While Cupid's Away... free porn video

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Vilmar cursed as the woman paused in the midst of tugging down her skirt. He saw the glaze leave her eyes, and knew that she'd broken his charm spell. He turned on his heel, rapidly tying the robe he wisely chosen to open rather than shed. She covered her breasts — the only thing he'd even seen this time — and let out a shrill scream that he thought was surely going to cause his ears to bleed.

As he burst out the door of her home, he twisted a ring on his finger to shroud his body in invisibility. His magic took effect just in time, because several of the woman's neighbors had already reacted to her scream. Vilmar slowed to prevent his flapping sandals from giving away his position and crept out of the area.

Once safely beyond the sound of the ruckus, the wizard ducked into a dark corner and let his invisibility lapse. Though highly adept at most types of magic, he had never gained facility with charming spells. To this day, he had managed to reach his peak only once with a charmed woman before she broke free — and he had tried many, many times. Most often, the encounters ended exactly as this one had, with no more than a peek and a frantic flight. He had achieved better results with magical seeing and invisibility.

A thunderclap may as well have heralded a crack in the sky, because the clouds opened with a downpour even before the sound of the rumbling died away. Vilmar was soaked to the skin within a minute, water running down his hooked nose, which stuck out a fair distance beyond the hood of his robe. Soon enough, he could feel the weight of the water soaking his thick eyebrows — or eyebrow as he often heard people whisper behind his back — and he still needed to travel a good distance to reach the inn where he lodged.

The sounds of merriment from the common room of the inn set his teeth on edge as Vilmar finally approached his destination. Few turned to see who had entered when the wind virtually blew him in the door. They kept their attention on their cups and the members of the opposite sex. He turned away from the sight of women sitting on men's laps and bodices that barely covered breasts to stomp up the stairs to his room, leaving a trail of mud behind.

Once in his room, he shed his sodden robe from his gangly body, letting the garment fall to the floor with a wet plop. Despite his heavy footfalls as he ascended the staircase, a thick layer of mud still encrusted his sandals and created clammy, slimy cushions between each of his toes. He kicked off the sandals with a disgusted hiss and walked over to retrieve a washbasin from the table in the room.

Vilmar cast a spell upon the bowl, and then sat it down on the floor. He stepped inside, finding just enough room for both of his feet to fit. He then raised his hands over his head and spoke the words of another spell. When he completed the chant, a warm shower of water rained down upon him, washing away the mud and chill. His masterful control of the spell ensured that not one drop escaped the basin, and the magic he had cast upon it previously drained the bowl as fast as it filled. Another spell dried him just as easily.

Once clean and dressed in a fresh robe, Vilmar settled in and listened for the revelry downstairs to die down a little. He hated this day above all others, dedicated to the goddesses of love and lust, because it reminded him that no woman would ever feel either for him. He planned to slip into the common room under cloak of invisibility, once the room cleared enough, to steal enough money to hire the services of a prostitute for the evening.

Eventually, the noise quieted. No doubt adjourning to their rooms and homes to rut, Vilmar silently sneered. He twisted his ring and let the magic wrap around him. A peek through the cracked door revealed that the hall was empty, and so he swiftly slipped out.

The stairs were likewise devoid of traffic, and thankfully well constructed. The soft-soled shoes that now replaced his sandals made no sound as he carefully worked his way down to the common room floor.

His plan proved a sound and easy one. The drunken patrons provided easy pickings, allowing Vilmar to fill his pockets with coin. The weary bartender was not fully attentive of his duties as he relaxed after the early rush, and coins vanished from his till as well. After less than half an hour, Vilmar had enough to hire his pleasure for the evening with some to spare.

With a smug smirk decorating his invisible face, Vilmar made his way back toward the stairs. He stopped short and raised his azalea bush eyebrows when he saw a nude man sitting at a corner table. He wondered how the other patrons managed to ignore the man's nudity until a slight shift revealed the naked drinker's true identity. The feathered wings identified him as a cupid, and the red sash of his quiver denoted that he served the goddess of lust, Erotine.

Vilmar realized that his command of magic allowed him to see through the disguise such proxies of the goddesses wore when traveling the world of mortals. Relaxing his control over his powers revealed the disguise, explaining why the other patrons paid him no mind.

