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Sammy sighed as he left the house, feeling really disappointed in his 'so called' friends. They promised him a 'night never to forget' and all they had done was sit around playing video games made for 4 players. Problem was there were 5 of them so someone had to be left out. And that someone was Sammy.
So he decided to check out the house and the grounds. His friends lived on a farm with horses so he figured he'd check that out, heading over to the stable, when he realized there was a light on in the building.
Getting closer, he peaked inside and there was a woman by one of the stands, dressed in tight ripped jeans, a checked shirt and a Stetson hat, the stereotypical image of a cowgirl. Her hair was a dark brown, tied back in a ponytail as she appeared busy cleaning when she noticed him. "Oh hey there."
"Hi. What you doing here this late?"
She chuckled and looked over at one of the stands. "One of the mares is due to give birth soon. We need to keep an eye on her. You?"
"Ah, meant to be playing with the boys but... I think I'm the fifth wheel."
The other laughed and held out her hand. "I'm Mary by the way."
"Sammy." He introduced as they shook hands.
"Sounds like we both have time to kill, Sammy." She said with a smirk, putting the brush away. "You got anything in mind?"
He couldn't help it as his eyes roamed over her body before smiling. "I've got a pack of cards." He said, pulling it from his pocket. "How about a game?"
"Sounds fun."
"Great then." He sat down on a box with a larger one before it. "How about poker?"
Mary looked at him with a smile. "What we wanna bet with?"
Bold, he decided to go for the first thing on his mind. "How about our clothes?"
Her eyes widened as she looked at him in surprise. "Sammy, that's very direct."
"What can I say?" Sammy said with a grin. "I am direct. And as you said, we both have time to kill."
She thought about it then nodded and took a seat opposite him. "Alright then. You're on."
They paid a few hands, Mary losing her hat, one boot and one sock while Sammy lost his belt and both his shoes. Then Mary won three times in a row stripping Sammy of his shirt, vest and trousers leaving him in socks and his boxers.
The young girl didn't stand a chance after that, getting distracted and basically lost everything. Her other shoe and sock, shirt, jeans... when her bra had to be removed, Conner got a feeling she was starting to loose on purpose.
"Say, Mary, why don't we play a different game?"
Breasts perked up in the cold barn air, Mary blinked. "What you got in mind?"
"How about 'milk the cow'?" He said, smirking as he stood up and walked around the stable, picking up some things as he went. "Come here, I'll show you."
The woman smiled and nodded, following him in nothing but her panties. He led her over to the front door and began to tie the rope in his hands to the hoops and links around the door frame, meant to keep the horses in place but he had different plans. "Come here." He said once more.
The woman stepped over and stood in the doorway and watched as he tied her wrists together before throwing the rope upwards to a hook in the roof, almost lifting her up off the floor with how tight he pulled it. Then he tied a rope to each ankle and spread them out, trying them to the bottom of a stable on either side of the room. Legs trapped in a spread eagle, he then tied the last rope loosely around her neck and pulled it downwards to a ring on the floor so she was bent forwards, ass in the air, her face looking down and breasts dangling freely, swaying in the air.
She gasped at the movements and swallowed hard when she saw him pull up a stool to her side and reach for her breasts. "So now, I'm gonna milk the cow girl." He said proudly. "And if you don't milk, I'll open the door and everyone will see you like this."
Mary gulped but it soon became a moan as he gripped a tit in each hand and began to pull them downwards as if they were the udders of a cow.
Sammy watched with delight as she struggled on the ropes holding her, her body rocking left and right as she squirmed. He smiled and pulled a bit harder, keeping the rhythm steady, fighting the urge to stuff her loud groaning mouth with his cock.
He wanted to see how much of this she could take.
After a few minutes of torture, he stepped back and let go of her breasts, listening as she gasped for breath. "Did you like that my little cow?" He teased, running his hand over her back before patting her shoulder.
Mary looked at him and nodded, her face damp with sweat. "Yes, I did."
