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The 'Xhul are widely considered one of the most rational species in the galaxy. They are endlessly pursuing scientific exploration, but seem to lack the imperial ambition of the more successful space monster races.
The 'Xhul had visited Earth for the first time nearly a million years ago. They noted humanity was struggling for existence in eastern Africa. They taught early humans about tools and fire, set up a transponder near the Horn of Africa, and left.
Xhul'gar commands one of the 'Xhul's more prolific interstellar exploration missions. In 2002, his vessel returned to Earth to check on humanity's progress. When the 'Xhul marines landed to retreive the transponder, they were disturbed to see how poorly human civilization was faring in "Somalia", as the area was now called. They captured a young man named Khalid Ali they found nearby. He said that his part of the world was in shambles because of an evil empire across the ocean, the Great Satan, America.
When asked, Khalid identified his leader as "Osama Bin Laden." So the 'Xhul captured him too. They learned from him that humans were divided into a peace-loving but embattled group following a monotheistic faith, opposing a treacherous society bent on world domination and centered in North America and Europe.
The 'Xhul were concerned that humanity may not last much longer, particularly since the "Western infidels" seemed to hold most of the weapons. So Xhul'gar decided to make use of the advanced technology at his disposal to take human form and check up on how the other half of the world were faring.
Once they had provided all of the useful information on the ongoing battle, the Somali and Osama Bin Laden were killed and dissected. Xhul'gar would assume the form and identity of Khalid Ali (Osama seemed too well known). He would then visit the infidel West and learn of their plans for world domination.
The 'Xhul communicated telepathically, and discovered that when communicating directly with humans, their puny minds were exceptionally easy to control. It would generally be a matter of Xhul'gar thinking, and humans would comply.
The bad news is that once in human form, Xhul'gar would be vulnerable to human emotions and urges, from anger to lust. He wasn't sure how he would react, but as the senior officer and diplomat, he figured he was the best hope of saving humanity from itself.
So Xhul'gar was teleported to Earth and given the form of man. Unfortunately, now he doesn't remember his mission. Too bad he ordered his crew not to interfere.

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