The wizard's research into such beings returned to him in a flash, creating a plan in his mind almost as quickly. Only three arrows remained in the cupid's quiver, and that indicated that he had probably met his quota for this evening — likely in this very common room. He surely searched for a woman to satisfy his own lust now, and following the cupid's gaze revealed whom the man had chosen, one of the barmaids. From her frequent glances toward him, Vilmar determined that the cupid had already used an arrow on the woman, or his goddess-given attributes had done the job without the aid of magic.

Vilmar hurried up the stairs and let the magic of his ring slip away. In order to enact his plan, he would need to use his magic, and he couldn't do that under the influence of the ring without suddenly appearing from thin air. The cupid could also likely see him through the magic, and had only failed to notice him because his attention was fixated on the barmaid.

The wizard returned to the common room and took a shadowed table near where the barmaid was depositing a tray of drinks for other patrons. His fingers worked beneath the table to form the gestures of his spell while he mouthed the words under his breath. The barmaid walked toward his table as soon as she saw him without a drink, which surprised Vilmar a little. Such women often avoided him until he forced them to acknowledge his presence.

"Can I get you something, Sir?"

"Yes, a glass of your finest spirits," Vilmar replied and held out a coin.

The barmaid reached for the payment and Vilmar placed it in her hand, activating his spell. "I'm sure you're anxious to have this day done and return home," he said conversationally.

"Mmm hmm," she replied.

At first, Vilmar thought his plan stopped right there. Her mind turned not to the location of her home, but instead to the cupid. In the next instant, she thought of taking the man back to her home, and Vilmar had what he wanted.

The barmaid returned with his spirits quickly and said, "Just call if you need anything else."

Vilmar tossed back the spirits in two swallows, finding that the liquor actually was fine. As with the barmaid's courteous service, he was unused to actually getting what he asked for. For a fraction of a second, he felt guilty about what he planned to do.

But only for a fraction of a second.

He left a coin for the barmaid and exited the inn, following the path in the barmaid's mind to her home. His magic made short work of the locks, and he found a chair in the corner to await her return, using his ring to hide him in invisibilty.

A short time later, the barmaid opened the door and stumbled into the room backwards, locked in a kiss with the cupid. As soon as she shut the door, she tore at the cupid's illusionary clothing, even as he bared her body as well.

Vilmar waited a short while for the sounds of impassioned sex to build, and then crept toward the bedroom door. He let out a mental sigh when he saw that the cupid had indeed discarded his quiver and bow upon climbing into the bed with the barmaid.

The barmaid squealed and screamed in bliss as the cupid gave her pleasure unlike any mortal could possibly deliver. His wings flapped with every powerful thrust of his hips, and the bed frame creaked alarmingly. Vilmar made a silent wish that the cupid was completely enthralled by his lust and crept into the room.

The cacophony continued as Vilmar moved slowly toward the bow and quiver. His small member hardened from the scene, spurring courage driven by his own lusty needs. The cupid didn't pause in his efforts as the wizard picked up the spoils of his stealth and moved at a faster pace back toward the doorway.

Excitement and anticipation swelled within him as he exited the home with the bow and quiver in hand. He laughed and danced a jig, causing a couple across the muddy street to stare at him. He cleared his throat and contained his exuberance, instead moving apace toward his chosen target for the arrows.

Vilmar had all but literally drooled upon seeing the woman hanging her underthings upon a clothesline a few days earlier. Watching the house had confirmed that she had no husband. Only the nearby guardhouse had dissuaded him to choose her for his failed attempt at charm magic earlier in the evening.

He cursed when he turned a corner where he could see the house. The woman was in the front yard with several guests around a fire. Only a couple leaving, and other indications that the merriment was near an end, kept him from losing his previously high spirits.

Anticipating that he would need not wait long, Vilmar stepped into the shadows and summoned up the magic of his ring to wait until she was alone.

Leena cocked her head as the sounds of passion met her ears. Almost instantly, she could feel the presence of another cupid, but not one that served the goddess of love, as she did.

She pursed her lips and clucked her tongue, knowing that Aldaron claimed this area as his own. No other cupid of Erotine would dare invade his territory, and so she knew it must be him. No doubt, he had fulfilled his obligation for the evening and now sated his own needs. Leena sighed, knowing that some beautiful woman would awaken late tomorrow. She would also be quite sore, but very sexually satisfied.

