SynergyChapter 13 free porn video

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"I want you to write that letter," Margret said confronting Marlin as he finished a repair on the old militia tent he used for his trips. What with him now having company for all of them there was a lot less staying on the spare cot in some farmer's house although haylofts were always welcome.

"I want to do the interview," she finished taking a deep breath.

"I thought you might," he replied calmly packing the tent away.

"Mandy's right. You are one tricky son-of-a-bitch," she groused.

"Me? What have I done other than give you the opportunity to see justice done and possibly prevent what happened to you from happening to some other poor girl in the future?" he asked.

"You knew I would if for no other reason than I want to do the right thing by Tess," she said. "Do you really think all that crap you were telling her was true?"

"I think it is highly probable," he shrugged. "Nobody knows all the reasons for some of your thinking and beliefs, probably not even you."

"So you think if I confront this thing that happened then I will be well and everything will be wine and roses?" she scoffed.

"No. Unfortunately it's never that easy, now is it?" he smiled sadly. "What I do hope is that this will help get you started on the path to being the best you can be. Completely healed? That's a goal but what if it never happens? You still have to live your life."

"Yeah, fix my little brain fuck and settle down with a nice guy and have another two or three kids. Like that will ever happen," she snorted.

"Or find another woman who you makes you happy," he shrugged again. "There are many paths to happiness and I'm hoping you find one of them for your sake and Tess's."

"I tried that once or twice and it didn't work out too well," she muttered.

"That's a shame," he sympathized. "Given your distrust of men it would have been easier if your orientation was more to the feminine side or at least bisexual. I don't know if you will ever be able to really trust any man ever again and having another woman for the emotional closeness we all need would be nice. Not to mention the sexual loving that most of us crave."

"It wouldn't bother you if I was a ... lover of woman?" she asked shocked.

"Why should it?" he grinned. "I am, and I fully understand it. Look, I already have three beautiful, intelligent and loving women who keep me on a short leash. I'm not looking for any more lovers, wives or bedmates. I am attracted to you of course. You're a Hawking woman and nothing else really needs to be said. However it takes interest from the other side to attract my emotional interest and I'm pretty sure you don't have any such interest."

"That's for fucking sure," she grinned back at him.

"So if I was single and I made my play for you I would have been shot down," he continued. "Seeing that I'm not single and have no intention of ever making a play for you the who or which sex you do sleep with is of no concern of mine."

"I'll bet it would to my mom and sisters," she answered grimly.

"You don't give them enough credit," he admonished gently. "What they really want is for you to be happy. I'm willing to bet they couldn't care less if it is a woman or a man that gets you there."

"Do they ... you know ... when all of you are in bed together... ?" she stuttered.

He smiled brightly and said, "By the way: I'll help but you have to write the complaint yourself."

"How long is it going to fucking take?" Margret whined at the kitchen table during lunch. It had been about two weeks since she had sent the complaint and she was starting to become a little unraveled.

"Weeks, months, a year or maybe never," Marlin shrugged. "I don't have any idea not knowing their procedures or workload. I told you right from the beginning they may do nothing."

"The thing you have to remember, dear," Teresa patted her hand. "You've done your best. What happens now is not something you can control."

"That's right, Maggie. We're all real proud of what you did," Melody assured her sister. "That took some real courage."

"I don't have any courage," Margret twitched. "In fact, I'm scared to death!"

"A wise man once said that bravery is not the absence of fear in the face of adversity, for that is foolishness," Marlin told her. "Bravery is battling on against adversity in spite of that fear."

"Your man is so full of shit," Margret stated but she said it with a smile.

"Yeah. Is it any wonder that a few sweet nothings from his lips to our ears and all three of us are falling over backwards legs spread wide and feet pointing up in the air. Oops!" Melody slapped her hand over her mouth. "Sorry, Tess. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud."

"That's okay, Auntie Melody," Tess said grinning at her. "I've heard you say worse at night." She said in a half-whisper to her mother, "Auntie Melody is really loud sometimes." Melody choked on a piece of fruit until Marlin slapped her back and it flew out onto the table. "But not as loud as Grandma."

"Tess, that's private!" Teresa gasped as she turned bright red.

"I didn't tell her what you yell, Grandma," Tess protested and went back to her sandwich. "Besides Mama lives here I'm sure she's heard you also."

