Pebble BeachChapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Bruno contacted both the TV station and the local rag, asking them to call for volunteers to help us dismantle the café equipment. The response was staggering. There were all the tradesmen needed to legally disconnect services and render the equipment in a safe condition, also the offer to reinstall it when the cabin is completed.
A spin off from the call for the volunteers was offers to assist with the completion of the cabin. The owner of a floor covering store Ray Hartley, rang me at home with an offer of second hand pub carpet. The Criterion hotel was replacing all their floor coverings and suggested we could use their old ones. There were several parts of the carpet that had minimal wear and was in perfect condition apart from needing a steam cleaning which the carpet store would do for us.
The manager told me that he and his carpet layer would install the carpet for the cost of the accessories needed to lay it. He also offered to supply the tiles for the kitchen and the ablution blocks, these he said were extras not used from different jobs.
"They will be in a variety of colours, but all the same size, if we mix them a bit they could form a patchwork pattern."
"That sounds terrific Ray, we originally intended on painting the floor with paving paint. The carpet will certainly give the place a lift, and the tiles would certainly make the kitchen and ablution blocks a lot more hygienic. On behalf of the kids I thank you profusely."
"That's OK Jim, these kids need a little bit of help now and then, it's not costing me much and it's a good cause."
Another offer came from the local paint store, he would supply all of the paint at cost. The offers just kept coming in, it was heart warming to say the least.
Over the course of the next month we completed all of the interior structure. The ceiling and insulation was installed, the interior walls were painted with a mushroom coloured paint, and the doors were a contrasting cream.
We had decide to run a two inch pipe down the centre of the main room, just above head height. Two similar pipes ran along the walls, these were the tying points for the hammocks. A concertina partition from the Criterion hotel separated the boys from the girls during the night time.
Once the carpet and tiles had been laid we recalled our volunteers to begin the installation the kitchen equipment. Soon there was a number of people fitting out the kitchen. The tables and chairs were brought in and the cabin took on the appearance of a rustic café.
By the end of the month the cabin was complete. A sporting goods company supplied hammocks and sleeping bags at cost, this was a great help. Hattie and Jane bought a bolt of sheet material and made sleeping bag liners which could be removed and washed.
Finally the great day arrived, Bruno brought the Sisters and the kids over. The TV crew and news paper editor were present, all the folk who had helped in one form or another was there. Monsignor Rossi was there on behalf of the orphanage.
I had asked Bruno to make a speech on my behalf, I'm no great orator and he could cover all the aspects that I would overlook.
"People, on behalf of Jim I would like to thank all of you for helping to build this cabin for the kids. You have given labour and materials, you have assisted in many ways to bring this project to fruition."
"This cabin will allow the kids from the orphanage to enjoy the beach and the company of the Pebble Beach residents who's interest in them started the ball rolling. For now and in the future we hope to be seeing young people enjoying the fruits of your labour. A very big thank you."
Monsignor Rossi stood to speak on behalf of the orphanage. "Ladies and gentlemen, although I am the person responsible for the orphanage I think it would be more fitting if Sister Mary spoke on their behalf ... Sister Mary."
A flustered Sister Mary quickly conferred with Sister Teresa before replying.
"Good people of Pebble Beach, all of you people that assisted them on their venture, all of the businesses that donated goods and gave them materials at cost price. On behalf of the children I offer our heart felt thanks, for without you, today would not be possible. Thank you."
There was a rousing round of applause. When things quietened down Bruno responded, "The smiles on the kids faces are all the thanks we need to know we have done the right thing."
Annie called for everyone's attention, "There are light refreshments available in the cabin, please enjoy them."
After the guests had gone we showed the kids how to sling their hammocks. It was quite amusing to see some of the knots they tried to use. Fred gathered them all around him and taught them how to tie a clove hitch.
"Tie your hitch like I've just shown you and then tie it off with a half hitch, that way it won't come undone but it's an easy knot to undo."
The Sisters had a separate room each with a bed, a side locker and a wardrobe.
