Claire Kent Alias Super Sister The Return of Superboy
- 3 years ago
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Big Boy ? revised
By P
Let me know what you think
Zack had heard the rumors more than once and had dismissed them out of handeach time. Urban legends, he had snorted in utter disbelief. Every season,it was said, a football player or two from some team or other disappeared uphere after their game against Rocky Mountain State. He couldn't help but laugh.Somehow, the alleged victim was never a well-known player or even a name playerwhom anyone remembered specifically, football fan or no.
Beth, one of the cutest cheerleaders, had really seemed honestly, sincerelyconcerned when she breathlessly told him the story as if he had never heardit before. Everyone had already heard it, even him, a big, dumb defensive tackle.Still, he just loved watching her animation as she spoke. Cheerleaders rarelyeven talked to defensive linemen and he really appreciated the feminine attention,but he would be damned if he would hide in his hotel room like some frightenedgirl after the great game he had played that afternoon. The coach had finallygiven him a chance and he was sure that he had earned himself a spot on thestarting line-up. Tonight was a night to celebrate.
?Well, at least you've been warned,? she cautioned him, suddenly gravely.Beth was so tiny; Zack felt silly. He should be the one protecting her. Herconcern for him seemed somehow contrary to nature.
Perhaps, he argued, the disappearances, even if they were real, weren't somysterious after all. Rather than anything so terrible, someone in danger oflosing his eligibility and his scholarship ? that's what they insisted on callingthe money paid to athletes for playing football - had just decided to splitand go home. Many students drop out of school and just disappear. Hell, hisown grades were none too great and if his sociology paper bombed, he mightlose his eligibility and his scholarship himself. What would he do then? Whatwould he say to the Coach or his parents?
Beth listened carefully to his response and watched intently him while hetalked. The expression of worry on her beautifully formed face relaxed onlyslightly despite his comforting explanations. ?You know, you may be right,? shefinally admitted, ?but I'm still worried.? Her perfume filled his head. Healways knew Beth by her perfume. Zack took little pleasure in his verbal victory.He wished that they could just go on talking. He would love to fuck her. Hell,he would love even to hold her in his arms. Somehow, somewhere, he found thecourage, and he asked her to go out with him that night.
?Oh, Zachary, I'm so sorry. Some other time, perhaps? You should have reallyasked me sooner,? she said with apparent regret and obvious concern for hisfeelings.
She always called him Zachary or at least the few times she spoke to him.Everyone else called him Zack.
?I've already made other plans, Zachary. I'm going to spend the night up atmy sister's ranch and do some riding tomorrow. The trails there are outstanding.You should see for yourself.? Her sister was some sort of doctor and owneda ranch way up in the mountains. She had spoken of her before.
Beth seemed so small. ?You're so petite,? Zack said, searching for the rightword. Horses are so big. How can you control a huge stallion??
?Well, Zachary. Thank you for your concern.? Her change in tone told him thathe had said the wrong thing in questioning her competence. ?But I've riddenfor years and I can take care of myself. I usually ride geldings - a stallionis rarely worth the extra bother - but geldings or stallions, you just haveto show your mount that you're the boss. Anyway, Zachary, you just take careof yourself.?
Right away, Zack knew that he had said the wrong thing and soured the mood.With her casual mention of geldings in her sweet feminine voice, he felt hisballs try to climb back up and hide in his belly. He knew exactly what a geldingwas. He was 6 feet, 6 inches tall, 250 pounds and all muscle. Even his head,he was the first to joke in his self-depreciating manner. Sometimes, he admittedto himself, he often felt shy and clumsy, especially around girls, but verylittle really scared him. If Beth weren't available tonight, he would go outand party anyway. There were other girls and he might even get lucky. He snortedat his unending, often disappointed optimism.
He saw her sitting at the bar. Zack worked through his usual indecisiveness,then grabbed his beer and stood up. She was blond and beyond cute - reallyhot. He took one step in her direction and she looked up right at him. Somethingin her eyes told him that she wouldn't rebuff his interest out of hand. Inany event, he was well used to rejection and one more wouldn't matter in themorning.
Her name was Ashley, she said, sliding her fashionable sunglasses half-waydown her nose and making eye contact in the dimly lit bar. Her eyes were cornflowerblue. Her hair was blonde. She was small like Beth.
?You look like a football player,? she said. Her ineluctable, desirable femalepresence befuddled him immediately and made it hard to think. Somehow, herfeminine essence called to his masculinity on some level that did not requirewords. With her, talk was just a camouflage for a much more significant unspokenexchange.
Zack swallowed hard and nodded, ?yes.' ?I play for the U. How did you know?? Heprayed that his uneasiness was not apparent. ?Did you see the game??
?Ugh! I never watch games, they're boring and I really don't understand them.I do watch the boys. Maybe your sweatshirt gave you away. Maybe your feet ? youjust don't look like my image of the captain of the chess team. Hey, it's awfullynoisy here. Let's go somewhere quieter and talk,? she jumped in quickly. ?Somefriends are having a party.?
His face showed a definite willingness but some hesitation.
?I'll drive, if you don't have a car.? She jumped in gracefully and rescuedhim.
Zack nodded, great. He had come up on the team bus and had no car.
Laughing at her own folly, Ashley described her aversion to paying for parkingas they walked past the valet and then walked four blocks off the main draginto a quiet neighborhood and finally found her car. The passenger side seatof the two-seater hardly slid back far enough for Zack to be comfortable. Thecar was hot. He wondered how a girl ? apparently a student like himself foundthe money to buy a car like this. Rich parents?
Two hours later, Ashley returned to the bar - alone. ?Where is your footballhunk?? someone asked her.
Emily, Beth's friend was there with another friend, Marissa. ?Didn't I seeyou with Zack tonight?? Emily asked.
?Yes, Zack. Your cute friend Zack and I went to a party,? Ashley admitted. ?Hewas still high from his game today ? you guys beat us - and had drunk sometoo. He's really a hottie?he was so quiet at first and cute.?
?If you like'em that big,? Emily said. ?Can you imagine him lying on top ofyou. Ugh!?
?Well, no one was lying on top of anyone. We had just hooked up and he wasa bit too fast and too insistent, if you know what I mean. He's hot, but givea girl a chance to get into the mood.?
Emily shook her head. She knew what Ashley was talking about. She had beenthere herself ? more than once. Still, she more than a bit surprised. She knewZack. Perhaps he had had too much to drink. Perhaps he was different away fromcampus with people who didn't know him and whom he would never see again. ?OldZack. I didn't know he had it in him,? she commiserated. In the end, sisterhoodwon out over school loyalty. ?You never know what they're going to do.?
?Zack's our friend,? said Marissa with some empathy. She was conflicted too;she had also been in similar circumstances herself. ?He's usually not likethat, not at all. I wonder what got into him. I bet he's sobered up this morningand he's really ashamed of himself.?
?We've all made mistakes,? Ashley allowed generously. ?Let's just say thatZack may have had quite an evening had he been just a bit more patient.? Sherolled her eyes. Emily and Marissa both laughed.
Zack woke up groggy with a pounding headache. His throat burned. His handshurt. He couldn't remember what manner of dog piss he had drunk in the carbut the world still refused to come into focus. The light was dim except froa red flashing ?Exit? sign that flashed almost painfully. He tried to fit hisroiling memories into a cohesive whole. He was going to some sort of partywith this new girl, Ashley. They had stopped at a liquor store. Ashley gavehim a fifty and sent him in to buy a case of wine coolers and a case of beer.She popped the trunk and he stowed the two cases. He got back to the car andshe was drinking something from a flask. She gave him a drink. It tasted likedog piss and he sputtered. Ashley laughed at the grotesque face he made. Sheteased him and he finished the damned flask on a dare. The taste never improved.That's all he remembered. Where was Ashley now?
Where was he now? Wherever he was, he was naked. Where were his clothes? Hetried to remember what had happened, but he couldn't separate actual, truememories from the detailed but disconnected images that bubbled out of hisgarbled imagination. Had he shagged Ashley? She was a real hottie. He rememberedthat. He just hoped that she had enjoyed getting it as much as he had enjoyedgiving it to her. Or had she just given him a blowjob? Or had she done anythingat all?
He obviously wasn't in the car, so where was he now? He was on some sort ofhospital gurney in an antiseptic-smelling hospital-like corridor. He triedto raise his arms and discovered that he was strapped down. Had someone takenhim to the hospital drunk? What if his Coach found out? His head hurt and hisnose hurt too. His hands were bandaged. What the fuck had happened to him?He tried to lift his head from the thin foam mattress. Something cold pressedagainst his upper lip. A metal ring passed through his nose ? like the ringon a bull. He snorted bull-like in derision. Had he gone and gotten himselfstinking drunk, then gone for a piercing? Why hadn't someone stopped him? Wherewas Ashley? What time was the bus ride back to the ?U.?' He dreaded seeingthe grade on his sociology paper. Thoughts and images raced around his brainand never stopped. Memories and fantasies appeared and disappeared - all seemedequally real or unreal. Mercifully, he just fell back to sleep.
He woke and the light was blinding. He was still strapped to the gurney buthis mind was clearer. He was naked and shivering. He didn't know whether itwas Sunday or Monday. His throat still burned dully. His upper lip was sore.He felt a scab when he touched it with his tongue. His hands ached. His penisburned too. He had to pee terribly. He lifted his head a few inches and sawthat his penis was ringed, just like his nose.
He tried rocking the gurney, but stopped, before it toppled over with himstrapped to it.
Suddenly, a female figure appear beside him ? an attractive girl about hisage, somewhat taller than Beth or Ashley, wearing blue jeans and a tank top.Her navel peeked out over her thick leather belt. She looked athletic; herbelly was flat. She was a blonde too, but a fewer shades darker than Ashley. ?Myprince awakes!? she said, sounding mostly bored. ?Do you have to pee??
Zack opened his mouth to answer, but he could only make a hoarse braying sound.Something was wrong with his throat too.
The girl pressed firmly on his belly, just above his pubic bone. His distressincreased and he brayed again in desperation.
She laughed. ?I'll take that for a yes.? She didn't seem at all nonplussedby his nudity. Mischievously, she ran her finger down the inside of his thigh.She lifted his cock gently and pointed him into a fat-necked bottle. ?Two choices.You can pee in the bottle or I can cath you. It's up to you,? she concludedmatter of fact. She didn't look at all like a nurse.
