Subservient Ch. 01 free porn video

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Comments: This is the first story I’ve decided to submit and I hope its worth continuing so read through and enjoy.

Bit of violence and skin but the heavier stuff comes later in the story.


‘Don’t move, control your breathing, don’t wake her, please don’t wake her.

These moments of the early morning are the only shreds of freedom left, she’s taken everything else, everything they didn’t beat out of you before ‘she’ got her sick little fingers…everywhere’.

I tried to keep lecturing myself about my sack of shit life but bitching about it wasn’t going to do any good, luckily my thoughts were my own and for any one of those words she’d have me humiliate or debase myself, or worse….tend to her ‘needs’. She was glutton of all things related to pleasure, though looking at her she was fit and beautiful but never the less a sick sadistic, viper, and she lay coiled around me like many mornings before this.

Last night had been less…..well less ‘creative’ but just as revolting and degrading as it always was. She had company last night, a General I think in an attempt to get clearance for something. As a special treat she had me serve drinks in naught but my skin, the general was older woman, still she wasn’t shy with her eyes… or her hands. As for Commander Nigh she was so wound up from debasing me she spared me some of my other duties after the general had left, and ordered me to her room, she wasn’t a gentle woman so taking it slow was rare, the last words she whispered in my ear were ‘Make me scream.’

To make things as absolutely clear I wasn’t her ‘man’ I wasn’t her ‘other’ I wasn’t her ‘pet’, I WAS her property. Commander Lyshia Nigh, very high up in the chain of command so she got away with A LOT more than she should have. The Coryn Empire, ruled by women for women, and anything male were slaves, WE were pets, tools, breeders, and cannon fodder. I was an expendable killer, a bodyguard, one can imagine how many times I wished that I’d been able to step aside as a bullet closed in on the bitch, unfortunately I knew the price of failure the price of refusal, and that nothing I did or wanted would ever change anything.

‘Carn…’ She whispered with a silken snake tongue.

‘Commander?’ She woke…how…wonderful…it was too much to hope that I’d fucked her to death.

She looked up to me with her poisonous green eyes piercing me with them ‘I’m going to miss those lovely blues of yours.’ Another mind-fuck she was always toying with me, it was hard to believe a single word she spoke. I lay silent staring up at the ceiling her hand playing across my chest ever so gently, a touch, a caress, then slipping further down to stomach ‘but I believe I know what I’ll miss most,’ a twisted smile grew across her lips ‘are mornings like this.’ Her finger tips drew lines down my abdomen lingered for a moment at my navel, I didn’t dare meet her eyes again it would only encourage her to tease me further ‘But we don’t have time to play unfortunately, fix my bath would you, then start breakfast, after that you may bathe and dress we have a busy day today so be quick about it.’

Apparent one cant help but notice that I did everything for her had I failed even the simplest tasks I’d be taken before the troops and publicly punished, she did that for more than just MY punishment it kept the others in line, I could barely feel the whip any more, having been raised under its wicked kiss for my whole goddamn life.

Nigh’s was a good liar, but I was starting to think that she meant what she said, she was too…nice it was unnerving probably her plan to begin with, but if it was some kind of mission or trip, I didn’t care anywhere was better than at her side, in her bed, under her gaze all of it sickened me and even a single day away from it was a paradise. ‘Your bath Commander.’ I stood at the door to the bathroom holding it open for her as per the normal routine.

Drawing her bath I watched as she paraded her elegant form passed me without shame, in attempt to entice me, a futile attempt but what did it matter she’d use me anyway. ‘Such a gentleman.’ She quipped, she knew why…She authorized the training, and shock treatment as punishment. One would be amazed how quickly something becomes habit when reinforced with electricity.

