Illegal Immigrants Ch. 02 free porn video

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The idea of leaving the two girls in the camp on their own whilst he traveled back to town to sell his fish and pick up his supplies worried Len. The co -op had told him that the town’s teachers had been asking when he would be back. They had told the radio operator to ask him to add at least an additional day in town to his normal schedule. ‘You will have two or three days on your own he told Marla and Sashay as he trained them to use his equipment.’

Worried that they might face danger at the hands of the people smugglers Len dragged his feet slowing down the process of packing up and leaving. He knew he couldn’t cancel or delay selling his fish or filling up with fuel but was reluctant to leave. Trying to cover all eventualities should the smugglers return while he was away he led Marla and Sashay away from the beach showing them where he had hidden food and water so they could hide in the scrub or in the concrete bunker and stay hidden until any unwanted visitors left.

He had cleaned out a concrete underground storage bunker built for the airport during the war and fitted it out with a couple of camp stretchers. Sashay met him as he covered the door with brush, ‘I want you to love me a lot more before you leave, I don’t think we should only make love at night we should do it when we feel the need,’ a smile lit up her face, ‘like now,’ she whispered. Sashay slumped down on the sand in front of the hideaway and released his belt letting his shorts drop down around his ankles. ‘I love your hard thing in my mouth and in my pussy. You are my first lover and I want you in me more and more.’

Len’s knees were starting to buckle when she stopped for a moment. ‘I truly love your big white cock,’ she groaned as she took his cock in her tiny hand and ran her tongue around her lips suggestively. Her eyes shone as she looked up at him before licking his balls and then on up his cock to its now leaking head. ‘You like fuck Sashay during day,’ she asked her eyes wide and staring before her lips closed over his cocks head. Len sighed shuddering forced to place a hand on her shoulder to steady himself. Unaware of his difficulty Sashay sucked his cock deep inside her tiny Asian mouth.

Once Sashay seduced him onto daytime trysts the game of getting his member hard and stopping him working until they were satisfied intensified as both Sashay and Marla took every opportunity to work less and fuck more. Keeping his old cock hard.

Finally after days of love making and instruction on what to do if there was trouble while he was away Len could stay no longer. He left his big barge anchored out in the open where it could be easily seen and sailed in his small boat on the evening tide. All of the big gulf trawlers were at sea by the time Len reached port allowing him to tie up at the wharf and dispense with the pram dinghy to go ashore. He was cleaning up after his meal when a police car pulled on to the wharf. Wondering why they were calling at this late hour his heart skipped a beat thinking they might have found out about Marla and Sashay.

He could not see her face but knew her voice when Kim called, ‘give me a hand, I want to introduce you to the new Police liaison officer.’ When they were both on the deck Len turned on the light to find the police officer was a large dark skinned woman. ‘Hi,’ she cried. ‘I’m Dalaja, ‘I’m up here for twelve months trying to develop closer relations between the police and the locals. Kim and the girls told me about your story of the touch football days and of course I’ve heard of you blasting the elders so I jumped at the chance to meet you.’

Len became flustered when he was caught staring at her large heavy breasts. ‘Hell,’ he groaned ‘I’m sorry to be so obvious. You forget your manners when you live a life alone on boats.’ He pushed a chair over to hide his embarrassment. ‘Have a seat, can I offer you something to eat or drink.’

Dalaja was used to men staring at her breasts. ‘Don’t be embarrassed, I’m big,’ she said with a laugh. ‘My mother was born in India she is a typically big bodied Indian woman. My father was born in the South Sea Islands where big women were much admired. Mum and dad met in Fiji. They didn’t bring the wrong baby home because I take after mum with big breasts wide hips and thick thighs. She swirled around for his inspection. ‘So with a big dad and a big mum here I am, big Dalaja.’

Dalaja was a constant delight she lit up the boats cabin with her happy stories and laughter. With all the flirting and fun it was a while before she broached her idea for the recommencement of touch footy for the boys and basket ball for boys and girls. ‘There is quite a bit of work to be done before all the broken glass and rubbish is removed from the sports ground so we will start with basketball and paint a couple of courts on the hardstand in the council yards. With all the high security lights working we will nearly have enough light to play at night but first we will try after school games.’

