You?re family; I don?t have to dress up for you. I?m trying to decide if I like being Kate enough to get implants. After what happened last night, I can?t help but think how nice it would be to have real breasts of my own.? ?What happened last night?? ?Well, at least you didn?t notice. That?s some consolation.? I told her about my errant breast form and her giggles turned to real laughter. ?Jeez ? can?t a guy get any sleep around here without everyone making so much noise?? Tony said in a sleepy grumble. ?Sorry, little brother. Us girls were just talking about important things, like how nice it is to have breasts. You can go back to sleep, it doesn?t concern you.? ?Hey ? I think having nice breasts is important, too. I just want them on someone else, preferably without a bra between me and them.? ?You know,? I replied, ?up until a few months ago, I was of the same opinion. Things are a bit different now.? ?We didn?t know you then, but I get the idea, Aunt Kate. If you want boobs so much, then quit talking about it and go ahead and get them.? ?Ah, the impetuousness of youth! I wish it were that easy. Well, I suppose the surgery is easy enough; there are a lot of women who have implants these days. It?s the consequences afterward that I?m working on.? ?Ah, the waffling of old farts!? Tony flipped back. ?Anyone can see that you?re Aunt Kate, not Uncle? uh?Hey, I don?t even know what your name used to be!? ?Steve. Maybe you?re right; the name just doesn?t fit who I am now. If I?m going to be Kate forever, it isn?t so easy. The shrinks have to bless the idea and issue the issue the proper paperwork, or I end up an unemployed professor and will have to sponge off your aunt for the rest of my life. Considering what the treatments cost, unemployment isn?t such a good idea.? ?Have you talked to a psychiatrist about this, Aunt Kate?? asked Julia. ?Not yet. It started out as a lark, but it?s gotten serious enough I think I could use some outside perspective before I make such a big change in my life.? ?Hey! This is getting way to serious!? complained Tony. ?We?re supposed to be on vacation and having fun, not talking about shrinks and surgery. I like you the way you are, Aunt Kate. Worry about where you?re going when we get home, OK?? ?OK, Tony, you have a deal. Let me step into my telephone booth and change into Superwoman so we can face the day. You guys up for a hike?? --- Getting dressed that morning was a bit of a dilemma. Steve would not have hesitated to slide into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt to go hiking, but I just didn?t want to abandon the freedom of a skirt, even if it would have been more sensible. I was still completely enamored of skirts and dresses at that point (not that I?ve changed too much since?), so I opted for sort of a ?Hearty English Maid? look with a tweed skirt and tan safari-type blouse. Even I wasn?t foolish enough to wear pantyhose for hiking; I settled for a good pair of high top sneaks and pink socks. I did my best to ignore Steph?s ribbing about exaggerated femininity while I dressed. As I reached behind me to snap the hooks on my bra, I noticed Stephanie looking at me. ?There are times it feels a little weird to be doing this, you know,? I said. ?Do tell. You make it look like you?ve been doing it for years. Seems perfectly natural to me, anyway.? ?It doesn?t bother you that I?m somewhere between male and female and don?t know which way to go?? I asked. ?Not in the least. Do you have to choose one or the other? I like you the way you are just fine. When you?re not worrying about how you ?should? act, you seem perfectly contented with who you are. If you?re happy with living as Kate, than that?s the way you should live. Believe me, I?m happy living with Kate, darling!? ?Trust a second grade teacher to be able to break things down into small chunks so even us worrywarts can understand. I had an interesting conversation with the kids this morning.? ?And?.? ?The subject of breasts came up. I won?t repeat what Tony thinks about where boobs belong, but Julia thinks that it makes perfect sense to get implants if that?s what I want. The more I think about it,the more I think it may be the right thing. I want to talk to one of the mental health people at the school when we get back and get an objective opinion before I take this any farther.? ?You?re a sensible women, Kate.? ?Becoming a woman full time may not be so sensible; that?s what I?m afraid of. Let me rephrase that ? living as a woman but most definitely NOT having anything done to my genitals. There are some aspects of being male I don?t want to give up. No hormones either, but electrolysis and implants, maybe.? ?Not that I want to complain, but isn?t that a bit contradictory? There are some aspects of your maleness I?m unwilling to give up, too, lover, but I wouldn?t mind being able to fondle your breasts when we make love. I rather liked that in my lesbian days.? ?Contradictory - that?s a good word. I like living as a woman, but I don?t want to lose my manhood. I?m just not sure where all this is going quite yet. What happens if I decide to make the change?? ?There will be people who will get upset about it, but if you really want to do it, then I?m with you all the way. I have a lot of experience in handling holier-than-thou types who are just itching to snub you for who you are or what you?ve done.? Her long ago marriage and subsequent divorce from a Muslim man had set tongues wagging and gossip flying. ?You have to be the most amazing woman I?ve ever met. How could I NOT fall in love with you?? ?There are some questions you shouldn?t ask, and that?s one of them. Just kiss me and put your boobs in, darling. We?ll be late. --- At least the kids had gone to the public showers, so I could shave without having them watch. Steph had breakfast ready by the time they got back, and we walked over to Dave and Helgas?s site once we had done the dishes. Lucy spun in paroxysms of joy when we arrived, but her leash held this time. We all climbed into their vintage VW camper, an ancient but well maintained vehicle that they were only too glad to talk about as we climbed to the top of the mountain to the trailhead. Not being complete fools, we?d decided to start at the top of the trail and hike downward, then come back in my pickup to retrieve the camper. The day was starting to warm up, making me wish I had picked something lighter to wear, but when we entered the woods it was perfectly comfortable. It was hard to believe that these beautiful woods had been clear-cut in the early 1900s and had grown up since then. There was a feeling of ancient forest nonetheless, a green and peaceful kingdom there for our enjoyment. We looked for the landmarks in the park guide, talking quietly, getting to know each other better. Helga told us about trips she had taken in Germany before she emigrated, Dave told us stories of growing up in Maine and all the trouble he got into, and Steph even felt comfortable in talking about her wild times in California, much to the wonder of her niece and nephew. I had to be a little careful in choosing what stories to tell, but I was surprised at how little my male gender mattered to the stories from my childhood. Up until that moment, I hadn?t realized just how far back my feminine roots reached. Halfway down the mountain there was a log shelter beside a stream, so we stopped for lunch and found ourselves drifting peacefully into a nap under the trees. Some lazy time later, an errant beam of sunlight through the foliage came to rest on my eyes, slowly bringing me out of the contented well of slumber. I have never been much of a religious type; the whole concept of God seems rather unreal to me. But that day, in those majestic woods, there was a peace that I had never known before. I felt Stephanie stir beside me and felt the warmth of her hand as she placed it in mine. ?Just what are you thinking about that makes you smile like that, Kate?? she asked quietly. Dave and Helga were still lying peacefully across the clearing and the younger set had wandered off while we napped. ?Can?t you feel it? There?s something magical about this place.? A feeling of serenity filled my being, bringing with it an intense sense of femininity. The drape of my skirt and the weight of my breasts as I lay there overwhelmed me. ?Mmmm?.? Her murmur invited me to continue. In the company of the woman I loved, I felt something I have never felt before. Something more than how I was dressed. ?It almost sounds silly to say it out loud, but I feel like the hand of the Goddess is touching me.? ?Really?? Her tone spoke more loudly than her words. ?Really. Right now, I?m no longer wondering where I?m going any more. I feel sure that living the rest of my life as a woman is the right path for me. Maybe it?s the natural beauty of this place, or maybe I?ve just lost my mind, but there?s a presence here that I?ve never felt before.? ?I think I feel a little bit of it myself, Kate.? The presence was unmistakably feminine, yet as powerful and stern as any patriarch from the Bible. There were no words, nothing concrete. No commands. No ?This ye shall do or else.? There was warmth and support and confidence, a wordless permission to become what I wanted to be, and an assurance that it was not only possible but inevitable. ?It?s like the One that is the source of femininity has graciously invited me to partake in