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Disclaimer this story is a work of fiction that contains a plot of a violent nature. It does contain historical figures but is not intended to be historically accurate. It is a love story that I have submitted for the Valentine contest. I was unsure what category to place this one in but since sex is not the main element of the story I decided non erotic would be the best. Anyway I hope you enjoy and as always I look forward to hearing what you think. Thanks Again and hope you enjoy. – IVY


The man behind the bar said his goodbyes to the patrons as they filed out of the smoke filled establishment. He has witnessed it time and time again watching as couples go out to celebrate their love of one another. While a solitary individual sits quietly thinking the cure for a broken heart is found at the bottom of a bottle. It seems as if every February 14th people embrace the joys love can bring or they are trying to escape the pain and hopelessness it can bestow upon them.

The man turned to retrieve his cigarettes that were lying in front of the row of half empty bottles of spirits. Looking into the mirror he noticed the lines that ran across his battle scarred face causing him to wonder how many more were hiding under his long dark beard. Watching the glow brighten at the end of the cancerous stick as he took in a long drag of his toxic vice, he hit the switch that turned off the flickering neon light that hung outside above the entrance.

Grabbing two glasses and a bottle of bourbon he turned back towards the bar releasing the smoke that was choking his lungs. Watching as it escaped his lips to gather with the rest of the haze that drifted under the stained ceiling tiles. Turning his attention back to the bar he poured the amber liquid into one of glasses. Wondering when it would happen, when fate would stumble through the front door. Then he heard it. A faint click a suppressed puff followed by the thud of a lifeless body falling to the damp rain soaked street.

Closing his eyes he envisioned what was happening outside. As if he was a spectator witnessing the carnage up close and personal. In his mind he could see a man dressed in black with his hair neatly slicked back holding a 9mm with an attached silencer. The gunman walk purposefully picking apart the well planned ambush his adversaries had set for him. It was like a well choreographed ballet the way he moved gracefully wielding the gun in front of him. His eyes were as dark as his suit, full of rage and determination with no room for fear.

Noticing movement coming from an alleyway the gunman raised his weapon and let off three quick shots. Everything was in slow motion as the bartender witnessed it all in his mind. He could hear the bullets slicing through the air as they traveled towards the intended target. In his vision he could see the smoke rising from the warm barrel of the handgun. Causing him to take in a deep breath trying to inhale the smell of freshly fired gunpowder. Then came the sound of impact as two of the bullets hit the man waiting in ambush square in the chest. The third bullet was identified by the skull splitting crack followed by blood being splattered on the brick wall behind the now falling target.

The bartender’s mind continued to focus on the intricate dance that was taking place outside. He watched as the gunman eliminated the threat that was planned for him one by one until there was no longer a threat left. The puddles in the street turned red with blood from the nine lifeless victims scattered along the street. He could see the professional hit man standing over the corpses talking on his phone. Informing the man who had sent the unlucky assailants after him that they had failed miserably. His minds eye watched as the gunman walked towards the entrance of the bar. Telling the man on the other end of the line where to find him if he wanted to finish the job himself.

The bartender’s mind raced back to reality when he heard the front door open. Looking up he saw a man standing in the entrance wearing work boots, worn jeans, and a bloody shirt pointing a suppressed 9mm directly at him. The man behind the gun gave the bartender a cold stare before looking around to make sure there was nobody else in the room. The bartender returned the unblinking stare unfazed that a gun was being pointed at him. Reaching down slowly he grabbed the bottle of booze holding it up inviting the visitor for a drink.

The man holding the gun stepped into the bar ensuring that the door closed behind him. Slowly he walked to the corner of the bar never taking the gun off the bartender. Once he reach the end of the bar he waved the gun ordering the bearded man out from behind the bar. The man did as he was told without showing the slightest hint of fear.

‘You might want to head home now old timer.’ The man with the bloody shirt said nodding his head towards the door.

‘I think I will stick around and finish my drink if you don’t mind.’ He replied.

‘It’s your life.’ The man with the gun said as he slid behind the bar. Keeping his back to the wall to be able to watch who ever might walk through the front door.

The bartender took a seat in front of the man with the gun who was now pouring a drink for himself. It felt strange for him sitting on this side of the bar and watching someone else doing his job. He watch how the man poured his drink studying him carefully. His thoughts went back to the vision he had of the commotion outside the bar. He thought carefully on how this night was going to play out and what to say to the man who invaded his place of business.