‘There are eight new female teachers and each one has agreed to sponsor a team. They must take any youngster who wants to play into their team in other words they can’t recruit. So with eight teachers we have eight teams. We can play four games two at a time of about forty to sixty minutes each. We should be able to organize a couple of hour’s competition between three o’clock when school gets out and when the sun goes down about six.’

She looked at Len, ‘I want you to be the touch footy referee they tell me you were popular with the kids when you acted as ref and ran the competition with the young police constable.’ Len could not hide his surprise. ‘You’ve got to be bloody kidding. After what I said and where I said it. I don’t think the tribal leaders will want me anywhere near their kids.’

Seeing the disappointment on their faces he cursed himself for a fool but went on. ‘I will help get things organized. I know the visiting tradesmen they will help set up the courts and mark them etc. I am sure the council engineer and the foreman will clean up the footy ground. They top dressed it with sand last time so they know what to do. They will do it for me because we are mates. Nothing official no council decisions and no bloody fuss they will get it done.’

He frowned at Dalaja, ‘just keep me out of the limelight.’ It was midnight when they settled on a plan which had Len working in the background training referees and working with his mates to procure gear and develop the facilities. Dalaja in turn agreed to act as the public face of the sports competitions.

Kim who had sat silent for most of the evening called an end to the discussions. ‘Its time we left, we have to work tomorrow,’ she growled. Waiting until Dalaja’s back was turned, she kissed him hungrily. ‘Just wait until I get you alone,’ she whispered. ‘I will come down to see you during the school lunch break tomorrow.’ She moved up close behind Dalaja extending her hand out behind her searching for his cock. ‘I hope you were a boy scout and learnt to be prepared,’ she growled as she climbed down to the dock.

The bell for the kids to return to school after lunch rang as Len helped Kim find her clothes. ‘What are you laughing about?’ Kim asked. ‘You should be sad that I have to go back to work not happy.’ Len slapped her on her white arse as she pulled up her slacks. ‘My god woman you should be a bloody comedienne. That crack last night was a doosie.’ He changed his voice style trying to mimic hers. ‘I hope you were a boy scout and learnt to be prepared.’

Then returning to speak in his own voice he laughed, ‘One boy scout wouldn’t be enough for you he would have to be prepared all right, prepared to be ridden to a standstill. The bloody boat hasn’t stopped rocking on its mooring lines since you climbed into my cabin.’ Kim slapped him lightly ‘are you complaining?’ she asked. ‘No, oh hell no, I love it but I don’t think I’ll ever be prepared for you. I prefer to be taken by surprise.’

im winked lewdly as she spoke, ‘well be prepared for a big night out when Dalaja gets her hands on you. I told her you had tremendous staying power for an oldie and that you loved kissing pussy. She told me she hasn’t had a man go down on her for years. She is a hot blooded Indian woman that is just waiting for the chance to get you alone. She doesn’t teach so she has flexible hours. Invite her down and put a permament smile on her face with that cock of yours.’

Len slipped away early on the half tide his little boat sneaking across the shallow flats where his big barge could not go. He had set up things for the netball and basket ball competitions and arranged for his mates to clean up the oval receiving a number of hugs from Dalaja that became progressively warmer as the afternoon progressed.

He grunted in pain as he reached down for his binoculars his knees and back still sore from his vigorous session with Kim on the boats narrow bunk. Nothing moved on the beach in front of his camp. He started to worry when his boat ran aground and neither Marla nor Sashay appeared. Letting Bluey free he called, ‘come out who ever you are,’ and fired a shot in the air from his shot gun.

When no one responded he became worried. Looking around he saw bullet holes in the side of his shed. ‘Bloody hell,’ he groaned when he realised that the smugglers had returned and had taken their anger out on his possessions. ‘I hope the girls hid like I told them,’ he growled talking aloud to himself.

Taking his time he surveyed the damage done when someone had fired a number of rounds into his camp. ‘They are a bad mob of mongrel bastards, I wont fucking muck around if I meet up with them again’ he growled to Blue as they made their way slowly to where he hoped the girls would be safely hidden in the underground concrete bunker built during the war.

