Synergy Part 3
- 4 years ago
- 26
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The people gathered at the news conference were anxious to know what the press officer Guzman at mission control from UESC (United Earth Space Consortium) had to tell them. I wasn't that curious, as I already knew what he was going to say. I was there when the disaster happened with the first space test that was done with the new Dimensional Drive Thrusters and a Dimensional Power Module to power a vehicle in space. Of course I had been invited, as I had invented the DPM and was a consultant with the team that had developed the DDT. I'll never forget hearing the voice of Sanjiro Wakami, as he described what happened during his testflight.
A week earlier, during the DDT test
"Sanjiro, give us the stats please?"
"Hai, Synergy thrusters just shut down, rocket boosters have fired and are propelling me with 1000 kps outwards. The DPM has been checked and is online. I'm checking the DDT's now; they appear to be in order and standing by."
Moments later his voice came again, "I've shut down the rocket boosters, but will keep them on standby, just in case the DDT's don't fire. Hold on, firing up the DDT's now. No ... that is ... Oh my..." Then there was a screeching noise and the transmission cut off.
"Sanjiro, what is happening, talk to us. Sanjiro?"
Current time at press conference UESC
The press officer Guzman said, "We are still trying to ascertain what really happened, but all indications are that a piece of equipment failed."
Immediately the question started, "Was it the new thruster?" and "Did the power generator explode?"
"Please, we can't make any comments on what exactly failed and how. All I can say is that we are still investigating the matter." Guzman hastily interrupted all the questions.
As the reporters fired more questions at Guzman, who would be getting frustrated, I turned away and left the press conference. The UESC had asked me to sit in on the inquiry board of the accident. Partly, since I was present at the mishap and mostly as one of the leading scientists in the field.
I was worried about my children though. I had been away from them for a few days now. I knew they would be in good care with Gabe and his Mom, but still I liked being with them and taking care of them. Especially little Tommy, he was teething and though Mom in law is good with her bio powers, it still is a troubling time for kids.
However I also was anxious to see this project through. The DPM was my latest project and I was integral connected to the development of the DDT's. Nothing should have gone wrong, but it did and I wanted to know what and why.
I was so convinced that these developments where the ticket for our people to get out to the stars, and now it seemed to fall dead before it even started. I knew there were other companies trying to create technology that would allow mankind to reach the stars, but ours had more potential. Or at least I and some of my colleagues thought so.
Waiting for the next meeting of the UESC inquiry board, I relaxed in the luxury seat of the VIP lounge. Behind me I heard people whispering to each other. "They're going to kill the program. I just know it," a man said.
"I don't know, but I fear they may scrap most of it. You heard what they said, they couldn't find anything from the craft. It was totally destroyed. Like, it was transported out of there."
"Maybe it was aliens? They could've warped in and taken it. Then they warped out before anything could be seen from down here."
"Don't be daft, there's no such thing as aliens or Warp engines. No, I think the Chinese blew it out of space and it all got covered up."
A soft chime signaled the starting of the meeting and I got up fluidly from my seat. Those people back there were guessing wildly at what had happened. Though there might be some truth with it, the UESC might cancel the whole program and go with a competitor that had more crude, slow and more costly technology to propel vehicles through space. They didn't like it when people got killed which meant the better technology would be foregone in favor for more proven but more costly technology. I thought that there was something fishy about it all and wanted to see this through if only to satisfy my longing for knowledge and understanding.
"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This inquiry of the mishap from flight SES 34 is now in session." The leader of the inquiry board, Ronald Mosey said to the assembled crowd. (SES= Space Exploration Systems)
I was sitting next to Sarah McIntyre. Since our adventure from Tenkei, I had been in regular contact with her and I was glad that she was involved with the DDT program. I could clearly recall how we got started on the idea and the start of the program. I was having a quiet afternoon tea with Sarah just talking about technology.
Afternoon tea at Everybody's Place in Tenkei months earlier
"Did you hear about the new ideas they're launching for interstellar travel?"
"Aye, they'll no' get far with today's technology. The engines just ain't powerful enough, nae fast enough. Let alone fuel consumption. If only those thrusters of yours could work."
"Sadly my thrusters only work with pushing against something. In space there's just not enough stuff to push against. It's too bad since my new project the DPM might solve the fuel and power problem."
"DPM stands for Dimensional Power Module, right?"
At my nodding, Sarah continued, "But what if we could push against somethin' else?"
"What are you thinking of, Sarah?"
"Dimensions, I mean there are dimension boundaries everywhere, what if we could somehow push against those. I know we cannae see them or even know where and how they are, but we dinnae need that, we just need somethin' to push against."
"You might be on to something, unfortunately I have my hands full with the kids and my DPM, I can't take on another project like that."
"You dinnae have to, I'd like to explore this myself, if you dinnae mind."
"Why would I mind? Go for it. Can you use a sparring partner as a consultant?"
"I wouldnae dream of tryin' the project without your help now and again."
Current time at inquiry of flight SES 34, UESC
"As you can see, after we targeted some telescopes on the area, there was just a little debris in the general area. It seems like the craft piloted by Sanjiro Wakami disintegrated or vanished without a trace." Ronald Mosey concluded his presentation of the findings.