I moved to the kitchen my feet finding the cold tile floor, Nigh had specific tastes so breakfast was usually a complicated process, all high society dishes I was more appreciative of simpler meals, probably because it was a pain in the ass to cook ‘her’ meals. ‘Lets see what we have today Carn?’ Waltzing out into the open in a towel and slippers, she had short firey hair it was a military prerequisite but length was the only limitation, I was an example ‘Mmmm,’ she cooed as I served her a plate the salty smell of hickory bacon, coupled with diced green onions, French toast, and some Cajun dish I couldn’t recall the name for, Nigh had a taste for spicy foods, never sat well with me ‘Now go get ready Carn, you’ve got twenty minutes.’

Time limits…Another form of control she exerted, I made quick work of a hot shower, fortunately with a large breakfast she wouldn’t be standing in the doorway watching me a habit I had come to despise from her, I usually got around it with cooking but she’d often finish early and time how long it took me, suffice it to say my time limits kept getting shorter.

Standing in front of the mirror drying off, I winced with every scar playing across my back, so many that they blended together into a downward stroke, grooves and textures interrupting the natural lines of my frame. They weren’t the only marks life has left on me but they were the most noticeable. Moving the towel too my hair when I felt her cold fingers on my back, the feeling leaching into my spine ‘I ABSOLUTELY love this texture.’ The complement was lost somewhere in the years of hearing *CRACK* and my own screaming echoing back at me from cold empty space. ‘I am so glad I put you through that laser hair removal program,’ and hand floating over my right hip ‘So smooth.’ Used to have to use a straight razor, for my face and everything south of that, and difficult job to say the least, but Nigh got sick of me taking so long so she made a permanent solution available… the only hair left on me were my eye brows and the mop on my head I suppose she wanted me feeling like a child for the rest of my life why else would she give a damn.

She reached for the towel pulling it gently away from my grasp, odd yet again this was not her style like someone savouring the last few sips of wine before calling it a night, those moments took forever. ‘I was thinking of changing this.’ Sweeping her hand up to my hair taking a soft hold if it, it was her that had me bleach my hair to a snow white, streaking in the deep blue, my hair riddle with clean clear stripes… I was a god damn dress up doll. ‘Well, I’ll worry about that later, now get brushed and dressed.’

Dressing was easy too Nigh had lain my clothes on the bed as usual, a form fitting black turtleneck with three/quarter sleeves, crimson leathers, and standard issue boots and a small bracer for my left arm, there was a four inch knife hidden on the inside of the wrist, I could be shot for carrying an undeclared weapon but Nigh had no love of sending me anywhere without it, a deadly little tool, I’d proved as much more times than I’d like to say.

‘Carn are you ready?’ tying my boot laces she walked in dressed in a business suite with a skirt far too short to be seen seriously but people knew her reputation, I was dangerous yes and so was she, she was much better with knives than I’d ever be, or anyone else could be.

‘Yes Commander.’

‘Good, we have some foreign Dignitaries to baby-sit, you’ll get assigned to Ambassador Chelsey Kritten.’ I followed a step behind as we exited the building and toward the base’s garage she briefed me on the details on the way. ‘She’s a Colonial, you were chosen because she
is a high risk, and you speak her language, I’ve been told she understands common tongue and speaks it fluently, she has no military training, but with her young age my superiors don’t trust her, she’s too young to be only an ambassador, that and rumours of assassination have been floating around.’

‘Am I to simply guard her Commander?’

‘No, do not let on that you speak Colonial, listen in on her, you will be traveling with her as a guard, escort, and unfortunately those political morons see it as a good faith gesture you’ll be under her command.’ Fuck… Thoughts of freedom replaced with the prospect of another bitch holding my leash, Nigh didn’t like the idea of ‘her’ property being loaned to someone else I could see it in the way she moved and in the tone of her voice. She never liked me be sent on any mission but those of HER choosing, but it happens, I imagine she doesn’t like all the effort she put into me to be put at risk…She cared, she cared about her own pleasure.

We came to her armoured car, nestled back in the far end of the garage, Nigh was the acting base commander so she got ALL the toys and broke all the rules, though anyone in a position to hurt her position with this information was dealt with… I dealt with them one way or another, some times with a bloody end others I’d rather not speak of, but the make me remember with every wink and suggestive glance.

