Immaculate Conception
- 2 years ago
- 28
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Engineer Mike Giles and wife have been unable to start a family and neither will undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria takes a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive is pregnancy. The tip off came from his wife’s sister Liz. He sneakily identifies this bastard before deciding how to deal with it.
Nancy had gone back to her cabin when I awoke to the alarm at five in the morning. She’d slept with me for most of the night and then left discretely. We pretended that no-one knows we sleep together, but of course everyone on-site knows because we are a close-knit work group.
A code exists without anyone publicizing it or enforcing it. Nancy could walk along the 2.7 mile construction site with her tits hanging out and it would be doubtful anyone would do anything but blink, as she was branded as ‘Mike’s girl’. Honorable men honored the code because that’s how they do things whereas men who’d rather like a piece of Nancy knew if they touched her and she complained they’d have a visit from me and the result would not be pretty.
Everyone knows the stories of drunken brawlers who’d been put to bed, literally by me – often hospital beds. In the toilets of the machinery workshops is a newspaper cutting of the battered face of Big Irish MacKellar – teeth missing, cuts everywhere, MacKellar, is still in prison.
That horrible incident centered on a young administrative assistant on a project under my supervision going missing, and was found battered and sexually interfered with, although not raped. Suspicion fell on everyone but after lengthy investigation the police was stymied.
One night MacKellar, drunker than usual, mentioned the young admin assistant’s name and claimed he’d ‘messed her up a little’. No one believed him until MacKellar pulled out the missing silver clip the woman had worn around her pony-tail that day. ‘I couldn’t fuck her, I was too drunk,’ bellowed MacKellar.
Fred Stockman called me.
I entered the room, dressed in a tracksuit and wearing working boots.
‘Sorry boss for messing up Jenny a bit but there’s nothing you can go about it – rat on me to the police and no-one in this industry will trust you to ramrod a job.’
‘You’re going to pay for this, MacKellar,’ I said and space around us quickly cleared.
MacKellar looked almost twice as big as me, and knew it, grinning and licking his lips. I went in and kicked at his right kneecap, only grazing it and the big Irishman laughed bullishly and threw a looping punch to knock my head off but missed.
I kicked his other kneecap and everyone heard bone crack and MacKellar roared with pain. Then I drew from my pants pocket an assault weapon given to me by a friend who trains in martial arts. Its two eight-inch pieces of black metal are linked by a short piece of chain.
I went for him. There were five sickening cracks of metal hitting MacKellar’s face, administered in almost a blur and he crashed to the ground.
‘Fix it up for me boys,’ I said walking out through the silent throng.
The police and press were called and arrived almost together. They entered the deserted recreation room to find MacKellar unconscious, with a note pinned to his chest stating, ‘I’m guilty of messing up Jenny van Den Burgh.’
At least thirty-five men witnessed that beating and the police questioned everyone on-site but couldn’t find a single witness and everyone had an alibi.
In next morning’s regional newspaper the heading on the page 3 story above the pictured beaten face of MacKellar was: Brutal Beater Surrenders to Police After Mysterious Accident.
That incident earned me a lot of respect but my family and friends never got to hear about it. In fact I’m not a violent man, which is why I’ve not tried to slap sense into Gloria to break her pulsating desire to get pregnant, a pressure within her that’s threatening to blow our marriage apart.
It’s now three months since she’d refused to have sex with me and now appears to have taken up with another man, supposedly to get pregnant. I groan whenever thinking about this, knowing how stupid we are.
Well, I think so and realize Gloria’s thinks the exact opposite – that she’s attempting to carry out her reason for being a reproductive female, which is to bear at least one baby and alleges my bloody-mindedness is frustrating that mission.
My restraint has been such that I did not jump on her lover the other night and beat the crap out and her as well, the treacherous bitch.
Because my work project passes hard on the boundaries of two churches, we don’t work Sundays. On that free day I usually walk the 2.7 mile site looking at everything, which takes some time, and then I take a nap and go out to early dinner and get back by seven when Nancy usually arrives from spending the day with her folk. We lounge around fucking and talking and then have supper at eleven and the project crews resume at midnight and it’s all on again until midnight Saturday.
At the end of every second month, a relief engineer comes in and I get a week off, and now this was my first visit home since I began on the bypass contract.
I’d called Gloria giving my ETA as I didn’t want to walk in and find her humping. She sounded warm and pleased to hear from me.