The bartender decided not to beat around the bush and asked. ‘So are you a hit man or something like that?’

‘Something like that.’ The stranger mumbled as he brought the drink to his lips.

‘Funny you are not what I envisioned a hit man to look like.’ The bartender chuckled.

‘That is because you watch to many movies.’ The man in the bloody shirt said as he lowered his gun to the top of the bar keeping it pointed towards the door and within hands reach.

‘Looks like that might need some attention.’ The bartender said watching the red spot begin to slowly spread on the shirt of the man in front of him.

Looking down the hit man said. ‘Just a minor setback, I will live. At least long enough to finish what needs to be done.’

The bearded man shrugged. ‘Are we expecting company?’ He asked as he finished his drink.

‘I am, there will be no we.’ The gunman responded looking at the older man in front of him questioningly, wonder why he remained so calm.

The bartender started to reach for the bottle only to stop midway when he noticed the bleeding man’s hand reach for the gun. The bearded man nodded towards the bottle and slowly continued to retrieve it.

As he poured another drink for his guest and himself he said. ‘You know this doesn’t have to go the way you think it does. What ever wrong that was done to you does not have to be resolved this way. You do have a choice how this ends.’

‘Old man you don’t know a fucking thing about me or the situation I am in.’ The gunman said starting to get aggravated with all of the chitchat.

‘Let me ask you something. Do you like history? Because if so I have a story to tell you.’

‘A story, what the FUCK. I don’t have time for your fucking stories. I think you should.’ The hit man said losing all his patience before he was cutoff in mid sentence.

‘BILLY YOU HAVE TIME FOR THIS FUCKIN STORY.’ The bartender shot back forcefully.

The shock of hearing those words froze Billy as he tried to figure out how the stranger in front of him knew his name. Unable figure it out on his own he gave a nod of consent to hear the story. Hoping the man would divulge the secret he held over him.

Calming down the bartender slammed his now empty glass down and grabbed another cigarette. The words began to carefully form in his mind. It sho
uldn’t be this hard for him. In his line of work he weaves stories for a living. But to get the desired effect he was looking for he had to tell this one perfectly. A single word out of place or to long of a pause could have catastrophic effects. He watched now as Billy refilled the glasses with the mind numbing liquid. Taking a heavy drag on his cigarette then quickly releasing the smoke he watched as the gray cloud slowly drifted upward. Causing his eyes to focus in on the picture above the mirror on the back wall. The sight of that schooner sailing on the blue sea freed the words forming in his head. Allowing them to escape his lips as he began to tell his tale.

It was the 1700’s and the way to move goods around the world was by way of the sea. And with all that money and commodities being moved by ships another occupation had been created. One that was less reputable and cast the shadow of fear into those that had the misfortune of crossing its path. That ruthless trade was non other than piracy. Of all the pirates that sailed the seas there was one whose name alone sent chills down people’s spine. That pirate was none other than Captain Edward Teach.

Captain Teach earned the respect of his crew due to his fine tuned skills of navigating the seas in search of unsuspecting victims. And the fact that his reputation proceeded him insuring the crew would rarely have to fight for the bounty they captured. Most captains would freely give their cargo to Teach in fear for the life of their crew along with their own. But Captain Teach did not only deliver fear but also disdain. One of those men that wanted to see Teach wiped of the face of the earth was a man from Virginia named Governor Spotwood.

Teach was a thorn in Spotwood’s side stealing enough goods and income that sailed into and out of Virginia to be able to fund a small city. The Governor swore he would see Teach hang and would not rest until he seen the pirate leader’s lifeless body swinging from a rope whose hangman’s knot was tied by Spotwood himself.

Now Teach was a natural seaman whose love of the ocean began when he was a small lad. He would spend more time on England’s rocky shores daydreaming than he would in school. The love of the ocean never left him as he aged it only grew stronger and unchallenged. That was until he met Mary Ormond.

Mary was an educated woman that came from a well to do family. You would have never thought that she would even entertain the idea of courting the ruthless pirate. But she enjoyed Edwards company as much as he did hers. Captain Teach found that he was no longer running to the pubs and whore houses after his days at sea. Instead he hurried to see Mary. Looking forward to the walks they shared with one another as he held her soft hands breathing in the lavender scent of her hair. He longed to hear the sound of her voice as he rested his head on her lap listening as she read to him. Watching as her large bosoms would rise and fall with each new breath.

