Farmers Daughter
- 3 years ago
- 29
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They lay on the floor next to the bed, holding each other, not wanting to move for anything. They are still breathing deeply from the wild sex they just had. Paula is back to her normal self, something Adam is not sure he is happy about. In some ways, he is confused on his feelings about when she changes, but right now isn’t the time to discuss it. Instead, he removes one arm so that he can run his fingers through her hair. Her eyes are closed and so he just looks at her, admiring just how beautiful she is. Maybe Paula being back to her normal form isn’t so bad...
At the moment there is nowhere else he wants to be, but right there on the floor next to the bed feeling the warm, soft body of this intense girl half his age. “I don’t believe this is happening to me,” he whispers.
Paula opens her eyes and smiles up at him. “Hi,” she says softly.
“Hi,” he replies.
“That was some pretty hot fucking.”
“I was more than fucking,” Adam corrects.
“You’re right,” she agrees. “I love how we feel together.”
“I do too,” he says, smiling bigger. “I feel so free with you.”
“Well, I can’t believe that you don’t have a girlfriend or wife by now. I mean, you’re so good and you have the most amazing dick.”
“I was waiting for someone special,” he teases.
“And do you think you found her?” she asks hesitantly.
“Oh, I believe I did.”
“But you’re worried about our ages.” She says it almost like it’s a bad taste in her mouth.
“A little,” he lies. He worries about it a lot. What would her parents say? Her mother would be more receptive given her age difference to her husband, but would Wyatt?
“This is pure open, intense sex,” Paula says, cutting into his thoughts. “It is so beautiful when you really care about the person you’re with. Age just becomes a number and that’s all.” She reaches up and touches his face, looking into his eyes, smiling. She caresses his cheek, running her finger over his lips to the tip of his nose. Adam is still running his fingers though her hair, both enjoying touching one another. Then Paula lifts her face closer to his and gently kisses him. She smiles and says, “And I really care about you.”
“I care about you, too,” he replies.
“So I’m not just someone you like to fuck then?”
“Of course I like to fuck you,” Adam grins. “In fact I love to fuck you, but ... I want this to be more than just that.”
They just look at each other and don’t speak. Paula then kisses him gently. He kisses her too. Finally she says, “I love you.”
It’s the words that he has wanted to say, but hasn’t because he felt it was too soon, that he would look like a fool saying them. Hearing them now though...
“I love you, too.”
When Paula smiles again, her face seems to light up brighter. “So do you want to sleep here on the floor or should we get back on the bed?”
Adam laughs, remembering how they fell on the floor and the tension that seems to have suddenly evaporated. “It might be safer here,” he says. “But maybe we should take a chance and get back on the bed.”
Paula gets up and grabs her cell phone to check the time. “Shit, it’s late.” Immediately Adam can tell what she is thinking as she looks at him. “We need a plan so my dad doesn’t suspect what’s going on.” She puts the phone down and picks up her sweater, slipping it on. It is tight across her chest, hovering over the top of her crotch and ass. She climbs on the bed and sits with her ankles crossed. Adam lies down with his legs stretched out, looking at her at the other end of the bed. “How would I have gotten to Debbie’s unless she picked me up or you drove me... ?”
“Plus we’d have to get your car to the mechanic even though there isn’t anything wrong with it.”
“We’ll just park it at the mechanic’s,” she says. “Then tomorrow you can take me to get it.”
“How will you get back to the farm, if your car is there?”
“I’ll give Debbie a call and ask her to pick me up here in the morning and drive me home. She’ll do it. I’ve bailed her out several times before.”
“I guess that you’re not the only one that rebels against their fathers,” he says, thinking about his daughter and how she could have been doing the same thing without him knowing it.