Zack did nothing until she showed him the catheter. Humiliated, Zack peedinto the proffered bottle and the red color startled him.
?Don't worry, the girl chuckled, seeing his concern. ?That's just pyridium ? painmedicine - so it doesn't burn so much.? She let him finish and shook off thelast drops. ?Time to get off that stretcher.? Her amused tone hadn't changed.
Zack tried to speak again, but did no better this time.
?I really don't want any trouble from you, Big Boy.? She clipped a lead tohis nose ring and undid the belt across his middle, freeing his arms. ?Nowsit up.? Zack swung his legs over the side and slowly sat up. ?Take it slow.Easy now.?
Zack tried to make heads or tails of things. He was some sort of hostage ? akidnap victim ? though he couldn't imagine who might pay his ransom. This womanwas a foot shorter than he and likely didn't weight a half what he weighed.She was only a girl and the door to the room was ten feet behind her. The doorwas open and she carried no obvious weapon that he could see.
With no warning ? he hoped ? he yanked the lead from the startled girl's hand.His nose hurt like stink. He pushed off the gurney and burst for the door -and freedom. The gurney teetered and toppled over behind him with a loud crash.However, he hadn't gone two steps when he tripped over the chain that hobbledhis ankles and fell heavily on his face. He tried to break his fall with hisbandaged hands and the pain was terrible.
The girl was on him in flash. ?Cock sucker! You'll hurt yourself,? she saidwith a certain hint of compassion as she pulled one bandaged hand behind hisback and then cuffed it to the other. ?Now stand up, Big Boy, slowly and carefully.Let me help you,? she offered kindly. ?I don't want you injuring yourself.We've made quite an investment in you.?
She retrieved up his lead and helped him struggle to his feet. He was toolarge to carry. She led him slowly down the hallway and through double doorsfrom the infirmary to the stable. She steadied him as he walked with tiny steps.She noticed that he accepted her help. This was always the first step. Finally,she ushered him into a cell, in a stall really. She clipped his lead to a ringset securely in the wall. She removed the hobble from his ankles and removedhis handcuffs.
Alone and locked in the stall, Zack stood on the clean straw and struggledto calm himself. He breathed slowly and deliberately and took stock of hissituation. He was naked, though that seemed to bother no one except him. Atwo-inch metal ring pierced his nose and a matching one-inch ring pierced theend of his cock. The underside of his upper lip hurt. His throat hurt and hecould not talk. His hands hurt ferociously under his bandages. He was hungryand thirsty. He could not remember when he last had eaten or drunk.
Day faded into night. The red light of a surveillance camera provided thedim illumination at night. His stall was bare except for a metal bucket inone corner and a pan of water in the other. His ankles and wrists were free.The ring in his nose was connected to a ring set solidly in the cinder blockwall. He could reach the ring but his bandaged hands could not unfasten it.The lead was metal chain and he could never break it or chew through it. Theslack gave him some leeway. He could sit or lie on the straw covered floor.He could peer out over the half door into the barn beyond.
The first girl ? the others called her Caitlin ? brought him food in the morningand twice a day. She fed him by hand. The routine never changed. He had toplace his wrists behind his back, kneel, kiss her boot. She placed the foodthe food in his mouth. Everyday he ate some sort of bland, filling gruel thatleft him craving anything sweet, salty, or spicy.
If he balked at kneeling, he did not eat. If he did not kiss her boot, hedid not eat. He could only drink from a pan on the floor like a dog. She alwayscarried a damp towel to wipe his mouth when he had finished eating. She brushedhis teeth after his evening meal. He tried to speak to her for the first fewdays, but gave up when she completely ignored his clearly incomprehensiblenoises. He knew what he was trying to say but could not shape sounds into intelligiblewords.
At first he decided not eat, to starve himself to death. When he refused toeat, Caitlin did not argue with him. She did not beat him. She just waited.Eventually, hunger and boredom conspired to drive him to surrender. Some days,the boot smelled particularly rank.
His mind raced to explain his surrender. He needed to eat, he told himself,if only to keep his strength. He needed to feign cooperation to gain the confidenceof his keepers so that he might escape. If he only waited, his chance wouldcome. This was his second surrender and made his subsequent capitulations easier.
His chance was long in coming. The lead fasten to his nose find was alwayssecured.
When Caitlin changed his bandages, he saw that his thumb and index fingerof each hand had been surgically removed and the skin neatly closed. He washealing well, but he could not untie a knot or open a latch.
He slept better over the next week as the pain in his nose, lip, throat, andpenis diminished. Sometimes, he turned in his sleep and pulled inadvertentlyon his still tender nose. He had no idea what day it might be. No one saw fitto inform him and he was unable to ask.
Twice each day, Caitlin or another girl brought him food and fresh water.When the girl appeared, he went to his knees and kissed her boot, filthy orclean. Should he fail to kneel promptly and kiss her boot or should he failto open his mouth and allow her to feed him from her hand. She turned and lefthim to his hunger until the next feeding. He was never beaten.
He would pretend to comply, he told himself, in order to keep his strengthand to lull his keepers into a sense of complacency. Given the chance, he mightseize one of the girls and demand his freedom. He wondered what the responsemight be to such a demand.
They called him Big Boy. Someone watched him all the time. He had no privacyin his stall. At night, he lay under a surveillance camera. It red operatinglight glowed eerily in the darkness. It watched him urinate. It watched himsquat over the slop bucket and defecate. No bodily function was too privateor personal for its uncaring, never-blinking eye.
His throat healed, but he could make no sound except for a moan and a hoarsebraying noise. The stalls to either side of his were empty. From time to timehe saw other naked males, every bit as large as he or larger being led aboutby casually dressed young women who looked to the world like grooms and exercisegirls in a riding stable. He saw no ordinary sized men. At least once, he caughta one's man's eye and the man stared back at him with resigned sadness. Zacktried to call out to get his attention but he could only bray.
Once he saw several young women dragging a frantically resisting male somewherein high good spirits. The male brayed frantically, but he was overcome handilydespite his obvious size and strength.
Vivid images of his old life still troubled his dreams. In the dark, lonelynights, he dreamed of his life before his kidnapping and plotted his escape.
A full week passed. One evening, he awoke from a nap to a sudden tug on hisnose ring and opened his eyes to see Caitlin in the fading light of dusk. Heclimbed unsteadily to his feet, then knelt awkwardly and pressed his lips againsther boot ? by habit now, without any thought. He was as rank as her boots.He hadn't washed in a week. She patted his greasy matted head affectionately,then cuffed his wrists behind his back and unfastened his lead. She urged himto his feet. Zack stumbled after her, clumsily and hunched over at waist becauseof the disparity in their heights and her strong pull on his nose ring. Thesharp pressure on his nose ring was agony.
They entered some sort of workroom ? a grooming shed. The walls were linedwith shelves and counters. Below the counters were numberless drawers. A drainsat centered in the floor. He saw various salves and implements laid out readyfor use.
She tugged on his nose ring and his head was pulled up sharply. She fastenedhis lead to a block and tackle hanging from the ceiling and stretched him tohis tiptoes. He had to stretch and arch his neck to relieve the pressure. Helooked around as well as he was able in his awkward position. Looking downwas impossible.
The girl knelt and her hand tugged at his right ankle. With a click his anklewas secured to a stay set securely in the concrete floor. Next, she removedthe cuffs and inspected his hands. He was already well healed. His hands lookedgrotesque with no thumb or index finger.
Zack stretched his newly freed arms. Inadvertently, he reached out as if tograb the girl. In reality, he was only trying to work out his stiffness.
Caitlin ducked and deftly avoided his arm. ?Hey watch it, Big Boy! My motherwarned me about boys like you,? she said with evident good humor. However,she promptly went to the chain on the wall and gave it a yank, pulling hishead yet a couple of centimeters higher. He reached up, grabbed the chain aswell as he was able with his three fingered hand, and relieved some of thepressure from his exquisitely sensitive nose.
She sprayed him with a blast of frigid water. He jerked away, and then jerkedagain when the pull on his nose ring shot waves of intense pain through hisface and head. Zack stood motionless. She stood on a low stepstool and washedhis hair, the soaped up his unshaven face, and then soaped up the rest of hisbody, unwashed for a full week. She devoted particular attention to his underarms,between his ass cheeks, and his feet. She washed between his ass cheeks withbrusque efficiency and no apparent aversion. She handled his genitals gentlywith a casual familiarity.
A mercilessly stiff brushing followed the soap. Next, she shaved his headexcept for a three-inch stripe, front to back. She sheared his scraggily beardto an even quarter inch length. Next, she put on gloves and covered him withsome sort of ointment. His cock and balls were slick with her ministrationsand tumescent. She just ignored his reaction and went about her work methodically.When she rinsed him with off with unbearably cold water, she left him completelydepilated, hairless, except for the closely cropped beard on his face and thestripe of hair on his head. She dried him off with terrycloth towels. The towelsfelt good and it was good to be clean again. Then she rubbed him down withsome sort of fragrant liniment containing moisturizer, sun block, and insectrepellent.
Caitlin's strong hands felt good on his body. Her exertions spiced her floralperfume. Zack relished her close proximity and the warmth of her body.
Now that he was clean and depilated, Caitlin secured his wrists behind hisback. Only then, she unfastened his lead and led him out so that he might beinspected by a second woman ? named Judith - somewhat older and obviously ofsome importance.
?Big Boy, say hello to the Boss Lady,? Zack knelt awkwardly and pressed hislips against Judith's highly polished boot. Judith turned her foot so thathis lips touched the sole and wouldn't mar the brilliant shine.
?That's good!? Judith said with a smile. ?Very good! But I would really liketo see a bit more tongue. Stand!? Zack rose to his feet, unsteadily. She circledaround him and squeezed the muscles of his thigh and buttock. She inspectedthe healing surgical scars on his truncated hands. Wrists cuffed behind hisback, he could do little but kick out at her when she grabbed his upper lipand folded it back. She deftly avoided his foot and slapped him sharply. Thenshe grabbed his lip again. This time he did not resist when she folded it backand showed Caitlin the identifying tattoo on the underside of his lip. Themark was perfect, clear and legible.
