Immaculate Conception
- 2 years ago
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Immaculate Conception
This is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age of fourteen. My first vision of man and woman in intimate relations. Though this may be termed by some as adultery or extra marital relations I personally do not judge it or consider that perspective, though this is directly connected to my family- my uncle, his wife and her physical lover.
The year: 1964. Age: 14 years.
Uncle: Paternal. Age: about 60 +
Auntie: By virtue of her marriage to my uncle. Age: 28.
Their marriage: April 1963.
Her lover: Dr.Salim. Age: not above 35 years.
I was born and was schooling up in a town school staying with my parents, my father working with the railways. My uncle who is now no more stayed away from town in a village. He had his own bungalow with farm and orchard and a river passing near his farmland. I loved to visit him as often as I could to take in the beauty of nature and fresh air.
My uncle got married at age 59, in the year 1963, to a very young and fair girl, from Bombay.I visited them very often as I was doing before their wedding. My aunt grew fond of me as myself too and we used to go out at the river or the farm for walk. Some times on Saturdays I would spend the night in their farm. Many times Dr. Salim, a doctor by profession and farm owner surrounding our farm used to drop in for drinks with uncle. It so happened that in November the same year my father got posted / transferred to another place and it was decided by my parents that I stay with my uncle and aunt and attend the same school which was not very far from the farm bungalow. Cycle was my best pal for commutation.
A month later after I shifted to their place my uncle slipped and fell down and had to be admitted / treated at the town hospital for bone fissure and ligament damage. This meant that we were alone in the big secluded place with their maidservant Saira a Muslim widow of about 40 years of age. As per our routine in the evening auntie and self were ready to go for a walk at the hillside. Suddenly my auntie changed her mind and insisted that I go out alone on my cycle, as she was not feeling well. Nothing serious and not to worry she said. Maid Saira too was coaxing me to go all by my self before it got dark. I reluctantly paddled out on my cycle all by my self. I was exiting when I saw Dr.Salim going towards our house. I understood he was going to treat my auntie?s tummy ache. After about 30 minutes of cycling I realized that the rear tyre was flat. I had to reach home dragging the cycle. I reached the farm and it had got a bit dark on sun set. I abandoned my cycle at the rear of the bungalow when I saw light on in the guest master bedroom. The curtains were not fully drawn and out of curiosity had a look inside. What I saw on the huge four-poster wooden bed made me spin. My auntie was completely naked and on top of her Dr. Salim who too was completely naked was humping and thrusting his hip and waist in the abdomen area of my favorite aunt. My auntie?s legs were slightly parted. Her eyes were shut and with was clutching away at the bed sheet with one hand. Salims hands were all over her naked body sometimes crushing each of her breasts. I could not understand what they were up to. I had never seen a women or man naked and never knew as to what they were up to only thing I concluded that he was hurting or punishing my auntie. I did not know what to do and sat on the portico steps crying thinking of getting across to the full time maid. Just then she appeared and asked me as to why I was crying and weeping. I was sobbing and pointed her to the window and walked with her there to show her. This time I could see that Dr. Salim had changed position come on his knees and I could part of his penis all red and hard going in and out of my aunt?s abdomen below her tummy. Dr. Salim being very healthy and strong looked very dominating and rough with his muscular and rigid frame of 6 feet and 3 inches height .The maid tried to calm me and took me away after some time of watching. I was told not to mention what I saw to any body, not even to my parents or my auntie if I had love for my auntie. She said that Dr. Salim was not hurting or punishing her but he was doing for her good and pleasures. What the Dr. was doing was ought to be done by my uncle and her husband but alas that was lacking and so Allah desires that Dr. Salim poke and pleasure my auntie. I was not convinced and was sobbing slightly. Then she told me that she would show me later in the night that my auntie would volunteer to accept Dr. Salim. For this I might have to stay awake. Again she took promise from me not to mention what is going on in the mansion.
I went in the living room and after Dr. Salim left my auntie came in and sat next to me asking how I enjoyed my cycle ride. I pulled up a long face and said I was not happy going cycling with out her. I could get the smell of sweat, could be mixture of her and his. After dinner my aunt excused her self for having a bath / shower. I too went to my room.? I had dosed off to sleep / nap when the maid shook me and asked me if I wanted to observe the submission of my aunt to Dr. Salim. I was just wide-awake on this suggestion. She took me out to the window that was closed but the curtains were more indrawn than in the evening. In fact this was the case with all the five windows unlike in the evening when only one was open. The room was fully lit, the silk bed sheets were changed and maid brought in tall glasses of milk and bowl of dry and fresh fruits, which were placed on either side table of the king, sized master bed. Few moments later my auntie and Dr. Salim walked in and the maid closed the room door. He sat on the cushioned chair while she undid her gown and dropped it on the carpet that the maid picked up and hanged it. Aunt was only wearing her panties. Her big and firm pears shaped breasts were bare and very prominent with pointed nipples. She walked towards Dr. and started removing his T-shirt. It did not take much time for her hands to wander around his pajama strings. She was cajoling him to get up and come to the bed and so his pajamas got off his waist making him first to get naked. I was dazed looking at his manhood. This was the first time I saw that thing getting big and hard though I think the first sight was not total ercction but almost semi erect. It looked menacing. He being Muslim the skin was off his meat. His penis was built like a horse and his muscular body all tanned and brown skinned gave him the rugged and monstrous appearance. With each moment advancing towards the bed I could see his penis hardening. There on the bed auntie had removed her last minimum clothing-her small or bikini type panties. The maid picked up the panties and was on her way out of the room and was next to me in a moment, with the panties and binoculars which I always carried to school and when I went out cycling. Binoculars were a part of me that I carried when I went out. The maid asked me to watch intently as she told me that Dr. Salim will insert his body inside her and my aunt will get immense relief and pleasure, which she is deprived as her hubby, is old and sick. Again she mentioned that Allah has given extra energy and big size penis to favor her. I observed intently with my binocs very closely the insertion. Her entrance was devoid of any hair and I could observe stick fluid dripping from her opening at the time he started inserting. This time she was clutching and pushing him from around the waist and buttocks in order for him to enter her fast. Dr Salim?s hands too were all over her tender and white skinned body and he started kissing her on the lips. They were locked in the kiss few moments later and as was the case with their locking at the groin. Just then the maid gave me my aunt?s panties and asked to sniff at the particular region. I could get a peculiar smell that she said was when a woman wants or desires a man inside her groin area. On smelling and watching I did get some sensation or movement in my penis. With all the action in the bedroom I was convinced that my auntie was desperate for his body. It was almost an hour after which he started to dig faster and speedier and then slowing down and pulling out his penis from her vagina opening. Even when he brought out I could observe white discharge dripping from his penis as well as from her vagina. That was the time I was told by the maid to go to bed and sleep. Dr. Salim was not to go to his farmhouse. He was to stay put with my aunt. They had liberty as my uncle was in hospital and the whole control was in their hands. As time passed by I spied on them and knew that they were meeting many times in the day too as I had observed on returning from school early. As long as uncle was in hospital that is for about 3 months apart from daytime indulgences, nights were on fire.? I always looked out for an opportunity or never missed any opportunity to watch them. I kept my binoculars handy.