her femininity and the joy it brings, while at the same time accepting my maleness. She left me no doubt that all of her creatures are truly a blend of the male and the female.? ?That?s wonderful, Kate. I love you, and it makes me happy to see you so happy. You?re positively glowing!? she leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips. Maybe it was only my subconscious making a foray to the higher realms of thought; maybe it really was a Goddess. It truly doesn?t matter; when I woke from my slumber, I knew that from that moment on I was Kate and that was the right thing for me. Once again, I have to use the language of my early religious training: a burden had been lifted from my soul. I was whole and free and knew what was right for me. Sunlight was streaming down through the leaves of the trees, making glorious shafts of light as it fell. Dave and Helga were still napping with Lucy curled up beside them. I could feel Steph?s warmth next to mine ? the world was a wonderful place to be in that afternoon. ?Well! It?s about time one of you old farts woke up!? How did a kid as young as Tony perfect that sarcastic tone of voice? ?Jeez ? we?re gonna have to put you guys in the rest home if walking in the woods for a couple hours knocks you out like that.? ?Child, a girl needs her beauty rest,? I replied. ?Yeah, I suppose you need to sleep about 23 hours a day then, Aunt Kate.? ??Sharper than a serpent?s tooth?, are we? Maybe you ought to take a nap yourself. It might improve your disposition if not your looks, Tony.? Lucy quickly noticed that the humans were once again active and started doing her little dance of joy, which brought Dave and Helga back to the world. ?Hey, I?m not the one wasting the day sleeping. Give me a break!? ?Arm or leg, your choice.? ?Arm, darling,? Steph contributed. ?We don?t want to have to carry him down the mountain.? ?A practical woman! I knew there was a reason I wanted to marry you.? Whoops! I had forgotten Dave and Helga. Dave?s face held surprised look for a moment, but with a shrug of his shoulders, he seemed to file the idea of me and Steph getting married away as unimportant. Well, gay marriage has been in the news an awful lot lately. ?Well, I suppose if Lucy is ready to leave, we wouldn?t want to disappoint her. I rose and brushed the leaves from my skirt, then helped Steph get up. The thought passed through my mind that even as a lady, I still behaved like a gentleman. Perhaps the Goddess would approve. We continued down the mountain, Lucy running in great, wide circles around us, covering two or three times the distance that we mere humans walked. There were logs to investigate, chipmunks to chase and all manner of new and interesting things to explore. As we neared the end of the trail, Lucy found a muddy stream and jumped right in with a splash. ?Lucieeeeee!? came Helga?s anguished cry. ?Lucy, come back here! Now!? ?Now, Helga,? drawled Dave, ?Haven?t you ever wanted to play in the mud and feel it squish through your toes? Let the poor animal have her fun.? ?Then you wash her off. Just look at her!? The formerly clear water of the stream was now a dark brown, as Lucy stirred up the muddy bottom with her antics. Not content to simply get wet, she found a muddy spot on the bank and proceeded to roll on her back, thoroughly coating herself in the dark brown mud. Her dirt encrusted tail wagged furiously. ?If she doesn?t like being a blonde,? opined Julia, ?maybe you ought to take her to the beauty salon and have her fur dyed. She may have some hidden need to be a German Shepard or something. We wouldn?t want the poor thing to suffer canine dysphoria, would we?? And I thought Tony had a sharp tongue! ?Dis what?? asked Helga. She spoke English very well, but once in a while she had to ask what a word meant. She had plenty of company; until I started to explore my gender identity, I wouldn?t have known what the word meant either. ?It?s a medical term. It means discontent or unhappiness,? replied Dave. ?You know how doctors need to use fancy words to describe what they?re doing so they can charge you more money. It?s usually used talking about bipolar syndrome or to describe the feelings of people who don?t fit into the usual male-female categories of society.? Now where did a carpenter become acquainted with gender dysphoria? I guess I must have been staring at him, because he replied a little sheepishly, ?Hey, I got a Masters in Social Work way back when, even if I don?t use it much. I imagine the subject isn?t confined to clinical settings these days like it was years ago. ?Don?t look at me!? I fibbed. ?I just teach English; you probably know as much as I do about it. The subject does come up around campus every so often.? And if it hadn?t, it would when I came back as Kate. I really didn?t feel so comfortable having Dave and Helga?s attention drawn to the subject when I was around. I darn well couldn?t do anything at that moment without making the connection obvious, but I wished Julia had kept her mouth shut. ?Well, if she wants to change breeds, I hope she wants to be a dachshund ? she wouldn?t take up as much space, and she would match the VW.? ?She?s not getting in the camper until she has a bath, David. Since you think this is such a great idea, then you get to bathe her.? ?Not a problem. I?ll just throw a stick into the lake when we get there, and she?ll give herself a bath.? ?I think I?ll throw you in the lake, too, mister smart guy!? ?It?s a nice day for swimming, why not?? ?Because they won?t let dogs on the beach.? ?So we throw her off that little stone patio by the playground.? Just then, Lucy decided she had had enough mud for herself, so she came flying back to share it with all of us. Call me overly fastidious, but I did not want any extra mud on my skirt. To my relief, she made a beeline to Helga, and she was soon safely attached to her leash. Not long after that, we reached the end of the trail and headed for the lake. Lucy, as predicted, was perfectly happy to jump in the water and swim around. She was soon joined by David and the kids, leaving the three of us women sitting on the low stone wall to watch their antics. It was then I realized one of the limitations of being Kate on a warm summer day ? no way I could go swimming without revealing far too much of my body. As we watched them paddle about, Helga put her hand on my shoulder and asked, ?Aren?t you glad you don?t have a husband who jumps into the water and comes back smelling like wet dog?? ?Frankly, Helga, I?ve never had any desire for a husband of any kind,? I replied. ?Oh.? She looked cute when she blushed. ?Don?t worry! From my point of view, Steph is better than any husband could ever be.? There are times that the absolute truth is completely misleading. We didn?t get to talk much more because just about then a park police cruiser pulled up near us. The officer was very polite, but there was no swimming allowed except at the beach with a lifeguard. He even gave the wet but no longer muddy Lucy a scratch on the head before he left. When we got back to the campsite, Helga and I got in the pickup to go up the mountain for their camper. It seemed funny at first to be alone with a woman and not have the typical male need to check her out and take those first few steps of the mating dance. I was discovering how nice it could be to be girlfriends; but girlfriends have a way of asking questions that guys don?t ask each other. ?Kate?? ?Yes?? ?I don?t want to be too nosey but can I ask a personal question?? ?Sure, you can ask. I might even answer it.? Nervous? Me?? ?Do you and Stephanie really plan on getting married?? ?Yes. We love each other, and that?s what we want to do. Does that bother you?? ?I don?t really know. With all the excitement on the news about gays getting married, I?ve thought about it, but I didn?t really care about it until I met you.? ?Makes a difference when it?s someone you know rather than someone spouting off on the news, doesn?t it?? I replied. ?You and Stephanie are the first lesbians I?ve met. Well, I suppose I must know others, but they don?t advertise it. David knows a lesbian couple who used to be in his music club, who had a little girl a few years back, but I haven?t met them.? ?It wasn?t easy to be open about Steph and me, but we haven?t had to deal with too much garbage. I just hope that all the anger and craziness about who you want to love will be gone someday. It?s awful when someone hates you because of who you love.? ?David and I had a little bit of that. When I met him, there were people who thought I was terrible just because I was born in Germany and had the nerve to fall in love with an American. I didn?t fall in love with an American, I fell in love with a person.? ?Well, I suppose that?s better than falling in love with a sheep ? people would really talk, then.? ?Oh! I didn?t mean it like that!? ?Want to bet some people would vote for the sheep rather than same sex marriage? Heavens, they?d rather have a guy in a dress marching down the aisle than have two women.? ?So what are you going to do when you get married?? ?Have a small wedding with family and friends. No reporters invited, and no publicity wanted.? ?I hope it all works out for you; you seem like nice people.? ?Thank you! It?s funny, we?ve only just met, but you and David seem like old friends already. I?m really glad that Lucy got loose last night.? ?Well, I wouldn?t