Farmer Gilbert free porn video

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Layla was a barwoman. She grew up in a medium-sized town and after graduating from high school she got a job in a motel running their pub. The pay was okay but her tips, fortunately, were very good. Layla was rather attractive and men being what they are, well… no need to elaborate. Her life, however, felt like it was in a rut. She had an on-off relationship with a boyfriend who drove her crazy and she found that still living in the small town where she was born, really gave her the shits.

She was sorely in need of a change of scenery and fortuitously, that was about to happen. Having worked her arse off, Layla finally got a free weekend off. After spending Saturday relaxing in her small apartment, she decided to head into the country on Sunday, in the small car that her father had given her for her eighteenth birthday. At around one p.m. she found herself in a tiny village, seated at Charlotte’s Pub and Grill.

As Layla sat at the bar, their barwoman mentioned that she would be leaving in a month's time and moving to the city. An intriguing thought instantly popped into Layla’s mind upon hearing this news. When Layla finally met the owner, Charlotte, who spent most of her time in the kitchen, Layla asked Charlotte if she had already found a replacement for the woman who was leaving. She had not.

Layla instantly took to Charlotte. She was a handsome, buxom woman and the sort of person who clearly didn’t take any nonsense. On the spur of the moment, Layla enquired if she could apply for the job. Charlotte seemed delighted by Layla’s request and so they got down to talking business.

Although the pay was less than Layla had been earning, she would be provided with free accommodation and meals at the pub. This alone negated the difference in earnings. Charlotte also mentioned that her customers were generous tippers and then added with a laugh, that given Layla’s looks, Layla would do very well in that regard. Before concluding their deal, however, Charlotte wanted Layla to see the apartment on offer.

The pub generally closed after three p.m. on Sundays and was always closed on a Monday. Tuesdays to Saturdays, Layla would be on duty from noon till nine p.m. and on Sundays from nine in the morning till three in the afternoon. Every second week she would also get an extra day off work, which she could take on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.

After the pub closed that Sunday, Charlotte took her to see the apartment. The building was a double storey with an upstairs and downstairs apartment. Layla would have the use of the upstairs section. Charlotte apologized for the untidiness of the place, explaining that the barwoman she would be replacing was a bit of a pig. After their visit to the apartment, they made their way to Charlotte’s home.

Charlotte was very upfront, warning Layla about all the pitfalls of the job. Many of the customers were married men and some of them were horny bastards. Charlotte warned they would hit on Layla regularly. Charlotte went on to say that a former barwoman had been beaten-up by a disgruntled wife when she gave in to a married man who fancied her. She also went on to say that the bachelors were also a dicey bunch, but that she would guide Layla in that regard.

“Be very careful not to get a bad reputation in this town,” was Charlotte’s ultimate advice.

Layla promised to call Charlotte the following day to confirm her answer, but as she drove home her mind was already made up. She loved the place and had a good feeling about it.

After starting her new job a month later, Layla very shortly came to know the ins and outs of her new environment. One of the things that worried her early on, was that most of the guys who appealed to her were off-limits and the ones she didn’t care for, willing and available. There was a rough trio of unmarried brothers in the town, aged forty-two, forty, and thirty-eight.

The eldest of the three, Charlie, was creepy and always leered at her when he visited the bar on Thursday evenings. The youngest brother, Harold, was handsome but a complete idiot and acted like the world’s oldest teenager. The middle brother, Barney, was rather hot, but he was already dating a spinster in the town and therefore off-limits.

There was one married guy who made Layla’s heart beat faster, named Joe. He was hunky and handsome and always gave her the eye. His wife, however, was the one who had beaten-up a former barwoman, so enough said.

As far as the younger bachelors were concerned, possibly with one exception, they were a rowdy bunch who always drank too much and made arseholes of themselves. Gilbert was the exception and she became intrigued by him fairly early on. Gilbert was a regular at the bar and generally visited at least three times a week. When Layla first met Gilbert she was very taken aback by his appearance, because Gilbert was the personification of scruffiness.

Gilbert was always attired in what she came to accept as a uniform for him. Gilbert wore baggy shorts made of a flimsy material, a t-shirt, and the blue top of a two piece overall. This ensemble always ranged from slightly soiled to very dirty, depending on how hectic his day had been. Apart from being a farmer, Gilbert was also a formidable handyman and repaired all his own machinery and vehicles on the farm. His hands were always icky, but as Charlotte explained, he was a very hard-working, twenty-eight-year-old bachelor that any woman would be lucky to have as a husband.