He lifted the door and threw it back to find six sets of wide eyes staring up at him out of the bunker. ‘Shit where did you all come from?’ he growled when they all started to scream and cry retreating further into the bunkers hole. Blue began barking adding to the pandemonium.

‘Shut up,’ Len yelled at blue. ‘For Christ sake settle down so I can find out what’s going on.’

He turned quickly when he heard Marla cry out behind him. She was running towards him her arms out stretched ‘Thank god you’ve came back,’ she cried, ‘We have been hiding for hours.’ She hugged and kissed him as they were joined by Sashay.

Marla spoke loudly to the crying women explaining that Len was their friend and that they were safe with him. Never the less it was some time before the crying women in the bunker fell silent. Eventually Marla and Sashay encouraged the six tiny Asian women to leave the bunker.

‘Take them over to the kitchen,’ Len growled. ‘Let me see if those bastards have damaged my hot water set up. If they have I might have to fix it so they can shower and clean up.’ He busied himself righting his camp hot water system studying the new women as he went about his work. All were dark skinned some darker than others. Two were taller with far bigger boobs and bums than the others but most were small with flat chests and backsides.

Marla worked with him bringing one of the women who spoke English over to answer his questions. She appeared to be the oldest of the six. Her hair was streaked with grey. Her face hard from years in the sun. Her tiny chest and breasts clearly visible through her thin cotton slip. ‘Her English name is Daffodil, she is forty five years old and comes from central Java.’ She signaled to Daffodil ‘tell him what happened.’

‘When the smugglers could not make contact with the truck to take us south they became angry. They blamed you and swore to get you. Later we heard them talking about us. They did not want to take us back home and they could not just dump us and let the authorities learn of their racket. Then a couple of nights ago one of the women heard one of suggest that they shoot us and dump us over board.’

‘We knew we had to escape. When they hit the beach north of here to make a final search for the road and the truck we took off. Sashay saw us crossing the flats and brought us here. We hid when the smugglers came looking for you. When they left after destroying some of your property we knew they would go back to their boat and find us missing so we hid and never came out until you arrived.’ She leant over and kissed his hand. ‘Marla and Sashay have told us about you and how you treat them. I can’t speak for the others but I’m sure they will agree. we are in your hands we will do anything you want.’

One after the other the women finished with the shower and stood waiting while Sashay found them clean clothes. Len grew horny as he watched them standing around half naked. Marla noticed his interest and whispered, ‘We have told them all that we are your lovers. They have asked will you want them too.’ She glanced down at the lump in his shorts. ‘Do you want them to sleep with you?’

‘Bloody hell,’ he cried. ‘They couldn’t all fit in my bed and I’m too bloody old to do eight of you each night. Tell them not to worry I’m not about to force myself on them.’ Sashay laughed, ‘Maybe after weeks huddled on that stinking boat they may want to force themselves into your clean sweet bed.’

Night came quickly forcing Len to make hasty arrangements for everyone to sleep in the safety of his bedroom. His bed was crowded with nude and semi nude women. Those who could not fit into the crowded bed rolled blankets on the floor and slept beside the bed.

In the middle of the night he stepped over the sleeping bodies on the floor to go outside and urinate. He stood in the shadows his cock in his hand when Daffodil slipped out and took his hand in hers. Looking down at his cock she whispered, ‘you want fuck?’ when he shook his head and tried to slip his cock back in his shorts she stopped him.

‘Anna is a good girl she wants to thank you for saving us. Be quiet and let her say thanks.’ Overriding his objections she led him to the kitchen where a thick set young girl from the group stood sheepishly looking down at the floor. ‘Don’t say no. we have talked about you and Anna wants to say thanks.’ She motioned for Anna to take her clothes off and lie on a low bench. Len shook his head ‘no, no,’ he said as he turned away. ‘She can put her clothes back on. Marla and Sashay sleep with me because they want to not because they have to.’ He turned back when he heard the girl start crying. ‘Oh shit what’s bloody wrong now, surely she can’t be crying because I don’t want to fuck her.’ Daffodil held the nude girl in her arms and spoke sadly. ‘She feels you have insulted her. She says she will be embarrassed if she has to tell the others that you don’t think she is worthy.’