want to meet too many people like that, but I?m glad we met you.? We drove on for a while in comfortable silence until Helga had another question. ?Another personal question, Kate?? ?Go for it!? ?What?s it like being with another woman? I hope I?m not being too rude.? I knew it was coming. It?s a truism that women talk more freely about sex than men, at least about the emotional side of it, but I was at a loss for an answer. The situation was absurd! Was I really so truly into Kate that another woman? Wait a minute ? I?m not a really a woman, so how could Helga be ?another? woman? I wasn?t a lesbian in bed, but out of bed I think I could understand how a real woman might feel. Or was that just masculine hubris? This was getting very confusing! ?I?m not sure I can tell you, Helga. I?ve never made love to a man, so I have no way of knowing how it might be different.? Once again, the truth was highly misleading! ?You just learn what pleases your partner and keep doing it until they have an orgasm. I suppose it doesn?t matter all that much what the biological sex is if both partners are in love and will take the time to find out how to make each other happy.? ?I never quite thought of it that way.? Neither did I, Helga, neither did I! Too bad I can?t tell you the whole truth. ?I suppose David has used his fingers and tongue and maybe a toy or two on you. With your eyes closed, does it really matter if the fingers or tongue are attached to a penis or a vagina?? She was silent for a while, but the abstracted smile on her face told me everything I needed to know. ?I guess you?re right, but I think I would miss having him come in me,? she said finally. ?I don?t know; that sort of thing has never interested me.? Talk about your understatement! ?I?ve always been completely satisfied with a woman for a partner. Maybe it?s genetic or something.? ?I didn?t want to be nosey, Kate.? ?Sure you did, but that?s just fine with me. A lot of people are curious about what other people do in bed, but they?re too hung up to ask. I doubt that Steph and I do anything very much different than anything you and David have done. There are only so many ways you can fit things together without bending or breaking them. Then again, there?s always the chance you?ll learn something new. Got any suggestions?? My smartass question sent Helga into a fit of giggles, which was just as well. I was realizing that there were drawbacks in talking about sex with a woman as attractive as Helga. For the first time since I had found Kate, I found myself hardening up at an inopportune time. That hadn?t happened to me since I was a randy teen. I was certainly glad to be wearing a full skirt and to be sitting down. I was saved from any embarrassment when we arrived at the camper. Helga got out, and by the time we returned to the campsite, I was safely back into my persona as Kate. --- Being the 4th of July, the kids didn?t want to miss the fireworks. Who do I think I?m kidding? I wanted to see the fireworks just as much as they did. Life as Kate had brought a new excitement to what I had once considered banal. It had been years since I had gone to a fireworks display, mostly because it?s something you do with a crowd, and I really hadn?t run with a crowd. Now I had Steph and her family to make the celebration interesting once more. Dave and Helga had other plans, so we piled into the pickup and headed for the park office. There were several towns that had fireworks, but the girl at the counter swore that those in Warren, PA were the best. It was quite a way, but the drive along the river and reservoir was gorgeous; I swear we saw an eagle over the water ? beautiful! It wasn?t hard to find the fireworks, everybody else in the town was going there, too. All we had to do was follow the crowd. I found a parking place for the pickup, and we joined the throng. Warren isn?t exactly a small town, but it?s not a teeming metropolis either. Since we had a while before dusk, we wandered the streets and shops, sometimes holding hands, sometimes striking off alone to examine something interesting. Something mysterious has happened to me since I realized I was Kate. I actually enjoy leisurely shopping with no particular goal in mind. Don?t get me wrong! I can still go into the grocery or hardware store, pick up the things I need and be out of there in a very short time. What has changed is that I actually enjoy wandering around, examining knick-knacks or clothes or what-have-you. Set me down within 25 yards of a rack of bras that are not utilitarian white, and I?m happy for the rest of the afternoon. Just take a look at my collection of bras, if you think I?m joking. I just love wearing a lacy bra, even if nobody but Steph will ever see it. I found a pair of earrings that Steph would just love and even managed to buy them without her knowing so I could surprise her. When Steph rejoined me, I noticed a pair of teenagers looking at me rather closely. As I became aware of their scrutiny, I realized that after so long in public as Kate, I had lost my fear of being revealed as a crossdresser. It was strange to have that feeling of doubt return so suddenly. There wasn?t anything I could do about it, so I tried my best to ignore them, but once that sliver of doubt invades your mind, it isn?t easy to shake it off. The kids didn?t help much, because they followed us out of the store. They continued to whisper to each other and point at me in a way they must have thought was surreptitious. How ironic! I had spent the afternoon talking sex without being discovered and then some teenybopper comes along and the jig is up. They followed Steph and me too long to be just coincidence, stopping when we stopped and continuing when we continued. Tony had caught the byplay as well. Bless his heart, he came up with a creative solution in a flash. I doubt his actions were completely protective of his aunt since, in my anxiety, I had failed to note that the ladies in question were pretty easy on the eyes. Tony did what any teenage boy would have found natural and maneuvered himself near them and started to chat them up. Now I was the one watching them, for their focus had switched to Tony. I sorted through a rack of sale dresses on the sidewalk in front of a shop with only half of my attention as I watched the first steps of the mating dance being performed. Tony?s overture was accepted (I wonder what line he used?), and the blonde one straightened up a bit and projected her endowments as she answered his sally. Tony?s arms and hands flew as he pressed his advantage, until the brown haired one did a little wiggle and jiggle that had an unmistakable meaning even if I couldn?t hear the conversation. Their conversation grew more animated, and I knew just what story Tony was telling because he had tried it out on us not too long before. That shuffle walk that accompanied the recurring chant was unmistakable, and the girls laughed at the right places. Better yet, they were no longer looking at me. Along about then the merchants began dismantling the sidewalk sale and closing up shop. The sun still had a way to go before it set, but it was time to head for the park and spread our blanket. Julia finished looking at some wooden birdhouses and joined us, asking if I had seen Tony. I pointed him out as he continued his conquest half a block away. As I spoke he and his conquests started walking toward us, and before I knew what was happening he was introducing them to us, giving his Aunt Kate a quick hug in the process. I was completely unable to decide whether I should hug him back or simply kill him there and then. ?Hey Aunties, this is Karen and Beth,? he announced in an enthusiastic voice. ?Beth?s the blonde one. Ladies, this is my Aunt Stephanie and her partner Kate. Karen and Beth said they would show us the best place to watch the fireworks.? It seemed we had acquired a pair of native guides. ?Um, Tony?,? inquired Julia. ?Oh yeah, this is my sister Julia. You can ignore her like I do.? We shuffled around a bit with polite handshakes and variants on the theme of ?Hello,? except for Julia, who tried to shake her brother?s neck. Instead of shaking my curious teens, suddenly I was shaking their hands and being polite. I don?t believe I have ever been so conscious of my voice. Fortunately, I had little need to speak as Tony was monopolizing the conversation. Letting the Native Guides take the lead, we headed toward the park, where we spread our blanket at the edge of the crowd. We were hardly settled when the kids decided to go exploring until dusk fell, leaving me alone with Stephanie. "Want to take bets that Tony has the cell number of one or both of them before he gets back?" I asked. "I don't take sucker bets, sucker. At least we're not the center of attention anymore." "Tell me about it! I had visions of being stripped naked there on the street while the Teen Menaces From Hell exposed my every secret." "Now that's funny!" Steph laughed. "I suspect Tony wouldn't mind in the least having the two of them strip him naked." "All in your point of view, I suppose. Anyway, I'm glad they're gone, and it will be dark when they come back." The area was filling up quickly. A young couple spread their blanket next to us and took their baby from her stroller. With a massive grin on her face, the child started to crawl off the blanket to explore whatever the world had to offer. She