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Louise was a tall blonde girl, slightly under 5'10" in bare feet, and built to match. She was twenty two years old, and as far as her family was concerned, she was a hairdresser, and a very good one at that. What none of them realised, was that for the previous three years or so, she had been a photographic model. At first, this had been fairly discrete, but within about six months of starting, one of the photographers had managed to persuade her to go topless. She'd been reluctant to do this before, and even reluctant to do much lingerie work, however, the extra money he had paid her had soon changed her mind, and within another eight months, she would open her legs, to the camera, for anyone prepared to pay for it.

Being a very pretty girl, with a superbly fit body, she had quickly got a small but growing following of photographers, all of whom had got her to virtually fuck the camera for them. It had never aroused her particularly, though she made herself a little aroused for the cameras, and she'd never been interested, sexually or romantically, in any of the men, for all the photographers were men.

Six months previously though, a new photographer, Don, had come to see her. They'd met in a pub not far from Charing Cross station, and after he'd taken a couple of photographs just up the road, he had paid her almost five times as much money to go to a professional photographic studio with him.

There she'd found a younger girl ready to do her makeup, a slightly older boy who seemed to rush around and do a lot of prop changing, and shifting of lights. She'd been a bit daunted by this at first, but when she found that all three of them treated her completely professionally, with no gawking from the boy, who seemed to be barely seventeen, she began to relax and enjoy herself.

Normally she didn't see the photo's taken of her, though a few of her normal photographers occasionally gave her copies of some of the better ones. This time though, he had come to see her, and brought contact prints of nearly one hundred photo's, and ten by eight blow ups of about twenty. She was surprised by just how beautiful and sexy, she'd been made to look, and how erotic they were.

"I want to publish some of these," he had told her.

She'd gulped, and gone a bit faint.

"I don't know," she said. "I don't want anybody I know to find out about this."

He'd smiled slightly. "Well it depends on what sort of magazines they buy."

"If you can guarantee they won't be available in this country?" she asked after a few moments.

He'd shook his head. "I'm sorry, I can't guarantee that absolutely, but I can guarantee you won't be on the front cover."

"I still don't know."

"Do you remember that contract I got you to sign?"


"Did you read it?"

She'd shaken her head, a sinking feeling in her stomach."

"Well I did tell you to." He reached into his bag and brought out a copy. "Here, read."

She did so, and by the end knew that he could have just published without asking her permission.

"Why ask me? You don't need my permission," she'd said abruptly.

"Because I want you to come and do it full time. Be a professional model. You'll get to travel the world, a bit. It's not like the catwalk models, they get paid silly money to wear clothes, and they really do travel all over. If you decide to do this, it'll make you a comfortable living, but you wouldn't be a millionaire. Not unless you were very lucky and became the next Sam Fox or Melinda Messenger. I suppose if someone like Playboy had got to you first, you could have become a dollar millionaire with a bit of luck, but because you already have lots of photos like these knocking around, they wouldn't touch you unfortunately."

He shrugged. "Look, think about it. These are going to get published shortly anyway. The pictures editor has already seen them, and wants to publish, and I'm just going over there now to decide which ones, and an appropriate fee."

"You'll get paid for them?"

"Of course. I paid you four or five times over the odds for a simple private photo shoot, because I wanted them to be very good, but for that sort of layout, I need a return. And yes, I'll make a profit out of it."

"Do I get any of that?"

"No. You've already been paid for this set, but if you come in and do some more, we'll negotiate a suitable fee. Interested?"

She'd thought long and hard about it. Another three payments like the last one and she'd be able to move out of her parents home and into a decent flat of her own. "Okay. I agree. When?"

"Next Thursday afternoon?"

"Yes, that's do-able."

"Okay, you know where my studio is, be there about two thirty."

Over the intervening months, she'd been in to see him four more times. At the moment she was keeping up her hairdressing job, and even most of her current photographers, but the first set of photographs had just hit the streets. Within forty eight hours of the official publishing date, no less that fourteen of her regular photographers had called her, some to congratulate her, some to try and book her for another session, one even to try and sell his negatives back to her. The implication being that if she didn't buy them back, he'd sell them on.

She'd said she would think about it, and had promptly rung Don. He'd advised her to buy them at the original cost of the session, give him a formal receipt that expressly forbade him from selling any of the photographs he had left, and if he did, to hammer him for 1000% damages. He'd dictated out two contracts for her, one of which said that the photographer must not sell any photo's on, the other to say that they could sell them on, but only to reputable magazines or photo libraries, not to top shelf magazines. Obviously the latter would cost any photographer a lot more.