Even after my uncle came home though he was advised bed rest the mating did not end. The maid told me that these mating started just 2 months after marriage. With such big hose of 5 bedrooms they made love uninterrupted. When uncle started moving about only in the house they even mated outside the house amongst the trees. The maid was always at their side arranging their comforts. I guess she was in favor of maximum intercourses and at times would help Dr. Salim enter my aunt?s vagina ike a monarch.
The incident which I narrate here makes haunts me today. Why I did not interfere or protect my aunt? Then I console my self that may be it could have had a different effect and I would be in an embarrassing moment, for I was only 14 years old then. My uncle was admitted second time to the town hospital for check ups and that was a 4-day affair.? My aunt and I were out to the town since the day before to attend to a family function. After two days we were drove back (2 hours drive) in the night at about 11 o?clock. I was feeling tired and sleepy so was my auntie as she mentioned while she was driving the jeep. She wanted me to talk to her so that she would not doze off. The moment we entered the bungalow the maid came up to my auntie and said in a soft voice, which I could overhear that Dr. Salim had come and has asked to send message when she came back. Auntie told her not to do so as she was tired and not in a mood for it. I was surprised at her response as it was two full days with out a single mating. Nonetheless the boy sent in by Dr. had already left to convey message that we have arrived. I maid was convincing that one shot from him will do good for the tiredness and she could have a bath and lay in bed waiting for him to come and poke her. My auntie I could observe was a bit annoyed in hushed tone that she does not want Dr. Salim now. It could wait till morning. My auntie took me to my room and I pretended that I was very sleepy so she helped me change into pajamas. I was nervous as I had a semi erection listening to the conversation of the maid and her and expecting the Dr. any moment to spend the night.??
She lay down next to me on my bed and patted me in the bargain I could feel her breast touching my body. She was not wearing a bra. The maid knocked and came in saying that Dr. Salim has come and is waiting in the bed. My aunt switched off the lights closed my door and went out with the maid. Immediately I got up from bed and opened the door slightly. I could hear my aunt standing on the threshold of her bedchamber and requesting Dr.Salim to go, as she was sleepy and tired. Since the room was just across the foyer opposite my room I could see him on her bed and arguing and asking her to come hop on, it will do her good. I could hear the maid also trying to pacify my aunt into submitting and the then she came to her was unbuttoning my aunt?s blouse. My auntie pushed her aside and in doing so the maid clutched the blouse and almost all the buttons gave way causing her blouse to lay open revealing her white and firm pear shaped breasts
My aunt turned back and tried to get across the passage I guess to another bedroom. It was then he and the maid went after her and brought her to the master bedchamber. She was struggling and wanting to get free but Salim had his mighty grip on ner and by now her blouse was almost off her breast and one shoulder which she was trying to clutch with one hand. Then the maid closed the door. I could hear the bolt being put on I quickly went out not forgetting my binoculars?? knowing that the curtains were not drawn on all the windows. The maid was pulling her towards the bed while he had removed the blouse completely off her body. With some sheer strength my aunt broke loose and ran towards the door trying to open the bolt / latch. But they were fast in catching up with her. He held both her hands that were up at the door trying to open the latch while the maid unbuttoned the skirt that dropped to the ankle immediately. Now she was only in her tiny black panties that was worn low and was revealing her low back ass cheeks. Now it was futile for my aunt to struggle or escape, still there was this reluctance however the demon in him lifted / carried her over his broad shoulders and dumped her on the bed. He got naked immediately thereafter and while the maid held her he ripped off the fragile panties off her buttocks. Aunt was laying face down on her stomach. The erection of Dr. Salim was enormous / huge, all 12 inches long and one inch thickness of red skinless hard meat may be his energy was conserved as there was no sex for two full days. Within no time he made inroads into her body like a warrior capturing the enemy. I could hear my aunt moaning and groaning and trying to stop but it was in vain. Very soon he went in all the way. There was a triumphant look on his face as well as that of the maid, as he humped her, mercilessly drawing the penis out all the way till the tip and ramming it again all the way. In the morning when I woke up and was at the window at about 10 am (remember that it was a Sunday and no school) I saw him walking away from our bungalow towards his farm. His spending the night and better part of morning I was left to wonder as to how many times he must have abused her as when I went in her room before going to the kitchen for my glass of milk I saw her with her thighs wide open and her vagina sore and pink-red, dripping with his sperm. The maid knew that I had gone near my aunt and observed her body. She told me that she deserved this rough treatment for disobeying. I did not comment.
