Farmer 8217 s Wife
- 2 years ago
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Andrew looked at the growing pile of equipment and shivered in fear. He knew he wasn’t strong enough to carry it all yet, but he would work hard and in time be able to carry it all with ease.
Lann went through the items quickly, giving a quick explanation of each as he held it up. “Tinderbox for fire starting. Always keep an eye out for dry moss, or even wet at the base of large trees. You will find it tends to grow on the north side in the shade.” He placed the tinderbox in the upper right side pouch on the pack. “You will need to make a sewing kit and take some patching material along as well. Repairs to clothes will be an ongoing chore while in the wild.”
Next came a bundle of 10 small torches. “These need to be re-tarred the morning before you leave. They’ve dried out a bit so won’t burn at all well.” He set these aside with the old rope. Your field rations will be kept in the small pack that you will hang from one of the crossed poles. He held up a small book next. As he flipped through pages the boys saw they were all blank. Your first travel journal son. Keep a good record of your travels. A good record of your time out there may save your life someday. I know it did mine a quite few times.”
“Father, how could the journal save your life?” asked Windel.
He looked at Windel hard before answering, “I had several notes made up that covered an issue I had dealt with in the past. Like a type of lock that required a special key for instance. My notes showed me how to open the door before the trapped floor opened on me. Hungry wolves in the pit did not suit my fancy that day. I had seen a trap like it a few years before. The first encounter left me cut up and a dead creature I had never seen the likes of before. So always take time to make notes and keep your journals up to date.” He slipped the book into a lower pocket on the right side and made sure the wax binding would hold it shut to keep the moisture out.
Another small leather roll had string and fishing hooks in it. “With these and any cut pole, you can eat along rivers and lakes. They also make great tripwires for alarms and traps.” Next a small hammer, “For driving nails, and breaking things, very handy to have.” Another oilcloth roll was opened. In it were bandages, and ointments. “First aid kit for small injuries. If you use any of it, re-stock it at the first opportunity.” Next a small flask. “Burning oil. I’ll replace the oil. I can smell it has gone rancid after so long a time.”
Next came a roll of small bags and pouches. “Always handy to have extra storage when small treasures are just laying about to be picked up. I would recommend placing small stones in one and wearing in place of the coin pouch. That way the quick-fingered get only a cheap pouch of stones instead of your money.” He returned the pouch roll to the pack.
He held up a roll of cloth that had short pole sticking out of the ends. “A small one-man tent. It was mine when I started my life on the road. I never wanted to let it go, even after I teamed up with a group of likeminded souls. It goes on the left side of the pack and is held in place by these straps.” He showed them how it could be fastened in place so as not to work loose. Next a small box, about 6 inches long, 2 wide and 1 thick. “Whetstone. Always keep your blades sharp, but not razor sharp.” He opened the box, “The stone is dry. I will oil it in the morning so it will be fresh when it is time for you to go.”
He held up a stiff pouch and opened the top flap. In it were a dozen small darts. “I would suggest practicing daily in a place you will not lose them. In close quarters, these are a lifesaver.” He closed the flap and fed the wood dowel into the loop of cord that secured it shut. “I would recommend attaching them to your belt at your side below the sword.” Next a small bag that he handled gently. He opened it and poured the contents on the bed. It was 2 dozen small caltrops. “If you are being chased by horsemen or anybody in light shoes, these will stop them and render them lame for a time.” He carefully gathered the sharp spike devices back into their pouch and placed it in the rearmost pocket on the pack. “At one time I kept them in a hard box and they soaked in a mild poison that would burn if you stepped on one. I had to give that up towards the end of the last big mission. They proved to be less than effective against the things we were up against that day.”
“Now for the standard tools, all small mind you. A shovel, a small stone pick, a hatchet, a small tree ax. A set of skinning blades, a drawknife, a whittling blade, and a collapsible bucket. You will add to these as time goes on, but with this kit, you will get by at first.” Lann showed Andrew How to secure the tools so they wouldn’t come loose yet still be easily accessible.
