Betrayed, Chapter Nine free porn video

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Betrayed By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Nine: The Game's Afoot The weeks passed; March, April, and into May. I won't dwell on the mechanics of the surgery or post-op. Either Angie or Dianna was at my side almost constantly, but never together. I don't want to say I 'juggled' them, but it was sometimes a delicate balancing act. I was head-over-heels for Dianna, but couldn't deny my feelings for Angie. How could I choose between one or the other? In truth, the choice might not be mine to make; I might end up with neither. Dianna, especially, was much more emotional than I had ever seen her before. She fussed over me, telling me how much she flat-out adored me. Then she would burst into tears for no reason I could see. Hey, I thought I was supposed to be the victim of raging hormones around here! I certainly appreciated her raw display of emotion for me, yet I couldn't help but wonder; was there more behind her tears than just love? My nose looked... pert - another new descriptor I thought I would never use about myself. It was still a touch swollen - and numb; they told me that goes away after about a year. OK, I liked my eyes; sue me. Everyone else was crazy about them, especially when they were made up. My cheekbones and lips were both fuller. It was scary to see people I knew and cared about just stare at me, speechless, captivated. I knew I would get used to it - I had to get used to a lot of things - but at the time, it was still new. The rest of the body was new, too. I had already been wearing a corset every day before the surgery, so that didn't make a difference. The results were different. Angie and I were both on target to have twenty- inch corseted waistlines by the time of the show. Dianna's corseted waist was already eighteen inches - the bitch. Paul was absolutely ecstatic. The prosthetic breasts were gone. I was a full DD-cup all by myself; well, me and Perma-Plast. They looked huge at first; but then, so had Dianna when I first met her. That was one more thing I was getting used to in a hurry. It was nice to be able to show off my cleavage - a modest amount at work and more on my own time. My backside had filled out just as nicely. This is one of those little joys women never tell men; only each other. There had been a few occasions - becoming more frequent with time - I had walked past some guy in the office or on the street, traveling in the other direction. In a second or two, I heard a thump or clang as he walked into a wall, file cabinet or light pole because he wasn't watching where he was going. If any woman tells you that doesn't bring a smile to her face, she is lying to you. The physical transition was surprisingly easy. The mental transition - with the understanding I would not be changing back - was much harder. It took a while to get beyond the angst and anguish. How could I abandon all that I had been? I came to realize I hadn't. Intellectually, I was still the same person, doing much the same routine. The packaging was different. The perceptions, both internal and external, were different. The emotions also were different; in part, due to the hormones. Over time, my perception on a whole was one of gain, not loss. Remember that hot fudge sundae? What if you could eat from it every day, never lose your taste for it, and never gain an ounce? Upon returning from Post-Op, I surprised even myself how quickly I wrapped my mind around work. I had watched CNN and CNBC while I was recuperating. I had seen some report or other about the continuing drought in the western U.S. and Canada. As soon as I was up and around, I booked a flight west to talk to some of the farm groups that had appeared on television. I heard first-hand from them how bad the situation really was, minus the candy-coated coverage the corporate-owned networks had given the story. I called the office immediately and ordered STG to gobble up Winter Wheat futures like Pac-Man. About a month later, the Department of Agriculture announced the harvest would be down about twenty percent, due to the drought. Harvest gold turned into real gold for us as the price of Winter Wheat skyrocketed. Most people had not anticipated how bad the Asian Bird Flu epidemic would be, nor how it would affect poultry prices here. It was simple; after having to destroy a significant percentage of its poultry population, China would need to re-supply itself with untainted chickens; a lot of them. We bought poultry futures - and made out like the fox guarding the hen house. Essentially, China caught a cold, the rest of the world sneezed, and we cornered the market on tissues. Those trades, on top of the oil deal, had made this a banner year for our company - and the year wasn't even half-over. The Christmas bonus checks were gonna fill everyone with holiday cheer this year and they were looking at STG as their 'Santa'. The guys in Strategic Trades were calling my instincts eerie; Twilight Zone stuff. They claimed it was like Lance never left; that he cloned himself into me, somehow. I just smiled and thanked them for the lovely compliment. I didn't mean to intimidate them. I had worked with some of them three years; they just didn't know it. I thanked my lucky stars I was so good as a commodities trader; Sam Spade, I wasn't. Memorial Day was two weeks away and I didn't feel any closer cracking the case than before my surgery. Angie and I were in rehearsals for the fashion show. Dianna had gone to visit a girlfriend in Los Angeles, but promised to be back in plenty of time. Paul was not worried by her absence. As a veteran of previous shows, he was confident she knew what he expected of her and would "come up to speed" quickly. I was grateful