Someone directly asked the question I dreaded, "Do you think the Dimension doohickeys failed catastrophic and sucked the craft into another dimension?"
"There is no indication that something like that happened. But I'm not an expert in that field. I'll leave the answering of that to the leading scientists present here. Mrs. Kramer and Miss McIntyre, would you come forward please and answer these questions?" Ronald Mosey looked straight at us and though I didn't want to be in the spotlights, I realized that I had no choice.
Together with Sarah I got up and walked to the stage accepting a nano-clip microphone for the sound.
"I'll be answering any questions about the Dimensional Power Module or DPM for short." I said clearly to everyone. "My friend Miss McIntyre is head of the project Dimensional Drive Thrusters or DDT for short and will answer questions about that."
"Did your DPM fail aboard the craft?" an older man asked.
"Till everything has been examined and tested I can't be 100% sure, but all my tests didn't show anything like that."
"But this was the first time your DPM went into space?" A woman asked.
"Yes it is true that a DPM hasn't been in space before. Due to regulations and fear of unknown technology I haven't been allowed to have it tested in space yet. However it was tested with cosmic radiation and every other kind of possible hazards, short of hard vacuum. Since the DPM is installed inside a craft it would not have been in a vacuum."
More questions were about to be fired at me, but I continued, "However to make sure this wasn't the cause of any mishap I'm having a DPM transported to Tenkei soon with special preparations, where it will be undergoing more tests."
Some technical questions were quickly dismissed by the classic answer 'Classified' or 'read the manual'. I had prepared a short manual of the DPM that didn't reveal the workings, just what it was and how it operated.
Sarah got grilled afterwards about the DDT and fortunately she kept it low tech, as most people wouldn't understand her if she began to speak about how it would work. As it was, her accent already made following it a bit difficult for some people.
After the meeting we had another private conversation with Ronald Mosey in his office. He started with an apology. "I'm sorry that I have to tell you this."
I interrupted him, "You're not thinking of cancelling our projects, are you?"
He looked aggrieved at us, "Well, you see..."
Sarah looked like she was about to explode, "No! You're no shut this project down, not now! They're blaming it on us and we're going to prove 'em wrong. With or without your funding. If you cannae give us a little time, we'll find a way to do it ourselves. When we succeed, we'll sell it very expensive to every competitor we can find."
I looked at Sarah, we made a good tag team like this. Mosey looked even more pained in his expression. "You can't do that, all the research is classified and guarded. We can't have you take it somewhere else."
Softly with a steel undertone I answered him, "We can and we will. We both own the patents and rights of these devices. We are the only ones with the knowledge to make it and how it can be made to work. I don't want to threaten you, but if you can't give us time to prove our devices had nothing to do with what happened, we have no other choice to do what we need to."
Mosey looked at his desk for a moment before looking back at us. "The board already made up their minds about it, and they'll probably have my head for this, but I'm going to stonewall the paperwork for a few weeks. You have until then to prove your point. I hope you have an opening for a manager by that time if you fail in your efforts."
Once we were alone in an office, Sarah asked, "What are you proposin' to do now. We have nae go' a vessel to put our devices in."
"I know that, how about Todd? Can he help us out? Maybe he knows someone who has a space worthy plane for sale."
"Aye, that he might. I'll go ask him abou' it then. Are ye lookin' for somethin' special?"
I smiled, "Just big enough to put Synergy thrusters, DDT's and the DPM in along with a pilot and connections to a booster rocket to get us into orbit. It also needs to have a cooling system for the exterior, for the re-entry procedure."
"Aye, as if I didnae know tha'. I'll go give Todd a call, how are ye going to tell yer husband about this." Sarah smirked.
I frowned, I hadn't thought that far yet. I knew that I would have a tough time selling it to Gabe. But it was something that I wanted to do. To prevent anything going wrong I wanted to pilot the craft myself this time, which would only make talking to Gabe more difficult. I knew he would try blackmailing me out of it by using the children that I was responsible for. I do love my children, and I would give up almost everything for them, but this was something I had to do. I didn't underestimate the dangers, but felt sure that it wasn't as bad as everyone feared.
Kramer's family home in Sun City
A few hours later I was in a heated discussion with Gabe. I had just told him what I was planning to do and he reacted as I suspected. "How can you even think of doing something harebrained like that? I forbid you to do it."
I sighed, "You can't forbid me anything."
He was still fuming, "Think about our children, do you want them to grow up without a mother? You do love your children do you?"
'Just as I suspected, he is using the children to keep me from doing what I thought I had to do.' "Gabe, you know I love our children, and I love you, but this is something I just have to do. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't prove them wrong and held back humanity on this earth."
"But why does it have to be you, why can't you find someone else to pilot the ship."
I tried to kiss him, but he evaded me, "I'm the best qualified person for controlling the DPM and DDT's in action. I know the most about the systems and I can generate enough power if something isn't right. You know me, I can do this and I am the best qualified."
Gabe bowed his head, "Fine, go do it if you want. But don't expect me to be happy about it. I'm going to Amsterdam to fix some problems and I'm taking the kids and my mom with me. Mem wants to visit some old friends and she wants to show the kids around in Fryslận."
