Setting Up Cupid free porn video

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I was sick of the jokes, and had been for my whole life. When your name is Larry Cupid, every February pretty much anybody I met thought it would be clever to make a joke, as if I hadn’t heard every one. And to make it worse, I’m a salesman, so I’m constantly introducing myself to new people every day.

‘Gonna find me someone to love this year?’

‘Where’s your bow and arrow?’

‘Are your wings stuffed under that sweater?

Very fucking funny. I couldn’t wait for Valentine’s Day to be over, because at least the jokes slowed down. This year was no different. Everyone that I spoke to felt the need to make a joke about my name, but because I am generally a nice guy, and a good salesman, I had no choice but to chuckle, as if it wasn’t the millionth time I had heard the oh so clever quip.

I love my family, but why couldn’t they have changed the name? I know that my dad was teased, but it never seemed to get to him. And to make it worse, apparently it wasn’t even the original family name—some moron at Ellis Island decided to shorten Kupidowitz.

I wonder if guys named Scrooge or Claus had it bad at Christmas. That would be great.

And to make it worse, there I was, single on Valentine’s Day. It had been nearly 2 months since Tracy had dumped me, not that I didn’t see it coming, because things had been pretty tense between us the past few months. But still, it was better to be in a relationship, even a crappy relationship, on Valentine’s Day, than to be single.

Now, a smart man would have left work, headed home, ordered in Chinese food and watched basketball, but no, I’m such a nice guy that I agreed to meet up with a bunch of friends at a bar, before they went out on their special dates. Of course, I had agreed to this before Tracy had split, but these were my friends, and so I figured I would go, have a beer or two and then head home. Basketball games don’t get interesting until the second half, anyway.

I left the office, took the subway uptown and got to Malone’s about 15 minutes late. Bill and Jenna, Alex and Gabby and Markus and Olivia were already there, drinking and laughing. I worked my way through the crowd to their table and squeezed in between Markus and Alex. I couldn’t help noticing that the three women looked good, and were dressed for a more interesting night than we were currently having. My friends were going to have a good fucking night, and a good night fucking. Good for them. I had hundreds of cable channels at my disposal and the entire Internet.

After exchanging greetings, man hugs and air kisses, I ordered a draft IPA and pretended to enjoy myself.

It is difficult enough to be third wheel, being a seventh wheel was excruciating, especially since everybody spent the night dancing around the fact that I was single on what is generally considered the most romantic night of the year. It got worse when the soulful voice of Sam Cooke began to sing, ‘Cupid, draw back your bow, and let your arrow go….’ My friends stopped talking and whipped their head around to look at me.

Annoyed, I spat out, ‘What? I know, my name is Cupid. I’ve heard the song before, you know.’

They all did know, but couldn’t help themselves, it seemed. They continued to make uncomfortable conversation, until, one by one the couples headed out to their romantic dinners, leaving me alone. At that moment, Connie Francis’ recording of ‘Stupid Cupid’ came on the sound system. I banged my fist hard on the wooden table, causing Alex’s empty beer glass to fall off and smash onto the floor.

The waitress came over and asked me if everything was alright, and I lied, saying that it was. I decided to pay my tab and hit the road.

As I was waiting for the check, I smelled, over the beery scent of the bar, a sharp but pleasant perfume. I looked up and saw a blonde woman standing next to me. Being a man, I noticed that she was not bad looking, with a pretty good body. She wouldn’t turn heads, necessarily, on first look, but her blue eyes and friendly face would probably grow on you over time.

‘Tough day?’ she asked in a strong, clear voice.

‘Yeah, I guess,’ I responded, a bit embarrassed.

‘Not a fan of Valentine’s Day?’ she replied, and without waiting for an answer, continued, ‘me neither.’

I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask, so I pointed at the chair next to me and said, ‘Can I buy you a drink?’

The woman smiled. ‘I’ll join you, but I can buy my own drinks.’

‘Fair enough,’ I responded, ‘please have a seat.’

She sat down, and it was clear now that she was shorter than me, and as I looked closer, I thought she was kind of cute and maybe it wouldn’t be another crappy Valentine’s Day, after all.

