Alyx In Wonderland Chapter 3 free porn video

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Chapter 3 The rehearsal rooms were on the far west side. Lydia, the receptionist from my audition all those weeks ago, met me in a deli across the street from the nearest subway station, which was still three long blocks from the studio. Apparently, she was working as a runner on the film. "Hey." I ran up to her in the deli. She was holding two cups of coffee, in those blue and white 'We are Happy to Serve' you cups. "You didn't have to meet me. I could've made it myself." "It's not even 6 AM, Alyx," she said, embracing me and kissing me on each cheek. "Too early for either of us to be walking over there alone." She handed me a coffee, bitter but needed. "Besides, you've got a long day ahead." I nodded. Serious face. I hoped I was projecting seriousness. Lydia smiled. "Don't worry. They're going to love you." Again I nodded, more out of nervous energy than anything else. The studio was part of an old warehouse complex. Not much to look at on the outside. As we neared, Lydia chatted away about the different design companies and other creatives who used it. The door was solid. Gray and steel. Lydia pressed a button and, from somewhere behind the door, I heard the faint sound of a bell. A few minutes later came the clang of a large metal lock being turned, then the door swung open. A slightly balding middle aged man who radiated a sense that he was too busy to be opening doors stood there. "So this is the new girl?" He only half looked at me. "Alyx Liddell, yes." Lydia stood up and down on her toes. Even at full height, she was much smaller than the man. "Let's hope she doesn't piss Razor off like the last one." He stood back indicating for us to come in. When we were inside, he slammed the door. Once he was sure it was properly shut he walked off, no explanation. He took us upstairs to a large room with mirror around the side. "It looks like a dance studio." "It is when we're not here." Lydia shrugged. "Razor's not here. Let me introduce you to the rest of the cast. The core ones at least." She took me over to a group of people standing in one corner. The first was a middle aged woman I recognised immediately. "This is Sadie of course." Lydia explained. The woman offered me her hand. I studied her face. The one I remembered from the perhaps half a dozen films of hers I'd seen. There were a few wrinkles, and if you looked closely you could see the colour draining away at the roots of her hair but it was still her. "Urm, hi." I stumbled over my own words. "Hi, you must be the new girl." Sadie offered me a hand, but she was more interested in talking to a silver haired man next to her. Lydia moved me on quickly. "This is Jacob. He'll be playing your boyfriend." Jacob was tall. Handsome in that boyband way. His face was soft but his shoulders and elbows were all angles. "Hi" He nodded, his eyes not moving away from the screen of his phone. "Hey," I held out my hand, wanting to make a good first impression. According to the script, he was supposed to be my boyfriend. We needed to have chemistry. "You were good in The Shortest Root." I'd never seen it but Chloe had told me all about it. A teen drama streamed through Netflix. About a boy who was a long distance runner until he gets injured, then he ends up growing marijuana . She said it masqueraded as serious drama, but underneath was your standard teen drama with better production values. That got his attention. "Yeah," he scratched the back of his head, "I'm trying to move on from that." The final face needed no introduction. "Noah?" He smiled at me. "Hey, Kid's Table." I playfully punched him on the arm. "Omigod Bae, it's soooo great to be working with you again." I used a mock sweet voice doing my best impression of a tween girl with a crush. His ears burned red and I felt bad about teasing him. I tried to move on, "Noah and I worked together on that commercial." "Ah," Lydia nodded. I wondered if she'd ever seen it? No one I knew watched the networks anymore. "Are you my little Bruh again?" I'd looked at the scripts they'd sent me and didn't remember anything about a brother. "I'm the kid of the family who kidnaps you. We become friends while you're tied up in the basement." He grinned. I grinned back. "Maybe if I'm tied up, you'll actually be able to beat me at Fortnite." He just snorted and walked away. By eight, there was still no sign of Razor. One of the assistants suggested we try out a few scenes to warm up. First up was me and Jacob. I noticed Sadie had sidled off to the corner and was talking on her phone. Probably complaining to her agent. The scene was fairly standard teen romance. My character was supposed to be mooning over Jacob's. Him being the star quarterback or whatever. "Your mom going to let you come to the party?" "She doesn't let me do anything." I balled up my hands. I was thinking of the argument with Becca the other night. How she wouldn't let me get a different glue for my breast forms, one that was supposed to be easier to remove. He looked up at me, perhaps surprised by my intensity. "Wow. She's a real hard ass, huh?" "Yeah, she was in the army. She doesn't talk about it though." And Becca was a rich kid who always got her way. I looked down at the floor not up at Jacob. His eyes were too blue. It was off putting. "You should come." He moved closer, instinctively I stepped back. He put and hand on my arm gently stopping me. "I know." I just stared at his hand, thinking of the way Becca liked to grab me and pull me to the bed. It went on like that for a few minutes. I was relieved when we came to a stop. It wasn't like they all clapped or anything, but I could tell I'd got their attention. Even Sadie had sat down and put her phone away. "What?" I said, looking around at everyone. Jacob smiled at me, then at the assistant. The assistant, stone-faced, said, "OK. How about we do your sides with Sadie? The scene right before you go to the party." Sadie looked at me. "Alyx, right?" OK, so she knew my name. I smiled and nodded. She looked at me, "you don't need to prep or anything, right? Let's just get to it." I imagined she wanted to get back to whatever angry email she was composing. The assistant said, "OK, from right after Sadie says 'no.'" And he pointed. Probably as close to directing as he was going to get. "I just don't understand why you won't let me go," I said. "It's not for you to understand. The answer is no," she said matter-of- factly. "So, go to your room..." "You CAN'T tell me what to do," I said, glaring back at her. "Everyone else is going to the party." I could feel myself getting angry again. "You don't want me to have any life," I complained. "You want me to be just like you and I'm not!" I stomped my foot and started to walk away. Sadie followed me and put her hand on me. She was about four inches taller. She spun me around, and glared at me. "You do NOT walk away from me, Kristina." The look in her eyes scared me. I kept my cool and stared right back at her. "I will do whatever I want, MOM." 'Mom' still sounded weird to me, like saying, 'Moslem.' "I am almost sixteen. And I am going to this party." She kept that same cold glare. "You. Are. Not. Going. Under. Any. Circumstances." I gulped. I didn't know where I wanted to go before, but I didn't want to go there now. But I stuck to the script and smirked. "Fine, MOM! I HATE YOU!" I yelled, sincerely angry. My character's next scene was climbing out the window. Every house in every American movie had a trellis, so someone could sneak down or up. I never understood why, after all these years, anyone in America with kids still had one. Sadie stopped and said, with a smile, "I'm satisfied." She looked me up and down. "She's cute. At least, my ex wasn't bad looking apparently," she laughed. Then, she looked at me, while I calmed myself down, "have you ever seen 'Marathon Man?'" I shook my head. "Dustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier. You know them, right?" I nodded. "Before a big scene, Dustin Hoffman spent two days not sleeping. He comes in looking like shit. Olivier looks at him and says, 'you should try acting. It's much easier.' Try acting, Alyx," she said, to laughs from the assistants. We sat around waiting for Razor to show up. Sadie went back to her phone, although she wasn't typing as furiously. The assistants all ran around, trying to look busy. One started doing stretches on the barre along the wall. I went over to Jacob, "I'm really excited. I hope I get the job. I'd really like to work with you." He didn't look up from his phone, "Uh huh." "So, where are you from originally?" Still looking at his phone, "Nevada. Near Reno." "Oh," I said, "I've never been there." He looked at me for a second, just a second. Those eyes went through you. "There's not much reason unless you gamble. And you can't, so why would you?" Prick. "Right. Got it. See you later, Jacob." He went back to looking at his phone and gave me a wave. The world's most sarcastic wave. I plopped down in a chair and thought about texting Becca. It was about 9 AM. She was on her way to Connecticut with Rachel, to film an assisted living facility for the documentary. I wasn't sure if she was driving or Rachel, and didn't want to risk it, so I started flicking through Instagram. I hated Instagram, but at Monica's request, OK demand, I now had a page '@AlyxL' ('you're 18. How do you not have a page already?' Then she made her assistant help me set it up). There wasn't much to see. Shots of me looking studiously casual on the Brooklyn Bridge, in the park and on the set of commercials. Always on the set. With the company hashtagged and linked. I was looking at one of me making duck face at the camera ('getting ready 4 a big day at @OFunnigans!'). I wanted to vomit. Big Firecracker Pork Chop with Bacon Garlic Mashed Potato vomit. Noah plopped down next to me. 'Hey, Alyx." I smiled, "Hey, Noah. What's going on?" He looked around, "Nothing. Just waiting. I hate waiting." "Me too," I said, pulling my legs up to my chest and snuggling in my hoodie. "I was up at 5:00 this morning to catch the train." "They didn't send you a car? They sent me one." I put on a bad upper class accent. "Oh, they sent you a car, did they?" I teased. Then. "Yup, they sent me the big silver car. Had an E on the front of it. And it's special. It goes underground." He rolled his eyes. "Funny. What are you looking at?" He leaned over and looked at my phone. I hid it. "Hey! Excuse me!" He started bouncing around. "What is it? What don't you want me to see?" I looked at him. "If I told you what it was, then I'd want you to see it." God, he was a little pest. He looked at me. "Is it your boyfriend?" I thought about correcting him. Then, I thought that might blow his little mind. Then, I thought he's 12 and an actor. Then, I thought it was none of his business. "That's it! It's you and your boyfriend. Are they pictures I can't see? Oooh." By now, some of the assistants were looking at us and smirking. One had her phone up. "You're a little pervert," I said, laughing. "Is that what you automatically think? That I don't want you to see my phone because it's dirty? Has it ever occurred to you that I don't want you to see because I just don't?" I looked down at his phone, which was in his hand. I grabbed it. "Let's see what nasty," and I pronounced the 'a' in a very long tone - nahsty - "things you're looking at." The crew was giggling. Noah looked at me and said, "Give it back." I smiled, "No. Let's see what Noah is doing that he shouldn't be." He reached over and said, "Give it back. Give it back." Then he paused and smirked. "It doesn't matter. You can't open it. You don't have the code." I quickly grabbed his hand and put his thumb on the home screen. I smiled. "See?" I looked. It was just games. I looked at him. He looked hurt. "Are you happy now?" he mumbled. I put my arm around him. "I'm sorry, Noah. You started." I held out my phone. "You wanna see what I was looking at? For real?" He looked down at his phone. "No." "You can, if you want. It's OK." I didn't know why I felt bad for him. He started. He took my phone without looking at me. Then, he looked at me and smirked. "Instagram? You didn't want me to see your Instagram?