Leena unfortunately still had two souls to intertwine. Aldaron had used his magical arrows to tempt one of her charges to stray from his loving wife, forcing Leena to intervene with an arrow of her own. Though she had averted a tragedy, she still had a stubborn couple to bring together this night because of the delay.

A tingle alerted her that she'd finally located one of her charges. She hurried off to bring him to the woman who would bring him lifelong joy, the stern words she had for Aldaron forgotten for the moment.

Vilmar moved next to a window under the cover of his magic, nervously looking in every direction for signs of anyone watching. While none could see him now, he would wink into visibility the moment he fired the magical bow. Movement in his peripheral vision encouraged the wizard to look through the window at the object of his desire. The raven-haired woman moved back and forth through the house, putting away various things brought back inside by the last of her guests as the gathering ended.

She closed a cabinet directly in his line of vision and turned in profile to the window, raising her hands above her head and stretching. The pose served to accentuate her already stupendous figure, thrusting out her ample breasts and perfectly shaped bottom to good effect. Vilmar's manhood throbbed, and he swiftly glanced around one final time.

With no one in sight, he fitted an arrow and took aim, hoping that his research was correct. If what he had read was true, the window would prove no barrier to the magical missile, and the arrow would fly true despite his complete lack of knowledge in the use of the weapon beyond seeing others do it. The wizard clumsily released the arrow, negating his magical cloak of invisibility. His face split into a wide, hungry smile when the arrow sailed through the window as if it didn't exist and struck his attractive target.

Vilmar licked his lips as he hid the bow and quiver in his robe. As soon as the arrow hit her to work its magic, the woman threw back her head and cradled her breasts in her hands. The wizard wasted no time in moving toward the front door, doing his best to appear as though he belonged there. He still held his breath as he opened the door, half expecting to hear a terrified scream as soon as he did so.

She didn't scream. Instead, she let out a passionate gasp and crossed the floor toward him with need in her eyes. She had already shed her blouse, baring her magnificent breasts, and pushed down her skirt as she walked. Vilmar kicked the door closed behind him, and by the time she reached him, she was completely nude.

She kissed him hard, maneuvering around his protruding proboscis to do so, and pressed her naked body against him for a second. She then moved back enough to grasp the belt of his robe, frantically working to remove the garment as her tongue explored his mouth.

Vilmar reevaluated his disdain for this holiday as she undressed him.

Aldaron's wings snapped out wide as he vocalized his release, the sound drowned out in the ecstatic scream of his partner, in the throes of her own climax. The cupid of Erotine groaned in satisfaction, glad to have found a woman that could endure his immortal lovemaking more than once.

She struggled to catch her breath as her scream trailed off, but still emitted a warbling moan and caressed her mound where his throbbing member and pool of seed spread warm bliss throughout her body.

He held still as she settled down from her orgasm and stopped gasping, only to trigger another bout of her choking for air as he pulled his still stiff member from her slippery canal. With great delight, he watched her smoothing his cream that seeped from her into her labia and bringing the sticky fingers to her lips to taste their mingled juices.

She finally let her head fall heavily to the pillow and moaned in content languor, causing Aldaron to sigh. It seemed she was spent, and so it was time to return to Erotine's domain to restock his arrows.

As he swung his legs off the bed to retrieve his bow and quiver, he felt her shift on the bed. She grasped his arm and he turned toward her with a smile. She stared down at his stiff organ and breathed, "More," into his ear.

A sensual growl rumbled from the cupid's throat as he pushed her back to the bed to mount her again.

Leena sighed and hugged both her arms and wings around her as the couple tenderly kissed for the first time. With her work here now complete, she had earned freedom for a time. She could seek out one who had given up on love to reawaken it with her charms, or she could have words with Aldaron for trying to ruin the life of one of her charges.

She reached out with her senses for one who needed to know the wonder of love again, but Aldaron's presence intruded upon her seeking. His lust was charged so that it spread a miasma for some distance in all directions, far stronger than she had ever detected before.

Decision made for lack of an alternative, Leena used her powers to completely mask her presence from the mortals around her and spread her wings to seek out her rival.