Impregnation?One afternoon on returning from school, both of them were in the living room with the maid in attendance. At that time too uncle was in-patient / admitted in hospital for some chest infection. It was as if they were waiting for me to return as the maid said have quick lunch your aunt would want to talk to you. I was asked to sit and the Dr. started by saying that my aunt was not well and having tummy and back pain. She needs complete rest and for that the master bedroom shall be out of bounds for 8 to 10 days. He would be coming often to give her treatment. Since her husband also is in hospital he must treat her at home. And that I must not disturb her or tell any body about her illness.
I hugged my aunt and cried asking as to what was the matter was with her health. She patted me and told me ?do not worry, nothing is serious. I need to be closeted in the room and Dr. Salim will take good care of me. There will be few more additional maids / women in the house and so not to worry?. I asked if I could visit her to that she said, ?Only when the treatment was not in progress and with permission of any of the maids?.?
Next day noon two women in the age group of 35 to may be 38 years came with baskets of flowers and went straight into the room where my aunt said she would be treated. I was puzzled as from the time she mentioned about her so called illness and the proposed treatment she did not portray any signs of discomfort, pain. The room for her quarantined treatment was not her regular bedroom. It was one of the many big bedrooms not in use for a long time. My mind was wandering ?why was I not allowed inside?,? what was the treatment? I was getting curious and was pondering over the mode of snooping inside. I found out a place to have unrestricted view from adjoining room without being noticed.??
At around 5 pm my aunt went inside escorted by the two new maids (they were from the nearby town mosque). Before going in she hugged me and said she would come out after massage and we both would have early dinner. Dinner we did have early and very few words were exchanged. I observed my aunt having small meal and not as she used to have daily. After dinner we sat in the main hall after which the maid called her in saying that it was time for doctor to arrive. She was led in and before that she hugged me. After some time Dr.Salim arrived and sat down to have his dinner. This was the first time ever I saw him having to eat at our house. After dinner he entered the room where my aunt was.
To be continued??
This is a true story, as seen and experienced by self at the age of fourteen. My first vision of man and woman in intimate relations. Though this may be termed by some as adultery or extra marital relations I personally do not judge it or consider that perspective, though this is directly connected to my family- my uncle, his wife and her physical lover.
The year: 1964. Age: 14 years.
Uncle: Paternal. Age: about 60 +
Auntie: By virtue of her marriage to my uncle. Age: 28.
Their marriage: April 1963.
Her lover: Dr.Salim. Age: not above 35 years.
I was born and was schooling up in a town school staying with my parents, my father working with the railways. My uncle who is now no more stayed away from town in a village. He had his own bungalow with farm and orchard and a river passing near his farmland. I loved to visit him as often as I could to take in the beauty of nature and fresh air.
My uncle got married at age 59, in the year 1963, to a very young and fair girl, from Bombay.I visited them very often as I was doing before their wedding. My aunt grew fond of me as myself too and we used to go out at the river or the farm for walk. Some times on Saturdays I would spend the night in their farm. Many times Dr. Salim, a doctor by profession and farm owner surrounding our farm used to drop in for drinks with uncle. It so happened that in November the same year my father got posted / transferred to another place and it was decided by my parents that I stay with my uncle and aunt and attend the same school which was not very far from the farm bungalow. Cycle was my best pal for commutation.
A month later after I shifted to their place my uncle slipped and fell down and had to be admitted / treated at the town hospital for bone fissure and ligament damage. This meant that we were alone in the big secluded place with their maidservant Saira a Muslim widow of about 40 years of age. As per our routine in the evening auntie and self were ready to go for a walk at the hillside. Suddenly my auntie changed her mind and insisted that I go out alone on my cycle, as she was not feeling well. Nothing serious and not to worry she said. Maid Saira too was coaxing me to go all by my self before it got dark. I reluctantly paddled out on my cycle all by my self. I was exiting when I saw Dr.Salim going towards our house. I understood he was going to treat my auntie?s tummy ache. After about 30 minutes of cycling I realized that the rear tyre was flat. I had to reach home dragging the cycle. I reached the farm and it had got a bit dark on sun set. I abandoned my cycle at the rear of the bungalow when I saw light on in the guest master bedroom. The curtains were not fully drawn and out of curiosity had a look inside. What I saw on the huge four-poster wooden bed made me spin. My auntie was completely naked and on top of her Dr. Salim who too was completely naked was humping and thrusting his hip and waist in the abdomen area of my favorite aunt. My auntie?s legs were slightly parted. Her eyes were shut and with was clutching away at the bed sheet with one hand. Salims hands were all over her naked body sometimes crushing each of her breasts. I could not understand what they were up to. I had never seen a women or man naked and never knew as to what they were up to only thing I concluded that he was hurting or punishing my auntie. I did not know what to do and sat on the portico steps crying thinking of getting across to the full time maid. Just then she appeared and asked me as to why I was crying and weeping. I was sobbing and pointed her to the window and walked with her there to show her. This time I could see that Dr. Salim had changed position come on his knees and I could part of his penis all red and hard going in and out of my aunt?s abdomen below her tummy. Dr. Salim being very healthy and strong looked very dominating and rough with his muscular and rigid frame of 6 feet and 3 inches height .The maid tried to calm me and took me away after some time of watching. I was told not to mention what I saw to any body, not even to my parents or my auntie if I had love for my auntie. She said that Dr. Salim was not hurting or punishing her but he was doing for her good and pleasures. What the Dr. was doing was ought to be done by my uncle and her husband but alas that was lacking and so Allah desires that Dr. Salim poke and pleasure my auntie. I was not convinced and was sobbing slightly. Then she told me that she would show me later in the night that my auntie would volunteer to accept Dr. Salim. For this I might have to stay awake. Again she took promise from me not to mention what is going on in the mansion.
