The Destruction Of Jennifer - Chapter 01 free porn video

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In the opening chapter, the stage is set. Jennifer is framed for crimes that she did not commit, then forced to make a Hobson's choice between prison and an uncertain future of helpless servitude. The hell that is to become Jennifer's life will unfold as it will.

Perhaps some will have suggestions for what awaits Jennifer. If so, I look forward to hearing them, as well as other feedback. I have a taste for the extreme, and there are very few themes that I am unwilling to explore. The psychology of degradation fascinates me as much as the act itself, a fact that will be reflected in my writing.

"Crime is the soul of lust. What would pleasure be if it were not accompanied by crime? It is not the object of debauchery that excites us, rather the idea of evil." -- Marquis de Sade


The accounts executive standing in front of John couldn't have been more than 5 feet tall. Her fashionable but modest business suit did nothing to cover her slim waist, full hips, and C-cup breasts. She gave the immediate impression of a girl who belonged on the beach at the kind of exclusive Caribbean resort where the wealthy, young and beautiful play. Eyes as green as jade and full red lips added a touch of the exotic to her soft face. Understated makeup and jewelry enhanced rather than covered over that natural look. A stylish bun at the back of her head held long, naturally wavy blonde hair that when let down would cascade to the middle of her back. Her muscles were toned from years of regular exercise and yoga. At 26 years old, she had lost none of the blush of her youth.

John Jameson couldn't look at a woman like Jennifer without seeing her in his mind's eye, cowering in the presence of his powerful 6'2" frame. She was a woman he could casually pick up by the throat and throw across the room with one hand. She was a woman who would be helpless when it came time to destroy her cunt, throat and doubtlessly virgin asshole with his cock. He could almost hear her screaming… Almost feel her choking on his cock as she gagged on the flow of his hot piss and her own bile deep in her throat…

But now was not the time for those thoughts; not yet! He pulled his focus back into the moment. First he had to spring the trap.

Jennifer Conroy was in no state to appreciate the magnificent view from the 35th floor corner office looking out on New York City's financial district. In the last few minutes, Jennifer's carefully constructed world had shattered. She stood in the middle of the room in shock, her perfect face frozen in a rictus of terror and disbelief.

On paper, Jennifer had the makings of a top-flight executive on the rise. With her first-in-class MBA from a prestigious East Coast business school and stellar recommendations from a series of internships, she had her pick of jobs. It had taken a salary package usually reserved for seasoned traders to attract her to Jameson Financial.

But it was not Jennifer's professional resume that had captured John's attention. He was a man used to taking what he wanted. When he first saw her during her interview, he knew that it was a question of when and not if he would destroy her. His thought had been to let her take a position elsewhere, then after a few months drug her and rape her against an alley wall and leave her for whoever else might find her and decide to sample her charms.

That was before he read the results of her psychological profile. His firm used a more in-depth assessment than most firms on Wall Street, designed to provide John with a very complete appraisal of a potential employee's mental and emotional makeup. It was nice to know before hiring a secretary or administrative assistant just how compliant she would be.

Of course, John also made it a point to pair executives and traders with assistants who were a good match to their particular tastes. Feeding aggressive men sexual meat that they could not resist was a powerful management tool, especially when combined with the hidden cameras installed throughout the private spaces in the building. Nothing assured the loyalty of a good, upstanding Christian family man quite like possession of a video of him getting coked up and then choking out his slutty secretary as he gave it to her up the ass in a men's room stall!

John smiled to himself at that thought, but to be honest he seldom had to go to such lengths. The perks alone were enough to attract and retain the sorts of ruthless traders who gave his firm its reputation. High performers knew that if they needed to work out their frustrations on some tasty little number who would keep her mouth shut afterwards, there were plenty of willing partners. It wasn't completely accurate to say that every skirt in the building was a good time party girl who would spread for anything with a cock, but it wasn't completely inaccurate either.

Even so, a girl like Jennifer was a rare find. So beautiful. So intelligent. Yet also delicate and vulnerable underneath her professional competence. He doubted that Jennifer herself had any idea of just how sexually submissive and dependent she could become…

John was pulled from his reverie by a sudden outburst.