crawled with enthusiasm, lifting her hands high and slapping them down as she wiggled her tush. A game soon developed as Dad caught the wayward tyke's leg just as she got to the edge of the blanket and slid her backward. Giggling, she resumed her flight in a new direction, only to be captured at the last second. Eventually, her path took her toward Stephanie and me, and I found myself staring down into an angelic face surrounded by golden curls. With the fearlessness of youth, she simply crawled up my leg and tried to continue on. "And where do you think you're going?" I said in the high pitched tones that adults use with babies the world over. She didn't answer, so I pointed her back to Mom and Dad and let her go. She headed for Mom and gave her a big hug before continuing on her way. Pretty soon, we were involved in a game of catch with the baby as a living ball. She would approach one of the adults and do her charming bit, then bounce away to the next one. We soon learned her name was Lisa, and Mom and Dad were Jim and Lilly. No further conversation was needed, since we had plenty of entertainment before us. It was getting dark, and I was starting to wonder where the kids were when Lisa headed toward me again. Just as she reached me, there was a flash and a tremendous BOOM that echoed from the surrounding hills ? the first warning that the fireworks were imminent. The fireworks weren't the only sound echoing from the hills; Lisa did her best to match the BOOM in volume, if not pitch. I automatically picked her up and held her as she started crying. Once again, I felt the goddess touch me that day. I had never really cared for a child in my life; the few times I had met my nieces and nephews hardly counted, but I automatically spoke quietly and stroked the crying child as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Perhaps caring for a frightened child is the most natural thing in the world. Did it really matter if I were born a woman or a man? I know that women are supposed to be the nurturing half of the species, but could homo sapiens have survived if half of its members were genetically incapable of comforting a crying child? Not likely! Be that as it may, there was something innately feminine about having my new friend slowly lose her fear as I held her. Her arms crept around my neck and held me tightly as I softly murmured nonsense in her ear and stroked her back. "You seem to have the magic touch." Lilly, who had started for Lisa when she was frightened, had stopped and watched when she realized her daughter was being comforted. "She doesn't usually take so to strangers." "Beginner's luck, isn't it darling? I guess you think Auntie Kate is OK." Lisa didn't have anything to say; she just nestled a little closer to my shoulder. My philosophical mood was broken by the return of the exploration party and their native guides. "Jeez ? we go away for a few minutes and my aunt has a baby." Julia was very amused. "There something you haven't been telling us, Aunt Kate?" "We decided nine months was too long to wait," Stephanie came to my defense, "so we just borrowed her for a tryout. I figure if we trade you two in, it won't cost us too much to have a kid who shows a little respect." "Slavery! Human Bondage!" cried Tony. "Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it. I know some folks who get into bondage games." BOOM! "WAAAH!" "Mumble, mumble." Stroke. Cuddle. "It's alright, little girl." The conversation was forgotten as the cycle started over, but she settled more quickly this time. I felt Stephanie slide over and sit behind me, so we were supporting each other. I hadn't even realized I was uncomfortable until I felt her warmth against my back. I guess mothers really do put their children first. Lisa was smiling but a bit nervous. Was it because she was concerned about her baby being with a stranger, or was it because she didn't want to impose? The maternal instincts I didn't know I had seemed to have kicked in ? I didn't want to let go of the baby. "Let's be sure she's really out before the real noise starts," I offered. "Then we can put her in the stroller and enjoy the show." "You're sure she's not bothering you?" Lilly asked. "Not a chance! I haven't had so much fun in ages." BOOM! This time she hardly stirred. She must be one of those kids who sleep like the dead when they finally give up. I told myself it was to make sure when was really asleep that I kept holding her, but I knew it was a lie. It just plain felt wonderful. A couple of more booms resounded, then the first palm tree snaked its way into the sky. I returned my sleeping charge to her parents, and we all watched anxiously to see if she would remain asleep. Luck, or maybe the goddess, was with us, and she continued sleeping. I returned to our blanket and lay back, holding hands with Stephanie while we watched the fireworks together. I couldn't help but notice on my way back that Tony had managed to end up between the two Native Guides to watch the show. The kid was a fast worker. While I have seen bigger displays in some of the big cities I have been in, the fireworks had a special kick because of the multitude of echoes from the surrounding hills. I swear I could feel my breast forms vibrating with the bigger explosions. What a great day this had been. In a way it was my independence day; I felt at peace with my decision to become Kate for the rest of my life. I knew it was the right decision. I wasn't foolish enough, even then, to think it would be easy, but I certainly knew it would be worth it. --- The next morning I woke slowly and peacefully while Stephanie continued to dream on beside me. Part of me wanted to pack up and go home so I could put my resolve to become more fully Kate into practice, but a more rational part of me realized that a few more days would not make any real difference. I knew that in order to be accepted at the college, I would have to do things by the book, which meant talking to a psychiatrist at the very least. Well, it really did make sense, after all. What had started as a fling sure did develop into something I hadn't expected. If you had asked how I would spend the Fourth of July last January, I would have given you a completely wrong answer. There could be equally major turns ahead in the road of my life; maybe a shrink could help keep me from ending up in a ditch with my wheels spinning in the air because I misjudged a turn. I had a nodding acquaintance with one of the college counselors from helping one of my students a while back; I could do worse than talking to Randy when I got back. Still, I didn't want to wait. I realized that there was one thing I could do without any outside permission ? start electrolysis. I got up quietly, trying not to disturb Steph as I got dressed. I decided on an angel-sleeved sundress as the weather was again warming up, slipped into a pair of sandals, and went out to my pickup. I was surprised to see Tony was up and gone while Julia was still asleep. I took the cell phone from the glove compartment and turned it on, only to discover the signal was too low to make a call. I knew I had seen people talking on their cell phones near the lake, so I started walking that way. Sure enough, I was able to get a signal halfway to the beach. Blessing the engineer that had decided cell phones should keep a record of who you had called, I found my friends at the makeover shop on the list. They were only too happy to give me the numbers of a couple of local electrologists, even waiting patiently as I fumbled in my purse for something to write on. In a very short time, I had a consultation scheduled for the Monday after we returned. I started back to the trailer, and to my surprise, I saw Tony walking down the road toward me, cell phone in hand. He was deeply immersed in the conversation and didn't notice me until I was practically on top of him. "Checking your stock portfolio?" "Nah, just talking to Beth. You know, from last night? She's going to come up here so we can go hiking. She's pretty neat." "My, my! You are the fast worker!" "Aww, Aunt Kate, it's not like that!" "I know, but it was too good to resist. Only her, or will the Bobbsey Twins be coming?" "Huh?" "You're too young ? will her girlfriend be coming to chaperone?" "Jeez ? you sound like Mom. "Comes with age. Just curious, Tony. If you haven't learned how to control yourself by now, I'm not going to beat it into you in the next few minutes." "That don't sound like Mom!" "Thanks, you had me worried for a minute." ?I expect we ought to check with Stephanie before either of us makes any plans for the day. As far as I know we aren't doing anything special." "Sure. I was looking at the park schedule, and there's a couple of things that sound interesting." "And they sound a lot more interesting with a pretty girl holding you hand, right?" "Aww, Aunt Kate!" "Don't forget, I know what it's like to be sixteen and male, despite present appearances." ?Yeah, I guess you do." He paused for a moment. "Is it any easier being a girl?" "I don't think so, but I haven't been at it all that long. I like being Kate better than I did being Steve, but I didn't dislike being Steve. Does that make any sense?" "I don't know. I just get so confused sometimes." "I don't think that has much to do with being male or female; that comes as a free prize for being born." "Heck, you make it sound like a game show