I went in the living room and after Dr. Salim left my auntie came in and sat next to me asking how I enjoyed my cycle ride. I pulled up a long face and said I was not happy going cycling with out her. I could get the smell of sweat, could be mixture of her and his. After dinner my aunt excused her self for having a bath / shower. I too went to my room.? I had dosed off to sleep / nap when the maid shook me and asked me if I wanted to observe the submission of my aunt to Dr. Salim. I was just wide-awake on this suggestion. She took me out to the window that was closed but the curtains were more indrawn than in the evening. In fact this was the case with all the five windows unlike in the evening when only one was open. The room was fully lit, the silk bed sheets were changed and maid brought in tall glasses of milk and bowl of dry and fresh fruits, which were placed on either side table of the king, sized master bed. Few moments later my auntie and Dr. Salim walked in and the maid closed the room door. He sat on the cushioned chair while she undid her gown and dropped it on the carpet that the maid picked up and hanged it. Aunt was only wearing her panties. Her big and firm pears shaped breasts were bare and very prominent with pointed nipples. She walked towards Dr. and started removing his T-shirt. It did not take much time for her hands to wander around his pajama strings. She was cajoling him to get up and come to the bed and so his pajamas got off his waist making him first to get naked. I was dazed looking at his manhood. This was the first time I saw that thing getting big and hard though I think the first sight was not total ercction but almost semi erect. It looked menacing. He being Muslim the skin was off his meat. His penis was built like a horse and his muscular body all tanned and brown skinned gave him the rugged and monstrous appearance. With each moment advancing towards the bed I could see his penis hardening. There on the bed auntie had removed her last minimum clothing-her small or bikini type panties. The maid picked up the panties and was on her way out of the room and was next to me in a moment, with the panties and binoculars which I always carried to school and when I went out cycling. Binoculars were a part of me that I carried when I went out. The maid asked me to watch intently as she told me that Dr. Salim will insert his body inside her and my aunt will get immense relief and pleasure, which she is deprived as her hubby, is old and sick. Again she mentioned that Allah has given extra energy and big size penis to favor her. I observed intently with my binocs very closely the insertion. Her entrance was devoid of any hair and I could observe stick fluid dripping from her opening at the time he started inserting. This time she was clutching and pushing him from around the waist and buttocks in order for him to enter her fast. Dr Salim?s hands too were all over her tender and white skinned body and he started kissing her on the lips. They were locked in the kiss few moments later and as was the case with their locking at the groin. Just then the maid gave me my aunt?s panties and asked to sniff at the particular region. I could get a peculiar smell that she said was when a woman wants or desires a man inside her groin area. On smelling and watching I did get some sensation or movement in my penis. With all the action in the bedroom I was convinced that my auntie was desperate for his body. It was almost an hour after which he started to dig faster and speedier and then slowing down and pulling out his penis from her vagina opening. Even when he brought out I could observe white discharge dripping from his penis as well as from her vagina. That was the time I was told by the maid to go to bed and sleep. Dr. Salim was not to go to his farmhouse. He was to stay put with my aunt. They had liberty as my uncle was in hospital and the whole control was in their hands. As time passed by I spied on them and knew that they were meeting many times in the day too as I had observed on returning from school early. As long as uncle was in hospital that is for about 3 months apart from daytime indulgences, nights were on fire.? I always looked out for an opportunity or never missed any opportunity to watch them. I kept my binoculars handy.
Even after my uncle came home though he was advised bed rest the mating did not end. The maid told me that these mating started just 2 months after marriage. With such big hose of 5 bedrooms they made love uninterrupted. When uncle started moving about only in the house they even mated outside the house amongst the trees. The maid was always at their side arranging their comforts. I guess she was in favor of maximum intercourses and at times would help Dr. Salim enter my aunt?s vagina ike a monarch.
The incident which I narrate here makes haunts me today. Why
I did not interfere or protect my aunt? Then I console my self that may be it
could have had a different effect and I would be in an embarrassing moment, for
I was only 14 years old then. My uncle was admitted second time to the town
hospital for check ups and that was a 4-day affair.? My aunt and I were out to the town since the
day before to attend to a family function. After two days we were drove back (2
hours drive) in the night at about
She lay down next to me on my bed and patted me in the bargain I could feel her breast touching my body. She was not wearing a bra. The maid knocked and came in saying that Dr. Salim has come and is waiting in the bed. My aunt switched off the lights closed my door and went out with the maid. Immediately I got up from bed and opened the door slightly. I could hear my aunt standing on the threshold of her bedchamber and requesting Dr.Salim to go, as she was sleepy and tired. Since the room was just across the foyer opposite my room I could see him on her bed and arguing and asking her to come hop on, it will do her good. I could hear the maid also trying to pacify my aunt into submitting and the then she came to her was unbuttoning my aunt?s blouse. My auntie pushed her aside and in doing so the maid clutched the blouse and almost all the buttons gave way causing her blouse to lay open revealing her white and firm pear shaped breasts
My aunt turned back and tried to get across the passage I
guess to another bedroom. It was then he and the maid went after her and
brought her to the master bedchamber. She was struggling and wanting to get
free but Salim had his mighty grip on ner and by now her blouse was almost off
her breast and one shoulder which she was trying to clutch with one hand. Then
the maid closed the door. I could hear the bolt being put on I quickly went out
not forgetting my binoculars?? knowing
that the curtains were not drawn on all the windows. The maid was pulling her
towards the bed while he had removed the blouse completely off her body. With
some sheer strength my aunt broke loose and ran towards the door trying to open
the bolt / latch. But they were fast in catching up with her. He held both her
hands that were up at the door trying to open the latch while the maid
unbuttoned the skirt that dropped to the ankle immediately. Now she was only in
her tiny black panties that was worn low and was revealing her low back ass
cheeks. Now it was futile for my aunt to struggle or escape, still there was
this reluctance however the demon in him lifted / carried her over his broad
shoulders and dumped her on the bed. He got naked immediately thereafter and
while the maid held her he ripped off the fragile panties off her buttocks.