"This is impossible!!! I checked those portfolios myself! There was nothing out of order. Nothing! I don't care what the damned computer says! I don't care if these are all my clients! I did NOT make those transactions! And I certainly didn't open a bunch of offshore accounts! I know, I know… It says it was me, my computer, my passwords, my encryption keys… I KNOW! I don't know how they did it, but somebody is trying to set me up! Please. You have to believe me, Mr. Jameson! You have to! I beg you!"

Jennifer was looking at a folder of printouts. The evidence of embezzlement on a massive scale was clear to her trained eye. Well over two million dollars had disappeared from a dozen different client portfolios, as though the money had been lost in poorly performing investments. That money had then been carefully laundered through a series of trades on dark exchanges, and finally wound up in numbered offshore accounts. The transactions had been well hidden, but the evidence that Mr. Jameson had pieced together was compelling. Hell. It was more than compelling. It was irrefutable!

Except these were HER accounts, and she knew that she had done nothing wrong! She knew that she was innocent. But looking at the evidence, she also knew that no one else would ever believe her.

John looked at the girl and smiled to himself. He had built a backdoor into the firm's computer system years ago that gave him access to a wealth of supposedly protected information including the private encryption keys of all of his employees. That access allowed him to assume an employee's secure, "unforgeable" identity anywhere on worldwide financial networks, while spoofing all packet logs so that they pointed back to the employee's own phone or computer.

He was meticulously careful, of course. Nothing unusual was ever written to a permanent storage device, even temporarily. The software that he used existed only on a small thumb drive. When he tampered with accounts there was literally no digital signature of what had happened. Down to the last byte, there was no difference between a transaction that John carried out in an employee's name and a transaction that employee had carried out themselves while sitting at their own desk.

John had quite enjoyed the technical challenge of using his young, nubile protégé’s identity to steal two million dollars from his own firm. It was a game of wits, because if she had spotted what was happening and blown the whistle before he finished, it could have gone very badly for him. Jennifer was smart enough that she might well have caught on had she been paying closer attention. In his mind, the fact that he had taken those risks meant that he had earned the rewards. He had no remorse. It was her own fault she was caught in this trap.

When it came time to ensnare Jennifer, John used the same basic approach that he had used a decade earlier to embezzle $30 million from Lehman. Back then he had been a young, very savvy day trader with a genius for computers. He took the money he had stolen and used it to open a startup that specialized in shorting mortgage-backed bonds. When the crisis of 2007 hit it left him with over $300 million and control of over $5 billion in other people's money, even as the rest of the financial system crumbled. As other firms failed, he was quick to step into the void, buying temporarily undervalued investments for pennies on the dollar. He was also quick to see the potential profits to be made in high speed trading, and put almost all of his liquid resources into electronically front-running trades. John was a sociopath, but a very, very smart sociopath. Today that stolen $30 million had grown to personal wealth of well over $20 billion.

It felt good to get his hands dirty again, but this time he was intentionally just a little bit sloppy. He left just enough of a trace to then "accidentally" stumble onto evidence of "Jennifer's" crime.

John enjoyed thinking about that history as Jennifer whimpered and cried in front of him. He could almost taste her flesh. John, himself was in his early 40's, and had the kind of good looks that would attract women even if he weren't one of the richest men in the world. He was certain that had he chosen to do so he could have easily seduced this woman. But such a prize was infinitely sweeter when taken against its will, and nothing of his intentions spoke of romance.

Such were his thoughts, but as he look at Jennifer the expression on his face gave nothing away. When he spoke his words were as harsh as his stoney cold glare.

"I don't fucking care about your denials! What a worthless, ungrateful little cunt! You are fucking guilty and we both know it, so drop the bullshit denials. There's not a jury in the world that wouldn't convict! Embezzlement, fraud, insider trading, money laundering, tax evasion… Jesus, are there any laws that you ~didn't~ break!?! Every prosecutor in the state will want to be the one who finally puts a Wall Street executive away for a few decades, especially a sweet little photogenic piece of ass like you. Your face will be on the front page of every newspaper on the planet. And that's before the SEC has a go at you! But I wouldn't worry. I'm sure that the dykes in the pen will look after you. I hear that they have a real taste for rich white meat."

The crass sexual remarks on top of the obvious threat tore through Jennifer. Tears of desperation and barely contained anger rolled down her cheeks as she looked at the man who only minutes ago she had seen as her mentor and gateway to the good life.