Over time Edward found his love for the sea was diminishing and what he really desired was to be back on land with Mary. He wanted to ask Mary for her hand in marriage but knew she would not accept as long as he remained a fugitive. So he decided to have a talk with Mary’s influential father. Explaining to him his intentions of marrying his daughter and if there was any way he could use his connections to get him a full pardon.

Mary’s father was not fond of the idea of his daughter marrying this cutthroat, but he knew she truly loved Edward. And if he tried to sabotage it in any way he would lose his daughter forever. So he went to speak with the Governor of North Carolina explaining the situation hoping to be able to persuade him into granting a full pardon.

Governor Charles Eden half listened to his friend’s proposal. Once he heard that Edward Teach wished to receive a full pardon to live a quiet and peaceful life with Mary. The rest words that were being thrown in his direction were nothing more than babble to the Governor’s ears. His mind instantly started plotting how he could use this for his own political gain. He could already see it, Governor Eden the man who tamed the most notorious pirate and made the seas safe again. Cutting his friend’s long winded speech short he agreed to grant the pardon on the day of the wedding with one condition. That was that he the governor would be the one to perform the ceremony for the loving couple in one weeks time on February 14th. Agreed upon Mary’s father returned home to share the good news.

News traveled to Virginia about how the infamous Edward Teach was giving up his terror of the seas and receiving a full pardon. Governor Spotwood was furious wondering how someone could be foolish enough to believe that Teach would not return to pirating. Spotwood knew he had to act fast if he was going to be given the satisfaction of seeing the pirate hang. He only had days until Edward would no longer be a wanted man. So he gathered three men and they all headed toward North Carolina to see that justice be carried out. But little did he know that one of the men he had chosen carried a secret and was not as he seemed.

The 14th of February had arrived and what more fitting day to be married than Valentines day. Edward watched as his bride walked down the aisle to join him. His mind looked back to when they first met and what began as an awkward conversation blossomed into a pure true love. When Mary reached his side he held her hand and breathed in her heavenly lavender scent. He knew he had made the right choice giving up all the pillaging and whoring to spend the rest of his life with the only woman he truly loved. The wedding went off as planned with Governor Eden presiding the ceremony and granting Teach his full pardon. After a celebratory evening Edward and Mary left their guest to return home to consummate the beginning of their new life together.

As they entered the house a strange feel came across Edward one he had not felt since he was a young lad. His hand shook nervously as he began to untie Mary’s corset. He had been to more brothels and bedded more whores than he could remember. And now he was standing in front of his now naked wife shaking like a scared school boy. He stood admiring Mary’s untouched beauty he knew he would have to be different with her. She was not like the wenches he had fucked in the past, no Mary was soft and pure he would gently deflower her. He brought his lips to hers and slowly laid her on the bed and made love for the first time in his life.

Governor Spotwood and his men hid silently outside Teach’s house patiently waiting for the dead of night to come hoping that the act of surprise would be on their side. An hour after the sounds of love making had stopped they were ready too initiate their attack. Spotwood knew they had arrived too late and Teach was no longer a wanted man so the public hanging he had dreamed of would never happen. So he planned to take matters in his own hands and deliver justice himself by secretly hanging his sworn enemy and leaving his lifeless body swinging in front of his home for all to see. The governor sent in his three assailants while he readied the rope.

Edward was awoken by movement from Mary’s side of the bed then he felt the familiar sting of cold steel as a knife cut across his cheek. Instinctively he reached next the bed where he kept a loaded flintlock pistol. Swinging the pistol towards the direction of the man who was now directly over him holding the knife. Without hesitating he squeezed the trigger sending a lead ball into the heart of the intruder.

Noticing that there was no movement coming from Mary he began to fear the worst. Edward jumped out of the bed to light a candle to check on her. Once to his feet he felt the second intruder grab a hold of him wrapping his arm around Edward’s throat trying to choke the life out of him. Angered Teach threw a hard elbow into the attackers ribs causing him to release his death grip. Edward spun then in one swif
t move and grabbed the man by the back of hair then repeatedly smashed his head into the hard oak dresser. Edward released the lifeless body and let it fall like a rag doll to the floor. Sitting there trying regain his breath he noticed the flicker of a candle coming from the corner of the room.