It was that I heard him use the name of his birthplace before, else I might think that he was angry with me. Well, he was upset, but not really angry with me. Softly I said to him, "Let me talk to them first. I'll explain as well as possible what I have to do."
Later we sat down for dinner minus Gabe. He went out saying that he had to do something at the restaurant and wouldn't be home till very late. Jessica, being the oldest of my children, knew that something was not right and Caitlin felt it as well. Jessica asked, "Memmy, are you and Heity fighting?"
I looked at Gabe's mom. She stared back with disdain, but stayed quiet. I turned to Jessica and Caitlin, "I have to do something that is a bit dangerous..." I snort from Gabe's mom interrupted me but I continued, " ... and Heit doesn't want me to do it. I love you all dearly, and wish I could leave it to someone else, but I feel that I'm the best and maybe the only one who can do this successfully. If I don't do this, my project will be cancelled and other people can never explore space like you see in the movies."
"Will you promise to be careful?" Jessica asked in a serious tone.
"Of course I will honey. I will be very careful and have a video talk with you every day."
Gabe's mom had a talk with me as well, after the children finally got into bed. "I know Gabe is upset with your decision. I'm not happy with it as well. But I do think you're old and wise enough to make your own decision. Please be careful."
I thanked her and explained to her what we wanted to do and how. She still didn't like the dangers involved for me, but knew that I had thought it trough and that Sarah would watch over the project to keep me save.
Gabe crawled in bed after I had already fallen asleep, and I only vaguely noticed that he was back.
The next morning I said my goodbyes and hugged and kissed my children. I turned to Gabe who still scowled at me, but didn't flinch when I kissed him. He was a bit hesitant at first, but then kissed me back. "I love you Maren, and I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you."
"Nothing will happen to me, I'll be fine. Just be careful in Nederland yourself."
Gabe smiled wryly, "Okay then, I know you well enough that I can't change your mind. Just be careful and take your uncle Feral with you. I'd feel better with him watching over you and your equipment."
I hadn't thought of that, it was a good idea. As my family went to the airport with our car I quickly went to the restaurant where I could find my uncle. He readily agreed to come with me and would keep an eye out for anything that might pose a threat to me.
Somewhere in Kourou, French Guiana
A day later I entered a hangar in Kourou, French Guiana. We could've rented a space in Florida as well, but this was cheaper and even closer to the equator. Though technically we didn't need as much of an extra push from the Earths spin as the old style launches did, it was still helpful.
I greeted Sarah who was waiting for me and saw Todd standing a bit further away next to something under a tarp. It peeked my curiosity, but I was patient enough to talk with Sarah first. "Hi Sarah, no problems in getting in here?"
"Ach, you'd think they'd never seen a hybrid before. If Todd werenae with me I'd still be waiting at security."
I smiled, they were a bit more lenient with me, since I was well known as a scientist. Still they were curious about me being a hybrid as well. Especially since they knew I had a power. "So, what's Todd got under the tarp?" I asked her.
"I'll let him tell you himself. He's looking forward to showing you." Sarah smiled back at me.
Together we walked up to Todd and he smiled warmly at me. "Hello Synergy, nice to see you again. It's been too long."
I snorted, "Yeah, a whole two weeks since last we saw each other."
"Like I said, an awful long time not to gaze on your beautiful you."
Sarah swatted at him, "Down boy, you're mine and she's married."
Todd just laughed, "So Maren, I was going to wait till your birthday to give you this, but you two forced my hand with this harebrained idea of yours."
He pulled the tarp from the thing under it. There was an elegant double box tail spacecraft revealed before us. "I am happy to give you this Synergy Spacecraft, that I procured from McGinnis III himself. It is the latest incarnation of his original Synergy aircraft. He assured me that it is perfect for what you want to do with it, provided that we enhance it in terms of cooling systems for re-entry, self-sealing skin and vacuum proofing it. You also need to take the engine out and install the thrusters and the DPM."
"I didn't know there was a plane called Synergy Aircraft. Thank you so much." I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek," eliciting a harrumph from Sarah.
But when I turned to her she was smiling. Quickly things turned technical as we started talking about the cooling and other stuff that we needed for our test flight into space. We started work on it right away and got so involved into our work that we forgot time. If not for Todd bringing us some food, we'd have gone hungry.
Near the end of the day, a big black panther strolled into the hangar and both Sarah and Todd backed out of the way in fear of seeing a ferocious predator slinking towards them. I looked up from what I was doing as I noticed Sarah backing up seemingly in fear for her life. Turning around to look at what was making her act like that I casually said, "Hi uncle Feral, did you have any problems getting here?"
In his gruff voice he answered softly, "They did try to stop me at the gate, but I quickly convinced them who I am and what I'm going to do here."
Sarah looked at me, "Yer uncle?"
"Oh, I forgot, you haven't met him yet. This is my uncle Lando Johns, also known as Feral. I asked him to do security at night. He's the best in that line of work. Don't worry about him, he's a real pussycat at heart."
Feral growled, "Hey!" But then hugged me as a greeting.
"Careful, you're so big and heavy." I warned him.
He extended his hand to both Todd and Sarah, and told them to relax.