Aunt was laying face down on her stomach. The erection of Dr. Salim was
enormous / huge, all 12 inches long and one inch thickness of red skinless hard
meat may be his energy was conserved as there was no sex for two full days.
Within no time he made inroads into her body like a warrior capturing the
enemy. I could hear my aunt moaning and groaning and trying to stop but it was
in vain. Very soon he went in all the way. There was a triumphant look on his
face as well as that of the maid, as he humped her, mercilessly drawing the
penis out all the way till the tip and ramming it again all the way. In the
morning when I woke up and was at the window at about
?One afternoon on returning from school, both of them were in the living room with the maid in attendance. At that time too uncle was in-patient / admitted in hospital for some chest infection. It was as if they were waiting for me to return as the maid said have quick lunch your aunt would want to talk to you. I was asked to sit and the Dr. started by saying that my aunt was not well and having tummy and back pain. She needs complete rest and for that the master bedroom shall be out of bounds for 8 to 10 days. He would be coming often to give her treatment. Since her husband also is in hospital he must treat her at home. And that I must not disturb her or tell any body about her illness.
I hugged my aunt and cried asking as to what was the matter was with her health. She patted me and told me ?do not worry, nothing is serious. I need to be closeted in the room and Dr. Salim will take good care of me. There will be few more additional maids / women in the house and so not to worry?. I asked if I could visit her to that she said, ?Only when the treatment was not in progress and with permission of any of the maids?.?
Next day
At around
To be continued??
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The second Saturday afternoon in June my wife, Leanne Neal, and I were busy dusting and vacuuming our living room, dining room and den. That evening we were entertaining a group of Leanne's business associates and several of her close friends. She wanted everything to be perfect. I understood so I was working hard to help her.Leanne is an assistant corporate designer for Elegant Interiors, a local interior design firm that specializes in decorating business offices. I'm Peter Lane. When we...
Cuckold"You labor under several misconceptions my dear." Ena gently interrupted causing the images around them momentarily to fade. "Arin Kagito, I am giving to understand, became fascinated by the holy power. He was 'seduced' some might say by his desire to understand it. His wish to somehow replicate it. Particularly the levels found among the holy trees and wielded by the royal family. To that end he left his home world initially to study the giant trees of Ryten, before turning his...
"Man, I wanna fuck your sister so bad!" I said with a sigh. "Shut-up," Brandon sighed too. "My brain hurts." "Lightweight!" I grinned at him in the darkness of his bedroom. "Are we spinning or is it just everything else?" he asked with a giggle. "Fuck!" "Don't puke!" "I'm okay," he promised, but I wasn't so sure and I eyed his indistinct form suspiciously. We were only sixteen and Brandon was kind of a small guy compared to me, so maybe that's why he always got drunk...
Roban looked around the room they had entered and saw his baggage neatly stacked on a shelf to the left of the door. He dropped the clothes he carried next to the bed and then walked along the high windows, opening all the drapes. When he reached the fireplace he stopped his walk around and looked into the flames. Athea had slipped out of her dress and was lying naked on the big canopy bed. She watched the nude figure of her brother walking around. As he stood in front of the fireplace she...
She walked through a throng of bodies, people were everywhere, pushing and shoving, dancing and gyrating. She tried to push through; she didn’t know where she was going but, something told her to get to the other side of the room as soon as possible. For a split second the crowd split and she could see the far door. Just as she was about to turn the knob and walk through, a ringing filled the air. She looked everywhere, covering her ears; it reverberated through her head and her body. Where the...
Lesbian"You claim a soul for a machine, Governor Kempe?" Bob Kempe, Governor of the human colony on the planet Rehome, was quick to respond to this challenge from the clergyman. "I do indeed. There is just as much evidence among the Personalia for a soul as there is among the human race." "Really, Governor? On what basis do you make that claim for machines?" "Simple, sir. The Personalia have shown exactly the same reactions to death as humans do. They mourn the one who has passed away; they...
By : Intruder Dear all, Expecting lot of response for the posting of my experience in a bus from Ankamaly to Cochin, Sorry to say that I got only three responses but it not get worked. What happened is after publishing the letter I used to check my email frequently at least ten times a day whether any ladies from Cochin interested to make friendship with me. Later I come to reality that no one might respond and I lost my hope. As I mentioned that I am working in a service industry and having...
Part one First time With her knees clasped together; a finger touching her hard little nub through the fabric of her night dress while her hips gently rocked, Michelle discovered the satisfaction of masturbation, enjoyed the warmth of the glow it gave her after just a short while and the sleep it induced when she stopped; the sheets dampened and a light perfume of her sex. It had been an accidental discovery, bathing her body, making sure her sex was clean. A touch of the soap...
THE AMAZING MR. MORTIMER My girlfriend Rachel and I had decided to take a two week vacation to PuertoRico. I had first come across the girl on the streets of San Juan. She cameup to me and begged me for some money. At first I was going to say no. ThenI noticed how beautiful this young girl was and I was intrigued. I startedto reach into my purse to get her something, and she smiled at me. She hada very beautiful smile. It was in fact an entrancing smile. I kept her close to me with small bribes...
THE WAGER By Sailor861 With Super Bowl XXXVIIII fast approaching, Sunday,Feb. 2, 2004, office talk and lotteries ramped to full speed in dawn bright'sstore in downtown Philadelphia. But "db," as she was known far andwide, couldn't care less. She was not at all interested in pro sports and the prospect of watching24 big, heavily-padded men chase up and down a big, long field, throwing eachother to the ground and running for an ovoid pigskin ball, was silly, funnyand overblown to her...
