Betrayed, Chapter Three free porn video

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Betrayed Chapter 03 By Cherysse St. Claire © Chapter 3: The Players Take The Field There are, perhaps, a half-dozen places in the city to get a really good "big piece of meat" ? at least, of the gastronomic variety. Morton's on North State Street is one of those, and a great place to see and be seen by everyone who is anyone. We valet-ed the Mercedes, then made our way inside. There was a moment at the coat check when I thought I would need a crowbar to pry the fur from Dianna's grasp. I quietly reassured her: a) it was only for a little while, b) wearing it into the dining area was just too ostentatious, even for us, and c) it would be there, waiting for her, upon our departure. She grudgingly assented, like a petulant child. The hostess checked the reservation list for our name, then excused herself to check on the availability of our table. After she left, I leaned over and whispered into Dianna's ear. "Lisa?" I asked pensively. Her eyes danced. "Lisa Layne, to be precise," she returned. I think it's absolutely perfect for you." I thought back about all that had transpired in such a short time; the sex, the lingerie, the breasts, the corseting, the stockings. Now, she had just committed me to model with her, totally en femme, in front of an audience. "Dianna, I don't know if I can...." She turned fully to face me, pressed her body against mine and kissed my lips delicately. Meanwhile, hidden from view between our bodies, her hand massaged my raging hard-on. "Just tell me to stop and I will," she murmured, fixing my gaze with her own. I wasn't certain if she meant stop massaging my cock, stop feminizing me, or stop seeing me altogether. Was there a difference to her? What had I gotten myself into? When you got right down to it, was it really all that bad ? or just... different? Who did it actually hurt? My marriage was a shambles and Susan, my once-in-a-lifetime love, was lost. Then, lightning had struck twice. This provocative, kinky woman promised a new, different, and utterly thrilling kind of relationship. Had I really, truly hated any part of it until now? Was I so willing to throw Dianna away, too? "I can't," I replied. "I won't." After I thought about it a moment longer, I continued with more resolve. "I don't want to." "You don't want to what, Lover?" she questioned softly. Just let go.... "I don't want to... stop." She smiled triumphantly and squeezed my aching cock in appreciation. "As you wish, My Sweet," she purred. The patrons and staff at Morton's are no strangers to Grand Entrances. Still, Dianna turned an entire roomful of heads as we were seated for dinner. The subdued overhead lighting still managed to ignite her sequined torso in a subtle flash of lights. Every male eye was riveted to her exaggerated, undulating, feline strut. She steadfastly avowed that, while dates had taken her out to dinner many times before, she had never been to this place, nor caused this much of a reaction before. I found that hard to believe, coming from a woman as drop-dead gorgeous as my companion. Still, I couldn't begin to describe how proud I was to have the fabulous brunette by my side and told her so. "There you go again, Baby," she murmured, "pushing all the right buttons. A girl could get used to this." "I'm counting on it," I smirked, as I seated her, then took my own chair. She feigned a pique of indignation. "Do you think you can buy my affections so easily?" she probed pointedly. I shrugged my shoulders, smiled good-naturedly, and held up both hands, palms up, in a classic Who, me? gesture. She smiled, winked, then squeezed one hand in hers. "Well, it's working," she continued. "Don't stop. I enjoy being pampered in the manner to which I hope to become accustomed. Seriously, there are no words to express what this day has meant to me. No one has ever, ever indulged me this lavishly, whatever their motive. This goes way beyond Pretty Woman." "You don't have a fire escape," I pointed out, "and I haven't whisked you away in a limo yet." "No?" She countered. "What do you call that little runabout we have been tooling around in all day? Should I expect to see a 'My other car is a Gulfstream V' bumper sticker in an attempt to really impress me?" "Hmmm," I mulled. "Well, if that's what it takes...." Dianna affected a glare of pure venom, then smiled and took my hand in both of hers. "Stop that!" she asserted. "I meant what I said; the lingerie, corset, dress, heels, jewels, salon, and that fabulous fur... I adore every stitch, strand, and pelt ? and adore you for treating me like a goddess." "I'm glad you are enjoying it," I asserted. "You wear it all so well." Under the table, she casually stroked the inside of my leg with her sandal-clad foot. "Speaking of which," she smirked, "I am going quietly crazy thinking of you sitting there in lingerie, corset, and stockings ? just for me. Your big, beautiful titties thrust out so alluringly." That embarrassed me. I envisioned every other diner in the room undressing me with their eyes, reveling in my lurid secret. Dianna read my thoughts. She smiled, shook her head imperceptivity, and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "No, they can't see them," she confided, "although I would really like them to. Even without makeup and a dress, you are stunning. I have this irresistible urge to reach across the table, unbutton your coat, then unbutton the top three buttons of your blouse, spread the lapels wide, and show off your deep, luscious cleavage. I want the whole, wide world to know you are