Unlike many of the huge men in the area, Gilbert only stood five-feet-ten-inches tall, but he was solidly built. Gilbert had the most engrossing smile, with jet black hair that surrounded his entire face. His hair, beard, and moustache were always short cropped, and he had the fullest pink lips that Layla had ever seen on a man. Although Gilbert was a smoker, his perfect white teeth almost seemed to shine. His green eyes were topped by thick black eyebrows.

Gilbert wasn’t exactly a chatterbox, but as the weeks passed he became more animated as he engaged Layla more and more in conversation. The second thing she began to realize about him as the weeks flew by was that he became less scruffy. He still wore the same ‘uniform,’ however, his outfits and hands seemed to be a lot cleaner than when she had first encountered him. Layla really began to fancy Gilbert and looked forward to his visits.

One night after Gilbert had left the bar Charlotte surprised Layla by saying, “That boy fancies you, he really likes you a lot,” she concluded with a giggle.

According to rumours, Gilbert had never been successful in the romantic department. The one story apparently had to do with urine, which was never fully explained. The other story was about his above average endowment. Strangely, neither of these two matters bothered Layla at all. Layla’s ex-boyfriend had been well-endowed and she had enjoyed sex with him enormously. The only pity about her last boyfriend was that he was an even bigger prick outside of the bedroom than in it. As far as the piss thing was concerned, she presumed that he had gotten drunk one evening and urinated in an inappropriate manner or place, as many guys are prone to do.

Several weeks after she had commenced her new job, Gilbert popped by at two-thirty one Sunday afternoon to order a takeaway. By the time his food had been handed to him it was closing time at the pub. As Layla was about to leave for home with her own takeaway, Gilbert accompanied her to the door and offered to drop her off at her apartment. When they pulled up at her place he asked her if she would like to go home with him.

“I figured that as we both have takeaways, we might as well enjoy them together,” he said, before continuing, “Besides, I’ve got wine and beer in the fridge,” and then after brief pause, he added, “I promise to drop you back home, whenever you are ready to leave.”

“Will I be safe?” she asked, jokingly.

“Maybe… ” he replied, with an impish grin.

“Okay, sounds good to me,” she answered, smiling.

As they drove off he asked, “Do you want to be safe?”

“Maybe, maybe not,” she answered, with a giggle.

After a thoughtful pause, he asked, “Have you hooked up with anyone since arriving here?”

“No. In fact, I haven’t had sex for twelve weeks,” she confessed with a wry smile, cutting to the chase.

“Whew, your sex life sounds as hectic as mine,” he countered with a laugh. After a long lull, he continued, “I really fancy you,” before adding, “I’ve wanted to invite you to my place for the past six weeks.”

“Then why haven’t you asked me?” she questioned.

Gilbert got a shameful look on his face, before he awkwardly answered, “What I’m about to tell you is a very private matter, please don’t repeat this to anyone.”

“I won’t,” she replied, sincerely.

A long pause followed before he built up the courage for his confession. “At the age of twenty, I developed a problem. After ejaculating one evening my bladder let loose and piss sprayed all over me. I thought it was a once off, but the condition perpetuated. Naturally, I avoided sexual contact with anyone after that not wanting to shame myself. A year later I sought the help of a urologist, who told me that I had a very rare and untreatable condition. The only course of action was that I should avoid liquids for as long as possible before sex and always try to make sure my bladder was empty.”

“Has that worked?” she asked, sympathetically.

“Kind of,” he answered. “But in life, you often take one step forward and three back. The three back has mostly resulted in embarrassment and humiliation for me. Whenever my bladder puts on a spectacular show, my love life always takes a turn for the worse. My last girlfriend kinda coped, until we went to a party one Saturday evening where I had one too many beers. The following day she called it off with me and moved out.” There was another pause before he dejectedly uttered, “I cannot deal with this shit anymore.”

Layla felt totally heartbroken for him. Strangely, something about his confession aroused her. Maybe it was the sincerity of the revelation or a deep seeded adventurous sexual disposition she had always had. She was instantly intrigued by a desire to explore this challenge. While watching her past lover having a piss, Layla had often been tempted to place her hand in the path of the steam and even imagined tasting it.