The dark-haired beauty stroked Vilmar's small member with a moan as soon as she revealed it. If she felt any disappointment about his less than average size, she gave no hint of it. The magic of the cupid's arrow overwhelmed her, awakening a need inside her that superseded all else.

Vilmar grasped the perky teardrop of her left breast, squeezing it almost too hard in his eagerness. She didn't protest, but instead thrust her chest toward him as she stroked his cock even faster with one hand and teased between her own legs with the other.

He looked down to watch her stroke her fingers over her sex, delighted to discover the curls surrounding it neatly manicured. Such was a rarity amongst the prostitutes that constituted almost the entirety of his sexual experience. The scent of her arousal tickled his nostrils, also far different from what he was used to. She smelled clean and intoxicating.

"Take me," she gasped, and turned to place her hands on a table behind her.

Vilmar stepped toward her taut, heart-shaped ass, so well presented to him in her current pose. He grasped a handful of each cheek and squeezed, then brought his hand down in a smack on impulse.

She moaned in response and bent lower, wiggling her bottom and giving him a better view of her nether lips. With a growl of desire, he stepped forward and grasped her hips.

After a few failed attempt to penetrate her that nevertheless coated the tip of his erection in her juices, she reached back to guide him inside her. Vilmar groaned as he thrust into the warm embrace of a beautiful, willing woman for free, for the first time in his life.

The wizard stroked his cock enthusiastically in her moist canal, and soon slipped free. She let out a little whimper and reached back to guide him inside her again, leaving her hand between her legs to tease the swollen bud at the apex of her nether lips. This built her own pleasure to compensate for his small size, and allowed her to push him back inside her almost immediately when he inevitably slipped free again.

Vilmar felt the itch of his impending release shortly after he found a rhythm and managed to keep his cock inside her for more than a few strokes. The power of cupid's arrow and her fingers pushed her to her heights as well, far more quickly than she would have reached her peak otherwise. Despite this, the wizard cried out and slammed his hips forward before she climaxed, spurting pent-up jets of semen into her.

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After the Exodus Runaways

Runaways By: Malissa Madison Kitten, had grown up in an orphanage, mistreated and abused. All she really wanted in life was to be a girl. She'd discovered her desire at ten years of age right after she was orphaned. The name on her birth certificate though was Daryl Simpson. She'd watched how people fawned over the girls, and how they always got pretty things. The first ones who ever got presented to prospective adopting parents were the girls. So few of the boys ever got adopted...

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Ethereal Cupid

I pulled open a door in the ether and stepped out onto Lakeside road. Well, stepped out and down and landed in a crumpled heap on the asphalt; always a risk over such a long distance. To be honest, opening an ethereal doorway, three feet above the ground, smack in the middle of the road you were aiming for, from over three thousand miles away, was pretty damn close. I picked myself up and dusted off my clothes. Habit. I couldn’t get dust on me in my ethereal form. As I stood in the road a...

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This Story starts with guy who 35, but takes place when he's 25. The 2 girls are Jenifer (Jen) she 10-11 and Sarah who's 9-10. As with my other stories I use the ******** lines to sepparate the sex scenes. So if you get sick of the boring part of the story, just skip ahead. RUNAWAYS My name is John I’m 35, I’ve always loved younger girls but I didn’t realize how young until 10 yrs ago. When I was 22 I won $100,000,000.00 from a lottery, so I’m set for life. Anyway, 10yrs ago I was...

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The Runaways

Every story must have a beginning, middle and an end; a universal rule that will seemingly never change. However, one can always control how they read a story, or rather exactly where they start. Typically you would pick the first chapter of a narrative, but perhaps you'd rather skip to the good stuff, or maybe you already read and want to start somewhere else. The Runaways is an episodic series that follows either Marty or Bethany Wright. A Brother/Sister from England who moved to the United...

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MAU Slayers Runaways

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Jordan and Laura were two friends who used the MAU to become Faith and Buffy from the television series, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They began to work for the Agency, a group who searches for active MAUs and the people who use them. A man in the higher ranks of the Agency now wants the slayers as part of his plan. They are now on the run from the Agency. MAU - Slayers - Runaways "So what happened?" Agent R asked his partner, Agent S. They...