"But Mr. Jameson! You must know I wouldn't… How could I have…? Why would I…? Please! You must know that I didn't do this!!! Give me a week. You know I'm a great forensic accountant. I'm sure that I can uncover what happened and find who's really responsible. Just a week to clear myself. PLEASE!!!"

John's look remained stern, but he allowed himself to show amusement and feigned incredulity as well.

"What kind of an idiot do you think that I am, Jennifer? Do you really imagine that I'm going to let you back into those accounts so that you can cover your tracks? Jesus fucking Christ on a crutch! If I had known you are that stupid I never would have hired you in the first place."

John's throbbing cock was straining painfully at his pants as he watched the girl cower in fear. He could feel the beast within him, caged but dangerous, and never completely under control. He wanted to hurt her. To use her right here. To come out of his chair, take off his belt, and beat her tits and cunt bloody while he used her! But not yet. Patience. There would be time. The degradation and humiliation unfolding before him were so beautiful. For the moment they were enough. He continued, watching her shrink from each word.

"And here I thought you were smart, but I should have known better. Girls like you are a fucking dime a dozen. Stupid little sluts who think they can get by in a man's world by batting their eyes and wiggling their asses. Let me guess. You got all those high marks and recommendations like worthless little bimbos always do, with your legs spread. Is that it? Did you whore your way through school? Suck the shit from your own ass off the cock of every boss you ever had? You must be some fuck! And then you thought you'd come here and steal from me??? Is that how it is, Jennifer?"

John finally gave into desire in a small way. He rose from his chair and stood over her, menacing. He spit on her face. Then when she used her hand to wipe it away he spit on her again. "I'm going to enjoy watching them lead you away in handcuffs, and you can be certain that my lawyers are going to give the prosecution all the help that they can!"

Nothing of what her boss had said was true. Jennifer was every bit as brilliant and hard working as her pedigree would suggest, which meant that she was smart enough to understand her situation. No one would ever believe her, or raise a finger to try to prove her innocence. And with a case like this no prosecutor would ever offer a plea deal. She was going to trial and she was going to be convicted of every count. And when it came time for sentencing, she was certain that Mr. Jameson would make sure that she had a judge who hated women as much as he like to see defendants suffer. She was going to prison for a very, very long time.

She was lost in her own head, talking to herself when she breathed, "Oh my god, what can I do?" John had been waiting for that question and did not let it pass.

"What did you say Jennifer?"

She looked up at him, swallowed, and spoke more directly.

"What can I do?"

Jennifer understood where that question might lead. She had never thought of John as a man who would take advantage of a woman in that way. Now he was treating her like she was nothing but a thief and a whore. She was used to the idea that men wanted their way with her. She would probably have to agree to suck his cock, or maybe even fuck him to buy the leeway she needed to establish her innocence.

But when John next spoke it was not to mention sex.

"What can you do? I would love to see you in prison, Jennifer. And I will send you there in an instant if I need to. But I am not anxious for the publicity such a trial would bring. 'Jameson Financial taken in by a conniving little whore.' I can see the headlines now! Reputation matters in this world, and that would cost me far more than you stole."

"All of the missing money is still in your offshore accounts," John continued, giving the appearance that he was thinking things through for the first time. "It doesn't look like you've had a chance to spend anything. I can have the funds back where they belong by the end of the day... If I inform the affected clients of an accounting error that has been remedied, that should cover my ass with the auditors... OK… That could work… minimize the damage that you've done…"

"That leaves us with just one question." John looked at the young woman. "What to do with you?"

Jennifer was following his words carefully. Mr. Jameson seemed to be saying that she had options other than prison, but Jennifer knew that she was on very thin ice. She didn't want to do anything to anger him further, so she kept her eyes on the ground and answered the question quietly. "I don't know, sir."

John looked at her, appreciating how quickly she had fallen into a carefully submissive pose. "I can't just fire you. You'd just go and fuck somebody else over, and you know too much about my business. But I can't let you anywhere near accounts either. That only leaves jobs with no real responsibility. And to be honest, you pissed me off and you are going to pay one way or another."

He had known where this was going, but enjoyed putting on a show of considering possibilities. He returned to his chair, leaned back and put his feet up on the desk.