?Lucky for him, he was already circumcised. All my mounts are clipped. Foreskinsreally complicate hygiene in the stable.? Judith lifted his cock by its ringand cradled his balls gently in the palm of her gloved hand, all the whilestaring him in the face, as if daring him to do something about it. Shackledas he was, he had little to do. He couldn't meet her gaze and turned away,defeated.
Anger mounted and Zack just lost it. He tried to piss on her.
His childish behavior did not provoke her. In fact, she sought to elicit hisanimal nature. Calmly, she pointed him away so that he peed largely on himself.She released him only when he had finished. ?A fine beast! Just look at thesize of him. Those shoulders were made for a saddle. We won't brand him untilwe decide whether we'll keep him or sell him.? With that, she turned and left.
Judith prided herself on her very small number of her males who failed herregimen and had to be destroyed. Unlike some trainers, she began with the surgicalmodifications ? hands, vocal cords, and piercing ? terror and awe. No captivemale ever had a chance to argue with her.
?Big Boy, you're really something,? Caitlin marveled at his self-destructivestupidity. She unsheathed a rod-like device from her belt ? a cattle prod -and jabbed him. Zack glared back at her defiantly. ?That was the Boss Lady.Piss her off, Big Boy, and you're pet food.? She then pulled the trigger andBig Boys collapsed in a heap of twitching muscles.
She stood back and waited patiently for him to recover. When he had recovered,more or less, she helped him stand, then half-led and half-dragged him behindher.
The next day, Caitlin taught Zack to walk on a lead. Safety was always thefirst consideration. Zack's wrists were cuffed behind his back when she ledhim outside.
The first time he had the opportunity, Zack tried to break away and escape.Males are always physically stronger than their riders, but a woman's intelligence,focus, and persistence can make up for mere size and brute strength. Zack ranand simply ripped the lead from Caitlin's hand. Caitlin followed after him,unhappy with her carelessness. She walked but she didn't run. Hannah, anothergirl who worked in the stable, whistled for Shaka, her trained Mantassa houndand followed.
Zack ran desperately. A week of inactivity had eroded his mid-season conditioning.His lead dragged behind him. At first, he widened the distance and really thoughthe might escape. Caitlin followed at a brisk walk, frowning and angrier withherself than with the male. Hannah jogged along and her large hound boundedat her side.
Zack came to a fence. He followed it and found a gate- yawning open. He dashedthrough it and up a road to what he thought might be freedom. However, theroad led only to a second gate. This gate was securely closed. Zack found himselfin a 50 by 50 yard enclosure and no closer to freedom.
Hannah loosed her hound. The great creature bounded after Zack barking andgnashing her teeth. Wrists secured behind his back, Zack's male parts wereexposed and vulnerable to the hound's snapping teeth. He kicked out at thecreature, which deftly backed away and avoided his foot. Hannah and Caitlinjust waited.
Zack was intensely aware of his exposed male parts and the dog's snappingteeth. He kicked out at the hound until he was simply too tired to continue.In desperation, he looked to Caitlin and Hannah for rescue. Hannah called offher dog and at once Shaka's innate good nature quickly returned.
Caitlin regained Zack's lead and gave him her fiercest her look. Zack knewhe was in trouble. He saw the prod in her belt and quickly knelt and kissedher boot sloppily. His tongue was clearly visible. He hoped that Caitlin wouldspare him the prod. She didn't.
Zack quickly learned to follow on a lead and walk behind Caitlin or anotherat about two meters. At first, he had just stood there, stupidly. ?Heel,? shedirected in her best command voice and tugged sharply on his lead. Throughstubbornness or stupidity, he didn't move at all. However, Hannah stood directlybehind him. She applied her crop to his bare rump sharply. He started to movewith a jump in the appropriate direction. He glanced behind and saw that Hannahfollowed behind him with her whip to correct any misbehavior. Caitlin led himaround the corral twice, then out the gate and around back into the corral.Hannah was grinning ear to ear.
Hannah and Caitlin traded places. Hannah led and Caitlin followed. Now Caitlincould see why Hannah had been smiling. He had a really great ass, high andtight. His brawny muscles really jumped on the few occasions that she had towield the whip. Strong thighs and buttocks were the foundation of a good mount.Necessary corrections became fewer and fewer. Zack had no fondness for thelash and learned quickly.
For Zack or Big Boy, as he was now called, the worst part was the humiliation.He could live with the whip, although he had no fondness for it. They paradedhim daily, naked on display for all these women who saw him as no more thana beast. They talked about him as they wanted. He understood every word thatwas spoken but couldn't form a word in response. They touched him as they wantedand restrained as he was, he couldn't do a thing to protect himself from theireyes or their hands. Twice a day he had to kneel and kiss the boot of the womanor girl who fed him. He had to kneel and kiss the boot at the beginning ofeach training or grooming session.
He saw other males as large as himself carrying riders perched on saddlesbetween their shoulders. He would never tolerate such humiliation but he wonderedwhat it might be like.
Zack was now groomed every night. Two days a week, Hannah took Caitlin's place.Occasionally, Jenny got the duty. Grooming was not just for appearance andhygiene. Grooming accustomed a mount to his rider's handling.
Memories of his previous life faded in his waking nightmare. He had long emptyhours alone in his stall to brood on his fate. His early plans win his captors'trust and escape or take someone hostage and negotiate his freedom proved utterlyhopeless. He had had no opportunities. Wild fantasies of escape and revengereplaced any practical plotting.
After only one week, longeing followed leading, in his third week in captivity.Caitlin stood in the center of the exercise yard and held a long lead. Shepointed and ordered, ?Run!? Zack just stood there and looked dumbly at heruntil she obtained his comprehension with her whip. After the whip slashedhis bare buttock, he got the message and ran in circles. When he slowed, Caitlinencouraged him to speed up with her whip. Caitlin taught to walk, jog, stride,sprint, and stop on command. Caitlin, Hannah, and Jenny ran him unencumberedthree times a day - morning, afternoon, and evening. Zack or Big Boy learnedto answer promptly to the whip. Over time, the snap of the whip became a sufficientreminder. Physical contact was not required.
Grooming now included careful attention to Big Boy's feet. His toenails weretrimmed and minor cuts and abrasions carefully tended. His tired legs and buttockswere thoroughly massaged.
Nights, he was exhausted and slept well. His body accommodated itself to hisfrequent penetrations. With his utter exhaustion, he had less energy to broodand his imaginary rebellions became less frequent. He had less and less energyleft to plot his escape or to dream of revenge except in the scant minutesbefore sleep
Once she had exacted a modicum of obedience, Caitlin worked on endurance.His feet became tougher. Big Boy quickly learned to keep to the pace and respondpromptly to her commands in order to avoid the inevitable sharp reminders fromher whip. She ran him to exhaustion, but always walked him until he cooleddown before she brought him in for the night and groomed him.
One morning, Zack's legs ached and he was simply too tired to move. His long-brewinganger and resentment erupted in overt rebellion. Caitlin opened the door andhe refused to struggle to his knees and kiss her boots. He looked at her thenjust looked away and closed his eyes. He was too tired even to eat.
?Big Boy!? she called once. Zack refused to budge.
He felt something cold press into his side. The next thing that he knew, hewas lying on his back ? staring up at the ceiling. His muscles were twitchinguncontrollably and he had pissed on himself. He had shat on himself too.
In less than a second, he was on his knees, slobbering on his trainer's boots.He never wanted to encounter the cattle prod again. Three experiences had beenenough.
Next, came the weighted training saddles. First, Caitlin taught Big Boy tokneel to be saddled while Hannah or another groom held his nose ring. Carriebrought in a trained mount, Wheat Bread, to demonstrate. The veteran, proudof the women's confidence, looked at the novice with disdain. Carrie jabbedWheat Bread's left knee and ordered, ?Mount!? Wheat Bread lowered his leftknee to the ground and knelt. His right thigh was parallel with the groundand served as a step for mounting.
Caitlin jabbed Big Boy's knee with her crop and commanded, ?Mount!? Big Boyhesitated, unsure. He looked at Wheat Bread.
?Mount!? Caitlin repeated the technically correct term with obvious impatience.She jabbed his knee again. She was not in the habit of repeating commands,lest the dim-witted male be misled to think that the command was ?Mount! Mount!? andnot simply ?Mount!?
Big Boy knelt and immediately sensed that he had done the right thing.
Caitlin hefted the cleverly constructed saddle over his shoulders. The strutsand frame were belted to his waist and served to lower the center of gravity.She kept his wrists cuffed behind his back until the saddle was secure. Thenshe released his arms and fastened them in front to the saddle where they servedas foot rests.
Big Boy ran well saddled and his endurance increased steadily. The saddlewas weighted in the second week and the weight was gradually increased. Helearned to respond promptly to verbal commands. He had already learned to respondto the whip.
Caitlin brought him to the point when she could fasten his lead to the centerpost in the exercise ring and run him, alone or with another mount or threeor even four other mounts. Another trainer or even an exercise girl could runhim without problem. Caitlin finally had some time on her hands and startedlooking about for another raw male to train. Every few days, she increasedthe weights in his training saddle and ran him a few minutes longer. His strengthand endurance grew over the next weeks. However, no one attempted to mounthim.
The routine was exhausting and mind-numbing. Sometimes, Caitlin, Hannah, orJenny gave him a piece of dried fruit. The sweet fruit was a real treat comparedto his bland and monotonous stable diet. Big Boy came to relish the sweetsand to enjoy the soothing massages. Physically exhausted, he slept soundlywith few dreams. Gentler images of his grooms and trainer replaced his morebizarre revenge fantasies as memories of his past life faded. He thought lessand less about escape and freedom.
Training continued smoothly. His body took on a pleasing all-over tan. Hisregular grooming kept him completely depilated. He lost the small amount offat he had carried when he first arrived despite his mid season football conditioning.His beard grew in and Caitlin. Hannah, or Jenny clipped him neatly at 1/4 inchweekly when she shaved the sides of his head. The grooms combed back his centerstripe into a mane.
Several crucial steps remained. One day, Caitlin dropped a strange contraptionover his head ? a bridle, she called it. He quickly became used to that tooand more accustomed his handling by his trainer and grooms. Everyone marveledat the rapid transformation of a rag-tag male into a well-kept, well-trainedmount.
Big Boy had yet to carry a rider and Caitlin had not yet introduced the controllingrods. The day seemed like any other. Caitlin saddled and bridled Zack. Zackwondered why the saddle was so light.