‘Get that little bushy box of yours all hot and ready,’ I said, trying to sound as normal as I could. There was no indication that her legs would open for me, but actually I wasn’t too sure I wanted a hairy cunt any more. I’d gotten used to Nancy’s completely bald one which meant not having to pick hair from between my teeth.
Hmmmm, I thought. Sounds like you no longer find your wife desirable? That rattled me, I was close to making a definitive judgment and wasn’t sure I was ready for it, mainly because I still have no proof that Gloria is having sex with this Mercer bastard for fun or really is attempting to have him impregnate her.
I thought about that one deeply and the light bulb popped alight over my brain and an idea was born. I’d need Liz’s cooperation, that could be given unselfishly, or perhaps it may require taking her out to lunch while Gloria was working as marketing manager for J B Homewares.
Gloria came running out to meet me as I rounded the rear of my 2002 Chevy Silverado 4WD, its black metallic paint and matching tonneau cover looking travel weary, not having been washed for a fortnight.
‘Your truck’s filthy,’ was her greeting.
She looked a litter thinner, a little stressed which was something. I kissed her, grabbing an ass cheek in one hand and a thrusting in the other to secure a boob, just to show her I still cared.
‘Let’s go inside, the neighbors,’ she said.
It hadn’t always been like that, until the past year we’d practically be ripping clothes off on the driveway if we’d been apart for even two or three days.
‘Are you pregnant?’ I grinned, again to show that I cared.
Her face turned scarlet and she turned, saying come in as she had coffee ready. I noticed she’d not answered the question and remained silent just to let her know I was waiting for an answer, which should have been something like, ‘However could I be? You’re been away.’
Thirty minutes later Gloria kissed me goodbye, saying she had to be back at work. Her last words to me were unwifely: ‘Remember, no sex until you get tested re our unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant.’
‘Have you had yours?’ I called, but she drove off waving.
Last night Nancy had refused to have sex, saying she wanted to send me home with a full load. She was, I must concede, a smart girl. But what a waste that had been, or was it?
I phoned Liz but there was no reply from her home. She’d ended up with the house in the divorce settlement whereas he landed the car, boat and very valuable beach site down at the ‘narrows’.
I spent an hour
looking round for signs of Mr James Henry Mercer (43), company director and my wife’s lover. The sheets were freshly laundered so my check for male hairs was fruitless.
I checked the phone bills and there were a many calls to a number I didn’t recognize – I looked up my notebook and found the number matched the business number I’d taken off James Henry Mercer’s business card. Well, I suppose if you are all alone at home and feeling lonely you’d either phone you husband or your lover, wouldn’t you? I did not require my calculator to work out that asshole Mercer was getting at least two calls from the Giles’s phone to every one I got up country. Oh yeah, it’s devastating to find that you are no as popular as you’d thought, I grinned sourly.
Thinking about sex and more particularly about my wife having sex without me, made my balls feel rather tight. I was thinking about masturbating when I thought of Jacqui Jones, a cute redhead potter who my randy father used to fuck until mom found out about her and placed her off limits. I’d gone to lunch with Jacqui and dad a few times and we went sailing together one weekend.
Sex with Jacqui? The thought rattled my mind – she was only six years older that me so why not, if she brought it up? But my interest in her was she’d been a nurse and then a private midwife before she took up potting fulltime.
I called and she sounded really pleased to hear from me and she yes, come around now and she’d have beers on the table waiting and added, excitedly, what a wonderful way to spend an afternoon – ‘Are you still as handsome as you were?’
Rather immodestly I replied ‘Of course’, but managed to button my lip and not comment about her tits. Dad once told me she had the nicest knockers of any woman he’d bonked. He preferred that word to fucked.
Figuring I was at last about to get somewhere with this problem with Gloria, I went across city to the river where Jacqui lived, just above flood level, half wondering about how she could help me intellectually or at least as a practical counselor and half hoping she’d exposed her tits.
When dad had mentioned her knockers to me – were quite drunk at the time – he did say she loved to…how did he put it? Yeah, to flaunt them. I’d thought at the time that’s my kind of woman, and right now I knew she really was. It would just be my luck to find she was remarried or had some fucker sitting with her, arm around her, and grinning at me.