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jacob smirking. Bastard. Then he looked, "And this isn't even your real Instagram." "Sorry, what? My real Instagram? As opposed to what?" He looked at me with disdain. "This is your work Instagram. It's obvious. What girl would tag O'Funnigan's and," he flicked through, "an insurance company? Duh." I must've looked like an idiot. I felt like one and he continued, taking his phone back. "See, there's @RealNoahS for work," and he showed me on set pictures and him with #JenniferLawrence. "And @ZombieHunter7783, which is private." That was him and a couple of other twelve year boys doing twelve year old boy things - stupid faces, sticking up the camera and one with his pants down ('its a new moon!!!!). "What's your private account?" "I don't have one," I said. "C'mon. You can friend me. Then we can friend each other." "I told you. I don't have one. I'm serious." I really didn't. I probably should have. But I didn't. Noah had such a desperate look on his face that I was going to create one just for him. "Look at my phone. That's it." He scrolled through. "Huh. I thought all girls had Instagram pages." Then, he looked at the games folder. "Fruit Ninja? Who still plays Fruit Ninja?" I felt myself turn red. "I like Fruit Ninja. It's fun." He snorted and mimicked swiping at fruit, looking like he'd grown up chewing the lead in pencils. "Sure. When I was 5." "Wisearse. What do you play?" He took out his phone and showed me a game 'Dragon Hills 2.' Fighting a zombie apocalypse on a metal dragon. He was right. It was fun. I made a mental note to download it. About fifteen minutes later, I felt someone looking over my shoulder, then a hand. "Hiya teen queen." It was Razor. Today wearing a different baseball cap and plaid shirt. Both as grungy as the last time I saw him, but different. "Um, hi. I didn't hear you come in." That was brilliant. He smiled, that lupine grin. "Obviously." He looked at Noah. "Heya, mouth. You and Alyx here having a good time?" Somehow, the way he said made me feel dirty. At least, he knew my name. Noah smiled, "she's OK." "Thanks for the compliment," I laughed. Alex It was the first really hot day of summer, humid and miserable. I'd chosen to wear cargo shorts and a t-shirt. My hair was too short to tie back into a ponytail and too long and the cut too feminine to pass as male. I borrowed one of Becca's baseball caps and tucked my hair away the best I could. Underneath the baggy t-shirt, I'd bound down my breast forms. In the heat the bandages were itching me even before I'd left the building. The train was the worst. The air conditioner having broken down in my car. Although it took three stops, I eventually got a seat, taking off the hat to wipe my brow. With sweat pouring down my brow I decided to leave it off. Looking at the clock on my phone I could see I was already late. I was ashamed to say I didn't know any of Tom's mates. When the four of us got together, it was usually around some industry thing or as couples. I was daydreaming when the train pulled into the station I needed. I had to jump up and push through the people already getting on to get out. One jerk stood still, forcing me to squeeze past and rubbing up against him as I did. I looked at him hoping he'd move but he just smirked. I wanted to slap him, but I had no time to waste on him. It was only when the door closed behind me that I realised I'd left Becca's hat on the train. Shit. I watched it disappear knowing there was nothing I could do. I ran my hand through my hair. Great, I must have looked weird. Half boy, half girl. And to top that my hair was plastered to my head. I went to the station bathroom and splashed some water over it. It didn't help much. A business man came in and gave me a look. That's when I realised my choice of the men's room hadn't been the best idea. I hurried out, my face redder than before. The sun had brought everyone out on the streets. As a 5 foot 4 inch tall guy, I was used to feeling lost in a crowd. With a girl's haircut and bound breasts, it only got worse. Not only was I lost in the trees, but half those trees were looking down at me. The bar was in Chelsea. The front opened onto the street and I could hear the noise from up the street. It took me a while to spot Tom. He had to wave for me to see him over the crowd. "Hey!" I said and embraced him. "Hey Alex, you made it." He smiled, slightly less embarrassed by my hug than usual. He slapped the back of a tall guy with short hair standing next to a shorter guy. "This is Jon and Phil. They both work with me at the firm," 'the firm' was what they called the tech start-up that employed them. "This is Jon's friend Aaron." Aaron was a short Asian guy, something like thirty years old with thick glasses. I smiled, "Nice to meet you all. Thank you for letting me join you." Phil looked me up and down and mumbled, "I didn't know we were bringing girlfriends..." Tom said, "Alex isn't my girlfriend, you tool. Alex's girlfriend Becca and Chloe went to film school together." Aaron rolled his eyes, "So you up for Laser Quest, Alex?" "Absolutely." I bobbed my head up and down uncertainly. The Laser Tag was at Chelsea Piers, three long avenues away. With their longer strides, Tom, Jon and Phil quickly got ahead of us. Aaron walked next to me, his hands deep in his pockets, "So what do you do, Alex? You in school?" That was the first question all New Yorkers asked. Not where are you from. What do you do? "Nope. I'm done with school." "Wow, that's cool that your parents didn't push you to go to college. Mine, had me down for grad school while I was still in elementary," he laughed. "So, what are you doing?" Shit, I realized, he thought I was a kid. "I'm an actor," I looked down at the floor. He had picked up his speed, possibly seeing the others had stopped at a traffic light. I was having trouble keeping up with him. "Have I seen you in anything?" Every actor's least favorite question. At least now, I had an answer other than a play in the basement of St. Loyola's in Elmhurst. "I've done a few commercials. Mutual Haven Insurance, P.J. O'Funnigans..." He made a face, "Star Jewelry..." "Cool. I don't watch a lot of TV. Maybe that's why I haven't seen you before." I shrugged. "Have you ever played with these guys before?" I shook my head. The traffic light had changed and any chance we'd catch them had disappeared. "They get kind of into it," he laughed. "It's like their version of touch football, I think. That and they get to play out their sci-fi fantasies." "Got it. So, is it like home? Teams? Run around and shoot each other? Last man standing wins?" We were near the door now. Tom and the other were waiting for us. He laughed, "Not exactly. They play this game they call 'prisoner.' Basically, one person is the prisoner and the other guys...people on their team have to rescue them. If you get rescued before the other team kills your guys, winners get to pick the prisoner for the next round. The entrance was pretty scuzzy. A few posters showing inexplicably happy and well-adjusted people playing the game. Decor that someone at head office probably thought was Blade Runner on a budget, and a reception table. A young man with a prominent Adam's apple took us into a side room and gave us our vests, helmets and guns. He spent some time adjusting my vest as it didn't sit well. I could feel myself blush when he explained that ',' as he avoided looking right at my breasts, 'get in the way.' He tried to be nice, apologizing that, 'they...uh...y''s because not as many women play.' I didn't need to look to know Tom was smirking. The others were already waiting for me when I re-joined them in the entrance. Waiting for us were five new guys. One of them was big with a beard, he seemed to be their leader and designated spokesperson. "You The Quick and the Dead?" He asked. Tom stepped forward. "Yeah, you guys Kill Van Kull?" He stretched out his hand and they shook on it. "So we're playing the usual rules. League game. Prisoner. Ref's word is final." He nodded at the young guy with the Adam's Apple who shrugged, clearly bored. They tossed to see who went first. Kill Van Kull called it. "OK, we'll take her." The Big Guy pointed a meaty finger at me. Tom looked at me as if to say sorry. I just shrugged. Adam's Apple explained the rules. "The objective is to return the captive." He spoke to us, then turned to Kill Van Kull. "No hurting her, tying her up. Don't laugh, you wouldn't believe the shit some people try to pull. No taking the captive out of the War Zone," which meant a room filled with a jungle gym and dry ice, "Nothing stopping her from speaking, but also no calling out," the last bit aimed at me. "You've got half an hour to free her/stop them from freeing her. Then we change over followed by a third decider match, if necessary. Oh, and I can't stress this enough, you can't just shoot your captive when their team gets close. If she gets hit in friendly fire, you win. You kill her, they do. And we know what shot came from what gun." He then reeled off a long list of health and safety rules that I'm pretty sure no one listened to. "Give me your gun." It took a moment for me to realise he meant me. "What?" "The captive doesn't get a gun. Sorry, you'll get it back for the next match." I sighed. What fun. Before we left the room, they all put their hands together. Big Guy said, "On three." He counted down and they all went "Kill Van Kull" and clapped. The big guy singled for me to follow him. Kill Van Kull were going into the War Zone first. To give them time to hide me. "What did you go for the girl for?" A younger looking guy with purple hair said to the big guy. "I thought we said we'd pick their best player." "We don't know she isn't their best," his dismissive tone suggesting he thought not, "Anyway, I picked her because she's clearly the tall guy's girlfriend. He'll be pissed and not thinking right." "I'm not his girlfriend, creep. Actually I have..." "Sure, whatever. Boyfriend, girlfriend or you just make those Bambi eyes at each other. Same thing." He wasn't looking at me but at his purple haired friend. "You got the top?" Purple hair pulled something that looked a little like a black rectangle of fabric out of his back pocket. "Whoa, whoa! You heard what the man said. No kinky shit!" I put my hands up in protest. The big guy looked at me. "Don't be stupid. It's a pillowcase with holes cut in it for your arms and neck. It covers up the lights on your vest." "That's got to be against the rules!" I protested. "It doesn't stop the guns from shooting you so no. The only rule is you can't block them with clothing." He pushed the pillowcase into my hands. "Get it on, Bambi." Then he turned to Purple Hair. "You know the plan, keep her moving around the perimeter. They'll be looking for her in the spaceship ruins." I looked at the oversized metal climbing frame in the centre of the room. Even with the dried ice being pumped out, it didn't look all that impressive. Their plan wasn't a bad one though. There was a pathway running around the perimeter, presumably meant so the staff could get around easily, in case of trouble. With the lights on my vest obscured they might just get away with it. Purple Hair took my hand. I pulled away, "You don't want to trip," he explained. I would have told him to fuck off, but then I thought of the filming starting in two weeks. I didn't want to lose the role because of a broken nose. There was an electronic countdown, then the music started. I could just about hear Tom shouting instructions to the rest of The Quick and the Dead. Purple Hair pulled me gently and we set off on our trek. For the first ten minutes or so, I hoped that their plan would fall apart. I wasn't exactly hidden. All it would take would be for one of our team to stumble on us. But pretty soon, I realised that wasn't going to happen. I could hear shouts and shots being fired. They were all coming from the direction of the spaceship. "We've got snipers positioned at the top of each tower." Purple Hair gestured. I nodded glumly, it didn't look like we stood a chance. Just after the halfway alarm sounded, we heard shooting close to us. Purple Hair pushed me against the wall while he looked around. I had a couple of minutes. In rehearsals, you had to be quiet and still for long periods of time, while other actors went through their scenes. Thanks to this, I'd got pretty good at surreptitious texting. I slipped my phone out of my pocket. I only had time to get off two words; 'Perimeter' and 'Moving'. The clock was counting down the last two minutes and everything had gone quiet. I'd started to worry they'd got my whole team. Then it happened. It was Aaron who jumped out, his little round face grinning. Purple Hair had time to duck and I hit the floor, remembering what Adam's Apple had said about crossfire. Purple Hair didn't have time get out of the way of Tom, who was waiting behind us. I heard him curse as his vest vibrated. Aaron took my hand, "Let's get to the door." "Hey," shouted out Purple Hair, "They've