my little bimbo, and that you are doing all this for me." "Do you really mean that?" I questioned. "I mean, we have known each other such a short time...." "A week, a month, a lifetime," she interjected, "it makes no difference. Lisa ? and I will call you that from now on ? I have been with dozens, hundreds of men. None of them, no matter how important, how wealthy, how big, do to me, for me, what you do. When it's right, it's right; you just know it. How do you feel?" "It's... I don't know what to say," I expressed. This is all so new, so... vastly different than anything I have ever experienced before. I should be... ashamed, angry, something." Dianna surreptitiously placed one hand in my lap and massaged my inner thigh. "Uh-huh," she cooed. "Then why is your cock so hard, it is threatening to rip right through your pants?" I couldn't argue with that. "That's just it," I replied, searching for the right words. "It is so daring, wicked, depraved, and... well, scary. As I said, I couldn't get you out of my mind all week. Since last night, I have been on an incredible, non-stop thrill ride. All this emotion, yet I hardly know anything about you. I feel like I want to... inhale everything I possibly can, to learn what makes you, you. I mean... who were you, before all this?" I instantly regretted my words. Her eyes flashed in anger. "What difference does that make?" she hissed. "I am not that person anymore. I never really was. I have spent my entire life wishing, dreaming, scheming, then busting my butt to become who you see before you. This is who I am, who I have always been in my heart. If there is anything you don't like about me, Sugar, get out now. I have done all the changing I am going to do." It was time to do industrial-strength damage control. I surreptitiously reached under the tablecloth, up her skirt, found her engorged clit inside the calfskin thong, and massaged it gently. As I had hoped, the sensuous hide, rubbing against her sensitive parts, had an erotic effect. Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes glazed over. "I'm deeply sorry, Honey," I apologized. "I meant no disrespect. I feel like I've known you forever, but it's been barely more than a week. I am just getting out of a bad relationship. I didn't expect to have everything I have ever wanted ? things I didn't even know I wanted ? dropped in my lap so soon. I am desperately afraid the clock is going to strike Midnight and I will turn back into a pumpkin." Dianna considered my words for a moment. Perhaps it was the words themselves, or my tone of voice. Perhaps it was the earnest look in my eyes. Whatever the clue, her visage softened. Her whole body relaxed, allowing my ministrations to have the desired effect. "I'm sorry, too," she intoned. "I feel exactly the same way. I am just so used to tricks throwing my past in my face, as though I was something less than human. I didn't expect you to be the person you are, either. Sometimes we just get lucky. Now that we have ? both of us ? I don't ever want to be without you again." I felt a huge weight lift from my shoulders. I smiled and squeezed her hand. "I just don't see what you see in me," I lamented, "compared to the other guys you have known." "Don't worry," Dianna mused, "you will." "Would you really want me as 'Lisa'?" I inquired. She squeezed my hand back authoritatively. "As far as I'm concerned," my companion avowed, "you already are, just as I have always been the 'me' you see before you. Paul saw that in you, too, and he is a great judge of femininity - for a man. Kitty has seen to that. They have a very kinky relationship ? just like us. The task before us is to help the conscious 'you' catch up with the sub-conscious 'you' ? that is, if you are willing." "How far will we go with this?" I asked nervously. My lover merely shrugged her shoulders a little and smiled coyly. "Who knows?" she observed. "I have transformed boys into girls before ? and enjoyed the results along the way. Then, I was doing it to help them attain their own goals for femininity, just as I had. This is the first time I have had an emotional stake in the process. There are certain things you will need to do and learn if you want to model with me. I already know what to do about that. As for the rest... I honestly don't know yet how much I ? we ? will want to do. We will just have to make up the rules as we go." Her foot casually stroked my stocking-clad leg under the table in emphasis. "I do know," my lover stated with authority, "we have come a long way in a very short time." "But what if we go so far that my cock, well...." I didn't know how to continue that line of thought in words. It was so extreme. Yet, I knew it was at least a possibility. Dianna's eyes twinkled. "Would you like that?" She inquired playfully. "Would you like to be my soft, submissive little sissy? I can make it happen. I think that would be sooooooo exciting...." "No, no, no," I gushed - a little too quickly. "I was just asking 'what if?' I know I can please you without it, but... well, wouldn't you miss having a cock fill you?" My companion turned serious and took a deep breath. "Listen to me very carefully, Lisa," she intoned. "I don't want there to be any mistake or misunderstanding between us. If I want cock, I will have cock. That... won't... change. I am what I am and I will do what I do. That won't change, either. Cock doesn't define my personal relationships; it is merely my business. As it happens, it is also a need, like eating sleeping, and breathing. I can satisfy my needs anywhere. You satisfy my wants, my desires. "Your 'equipment' or