I noticed a group male soldiers, kids, destined to be shock troops, mindless, drug addicted, and fed a daily dose of steroids, they were the broken ones, kids that didn’t survive training like mine…lucky bastards. They get strapped into thick body armour and loaded up with high impact weapons.

‘Take us to the embassy, I’m sure you know the way.’ I was driving… I forgot to add chauffer to my list of jobs. I knew my way around town well enough to get to Nigh’s favourite restaurants bars and clubs, as well as few government buildings. Starting the engine letting it rumble to life a lot of power not so much noise more capable than most other engines it was a beast, I’d torn through a few streets in the past and Nigh had been the target of more than a few assassination attempts, this vehicle saved us more than once, been rebuilt three times in the last year.

Fortunately this drive was smooth and uneventful save for Nigh bitching about this Ambassador and about the RULES I’d have to follow…slaves in service to political figures had different rules than that of those serving in the military either way we had no rights, no choice, just new habits and duties. ‘Apparently she’ll be in Coryn for an extended stay, the Colonies aren’t safe some network trouble, heavy equipment malfunctions and terrorists taking advantage of all the chaos.’ The Colonies were always in trouble, unstable governments run by companies with no experience in the matter, using mercs’ as police… Nigh and myself had caused havoc on our ‘vacations’ black ops but they were never recognized as military operations, yet they always seemed to benefit Coryn, the Empress was usually pleased with her accomplishments, few people in power ever notice me, that was sort of the point.

‘Oh I forgot to mention that since this a very sensitive matter, this is more of an audition, three others are being considered for service to the Ambassador and there’ll be heavy security and screening the works.’ Without a word I removed my bracer and handed it over to Nigh. The screening was worse than a standard medical exam by far, I’d gone through it once or twice they don’t spare anything in these screenings, because in the past slaves have been used for assassinations, some having bombs implanted, or were infected with disease or bio-weapons, even actual weapons stowed away in the flesh, I was not looking forward to it but it was the way things were done.

‘Okay we’re here, you know the drill Carn follow me keep your eyes open.’ Nigh didn’t trust anyone, she couldn’t afford it, she once told me that I was the only one she had any trust in simply because she knew that I would share her fate if anything were to happen, she was right but it didn’t stop me from fantasizing about her demise.

We passed through security, not a slave in sight, they didn’t trust us with those positions they were too easily turned, too disposable. The eyes on me watching every step every turn of my head, give me the right weapons and few flash-bangs and I could kill everyone in this room, problem was I’d never leave this room the personnel weren’t the problem the automatic lockdown was. At the entrance we were stopped by this piss ant security-girl eyeing like a piece of meat ‘Commander Nigh,’ she briefly acknowledge my Commander before turning back to me, behind her a second officer waited at the elevator ‘Her highness is waiting for you at the top floor,’ then they pointed me to the security offices ‘the slave entrance’ ‘they’re ready for you, but please show your man to the security desk as soon as possible they want to do the screening before the Ambassadors arrive.’

‘I thought they were allowing the Ambassador to make the selection.’ Nigh was rarely mistaken on these things so a bit of tension in her voice over the sudden change was expected and it had this ‘greeter’ shaking in her boots. I would’ve smiled if I were allowed to.

‘No ma’am recent information has us stepping up the schedule, Admiral Vissan, First Secretary Golha, the Empress and her daughters have also insisted on overseeing the screenings and selections.’ Great…an audience…

‘You sound disappointed Chief.’ Nigh caught it as well the tone in the security chief’s voice made her grin like only a monster could, appreciating the fear she instilled in others.

‘No ma’am someone has to see to the safety of this facility.’

‘Good answer Chief.’

We moved further into the building no smell, and no sound other than the barely-there hum of cameras and the clicking of foot-falls ‘Carn.’ she pointed me to the security desk, I nodded without a word and walked up to woman behind the desk. ‘Name, rank, and program?’ She eyed me up and down waiting for an answer, thinking that tidy black uniform intimidated me.