Len walked over and lifted the young girl in his arms. He kissed her gently then slowly and lovingly ran his hands over her tiny breasts then over her stomach and down to feel the wet patch between her legs. ‘She is very beautiful and I would be lying if I sad I would not want her. But not as some sort of payment or under duress like this. Tell her she is very beautiful. No one will think I am rejecting her if she tells them I have asked her to join me when I walk the beach to my nets in the morning.’ When the young girl squealed with delight at his words he kissed her thoroughly. ‘Now tell her to put her clothes on and go to bed.’

Len was surprised next morning when Daffodil and Anna were waiting for him on the beach. ‘I won’t come with you,’ Daffodil explained. ‘Anna is no virgin. She had a regular lover at home. She expects you to keep your promise. She expects to return and tell her friends that you have made love to her.’ Anna stood listening while Daffodil and Len argued. She had dressed in two colorful pieces of material from Sashays store. One piece of material like a sarong around her hips another as a top. Dropping her top so that she now stood bare breasted. She moved between them a
nd took Lens hand indicating that they should start walking.

They walked along the beach hand in hand neither having words the other could understand. Reaching then net dinghies Anna dropped the remaining piece of cloth leaving her body nude to his gaze. She stood quietly letting him study her stocky body then when he was wondering what to do she knelt down and stripped his shorts away.

Without a word or a sign she commenced to stroke his cock and run her hands under his balls and fingering his arse. As his breath grew ragged she took his now hard cock deep in her mouth. Len had planned to say no to any sexual activity but forgot his plans as her mouth massaged and sucked his red hot member. Breathing hard he took her head in his hands and started to ease his cock in and out of her mouth.

He grinned when he thought of their predicament. They understood little of each others language. She was an illegal immigrant. He was an old Aussie fisherman. Even though they could not talk to each other she was down on her knees sucking his cock on a remote beach in the gulf. He looked down on her bobbing head wondering how he could tell her when he was going to cum or ask her if she swallowed. Later as the bathed together in a shallow beach gutter he realised two people fucking didn’t need words. They had eaten each other. Fucked dog fashion, her on top, him on top, in the water, on the beach, on the nets, until he felt the mid morning sun bite on his bare bum. The possibility of a bad case of sunburn on an area where he would need to sit made him look for his shorts and indicate that they should go back to camp.

Back at the camp he called Daffodil Marla and Sashay over to talk to him while he ate, ‘no more,’ he said sternly. ‘I loved my morning with Anna but I feel guilty using her in that way.’ ‘I’m going to have to do something. I can’t hide eight people for ever. Pushing more young ladies into my arms won’t change that. I will have to order more food more clothes more bedding and if that doesn’t raise suspicions sooner or later someone will drop in and you will be discovered.’

‘It looks as though your smugglers have given up but I would not be surprised if they have one last shot at getting you back or killing you. They know that the immigration authorities will track them down when they find eight women destined for Sydney’s illegal sex trade camping on a remote beach in the gulf.’

It was agreed that the women would try to keep to the confines of the camp but Daffodil just smiled and shook her head when he asked her to tell them they did not have to offer themselves to him.

‘They are all young and need a man in their life,’ Daffodil whispered when she found three women washing him down after he finished fishing. ‘Don’t be difficult, just enjoy them, and make them happy before they are taken away by your authorities.’ Once he gave in a happy competition developed between the women for his affections. Even in his most private moments he always had a companion with him. He grew used to having his cock washed and sucked when ever it grew hard. It grew hard because of their habit of wearing very little and taking every opportunity to cuddle him close, kissing him until his body responded.

Len’s nets filled quickly forcing him to plan another trip to town to sell his catch. He worried about leaving the eight women at his camp and decided to provide a new hideaway by taking his bigger barge over the sandbanks at the mouth of the tidal creek at the top of the highest tide and moor it up out of sight in a deep water bend in the river. ‘I am going into town to sell my catch. If an opportunity arises I will talk to the police. You know I love you all but we have to do something to make your life more secure.’