"Well, you looked so good. But sadly, not a drop of milk to be found which means... "
She lowered her head as he walked around towards the front door and opened it, the cold air sweeping in caressing the near naked girl tied up and displayed for anyone who walked past to see.
Her eyes widened as she saw the house before her and the lights inside it. "No! What if someone sees me?"
"Then they get to watch as I fuck you." Sammy laughed. "But don't worry. My friends are playing Call of Duty, they won't hear you unless you are really, really loud. If they hear you, I'm sure they will come and investigate." He lent near her face and kissed her cheek. "So I recommend you be quite."
She swallowed as he stepped back from her and moved around to find his belt from before, smiling as he came up behind her and began to rub it over her panties and ass, teasing each movement as he did, watching her squirm. "Ohh, you have such a big ass. Perfect for spanking."
The first couple of strikes were gentle, just testing the water. But then he grows bolder, a little harder and a little rougher. The leather belt began to leave red marks on her ass cheeks.
And Mary was biting her lip so hard to keep from screaming and drawing attention to herself but with each strike it was getting harder and harder.
Sammy smirked, part of him wanting to keep this to himself but part wanting his friends to come and watch, make them guilty for leaving him out.
He laughed and gave one final large slap of the belt then dropped it to the floor, kneeling with it and putting his face between the spread legs, kissing the soaking material and sucking on it, drawing juice from the other side. His hands spread her hips a bit more, getting even more access.
She moaned and wiggled, turning him on more and more and the taste; as sweet as honey and warm as milk. He lapped at it, pulling the fabric out of the way to get to the source, tongue pushing into the soaked hole and moaning as he enjoyed what was before him.
He sucked and licked for a few moments, each movement getting a hot sound from the bond Mary.
At some point he began to slip his fingers into the hole as his mouth moved to suck at her clit, his fingers pounding into the hole hard and fast.
Mary began to gasp for breath, gradually getting louder until finally she screamed out, a wash of liquids coming down on his fingers.
Pulling back, Sammy licked his fingers clean and purred, rubbing around the outskirts of her entry for a bit. "Oh yes... that is so nice. So nice and wet..." He said, pulling his hand away and stood up, walking around to her face and holding up his fingers for her to see. "Look at this, look at how wet you made my fingers." He grinned as he saw her eyes darken with lust, reaching for his pants and pulling them down, letting his hard thick cock come out. Then he wiped his hand over the tip, putting her fluids on his shaft. He bit back a groan as he did but once he had, he turned to face her and positioned it near her mouth, rubbing the tip on her lips. "Oh yes, I'm going to enjoy this." He said before pushing in, her mouth opening for him and slipping in half way with just a push. As her mouth adjusted, her tongue brushed on the base and he took it as a sign to continue, grinning as he pulled back and pushed forwards, grabbing her head to steady himself as he gradually got into her mouth, further and further he pushed until he felt his tip hit the back of her throat, gagging her a little. He pulled off quickly and watched her cough while he laughed. "Did you like that?" He said, running a hand back in her hair.
"Yes." She said, nodding as best she could with her neck bound and tied to the floor.
"You want more? You want me to cum in your mouth?"
She looked at the cock before her eyes and nodded. "Yes... yes please."
He couldn't help the smirk as he reached down and untied her neck, her head snapping out to swallow up his cock once more, bopping up and down as she sucked every inch she could reach. He swore he heard the barn creak at how hard she was trying to pull on the bonds holding her in place, so desperate to suck on his cock.
Her movements were fast, hard and so good that he just stood there and allowed her to please him, climax coming a lot faster than he expected. Before he knew it, he pulled out of her mouth and took to stroking his dick, shooting white pearls all over her face and into her mouth. He groaned as he did and watched as she licked her lips, tasting him.