got the girl!" "You little sneak!" Tom protested. "You're supposed to be dead." We ran. Around us I could hear Kill Van Kull shouting. They sounded pissed off. Clearly they'd been expecting a win. We reached the door as the final seconds counted down. The big guy and another of his teammates were blocking our way. "This is bullshit!" Tom protested. As We Are the Champions played over the sound system, Adam's Apple re-joined us. "What's going on?" "The idiot with the purple hair shouted out. He was dead. Can't you check your records?" Adam's Apple sighed. I doubted this was the first such disagreement he had to deal with. Probably wasn't even the first that day. "That only records when and who shot." "Look at this!" I grabbed at the pillow case they'd made me wear. The Big Guy glared at me. I moved behind Tom slightly. "It's not against the rules. It doesn't stop the guns connecting with the pads on the vest!" He protested. I could see Adam's Apple didn't like it. "No, but you can't see the lights!" I must have looked dumb, pointing from behind my friend. But I could see my argument had impressed our referee. "She's got a point. The game goes to The Quick and the Dead!" For a second I thought the Big Guy was going to charge me. "We should take him." I pointed at the Big Guy. "He makes all their decisions." I was shot in the first five minutes. Three of the Kill Van Kulls cornered me, then Purple Hair shot me in the front grinning like a bloody Cheshire Cat. I went to the waiting area where Adam's Apple was checking a broken gun. "Tough luck." He commiserated with me. "Bollocks. They went after me." I slumped on one of the benches taking out my phone. "Nothing against it in the rules." He shrugged, not really looking. There were TV monitors on one wall where he was half-heartedly watching the game. "Kill Van Kull takes it seriously. They've gotten to the playoffs the last two seasons." "Huh," I took out my phone and started playing the space dragons game Noah had shown me. At least there I could put up a good fight. About five minutes from the end of the allotted time the doors burst open. It was the Big Guy and Purple Hair. They both smirked at me. Tom came after them limping. "It got a bit physical." Tom explained to me as I jumped up. Adam's Apple looked worried. "Just an accident, in the dark," the Big Guy grinned. I looked at Tom who just shrugged. No one wants to be a tell-tale. For the last game they picked me as the captive. Again. "Oh, fuck it!" I half threw my gun at Adam's Apple. I hadn't even fired off one shot the whole day. This time they picked a good hiding place. At the bottom of one of the towers. "I'm not getting in there." At the base of the tower there was just enough space for me to crawl into. "You have to." Purple Hair looked amused. "It's not outside the War Zone. You're supposed to do what we say." And then, just as I got down on my knees, he added. "Give us your phone as well." I grunted, passed him the phone and started trying to get into the space. I was half way in when Purple Hair commented, "Nice ass. Shame your boyfriend is that lanky piece of crap." I turned and shot him a dirty look. His comment was too close to the one from YouTube. I was creeped out and spent the rest of the game curled up just wanting it over. Sadly I got my wish. We lost, badly. With the Big Guy at the top of the tower and having clear sights in all directions, he was able to pick my teammates off one by one. They were like soldiers at the Somme. In the changing rooms afterwards, the Big Guy couldn't help but gloat. Tom took it well but Aaron looked like he was going to go the full-Trump and lose his shit. "That's just such bullshit," Aaron whined, taking off his glasses and rubbing them clean with his shirt. "They cheat and we get fucked. They put that vest on her," he said, pointing at me. "And they ambush us. And we get fucked. This hurts us for the playoffs." Phil smirked, "Us. Right. Look man, it's a game, we'll get them next time." Then, he looked at me seriously. "They didn't do anything to you, did they?" It took me a second to figure out what he meant. "No. No No No." I shuddered for a second, which got smiles from the group, especially Tom. Then I laughed, "It's Laser Tag, not the South Sudan, Phil. There are cameras. They were just crass." He smiled, "Good. Glad to hear it. Don't want you to give a bad report to Chloe, do we Tom?" "Fuck off, dick weed," Tom laughed. He looked at Aaron, who still looked pissed off. "Dude, relax," he said, giving Jon the 'what's his problem' look. "After a hard day's war, I could use a beer. There's a bar downstairs. Who's in?" We all went downstairs and went into the bar. Kill Van Kull was sitting in the bar, smirking. "Look who it is," the Big Guy said, "Slow and the Dead." To which his team laughed. "Sorry about your girlfriend," he said to Tom. Then, he looked at me, "If you want to hang with some winners..." I thought, you're losers who bring things to cheat. At Laser Tag. Which is mostly played at birthday parties. By ten year olds. But I realized where I was. And who I was. I looked him up and down. "I'll pass, thank you. And I told you already. He's not my boyfriend." I moved back towards the group. Tom looked at the big guy and said, "Whatever, man. Relax. Lay off Alex though. Not cool." The guy said, in a stupid voice, "Not cool," then "Losers." Tom rolled his eyes and the group walked over to a table out of earshot. He said, "Phil and I will get the drinks. Bud good for everyone?" Jon looked at me. "Are you old enough to drink, babe?" Don't call me babe, I thought. That and I wish I had worn the star. Never mind, I wouldn't do that to Tom. "I've had a beer or two before, Jon," which brought laughs from Phil and Aaron, and a smirk from Tom. Phil looked at me. "So, Aaron says you're an actress?" I thought about correcting him, then decided it wasn't worth it. If I said I was an actor, I was either going to be seen as trans, which wasn't true, or a pretentious bitch, which wasn't true either but was less of a problem for Tom. I smiled, "Guilty as charged," which got a smile from him. "Seriously. A for real actress, huh?" Sort of, I supposed. "Have I seen you in anything?" I heard Aaron mutter, "I'd like to see her in nothing." To which Jon replied, laughing,"'I can't take you anywhere. Ignore these tools." "Um, I've been a couple of commercials. Mutual Haven Insurance, O'Funnigan's, Star Jewelry." Jon looked at me and said, in a voice that was just a little too loud, "I thought that was you. You're the girl on the couch. Holy shit! That is so cool." I wondered why he remembered that one. Just then, Tom walked over, carrying a pitcher and some plastic cups. "Jesus, dude, calm down. It's just commercials," he flashed me a look. I looked at him. "Three more commercials than you, Tommy Boy," which brought laughs from his friends. Jon looked at me, "So, why the hell are you hanging around with this loser?" I could feel him looking down my t-shirt. Or trying to. "He's cool," I said, for lack of anything better. Tom poured the beers and passed them around. Jon handed it to me, "Ladies first." I nodded and lifted my cup and gave Tom a look. He held up his hands slightly, palms up. Phil, Tom and Jon started talking about work, which left me with Aaron. Who was still sulking about Laser Tag. "They cheat," I said. "There's nothing you can do about it." "Whatever," he mumbled. "We should've won. We could've won. You saw what I could do." I couldn't decide at whom that was actually directed. "You did..uh, great. Thanks for saving me." "You're welcome. Why exactly did you come today?" I raised my eyebrows and he said, "That's not what I meant." "What did you mean?" I took a sip of my beer. "I could ask you the same question." "Sorry, sorry. I just meant how come you're hanging around a bunch of guys?" "I like Laser Tag. And Tom invited me." "Oh," he said, drinking his beer. "Jon invited me, so there you go." As we were talking, the waitress walked past. Phil looked at her and said, "Damn. If I wasn't with Megan..." Jon looked at him, then me. "Dude..." Phil mumbled, "Sorry, Alex." "It's fine. She was beautiful." I felt oddly annoyed at the way the others watched her walk away. "Yeah, but still," and then he went quiet. He looked in the corner and saw the air hockey table. "Anyone up for a game?" Jon looked at me and said, "Yeah, I'm in." Aaron picked up his beer and walked over with them, leaving just me and Tom. "So," I said. "So." He drank his beer. "Glad you came." I wasn't sure if that was a comment or a question. "Thanks," I looked over at the bar, where thankfully Kill Van Kull was settling their tab. "What fucking assholes." He laughed, "I know. Seriously. Who brings a fucking costume for the prisoner? I'm so glad that they didn't do anything to you. How ever could I explain to Chloe that they took your virtue?" I smiled, "Blow. Me." He looked at me and said, "Not. Happening. What's with the outfit?" I looked at him. He was wearing cargo shorts and a t shirt. "Got a mirror? What's that about?" He looked over at the guys at the table. "Shit. Sorry, I didn't mean's it going, by the way? The project, I mean." "It's going." It wasn't. I had about fifty hours of footage showing that men were pigs. "We've both been busy." "I've heard," he said. He whispered, "Between you and me, Chloe's really pissed." "About what?" I took a sip of my beer. "At Becca. She feels like she's ditching her constantly." I thought for a second. "I could see that. I'm kinda tired of Rachel too." He looked at me. "I assume that's it, right?" He nodded and then zipped his lip and I did too. Just then, Aaron called over. "Hey, Tom, you up for a game?" Tom looked at me and I said, "Go ahead. I'll watch the table." He went over and started playing. I watched the four guys play and harass each other for fifteen minutes. They switched back and forth who was playing, none of them giving me a second glance. I started playing with my phone. I thought about taking a selfie and posting it to Instagram, with the caption 'Bored out of my skull at #chelseapiers.' After fifteen minutes, they came back. "Thanks for watching the table, Alex," Jon said. "I hope you weren't bored." I smiled and nodded. "I was fine. You're lucky. I was about to finish off the pitcher," I joked. Tom leaned over and said, "I meant to tell you. Chloe's really excited for the weekend." Aaron looked, "What weekend?" Tom looked at me and I shrugged. Go ahead, I thought. "It's nothing. 'Rents are headed away next weekend to Europe for like a month and asked us to keep an eye on the place. So, Chloe and Alex and Becca are going up for a long weekend. Chill on the lake and all." "Cool," Jon said. "We have a wedding in Brewster Saturday afternoon. Any chance we could change at your place? That way, we don't have to sit in the car all dressed up the whole way." Tom looked at me again. Still I shrugged. "Sure, no problem." Jon thanked him and gave him a high five. Aaron said, "hey, any chance I could crash with you? I'm supposed to be scouting out a location in Mt. Kisco that Saturday..." Tom looked at his beer. "Um, I really need to clear it with Chloe. Y'know, um, because..." "Dude, it's your parent's house. And I'm sure it's huge. You won't even see me. And it's not like you're married. Grow a set. No offense, Alex." I wasn't offended. Not at that, at least. "You don't mind, do you Alex?" "I, uh, it's not really my decision to make. I'm just a guest." I looked at Tom as if to will him to say no. He didn't. "I really have to clear it with Chloe. I'll let you know." I felt nauseous. My last weekend of freedom potentially gone. "Excuse me for a second. I have to..." And I walked to the bathroom, carrying my backpack. This time, I remembered the 'correct' door. A woman standing at the mirror caught my eye, "You look awful." I smiled weakly. She laughed, "I didn't mean that the way it came out..." I meant to laugh, but probably pouted a little, "I hope not." "I just meant, is everything OK?" Where to begin. "It's..fine. I was here with a friend and his friends. And my friend let slip that we were going away." I must have sounded like a complete idiot. She looked at me and grinned. I couldn't look at her. "No, no, no. Oh god, not that. Him and his girlfriend and me and mine. And one of his friends, who's a total pig, just invited himself along and my friend didn't say no..." She looked at me. "So don't go." I shrugged, "It's not that simple. I mean, his girlfriend and mine are friends from film school and Chloe, that's his girlfriend, is, I think, pissed at mine because she feels like mine is leaving her flat..." I heard myself