Len hated the heart break and anguish that they went through over the next few days. Eventually they reluctantly agreed that they could not go on living in fear of being caught by the smugglers or the authorities. They knew he had to do something and one after the other they sought him out to thank him and tell him they understood.

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 9

Sun was already up when Rachael woke me by slipping back into bed. I cracked my eyes open. Rachael obviously didn’t know I was awake, which made her actions all the cuter. She edged close, raised my arm, slowly turned, and edged back against me. Her small butt nudged against my groin and she guided my hand back onto her camisole, my palm on her breast. The smell of fresh mint wafted at me making me smile. She’d sneaked out of bed to brush her teeth; a very female act indicating intentions...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 10

RACHAEL STIRRED. SHE FELT strange. Something was different. In that special waking moment where dreams blend with approaching reality, she smelled him first - a musky guy aroma with a lingering trace of cigar smoke. Then she felt him, warm and large against her. Her senses kicked into high gear and she felt his skin against hers. Under her hand she felt his soft chest hair. Then she heard his breathing. Something still felt strange. Dreamy thoughts ebbed and faded, and she realized what it...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 11

Rachael strolled into the kitchen as I finished the last of the French toast I’d made for breakfast. She’d changed yet again. My granddaughter was quiet. She sat at the kitchen table and every time I looked at her she smiled gently, not shy but demure. She studied my face as if looking for some reaction or an answer to an unasked question. Last night, after we’d finally eaten dinner, her bubbly excitement had been replaced by softness, and when she came to bed in panties and a small...

1 year ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 12

TO ME, RACHAEL LOST all vestiges of shyness about intimacy after our oil adventure. Perhaps, more than intercourse, touching each other, letting ourselves be touched, and finding sexual pleasure together had been more intimate. We knew each other’s body - every small nook and cranny. We’d explored in the light, not protected by darkness. Maybe it had given her the last bit of confidence she needed - knowledge she could bring me as much pleasure as I could her. Or perhaps she was completely...

1 year ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 13

Rachael topped up the gas tanks, gasoline vapors filling the air. I finished loading our gear into a small utility trailer, strapped them down, and hooked it up to my ATV. We were ready. The sun was rising, casting light obliquely over the land, topographical shadows slowly fading, the morning undulations flattening. I checked the weatherproof GPS. It was functioning well with new batteries. In my back pocket I had a folded paper map. Technology has a habit of failing at the wrong moment...

2 years ago
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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 14

A full bladder woke me up. Rachael complained in her sleep when I extracted myself from the sleeping bag. She hadn’t emerged when I poured coffee and sat quietly admiring the rising sun and the vast land spread out before me. Oblique light gave the hills shadows that emphasized the undulation of the land, valleys dark, hilltops bright. She hadn’t emerged when I organized breakfast. I poured myself a second mug of coffee and waited, enjoying the silent beauty. I loved it here. The real world...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 16

That night, in a repeat of the last two nights, my bed dipped and a cold hand touched my back. “Daddy?” When I rolled toward Cara, she came into my arms, smiled slightly, her blue eyes excited, and she kissed me. The kiss started with lips touching. A brush of her tongue changed the kiss into sensual. I caressed down her back and fondled her ass, such a sensuous shape, and slowly became horny. The kiss deepened, tongues exploring, exciting, arousing. My world narrowed to me and my...

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 17

RACHAEL WALKED THROUGH THE living room on her way to the laundry room. Grandpa was out tending his vegetable and herb garden. She found Mom putting sheets into the washer. “Mom? Can we talk?” she asked. “Hold on.” Mom closed the door, added detergent, and started the machine. Turning, she smiled. “What’s up?” Mom put her hand on her shoulder. “Let’s go to the kitchen. I’d like some coffee.” Sitting at the kitchen table, Rachael said, “I wanted to say sorry.” Mom smiled. “That’s nice....

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Illegal Illicit and IntoxicatingChapter 18

August slipped by with surprises heaped upon surprises. Rachael woke me up in the early morning before the sun was up when she took her pain meds. She noticed me awake and informed me she was horny. I wasn’t. She solved that problem by pulling skimpy yellow panties off and waving them at me, grinning, whispering, “Wanna?” Somehow, with her expert hand fondling me, an erection formed and before I knew it we were having sex, no preliminaries. My granddaughter proved she was indeed horny. But...