He was surprised to find his lover there, and with HER in control The room was dark with only candles illuminating the tables as I walked inside. My heart was racing as I contemplated what I was getting myself into. I had agreed to meet to see if I met their screening criteria to join them in a rendezvous for sex. This meeting was set up via an online chat room and we had never seen each other. We planned to have dinner together and then decide if we were compatible and we would take it from...
Hi friends, This is your friend Raj, from Hyderabad, once again back with my sex story in continuation of the first part. I am of age 27 and the heroine of the story my pinni is now of age 37. Please read the first part of the sex story. Thanks for the comments and loved the way few people have responded back. I apologize for writing the second part after a long gap, I was in Dubai for last 20 days on office work so could not access our site. The first thing I did after coming to Hyderabad...
IncestSubject: Journal of a Party Girl -#1 *All of the stories in the Party Girl Journals are True…just the names have been changed to protect the Naughty…:) * Dear Journal…. Last Saturday night was fantastic! I am in charge of the kitchen where my group holds our Pleasure Parties. It is also part of my job to meet and greet newbies, and make them feel at home within our little lecherous family. So, fortified with kisses, hugs, and gropes, I was nicely hot and ready to rock. After I set up my...
A day on the ranch Rough_riding_tender_cowboy Dust rolled up from the pick-up tires as it tugged a rusted horse trailer down a winding South Dakota back road. The sun was already high in the sky as the rancher headed out to check the water supply and some fences in the north pasture. As the truck bounded across another cattle crossing, a late model red mustang convertible came into view parked to the side of the path, top down and empty. He stopped to see if he could find any sign of the...
Introduction : Avinash continues to interview Hemangini for his new writing. As she pursues with her story, the revelation at the next stage tends to get harrowing from where it started. She welcomes him into an all new ambience which leaves Avinash in the absolute stupor. I would just like to add an advanced disclaimer to any Indian religious reader advancing to this part. This part of the story doesn’t directly or indirectly intends to cause offensive desolation to any religious beliefs or...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers here is another super classic different story I think this is entirely different than my other stories. If you want more stories from me write to my email ID that you can got from my profile or write your opinion box what you want OK read the different taste and feels the different. Hey, look at this." I had been idly scanning the columns of the Saturday newspaper over breakfast and had come across an article with some pictures of a woman...
IncestI always felt excited whenever any of my classmates were being punished in school Real is much better than Fantasy I always felt excited whenever any of my classmates were being punished in school. My panties would get wet from watching them get caned either on their palms or calves. The more severe caning was on the buttocks. Ours was a mixed school and so both boys and girls were disciplined. Strangely, I was equally excited, whether a boy or a girl was being punished. The whacks on...
"Boy this is the life," Annette mumbled out loud while slathering her naked body with a generous helping of sun screen!!! After being cooped up in the city for fifty weeks a year, she had just followed her nose until she had discovered a small hidden lake deep inside the Minnesota-Canadian Boudary Waters area north and west of Duluth!!! She had pitched her small tent and set up camp three days ago and had as yet not seen another single solitary soul, which was just fine with her as rest and...
Introduction: …my dick was hard Watching My Brother And Mom *This story is based on some true events and updated. ___I was very young when it all started. Im Jan. I had a growing figure and my tits were now full and perky. I was happy with my body, and boys liked it too. (&hellip,and&hellip,well lets just say some girls did too.) I had let my reddish brown hair grow long. It went to my waist. Boys liked to play with it and I got attention from it. My brother Chuck, love to try to feel me...
They dressed and went out for dinner, then came back and spent the rest of the night in bed. The sex was so acutely pleasurable that Laura found herself wanting morning not to arrive. How two people could create so much bliss was amazing to her. But morning did come, and Rina did go. She insisted, saying what Laura also knew was true, that the reason these moments were so intense was that neither one was really a 'lesbo, ' as Rina called it. Their delight in each other was fiercely...
The other evening I was setting on our deck having an adult beverage. My wife was inside putting away tonights left overs. Around eight o clock I heard the door slide open and my wife asked if I wanted company. I said sure fix yourself a drink and come join me. She said OK I'll be right back. It was about five minutes before I heard the door open again. Without looking back I said what took you so long? My wife answered I wanted to change into something comfortable. She brought a chair around...
Hi guys, Shaumit here back with another story. So about me, I am 21years old from Mumbai. I am a media graduate. Got average looks, a bit muscular body and pretty good sized dick. So, the story is going to be in Hindi. Ye kahani jo main aap sab ke saath share karne jaa raha hu ye kuch bhi planned nahi tha. Jab ye sab hua tab mujhe khudko vishwaas nahi ho raha tha ki ye sab real mein ho raha hai. To sab ladke apne lund ko pakadke hilane ke liye aur sab ladkiya chut geeli hone ke liye tayar ho...
Wong was afraid of his new knife, not of its sharpness, but of the idea that he was armed. It meant that someone might challenge him to battle, not realizing that he was the property of John, and unable to accept a challenge on his own behalf. He compromised by wearing it behind his back, so he didn't seem armed to any who faced him. There it felt like a guard dog protecting his back, and not like a troublesome friend urging him to mischief. John practiced with Zithrusa sword technique, and...
Hi i m —–.I am 22 years old and live in Bhopal. This is my story of sex with my aunty. This story starts as –i take tuition and goes to home to this aunty. I taught her daughter and she is now in 12th. I teach math. Aunty’s name is Madhu and her age is 39.She is really. Both daughter (her name is Tanya) are hot sexy and beautiful. I agreed to teach her because she was hot otherwise i had no interest in teaching. Tanya is the hottest girl of colony and probably area and Madhu aunty is the...
Having been on the horse for the last few hours Sasha finally returned to the stable block and upon putting the horse in the stall, took off her riding jacket and undid her blouse to let some air get at her body, the sun was now so hot and between the perspiration and her getting turned on with the movement of the horse between her legs was feeling horny, riding always had this affect on her and she made her way back to the yard as the delivery lorry turned up.The two guys who always made the...