Hannah led Zack, saddled and bridled, into a tiny padded pen, perhaps fourfeet square. This was new. The walls stood as chest high. From the outside,she dragged him up against the far wall and held his lead close while Caitlinswung the door closed behind him. Zack looked down. A 4x4 slid between hislegs, front to back and just below the level of his groin.
Today was something very much out of the ordinary. Zack heard voices behindhim, Caitlin, Jenny, and someone vaguely familiar he just couldn't identify.He tried looking behind him but Hannah gave him no slack.
Suddenly, he sensed someone sitting on the wall behind him. ?Has anyone mountedhim yet?? The voice was tantalizingly familiar.
Hannah shook her head, no. ?Not as far as I know, Ashley. Judith said thatwe're to save him for you.?
Ashley was the damned little bitch who had kidnapped him!
?Yeah,? Caitlin answered. ?Judith and I think he has real potential to bea great Pony.?
?Hey, you haven't branded him yet,? Ashley remarked, looking down over thesmooth skin of his depilated ass.
?We save branding for the end of training. There's a certain bond betweena Pony and the girl who brands him.? Caitlin explained.
?He's got the makings of a great mount,? Ashley agreed. ?Now this really isan ass to die for!?
?Well, Judith saved his cherry just for you. You're his first.? Caitlin offered.Ashley was Judith's best procurer.
?Really?? Ashley snorted. She climbed up on the back wall of the pen. ?Well,here goes nothing!?
Zack felt her weight drop into the saddle. His temper flared. He had carriedmuch more than her paltry weight but never had his subjugated status been moreplain and clear. He tried to shake her off. He threw himself forward and backwardbut the tight pen gave him little room. Ashley gripped his bridle tightly andhung on. He succeeded only in banging his back and shoulders into the paddedwalls. He threw himself to the left and right.
Exhilarated, Ashley was laughing.
Zack struggled to unseat her. In desperation, he tried throwing himself tothe floor and succeeded only in smashing his male parts against the carefullypositioned 4x4. He recoiled in agony. Gradually, he tired and Ashley stillkept her seat.
?Easy, boy. Easy.? She answered his frenzy with steady calm ?Don't hurt yourself.?
Zack's struggles slowly ceased.
?Okay, Caitlin. Let us out!?
Caitlin opened the pen's forward door.
?Okay, Big Boy. Here we go. Easy, easy, Big Boy.? Ashley snapped her heelsinto Big Boy's flanks sharply. Hannah led Zack out of the pen.
Zack emerged with Ashley firmly in his saddle. He surrendered himself totallyto her will.
?He's a real beauty. Let's take him out to the ring.? Hannah led them outto the exercise yard.
Big Boy knelt as instructed and Hannah held his nose ring. After eight fullweeks of training, Caitlin saddled him with regular saddle and secured hisbridle.
Caitlin stepped up on his right thigh and swung her left leg over his neck.She sat herself solidly in the saddle. Big Boy held absolutely still. He wasused to it now. The cunningly designed saddle shifted her weight onto his hips,lowering the otherwise high center of gravity and improving stability. He stoodcarefully on command. Bearing Caitlin was no more difficult for Big Boy thanbearing the weighted saddle. In fact, she was lighter.
Hannah led him to the exercise yard with Caitlin on his back. Caitlin heldthe hand grasps tightly. Just as she had done before, Hannah stood in the centerof the yard and held his lead. Big Boy jogged, strode, and sprinted as directed.It was no different than running with the training saddle. Big Boy came toenjoy Caitlin's warm breath on his neck. He inhaled her perfume and her closenesssomehow thrilled him.
Caitlin began to dictate the pace herself. Big Boy hadn't noticed the bluntedmetal spurs projecting from the heels of Caitlin's boots until he felt herjab him. Her crop, however sharply wielded, was no different than her cruellongeing whip when she stood in the center of the yard and hectored him.
The spurs were another matter. He had been used only to the feel of his rider'sheel. Their first sharp jab changed his life. Soon, even the touch of coldmetal against his bare flanks reminded him who was mistress and who her subservientbeast. He feared the spurs as he feared the prod, more than the whip or crop.Big Boy began to watch Caitlin's shiny leather boots and those of Jenny andHannah. The glint of metal made him tremble.
After a time, Caitlin directed him to stop. Hannah shortened up on his noselead and he knelt so that Caitlin could dismount. Judith had come out to watchand she was very pleased. Her spurs were rowelled and jingled when she walked.Big Boy relished Judith's approval.
Then Caitlin took hold of the nose-lead. ?Mount!? Judith said jabbed the backof his knee with her crop.
Big Boy hesitated, but only for an instant. He was accustomed only to Caitlin'scommands. However, he quickly understood what was required and knelt on hisleft knee. Judith swung up into his saddle gracefully. Caitlin sighed and allowedherself a small smile. She led them back to the exercise pen.
Judith ran him to utter exhaustion. She had consistently high expectationsand no tolerance for laziness. She used her crop liberally. He answered toit promptly and without reservation. She let him feel her spurs but used themwith restraint. He was thoroughly marked and thoroughly exhausted when shewas finished, despite his extensive conditioning.
?Caitlin, I think that he's ready for the control rods,? Judith concludedwith some satisfaction. Big Boy had no idea what she was talking about as heknelt and pressed his mouth against the proffered sole of her boot.
A human mount lacks the long neck and head of the equine and his rider's forwardposition between his shoulders denies her the leverage necessary to for conventionalbit, and reins. However, even the most petite riders easily manages the largestmale with the clever shaped wooden dowels ? called control rods - inserteddeeply in his exquisitely sensitive ear canals and held securely in place byhis bridle. One leather strap passes across his forehead. A second strap passesbetween his nose and upper lip and looped through the nose ring. Together,both pass around the sides of his head and hold the control rods in place.Hand grasps are provided on either side where the strap passed over his temples.The slightest pressure from the heel of a hand on a control rod presses againsthis sensitive ear canal and turns him promptly to the right or left. Pressureon both rods brings him promptly to a stop. Male size and strength are firmlybound to the service of his rider.
?Give him one more week, Judith,? Caitlin appealed. ?'You shouldn't bringa mount along too quickly.' Who am I quoting??
Judith smiled at the compliment. ?Me. Okay ? one more week.?
Caitlin walked him for quite a log time before he caught his breath and hischest stopped heaving that night. She fastened his nose lead and began hisgrooming. When she finished, she chuckled to see that his erection had returned.She snorted her derision and pointedly ignored him.
For the next week, Big Boy worked mornings and afternoons on the longe line.In the evenings, he was saddled and bridled. Caitlin, Hannah, and Jenny tookturns leading and riding. Without the control rods, no one would ride him outsideof the ring with the hand grasps alone.
With his gradual, extensive preparation, carrying the women was easy. BigBoy became as used to the bridle as he had become used to the saddle. The whipsbit and the spurs terrified him, but the women never wielded them without provocationor to cause permanent damage. He was property, he imagined, valuable property.
He was never totally free. When the saddle didn't restrain his wrists, thecuffs secured his wrists behind his back. When his arms were free, his ankleswere hobbled. When his ankles were freed, his wrists were restrained. Big Boycame to understand that escape was impossible and resistance uncomfortable,if not painful, and absolutely futile.
Exhausted, he slept well and ate what passed for food with eagerly. He lookedforward to the occasional sweet. He loved the treats, even when Caitlin orHannah pulled a chunk of dried apricot or salty jerky from her jeans pocket,even soiled with sand and grit. Alone in his stall, he slept and dreamed moreof his trainer and grooms and less of escape and revenge.
One day, though, things changed. Big Boy was saddled and then bridled. Beforehe knew exactly what had happened, the wicked control rods were set for thefirst time. He had no idea of their function but they were new and uncomfortable.His hearing was diminished and they frightened him.
Caitlin freed Big Boy's ankles from the stay and he knelt to be mounted. Hannahunfastened his lead and held on. Big Boy shook his head wildly but could notdislodge the damned rods. He didn't seem aware of Caitlin on his back. Hannahheld his lead and tugged once and even twice before she distracted him fromthe rods and brought him to a stand. She led him docilely to the exercise yardand then freed his nose ring from the lead.
Big Boy shook his head again and brayed his distress. He just couldn't displacethe damn rods that invaded his delicate ear canals. It took several seconds,but a totally new awareness dawned in his head. He finally realized that afterall the hours of leading and longeing, he was absolutely free. Although hiswrists were secured, his ankles were no longer hobbled. No lead restrainedhim ? he had only a woman on his back ? a girl really - and she was less thanhalf his size. The gate to the exercise yard stood open!
Freedom! He was free! He quickly, he looked about for that damned hound. Notseeing her, he bolted and made a wild dash for the gate. Caitlin's weight onhis back was nothing. She might wield the whip as she liked but he knew hecould ignore her biting lash and reach the damned gate and freedom. He wonderedhow far the ranch was set back from the highway. He really didn't care. Theyhad trained and conditioned him well. No distance would be too far in his dashfor freedom.
Without warning, he just ran and Caitlin simply held on for dear life. Hehad really thought he would make it ? never realizing that he would need toclear both an inner and outer gate before reaching the access road that joinedthe highway.
He never even found out! Suddenly, a tsunami ? a tidal wave - of excruciatingpain filled his awareness and he just stopped. He had learned to live withthe whip, the spurs, and the cattle prod but the rods were crueler still. Thequality of the pain was sharper and more terrible. The awful hurt came silentlyand suddenly with no warning. He had no touch of the prod or hissing of thewhip - and no chance to prepare himself. The excruciating pain finally brokehim.
Soon, he rounded the ring smartly, fully under his rider's control. Quickly,he learned to concentrate and to respond most promptly, even eagerly to hisrider's direction in order to avoid the unbearable pain. His thoughts dwelledon the dreaded rods day and night. Fantasies of escape and revenge died inhis mind to be replaced by nightmares of excruciating pain.
He saw the metal spurs on Caitlin's boots. He had felt something metallicbrush against his flanks when she maneuvered them from the stable. The spurs'sharp jab stunned him but reminded him of the immediate urgency of his rider'scall for speed. From then on, he studied his rider before she mounted to seewhat manner of spurs she might be wearing. Caitlin's blunted spurs were nowhereas intimidating as the sharper varieties he later experienced.