Paula just smiles at him, not giving him an answer and retrieves her cell phone. She punches in a number. She looks at the man while waiting for Debbie to answer. She puckers her lips and blows him a kiss and smiles. Then she speaks into the phone. “Hey, Deb! It’s me. I need a big favor. I’ll explain everything later.” She speaks to Debbie as if she has just talked to her yesterday when the fact is she hasn’t talked to her in quite a while. “Can you pick me up in the morning at the motel around nine-thirty?” Paula nods as she listens to the response and then says, “I’ve got a lot to tell you,” she adds. Thanks, Deb. See you later. You’re the best. I love you.” She hangs up and says, “There. That’s settled. She’s awesome. If I had a sister, she’d be it.”
“That’s wonderful,” Adam says. “Does she know about your secret?”
“Of course,” the girl says. “We tell each other everything. And I can’t wait to tell her about you,” she continues, slipping on the short skirt. Adam puts on his shirt and jeans. “Let’s hurry so we have time for a little more fun tonight.” Paula walks in front of Adam, her big, firm breasts moving without a bra. She knows that he is looking at her, but just smiles as she opens the door to the truck without a word. When he gets behind the wheel, the girl looks at him, biting her bottom lip. “So how do you like the evening so far?” she asks.
“It’s definitely an adventure, I’ll admit,” Adam answers. He turns over the engine and backs out of the parking lot, heading in the direction toward the farm. “Of course dealing with your father in the morning is going to suck.”
Paula reaches over to touch his hand on the steering wheel. “I doubt he’ll be too dramatic,” she says comfortingly. “I’ll make sure that he doesn’t go to the extreme and do something like fire you.” She shakes her head as if to shake away such terrible thoughts. Then she leans forward in her seat, searching the darkness. “I hope I can remember where I parked my car.”
While she is looking, Adam asks, “What can you do about your father? I mean he has all the control on who stays or who gets fired.”
“This is different,” she says.
“How so?”
Paula looks out the side window, quietly thinking. Adam keeps his eyes on the road, thinking about meeting Wyatt in the morning and dreading the worst.
“Slow down,” the girl says. “I think my car is down that road.” Adam looks, but it is so dark that even with his brights on it is hard to see. Paula points to a narrow road. He turns on it, entering into a very bumpy ride. “There it is,” she says excitedly. When they stops she says, “Just follow me to the mechanic’s.”
Adam watches her get out and run over to her car. He thinks about how it is amazing the little thing made it over the bumpy road in the first place in one piece. He almost expects the engine not to turn over, but then he hears it start up. Paula takes off and Adam is right behind her. They pull into a small gas station. If he was expecting something else or something grand then he is out of luck. Paula parks her car next to two other cars. She gets out and climbs in the truck.
“Okay, let’s get going,” she says nonchalantly. “Bobbie’s the mechanic. She knows my car and she is my mom’s cousin.”
“It must be nice living so close to relatives, and where everyone seems to know everyone.”
“Most of the time it is, but there can be a lot of gossip,” she confesses. “But Bobbie won’t say anything to my dad.” They are headed back to the motel when Paula points to a bar. “Pull in here.”
Adam does, and right away notices a lot of cars, trucks and motorcycles. “What is this place?” he asks.
“It’s our next adventure,” Paula answers with a sly grin.
“Aren’t you a little under the age for drinking?”
“Jimmy won’t say anything,” she says a little offhandedly. “He’s let me come in since I was sixteen. I did him a favor a while back, so he kind of owed me.”
“I’m not sure I want to know,” Adam mutters.
“It was nothing sexual,” she scoffs. “Men with their dirty minds...”
“And woman don’t have those?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she playfully denies. “I liked our roleplaying tonight, so I figure we can do it again.”
“Another set of lives to step into?” he says, admiring her spontaneity.
“Yeah,” she confirms. “I want you to pick me up like I’m some kind of slut.”
“Won’t there be people that know you in there?” he asks.
“I doubt it,” she smiles at him and then laughs. “With the exception of Jimmy, this place only gets people from out of town.”
“I find it hard to believe none of these farmers drink,” he contradicts.
“Oh, they do,” she corrects. “But they only go to Kevin Shankles’ place over on Route Twenty-Seven. This place is a dive. It is geared toward out of towners, bikers and what not.”