for the respite from throwing Angie and Dianna together. Then again, perhaps I needed to throw them together to force one or the other to show her hand - if, indeed, either was in league with Jeff Spencer. No one in my inner circle had given the slightest hint of being in on a conspiracy. There were no signs coming from outside, either. Was it all a desperate ruse on the quarterback's part? C'mon, Guys; I can't make the bait any riper, juicier, or more tempting. On the other hand, maybe I can... Rob and Jim had one of those society charity things to go to the third Saturday of the month. The Mayor and most of the City's movers and shakers would be there, including those in the various sports franchises. To the boys, it was a given that Angie and I would accompany them. In fact, they put it to us exactly that way - at the Executive Staff Meeting Thursday morning. They were at a loss for our reaction. What do you mean the invitation took you completely by surprise? It doesn't take you three days to get dressed, does it? You know those guys who go berserk with an assault rifle in the workplace? I'm beginning to understand... Anyway, I had more important things to dwell on at that moment. I didn't have a thing to wear... or did I? I must have stared at the dress a hundred times, hanging there in my closet. You want to talk about guilt? I had left messages for Dianna at the number she gave me, but she hadn't called me back yet. Sure, I could have cruised Michigan Avenue and found something else. My instincts were nudging me; there was something about this dress and its connotations to the unfolding conspiracy that made it the perfect choice. If this be my 'Maltese Falcon', let me wear it well... Oops! Perhaps a little too well. I was now bigger on top than Dianna. I had gone the whole route; salon, then the red calfskin corset and matching thong, sheer black hose, the dress itself, and the jewels. I wouldn't need the coat; it was unseasonably warm for May (this, in a city where it is not unheard of to see snow the second week in June, then ninety-plus degrees by the Fourth of July). I overflowed the bodice provocatively. The skirt fit my tush snugly, too. Then again, if I was chumming for sharks, why do half-measures? Rob looked positively dashing in his black tie and tux. In line with the marine analogy, he gasped like a fish out of water when he first laid eyes on me. It took a very stout straight-arm to his chest to bring him back into focus and away from his all-too-obvious advance. We were doing the 'star turn' all the way; he helped me into the back seat of the limo, then seated himself next to me. We picked up Jim and Angie, then sipped champagne on our way to the City Cultural Center on Washington Street, formerly the Central Library. "I knew I would see you in that dress sooner or later," Angie gushed. "My God, Girlfriend; if you take a deep breath, you're gonna bust right out of it, you shameless hussy, you!" "And this," I retorted with mock cattiness, "from someone whose body makes a Donatella Versace original look like Frederick's of Hollywood?" Actually, Angie was stunning in the fuscia satin bustier-style sheath. We had fled the office immediately after the Thursday morning meeting and found it in the couturier salon at 'Needless Markup'. Her eyes glazed over when she saw herself in it in the three-way mirror. Those eyes filled with tears when she read the price tag. She wept openly when I put it on my platinum card. "Listen, puta," I had teased, "you got me into this mess three months ago. I'll be damned if I'm going it alone." I had kissed her softly on the cheek to soften the faux blow. "Besides," I had cooed, "you deserve it." There was more champagne and canap?s when we arrived, plus an honest- to-God string quartet in the main salon and a harpist in the smaller 'Conservatory' - what, once upon a time, had been the Reference Room. This was rare air, even for someone who has been in the corporate culture for a while. There is something intimidating about rubbing elbows with people whose last names appear on public buildings and corporate logos, not to mention packages of hot dogs or bacon. Angie was already on Cloud Nine and I was working on getting a leg up. Apparently, we were perceived as some kind of visiting royalty, on loan to the two investment wunderkind of the hour. Boy, did we get the double- and triple-takes! Rob and Jim were basking in the glow of attention they were receiving, both for their achievements and their choice of companions. Astute politician that he is, even the Mayor had compliments to pay, citing us as "a shining example of what makes The Great City of Chicago great." Considering the direction of his gaze, I wasn't sure if he was referring to our investment successes or our bustlines. One of the many things I admire about Rob Nelson is his utter selflessness when it comes to giving credit where credit is due. "I would love to tell you it was some well-planned grand strategy on my part," he began, turning my way. "In fact, it was really..." He paused in mid-sentence as he felt the increasing pressure of my stiletto heel on his instep. I shook my head imperceptibly, then hugged his arm tightly and inhaled deeply, inflating my chest to epic proportions. "... a spur-of the moment thing, which I credit to my companion, Lisa Layne," he ad-libbed. "She and her friend, Angelina Torres, were generous enough to take time off from their careers in Hollywood to visit Jim and myself this past few months and lend their moral support. You know how it is; when your muse beckons, you follow." He's quick on his feet, too. I like that in a man. I couldn't have asked for a better cover story. Since they would not be able to place our names, faces, or anatomies to any big-budget Hollywood