‘I’m Larry,’ I offered, sticking out my hand, awkwardly.

‘Val,’ she said, shaking my hand firmly with a small hand. ‘So, what happened?’


‘Yeah, I saw you pound the table. Valentine’s Day breakup?’

That seemed a bit direct. Whatever happened to subtlety, discretion, privacy? I thought, before responding, ‘um, no, not really. It was a couple of months ago.’

‘I’m sorry. That sucks,’ she replied, showing concern on her face.

‘I’ll be fine,’ I replied.

The waitress brought us drinks, and Val insisted on paying for the round. I agreed, and promised to pay for the next one.

‘So,’ she asked, ‘if it isn’t the traditional reason why people get angry on Valentine’s Day, can you tell me what the problem is?’

‘You’ll laugh,’ I replied.

‘I could use a laugh,’ Val responded, but in a way that was funny, not obnoxious.

I smiled sheepishly. ‘My last name is Cupid.’

Val stared at me for what seemed like a minute before breaking out in hysterical laughter. When she caught her breath, she said, ‘Oh my god, I could see why today really sucks for you.’

I nodded.

She continued, ‘And the music, Sam Cooke, and so on, right?’

‘Yeah,’ I chuckled, ‘it was Stupid Cupid that set me off tonight.’

Val shook her head, ‘I know what you mean.’

Emboldened by Val’s directness, I said, ‘Really, how do you know?’

‘Val,’ she said, pointing at her small, but attractive chest, ‘short for Valentina.’

I nodded. ‘Right,’ he responded, ‘I guess you do know what I go through.’

‘It gets worse,’ Val said with a smile.

‘How? ‘ I asked, smiling, ‘your last name isn’t ‘Day’ is it?’

‘My parents were cruel, but not that cruel,’ Val replied with a small laugh. ‘My last name is Hart.’

I could not believe that someone had it as bad, if not worse than me. ‘Your name is Valentina Hart? Seriously?’

Val reached into her purse and pulled out a wallet, then extracted something and tossed it across the table. I picked up her New York State drivers’ license. The picture predictably did not do her justice, but it was clearly her. And the name on it was ‘Valentina Hart.’ I noticed that the address was only a few blocks from the bar, which gave me some fleeting hope of taking her home.

‘O.K.,’ I said, tossing back the license. ‘Either you win the ‘bad name on Valentine’s Day’ award, or you are willing to go very far for a laugh.’

Val chuckled, ‘So, we have something in common. Can I ask you, though, ‘Cupid’ is an unusual name—’

I interrupted. ‘Supposedly, when my great grandfather Moshe Kupidowitz came through Ellis Island, they changed it.’

‘Makes sense,’ she replied, ‘but I honestly think I’d rather be ‘Larry Cupid’ that ‘Larry Kupidowitz.”

‘Most of the year, I guess,’ I responded.

The conversation reached an awkward pause, and we finished our drinks and ordered a second round.

Once that was out of the way, our conversation flowed pretty naturally. We talked about work, a little about our backgrounds, some music and even a little sports. We watched the couples come into the bar, and made up stories about them—the older man with his
younger girlfriend, the guy who furtively checked out every other woman in the bar and ignored his date, the mushy couples trying hard to live up to the Valentine’s Day pressure. About three rounds in, we actually got to see what looked like a woman breaking up with her date, from the look on his face right before she put on her coat and walked out of the place, and the fact that he appeared to order a number of amber colored shots, which he downed quickly and joylessly.

Val excused herself to go to the ladies room, and I checked my watch, surprised that it was already 11:30, and even more surprised at how much I was enjoying this usually annoying day. I realized that it was about to reach the critical moment, where I would ask for her phone number, or try to walk her home for the proverbial nightcap, and I would find out exactly how good a Valentine’s Day it was going to be.

When she came back to the bar, before I could say anything, Val said, ‘Larry, this has been nice. You seem like a nice guy. Can I have your phone number?’

That seemed pretty promising, so I offered to call her cell, but she insisted that I write down the number on a bar napkin, which was less promising, but not unreasonable, considering we had just met. I had such low expectations for the night that it didn’t bother me that much—I definitely would have called her for another date, but if she wasn’t interested, I wouldn’t kill myself.