I parked on the street and walked down the very steep driveway down the ancient riverbank – over centuries the river had lowered itself by some fifty feet. I rehearsed how to behave politely by not looking at her tits and to smile and say what a pleasant afternoon it was. I remembered dad had taught her to greet people saying in his ex-Pommy voice, ‘Good afternoon, how do you do?’ I used to practice it as well.
Jacqui was reading on a sun loafer under the trees when I approached. She saw me, the book went flying and she rushed me. She smashed those tits against me and kissed me, flush on the lips and gushed, ‘I’m so happy to see you again, my sweet boy.’ And then she stepped back, straightening her hair, that magic moment was over, or so I thought.
Rather stupidly,or so it seemed at that moment, I grinned and said, ‘Good afternoon, how do you do?’ in what dad calls Best Royal Accent. Jacqui’s mouth fell open, she screamed with laughter and came against me and held up her face to be kissed. And did we kiss.
‘Naughty boy,’ she chided at the finish when my tongue had ‘accidentally’ slipped into her mouth. But she was laughing and I could see the look in her eyes had intensified: she was now thinking about it. I told myself not to rush it, that I needed to say things to coddle her feelings then she’d open those legs for me, if that’s what I wanted.
Oh yeah!
We went over to table on the terrace and I opened the two pints, and we sipped straight from the bottle like guys do up north. Dad had taught her to throw away the glasses.
I talked about my current work and she answered questions about her potting, and she said since her six months working alongside great potters in Japan her income had gone through the roof and some of her work was now appearing in collector’s publications. She looked quite embarrassed when I smiled at her in admiration.
‘How’s your wife – Gloria, isn’t it?’
During the next few minutes I told her everything and she listened, not interrupting which, thinking back, was quite amazing for her, but to be fair I was now seeing the semi-professional side to Jacqui for the first time.
‘Firstly,’ she said when I’d finished and was, I think, looking at her like a hound dog, ‘I have to say you both had been very childish over your reasons for not seeking medical help. What on earth do you hope to achieve by such churlish behavior? Can’t you see if you are shooting blanks you may as well be shooting them into your handkerchief if conception is the purpose of firing them, and then even if each shot is premium quality its fate it similar when entering a female if her reproductive system is either temporarily or permanently faulty?’
I groaned, ‘Yes, we are both aware of that. But we seemed to get entrenched in our positions and there was no-one to dig us out.’
‘Is talking to me going to make any difference?’ asked Jacqui, almost mocking me, which started to make my boiler steam.
Then I thought yelling at her would achieve nothing, so I shrugged and muttered, ‘It could.’
Her lips opened and turned into a tiny smile.
‘Good,’ she said, ‘I’m getting you two into professional counseling.’
Jacqui looked pissed off but listened as I told her about ‘Bring-in-a-Cock Mr Mercer’ as I called him. She looked at me sympathetically as I spoke about my suspicions and then travelling all the way back here to do something about it, but in the end virtually doing nothing.
She clapped her hands when I related how I scoured ‘I’m a Mother Fucker’ on the door of his F-150, but chided me saying I should have written wife fucker as I was bringing the name mother into disrepute.
I apologized as she laughed and told me to continue. When I got to the bit about destroying the guy’s trouser zip by ripping it apart she almost fell out of her chair laughing. But then turned serious.
‘So, I gather you want to sort this matter out before even considering counseling?’
I nodded.
‘I see,’ she said. ‘So you’ve not come here seeking solutions, you just wanted to be able to talk to someone about it?’
I nodded.
‘Oh my poor darling,’ she said and came and sat on my knees. We kissed and her tongue slipped into my mouth and found mine. Instantly my dick was trying to lift her up from my knees like an elevator.’
‘Oh dear,’ she said, in a tone that I interpreted that this little session would be going no further. ‘Just feel your finger nails, will you?’
She told me afterwards it was quite common for women to feel a man’s fingernails before opening her vagina to them. I’d never known that.
Jacqui shot off into the house and came back with a fucking manicure set. My dick slumped in despair.
She went to work. Part way through looked up and caught my scowl.
‘Here, you better have something to play with,’ she smiled, opening the front of her dress.
It didn’t surprise me that Jacqui turned out to be the best fuck I’d ever had to that time. We’d collapsed, both lightly panting, on to the crusty old brick patio, oblivious to the hard, lumpy surface that was to play hell with my knees. I ripped her bra apart as she screamed lustfully and got my face between those two silken beauties. Surprisingly the nipples remained little bigger than pimples, even when erect, but still large enough to latch my teeth on to and they did s-t-r-e-t-c-h.