He'd also put her in touch with a proper agent, who would help to protect her from that sort of problem in the future, but for the time being, she hadn't bothered. Instead she decided to do some evening classes at the local college in business studies, accounting, and basic contract law.

That evening, she got in, went up to her room and stopped in fright.

Her two younger brothers, aged nineteen and sixteen were sitting on her bed, naked, masturbating over her magazine pictures. It was also quite obvious that they'd been hunting through her room, presumably to see if she had any more hidden away anywhere. She hadn't, and it was obvious that they'd got frustrated by that fact. All her underwear, particularly the more expensive stuff, was spread over the bed, and they were using it to masturbate into. She could already see three pairs screwed up on the floor, quite obviously covered in their spunk.

"Get out of here. Now. Get out, get out," she screamed at them, panicking.

"Sure," said Iain, the older, and to her mind, the nastier of her two brothers. "Once you've fucked us." He deliberately picked up another clean pair of her knickers and wiped them over the sticky head of his erection, smearing them with his spunk.

"Yeah," said Gary, the younger, and more easily led.

"What? Are you out of your tiny minds?" she screamed.

"I think it's you who must have been out of your mind. You must have known we'd find out, and how long do you think it'll take for mum or dad to find out."

"You wouldn't tell them?"

"You've only got to fuck us."

Louise wasn't a virgin, she'd lost that shortly before her seventeenth birthday, and she had sex with her regular boyfriend once or twice a week, so sex itself wasn't a problem. The thought of fucking her brothers though was extremely distasteful to her, and not because they were her brothers, but because Iain at least was so unpleasant.

"No. Get out."

"Oh well, we'll just have to tell dad."

"Yeah, and I'll tell him what you were doing in here, and what you wanted me to do."

For a moment there was an impasse. "You screw Graham up here all the time, we'll just say that it must be his."

That was another thing her parents didn't know. That she brought Graham home occasionally, when they were out.

She looked at her brothers, and said sarcastically, "and if I fucked you, you'd not say anything? Nah, you're both too much of a shit to do that. I wouldn't trust you, so I'd rather simply face dads wrath."

"Oh we wouldn't tell anybody, that'd be the whole point. It'd be no fun if other people knew," said Iain.

Louise just smiled slightly. "I don't think so. Surely the whole point of fucking your sister is so that you can brag about it."

"Yeah, but who'd believe us?"

"You'd only have to show them one of those photos, and they probably would."

"In that case who's to stop us from telling anyway," piped up Gary. "If they'd believe us just 'cos we show them a photo, you might as well."

"Yeah, if you don't, we'll tell people you have, and you've just told us that people will believe us."

Louise took a deep breath. Her heart rate was slowing down again now from its initial panicky state of two minutes earlier. She was also beginning to think that the only way out of this was to do as they wanted, distasteful as that might be.

"And what's to stop you telling even if I did?"

"We promise. We'll even sign a piece of paper to say that we wouldn't."

"That would be meaningless. Even if you did sign such a piece of paper, it couldn't be produced without getting us both into very serious trouble, far more trouble than even your malicious tales would cause. No, I still think I'm better off with dad."

The two boys looked at each other, and in that moment, Louise knew that she'd beaten them after all.

"We'll pay you," offered Gary.

Iain nudged his younger brother to silence just as Louise started to laugh.

"I'm not a prostitute. I'm a photographic model. I've never fucked anyone who's taken any pictures of me, apart from Graham, and he's not a photographer."

"We could make your life a misery."

"You already do," she said coldly.

Iain picked up another pair of her knickers. A white lacy pair that had cost her almost twenty pounds just the previous month. She grimaced a little as they were one of her favourite pairs. "You know," he said conversationally, "men's underwear costs only a few quid for a pack of five. Often less than a pound each. Women's seems to be the other way round. Over a fiver each. I bet these ones cost a bit more than that? A tenner maybe?"

"About twenty," ground out Louise.

"You're quite tall for a girl, but even so, these ones are probably too small for me," he checked the label as he spoke. "Size ten. I bet I'm about a size twenty. I wonder what would happen if I tried to put them on."

"They'd stretch."

"Yeah, but not ten sizes. I bet they'd rip in two." He started to pull them on, and Louise winced as he gradually got them higher and higher up his thick thighs.

"Alright, stop.You've made your point. You'll damage them beyond repair. That still doesn't mean I'll fuck you."

"In that case." Iain simply pulled them the rest of the way up. They were stretched beyond all recognition,

"Take 'em off, I'll do it, but not if you damage them."