possible future lack thereof, is inconsequential. You have already proven beyond doubt you can satisfy me in ways no cock ever could or ever will. In turn, we have proven I can satisfy your desires quite nicely. Do not get stuck on stupid about me having sex with men. They are no threat to you, to us. I may not always be in a position to tell you about it beforehand. If I'm dating, or see a guy who makes me ooze, I will have him; that's what I do. I promise I will tell you about it later ? not because I want you to feel jealous or hurt, but because I want you to be as excited, as turned on by it as I am." Something she had just said suddenly struck home: Do not get stuck on stupid about me having sex with men. She hadn't said 'other men', meaning she no longer pictured me as one ? if she ever had. This was all happening so fast.... "You won't have to date if you are with me," I countered, suddenly feeling insecure. "Baby, I don't have to date now," she retorted. "That is the 'man' in you talking. I could have accepted the offer of any one of a hundred Sugar Daddies who all wanted me as their 'kept woman'. Every one of them was as insecure of me as you apparently still are. I will help you get over that. Right now, you have to trust that this ? you ? are what I want." Dinner was exquisite, although I didn't eat much of it. Forget pills, points, carb-counting and even gastric by-pass. If you really want to lose weight, try strict corseting. I couldn't hold a tenth of what I normally eat before I felt sated. The company was sublime, of course. All my attention was on the ravishing brunette before me, not my plate. All I could think of was that spectacular body in the firm embrace of the even more spectacular corset. She was so lush, ripe, nubile, and wanted only me. Beneath my now-ill-fitting suit, I had been transformed into something equally lush, ripe, and nubile for her and her alone. Every touch, gesture, longing gaze punctuated those simple truths. The look of sheer bliss on Dianna's face as she slipped her arms into the comforting embrace of her fur coat was a genuine 'Kodak moment'. I bundled the coat around her, hooked the two inner hook closures, then cinched the belt. I had not seen such a look of sheer contentment and utter love in a good, long time. She slipped her arm through mine. "Ready?" I asked. "More than words can ever express," she replied. "I need you now!" We were standing at the valet station, waiting for the valet to bring the car around. Just then, a brand-new Corvette Z06 pulled up in front of us. One valet hurried around the front end to stand by the door as it popped open. The driver exited the coupe and stood to his full height, dwarfing both Dianna and myself. When he turned, neither of us had any doubt of his identity. It was Jeff Spencer. The valet captain opened the passenger door and held his hand out to help the occupant to her feet. Of course, it was Susan. The four of us stood still, silently staring. Jeff saw Dianna right away, then glanced at me. His next glance was at the back of Susan's head. Even I could read the trace of apprehension in his eyes. Susan's eyes locked on mine immediately, then shifted to my companion. She took it all in; the looks, hair, makeup, crimson talons, jewels, and that exquisite Silver Fox coat. Her jaw clenched so tightly, I could hear her teeth grinding together. Her pupils contracted to pinpoints. Pure, intense hate radiated from every pore. Dianna missed none of it. Instinctively, she pulled me closer to her ? marking her territory. Her demeanor was pure Attitude, as only a T-girl can do. "Get out of my face, Bitch," she hissed. "You can have your bionic pony boy. This one is all mine." "Like Hell he is!" Susan spat furiously. At that moment, the Benz pulled up behind the 'Vette. I wordlessly pivoted on my heel, turning my back on my cheating spouse, and led Dianna to the passenger side. "Lance! Lance! Turn around when I am speaking to you, you bastard!" That was all I needed to hear. She cheated on me and was calling me names, giving me attitude? Fuck that! I tipped the valet, slipped behind the wheel, slammed the door and pulled out, completely dissing the cunt and her stupefied stallion. After seeing the expression on his face, I doubted sincerely Jeff would tell Susan anything probative about Dianna. How could he, without giving himself away? Dianna sat trembling; whether from fear or rage, I couldn't tell. We were silent until we crossed Division. "Let me guess," Dianna threw out into the air. "That was..." " soon-to-be-ex," I finished. "I moved out Monday and filed the next day. Now, I won't have the slightest hesitation to end it altogether." "She cheated on you with... Jeff Spencer," my lover stated carefully. "Yes," I confirmed. "How long?" she inquired. "I'm not sure," I replied. "A few months, at least; perhaps longer. I had my suspicions, but found out for certain ten days ago." "Before you met me," Dianna emphasized. "Before I met you," I concurred. "But you left her after we were together." "Yes." "Did you leave her because of me?" "I left her because of her. You were the catalyst." "Explain." "For eight years, my sun rose and set on my wife. She was my world; I never considered another woman. When I found out what she was doing behind my back, I was crushed. I had to just get out, get away. I had heard about Ringers through a third party. I can't explain why I showed up Friday night; I just did. I can't explain where I found the nerve to approach you; I just did. No one was more surprised than me we ended up back at your place. I honestly did not intend to have