He couldn't help but laugh at how good she was behaving. "Oh you naughty little slut..." He purred, rubbing her face. "Letting a total stranger fuck you in a barn door." He laughed and put his cock back in her mouth for her to suck on once more, getting him back up to full rigor.
Once she had, he pulled back and walked around to her ass, rubbing it with his hand and grinding his tip on her wet hole. "So... am I gonna cum in your soaked pussy first... or do I fuck this tight ass?"
Groaning, Mary dropped her head, her whole body too sensitive to take much more of the teasing. "P-pussy." she whimpered. "P-pussy, please."
"Alright, pussy it will be." He grinned and moved his cock to be in line with her pussy, slowly pushing the tip in. She groaned at the entry, her body tightening around his cock as he slid easily in. He allowed a small laugh. "Oh you're so loose. You fuck a lot, don't you? Yeah I bet you let any man fuck you if they ask." He said as he thrust in and out, slow and steady, enjoying the way she felt. He nodded, holding her hips to steady himself as he did. "Yeah, yeah, you like to be fucked. You like being fucked you little slut."
His hands moved up, reaching down to her chest from behind and grabbed a breast each, groping them and beginning to roll them around in his hands as he thrust into her body.
Bound and being fucked from behind, Mary didn't last too long before she felt her insides pull and twist and flip, her breathing becoming harder, panting harder, gasping for breath.
The man continued his sharp movements, driving his way inside, feeling her tense. "Oh yeah, you're gonna cum, aren't you?"
"Y-yes." She managed between pants. "Yes, yes I am."
"I'm gonna cum in you. Yeah, I am, I'm gonna fill your pussy with all the cum it can take!" He grunted as he began to move faster, slamming his cock into her pussy as hard as he could, listening to the slap of their skin meeting. Her juice flowed over him and he groaned as he reached down to her pussy below and began to play once more with her clit, fingering it and pinching it to bring her closer and closer to her peak.
If she forgot about the door or just didn't care, Mary was now gasping and screaming out in pleasure as loudly as she could; begging to be fucked, to have him cum in her, to have her pussy ravaged.
Her dirty words tipped him over and together they released, groaning as his cum filled her pussy and her body, listening to her scream out in delight, a small squirt of fluids leaking out. Her mouth was frozen in a open silent scream and she whimpered a little, feeling him thrust a few more times, slower, to ensure everything was pushed into her.
Panting, he pulled back and reached up to untie the restraints keeping her in place, watching as she fell to her knees in a puddle of pussy juice, drained of the power to even sit up.
She wiggled after a moment and managed to get to her knees, reaching back and grabbing her ass cheeks and spreading them wide, letting him see her hole and the mess inside it.
"P-Please... fill my ass now?"
Sammy couldn't believe what he was hearing! "Are you still not satisfied?" He laughed, walking over and letting his finger run around the edge of her hole, pulling and teasing at it. "Oh this hole is so nice. I do wanna stuff my cock in it." He stood back up and moved to position his cock against the tight small hole. With a groan from them both, he pressed in, taking a moment to get the head inside but then it quickly slid all the way in.
Mary gasped, arching upwards onto the cock as it filled the delicate hole. "Yes!" She screamed. "Oh yes!"
"Oh you like your ass being fucked?"
"I do!"
"Well, let me help then." Sammy laughed as he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up to his cock, shoving it into her ass further. Slowly he pulled out then thrust back in. "Shit you feel so good!" He laughed before it turned into a groan. "Oh fuck yes!"
With his cock still in her, he sat back, leaning on the wall and grabbed her arms, pulling on them so she was further down, putting his legs between hers and spreading them wide, letting the whole world see her pussy as his cock vanished into her ass. He began to thrust as they got into position, Mary throwing her head back as he fucked her hole, groaning for breath and saying how sweet and good he was.
After a bit, Sammy laughed, still driving into her. "You know what?" He laughed. "We're doing... the reverse cowgirl." He laughed again at the irony.
Mary didn't care as she continued to bounce on his cock, fluids from her pussy shining in the barn light, groaning at the feeling of him inside her, her chest bouncing with each movement.