"And Gary."

"Yeah, and Gary." Her sigh of defeat was obvious to both boys.

Very carefully, Iain removed the knickers he was wearing, and passed them over. "See not damaged."

"But you've damaged all those," she said pointing at the ones one the floor, covered in spunk.

"That'll wash out."

"If it doesn't, you'll buy ... No. Whether it does or not, you can buy me five new pairs, one to replace each of the ones you've spunked over, and one to replace these. Both of you."

"You want five more pairs of knickers?"

"Off each of you. Ten in total. These ones are only a month old, so you should still be able to get these ones exactly. The others, just get the nearest you can find." She pointed at three of them. "Those three came in a pack of six that cost a tenner. You'll be able to find similar packs in Marks. Those other ones are from BHS I think, and they only cost a fiver. For these one's you'll have to go into Oxford street, somewhere like John Lewis, or Selfriges. In my hand by Saturday evening, or a near equivalent. That's about thirty pounds each. Now go."

Gary started to move, but Iain stayed put. "And once we've got them, you'll just forget your promise."

"I have never broken a promise to anybody, ever!" she told him coldly. "But you do, regularly. If I was to fuck you now, you'd forget your part of the bargain."

"No. It wouldn't be in our interest to do that. We WANT to fuck you, so we'd not break our side of the bargain."

Louise, to her surprise, found herself believing him, despite all her experiences of his promises in the past. "All right, I'll believe you, so you'll just have to believe me."

"Please," said Gary, "Can't we just do something now, on account sort of."

"Yeah, alright. I'll let you touch and stroke me now, 'on account', but you don't get to fuck me now, and you go and have a shower first. You're both dirty and sweaty. Gary, you go and shower, now. Iain, you tidy up all the mess you've made whilst we're waiting for Gary." She turned to look at Gary who was hovering by the door. "Go. Five minutes."

Gary went, and moments later they both heard the shower going.

Louise turned back to Iain. "Well, what are you waiting for. Tidy up." She picked up all the obviously clean knickers, and dropped them back in her drawer. After a moment though, she put them all in the wash basket with a shudder.

"What's the matter?" asked Iain. "They were clean."

"Maybe, but I'll just wash them to make sure. When you go for your shower, take those four with you, and rinse them carefully under the cold water tap. Squeeze them carefully dry, and then bring them back here. Don't, don't," she said, emphasizing the second "don't", "Absolutely do not wring them out. Do you understand? Just squeeze them like this." She demonstrated on a clean pair.

Iain nodded.

"Good, now put that stuff back where it came from."

A couple of minutes later, Gary came back in, wrapped in just a towel. His clothes were still in Louise's room anyway.

"Oi," snapped Louise as Iain made to leave the room.


She pointed wordlessly at the slimy knickers on the floor.

He scooped them up and left.

Louise wasted no time. It took her barely thirty seconds to get down to bra and briefs. "Sit there," she said, pointing at the foot of the bed. He did so and she took hold of his cock, feeling it grow and become rapidly erect. It was harder than Grahams, but also a bit smaller, she decided. Mind you, there was eight years between them.

Pulling the crotch of her knickers to one side, she straddled him, first stroking the tip of his prick against her opening, and then slowly sliding down onto his pole, taking him inside her.

"I thought we weren't going to do this today?"

"We're not." She answered.


"We're not, do you understand?"

"Er..." Gary looked at her and then a small grin appeared on his face. "Yeah, I understand."

"I'm not absolutely sure you do. This is just a reminder of what you'll get if you do keep your promise. Understand now?"

"Yeah." He looked a little resigned now, his grin faded to nothing.

"Good, and don't tell Iain about this. I want you to keep me informed of how enthusiastic he is at keeping your side of the bargain. Just remember, this is what you'll lose out on if he doesn't keep his word. And I want you to ensure he keeps his word about not telling dad, or anybody else. Okay?"

He nodded, "Yeah, sure," he managed to croak out. At that moment they both heard the shower click off. Louise gave her hips a little shimmy, and pulled free of him.

"Are you a virgin?" she asked him as she put her jeans and tee-shirt back on.

"Not now," grinned Gary.

"That doesn't count. You didn't come. Are you still a virgin?"

"I guess so."

"Well just remember that fact. Unless you lose your cherry to someone else before Saturday, you're still a virgin until then."


"Good, just remember all that I've said."

She began to do a little bit more tidying up, and reluctantly Gary helped her until Iain showed up a minute later.