"Would you mind if we put the two beds in one of the rooms and used the other as a sitting room Jim?"
"Sister Mary, this is your cabin, you use it as you wish. If you need any furniture for the sitting room we can rustle something up for you."
The kids soon settled into their new cabin, Rosie had full time companions to play with. When Betty passed away, we stored her furniture in the garage, as Helga had brought her own. Fred and I asked the Sisters if they would like to select what they needed for their sitting room. We looked through what was there and they said they would like the two arm chairs and the coffee table.
The small motor home that I rented was more than adequate for my needs. It had a small shower recess with a portapotti which saved leaving the van for the necessaries. A microwave oven, a cook top and a small fridge. It wasn't a speedy machine but I wasn't in any hurry to get there, no destination, no fixed abode, at least while I was on holiday. For the first few days I just bummed around getting used to the way things handled. I parked in van parks overnight and spoke to other folk who...
The next morning, when all of the kids returned from their sleeping quarters, accompanied by our local folk. Sister Teresa called for a 'bit of shush'. "Children, the kind folk of Pebble Beach have offered to build the orphanage a large log cabin. They are also providing us with a bus for when we need to come down here. I would like you all to put your hands together and show them our appreciation." There were squeals of joy, "whoopee, wow, great," and much more. I spoke up, "Looks...
We stripped off and stood under the shower heads. When we built the ablution block we decided on communal showers, this put four shower heads in both the male and female blocks. The water was nice and hot, the pressure was good and there was plenty of it. Rosie took to it like a duck takes to water, she stood under the spray and gave that satisfied shiver all down her back. "This is great Jim, the pressure is better here than the shower up at the house." "And we have endless hot water...
Allie and Joey became regular visitors to the beach, Joey took over the role of bus driver. Because Mama had reluctantly given them her approval to sleep together Annie made up the guest room to accommodate them. Allie continued to excel in her accounting course and spent a lot of her free time from college working with Erin and Ed. Along with Joey, the four of them became firm friends and often we would have them all visiting us. This gave me the opportunity to catch up on how the...
I received a phone call from Mama later on in the week, "Jim, Allie told me about her worries, Bruno and I soon put her mind to rest. She's a lovely girl Jim and we are only too happy to have her and Joey together." "Thank you Mama, I told her the same thing, Allie thinks that because she is an orphan that she's worthless, that's not the case at all. I know that both her and Joey will make a great couple." "The only thing we asked of her is that they wait until after she graduates...
Saturday morning Bruno, Joey, Allie, the Sisters and the kids arrived. As soon as the bus stopped the kids were off and over to where the bits for the raft was stacked. "When can we start Mr Jim?" "Well first we must move the pontoons over to the beach kids. If we were to build it here we wouldn't be able to launch it." "I thought we were going to have the raft in the lagoon Mr Jim," a young girl said. "That's right Jennie, we will build it on the beach and then push it into the...
Epilogue Annie and I sit back and survey our little town, it's been a happy journey from when I, as a burnt out bean counter, travelled down that bumpy road to Pebble Beach and saw the woman trying to put up the sign 'house for sale' Rosie is sitting with her head in Annie's lap, a contented look on her face. Annie is snuggled against me. "You look like you're in deep thought Jim." "Yes Annie, I was just thinking how contented I am, I have the love of a special lady, a contented...
This story came to mind just after logging into xhamster to check my mail. I read Pebbles message that suggested "I could read her mind", and I thought "if only she knew in her mind right now that I am admiring her sexy nude beach images again right now and they have me feeling horny".So I sent a message back and kept looking at the sensual nude images. My cock is hard and feeling horny straining inside my pants and ache for another sweet release. So I unzip and pull it out. It stands proud...
Pebbles fantasy finally comes to life.Your fantasy begins with you going out for a night on the town with your girlfriends. Your boyfriend is away with his friends on a camping trip for three days, so you ring around your friends and arrange to go out on Friday night to the club. When you get there you do some dancing and drinking and have lots of fun. You meet two guys Jason and Joel at the club. There is instant chemistry between the 3 of you.Though only in their early 20’s, you first notice...