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The Stowaway

They passed this law to discourage spacings. You see, how it would happen is the captain and crew would have their way with the stowaways and when they were a finished, they’d push ‘em out the airlock. Dead men tell no tales ‘en all that. Now it got to the point where the bodies were getting mighty thick on some of them space lanes and posing something of a navigation hazard, so in the interest of public safety they passed the law. Stellar Congress perhaps being not up to date on what...

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The Stowaway

Needing a ride from San Antonio to Houston to visit a friend, Heyna decided to use an old trick her older sister had taught her. She walked to the nearest truck stop and waited around for an available truck heading west. Heyna positioned herself in the diner area where she could see the rigs coming in from the highway so she could spot the westbound drivers. After a twenty-minute wait, Heyna was sure that she had spotted her target. An independent driver in an old red Mack with a sleeper on the...

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Kelly stood on the bow of the ship. She worshiped the sun letting it warm her tanned skin. She ran her hand through her long dark brown hair and opened her eyes. She blushed when she saw Kevin the stud staring at her and she hoped she didn't look silly. She turned her athletic body away and almost ran away. She heard him laugh behind her. Whew, way to go Kelly, humiliate yourself even more, why don't you. She thought to herself. On a whim she decided to head to the bar even though it was...

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Wank meet success story Kate Garraway

Continuing on with my celeb orientated wank meet write up with my wank buddy around 5-6 years ago, we decided to do a meet over Kate Garraway. I was (still am) a huge fan of Kate and wanted to give her the honour of double tributing her. My bud was a fan though not as big as me, however he was game and so we decided to give her the privilege of our hard cocks and cum loads.For me Kate had been driving my cock wild since my teenage years. I vividly remember her on morning tv and was instantly...

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Kaise Kitchen Mai Khade Khade Chudawaya

Hello ISS readers, Yogu hajir hai aapki chut ki khidmat mein. Aap toh mujhe jante ho. Main Maharashtra se hu. 26 saal ka ek hot sexy ache gharka ladka hu. Toh chale ab story pe ata hu. Aaj ki story mere aur meri padosan bhabhi ke beech ki hai. Waise jab maine unko pataya tab se main hamesha kisi na kisi bahane unke ghar jata. Unka fig bahut mast hai. Bhara hua badan 36 ki boobs 34 ki lachalati kamar aur mast matakati gadarayi gol matol 38 ki gand ka toh pucho hi mat. Ab bhi mera lund salami...

4 years ago
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Mast Aunty Ne Gaand Utha Uthake Chudawaya

Hello dosto mai hu yogu meri age 24 saal hai aur maine abhi padhai khatam ki hai. Mai ek gigelo matlab call boy ka bhi kam karta hu jaise ki pyasi ladies aunty bhabhi aur ladies ko sex ka pura maza dena aur unko satisfies karana. Mai ek raat aur din and raat ka 1200 se 1500 rs charge karta hu aur muze khaskar mature aur married ladies jo ki apne pati se satisfied nahi hai. Unko pura maza dene mai bahut aacha lagta hai.Ya samzo sepreted divorcee ladies ya business women agar kisi ladies ko...

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Sonia Rich Wife Ne Khud Ko Pregnant Kawaya

Hello everyone I am raj from nagpur aur aa gaya hu lekar ek aur dhamakedaar kahani. Aap mujhe se contact kar sakte hai- Aur apna feed back aur review zarur de. Ye ek real incident hai jo mere sath abhi pichle hafte hi hua hai. Story start karne se phehle apne baare mai bata du,mai ek hatta katta 23 saal ka ladka hu,mera 6 inches ka size hai jo kisi bhi ladki,bhabhi,aunty ko aaram se satisfy kara sakta hai.Aap agar intrested hai to mujhe bataye nagpur mai kahi b service provide ki jaegi kushi...

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The Four Castaways

It's the old marooned on a tropical island tale. But it's all in the psychology, the characters, and how the story is told. Four guys survive a plane crash. One of them is of small stature. Big surprise, huh? (Note that there is a punch in the face early on, and the story can be read as ForceFem - or not.) 0% trans fat. Low sugar. Four Castaways By ABC de F Kevin awoke slowly and when he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a beige wall a foot away. His face was in dirt....