For a moment they all looked at each other. "Stand by that wall, both of you," ordered Louise. They moved with alacrity. "First off," she continued, "If I even think you've told anybody about this, I'll rip your bollocks off. Do I make myself quite clear?"

Both boys nodded.

"Good. Now remember, five pairs of knickers, each, by Saturday evening otherwise again I'll rip your bollocks off."

And if we do you'll let us fuck you." Said Iain.


"'Cos if you don't..."

"Iain" growled Louise.

"Sorry. What for now?"

"You can look, but not touch."

"You said before we could touch," pointed out Gary.

"Hmm, maybe."

She stripped down to her underwear again, and was gratified, and more than a little amused to see both her brothers getting serious hard-ons.

She knelt down in front of them and took hold of the two hard cocks in front of her. Both boys gasped. Stroking them both slowly, she kissed first Iain's, and then Gary's, taking Gary's prick into her mouth to suck lightly on the end. Although Gary could be just as obnoxious as his older brother, when he was on his own he was much more pleasant, and he was a lot more intelligent, for this reason she had decided to allow Gary a little more than Iain, for today at any rate.

Gary gasped and moaned a little, so for that matter did Iain, watching as his younger brother got a blow job. After a minute or so, Louise moved to Iain's prick. Although she licked and lapped at the tip for a while, she didn't take it into her mouth, despite discrete prompting from Iain.

After a couple of minutes she let go and moved to lie down on her bed. For ten minutes she gave both boys the sort of show they might have got had they been present at one of her photography sessions. She stroked herself all over, slipping her hands inside her knickers, her bra, writhing around to show off her figure, and her suppleness. After a few minutes, her bra started to come off, first one shoulder, then a breast, both boys moaned a little at this, then the second shoulder and breast, and finally unfastened and thrown over her shoulder.

"Stop wanking," she said as she spotted both boys with their hands clasped to their huge erections. "Stop, or I'll stop."

With some difficulty, both boys stopped. Louise stood up and approached them. "Hands behind your backs," she ordered. They did so, and she rubbed her large breasts up and down against both boys chests. Stooping a little lower, she allowed them to brush over Iain's cock. Moving to Gary she did more, slipping his cock between her breasts and mashing them together for a moment. She felt her youngest brother start to move and pulled back without a word.

Sitting on the bed she began to play with her knickers, sliding a finger into the crotch as if to pull it to one side, then removing it and pulling the side down a little. Over two minutes she teased them, gradually lowering the waist band until her pubes were revealed. She turned sideways and slid her knickers down her legs. At this point all the boys could see was a hint of pubic hair, and the curve of her bum. She rolled onto her back, her legs away from them, her head over the edge of the bed and watching them, and slowly pushed her hips up. This was the clearest chance they'd had yet to see her pubic mound, but still her pussy lips were hidden from them. With a sudden flick and twist she was on her feet and walking swiftly towards them.

Pressing herself against Iain, she pushed her crotch against his prick. He tried to look down but her torso, pressed firmly against his, was blocking his view, but he could feel her warmth and her pubic hair against his cock. She moved to Gary and did the same. But this time she raised one leg, and allowed her slightly damp pussy lips to slide the length of his cock. She skipped backwards again and bent over to pick up her knickers from off the floor, deliberately bending over in such a way that they both got a clear glimpse of her crack and a perfect view of her firm bottom.

She sat down, stared at their avid faces for a moment, and then lay back, spreading her legs as wide as they would go. Both boys gave a soft moan at the sight of her clean shaven cunt, spread out before them, and for the first time they realised that the magazine was not quite correct. In those photo's she'd had a thin thatch of downy pubes all over her pussy lips, but since then the makeup girl at Don's studio had carefully shaved just her pussy lips, and lightly trimmed the rest of her pubes.

Pulling her knees back to her chest she revealed even more of her self, but it also allowed her to slip her knickers back on, and moments later she was covered again. Her bra was swiftly on, and then she walked towards them.

"If you want to feel my breasts, through my bra, you can, but only for a few seconds."

She let them cup and fondle her bra covered breasts for a moment and then backed off again. Slipping on her jeans she bent over the bed. "Now I'll let you touch my bottom if you want."

They did, and for another minute or so the stroked her firm bottom. When one of them, Gary she thought, but wasn't certain, tried to slip his hand between her legs she stood up and turned around.

"Against the wall."

They moved backwards and she picked up and slipped on her tee-shirt once more. Kneeling down in front of them, she took the erect pricks one in each hand and began to fist them slowly up and down, rubbing her thumb over the tip of Gary's prick.