productions, I was sure our new admirers would rush home that night and check their other DVDs. This was not some sudden attack of modesty on my part. I was seeing other 'movers and shakers' - of the gridiron variety - interspersed throughout the crowd. My instincts had flashed me a warning; this might not be the best time to take a high profile. Then again, in this dress, with my push-up corset, I couldn't help but take a high profile. As is so often the case in these society affairs - like I would know, right? - our little group became separated by the dynamics of shifting conversations and conversationalists. I had spent a goodly amount of time charming the pants off a group of industrialists (figuratively- speaking, but not for lack of desire on their part) when I sensed a body immediately behind mine; not touching, but definitely inside my personal space. Rob was deft about showing his affection without appearing overly familiar in such a setting. I smiled and moved a fraction of an inch closer in response. After a moment I turned... Okay, you would think by then I would have been used to incipient heart failure; not so. Jeff Spencer's eyes were almost as blue as mine. His had a predatory glint to them, sizing me up like a piece of meat. Even in my nearly-six-inch heels, I had to look up to him. "I couldn't help but notice you are the most beautiful woman here," he offered. Now that was suave - NOT! Are you sure you graduated from high school, Big Boy? So this was it. He had picked this time and place - in front of the city's elite - to 'out' me as a man. Mentally, I judged the vertical distance from floor to crotch, factored in flexibility, heel height, plus strength and speed of my up-thrusting knee. Yep; that should just about do it. Sopranos, here he comes... "Why, thank you, Sir!" I oozed with appropriate unctuousness. "Have we met before?" "I would remember if we had," he schmoozed back. "Allow me; I'm Jeff Spencer of the..." "Of course," I interjected. "I've seen you on TV. I must say, the camera angles don't do you justice." No, but I will. Just give me an excuse, Sport-o. Your next endorsement will be for the Vienna Boy's Choir instead of the Vienna Sausage Company. "On the subject of Justice," he segued... Here it comes... "'s positively criminal for a gorgeous woman like you to be standing there with an empty champagne flute. What do you say we waylay a waiter and rob him blind? So that's your game; take me someplace private and apply a little blackmail, with the implied threat of outing me to everyone who is anyone. You are slicker than I gave you credit for, Buster. Okay; let's play. Perhaps I can get you to give up your partner, too... "Oh, let's," I chirped, slipping my arm through his. "They aren't being nearly attentive enough anyway. Perhaps we can shake things up a bit." Believe me, the smug smile and undulating tush was all an act. Inside, I was screaming. The knee ploy was useless at this angle, unless I could spin on his arm really fast. Godzilla here could crush me like a grape. On the other hand, if I timed it right, I could skewer his foot with my stiletto heel and pin it to the floor, right through that ultra-sheik, ultra-expensive, ultra-thin Bruno Magli. I'll have you singing in the upper registers yet, Butch. Somehow, I didn't think the waiters were hiding out in the stairwell. Then again, I hadn't bought the champagne ploy for an instant. As soon as the fire door closed behind us, I spun to face him, expecting a mouthful of fist. Instead, I got a mouthful of... mouth - and tongue. My arms flailed about ineffectually as I was pinned to the wall. Oh, no you don't, you sick sonofabitch! You are NOT gonna have your way with me, THEN out me to half the city of Chicago! Just lean into me a little bit more and I will FedEx my reply; absolutely, positively guaranteed delivery... He got a handful of tittie, massaging my rapidly-hardening nipple with thumb and forefinger. That brought everything into soft focus. My struggles dissipated like so much dust in the wind. My mind was screeching at this ultimate treachery. What chance did I have to beat him at this dangerous game when my own body betrayed me? His other hand was hovering around his crotch, doing... I couldn't tell what. Then that hand took my hand and pulled it forward. Oh... my... dear... sweet... Jesus! Godzilla is right; this guy is a monster! I can't begin to explain it; Auto-Pilot kicked in at that exact moment. I sank to my knees and had him unzipped and exposed - with difficulty - a few moments later. I actually made him back up half a step so I could face it properly. I softly encircled it with my right hand and ever-so- gently stroked its length, all the way to the base. Holding my hand there, I realized with detached awe my small hand covered little more than a quarter of its total length! Don't even ask what was going through my mind as I inhaled the bulbous, purplish head. At that point, my thought processes had all the coherence of a bowl of alphabet soup. That was the only way I could have gotten that slippery snake down my throat. As I sucked him, one lucid thought gradually came to the forefront: There is a just and merciful God, after all! All I had to do was smile, close my eyes, and take a great, big bite; Vienna Sausage AND Vienna Boy's Choir, all in one gulp! Yeah, right. That was when the next lucid thought hit me. I was about to maim a hero to tens of thousands of Chicagoans without a shred of hard evidence (discounting what was in my mouth) of criminal conduct. Baby, if you don't think The Media would sniff out my story then... For all that certain anguish, I still didn't have a thing on him other than my lips and tongue. God hates me; He really, really does. The thoughts were coming faster now, on pace with my