They still were a bit apprehensive of him, but relaxed as he took a cat nap in a quiet corner and only watched us quietly. Only Sarah was still on edge, I didn't blame her, being a sheep hybrid, it was probably in her nature to be wary of big top predators. Sarah whispered to me, "He looks quite scary, your uncle, especially when he licks around his muzzle like that."
I looked up and saw Feral licking around his muzzle, staring at us. "Feral! Don't antagonize poor Sarah like that."
Feral muttered, "What? I'm not doing anything."
I turned to Sarah, "Don't pay attention to him. He's just teasing you."
Sara shuddered, "I still feel edgy. Don't worry, I'll get over it. Please tell me, are you a cat hybrid because it runs in the family?"
I laughed, "No, my uncle had some sort of accident or mishap which caused him to morf on a later time than me. Him being a cat is just a coincidence. He did have some problems afterwards but he's a valued member of our family. Especially the kids love having him around."
Feral growled from his spot, "Annoying little brats."
Sarah was spooked that he responded to our quiet conversation. But I reassured her, "He has exceptional good hearing, sense of smell and sight. But don't let his comment fool you, he loves kids and wouldn't do anything to harm them."
Sarah looked over her shoulder to my uncle and shuddered a little. I didn't blame her though; my uncle does look scary, which comes in handy in his line of work of course.
The next morning a truck delivered parts for our cooling system and Sarah started cursing. "How can they be doin this, dinnea they follow our specs?"
Quickly I went over to her, "What's wrong?"
"See for yerself, these tubin's are too short, they're no' as we specified them."
The man unloading the parts came to us with papers. "These are copies of the specs as the factory got them."
I looked them over and they weren't the same as ours. "These are not the same specs we sent them. Look here, this number is wrong and this one and this too." I pointed at the papers to point it out.
"I'm sorry," the delivery man said, "but this is as we have it. I don't know why they are different."
I did have a thought about that. "Someone has been changing them after we send them. This is sabotage. Some people want us not to succeed with this test. That is why I asked my uncle to guard the hangar at night as well. We need to oversee these things more closely or more things like this will happen."
Sarah agreed with me, "Aye, we need to be present at several stages of the parts production, but we cannae do all that and make the plane ready in time."
Feral slinked up to us, "Maybe I can help with that. I got some extra time and can watch some of the parts production for you."
Sarah jumped a bit hearing his voice, she hadn't anticipated it. I knew my uncle for a long time, and knew he would be close by all the time. "If you can, please help us out uncle. We can't afford these setbacks. We only have a few weeks and limited funds."
"I'll get right on it," Feral said determinately and stalked off out of the hangar.
Late in the afternoon he returned with a truck with the correct parts this time and we started working again on the cooling systems. We only stopped when Feral told us to quit for dinner and have a goodnights sleep. I felt much better having him around. The plane would be safe with him guarding it, and he was helping quite well with parts we needed. Todd offered to oversee parts production and delivery as well, so we were set for getting our plane ready in time.
With our helpers overseeing the production and delivery of parts, we made good progress in making the spaceship ready. Of course it helped that with my powers I could emulate tools for welding, cooling and even check inside materials with x-rays. I couldn't have done it without Sarah though. She was incredible with her meticulous approach and ability to think out all the problems before they could even arise.
Just as we were putting in the last systems before getting it ready, there was a commotion at the Hangar door. Feral went to check it out and within moments bounded back to me. "Maren! There are several reporters demanding answers and a view of your ship. I don't know how they found out, but I can get rid of them if you want me to."
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) by: Shrike Part 4 Eventually, the dreaded time came. The first school day in that awful, cute looking uniform. Well, at least the other girls would be wearing the same outfit, except for the belt. I wasn't actually wearing a belt, but managed to put my tail around it, and through the loops of my skirt. It kept my tail out of the way and made me look like a normal girl. I hesitated in the courtyard a bit, feeling nervous about going in. I...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 6 I had been looking forward to a quiet weekend trying out my new hover board, but again I had to postpone due to an unscheduled event after the dean put up a notice on the board at school. Denise and Mandy went right over to read it. Mandy motioned me over and I was a bit curious to what it said. The notice stated that the freshman sophomore and junior classes were going on a field trip to the zoo in Atlanta. The school's rules state that for...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 7 The next morning when I was taking Sammi for a walk, I looked out for anything suspicious. And indeed right down the street a dark blue van with tinted windows was parked. I walked over to see if there was someone inside, but when I got to about 15 feet distance, the car suddenly started up and pulled away. I'd already scribbled down the license and decided to give it to the police later. At school I stayed on guard, watching for anything out...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 8 I woke up with the birds singing, I groaned, "Keep it down, I want to sleep." But the sleep was gone now. I might as well get up now. I intended to swing my legs outside like normal and stand up, but already the swinging part made me realize that I would have to pay dearly for my victory yesterday. I had muscle aches big time. I made my way moaning and groaning to the sink to splash some water on my face. The door opened softly, Mom stuck...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 5 The flames shot up higher and higher and I realized that I, too, was trapped in the burning building. In trying to rescue them, I now found myself trapped with the two little girls. My panic lasted only a moment before it changed to resolve as I toughened myself up. I would try my very best to get all of us out of here alive. Over the roar of the fire I yelled to the children, "Get down and hold on to me." As they hunkered down on my legs...