They kept going, quick, sharp thrusts into her ass, screams of delight and bliss filling the air. She panted harder and harder for breath as another climax came rushing forwards, she panted and gasped for breath before suddenly letting out a long low groan, falling still as her hole tightened around his shaft.
Sammy closed his eyes at the feeling of her tensing and allowed another climax to drip out of his tip and into her body, panting as he sat there with his cock stuffed in her ass.
"Well well well, that sure was a show." A voice called, laughing as four other men came into the barn and looked at the pair.
Sammy swallowed as he pushed Mary off and stood up, his cock now limp as he stared at his friends. "Shit, what you guys doing here?"
"Hear the noise." One said. "Came to see what was going on."
"Did you have fun Sammy?"
Proud of himself, Sammy nodded. "Yeah, actually, she a dam good fuck."
One friend, John, walked over to the girl left on the floor. "Is that so? Well, Mary, isn't it? How about you give the four of us a dam good fuck too?"
Mary looked between the four of them before swallowing and nodding, panting for breath as she looked at them.
One of them, Mike picked up some of the rope that had been used before, looking at the red marks on the girl's arms and smirked. "Oh, I see. Sammy tied you down? You like being bound do you?"
Mary nodded and Mike stepped over, grabbing her arms and tying a delicate wonderful pattern with the rope, hands to her ankles, her ass lifted up, legs spread and open to all of them. Then he used some more to host her up off the floor until she was cock level with the five men who has since stripped off their boots and pants and were stood with cocks at the ready like jousting spears.
The first to move was Andy as he smiled as he grabbed Mary's chin and lifted it back, lining his cock with her mouth and stuffing it into her, groaning as she took him in so easily, filling her mouth, not moving once he was in to his limit, lucky it didn't choke the girl but he wasn't big enough to do any harm.
John was next, not wasting any time as he went for the pussy, lining up and ramming in as fast as he could, beginning a slow pace while his fingers rolled her swollen clit. He smiled as he looked at the others. "Oh this slut will feel sore tomorrow."
The group all laughed as Mike knelt and got under her, looking at her ass as John's trusts got it to move back and forth, juices leaking down and dripping out between her cheeks. With a grin, he reached up and coated his fingers in it before beginning to work his way around the hole at her back, slipping a finger in and testing it. He laughed at how easy she took it. "Oh Sammy, you really stretched her out! I'm gonna need two fingers for her to even feel me!" He said, slipping a second finger in beside his first, the ass now tight enough to hear her moan loudly on Andy's cock which made him groan in delight.
Ass, pussy and mouth all filled, Sammy and his friend Eric were left with little left but her breasts, Eric getting their first and clamped a hand on each his mouth on the tit, licking and sucking on it, pinching her tits.
On the edge, Sammy could only play with himself but honestly, he liked watching the slut getting fucked by his friends, every hole filled and tied up, suspended from the roof.
They all continued at their holes, fucking the cow girl silly.
Mary was having the time of her life! The one at her ass was now using three fingers, really stretching her hole out and her pussy was being stuffed at the same time and her mouth was filled with yet another cock that she was sucking on, her tits being played with, squeezed and licked.
Andy was the first to hit his limit and suddenly pulled out, grabbing his cock and rubbing it until he came, letting the hot fluids shoot over her face and into her mouth.
Eric pulled off a moment later and began to rub his own cock, aiming at her chest, shooting thick cum on her chest and breasts.
John rammed his cock into her faster and harder, growling in enjoyment before pulling out and letting his mess join the rest covering her, letting it drip down.
Suddenly both Sammy and Mike came over from their points and shot onto the fuck toy, Mary left swinging from the ceiling, bound and fucked, covered in cum that was dripping off her and onto the floor.
Mary slowly got her breath back and swallowed, body well and truly used and abused. She finally licked her lips and smiled. "Well, that was fun." She chuckled.
"Who said we're done yet?" Mike laughed, reaching to untie her. "We're going to keep going all night."