sex with you or anyone else that night. "When I left your apartment, I felt hurt, humiliated, used, just as Susan had done. I didn't go home at all last weekend. I couldn't face anyone. But the damnedest thing happened. I could not get you out of my mind. You haunted my dreams and my waking thoughts. I know; it's crazy. I don't want to come across as some kind of obsessed stalker, either. The best way I can put it is this: you liberated me from my emotional dependency on Susan. You made me realize I didn't have to stay in an abusive relationship, that I could have feelings for someone else ? and she could have feelings for me." "You could have feelings ? for someone you perceived to have abused you," she rebutted. "Isn't that what they call Masochism?" "My perception was based on the values of the culture in which I live. Dianna, I don't want to sound facetious, but you are unlike any woman I have ever known before. Expressing my desire for you in a physical sense, and accepting yours for me, requires an adjustment for me. That is all it is; just an adjustment. For you, what we did together ? what we did again last night ? is no different than what lovers of any gender have been doing as long as there have been lovers. This is all new to me; it took me until last night to figure it out. That is why I surrendered to you again. Once I was able to let go of my knee-jerk hetero preconceptions, I realized that you were expressing your love for me, giving me pleasure, just as I had pleasured you. That you came with me made it so much sweeter." "Thank you," Dianna expressed quietly. "That was beautifully put. You know, you could have been right the first time. I could just be abusing you." "I had a choice to make," I observed. "I chose to believe otherwise. I will live with the consequences." "Can you?" She asked pointedly. "There will certainly be consequences of loving me. We have already spoken of them. You know what I like. You know what I am like. We ? I ? need to be clear on this before we go any further. Can you be in a relationship with me, knowing what it might... probably will be like?" I shrugged my shoulders a little in the darkness. I don't know if she even saw the gesture. "I really don't know. There are no guarantees for any relationship anymore. No one knows that better than me." The exquisite brunette was silent for a few minutes, digesting this new data. I was afraid she was going to draw the connection between Jeff and herself and ask for more detail about why I had shown up at Ringers in the first place. I wasn't ready to deal with that yet. Fortunately, she did not voice the words. "It doesn't appear she is over you yet," my lover postulated. For the first time, I detected a note of uncertainty in her voice. I abruptly pulled over to the curb and slammed on the brakes. In a fit of bravura unlike anything I had been feeling for over a week, I grabbed Dianna's arms and turned her to face me. "I am over her," I avowed with determination. "Tonight confirmed that. She and I had been together since Senior year in high school. I was never, ever unfaithful to her. She repaid my fidelity by shacking up with the boyfriend she dumped for me. She told me she wanted to be with me because I was a 'winner' and he wasn't. I guess she decided he was the bigger winner after all." "He's big, all right," Dianna agreed. "I don't necessarily call him a 'winner', though." My lover held me tightly, resting her head against my chest. My faux titties pressed into the side of her head. She was quiet again, organizing her thoughts. "I won't be faithful to you, either," she stated quietly. "I told you that already." I anticipated that, and was ready. "You are better than faithful," I countered. "You have been honest with me up front. I can now deal with your sexual appetites because we talked it over, explained our feelings for each other, and I can cope with it. They call it 'informed consent'. Susan wasn't honest with me, probably hasn't been from the start. I know she's fucking Jeff Spencer. Who knows how many there have been before him I don't know about? There is no way to know, and now and I don't care to. It's over. I have the better woman right here." I felt her body swell at the sound of those words; hopefully, with pride. She sat upright and looked me in the eyes resolutely. "You would choose me over an exquisite GG like that?" my lover queried. "Regardless of what you think she's done? I'm a ho' - with a dick instead of a pussy. What if she feels the same way about cock I do? What if she is still madly in love with you, but just didn't say the words?" "There is no 'think' about it," I avowed. "I have seen the proof with my own eyes. If she is still madly in love with me but needed outside cock, why didn't she say the words? You did. Words count, Dianna. We are not mind-readers. Sometimes, words are all we have to know what someone is truly feeling. If she didn't say the words, she couldn't have given much consideration to my feelings. That isn't love; that is pure, selfish hedonism. Would I choose you over her? I already have. Funny; until tonight, I never realized just how ugly she really is ? where it matters most." Dianna's eyes were brimming with tears. "So, you really believe I have been honest with you, unlike... Susan, was it?" "Yes, it is 'Susan' and yes, I believe you." She turned away from me to stare out the passenger window. Perhaps she didn't want me to see her cry. "I hope you will remember that," she offered in a small voice. "Turn right." "But home is left," I corrected. "We're not going home yet," she asserted. "Turn right."

