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In the wee hours of some quiet nights, I had continued to refine the site plan for Dream Catcher Ranch, and on Wednesday, I'd made copies of the site plan, such that it was, at Bare Printing on Aultman Street, so when my family and Robyn piled out of the Lincoln in front of the property on Great Basin Highway, I took a roll of the plans with me. Lou and Mabel had already arrived and were standing by a pickup truck parked on the shoulder of the highway in front of the Lincoln.

It was a cold day, and blustery, but the sky was clear, a deep, sparkling blue like Robyn's eyes. The highway and the shoulders on each side of the highway were free of ice and snow, but the land still carried an inch or two of the white stuff. Crusty snow, I realized as I stepped forward.

"My land has 250' of frontage on the highway," I said to my audience. "The main entrance to the ranch will be offset to the right, and I will put the land not used for the road to the left in pasture. I want some of my horses visible from the highway. I'll use white metal rail fencing for the front of the property, and the entrance will be dramatic and include gates that can be opened remotely. The property widens from 250' to 600' approximately 300' from the front property line. The depth of rear rectangle is approximately 500'. The house and outbuildings will be situated on the 600' by 500' rectangle. Lou, your land abuts the rear property line of the front parcel, and your land gives me access from Steptoe Creek Road." I pointed. "Steptoe Creek Road is the intersection we passed just before I pulled off the highway. You can see the intersection from here."

"I see it," Piper quipped.

"The main house will be two-stories tall and will contain 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms totaling about 4,500 square feet of living space. A carriage house for street vehicles with guest quarters over the garages will connect to the second floor of the house. The space between the house and the carriage house will act as a carport. The main house will be situated at the approximate center of the 600' width of the rear section far enough back from the widening point to allow for a circular drive in front of the house. I've been playing with a site plan that I'll give the architect I hire to design the structures." I handed out the site plans. Lou and Mabel shared one, as did Barbara and George. Mother and Robyn had their own copies.

"You drew this!" Mother exclaimed, her voice full of disbelief.

"Yes," I said. "Didn't you notice the drafting table in my office at the house?"

"When did you learn to do this kind of work?" she said. Her frown etched deep lines in her forehead.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I have no memories, remember. I take it from your reaction that I didn't exhibit any talent in architectural design or mechanical drawing before a lightning bolt tried to blast me into the great beyond and failed?"

"That's for sure," she said.

I decided to stonewall her incredulity and move on. "Mabel, notice where I placed the ranch manager's house. Does that location work for you?"

"Yes, I like the central location, and it's far enough from the stables to avoid a lot of the stink but close enough to easily walk to the stables from the house."

"Good, I'll consult with you and Lou about the floor plan of the house and the material and equipment that will go into it. Lou, notice the dotted rectangle on your property. That is a future 30-horse stable."

"I see it," he said.

"And I'll build the equipment shed half on your parcel and half on the front parcel. I'd actually like to slide the equipment shed completely over onto your parcel to make room for another training arena." I groaned. "The more I worked on the site plan, the more I realized that 27 acres would not accomplish what I want to accomplish. I spoke with Elizabeth yesterday at the luncheon and told her to investigate the ownership of any adjoining land to the two parcels that I've purchased. She laughed, Lou. Can you guess why?"

He tried to keep a straight face but couldn't. "Yeah, I own 60 more acres in two parcels, one at 20 acres next to the 20 acres I sold you, and the other at 40 acres, both with frontage to Steptoe Creek Road. Wanna wheel and deal on another 20 acres or would you rather make a deal on the whole shebang for a slight discount and make your currently teeny-tiny ranch a little ranch totaling 87 acres?"

"What are your asking prices for the two parcels?" I said.

"For a package deal: $7,500 an acre for the 60 acres. If you only want the 20 acres, the price is $10,000 per acre, like the first twenty acres, and we'll talk again later about the price of the 40-acre parcel when you're of a mind to add it to your ranch."

"Same down payment and carry-back arrangement as the first 20 acres?"


"I'll give you $300,000 for the 60 acres," I said.

"Hmm, that won't work for me, but I'll take $400,000," he said.

"Split the difference and you've got a deal," I said.

He hesitated and then stuck out his hand. "Deal."