ministrations to his cock. Jeff hadn't given the slightest indication this was his revenge on me, or even a prelude to it. He hadn't given any indication he even knew me. Was he that good an actor? He was treating me like I was just another of his adoring bimbos. Was it just possible he didn't know who I was? Whether he did or not, Boulder Dam opened its floodgates and dumped a raging torrent down my spillway. I hadn't even realized I had been massaging my own clitty with my other hand. I shuddered through my own release, barely holding it together as I held him between my lips. Surely goodness and mercy... Anticipating either Rob or Angie - or both - might be in a playful mood that night, I had heeded Dianna's long-ago advice and sheathed my clitty in a latex mitten, tucked discretely back inside my calfskin thong. I could take care of that little problem later, at my leisure. We corralled a passing waiter as we strolled arm-in-arm into the main salon. As we sipped the chilled bubbly, we were immersed in conversation. "We really must get together again and finish what we started," Jeff intoned in my ear. "There's more?" I inquired innocently. "Oh, yeah, Baby," he replied, "a lot more. How about next Saturday?" I shook my head. "Sorry," I demurred. "I have a thing planned. I don't know how long it will last." He nodded disappointedly. "Actually, I do, too," he agreed. "Our promotions people have me doing a publicity appearance at the fag pageant over at the Hilton. I'm gonna be appearing with some models at a fashion show. I know one of them. God, I hope the rest aren't all dogs..." My face lit up. "Woof, woof," I barked playfully. He gaped at me, astonished. "You're kidding," he gasped. "You?" I nodded, smiling. Just then, I caught sight of Angie, chatting with a group on the other side of the room. I extended an exquisitely- manicured index finger in her direction. "And my friend there, too," I purred. "We're kind of a matched set." "Jesus," he whispered hoarsely. "I think I've died and gone to Heaven. I have some other, more personal business to wrap up there next weekend. I thought that was gonna be the highlight of my week, month, and year. Now, with you and your friend there..." His voice trailed off. He stopped and spun me around. "We will get together then, right?" At that instant, I looked over his shoulder and spotted Susan coming up behind him at full steam. I couldn't resist. I leaned up and kissed him softly on the cheek. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," I purred. Susan slipped her arm into his as smoothly as silk. Her smile was bright, but her eyes were cold as ice. "Thank you for keeping MY BOYFRIEND company while I was busy," she intoned with veiled menace. I glanced up at his blushing face with a twinkle in my eyes. "My pleasure," I smirked, turning to walk away. My hips and tush undulated as though on rails. "Will we be seeing you later, Miss...?" she called out behind me. I looked over my shoulder and winked. "Lisa," I giggled. "Lisa Layne. I'm certain you will." She was glaring at Jeff with a look that could only mean one thing: Wait 'til I get you home. Angie looked quizzically at the smirk on my lips. Then she glanced over my shoulder and spotted Susan and Jeff. I thought SHE was going to have a coronary. She raced to my side, grabbed my arm and led me hurriedly away, leaning her head close to mine. "Are you out of your fucking mind?" she murmured. "What on earth did you think you were doing?" I shrugged my shoulders a little and smiled contentedly. "Damage assessment," I chirped. "Either they were very good actors or didn't have a clue who I was." Angie's face was right in mine. She was about to give me another piece of her mind when she stopped - and sniffed my breath. I guess the champagne didn't completely mask the odor. She rolled her eyeballs and shook her head with resignation. "Now I know you have a death wish," she moaned, then looked up at me with a rueful smile on her lips. "Time for some more mouthwash- thingies. What am I gonna do with you?" "Anything you wish, Lover," I whispered in her ear, "but we should probably wait until later - after this little shindig is over. You know how people like to talk. By the way, let's not forget who started me down the road of living dangerously." Susan did see me later that evening. I caught her out of the corner of my eye, glaring at me from across the room. When a member of the group I was in shifted to one side and Susan saw I was on Rob's arm, I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her skull. She resumed conversation with various members of her group, glancing in my direction. A couple of the men smiled and said something or other that made her flush scarlet. My best guess was, Angie and I had just been outed for our suspected careers 'going down in The Valley'. Shortly after, Susan was dragging Jeff by the arm towards the door. Later that night, Angie and I 'starred' in our own production for two very appreciative admirers back in Rob's condo. The sex had only been better when I was sharing it with Dianna alone. Then again, it was my attitude that had changed in a major way. I was no longer hunkered down in a siege mentality. I had made a major breakthrough in understanding the time and place Jeff would make his move against me. I wasn't close to knowing everything, but it was falling into place at last. In fact, I could actually see where I might have the upper hand for the first time. Angie's reaction to my chance meeting with Jeff and Susan had been a major piece to the puzzle as well. On the one hand, I was feeling more confident about her. On the other hand... Forget Sam Spade. Think Sherlock Holmes: When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. I didn't like the thought of that at all.