talking but it felt like it was coming from someplace else, someone else. "Becca, my girlfriend, has been moving up at work and she's been kind of talking non-stop about how great her boss is..." She said, "Oh, one of those situations." "Yeah. So I think if we cancelled..." She said, "Yeah, that would." I splashed some water on my face and started rummaging through my bag for my hairbrush. I looked in the mirror. "This looks like a rat's nest," I said, brushing it. "Oh, also, I've been really looking forward to the weekend. It's a house on a lake and I'm going to go kayaking. So, I'm being a little selfish." I looked down into my bag and saw a tube of lip gloss. And my compact. What the fuck, I thought. And I debated putting it on, and taking off my binding. But, I didn't. She said, "Go for it. Well, I should get back to my table." "Me too. Thanks for listening." Tom was waiting by the bar. He smiled. "So, what is it? You go in there and it takes three times as long, no matter what?" I laughed. "The open bar is really cool. And the massages. I think I'm going to head out." "You sure?" He said it with an air of concern, but his eyes betrayed him, showing relief. My acting training was good for lots of things. "I think I've, uh, taken up enough of everyone's time. Go have fun with the guys," I said. "Give them my goodbyes. I'll tell Becca to call Chloe and make plans for the trip up." I assumed that we would go in Tom's car. I went to shake his hand. He surprised me and gave me a hug. "See you next weekend. Get home safely." Becca We had just come back from a job, a training film for Pepsi up in Purchase. Honestly, training films are boring as hell. I'm sure whoever has to watch them finds them interesting, but I don't. Plus, couple it with the fact that they have actual employees in them and it's painful. Half won't look at the camera and the other half ham it up. There was one blonde woman who reminded me of Alex, the same big blue eyes, the same willowy build. She was wearing a red dress that reminded me of one he had worn in a commercial. We were logging the equipment back in when Louise's assistant came over. "Hey, Rachel. Hey, Becca. Louise wants to see you." "Uh, about what?" I said. She just shrugged and walked away. I had been doing well, I thought. Rachel was basically using me as a DP on the training shoots. Again, not my first choice, but I had begun putting together a reel for future use. She shook her head, "Beats me. She's not pissed though, which should be good." We walked into her office. "Sit down," she said. I looked around the office. Her desk was immaculate, just a couple of papers neatly stacked and three pens in a cup. The shelves were lined with awards, mostly trade stuff but a couple of Emmys. I turned my head, trying to look without it showing. I failed, because she said, laughing, "Outstanding Cinematography in a Special. That's what you're trying to read, isn't it?" Rachel laughed and I felt about three inches tall. Louise continued, "I would've done the same thing at your age. Good. It means you're aspiring to something. You are, aren't you?" "Of course," I said. "That's the goal." I decided to shoot for a joke. "I mean, an Oscar would be good too." Louise looked at Rachel and smiled, "I'm sure. A golden man. You've got the golden girl already, I hear." Rachel looked at Louise. "You'd love Alyx. She's adorable." Oh. Oh shit. "An actress." Louise said, "Really?" I fumbled. "No, she really is. A working actress. She's done a few commercials. Mutual Haven, P.J. O'Funnigans, Star Jewelry." OK, calm down, Becca. Stop babbling, I thought. "And she just got a part in a movie. Razor Ranalli's movie." I saw Rachel's face contort. I should have just said a movie. But, if I said that, Louise would ask what movie. And then I'd still have an answer. And Rachel knew already anyway. Louise smiled. "Oh, that's your Alyx. Mark is absolutely in love with her. Said she's so chill." She rolled her eyes. "Tell her to be careful." "I'm not worried," I said. "She can handle herself." "She sounds like quite a girl, Rebecca. Which is why I brought you two in here. We're having a party at the apartment this weekend. Some of the investors will be there, and some people from the mayor's film office. I think it would be good for you two be there. With Trish and Alyx of course. Annie will give you the details," she finished. "Becca, tell Alyx cocktail. She'll know what it means." Annie gave us the information and we walked back to the equipment. "This is a good thing right, Rachel?" She looked at me. "It's fine. I've been before. It's fun. And her place is amazing. She's the only person I know who doesn't say, 'I like my place but we could use more space.' Anyway, I'm glad you guys will be there." I took the train home and thought about it. I didn't see Annie giving info to any of the other people at my level. This could be my chance. A private audience with the big boss. Or semi-private at least. Alex wasn't home when I got there. He had a fitting with the costume supervisor. I had begged him to send me pictures but he wouldn't. He walked in an hour after me. He was wearing his default on-set uniform of leggings and one of my fleece pullovers which looked better on him than me. "What's that smell?" He asked. "Chicken with twenty cloves of garlic," I replied as sweetly as I could. He walked into the kitchen. "You do know the difference between a clove and a bulb, right?" "Thanks Alex. Of course, I do." The recipe online had a picture, thank you very much. "Guess what happened today at work?" Before he could answer, I continued, "Louise invited you and me and Rachel and Trish to a party at her house. This weekend, just us. None of the other grunts! How cool is that?" He hugged me, his breasts pressing up on me, which had stopped feeling weird, and kissed me. "Wow! That is amazing! I am so proud of you!" He kissed me again and I could taste his lipstick. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you." Which, based on the invite, was true. "It's with some of the investors and people from the Mayor's Film Council. This could be huge for me, for us!" "You don't have to sell me," he laughed. Um, let's see about that. "What do you wear to something like this?" "Louise said cocktail," I said as innocently as I could. He said, "Great." He sounded resigned. "At least the star brooch will work. Easy enough to pass it off" I paused and looked over his shoulder. I took a deep breath. "I don't think you should wear the brooch." "What?" He looked confused. I remember thinking how pretty he looked, even though I knew we were heading towards a big argument. "We need to be clever, Alex. To think about the bigger picture. Getting the documentary distributed as well as made." He folded his arms. "You always said we could put it up on the Internet. Distribute it ourselves." OK, I had to play this right. "I know Alex, but that was before..." "Before what?" He did look good angry. I'd overheard one of the production assistants working on Razor's film describing him as a 'pair of sad blue eyes'. They weren't wrong. "Before I saw how good you are. How fast you've moved up the ladder." I put a hand on his arm, rubbing it slightly. He didn't move away. "How fearless you've been in uncovering this shit. Not many men would do that. It'd be a waste to leave the film unnoticed on YouTube apart from comments by Dick Splat 92." OK, mentioning YouTube was a low blow, but I knew his hatred of the site would work for me. "No fucking way, Rebecca. Absolutely no fucking way. If I'm doing this, then it's for a reason." I got annoyed. "What's the big deal? Of course there's a reason." "Are you on something? More of Rachel's coke, is that it?" I got myself annoyed. "Don't bring her into this. Answer the question. What's the big deal? And what about Rachel's film? What would happen to that if we suddenly admitted what we're doing." I could see he wanted to say something when I mentioned Rachel, but I plowed on. "These are allies, Alex. They could help us get recognition, distribution. You deserve awards for this. Recognition at least." I had hold of both of his arms now. It was all I could to to stop myself shaking him. He mumbled, "It's. Fine." I smiled and kissed him hard. "Thank you! I know this isn't what you planned but I promise that I will make it up to you." I started kissing his neck and he gave a soft gurgle of appreciation. "Any way, any time, any place." He leered, which looked kind of silly with him all made up. "Anything?" I nodded. "Swinging from the chandelier?" This was our joke. We had a fixture over the table that hung by two thin wires. If you bumped it, it looked like it was going to fall off. "Fine," he sighed. "So what is it I'm supposed to wear?" "You could wear the black dress from EnHerGy?" He looked gorgeous in that. I loved the way it showed off his breasts and legs. His response shocked me. "No," he said vehemently. "Not that." "Why? You look great in it." He looked me in the eye. "No. I said no. And if you ask again, I'm not going." He started to breathe - shallow, rapid breaths. I realized why. "I'm so sorry, Allie," which slipped out. He was so upset that thankfully he didn't notice. "I will never mention it again. In fact, let's throw it out." He nodded, his eyes a little wet. "It's OK, bunny. I wasn't thinking. Maybe I have something..." "Then, what will you wear?" I hadn't thought about that. Dress? Pants? I didn't really have any cocktail-appropriate suits. My interview suit wasn't really appropriate. We couldn't both wear cocktail dresses though. I'd figure it out. We went to my closet and took out a black not quite mini dress I had worn to my cousin Claire's wedding. It had a criss crossing back. Alex put it on and it looked ridiculous. Given the difference in our heights and the fact he was thinner and less hippy, it looked ridiculous. It was swimming on him, which did nothing for my ego. I realized that nothing I had would fit him. We sat for a little while, when I said, "I could call Chloe and see if she has something." They were about the same size. He laughed and then said, "you're serious, aren't you? No." "What's the big deal? She knows about this." He picked up the phone. 'Hey Chloe, it's Alex. We have this big party and I don't have a thing to wear," and he fluttered his hand. "Also, can you pick up some tampons? It's that time of the month." "Oh god, Alex. That's gross." "That's not the point." "Do you have a better answer?" Before he could answer, I said, "see? You don't. Let me call." An hour later, Chloe came over with a handful of dresses. "You know how weird this is, guys..." Alex gave me a look so I glared at Chloe, then said, "I told you how important this is, Chlo. Thank you for doing this." I couldn't believe she said that and thought about saying something. Then, I realized that I, we needed her now. Alex thanked her and said, "please tell me Tom doesn't know about this." She looked at him and gave him a soft smile, "don't worry. He's working late." I looked at her and mouthed, 'thanks.' Alex sighed happily and she looked at him, "so I brought you a couple of choices. Are you planning on fishnets again?" He looked upset and then said quietly, "I'm done with that. Please don't mention it again." Chloe looked at me like she was blaming me, like I was somehow responsible. "It's OK," she said. "Never again. So, anyway, I brought these three," she said. The first was long, about knee length with a v neck. She held it up to Alyx. "I don't know. I think it's a little too, I don't know, grown up for you." Alex rolled his eyes. "I'm only two years younger than you." She laughed and said, "but Alyx is 18, remember? You'll look like you're trying to fake your way into a club." Then, she said, "there's this one." It looked a lot like my dress, just the back was a little different, the stitching a little more visible. "Go try it on." Alex took the dress and went into the bedroom. I followed him in. He undressed and was standing there in his bra and panties. If Chloe wasn't there, I would have thrown him on the bed. He put the dress on and I helped him with the catch at the top. I went to kiss his neck and he pulled away, "I'm still not happy, Becca. I'm doing it because it's important for you, but I am most definitely not happy." I looked in the mirror and saw us standing there, me in my t shirt and him in the dress. He looked beautiful and I almost told him. Instead, I said, "I know. But I really do appreciate it." "Uh huh," he said, looking around. "There they are," he said, taking out his 3" heels. I looked at him, and he said, exasperated, "she may as well see how it looks with heels." We