Lann then showed Andrew how to pack everything and the best ways to fold and roll clothing. When they finished, Andrew looked at the large heavy pack and wondered if he would even be able to stand much less walk all day with it on. “What about the poles father?” Pointing to the long wooden poles on the floor.
“Those? Oh, they hook across the back of the pack like this, crossed so you can hang smaller bags from them as you travel. I always kept my food and a spare set of cloths wrapped in oilcloth to keep them dry in a spare Haversack. The other tools and rope, things you can reach back and grab at need.” He showed the young men how the poles fitted and had Andrew stand. “How’s that feel?”
“Heavy, and bit off balance to the right.” He adjusted his stance, but the weight to one side tried to pull him over a bit more.
“That will correct once you have the supplies packed in the left bag and the water bags filled. Where’s your small camping pack?” Lann asked.
“It’s still in the closet. I didn’t think I would need it because it is so small.”
“You thought wrong. Windel, grab it for us would you.” Windel was back in a moment with the small pack. Holding it up he explained what would go in it. “More clothes and assorted bits and bobs. The things you find you need but never have at hand. You wear it over your left shoulder like this.” He had the boy slide it over the left shoulder then adjusted the straps so it wouldn’t slide off all the time. He stood back and looked at the overloaded boy and grinned. “I know this seems like a lot of gear, but you are carrying your home on your back now. You will grow stronger as you travel. Just take care not to lose anything or allow it to be taken from you.” He stepped back a few paces and indicated the others should do the same. “Draw your blade,” he said, stepping back in case Andrew over pulled and swung it around the room.
Andrew reached across with his right hand to grip the hilt but his arm wouldn’t reach because of the straps from the pack. He spent a few seconds struggling with the straps, then had a thought. He pulled his shoulders back and shrugged, this caused the massive pack to drop away and land upright. At the same time as he drew the blade, he allowed his left arm to drop and the small pack dropped and landed as if ready to be picked back up. His father smiled, “Very good son. That trick took me months to figure out. What clued you in on it?”
Andrew smiled back, “You did, about 20 years ago.”
“My old journals. I guess they will come in handy for you after all.” He gestured with a smile and wave of his hand, “Now put the blade away and get the packs back on. You need to be able to seat them and be moving in less than a minute.”
Andrew returned the sword to its scabbard, then had a thought and pulled a loop on the top of the scabbards tie down flap over the pommel. This would serve to hold the sword in place while traveling, but could be released by his simply lifting the hilt to draw it. Next, he started to pick up the small bag, he was thinking to just pick up in the reverse of the drop order but found that wouldn’t work. He stopped in front of the massive pack squatted down and studied the straps as to how they hung for a minute. He knew he couldn’t pick it up and swing it around yet, so he slightly loosened the straps, turned his back to the pack. Backing up to the pack he was able to slide his arms in the straps. Grasping the lower straps he pulled them tight. Andrew twisted his shoulders a few times to get the straps in the right places, then leaned forward to try and stand up. He used his hands on the ground to act as supports at first, then pushed up with his knees. As his legs straightened, he pushed off with his hands hoping this would get him standing upright. This worked, but his lack of strength and practice caused the weight to overbalance him backward. He fell back and landed on his butt with a clatter of the cooking gear banging around. His brothers chuckled until a sharp look from their father silenced them. Andrew glance over his shoulder at the offending pans, “Father, how do I secure those so they don’t make that racket.”
To his other sons, “This is not a laughing matter. One day you may find yourself in just this situation. Watch, listen and learn now while I can teach you.” He looked at Andrew, “Just run some cord around them and snug them to the pack. Being able to sit and stand with the full pack will save your life someday. It will also make getting moving in the morning easier at first.” He handed Andrew a walking staff, the third pole. “Use the staff to assist in getting up straight.” Using the staff for support, Andrew was able to get to his feet after struggling to right himself. He felt his knees almost groan with the strain of the weight. Lann saw the trouble Andrew was having. “Son, If I were to allow you to leave at this point your mother and I would be guilty of murder. You wouldn’t make it to the next farm over in your current condition. Being a farmer is not the same as being on the road on foot as an adventurer.” He helped Andrew remove the gear and properly stow it for the night in the closet. “I need to talk with your mother, I’ll be back in a bit.” He left the room and the slightly worried Andrew to stew for a bit.