There was silence for about thirty seconds and then Malinda started giggling followed by Melody and finally Teresa and Margret. Marlin sat there stoically and ignored them as best he could. When lunch was finally over, which took longer than normal due to the numerous outbursts of spontaneous laughter, he sent Tess out to see if they had received any mail.

"That is if you are done with both your sandwich and embarrassing everybody at the table," he said.

"I don't know why you would be embarrassed, Uncle Marlin," Tess replied with a devilish grin while placing her plate in the sink. "It's your name they are mostly yelling." With that she ran outside heading for the road.

"I swear, Marlin Cranson," Teresa shook her head. "I don't know if you've taught that little hellion too much, too little or just enough."

"She does have a sense of humor, doesn't she," Marlin smiled.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you teaching my daughter about sex," Margret alternately grinned and frowned.

"I only talked to her about it in general terms," he defended himself. "And to be more accurate we talked emotions and affection as much as we did sex. The sex part doesn't interest her all that much yet, anyway. But really I had to or she would have run screaming into her grandma's room every night wondering who was getting killed." Melody paused in her clearing of the table and smacked him lightly on the back of the head followed by a kiss to make it better.

"We all have our ways of being reminded," she giggled at her eldest sister.

Margret was just about to say something when they heard the front door slam and Tess calling, "Uncle Marlin! Uncle Marlin." She ran into the kitchen slightly out of breath waving a large envelope with the Imperial seal. "There's a letter just like the ones you get only with Mama's name on it!" She handed it to her mother. Margret's hands shook as she stared down at it.

"I can't look. You do it!" her voice quivered as she shoved it over to Marlin. He raised his eyebrow at her and with practiced fingers popped the seal and drew out the paper inside. He studied it for a moment and cleared his throat.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Malinda jumped up and down. "Or I'll be smacking your head this time."

"Margret Hawking," he said importantly. "You are directed to appear before an Imperial Justice Investigation Team on the nineteenth of this month at two o'clock in the afternoon in End-of-the-Line ... Well it gives a conference room number and the hotel there in town. You have your investigation, Margret," he smiled at her.

"Oh, shit. It's really happening," she whispered turning pale.

It was decided that Marlin would accompany her on the trip. At first they all wanted to go but Marlin told them not only no but hell no!

"I am not going to let them anywhere near Teresa if I can possibly help it," he said in no uncertain terms. "And I think it best if the rest of you stayed here also. This was her complaint and she is the one they want to talk to."

"But what about Tom?" Teresa asked sadly.

"Well, I did tell Margret of my suspicions and she did put that in her complaint," he responded calmly. "All we really wanted to do was get them to think about it, even if we have no real evidence. Two or three questions put to Mr. Dominic Prandle and the matter will be cleared up once and for all. We just need to get them to ask the questions. There is no reason to get any of you involved since you can't add anything more than I could."

"I told you he was a devious bastard," Malinda smiled seductively and slowly lowered herself into his lap. "How can we not love this son-of-a-bitch? You are so getting lucky tonight," she whispered in his ear although everyone in the room heard her.

"And this is different than any other night?" Margret snorted.

"Oh, yeah," Malinda purred and Marlin shivered. "There are nights and then there are nights." She gave him a little shot of her Talent and he shivered again.

"I don't think I can do this," Margret whimpered and wrung her hands as they sat in the coach heading towards End-of-the-Line.

"Yes, you can," he assured her patting her hand. "And you will."

"I don't know! I don't know!" she started shivering uncontrollably and he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. She stiffened slightly and then relaxed.

"I don't think I've been this close to a man since ... that night," she said.

"If it helps, don't think of me as a man, just someone giving you comfort. Or if that doesn't work try thinking of me as a really ugly woman," he said giving her a little shake.

She giggled and replied, "That may work."

They found the hotel easily and at exactly two o'clock knocked on the conference room door. The door was opened by a large IJ marshal and they were led in. There was a table with five men seated facing a single chair. Marlin saw that his truth-teller was sitting at one end. Each gave the other a slight nod.

"You are Margret Hawking?" the man in the center demanded.

"I am," her voice quivered.