Same as Kate - Part 4 Videos

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Kate and Amys Corset

Kate and Amy's Corset by Pamela ([email protected]) Note: This is the sequel to "Aunt Caroline's Girdle" Midweek after my Sunday appearance at church, the phone rang while I was cleaning up the dinner dishes. I could hear Caroline in the next room talking. "Yes, Kate, Blake is doing just fine, thank you." "Oh you would would you? He's doing the dishes now." "Yes, very well trained, Kate." "OK, I'll ask." "Blake dear?" Caroline called to me. I turned...

2 years ago
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Kate Gets Blitzed

The first time I saw Kate, we were standing in front of the downtown office building where I had been working for the past five years. Her confident smile immediately caught my attention as she motioned for me to enter revolving door. I remember wishing she had gone first. I would have enjoyed checking out her cute figure a bit more. She looked to be just a few inches taller than my 5-3, with a trim, athletic build and pert breasts."What am I doing ogling another woman?" I said to myself as I...

4 years ago
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Alex was a reclusive girl. She was never very interested in seeking relationships with those around her. She only had a couple friends who were very close; they could both vouch for her shyness. She was awfully cute, with soft, short, golden brown hair that fell to her jaw line and eased a little on the boyish side. In fact, her entire being was a bit on the boyish side, but her face was still pretty with large, green eyes and a nice, albeit somewhat awkward smile that she rarely displayed. She...

1 year ago
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Kate Free Part 2

It wasn’t long before it dawned upon Kate, as the notion crystallized in her clouded mind, that she really had no decision to make. No, she was under Jack’s spell. If he wanted her to suck his cock, she would suck his cock. If he wanted to fuck her again, she would be his for the taking. Hell, in this lustful intoxication, she’d beg him for it if he wanted.This situation didn’t come from any timidity or insecurity, mind you. To the contrary, Kate was an intelligent, strong and independent...

2 years ago
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Kate Todds Erotic Adventure

They weren’t about to be having children before marriage, so she always made him wear a condom. Even if they got married in the future, she knew she would still insist that he wear a condom. She was happy that they both agreed on this during a discussion about it. They both reasoned that they were still young and had their whole lives ahead of them which was a lot of time to bring a child into the world. They started experimenting with anal shortly after they began having sex and this was...