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Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter Eight"What the fuck you doing showing me your ass in the shower all the time youfucking faggot?" he demanded.I was speechless, terrified beyond words and mortified to death that heknew what I was doing all this time.We glared at each other hard for a split second when I suddenly justdropped to my knees and gobbled up his cock like the starving whore I was.All I heard him say was "What the fuck?" and felt him let go of my arm."Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter...

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Skipper Chapter Nine

Skipper, Chapter Nine - By: Beverly Taff At dawn I woke with a start. My feminised senses had become attuned to the slightest noise from the girl's bedroom. I tried to sit up but found to my surprise and delight that I was still 'hooked' up to Sian. My efforts disturbed her and she grumbled sleepily. "Wha'ss 'a matter?" "Quick. we have to get dressed the children are waking up!" "Oooh damn!" she sighed. "I was so enjoying you." "So was I but the girls can't see us like...

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Right from the Start Chapter Nine

Right from the Start, Chapter Nine - By: Beverly Taff. After dinner the girls retired to their room. The effects of jet lag still lingered but the girls simply hung loose for a couple of hours. Dorie Lou phoned their mum and both 'daughters' chatted happily to their 'mum' for a while. After exchanging the usual family pleasantries and gossip, the girls prepared for bed. They both stepped out of their evening clothes and Dorie Lou bent over the huge bathtub as she turned on the taps....

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Nurturing Nubile NovicesChapter 6 Jumping Janine

It was by accident that the girls' big, young cousin finally did get into the 'bossy' thirteen year old. Bill and Sue both thought that Jan had gone to town with her mother but, at the last moment, Bonny had received a phone call from a former boyfriend and, although she wouldn't admit it, in the hope that it might lead to something more than a cup of coffee together, she'd left Jan behind. Janine had showered and, leaving the shower with only a big towel wrapped around her, she'd...

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Jefferson Highch3 amber jeanine

"Why did you lock the door?" asked the male voice. "I'm sorry it's just a habit of mine." Danielle replied. "Just don't do it again allright." "Fair enough." I heard a stall open and close next to me. I stood there on the toilet and bent over so my head wouldn't be exposed. Then I heard the girl leave. I stepped off the toilet and unlocked the stall door. I ran out of that bathroom as fast as I could. I jumped into my car and drove off the campus. While driving,...

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Tais Story Chapter Nine

Chapter nine Ginger staying in my bed became the norm for us over the next few weeks. She just seemed to slip straight into my life and it was so easy we didn't fight or argue. She got on so well with Talia it was like they were sisters. I did feel sorry for Alex who was now feeling a little left out. She seemed very sad and disconsolate. I think the penny was starting to fall. She was starting to realise that the chances of Ben returning were slim to non-existent and it showed on...

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BETRAYED Chapter 2

Chapter 2 By Randy MacAnus Copyright 2018. All rights reserved by the author. When my gang rape was over, a voice whispered in my ear, “Have a good time, pussy boy?” It was the same voice from when this began. I didn't know who it was, but I sure recognized that whisper. I shook my head 'no'. He whispered, “Well, you better get used to it, bitch.” Then he gave my butt a hard slap and the last two sets of boots walked out the door. I started struggling with my bonds in a panic. “You...

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BetrayedChapter 10 Everything That Has A Beginning

I would have loved to be waiting at the gate at O'Hare when Dianna de-planed from L.A. that Sunday night. I had to settle for the Baggage Claim Area. Those people working for the Transportation Security Administration have no sense of humor. I guess at eight dollars an hour, they can't afford one. Then again, the other passengers were treated to quite a show, right there in front of the carousel; the knock-out brunette and blonde hugging and kissing like something right out of a Vivid...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Nine

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Nine My First Pinky Thursday By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to Jana shaking me desperately and telling me we over slept. I sat straight up removing the ear phones and could now hear what she was saying. Jana: "Move it Darla! Its six forty five already." She had already gotten coffee. Darla: "Wow! What a short night." Jana: "Well I think we are safe if we skip our bath today. Let's just wash up and get on...