My plan was to bounce around in tittyland until I tired, then go down and lick her into ecstasy, b
ut Jacqui had other ideas, obviously wanting the main event early. I felt her lift up and guessed that was her panties coming off and then felt her unzip me and fumble around.
Just as I was lifting my head to enquire what was going on she said in a very aroused voice – ‘For fuck-sake, Mike, start plowing.’
So I turned from titty-licker to plowman instantly, and got her gurgles of delight and affectionate slaps on the back as indications of her appreciation as I slid my willing mate into her channel. Although regrettable I still was fully dressed, there was no problem about feeding her enough length.
‘Ohmigod, your father…’
She tailed off, but I knew what she was thinking. She’d about to say that dad was long and thick but that I…well what else can a guy do but smile proudly.
‘It’s all in the genes,’ I said, whispering into her ear as I nibble it, and she convulsed into a series of orgasms.
‘Oh, diddle-me-dee,’ she sighed, as if floating above us on a balloon.
A little later she sighed again and I felt her climax inside and then leaking out on my backstroke and it washing on to her thighs, increasing our squelchy slapping and we came together on our down strokes.
‘Come on slowcoach,’ she grinned, but hey, I was in for the long haul. I…
She rested there, her brown hair fanned out on the bricks, her hazel eyes sparkling, it would have made a great photograph. I watched the corners of her mouth tighten slightly and enormous pressure came on to my dick and it struggled to pull back for the next thrust, Jacqui by now was motionless.
There was lube galore, so that was not the problem, and this seemed to be a lot more than a bit of cunt muscle byplay.
‘Pull back a little more,’ she whispered.
Sweat jumped to my brow as I pulled back through a vice.
‘Withdraw more please darling,’ she whispered and I obliged until my ass was way up and only a couple of inches of my squashed dick remained in her cunt. And then my dickhead was clamped fearsomely, and my eyes watered in near pain, then cum shot from me like a rocket, and I wheezed and rattled and groaned as if I’d been run over by a truck.
‘Oh darling, you ejaculated for little ol’ me,’ she simpered, wearing a triumphant grin.
When we adjourned to the comfort indoors for some more fucking.
During a break Jacqui said that when a midwife she used to teach women how to strengthen their muscles after birth to avoid leaking urine.
‘I began doing the exercises myself upon learning that a side effect was that it helped enjoyment in sex,’ she said. ‘You’re got the same PC muscle, though different in shape and location to a woman but you can use it to control the coming of ejaculation. It’s called the pubococcygeus muscle.
‘Cumming of ejaculation’ indeed.
I staggered home and had a long bath and felt refreshed when Gloria arrived home just before 6:30.
It was almost like old times. We chatted away freely and shared the chores and eventually it was bedtime.
‘Remember darling,’ she said, not looking at me. ‘No sex until you get yourself checked medically.
I said nothing but on my back in the darkness, with a very exhausted dick resting very limp, the image of an unshaven vulva filled my mind – the hair over it was brown, not blonde. For the next couple of hours I thought about what the owner of that brown-haired vulva had been telling me about conception difficulties faced by many couples.
She’d said statistics indicated the problem or problems were weighted 40% to women, 40% to men with the remainder shared between both parties.
Well, that at least cleared up something for me. All along my little fucker of a wife had insisted that the problem was 90% a male problem.
Next morning Gloria kissed and cuddled me and I played along, played with her tits to make it appear authentic although I was not a happy husband. I made no effort to touch pussy, nor was it presented to me which was fortunate, I’m not sure I would have jumped at the chance of having full on sex with my wife.
After she left for work I went through the stack of accounts to pay, and there was no account from the security firm for a call-out to inspect our alarm. That puzzled me but working on a hunch I went though last month’s folio of paid accounts waiting to be filed, and found that account had been paid – and paid out of Gloria’s personal check account.
This is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age of ten Immaculate Conception This is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age of fourteen. My first vision of man and woman in intimate relations. Though this may be termed by some as adultery or extra marital relations I personally do not judge it or consider that perspective, though this is directly connected to my family- my uncle, his wife and her physical lover. The year: 1964. Age: 14 years. Uncle:...