came out and Chloe laughed, "wow. I'm not sure what I think." Alex looked at her, worried, and she said, "you look better in it than I do. But it looks really good." Alex blushed and smiled, which got a raised eyebrow and look from Chloe, who handed him the last dress, a black sheath, with a plunging neckline. Not too plunging, since Chloe wasn't well endowed. "Go and be quick," she said, shooing him. I went to follow him and Chloe said, "hold up Becca." I sat down next to her. "What's up?" She looked at me. "I was gonna ask you the same thing?" "What?" "He looks miserable. What the hell is going on with you...two?" I looked at her, taken aback. "What's that supposed to mean? I told you I have a very important party to which we were both invited and he didn't have anything to wear and so I called you. If it's such an imposition, I'll get something from Spence-Chapin..." "It's not an imposition. On me," she said. That was totally unnecessary. "Stop it Chloe. It's just a party." I started to say something about the weekend, about how she left Tom invite his friend which made it much worse. But, I wasn't going to be the one to go there. So, I said, "I told him I'd make it up to him. Anywhere, Anytime, Any way," then I grinned. She didn't grin. "If it works for you two," she said. Then, she said, "hey, Alyx. What's taking so long?" Followed by, "now I'm Tom." Alyx came out. The dress really drew attention to his chest. He shook his head. "I don't think so. I like the first one better. This is just...not as good." Chloe said, "oh definitely. The first one was perfect. You look absolutely phenomenal in it. You have a black bra, right?" He nodded. "Ok, so put it on, then put on the dress." He changed and came back out. "Definitely Allie," and he went back to change. Then, she turned to me, "so what are you wearing?" I said, "I dunno. I was trying to decide. I have that blue dress I have from the awards at film school." It was knee length with short sleeves. Chloe said it made my hips look smaller and showed off my arms. She smiled, "yeah, that should work." "What?" She wasn't saying something. "Nothing. You two will look perfect together, I'm sure." I kept looking at her. "Don't give me that look, Bec. Like I said, if you two are happy, I'm happy. And I'm sure the four of you will have a great time." I wasn't happy. I didn't like her insinuation or her tone, which I hadn't liked for weeks. But, the weekend meant a lot to Alex and me. "I appreciate everything, Chlo. It's just been a long day and I'm scared and excited about this party. This is a big deal, lots of important people and I just want it to go perfectly, y'know?" She said, "I get it, Bec. We've all been on edge lately. And I think Alex is nervous too. So I'm calling a truce, k?" I smiled, "Truce." Chloe left, saying she wanted to get home before Tom, so he didn't ask why she was out with two dresses. I went into the bedroom and Alex was laying on his back, naked, staring at the ceiling. I laid down next to him and rubbed his arm, "I'm sorry, Alex." He turned and looked at me. I couldn't place the look, not quite cold but definitely not loving. "I told you it's, I'll be fine." This was going to be a long few days if he kept going. "It's only a few hours," I said. He looked at me for what felt like a long time and went to say something. Then, he stopped and rolled over, turning his back to me. "I'd like to be alone." "Come on Alex," I said, putting my arm around his waist and reaching down. "I told you I would appreciate it." He moved my hand. "Maybe later." I started to say something about how he was overreacting, about how it was really no big deal. But I stopped. I looked at him lying there, in a ball. My beautiful Alex. Who was doing this for me. It wasn't my place to say that he was overreacting, even if he was. I got up and went to the door. In a small voice, I said, "I'll be on the couch when you're ready." Alex The next few days were tense. We slept in the same bed, but we didn't talk. Well, I didn't. She did. Constantly. "Alex, come on," she said, on Thursday. "How long are you going to sulk? I told you I'd make it up to you." "Becca," I said, looking up from my script. I was trying to figure out why my character was so angry. "I'm not sulking. I'm working. In two weeks, I'm going to be on set. On my first movie." She came over and put her arms around me, which felt good. "I know and I'm so proud of you..." I interrupted her. "And I want to show them what I can do, that I'm prepared. That I can do more than," and I put my hands up to my mouth and gasped. She giggled. "I know you can," and she crawled onto my lap, so that she was facing me. "But you have been ignoring me. And I don't like being ignored." No shit, I thought. She started kissing me. "Becca, I have work to do..." She grinned at me. "So do I. I made you a promise and I'm keeping it," she said pulling my shirt over my head, exposing my bra. I laughed, "I thought I got to choose...." She smiled and said, pulling down my panties and looking down. "You did." -------- Late Saturday afternoon, we were running around, getting ready. I had gone for a manicure and pedicure that afternoon, and now had pink fingernails and toenails. It still felt strange to me, to sit in the chair surrounded by women, while someone massaged my feet and cleaned them. Not that it didn't feel nice, just strange. I put on pantyhose. I had debated going bare-legged. From the looks I got, I had great legs apparently. But, they were good English legs, pasty white and so black pantyhose it was. I put on the dress and got made up. "Red or pink?" I asked Becca. "Red or pink what?" She was already dressed, having bought a new designer pantsuit for the party. "Lipstick," I said, holding the tubes up. She smiled, "We're going for sophisticated tonight. Red." I put it on and then gave a twirl. "How do I look?" She sat mute for a few seconds and then said, "You" I smiled, "Is that a good thing?" She said, "It's a great thing. You are absolutely drop dead gorgeous. And I owe you big time." I put my finger, my manicured polished finger, which still looked weird on my arm, to her lips. "There will be time for that later, Becca. For now, I'm Alyx, your girlfriend. Understand?" She nodded. "Your incredibly hot actress girlfriend." I needed to get in my headspace. It was ridiculous really. Between the commercials and rehearsals, Alyx was second nature now. But this was different. I had to be Alyx on someone else's terms. I had taken Becca's diamond studs, the ones her parents had bought her when she was 16, and screwed them in. I had fought getting my ears pierced for a long time but Monica convinced me that it was necessary if I wanted more parts. I picked up a clutch bag, put my makeup in and said, "let's go." She said, "Wait. You need something around your neck." She went to her jewelry box and took out a thin white gold chain, with an emerald on it. She undid the clasp and went to put it on me. It reminded me of the commercial. After it aired, I got two more from them. In one, my boyfriend and I were in the park and he gave me a bracelet. In the other, he proposed. In both, I was wearing the same dress as the first. Apparently, it got a lot of feedback on social media. "That really sets off your eyes." She took a deep breath. "You smell amazing. What is that?" "Coco Madamoiselle," I said. She looked at me. "Did I have that?" I smiled. "No, I bought it the other day. I like the way it smells." I couldn't imagine Becca wearing it. "Come on. Let's go." We took a cab. We could have taken the train but we decided to treat ourselves. We figured that we were saving on dinner and drinks, so we could splurge. The cab dropped us in front of their building. It was one of those old factory buildings, nothing much to look at. I pictured my great-grandmother who worked in a factory in Manchester like this one, sewing clothes, and I wondered what she would think of someone paying what I'm sure Louise paid to live here. I smiled my biggest smile, the one I saved for spa chicken sandwiches and cheap jewelry, and said, "let's go in." The elevator opened directly into Louise's apartment. "Wow," I whispered, my eyes going wide. "This is fantastic." Becca just smiled at me, and took my hand. An older woman, about 50, came over. She was wearing a black sparkly top and a long black skirt, both of which were perfectly fitted and obviously expensive. "Becca," she said, kissing her on both cheeks. Then, she looked me up and down, appraising me. "And this must be the lovely Alyx. I've heard so much about you," she said, kissing me on both cheeks as well. "All good, I hope," I said, smiling. Becca said, "Louise Quinn, this is my girlfriend, Alyx Liddell," which she said a little too easily. "Alyx, this is Louise Quinn. She runs, no she is the studio." I smiled, my 'what's this' smile. I held out my hand and shook hers lightly. "It's lovely to meet you. Thank you for inviting me. You have a beautiful home." I could feel my accent getting a little stronger. She smiled and gave Becca a little nod. "Well, you are welcome and thank you. Please come in, have a drink. Then, I've got some people I'd like to introduce you to." A man came over, about 50, wearing a dark gray suit that was clearly made for him. He had dark hair with flecks of gray, and gray-green eyes. Louise said, "This is Peter, my husband. Peter, this is Rebecca Scott..." He smiled and shook her hand, telling her that he'd heard good things about her, which made her smile and squeeze my hand. "And this is her girlfriend, Alyx Liddell. She's an actress, in Mark's new film." He gave a knowing grin, then looked me up and down, lingering on my legs and then my chest. I really wished that I had worn the star, regardless of what Becca said. They greeted the next set of guests and we walked around the apartment. It was the top floor of the building, a full floor, with southern and western exposures. You could see the Freedom Tower and the Statue of Liberty. The walls were lined with art and photographs. This was an apartment where adults lived, successful adults. "Isn't this apartment magnificent?" I said. Becca smiled. "You are so cute, Alyx. It's just an apartment," she said, taking two glasses of champagne. We were looking at the pictures, specifically of a bruised and bleeding little girl, when an older couple came over. "So what do you think," the man asked me. Or, specifically, my chest. I said, "the composition is amazing, but it's very jarring, you know. This poor girl is bleeding, get her a bandage then take her picture." The man, the woman with him and Becca all laughed. The man said, "it's a Sally Mann. That's one of her signatures." Becca said, "Alyx, sweetie, Sally Mann is a famous photographer. Very controversial, although I don't know why. I've never heard of any of her children suffering long-time damage." The woman looked at me and said, "I'm with you, Alyx. I look at the child and think your child is in pain. Do something. But then," and she looked at Becca and the man, "you couldn't really expect them to understand." She put out her hand, "Karyn Grossman. And this is my husband Robert." Becca smiled. "I'm Rebecca Scott and this is my girlfriend Alyx Liddell." Richard shook her hand and then took mine lightly. "So how do you two know Louise and Peter?" Becca said, "I work for Louise's studio. As a director of photography." Um, sure, I thought, smiling the whole time. "How about you?" Robert smiled, "Peter and I used to work together a long time ago. At DB. Now I'm at Credit Suisse. I'm in charge of European markets." Becca said, "Oh, do you know Vivek Gupta?" Peter smiled and said he did and Becca continued, "My dad's fund just closed a third round and you guys were the lead placement on it.". Becca had this lucite block, a tombstone she called it, from, 'one of my dad's IPOs.'. She said that, when it closed, he took them all on a trip to England. I imagined they flew over me. Karyn looked at me. "These two are boring me. What about you, Alyx?" "I'm an actress," I said. She smiled and I laughed, "No, I really am. I've done a bunch," OK, eight, "of commercials and I'm about to shoot my first film. I leave in a week and a half for the shoot." She smiled, "Congratulations. That's a great dress, by the way." "Thank you. So is yours." It reminded me of the dress Chloe said would have made it look I was trying too hard, but it worked on her. We chatted for a while with them, looking at the photographs and talking about the islands. Well, Becca and they did. I could've contributed; after all, I was from an island. Eventually, Louise came over and introduced us to another couple. The

