Replacement Daughter
- 3 years ago
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The next morning I vowed to have a private session with Georgia. I intended to lay down my cards, and I was pretty certain she wasn't going to like what I said. I had been taken advantage of by her, and I wasn't in a very forgiving mood. I had quite a dynamic conversation with her last night ... in my dreams.
I was in a surprisingly good mood, considering how uptight I had been the night before. The catalyst for that mood was the children. They merged like they had known each other all their lives. Within hours, they formed alliances; Terry became Kirk's protector, while DeDe and Matt were pretending to be girlfriend and boyfriend. They plotted their day together as if it was the most natural thing in the world. I saw the looks of relief and pleasure on everyone's faces and breathed a sigh of gratitude.
DeDe and Kirk knew the "lay of the land" around the house, and took it upon themselves to orient the two boys. It was important to know where the cereal was kept, along with the peanut butter, and other essential food supplies. They also needed to know that Grandma Meg's room was out of bounds unless invited.
After that bit of soul-lightening drama, I wasn't in such a rush to confront Georgia. I took my second cup of coffee out on the front porch and sat in my now-favorite wicker rocker, wondering just what I wanted to accomplish. One thing was certain, the boys were staying here and that was non-negotiable. I would use whatever leverage I had to make sure of it. I knew Yolanda understood, as did Meg. I was certain I could count on their support.
I had been sitting for about ten or fifteen minutes when I heard the screen door open, and saw Georgia walk out onto the porch. She stepped to the railing in front of me and leaned back on it.
"I think we need to talk, Aaron."
"Yes ... we certainly do."
"I know you're angry with me ... I understand that. I'm not very proud of what I've done to you. I'm sure an apology will sound pretty hollow, but ... I am sorry."
I said nothing, just looking at her with what I guessed was a non-committal stare. It was her platform.
"I'm not sure what's going to happen with Leonard, but I can't put the boys in any more danger. I would like to leave them in your care ... if that's alright with you."
To say I was surprised would be an understatement. My face must have shown it.
"After all I did to keep them away from you, I know it isn't what you expected, but ... it's the right thing for them. I love them dearly, but I know you do too. The truth is, they would rather be here with you than with me in Chicago. Leonard tried to make contact with them ... get close to them ... but it never really happened. He was always going to be an outsider. After a while, he quit trying."
It was time to say something. "I was never going to let you take them away from me again, Georgia. You must have realized that."
She nodded. "Just don't do what I did, Aaron. Don't shut me out. I love them and I know they love me. I need some contact with them ... a mother always needs contact with her children."
"How can I trust you? I did once and look what it got me. I won't let you run off to some far away place with them."
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm either going to find a place here, or in Sacramento. I've still got my real estate license, so I'll find a job somewhere."
I don't know what possessed me to say the next thing out of my mouth. "We've got a house for rent nearby. Talk to Yolanda. She might be willing to show it to you."
The second I said it I wondered if I was going to regret it ... big time!
Georgia looked at me as if I was an alien. "You'd do that?"
I waved my hand in dismissal. "Talk to Yolanda. It's her house. She decides."
I could see Georgia's eyes watering, and I looked away, finishing the last of my coffee. I think we were both trying to figure out the other. My taste for revenge had seemingly disappeared. I just wanted my boys nearby. I wasn't worried that she would take good care of them. We could probably come to some arrangement for sharing them. Probably.
I decided to go to work later that morning. They might not be expecting me, but Doug and "my girls" had been more than understanding as I went through the toughest period in my life. It looked like it might be over now. I was 99% healthy, and I had my boys back. I was feeling energized and I wanted to share it with the people who had covered for me during the dark times.
"What the hell are you doing here?" was the first thing out of Doug's mouth.
I laughed. Typical Doug. "Well ... let's see. I'm feeling good. I got my boys back and they're staying at the house, and ... my ex-wife isn't going to run off with them again. What else would make me feel this good?"