I took it and said, "I think I'll let you do my horse trading for me, you old horse thief. You knew I'd need more acreage didn't you?"

He cackled. "I kinda figured you would. Kinda hard to make a 27-acre horse ranch profitable."

"I did okay," I said. "You expected to get $600,000 for the 80 acres, didn't you?"

He cackled again. "Guilty as charged. You're not a bad horse trader yourself. You beat me out of $50,000. 'Course considering the cost to hold the land and the lack of real property appreciation in this neck of the woods, not to mention the goldurned scarcity of qualified buyers, I came out of the deal mighty fine, too. We both won, young fella. That makes it a fair deal, and that's the way I like to wheel and deal."

"I'm not sure I understand what just happened," Robyn said.

"I'm with you, Robyn," my mother said.

"I just increased the size of Dream Catcher Ranch from 27 acres to 87 acres," I said.

"I understand that part," Robyn said. "What I don't understand is how you beat Lou out of $50,000."

"I paid Lou $50,000 less for the 80 acres than he expected to get, which was $7,500 per acre, or $600,000. I bought the first 20 acres at $10,000 an acre, or $200,000 and paid $350,000 for the other 60 acres, for a total of $550,000, instead of $600,000," I said.

"Oh, I understand now," Robyn said. "But Lou said he still came out of the deal mighty fine. Why?"

I said, "By selling all eighty acres now, he can invest the income and earn the $50,000 he lost, probably before he would have sold the land to another buyer, not to mention the cost to hold the land," I said. "It involves the time value of money."

George said, "Lou had to consider the present value of a future sum, discounted to the present."

"Like George said," Lou said.

Robyn groaned. "Now I'm really confused."

"Hellamighty," Mabel said, "All they did was a little horse tradin' using land instead of horses. All that other stuff is cow plop."

Piper giggled and said, "Plop, plop."

The sounds of riotous laughter rolled over the fields of snow.

Thank heaven for little girls.

Carol Jacobs watched her son stride across his land. He stopped, said something to Mabel, and gestured with his hands.

Robyn moved next to her and said, "He's different, isn't he?"

Carol snorted and said, "So different it's like he's a different person, like someone else inhabits his body. Robyn, the man my sweet little boy became was a big disappointment to me. He inherited some physical characteristics from his father that I admired. He's devastatingly handsome. He's big and strong. His deep voice resonates with power. In appearance, he's an alpha male, like his father. But he was also a bully, like his father, and disrespectful to women, made fun of fat or skinny or short people, was prejudiced against blacks and Hispanics and native Americans, and called the less fortunate intellects among us retards. I could go on and on. And he was selfish, like his father. John Windom cared about John Windom and not much else. The new John Windom isn't a bully. He protects the weak from the strong. He isn't self-centered, and he shows respect to everyone around him, unless the person is not deserving of respect. Now, his moral foundation is so deep and strong, you could build a skyscraper on it. And money, boy oh boy, has that changed. Before no matter how hard he tried, the old John Windom couldn't get ahead financially. He was constantly living beyond his means. Just before he moved to Ely, he filed for bankruptcy to get out of debt. I don't want to speak poorly of the dead, but Yvonne was worse than John in that respect. Their marriage was slated for failure, if only because of finances. That the marriage ended the way it did is sad, but ... You know what I mean."

"I understand," Robyn said.

Carol sighed. "I'll admit it. I didn't like Yvonne. She was a beautiful woman and craved beautiful things, but she had no taste, no sense of personal style. She followed fads, and following fads can put you in the poor house and keep you there. I'd hoped that John would marry a woman that, with the power of love, could change him. I think Yvonne loved John at first, but the last time I saw them together, I could see no love in either of them for the other. Yvonne loved my granddaughter, though. I'll give her that. To my eyes, she loved Piper more than John loved the little girl. I came here expecting to take Piper back to Reno with me, Robyn. The old John didn't have it in him to take care of a child on his own. Does that shock you?"

"Oh, my! Yes it does. John loves that little girl with all his heart. It's obvious in every look he gives her. If he looked at me like that just once, I'd ... I don't know what I'd do, but it would be difficult to resist."

Carol chuckled. "I didn't resist the look I saw in his father's face, but I made a mistake. I thought I saw love, but it was a look of lust, not love."

"I'll keep that in mind," Robyn said.