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Betrayed By Jennifer Adams I have decided to tell my story in chronological order so I will begin in with the spring of ninety-three. In 1990, I had finally gotten out of fast food and found a job in a factory and moved out on my own at the age of 19. Since my job was over fifty miles away from home I took a basement apartment near the factory. It was dank and cramped, but it to me it was more than a place to live, it was the cornerstone of my independence and my right of...

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Betrayed By Those I love Book One Part One

As I sit at my computer in the wee hours of the early morning, no moon is reflecting the sun's rays. The darkness is complete and all is black. I am blinded by this darkness; my only light and sight is from my tiny computer world, surrounding my keyboard with electric illumination. The Big Closet, my favorite site and the site that gave me my first opportunity at posting a story, is always my first stop. First, I scan the 'latest comments' and look for Jezzi and Perv. Giggle....

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Betrayed by my Dog

Betrayed by my Dog My name is Kevin I am 16. I have two sisters Elizabeth, she 13 and Melissa, she 17. I still have both a mom and dad though not on day I wish I was dead. One night I had seen my sister's night gown on the bathroom door and decided to try it on. So after my bath I dried off real good and took the night gown off the hook and slipped it over my head, it was little loose but other than that fit perfect. It came to my ankles and the sleeves came to my wrist. I could not...

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Betrayed by my Dog Part 2

Betrayed by my dog 2 We last left off where Kevin had been caught by his parents dressed as a girl. The clothes my mother had giving me where pink shorts, a white shell top and white sandals and a pair of pink panties. Mom I said I can't wear these clothes people will laugh at me. You should have thought of that before you did what you did, it is obvious. That you liked wearing your sister's swim suit she told me. Do want to be a girl? Mom asked or do you just want to dress like...

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Betrayed by Wet Spots

Betrayed by Wet Spots Discovered ? Every morning for the last couple years or so I woke up with a throbbing boner like most guys my age used to do.? My mom and dad are religious fanatics so I am careful not to get caught.? Although I sleep nude,? I managed to convince my parents that his was healthier and so pleased God, I keep my socks in bed with me, I told my parents sometimes my feet get cold at night.? That fateful morning, I was enjoying rubbing my cock, balls, nipples and any other place...

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Betrayed Wifes Revenge

Betrayed Wife's RevengeJanet didn't know what to think. She was cleaning out the front seat of the car when she stuck her hand down between the seat and back and came out with the pair of panties. Not her panties. Not her scent on them. And Don had been the only other driver of the car. Suddenly she started to wonder about the car pool he had joined a month back.She had thought at the time it was odd that he had to drive most of the time, and it had played hob with the family schedule that he...

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Betrayed Wifes Revenge

Betrayed Wife's Revengeby Rajah Dodger {[email protected]} (c) 1997, 2009This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and...

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Betrayed by HalloweenChapter 2

Right as Robby reached out for Doug's door, it flew inwards on its own and an impressively inebriated young man stumbled out. He took two steps and stopped, just before impacting the opposite wall. The wood paneling would have made a significant dent in his head, yet the man stood with no awareness of the near calamity. He mumbled incoherently and wandered off down the hall, clearly on a mission of some importance to him that involved counting doors and bouncing off walls. Near the end of...