Synergy & Blitz (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 1 by: Shrike It could be useful to read the story Synergy first, but it is not really necessary. All the important data is repeated in this story. Also the story Synergy is not available in full online. This is because it is published as a paperback book. For interested people see: Merchandising page under Resources at Chapter One...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) by: Shrike Part 2 Mom dragged me from store to store in the mall. The first one we visited was a lingerie shop. She had the assistant measure me, which was a bit embarrassing to me. 'I know that I'm a girl now but still, showing myself almost naked to another girl?' Then, after she bought me some bras and panties, she picked out some very revealing nightgowns and such. 'Why can't I just wear some PJs?' She did come up with a valid reason,...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 11 As I started increasing my internal energy to do some serious harm, the men in the back were rudely shoved aside. Then I heard a familiar voice, "They don't know what you can do, but I do. Please power down, Synergy." I perked up with astonishment, 'Hound is here? What is he doing here?' Then another familiar voice added, "Please Maren, talk to us first." I was beginning to think that I was in serious trouble, 'Gavin. Did he see my...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) by: Shrike Synopsis: It's 2041, people, especially teens are now faced with the possibility of many strange changes induced by the MORFS virus. What happens as a boy with a serious disease, who has a purist for a father, goes through his MORFS. Watch as his whole world shatters and changes. "He Brent" I automatically looked up hearing my name. As I did, I scowled at the one calling me, I...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 10 Hound and Slick just stood next to me while I sat on the floor leaning against the wall crying. They didn't seem to know what to say or do. Finally Slick asked, "Isn't there someone you can contact? Maybe a friend or people that you know? There must be somebody here. You did live here for some time right?" I almost couldn't think, I was feeling so distraught. Then my mind clicked into gear again. 'Stupid girl, there is Snake, Batman, Shane....
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 12 Early in the morning I set off for the community center where the lessons would be held. It wasn't too far from the house where I now lived, but I wanted to get there early to make a good impression. As I neared the community center I saw that young man, I just couldn't get out of my thoughts, also walking towards the center. I tried not to look at him, but I just couldn't help myself. Besides he was staring at me, too, though he averted his...
Synergy (A MORFS Universe Story) Part 13 This part is intertwined with OhnomoreHybrid 4, so a lot of things like events and things that are said are the same. But the viewpoints and thoughts of the narrators are very different between the two stories.. So please read both stories to see how each person thinks and their views of what happens in the connected events. *** The next morning I got up early again, fed Cyn and decided on a casual outfit for the day. I debated if I should...
Hi, all happy to be back to entertain my dear readers, it’s been long since your jj gave you a good long whack off story. Well i am little guilty on this end but fair enough this one is going to be short but definitely have all the required stuff for you to spend along time in the bathroom and releasing some heavy load of cum. My mom told me there was a family get-together and i needed to attend. I normally hate these affairs and try to slip out early. These people were not my blood relatives...
The next couple of months passed by rather quickly and for the most part pleasantly as far as Marlin and Melody were concerned. Melody finally convinced him to move out of the Sunset House and in with her stating truthfully it was silly for him to be spending his meager allowance on a room he almost never stayed in. He did end up agreeing but insisted in helping out with the household expenses as much as he could. The Widow Binder was sad to see him go until she found out where he was going...
Melody knocked on her sister's door but the only answer was a muffled, "Go away! Leave me the fuck alone!" Disregarding her sister's order she opened the door and marched in with Marlin following close behind. "I told you to leave me the fuck alone!" Malinda screamed and twisted on the bed until she was facing the wall away from them. "No, we will not, Malinda," Melody stated firmly as she stood up straight looking down at her sister. "We ― I ― want to know how long you have known...
He awoke a few hours later to find the three of them had shifted to a different position. He was now on his back with a girl resting her head on each of his shoulders. Straining to look down he saw dark blonde hair on one side and dark brown on the other. They were facing each other and very quietly whispering to each other. When they felt him move they stopped talking and looked up. "Now this is something I could get used to," he sighed happily. "A beautiful woman on each arm ... What...
"Mom's coming home next week," Melody announced one day as they were sitting around the living room. As usual Malinda was curled up next to Marlin squeezed in as tightly against him as she could without actually interfering with his reading, writing or whatever else he was doing at the time. Melody, on the other hand, was propped up against his chest totally heedless of the fact that he couldn't possibly turn the page in his book with her there. "She's bringing Tess with her, of...
The next month was fairly calm. The work around the farm progressed. Malinda and Teresa had many long talks that often resulted in both of them crying but Marlin told them that was good. It meant emotions were being let out and dealt with. The two women couldn't argue since they felt the closest they had for over seven years. Tess and Marlin had many talks too, mostly with Tess sitting on Marlin's lap playing with his hair and delving into his "pretty" mind. Of course they talked about...
"You are purposely dripping that syrup on my boob," Teresa complained happily. "The better to lick it off," he grinned and stuck out his tongue. Teresa was sitting on his lap with just her robe loosely tied around her. The top was loose enough that one breast was fully exposed and with her crossed legs the top leg was bare almost up to her crotch. She was feeding him pancakes with her fingers and he took considerable pleasure in licking his utensils clean and the area below them when the...