"Robyn, there's nothing wrong with lust as long as you don't confuse it with love. That's another thing that's different about my son. I'm pretty sure he cheated on his wife, and I know she cheated on him. I've got no reason to say this, but I think the new John would honor his marriage vows. What's more I don't think he would put up with a cheating wife for a second. Robyn, I'm pleased with some of the changes I see in him, more that pleased; I'm ecstatic. But some of the changes ... well, they're hard to take. Personalities can change, but sudden changes in knowledge or skills just don't happen. This site plan is an example, and it's just one example among many. The site plan looks professional, like an architect or engineer created the plan. The old John didn't have the knowledge or skill to develop and draw the plan. This worries me. The memory loss I can understand, but ... I don't know. Some of the changes I see in John make me feel like we're all playing parts in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Do you remember that old TV show?"

Robyn frowned and said, "I've heard of it, of course, but I don't believe I ever watched the show." She chuckled. "It must have been a powerful show, though, because being in the 'twilight zone' has become a normal expression used to describe an abnormal place involving the unusual or ESP or other paranormal events, and you're right, some of the changes I've seen in John certainly smack of the paranormal. Why does this worry you?"

"I'm worried that the Twilight Zone episode will end, and John will turn back into the man he was."

"To be honest, Carol, I harbor the same fear," Robyn said. "I could fall in love with the new John Windom. I detested the old John Windom."

"I need a favor, Robyn. This is very important to me. It involves the well being of my granddaughter. If my son reverts, if he stops being the man he has become even slightly, will you call me?"

Robyn nodded. "I will."

Carol opened her purse, extracted a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote her name, address and phone number on the paper. With a sigh when she gave the note to Robyn, she said, "I'll rest easier now. Thank you, Robyn."

Sunday afternoon. I was at loose ends. The cards were running against me. I quit after losing two tournaments, and I didn't want to rework the site plan for the ranch until I received survey drawings that include the additional 60 acres.

I opened my cell phone. It was time to do some courting in an around about way.

"Hello, Robyn," I said when she answered my call.

"Coach, did your mother and Barbara and George get away all right this morning?"

"They did. It was a tearful goodbye on Piper and Mother's parts, but my family left on schedule. Mother promised to call when they arrived safely back in Reno. After Mother left, one of Piper's friends called, and to console Piper, I dropped her off at her friend's home. She's having dinner with her friend's family. It's Agnes's day off, and after fixing my lunch, she left to visit friends, as well."

"I like your mother, Coach. Now I know where you came by some of your good qualities."

"I thank you on my mother's behalf. I called because I'm alone and at loose ends, and it occurred to me that, if you're not busy otherwise, it would be a good time for us to get to know each other better on a personal level instead of as we relate inside the school environment. Are you ... busy, I mean?"

"I was thinking about washing my hair and doing my nails," she said, her voice full of tease.

"There's no way for me to know, but like I sensed my general dislike of labor unions, I have a strong feeling that I am adept at washing hair. I do not, however, sense a like ability for the job of a manicurist," I said. "So, it's fifty/fifty proposition at best."

"Proposition?" she said, the tease still strong in the tones of her voice.

"Yes. You have some personal chores facing you. I'm proposing to assist you with one of these chores by washing your hair. I offered the proposition because it seems to me that, for a man, washing a beautiful woman's hair, unless the man is a beautician by profession, could be an intimate experience, not to mention that while I'm running my fingers through your thick and sudsy dark tresses to massage your scalp, we could talk and get to know each other on a more personal level, which was the point of my call. It would be a two-for, and you know how I enjoy the efficiency of two-fors. But a dilemma remains for you to resolve. Should you accept my proposition, only fifty percent of your chores will be completed because you'd be on your own regarding doing your nails."

I waited, and the silence stretched out. Finally she spoke, "If I accept this proposition, and I'm not saying I am, you'd have to come to my apartment to test your theory of the possible intimate experience. If I drove to your house, I'd need a sailor's duffle bag to tote all the paraphernalia required to wash my hair. Shampoo and conditioner, brushes and combs, hair dryer, and curlers would be a partial list."

"In that case, I'd be a fool not to hop into my pickup truck and drive lickety-split to your apartment."

"And I'd be fool not to take you up on your proposition."