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Betrayed by HalloweenChapter 3

Robby gently eased Doug's door closed, believing that no one would notice he'd left if he was quiet enough about it. Once the door was firmly engaged, he turned down the hallway towards his place, ruminating on his fascinating evening. He'd taken two steps in that direction when a quiet voice interrupted his musings. "I see we think alike, you and I." Caught off guard, Robby faltered, startled by Elaina's honeyed voice. He steadied himself with a hand placed on the wall beside him and...

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Betrayed by HalloweenChapter 4

Suddenly bashful, Robby set Elaina on her feet and stepped back, his arms hanging at his side, his hands clutching their clothing desperately. Elaina, who wasn't so bashful, turned to face him, crossing her arms beneath her breasts causing them to appear as if she had put them on a shelf for display. She tilted her head to the side and smiled a crooked smile, the corners of her eyes crinkling in silent laughter. She allowed her eyes to sweep up and down his naked torso, taking in the lightly...

1 year ago
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BetrayedChapter 2 Shop Til You Pop

The sex was torrid and went all night. I worshipped every inch of her magnificent body with my lips, tongue, and fingertips. She did the same to me. I took her from behind, entered her doggy-style. I fucked her pussy with long, languid strokes even as I was stroking her meaty clitty with one hand. I willed her to cum, dared her not to, challenged her to hold out against the sensual assault that always drove Susan crazy. Dianna did cum; loudly, passionately, and more than once. Throughout the...

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BetrayedChapter 3 The Players Take The Field

There are, perhaps, a half-dozen places in the city to get a really good "big piece of meat" — at least, of the gastronomic variety. Morton's on North State Street is one of those, and a great place to see and be seen by everyone who is anyone. We valet-ed the Mercedes, then made our way inside. There was a moment at the coat check when I thought I would need a crowbar to pry the fur from Dianna's grasp. I quietly reassured her: a) it was only for a little while, b) wearing it into the...

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BetrayedChapter 4 Let The Games Begin

I really wasn't surprised when Dianna directed me into the parking lot at Ringers. It was only a few blocks across town from my new home; a five-minute drive, if the traffic wasn't killing at the time. Consciously, it had not been a factor in my decision to take the new place. Sub-consciously... well, who knows? "Pop the trunk," she instructed as I shifted into Park. I complied. She didn't wait for me to get her door. She slid out, stepped to the rear of the car, fished her Capezio bag...

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BetrayedChapter 5 All You Can Eat

We slept until eleven Sunday Morning, made leisurely love, then showered. It was decided this would be a casual day for Dianna and Lisa; jeans, T-shirts, and athletic shoes. With Dianna's help, I still looked good enough to eat — at least, she thought so. Dianna looked... damn, no woman had a right to look so sexy in such a sexless outfit. She filled everything out to perfection, tying off the T-shirt below her boobs to show off her twenty-two-inch waistline and navel ring. Turnabout is fair...

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BetrayedChapter 6 The Seven Levels of Hell

Monday was the most vile, loathsome day of my life — for no earthly reason other than having to be me. The first thing I had to come to grips with was who 'me' was that particular morning. 'Lance' had to put in an appearance at the office. Back to the old routine, go out there and make the big bucks. F Troop back to normal, Sir! Simple, right? After the most mind-blowing weekend of my life — as 'Lisa' — it was anything but. Identity Crisis? Don't even go there! This wasn't the Monday...

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BetrayedChapter 7 The Eighth Level

Angie kept my arm locked in hers, preventing any attempt at escape. We caught a cab back to my place. She was even more appreciative of it than Dianna had been. "Girlfriend, you live like a queen!" she exuded. Realizing what she had just said, she giggled. "Oops! Well, you know what I mean." She made a beeline for the master bedroom. Her practiced eye did not miss the jewelry armoire or vanity. She nodded her approval, checking my dresser drawers, one by one, noting the lingerie and...

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BetrayedChapter 8 The Noose Tightens

Did I happen to mention everything was moving so fast? People weren't really surprised Lance Layton took his commission and ran for the door as fast as he could. There wasn't an employee in the firm who didn't wish they could produce the same results for themselves. The rumors ran rampant: he had purchased his own seat and started his own firm; he was trading through the Internet from his new home in Aruba; his marital problems had so devastated him, he had quit the business entirely and...

