SynergyChapter 13 free porn video

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"I want you to write that letter," Margret said confronting Marlin as he finished a repair on the old militia tent he used for his trips. What with him now having company for all of them there was a lot less staying on the spare cot in some farmer's house although haylofts were always welcome.

"I want to do the interview," she finished taking a deep breath.

"I thought you might," he replied calmly packing the tent away.

"Mandy's right. You are one tricky son-of-a-bitch," she groused.

"Me? What have I done other than give you the opportunity to see justice done and possibly prevent what happened to you from happening to some other poor girl in the future?" he asked.

"You knew I would if for no other reason than I want to do the right thing by Tess," she said. "Do you really think all that crap you were telling her was true?"

"I think it is highly probable," he shrugged. "Nobody knows all the reasons for some of your thinking and beliefs, probably not even you."

"So you think if I confront this thing that happened then I will be well and everything will be wine and roses?" she scoffed.

"No. Unfortunately it's never that easy, now is it?" he smiled sadly. "What I do hope is that this will help get you started on the path to being the best you can be. Completely healed? That's a goal but what if it never happens? You still have to live your life."

"Yeah, fix my little brain fuck and settle down with a nice guy and have another two or three kids. Like that will ever happen," she snorted.

"Or find another woman who you makes you happy," he shrugged again. "There are many paths to happiness and I'm hoping you find one of them for your sake and Tess's."

"I tried that once or twice and it didn't work out too well," she muttered.

"That's a shame," he sympathized. "Given your distrust of men it would have been easier if your orientation was more to the feminine side or at least bisexual. I don't know if you will ever be able to really trust any man ever again and having another woman for the emotional closeness we all need would be nice. Not to mention the sexual loving that most of us crave."

"It wouldn't bother you if I was a ... lover of woman?" she asked shocked.

"Why should it?" he grinned. "I am, and I fully understand it. Look, I already have three beautiful, intelligent and loving women who keep me on a short leash. I'm not looking for any more lovers, wives or bedmates. I am attracted to you of course. You're a Hawking woman and nothing else really needs to be said. However it takes interest from the other side to attract my emotional interest and I'm pretty sure you don't have any such interest."

"That's for fucking sure," she grinned back at him.

"So if I was single and I made my play for you I would have been shot down," he continued. "Seeing that I'm not single and have no intention of ever making a play for you the who or which sex you do sleep with is of no concern of mine."

"I'll bet it would to my mom and sisters," she answered grimly.

"You don't give them enough credit," he admonished gently. "What they really want is for you to be happy. I'm willing to bet they couldn't care less if it is a woman or a man that gets you there."

"Do they ... you know ... when all of you are in bed together... ?" she stuttered.

He smiled brightly and said, "By the way: I'll help but you have to write the complaint yourself."

"How long is it going to fucking take?" Margret whined at the kitchen table during lunch. It had been about two weeks since she had sent the complaint and she was starting to become a little unraveled.

"Weeks, months, a year or maybe never," Marlin shrugged. "I don't have any idea not knowing their procedures or workload. I told you right from the beginning they may do nothing."

"The thing you have to remember, dear," Teresa patted her hand. "You've done your best. What happens now is not something you can control."

"That's right, Maggie. We're all real proud of what you did," Melody assured her sister. "That took some real courage."

"I don't have any courage," Margret twitched. "In fact, I'm scared to death!"

"A wise man once said that bravery is not the absence of fear in the face of adversity, for that is foolishness," Marlin told her. "Bravery is battling on against adversity in spite of that fear."

"Your man is so full of shit," Margret stated but she said it with a smile.

"Yeah. Is it any wonder that a few sweet nothings from his lips to our ears and all three of us are falling over backwards legs spread wide and feet pointing up in the air. Oops!" Melody slapped her hand over her mouth. "Sorry, Tess. I wasn't supposed to say that out loud."

"That's okay, Auntie Melody," Tess said grinning at her. "I've heard you say worse at night." She said in a half-whisper to her mother, "Auntie Melody is really loud sometimes." Melody choked on a piece of fruit until Marlin slapped her back and it flew out onto the table. "But not as loud as Grandma."

"Tess, that's private!" Teresa gasped as she turned bright red.