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As I sit at my computer in the wee hours of the early morning, no moon is reflecting the sun's rays. The darkness is complete and all is black. I am blinded by this darkness; my only light and sight is from my tiny computer world, surrounding my keyboard with electric illumination. The Big Closet, my favorite site and the site that gave me my first opportunity at posting a story, is always my first stop. First, I scan the 'latest comments' and look for Jezzi and Perv. Giggle....
Betrayed by my Dog My name is Kevin I am 16. I have two sisters Elizabeth, she 13 and Melissa, she 17. I still have both a mom and dad though not on day I wish I was dead. One night I had seen my sister's night gown on the bathroom door and decided to try it on. So after my bath I dried off real good and took the night gown off the hook and slipped it over my head, it was little loose but other than that fit perfect. It came to my ankles and the sleeves came to my wrist. I could not...
Betrayed by my dog 2 We last left off where Kevin had been caught by his parents dressed as a girl. The clothes my mother had giving me where pink shorts, a white shell top and white sandals and a pair of pink panties. Mom I said I can't wear these clothes people will laugh at me. You should have thought of that before you did what you did, it is obvious. That you liked wearing your sister's swim suit she told me. Do want to be a girl? Mom asked or do you just want to dress like...
Betrayed Chapter 02 By Cherysse St. Claire © Chapter 2: Shop 'Till You Pop The sex was torrid and went all night. I worshipped every inch of her magnificent body with my lips, tongue, fingertips. She did the same to me. I took her from behind, entered her doggy-style. I fucked her pussy with long, languid strokes even as I was stroking her meaty clitty with one hand. I willed her to cum, dared her not to, challenged her to hold out against the sensual assault that always drove...
Betrayed Chapter 03 By Cherysse St. Claire © Chapter 3: The Players Take The Field There are, perhaps, a half-dozen places in the city to get a really good "big piece of meat" ? at least, of the gastronomic variety. Morton's on North State Street is one of those, and a great place to see and be seen by everyone who is anyone. We valet-ed the Mercedes, then made our way inside. There was a moment at the coat check when I thought I would need a crowbar to pry the fur from...
Betrayed By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter 4: Let The Games Begin I really wasn't surprised when Dianna directed me into the parking lot at Ringers. It was only a few blocks across town from my new home; a five-minute drive, if the traffic wasn't killing at the time. Consciously, it had not been a factor in my decision to take the new place. Sub-consciously... well, who knows? "Pop the trunk," she instructed as I shifted into Park. I complied. She didn't wait for me to get her...
Betrayed Ch. 05 By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter Five: All You Can Eat We slept until eleven Sunday Morning, made leisurely love, then showered. It was decided this would be a casual day for Dianna and Lisa; jeans, T-shirts, and athletic shoes. With Dianna's help, I still looked good enough to eat - at least, she thought so. Dianna looked... damn, no woman had a right to look so sexy in such a sexless outfit. She filled everything out to perfection, tying off the T-shirt...
Betrayed Chapter 07 By Cherysse St. Claire © Chapter Seven: The Eighth Level? Angie kept my arm locked in hers, preventing any attempt at escape. We caught a cab back to my place. She was even more appreciative of it than Dianna had been. "Girlfriend, you live like a queen!" she exuded. Realizing what she had just said, she giggled. "Oops! Well, you know what I mean." She made a beeline for the master bedroom. Her practiced eye did not miss the jewelry armoire or...
Betrayed Chapter 2 By Carolyn Collins Sunday: I awoke to the pleasurable sensations of having my already swollen and very sensitive nipples being suckled, a long male finger stroking my moist vagina and a thumb massaged my clitoris. My female body was responding even before my mind had awoken. As Jill swung her male body up over my petite form, my legs opened of their own accord. She had no trouble settling between them and alining her stiff erection with my already lubricated...
Betrayed by Wet Spots Discovered ? Every morning for the last couple years or so I woke up with a throbbing boner like most guys my age used to do.? My mom and dad are religious fanatics so I am careful not to get caught.? Although I sleep nude,? I managed to convince my parents that his was healthier and so pleased God, I keep my socks in bed with me, I told my parents sometimes my feet get cold at night.? That fateful morning, I was enjoying rubbing my cock, balls, nipples and any other place...
Betrayed Wife's RevengeJanet didn't know what to think. She was cleaning out the front seat of the car when she stuck her hand down between the seat and back and came out with the pair of panties. Not her panties. Not her scent on them. And Don had been the only other driver of the car. Suddenly she started to wonder about the car pool he had joined a month back.She had thought at the time it was odd that he had to drive most of the time, and it had played hob with the family schedule that he...