1 year ago
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Kate 3

"Hello, Kate?" was the voice on the other end. "Who's this?" she asked. "It's Rob. We met at Reddys' the other night." "I don't remember you. Were you at Davin's place that night?" Kate asked rather bruskly. "You guessed it. How did you enjoy your birthday party?" he asked with a chuckle. "I'm afraid I can't place you. I was kind of in the dark that night." The voice on the other end just laughed and said, "I know but did you like Davin's surprise birthday party?" "Yeah, I guess. Look, I...

Group Sex
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Kate and Dylan Twins in Lust

I was concentrating on three different female butts just then and didn’t catch who he was talking about “Huh, which one?” “Kate. Look at her man, she’s so awesome, I would pay to get her hot for me.” I looked across the floor to the girl he was talking about just as she leaped off the floor, her long lithe body stretched as graceful as a leaping Gazelle from toes to fingers as she spiked the ball down to the opposite side of the net. If a photographer had been able to catch her while...

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Kate Jim Ch 02

Jim finished her spanking and surprisingly Kate didn’t get up from his lap right away. He was pleased Kate took her punishment well. Kate didn’t make a sound as the tears fell from her face. Jim really had to admire her for that….admire her as well as love her. He took no pleasure in spanking her but honestly felt that Kate needed a strong hand to keep her in check. Just as Jim finally admitted to himself that he needed a woman to love, to truly love and share his life and thoughts with. ...

2 years ago
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Kate 2

In the land of leprechauns and shamrocks lives a pretty girl by the name of Kate. Of course you might have read about Kate O'Brien from Chapter One. Anyway, Kate is in her mid-twenties and lives in Kilkenny with her boyfriend Sean. It's a good arrangement but not great. Her sex drive is a moon shot higher than Sean's leaving Kate to think of ways to satisfy her urges, especially after participating in the sex party from a few Fridays ago. On that memorable Friday night, she had sex with a lad...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Kate Part 3

Kate, Part 3 By Ricky So I once again had a case of the nerves to cope with, this meeting the family stuff just seemed to keep going and going and going. Had it only been a month since Kate started to become real? As far as I could tell, the only looks I got were because of my height; Steph got just as many as I did when we were out together. I felt perfectly comfortable out in public lunching at McDonalds (Chicken salad and no fries, I wasn't about to have to go shopping...

1 year ago
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Katebydarkharbour©The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew...

2 years ago
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The phone call came just after I turned off the light and shut my eyes. Or, so it seemed. But when I looked at the bedside clock it was almost 2:00AM. My wife turned on her light and picked up the phone. Her voice changed from anxiety to annoyance and then back to what would be considered normal for two in the morning. I understood from her side of the conversation that Kate, her daughter, needed a ride home. The designated driver had become a designated drinker and Kate knew the rules - no...

2 years ago
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Kate Gets a Puppy

Introduction: During the past week, Kate had begun noticing the same dog every day as she took her morning run. It was an English Mastiff, and one of the largest shed ever seen. Based on her observances as she jogged by, it stood nearly a meter in height and had to weigh more than 100 kg. Kate Gets a Puppy Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as...

2 years ago
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Kate Part 2

Kate, Part 2 By Ricky Having made the decision to live as Kate over the summer, I spent even more time on the net, reading and learning. What did men with a need to crossdress do before the Internet? It must have been incredibly lonely. The evening we agreed to make Kate a real person, I ordered a voice training CD and subsequently spent a lot of time talking to a tape recorder. For that matter I spent a lot of time looking for a tape recorder; they're going the way of the...

2 years ago
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Kate And Derek

Kate and Derek were a pretty typical brother and sister. Derek was a freshman in high school and Kate was in the eighth grade. Both were blooming into full sexuality, Kate one year younger, like most girls when they bloomed. They lived in a typical middle class neighborhood, two story - three bedrooms - two baths, and their parents had typical middle class jobs. Neither Kate nor Derek thought they were really good looking but Kate's friends thought Derek was hot, and in the past six months as...

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Kate Gets a Puppy

Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite...

3 years ago
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Kate Gets a Puppy

Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite vision, and...

3 years ago
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Kate 5

After a short drive from Dublin, Kate arrived in Kilkenny in mid-afternoon on Sunday. She was glad to be home following her eventful escapade working as an escort. She set her purse on the kitchen table and went to the bathroom to brush her hair, adding a little makeup before saying 'hi' to her boyfriend, Sean. As she looked in the mirror, she heard voices. Perhaps Sean was watching TV and when she had finished making herself look glamorous, she expected to see Sean on the couch watching...

Group Sex
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Kate and Catherine Girl on Girl My devious plan for Kate and Catherine was finally coming together ! The young black men had been well satisfied earlier at my wife Kate's expense, and I had made sure she was wearing only the charcoal panties as I had made her remove everything else and give the pink and gray outfit to these men as souvenirs before we left! I marched her out of the motel room down the stairs with several black men watching and into the parking lot...

2 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter One

Kate and I were friends for about 10 years before we got together, we like many couples had come from poor choice's in relationships. We had lived across the street from each other, she was single at the time and a big flirt! I told her once I used to jack off fantasizing about her, I made this comment on our first date and we have been together ever since!. She is 47,yrs old now 5' 7” tall, has shoulder length light brown hair with blond high lights and I would say she has an average...

1 year ago
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Kate Jim

June, 2011 Katherine once was an insufferable shrew of a wife married to a two-timing cheating wimp of a man for almost 16 years. Jim is a wrecking yard owner and scrap dealer. He comes from a long line of lawyers, doctors, and family members in the diplomatic corps. He has three brothers and one sister in those professions. Jim absolutely loves his work, especially the hard physical labor involved. Jim is a plain man bordering on homely. He is also built like a fireplug wrapped in muscles...

2 years ago
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Kate becoming a bitch

So let me introduce myself my name is Amy this is a true story which took place about 6 months ago and is still going on today. It might be abit long but I wanted to tell you everything that happened. This about me my freind kate and my husband Dave So a little about myself i’m 28 slim brunett with nice size boobs (36c). I like to keep myself fit. Love to wear sexy cloths when I go out and when i’m home so pretty much most of the time oh and I’m married to a wonderful guy called...

1 year ago
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Kate By Sirdar This is a story that I wrote some years ago. I have rewritten parts of it and reposted it under another name *************** My partner Joan and I had lived happily together for seven years. She was an operating theatre Sister at the local district hospital, and I worked as a teacher at the local High School. We had frequently discussed marriage, but had never got around to fixing the date for the happy day. It was the middle of January when I first set eyes on Kate , and from...