"Hmmmm… Turn around, Jennifer. Let me get a look at you."

She did so slowly, feeling shame and embarrassment as John stared at her like a butcher might stare at a carcass hanging in a meat locker.

"Now spread your legs and bend over at the waist. I've seen you in the yoga room. Bend all the way!"

Jennifer complied. Her dress prevented her from going as far as her lithe body would have allowed, but even so her head rested on the floor between her feet. She was aware of John walking around her, and occasionally felt a hand on her back, her thigh, and her ass. Then he stopped and began to talk to her as she remained in the awkward position.

"Dress you right and you'd make nice eye candy for clients to enjoy when they come through the door. Having you act like a Barbie and flirt with former associates and clients should be humiliating enough to make you regret what you've done. I think I might enjoy seeing you every morning doing all that you can to look fuckable. Who knows? Maybe after a year or two as a receptionist I'd trust you enough to let you use the copy machine again."

Then he looked at her very directly.

"Minimum wage. No benefits. No vacation. Sick days come out of your pay."

Jennifer's contrition shattered in an instant. She had been hired for $300,000 a year with a guaranteed seven-figure bonus and stock options! The payments on her SoHo apartment alone were $12,000 a month. Forgetting her situation, she raised up and looked up at John with fire in her eyes.

"Minimum wage??? No benefits??? Eye candy??? Are you fucking insane??? Listen. Any firm on Wall Street would hire me in an instant! Fuck this!"

Jennifer had taken a step toward the door when John stopped her with a calm, even voice.

"Correction. Any firm on Wall Street ~would~ have hired you before today. Hiring a girl who is about to be convicted of embezzling two million dollars, on the other hand... that seems unlikely."

Jennifer had latched on to the idea that she would not be prosecuted, and was hit hard by the reminder of her real situation. She spun back toward John, her eyes again instantly filled with tears and her voice desperate.

"You wouldn't! I mean, like you said, the money is all there. It can all go back into the accounts it came from. I didn't take anything! I swear! I don't know who is trying to frame me, but please! I can't live on minimum wage. You know that. You can't do that to me! You can't!"

John's cock was a piece of steel in his pants as he returned to his desk, watching the beautiful woman crumble in front of him. He smirked when Jennifer caught sight of its length throbbing against the inner thigh of his tailored Armani pants, and then turned her head away quickly. He let a hint of sadism show through in his tone as he taunted Jennifer.

"See something you like, cunt? Jesus, you can't keep your mind off of cock for even a few minutes, can you? Do you really expect me to think that you are too good to be a receptionist?" He laughed. "Perhaps you need a little time to think about your options. There are a lot of girls out there who would kill to have a job flashing their tits from behind a reception desk instead of sucking junkies' cocks in a filthy men's room somewhere. But I can see how you might prefer prison."

Now Jennifer could do nothing but whimper and shake her head. "Please, Mr. Jameson, please. Anything but that. Please."

John was feeling his own urges starting to get out of hand. Maybe he would have to find relief from a whore tonight. He knew a few pimps who would hook him up with fresh girls. He liked the young ones with doe eyes who still cried themselves to sleep at night, ashamed of what they had become. For the right kind of money those pimps would even look the other way when a girl came back so beaten up that she couldn't work for a month.

But he kept is attention focused on the moment. It was time to spring the trap fully.

"Not that? You don't want to go to prison? I'll think about it. One thing, though. Before I even consider showing you any mercy, I need to know that you understand and accept responsibility for what you did. You need you to come clean."

Jennifer started to plead her innocence again, but John stopped her before she could get out the first three words.


No one had ever spoken to her like that, but the effect of the words was instantaneous. She didn't even think before again lowering her eyes and automatically breathing, "Yes sir."

John continued. "Take the evening and think it over. At 9:00 tomorrow morning you will hand me a written confession detailing exactly what you did. I want all of the specifics and no excuses. There will be no attempt to protest your innocence. You are guilty and we both know it. I want a confession from you that proves to me that you understand and accept the consequences of your crimes."

John could see the panic on her face, and knew where it came from. There was no way that she could fulfill that demand, because she didn't have a clue about what she had supposedly done! He let her sweat for a moment, then nodded to the files in her hand. "Take those with you. I want to be sure that you include all of the details of your crimes. The files will remind you of just what I know. I would hate for you to leave anything out. Understood?"