‘Carn, rank Alpha, product of the IOA-2 training program.’ Every slave in the military was a product of corporate facility every single one! Methods change from place to place some brutal others subtle ALL designed to turn out a different type of soldier or slave by ripping away the IDEA of freedom. The kids that break don’t go to waste…experiments…shock troops. The mere mention of it brought back the memory of the gunshot……then there were the shock treatments and solitary confinement… stories for another time maybe.

‘Okay Slave, step into the next room, the agent inside will instruct you further.’ They went ahead and showed me into the next room an interrogation room with a rather large window and new machines lined up against the far wall. Three women inside, Medical Examiner an MP and an Agent typical set of women, very professional about this but I’ve heard that sometimes they draw straws to be involved, but luckily they were being watched by the Empress herself, three cameras only two were obvious at first glance.

‘Center of the room!’ The speakers in the high corners of the room blared to life, the voice was obviously from behind the mirrored glass I couldn’t see who stood there, what I’d give for a gun at that point. ‘Commence manual search.’ The strip search first…yippee… I could almost feel Nigh’s wicked eyes through the cameras, and imagine the wicked smile born from displaying me to the Empress herself. Cold hands wrapped in latex taking their sweet fucking time, ‘Slave!’ I straightened my posture as the voice commanded, next came a question ‘the tattoo on your chest, that is a black-ops brand correct?’

‘Yes Ma’am.’ ‘Ma’am’ the default of any woman I didn’t know the rank of… I didn’t see the point in the question, I never knew the entire meaning of it, though I remember being inked on my thir
teenth birthday stung like a bitch, they added lines as I became more adept and the last part was added because of my service to Nigh, a triangle at its core. I endured two hours of poking prodding blood tests and scans allowing them to scan every molecule of me to make sure I wasn’t armed or unhealthy, they couldn’t afford to have any harm come to the Ambassador.

Then the questions about my skills and what I knew about the Colonials, they tested my ability to translate their language, they would speak lines in Colonial then I would translate it as plain as day. The second part I had to interact with that language further proving my knowledge of the language. Next was just a list of my skills training and accomplishments, though Nigh had told me to keep ‘certain’ details in the dark no matter who asked. That lasted longer than expected but it was part of the testing standing at attention without stitch of clothing in a room they kept toying with the temperature assaulting me with cold then heat…fucking pointless but still I didn’t move I didn’t flinch I answered their questions without hesitation, and without error. ‘Well done Slave, now the final test, kill the examiners.’ It took me a split second to respond, to bad they didn’t react as fast.

I’d already snapped the medical examiners neck, I wasn’t wasting time, this wasn’t about inflicting pain, there was no need to fight just kill, they fought back, the MP kicked wide I caught her foot kicked the other from under her and crushed her larynx beneath my heel. The Agent was better trained, even armed with a gun and a combat knife she didn’t get a chance to squeeze off a round close yes but I’d gotten around her. A sleeper-hold is more effective than it seems, even as she kicked and struggled, my mind wandered over the science of this act, the science of putting this poor woman to sleep, cutting off the blood to the brain with a simple hold and all it takes is a short ten seconds and she will fall asleep, keep holding as she goes limp…a little longer…a little…longer…and she never wakes up.

I released her, as her body fell to the floor I felt as empty and lifeless as that corpser, these women died at my hand yes it was a simple test…wasteful…but I had no choice ‘Well done Slave, very neat and clean proceed to the next room, leave your things.’ I exited and found elevator waiting door open and the destination already chosen. I looked back with regret I could kill without a second thought but after the moment something thing get through and pointless deaths…death without reason it was just a waste regardless of who it was, but it wasn’t the first time I’d killed innocents without reason beyond a simple order.