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Threesome Bisexual Sex By: AWC For me the days of staying in a dorm at West County College were the best not only as an experience to stay away from home but also to explore my sexual desires, fantasies and needs, the way I wanted to. I must be the luckiest guy to have a gay faggot roommate; Terry, who I had fucked at least 300 times through the 365 days of the past year. Terry was a fun boy when he played a bottom guy but he told me that he always had a girlfriend because he was a cock slut...

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EvilAngel Jennifer White SpitSoaked BJ And Fuck

Raven-haired, big-eyed babe Jennifer White caresses her thick body and shows off her bodacious booty. She wraps both hands around porn pro Mick Blue’s big cock and gives him a spit-soaked blowjob. Uninhibited Jennifer slobbers on his balls and kisses his asshole in a delicious rim job. Mick fucks her from behind, rubbing her clit as she moans in heat. Jennifer slurps his fat boner, tasting her pussy juice on his shaft. She bounces to a euphoric orgasm on his thick rod. Her big butt shakes...

2 years ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT3

I awoke the next morning with Jerome next to me. I put on a robe and went to make coffee. When I went outside to get the paper I saw Jerome's car in the driveway, I got nervous.I went back inside. I started to get excited all over again when I felt Jerome's semen leaking down my thighs.Jerome woke up while I was pouring my first cup of coffee. He walked out to the kitchen naked. "Oh my god! does that ever go down?" I said to him."Not since I met you," He walked up behind me giving me a...

3 years ago
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ReplayChapter 15

Simon rang Joanna on Monday and Tuesday evenings. They talked for an hour each time and learnt more about each other, childhood and schooling, their degree courses and through this much more of their views on all sorts of things. They also found time to laugh and tell each other of their love. Towards the end of their conversation on Tuesday Simon could no longer bear it. "I'm going to come up to Putney tomorrow evening. I've got to see you again, Jo-Jo. I can't wait until...

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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 36

Molly, ever the innocent, hadn't dreamed this would happen. Rosa was surprised, still in the last throes of her climax, she was satisfied with the nights events and had just thought about getting home and looking in on Kathy. Alice reacted with a broad smile, licking her lips as the strange men were being introduced. She always craved cock and new cock was a special delight as far as she was concerned. Big Mitchie was a huge black stud, with a ring through his nose and when he lowered his...

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Sex Du JourChapter 25

Whilst in Stian's office... It is dim and gloomy; all so shadowy and lightless. I can not glimpse or make out anything at all with my bodily eyes. I cannot perceive and sight Stian Elbert ... my very own possessed and pleasantly handsome spouse. Of course! He is somewhere here with me in this bulky, sumptuous murky room of his office here at Rovich Central Hospital. I feel like I am all alone in the whole world; all alone ... with no one to stand by my side and alleviate and assist me out...

4 years ago
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My Professors Wife

Well I'm a current college student at the University. I never really had time to go hang out or party and have fun like I would love too. I usually spent most of the time studying and sleeping. If I wasn't at school or in bed, I was at work. I work in a nearby restarunt by the school and usually put in 45+ hours a week. So as you can tell my hands are pretty full trying to juggle everything all at the same time. I have little time for girls, relationships, and even just casual sex I'm ashamed...

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Hi mera nam akshay .ye bat un dino ki hai jab mein 10 th class ki padhai kar chuka tha .us waqt meri age 15 sal thi aur chuthia start ho chuki thi isiliye mein mama ke gaon gaya.pahuchte hi mera swagat achi tarah se hua.Mami ne to mujhe gale hi lagaliya.unke bare mein batana to bhul hi gaya unka nam shobha hai dekhne mein to wo ekdum gori hai,figure bhi acha hai,umar 26. Dopeher ke samay jab mein kheto mein ghumne nikla to mujhe khet mein mami dikhayi di.o kuch kam kar rahi thi mein bhi samne...

2 years ago
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FirebrandChapter 5 Top Pair

Moralez marched along the corridor, feeling the rough texture of the carpet beneath his prosthetic foot. He stopped to lean against one of the whitewashed walls once he was out of view of the Admiral’s quarters, running his hands over his scarred face. He held one of them up, watching as a slight, involuntary tremor made the polymer fingers twitch. He clenched and unclenched his fist, willing the shaking to stop. Damn it, how long had it been since his emotions had interfered with his...