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The Bridesmaid

John trudged into his house late on a Friday evening. He had taken the morning off of work to take the GRE for a third time, and then had a long day making up the work he had missed that morning. He was exhausted, but at the same time he was enthusiastic over finally getting good enough scores to get him into grad school. He stopped and grabbed a pizza on his way home because there was no way in hell he was going to cook dinner after such a strenuous, but worthwhile day. He walked into his...

3 years ago
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My First Sexual Experiences

Introduction: This is my first story. My first real sexual experience. Tell me if you like it. I have many more real stories and would like to write some fantasies too My name is Amy. I was only 13 when my sex life took off. I just got my second boyfriend and he moved quite fast. I was starting to learn about my body and how it worked. I had discovered porn on the internet and could see stories and pictures of how it worked. I had often thought of touching myself but was too afraid. My...

2 years ago
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Alandra Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

Tuesday morning came and I realized I hadn't done any homework. Not that I had much, just some pages to read for Civics class. With my luck and my current condition I'd get called up to recite the major points of it all... I had some time, so I decided to give that pamphlet on the Program a good look. I'm not much for reading, but this looked to be something I'd better get a grip on. I found it down in the living room, next to the fish tank. Pa'd done a bunch of diagrams - trying to...

1 year ago
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Donkey Raped DaughterChapter 11

As visiting dignitaries of the world of petroleum, Hank Suchard and Billy Watson had been invited to a barbecue at the home of the mayor that afternoon. They hadn't been sure if they should go. For one thing, they figured that, any sort of shindig put on by the mayor would have to be sort of boring but, more important, they were afraid that they might disgrace themselves by suddenly getting hard-ons in public. Not the sort of thing a big oil man is expected to produce. Ever since they had...

4 years ago
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The boy who would

Introduction: Down the block lived a boy who wanted to please My mom took an apartment in a four-family house at the end of a sleepy suburban street that had seen better days. I was 9 going on 10 at the time but I didnt look that old. In fact, as many people took me for a girl as recognized that I was actually a boy. I have blue eyes and full lips with a slight build that is more feminine than masculine. My honey-colored hair grew quickly and my mom thought it was so cute for me to have long...

1 year ago
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Wonderful Wet Experience With My Lady Colleague In Mumbai City

I was seating in my hotel room and waiting for a call from my colleague, who was supposed to check-in at the same hotel and we had plan to go for dinner together. She was new to the city and I told her to give me a call when she will be about 10 minute away from hotel, so that I can give direction to the cab driver. Suddenly I heard some sound through the window of the hotel room and found that it started pouring like anything. Now I was bit worried as the area where the hotel is, kind of a...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 65

“Ok, Slave Jess, Slave Aaron,” Emma said, saving Brent from having to respond, “I think this has been enough fun for one night. Brent and I should probably leave you two alone.” “As you wish, Mistress,” Jess said. I repeated the phrase a beat later. Jess knelt down in front of Brent. “Thank you, Master Brent, for playing with this slave’s ass, mouth, and pussy tonight. I hope you will do so again in the future,” she said to him. She wasn’t going to let him off the hook and she got Brent to...

2 years ago
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Project Worker

Armed with a clipboard, I would have the keys to each flat in a big bunch, which I could use if no one answered my knocking or bell ringing. Most of the flats were usually empty, people out to work or at college. One flat though,Flat 3, I was expecting to be occupied. it was rented by a guy called David, along with two other people. They shared the kitchen and bathroom, but each had their own bedroom. Knew David would be in because he didn't much care for working or studying, preferring...

2 years ago
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Club Gomorrah The Sissy Saga Chapter 6 B Bitter Medicine

“Looks like you need to be taught a lesson too Riley.” Her words were cold, but they had an anticipation in them too. Ona placed a mirror in front of us so she could watch the look on our faces as she began tormenting us with Shankebite. “Hmmm, now who gets the first lash?” Maria began fighting against her restraints, begging in vain through her gag. I had never been whipped before so I had no idea what to expect. “Maybe we should make a game out of this, oh I know!” She cheered, jumping on...