She put on her coat, so I did the same, and walked her to the door. ‘Thanks, Val,’ I said, ‘for helping to make what usually is my least favorite day of the year fun.’

‘Thanks for everything,’ she said, reaching her face up and kissing me on the cheek before heading out to the street. Having nothing better to do, I followed her out and started to walk to the subway.

I have to admit that over the next few days, I kept hoping that she would text or call me, and kept checking my phone, in vain. And by the following week, I had pretty much moved on, figuring that she wasn’t interested. So, I was surprised to get a call from her one evening while I was watching one of my favorite sitcoms.

‘Larry, it’s Val,’ she said.

‘How’ve you been?’ I asked, trying to keep my voice flat.

‘Good, and you?’

‘Pretty good, I guess,’ I answered truthfully. My bad day had passed, and I had made a couple of pretty good sales at work.

‘This may be a little weird,’ Val started, ‘but I have a friend that I would like you to meet.’

That was unexpected. She liked me enough to set me up with a friend, but not enough to go out with me. It was both flattering and a little annoying. ‘Really?’ I asked, ‘that is a little unexpected.’

‘I know, trying to set Cupid up on a date….’ she started, trailing off when I didn’t laugh.

‘Yeah, thanks,’ I said, disappointed that she of all people would trot out another line that I was quite familiar with.

‘So,’ she asked, ‘are you interested?’

‘I don’t know, tell me about her.’

‘She just joined my company a few months ago and is really nice and pretty. Tall, skinny, nice figure, blonde hair. She seems really smart and has a good sense of humor. . .’

There were as many red flags in that description as there were lures, but I’m a nice guy, so I figured, what the hell.

‘Sure, why not?’ I responded.

‘Great—I’ll give her your number, and she can call you to make arrangements.’

‘That’s fine—what’s her name?’

‘Oh yeah, you will probably need that,’ she laughed. ‘Sherry. Sherry Wine.’

It was my turn to laugh. ‘Really?’

‘Yeah. I figured if anyone would be sympathetic to her name issue, it would be you, Larry. And I thought you were a nice guy who would get along with Sherry.’

‘Sure, I’m sure it will be great.’ I paused and figured, what the hell, before continuing. ‘Val, can I ask you something?’

‘You want to know why I’m setting you up with a friend when we had such a good time the other night, right?’

‘I knew you were smart,’ I said. ‘So?’

‘I wasn’t completely honest with you. I was at the bar to meet my boyfriend, and he got stuck late at work. I was already at the bar, and figured I would have a drink. Then you offered me a drink, we had the bad Valentine’s Day connection and you were a nice guy and it was fun. But I’m in a relationship and happy, so it wasn’t going to go any further. But I thought Sherry might be a match for you.’

I was a little disappointed, but realized that Val had never been anything but honest with me—I never asked her if she had a boyfriend, and she never really led me on. And maybe my date with Sherry would be fun. ‘I appreciate your honesty, and if you endorse Sherry, I’d love to go out with her.’

Sherry called me the next day and we made plans to get dinner on Friday. She sounded nice, if a little shy, but perfectly pleasant. Friday rolled around as it does every week, and as we agreed, I met Sherry at a small Italian restaurant in the non-touristy part of the Village that she suggested. I was early, as usual, and was having a beer at the bar when a tall, slim blonde walked in. When she took off her coat, I could see that she was wearing a skirt, blouse and blazer, looking like she came straight from work. My first impression was that she was attractive, if not head-spinningly beautiful, but assuming that it was Sherry, I wasn’t prepared to sneak out and stand her up based on appearance alone. Not that I would do that.

She looked around the restaurant looking a little uneasy, and I stood up and walked over to her. ‘Sherry?’ I asked.

‘Yes, Larry?’ She asked, sticking out her hand.

‘Yes,’ I responded, shaking her hand, and noticing that she had a strong grip.

Dinner was excellent, and the conversation was fine, if a little labored at first. Sherry was, as advertised, nice, smart and had a subtle, cutting sense of humor. I liked her, although I didn’t feel that same easy rapport that I had with Val. But it was also just a first date, and a blind date at that, so the fact that it was enjoyable at all was a plus.