Doug whacked me on the shoulder in glee. He never did have a light touch. He was happy for me.
The girls all trooped in after I settled into my office. They had heard the rumors about my boys and ex-wife coming out unexpectedly, and wanted to hear all the news. I told them about it with a big smile on my face. Every one of them was happy for me. It took a few minutes before things settled down, but by lunch time I was back to my usual routine.
When I arrived home that afternoon, I was greeted by a big kiss and a loving hug from Yolanda. She leaned back and smiled at me, the hint of a tear in her eyes.
"You are a big man, Aaron ... a very big man. I am so proud of you ... and I'm so very lucky you are mine."
"I take it Georgia said something to you?"
She nodded. "I showed her the house this afternoon. It will be perfect for her if she decides to stay in the area. She's already made a couple of phone calls to local realtors. She's going in for interviews tomorrow.
"Good. Now we'll just wait and see what happens. I'm glad I did what I did. I feel better about it than punishing her. She knows what she did was wrong ... and she can't undo it. If she's sincere, we'll just push on from here."
I got another big kiss and hug. We walked into the house together. I could hear the kids. They were off in the back of the house, playing together I assumed. Meg looked around the entrance to the kitchen, confirming it was me, I guess. She gave me a big smile and went back to doing whatever she was doing.
We'd put the last extension into the dining room table, as feeding eight of us was going to be a bit of a production number. If it was a strain on Meg, it didn't show. In fact, she seemed to be having fun with all these house guests. I assumed she was getting some help from Yolanda and Georgia, and it turned out I was right.
It was back to my normal workday on Friday. I wasn't first at the breakfast table, however. My boys were still operating on partial Chicago time, so they were up early and sitting at the table with their cereal and orange juice. I started the coffee, and was off to the office before eight. It felt good to be back in some kind of normal flow once again. It had been a while.
On Saturday, I went over to Yolanda's house to cut and trim the grass, and generally make sure the property was in good order. No one had been living there for a month, although we had visited now and then for one reason or another. The thought of Georgia living there wasn't bothering me. I had come to accept our new relationship.
DeDe and Kirk introduced the boys around the neighborhood, and they soon found some new playmates. I bought them new bikes on the weekend. They were quite happy with that, even though they had dirt bikes back in Chicago. All the other kids in the area had regular bikes, so they weren't at a disadvantage.
After all the years of living in the Yuba City area, I had become used to the late summer heat. The temperature often rose above one hundred, and despite the fact that it was the fabled "dry heat," it was still damn hot. I pondered suggesting a pool for the back yard, but was afraid to broach the subject with Meg for fear of interfering in her affairs. I know she explained that it was all "our" property, but in my mind, and in Yolanda's too, we thought of it as Meg's.
My salary was going into what was now a joint account with Yolanda. Her business had tapered off, as was typical during the summer. Meg refused to accept any payment for our presence in her home, other than to allow us to buy groceries now and then. I know it wasn't putting any economic strain on her, but just the same, we weren't comfortable with being "freeloaders."
"Oh, nonsense, Aaron!" Meg said with disdain when I brought the subject up. "You have no idea how happy you have made me just being here. Yolanda's alive again, and I have two new grandsons to spoil. What more could I want?"
It was a futile argument, but I had to at least let her know we were ill at ease by not contributing.
"If you want to do something, then why don't you save your money and see what it would cost to put an in-ground pool in the back. With four young children, it would be a valuable addition to this house, and great fun for them. Why, even the adults could use it now and then," she smirked.
"I think that's a terrific idea. Leave it to me," I volunteered. I got a big smile from Yolanda, so I knew I was on solid ground. I did pause to wonder how Meg came up with the idea.
It turned out to be an "off-season" project. The wedding was scheduled first, with the reception in the back yard, so by the time the contractor could begin work, it would almost be November. I thought that would be great timing, the pool easily being ready for next spring. We decided not to discuss it with the children or we'd never hear the end of it. They'd figure it out soon enough.