"I am Inspector Durant of Imperial Justice," he told her emotionlessly. "We are here to investigate the complaint you filed against one Dominic Prandle for rape and possibly murder. We will ask questions and you will answer them truthfully to the best of your ability. There is an Agency truth-teller present in this room and he will know if you are lying or hiding anything from us. If you do not answer any question we are authorized to restrain you and have that information taken from your mind without your consent. Do you understand all of that?"

"I do," she replied firmly. "I intend to give my entire story truthfully and in its entirety as I believe it happened."

The inspector glanced at the truth-teller and received a nod in return. "Good." he continued. "Then maybe this will be easy. Now you, sir! Who the hell are you?" he demanded looking at Marlin.

"Marlin Cranson, Scout for the Imperial Talent Agency, sir," Marlin answered quickly taking out his badge and showing it.

"We don't need that," he waved the badge away. "Again, why the hell are you here?"

"I live with the Hawking family and it was at my urging that Miss Hawking filed her complaint," he replied. "We thought it best that I escort her, not only for moral support, but to be available to answer any questions you might have of me."

"Do you have any direct evidence to present in this case?" he asked.

"No, sir," Marlin responded. "I was not present when this event took place. All my suspicions are based on deduction and hearsay alone."

"They are certainly enough of those here to have the questions asked at least," the inspector nodded. "However we have no further need for you. You may wait for Miss Hawking out in the hallway." Marlin nodded and left the room quickly.

Marlin paced outside in the hallway for about an hour before the door opened and an ashen-faced Margret stumbled out and practically fell into his arms.

"Was it bad?" he asked sympathetically.

"Worse than I'd imagined," she nodded her head resting on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." he started.

"Don't be," she cut him off. "It was bad but they believed me. They believed me and now they are going to interrogate Prandle. They have their own vehicle and will be leaving soon for Pigsford. They also said they have sent a notification of the inquiry to Prandle ― something about procedures. When I told them he might attack my family they just said then they would hang him for that too!"

"I told you they were heartless bastards but once they're on someone's trail he's as good as caught," he patted her back. "The next coach is scheduled to leave in abut ten minutes. Since he hasn't done anything yet my guess is he hasn't received the notification. If he had, his only chance would have been to do something to you before now although hopefully he knew that would be useless."

"What do you mean?" She looked up at him.

"I'll tell you as we walk," he said putting an arm around her shoulder and gently guiding her out of the building. "If a potential witness died or came up missing under suspicious circumstances they would be all over that like flies on a cow-flop," he continued once they'd reached the street. "Now I don't know this Prandle..."

"He's an asshole and that's the best you can say for him," Margret growled.

"Now that I can believe," he grinned and gave her a squeeze. "But if he had a brain in his head the moment he received that notification he should have been running as far and as fast as he could ― preferably to some neighboring kingdom we're presently at war with. It's not like there aren't any number to choose from. Of course," he mused, "the Emperor does have his assassins in those countries and I wouldn't put it past him to have Mr. Prandle killed just for the object lesson.

"So hopefully he hasn't seen the notification yet and Justice will get to him before he does or at least before he can do anything even dumber than he already has."

The rest of the family was waiting for them at the coach stop when it pulled in.

"Thank God, you're back!" Melody jumped into his arms and then released him to hug her sister. "It's him," she hissed. "We just got into town hoping you would be able to make this coach when we were told he was down on the square telling everybody that you were just another witch stirring up trouble and lying about him to the Imperials."

"Well, he's too late," Margret said proudly. "I told them and they believed me. They will be coming for him soon enough."

"Yeah, well, the Shire-rief is over there trying to settle everything down but I don't know how effective he's going to be about it," her sister replied.

"Or how effective he wants to be," Marlin added grimly. "I think we ought to ease on out of here as quickly as we can."

"Too late," Malinda gasped. "They're coming this way!" She was right; a whole crowd was moving down the street towards them with a rather large angry looking fellow in their lead.

"So it is," Marlin hummed. "I want all of you up against the wall over there. Yes, that should be close enough and still give you some protection. I'm going to stand out here and stop them."

"You can't, Marlin, they'll tear you apart!" Teresa sobbed.

"Oh, I think I'll be okay. Especially if you're close enough to me," he winked at her. "I have another rather minor Talent that I haven't told you about that has kept me safe in the past."