With eyes still lowered, she breathed, "Yes sir."

"One more thing. When you write I also want you to beg for leniency. I want you to tell me that you do not deserve it, but beg me to give you a chance anyway. I want you to tell me how worthless you are. Tell me that you are a whore and a thief. Tell me all about how you used your cunt and ass and mouth to get ahead. Convince me that you know what a disgusting waste of human flesh you are!"

"Do that and maybe, MAYBE, the receptionist's job is yours. But if you are not here at 9:00, or if I am unsatisfied with what you have to say, at 9:01 I will be on the phone with the authorities. Do we understand each other?"

Jennifer again nodded, feeling her legs and arms shaking. She was struggling not to throw up right there in the office. But John did not see her. He had already turned back to the work on his desk, as though the woman had simply ceased to exist.

On cue a security guard stepped into the office and politely but firmly took Jennifer by the arm and escorted her out of the building.


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A Wylde Knight for Jennifer

This tale is the combination of a crime drama, romance story and good ole' hardcore sex. Like most of my stories, it is also quite long and detailed. But for those of you Kind Readers who appreciate my work, I think you will truly enjoy this one. So, without further ado, I present to you..... A Wylde Knight for Jennifer The Sun was just starting to rise on that March Sunday morning as I got quietly out of bed. I did not want to disturb the lovely young woman sleeping beside me....

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The Humiliation of Jennifer and Her Mom

Jennifer Love Hewitt and her mom Pat were planning to spend a nice weekend in Las Vegas to celebrate Jennifer's recent engagement to her long time boyfriend. They arrived in Vegas around midnight and checked into the hotel. Jennifer was so happy about her engagement that she talked her mom into going to the bar for a nightcap. The women got a couple drinks and headed to a table to sit down. At the bar, a middle-aged black couple had just walked in. Wanda immediately started scanning the...

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Jennifer and Allison Part 2

Jennifer gazed down at Allison, who was completely exhausted, and almost completely naked except for her bikini top pulled off to the sides of her breasts. Sweat glistened across every inch of Allison's body, and cum was dripping lazily out of her pussy. “So...” said Jennifer tentatively, after awkwardly making eye contact with Allison, “do you think he would let me try some of that with him, too?” Allison sighed, still coming down off her incredible orgasm of only a minute ago. “I...

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Jennifer and Allison Part 1

"I know," Jennifer hissed back when Mrs. Miller, the algebra teacher turned her back to write another problem on the board. "It's like torture having to sit here listening to her voice when we could be at your place laying out!" Allison continued at the next opportune moment. Jennifer's house had a great backyard with a pool, hot tub, and big lawn. The weather in central Florida was perfect for swimming this time of year, and the two best friends couldn't wait to get to the...

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Jennifer Part 2

Chapter 2 ‘This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her,’ a man said. ‘Is that because she was a problem?’ a female voice said. ‘We don’t know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price,’ the man said. ‘Give her the standard training course,’ the woman said and walked out...

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Being Troy Jennifer

Being Troy / Jennifer - "Jennifer- come on," Mack was pulling at his arm, urging him at a whisper to move, "you have to get up- we need to get out of here." "What happened?" Troy asked trying to raise his hands, but he felt all wrong, exhausted and weird all at the same time. "I don't know; I just woke up. There is something in the house, we have to get out of here," he was pulling at him again. Troy rolled onto his side, feeling very strange and off balance and sore like he had...

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Jennifer Part 2

Chapter 2 "This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her," a man said."Is that because she was a problem?" a female voice said."We don't know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price," the man said."Give her the standard training course," the woman said and walked out of the...

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The Sale of Jennifer

“She is all yours!” the man with the crooked nose and glasses that were way too large for his thin face said to me indifferently as the $100 bill left the long bony fingers of his right hand. It fluttered on its way to the ground when the girl’s father reached out with his right hand and grabbed it, pulling it to him as he immediately placed it into his back pocket. His dark brown eyes were narrow and scary as he looked at his 18-year-old daughter. She was tall, slender, and her body was...