Happy to see the light indicating that his fear was unwarranted and that Mary was still alive he looked up expecting to see her. Edward was shocked to see a third intruder sitting in a chair next to the soft candlelight. Turning back toward the bed he witnessed the fate of his wife. The very bed that was used hours ago to express their love to one another, was now stained crimson red as Mary’s lifeless body laid there with her throat cut. Edward turned his hateful gaze back to the man sitting in the chair. The very man that calmly remained seated was the man that carried the secret that Governor Spotwood never knew of.

Edward’s eyes turned dark as night and an all to familiar thirst began to form in his mouth one that only blood could quench. He could feel the heart that Mary had thawed in him begin to harden being consumed with the darkness of revenge. Then the man in the chair began to speak telling Edward that Spotwood was just outside the door.

Sensing that Edward was about to seek the revenge he hungered for the secretive man told him. ‘You know this doesn’t have to go the way you think it does. What ever wrong that was done to you does not have to be resolved this way. You do have a choice how this ends.’

Billy interrupted the old mans story. ‘It sounds like the pussy was trying to save his own ass. And what does any of this have to do with me?’

The bearded man sighed hoping that Billy would buy what he was trying to sell him. ‘You see Billy you and Edward are a lot alike. You both lost something, something more valuable than gold or any other worldly possession. What was taken from you was something rare something most people never experience. The very thing that mob boss had taken from you when he had your wife Anna killed trying to get to you. The same way Governor Spotwood took it from Edward. And the thing they took away from you was true love. Something so pure it comes around once in a lifetime.’

Billy quickly reached over the bar and grabbed the old man by the collar and shook him violently. ‘I don’t have time for your damn fairy tales. Now tell me how do you know about Anna.’

‘Billy please hear me out we don’t have much time.’ The bartender said with his hands in the air hoping Billy heart had not been completely filled with the need for revenge. ‘You and Anna can be together again.’

‘What the fuck are you talking about. They took her from me.’ Billy said now holding the gun at the old mans head growing tired of his games.

The old man calmly took in a deep breath letting the sweet fragrance fill his nostrils. Billy noticed movement coming from the dark corner of the bar. Moving his gun as if it was a natural extension of his arm towards the figure that was now coming into view. What he saw next only added to his confusion as he watched a beautiful woman appear out of the shadows. The woman was wearing a long dress with a tight corset whose cleavage overflowed from her large breast. Then he noticed the scent of lavender that the old man was breathing in, as it filled the room pushing out any traces of smoke that stained the walls.

Billy turned back toward the bearded man who was now looking at the woman through the mirror behind the bar. ‘Let me guess now I am suppose to believe you are Edward Teach.’

‘Edward Teach or Thatch but most people know me by another name.’

‘And what might that be?’ Billy asked.

Looking Billy straight in the eye the old man answered. ‘Blackbeard.’

‘That’s funny you don’t look like a pirate.’

‘That is because you watch to many movies.’ Edward answered smiling. ‘Now listen I am offering you the same opportunity that I was given many years ago. And I am going to explain it to you the same way the man in the chair that I was telling you about explained it to me. You have been chosen because of the pure love that you have experienced with Anna, a true love that had been cut short. You will have the opportunity share that love with her again but first you must spread that love to others, bringing couples together so they might feel the joys of true love.’

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Replacement Therapy II

Replacement Therapy II By Cheryl Lynn This is a copy written story by the author. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. Permission to download for personal use only is granted. Any other use without the permission of the author is strictly forbidden. This story contains forced feminization and punishment it is definitely NOT sweet/sentimental. If such fiction is not to your liking then do not read or post negative comments as...

2 years ago
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Replacement Wife

Replacement Wife - Part 1 My name is Alan Langing. My life is perfect. I had just finished my junior year of college. I have a fianc?, Faith, I loved and she loves me. I had just proposed to Faith. We are very happy together. We enjoyed each other's company. We always laugh and smile to each other. Our sex life was amazing. We just rented an apartment together. I could not imagine life getting better. I just finished a poker night with my buddies. It was a long night. It was at my b...