Big Boy took to the control rods well. Most mounts take to the control rodswell as they have little alternative. Caitlin admired his spirit, though. Thesame courage and heart that he had shown in his ?escape? attempts would readilybe harnessed in his owner's service. He had learned his lesson early in thegame. Big Boy was big and strong to start with and now was thoroughly conditioned.He carried his rider easily and responded smartly to the control rods, thelash, and the spurs. A raw mount is a mountain of work but Big Boy had learnedmuch in only twelve weeks.
She was very proud on the day when Big Boy knelt to accept his saddle, bridle,and control rods. Caitlin mounted Big Boy and Judith mounted her favorite,Wing Song, and ran them around the exercise ring. They jogged and ran for atleast thirty minutes.
Judith grabbed a picnic lunch and took them for a trail ride. She rode herfavorite, Wing Song. Caitlin rode Big Boy. Hannah rode the gelding Whole Wheat.Geldings were popular at the stable. Many mothers felt more comfortable whentheir daughters rode geldings. Intact males tended to be lazy, impulsive, andprone to violence. Judith used her ring to open the inner gate, then closedit behind her when all three riders were past. Only then, she opened the outergate. A third gate still separated the ranch form the highway.
On the trail, She showed them how to vary their pace from jog, to stride,and to sprint to call on different muscle groups and keep the mounts fresh.She made sure that they walked them until they cooled off before they stoppedand hobbled them in the shade. Before they ate themselves and went for theirswim, Caitlin and Hannah watered the mounts.
At lunch, Judith explained that a good rider conserves her mount's strength.A well-trained mount will give of everything of himself and run until his lungsburst and his heart fails. More than one careless rider had had her mount collapsedead beneath her. Judith had as little patience and more disdain for the carelessrider who left her mount blown and exhausted and for those whose mount's earsbleed from too heavy a hand on the control rods than she had for a rebelliousmount.
Caitlin and Hannah listened with horror at Judith's story of one woman's boastingof the mount she had driven mercilessly until his heart had literally burst.Dying, he collapsed under her and she had jumped desperately for safety, sufferingbruises, abrasions and a torn and soiled riding costume. The woman sensed Judith'sobvious anguish and blithely assumed that Judith was sympathizing with herembarrassing spill rather than distressed by the valuable mount's clearly avoidabledemise.
One day, Caitlin swung open the door of his stall, flanked by Jenny and apair of smiling, chattering exercise girls. Big Boy saw only his bridle andthe feared control rods. Quickly, he knelt and kissed Caitlin's boot.
Jenny lifted him by his nose ring. ?Hey, Caitlin,? she quipped. ?I think helikes you!?
Hannah strapped on his saddle. No spurs ornamented the heels of her well-wornboots. Caitlin, his trainer, placed her empty hand on his shoulder, smiled,and circled slowly behind him, holding the reigning rods in her other and.She wore her usual blunted spurs. He was afraid of the rods and he trembled.They had given him so much pain, but yet he thrilled to Caitlin's touch. Hetried to turn his head to watch her, but the exercise girl kept a firm gripon his nose ring. He felt Caitlin's warm, soft hand stroke the side of hisneck gently. He turned his head to nuzzle her hand. She smoothly slipped thebridle over his head and he held still obedient and hungry for her praise.A second more and the control rods were inserted and secure. Involuntarily,he shook his head forcefully, wrenching his nose ring from the girl's grasp.He was too late and he knew it. He had nothing left that he could do.
To his surprise, Jenny swung up into the saddle ? not Caitlin. Big Boy waspuzzled. He looked at Caitlin and tried to get her attention. He opened hismouth and but could only utter his unintelligible braying noise. Caitlin walkedbriskly from the stall. His rider's clucking and the sharp pressure of herheels on his flanks pierced his confusion and quickly reminded him to whomhe must answer now. She urged him into the yard and they waited there for afew moments.
There, Caitlin joined them, riding another mount, called Lucky, led by anexercise girl. Lucky was a well-made mount, though not quite as large as BigBoy. Big Boy could see his obvious glee in serving his Caitlin and he was jealous.This new one didn't even have control rods yet in his shiny, new bridle yet.Caitlin also looked pleased. Up until that moment, Big Boy thought that hewas Caitlin's mount in the way that she was his one and only trainer. Jealousyraged. Jenny jabbed him lightly with her rounded spurs and pre-occupied; hefailed utterly to respond. She waited, likely longer than Caitlin would haveand jabbed him again with more authority. Big Boy started out at a trot.
Twice each day now, Hannah or Jenny took Big Boy for a long trail ride. Theterrain was more challenging than the smooth level exercise yard. Big Boy learnedto negotiate broken ground. They ran him uphill and downhill. Uphill was theopportunity to work on strength and stamina. His rider wielded her crop andspurs vigorously to assure his maximal effort. Each time his pace flagged andhe thought he had nothing left; his rider's spurs and crop awoke some hiddenreservoir of strength and grit that he never knew that he possessed. Downhillwas more treacherous and called for caution and balance rather than breakneckspeed. No one wanted a fall. In time, he ran the two-mile course in creditabletime. Caitlin started him on the four-mile course.
Each evening, Jenny or Hannah removed the rods and rubbed a soothing salveinto his ear canals. They inspected him carefully for any place where the saddlestraps might have abraded his skin and washed him down and tended his callusedfeet. Mondays were a slow day at the stable. On Monday, no one roused him andhe slept long and well. Now he ate from the trough like the others and notfrom the hand of his trainer, except as a special reward.
Caitlin now let other exercise girls ride Big Boy in the yard when they wished.They had never been allowed to ride him before. If they were somewhat lessdemanding than the Caitlin, their skills fell somewhat short of their enthusiasm.Their clumsy, heavy hands caused him substantial pain, however inadvertent.However, he had no choice but to follow their crude direction.
All the girls loved to ride Big Boy. He carried his rider effortlessly andanswered promptly to his controlling rods. They giggled at his urgency to kneelat their feet and slobber on their tennis shoes or riding boots, polished orfilthy.
Big Boy always was glad to see Caitlin. Big Boy was always proud to be seencarrying Caitlin and his pride was apparent in his posture and his gait. Hesaw that she was very proud of him. He lived for her praise and her occasionalsweet or salty treats. Her generous approval gave him the will to serve. However,she was now working hard on a new mount. She rode him only now and again, butnever groomed him any more. Big Boy still looked to Caitlin for help and protection.
Big Boy felt safest with Caitlin, Hannah, and Jenny. He found self-respectin the way that he could serve a skilled rider. Some of the women who rodehim simply terrified him with their heavy hands on his control rods.
One day, Hannah took Big Boy to the half-mile track where the elite racingPonies like Wind Song worked out. Other women were there with some of the otherof the Ponies. The grandstands were empty today except for a few chance visitors.The snack windows were closed. Big Boy saw that Caitlin was watching. He sharedthe excitement when Hannah brought him up to the starting line between Jennyon Terminator and a girl he didn't recognize on Sun Flower.
Big Boy had been cultivating a feud with Terminator over the past severalweeks. Hannah and Jenny sensed the animosity and kept them just far apart tothat they couldn't kick each other. Terminator greeted Big Boy with a noisyfart and Big Boy did kick dirt in Terminator's general direction. Such feudswere common if rationally inexplicable among intact males.
The start was messy as none of the Ponies were trained racing Ponies. SunFlower lunged forward as the gate dropped. He crossed the line too soon andtripped over the bar. His fall was nasty but neither rider nor Pony was injuredseriously. His fall blocked the path of the Pony to his right but actuallyopen space for Big Boy and Hannah.
Hannah held Big Boy back until the gate had opened and only then spurred himforward. Big Boy answered burst out of the gate with Terminator on the insideto his left. Hannah knew her mount was in sound condition and let him run.She wanted to learn just how fast and how far he might go. Other riders heldtheir mounts back a bit, looking to save something for a final kick.
Big Boy was surprised to find himself in the lead coming out of the firstturn. Hannah's weight was negligible on his back as she hunched over in thesaddle to minimize wind resistance. Her hot breath seared the side of his faceas she urged him on. He very much wanted not to disappoint her. He built hislead in the backstretch.
Terminator ran behind him in second place. By the three-sixteenths pole, hewas matching Big Boy stride for stride. Big Boy was no longer pulling away.At the two-sixteenths pole, Jenny went to her whip. Terminator detested runningbehind his hated rival. He too knew that Caitlin was watching and he answeredJenny's challenge. He gained ground quickly.
Hannah waited. Big Boy passed the one-sixteenth pole. Only one hundred tenyards remained and Terminator was gaining quickly. Waiting was hard becauseshe sensed a win and wasn't about to let Jenny beat her. She waited as longas she could and went to the lash only when she heard Terminator's heavingbreaths.
Big Boy answered with all his remaining strength. He shared her fervor forvictory and refused to be beaten by Terminator. He knew too that Caitlin waswatching. However, he had little kick left. He pumped his legs but he seemedto be moving in slow motion. Hannah flayed him with her lash and he ran aswell as he was able. The finish line neared and somehow or other Big Boy crossedjust in front of his hated rival.
Hannah was exhilarated by her win. Kneeling beside her in the grassy infield,Big Boy shared in her glee. When Caitlin congratulated Hannah warmly, he baskedin the reflected glow. He thrilled when Caitlin spared him a kind word andrubbed his muscular neck fondly.
Ashley came up to the stables the very next week. She enjoyed pointing outto Caitlin, Hannah, and Jenny, which males she had procured. Her business wasreally very lucrative.
Ashley came down from breakfast, a big red apple in her hand. ?That one. Ibrought you that one!? She pointed to Big Boy's stall. What's his name??
?Big Boy,? Caitlin answered.
Big Boy did not recognize Ashley, at first in her riding attire. He had notseen her in months since she first had mounted him. He did note her rowelledspurs. He recognized Caitlin. He wanted to shout, ?Caitlin! Here! I'm Zack!Look at me!? He could make only unintelligible braying noise that the womenfound amusing.
Ashley laughed. ?I mean, what was his name before he was Big Boy.? She tooka bite from her juicy apple. ?Can someone bring him out so I can look at him??
?I'll go look him up,? volunteered Jenny.
Hannah brought Big Boy from his stall while Hannah went to check the records.Big Boy dropped awkwardly to his knees and pressed his lips against Caitlin'sboot. He looked up at Caitlin hopefully and tried to nuzzle her groin but shepushed him away good-naturedly. His broad shoulders were above her waist.