"I didn't tell her what you yell, Grandma," Tess protested and went back to her sandwich. "Besides Mama lives here I'm sure she's heard you also."

There was silence for about thirty seconds and then Malinda started giggling followed by Melody and finally Teresa and Margret. Marlin sat there stoically and ignored them as best he could. When lunch was finally over, which took longer than normal due to the numerous outbursts of spontaneous laughter, he sent Tess out to see if they had received any mail.

"That is if you are done with both your sandwich and embarrassing everybody at the table," he said.

"I don't know why you would be embarrassed, Uncle Marlin," Tess replied with a devilish grin while placing her plate in the sink. "It's your name they are mostly yelling." With that she ran outside heading for the road.

"I swear, Marlin Cranson," Teresa shook her head. "I don't know if you've taught that little hellion too much, too little or just enough."

"She does have a sense of humor, doesn't she," Marlin smiled.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you teaching my daughter about sex," Margret alternately grinned and frowned.

"I only talked to her about it in general terms," he defended himself. "And to be more accurate we talked emotions and affection as much as we did sex. The sex part doesn't interest her all that much yet, anyway. But really I had to or she would have run screaming into her grandma's room every night wondering who was getting killed." Melody paused in her clearing of the table and smacked him lightly on the back of the head followed by a kiss to make it better.

"We all have our ways of being reminded," she giggled at her eldest sister.

Margret was just about to say something when they heard the front door slam and Tess calling, "Uncle Marlin! Uncle Marlin." She ran into the kitchen slightly out of breath waving a large envelope with the Imperial seal. "There's a letter just like the ones you get only with Mama's name on it!" She handed it to her mother. Margret's hands shook as she stared down at it.

"I can't look. You do it!" her voice quivered as she shoved it over to Marlin. He raised his eyebrow at her and with practiced fingers popped the seal and drew out the paper inside. He studied it for a moment and cleared his throat.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Malinda jumped up and down. "Or I'll be smacking your head this time."

"Margret Hawking," he said importantly. "You are directed to appear before an Imperial Justice Investigation Team on the nineteenth of this month at two o'clock in the afternoon in End-of-the-Line ... Well it gives a conference room number and the hotel there in town. You have your investigation, Margret," he smiled at her.

"Oh, shit. It's really happening," she whispered turning pale.

It was decided that Marlin would accompany her on the trip. At first they all wanted to go but Marlin told them not only no but hell no!

"I am not going to let them anywhere near Teresa if I can possibly help it," he said in no uncertain terms. "And I think it best if the rest of you stayed here also. This was her complaint and she is the one they want to talk to."

"But what about Tom?" Teresa asked sadly.

"Well, I did tell Margret of my suspicions and she did put that in her complaint," he responded calmly. "All we really wanted to do was get them to think about it, even if we have no real evidence. Two or three questions put to Mr. Dominic Prandle and the matter will be cleared up once and for all. We just need to get them to ask the questions. There is no reason to get any of you involved since you can't add anything more than I could."

"I told you he was a devious bastard," Malinda smiled seductively and slowly lowered herself into his lap. "How can we not love this son-of-a-bitch? You are so getting lucky tonight," she whispered in his ear although everyone in the room heard her.

"And this is different than any other night?" Margret snorted.

"Oh, yeah," Malinda purred and Marlin shivered. "There are nights and then there are nights." She gave him a little shot of her Talent and he shivered again.

"I don't think I can do this," Margret whimpered and wrung her hands as they sat in the coach heading towards End-of-the-Line.

"Yes, you can," he assured her patting her hand. "And you will."

"I don't know! I don't know!" she started shivering uncontrollably and he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side. She stiffened slightly and then relaxed.

"I don't think I've been this close to a man since ... that night," she said.

"If it helps, don't think of me as a man, just someone giving you comfort. Or if that doesn't work try thinking of me as a really ugly woman," he said giving her a little shake.

She giggled and replied, "That may work."

They found the hotel easily and at exactly two o'clock knocked on the conference room door. The door was opened by a large IJ marshal and they were led in. There was a table with five men seated facing a single chair. Marlin saw that his truth-teller was sitting at one end. Each gave the other a slight nod.

"You are Margret Hawking?" the man in the center demanded.

"I am," her voice quivered.