"Marlin, you have a letter here with the Imperial seal on it." Melody frowned as she walked into the kitchen and dropped what little mail there was on the table. "Oh goody," he replied with false enthusiasm. "The Emperor has finally sent me the invitation to his birthday party. That thing has been lost in the mail forever." Slipping his finger under the seal he popped it open and pulled out the two sheets of stationary with handwriting on them. "So what does it say?" Melody...
"Mother, are you really happy now?" Margret asked as she sat at the kitchen table while Teresa dried and put away the last of the lunch dishes. Taking the last cup of coffee from the pot, Teresa sat down across from her daughter. "I assume you are talking about either my man, your sisters or the new baby. Probably all three," she smiled softly. "The simplest answer is yes. I am happier than I have ever been before in my life." She paused and took a sip. "But my guess is you are...
"I want you to write that letter," Margret said confronting Marlin as he finished a repair on the old militia tent he used for his trips. What with him now having company for all of them there was a lot less staying on the spare cot in some farmer's house although haylofts were always welcome. "I want to do the interview," she finished taking a deep breath. "I thought you might," he replied calmly packing the tent away. "Mandy's right. You are one tricky son-of-a-bitch," she...
"Excuse me," Marlin said as he tapped on the wooden shelf on the window of the Coach Master's tiny office. The grizzled old man looked up with a frown and then frowned even more deeply when he saw the face of a stranger. "What can I do for you?" he asked gruffly. "I'm looking for..." Marlin paused and looked down at the instructions in his hand. "The Sunset House?" he finally asked looking up hopefully. "The widow Binder's boarding house," the Master grunted. "Up the street,...
Even though the trips to the farms and small hamlets surrounding Pigsford weren't anywhere near as onerous as he had expected them to be, Marlin still preferred being in town and not walking all day. For the most part he was lazy and unmotivated, knew it and while not exactly proud of it certainly did nothing to remedy the situation. While Pigsford was no capital city, it was clean, orderly and didn't smell anything like its name implied. The food was good, not overcooked and underspiced...
"Wow!" was the only thing Marlin could say when she answered the door. "I hope you're not disappointed," she answered nervously when he took the offered step in. "I didn't wear those shorts you seemed to like so much." She was wearing a relatively short, flowery summer dress that left her arms bare and showed just the hint of cleavage. "Actually it wasn't the shorts I was interested in," he grinned. "You look wonderful. Better than I deserve in fact. Well, do I have to meet your...
SISSIES IN SPACE PROLOGUE: This is work of fiction, with apologies to NASA. 2052 CE A conglomerate of several large American Corporation's met in January on St. Kitts Island in the Caribbean for a discussion concerning the exploration of the asteroid belt between the planet's of Mars and Jupiter. This meeting was the direct result of the apparent temerity of NASA for the past twelve years following the disastrous manned Mars mission that resulted in the perishing of the six man...
Stardate 85844.9. Somewhere in the Delta quadrant. A wave of nausea swept over Captain F for Fiona Ukkers as she gradually emerged from space hibernation. Trying to prevent vomiting only made the feeling worse and, although a descendant of a long line of Amazons, she gagged. Then, despite the disorientation of hibernation sickness, training kicked in."Stardate SLUTS?" she demanded, loathing the faint tremor in her voice.The interstellar logistical utility telemetry system — an integrated...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“My pinkish panties are actually a color called “bloom” and are a plus size modern thong design with hi-cut legs and a flat curved waistband for comfort. They’re stretch lace, silky, semi-sheer and have a really low five and a half inch rise.” Said Debra spreading her unshaven legs “They’re so comfy!” “Oh my, those are so cute on you!” said Mindy as she lustfully stared at Debra’s pinkish panties which were actually a color called “bloom” and were a plus size modern thong design...
It is like being in apace. It is like floating around a never ending universe in our own snug space pod. We are away from the trial and tribulations of living on this crazy planet. We have each other and that is all that matters, because we are as one and each time we make love something goes ‘ting!’ and we are lost in the pure magic of all that our love can stimulate. You are my space girl, my Lieutenant and I am the captain of our craft. We just shut off the communications centre for peace,...
[Excessive praise and kind criticism, as always, is very welcome.] Eric felt an inspiration to delve into the fate of the Robinsons after the end of my story and invited me to add my input into it. Thus, we present... UnLost in Space Written By Eric, and rewritten by Caleb Jones StarDate: 7/7/00 Three months after 'Misplaced in Space', a story by Caleb Jones. The rest of the crew of the space ship Jupiter 2 began to notice with some surprise John Robinson seemed less...
" ... is Still Not a Home." I was floating, completely relaxed, my space suit turning slowly at the end of its tether. The stars wheeled majestically past, multi-colored points against velvet black. I watched them turn, and imagined that each one was a woman. Tall ones, and short. Pale ones and dark. Young, old, and in-between. Women I'd known, women I'd seen, women I'd only dreamed about. Forgotten for the moment were the months of grinding monotony, of plunging through hyperspace,...