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Replacement Daughter Intro

Replacement Daughter (Intro - James' Story) Author: note: this story revolves around James' life as Hailey, as recorded in a journal read by the character in the main story. It is separate so as to inter fear the flow of the story. It also introduces several important characters in the main story. I looked around the room that was now mine. I was trapped, in a body that was radically different than the one I had known the last fifteen years, in different town in a different state...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 01

Chapter 1: All Our Past Times There was no ‘Bernie.’ It was just a made-up name from long ago, and no one remembered its origin. ‘Backstreet Bernie’s,’ however, was a sacred watering hole for me and a number of the locals. Nick Kleinhof was bartender during most afternoons and evenings. He was also the owner, and as you soon discovered, no one … I mean no one … messed with Nick. He was built like a brick shithouse as the saying goes, and more than once I’d watched him bounce some drunken...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 05

Chapter 5: Back in the Fold Our bedroom contained a bookcase which I had only perfunctorily examined when I first moved in. Yolanda and I were lying in bed one Sunday morning, talking about her family, or more precisely, Margaret McCarty’s family. It seems they were some of the original founders of several of the towns in the area, after the gold rush of 1849. They came from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada down onto the fertile plains of the Central Valley. They farmed, they built stores...

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Replacement Therapy III

Replacement Therapy 111 By Cheryl Lynn This is fiction and any resemblance to any person, place or thing is coincidental. Please read prior chapters before this as they are crucial to understanding this chapter. Maybe downloaded for personal use only. Other use is strictly forbidden unless approved by the author. Comments are welcome on grammar and story line; however, derogatory comments over the treatment of characters or story plot are not. Author may be contacted at...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 04

Chapter 4: The Haunted and the Hunted By the beginning of June, I was pronounced fit by my doctor. I wasn’t actually. I had been so careful not to overdo anything, that my real fitness was sadly lacking. But Yolanda had a plan, and when Yolanda wanted me to follow her plan, I had no intention of denying her. We started off with aggressive walks in the morning and after supper. They were an hour long and with the warm weather now bordering on hot some days, I was really feeling the stress of...

3 years ago
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Replacement Therapy Ch 03

Chapter 3: Yoyo, DeDe, and Captain Kirk Thank god it was dark when I tried to open my eyes. I was floating around in some never-never land. I could feel pain, but it wasn’t acute. It was my eyes that hurt the most. They were like two steel ball bearings, rolling around in the bottom of a tin can. Even the slightest movement of my head would set them off again. I tried to form a coherent thought. Where was I? What had happened to me? I was lying on a cool, firm surface, trying to concentrate....

4 years ago
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Once upon a time, a person was offered a choice by a force infinitely their greater. Either they could remain as they are, continuing their life as though nothing had happened, or they could get a chance to experience a different life altogether, abandoning their old life in the process. This person, for some unknown reason, chose the latter. At this stage, you're probably thinking "Great, I'm going to get to experience another life!" and whilst that is technically true, there is one small...

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Replacement Wanted

Spells 'R Us: Replacement Wanted By Bill Hart It was a quiet night at the bar. I was sitting by myself at a table in the back near the restrooms, when he entered the bar. I don't as a rule notice other guys, but he was different. I'd seen his face on the evening news. It seems someone murdered his wife. The police had wanted to question him about it, but he'd run like a scared rabbit. Now they wanted him, not just for questioning, but for the actual murder. According to...

2 years ago
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Replacement Mannequin 5

Replacement Mannequin 5 By Paul G. Jutras The shower water stopped and a tall girl with DD breasts climbed out, reaching for a towel. The towel had an amazing resemblance to a dark curly haired man. As she wrapped the flat figure around her, she was especially careful to rub the two dimensional face against her breasts and pussy. Once dry, she unfolded the man across the living room rug. As Vickie laid naked face down on the floor she ran her trim and polished fingernail...

1 year ago
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Replacement TherapyChapter 3 Yoyo DeDe and Captain Kirk

Thank god it was dark when I tried to open my eyes. I was floating around in some never-never land. I could feel pain, but it wasn't acute. It was my eyes that hurt the most. They were like two steel ball bearings, rolling around in the bottom of a tin can. Even the slightest movement of my head would set them off again. I tried to form a coherent thought. Where was I? What had happened to me? I was lying on a cool, firm surface, trying to concentrate. There was a cover over me. I could...

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Replaced chapter 011

“Maid, the kids need lunch!” I scampered up the stairs. Kate was already getting accustomed to the idea of having a domestic servant. Fourteen months ago it was all a fun little fantasy as she messaged with Vince from bed. Then his visits became a regular thing, and the idea started becoming a little less far-fetched. This new chapter though was going to be a leap I was getting more and more nervous about. The girls loved him, and already thought of him as an uncle more or less, but now he...