2 years ago
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I don't even remember what I was looking for when I went through Joanne's desk that evening. It must have been a document I needed for a case I was working on. It seemed important enough at the time that I didn't want to wait until Joanne came back to the office the next day. When I found the photographs in her desk drawer, though, I forgot all about what I was looking for. They were naked photos of Joanne. In the pictures, her hands were tied behind her back and she was blindfolded. In...

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Naked Day Epilogue 13

Cindy is standing behind me, arms around my neck looking over my shoulder as I type this. We're outside in our private yard, under a clear late winter sky somewhere north of LA. It's unseasonably warm, even for southern California, so we're enjoying our first Naked Day in quite some time. We woke up this morning looked out the window and thought, 'It's too nice for clothes - Naked Day!" We made love in our bed as we have so many times over the years, unrushed, taking care of each...

2 years ago
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Im A Panty Pee Girl

I love to pee and to be peed. As my husband loves too it's easy for me to get peed when and where i want. last time he peed on me it was last weekend. We were visiting my parents. We eat, talk and have the usual chat about normal stuff.It was my idea to pee play and i grab my hubby and said to him: "i need u to pee on me. i need to feel ur hot gold on my nylons and my bra!". So we went to my old room (a room that i use to alone on myself in my c***dhood) in my parents house and we have a quick...

3 years ago
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My Night In Paris

So I Was In Paris France Last Year Hanging Out With My Best Friend Maya Now Maya Has Been My Friend For About Ten Years Now And Me And Her Had Always Been Close Sometimes we would Cuddle Kiss and a Little Bit More, Even Tho She Had a Gf at the Time and One Night I was At her Pine House she She Asked Me To Come To Her Room she Took MY Hand and Just Kissed Me and not Just a peck on the Cheek i mean like Kiss Kiss French Kiss it was amazing she told me, iv been wanting to do that for a long time i...

3 years ago
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For Her Too

"Look, can't we just get naked again?" Melissa tugged at her clothes. "This shirt itches. And these pants are too tight.""I'm not comfortable either, but Susan will be here soon. We can put up with it for one evening." Then I added, "And then I get to undress you. I hardly ever get to do that anymore. Taking off your clothes always feels like Christmas."Melissa smiled and shook her head, then went back to tidying up her living room. I turned back to getting dinner ready before her best friend...

Group Sex
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Gender Change Beta Test

You hit gold when you got access to Morph-CO's Cocoon beta test. The Cocoon had long since been rumored to be the next big thing in gaming. Fully immersive virtual reality was long imagined in fiction. Now you are entering the offices of Morph-Co. A security guard took down your name and escorted you down a long hallway to a room with a large white pod with a chair inside. "You need to sign this waiver," the guard said. "You can be in the device for up to a month if you want." "Have people done...

2 years ago
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The Boss Has His Way

My name is Phil, and at frty-three years old I am the vice president in charge of acquisitions for a large venture capital firm located in New York City. My team goes out into the field to investigate potential acquisition candidates, and although I traveled a lot before my promotion to vice president, I haven’t had to go out of town much in the last seven years or so.Instead, I have relied on my team to bring the necessary documentation back to the home office for my review. However, the bad...

1 year ago
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More Goody Chapter 3

Our "how we met" story is short. Dot and I met, fell in love and were married within a year. We spent hours recounting our sexual experiences to turn each other on, then fucked like mad afterwards. I told her about my first sexual escapades as a young man in the military. She told me about Charlize and Goody, her first girl-girl discoveries, and how much she loved to suck cock. What's not to love? After we got married, we decided to limit our sexual activities only to each other for a while.......

4 years ago
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Dannys Mom Makes Him a Motherfucker

I was born on my mother's 18th birthday. We shared the exact same birthday and I can remember as I was growing up how she would always tell me how much she loved her birthday gift and how lucky she was to have such a beautiful smart son for her birthday. It always made me feel good and warm all over to hear my mother talk about me that way. I knew that she and I together were very special and I loved her with all my heart. I would have done anything to please her. She in turn constantly...