After a long ride to the 22nd floor I joined the other men standing in file three more slaves, like me my eyes didn’t have time to take in the sights… as I was standing shoulder to shoulder with the others facing, these women four of the security personnel armed much more seriously than anyone else in the building, they were the Empress’ Redguard the elite royal soldiers. Staring at the floor like the others we dropped to a knee at the exact moment the Empress entered…We dared not look up we were undeserving of looking upon her, BULLSHIT…but I’d be beaten half to death if I didn’t, the first thing we were taught, I’d never seen her beyond a glance, or reflection but that was more than enough she was a raven haired woman with an icy expression a commanding presence typical Empress like behaviour, though touch overweight, but she was just as ruthless as Nigh or so I’d gathered from her reputation.

Nigh was among the Empress’ entourage and stood in front of us ‘Daughter which of these do you think has what we require.’ The air in here became tense as her foot steps came closer to us, she stood in front of one man stepped away with a gesture and *BANG*!! They’d shot him…There was only going to be one of us walking out of here, and despite the freedom in death I would still choose life. It came down to me and the last man, the Empress’ daughter grabbed my chin and let her steely eyes meet mine for a moment ‘Him.’ BANG!! Another crumpled to the floor, leaving me.

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Hi,Mera naam sudeep hain. Maine 12th apne gaon se paas karne ke baad main sahar main aage ki padai ke liye aaya. Kyonki mera sapna engineer banne ka tha.Maine sabse pahle apne dost ke yaha kuch din raha orr wahi se admission karwa liya tha.Mujhe chaahiya tha ek room taki main apna alag raha sakun kyonki suru se mujhe alag rahne ki hi adat hain iseliye main koi room mate bhi nahin saath main rakhna chatha tha.Badi muskil orr badi mehanat se ek acccha room mila.Mara makan malik bahut hi accha...

2 years ago
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Santas Gloves

The doorbell was insistent. It rang and rang. Then it rang and rang again. When it rang a third time following a pregnant pause, and commenced continuous ringing, I roused myself from my nice warm divan bed, despite one broken corner supported on a pile of books, and stumbled the five or six feet to the front door of my crappy one-room studio flat, where the rent was three weeks overdue and the bailiffs expected any day. I rubbed and unglued one eye and looked through the peep hole. That was a...

3 years ago
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Lake District Parts 1 2

Thought you might be interested in this, as you know I am a shop fitter by trade and often travel all over the UK staying in various hotels, this last week-end I had to work in Glasgow and stayed in a Travel lodge, I got the job done sooner than I thought and had a whole day to kill so decided to go back via the Lake District so that I could take some photographs (photography being my hobby) so I drove around and found a pleasant B & B.   I checked into the B & B and after a shower I lay...

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Spiders Web

Ever since Adams Party, and Sally’s little antics in the kitchen the following day, I have steered clear of being alone when she’s around. I did not want it to seem as if I was taking advantage of mine host, but that was soon to change which I had nothing to do with it. I had seen Helen a couple of times after the party. The first time was pure lust, wanting to repeat the night of the party; I had the space, she wanted a fuck, why not and the second time she called me. Her old man was away for...

2 years ago
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Dream Weaver Book 3 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 8 School and Football

The rest of the week was chaotic beyond belief and the Dream haunted Sean and Megan. The two boys who had been forced to pick the fight with AJ and Scott, had let everyone know what had happened. They had been in the thick of the whole episode, after all. Unfortunately, the boys also embellished what had happened just a bit. The Ford Bronco stopped in a parking space in the high school parking lot on the third day at school. AJ turned the key and the big engine rumbled to a stop. There was...

2 years ago
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Kissing Cousins

The tiny church was packed to the rafters with folks wanting others to see them sitting there, bored and wishing they were somewhere else, but willing to suffer for a reputation of being well-behaved “God-fearing” citizens of a valley with no name.Of course, I was sitting there in the second pew with my “hard to miss” retinue of relations. There was Ma and Pa and Granny Moses dressed in their Sunday best and all my brothers and sisters fidgeting and squirming on the hard wooden planks. None of...

1 year ago
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Adventures in Florida part two

My sweet Erica. I wanted to see her again. I wouldn't get many chances. My wife and I were in Florida for only a week. We had been here three days already. We had arrived late on Friday afternoon. Time was passing and growing shorter. If a person could fall in love in such a short time, it must have happened to me. I had fallen in love. I had known Erica online for over a year now, but this was our first chance to meet in person. It had been enough to prove to me that I adored her, and I knew...