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BetrayedChapter 9 The Games Afoot

The weeks passed; March, April, and into May. I won't dwell on the mechanics of the surgery or post-op. Either Angie or Dianna was at my side almost constantly, but never together. I don't want to say I 'juggled' them, but it was sometimes a delicate balancing act. I was head-over-heels for Dianna, but couldn't deny my feelings for Angie. How could I choose between one or the other? In truth, the choice might not be mine to make; I might end up with neither. Dianna, especially, was much...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Betrayed By My Lover

Now don’t start thinking that John and I didn’t fuck. Oh, believe me, we fucked. I just feel that I should tell the story how it happened. There is no point glossing over details that really help to explain how and why things went the way they did. Maybe it’s true that the devil is in the details.John was thick. As a woman of colour, I’ve heard all the stories that say black men are the biggest, and whatever other stereotypes are out there. But John was one of those guys who carried what I like...

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Thank you, WolfGirl *Betrayed* At some point during the early morning hours, I felt Danny slid in behind me on the bed. I slowly turned around in his arms and faced him. Poor baby, he looked so tired. "Morning love." I whispered as I kissed his chin. "Goodnight, hmm morning.." He mumbled as he softly rubbed my back, pulling me closer into him. "You wen't on patrol didn't you?" I asked rubbing his neck softly. "Yes and I just got back." He whispered...

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Betrayed In Mexico

Author comments, this new story I started 2 months ago. I have written this piece with live characters in mind.1 Elizabeth Jack, looks like Meryl Streep2 Delia Sanchez, looks like Vanessa del Rio3, Anna Diaz look like Nautica Thorn4, Hugo is a dead ringer for Burt Reynolds.5, Mandingo Warrior ... Lexington SteelSister Delia Sanchez now 35years old, a catholic nun helps operate a small Catholic Church and orphanage in Tijuana Mexico. Delia has been a nun for 10 years. Her story was a successful...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 21 Chapters End

JULY 2002, SUMMER CAMP Dawn, Adrienne, and I decided to skip this morning's hike. We were just too wiped out from the previous evening's post-dance orgy, me especially. And so it was that the two girls hung out in the main lounge at the lodge, chatting with each other while I reclined out on the deck, just resting my weary body. It was still quite cool in the morning, enough to require a sweater, so there wasn't anyone else outside with me. I enjoyed the solitude and the quiet sounds of...

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Betrayed in Mexico

Author comments, this new story I started 2 months ago. I have written this piece with live characters in mind. 1 Elizabeth Jack, looks like Meryl Streep 2 Delia Sanchez, looks like Vanessa del Rio 3, Anna Diaz look like Nautica Thorn 4, Hugo is a dead ringer for Burt Reynolds. 5, Mandingo Warrior ... Lexington Steel Sister Delia Sanchez now 35years old, a catholic nun helps operate a small Catholic Church and orphanage in Tijuana Mexico. Delia has been a nun for 10 years. Her story was a...

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Eternal Darkness Chapter Three

____________________________________________________________________________________________ As always, please rate and comment. Last chapter someone asked if I knew what sleep was.... yes... yeah I know what sleep is. Real question is do I miss it? Hell yes! lol no.... but really, I can manage to get 8-10 hours of sleep, write/edit/brainstorm, read, play some VGs, and even do some house cleaning before the day is over lol. NOTE: for those of you feeling confused by the fact there...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Three

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is the third chapter of Eternal Awakening. Don't forget to rate and comment and be aware that this chapter is part of a double post so once you are done with this one you will also find chapter four posted as well. Chapter Three: Chaos Week Richard's first week as a personal attendant to Lythia had crawled by at an excruciating pace. He...

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Hot Doggie Chapter Three

Hot Doggie -Chapter Three - By: Beverly Taff Chapter Three As the conjoined couple Sandra and Elizabeth wrote up the night log in the office, Octavia the care home owner-manager arrived slightly earlier than usual. In anticipation of the forthcoming doctor's visit, she had slept that night in a bedroom at the staff bungalow. It was only a short step across the grounds to the main building instead of the normal commute from her regular home, hence her...

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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 57 Bad News Comes in Threes

Mark There’s bad news and then really bad news that comes your way once in a while. I had two major doses of it on Monday morning. I’d been talked into a late start at work so that we could all have a relaxed breakfast, plus bid goodbye to Troy and Janet, and Dan and Sandy. That was fun and we had a heart warming parting. Their departure went like clockwork and they were out the door before seven a.m. to catch their flight to Atlanta. My first bout of news I didn’t want to hear came from...