?They never lose hope, do they?? Caitlin quipped while Jenny urged him tohis feet.
?He's really coming really along well, Ashley. He carried me to a win againstJenny on the track last Sunday. His size is really an advantage on long trailrides and he's learning to answer to the control rods promptly. He's actedout a few times, but he hasn't been all that hard to manage.? Hannah explainedwhile Ashley circled him, chomping her apple.
?Zack ? Zachary. His name was Zachary.? Hannah reported when she had returned.
?That's right!? Ashley smiled at her sudden flow of memories. ?You're reallyare a big boy, aren't you??
Big Boy searched her face and tried to figure out who she might be. For thefirst time in a while, he thought of his life before his captivity. Finally,he remembered. His sadness increased, as his recollections grew sharper. Realtears well up in his eyes, but no one noticed his distress.
?He really has a great body. Look that his ass. Let's see him run today,? askedAshley, squeezing his muscular buttock.
?Judith has the racing Ponies running today,? offered Caitlin. ?I bet she'lllet us run Big Boy.?
?I know, I'm riding Strider. Let's see how Big Boy does against a better field.? Ashleytook one more bite from her apple, then held the remnants in Big Boy's face. ?Hereboy. Here's a treat.?
As unappetizing as the apple's appearance, its sweet, fruity fragrance wastoo enticing. The stable diet, though healthful, was so bland. Unable to helphimself, Big Boy opened his mouth for Ashley's leavings. Laughing, Ashley pulledher hand away, leaving Big Boy with little more than the core. Big Boy chewedthe apple core, swallowing everything, seeds and all. Ashley wiped her handon his bearded face.
As on other mornings, Zack stood saddled, waiting for his rider. His noselead was attached to the slip rail. He heard the women's voices when the enteredthe stable, talking and laughing. He sensed their excitement but he could notturn to see anything.
?Easy, boy, easy,? Caitlin cooed and removed his lead from the slip rail. ?Mount!? sheordered and Big Boy knelt promptly on one knee. She was solidly in the saddlein an instant with her feet planted solidly in the stirrups. ?Up!? Big Boyrose steadily to his feet. Caitlin dragged her rowelled spurs over his flanksbefore urging him out into the yard. Big Boy recognized her intent.
The track brought back images of last week's victory. He saw Judith mountedon Wind Song and Ashley mounted on Strider and felt inadequate. His strongbody seemed bulky and crude against their sleek long-legged physiques.
This week, no one stumbled out of the gate. Once again, Big Boy seized thelead. Seeing only the track stretching ahead and hearing the field poundingbehind him was exhilarating. He wanted to make Caitlin proud of him. He wantedto be proud of himself.
Caitlin knew that Big Boy could not match the raw speed of the racing Ponies.Her hope was to follow Hannah's example and seize the lead early and defendit. She was leading at the quarter mile mark, but wished her lead were larger.This week the competition was much stronger than last week.
She passed the two sixteenth's pole still in the lead and knew there was trouble.Asley and Judith went to the lash and gained quickly. Caitlin knew her mountand could wait no longer. She went to the lash at the one one-sixteenth pole.Big Boy heard the others and gave her all that her had. He pumped his armsand legs but seemed almost to be running in slow motion.
Wind Song and then Strider burst past him. Strider nearly overtook Wind Songbut Wind Song hung on to win narrowly. Big Big beat his last week's time butfinished a fading third.
A full year had passed since Zachary's capture. This year, Rocky MountainState played ?U? at the ?U.? Emily and Beth decided to take a long weekendin the mountains at Beth's sister's ranch. Beth had talked endlessly aboutthe stunning vistas and the awe-inspiring sunrises and sunsets. After all herstudies, Emily thought that she well deserved an out-of-doors weekend withno guys hitting on her. But this was something really different.
?I don't know how I let you talk me into this,? Emily pondered as they nearedthe ranch. What had once been a distant flight of fantasy was now becomingan immediate and increasingly uncomfortable reality.
?You'll love it!? said Beth with confidence. ?My sister Judith will show usa brilliantly good time.? The mountain air is always fresh and the sceneryis always beautiful and especially in the autumn. Bending a large, powerfulmount to one's will, is always a thrill.
The common room of the ranch house was almost too much. To one side was thereception desk where riders checked in for their stay at the ranch. Sometimesmothers brought their daughters. Having ridden a well-trained, well-groomedmount even once, a girl was unlikely to fall in love with the first boy tofind her clitoris. In the back, was the dining room and beyond that the kitchenarea. To the other side, was the bar where one could order a glass of wine,a demitasse of cappuccino, or a small snack. The walls were lined with picturesof mounts and their riders. However, the center of the room was open amidstthe chairs and small tables.
On the floor, a six foot by five foot, almost rectangular skin or leathercovering rested on the hardwood floor. If one examined it closely, one mightmake out its vaguely humanoid shape.
Emily studied it, the asked, ?Is that what I think it is??
?Yep! That's him.? Beth smiled and identified the lines of his arms, buttocks,and legs. Beth stared wide-eyed. The head and male parts were absent - fortunately.The trunk looked wide because on either side of the back was a strip of bellyor chest skin. Beth pointed out the identifying High Gate Stable tattoo andshowed Emily the brand that marked his ownership. ?That's Judith's own brand,? shesaid with some pride. ?He was one of her first.?
Emily swallowed hard. ?I'm glad I didn't ask your sister to the prom.?
Emily and Beth checked in. Judith had left flowers, a bottle of wine, anda box of candy in their room and a note to call her when they arrived. Emilyunpacked while Beth called her sister. ?She's on her cell phone. She'll meetus downstairs in half an hour.
Thirty-five minutes later, Beth and Emily were in front of the ranch housewatching Judith ride up on her treasured racing mount, Wind Song. Judith specializedin steeds, males large enough to carry a rider on his shoulders, not cart pullingpony-boys. The male stood fully six and a half feet tall and weighed more thantwo hundred twenty pounds. Judith at five feet three sat perched on her smallsaddle between his strong shoulders. None might doubt who commanded and whoobeyed. Her legs draped over his shoulders. One hand held his reins, whichin turn were connected to the control rods inserted in his ears.
Emily gawked. The mount was a man, stark naked and blatantly male. Exceptfor a broad stripe of hair that passed front to back over the crown of hishead and was tied in back in an especially appropriate ?pony tail,? he hadbeen completely depilated. His nose, nipples, navel and cock were ringed. Smallbells hung from his nipple rings. Thick plates of muscles hung in sharply definedsheets on his large frame. You could wash clothes on his six-pack abs.
?Gawd!? Emily was speechless. ?Can I pet him or something??
?Be my guest,? Judith smiled. ?He won't bite!?
Emily touched him with some trepidation. The mount was nervous too. He neverknew what strangers might do and prayed mightily that he would avoid his mistress'displeasure. Emily felt the smooth skin stretched tightly over his toned muscles.He had the strong legs and buttocks needed in a good mount and the broad shouldersto carry his rider with ease. She examined the colorful High Gate tattoo thatmarked his right thigh. Bolder now, Emily tugged at the ring that pierced oneof his nipples, then lifted his upper lip to expose his identifying tattoo. ?Bethtold me about this and I really didn't believe her.? The mount had held perfectlystill. Now more confident, Emily cupped his ball sac in her hand and gentlyassessed the size of each egg-like testicle. ?Is there somewhere I can washmy hands before dinner.
?Have we time to we get Emily up on a mount in the exercise yard tonight?If she checks out, we can go out on the trail bright and early tomorrow.?
?How about tomorrow afternoon,? Emily pleaded. ?I really want to sleep in.?
After dinner, Hannah led White Bread into the exercise yard. He was saddledand bridled but no control rods were place. An inexperienced rider might damagea valuable mount. Hannah led him by his nose ring. Though solidly built, hewas not as imposing or impressive as Wind Song. With newfound courage, Emilystroked his rough closely clipped bearded cheek. His body was depilated. Shepatted his solid flank. When she reached between his legs and lifted his cockby his cock ring and examined his scrotum, she was puzzled. Wing Song's ballsac was ripe and bulging. White Bread's felt different, empty. Her face revealedher confusion.
Hannah chuckled. ?Emily, He's a gelding.? No hint of understanding dawnedin Emily's eyes.
?A gelding!? Beth repeated. ?We took his balls. An intact male is often lazy,stubborn, and a danger to others and himself.
Understanding dawned. ?I know boys just like that,? Beth said.
?This one is still stubborn and lazy, but he's no danger to anyone now,? Hannahadded. She poked White Bread behind his left knee and he knelt. Reluctantly,Emily climbed into the saddle, expressing a heavy stream of inventive reservations.Beth and Hannah were impressed with her imagination but patiently encouragedher. This was the reason she had come to the ranch in the first place.
On Hannah's command, White Bread rose abruptly and for a long second, it seemedas if Emily might fall. Hannah was right behind and helped her get herselfpositioned securely in the saddle. She placed her tennis shoed feet into thestirrups. White Bread was an experienced mount and well used to novice riders.Their minimal demands appealed to his innate laziness and lucky for him, thestable served many novices.
White Bread just stood there. Emily didn't know what to do next ? ?White Bread,go!? she said in what she thought might be a strong authoritative voice ? Go,honey, go! ?Whoa! No, that means stop. I mean - go!?
Beth snorted. Several of the women who had gathered around the exercise afterdinner laughed out loud. ?Emily, don't argue with him, just kick him!? Emilylooked at her in disbelief.
Hannah slapped White Bread on the rump and he was off with a start. Emilysqueezed the grips on the bridle for dear life. No one trusted her with controlrods, let alone spurs.
All riders learned without spurs. Beth herself hadn't worn spurs the day shegot up on her first gelding. However, once she had worn them, she felt nakedwithout them. She would never ride without spurs again. No mount feels thespurs and doubts your seriousness.
Hannah walked to the center and directed White Bread to walk around the enclosurein a circle. Slowly, Emily became more comfortable.
?Ready to ride?? Hannah asked and before Emily could answer, her whip snappedand White Bread started to run. Emily grasped the grips and leaned forward.Her look of consternation gradually transformed into a look of wild exhilaration. ?Faster,Hannah, faster!?