2 years ago
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The Law of Unintended Consequences

According to Konrad J. Friedman, the law of unintended consequences is the proposition that every undertaking, however well-intentioned, is generally accompanied by unforeseen repercussions that can overshadow the principal endeavor. Last weekend, without telling my wife, Jennifer, that I was doing this, I undertook to save her some aggravation from the noises caused by my various vehicles back-up beepers. We live in a brick Federalist house more than big enough for our needs, behind which is...

3 years ago
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Christian Cunt

She was on her laptop when she heard the keys jingle from the other side of the door. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her eyes locked onto the doorknob as it twisted. Immediately, she closed her computer and raced towards the door. She checked her hair and makeup frantically in the mirror before dropping down to her knees.  The door swung open and she kept her eyes locked onto the carpet in front of her folded knees, but the butterflies were already stirring in the pit of her stomach. She...

3 years ago
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Power Chapter Three Brett

“Thanks for coming with me,” Brett said. “Lots of guys your age are threatened by gays. I’m glad you’re open-minded.” I told him the truth: I had never met a gay person before in my life. He smiled and said, “I’m sure you haven’t.” I told him that I liked girls and was not open to anything other than friendship with him. He told me he figured as much. The story of my flight from the shower room had made the rounds already. I was evidently straight, open-minded, and scared shitless of women...

2 years ago
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Dog and His BoyChapter 2 A Real Bargain

Linda looked outside and said, "Honey, let's go back through Nevada and take the northern route home. I want to stop in Las Vegas and win some money. Wouldn't it be fun to gamble a little?" She had an expectant smile on her face. Charley said in a patient voice, "Honey, I know you know very well, people don't win all the time in Las Vegas. They don't even win much of the time. If they did, the casinos would all go broke." Brian's Dad was a practical man, not given to dreaming. He...

2 years ago
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Options Ch 04

Options IV: Refracted Options This chapter is a bit of a bridge and has very little sexuality in it. But I felt it was needed to help the tale unfold properly. I hope you, dear reader, will enjoy it for what it is. Thanks. PC Shelly’s lips tightened and her eyes blazed. ‘You fucking bitch!’ ‘Shelly,’ Stacy began, ‘take it easy. I don’t want anybody to get hurt—’ Her fury at finding Barb passed out in Stacy’s room, at knowing Barb lay there without her panties, at smelling Barb’s musk on...

3 years ago
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The JaysChapter 8

Fred arrived minutes after opening time but by a quarter to one no one else had come in. Gavin did the crossword much to Jenny's indignation. "Do it in pencil and then rub it out so that I can do it later," she commanded. Gavin just chuckled so she went off to natter to James in the kitchen. "I do hope some people come in," she said. "They will," said James cheerfully. "A lie in and a late breakfast on a Sunday morning, they'll be in no hurry." "They could still come in for a...

1 year ago
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She is so hot

Honestly I was a virgin until this happened. Im a 18 year old male 6'2'' with a 9'' cock. My parents were going out to dinner and a movie that night. I called one of friends thats a girl, not my girl friend. I did not think she would wanna chill with me because im not the most popular. But to my surprise she was happy to come over. Now this girl is 6'' with HUGE 36dd boobs, an ass to die for and an awesome face. When she got to my house I put in a movie and made some pop corn. Tonight she was...