Betrayed Wife's Revengeby Rajah Dodger {[email protected]} (c) 1997, 2009This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License (by-nc-sa). In jurisdictions where the Creative Commons license is not recognized, United States copyright and Berne Convention provisions apply; all rights reserved to Rajah Dodger except that electronic not-for-profit reproduction rights are explicitly granted with the stipulation that this authorship and...
The manor house sat high atop a rolling hill amid the lush green countryside. From the upper story of the sprawling limestone mansion, members of the Parkes family could see for miles, spotting the farms and woods that dotted the hilly rural area that their family controlled. Adam Parkes was in his study reading when he heard the crush of gravel outside, signaling the arrival of a coach at his residence. He closed the book and stepped from the room. The doorman was already escorting the...
A few months had passed since Lena, Hana, Angela, Widowmaker, Mei and Symmetra had returned to the game. The Doomfist release turned out to be a sneak peak of the future from Blizzard, because hero number 24 just so happened to be Orisa. Some female omnic horse thing. I was still depressed. Not only had I lost the six most perfect women any guy could ever ask for, I had also lost the ability to be with normal women, they were just nothing in comparison, it would take hours for a normal woman to...
1. The primary rule is that sissies must exhibit three values: loyalty, chastity and humility. All following rules are examples of this and can be altered and interpreted your Governess's discretion. There are no appeals against Governess's judgements.2. Sissies found to be in breach of Governess's rules will be caned - six of the best for each infraction. In the case of a sissy who argues back, each comment will count as a single infraction - disagreement is consequently punished severely.3....
Her Aunt arrived at exactly three at the school car park. The Maserati had not even come to a full stop when her Aunt opened the boot from some switch inside and Sally loaded her books there. She groaned as she did, because attached to two clips on the inside of the hood was yet another crook-handled cane. She walked around the front and climbed in beside her Aunt, and they sped off.Harriet had heard her niece’s groan and knew exactly why. She smiled at Sally as the teenager boarded. Sally was...
SpankingSean was right to leave me the Accord. Shadow would cause problems in Hanover, so she spent a lot of time in storage. I arranged a parking sticker for her, but even that much was an issue. The fact that Richards Enterprises held title proved to be key. I could truthfully say it was driven by the CEO's sister. That was good enough for the parking police to issue a visitor's permit. It was no good in my usual lot, but what could I do? Much of the summer was spent in Connecticut, wrapping up...
The Governess: A Cresswell Industries Story By Keshara After her husband's transformation had been completed Lady Melissa Cresswell had decided that his wife should be given what she deserves. She had spent many years in her domineering husband's shadow and now with her own transformation complete, Lorna Trewick was going to play an important role in Her Ladyship's plan for a world where women were to become the more dominant species of the human race. Chapter One:...
Crossover Janet L. Stickney [email protected] There was never any doubt that I was going to be a girl someday. I mean, from early on I would wear pale lipstick and eyeliner with my hair usually braided. Then came the Crossover week and I was able to dress like a girl from the skin out, complete with hips and boobs. My father was a drunk that never cared what I did, and my mom was long gone so how I dressed was never an issue. I work at a small shop that makes and repairs video...
The Weekend’s Conclusion and a Postscript Friday night had been a revelation. At 8pm I thought I was popping down to the swimming pool for an hour’s much needed exercise. By 1.0am Saturday morning, I’d had that swim, plus three pints of beer, a curry and hot, passionate sex – all of this with a MILF (a genuine first for me, I believe) – one who just happened to be Emily Barrington, by childhood best friend. It’s almost embarrassing, but honestly, it was very natural, I simply fell asleep...
Heres Part 2! Chapter 2: Im the Demon Overlord! When I came to, I was in my room. My eyes slowly opened, revealing my surroundings. I looked up and saw a girls face right up to mine. It took me a second to realize my position. I was laying down on a lap pillow. I slowly got up and scratched my head. Good Morning Master, The girl said. Mornin, I replied. I looked at her, and saw she was bare naked. This must be a dream, I said to myself. Youre not dreaming, Master. She replied. Oh? I moved...