3 years ago
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Shes ready for her close up

A few weeks ago an actress was in the news for something beside her latest movie. A day or two later when I went to bed, I had a dream about meeting her at a hotel. Part of this story is based on the dream, the rest is my made up fantasy.I was out of town on business, my presentation to be made first thing Monday morning. I pulled into the hotel late Saturday night checked in and dropped my bags in my room on the 7th floor. Although I had eaten on the plane I wondered if the restaurant...

3 years ago
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A Year In My Life Part II 4

A Year In My Life Part II - 4 Thursday, May 15 We'd just moved our things into Kate's parent's house for the summer and were taking a break. Her mom had joined us and said, "I was doing some spring cleaning and getting your room ready for you and I found something." Kate looked at me, then at her mother, and asked, "What was that mom?" "I was rearranging the things on the shelf in your closet and I knocked a box off." "So?" "When it landed on the...

1 year ago
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The Book

Andy had just gotten home with a new book he had found at an antique store. It had a strange name that was in Latin but when he used his phone to translate it, it turned out it was a book of sex magic. Andy didn't really believe in magic but he was still curious about the book. It looked old and had a strange lock in the front which was difficult for him to figure out. He was happy the old man running the shop had no idea what the book was actually for so Andy didn't feel embarrassed when he...

2 years ago
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Emmas Party

THE PARTYPARTYIt was Friday night, and Emma was getting ready to meet Caroline, her best friend. She had told Emma that she had a surprise for her, and to be ready on time, not half an hour late as she normally was. She also said to wear her sexiest clothing, so she had decided on a very short skirt, a thin blouse that almost showed her tits through the material, and no bra. She had chosen a "g" string, and stockings, and a pair of high heeled shoes. One look in the mirror and Emma knew that...

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The next day at the office, I called her into my private office in the back. She closed the thick oak door behind her; and saundering in unbuttoning her shirt as she neared. She asked if I wanted a taste as she pushed her large breasts into my face. This was my first time to have any type of sexual experience with another woman and there is something about sucking another woman's breasts. I licked and sucked her nipples until we were both panting with need. I took a moment...

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Submissives diary Ep 2 Restraint pt 4

Part 4This girl was amazing. 2 minutes and she was still climaxing. For a second, I was thinking about extending it as long as possible to find out where her breaking point might be. But limited to outer simulation, that would be too difficult. Plus I still had a lot of nasty little treats in mind, so exhausting her too much maybe wasn't in my, or her, best interest. Instead I began kissing her and let go of her clit so that she could calm down. She kissed me back and looked at me with those...

2 years ago
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My Horny Sister Christine

Hi readers! I am Jonathan from Bangalore, here to narrate one of my real experiences with cousin sister Reeta Christine. Before get into the incident, I would like to thank readers who have responded well for my first experience titled incredible fucking with sweet neighbor Nithya. Let us get into my experience with Christine. It was happened in 22 years of my age. But I was not new to sex as I already had enough with my house owner when i was working in Pune. After coming to Bangalore, I have...

3 years ago
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Watching Mrs with 3 Friends

As with all the stories that we have uploaded, this is absolutely true and other than name changes everything is as it happened. We are swingers and therefore could say that we don’t always find ourselves in new sexual situations by accident but we always get a bigger buzz when it is not planned and with strangers or normal friends. I am 39 and Jane is 34. We are an attractive couple and Jane exudes sexiness. She is slim, tall with long blonde hair and legs to die for. She is also very...

4 years ago
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Texting SethChapter 2

Noah headed from the parking lot to the hospital lobby at a fast trot. "Which way is room 327?" he asked a volunteer at the information desk. "Orange elevator.' He walked toward the elevator, past the hospital gift shop. Noah turned around, stepped into the shop and purchased a vase containing an arrangement of flowers. He rode the elevator to the third floor and found room 327. He stopped in the doorway. A young woman lay, half reclining on the hospital bed, gazing at the clouds out...

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Hi I wont say my real name for obvious reasons but lets just call me Quailman. This story is about how I got caught jerking off by my girlfriend and she turned it into sex. Well, for starters Im a real pervert in the sense I love porn and am always thinking about sex with women I know or some chick I find attractive and so on. Although I have a girlfriend and love her dearly I still think about fucking other girls although I would never cheat on her. Anyway on a normal day I'd wake up watch...