?Don't ask me,? Hannah chuckled. ?Ask him!? As she spoke she lashed out withher whip again and somewhere White Bread found his rarely called upon reservoirof energy. He shot ahead and Emily whooped in glee. His innate laziness returnedand he slowed a bit once he thought he could get away with it. Cunningly, heslowed only gradually hoping that he might escape unnoticed. Emily sensed hisslowing and kicked him hard. Even with her tennis shoes, she brought him nearlyback to speed.
Both Emily and White Bread were exhausted when Hannah brought him to a stop.He knelt on command and Emily dismounted.
?I walk him ?til he cools down,? Hannah offered generously. ?What time doyou want to go out tomorrow??
?In the afternoon,? said Beth. ?Emily wants to sleep in.?
Emily sighed a deep breath. She patted White Bread strong shoulder and neck. ?Thatwas fun! Let's go in the morning.?
The morning was glorious. After an early breakfast, Beth, Emily, and Hannahwalked over the barn in their riding gear. Beth worse a bright white blouseover her white jodhpurs, her mid-calf length leather boots with her rowelledspurs that jingled when she walked. Her riding gloves were so thin that shecould still feel a male's beard. Only the most experienced riders were allowedto wear such sharp spurs. Emily, a novice, wore her jeans and a t-shirt, buttoday at least she had creditable boots and riding gloves. Hannah wore a blackblouse over her black jodhpurs.
?How many steeds does the stable house,? Beth asked trying to remember whatthings looked like on her last visit.
?We haves stalls for 44 steeds. We house 30 now, I think. Judith wants tobuild a second stable, further up in the hills away from all this tumult forour personal use. Sometimes, having all these people around doesn't help.?
They met two girls ?teenagers ? leading two saddled and bridled males fromthe stable by their nose rings. Their control rods were in place. The girlswere talking and laughing, obviously excited about their half-day ride up toRed Lake Reservoir, up in the Ortoola Hills. They carried a lunch in theirdaypacks.
Hannah greeted them. Their enthusiasm was contagious. ?You guys have yourhobbles, right. We don't want any trouble.?
One girl reached into her fanny pack and pulled out a short chain.
Hannah smiled and waved her off. ?Thanks. Have a great day!?
?You too!? the girl called back.
Emily steeled herself to enter the barn. She covered her nose with her hand,anticipating the disagreeable smell one associated with such places, but theinterior was not as unpleasant as she feared. Stalls lined the walls, about4 feet wide and eight feet deep. The walls between the stalls were about fourfeet high, but sturdy bars reached the rest of the way to the ceiling. A saddlingarea was set up in the center of the barn. In the rear was a grooming area.
Emily looked more carefully. An index card was pinned to door with the male'sname and weight. Here was Julius Caesar, Augustus, Titus, Caligula, Claudius,and Nero whom Judith named after her trip to Rome. Some of the males lay ontheir sides and slept or rested. Some stood in their stalls and stared rightback at the visitors.
Some waited impatiently for their morning meal. Some hoped to have a chanceto get out of their cramped stalls and run. Some hoped for treats. Others justwanted to be left alone. Each had a lead attached to his nose ring and clippedto a stay set securely in the cinder block wall. All had had their thumbs andindex fingers removed. A three-fingered hand wasn't sufficient to disconnectthe lead.
Jenny had the duty that morning again. She replaced the slop bucket and atin of food on a low platform in each stall. As required, the males knelt downand lowered their mouths into the food. They were not allowed to use theirhands at all.
?Here's Wind Song,? Beth said, pointing out Judith's racer. ?Isn't he a beauty??
?Here's Lucky and Whole Wheat,? Hannah added. ?Here's your friend White Bread.?
?Let me see!? said Emily. ?Hi, White Bread!? she cooed. The gelding lookedat her quizzically. Emily pouted. Her recollections of the ride were obviouslyquite different than his. She had thought that they had some sort of specialbond. ?Thanks for the ride anyway. I really wish that I had brought you a treat.? WhiteBread made his braying noise and farted. Emily turned away in disgust. ?Theycan't talk, can they??
?They find usually find a way to express themselves, though,? Hannah quipped.Beth laughed. ?Here, Emily. I think Claudius here will be good for you. He'sgood-natured and sure-footed. I'll take Lucky and lead him for you. Beth, Judiththought that you might like Big Boy.?
?Big Boy?? Beth answered, scanning the index cards on the stall doors. ?Idon't remember him. Is he new??
?Not so new,? sad Hannah. ?It must be at almost a year. I have them saddled,over there.?
Saddled and bridled, the three males stood in a line with Claudius on theleft, Lucky in the middle, and Big Boy on the right. Their nose leads weresecured to the wall. They heard the women talking, but could not turn to seethem.
From behind, Beth was first impressed with Big Boy's size. His back was powerfullybuilt beneath his saddle, his flanks sleek, and his hips narrow but the brawnymuscles of his buttocks and thighs were truly striking. He was tan all over.He hadn't an ounce of fat on his strong frame. His dark stripe of hair wascombed back and tied in an appropriately named ponytail.
Beth placed her hand gently on his back. ?Hey, Big Boy,? she said softly.
Big Boy could hear them but not see them. He recognized Hannah's voice immediately. ?Hey,Big Boys a beauty!? a second woman declared. Big Boy noticed something abouther voice and come to think of it, he noticed something about the voice ofthe first woman who spoke too.
Big Boy suddenly remembered her perfume. Suddenly, he remembered her. Beth!Beth from the cheerleading squad. Emily and Beth. He made a hoarse brayingsound, all that his surgically altered throat allowed him. Beth, who lovedto ride.
Momentarily worried, Beth took a step back before she remembered that he wassecured by his lead. She tested the lead and found it secure. There was somethingabout him. She unfastened his lead and looked at him carefully. The hair cut,the nose ring, and the closely clipped facial hair disguised his appearance,but Beth looked at him and saw something. He was a huge, well endowed maleand obviously intact. The thumbs and index fingers were amputated from hislarge hands.
He appealed to her desperately with his eyes. He pleaded wordlessly, desperately.
?Emily, look at Big Boy,? Beth asked. ?Look at him carefully.? Beth knew theanswer already herself.
Emily looked. ?Big Boy sure is big,? she said, pleased with her wit and wonderingif she could close her hand around his thick cock.
?Look again! It's Zachary - Zack, from the University. He disappeared lastyear after the game against State. He flunked sociology ? someone said anddropped out of school.? She reached into her pocket for a sweet.
The sky was almost dark when they returned to the stable. The day was oneto remember. The sunset had been awe-inspiring and the mountain vistas unbelievablybeautiful. The meadows were aflame with flowers and alive with the chirpingof crickets and the songs of birds. Big Boy answered promptly to the controlrods, the spurs and the lash. Beth had been able to run him as long and hardas she wanted. He seemed never to tire. Hannah hung well back and held Claudius'lead for Emily.
Beth was exhilarated. She had raced Wind Song and held her own. She had pushedBig Boy to an early lead and kept him going. When Wind Song began his hallmarksprint at the end of the race, he was just too far back. She put her hand onBig Boy's neck and felt the sticky wetness of his sweat. He seemed to sighat her touch. He arched his neck and pressed back against her hand. She inhaledhis musk. He reeked of leather and honest exertion.
In the barn, the other mounts were already in their stalls when Beth, Hannah,and Emily led in their tired mounts. They had walked in the last half-mileto allow them to cool down. The three knelt in a line so that their riderscould remove their tack. Hannah showed Emily how to secure Claudius' ankleto the stay set solidly in the floor. In a well run stable, a mount was neverallowed even to imagine that he had a chance to escape.
Beth secured Big Boy and removed his control rods and bridle. She undid thestraps on his saddle and stowed it with the others. Big Boy ? Zack - had givenher his all. He was still breathing deeply, his heavy chest heaved. Sweat randown his muscular abs. She felt a real fondness for him. Hoping that the otherswouldn't think her overly juvenile or sentimental, she held his sticky headbetween her gloved hands, stoked his cheeks, and kissed him softly on the forehead. ?Thanksfor a great ride, Big Boy!? Then she took him for his grooming.
Judith watched her younger sister fondly. Beth and Big Boy had beaten WindSong, fair and square. Beth had hurried to the stable at the crack of dawnand she couldn't wait to get back on the trail. Eagerly, Judith shared hernews and happiness bloomed on Beth's face.
?Really Judith? Really?? ?You won't change you mind, will you??
Judith looked on smiling. ?No, Beth, he's yours, a graduation present. Youcan brand him in the morning.?
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Story from the perspective of a white pussyboy who gets fucked and dominated by a couple of nigger bucks. He also meets another pussyboy but ends up getting fucked by everyone. Good dialog.I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had...
I let Jay into the apartment. He was looking for a one bedroom,furnished place and had called about my ad in the newspaper. I hoped torent this place quickly, then I would be full and could devote my time tosome maintenance and repairs rather than showing places. I looked at therental application he had filled out just a minute earlier. From the datelisted as his birth date, he was 22 years old, three years younger than I.I watched him, explaining about the living room area and kitchen, as...
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Brief story summary: Mummy feminises son Denis(e) from birth. She, Denise, was born with a penis but in spite of that, she has always been a little girl like her two slightly older sisters. Mummy was/is a great believer in Strict/Extreme Corporal Punishment in Disciplining her c***dren and does so on a regular basis with the help of her pharmacist friend Mrs Nugent. All punishments however are lovingly although not sparingly applied and are implemented solely for the c***dren’s own good. That...
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by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. NOTE: I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife. Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled...
Foreword. It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...
Foreword.It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave.But, for a large slice of the...
BDSMIt is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...
My man Roger and I have had sexual adventures that many people would be envious of: some incredulous of even. Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me and before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. In the afterglow of a recent wonderful sex session (just the two of us) I remarked that of all the sexual combinations we had enjoyed I had never seen Roger suck another man’s cock. “Some of your...
"What were ye doing?" A stern voice cried, and the woman helped Abigail to her feet. "What were ye up to? Silly lass. Nearly got yourself killed." Abigail swayed slightly as she stood on her feet and the woman parked Abigail on a garden wall. "I'm fine," Abigail muttered, but the woman told her to stay there while she parked the car out of the middle of the road, and then escorted the teenage girl some stairs for a "cup of tea." Abigail's foot hurt, and her ankle was sore. She...