After coffee, we left the restaurant, and although it was a cool February night, there was little wind, so that it was comfortable to walk and without discussing it, we walked through the streets of the Village chatting, puffs of fog escaping our mouths.

It didn’t seem like we were heading any place in particular, but Sherry stopped in front of a brownstone building and said, ‘This is mine.’

I was about to say good night and tell her that I had a good time, when she asked, ‘Would you like to come in?’

Why not, I thought. It was not the best date I had ever been on, but it was far from the worst, and I was enjoying Sherry’s company, so I said, ‘Sure.’

I followed Sherry up the stoop and waited while she fumbled in her bag for the keys and opened the door. I expected that the building would be subdivided into a number of apartments, but was surprised to walk into a wood paneled entrance hallway that opened into a central room that had a staircase at the back, and doorways to rooms on both sides.

‘This is all yours?’ I asked, surprised because nothing in Sherry’s manner, or her description of her job, indicated that she could afford to own her own brownstone in one of the nicest neighborhoods in New York.

Sherry looked a little embarrassed and said, ‘It is. I grew up here, and my parents passed away a few years ago, leaving me the building, not to mention enough money to pay for it. It’s really too much for me alone, but I love it and could never sell it.’

‘I’m sorry about your parents,’ I said.

She shook her head. ‘It’s O.K. now. But it really isn’t good first date conversation, is it?’

I nodded and appreciated the way she handled the issue.

‘Take off your coat,’ she said, and I obliged. She took it and hung it up in a coat closet that looked to be half as big as my bedroom.

I think that she sa
w my fascination with the house, so Sherry asked, ‘Would you like a tour?’

Of course, I said yes, and she started off showing me the downstairs rooms, including a beautiful kitchen and a library filled with more books than the shelves would hold. I followed her upstairs and she showed me the bedrooms, including the one that had been her childhood room, all of which seemed bigger than my entire apartment. She opened a door that could have been a closet, but which turned out to be another staircase, and I followed Sherry up the stairs into a master suite that filled the entire floor. It was decorated in a restrained modern style that was both functional and attractive. I looked around the room, and when I turned to look again at Sherry, she was unbuttoning her blouse, giving me a glimpse of her fair skin and the bra that enclosed her small breasts.

I honestly had not expected more than a drink, or a cup of coffee, but I was certainly not going to reject the advances of this attractive and interesting woman. After she had finished unbuttoning her shirt, I stepped toward her and pulled her close for a kiss, which felt very nice. Within a very short time, we were naked and in Sherry’s large, comfortable bed, exploring each other’s bodies. Sherry wasn’t my usual type—I generally went for shorter, curvier women—but Sherry’s body was really flawless. She had virtually no body fat except where you would want some, and I found out that night that she was a particularly talented and attentive lover who enjoyed both giving and receiving pleasure. Which is a nice way of saying that in that bed, she totally rocked my world, to use a cliché, and if her screaming my name was any indication, I had a similar effect on her.

I woke up the next morning, naked, thirsty and sore, lying next to Sherry, and in the morning light, her body looked even better. I watched her breathe for a while before getting up to use the bathroom, take a drink and splash a little water on my face. I was not the most experienced guy in the world, but I had been with a few women in my life, and there was no question that was the best sex I had ever had. And there was a big gap between that and second place.

When I returned to the bedroom, Sherry was lying, nude, uncovered, on her back, her long legs spread, and her trimmed pussy appearing to be waiting for my attention. I touched her between the legs and she sighed, so I began to rub harder. She reached out and took my hand, pulling me toward the bed, and I landed on top of her prone body.

The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes, it was after noon, and I was exhausted. Sherry was nowhere to be found, so I got up, took a quick shower, dressed and went downstairs, following the smell of coffee to the kitchen. Sherry was there, her hair wet apparently from a shower that she had taken while I was not conscious, wearing a robe, drinking coffee from a mug. She smiled at me and said, ‘Coffee?’