"Great, I'll be there lickety-split. For future reference, what part of my spiel swayed your decision the most?"

"Imagining your fingers massaging my scalp through my sudsy tresses."

"Thought so," I said. "I'll be there in ten min..."

"Make that thirty minutes, Coach."

Robyn groaned with pleasure as I massaged her scalp with the tips of my fingers, and then added another dollop of shampoo for thicker more luxurious suds.

"I don't know if your theory held up for you, Coach, but you've proved it to me. A man washing my hair is indeed an intimate experience."

"It would have been more intimate in your shower than the kitchen sink," I said. "What's your favorite color?"


"What's your favorite color? That is my first question that when answered will start the process for me to know you better on a personal level—the other part of my two-for."

"Ah, I understand. Scrub just a little harder, please. Yes ... like that." Her groan was more a purr than a groan. "My favorite color is blue. Now, answer the same question for me."

"That's a tough one for me. When I look into your eyes, it's blue. And I prefer the blue of far away mountains to mountains even farther away with a purple hue. But the greens in a stand of conifers and the sun-dappled, flickering greens in mountain aspen leaves, and especially the green portions in breaking ocean waves resonate more for me than blue, so I've got to go with green. Who is your favorite current singer?"

"Garth Brooks," she said. "Your turn."

"Another tough one for me. I have a difficult time separating the singer from the song. When Whitney Houston sings I Will Always Love You, I yearn to be loved as deeply as the power and range of her voice suggests to me. But loving with that much intensity would likely be short term; it would burn itself out like a camp fire in a high wind unless fed more fuel to maintain the roaring blaze. I think I prefer the love Kenny Rogers sings about in Through the Years: long-term love; quiet, steadfast love. But then there's Garth Brooks and If Tomorrow Never Comes and the pathos of love. I guess I've got to go with Garth Brooks. Time to rinse, Robyn."

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I recently got divorced having had to move out I was looking for a mattress. I went to one of our local mattress stores in the store clerk there was with someone. I was forced to look around the store for a while without help. The girl there noticed me and said she would help me when she was finished up with this customer. So I’m going bed to bed laying on them trying to figure out what I liked while I waited for her. The whole time that she was helping that person I noticed that she was...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Mercedes Carrera Roleplay And OilPlay

Ryan McLane walks into a residential house where a massage table has been set up in the living room. He’s greeted by Mercedes Carrera,a masseuse who thanks him for coming to her home. Her massage business is a small start-up so they don’t have a parlor, but theyhave all the amenities – swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage… Ryan remarks that he’d heard about somethingcalled NURU massage, and Mercedes looks around before leaning in to speak...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 9

The four of us instantly reappeared on the field in front of the fort where we had watched the column arrive earlier that day. The Rangers and our relatives were all gone by this time. There were a number of tents belonging to the various militias set up a short distance from the fort. There was also the spherical defensive shell by the creek where our horses were being kept until we learned where to stable them. Both Generals stared around them at their new surroundings in shocked dismay...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 33 Fairys Naughty Game

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk Nathalie’s petite body draped over mine. Her trimmed, blonde bush pressed into my mouth. I shivered at the feel of her virgin pussy on my lips, her sweet cream trickling out. She tasted so similar to Zanyia. I rubbed her back as she licked and lapped at my pussy. I returned the favor. I rammed my tongue into her pussy, feeling her labia caressing my mouth. I drank her juices, licking, lapping, sliding through her hot folds....

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Mysogyny Ch 01

And then there was Jenny, standing in the doorway, her carefully matched white panties and perhaps too small sports bra hinting at the shape of things to come. Her hair was short cropped and blonde, falling over her black-rimmed glasses. She was attractive, until you peered beneath the surface. She demurely raised her hand to the light switch and flicked it downward. I was laying on her bed, my shirt off and my jeans becoming tighter and tighter. She moved her foot. I noticed her thigh...

1 year ago
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Her tormentors ignore all wails and pleas

by (sequel to http://xhamster.com/user/alfredbjunk/posts/233295.html or http://xhamster.com/user/alfredbjunk/posts/249226.html)Your wife wakes up at first light filtering though the slits in her cell. She hears a lot of commotion and wailing but the solid door does not allow her to see what is going on. Finally, she hears a key in the lock and the door opens to reveal three amazon guards. They have various implements of pain. One grabs her by the hair while the others tie her wrists and loop...