Breaking the silence she announced, “I want to give it a try with you. Stop regarding this as a problem Gilbert, let’s have fun with it. A bit of piss never killed anyone.”

Gilbert’s eyes lit up as he observed her with wonder.

‘Christ,’ he thought, ‘have I just found the person I can finally make love to in an unrestrained manner?’

Gilbert was sick and tired of the past several years of frustration and torment. He had no control over his affliction and just wanted someone to share his life with.

‘Please, dear Jesus,’ he thought, ‘let her be the one.’

When they arrived at the farm there was a sustained hush as he pulled into the carport. Looking at her lustfully he then asked her to strip in the vehicle. Layla did as requested before his left hand vigorously clutched onto her pussy. As his two middle fingers commenced spearing her cunt, his mouth clamped onto her left nipple. The collective frustration of their months of abstinence gave their actions a sense of frenetic urgency. Layla had never experienced this level of roughness before but loved it. Gilbert’s coarse farmer’s hands were slightly scratchy, but the thrill far outweighed the discomfort.

Gilbert let go of Layla momentarily, before pulling his t-shirt off and once more reclaiming his vice like grip on her. Layla imbibed his wonderful farmer odour, which was exaggerated by the powerful heat of his sexual excitement. As Gilbert’s hand action escalated, his attention to her nipple also intensified. He began to scrape her tender teat between his upper teeth and tongue, as his thumb started flicking her clit. Layla could feel her orgasm beginning to boil as Gilbert really molested her cunt.

After warning Gilbert of her impending rapture, he replied, “Cum all over the fucking seat, I want your pussy juice to stain it.”

Layla had one of the best orgasms she could remember, as her portal sprayed out its pleasure. Gilbert sustained his onslaught while grunting his approval. When he had drained her to their combined satisfaction, he got out of the vehicle hastily and moved around to the passenger side. Once there, he placed her in the doggy position with her torso over the seat. After dropping his shorts, he lined his cock up with her snatch before gripping onto her hips.

Layla instantly realized that a far larger cervix explorer than she had ever had before, was wedging its way into her cunt. The stretching and fullness made her perspire with anxiousness, as she felt more and more dick pushing into her. Finally, when his insertion was complete, Layla felt totally bloated by his knob. After holding still for a short while, Gilbert’s hips began a slow to and fro motion. As Gilbert’s momentum got underway, her pussy began to adapt to a divine fullness she had never before experienced. After the initial discomfort had subsided, she began to relax.

She did not want to inhibit his pleasure in any way and simply let matters take their course. When, however, Gilbert got into a powerful stride, she had to bite her lip not to start yelling. She wanted him to enjoy an unrestrained release, after all his years or torment.

“Don’t hold back, let it flow,” Layla managed to utter, as Gilbert’s breathing became ragged.

As his thrusting frantic, a feeling of emancipation overwhelmed his being as he began to shudder with delight. He had finally been released from years of torment as his cum, followed by his piss, sprayed from him potently. The angst that had always stemmed his pleasure was now replaced by the most blissful release he could recall in years.

Layla was mesmerized by the hot piss that sprayed into her and had never felt anything more erotic in her life. Some men dribble piss or cum, and other guys are sprayers. Gilbert was a sprayer of note and it felt like a spa bath nozzle had been let loose in her cunt. The uterus massage she received had her convulsing with joy. Layla would happily have stood there for several more minutes as her pussy filled, then overflowed with hot piss and semen. The gush that streamed down her legs and onto the cement floor caressed her legs in comforting warmth.

Layla instantly realized that making love on a bed in the conventional fashion with Gilbert would simply not be an option, but after what she had just experienced, fucking in the shower would be an absolute pleasure.

Gilbert couldn’t believe that he had waited so long for someone like her. At last, his shame had ended. On an impulse, he pulled his dick out of her and slapped it on her back. Finally, in control of his bladder, he now began to piss up her back as he watched the liquid cascade over her torso. Gilbert was entranced by the pleasure of the sight before him. Disgrace had turned into the most incredible gratification, with a partner who had finally embraced his humiliation.

Afterward, as they were about to go indoors, Gilbert asked, “Will you marry me?”