2 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 10 The Jennifer Open

As Dave with his umbrella walked up the hill he could just make out the old wooden structure in the woods. When he was close to the door he noticed the blue plastic tarp he and Jennifer had put on the roof for rain protection still seemed to be intact. He lightly pushed to open the door but the hook they had put on for privacy was latched from the inside. His suspicion confirmed, Dave knocked softly and said, "Jennifer, are you okay? Please let me in. We need to be together." It seemed...

4 years ago
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Jennifer Brings Over a Friend Club Wives 8

“Hey what’s up?” Came the text. Jennifer might be an amazing woman, but she was still a 20 something. I didn’t really care for texting all that much, but it was a necessarily evil. A week had passed since my adventure at the club with Rochelle and 2 weeks since I had seen Jennifer. I was beginning to miss her and I was happy to hear from her. “How’s it going? Things ok with the roommate?” I asked. “Yup. I’ve got news.” came the reply. “Call me.” I said. Jennifer called me. “So what’s...

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An Evening with Gloria and Jennifer

After the costume party at Tom and Gloria’s house, Jennifer, Jerry and I both rested quite well that Sunday afternoon, good weather and all. Monday at work was a grind and I occasionally let my mind wander to the events of Saturday night, eliciting a smile or a grin at times. I decided to skip happy hour Monday evening and headed home from work. I wasn’t in the door five minutes when the phone rang. It was Jennifer and she wanted to drop in for a few minutes to chat. I definitely had no...

Group Sex
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Jennifer Chapter Two

Less than twenty four hours later, Jennifer Salvatore checked her mail on the computer in her bedroom at home. She maintained a couple of hotmail accounts, but the one that was of most interest to her just now was the account which she used primarily for her growing relationship with Rotter, or Jeff as she increasingly thought of him. It was also the address she had written on the mirror in the charity shop, hoping to hear from the guy who had watched her so intently the day before when she was...

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Ross Ch 4 Jennifer

“Hey, neighbor!” John called out over the fence separating his yard from his neighbor’s.Ross looked up in surprise from pulling a few weeds that had sprung up in the hedges beside the fence.“How’s it hanging, man?” John said with a smile.“Oh, uh good!” Ross said distractedly.He was still feeling powerfully guilty every time he saw his neighbor. He was having a lot of trouble adjusting to the fact that John’s wife, Kimiko had lured him into having sex with her almost daily last summer. She had...

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Jason and Jennifer Naked In SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I was just in the middle of a very nice dream, when someone started shaking my shoulder. "Huh? What is it?" I asked, slowly opening my eyes. As my eyes cleared I saw Jennifer sitting on the edge of my bed, a serious expression on her face. "I'm sorry, Jason," she whispered. "It's really early, but we have to talk. Right now." I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was four thirty in the morning. "What's wrong?" I asked, starting to become a bit concerned. Jennifer put her...

3 years ago
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Jennifer Lawrence researches a sex addict for new

I am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...

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I Jennifer Chapter Two

I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter Two: Fuck Puppet They came for her early. The Captain of the Cybertronics Tactical Response Squad crouched down and hissed final orders to his team outside the door of Mason's apartment. All large corporations have their own Special Operations Units or SOU, which function as para-military police forces, and Cybertronics had the largest and most extensive. This was reflective of the power that mega- corporations like Cybertronics...

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Jennifers Need

Jennifer arranges to go and visit Katherine, but has an adventure along the wayThis is a continuation of the story in Jennifer's Shame, so if you've not already read it, I suggest you start there.As always, all comments and scores are gratefully received.When she got home, Jennifer went upstairs and ran a bath. Easing herself gently into the warm water, she lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind drift back over the events of the afternoon. She could almost hear the sound of the swishing...

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Tales from StVincents Jennifer

Jennifer's husband left for work and she had packed her teenage k**s off to school.The day ahead would be hard,she knew this.Jennifer had been informed by Sr.Marie Gabriel of St.Vincents Convent that her appointment with the Father Confessor was fixed for the nineteenth of the month;the day had arrived.Jennifer had to be at St.Vincents for 11am;she looked at the clock in the kitchen,it was 9:30am.She went up to the bedroom and sat at the side of the bed looking at herself in the mirror.She had...