Yolanda had been going back and forth between her house and our home to continue her dressmaking. There was no room available to place the ping pong table other than in the workshop, and that was not a suitable environment for her.
It would appear that Georgia and Yolanda were getting along quite well together. I didn't know whether to be pleased or not. I was still suspicious of my ex-wife's sudden turnaround in attitude. I was hoping it was genuine, but I had lingering doubts without any substance to back them up.
Meg and I were in the kitchen cleaning up after supper one evening. Georgia and Yolanda had gone to the other house for an hour or so to get some alterations on two of Georgia's business suits. She had apparently lost weight in the past few months, and needed them taken in for her prospective new job.
"Meg ... what's your take on Georgia? Do you think she's really changed?"
"I never knew her before she came here, Aaron, so I can't answer the last question. She seems sincere. If she's hiding something, she's doing a good job of it."
"She hid her affair with Leonard for some time, so I wouldn't say it was beyond her capabilities. I wish I knew more about this Saunders guy. He barely shows his face and they're off to Chicago the minute the custody order is granted. I never did figure out what the big rush was."
"Why don't you let me see what I can find out through my sources? If he's got any track record at all, we'll find it."
"Thanks. I keep wondering if he's still alive. If he's been playing with the kind of people Georgia thinks he has, he could easily be dead. I guess I'd like to know just for some peace of mind. I don't like looking over my shoulder wondering if someone else is looking for him, or her, or even the boys."
"I understand. Leave it to me," she said with conviction.
It was three days later that Meg signaled me that she wanted to talk ... in private. We met on the front porch.
"There is a bench warrant out on Leonard Saunders for failure to appear. He's facing charges of fraud in connection with a land deal in Roseville. Apparently he extracted something like a quarter of a million dollars from some investors, then disappeared."
"Well, that certainly explains his haste in getting out of town. I guess I'm not surprised. I thought he was sleaze right from the get-go."
"You've got good instincts, Aaron. Too bad Georgia doesn't. Apparently he couldn't get conventional financing for another land development scheme when he arrived in Chicago. I'm guessing that he went the 'unconventional' route, but there's no way to know for sure."
"Jesus ... either this guy has balls of steel, or he's a dumb as a sack full of rocks," I offered, shaking my head.
"Maybe some of both. Too stupid to be frightened," Meg grinned.
"Any sign of him anywhere else?" I wondered.
"Nothing we've detected. I've got someone keeping an eye out for him via electronic monitoring. If his name shows up on a credit card, any government document, loan application, credit check ... you name it, I'll get a call."
"How much is this costing?" I asked, slightly alarmed at the resources that were being brought to bear.
"Nothing. My 'friend' issued the bench warrant. He wants him too."
"Meg ... you are amazing. I've never met anyone like you. I think I got double lucky when I met Yolanda." I meant every word. She was something special.
She responded with one of her lovely, warm smiles.
It was three weeks to our wedding day. It went without saying that Meg, Yolanda, and to some extent Georgia, had everything in hand. Aside from the final fitting on my new suit, I was ready. I had successfully argued against a tuxedo, thinking it was just a little too over-the-top for a garden wedding and reception.
I was sitting at the kitchen table with DeDe, Matt, and Terry that evening, helping them to finish their homework. They had been back to school for a month and it was a challenge to get them to focus on the discipline that had vanished over the summer holidays. Kirk was finished first, and was up in his bedroom, getting ready for bed.
Yolanda and Georgia were at the 'old' house, working on the wedding gowns. Georgia had been invited at the insistence of Yolanda as a gesture of good will. I thought it was overly generous, but my future bride was very persuasive. Along about ten o'clock I noticed they hadn't returned yet. Probably got themselves wrapped up in the work and forgot the time. I picked up the phone to give them a call.