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“Honey, stop fussing so much,” Heather said, pulling on Sam’s wrist as they waited in line. “You look great.”The muffled sounds of driving subwoofers drifted through the brick walls of the building in front of them, and his heartbeat accelerated. “You know I don’t like these kinds of things.” He tugged on the sleeve cuffs of the button-up gray shirt that stretched tight around his stomach and shoulders.Heather smacked his arm, and the gold bands on her wrist jingled. “Stop worrying about...

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Betrayed by Helen

--------------------------------------- As I sat at my desk squinting at my screen, the dull throb in my head re-asserted its presence and I winced in pain. It was clear that I was of no use at work today. My headache was never going to go while I was sat staring at pages of figures and I was very keen to get rid of my headache in time for tonight. I had arranged to take Helen, my girlfriend, out to dinner followed by a show she had been dying to see. I resolved to go home and rest my...

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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 01

ONE We all make mistakes in our lives and right now I’m very aware of two really big ones, and it looks as though my marriage is being torn apart because of not getting these two things right. My first big mistake was to chose the wrong sister, ignoring the urging of a mother trying to marry off her less attractive daughter. My mother-in-law had confronted me about this when Gloria and I were wallowing in ongoing discussion about setting a date to announce our engagement. Our cuddling and...

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Betrayed Wifes Revenge

I didn't write this, is was sent me me about a yr ago and having just recently found it I figured I'd post it here to share so enjoy:Betrayed Wife's RevengeJanet didn't know what to think. She was cleaning out the front seat of the car when she stuck her hand down between the seat and back and came out with the pair of panties. Not her panties. Not her scent on them. And Don had been the only other driver of the car. Suddenly she started to wonder about the car pool he had joined a month...

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Betrayed By Jennifer Adams I have decided to tell my story in chronological order so I will begin in with the spring of ninety-three. In 1990, I had finally gotten out of fast food and found a job in a factory and moved out on my own at the age of 19. Since my job was over fifty miles away from home I took a basement apartment near the factory. It was dank and cramped, but it to me it was more than a place to live, it was the cornerstone of my independence and my right of...

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Betrayed By Those I love Book One Part One

As I sit at my computer in the wee hours of the early morning, no moon is reflecting the sun's rays. The darkness is complete and all is black. I am blinded by this darkness; my only light and sight is from my tiny computer world, surrounding my keyboard with electric illumination. The Big Closet, my favorite site and the site that gave me my first opportunity at posting a story, is always my first stop. First, I scan the 'latest comments' and look for Jezzi and Perv. Giggle....

2 years ago
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Betrayed by my Dog

Betrayed by my Dog My name is Kevin I am 16. I have two sisters Elizabeth, she 13 and Melissa, she 17. I still have both a mom and dad though not on day I wish I was dead. One night I had seen my sister's night gown on the bathroom door and decided to try it on. So after my bath I dried off real good and took the night gown off the hook and slipped it over my head, it was little loose but other than that fit perfect. It came to my ankles and the sleeves came to my wrist. I could not...

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Betrayed by my Dog Part 2

Betrayed by my dog 2 We last left off where Kevin had been caught by his parents dressed as a girl. The clothes my mother had giving me where pink shorts, a white shell top and white sandals and a pair of pink panties. Mom I said I can't wear these clothes people will laugh at me. You should have thought of that before you did what you did, it is obvious. That you liked wearing your sister's swim suit she told me. Do want to be a girl? Mom asked or do you just want to dress like...

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Betrayed by Wet Spots

Betrayed by Wet Spots Discovered ? Every morning for the last couple years or so I woke up with a throbbing boner like most guys my age used to do.? My mom and dad are religious fanatics so I am careful not to get caught.? Although I sleep nude,? I managed to convince my parents that his was healthier and so pleased God, I keep my socks in bed with me, I told my parents sometimes my feet get cold at night.? That fateful morning, I was enjoying rubbing my cock, balls, nipples and any other place...

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Betrayed Wifes Revenge

Betrayed Wife's RevengeJanet didn't know what to think. She was cleaning out the front seat of the car when she stuck her hand down between the seat and back and came out with the pair of panties. Not her panties. Not her scent on them. And Don had been the only other driver of the car. Suddenly she started to wonder about the car pool he had joined a month back.She had thought at the time it was odd that he had to drive most of the time, and it had played hob with the family schedule that he...

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Betrayed Wifes Revenge

Betrayed Wife's Revengeby Rajah Dodger {[email protected]} (c) 1997, 2009This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and...