Andrew’s elder brothers left him to his thoughts while Windel stayed with him to talk. “Don’t look so down Andy, at least he left all the gear here for you to work with.” He glanced at the door then smiled. “I think I know what he may have in mind and you will thank him for it before all is said and done with you on the road.”
Andrew sat on his bunk, rubbing his left knee that had protested during the lift. “What can he do that will help, I’m weak Windel. I mean, look at what the partial load did to me, the full load would kill me.” He shrugged his shoulders and lifted them a few times. The straps had pulled and rubbed; leaving them sore.
“Ok, think of this little brother, how long does it take to walk the border of the property. Think about the terrain on the back section with the hills. Imagine doing five laps around it every day for the next two or three months,” said Windel with an evil grin.
Andrew still sitting down on his bunk, continued to rub at his left shoulder where the smaller bag had dug into the flesh a bit. “That would kill me, at least at first it would, I guess it would help me in the long run.” He had a thought and snorted, “And I will have to cut the trail back and clear the debris as I go too. I guess that would be good training for me in the wild. The border is nearly impassable in its current state.”
Windel smiled and gave Andrew a light punch in the less sore shoulder and smiled, “Now your thinking. I say six weeks and you will be ready for the road.” He paused then had another wicked thought that showed as another nasty smile bent his lips. “He could have you pull the weeding plow too, that would be a real muscle builder for sure.”
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Wife LoversI watched for a message on my cell, not really expecting one from Brandy, but wanting to know if they had enjoyed their visit enough to repeat it again on the following Saturday. To my surprise, as I looked at her Facebook page, I saw that she had plans to take the exchange student sightseeing at the lake on that very day. I smiled knowing that was her way of letting me know to meet them there. That was on Wednesday and I still had two days and a wake up before I would again revel in the lush...
IncestEric wasn’t used to all the walking and exercise I put him through as we explored parts of the local wilderness. When we returned from the jaunt, Eric and Nicole broke into the beer he bought. I was satisfied with my whiskey and cola. After the kids were in bed, Eric asked if he could go into the spa and relax. Nicole and I joined him and put on some great CDs from the 80s and early 90s rock. It made for a very comfortable atmosphere. Nicole sat in between Eric and me in the spa. She...
Officer Friendly It had been a very long week. Nicole, a 42 year old successful lawyer and her 16-year-old daughter Beth had been looking forward to a month vacation at the lake. Nicole worked very hard as a lawyer. She and Beth had the best that money could buy: cars, clothes and of course their vacation home on the lake. The two were packed and ready to hit the road. They figured it would take around six hours to arrive. It was great to finally get out of the city for a month. Beth asked...
Breakfast next morning was quiet as the assorted lovers took stock of their experiences. They had remained in their groupings overnight and Molly remembered fondly her son's vigorous fucking of her twice more during the night. Jack, too, had great memories of his sister's lissome body writhing in ecstasy as they fucked each other to sleep. The three cousins, Greg, Cara and Sarah, had probably had the least sex for shortly after Greg fucked his sister they had fallen asleep, awaking in a cozy...
Hi all, this is my first story on ISS. This was a real-life incident that happened to me in April 2020. The Corona pandemic has been a testing time for all of us. The lockdown made everyone stay at home with the family. This incident happened to me during this lockdown period. Talking about me, I am 6 ft tall, 27 years of age, a mallu guy brought up in a southern metro city. I am doing my master’s in a reputed college in India. We were told to go home in March due to the ongoing pandemic crisis...
Hello friends. This is Rakesh back with a new real story. Any girls who want to meet and have a good time in Hyderabad message me on I guarantee you privacy and fun-filled meeting. You will love my company for sure. So this is a real story which took place last month with one of the ISS readers. She has told not to tell her real name. So let’s keep her name as Sanjana. Sanjana read my previous stories and messaged me saying she liked it very much. I have been getting a lot of messages from...