2 years ago
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Magic Is Gross 2 DevilChapter 4

Avery ignored her mother as she entered the house. Avery ignored. She lived in a slender two story home. Home to five people and three bedrooms. Headphones were the most important invention in Avery’s life. Everyone needed something in the Shannon home. The sheriff had her sudoku books. The doctor had his pool table. The sister had her video games. The brother had his friend’s house. Avery had her headphones. “Avery!” She jumped as her mother’s hand squeezed down on her shoulder. Avery knew...

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Local Crook Free Mistress

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @ , would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @ , would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fourth part for continuation “Colleague Taking Over Control” @ , would add spice to the current story. The spice of life was over for a while, for a month or so. All the...

1 year ago
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My Collegue pt 2

Introduction: Becoming friends with my co-worker – pt 2 Almost a week had past and Colton and I didnt talk about what he walked in my condo to see. Surprisingly it didnt make things awkward in the office. When he came into my office he would give me this creepy smile, wink, and then smile bigger. I thought it was because he was remembering when he caught me jacking off last week. We still took our lunch breaks at my condo but still nothing was said and no advances were made towards each other....

2 years ago
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My experience

As for me I myself have been through lots. The negative lately has been easy to handle for the fact that my memories in the bedroom,living room,bathroom,car, and more. So as common Welty to my fellow story tellers. I myself will tell you the most intimate moments that I never caught on camera or phone.This story will begin as any other. Coming home from work. HARD WORK AT THAT! Life was at it's grandest. I had found out about what my slave had done behind my back on New Years of 2012. I sent...

2 years ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 32 Jackie

I found myself tangled with naked bodies when I woke up. There was a hand on one of my boobs and I quickly determined it belonged to JR. As I came out of my slumbering state, I began to recall the events of the previous night. While fun at the time, giving a bunch of guys blowjobs wasn't something I wanted to repeat any time soon. The act made me feel a bit sluty, but it didn't really bother me, not at the time. What did surprise me were the subtle differences in the taste of the guys'...

3 years ago
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How I Became A Complete Man

Hi each and everyone of ISS, I am a great fan of this site for the past 6 years.I have been reading each and every story in this site. Come to myself I am from rajahmundry in andhra pradesh my age 23 years, height is 5.11 with a weight of 78 whitish in complex and my Snake (Dick) size is 6 in long and 3 in diameter.I completed my b-tech in Vizag Hai I am back again with one of my sex experience with my classmate as I said in my previous story...

2 years ago
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Picking Up A Stranger

It all started innocently enough, my beautiful wife Melissa wanted to go out for drinks after a long, hard week of working. We called a babysitter to watch our twins so we could go out and relax and enjoy an evening alone. My wife took her normal, relaxing shower and prepared herself for a nice evening out. We did not really have any set plans so I asked her again what she would like to do. My wife said she would like to go have a few drinks and then maybe some dinner. So we decided to try a...

3 years ago
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The materials from my work desk filled two cardboard boxes. I put them in a corner of our hotel room office. I went back to the limo for my briefcase and laptop, said a final "Thanks, and goodbye," to the driver. I gave him an envelope with a note and parting check. My work was done here. Suitcoat and tie went in the drycleaning hamper, replaced by cardigan and loafers. I went to the formal dining room, fixed a Dewar's on ice, then reviewed the materials spread on the table. I had two...

1 year ago
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NaughtyOffice Aidra Fox 24823

Aidra Fox’s boss has asked her to proofread an erotic novel. Her co-worker, Seth volunteers to do it but this book needs a woman’s touch. Seth can’t help but be curious how the read is, but Aidra lets him know that it’s none of his business. He decides to pack it up for the day, Aidra is going to stay late to finish the proofreading. Seth happened to forget his phone and comes back only to catch Aidra masturbating! She needs someone to finish the job he rudely...

1 year ago
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Being a Hoe Part 2

The boys and I got to Passions and headed into the famous club. We got a table and ordered a bottle of Ciroc to come. We all scanned the place to see the go-go boys dancing and gyrating on the stripper poles and with each other as well as seeing other cute boys dance and socialize. My Blackberry beeped again. "I'm here gorgeous, where are you" he texted. I looked at my phone for a split second and decided not to answer. I didn't know why but I didn't feel as if I had to reply to him. The...