Layla let out a laugh, and then continuing with what she believed was a charade, answered, “Yes, but don’t you think we should wait for at least three months?”

Once inside, Gilbert moved over to a large calendar next to his refrigerator and asked her, “Isn’t it the twentieth today?”

“Yes,” she replied, bewildered.

Next, Gilbert took a red marker and encircled the date three months hence on his calendar. Turning to look at her she was surprised to see that he wasn’t smiling, but had a rather serious look on his face.

Shortly, they were enjoying their lunch together as she sipped her wine and Gilbert drank his beer. “I really shouldn’t be consuming liquid right now,” he jested.

“Gilbert, after what I just experienced, I am going to force beer down your throat,” she replied, sniggering.

To Gilbert, those words felt like a sword of Damocles was being obliterated from his former oppressed existence. He couldn’t believe how this beautiful girl before him had unlocked the shameful chamber and tossed away that dreaded key. A new surge of lust flooded his body and engorged his knob before they had hardly finished their meal.

Panting with horniness, Gilbert exclaimed, “I need to fuck you right now!”

In a flash, he was off his chair before her body was being herded off toward his bathroom. Once in his large shower, Gilbert stammered that he should first evacuate his bladder. The next gesture from Layla totally overwhelmed him as she got to her knees before him. It was like the ultimate affirmation of her acceptance as she opened her mouth for him. Gilbert pissed into her mouth and all over her body with a heavenly release, devoid of all former apprehension and angst. It was as if his masculinity had been handed back to him on a silver salver.

Gilbert knew that he would never have to tread on egg shells again and that the woman of his dreams was totally simpatico with his needs. Lifting her body he plunged his spraying knob straight into her portal after cupping her right leg in the crook of his elbow. Layla’s gasping mouth instantly got imprisoned by his plump pink lips as he commenced spearing into her. After Gilbert finally came, with the fanfare of waterworks that Layla would become totally addicted to, Gilbert placed his hand around her throat, and with Layla pinned to the tiles began to spear her cunt with his three middle fingers until she cried out her own release.

Layla did not return home that evening and also spent Monday, her day off, with Gilbert. Early Tuesday morning, Gilbert returned her to her apartment. They did have sex on Gilbert’s bed, during that time and at the ingenious suggestion by Layla, kept a bucket next to Gilbert’s bed.

Amazingly, three months later, Layla did what she had never, ever; thought would happen in her life and became a farmer’s wife. She ceased her full-time employment at Charlotte’s pub, thereafter, and only helped out when Charlotte called on her during very busy periods.

Even more remarkable, was the fact that Gilbert’s ‘condition’ all but disappeared over the next several months. As the urologist had foretold, sometimes these conditions go away of their own volition. Naturally, to the gratification of both Layla and Gilbert, their piss-play became part of their sexual routine, the only difference being that Gilbert was now in control.

Eighteen months later, Gilbert was ecstatic when the first of their three sons was born. This was an accomplishment he had formerly believed he would never be capable of.

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Farmers DaughterChapter 6

“Tell me something?” Adam says. “What?” she asks. “Have I been imagining things, or have you transformed into a werehorse or something? Paula giggles. “No, I have changed, but we don’t call it werehorse.” “What do you call it?” She shrugs. “We don’t really have a name for it. We just call it our horse form.” “So I’m not going crazy,” he remarks with a sigh. “I hope you’re going cray for me,” she says hesitantly. Her sudden lack of enthusiasm catches Adam off guard. “I like you this...

1 year ago
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Farmers DaughterChapter 7

Paula hooks her arm around Adam’s as they walk to the truck. She looks so different in her flowery sundress. Before Adam had left the farm earlier, the girl had apparently packed a few things in behind the seat of the truck, including a change of clothes. The dress is short and low cut, revealing a little cleavage. But that’s not all that seems to be different with her. There is something else that he cannot quite put a finger on. Besides that though, he feels different too. Even though they...

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Farmers DaughterChapter 8

They lay on the floor next to the bed, holding each other, not wanting to move for anything. They are still breathing deeply from the wild sex they just had. Paula is back to her normal self, something Adam is not sure he is happy about. In some ways, he is confused on his feelings about when she changes, but right now isn’t the time to discuss it. Instead, he removes one arm so that he can run his fingers through her hair. Her eyes are closed and so he just looks at her, admiring just how...