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Jennifers Birthday Present from Her Mom and

This story is an actual event that happened to me a few years back. I had lost my privileges to drive a truck for a few years, so I decided I would go to work in fast foods, as a maintenance person. I worked hard enough that the franchise owner decided to send me to school to learn how to actually work on all the equipment in the stores, as well as doing my usual daily work. Now, the advantage to this position is a few things. 1) You basically work by yourself, and are not really crowded onto a...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 36 A Long Road Ahead

November 1978 On Sunday morning I was surprised to find Stephanie awake when I went to swim. She joined me and swam laps with me, though she only completed about half as many as I did. We got out, and I was relieved that she didn’t try to follow me to the shower. I expected that someday, though probably at some point, before she was ready to make her request. She joined me for breakfast as well. “Going to see Melanie today?” “That’s the plan, Squirt. I’m just waiting for her mom to call...

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A Golfers Dream Book II Chilly Winter Hot SummerChapter 30 A Special Day for Jennifer

Dave woke early on Friday morning; as he stood in front of the mirror he looked carefully at his bruised face. He could clearly see a trace of yellow spreading under his eyes and he knew that two black eyes would soon color his face. He ate breakfast before he brushed his teeth and left for the Hawk's Hallow Golf Course. He practiced hard for three hours before he played eighteen holes. He picked up a game with three young juniors and enjoyed playing with the developing players. One...

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I JenniferChapter 4 The End

Max Middleton, head of both the Special Products Division and the Special Operations Unit was using his Omni to communicate with Will Faraday. Will’s Tactical Response Squad was systematically searching The Movement’s Command Centre where it was obvious that a pitched battle had occurred. Will held up the head of Simon Wilson, the unofficial Leader of The Movement. “He told us nothing before he died. Mark Johnston, his deputy and Captain of The Movement’s militia, is missing,” Will said to...

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JenniferChapter 2

Monday morning, Jennifer arrived at work. There was a note on her desk. “You made fun of me. You’ll regret it.” She immediately knocked on her boss’s door and asked for a minute. She said there may be a problem. Mr. Reynolds knew that if there was an issue, it needed to be quelled. Jennifer showed him the note. He questioned her. The only person she ever had a crossways word with was Barry, in shipping. The note was hand written. That was the young man’s downfall. He wasn’t the sharpest knife...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 25 Dave and Jennifer Talk

When Dave woke on Saturday morning he was very anxious; he had a growing fear about talking to Jennifer and what her reaction would be. He knew that as each day passed he was getting closer to a probably difficult discussion with her and, now that he knew she was coming to QAI with the twins on Monday, he felt even more nervous. He went to Hawks Hallow and spent the morning practicing, but he was distracted as he continued to think about Jennifer. After two hours he finally decided to call it...

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Jennifer Part 5

Chapter 5 She felt her shackles being released and she was raised up off of the rack by the mistress. As she stood she saw the maid still twitching against the wall as the dildo pulsed inider of her. The maid continued to whimper ever time a pulse hit. The pain of the enema made it difficult for Jennifer to stand fully erect. As she tried to straighten the skin of her stomach stretched around her now round tummy. It was almost impossible to stand fully erect. The mistress watched for several...

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Jennifer Part 5

Chapter 5 She felt her shackles being released and she was raised up off of the rack by the mistress. As she stood she saw the maid still twitching against the wall as the dildo pulsed inider of her. The maid continued to whimper ever time a pulse hit. The pain of the enema made it difficult for Jennifer to stand fully erect. As she tried to straighten the skin of her stomach stretched around her now round tummy. It was almost impossible to stand fully erect. The mistress watched for several...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 22 Nobody Would Ever Believe It

August 1978 I woke up on Sunday morning refreshed. I swam my usual laps, showered, dressed and made breakfast. Following Jennifer’s advice, I made waffles, sausage, and eggs. Stephanie came into the kitchen while I was preparing everything and asked if I’d make her breakfast as well. We ate together, then she went to get ready for church. I put on jeans and a polo, and grabbed my fedora. I was sitting on the couch wondering what Jennifer had in mind when I saw Melanie pull into the...

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Sancta Sara 7 Jennifer1

Sancta Sara is a Sanctuary in the hills of Upper Sexonia, the nunnery is supervised by sexy SashaSasha is Superior Mother to the few nuns and novices, first nun is her yummy younger subby s1sterSexy Sasha and nice naughty Natalia grew up as tall tasty teens in Russia in very sexy s1sterhoodSasha invented from ancient sacral secrets their red-hot ritual to honour mighty Mother BL00DY MaryS1ster Jennifer is the third nice nun to join us from the Americas, she is to be Mistress of...