ABIGAIL MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY On Wednesday afternoon at the private school, Abigail could be found in the gymnasium with the three physical education teachers. Lori Johnson, Bart Wilson and Gary Thornton were naked and coupled together on an exercise mat. Gary had his stiff dick buried in Abigail’s incredible sexy student as Lori munched on the teen’s tasty pussy. Bart with his cock in Abigail’s mouth waited patiently for his turn at her marvelous ass. Abigail was on all fours with Lori beneath...
This is my first try… Leave comments to what you think could be improved! * * * It was six oclock on Friday night when Abigail began to make her way down the street towards the OLachlan house. She grumbled under her breath. There were plenty of things that she would rather be doing on a Friday night that didnt involve babysitting two teenage brats. Her mother had pressured her into babysitting the OLachlans kids, though Abigail didnt see why they needed babysitting. The oldest, Jacob, was...
Copyright Otto26, 2007 * The dungeon corridors had very low ceilings, such that Abigail was forced to bow her head. The torch of the guard in front of her danced in the puddled water on the rough-hewn stone floor and left thick ropes of smoke that quickly blended into the darkness. Even in the relative warmth of the Hungarian spring the tunnels were cold and the sound of coughing echoed through them. Abigail pressed a handkerchief over her mouth and nose and shivered for a moment within her...
I have received several emails asking if I am a hypnotist. Yes, I am. My stories are based on facts (and fantasy) but are not actual occurrences. Everything depicted is possible. Questions or comments are welcome. * * * * * I had just finished a partnership meeting when Jeff came up to me. ‘Mike, you are a hypnotist, right?’ He was towering over me as he said that. I am tall, but Jeff is gigantic. He is a six foot eight, former basketball player. He was also a terrific salesman. Jeff has been...
I have received several emails asking if I am a hypnotist. Yes, I am. My stories are based on facts (and fantasy) but are not actual occurrences. Everything depicted is possible. Questions or comments welcome. * * * * * Jeff was very content for about two weeks. I was finishing a sales meeting when Jeff, looking puzzled, said to me: ”Would you talk to Abigail. She has been acting strange lately and I think it has something to do with the hypnosis thing.” “How has she been acting strange?” ...
Aelvir was born into a normal family with a young brother and one older brother. Growing up, he began to notice his body wasn't growing quite like the other males. He steadily began to recognize that his arms, legs, hips, and even overall body curvature wasn't at all similar to much of the males he sees, especially even at school. He even noticed that the others even gave him odd looks whenever he was present and/or nearby. It wasn't till highschool that he noticed it even more. First, the...
BisexualAbigail Slaughter was a woman of passion. Many of Abigail’s co-workers thought she was temperamental, the more charitable amongst them said, fiery, those that had disliked her from the get go said psychotic. None of these people had ever noticed that Abigail’s signature on any and all documentation carried an apostrophe after her given name and, that she never left a space between that and her family name. Most of Abigail’s friends would not have been surprised at this open secret, because they...
Big Boy was 6’10’’ tall and weighed more than 300 pounds, most of which muscles. Until ten years ago he was a professional weightlifter but his results were not very good, maybe because he wasn’t patient in his training. He just hated working hard and that was by nature. So he became a bodyguard of one of the richest people in the neighborhood. On the whole the boss treated him well but sometimes joked with him. The case was obviously the same now. The girl was in her early twenties, very...
"Nick, Donny's here again. Pay the boy, now," ShirleyCummings said. Nick Cummings, 27, was a tall, strongly ruggedbusinessman. His wife was going away for the weekend to visither mother.The newspaper boy, Donny, came up the walkway with a bundleof papers in his hand."Hi, Mr. Cummings!" The boy said cheerily. Nick leaned outof the door and stared dreamily at the young man. Donny woretight 501 Levi's and no shirt. Nick watched as the boy bent overto pick up a coin he'd dropped.Nick's...
Have you ever wanted to just do something really naughty? Well, I have. My name is Tammy, and I was divorced about 4 months ago. My ex was a scum bag that had no idea of how to treat or please a woman, if you know what I mean. Oh sure, we all want the bad boy when we are dating, but ultimately, they make terrible husbands and lovers. We lasted a whopping 9 months before I caught the bastard cheating on me with a filthy little skank from the grocery store. Well, I say good riddance; she can have...
Moira opened the door and walked over to a table clicking her fingers and calling for her sister. Abigail scowled as she came over. "What d'ya want?" "Ah ya cannae talk tae customers like t'at?" Moira shouted, and Abigail glanced over towards Pauline. "Ah'll have a pot of tea and a slice of cake. Abigail picked up her pad and walked over to the till, ringing through the cost and printing out the receipt. Pauline snapped at her for talking to Moira like she did and Abigail poured hot...
"Come on," Lisa pleaded and Alistair shook his head. "OK we'll be good to ya, won't we Abigail? Abigail wanna say sorry." The flamboyant teenage girl nodded, and Lisa begged the teenage boy to join them, but he shook his head. "I cannae leave the shop. Not 'til my Dad gets back." "We're wasting our time," Abigail moaned. "And I wanted to help." He winced as Abigail spoke and he wiped his eyes. "I wanna but ah can't." Abigail pursed her lips and rolled her eyes....
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. I always welcome comments and suggestions so please feel free to email me – kace.lee at gmail dot com. Thanks!Lee was bored. He was a 14 year-old student at Osborne High, a large high school that catered for thousands of students, and in his freshman year. Like most Asians, he was a top student in most of his subjects, but also like most Asians, he sometimes found it hard to score with western girls. Not that there were many good-looking ones in this...
Big Boy suspected that he was a butt of an elaborate joke.He was angry and desperately wanted to cut someone's head off. He thought he knew who had initiated the joke, but wasn't absolutely sure. And what if he was sure? That man was doing what he wanted; he was the boss after all. Big Boy was 6'10'' tall and weighed more than 300 pounds, most of which muscles. Until ten years ago he was a professional weightlifter but his results were not very good, maybe because he wasn't patient in...
Abigail cried as she fell backwards off of the wall but landed in the soft arms of her ex-boyfriend. He stared up at her and cackled gently. "Caught ya." "What d'ya want?" He put his hands underneath her legs and pulled them over the low wall and then righted her. "Ya bloody frightened me." "To share this," he told her and pulled out a small baker's bag from his pocket. She rolled her eyes, and he put his hand in hers. "And a walk." She sighed, and he sniffed. "Ya promised...
=== She had thought that pole dancing was only for strippers, and that as a feminist she should object to it, but her friends kept telling her that it was great for fitness, a genuine skilled artform, and that it made them feel really empowered. Sceptical but interested, Abigail searched online, and found an advertisement for “Pole Dancing for Feminists”, which sounded like the sort of thing she was after. Classes were Wednesdays at 7 pm. She attended her first one, and found herself in a...
WARNING: This story contains extreme racist scenes and slurs. This story takes place in the south before the civil war and is about a Caucasian girl dominating two Afro-Americans. In this story you may find racist slurs and the N-word used frequently. This is only to make the story more realistic and NOT to alienate or offend people of colorABIGAIL’S TWO DAY GIFTApril 10, 1862, Huntsville, AlabamaIt was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining in the sky and everywhere on the plantation...
If it hadn't been obvious before, it was now; Abigail and Mike were an item. There were a few raised eyebrows, but on the whole, the verdict was 'good for them' and 'Abigail obviously has something going for her'. They spent every moment together that they could; at Uni, or at one or other of their homes, but most of the time they were working or talking, though not entirely without some cuddling and kissing. The key to any successful relationship is communication, but Abigail and Mike...
Margaret knocked stoutly on the door to the flat and Abigail let her in. "Just checkin' you're all right," Margaret told her, putting a bag down on the floor, as Abigail looked alarmed. Margaret looked the young girl up and down, dressed in just a long T-Shirt and Abigail nodded. "Fine," muttered the teenage girl. "What ya up to?" Abigail held out a book. "Readin'," "Most of them are my old books," Margaret muttered. "This used to be my flat and..." She stopped when she saw...
I've been jerking off all night to Twitter bitches, but I recently came across a porn star on Twitter that I've seen in many videos that made me jizz my fucking pants. If you're not using Twitter to follow porn stars, I don't know what the fuck you're doing. If you didn't know, Twitter lets adult creators post NFSFW content like Reddit. Of course, they do this to gain fans, but you can use this to get more fap sessions out of the day! Why would you just use Twitter to look at dumb-ass trending...
Twitter Porn AccountsAbigail was gorgeous. Everything I ever looked for in a woman. She was a young college student, around 19-20 years old. She had long tan legs, the absolute perfect figure, long, curly blonde hair and the prettiest baby blue eyes. Only problem Abigail had was that she was married, as was I too. Abigail and John lived next door to us. John was your typical douchebag husband, my wife would notice the different girls he would sneak in and out of their house and Abigail Finally had enough. I...
After living in the Netherlands for 33 years I was ready for a big change. I had been toying withthe idea of moving to another country to get away from the stress of it all for a while.I had girlfriends in the Netherlands. Wives.I had one nighters and 2 nighters. I wasn't doing bad for myself.But, there was something missing on the girl side. I love variety. I think I've been withevery kind of girl I COULD be with in the Netherlands. I started thinking about other countries.Other girls. Other...
"Yer late!" The plump girl asked her sister as she straightened her clothes in the floor-length mirror. Abigail looked around and sniffed at her podgy sister before turning round to face her. She swept her long brown hair back and picked up some toast from the kitchen table. "You turned off my alarm," Abigail moaned. "Dae talk mince," Moira spat back instantly and took a bite of another slice of toast. Abigail licked her lips as she ate her breakfast and poured some tea into a cup....
"You clatty cow," Moira cried out as she burst into the room. Quentin stared at her and she pushed him off her sister, laying out in her bed. "Yer a clatty bitch. 'E's mine." "Then fuck him," Abigail replied. "Yer just a frigid witch. Yer fuck things up for everyone." Moira grabbed Abigail's throat, and the younger girl kicked her sister away from her. "He just liked me better." "No," Quentin muttered but neither sister was listening. "'Cause I ain't fat like you."...
The Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...
Abigail was nervous as she rang the bell on the door to the solicitors. "Come in," she heard shouted and she nervously pushed open the door and walked up the stairs to the second floor; it was above a large newsagents, and she was smiled at by the middle aged woman. "This is Jake, my legal partner." "Partner?" "Work partners," she told her. Jake was at least ten years younger than Margaret and had short black hair on top of a grinning face and a stocky body. "Hey, no more...