4 years ago
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Replaced chapter 02

It was such a strange sight seeing the four of them walking from the car to the house. It felt surreal. I opened the door for them, waiting patiently and closing it behind them. Vince looked around the room. Partially empty boxes showed signs of progress, but I clearly had a lot of work ahead me still. “Not a bad start, maid.” Vince was clearly in good spirits, having just enjoyed relaxing with my wife and kids as I worked to put his belongings where mine used to be. I sighed softly in...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 02

Chapter 2: Full Speed Ahead I’d spent the good part of Friday evening organizing my thoughts about how to finish the basement room at the Michaels’ home in the most efficient way. Yolanda agreed to paint the baseboards and casings if I did all the other stuff. I had half-gallon of semi-gloss white latex in my storage unit which I retrieved before leaving for the Michaels’ house. That would look after the trim. I picked up my rubber hammer, cushioned knee pads, gloves, and safety glasses, and I...

4 years ago
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Replacement Therapy Ch 06

Chapter 6: Clearing Space The next morning I vowed to have a private session with Georgia. I intended to lay down my cards, and I was pretty certain she wasn’t going to like what I said. I had been taken advantage of by her, and I wasn’t in a very forgiving mood. I had quite a dynamic conversation with her last night … in my dreams. I was in a surprisingly good mood, considering how uptight I had been the night before. The catalyst for that mood was the children. They merged like they had...

3 years ago
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Replaced Chapter 1

I winced a little as I pulled the last of my things from the topmost dresser drawer and placed it into the stuffed cardboard box. I hadn’t expected to feel sentimental about a dresser. Now it was all set for Vince when he arrived.I carried the last box to the basement bedroom that would be my new room. The old dresser in my new ‘maid's room’ had been painted a delicate light pink. It actually looked kind of stylish despite my mediocre painting abilities. I got to work making sure everything was...

2 years ago
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Replaced Chapter 2

I wasn’t anywhere close to having the house where I wanted it when I heard the crunch of tires on gravel in the driveway. Vince and my family had been gone for over three hours. They must have gone for a walk or maybe shopping after lunch.It was such a strange sight seeing the four of them walking from the car to the house. It felt surreal. I opened the door for them, waiting patiently and closing it behind them.Vince looked around the room. Partially empty boxes showed signs of progress, but I...

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I found Ellie by accident, which, I think, is how all loves begin. I noticed her because she was wearing our school uniform, despite it being a Saturday, waiting for a bus to come. She had short, blonde hair, blue eyes, and her face was evenly proportioned. Se was thick in the correct places, which is something I had not noticed in a woman before, and have not noticed since. She was sucking on a lollipop so forcefully that her cheeks became concave and her lips presented themselves as if they...

3 years ago
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Replacement Husband Part TWO

We woke up in roughly the same position. Still cuddling not my mom and my cock was rock hard. We weren't pressed together as tightly, however, and she'd moved away from my dick. I felt her waking up, and I started to move away from her but my arm was locked down underneath her neck and I knew there was no easy way out. She yawned, and wiggled her ass back into my morning wood. We were both awake, but it was apparent neither of us wanted to talk about it.She exhaled loudly, and finally spoke,...

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Replacement Husband

My c***dhood was pretty great for the most part. When I was in middle school, my not parents perfect happy marriage started falling apart. By the time Christmas break came around, my not mom was sleeping on the couch and they fought all the time.On Christmas, my not parents watched my not sister Allison and I open presents, and then my not dad left. He didn't stay for lunch, he didn't go with us to our grandparents, nothing. He just left. The next morning, my not mom explained that her and not...

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Replacement of wife

My wife Vandana and I had been having continuous arguments for more than two years after marriage. Most of the times after the arguments Vandana ran to her parents’ house in Jaipur and often stayed there for one month or two. Our maid girl Suvidha had been watching all this right from beginning. Since Suvidha knew that Vandana and I were not having good relation, at every opportunity Suvidha tried to get close to me, trying to tell me that she will always be there for me whenever I need her in...

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Replacement TherapyChapter 2 Full Speed Ahead

I'd spent the good part of Friday evening organizing my thoughts about how to finish the basement room at the Michaels' home in the most efficient way. Yolanda agreed to paint the baseboards and casings if I did all the other stuff. I had half-gallon of semi-gloss white latex in my storage unit which I retrieved before leaving for the Michaels' house. That would look after the trim. I picked up my rubber hammer, cushioned knee pads, gloves, and safety glasses, and I was set for the day. I...