"I am Inspector Durant of Imperial Justice," he told her emotionlessly. "We are here to investigate the complaint you filed against one Dominic Prandle for rape and possibly murder. We will ask questions and you will answer them truthfully to the best of your ability. There is an Agency truth-teller present in this room and he will know if you are lying or hiding anything from us. If you do not answer any question we are authorized to restrain you and have that information taken from your mind without your consent. Do you understand all of that?"

"I do," she replied firmly. "I intend to give my entire story truthfully and in its entirety as I believe it happened."

The inspector glanced at the truth-teller and received a nod in return. "Good." he continued. "Then maybe this will be easy. Now you, sir! Who the hell are you?" he demanded looking at Marlin.

"Marlin Cranson, Scout for the Imperial Talent Agency, sir," Marlin answered quickly taking out his badge and showing it.

"We don't need that," he waved the badge away. "Again, why the hell are you here?"

"I live with the Hawking family and it was at my urging that Miss Hawking filed her complaint," he replied. "We thought it best that I escort her, not only for moral support, but to be available to answer any questions you might have of me."

"Do you have any direct evidence to present in this case?" he asked.

"No, sir," Marlin responded. "I was not present when this event took place. All my suspicions are based on deduction and hearsay alone."

"They are certainly enough of those here to have the questions asked at least," the inspector nodded. "However we have no further need for you. You may wait for Miss Hawking out in the hallway." Marlin nodded and left the room quickly.

Marlin paced outside in the hallway for about an hour before the door opened and an ashen-faced Margret stumbled out and practically fell into his arms.

"Was it bad?" he asked sympathetically.

"Worse than I'd imagined," she nodded her head resting on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." he started.

"Don't be," she cut him off. "It was bad but they believed me. They believed me and now they are going to interrogate Prandle. They have their own vehicle and will be leaving soon for Pigsford. They also said they have sent a notification of the inquiry to Prandle ― something about procedures. When I told them he might attack my family they just said then they would hang him for that too!"

"I told you they were heartless bastards but once they're on someone's trail he's as good as caught," he patted her back. "The next coach is scheduled to leave in abut ten minutes. Since he hasn't done anything yet my guess is he hasn't received the notification. If he had, his only chance would have been to do something to you before now although hopefully he knew that would be useless."

"What do you mean?" She looked up at him.

"I'll tell you as we walk," he said putting an arm around her shoulder and gently guiding her out of the building. "If a potential witness died or came up missing under suspicious circumstances they would be all over that like flies on a cow-flop," he continued once they'd reached the street. "Now I don't know this Prandle..."

"He's an asshole and that's the best you can say for him," Margret growled.

"Now that I can believe," he grinned and gave her a squeeze. "But if he had a brain in his head the moment he received that notification he should have been running as far and as fast as he could ― preferably to some neighboring kingdom we're presently at war with. It's not like there aren't any number to choose from. Of course," he mused, "the Emperor does have his assassins in those countries and I wouldn't put it past him to have Mr. Prandle killed just for the object lesson.

"So hopefully he hasn't seen the notification yet and Justice will get to him before he does or at least before he can do anything even dumber than he already has."

The rest of the family was waiting for them at the coach stop when it pulled in.

"Thank God, you're back!" Melody jumped into his arms and then released him to hug her sister. "It's him," she hissed. "We just got into town hoping you would be able to make this coach when we were told he was down on the square telling everybody that you were just another witch stirring up trouble and lying about him to the Imperials."

"Well, he's too late," Margret said proudly. "I told them and they believed me. They will be coming for him soon enough."

"Yeah, well, the Shire-rief is over there trying to settle everything down but I don't know how effective he's going to be about it," her sister replied.

"Or how effective he wants to be," Marlin added grimly. "I think we ought to ease on out of here as quickly as we can."

"Too late," Malinda gasped. "They're coming this way!" She was right; a whole crowd was moving down the street towards them with a rather large angry looking fellow in their lead.

"So it is," Marlin hummed. "I want all of you up against the wall over there. Yes, that should be close enough and still give you some protection. I'm going to stand out here and stop them."

"You can't, Marlin, they'll tear you apart!" Teresa sobbed.