1 year ago
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Farmers DaughterChapter 9

It is still dark out when Adam wakes up. Paula is asleep next to him. He lies there looking up at the ceiling dreading his meeting with her father. He knows what it is she wants him to talk about and the thought terrifies him. He thinks about the life he left and how this new one can come easily crashing down around him for one girl. He’s not a teenager any more, though being with Paula makes him feels like one. It certainly makes him perform like one too. He wants to keep his place at the...

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Farmers DaughterChapter 10

Paula rests her head on Adam’s shoulder as they lay naked and panting on the floor of the cabin. After a few minutes, she lifts her head, looks him in the eyes and gives him a devilish smile. “Guess what?” “What?” he asks. “I’m still horny,” she says and starts rubbing her cunt slowly against the man’s thigh. “Tell me something,” Adam says. “Were you serious about being pregnant?” “Of course,” she answers, straddling and moving slowly up and down on his thigh. “How do you know, it’s...

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Farmers Daughters

Copyright© Russell Hoisington 2007 Vince Clark was going to quit his job, assuming he lived long enough to return to the office and hand in his resignation. He pushed himself up onto his skinned knees, flinching as a sharp corner of rock stabbed the raw skin through one of the tears in his expensive British suit's trousers. He'd skied enough to know that he was lucky he hadn't broken his ankle or leg when he'd stepped into the small hole buried by the brown and dull-red leaves and...

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BurrChapter 40 Teaching Aaron a Lesson

Gina did not have the slightest idea what was in store for us that evening and neither did I. Telling her that we were there to further the fulfillment of a thirty-something female's sexual desires would sound ludicrous; I didn't believe it myself. Priscilla Baker welcomed us to her home, reminding us, especially me to call her Priscilla. The dress was everything she said it was, thin material that let the outline of her white underwear show through, yet loose fitting, moving with her ass...

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Addicted to CockSucking Gay

I love cock.I love everything about it.The variety of shapes. The upward curve that often makes me gag even on a smaller cock. The downward curve that slides into my mouth so smoothly.The variety of lengths. Most cocks are five inches, give or take. Yet some are smaller... a four-inch cock is easy to suck without effort. A ten-inch snake is a massive task.The variety of thicknesses. Some are almost pencil thin and feel like sucking a blood-warm milkshake through a straw, while others are so...

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Crystal ClearChapter 15 A Blackmailer Confronted Loving Friends and Detectives

By the time I called room service for lunch, four nearly nude women sat engaged in various activities in the living of our suite at the Hotel George V in Paris: Crystal was reading a script she'd been asked to consider for our next movie, if she liked it then I'd read it next; Jill had started to read a Clive Cussler book on her iPad; Helen sat near a corner of the room practicing various yoga positions au naturel; and Margo, naked except for her thong, alternately worked on her computer or...

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PatrickChapter 7

I'm in trouble with Mr. Simmonds again. Yesterday, on Monday, dad took me and Sarah to call for Rachel and Al. We dropped them at their school and then Rachel and I were dropped off at mine – what had formerly been ours. A lot of the kids were really nice and asked Rachel why she was here and she told them about the earthquake and the big waves. But when we got to my classroom, Mr. Simmonds asked what she was doing there. I said that she was my guest. "She can't be a guest, she's a...

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Used By a Younger Woman Part 3

It had been a torrid time, I thought, as we quietly sipped champagne and made small talk. We could have of been any two women with an age difference chatting about girly things. Of course that wasn’t true. I’d given up my older body to the body and mind of this younger woman and I had been thoroughly used. We were both naked. My tits were still red, my nipples still on fire, my cunt had been ferociously used and throbbed deeply, my asshole had been well stretched. Tegan stretched out naked on...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 27 More Quiet Moments

Mickey, Cleo and I were the last three to leave the theater. We exited the airlock to find our sister concubines waiting. I found myself showered with hugs and kisses. "That was so much fun!" Tina squealed. "We have to do that again." "It was definitely fun," Bethany said calmly. "And there is no question that James and the others liked watching it." "Totally" Kitty said. "You realize that every citizen snuck in to watch it a second time." "Every one?" I asked. "Who was in...