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Sam James As The Lockdown Collapses

The post-orgasm calm flowed through my body. My cock started to soften and the pool of fresh cum on my stomach started to rapidly cool. Beside me, on my iPhone speaker, I could hear Sam approach her climax as she undoubtedly rammed her dildo into her pussy. I heard Sam grunt and then gasp.“God I needed that, but I really need the real thing, I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.”We both lay on our beds, separated only by a few streets, but our once adventurous and satisfying sex life seemed...

4 years ago
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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 31 New Orleans

I was beginning to understand the meaning of the word entourage. I was a little embarrassed when I saw how many people were boarding the plane to New Orleans for my Range Sports photo shoot. From Ford modeling I had Tiffany, my agent, and Deb Thomas, their Vice President of Talent Development for their Chicago office. Deb arranged to join us, because she wanted to talk to Devin and Sandy Range about their corporate relationship. It had been on shaky ground ever since our shoots in the UK,...

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Whisper to me. Tell me softly. Are your lips like roses…Do they have the scent of who you are on them and can they bite at my flesh. Causing pain Oh my God She’s scrubbing my floor, and for god’s sake she’s in the shortest skirt I’ve ever seen, I thought. I looked at the sheerest pr of panties, I knew I’d ever seen. ‘What are you doing?’ In know my voice was almost a whisper but I was in shock. She simply turned, looked at me, grinned at me and threw the rag she was using into a bucket....

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 27 Veiled in Curtains of Ethereal Light

Coach Pick spent a lot of Saturday with my family and me. He came to the house about ten o'clock in the morning to meet my parents and my brothers, driving up in a rental Buick. He talked about Gainesville and north central Florida, about the University of Florida, and about his soccer teams. He left just before lunchtime, to go talk to another family about an hour away, but he promised to be back in plenty of time to go out to dinner with us. "You know, in Florida it's pretty darned hard...

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The Greatest Lie Part 5

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of...

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The Rest of the StoryPassed Out from Being Fucked

I have been nagged by several people to tell the rest of the story about what happened after I passed out. That's kinda hard to do since I really don't know what happened. However, I have talked to the guys that were there and I will tell you what they told me.All three guys said the same thing so I guess this is what really happened. Sounds like fun...too bad I was passed out and didn't enjoy it!They said they just kept taking turns fucking me while I was out and shooting cum all over my face...

4 years ago
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Sex in spice jet

Hello to all readers. I am goldguy from India. I am 26 years old, working for mnc. I am 5.9″ height, 72 kgs, with weatish color. I am not so good but average looking, but I have the power to satisfy u r desires in sex. I can show u all kinds of angles in sex; I can give u a cool massage which makes u r body cool. If any females of any age need interested to have massage or want to have 200% satisfaction in sex just mail me at Last night I was in khopoli a place beyond panvel in Pune route and...

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Space Female

The Space Female It was dark, quiet until an object fell out of the sky, it looked like something from outer space, but it was quite small, in fact, it had no one in it, well, it used to have someone in it, someone small. In the morning, there was a crowd of people gathered round the strange piece of spacecraft, but soon, everyone was told to clear the area, as the spaceship was taken into the nearby lab for analysis. The person leading the analysis, was Nick Treias, he had to get it...

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French film audition

James had short dark hair, an athletic body from sports he played in high school. He had a faint set of abs. He was six foot one in height and was very handsome. He had girlfriends in the past but was single. He had always been the sporty type in high school but he had recently wanted to change that. He had a desire to start acting classes. He wanted to be a big actor like you see in the movies. He had an audition booked for tomorrow at 2pm. The movie was a French film. He did not really...

3 years ago
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My Journey Book 4 HeartsChapter 10

Tuesday dawned cold and crisp. When I took Dawn out for her morning trip to the backyard, we could both see our breath misting. I let her frisk a little and took her around the neighborhood on a short run before I decided that I’d had enough cold for now. I brought her back and saw to her breakfast, letting her settle down with me running my fingers through her fur for a few minutes. “Don’t worry, girl,” I said softly. “I know it’s been busy, but things’ll even out and we’ll spend some extra...