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Replacement TherapyChapter 4 The Haunted and the Hunted

By the beginning of June, I was pronounced fit by my doctor. I wasn't actually. I had been so careful not to overdo anything, that my real fitness was sadly lacking. But Yolanda had a plan, and when Yolanda wanted me to follow her plan, I had no intention of denying her. We started off with aggressive walks in the morning and after supper. They were an hour long and with the warm weather now bordering on hot some days, I was really feeling the stress of these workouts. She would drop the...

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Replacement TherapyChapter 6 Clearing Space

The next morning I vowed to have a private session with Georgia. I intended to lay down my cards, and I was pretty certain she wasn't going to like what I said. I had been taken advantage of by her, and I wasn't in a very forgiving mood. I had quite a dynamic conversation with her last night ... in my dreams. I was in a surprisingly good mood, considering how uptight I had been the night before. The catalyst for that mood was the children. They merged like they had known each other all...

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Cursum Veri Amoris

Liam and Christie lay in the bed together, both massively erect. Both were awake and aware that Liam's erection was nuzzling between Christie's bum cheeks, but both were hesitant, nervous to make the first move.Liam felt Christie's bottom gently tense against his shaft and he couldn't help but smile. He tensed his penis in response and the stiffening of his shaft eased his cock between Christie's cheeks at little bit more.Liam's arm was draped over Christie, holding her in an embrace. He slowly...

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Crossdressing Fun From A Womans Point of View

I have enjoyed reading the stories written by men to get a better understanding of what it is like to crossdress. As a woman, I find that I really enjoy and am very aroused with a feminized man. I guess I have always been a bit of a tomboy and enjoy doing athletic things, so being with a man that is the opposite seems natural to me. I used to play gender swap cross dress role play with my ex boyfriend. It started one afternoon when he came back from playing basketball. I had just finished...

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The Ex Returns

Several months ago my wife got an instant message from a long lost boyfriend, Mike. This was not a problem, we were very happy together and even though she admitted this guy was really good in bed, there were too many character flaws for her to go back to him. Besides, he was happily married too. I let them continue chatting, I even talked a bit to him and he seemed really cool. Eventually the topic turned sexual and got pretty graphic. Pretty soon they were having cyber-sex and swapping...

Wife Lovers
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Sideline Hottie

There’s absolutely nothing I like better than a big, strong man between my thighs.  I just love the feeling of a vigorous guy on top of me, pumping hot cum inside my dripping pussy while my toes are pointed straight at the ceiling and my nails are digging into his tight ass.  I’ve always been attracted to bigger men, real athletes, especially football players.  There’s just something about all that energy, the power and the vigor, the violence even, that makes my pussy soaking wet and me a hot...

Group Sex
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Problems and Opportunities

CHAPTER 1 As the world financial crisis bit deep at local level, clients were cutting back and new business had slumped, hitting the business of accountancy partnership Brown and Dempsey. Smiles and some cheer persisted as did the worry lines on faces each time someone in the offices cleared his or her desk. Thompson Harris felt the threat personally when called into the managing partner’s office for coffee. He left the meeting, face ashen. As last senior accountant to be hired, he’d been...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 52

It was about four o'clock when the small group pulled into Dearing. After a city the size of Washington, Dearing felt like a trading post. Tom looked around and decided that they needed to check out a few things. He rode up to Peter and motioned for him to stop at the hotel. Peter nodded that he understood and Tom rode on ahead. At the hotel Tom tied his horse to the rail and silently entered to arrange for a late lunch. He asked the clerk if he could handle eleven for a late lunch. The...

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Young Casting Couch Virgin0

One day, Pete was in his office with his desk across from the scotch guarded couch looking through the list of girls coming in that afternoon. He saw a name he knew, a girl he remembered from high school. Amy Slate in homeroom with her 34C cup titties and low cut shirts. She had that fiery red hair that drove everyone crazy, even Pete. The Slate sisters were legendary in Garrett County for opening their legs in the backseats of cars, letting anyone with a rubber and 6 inches pound their...

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my first blowjob

Ok it seems the real stories are the sexiest,maybe not the most graphic but very hot because they are real, this is a true story, ill try not to embellish it in any way,hope you enjoy. I was younger,almost 17 and like most girls ,had a crush on an older guy, he was my brothers hockey coach, Im guessing around 35, handsome,dark hair, always had a 5 oclock shadow, just the typical rugged stud, he never really semed to notice me, the casual hi and that was about it, dont get me wrong I wasnt an...

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