“And Kevin’s is more the farmer’s style?”
“Exactly,” she says with a nod and a grin. “When you become a farmer, you’ll like that place too.”
“Or maybe I’ll just come out here,” he says grinning mischievously.
“Maybe,” she agrees.
“You’re wild, you know that?”
“Mmmhmm,” she agrees with a nod. “How about this: You go in first and sit at the bar. In a few minutes I’ll follow.”
Adam agrees and gets out of the truck. When he enters the bar, it is dark, smoky and loud with talking and loud music. No one looks to the door when he enters. No one looks up when he steps up to the bar. Looking around the room he sees people dancing, drinking and having a good time.
The bartender slips over and says, “What can I get you?”
“Whatever you got on tap,” Adam says. He turns to the door, wondering what will happen with Paula walks in. The dance floor is pretty crowded with people; more than he thought would be in a place like this. Of course, not everyone is a farmer, and certainly not everyone is part of the clique. He looks over at the door again, just in time to see the girl walking in. She glances at him as she goes to the far end of the bar and takes a seat.
Paula looks pretty sexy walking to the bar, her shirt bursting with her large breasts. Two men immediately take notice of her, even commenting about how good she looks. The bartender goes over and they talk briefly. It’s clear that more words are exchanged between them than the bartender and him. Eventually the bartender smiles at Paula and nods. She turns her head toward Adam and smiles.
One of the guys that took notice of the girl walks over to her and sits on the empty stool beside her. He is tall, wearing dark clothing. He has both muscled arms loaded with tattoos. Paula looks at him and smiles. Then she glances over at Adam. It is brief as her attention return to the man in the dark clothing. She says a few words to the guy, and whatever it is she says drives him off. He gets up and just walks away.
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I had just turned seventeen and was completely inexperienced sexually. Although I’d had a few boyfriends, apart from kissing and having my breasts groped through whatever I’d been wearing, that was as far as I’d gone and was still a virgin. Of course, I’d masturbated but not very frequently, compared to now. Maybe once or twice a week. Nothing had really turned me on that much to want to do it more. I knew most guys found me attractive, regularly getting complimentary comments but when I looked...
IncestThursday morning at school Mia was feeling more down than usual. She approached her locker with Carly at her side and Carly was at a loss because she didn't know how to make her best friend feel any better about everything that had happened over the last few weeks. Jenna Foster spotted Mia at her locker and led her friends in Mia's direction. "So Mia," Jenna sneered, "How is sex with your brother going? I can't believe your prostitute mom wants to bring Coach Bills down. Isn't there...
My black lover Jerome came at our home that night. He had warned me he was too horny and needed some sexual relief using my asshole. He added my loving husband could stay and watch as his huge black dick abused my por tight ass…After dinner, I got ready for my Master. I put on a sexy black dress, with black nylon hose, no panties and a pair of sexy stilettos. I looked at myself in the mirror and knew my black lover would be pleased to see me dressed like a street whore…Victor begged me to...
Both of them were youngish, in their late teens or early twenties, but looking younger, and wise beyond their years. She was pretty in a cute, innocent way, and dressed in tee shirt and jeans, worn under a denim jacket. He was kind of good looking, if a little tubby, and dressed in a chav like uniform of baseball cap, jeans and Lacoste polo & jacket. Both already veteran’s of this, they had the routine down pat, they knew that the best places were not bars or clubs, but cafes and coffee shops...
Erotic>>> My name is Ryan. I am nineteen now and I am the personal faggot slave to a bunch of jocks at at well known Midwestern University. Some of you have read my story up to now, but for the rest of you, here is a quick account of how my horror started. I am smooth bodied and small of stature. I am a Freshman and was still eighteen years old, rather naive and shy. Let me make this perfectly clear to you, I was and am still straight. Although I must admit, I hardly know what that means anymore. I...