"Oh, I think I'll be okay. Especially if you're close enough to me," he winked at her. "I have another rather minor Talent that I haven't told you about that has kept me safe in the past."

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I know you're married and you have k**s and stuff, but sometimes I wish you didn't so that you and I could be together." I was speechless and unable to respond. "Do you ever think about me that way? I mean, what it would be like to be with me?""Yes," I finally admitted. "I do sometimes."Jenny closed her eyes and lifted her face closer to mine. I knew I should push her away, tell her no, take her home and forget all of this had ever happened. But feeling this nubile teenager so close to me,...

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An Indian Girl8217s Orgy With African Natives 8211 Part I

It had been three years since Veena was married to Ravi. Her husband was always busy with his construction work and had no time for his wife. This thing left Veena very frustrated. She never wanted to marry and wanted to have a life full of sex and orgy parties. She had some while she was in her college but it was all over now. She was what we call “the girl next door”. She was too hot to handle but she cursed herself for marrying so early, she was just 22. She lived in Nairobi, Kenya. They...

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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 7 Unappreciative House Guests

Pulling up in front of the house, Alice ran out before David could even get out of the vehicle. It had turned overcast, and looked like it was about to pour. David climbed out of his SUV and waved Monique's car up so Debbie could make it into the house without having to limp too far. Monique took in the Humvee and the military tanker parked a ways off, making her own assumptions about what David was trying to do here, though she didn't bother to voice them out loud. "Uh, Dad, I've got...

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The Secret Spanking Fantasy Of My Wife

So I discovered that my wife is an active member of an erotic stories forum and I wish I had not. She might still be with me. It happened like this: We had been together for ten years and I honestly thought she was happy with me. I admit I thought I was lucky to marry her as she was (and is) very pretty and I was not really in her league for looks. But she obviously found something in me though gods knows what. The day I discovered her account at (not the true name of the site I just use it...

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Betsy CarterChapter 18

Betsy paced the floor, criss-crossing the living room in her house. Fortunately, the house was built with a wide open spacial style that allowed her a lot of room to move. If the room had been a bit smaller, she would have been bouncing off the walls ... literally, not figuratively. Not for the first time since returning to the house that morning, she asked, “Where is he?” “I don’t know,” Charlie answered without having to ask who he was. “Why isn’t Gary here?” “He had to go to the...

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FTL III The End of The GreysChapter 2 The Catamaral

From the Orientation Briefing: Star Fleet Academy "There comes a time in every man's life, when he must face his actions in the light of hindsight. The question he must answer for himself is: 'Did I live up to my own standards, or did I compromise, and give in to the views of others.'" Admiral Carl Fitzgerald Star Date: 10.251 Presidents Personal Log: Star Date 7.035 I have just completed reading the intelligence reports for Operation Gray Hammer. We have learned that the occupied...

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Chapter 5 Elizabeths story Gary wants to enter me

As I tried to regain my senses following the earth shattering orgasm that Gary had just given me with his tongue and fingers, I was shocked back to reality when Gary climbed between my legs. As naïve as I was, I knew that he was positioning himself to penetrate my virgin pussy with his throbbing erection. I could not allow him to fuck me; no how, no way!The list of sins and mistakes Gary and I had committed today was certainly long, but this was different; this was potentially life altering....

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Mausi Ki Beti Ko Choda 8211 Episode 1

Hi, this is Sam(name changes) 23 years old. This is the story about how I fucked my cousin sister Nishu(name changed). She is 18 years old and staying in Delhi with her family, after completing my college I went Delhi in search of a job and stayed at my mausi’s home. And then I got this ISS website on my mobile through my friend’s sms so I opened it and read some stories, from then I got introduced to incest sex and started thinking of fucking my cousin sister. Days passed but I didn’t get the...

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Teachers Pet Ch 11

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

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Time with Lizbet Part1

The firm sent me to Houston to work on a huge project; it involved energy, the government, foreign investors, and of course taxes and contracts. I was going to be working it for 6-9 months. My government Liaison/advisor was an attorney named Lizbet. She went by Liz, but after awhile I called her Lizzy. She was a South Texas girl, about 30, married with 3 that were 13, 11, and 5. She was a stunning beauty that looked identical to Chloe Amour. (If you don’t know who Chloe Amour is, do a...