With Clarrie laid to rest, Annie was a little out of her league for a while. The rest of the villagers were a lot older than both of us and although they tried to help her with her grieving it wasn't enough. She came over to milk Rosie every day and we become fast friends. We would sit and talk, her about her early life in the Philippines and me talking about my job at the supermarket. One day she came over and I was playing the banjo, "I've heard you playing that thing quite often, I...
The next morning the locals arrived with wheel barrows, rakes and shovels. The women folk were setting up trestle tables for refreshments, they decided on a barbeque when the pour was finished. Just after eight o'clock the first truck arrived and it head down and arse up. Mick directed where to dump the barrow loads and as soon as there was enough to start levelling he was in there with a shovel. After he was satisfied that the menfolk were dumping the loads in the right place he told me...
After Alex had rung off I received another call, this time from the editor of the local rag. "Mr Taylor, I was watching the news on television, is it correct that you have donated the log cabin to the Church?" "No Editor, Father Ryan took it upon himself to claim it was a donation. Nothing could be further from the truth, the cabin is being built for the exclusive use of the orphanage; it is on my land and remains my property. There is a covenant on the land title that gives the...
After a visit to the local plumbing supplier we purchase a pump, several fittings and three rolls of black poly pipe, we were set for Ron's part of the installation. Ron arrived early the next morning. "All set Jim?" "Yeah Ron, I was just looking at this poly pipe, there's a hundred metres in each roll. That should give us plenty of hot water when the sun's out." "It's a lot of pipe Jim, you will need to warn the kids that the water will burn them, it gets bloody hot in the...
Mama and Bruno arrived early the next morning, Mama was bubbling over with excitement. "Where is she Jim? I've been on tenterhooks all night, don't keep me waiting any longer." "Whoa there Mama, Allie doesn't know about this yet so let's play it by ear OK?" "Yes, of course Jim, it's just that I'm so excited. Since Joey grew up I've been a bit of a lost soul. The mother instinct in me needs nourishing and I hope this Allison is my salvation." "That's all well and good Mama...
This weekend Bruno and Mama brought the kids over. They hemmed and hawed for a bit, then Mama decided to talk to us. "Annie, Jim ... Bruno and I would like to build a house here, would you mind?" "Mama, I would love to have you for neighbours, you are very welcome to build ... as long as you don't build some great mausoleum. The folks around here, as you well know are old age pensioners and I think that they would feel a little put out if you did." "No Jim we don't want to build...
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Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Yeh meri first story hai. Mujhe pata nhi par mai bachapan se hi sex parti bhut atractive raha hu jab mai 18 saal ka tha tbse hi maine sex ke bare me janne ki icha badh gai thi aur mai raat ko apne sote time apne buaa ki ladki ke sath chipk kr sota aur usko sahlta pr us time mujhe nhi pata tha ka ki aisha krne se kya hoga Chaliye main apnk khani pe aata hu. Ye tbki baat hai jb class 12 th me tha us time boars paper najdik aa gaye the aur mai apne examnation...
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My name is Jackson Shaw. I’m a historian, a philosopher, a night club owner, and oh yes, a vampire. I live in Ohio, and for the most part I have a neat, quiet existence. I wake up every morning at 6, hop out of bed, have a shower, get dressed, and then head over to my favorite coffee shop for my morning tea. This has been my morning ritual ever since I arrived here about a year ago. Now I know to most, this is not what you were expecting the life of vampire to be. I know that the imagination...
I don’t know if there will ever be Vignette #2 or Vignette #3, but if such should arise in my mind I’ll have ready made titles for them. * * * * * * At five in the afternoon on this early spring day the sun was already casting shadows. As Connor climbed the steps to the stoop of the red brick row house his whole body was sensitized in anticipation of what would be required of him this day. He had a sense...