Erotic Fiction
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kate Wednesday night

I got home and carried out Kate's instructionsKate phoned and said she might be late, but sally would be coming round to drop some stuff off, What are you doing she asked,Just watching telly I replied, OK I shouldn't be long just a late appointmentI watched telly for a hour, the bell rangIt was sally, I invited her in and made her a drink Sally put down two carrier bags and we went into the garden and just chattedShe was wearing her work uniform, a black skirt , grey blouse with yellow piping...

4 years ago
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Kate Catherine and more Big Black Cocks than you can Imagine Chapter 3

Introduction: This is a continuing story about two older women one willing and submissive and the other who at first resists being used and abused by blacks and then lusts for them! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 3 I have returned to the safety of the viewing room and clean up once again! My cock is still rock hard and I have trouble getting it back into my pants. I have pleasured or been pleasured four times in less that two hrs this is a record for me! Again I plop down into...

3 years ago
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Kate and Ali

Ali was driving Kate home after an afternoon together spent shopping, drinking coffee and generally having a good time. Kate and Ali had been good friends for years now, and of all Kates friends Ali was definitely her favourite. Ali was gorgeous. A short slim Desi girl with dark brown skin and shoulder length, raven black hair.During the drive home they chatted, occasionally Ali's hand would brush against Kates leg as she changed gear, stroking against her tights and lifting the hem of her...

2 years ago
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Kate Jim Ch 05

Katherine Ryan spent a few minutes putting the dishes away and straightening up their Winnebago before joining Jim in the bedroom, her motto, a place for everything and everything in its place. Her lover was lying naked in bed with a big smile on his face. He was shaking his dashboard hula dancer, her little gift to him and watching it jiggle, which in turn made her smile. Katherine’s lover Jim Brady is a balding, brutish looking man bordering on homely. He is also built like a hairy...

3 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 5

Introduction: This is a continuing story as Kate gets her turn! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 5 Kate now sure that her clit would be sadistically severed and with her mind and body conspiring in anticipation,..kinda like the horror of a train wreck, had blanked out her thoughts and were trying to erased this terrifying vision as she passed out into an almost comatose state, something the mind does to protect one from witnessing such a thematic brutal and sadistic event! The...

2 years ago
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Kate Pt 02

I hope you all enjoyed the first part of this tale, my editor certainly did…and yes, I finally found a good one and I’d like to thank her in advance so, ‘Thanks Chris.’ This is going to be the last thing I post for a while as I’m going to try and finish up my third book. However, it doesn’t mean I’m going to quit posting stories here, it means that my some time near the end of May. I’ll tell you what the name of it is after I post my next story, also some time near the end of May. In the mean...

3 years ago
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kate Saturday afternoon

I left everythingas it was and ran down to Kate's work, she asked me to go to Sally's work, she worked in M and s and collect some clothing she wanted to go out that nightI met sally who gave me a carrier bag we had a little chat, i wished her happy birthday for tomorrow, then went back to Kate, when I arrived she was washing someones hair, when she finished, she looked in the bag and said great really excited,i want you to take these back and put them in the fridge passing me another two...

2 years ago
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Kate Mahoney Global War on TerrorChapter 2

Wednesday Evening Switching between homework and idle online chat, Kate received an email from the principal, Mr. Laffey. It gave the dates for the meetings of the Honor Code Committee along with her official appointment as one of the three student representatives. It said nothing about The Program. She wondered why the email did not come from the Assistant Principal instead. Later that night, a separate email arrived from the nurse and it carried a huge attachment that took eight minutes...

4 years ago
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Kate the Kid Ch 1011

Authors Note: Dedicated to Zoee with great thanks. Without your brilliant suggestions this chapter could not have been written! Also, this chapter is labeled as 10-11 but appears in the novel as Chapter 11. This has been done to sync up the Literotica chapters with the novel’s chapters. *** *** *** The furthest into the states Kate had ever been was Chicago or St. Louis. They were settled and civilized, to be sure, but they were still very much frontier towns. The clothes each year got more...

2 years ago
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KATEAfter twenty two years in the Army and nineteen in a special forces regiment I had enough I took my discharge and walked through the gate my own person no one to order or dictate where I should be or what orders I must obey. There was a major problem I didn’t know what I wanted or where I wanted to be, all I had was my bergan and an old letter from my Sister Kate eight years older and much wiser written ten years ago informing me parents had passed away. I was unable to attend as I was on...

2 years ago
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Kate Catherine and more Big Black Cocks than you can Imagine Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I have returned to the safety of the viewing room and clean up once again! My cock is still rock hard and I have trouble getting it back into my pants. I have pleasured or been pleasured four times in less that two hrs this is a record for me! Again I plop down into one of the comfortable viewing chairs. It is hard to watch both women, even though the monitors are state of the art split screen, it is like a diehard sports enthusiasts that has two TVs on at the same...

3 years ago
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kate sunday evening

Sally and I sat in the garden trying to make polite conversation,i think we was both a bit embarrassedKate came back she had put a skirt on, What was you talking about ? Kate askedNothing really sally replied,We had another drink, the conversation got onto me again and how good I was, And Kate bought up the walk I did in her clothes and told sally I had enjoyed itSally asked if I wanted to be a girl?No I said I like being a guy and took another sip of wineSo why do you like dressing up then, I...

2 years ago
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Kate Gets Blitzed

The first time I saw Kate, we were standing in front of the downtown office building where I had been working for the past five years. Her confident smile immediately caught my attention as she motioned for me to enter the revolving door. I remember wishing she had gone first. I would have enjoyed checking out her cute figure a bit more. She looked to be just a few inches taller than my 5-3, with a trim, athletic build and pert breasts. "What am I doing ogling another woman?" I said to...

3 years ago
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Kate Seeks Revenge

The snows came early in 1949 and stayed late so cattle were sold off at a loss as supplementary feed dwindled to sweepings and empty drums littering barn floors. The banks were all too ready to decline to extend overdrafts, knowing the feed shortage would continue into the next season. Rejected by the bank, Roy Holmes told his young wife Kate – a real sweetie with golden curly hair and arresting pale blue eyes – he’d visit their wealthy neighbor Dirk Hamilton to plead for bridging finance....

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Kate 4

Starting on Chapter Number 1, Kate was unfulfilled with her sex life. After discontent with her live in boyfriend, Sean, over their mundane sex, she looked for new and exciting experiences. Things have changed since then. Living on the Emerald Isle, Kate O'Brien has experienced a new and exciting lifestyle. Over the past several months she has participated in an orgy, a gang bang and she even had sex with another woman. Naturally, this meant her relationship with Sean suffered and they became...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Kates Bitch

I was twenty-three when I married Kevin. He was twenty-eight and already asuccessful businessman with three franchise outlets of his own. I wasworking as a paralegal while I tried to decide if I wanted to go to law school.I worked in an office shared by three lawyers who were partners butcontributed equally to pay expenses. Two of them were men in their late thirtiesor early forties and they were losers. The third, a woman, was in her latetwenties and very bright. Her name was Kate and...