There was no answer after five rings, so I called Yolanda's cell number. Still no answer. I assumed they were on their way home, but after twenty minutes and no sign of them, I began to worry. I tried both phones again, and still there was no answer. I told Meg what was happening and that I was going over to the house to see if everything was alright. I guessed it was too far to get upstairs to answer the house phone and that Yolanda had turned off her cell. It was the only reasonable answer.
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Hookup SitesT minus thirty seconds to launch.The fearful countdown had resumed for our spacecraft, the Edward D. Wood. Our mission was to search for intelligent life on Planet X in the far-off Duck Dodgers galaxy. It wasn't my first mission but I still find the actual launch both fearful and exhilarating.Fearful because we always run the risk of frying and sizzling like Betty White in a tanning bed. But, exciting because the powerful thrust of the rocket engines creates almost violent vibrations in my...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“I’m crazy about her!” he tells me, “I don’t know how she feels” “I think perhaps you do.” I say and “I also think that you should tell her” “Even if you say it just the once, put it out there, and then it can never be said that it was not known.” This is a story about un-reciprocated love. Not all stories are happy ones but still stories are there to be told. The Space “I love you baby” he says, except he isn’t smiling because deep down he knows. She smiles weakly in response and then...
Love StoriesChapter 2: Full Speed Ahead I’d spent the good part of Friday evening organizing my thoughts about how to finish the basement room at the Michaels’ home in the most efficient way. Yolanda agreed to paint the baseboards and casings if I did all the other stuff. I had half-gallon of semi-gloss white latex in my storage unit which I retrieved before leaving for the Michaels’ house. That would look after the trim. I picked up my rubber hammer, cushioned knee pads, gloves, and safety glasses, and I...
Chapter 6: Clearing Space The next morning I vowed to have a private session with Georgia. I intended to lay down my cards, and I was pretty certain she wasn’t going to like what I said. I had been taken advantage of by her, and I wasn’t in a very forgiving mood. I had quite a dynamic conversation with her last night … in my dreams. I was in a surprisingly good mood, considering how uptight I had been the night before. The catalyst for that mood was the children. They merged like they had...
We woke up in roughly the same position. Still cuddling not my mom and my cock was rock hard. We weren't pressed together as tightly, however, and she'd moved away from my dick. I felt her waking up, and I started to move away from her but my arm was locked down underneath her neck and I knew there was no easy way out. She yawned, and wiggled her ass back into my morning wood. We were both awake, but it was apparent neither of us wanted to talk about it.She exhaled loudly, and finally spoke,...
My c***dhood was pretty great for the most part. When I was in middle school, my not parents perfect happy marriage started falling apart. By the time Christmas break came around, my not mom was sleeping on the couch and they fought all the time.On Christmas, my not parents watched my not sister Allison and I open presents, and then my not dad left. He didn't stay for lunch, he didn't go with us to our grandparents, nothing. He just left. The next morning, my not mom explained that her and not...
My wife Vandana and I had been having continuous arguments for more than two years after marriage. Most of the times after the arguments Vandana ran to her parents’ house in Jaipur and often stayed there for one month or two. Our maid girl Suvidha had been watching all this right from beginning. Since Suvidha knew that Vandana and I were not having good relation, at every opportunity Suvidha tried to get close to me, trying to tell me that she will always be there for me whenever I need her in...
I'd spent the good part of Friday evening organizing my thoughts about how to finish the basement room at the Michaels' home in the most efficient way. Yolanda agreed to paint the baseboards and casings if I did all the other stuff. I had half-gallon of semi-gloss white latex in my storage unit which I retrieved before leaving for the Michaels' house. That would look after the trim. I picked up my rubber hammer, cushioned knee pads, gloves, and safety glasses, and I was set for the day. I...