‘Yes,’ I croaked, ‘please,’ and she poured me a mug of the steaming brew. I added some sugar and milk and took a deep swig. I then noticed that there were fresh bagels and cream cheese on the center island, and I realized that I was famished. We ate breakfast and made small talk, and after we cleaned up the breakfast disthes, I turned to Sherry and said, ‘I want you to know that was the most incredible sex that I have ever had.’

She smiled, and her face lit up. ‘It was pretty amazing, you were amazing.’

It was my turn to smile, and as I did, she walked past me and started walking up the stairs. I had a pretty good idea why, and I followed her up to her room. She took off her robe, confirming my suspicion that she was naked underneath it, and within seconds, I was also undressed, and we were going at it again.

Over the next few weeks, Sherry and I spent an incredible amount of time together. Dinners, either out or in, followed by mindblowing sex. There wasn’t anything she was unwilling to try, and she pushed me to try things that I never would have considered. She was also a clever conversationalist, quick with a joke, and never took offense when I kidded with her.

During early May, Sherry was sent out of town on a business trip, and I realized that it had been a long time since I had a guy’s night with my friends, so I made arrangements, and met up at Malone’s with Alex, Bill and Markus.

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 6

Emily eventually came out of her bedroom and joined the rest of us. I had demonstrated being handcuffed, caged, and hogtied. I could go into detail about the way I was bound. Mike is very practical, and most of his bondage equipment can be found in Home Depot. He likes rope, alligator clips, duct tape, and simple household objects. He also showed them his collection of gags. He has ball gags with big rubber balls and spider gags like dentists use to hold your mouth open. His favorite was a...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 7

The next day I ached all over from sleeping on the floor. I was sure the gnats and fleas that live in the carpet had a field day biting me up. I felt terrible that I had to sneak out of my sister’s room, but they liked to sleep in, and I had chores to do. Master was sitting with Jessie when I walked into the living room. Mike had taken an interest in Jessie’s X-box games and asked him about them. It was something Jerry never did. He thought video games were the Government’s recruiting tools...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 8

I bent even deeper at the waist in front of my nephew while I folded the clothes. I knew he wanted to look at me. I had a wicked desire to rub my nudity in his face. I wanted him to be able to see all the way inside of me and see what he could not touch. I knew my nephew could see my puffy, wet clit as the clothespin bit into it, and I didn’t care. I know I was acting like a rotten brat, but I couldn’t help myself. He ran away with a pout on his face like a little bitch. I chuckled and...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 9

My sister was completely nude, and she got down on her hands and knees next to me. She stuck her butt up and out and parted her legs slightly. I could feel her warm flesh next to mine as she let her fat jugs rest on Master’s carpet. “Okay, you showed your ass to Mike. He isn’t even looking at you. Now, get dressed,” Jerry said. Mike was driving the R.V. at the time, and he couldn’t really look at her anyway. Jerry’s tone made him sound very jealous of my Master. He was clearly implying my...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 10

I wasn’t going to stand in the way of my sister’s happiness. The offer seemed genuine and well-timed. “I am sorry, Sir, but I’ve already committed to being trained with my sister down in Florida. I don’t know how long we’ll be here, but I’d love to fuck you again before we leave,” Kim said. The gentleman seemed perplexed that we wouldn’t accept his generous offer. He made the case that he had a reputable law firm and the means to support all of us. “You won’t have to work or fuck other men...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 11

I don’t mind giving Master Jessie a blowjob if he wants one,” Chastity offered coyly like a shy bimbo. She sounded like she would be delighted to do it. Emily’s face twisted into a goofy smirk when she heard her Aunt admit she’d be willing to go down on Jessie. I said nothing because I was stunned into silence. I was not sure why my sister had joined me on this path but she seemed to be willing to go whole hog into the deep end of depravity. I knew enough to have limits and boundaries. I...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 12

Master threw me on the bed and pulled my legs over my head. He thrust his cock into my pussy and began to hump me furiously. He wasn’t gentle and he didn’t care if I wasn’t wet. He wanted me and I wanted to be taken. I was ordinarily stingy with sex, but an afternoon of fucking strangers had made me hornier than I’d realized. I gyrated my hips under my Master. He began to thrust back and forth inside me. He kissed me hard too. It was a strange feeling as I opened my mouth and licked his...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 13

I spent the night bound to my sister. I could smell the salty musk of her butthole, and my nose was pressed up against her fat clit. Chastity frequently farted or queefed right in my face, and she snored into my pussy. I think she slept pretty soundly with me lying on top of her, but it was hard for me to get used to sleeping bound up or with a vibrating pussy from her snoring. In the morning, I awoke to Master dripping water on my head. “Wake up, sleepyheads,” he chuckled and patronized us...