Federation Fleet Day 5 of conflict The Federation cruiser USS Atlanta LCAM 2 followed behind her sister ship the San Juan as they curled inward towards the Earth and the space docks. Three destroyers led the column with three destroyers behind them. They were nine million three hundred thousand miles from the captured space docks, and closing. Captain Joan Whitman sat in her command chair, taking a sip of her coffee. On the view screen, she could make out the landing bay of the San Juan as...
ok so back in 05 i made a myspace. didnt know what it was or how to use it but all my friends had 1 so i wanted one to. i had it for about a month or 2, and girls just seemed 2 love me on there. another month goes by and thats when i figured out how easy it was 2 hook up with girls on myspace, if u had the right kinda game. so i send a friend request to a local model/singer(most girls on myspace are) and she accepted it and sent me a message before i could even try and spit my game at her. she...
ok so back in 05 i made a myspace. didnt know what it was or how to use it but all my friends had 1 so i wanted one to. i had it for about a month or 2, and girls just seemed 2 love me on there. another month goes by and thats when i figured out how easy it was 2 hook up with girls on myspace, if u had the right kinda game. so i send a friend request to a local model/singer(most girls on myspace are) and she accepted it and sent me a message before i could even try and spit my game at her. she...
David woke slowly. He reached out to find the other side of the bed empty. He frowned. Carol rarely got up before him, as the lady liked her sleep. A tear rolled down his cheek, as he remembered that Carol would be sleeping forever. They had grown close over the weeks they had been together, and while he didn’t love her, he had enjoyed her company, both in and out of bed. The silly bugger hadn’t put the safety harness on the chair on properly. When they had left in a hurry, he had grabbed...
05:30 Pluto, Base Station Elysian, 1-14-05 Ken watched the fleet approach the huge dry dock. The ships were spreading out for the docking arms as he turned and looked at his wife Tammy who was giving her fleet orders. "Helm. All ahead, slow. Starboard thrusters, minimum fire, in three ... two ... one ... engage," Tammy said as she sat in the command chair. "Firing thrusters, Ma'am," replied Commander Stella Salaneo. The huge ship slowly slid down the length of the gantry until it was...
Mev, Sheila, and Kathleen slept in Sick Bay for nearly ten hours. During that time the captain took Sheila's advice, as passed to him by the security officer Casey, and left the planet and headed for deep space. Having watched the battle between the three High Lords and the aliens remotely, and seeing the explosion at the end, pretty much made up Captain Mason's mind about leaving even before Casey came to him with Sheila's recommendation. There was no way Mason wanted to learn the hard...
Located on the coreward periphery of Imperial Space, it is a region of space which encompasses more than a dozen star systems. For the most part the inhabitants are peaceful colonists or asteroid miners, each seeking to make a living in this remote region. To some, Wild Space represents the last refuge of those fleeing the tyranny of the Terran Empire, and the oppresive might of the Imperial Navy. To others it is a lawless region prayed upon by pirates, smugglers, slavers, and petty...
Well for starters, Fenoxo is a fucking gaming blog probably named after its developer, MR Fenoxo, Fen, Fenny, or Fenfen. And while there is evidence of multiple individuals posting on the blog as long as there is an awesome interface and a fancy sex game to dip some nasty claws into, who fucking cares about that shit anyway? After all, Fenoxo is one Pervy Writing Minotaur, the coder, and brains behind a number of sexy games including Corruption of Champions which seems to have won a...
Free Sex GamesArrives ########## Thursday Morning ########## **** Nena ********dream*** Scott was ramming his rock hard dick in and out of my pussy as I tighten my the grip that my thighs have around his waist pulling him deeper inside of me.Im matching his thrust the best I can. “ Oh Scott harder baby harder ooooh damn that right Scott pound my pussy into submission. Oh God Scott it been So Long since i have had a real man pounding the hell out my my pussy.... Oh God...
Adam circled the family ship around the moons of Orion. He had just gotten his operators license and couldn't wait to have a craft of his own to impress the chicks with. The family ship wasn't exactly an interstellar hotrod. The upper portion of the spacecraft contained a control room and hyper-sleep chamber, while the bulk of the craft consisted of a living area to provide comfort during long intergalactic trips.As Adam sped across the moons surface the voice of the onboard computer drew his...
Here's an odd little gargoyle set at everybody's favorite water park. Thanks to Elrod for inventing the place and letting us play there (supervised play is better than none at all) and to him and Radioactive Loner for their comments on this story. Bikini Beach: Invasion from Space By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 With the high-pitched hum of a transport beam, Zebrett Lusc, Grand High Marshal of the Eyshvac Empire's invasion fleet, appeared on the bridge of Imperial cruiser _Death's Head_,...
June 5, 2067 I woke to the sound of our cabin door's soft, pneumatic closing. I opened my eyes just in time to see my wife come into our spacious living quarters. We had five rooms which was nearly unheard of. Besides the large double-sized bedroom, we had a living room, an observation room and another room, that currently was being used only for storage. That didn't include of course, the large bathroom, and the kitchenette. Most families on the ship were squeezed into one or 2 small...