2 years ago
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The Wilmington Womans ClubChapter 25 Mostly Girl Talk

Newly pregnant Val Marcolina was delighted at being included in the informal pre-shower meeting that was in progress at her sister Heather's house. Janet was carefully laying out several pictures of different style baby carriages for the other women's inspection. Val's mother pointed to one of the designs. Janet looked on and said, "Hmmmm, well I think it's between this one, and..." she paused to point at the third photo, " ... maybe this one." Val's mother nodded effusively, and...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 13 The Kalinin of Kushtia

As far as trying out the account management idea was concerned, Clegg was as good as his word. He set up a meeting for me only a few days later. "So, I understand from Mr Clegg, that your new approach is to meet the specific needs of your clients rather than just picking up whatever you find lying around." The robed man in my office had an Asiatic appearance but spoke English without any trace of an accent. Clegg had said he was the Kalinin of Kushtia an old school friend, though he...

2 years ago
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Barrons Ltd Ch 1

“Ouch!!” He said as he reached to the left of the sink and tore off a small piece of toilet paper. “I hate new razors” he muttered as he placed the toilet paper on the newest nick on his chin. “What? Dan, is something wrong?” Heather asked as she turned off the shower. She turned off the shower. She grabbed a towel off the rack and gave her hair a quick drying. After replacing the towel as she stepped out of the shower, she crossed the room and hugged Dan from behind, leaving two wet circles...

2 years ago
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The French Guest

I knelt at my wife’s grave and laid a bouquet of her favorite flowers on it. It had been three years to the day since I laid her in it. Memories raced through my mind; our first date, our first kiss, our wedding, the birth of our daughter. On and on the memories went, until I once again faced the stark moment when it all ended. Injured in a car crash, Karen had died in the back of an ambulance before I even knew what had happened. I never had a chance to say goodbye to the woman who had shared...

1 year ago
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TonightsGirlfriend Jasmine Jae 30872

My sex life with my girlfriend is very bland and from what I’ve seen from Jasmine Jae, she’s the perfect pornstar I have in mind to fulfill my fantasy. Tonight, I want to get wild and filthy and I know Jasmine can deliver what I want. I make the necessary arrangements happen and get in contact with her. Jasmin asks me what my favorite color is, then shows up at my hotel bringing along her sexiest purple lingerie. I couldn’t believe it and this will be a night I will never,...

1 year ago
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Neighborhood walk and my friends had an awesome day. Cruizin around, causing havoc everywhere. I thought this day couldnt get any better. After my friends left I decided to go for a walk around town. I had only lived here for a week so I didnt know anyone yet, but I had my eyes on this one girl named Alexis, that lived two blocks away, which was the direction I was headed in, she was tan, nice body about 120lbs. nice legs, beautiful eyes, perfect chest size; I would say they were about a C cup....

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Born a boy today Irsquom a powerful woman

I was born a boy, today I’m a powerful woman. I was raised in a terrible home. My mother a whore, my father a abusive bastard. But I guess if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be who I am now. Especially my father. Who knew I would grow to love cock? It started when I was young and lasted till I was 14 and ran away. Nowhere to live, no family or friends in the middle of cold Wisconsin. If I knew one thing was I didn’t want to be homeless in that cold place so I started walking. Headed south with a...

1 year ago
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Office maid servant sucks nicely

Hello Friends i am posting my third story, i got ur good response of last two stories. Yeh baat un dino ki hai jab maine ek nayi company join ki thi, aap sab logo ki knowledge ke liye bata deta hoon ki mein ek marketing guy hoon. Meri posting delhi se karib 70 km door hui. Aur maine apni family ko wahi par rakh kar apni car se aane jane laga. Week mein do teen baar ghar aa jata tha, aur baki din wahi par hi comapny ka chota sa guest house tha usme ruk jaata tha. Ek din meri office ki maid...

3 years ago
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Jenns Mom

I recently broke up with my girlfriend Jenny. Our break up was bitter and nasty to say the least, especially considering that she dumped me for some jerk-off of a guy who she'd known all of five minutes!We hadn't been living together, but as time went on I found myself getting along really well with her parents, who were very open-minded. They had very liberal feelings about most stuff, especially about sex. I'd often spend weekends at her place, and even went to the summer cottage with the...