Same as Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 3 Videos

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Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 6

Thank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... (Theme tune by Robertlouis) Alex Urgh. I turned over only to find myself facing the back of Chloe and Tom's sofa. For a few blissful seconds, I couldn't...

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Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 5

Thank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... Chapter 5 Becca Seven hours on a flight with Louise. My dream and my worst nightmare rolled into one. I'd spent hours the night before deciding on the...

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Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 4

Thank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... Chapter 4 We were waiting outside the building when Tom and Chloe pulled up. "Hey Becca," he said, getting out of the car to load the trunk. He looked at...

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Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 8

Thank you to everyone who has left comments for previous chapters. Your support mean a lot to us. If you feel too shy to leave a comment, or have questions you'd like to ask, or maybe you want to tell us about your own work. Any of the above you can contact us here: [email protected] Now for this week's episode... (Theme tune by Robertlouis) Chapter 8 Becca I hated waiting at the bar. I felt like the whole restaurant was watching me. My recent haircut didn't help....

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Alyx in Wonderland Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Allie My life had got better since everything happened. After a few days, I had learned to avoid Twitter. Min assigned an intern to keep track of my mentions ('don't worry. She gets school credit') so that I could focus on work. Like my mum had predicted, the circus moved on to the next celebrity crisis du jour. The play rehearsals had calmed down as well, with even Ron apologizing for how he and I had started. It helped that we were due to open in two weeks and we were...

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Alices Wonderland a SciFi fantasy

Alice's Wonderlandby oggbashan©*************************************************Copyright Oggbashan December 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************Alice's Wonderland, or 'Eat Me; Drink Me'PrologueThe planet Sextiple was known...

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A Scarred Wonderland

I. Giant, multicolored sails litter the rolling turquoise waves of the Pacific. From this distance, they’re like flecks of paper mache swaying back and forth in the wind, waving little goodbyes as they drift farther and farther out. There’s a hard metallic clank as the hatch locks into place. “All set,” a twanging southern voice calls out. In the mirror, a slim shape in a tank top and a straw Stetson gives a thumbs-up, a radiant smile etched on a heart shaped face. Abigail has this weird...

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Wonderland in Alice

Introduction: Alice is all grown up but no less madder… The crowded room was hot, and filled with the scent of alcohol and smoke. Alice didnt usually attend these kinds of parties, but made exception for this one. This was the last party of her senior year in high school, and she decided that one last blowout wouldnt hurt. Alice quickly found herself caught up in the pounding rhythm of the music that flowed throughout the house, and the punch that was being served was definitely spiked with...

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Alice in Wonderland

ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND BY Missy Crystal Chapter 1. Coming Out. "Who are YOU?" said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, "I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." - Lewis Caroll, Alice in Wonderland It was Friday. I left work early. Today was the day. I had rehearsed it dozens of...

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Alices Adventures in Wonderland Part 1

Author's Note: Despite the numerous rip-offs from both "Alice In Wonderland" and other children's stories, this tale is decidedly NOT for children, as it involves adult/sexual situations. So, if you're under the legal age, please stop reading right here. Disclaimer: This story is based on (of course) the Lewis Carroll children's classic, "Alice in Wonderland," however it does include "cameo" appearances from other stories - most notably, "The Wizard of Oz." If you look...