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BondingChapter 6 Rescue

It was barely light when they broke camp. Mist clung to the ground but the visibility was over 100 metres and both guessed it would improve when it became lighter. Bob phoned the hotel as soon as they reached the shoulder. "Only three arrived back here Sir," the receptionist replied. "Should I inform Mountain Rescue?" "Ask them to stand by. They might have reached the hut and be safe. We'll be there in half an hour or so." Bob held the small aerial and slowly swept it in an arc. "No...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Sarah Vandella G107

Greeting and Salutations ladies and gentlemen! This week is going to be an extra special treat for you all. We have the sluttiest woman to grace the GangBang. THE Sarah Vandella. The cover star of the very first GangBangCreampie DVD’s. That’s right she’s back and it’s ON! We did this week a bit different. We got RIGHT down to the action. She was just so insatiable that was how we just HAD to start. She’s on the bench ready to get fucked, filled, and fed. While...

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Mother Secret Life

A true story...This real story about my mom started in fact two years ago, when I asked my mom her phone to send a text message, and while writing it she received a message from a person I know, saying "yes but I want to fuck you".To tell this real story about my mother, to safeguard privacy I will change the names of the people involved and I hope you like it :)But this story could have started when I was younger and innocent, when i saw inside some things kept from my mother, a picture of her...

1 year ago
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African Prince Chapter 4

100% fiction! When someone finally stirred it was Mikey. "mom?" "Yes, honey?" She said in her sweetest voice. "Umm," Mikey paused. "I've got to take a leak." With these words his Mom began to laugh and through her laughter, "Yeah, me too." With their laughter they regained the will to separate. Mikey rolled off his mother and stood up. Still facing her, with her watching him, he tried awkwardly to put his still hard dick back into his white underpants. Her laughter intensified and he couldn't...

2 years ago
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Peeping at Camp

Girls Have Fun Making a Pretty Boy One of Them ? by: Jayne Willard Chapter 1, Caught Peeping Cindy knew the party was getting out of hand, but she was enjoying herself. They were at Summer Camp; the boy they had discovered "sneaking a peek" into their cabin was a wimp. He had a cute face and slender body with long dark hair, as was the style at the time. They had jumped him and since there were twelve of them, they easily overpowered him, as if he had resisted at all. "He's...

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Fundelights First Lapdance

My wife, Fundelight, and I decide to take a trip to Vegas. A place where we knew no one and could redefine who we were for a brief time. We arrived a bit haggard and checked into our hotel. When we reach our room we quickly put on our swimsuits and headed down to the vast hotel pool. I was pleased to see that Fundelight was wearing a short, flashy, metallic swimdress and high wedge heels. Certainly not something she would wear back at home.First order of business was to get drinks. Gin and...

4 years ago
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Suckloving MotherChapter 7

The following day, Debra was lounging in the tub. Her asshole had a throbbing in it. Her shitter wasn’t sore, but throbbed in a pleasant manner. She leaned her head on the rim of the tub, her legs parted so the hot water soothed her asshole. When she had told her son he could fuck her ass every day, he had taken her literally. He had fucked her in the ass twice more, the final time in bed, with her on her hands and knees, her ass pushed into the air for him. She was surprised her asshole...

2 years ago
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A girlfriend of mine, Shamita, and I have a mutual friend, who happened to be an ex of mine who had a fantasy of a three-some. We will call him Amit. Just kidding around we told him we were going to massage his whole body and then we were going to tear him up. Of course he knew we were kidding. That is until we each had a couple of drinks and relaxed a bit. Then what started out as kidding around turned out to be an evening we still smile to each other about. We did begin to give him a body...

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Surprise Visit

I’m staying in a motel room, doing a little work in my room catching up on some emails, when there is a knock at the door. I am not expecting anyone, so I feel a little funny about getting the door, considering I’m wearing my usual hotel room garb. T-shirt and underwear, I figure it’ll be ok since the t-shirt is long and the underwear is kind of like shorts. To my surprise I open the door to find you smiling, I pull open the door to let you in. As I close the door you kiss me, I can tell you...

3 years ago
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Bluebonnets in Her Golden Hair

... years ago, I rode these prairies, with my bride so sweet and fair, I remember, how it thrilled her, Pretty bluebonnets blooming everywhere... * The evening shadows were falling fast by the time Amos and Abigail finished their supper and made their way out to the cool of their veranda to enjoy the evening twilight. "How many nights we've sit out here wondering where Emmett is, and what he's doing?" Abigail said, touching her husband's hand, as if to seek comfort and reassurance. "I...