"Maxine. we need to meet." The voice on the cell phone belonged to Vlad. "I'm at the house. It's going to take me twenty minutes to meet you anywhere." I explained. "I am at your gate now." "Alright, I'll turn off the alarm. Do you need me to come unlock the gate?" "No, I can get it open," He informed me. "I thought so," I agreed. I had time to pour a cup of coffee before Vlad showed up. I put the shotgun under the bedspread before I let him in. He didn't need to see the...
As much as I loved the sexual experiences with my siblings growing up , I was always a little nervous that people would find out and portray us as freaks . I would hate to regret those great times. Even when I was dating girls in high school , Donna (my sister) would suggest that she jerk me off before I went on a date so that I wasn't horny and wasn't just trying to get laid so I would think about getting to know these girls I dated. It was a great idea! Before I went out I would...
I should probably describe my mom and dad a little better to you. Have you ever seen the TV show Modern Family? My parents are often compared to Claire and Phil Dunphy portrayed by Julie Bowen and Ty Burrell. My mom sounds and looks exactly like Claire and can come off a little pushy and aggressive even though she means well. I think it annoys my mom to be compared to Claire and she won’t even watch that show anymore because we laugh at how similar she is to her on screen character. My Dad...
Love Thy Neighbor, Hello everyone I am Hardik, this is my first story on ISS. I do not have experience of writing hence I am not sure if I can pen down my real life experience in erotic manner. This incident happened one year back & it has changed my life (sex life) completely. Let me start with simple introduction. I am 50 years old, healthy with good physique. The other day my neighbor’s son passed his 10th exam with good marks so she, Rita (name change) came to our house in the morning with...
The Brit called Jeremy from the airport in Capitol City. He walked across the terminal building to speak to me. "Sylvia, Jeremy just told they finalized the vote count. The recount is finished and the election has been certified. Girl you won by more than two hundred votes. You split the vote and got enough from each one to win." "Holy shit I never though I would win. I took the job baby sitting the shipment of those missiles, because I never thought I could win, not really. Shit, I have...
I slept late the next morning. I had been up very late the night before and it wasn't much fun. Sure Jen, Ruth, and James were good company, but pancakes wasn't what I had planned to be doing at 3AM. Anyway it was noon before I got my ass out of bed and dressed. It was 2PM by the time I made it to the West End Bike Shop. There was a new manager every time I went in. I never had to tell the manager who I was, they always seemed to know. "Ms Stone, what can we do for you today?" The...
Shayla, my cousin, a few years older than me. A long-time family member and very close friend of mine. We used to always hang out when we were younger. Even in the last few years we used to keep in touch. We were very open with each other about our lives. We trusted each other fully. But last night, I had slept with her. I had slept with my cousin. I instantly snapped my head sideways. Shayla was gone. Panic set in quite quickly. Shayla was probably out now telling our family’s what had...
The girlfriend is gone for the day, leaving me plenty of time for a nice jerk off session while watching gay porn. Sliding in my favorite DVD while putting out some of my favorite toys, I'm already getting excited.I strip down to my boxers, rubbing myself through the fabric. Feeling my cock starting to twitch in anticipation. I slide my hand inside, feeling my soft red pubes; cupping my balls; pulling back my foreskin; rubbing the first drops of precum between my fingers. Two guys are naked on...
MasturbationKunal uncle has invited Ashok and Savita to his son’s wedding in the village. They take Shobha with them. Shobha is excited as she has never been to a village before. Once there, Kunal uncle devises a plan to take Savita away as he wants to enjoy a good fuck with her. Ashok is jealous of the attention that his wife is getting. But he also realises that he has been feeling weak lately. He talks about this to his childhood friend, who takes him to the village ‘vaid’. The ‘vaid’ gives him some...
I awoke about 7:30, called down for breakfast and collapsed on the sofa awaiting its arrival. Ten minutes later Bridget arrived with the food. As she stepped inside, she looked around, smiling at the sight of my shoes, purse, new black dress and panties scattered roughly in a line from the front door to the bedroom. "Either you were very tired when you returned or you brought back someone who was extremely impatient," she laughed. "No, I arrived alone but it was quite late and I was...