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Last One To Know Chapter Nine

Tammy, Beth and I had set for hours and listen to Dad share some of the pain and despair he and Mom had gone through growing up. Mom was still setting on Dad’s lap with her arms around his neck. She had tried several times to talk, to add to what Dad was telling us. Each time she would start crying and just couldn’t get the words out. Dad pulled her closer to him and kissed her in the cheek. “Okay kids, I think we need to take a break, your Mom and I need a little private time...

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Mummys true passion book two pregnancy days chapter nine

Mum had left the Monday after that weekend again. During the night to Saturday and almost the entire Sunday we had had sex and made out as much as possible. I had given her some great foot massage and as she hit the road her shoes- she wore classy black high heels- were filled with my several kinds of juices. We had hugged and said goodbye for about two hours and none of us had been able to leave the other for a while. But since some things in life were certain, such as that the economy would...

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A Ghostly HauntingChapter Nine

Chapter Nine by Simon Fear The year is 1794 early in the morning around 9:00. A small two-person horse drawn carriage is slowly traveling down the dirt road through the wooded area. As the man nears his destination He notices another horse drawn carriage with a man standing near by, and at his side a great dog. The man pulls his horse to the side bringing his carriage up next to the other one and hops down. The other man had been watching him approached from the distance and now...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine: Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves….? A voice gently woke me not long after I had fallen asleep, as it called out to me ‘Are you awake?’ as I opened my eyes to discover Amanda, Julia’s best friend who had come over to see her after a break-up with her boyfriend stood next to the bed looking down upon me. The door was open ajar behind her, as she gently sat down upon the edge of the bed. I turned to look at her, and laid there. The covers now back up over my naked body. My cock...

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A Sailors Tale chapter Nine

Chapter Nine   Walking back over to the couch I slipped out of my shirt, stepped out of the house shoes I had slipped into while I waited, and dropped my pants to the floor and stepped free of them as well.   My cock sprang up to an upswept 45 degree angle and a good two inches longer than Uncle Charles’ had provided.   I sat back down beside her just as I had been, and slung my bandaged hand onto the back of the couch to avoid the throb of blood that in truth was pretty painful. “So,...

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Jackpot Chapter Nine

Disclaimers & Warnings: This tale includes, elements of BDSM, and a healthy sprinkling of verbal humiliation. Readers who are offended or triggered by such material are advised to proceed with caution or bail out now. © SheriffBart 2020. All rights reserved.Feedback is welcome. Enjoy!~~~~~ Chapter Nine: Olivia Tabled ~~~~~The date started well enough, but I should have known better. I had a lot of anxiety about this one. Olivia was a particularly prickly woman and I wanted to make sure we...

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Always Faithful Chapter TwentyNine

Chapter Twenty-Nine - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 1 The weather was perfect for brunch on the patio the Sunday after Greg’s birthday. “Dan, I have made a decision about my relationship with Greg. We need to talk about it.” Dan felt a chill up his spine. “You have made a decision, but we still have to talk. Is it talk time or tell time, Laura?” “We need to talk. I have made my decision, but I haven’t said anything to anyone yet. I haven’t talked to Greg about my decision. My decision isn’t...

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Always Faithful Chapter Nine

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © Chapter Nine - Laura Changes Life At home during the week, life was just as rosy. Dan got his welcome home kiss every night with the same full passion he had become accustomed to these past few months. He was used to tasting Greg on his wife’s breath by now, it was there three times during the week. The only times he missed her lover’s cum on her breath were the two nights Laura didn’t get home until shortly after seven. Dan had sex with Laura those nights just...

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CHAPTER NINE: My recovery from the attack at the cafe, almost losing Mitch, and my killing a man even if he was an asshole, occurred with far less trauma than what I suffered through after the abuse that Mitch had rescued me from. It still came to me with a rush at times, typically when it was quiet but fully awake. Sometimes in dreams I would see pieces of that day, the sounds, the flying glass, and the most scary of images for me – Mitch standing in front of that psycho with a gun pointed at...

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Brookdale Chapter Nine

CHAPTER NINEJames took hold of Becca's left hand in his firm grip, crushing the badly swollen palm with sadistic delight. "Come; let us not delay in completing your request."He then led Becca over to a metal triangle, some 8 feet high at the apex and with a base 5 feet in length set into the floor of the basement. At each corner, there were suitable restraints to make secure wrists and ankles. The unit would be invaluable for any occupier of the house wishing to chastise their slaves.James...