© Copyright 2004 The signal was weak and the static was terrible, but I could have sworn the image in my comscreen changed as I picked up the distress call. Well, roaming the depths of space in a tin can that's held together with chewing gum and baling wire will do that to you. Oh, I see! You think I'm kidding about the chewing gum and baling wire! Well, I'll have you know there's not much that's better for those pinhole meteorite leaks than chewing gum. It fills the hole then...
An introduction about myself. I am a 27-year-old guy currently in Bangalore, but from Mumbai. I am submissive by nature and always want to be used and humiliated. This ‘real incident’ took place in May 2012. My trust with BDSM started as a kid when I stumbled across BDSM porn. A few searches on the internet and I was hooked onto it. I have not seen vanilla porn ever since. Unless it has some aspect of humiliation in it. Let’s say, like a Bukkake. So, back in 2012, I was young and horny and...
Gay MaleThe mysterious and dangerous companion of Swybar, who seemed to have dozens of names, faces and disguises, was not so dangerous anymore. Swybar didn’t even bother to check on the true identity as he shoved the body through the energy membrane and watched it float away. He might still have been alive, one never knew the exact effects of Shaill poisons, but his good friend swallowed enough to kill a heard of Petharian. At least that what the merchant had said and it worked. His former...
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Hookup SitesT minus thirty seconds to launch.The fearful countdown had resumed for our spacecraft, the Edward D. Wood. Our mission was to search for intelligent life on Planet X in the far-off Duck Dodgers galaxy. It wasn't my first mission but I still find the actual launch both fearful and exhilarating.Fearful because we always run the risk of frying and sizzling like Betty White in a tanning bed. But, exciting because the powerful thrust of the rocket engines creates almost violent vibrations in my...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“I’m crazy about her!” he tells me, “I don’t know how she feels” “I think perhaps you do.” I say and “I also think that you should tell her” “Even if you say it just the once, put it out there, and then it can never be said that it was not known.” This is a story about un-reciprocated love. Not all stories are happy ones but still stories are there to be told. The Space “I love you baby” he says, except he isn’t smiling because deep down he knows. She smiles weakly in response and then...
Love StoriesYou're in college, and you're not terribly popular. You always hear about that crazy college life of nonstop sex, drinking, and drugs, but you've yet to experience any of those things where you go. Hell, everyone seems so reluctant to stick to any plans that you find it hard to even make friends here; everyone's just like, "Dude, we gotta hang out sometime," and then when you actually try, they're never availible. As a result your college life basically boils down to one homework assignment...
Mindy’s pillow was all wrong. She didn’t know anything else yet, but she knew that. It felt weird, soft and smooth against her cheek like…silk? She slowly levered her eyes open, squinting just a bit as she got used to the early morning daylight. Definitely silk. Red silk. She was in a bed with red silk pillowcases. She wasn’t ready to make a more ambitious conjecture, but she was pretty confident about that. She didn’t have red silk pillowcases in her bed. So this wasn’t her bed. She was...
I had a special assignment to assist the planning manager with the layout of the executive suite. I had caught the eye of management with my design skills, which I had studied in school as a minor. Bernice was the management lead for the project. We had a meeting set for 10 am. I had a few items to wrap up before our meeting.“Hi Kristen,” said Bernice.“So, nice to meet you, Bernice.”“I have heard good things about you from the assistance you gave with the design of the lobby. I saw no reason to...
Office SexThe year was now 2869 and technology had advanced to the point where space travel had become almost as routine as driving is today. Humans had ventured far from earth and were now settling throughout the galaxy creating a need for a network of sophisticated supply ships to transport valuable resources between the colonies. It was no surprise that the humans found the galaxy to be teaming with life. Some friendly, some not so. This story takes place on the far side of the known galaxy where an...
BACK SPACE by [email protected] Dave Goodman was hooked up to every imaginable bio-monitoring device possible. Comfort was impossible. He recognized the machine he'd spent six months trying to understand. He'd never imagined it would be used for such a thing. He'd assumed it would be a boon to espionage, not inter-planetary, or, rather, intra-planetary exploration. "We have several promising targets," the captain told him. The two prongs of the probe looked sharp and...
Changed in Space by Lorna Samuels & Lisa Funke © 1986 Disclaimer: The following work was originally published in the mid-1980's by Empathy Press (Seattle) in the book/pamphlet "Skirted Men" #32, which had the only full color cover issued for that series. This work is the exclusive property of the authors and Empathy Press, by whose permission it has been electronically reproduced for dissemination to certain Internet web masters for presentation on their sites. Any...
Carolyn Pierce finished doing the grades for her discussion session. Professor Delgado wanted to see her evaluation before issuing the official grades. She suspected that he wanted the grades from the separate discussion sessions to look alike. Well, she’d got her work as a student in. When she got her work as a teacher in, then it would be time to fix up the new apartment. Schedules kept conflicting. Bill had had a lease that ended April 30th. She had been in the worst crush of school work...
Hello! This is a short, hot little story about the thoughts that elevators sometimes inspire. Enjoy!Tight SpacesI'm in trouble. For the first time in three years I might be late for work.We're in the slowest elevator on earth. Just the two of us.I only caught a glimpse of him when he got on board on the second floor, together with some businessman who got out again promptly on the third – thankfully, because he was having a rather tense cellphone conversation and the secondhand embarrassment...