This story is a little creepy. Fair warning. The Clover Coffee Club By Joe Six-Pack The desire to create is insatiable in some people. They want nothing more out of life than to dream, to design and to build. No force known to man can stop a man when his mind his focused on the goal of making something. The need to leave something behind that shows you were here, that shows that you meant something, that demonstrates an existence validated by the object one brings into...
Overwatch: Breeding Future Heroes-p1 Mei and Soldier 76 Story By Maria (Fan of Overwatch)Soldier 76 had just returned to Arctic base from an intense training exercise out in the freezing weather. He quickly ran through the base entrance in order to get somewhere warm. "What the hell am I doing in this damn wasteland," he thought to himself in a frustrated manner. "I should have been sent to the Bahamas." He pulled off his winter mask, loathing his research/training assignment he was sent on....
The New Governess On reflection I was quite a naughty child. I would go running in the muddy fields and walk the mud into our house and even bring grass, frogs, spiders and other unsuspecting creatures home - for closer examination and to amuse our cats. And pranks, well I was a great prankster, bags of flour over doors, trip wires connected to vases or the coal scuttle and my personal favourite, fish or sometimes a frog in the toilet or bath. The unsuspecting victim would lift the lid...
Sorry for the ever-so-long wait everyone. Ive been dealing with some shit that makes it hard to get inspiration for writing. However, Im making it up to you guys by making this part longer than usual, with more Erotic content, so Enjoy! Chapter 4: Im the Master Now. I looked over Hildegards naked and unconscious body. Looking at her breasts, waist, hips, and crotch. She probably had about an E-cup or thereabouts, Ive never seen anything past DD. I skimmed my finger from her crotch, up her...
After years of struggle, pain, and blood, you are within arm's reach of the Overlord, your mortal enemy. You stand in the Overlord's private chambers, prepared to finish the chase that has consumed you for as long as you can remember. You tighten your grip on Endbringer, the enchanted sword you recovered from the Tombs of Oblivion. The Overlord takes a step back and raises Starstroke, the only spear in the Nine Worlds capable of piercing the hide of a Scourge Leviathan. Then the Overlord...
FantasyA Day in the Life at Thomas Grover Elementary By Aardvark I wrote this a few years ago after the idea for this story wouldn't let me sleep. :) The usual disclaimer about offensive topics and so forth, although this one is pretty innocuous. The subject matter may, in fact, be very familiar. If you want to put this story on another site, contact me for permission first. *** It was my first day at school at Thomas Grover Elementary and I was uncertain where my new friends would...
HumorI’m going to tell you a true story, or at least as true as I can remember it. Let’s be honest here and concede that when we’re in the middle of something, we don’t stop to write down the exact detail, we don’t have a voice recorder to capture every aspect of who said what and when. So even in stories like this, we use writing skills and some imagination. As a writer, I’ve always thought that imagination is borne of experience, sometimes it’s our experience, sometimes it’s that of others. This...
Pushover A Whateley (fanfic) story. By Shrike This story is in (US) English, but it mostly is situated in the Netherlands. Several times the conversation is written in Dutch (my second native language), with the translation directly trailing it between straight brackets. I have done this because many readers will not understand the Dutch language, but I feel that the conversation in a country should be original as spoken in that country. Cursing I walked with my trashed bicycle...
The Futanari Overlords, an empire of incredibly powerful and especially massive futanari that have risen to power. Whether through diplomacy, war, or business they have laid claim to hundreds if not THOUSANDS of worlds. They're technology is incredibly advanced as well, flying vehicles, futuristic buildings, completely mastered space travel, it's said that some scientists in the empire even have been working on a way to open a door to other universe's. Members of the Overlords original race...
I have always been bisexual and have involved my wife in my quest for cum, but the more I am with men, the more I want to be exclusively with men. I’ve been married for 15 years to a great girl who loves cum as much as I do. When she discovered my taste for the sweet cream, she allowed me to indulge in every wild or weird quest. I have sucked off many men in front of her with her full approval and had men shoot their cream all over my body and in every hole, again, with her full...
Thank you, WolfGirl *Betrayed* At some point during the early morning hours, I felt Danny slid in behind me on the bed. I slowly turned around in his arms and faced him. Poor baby, he looked so tired. "Morning love." I whispered as I kissed his chin. "Goodnight, hmm morning.." He mumbled as he softly rubbed my back, pulling me closer into him. "You wen't on patrol didn't you?" I asked rubbing his neck softly. "Yes and I just got back." He whispered...