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A Moms Sexuality Is Awaken chapter NINE

Chapter Nine When the web cam on his computer came alive Jeff realized Sally had made it home safe and sound. The first thing she talked about was the two parties she had attended yesterday while she sat in front of the viewers naked and fingering her pussy.. She told her members she was able to drink down hundreds of cum loads while thinking of them. Next, she did birthday shout outs. Then she held up four small black tubes and told them that inside these tubes are today’s winners of ...

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Detectives Blues Chapter Nine

Detective's Blues Chapter Nine I slowly opened my sleepy eyes and looked around. Sunlight leaked into the darkened room through the half-closed blinds and crept across the hardwood floor toward where I lay on the huge round bed. I glanced at the clock resting on the round table by the bedside. It read 8:03 AM. I yawned and stretched my naked body under the silken sheets as my dreams slowly faded from my mind and the memories of the past few days returned. I was Bill Richmond, a...

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The Dolls House Hotel Chapter Nine

The Doll's House Hotel - Chapter Nine By AmyAmy. November 25th, 2005 This story is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters portrayed here to real people living or deceased is entirely coincidental. The author retains all rights to this work, except in allowing that it may be archived and distributed for non-commercial purposes, providing all text remains intact, including this notice. This story deals with 'adult' themes of a highly sexual nature, including...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Nine

Becoming Brandee Chapter Nine: My wife was still asleep in my bed and I was downstairs dressed in my maid uniform serving Richard his breakfast. During breakfast Richard told me that he arranged for me to have the night off. It was a Saturday and usually my busiest and most fun night at the Turbulence Club. I often get about ten offers to sleep with men and even the occasional marriage proposal. Of course, I know they are not serious about marriage but it is flattering just the...

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Sexual Awakenings Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine: Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves....?A voice gently woke me not long after I had fallen asleep, as it called out to me "Are you awake?" as I opened my eyes to discover Amanda, Julia's best friend who had come over to see her after a break-up with her boyfriend stood next to the bed looking down upon me. The door was open ajar behind her, as she gently sat down upon the edge of the bed.I turned to look at her, and laid there. The covers now back up over my naked body. My cock...

First Time
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The Creature chapter twentynine

CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE They had a lot of 'cute' dresses, but no jeans dresses like the one that girl had been wearing. So, after Mom picked a dress for me for another day, refusing to let me see what it looked like or to tell me anything else about it, only that it was on sale - she suggested that we go look for a simple jeans skirt that I'd be able to wear with a normal T-shirt. One jeans skirt that I actually liked a bit was rejected by Mom for being "way too long, and way too baggy". I...

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Ms Yates Chapter Nine

Ms Yates A Novel Nine By late February, they were struggling to get the paper out on time, the second edition in a row they'd done on their own."How's it going?" Matt asked as he walked back into the office. Tina was struggling to make an article fit on page one without having to cut any of it. If she could only drop the bottom of the page a few more pica, she just might make it. "Shit," she muttered. "Oh, now that's no proper way for a nice Girl Friday to talk." "I have...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Nine A Chance of Escape 1 Ann opened her eyes. There was no sound in the warehouse in which she was being held. She lay still, listening, moving her gaze from upper right to upper left, trying to pick out the least scratch or murmur. But there wasn't any. She got to her feet silently from where she'd been sleeping on the cold floor. Her arms were bare, her dress shredded round the shoulders. She looked awful and the fact that these men had done this to her...

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Maid for the Job Chapter Nine

Maid for the Job Chapter Nine Thursdays were usually quite mundane and nothing exciting happened until the evenings and today was no different. After a day of chores around the house and, as the weather was nice, in the garden, I was looking forward to a relaxing 'girly night in' with the boss. I hoped that she would appreciate my tiredness after the exciting week I had had, especially as the weekend was bound to hold its own excitement as some of her children were coming home for...

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Hostess With The Mostest Chapter Nine

Hostess With The Mostest By Michele Nylons Chapter Nine - Come Fly With Me Candi breezed through the remainder of the course; her five years experience as head waiter at one of London's leading restaurants gave her a distinct advantage over the others when it came to providing personal in-flight passenger service. Candi was so good at it that the instructors used her as an exemplar for the other students. In the mockup of the First Class section of the plane she demonstrated...

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Finishing School For Young Ladies Chapter Nine

Finishing School For Young Ladies By Michele Nylons Chapter Nine - Teacher Knows Best "Well its back to the grind I suppose," Valerie said sitting down to breakfast with Sally in their Soho flat on the last day of her holiday. "I know you told me that you're effectively still in hiding but I don't know why you have to stay at fucking Saint Trinian's." Sally sounded a little exasperated. "You know its Chelmsford Finishing School Sally, there is no need to be facetious. Are we...

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