2 years ago
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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 14

I won’t bore you with the unnecessary details of mundane things we did that afternoon. Master likes to stop at places like Home Depot and Batteries Plus. He spends hours looking at really dull man-related home improvement stuff like diamond tip drill bits and electric flanges. I doubt you want to hear about it. He rarely talked to us while we were in the store. He expected us to quietly stand behind him and keep our mouths shut! The skirts we had on were extraordinarily flimsy and short, so...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 15

Master began the discussion by laying out a foundation for our discussion. He wanted my mom to understand the goal was re-directing my bad behavior to better behavior. I would also pay back all of my debts to her and he would help my sister start a new life her time with him was over. He also explained that I’d be there permanently after the trial, and Chastity would eventually get to leave after two years. My mom took issue with the word slave and immediately became confrontational about...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 16

SUMMARY OF THE STORY SO FAR: This story is told from the perspective of Amanda (Joy). She has spent the last few weeks working out a plan with Mike McGifford (Kiwi). This is a man she met on the Internet. She intended to come to his home in Florida and be trained using applied domestic discipline to keep her ‘bitch button reset’ and make her a more compliant and considerate person. Amanda accepted the name “Joy” to start her new life and introduced this man to her immediate family. Amanda’s...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 17

This Chapter partially authored and in collaboration with Mike McGifford “Impress me. Go!” Master barked at us once we were inside the motor home and in his private bedroom. I’d doubled-teamed guys with Chastity a few times in the last couple of days, but this was completely different. Master had told us we had to impress him, but then he’d told us to start, and suddenly I didn’t know what to do. It was like he’d told us we could make him cum in any way we wanted, but that was putting us in...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 18

Over the next few days, we drove around South Carolina and Master took in the sights. Each day, Master progressed our training and reinforced what we’d learned the day before. He also taught Jessie how to see through our attempts to manipulate him. We didn’t always know we were doing it, or do it intentionally. It just seemed natural to appeal to Jessie’s trusting nature and mess with his head a little. I am talking about appealing to his empathy for us so that he wouldn’t be such a stickler...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 19

Myrtle Beach We pulled into Myrtle Beach early in the morning. We were pretty excited about going to the beach. My family is of Irish descent, and we are all pale, so we burn easy. Master stocked us up with plenty of SPF sunscreen. He also stopped the day before and let us shop for bikinis. As you can imagine, the one he chose for Chastity and me was incredibly small. It is called a Teeny-Weeny-String Bikini, and he bought them in matching...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 20

Myrtle Beach We joined Mike and Jessie while they played Frisbee after we were all cleaned up. We ran after the stray ones, and occasionally, they threw them right at us but forbade us from catching them. They’d hit us directly in the tits or ass and luckily, never in the face. At one point, we noticed a father and son who started throwing a football back and forth. I think the father was a little jealous of how much fun Mike and Jessie were having, and that inspired him to get up and play....

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 22

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily “GAH, OLD MAN BALLS!” I screamed. Mike told us we were going to a nudist resort. I’ve never been to one. I assumed it would be gross, but just about everything my Mom and Aunt have been doing on this trip has been disgusting, so I thought this would just be more of the same. I was totally unprepared for the sight of so many old men with huge balls swinging between their legs. I should have been but I wasn’t. The first thing I saw at the check-in...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 23

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily Mike and Jessie marched my mom and aunt to the barn. There were a few people who were walking around with their pony girls or boys, but for the most part, I was free to do whatever I wanted. I didn’t really feel like sitting on the computer or looking at the iPad. I’d been doing that pretty much non-stop for a week to keep myself from getting too bored while we traveled from one place to the next. I heard a knock on the camper door. A very pretty...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 25