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The Color of Sex Ch 0103

Thanks to BradBigBrain for editing suggestions! This is a complete story with all chapters submitted to Lit. and posted under the Novel/Novella genre. It contains, but is not limited to MF, FF, BDSM, Non-con/Reluctance, and Group. I hope you enjoy this tale as much as I enjoyed writing it! ~ Red © Chapter 1 Renee found it hard to maneuver her car through the winding streets of the city. Rain fell in sheets and the dense clouds moving in, kept the fog dense. Visibility was almost...

4 years ago
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Classy women but filthy

The first time I went to Starbucks in Stratford I saw this older beautiful busty lady with amazing curves. She looked classy and I saw she had a wedding ring on her finger. I was in front of her and I ordered my large luxury hot chocolate. She look at me and said "that's what I get every morning", I replied and said "that's the way to start the day". But the truth is I meant fucking her is the way to start your day. So I left and and so did she going different ways, but being the man I am I...

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Picnic at the Falls

This is my first submission on here, I wrote this dreaming about my girl back home. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I have. Please leave some comments to help out with future stories. After being away for three weeks at work, the energy has just been building up. I just got into town the day before, and with me getting in late and driving all day, I was so tired the night before that we didn’t get to use any of that spend up energy. There were lots of kisses and caresses that were missed. ...

1 year ago
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Natural attraction

We where two friend living together for 2 years, in this apartment. One day, we decided to invite a friend we've met 1 month ago. We asked her to come on friday night to watch a film on tv, with us. I am Maria, a with blue eyes, 5 feet 7, 24 of waist and 40 of bust. I trained myself in . My friend living with me is Claudia. She is brunette, 5 feet 6 with 38 of bust. This friend who is coming tomorrow is Jane, a brunette of 5 feet 6 and probably 36 of bust. She seem shy but friendly. So, she...

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Amazing relationship with my mum

Note : This story is completely fictional! Just to set the scene, I am Kyle, a 25 year old man from England. My mother Margaret is 67 and I lived with her since birth. There is often a stigma attached to incest. If it is between two consenting adults and no abuse is involved what is the problem? We are ordinary people, not freaks. I have a university degree and work in a well paid job. I have a great social life with my mates and play a lot of sport. Without being arrogant, I am quite good...

2 years ago
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The Passionate Dollar The Dr Is back

The passionate dollar(The beginning give me honest feedback alittle long but its worth it!!!!)This book is made up of stories of events that happened in the life of a male escort...Enjoy -Dr.D(Last resort becomes the best option)As i spent another saturday alone in my apartment off of work i was glued to my computer. After about a good hour or so of internet porn and self love i began job hunting. I was willing to take anything. Because anything was...

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Sinful Pleasures

Sinful Pleasures - The Beginning By Lesley Renee Charles Christopher Martin was late for his curfew, so he decided to cut through the forest. It was a clear night, with a full moon shining brightly. It was also a little after midnight. He was trying to be careful not to make too much noise, as he didn't know what might be prowling around in the dark. Nearing a spot, that looked like it was a small clearing, he heard several female voices. He thought he recognized a few from...

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With one hand on the center of my color bone, he held me immobile against the wall still probing me. The water splashed at his back as he slid me down until I was sitting on the bottom of the tub with my thighs open to the world. His had moved his hand lower on my breastbone until almost the tip to hold me to my new spot. He moved into me and penetrated me with his rock hard muscle. We rocked against each other in the small tub and screaming, came together. I opened my eyes in the...

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The Outing

It all started five years ago, when Maddie was thirteen. Being an only child, she needed a babysitter still when her parents were out of town or at an event together that Maddie couldn’t attend. Usually, Maddie’s grandparents would come by to watch her, or she would go to their house. However, during the winter, her grandparents would go to their home in Florida. Maddie could not remember where her parents went that night five years ago, but she remembered everything else. Her parents had asked...

First Time
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JulesJordan Marsha May Likes Her Cocks Big And Black

Marsha May is in need of BBC and Rico Strong is here to help. Marsha’s a cute little blonde wearing a pink skirt and white blouse that hardly covers her big tits. She shows off her booty in that tight skirt and un zips her blouse to give us a better look at her rack before Jules gets a low camera angle to show that Marsha’s not wearing any panties. Marsha makes her way upstairs to the bedroom where she finds Rico waiting for her. She excitedly jumps out of her chair and rubs his BBC through his...