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Tim and Abbie 73 Brians matchmaking Jennifer

Patti and George's announcement comes at the start of November. Two of the three women are in happy and stable relationships now. But there remains Jennifer.Jennifer is a quandary for Brian. At forty-two, she is close to his own age and has lived a rather sexual life. Since her teens, Jennifer mastered the ability to look unostentatious at home. When needed, she could change that appearance with a bit of makeup, flipping up her skirt and opening her blouse to capture males' attention.And even a...

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Innocent Jennifer has never been with another man

My wife Jennifer and I have been married for nearly 15 years. We have what I consider a perfect marriage. That's not to say we never have disagreements or get crabby with each other. We do, but it's generally short-lived and due to fatigue on one of our parts. Although we don't have all the same interests, we have the same core values, and I firmly believe that's what determines a couple's compatibility. I would describe our sex life as very good and I hope Jennifer would do the same. Although...

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Jennifers Husbands Fantasy

My wife Jennifer and I have been married for nearly 15 years. We have what I consider a perfect marriage. That's not to say we never have disagreements or get crabby with each other. We do, but it's generally short-lived and due to fatigue on one of our parts. Although we don't have all the same interests, we have the same core values, and I firmly believe that's what determines a couple's compatibility. I would describe our sex life as very good and I hope Jennifer would do the same. Although...

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JenniferChapter 6 Learning Things

Jennifer's fifteenth birthday fell on a Saturday. Frank was pleasantly surprised how many friends Jennifer had. The weather was good, and almost twenty teenagers filled Frank's living room, kitchen and the small backyard. Frank did not even attempt to make a surprise party. Jennifer enjoyed organizing her own celebration, inviting her friends and coordinating transportation. Jeremy, Mary and their kids came for a brief visit. Mary had no problems talking to the high school students, and...

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Journal of an AgentChapter 22 Jennifer Lopez

Of all the celebrities, actresses, models, singers and just otherwise beautiful people that I've ever dealt with, none come even close to the word "diva" as much as Jennifer Lopez. A recently embarrassing episode that got out into the press was Jennifer's insistence on a specially tailored trailer for her 15 minute performance at the recent September 11th benefit. Needless to say, I put as much spin on it as I could. But being a diva has it's benefits - most of the time. Right now was...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Jennifer and Mark Part 1

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Jennifer and Mark (Part 1) Jennifer arrived right on time for her appointment at Total Transformation Salon and Spa. It was her third monthly visit. She had heard that the salon was popular and her prior stylist at another salon had just moved out of town. So 3 months ago, when the flyer and special offer arrived in the mail, she had decided to give it a try. From the moment she walked through the door for the first time, she was impressed. ...

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Jennifer Knew Something Was Missing

Like most young men, I wasted years of my life obsessed with small waists and small asses.  It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties that I learned to appreciate a woman with curves. Unfortunately, the woman I appreciated was off the market.Jennifer and I met online on a blogging site.  The idea seems absurd today, but this was 2004 and the whole world wasn’t on the internet yet.  It was easy for people in their twenties who shared interests to connect and develop a real relationship.It was a...

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Middle school classmate Jennifer

Middle school classmate JenniferJennifer and I met while in shop class and I knew something was up from the start, as I kept catching her staring at me beginning of the semester. I remember thinking Jennifer was way out of my league, hung out with the preppy teens and was so hot. She had golden tan skin, long brown hair usually in a pony tail, blue eyes with budding breasts, and an amazing ass. She mostly wore skin tight jeans or tight tan capri pants, either of which perfectly wrapped around...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 27 How Do You Solve a Problem Like Melanie

November 1978 I wasn’t totally sure about Jennifer’s plan, but I’d decided to go with it. Something about having a third, or fourth, person involved turned loose a wild side in Jennifer that made her a very different person. We had discussed it somewhat, but we would need to talk about it further, especially if she went through with her plan. I woke up early, as was my habit, swam, showered, and ate breakfast. I only saw Stephanie briefly as we passed in the hallway before she left for...

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