2 years ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Kate now sure that her clit would be sadistically severed and with her mind and body conspiring in anticipation,..kinda like the horror of a train wreck, had blanked out her thoughts and were trying to erased this terrifying vision as she passed out into an almost comatose state, something the mind does to protect one from witnessing such a thematic brutal and sadistic event! The Brute had no intension of actually biting Kate's clit off, he had only done this to one...

2 years ago
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Kate Free

It was kind of a routine Friday night. Kate was bored. Out with her friends, she’d had a few drinks and felt like dancing, but the rest of the group was being lame. She knocked down the last of her drink, got up, and walked to the dance floor alone. She didn’t need anyone else. She was strong, independent, and saucy. She’d make her own fun.For several moments, Kate closed her eyes, lost herself in the music, and let her body move and flow along with it. It felt good. The blood was flowing. The...

3 years ago
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kate sunday night

I stood up and went to pull up my knickers, my cock covered in the last drops of cum Sally clean his cock She kneeled down and licked and sucked my softened cock,, she licked every drop off , my cock started to get hard again Sally stood up she looked a mess mascara running down her cheeks , she took a tissue and blew her nose Kate undid the other cuff and said are you OK baby and kissed her on the forehead, sally smiled yea I’m fine Kate kissed her on the mouth , sally seemed really turned on...

2 years ago
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Kate Takes Control

Karen and Scott tingled with excitement as they began to strip for Kate. They had met Kate at a swinger’s party a few weeks before. Kate was a single female who was passing through a sex room at the party. She saw Karen was in lust. Karen was riding her husband, Scott, as others watched and masturbated. She stopped and rubbed Karen’s gyrating ass and kissed her neck. Karen melted on Scott’s cock, feeling Kate’s touch and lips. Kate looked down at Scott and smiled before she slipped one leg over...

4 years ago
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kate sunday night

I stood up and went to pull up my knickers, my cock covered in the last drops of cumSally clean his cock She kneeled down and licked and sucked my softened cock,, she licked every drop off , my cock started to get hard againSally stood up she looked a mess mascara running down her cheeks , she took a tissue and blew her noseKate undid the other cuff and said are you OK baby and kissed her on the forehead, sally smiled yea I'm fine Kate kissed her on the mouth , sally seemed really turned onI...

2 years ago
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Kate Takes Control

Karen and Scott tingled with excitement as they began to strip for Kate. They had met Kate at a swinger’s party a few weeks before. Kate was a single female who was passing through a sex room at the party. She saw Karen was in lust. Karen was riding her husband, Scott, as others watched and masturbated. She stopped and rubbed Karen’s gyrating ass and kissed her neck. Karen melted on Scott’s cock, feeling Kate’s touch and lips. Kate looked down at Scott and smiled before she slipped one leg over...

3 years ago
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kate becoming a bitch part 3

One week i made her put in a butt plug before we left for the pub made her keep it in all night. Which she loved. Sometime on the way home Tyson would want to fuck her so after checking no one was about i would let him take her. One weekend kate had arranged to stay until the Sunday night so we had extra time to play. We had gone to the pub as normal walked home the same way Tyson had taken her in the field and i licked the cum of her when we got back then we all went to bed. On staurday...

4 years ago
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kate monday continued

Kate put the phone down Was she OK I asked Yes it was fine, she seemed a little flustered,come and sit here, I was looking at the screen of the computor as she clicked on the 1st icon, It was a picture of my bum with the stripes of the cane , she opened a knew file, named it Christine2 then slid the icon into the file Picture after picture appeared and moved into the file Why do you want these pictures I asked Because I do Kate snapped Sally put her arms over my shouldersas Kate clicked...

2 years ago
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kate monday continued

Kate put the phone down Was she OK I asked Yes it was fine, she seemed a little flustered,come and sit here, I was looking at the screen of the computor as she clicked on the 1st icon,It was a picture of my bum with the stripes of the cane , she opened a knew file, named it Christine2 then slid the icon into the filePicture after picture appeared and moved into the file Why do you want these pictures I asked Because I do Kate snappedSally put her arms over my shouldersas Kate clicked the next...

3 years ago
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Kate the Kid Ch 08

He was shaking. Had been shaking all day. Rafe had done his duty, been to Pinkerton’s and back, suffered through Jerome’s lectures and the tailors. Even staring into the mirror and seeing a gentleman looking back, the kind of man he could have been had war not ravaged his life, he was shaking. It had taken him long nights to figure it out. He loved Kate. Loved her spirit, her independence, even her damn temper. The way she drank, shot, smiled. The look of lust in her eyes, her easy laughter....

4 years ago
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Kate the Kid Ch 13

If anyone felt like a fish out of water, nobody said anything. Only Jerome looked like he should be there. The other four wore dusty clothes, but all five had the same expressions. His man at the port filled them in. There was no time to wait, to gather more evidence. Franco had ragged Izzy through the streets, loudly announcing to the world that he was going to marry her. Their ship had been slowed, and had beaten theirs by only hours, but time was still wasting. In the coach ride to Rome...

2 years ago
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Kate 1

In the land of harps and Guinness lives a pretty girl everyone calls Kate. Of course her given name is Katherine but Kate seems to fit her better. She was deeply in love with her first boyfriend but that's hardly unusual for a girl seventeen years old. Maybe it would be more accurate to say that she THOUGHT she was in love. 'Love' is so easily defined by a seventeen year old girl. 'Love' gets harder to understand at twenty. Kate is now twenty-seven and things are even more confusing. Let's go...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Kate Catherine and Big Black Cocks Chapter 4

Introduction: Add Black Mail to list these women and their lust for abusive sex with black men have gotten themselves into! Kate, Catherine and Big Black Cocks! Chapter 4 Add Black Mail to list these women and their lust for abusive sex with black men have gotten themselves into! Catherine after what had happened was having a hard time doing her job, her thoughts kept drifting back to a week ago. Her and her best friend Kate had been abused and raped by a group of black men all with...

3 years ago
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Kate and I Ch 3238

I like to think sexnovella for my editing. 32. Got to turn off, as I roll over to my phone, reach for my phone, must…turn…off, finally, thank God, quiet. I sit up on the side of my bed, and gather my thoughts before I get up. I get up, throw on a shirt, grab a couple dollars and head for the vending machine again for another expensive bottle of water. I head out the door and down the hall, this time, I don’t hear any strange noises coming from Kate’s room. I make it to the vending machine,...

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