John and I had started visiting each other more frequently since our first encounter on Halloween. We had not had sex since that time, almost a month ago, but we'd been making it a point to hang out more often. I invited John to come up to my family's condo with me for the weekend for a snowboarding trip, and he agreed. We left town right after he got off of work on Friday. It was a long drive up to the condo, so I figured I'd drink a beer or two on the ride up since I wasnt driving. We got on...
GayWhen we woke up later that morning, Fatima went to the bathroom to clean up. When she finally walked back into the room, my arms were open.She wrapped her right arm under my neck and held really tightly, her emotions ran wild and it took every ounce of restraint for her not to spasm under the emotional pressure. I hugged her tightly and started rubbing her back and her sides. She loved my touch and could not understand what I was doing. It felt so nice that she never wanted it to end; but she...
Trapped in a Fairy Tale By Carleton Vincent At the beginning of this tale, I was an eighteen-year-old boy named Shane Fletcher. I was basically pretty happy with myself the way I was. I was a perfect straight-A student and I was about to graduate high school with high honors. This academic success had earned me a full scholarship. I was headed for the university with the best computer science program in the state the next fall. With all of this going for me, I figured I...
Flew back from New York last week with Delta airlines. Flight was nearly empty, so plenty of room to sit. Had a row of three seats to myself. On the other side of the isle was an attractive lady also travelling alone. We got chatting, I said I had been in New York on business. she had left her husband there, he was something to do with the red bull air race.Turned out she lived only an hour away from me in the uk. After dinner (it was a night flight) the cabin staff turned down the lights for...
Hi everyone.. I’m Deepika Malhotra of Class 11. I’m here to narrate a true story about my 18th birthday. 7th November 2010 – I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I had set it too early (it was 4:00am) out of excitement for my birthday. My parents were away for two days so I decided to host an early morning party for the day. Within few hours the place was filled with boys and girls. I was hanging out with all my close friends Neha, Ananya, Rahul and Deepak. Slowly the crowd trickled out. Only...
It's been a long week. I had three tests, two papers due, two presentations, and to top it all off, I've been horny as fuck. It's been a long time since I've gotten any action, and my girl has been craving attention. About two weeks ago, I broke up with my bitch of a girlfriend, Lily. Turns out the slut was cheating on me with- not one- but two other women at the same time. She tried saying she was sorry and she was bawling and shit, but I dumped her ass, threw away her stuff, went to he...
Lesbian“What did I tell you would happen if you get an erection? I can’t even sleep without you getting in trouble! Blair go get Tyrone!” my Aunt insisted angrily as she towered over me. Blair had Tyrone with her in anticipation of what was about to happen, and my Aunt didn’t even notice that this was no coincidence. Buddy and Lewis started to laugh when I was told to get back into the Thermometer position and stick my butt out to get slapped. “Do I need to spank you on the willy or will across...
That summer of my freshman year was really full. I was working out, hiking, biking, swimming and doing all kinds of outdoor activities. I also was seeing a local girl who was into the outdoors, especially fucking in the open. We actually had never fucked inside a building. She was also on a summer break from college and she was glad to find a hot cock a few hundred miles from her boyfriend. She was good in bed, too, although I never had her in one. In that summer, I rarely had a chat with my...
“Get down, Scoop!” a female voice shouted as two laser blasts exploded against the rocks. “What the?” the Alley Viper shouted as he turned Scoop around. “It’s Lady Jaye. Take me prisoner and she will come out.” Scoop whispered. The Alley Viper, who was Scoop’s friend, quickly spun Scoop around and pressed a knife at the man’s throat. “Hold your fire or I’ll kill him!” he shouted as the shots stopped. “Let him...
Waking the next morning, I was feeling lazy. I didn’t really feel like getting out of bed, but my ladies were having none of that! They were telling me to get up, that I had a lot to do before we left for town, and get up now breakfast was ready. After breakfast, I went to find Grandpa. He had just finished his own breakfast, so we went out to the wagons, making sure everything was ready. We were hitching the mules to both new wagons, and saddling up the horses. We were taking Grandpa, hitched...
When nerdy nympho Kylie Rocket comes over for a study date with her favorite boy toy, his pervy dad answers the door. Turns out the little guy is not home, so Kylie waits around and reads his journal while he is out. As she reads, she discovers that the impudent guy has been cheating on her, and she wants to get back at him! She approaches the cheaters dad, yanking down his pants and feasting her eyes on his meaty dong. The tiny chick wraps her fingers around his rod and sucks seductively. He...
xmoviesforyouPlease read the earlier chapters. Doing my Husband - The End After the early game had ended Sunday night, I had Andy put on my shortest robe and a pair of plain white nylon panties from my drawer. They were hipster style and although not "sexy" they did make his firm butt look cute. I showed him how to wash his new delicate undies and then after he had laid them out to dry on towels in the laundry room, we put a romantic comedy on the DVD and settled in to do the girlie maintenance...
Master and II wait for my Master’s return from a hard days work. Thinking of ways to ever enlighten my Master’s day. My mind continues to drift on more enticing thoughts. How would I greet him today? Kneel before him in only an apron or in one of his big shirts, open to a almost perfect V within view? I decide the latter is to my likening, grinning mischievously. I go and find a nice linen shirt, just a little wrinkled around the edges. Purring in pleasure I stripe bare to prepare myself for my...
Hello I am smile (name changed) from gujarat regular reader of this indian sex stories dot net site and this is the first story of me which I am gone a post and mera mail id he ab hindi me baat karte he kyunki hindi me zazbat he me 20 saal ka hu aur abhi engineering me hu gujarat me. Dikhne me acha hu aur mujhe badi age wali bhabhi aur aunty bohot achi lagti he kam umar ki ladki ke mukable ab me apni story ki heroine meri masi ke bare me batata hu. Uski figure 32-36-32 ki hogi aur wo dikhne me...