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Martinas Story Chapter Three

Martina's Story - Chapter Three - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters: Myself: Martina, A sexually dysphoric child whose sexuality has not yet been ascertained but who chooses to present as a girl; Beverly: My adoptive 'aunt' who is a mature shemale and my most supportive adult friend; Chenille: My older half sister; Jennifer: Aunt Beverly's adopted daughter; Beatrice: Aunt Beverly's second adopted daughter and Jennifer's younger...

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Faye Chapter Three

The days following that Saturday were something of a blur; I know that's a cliché but stick with me on this. I'm not going to describe each time we made love because it would bore you and, after the first two chapters, you should be well versed in what we look like. However, I will give you a brief rundown of events so far.My name's Faye, I am nineteen and I have long red hair down to my bum. I'm fairly skinny with small but pert breasts and I would say my legs are probably my best feature. I'm...

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Faye Chapter Three

The days following that Saturday were something of a blur; I know that's a cliché but stick with me on this. I'm not going to describe each time we made love because it would bore you and, after the first two chapters, you should be well versed in what we look like. However, I will give you a brief rundown of events so far.My name's Faye, I am nineteen and I have long red hair down to my bum. I'm fairly skinny with small but pert breasts and I would say my legs are probably my best feature. I'm...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Three

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Three Jana's New Sissy Toy By Suzie Q Haff Jana shaking me in her high pitched voice: "So are you like dead or what? Come on sleeping beauty, rise and shine!" She rolled me over on my stomach and planted a really hard whack on my butt that made a deafening smack and stung for ten minutes. Darla complaining in Darren's voice: "Damn! That was not necessary! I was getting up." Jana: "I have been...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 2527

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 25 - 27 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and of...

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They say things come in Threes

They say things come in Threes.... I've noticed the last few weeks this man with dark hair, striking blue eyes and good looking has been driving slowly as he drives by me. Doesn't make sense I'm not young or skinny but I keep noticing him around town. The funny thing is he is always in a different vehicle. It was starting to worry me some when I started noticing him driving down the street I live on. Just in case I always locked my doors and kept the windows locked. Then one night I heard...

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Training Days Prologue and Chapters One through Three

To my Readers: You will find that this is an extensively edited, revised, and expanded version of the three postings I submitted earlier. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did in writing it. As always, thank you so much for your critical reviews and comments. Please keep it up! It helps me a lot. If you wish, send me an email: [email protected] - Marie Training Days, Prologue From my earliest memories I wished I was born a girl. I loved the feel of the satin edging of my...

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By Randy MacAnus All rights reserved by the author. If you would like to see more chapters to this story, please indicate that in the comments below. If you have ideas about directions you might like the story to take, by all means include them in the comments. I have additional chapters outlined, but am open to modifying, if I get interesting feedback. I'm straight. I'm sure of that. But you'd never know it, with all the stuff I've been through! My name is Maximillian Marx....

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Betrayed pt 1

I looked into his eyes in search for any trace of sympathy. He paused in the doorway, light forming around his silhouette dimming the darkness in my cell. My heart beat and for a second I had hope, but he just smiled. Tears began forming around my eyes, his face is menacing, and all I can see in him is lust. He began making his approach, his shadow slowly encroaching on my own. Whimpering, I backed against the wall, lowered myself and closed my legs. It gave me a few seconds against the...

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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 02

Engineer Mike Giles and wife have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tip off came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard before deciding how to deal with it. FOUR Nancy had gone back to her cabin when I awoke to the alarm at five in the morning. She’d slept with me for most of the night and then left discretely. We...

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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 03

Engineer Mike Giles and wife Gloria have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tipoff came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard.. Now a young woman who befriends him sexually tells him what she thinks about his situation. SEVEN At the deli, I said to the assistant I was going to visit a fat lady who was dieting to loose...

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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 05

Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then his girlfriend at his worksite 200 miles north becomes pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Gloria agrees to a divorce and Mike’s reunion with his girlfriend Nancy ends in disappointment so he’s back playing the field. THIRTEEN I arrived...

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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 04

Engineer Mike Giles and wife have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tip off came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard before deciding how to deal with it. Then he learns that his girlfriend on his worksite 200 miles north is pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Mike now follows...

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