2 years ago
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JumpStarting Time

The moment that Dr Joe Philby had been working towards for decades has finally arrived. He can hardly believe it. All the other scientists said it couldn't be done, but with the team's genius, a slice of good fortune and the application of a little serious effort, Joe is finally ready to take humankind to a whole new step. The time machine is ready. "Good luck, Joe," Bennett says to him as Joe places his safety goggles over his eyes. "Thanks, Benn," he replies to his old friend and colleague,...

2 years ago
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Kara Grows Up the Pool

Tommy and Kara had been next-door neighbors since shortly after the death of Kara's mother, five years earlier. Both were now eighteen and had graduated from high-school a few weeks previously. Tommy's sixteen year-old cousin, Bill, was visiting while his and Tommy's parents were gone to the beach for a few days. Tommy, Bill and Kara had met in the morning, after Kara's father had left for the office, and agreed that they would get together for an early afternoon swim in Kara's...

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My Little Sister Vinoothna Part 8211 2

Hi guys! This is Vivek again. I know I bored you last time. But this story gonna be hot enough to cum. People who didn’t read my previous story read the story for completeness. All your suggestions are welcomed. A guy with full sexcitement is waiting for a hot chat and real fun. Mail me at Just a simple description. I’m not too handsome but also not too ugly. 16cm long tool. My sis is white in colour. Super ass and awesome boobs. Now let’s get into the story. After the day of my sex...

2 years ago
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Maid and the Masquerade QUEST

There are infinite worlds with an infinity of realities. This is the story of one of them. ********************************************************************** “Are you sure this is the right place toots?” The gruff cabbie asked as his car continued down the long and winedy drive way. Ellie glanced down at her written directions once more and then back out the window. Lush trees blocked her view on both sides, the leaves eager to spring to life again now that winter was finally over. Reddish...

4 years ago
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Group Sex In Jaipur With A Couple

Baat ek saal purani h jb maine meri sex story post ki thi. Tb mujhe bahot mails bhi aae the. Kch to girls ke bhi the kch bys ke.. Sbne meri story like ki thi.. Phir koi mail ni aaya aur maine bhi dyaan ni dia.. Bt sudden kch 15 days pehle mere pass ek mail aaya jisme ek married aadmi ne meri story padh kr mail kiya tha.. Maine jb baat ki to usne kaha ki wo grp sex krna chahta h.. Mujhe bhi ye exciting lagaa aur maine haan kr di.. Phir humne ek dusre ki pics exchange ki aur ph numbers bhi.. Wo...

3 years ago
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Uh Am I at the right party

I have always loved going on walks. It just calms me down to a state where I could do just anything. I tend to walk around the campus to the college I attend, but today just felt different I needed to go some where new. Well, it was that kind of thinking that got me into this whole mess in the first place, but I couldn't be happier. So, like I said I needed to go some place new. I just started walking, stupid move on my part. So I walked until I could get my head on right. I eventually got...

1 year ago
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The Encounter

Walking down the familiar path by the water; I was alone. Many times, I have come down here to clear my head. To bring serenity back into my life and some tranquility that had become a stranger to my mind and soul. This night seemed no different from any other. The moon was almost full, surrounded by thousands of stars on this cloudless night. Alternate streams of warm and cool air gently swept through me as I sat down on the old familiar driftwood log that had become my favorite resting...

4 years ago
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New years shagathon

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies (lol) - you choose which you think they are! Names are real in the hope that the people involved will read about themselves and get in touch, (except where because of reasons that should be obvious, it could cause the person to be put in an embarrassing situation)If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail...

1 year ago
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Cassie Hole Pt 4

Note : This story is completely fictional! Cassie had practiced this. HIS wife’s, her mommy’s car started up and went down the stone driveway, pausing to open the security gates and flowed through. That was the key for Cassie as she moved out of her bed and went to her shower, cleaning the scum that collected on her firm young thighs from masturbating the night before, the gelled dildo still twisted in her bed sheets as she cleaned up and stepped out. She pulled her robe on and sat down to do...