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily As I walked through the campground to Mike’s motorhome, I finally realized that I had wandered off at the pool and totally forgotten my clothes! It was such a relaxed place that I wasn’t worried about anyone stealing them. I was more afraid that Mike and Jessie would give me shit if they caught me walking around this campground naked. After all, I had been pretty vocal when I’d told them I’d never do that. The two of them had been eager beavers...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 26

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily I was so thankful the first time a race began because Jessie had to stop talking. Uncle Evil was pulling double duty as the master of ceremonies. There were only about twenty-five spectators watching but he acted like he was speaking to a much larger crowd. “I want the race to be fair, honest, but most of all very, very dirty!” he grinned wickedly. He made a lot of puns and jokes while the racers got set up. He told everyone that his favorite part...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 27

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily “Let me guess, you talked Stefan into being his Caporal and took his advantage of his trusting nature?” Barbara immediately accused me of leading his son, astray. I had an “I don’t give a shit” attitude and an impish grin on my face, so that did seem like a natural conclusion. I was about to tell her that it was her precious, innocent and perfect daughter who had trained Stefan this afternoon. I wanted to make Barbara feel bad for accusing me. I...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 28

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily We went back to our respective motor homes and had breakfast. I told Mike what I had told Doris at the barn. I was still puzzling why I had outed Stefan to his parents in the first place. I don’t think I was trying to get him in trouble. I didn’t understand why I was trying to help them understand and accept his interests either. I am a teenage girl. I suppose I am expected to not always understand why I do the things I do. “You need to learn to...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 29

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily Uncle Evil was playful about extracting women from the box. “Helpless and totally at my mercy!” he would joke, and then he might cop a quick feel, but he was never egregious about it. A few pony girls like Doris would invite him to feel them up a little more like it was a thrill. It was incredibly sassy and playful and not really that sexual. Their legs were spread wide while they were locked inside the box. You could see inside their pussies. His...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 30

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Emily “If I am being honest, I feel guilty about bouncing the bean bag off your face to get it into the bucket. Sorry about that,” I chuckled my apology. Neither mom nor I were ever good at giving or accepting apologies so it felt weird apologizing to her. I think she saw apologies as a sign of weakness, even when someone apologized to her. I also suspect that what few apologies she ever made were just a way to get someone to shut up about something she...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 31

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Master Jessie It was the final day of the BDSM Campground festivities at Serendipity Park. I couldn’t believe how relaxed everyone was here. They call the event Camp Crucible. It is for people into the alternative D/s lifestyle focused on Pony Girls and Pony Boys. I was thanking my lucky stars that afternoon. My bitch-brat of a cousin had been off talking with Master Mike for hours. Stefan would be busy the rest of the day marching around the park with...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 32

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Master Jessie Mike was working on his laptop and humming an old song. “Build me up, Buttercup,” he bobbed his head to the music coming from his imagination. “Do you want me to go check on the girls and get them ready for the anal-bead tug of war?” I asked. The schedule of events was pretty flexible. This would be the last fun event before the final races and the winner. It looked like it was going to be Pony Barbara, who won the overall competition this...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 33

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Master Jessie Mike joined us for Dinner shortly after the maiden compulsories were finished. Maiden compulsories are pony-girl exclusive events that all the pony girls in competition MUST compete in to win the competition. I think Uncle Evil thinks up the most humiliating compulsories just to fuck with Pony Barbara, but that is just me. They are basically naughty games and contests, and I have loved every minute of my time at Serendipity Park. I am...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 34

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Master Jessie Daphne had been given to me cuffed and leashed when I walked her from the auction. I had the key. It was a simple matter to unlock her. We were both naked. She took control sexually and pushed my shoulder’s back on the bed, slid over me like she was dancing and then pushed my dick inside her with ease... Her vulva (sort of the entire outer part of her pussy) looked like chewed up bubble-gum that was hanging open. Even though she had a...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 35 Passed Around Georgia

Serendipity Park – Georgia As told by Joy I awoke on the ground, face first in the Georgia mud. The sun was beating down on my head already. The first thing I realized was that I was completely bald now. Evil must have shaved my head when I passed out last night. I wasn’t angry about it – it was the loss of yet another vanity for me. I might have been livid even a week ago. That wasn’t the agreement and he wasn’t the trainer I chose. However, I also agreed to let Master Mike loan me out....