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The Epic First Time

Introduction: Blair and Liam have been in love since Blairs senior year of highschool. After a month of living together, Blair is finally ready to give up her virtue. This is my first story ever so take it easy on me and please leave feedback, it would mean a lot! Blair and Liam have been dating since Blairs senior year of high school. Liam graduated a year before her. Theyve gone through thick and thin together and just a month ago, after a year of dating, they moved in together. You could...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 191

The following are compliments of J & B As we age... A traveling salesman visits a small town in the Midwest and sees a colorful circus banner: DON’T MISS THE AMAZING GOLDSTEIN! Curious, he buys a ticket and sits through the usual circus acts. Animals, clowns, contortionists and other performances - but where’s the Amazing Goldstein? Finally the trumpets blare and all eyes are turned to the center ring. There in the spotlight is a table with three walnuts on it. In comes a little old...

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Adventures of Olivia Chapter Two

We walked into the hotel room which was basically a penthouse. Lexi screeched with joy and did a little twirl, taking in the view of the penthouse. ‘Oh my God, Olivia! Just look at this penthouse! It’s gorgeous!’ Lexi threw her suitcases to the side and collapsed on the couch, sighing contently. ‘I’m going to have sex on this couch someday,’ I heard her whisper to herself. Ignoring her, I walked around the penthouse, opening doors that led to large rooms and to another door which led to...

4 years ago
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Duty Honor Country Family Part 29

Duty Honor Country Family- Part 29 By Danielle J Thank you to Puddin for all her help preparing this story chapter for publication. ***** Gabrielle went from the meeting room to her work station. Once she was signed onto her computer, she brought up the Hiromi Sato Witness Protection report. She had five copies of it printed off. The next stop for Gabrielle was to find the Japanese Swan Song delegation. She had been notified a few minutes earlier that Justice Minister Hatoyama...

2 years ago
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SexTapeLesbians Riley Star Kyler Quinn Hazel Grace 9 Dares

Hey everyone! It’s me, Riley! I have a special treat in store for you today! I invited my two best friends, Hazel and Kyler, to join me for a little game: an epic dare wheel challenge! I thought it’d be a fun way to mix things up a little on this channel — I’ll take any excuse to hang out with my bestest besties. My first dare was to share a ‘private’ kiss with another player and Hazel was up for the challenge, so we snuck into the bathroom. Oh, boy,...

3 years ago
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Early Family Life Part 3

My first experience with Dad happened a few days later, we were all sitting in the lounge early evening watching TV, nothing much else to do back in those days, we were just chilling out.Dad was in his chair in a casual tee shirt and dress shorts, I was sitting on the sofa with mum, I had a pair of shorts and tee shirt and mum looked good as always in a blouse and skirt, all very casual.Out of the blue mum spoke“Frank, why don’t you go put your other shorts on and show your dad?” she asked with...

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A Knights Discovery

“Clank!” I grunted as the top of my shield drove into my helm, and I staggered to the side to avoid the follow-up blow. The strike against my shield had been cleverly devised to cause me to do precisely that, for the real blow came in the form of a hard thrust right into my chest. I gasped as the wooden waster thudded into my chest. “I yield,” I said as I lowered my own waster in defeat. My opponent lowered his own weapon, and pulled of his helm. “You are getting much better,” he said in a...

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my early years

ok, so let me tell you about my penis.bit of an attention grabber, eh? i thought that maybe i should tell you all a bit about my sexual anatomy befor we start. my dick is a bit diffrent than most, in that it has scars. yes, you heard me, i have two scars from two seperate accidents, one sexual, and one not so much. the first came when i was just a k**. im not going to bore you with details on that one, but ill just say that my cat fell into the tub while i was bathing, and a claw got the shaft...

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The naughty professor Chapter 2

I didn’t sleep. I spent the whole night playing the video of Mrs. Ellington and the jock over and over. The way the jock ate Mrs. Ellington’s pussy, the way she sucked his cock, the way they fucked. The whole scene made all the blood in my body rush to my crotch.The sight of Mrs. Ellington’s gorgeous body was memorizing. I wanted to touch it, caress it, and feel its warmth against me. I wanted to fuck her the way the jock had. I had caught her fucking the jock. I had evidence of her...

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Sophomore Year at College Part Two

Betty and I continued to lie on the couch on our left sides while watching the movie. She was in front of me, and we were both still completely nude. We did have a blanket over ourselves, but we were naked. Her ass was right in front of my cock, and I was slowly getting hard again, but we were simply enjoying being together, and nothing else. While lying there, I absentmindedly was rolling both of her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. Unbeknownst to me, this was arousing her. ...