1 year ago
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Chelles Secrets A Prelude

Michelle grinned at the sight before her: three young men, all of them a good decade younger than her 31 years, all standing naked, their hard young cocks at attention before her at the foot of the bed. Three men, all for her. ‘Well, well,’ she said to the one in the center, the one that she actually knew. ‘Just look at what you brought me this time!’ Slowly she crawled forward on hands and knees towards the closest one, her naked ass wriggling invitingly behind her as she moved. This was going...

3 years ago
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To Be Or Not To Be A Doctor Chapter 5

"Why...why did you kiss my feet?" "I am parachi, you are karaiyar. For centuries my people have prostrated themselves before you." "No! I don't believe in the caste system. We are equals." "I was only teasing." She grinned. "Your parents were telling me how the community here thinks of caste. I did not tell them, but actually they are stuck in the eighties. In Sri Lanka we have moved on. The rebels did not believe in caste, and did a lot to stamp it out." "Really?" "The...

1 year ago
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Dubai Man And My Wife

Hey guys I am back with the next chapter of the story Dubai men and my wife but only this time it will be Dubai man and my wife hope you enjoy it. I couldn’t submit this story as my old account got deleted but you all can still mail me on For those who haven’t read the first part here’s a brief. I got an interview in which Ali selected me to Dubai then I came to know that he is a womanizer. One evening when he was sleeping in my house we had drinks and then Ali and his brother slept in my...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 144 The Times They Are aChangin

As it turned out, Alan was about twenty minutes later returning to Christine and Amy than he otherwise would have been, thanks to the special way Susan and Katherine had awoken him and all that had transpired after that (including quite a lot of sudsy titfucking "cleaning" with both of them). It had been a close thing, but in the end he still hadn't had an orgasm. His penis was clean though - very, very clean! He walked across his backyard wearing a pair of shorts, flip flops, and a...

1 year ago
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Spin Casino

SpinCasino! Have you been missing out on getting your gamble on during COVID? Or maybe you just hate going outside and getting your bet on around other people. I feel you. There are plenty of weird fucks that visit casinos. Especially late at night when it’s only the C-level staff running the joint. That’s when the bizarre shit happens; you’ve got no idea.If you want to avoid all of that, hop on over to Spin Casino. Give it a spin without touching the sticky roulette wheel. That shit has semen...

Betting Sites
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Hawas ka badla

Hi people. Yeh meri kahani hai jab main 20 saal ki thi.hamare gher main un dino kaafi guest aate the.mere chacha ka ladka bhi ek baar aaya tha aur hamare sath mahina bher ruka tha.yeh usi time ki kahani hai.mera naam roja hai aur uska naam sager tha. Ham logon ka gher kaafi bada tha.woh ek din mere room main aaya aur kaha ki uske bathroom main pani nahi hai to woh mere bathroom main nahayega.maine kaha theek hai.mere bathroom main ek key hole tha.maine usme se jhannk k dekha to woh under nange...

3 years ago
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Bada Dudha Bali Aunty Saha Bus Re Gandi Ghasa Ghasi

Mun every day college jiba time re au asiba time re Bus re jiba asiba kare, emiti jiba time mote approximate 45-50 minute lage college jiba pain, mun jenerally 9.00 re bahare au bus generally bahut bhida thai se time re, mote pray sabudina standing re jiba ku pade, au jebe bi chance mile basiba pain mun base nahin kahinki na standing re jibara reason hin kichi emiti achi,generally sei time re college jhia au local gaon ra jhia bahu mane bus re jiba asiba karanti, au se mane basile tanka agare...

4 years ago
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Anitas night in Las Vegas

Anita’s night in Las VegasTo celebrate our wedding anniversary, I invited my sweet Ana to spend a week end at Las Vegas...After checking at the hotel, Ana told me she would have a shower and get ready for going out to dinner.A while later she came out from the bathroom and I was really surprised about how she looked.My sweet Ana was wearing her shortest black skirt, which barely covered her ass cheeks; a very sexy white low cut blouse and a pair of black high heels. Her makeup was perfect. She...