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It is Good to be the King

I left the pool disappointed.After weeks of flirting and cajoling Sara had finally agreed to meet in person. She let slip that she would be working out at the Fitness Center and if I happened to be there at the same time perhaps we could say hi. I suggested that we meet as if by chance in the pool. Neither of us had done anything like this before and I thought it a rather clever precaution for we could spend time idly chatting between laps and no observer would be the wiser. As a bonus I would...

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Sex And Strikes And Rock N RollWeek Eighteen

THE WEEKEND JULY-1-2-3 All the clichés were being rolled out one after the other. It was the loss we had to have, people were saying. They were also saying it had to happen sooner or later, and it was apparently better to get it out of the way now. However I didn't see it that way. As far as I was concerned if we could lose to the seventh placed 'Kangaroos' 16 to 8 in round seventeen then we could lose a stepladder final we were involved in, and that's what I told Robert Miles after he...

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NaughtyOffice Alyx Star 26643

Alyx Star heard that her boss is getting a promotion and he is planning on taking another girl with him to be his secretary. Alyx isn’t having that. She’s worked too hard under him to not be taken along and promoted too. She decides to use her best assets to convince him that she’s still the best secretary for that job. She reminds him of all the fun fucks they’ve had over the years and busts out her huge tits. She fucks him right there and then to remind him exactly how...

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Hoppers Holiday Chapter 2

I have so far sincerely appreciated the positive response I have received for my first story. It has been very encouraging and of course it has encouraged me to write more, despite my limited availability in real life. While the first chapter sort of served as an initial placeholder, this chapter is considerably darker and more twisted, but I think you all will still enjoy the further patterns in this tangled web I weave. Thank you again. Hoppers' Holiday by DocVS WARNING:...

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Pleasant Street Ch 09 Pt 01

DREAM GIRL Occasionally a man finds a girl especially attractive for some reason. I’m not talking about a movie star or centerfold, I mean a real girl, one he sees in a store or on the street. Maybe he even gets to talk with her and manages to strike up an acquaintance. What would happen if his fantasies get out of control and he begins to feel he’d sell his soul for just one night with his dream girl. Maybe he becomes a little obsessed with her and goes so far as to find out all he can about...

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Jaya My Neglected Neighbor

Hi, This is Rahul, when I was living in Bangalore, I lived in a company flat in a nice residential complex. I would run into Mrs. Jaya, she lived on the same floor as mine. She was a beautiful woman, big breasts and a smiling face and we would greet each other when we pass. It so happened that I was in a coffee shop nearby when Jaya walked in, when I saw her I waved out and asked her to join me if she was alone. She agreed and we were soon having coffee. The ever-smiling Jaya looked a bit...

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Snowed In

We recommend reading these stories in the order they were published or put on this site. NOTE: If all you want is SEX, SEX, SEX, this story (along with the ones that follow and proceed) is not for you. Although there is lots of sex, it is also a detailed story that will not make sense if you skip paragraphs, so don’t. Most of the story is told in Jason’s view, mainly because I have a better memory than Becky, and she likes to add detail, not type it out. We will let you know if we switch...

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The Show continues part 2 Brent and Denna

The Show continues…part 2Brent has just turned 18 – tall, fit young man but very shy. He has the raging hormones of a typical high school boy and is always a bit aroused. He shares a home with his single mom, and his older si***r who is in school at the local community college in the dental hygiene program. Denna is his 20 year old si***r is a hot looking brunette with a short pixie haircut slim waist and ample breast. Our story picks up as she is about to go out on a Friday night with some of...

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Soldiers WifeChapter 4

The heat lapped at their sun-soaked skin as the trio sat most of the morning on the patio, sipping cool drinks and occasionally diving into the refreshing pool. Gwen lay in the chaise lounge, her hair spilled over her shoulders, her eyes shaded with sunglasses, the cool, perspiring bottom of the glass forming a wet ring on her slim tummy, one knee cocked up. Music from the intercom wafted out into the warm afternoon air, disappearing through the breaths of hot air that exhaled on them from...

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