2 years ago
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Male Escort And Unsatisfied Lady

Hello guys, Rahul here based in Pune. Average looking Indian guy passionate about travelling and photography. I have been a regular reader at ISS , finally, I have decided to share my sexscaped. I provide escort services to fund my travel, to ladies who are deprived or unhappy with their sex life. I even had threesome experience with young couples from Pune and Mumbai who wanted to spice up their sex life. Not just sex but I also offer consultancy to spice up sex life. And I even offer...

1 year ago
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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 14 A Morning Visitor

It is my regular habit to enjoy a slow start to the day but on this particular occasion I had woken to a delightful day and decided to take an early breakfast. I had taken myself into the morning room where Helena (now gradually becoming accommodated to her role) served me breakfast, poured my coffee and laid the day's newspaper close to hand. Breakfast was a simple affair and I was soon able to sit back so as to digest both the meal and the latest news. As has become the case recently, the...

2 years ago
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My First K9 Experience

It took Rocky a couple of days to settle and it was a case of him taking me or dragging me round on his walks the dog had a lot of strength, I didn’t dare let him off the lead in case he ran away. After his walk I made a fuss of him rubbing him down. A few days later I was sat watching TV after a shower dressed in a short gown when Rocky came wandering in flopping down at me feet, I started to stroke him rubbing his belly and then he was up his nose between my legs sniffing me and trying to...

4 years ago
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Tracy by Pamela [email protected] There are some girls that are born with an indescribably powerful senuality and sexiness that cannot be taught. You have to be born with it to have it. These are girls who move through the world with a rare feminine beauty that creates a chemical reaction in the boys who cross their path. Boys like myself are agog when we encounter such girls. We feel an instant churning attraction in our gut. Often we force ourselves to look the other way...

1 year ago
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His birthday

Today he just turned eighteen. His mom had a special surprise for him. He had a beautiful sexy mom and always had dreams about her. He imagined her naked and in his bed even tho he was innocent.Tonight his mom had set the dining room up for a great dinner of his favorite foods. At seven he was there waiting for her as she walked into the room. He could not take his eyes off her. She wore a sheer tank top and a very short leather skirt. He could see her nipples poking against the material in the...

3 years ago
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My Wifes First Time

We had never really talked about sharing her with another man. My wife and I met in university, in our last year. She was a pretty brown-haired English lady in her early twenties, smart, sociable, with a gorgeous figure and long brown hair, very attractive but reserved. We had a meeting of the minds, and a month after we started dating it developed into a meeting of groins. Two weeks after that we were engaged. Everything was just - right, somehow. Two years later we were settled, she at grad...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Milf Sister 8211 Episode 2

Hi friends continuing from my previous story, I have been fucking my sister like anything for sometime now. I started trying various experiments with her. I started shaving her armpits and private hairs. Started trying new positions on her. This continued one day marriage was fixed for her. And everything stopped abruptly, not that she did not want it, but all the time there were some relatives in house and I was never finding free time to fuck her and this frustration was also seen in her...

1 year ago
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Friends and Bedposts

My current live-in girlfriend, Cara, and I were sitting down to an intimate Friday evening candlelight dinner, which we then planned to develop into a romantic candlelit evening in our bed. We had just made a major purchase which had been delivered that morning, a spectacular reproduction mahogany four poster Victorian bed. We had every intention of inaugurating it tonight. Cara is about my age, 40 something, around 5’5” and 140 pounds, with shoulder length wavy brunette hair. She is extremely...

Group Sex
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Gay getaway from gfs

The weekend finally came and we told our gfs we would be having a guy's day outdoors and we told them about all our plans. Hiking, Bbq, fishing, you name it. But what we didn't tell them was that all we were going to do was fuck. We went ahead and got all our things and headed out, telling them there would be no service so we wouldn't be able to reply to their messages if they needed us. Anxiously driving as we got to our destination, a small campsite by a stream about an hour away. We parked...

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