1 year ago
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Sasu Ma Ki Chudai

Hi My name is Raju I am from nepal . This Story is real my house in Nepal. Meri abhi nai nai sadi hui hai meri bibi nisha teaching job mai hai uske sath uske mammi papa bhi rahtai hai wajah meri bibi load hai isi lia maike mai rah rahi hai meri sasu ma ka naam tara hai Mein unhe sasu ma kah kar bulata hoon.sasu ma ki age 42 saal ki hai woh bhi teacher hai sasu ma dekhne mein bahut hi sexy hai unka figure 40-36-40 hai woh hamesha hi saree pehanti hai. Woh saree bhi aise pehanti hai ki peeche se...

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Enslaved Chapter 52

The crate labelled ‘Additional Sales’ stood in the centre of the bedroom in Quentin’s suite. Still unaware of its contents, Hans and Cassim had placed it there for him. On previous days they had also made some minor alterations and additions to the bedroom and the adjoining dressing room.The latter had been converted into a kind of cell-cum-Punishment Room, with all the necessary equipment. The room was now entered through an iron-grille door which could be locked. There were some changes in...

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Lonely VacationComing up from the pool you slip out of your bikini, admire your smooth hard body in the mirror before stepping into the shower......Feeling the force of the water against your body you are about to start washing when the door opens.......She presses her body against you and you feel her nipples harden.....her freshly shaven lips press against the taught skin of your perfect butt..... Her hands move smoothly, cleaning every part of your incredible body..... Sliding her hands...

2 years ago
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Dark TownChapter 11

THAT SAME WEEK MONDAY NIGHT — AISHA'S BEDROOM Aisha was sleeping all by herself in her bedroom. Her mom went to meet a friend and said she was going to spend the night there and perhaps for the rest of the week. As Aisha slept she had been having a very wonderful dream. In her dream she was in bed with her teacher Carlos Sanchez. They were naked and having sex. She laid on her back while Sanchez took her from the top. In Islam the man must always be on top, not the woman. "Yeesss Mr...

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The Last Night Ch 02

Another familiar face introduces itself. Nancy is her name. I see that her hair is damp as she thrusts out a hand to shake mine. ‘How are you? Is Stephaney here with you or couldn’t she make it?’ she asks me, smiling. ‘Sorry for the damp hands. It’s started coming down out there and I just got in.’ Rain. I can hear it above the dull roar of the room, beating down just beyond the open doors of the auditorium. I think of the first time I saw you. But I always think of the first time I saw you...

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One of her favorite guys to jerk off another of my wifes college adventures

Recently my wife gave me a long slow pleasurable hand job while telling me a story about another of her memorable college boyfriends. She referred to him as the “screamer.” He was one of her favorite guys to jerk off. She gets excited thinking about jerking off and blowing her boyfriends; it is sexually enjoyable for her to imagine doing it again.When she tells me a story about one of her sexual experiences she visualizes it happening again and thinks about what it felt like. While she is...

Straight Sex
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Looking Through the LensChapter 19 In the Light

It was hard to leave Heather that evening. We cuddled on the couch for an hour. I wanted to stay with her, forever. Eventually, her parents finished their card game and migrated to the kitchen. The bright lights woke us. We didn’t even hear their footsteps. We went into the house, catching Aongus kissing Mairead a little more than casually. I smiled to myself at the reversal of roles. “Dad,” Heather drawled. They took their time finishing while we walked through the kitchen. “I won the...

4 years ago
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Carnal Devotion

You look ravishing tonight, I only have eyes for you. Even though we do not know each other, there is an understanding, a silent message conveyed by our eyes across the room. As I leave my place beside my colleagues to approach you at the bar, your smile widens as I answer your silent request.I offer you a drink, to drench your desire for me while we get acquainted. You accept it, although I know you would like to leave right away, but I want to see who I’m going to please tonight. We chat...

Straight Sex
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Le Cirque du Sexe

Le Cirque du Sexe Max and Martine left the hotel in the Bastille and headed for the Metro. Max clutched the copy of Pariscope they had bought earlier to check out some things to do. Coming across a page devoted to real live sex acts Max had asked Martine if she were interested. “Yeah, why not,” she had said. ‘Something different.” Neither of them had been to a show like that before and they were tired of the cultural trail, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, les Bateaux...

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