3 years ago
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Kurt The Girl Emerging

THE WALTZ Once in a while our school would hold a winter dance. It didn't happen every year, and I didn't know why, but this year was a special one and the dance was would be held on Saturday between Christmas and New Years. It would be a formal affair, more formal than a senior prom. It's purpose was mostly not for entertainment but rather for the development of some social skills: such as for girls and boys being polite with each other, those little smiles with 'thanks' and...

1 year ago
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40SomethingMag Gina Monelli Gina Gets The Real Thing

A woman like Gina Monelli, who’s in her sexual prime at 42 years old, always wants more, so even though she’s made herself cum several times by fucking her pussy with a big, pink toy, she wants to cum again, and again, and again, this time with the real thing. Fortunately for her, the real thing is readily available, so Gina calls him over, gets his dick out and starts sucking it, and before long, she’s fucking it. Gina really loves to take a pounding. No romantic sex for this...

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He was caught in the middle of puberty - several invisibly fair hairs under his nose and chin. His voice was breaking - shifting from it's high-pitched boyhood into a deeper man's voice. His top button was done up, his tie regulation length and his shirt uncreased. He was a model of perfection - he abided the rules fiercely and was reluctant to change. Alex was sat in his German class, a square room painted in greys and whites, with modern plastic furniture. The teacher was female, with...

4 years ago
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Baju wali moushi

Hi mera nammanish he me roz iss ki stories padhtahu me aaj pehli bar stories likha raha hu mebaju wale flet me aunti rehti he jiska nam surabhi aunti he aur wo39 yer old me 24 yar old me akashar uske ghar me jatarehta hu ek din me jab uske ghar me gaya to dhekha ke wo nahakar bahar ae thi me ushki room me betha tha wo muje dekha kar boli manish tum kab aye mene kaha thodi der hui tab wo boli achha tum betho me abhi ati hu me ushko dhate hi mera land tait ho gaya tha ushake bool38 size ke thee...

2 years ago
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Katharina S und Fredericke S zum Sex gezwungen

Katharina S. ist ein junges Mädchen das ziemlich gut aussieht. Sie hat sehr große brüste und einen dünnen bauch, nur ihre Schenkel sind ein wenig dicker was wiederrum ihren Arsch ziemlich Geil macht. Ihre Eltern besitzen ein gutbesuchtes Hotel weswegen sie wenig zeit für sie haben und sie nicht so besonders gut kennen. Ich hingegen kenne sie SEHR gut leider mag sie mich nicht besonders was mir aber eher weniger probleme bereitet. Eines tages hatte ich lust sie zu besuchen also ging ich in das...

3 years ago
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My Purge pt 11

The home we bought the day after the Purge last year has been fortified and modified. The upstairs had metal 8 inches from the drywall, cubbies built into the metal against the wall, and filled with water to stop any fires that might be started against the house. A gravity fed fire suppression system, gotta love it. The floor had been torn up and drainage put into it. When we poured the new concrete we made sure to put angles into it to drain properly. Cells were placed on the wall facing...

4 years ago
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The College Girl from Hell

Lucinda was happy to be going off to college, trying to find her own way in life at last. But how would her classmates react to her?There was so much about herself that she would simply have to keep concealed.For example, Lucinda could never tell anyone she was named after her father, Lucifer. Yes, that Lucifer.She had even tried dying her hell-fire red hair, to other colors. She tried blonde, she tried black hair. But when you were born and raised literally in the Seventh Circle of Hell, hair...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Fucked Chubby Auntys Daughter

Hello, guys, I’m back with my new and real story. In my previous story I told you how I fucked my neighbour indian aunty aunty and I received many emails from u guys and some aunties also invited me to fuck them and I do it. I will explain it in my next story. In this story, I will tell how I fuck daughter of my aunty. Now come to story. Jesa ke mene apko btaya ki mene apni aunty ko choda tha. Fir hm milne lage jb bhi moka milta hm chudayi krte or pura mja lete ek dusre ka. Aisa krte krte kuch...

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