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Needed to move in PT1

My wife and I were looking for an apartment because the lease in the old one was up in two weeks. We just found out the Landlord wasn't going to renew. He left us in a spot. I was kind of glad when it happened. You see my wife was a very attractive 24 year old Brazilian hottie. I was only twenty six and in shape. I guess average looks would describe me. Jackeline, my wife, had a great body. Long brown curly hair framed her well tanned face. Supple lips and big dark brown eyes almost filled the...

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Naadan Chut Ki Chudai

Hi 2 everyone.mera naam vikkay hai mein yaha apni kuch real life story woh bhi sex ki share karne aaya meri paheli aur sacchi kahani sochte hoge sabhi yahi kahete hai kya karo mujhe sach ko jhut or jhut ko sach manane ki aadat nahi. Mein is waqt mein m.c.a kar raha hu,lekin ye baat kuch hi din pahele ki hai jab mein winter vacations ke liye ghar gaya.ghar par mere mama ki ladki aayi hui thi toh mein bahut khush hua kyonki hamari bahut pati thi.shaam ke time wo bed par leti hui...

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BAMVisions Avi Love Excited For Your Cock

Nothing shouts classy like Avi Love wearing seamed fishnet stockings during anal sex with Bam Visions’ Mick Blue. But this small tits stunner is as dirty as they come once you get her hairy bush wet with a finger fuck. She’ practically claws up the walls. She wants big cock deepthoat bad. Mick wants to eat her muff. He facefucks her in the 69 position, and then slathers her big ass with lube. Pushing his prick into her tight asshole, Avi’s fingers obediently fly across her clit. Mick won’t let...

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Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning Sunday morning. Didn't want to get out of bed, but I knew I had to. I worked night shift last night and my head ached. Pretty sure I would have to work my second job today. Night shift at the mill, and part-time at a salon, of all things. But work was work, and I needed the money bad. Owed a lot of money, plus trying to get my little brother through school. Phone rang at 10:30. Caller ID said it John, the salon owner. I answered. John told me come in at 12:30. I have a customer...

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Mall Urinal Masturbation

Mall Urinal with a stranger.I was shopping at the mall and had to take a pee bad, but do not like mall washrooms! oh well gotta go gotta go. Upon entering washroom a short olderman was at a urinal. I took a urinal 2 away from him and proceeded to release the hot, warm yellow pee , I had been aching to release. Such a build up of pressure and now release, was causing my cock to start to grow. I glanced over at the olderman and he just seemed to be standing there holding his penis ,but I could...

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My First Man Sex

While married to my second wife, we began swinging with other singles and couples, but it was one couple especially that impacted me: Sean and Lorie. Lorie and my wife loved making out with one another and so, on one occasion when they were doing so, Sean pushed me down onto the bed and began sliding his hard cock against mine; I had never done that before and found myself getting harder than I had ever been with a woman! What my wife and Lorie were doing totally disappeared! All I cared about...

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Sharon Reaches New Highs

My name is Sharon Burly, Shaz to my friends. I am forty-three years old and have been happily divorced from Bill, my ex, for five years. I like to think I keep myself attractive, as my relationships since my divorce appear to support this.I have been seeing my long-time friend Susan's ex-husband for the last couple of months. I have always found David, her ex, attractive and pleasant company.When we bumped into each other in the high street, he asked me if I had time for a coffee. I jumped at...

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The Long Way DownChapter 4

"Why, imagine my surprise when I found out that the spy I'd been hearing about was none other than my ex-boyfriend!" "You! You were the one who did this to me, weren't you!" "Sorry, but I'm afraid the only thing you can blame for your situation is your own bad judgment. Thanks, Jenna; we won't need the cuffs anymore." The bailiff nods, frees my hands, and leaves the room. Serena points out the seat across the table; I sit down. "What bad judgment, Serena? That I stopped seeing...

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A Cop Named Thelma

A COP CALLED THELMA By Betty Noone Cal Buckner, 56 years of age, 5'11" and weighing in at slightly over 200 pounds is a cop. He has been on the force 30 years, starting out as a beat cop and now he is a detective (3d Grade) in the homicide division. He could have pulled the plug and retired after 25 years on the job, but he liked being a cop. Also, the longer he could stay on the force, the better his retirement benefits would be. As a cop he had to develop an armor to protect...