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 36

Master inspected me thoroughly to make sure that all I had were scrapes and abrasions from the previous night. He noticed that they had been very rough with me, but he didn’t seem surprised or even sympathetic. I didn’t expect him to be angry about it. “Good thing they didn’t shave your head when you first got here. You look pretty ridiculous now. We’ll have to get you a wig so you can turn tricks,” was all he said before patting me on the butt when he was finished with me. I assumed he had...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 37

“I don’t want you to decide yet. In a few weeks after we get home, I am going to ask you if you want to continue. I am going to test you, and if you pass, I’ll sign you up for school and take you clothes shopping. If you don’t, then you learned what you do not like, and you had an interesting experience.” Mike assured he wouldn’t think any less of her if she backed out, and he wouldn’t try to goad her into doing this. “I am not sure you should be. I am cautiously optimistic this isn’t some...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 38

My sister and I were tasked with breaking down the camping area and getting everything cleaned and loaded into the camper. I didn’t complain or bitch about it – which was something new for me. I politely obeyed my Master and my nephew. I was certain on some level that Master Jessie really got off on the control and power he had over the rest of us. I was pretty sure that he also thought at some point he was going to push one of us too hard and we’d quit and take all that authority away from...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 39

We definitely got more than a few stares and dropped jaw reactions when we entered the truck stop diner. When Mike permitted us to wear clothes, it was always very trashy and revealing. He wanted to make it evident that we were obviously total whores. He didn’t want us feeling empowered and sexy. He wanted us feeling trashy and sexy. He also wanted other women to ridicule us and look at us like we were pigs. I had gone a week without clothes as a donkey in a leather harness and I think I...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 41

Master gave us an enema and made us run behind the dumpster of the Stuckey’s, squat and shit it out. It was the last thing we did there before the cops came and started walking around the parking lot. We had to run naked across the parking lot to get back to the motor home, with Jessie following us closely. We had a thrilling little Bonnie and Clyde moment together as we reached the motorhome. The cops may have just been stopping to grab some dinner. We had no idea, but Master didn’t stick...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 42

(NOTE): I do not speak Spanish and I am just telling you what I heard/think the family said when I include some of the Spanish that I picked up on in the dialogue. The entire family often mixed Spanish with English when speaking. The exception was Madre’ who always spoke Spanish. I could be wrong in my translations and my apologies to Spanish Speakers if I fucked up at any point. I based some of my interpretation on facial expressions and context cues as well). ---- Jessie showed the family...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 43

“Is the life’s goal for these pigs to just wallow in their own misery? Are they really learning anything other than how to show off their naked bodies in front of men, while frowning about it?” Carmen asked as she sat down with a glass of rum and another bowl of her mothers-in-law’s pork. “It looks like they are miserable, but they enjoy this discipline on some level,” Mike explained. He told us to smile and stop pouting (we did as we were told). “Today, I am showing them what happens when...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 45

“I have one question,” Victor asked. I assumed he was going to ask Mike something like “What do you want on your tombstones?” or “Who shoved that plug up my daughter’s ass?” or “Did Jessie plan on marrying her” His wife was a whore and he was obviously fine with her fucking guys for money. I assumed though he may be more protective when it came to his daughter. It turns out he was protective, but not in the way I thought. He wanted her to be happy, and I think he could tell from the...

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Resetting My Bitch ButtonChapter 46

That night my daughter and I continued to work the motel with Carmen and Maya. Mike was watching from somewhere around the parking lot but he was observing us much more remotely. Carmen and Maya became less uptight and bitchy when there were no men around and it was just the four of us. We actually found a lot of common ground and talked quite a bit in between tricks. Maya and Carmen enjoyed partying and smoking at the front door of their motel until at least 3am. The two well-seasoned...

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