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Wyoming Ute IGT Stowaway

Wyoming Ute IGT, Stowaway By: Malissa Madison It was the middle of the busiest part of the evening when Carline first noticed the girl. She seemed to just be wandering around visiting, but she couldn't remember seeing her with anyone before they'd left Saturn. But still maybe she was one Of Djulie or Klinda's girls that she hadn't met yet. She knew a lot of the Alien humanoid races looked pretty young, and a teen looking Star Hooker could earn a lot of money. But seeing as how busy...

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Ek Ki Mari Tino Se Marawayi

By : Aadipr Hey friends? How are you all? I got lots of mails n good response of my pervious stories (incidences)! So aaj mein ek aur incidence ki baatein aapke smane rakh raha huu aap muje aapake suzav, pasandgi ya napasandgi mail kar sakte hai . Jese mein pahele bata chuka hun ki muje bisexual sex experiences mein bada maza aata hai, to aaj baat usiki batata hun. Jese mene meri pichali stories mein bataya ki mein mere room partner Sameer ko kai baar chod chuka hun. Usaka ek dost hai salim,...

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Castaways Alex was a normal high school girl excited at the prospect of playing a musical concert in Sydney, Australia. She was first-chair among flute players and was going to have a few solos. She had practiced a great deal for this moment, and her school was chosen for this special honor. She liked to think that she played a small part in this selection. This was the first time the Dallas suburb public school had been given this kind of opportunity. The young blond, blue-eyed,...

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The Stowaway

Needing a ride from San Antonio to Houston to visit a friend, Heyna decided to use an old trick her older sister had taught her. She walked to the nearest truck stop and waited around for an available truck heading west. Heyna positioned herself in the diner area where she could see the rigs coming in from the highway so she could spot the westbound drivers. After a twenty-minute wait, Heyna was sure that she had spotted her target. An independent driver in an old red Mack with a sleeper on the...

Straight Sex
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Helen Martin woke up on a deserted beach to the sound of the surf breaking on the shore. She was still tired and hungry from being in the water practically the whole night. As she scanned her surroundings for any sign of civilization, only the silence of the trees echoed back at her, along with the solitary cry of some jungle animal. She was a cast away now, scared shitless and at her wits end on how she would be able to survive this ordeal. Just a week ago, the spouses John and Helen Martin...

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Our Gataway

I awoke to the sound of running water. As my head slowly cleared I realized that my beautiful wife was already in the shower. I grabbed a cigarette from the night stand and lit it, and let my mind wander as I slowly gained my senses. Outside the morning sun was just starting to make it's presence known. I was glad that the tourist season was over. Since moving to a small central Arizona community, located just below the Mogollon Rim, My wife and I have had little time to enjoy the vast...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 6 Breakaway

-- NOVEMBER 25 -- I felt someone gently rocking my shoulder and calling my name. "Marie ... Marie..." As unwelcome consciousness flooded my brain, I turned my head and accidently put my face in the direct path of a beam of sunlight. Clenching my eyes shut against the sudden illumination, I flipped over and then blinked my eyes to find Zoey standing over my bunk. "Hey ... You okay? Bad hangover or something?" I stared at her in confusion, not understanding what she meant. But then...

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FlashedWhilekat Saway

Minnie tapped her foot until the phone was answered. "Lucy. It's me. I'm lonely." "Lonely?" "Kat's at a conference. Come around. I don't like being on my own." "I got a lot of work to do." "I got red wine and tequila..." "Okay, you've convinced me. I'll be around in ten." The red wine was gone. The tequila bottle was half empty. Minnie and Lucy sat on the floor in the lounge, looking through their university photos, each one reducing them to fits of giggles. "Look at...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 4 Sex CampChapter 9 Stowaways

"After you have your morning snacks feel free to pass by my kitchen and sample my Blueberry Pancakes and Sausage Delights breakfast special; just remember, no one gets in without swiping their credit card through my card machine first, and no one gets out without leaving me a good tip." Susan, who was in the middle of consuming her morning snack giggled and had to cough as she almost choked on Harry's powerful load. When he finished cumming she said, "Any idea what and Ever-Cumming...