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Sucked into Skyrim

Sitting alone staring at the character creator in Skyrim, a young gamer prepare to click ready and began your journey as Dragonborn once again. This time with the ultimate modlist. The gamer finally get the journey they always imagined. When suddenly a bolt of lightning arcs through their window striking both them and your PC as their spirit is lifted from your body and transplrted into an alternate reality to inhabit a real version of the avatar they just finalised. - In this story, we will...

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Karen8217s And My Little Secret

I couldn’t wait to get to my computer this morning. I use it to keep a special diary of things going on in my life both good and bad, mostly good and especially last night!!!! Earlier in the evening my boyfriend Dave and I went to the movies to see “Spiderman”. I mean this movie was really awesome. But that wasn’t the only thing that was awesome. The movie has been playing for a couple of months so the theatre was not crowded. In fact Dave and I just about had the whole...

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Andis new life

The car spun out of control on the unexpected patch of black ice and plunged down the ravine. By the time the emergency services arrived both passengers were unconscious. They were admitted into hospital and placed into induced comas. The authorities had a puzzle on their hands trying to identify the couple. Both were British and initially they were both believed to be women but the taller one turned out to be a man in female clothing What were they doing in this isolated part of rural...

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A Few Minor Adjustments Ch 06

I didn’t have a plan as I drove to my sister-in-law’s house, but I did have a key. Two days before I had hypnotized my wife’s sister to help her find a way to relax and sleep through the night. Since then she’d been sending me sexy photos of herself, following a post-hypnotic suggestion I’d given her. My wife Stephanie was anchoring the local evening news, so I was a bachelor that night. I picked up some very spicy Thai take-out to bring over to Nicole’s house, that was her favorite, and...

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Little Candy 2

We arrive home before dinner and as soon as we enter the butler sends me to meet Henry in his room. Be in Henry's room is tragic but at the same time hopeful, because I know it's there somewhere. The damn thing that trapped me in this situation and finding it is the first step to free myself from this hell. I knock at the door. "Come in," he says. I open the door and enter. Henry room is even bigger than ours; it's decorated in an art deco style and has lots of things to flaunt...

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Lost and Found Part 1

Prologue James Vega grew up in Los Angeles County in the city of Alma Perida. It was a quaint little city but it was far from an ideal childhood. His grandparents had been given full custody of him when he was a baby and always let him know that they could refuse to care for him anytime, sending him away to be forgotten and unloved by the social services system. His aunts, uncles, and cousins despised him and never let him forget that he was born to a freak and a runaway. Not all...

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Friends with benefits part ONE Edith

This is a fictional story.My cell rang with a familiar melody, I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was my friend Edith. I answer it and her voice on the other end said, "do yo want pizza and a fuck?"I just giggle, "damn woman...." Then she interrupted me... "what don't you like pizza???" She cracked up... "Hey I am in the neighborhood, mind if I stop by?" Edith said."No worries, bring some beer, real beer, no Coronas." "Ok, will be there in a few."This woman has been my friend...

1 year ago
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The Trip

Introduction: A fantasy about a plane trip ok, we are on the plane, getting ready and situated and comfy..hubby is groggy from two Dramamine and getting a pillow which forces us to rub and touch each other..the sexual chemistry is thick between us. as we look at each other and look each other over quickly and exchange sly smiles. he snuggles down and leans against the wall and falls to sleep. the plane hasnt even left the ground yet and he is out like a light. Im reading a Cosmo that someone...

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VacationChapter 61

Day Sixty-one - Friday Someone was banging on the door. I slipped on my shorts, grabbed the 9-mil and went to what was my front door, the opposite from the patio door. I turned on the outside light then peeped through the peephole. Shawna was standing there with a sheriff's deputy. Now what? I quickly opened the door, and before I could ask what was up, Shawna was in my arms saying, "You have to help us, Steve, please, Charlie's on the way to the hospital, he's in bad shape, help us,...

1 year ago
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The Professor Takes Care of Business

Brian had Cynthia, one of his fellow faculty members, bent down over the bed in his room, her legs spread slightly so he was able to get his hard cock up between her legs and penetrate her hot pussy from behind doggy style. He and Cynthia had fucked before on occasion but tonight he'd already brought her off twice by eating her pussy and now they were on their second fuck of the evening. After their first quickie, Brian had taken a shower with Cynthia, soaping up her small petite breasts and...

4 years ago
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My First Seduction

I was now hungry for more fresh young cock, Marcus was now very good at pleasing a woman and had brought me and Kate to many a good climax before cumming his hot load. I asked Marcus if he would help me, he said he had a friend that he thought would be game for being seduced. So we arranged that Marcus and Kate would invite him over to see if I liked the look of him. The plan was if I did I would let Kate know and they would say they had to go out and leave the two of us alone. When they arrive...