2 years ago
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InnocentChapter 13

When spring came, Jeff and I headed out, leaving the mothers behind. There had been a lot of good things I could say about having Helen along with me, but I was still relieved that she was staying home this time. She had children to concern her, now, so she would not be fretting so much about me and my safety. Jeff and I thought that we would take a close look at Central Texas this time. Something had always happened to keep me from making a full sweep, so I was sure that there were wanted...

2 years ago
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It started with a skirt Part 3

It started with a skirt. Part 3 Rita smiled. "Now that we have two women in this household it's time you did your share of the women's work or "housework" as we women call it, Bea. Let me show you how to use an iron." I was going to object that it was women's work as I looked myself in the mirror, realised how I was dressed again and looked heavenward. It wasn't exactly that I had forgotten I was dressed as a woman but more that I was still thinking like a man. But I looked so...

1 year ago
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Eva part2

Continued from here: gasped suddenly as my fingers worked there way down her shorts, slowly I worked my fingers over the top of her panties.They felt like lace or maybe satin, but my fingers felt the undeniable heat beneath them more than anything else. Her body wriggled against my hand, pushing herself against me as teaser her slowly through the soft material. All the time her neck and head extended upwards so that I could plant soft kisses there...

3 years ago
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Erotic Education 5 Chrissy Comes

CHRISSY COMES TO STAY ALL HOT HOLIDAY IN OUR TENT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chrissy comes unexpectedly to my tent, around midnight, in full moon lightHave I slept, or was I still day-dreaming at night of cute Chrissie at my lap?Right hand under my head, gazing the twinkling stars, left hand in my tent"I need to take a leak, pappa Peter! Will you help me & kiss my cunny dry?"She seems to wear only a long wide white T-shirt &...

1 year ago
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Girl Just Wants to Have Fun

As Lily awakened she squinted at the sunlight breaking through her bedroom curtains. Stretching out along her bed the sheets felt way too comfortable to get out of just yet. It was Friday though and Lily knew she had to get up and ready for school eventually. Grumbling a little to herself she threw off the blankets and stared at the ceiling, urging her body slowly into action. One of her parents would come and force her out of her comfy mattress anyway if she didn't do it herself. Walking over...

1 year ago
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GloryHoleInitiations Kira Noir 03102019

Kira Noir is one horny slut, and when she gets super horny (which is all the time) Kira loves to rub one out to dirty movies. Not just any dirty movies, either. Kira loves her porn to be “real”. Kira can’t seem to find anything online, so she’s found herself at an old-school, brick-and-mortar store that sells DVDs! And get this — there’s a preview booth in the store that will let you preview before you buy! Kira takes the clerk up on his offer, and soon is...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep in the SubwayChapter 38

(The Wild West Show of Shows) We were only about six days out of the east Nevada desert when we ran into an assortment of wagons, buckboards, and even some personalized stagecoaches that were jumbled together like matchsticks just marking time in the open plain. A whole gigantic circle of tents had been erected in the middle of nowhere with colorful signs that advertised it as “The Greatest Show on Earth!” Our entourage of railroad workers, happy-time girls, gamblers and land salesmen...

2 years ago
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Sow and ReapChapter 19 Unpleasant But Allegedly Good for Me

Mutou and I took the commuter train into the city. I was already beginning to understand Gorou's issues with the system. Our train was virtually empty; the one leaving the city was packed like sardines. I wondered, as we watched it go past, if there was money to be made in opening a competing transit system. I added it to the list of ideas for a new KaibaCorp. I had other plans for today. "Kaiba-boy! What an unexpected delight it is to see you!" Maximillion Pegasus greeted Mutou and I...