Hi friend I am Jzlove I am from Pune, I am 27 years old, good looking boy an am Muslim…. Sorry if I make any mistake ,this is my first stories, if any aunty or girl want to have sex please contact me () if this happen it will be in between us only , My stories happen when I was 20,mai bilkul ek cute sa ladka hu sab muze pyar karte the aur mere lips bahot pink hai isliye sab aurte mere lips ko padad kar daba k halkisi kiss kiya karte the,aur mai jab 18 saal ka tha muze sex k bare me kuch pata...
A Tale of Two "Tribbies" by rat_race * * * * * I could barely believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. And it was all taking place right in front of me, in real time. My ex-girlfriend, Susie--who used to be my girlfriend, up until about a week ago--was "getting it on" with her best friend, Sharon, in the back yard of Sharon's house. Meanwhile, my friend, Davy--who was Susie's older brother--and I were both hiding in the shadows behind the 5-foot-tall rock wall...
I’m Kami, and I’m a thirty-something blonde who mostly has a preference for other women, which if anything has been heightened by my boyfriend’s recent obsession with T-girls. Secretly though, while I’m busy licking out my gorgeous young flatmate Amy, or my landlady Jess, my mind often wanders towards she-cock, something that through my boyfriend’s sessions I’ve been lucky enough to taste and experience in my pussy a few times now.The other night, I got my first taste of an actual gay and...
I was woken by the vibrating noise of my mobile and looked over at the time, the bedside clock said 1am. The caller I'D on the phone simply showed Bitch, naimly my boss Miss Jones, would she never leave me alone.I answered the phone and still being half asleep simply said 'yes'.'Don't answer me with that tone Rob' she said. 'Sorry, but its one in the morning' I replied.'Be a darling Rob and pick me up from the club, text me when your outside'. Before I could say anything she hung up.I pulled my...
My dad was in the military back in the day when the base-exchange (PX) carried some of the raunchiest adult magazines. I may have been young, but I always found the opportunity to look through a few without someone giving me shit. Getting my little cock to stand at attention at the most inopportune time was my only issue. The exchange was like a small mall, with venders, a barber and food service areas. They were all closed by now, and the exchange was the last store that was open. While...
Betrayed By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Nine: The Game's Afoot The weeks passed; March, April, and into May. I won't dwell on the mechanics of the surgery or post-op. Either Angie or Dianna was at my side almost constantly, but never together. I don't want to say I 'juggled' them, but it was sometimes a delicate balancing act. I was head-over-heels for Dianna, but couldn't deny my feelings for Angie. How could I choose between one or the other? In truth, the choice might not be...
Angelo Godshack is working out and trying to ignore his raging hardon, but Lindsay Sharon has definitely noticed his physique and his sexual need. The fiery redhead struts into Angelo’s sight and immediately goes to work getting his workout outfit and her clothes off. Soon her soft lips are wrapped around his dick so that she can suck and lick her treat. When Angelo pushes her back onto the couch and returns the favor lapping at Lindsay’s needy twat with his delightful tongue, the...
xmoviesforyouIn 1985, my wife and I went on a marvelous trip to St. Thomas, in the Virgin Islands. It was to be a week of sun, fun and sex. When we arrived our accommodations were at a place called Cowpet Bay, on the eastern end of the island. We had a large townhouse, with a large master bedroom on the second floor. On our third night there we went to a restaurant in the Red Hook area called Sapphire Beach, after dinner we went into the bar to listen to the steel band playing and have a few drinks. We made...
I take a deep breath and open the door, it’s a summer night, nearly dark. The street is quiet, dumb to the scandal about to unfold. I doubted anyone would recognize me, in my short fur coat, denim mini and trademark purple heels. Not unless they were a fan anyway I just need no-one to see me leave the house, once a few yards away, I could be anybody. The coast is clear, I step out and shut the door as quietly as possible and walk away from the house, praying I don’t activate the neighbour’s...
I am really sorry for posting my story late. So without wasting any of your time let me begin with the story. I was super happy as I finally got a blowjob and got to lick delicious pussy. After that theater meeting, three months were passed. We actually got a lot more frank with each other. We started having long phone sex and sex chats. But this wasn’t really giving me any satisfaction. Many times we made plans to meet somewhere. But always we had to cancel due to some or other reason. Mostly...