2 years ago
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Viswanathan8217s Sexual Journey 8211 Revenge Sex

Note: All characters in this story are 19 or above when they participated in any sexual activity. A man from Viswanathan’s friend circle would not recommend going over 120 kmph on even the best highways of India. Well, a few months ago even Viswanathan himself wouldn’t have dared to go beyond 80 kmph, on any road. Today he was zipping through the light traffic on National Highway-66 at 140 kmph. He doubted whether he ever wanted to meet any of his friends again or go back to his old life...

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I sucked my first cock

My wife had just left town this morning. She will be gone for a week. Since the garage needed to be cleaned out I decided that this would be a good time. I put on my favorite pink boy cut panties along with baggy shorts and a too large tee shirt. It was promising to be a nice day. The garage was a mess. After a long winter of just putting things down it needed a lot of work. I started carrying things out to the drive way to start putting things in order.I had everything pretty much organized...

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Every Night

For as long as I can recall I have had fantasies of submission and of being dominated, degraded and humiliated. In most of my relationships, I had tried to encourage my partner to spank or tease me and had adopted a submissive role. Most of the times it was fairly tame and playful although I had come across a few more...interesting types from time to time. More than one who was a bit scary.For the last year or two of my school days and throughout university I bounced between teenage...

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Daughter inlaw

Note : This story is completely fictional! HI, I am married and I am 40 yrs old, I have 2 sons and one who is Married to a great wonderful . after sending the kids off and living on our own for a while my son and his wife " debbie" came to live with us, first I should tell you about her, shes 28 and has the best blue eyes anyone could have, she is a 34 /24/36 at least and she loves to wear clothing that shows off her great body. last summer I was off work for 3 weeks when they moved in with us,...

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Spizoo Sybil Naughty Housesitter Sybil Fucks Her Boss

Naughty housesitter, Sybil, turns her boss’s mansion into a rave spot while he’s away. The party created a bit of a mess the morning after, but Sybil knows she still has a few hours before he returns. The petite girl with tiny tits fools around in her pink lingerie, stockings, and roller skates. As Sybil enjoys horsing around the house, the owner, Charlie Dean sneaks behind her. Although a bit surprised at first, Sybil perfectly knows how to get out of the awkward situation. She...

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Prostate vibrator

Hello all I'm on a quest for strap on sex. Although I have asked the people in xhamster to help I have not found anyone to help me. So I did the next best thing I went to the porn store to buy one. This was very brave of me I'm a shy guy and have never been to one of these stores to buy a toy, I have naught in the past did,s lube but never a strap on for mass. So I walk in and of course the two girls working in the store couldn't have been two days older than 21 and so cute. Now imagine I'm...

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One Night Stand

It was a Tuesday. There was no major convention in town like last week’s NASP convention, in which all sort of things went on, but that is a different story. I just got back to my office around 4:30PM from a late meeting. Sitting down at my desk I looked over to the hotel. There were a lot of windows with open drapes but no one in them. The earlier NASP left a lot of rooms open and needing maid service. I saw a light go on off to my left. Looking over, the window drapes were already opened wide...

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In My Life Ch 02

Maria had no doubt what would happen next. She saw the rage in Emerson’s eyes and knew he would fight Hogan. What she didn’t know was how the fight would go. Emerson had learned long ago to keep his temper in check. He had lost it on occasion and the results worried him. He had made it a practice to remain in control of his emotions. This time, it was impossible for Emerson to control his feelings as he saw what Hogan had just done. Stepping between Hogan and Maria, Emerson looked Hogan in...

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Another Convert

Another Convert by Coral Marsh As the car which had been tailgating him for the past few minutes sped by, Mark wondered seriously about how some drivers ever got their licenses - especially Mini drivers - driving that fast in such atrocious weather conditions in the dark was suicidal. As it was, his own caution made it unlikely he would make it to the coach on time, he thought, as he drove through the pouring rain. If this atrocious weather continued, a further 20 minutes at...

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Nudist Sex Resort

You'd always considered yourself a bit of an exhibitionist. What started off as showing off your body at the gym and to your girlfriends led you down a path of hedonism that turned you into a frequent visitor of nude beaches. You felt so relaxed when you were naked, and your young, sculpted body was certainly nothing to be ashamed of from your hard work at the gym and in the pool. But it wasn't all for therapeutic reasons - walking around naked just made everything feel sexier, and that was...

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