By the beginning of June, I was pronounced fit by my doctor. I wasn't actually. I had been so careful not to overdo anything, that my real fitness was sadly lacking. But Yolanda had a plan, and when Yolanda wanted me to follow her plan, I had no intention of denying her. We started off with aggressive walks in the morning and after supper. They were an hour long and with the warm weather now bordering on hot some days, I was really feeling the stress of these workouts. She would drop the...
You're in college, and you're not terribly popular. You always hear about that crazy college life of nonstop sex, drinking, and drugs, but you've yet to experience any of those things where you go. Hell, everyone seems so reluctant to stick to any plans that you find it hard to even make friends here; everyone's just like, "Dude, we gotta hang out sometime," and then when you actually try, they're never availible. As a result your college life basically boils down to one homework assignment...
Mindy’s pillow was all wrong. She didn’t know anything else yet, but she knew that. It felt weird, soft and smooth against her cheek like…silk? She slowly levered her eyes open, squinting just a bit as she got used to the early morning daylight. Definitely silk. Red silk. She was in a bed with red silk pillowcases. She wasn’t ready to make a more ambitious conjecture, but she was pretty confident about that. She didn’t have red silk pillowcases in her bed. So this wasn’t her bed. She was...
I had a special assignment to assist the planning manager with the layout of the executive suite. I had caught the eye of management with my design skills, which I had studied in school as a minor. Bernice was the management lead for the project. We had a meeting set for 10 am. I had a few items to wrap up before our meeting.“Hi Kristen,” said Bernice.“So, nice to meet you, Bernice.”“I have heard good things about you from the assistance you gave with the design of the lobby. I saw no reason to...
Office SexThe year was now 2869 and technology had advanced to the point where space travel had become almost as routine as driving is today. Humans had ventured far from earth and were now settling throughout the galaxy creating a need for a network of sophisticated supply ships to transport valuable resources between the colonies. It was no surprise that the humans found the galaxy to be teaming with life. Some friendly, some not so. This story takes place on the far side of the known galaxy where an...
BACK SPACE by [email protected] Dave Goodman was hooked up to every imaginable bio-monitoring device possible. Comfort was impossible. He recognized the machine he'd spent six months trying to understand. He'd never imagined it would be used for such a thing. He'd assumed it would be a boon to espionage, not inter-planetary, or, rather, intra-planetary exploration. "We have several promising targets," the captain told him. The two prongs of the probe looked sharp and...
Changed in Space by Lorna Samuels & Lisa Funke © 1986 Disclaimer: The following work was originally published in the mid-1980's by Empathy Press (Seattle) in the book/pamphlet "Skirted Men" #32, which had the only full color cover issued for that series. This work is the exclusive property of the authors and Empathy Press, by whose permission it has been electronically reproduced for dissemination to certain Internet web masters for presentation on their sites. Any...
Carolyn Pierce finished doing the grades for her discussion session. Professor Delgado wanted to see her evaluation before issuing the official grades. She suspected that he wanted the grades from the separate discussion sessions to look alike. Well, she’d got her work as a student in. When she got her work as a teacher in, then it would be time to fix up the new apartment. Schedules kept conflicting. Bill had had a lease that ended April 30th. She had been in the worst crush of school work...
Hello! This is a short, hot little story about the thoughts that elevators sometimes inspire. Enjoy!Tight SpacesI'm in trouble. For the first time in three years I might be late for work.We're in the slowest elevator on earth. Just the two of us.I only caught a glimpse of him when he got on board on the second floor, together with some businessman who got out again promptly on the third – thankfully, because he was having a rather tense cellphone conversation and the secondhand embarrassment...
July 22, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “I have no idea what I’m doing,” I sighed. Jessica, Kara, Elyse and I were sitting in the ‘Indian’ room late on Saturday afternoon. Matthew, Michael, Birgit, and Albert were with us, and Matthew was building towers with his wooden blocks while Birgit applauded and laughed every time they collapsed. I was taking turns holding Albert and Michael, switching off with whichever girl wanted a turn to hold them. “Just talk to her,” Kara said. “That’s all you can...