When sales rep Romeo Price pitches a new product to spa owner Trinity St. Clair, she insists on testing it out on him. Romeo is reluctant, but when he hears how many units she’ll buy if she likes it, he frees up his schedule for the next hour. She can’t believe he’s never had a NURU massage, considering he sells NURU products. He can’t believe he has to get naked! Trinity explains the basics of NURU massage, the protocol of rinsing off in the shower, relaxing in the...
xmoviesforyouShe still couldn’t believe she was here, with him making all of the fantasies they’d chatted about online for months come true. After a night in a hotel room exploring and learning each others bodies, he surprised her with an announcement to pack and that they were heading to the Cape for the rest of their fantasy weekend together. They stopped in Wellfleet to stock up on supplies and she noticed a small ice cream shop along the beach. She was always a sucker for great ice cream, her face lit...
Straight SexChoices, Chapter 2 Pierre's Choice "Boys, let's get you 'with it' and in the zone. Let's get your ears pierced - like male rock stars." Maggie and the boys had been ambling down the mall's central promenade supposedly on their way to the Sears store, when she spotted a stand selling budget jewelry - of the sort that kids wore - and offering free ear piercing. "Kirk, you go first. Both ears, please," she said to the sales girl; "these boys want to impress their classmates with...
Elizabeth Ridings is an esteemed inventor and mechanic, known for her peculiar inventions and even more peculiar lifestyle. Ever since she became an inventor, she's always been seen wearing male clothing, with her trouser legs rolled up to the top of her leather boots. One other thing to note is the multiple dirt patches all over her arms and face. Not that there's anything wrong with it. If anything, it's a sign of willingness and efficiency. She was a short girl, 19 years old, with long...
FetishI woke a little early and slid from the bed to start the coffee. While I was showering, Bee came in and cuddled with me under the water. In seconds, we were showing a more physical expression of how we felt for each other. I was just about to come when Zena stepped in and told us to wait for her. Zena knelt in front of Bee and tongued Bee, while I plunged away blasting Bee full. Zena kept right on sucking and licking, sending Bee into dreamland. Zena stood up and turned her perfect butt to me...
As Hellen stood in the room turning red, she hesitantly removed her dress and shoes, she kept her stockings on. I sttod there and watched as she revealed her toned body. I was very pleasd that her full B-cup brests had the mst wonderfull dark pink nipples and porportionate aerolas, her clean shaven pussy was topped with a love patch (as I call it. A 1 inch wide and 3 inch long trimmd patch of red fluf). I turned and oppened my backpack, reaching in "you did not fully undress" in a condeming...
This is a fantasy which I have played over, time and time again in my mind! In fact I dream about her every night and in every way........Since my son split from his ex-partner, (For this story I will call her Debbie) I have fantasised about her daily, nightly and even when I think I'm not thinking about her, my brain and cock tell me something completely different!I'd not say she is a petite thing with model looks, she is an average looking BBW in her late 20's and proud of it! She likes to...
Rose Monroe joined us this week to have a little bit of AssParade fun. We started things by having her parade her goods in south beach. Everyone out and about was mesmerized by her perfectly plump ass. From there, we decided to move things over to the location for the real fun to begin. Here, Rose oiled up her curvaceous body before shoving Peter Green’s cock deep inside her mouth. Things only escalated from there. Rose’s pussy was penetrated in several different positions before receiving a...
xmoviesforyou“Chris,” Layla said, “I really want to kick your balls.”Layla was a dancer which meant she not only had long, tapered beautifully shaped legs, but that she knew how to move them gracefully. From talking with her, I knew she’d taken ballet lessons as a teenager and then gotten interested in Taekwando. Layla’s brown hair was tied back in a sophisticated bun. She was wearing a short black satin half slip, and a demi-cup black bra which just revealed the circles of her areolas. It was a...
"Honey, I Think The Kids Swapped Their Minds Again" by Caleb Jones based on the TV show - Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Disney owns the characters, I'm just borrowing them Observational notes on the effects of the Szalinsky Neuron Nudger (pat. pending), an experimental device from the Szalinsky Inventions research files. My new Szalinsky Neuron Nudger device was too successful! My new associate at work, Bianca, stole my invention and stranded myself and my wife...
I love reading stories - not so sure I'm a writer - 1st attempt: Hi, my name is Kelli. I am used to dry spells when it comes to sex. I made the decision after college to put career ahead of men for now. Thus far, I have been successful at rising up the corporate ladder, but have had to work harder than my older male colleagues to do so. It's not that I don’t love a nice hard cock – I do! Once a month or so - when my toy just doesn't do the trick, I'll hit one of my old college bars and bring...
SeductionGrauwulf seemed not to notice the rolling and pitching of the boat. His elbows rested on the front rail, fingers entangled in his shaggy beard. To his left, the watch scanned the blue with Zeiss binoculars - attempting to mask his fear with concentration. Behind, on the birdcage, two more seamen stared up at the sky - one, his arm draped protectively over the grey breeches of the twin 'zwillingkanonen.' A stiff breeze whipped spray up and over the hull, sending foamy rivulets slopping into...
I noticed her purse was open and had the same vib inside from when I saw earlier. She came out from the bathroom and caught me looking at her purse. "What are you looking at?" she asked. "Nothing.. n-nothing at all." I replied kinda nerviously, hopeing not to get caught while she grabed her purse and looked at it. "Oh..., I know now..." she said softly. "umm..." I didn't say anything. She smiled, and immediatly put the purse down and sat on my leg, facing me. "You wanna see what it...
Hello there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon Girl Feet Adventures! For starters we should decide the gender of the protagonist of the story. So is it a boy or a girl?