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My toys

I never was into toys. My first was a gag present after my first c***d was born. A black vibrator - nothing special. It was fun occasionally, but no big deal.Playing on here really made me think I wanted to try something else. I bought a dildo online (was pretty scared someone else would get the mail). It was more fun. It felt more real - at least in helping out some fantasies. I played with it for a while, sometimes while talking to people here.One day online I met someone who said she could...

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Hunters Ch 03

**Read and Enjoy! Don’t forget to leave a comment.** The steady rhythm of heavy breathing and flesh slamming into a sand-filled leather bag filled the air. Max was alone in the workout room, and he was in the center, working the heavy bag with a vengeance. Every punch was delivered with a look of concentrated fury, every kick landed with a grimace of hatred. His naked torso and arms were glistening in a sheen of sweat. Every blow on the bag caused a shower of moisture to cascade off Max’s...

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Mom told me and little sister not to bother getting dressed. Just to go on to bed. My older sister made sure we would not have the chance by grabbing up our clothes . My younger sister slowly slipped out of my lap. My limp cock made a sucking sound as it slid out of her very wet and tight cunt.She stood up and then reached out to me to stead herself. I could see she was ditsy.I stood up and then picked her up. (yea what a gent)She felt light as a feather to me. As we got to their room she was...

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Back to the Farm Ch 03

Melissa put a hand to her cheek and drew in a deep trembling breath. She’d called him Matt. So what? He’d persisted in calling her Lissy. Like he said, old habits died hard. But she knew it was neither the name nor the caress that had unnerved her so much. It’d been the surprisingly tender look in his eyes. The bathroom suite was the same faded yellow she remembered from her childhood, except now the taps were solidly encrusted with lime scale and the bath ringed and pitted as a result of more...

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WildOnCam Riley Reyes Sophia Grace Horny Riley Reyes Fucks Sophia Grace

Gorgeous and wild babes Riley Reyes and Sophia Grace are smoking hot in their lingerie sets that compliment each other se well! They love how sexy you think they are and they can not wait to kiss and get those bra and panties discarded on the floor! Riley digs in deep to Sophias pussy refusing to come up for air until she feels Sophia buck wildly from the orgasm that overtakes her body! Riley really knows how to work that magical tongue! Sophia gets down on her knees and get her mouth nice and...

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Lunch break

​I told the receptionist at the front of your building that I was coming to bring you lunch; she politely smiled and pointed me in your direction. You told me a few days before that you had just been promoted, and as part of the deal you now have your own office- and a door that locks. I’m not sure if you telling me this was to drop a hint, or just express excitement at having your privacy, but it gave me an excellent idea. I had told you that I was coming, but you still hadn’t noticed me...

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Episode 54 Jenny v Ana

Jenny arrived, a little late, at the appointed motel and knocked on the door of number 3.“Hold on a minute” she heard Rob shout from inside.Jenny could feel her cunt juicing up at the thought of a weekend in bed with her army lover; she was wearing his favourite perfume but not much else under a long white coat.Rob opened the door dressed as usual in just his camouflage tee-shirt and dog-tags; Jenny kicked the door closed behind her as she knelt at his feet. His pubes smelt faintly of a...

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The Neighbors Chapter FiveApril loses her cherry at the Camp Ground

Continued form chapter four Well I'm here now and I want some of his hot sausage meat inside me too. She takes her glasses off & cheerleader outfit placing the on my night stand. She leaves her pigtails in place then joins us in my bed I'm ready now . She begins sucking sues breasts . I can't wait till they start giving milk . Do you think I could try some when it's ready?, why of course you can thank you . The only real pure breast milk I ever had was moms when I was a...

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It was a perfectly good Sunday morning and I was all set for a day of vegging out of the sofa and watching t.v. when my mom barged in and told me today was the day of my father's work party. Every year, my dad and his business partners throw a big party at the horse track to celebrate another good year of work. It was usually a boring get together of old people chatting about how great it was to have so much money. Needless to say, I was not looking forward to it. "Cheer up," my...

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Wife fucked

Last night we ended up going to bed about eleven oclock. It seemed like any other night, except this one was going to prove to be different. We had only been asleep about an hour when we were awaken to the sound of someone banging on the door. I quickly got out of bed and walked out into the kitchen to see my friend JP standing there with a pissed off look on his face. I let him in and we walked into the living room to sit down for a bit. He began to tell me that his wife had left him only...

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