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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty-five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

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Her Possession

My eyes are radiant with your spirit, my nostrils fill with your fragrance. My ears delight in your music, and my face is covered with your dew —–Songs of Solomon I was sitting on my patio early this morning, the air was crisp with the impending approach of winter. I watched as the sun stretched its colorful array of arms across a sleepy sky. In one fleeting moment a memory was triggered. Its funny how a sound, a smell, a taste, the slightest brush of a breeze can feel like a long ago...

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Meri dastaan

Mera nam mohit(name changed)17 year ka hun me aksar desi sex story padta hun, muje bi apni pyari kahani aplogon ko patani ti, to suniye main jab 15 sall ka ta tab apni badi behan ko maa banaya hai, didi ko ek pyarisi ladki 2 sall ki hai, vo ladki mere wajah se huyi hai. Bat aisi hai… 2saal pehaliki hai .Meri behan dikne me modal bohat khoob surat ti, koi actress jaisi dikti ti, uski kambar 25, chest 36, sheet 38 ekdam gori pan ti, uski umra 23 ti tab didi ka saadi hui. Hum log itne amir nehi te...

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Returning Home Ch 04

We left off with Chrissy and I sitting on the porch swing. ‘Why do you dislike me so much? I’ve tried and tried to get you to notice me but you’re always walking away. You seem to like the kids and I know they care for you but what about me? You avoid me as if I have the plague. I thought we hit it off pretty good, especially at the zoo, and then you seemed to back away. Why do you hate me so?’ Chris asked. I could tell she was very serious now and quite upset. I decided to tell her the...

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Sabra And Shatila

The Mediterranean morning winds blew briskly across the dusty streets, sending a foul stench into the air. Major David Haver gingerly stepped down the street and glanced around him. The sun was just beginning to come up in the west, the first rays nearly blinding as it reflected across the ocean in the distance. As it did the full carnage of the scene in front of him became apparent. David had not expected it to be nearly so messy. The Phalangists said they would do this clean. Clean. The...

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Episode 43 8211 The Second Task

Author: XXXAuthor It had been a wonderful start to the week for Borah, Aarushi, and Rahul, so far. But for Sowmya it was still filled with frustration – a lot of frustration. First of all, she was still not getting called for her first modeling assignment as promised by Mr. Shah, the casting agent. Even though she had received an advance, yet she was anxious to do her first modeling assignment. And now this blackmailer – Sowmya had thought about Shah and Gupta, but then discounted them as they...

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Sexual Encounters Of A Biggun Part 8211 1

Hi, all ISS readers… I literally grew up reading the stories from ISS. So I am a writing this story as a way of showing my gratitude to it. This is purely fictional…hope you enjoy Hi diary, I am Subhash. Currently , I can tell you that I am the most influential person on the planet. I have 111 countries under my authority. So yeah I am kinda a bigshot. And this doesn’t mean that I am an old cripple.I am actually 25 years old. I wake up daily to a blowjob from one of my sex slaves. I then hold...

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An InvestorChapter 2

Jeff did return for some of his college homecomings and visited his old fraternity. He met with John Wilkinsing who was with a pretty co-ed he introduced as Emily. To Jeff it looked like they were in a serious relationship. John told Jeff he was studying computer science. He explained to Jeff of an idea he had of starting a company that relied heavily on the internet and had people inter-acting with each other. The problem he said is that he needed some money to start this business. He needed...

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My First Girl Part 2

After catching our breath on the stairs. Sharon took my hand and we went upstairs to her room. She was still naked and went to her bathroom for a shower. She left me there alone in her room, i remember she had a big mirror on her wardrobe, and i looked at myself. I still had the taste of her pussy in my mouth and I was overcome with a sense of achievement. After a bout of giddiness I got into her bed and waited for her. She must of exhausted me out because i fell asleep before she returned.I...

2 years ago
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Camp MercuryChapter 2 Cavor

On Tuesday morning, Terry started interviewing the patients in Bedford wing. He went round the wards, accompanied by Vince and Sally, talking to both the wounded and the cured. As he worked, Terry built a clearer picture of the way the hospital functioned. The patients in the pre-op wards split in two groups. Some went to the med-tubes in Bedford, while others went to the tubes in Cavor. As far as he could tell, all those tubed in Bedford stayed in Bedford for their recovery. It wasn't as...

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