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My Summer in Wonderland

INTRODUCTION This is the first of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer in Wonderland By: Zylux It was a summer vacation filled with adventure, discovery, and wonder. The time was the late 1950's. The place was a resort island in the Pacific Northwest accessible by car ferry. The island was large...

1 year ago
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Alices Marriage in Wonderland

Alice chased after an anthropomorphic rabbit because he dropped his gloves in apprehension. Little did she know that he was actually leading her to the queen of lesbians. The queen, named Amoret, convinced Alice that she was her rightful mate. The rest, that followed, turned out well for her. Cast of Characters: Major Characters: Alice: Protagonist. Amoret: Lesbian queen of Castle Sappho Islands, Wonderland. Minor Characters: White rabbit: An anthropomorphic rabbit and Amoret’s servant....

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Alices Adventures in Wonderland Chapter 2 The Caterpillar the Cat and the Tea Party

Author's Note: Despite the numerous rip-offs from both "Alice In Wonderland" and other children's stories, this tale is decidedly NOT for children, as it involves adult/sexual situations. So, if you're under the legal age, please stop reading right here. This part of the story also contains drug use by one of the characters. This by no means shows that the author condones such practices. It is only included because it is suggested by the original Lewis Carroll story. I hope...

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Ally In Wonderland

Ally in Wonderland by Maggie O'Malley This story is dedicated to my big sister Ally. From the moment she came into my life she has did nothing but love, teach, share and hold me when I needed it most. She's lovingly brushed my hair, patiently listened to my endless chattering, forgiven me for more "accidents" than any five year old should have, taken my hand and shown me worlds I never knew existed; and when the scaries chased me into her bed, she held me close and chased them...

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Alice in Wonderland

The morning had passed quietly and quickly at the Pink Lady Boutique and that suited Alice Parks just fine. The twenty-one-year-old had spent so much time the previous week concentrating on finals that she had fallen behind on her responsibilities at the store. With classes having ended the day before, Alice was grateful for the chance to catch up. Standing high on a ladder as she put away some boxes that had been delivered earlier, Alice didn’t react when she heard the chimes that rang when...

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Aspie in Wonderland

If I could do one thing in this world it would be to bring an understanding that autism is not a developmental delay, although autistics can have developmental delays. It is not an intellectual or physical disability, although it can be disabling. It is not a disease, it is not caught from vaccines or anything else and it can not be cured. It is a genetic neurological condition, some would even say an evolutionary improvement, that makes you more sensitive physically, mentally and emotionally....

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The Cave In Winter Wonderland

Chapter One“Damn it! Where did they go?” I mumbled to myself as I came to a fork on the icy path on this icy alpine mountain. Derrick, my boyfriend, thought this trip would be a great way to spend our winter break from the University we attended in Chicago.Susie, my BFF, and Sean, her boyfriend,  all were excited about the trip. I guess I was the only one who didn't like the idea. The news has a way of making the world seem dangerous. Chicago doesn't have the best reputation, but I feel safe...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Blondie in Wonderland

I felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyon. Yeah, in my head, I’d visited Tuscany, the Amazon, New York, Jamaica,...

Group Sex
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Alexis In Wonderland

(A fanciful little episode inspired by the Art and writing of Andy Latex. For more stories featuring his naughty influence, please read my LOVELY IN LATEX series.) ALEXIS IN WONDERLAND by Throne Alex walked through the vast indoor shopping mall, balancing with practiced ease on his high heels, which were open-toed to let his painted nails peek out. Though his gait was relaxed, inside he was extremely tense. His Aunt Tabitha had overseen his dressing that morning, selecting an...

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Alices Marriage in Wonderland

"There-you are done now," Alice spoke merrily to herself when she finished braiding her silky blond hair into a long plait. She stood before the mirror, which was fixed into the ornate oak frame of her polished dressing table. Her lips curved into a smile as she looked at her reflection. Alice was a 25 years old hottie. She had supple locks, which glowed brilliantly around her oval face. The pink shade had a blushing effect on her cheeks and deep-set blue eyes. Her hourglass figure, clad...

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Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Walking in a Winter Wonderland There is just something about the first real snowfall, the blanket of white covering everything always leaves me breathless. The pureness of the event makes even the most tainted feel clean. Lately however I haven’t been able to get such a feeling though because I live in an area of Canada where snow is almost never seen so you can imagine the joy my family felt when we woke up the other day to almost a full foot of heaven’s white blanket covering the earth. We...

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Blondie in Wonderland

I felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyon. Yeah, in my head, I’d visited Tuscany, the Amazon, New York, Jamaica,...

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Winter Wonderland Ch2

Winter Wonderland Ch.2 Sunday Evening: Third day of winter vacation Ever since the shocking but yet orgasmic time Sam and James had the evening before, the siblings have been better in each others company than they have ever been before. It’s like all shame, embarrassment, sexual stress just disappeared over night. After doing the chores that their father had asked James to do, they spent the day hanging out, playing video games, watching TV, and sneaking a kiss when their mother wasn’t...

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Winter Wonderland Ch1

Winter Wonderland Chapter 1 Hi my name is James, and this is a story of my sister and myself and how our relationship changed. It all started about 4 years ago I was 17 and my sister Sam was 15. I was just waking up on our last day of school before winter break. Like every morning I woke with a huge boner, so like most guys I took care of it, got up did a stretch and got ready to take a shower. The bathroom that I use is a joining bathroom that my sister and I share. From what I can saw she...

3 years ago
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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 5

AT FIRST I THANKS ISS & MY READER BASE WHO SUPPORTS MY THOUGHTS. My reader is telling we are tired of nursery, primary level sex of unhooking bra, pressing boobs,entering cock in the cunt but you are giving us university sexperience by your eroticism, perverseness and kinkiness. Those who have not were a sex condom they please were in your brain to overlook incest and taboo, they will see only cunt and cock. Let us come to my story when the group of people coming to earth went to the base for...

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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 4

I first thanks Indian sex stories for publishing my story and I am finding a new way to live the life to have a fan club. I personally thanks all of them. Now after getting the message from Queen Eva of Sexome planet we all the family members started for the planet and with one twinkling of eye we all reached the sexome planet and the planet is no bigger than our moon but the peculiarity is that the whole planet is covered by a transparent membrane so that none can enter except through the...

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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 3

When Queen Eva is prepared sex wonderland all the family members of started crying , preying for mercy from both Queen Eva and Honey.They are telling Honey we will be your sex slave until our death please forgive us. But it is not possible to reverse the process so at last Queen Eva gave a suggestion that only the soul has been transferred from one body to another now both the body will remain in one body that is two soul in one body and all agreed to it. Now the elder son of Honey told that...

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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 2

After my transformation from ugly to beautiful queen , I became ever grateful to queen Eva. Now Queen took out a one foot cock from her cunt, the cock of Adam and told honey this cock has a life and our cunt works as refrigerator so don’t keep it for more times outside otherwise it will be function less. Now Honey check your cunt Honey separated his labia and started to take out a cock and to the astonishment it is also cock of Adam. 1 feet long, 2.5 inch in dia Eva: Honey do you want to take...

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Honey In Sex Wonderland 8211 Part 1

This story is a sex fiction story and all the ideas are imagination of mind and may be true and I do not know that. If there is any resemble to this I will be most happy to give life to Honey. My name is Honey. I am 18 yrs. only. I don’t know why god has a created me because i don’t have neither any external sexual beauty nor any internally sexually extraordinary. I am a totally black looking young girl with figure of 30-28-32 and my face also like hose shaped and every one dislike it. My...

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The adventures of Sally in her Wonderland

The Adventures of Sally in Wonderland This is a true, ongoing story. Sally has been a CD for over 40 years. Finally at age 62, she is living her dream of dating men and finding romance as a women. It is these moments she is truly happy and sadly no other. She owns the deepest part of my life. I became interested in women's clothes while living with my grandmother for 3 years during 6th through 8th grades. I found an old corset in her attack and tried it on. I had my first orgasm...

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Fairy Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland "Why is it so cold!" Rose wailed. "It's like this when winter hits up here." "Winter!" Winter is long rains and some snow, but not meters of it!" she protested. "Just be glad we cut west. I had originally decided we could go to Alaska. It's like this more than half the year." She wailed again. They had been lucky near Joliet when they had found a clan that had dealt with the local rat problem by converting the pests into food and furs. In return for aiding...

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The Adventures of Sally in Wonderland 2

I never understood my need to be admired by men as a woman. I do know that I did something to close the spirit of my wife towards me 33 years ago and I have not heard her tell me she loves me since. We had wonderful sex with multiple orgasms but I finally realized that it was just "getting it on" for her. The sex stopped 5 years ago. I had long curly hair as a toddler and I often heard, "he is too pretty to be a boy". As a young man in college I dated several good looking girls and...

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Alice in Wonderland Part 1

Al(ice) in Wonderland Down the Rabbit hole or: Our hero finds out what's really happening Al pulled his Daihatsu Mirage up against the curb, then cut the engine. He was a man of medium height, rail thin, but wiry. His greasy black hair hung down and he flicked it up out of his eyes. His fingers played over the pistol in his pocket. The boss had given specific directions for this job. Follow the delivery truck; find where he delivered the cargo. If possible find out who this...

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Allens Adventures in Wonderland

A collaboration between Onlysorta & Cyberweasel89! A genderbent femboy Alice in Wonderland story with femdom and ENM elements! Allen couldn't help but smile and figdet in joy as he sat in the shade of the tree by the riverbank. Even if he had nothing to do but read his book, he was elated to actually be outside on the very day after his eighteenth birthday! Well, okay, he wasn't exactly allowed outside. But it was a bright sunny summer's day and the maid had told him that what Mr. Liddell and...