4 years ago
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Reunion To Bed Part 8211 1

Hi, friends this is Rahul. I’m again back with a new story which happened a few months ago. Sorry was really busy with my schedule so couldn’t post anything. So this happened in the month of January when me , my girlfriend Sonya, sandy and Simran we had a get together at my place. Before going to story you all know about my girlfriend Sonya but those who don’t know just let me tell you she is the dreamgirl of any guy with 34-28-36 figure with pure fair complexion and to know more read my other...

1 year ago
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A Pickup in the Pub

It had been a hard day at work, and Lisa was glad when she at last felt able to power down her workstation and make a dash for the door. She made a “fancy a drink” gesture in the direction of her friend Emma, but Emma made a miserable face and indicated that she still had work to do. That was a shame – Emma was good for a laugh in the pub, and could always be relied upon for some filthy gossip and the latest celebrity scandal. As she waited for the lift, Lisa weighed up the remaining options...

4 years ago
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The Sex Games Round 1 Losing My Virginity

The Games are a yearly event where five randomly selected eighteen-year-olds are required to compete for survival. The theme varies from year to year, but the conclusion of the Games forever constant. One player remains alive, the others having failed to prove themselves worthy. The fate of this final contestant rests in the hands of the masses. If they acted with noble intent and provided worthy entertainment, they are crowned victor. If not, they are banished to the outerland, a fate far...

3 years ago
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Kate the Kid Ch 02

Kate smelled trouble. She smelled it big time. She’d had two good days with Little Cloud and her husband, the Pastor Francis James. Little Cloud was as big as a house with her pregnancy and beaming. The couple had been so in love it was almost sickening. Kate had left her hotel to stay with them in a guest room. She’d done dishes and laundry for Little Cloud to help out, cleaned the church for Francis. Still, being in the city had bugged her and she went to the telegram office hoping for...

1 year ago
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BFFs Emma Starletto Jessica Rex Paige Owens Beer Pong Besties

Emma Starletto, Jessica Rex, and Paige Owens are three hot college girls who are ready to get some dick. They are playing beer pong before the boys arrive, and are super excited to get the night underway. When the guys finally show up, they get into a heated game of strip pong. Soon, the girls are all naked, and they demand for the two studs to join them in the nude. All it takes is a little encouragement, and these two guys are standing in front of them with their man meats standing at...

2 years ago
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Incest Taboo And An Abnormal Part 2

At first I thanks ISS for publishing my story. My name is Honey and I think people should not get bad about incest or taboo. Think who has created ud? adam and Eve. No other male or female. So the population today is the child of them that is either by incest or by taboo sex. Our family grew up on this philosophy. So people those who don’t agree with my self please forgive me. This story is about how my son sorry son in law became normal. Actually the name of my abnormal son is Karan. He is a...

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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 11

to Fight: to Heal "I would be delighted." I reply to Saul's offer, but look over at Nimrod. He seems to be watching Saul and me, trying to gauge my reactions. "Nim?" Saul says in a worried tone, does he think he has been to forward with his invitation. He climbs to his feet and shambles over to Nimrod hanging his head and hiding his eyes as if ashamed. "If that is alright with you?" "I said bring her home didn't I?" Nimrod says, pretending to be cranky. "Can we keep her?" Saul...

1 year ago
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Little Ninja Play With Me

Introduction: WWE Fan Fiction: Dean Ambrose Account Owners Note: I know most who come back to my page are after the 4th installment of The Goth Chronicles, and I promise you it is coming. However, I have had some problems. I had it ready to post along with another story I am working on called Taken by the Storm when my computer crashed. I was forced to do a factory reset on my computer and lost it all. I am working on getting it back into the land of the readers. As soon as I have it, you will....

2 years ago
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Tall Tale

Nalirra was one of the third generation of the incredibly long lived People. Her tribe were the twenty specialists who ran the Ship, kept it maintained and liveable, and cared for the valuable cargo of non-gens, frozen original human specimens intended to build a new humanity when the ship completed its incomprehensibly lengthy voyage. The People had been carefully designed for their task, engineered to provide the necessary expertise and skill, and to live happily in an environment that...

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