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Spider Queen Book 8Chapter 17 Etarstaway

“That is a gorgeous city,” said Linda. “It looks like it was built from crystals. This is the first city I have seen where so much of it is above ground. I love the spires and liquid shapes. Those buildings look miles high. The colors are lovely. The buildings look like they were made from crystal.” Jason with Ooryphyon glued to his side looked at the city as they drew closer, the sky began to lighten and the colors changed from blues to pinks and orange. The city was awakening. Shuttles...

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The Runaway

As a runaway, I didn?t have much choice in what happened to me Chapter 1Runaway As a runaway, I didn?t have much choice in what happened to me. I had to survive. I was really a very na?ve, scared 16 year old who was fed up with the screaming and fighting at home. I just had to get away. But now, where would I go? How would I find money? Food? A place to live? I hadn?t really thought it through. So I wandered the streets for a while. I had $30.00 in my purse from my Grandparents as a b...

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Romantic Getaway

Romantic Getaway turns into exploitation for Forced Gangbang Hi Readers, I would like to share my story of how a romantic getaway with my boyfriend turned in to exploitation that leads to gangbang. My name is Janaki(not real), age 23. My appearance is good looking beautiful having black long straight hair shoulder length, fair skin complex, brown colored eyes, oval-shaped face, height about 5ft 4inches, and weight about 52 kgs. Body measurement is 32C – 26 – 30. I am an attractive girl which...

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The Nudist Hideaway

A few years back I decided to check out a nudist retreat that offered hiking,cycling and other outdoor activities that worked up a good sweat and provided an outlet to the modern stress filled air conditioned lifestyle that so many have people are trapped in the confines of.I walked in to the front desk area where I was greeted by two thirty something women who said that I should take a look around and check out the roster board of daily activities to see if there were any that I'd enjoy...

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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 13 A First Trip to a Senate Hideaway

Arlene went with Greta to meet Andy and Diane after work. Terry told them, “Andy’s comments suggested that Diane might be interested in women. Now, either of you, appropriately dressed and made up, certainly can come across as of college age. Harold, on the other hand, needs more growth to be able to pass as in his twenties. Paul can’t easily get away from work for this.” Arlene grinned. “Harold probably needs some male helpers so that we don’t fuck him to death.” Terry observed, “It’s not...

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Son Of Cupid Chapter 4 The Art Of Masturbation

NAME: jalal Kareem AGE: 21 Years Old RACE: Mixed Arabic and Caucasian BIRTHPLACE: Iran but has lived in the USA since he was 4 years old and speaks in an American accent. HAIR COLOR: jet black medium length shaggy curly hair style SHOE SIZE: 9 1/2 FLACCID PENIS SIZE: 6 inches in length and 2 inches in width FULLY ERECT PENIS SIZE: 8 1/2 inches in length annd 3 inches in width CIRCUMCISED: no           Next I unfroze time and made myself visible to him with my white feathered wings....

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Cupid Story 8211 Lesson Learnt In Seduction Of Housewife

It is continual learning about the behavior and expectations of women. I constantly question my level of winning them. Few of my trials or actions have failed mercilessly. There are few women whom I see in my daily life and wish to share my love with them. Some dont even look; some will throw cheap look; luckily some will look but will turn back if I look at them. I believed that the time and situation plays a vital role in bringing us together besides our ingenious attempts. The traveling is...

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Cupid Retires

I knocked on the doors of one of the nicest castles in the world. It was answered by a beautiful lady but what else would you expect when knocking on the castle door of Venus, the goddess of love. I was there to inform her of some not so good news. I asked the lady at the door if she would please get Venus for me? She replied, "Whom should I say is calling?" "Saint Peter. I think she is expecting me." She asked me to come in while she informed Venus that I was there. I sat on one of the...

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That Cupid MasqueChapter 3

“Shazaam! Oh, fucking God! Yes, yes, motherfucking YES!” Kathy screamed after I fucked her on about the twelfth stroke or so. “Someone misses that dick, doesn’t she?” Denise teased Kathy and she made no attempt to deny it. “DO I EVER! This cock, this fucking cock ... the best ... fucking ... cock in ... the motherfucking WORLD!” Kathy proved yet again what a screamer she was at heart. That was too much for even me, as my ex-wife bathed my prick in her juices and creamed herself a third or...

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