1 year ago
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Alyce discovers a lusty Wonderland

Alyce reclined against her favorite tree on campus. It was a relatively warm day with a pleasant cool breeze that reminded her spring break was only a week away. She enjoyed the time she spent here on the Quad. With midterms coming up, she barely had time for herself. It seemed that studying had become her new social past time. Majoring in English, Alyce got to combine her most favorite hobby with her school work. She loved reading, but sometimes, she wanted to read something other than the...

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Alice in Winter Wonderland

“We’ll get through this, Al.”Alice and her sister stared at a three-by-three grid of monitors pinned to the Aspen Orthopedics exam room wall.“If I can’t ski, I may as well be dead.”X-rays glowed on the displays showing various angles of the broken bones. A nurse in aquamarine scrubs nervously flanked the doctor holding a metallic iPad as they entered the room.If the doctor was tense, he didn’t immediately show it as he addressed the women. “Morning, Alice. Rebecca.”Doctor Reid took a seat on a...

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Alices Wonderland

I had married a younger woman after I had gotten well established in my career. She was everything I had ever wanted in a woman. She was brilliant, an assistant professor of biology at the same University I taught at, creative in all the ways I wish she was, one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on, let alone sleep with, and fifteen years my junior. She had all the drive which women my age lacked. While my friends complained that their sex life had slowed down, mine was crazy....

4 years ago
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In Wonderland

A tip of the hat to the brilliant IronicLaconic, whose help with proofing this proved indispensable. —————— Our apartment is perennially scented with a tinge of tiger lilies. Not from a plush bouquet of flowers – the pollen would have driven me insane, but from the Diptyque candles I’ve been habitually planting in his place ever since I moved in. And as I let myself back into our home, the scent mingles with that of a fresh breeze from an open window. The house smells and feels empty. I...

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Alices Wonderland

Introduction: Just a fictional Magical Transformation I had been coming to the cabin for years. It was off in the mountains of North Carolina, about five hours away from our home in Tennessee, and while not the greatest of accommodations, it was a retreat from our busy lives. Sometimes my wife would come with me, sometimes, I would get away to write, and depending on if I was alone or with her, decided how relaxed I would be. I had married a younger woman after I had gotten well established in...

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In Wonderland Pt1

When I was in high school I was always very camp, which was probably why almost all of my friends were girls. This was definitely why I first ended up crossdressing. I was sixteen and round one of my ‘girlfriends’ house for a few drinks on Halloween before we went to a house party nearby. I never much cared for Halloween, so just came as myself. When I came in they all sighed since I wasn’t in a costume, but dropped it fairly quickly. We sat having a few glasses of wine and waiting for the last...

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My journey to wonderland pt 1

I sat at the edge of the bed. She had gone to the bathroom to ‘freshen up.’ I tried to collect myself and piece together the feelings and what the fuck had just happened. She called me over because her son (my best friend), and her husband were away on vacation. I think Paul told me Vegas? Either way, she began to undress me with her eyes as soon as her hand pulled open the bright firetruck red door open. The house smelled of lavender and sage. Her perfume was faint, but there non the less. Her...

3 years ago
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My journey to wonderland pt 2

Yes, oh yes. I knew what to do. I had no idea what to do but my body did. It was like a barbaric instinct learned from hours of watching porn. Watching a man and sometimes a girl finger, lick, and pump their pelvis to an unbelievable orgasm. My friend, a much more experienced 17 year old once told me about the ‘shocker.’ ‘The what?’ I asked tentatively. ‘Yea dude, two in the pink, one in the stink, or reverse it if ya want.’ He grinned. ‘Works every fucking time. You start at the pussy right,...

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In Wonderland Pt 3

‘Tilly’ spent the night at Chris Smith’s house, waking to find it impossible to avoid Leila Smith, a friend, peer and beauty queen. She was not best pleased about the situation, but helped to protect Tilly’s true identity in lending out a girls uniform, one purposefully as feminine as she owned. Chris was just about to give them a lift to school… I shuffled down the stairs, surprised I could move at all with the weight in my stomach. Leila was bouncy and excited as she followed her brother...

3 years ago
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Winter Wonderland

It’s snowing outside. The coldness clings to the window as she watches the snow fall to the ground. Her warm breath fogs the window disrupting the reflection it makes of him behind her as he walks to her slowly. The closer he gets the warmer her breath. Wishing he would hug her around her waist, she raises her hand to the window pane leaving her waist a defenceless target. He strides to her in measured paces. Arriving behind her, he watches her dark raven hair cascading down her shoulders in...

4 years ago
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What a Winter Wonderland

With winter finally upon up, my husband and I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather and have a ski weekend. We found a resort that had executive cabins, doting more privacy, luxurious, fireplaces, hot tubs, etc. I convinced my longtime friend Dan to come along, pooling our money to rent the cabin, saying it’d give me a chance to get to know his girlfriend Katy better. She’s kind of a prissy pain in the ass so I was trying to put forth some effort. The trip was finally upon us. We...

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A Winter Wonderland

‘Don’t you love Christmas?’ My best friend, Maggie exclaimed. ‘Maggie. We went over this.’ ‘No, we didn’t.’ ‘We did. Suit yourself Maggie.’ It was December 5th, and Maggie was begging me to go Christmas shopping with her. I hate Christmas, and always have. While other kids were wolfing down marshmallows and hot chocolate, I would go to a secluded hill and ski the day away. After 13 horrible years, the memory of my dad’s death lingered fresh in my mind. The scar on my stomach served a reminder....

4 years ago
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In Wonderland Pt 2

To recap, our protagonist didn’t want to dress up for a halloween party, so his girlfriends decided it was time he joined in the fun. They styled his hair, did his makeup and put him into an ‘Alice’ dress. However, the disguise worked a little too well, as Chris Smith has taken ‘Tilly’ back to his house after a passionate kiss on the street corner… Chris put his key in the door and unlocked it. It swung open into a dark hallway with wooden floors, and he said ‘Ladies first,’ indicating for me...

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Winter wonderland

The moon in the inky black sky was a full round slivery glow making the snow on the ground glisten like the diamond mines of Russia. The cold air nipped at the skin on my face and hands, the only parts of my body uncovered by the soft clothing adorning me. The trees surrounding me stood tall and soft snow flakes floated down from the heavens above. The park looked like the scene from a Christmas card, so serene and peaceful, the only noise coming from my boots taking slow steps through the...

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Alec In Wonderland

Multiply everything by eight. Could you possibly picture a man eight times taller than a normally large six-foot-tall man? Six multiplied by eight would give you a guy forty-eight-foot tall. Now, imagine what his well-endowed cock would look like. You’ve got it… that amounts to over seventy-two inches.*One day I fell asleep next to an ancient old tree. When I awoke the world seemed very different. After wiping the sleep from my eyes, all the colours were incredibly vivid and there was a surreal...

Gay Male
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A day in wonderland

You awaken in a strange room in a haze. Your vision is foggy and you become aware of your body, you feel it dragging as you get up to move. You rub your eyes and your vision clears up. Your first sight is the floor below, its a white and black chess floor pattern. You follow it with your eyes up to the wall, its a regal beautiful pattern, a deep red. Something out of a fairy tale palace. You look up and realise there is no ceiling. The room is impossible tall and seems to span upward till pitch...

4 years ago
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Most Definatly not Wonderland

 The young girl awoke as day light entered her room. Today was her eighteenth birthday, and she was sure she would make the most of it. She climbed out of bed, put on her dainty house slippers, and made her way towards her bedroom's mirror. She smiled as she admired her features. Her medium length blonde locks she received from her mother, her innocent chocolate orbs from her father, pouty lips, lovely round globes, a flat tummy, and a tight arse. All of which was inherited from her mum.  The...

2 years ago
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Your name is Janet Alexandersson, you are twenty nine years old. All your life you had known that you liked girls, back in high school and college you would catch glimpses of your friends and found them much more attractive then boys. As you look in the mirror, you see a slim five feet six inch tall woman with short blond hair. Then you snap out of admiring your b cup tits and freshly shaven pussy because you remember that you're starting your new job as a make up artist for hire to any movie...

5 years ago
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Winter Wonderland

Friday Afternoon: Winter Break “Oh god, not again!” James said in frustration, as he notices that the PS network is down yet again. “What’s wrong?” his sister Sam asked while walking into the living room, and looking in the movie case bending over in front of him. He glanced at her then did a double take as he noticed that she was just wearing a tank top and her tiny black lacy thong panties, which were so small they barely covered her pussy. She had a strange habit of wearing skimpy or vary...

2 years ago
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Alices Wonderland

Follow me on instagram @raqm0900Dark Fantasy, Anal, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, d**g, Toys, Transgendered, Transsexual, Transvestite, YoungIntroduction:Just a fictional Magical TransformationI had been coming to the cabin for years. It was off in the mountains of North Carolina, about five hours away from our home in Tennessee, and while not the greatest of accommodations, it was a retreat from our busy lives. Sometimes my wife would come with me, sometimes, I would get away to write,...

2 years ago
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Wonderland 7

Use Your Vorpal BladeSteve was finishing dinner at his grandparents' house. But it wasn't just any dinner and it wasn't just any visit to his grandparents' place. Steve had just finished a family orgy with all the adults in his family, including his hot older sister and dyke cousin. Then he had sat down to eat with his whole family all dressed in only short silk robes. Since he was now old enough and already fucking with his parents the other members of Steve's family were introducing him to...

2 years ago
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Wonderland 6

Stevie Meets the Red Queen"Unhuh," moaned Steve, "Your cunt feels teriffic mom!"Steve was plowing his mother's field right here in the backseat of his parent's car in the driveway of his grandparents' house. He was doing her doggie after the two of them geting so hot they practically glowed. They had been listening to the story of how his mother started fucking her brother Bob. And then they heard the story of how Steve's father got involved with his mother and her obviously constantly horny...

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