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"Excuse me," Marlin said as he tapped on the wooden shelf on the window of the Coach Master's tiny office.

The grizzled old man looked up with a frown and then frowned even more deeply when he saw the face of a stranger. "What can I do for you?" he asked gruffly.

"I'm looking for..." Marlin paused and looked down at the instructions in his hand. "The Sunset House?" he finally asked looking up hopefully.

"The widow Binder's boarding house," the Master grunted. "Up the street, turn right, past the hardware store and it's on the left. Got a sign out front if it hasn't blown down again."

"Thank you very much," Marlin said politely. "That should be easy enough to find."

"You're new around here," the Master stated with another grunt. "What's a city boy like you doing out here in the working world?"

"Just my job," Marlin replied happily. "I'm here to take a census of the shire."

"Census?" the oldster grunted and rubbed his chin. "Haven't seen a census taker out here in, oh, nigh on twenty years or so. Why's the Emperor need to take a census of us now? He ain't seemed to pay us much attention except to collect taxes till now."

"Beats the hell out of me," Marlin shrugged. "All I know is when my boss says frog I jump, if he says shit I ask what color. They don't tell peons like me anything. They just tell me to get my ass out here and start counting. Maybe they're setting up a big government assistance program and need an accurate count of how many disadvantaged subjects are going to be lifted out of their dreary lives into the light of the Empire's civilization."

"Right," the Master guffawed. "And I'm a three-balled billy-goat with his own harem of she-goats."

"Hey, I'm from the Empire and I'm here to help you," Marlin said with mock sincerity. The Master actually laughed.

"Sure you are, kid," he chuckled. "At least you have the right attitude. That'll serve you well around here. Well, welcome to Pigsford, the jewel in the crown of Lands-End Shire."

"Haven't seen much I'll admit," Marlin said with a shrug. "But what I have seems nice enough."

"What you've seen is pretty much what there is to see," the Master snorted. "But what we do have ain't so bad. Real quiet and easy most times. Not much after the bright lights and excitement of the big city for a young feller like you, though, I'll bet."

"The city has its good points," Marlin admitted. "But unless you're rich or a higher level imperial servant it's mostly dirt and grim with the biggest excitement coming from wondering if you'll get knifed on the way home. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not going to miss parts of it," especially the women, he thought to himself. "But I don't plan to sit around and wallow in self-pity while I'm here either. It can't be that bad or nobody would live here."

"Like I said, a good attitude," the Master nodded. "We have some of the best fishing in the empire hereabouts and hunting if you want to take a trip into the Wilds. You interested in either or those?"

"Haven't been until right now," Marlin shrugged. "But that's mostly because I've never done either. I'll let you know after I've done them."

"Well then I hope you get the time to get some in," the Master replied.

"Time I got," Marlin snorted. "Let's just say my assignment here was 'open-ended.' I may be here until I retire submitting reports that will probably go straight from the mail to the files without human eyes touching them in between. If I have a schedule other than the one I make for myself I haven't been told what it is."

"Nice work if you can get it," the Master commented.

"Yeah well, the pay is definitely on par with the effort required," Marlin sighed. "Well, I suppose I should be finding this boarding house before this Widow Binder locks the door for the night and I have to sleep on the porch."

"Shasa will let you in even if you are there a bit late and besides it's only supper time," the Master chuckled. "Tell her Tom down at the station sent you. That's me, if you haven't guessed. Tom Binder, Station Master, Post Master, Shire-rief and for my sins the mayor of Pigsford. Shasa's my sister, by the way."

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Mayor," Marlin said sticking his hand through the window. "If I had known I was speaking to the city's leading citizen I would have made the appropriate obeisance."

"Sure you would," Tom grinned as he took Marlin's hand. "I think I can see how you got posted out here. I'm thinking your attitude didn't exactly meet with imperial expectations."

"I have absolutely no idea what you could be talking about," Marlin answered evenly. "I always show deference to those in power in exactly the same proportion that they deserve, no matter how petty, stupid, pompous or elevated their blotted bureaucratic egos are."

"That's exactly what I'm guessing," Tom chuckled. "Well, I'm sure I'll see you around but now you had better scurry over to Shasa's; she'll let you in all right but she can get a bit testy if you wake her from her after-dinner nap." Marlin waved his goodbye and headed out onto the street following the directions he was given.

Shasa Binder turned out to be the sweetest little old lady Marlin had ever met and after a couple of days would have paid for the privilege of seeing the miracle of her actually being "testy."

"Now you just let me know if you need anything, Master Cranson," she would say at least twice a day. Marlin had already given up on having her call him by his given name. "And if you would like to have one of your lady friends over for dinner we'd be just tickled pink. You just let me know."

That was one thing that had surprised Marlin more than anything: the women ― girls to be more accurate. The word had spread faster than a bird could fly that there was a young, single, and most importantly, new man in the Shire. It seemed like every single, husband-hunting female from age fourteen to forty had suddenly found she had important business in Pigsford and as much as he enjoyed the company and attention of the fairer sex it was getting so he couldn't turn around on the town's main street without tripping over some fresh young thing or her mother, asking when he would be out to their farm for his counting and offering to show him around. Some offers were a lot more blatant, blatant enough to make even a farm animal blush.

He was diplomatically vague in his response to all offers but you can be sure he filed away the more aggressive ones in his mind for future reference. Even a self-confessed horndog like Marlin wasn't dumb enough to start tapping the local talent right after stumbling into town. Given his recent experience, he was leery of playing mattress tag with a woman he knew almost nothing about. He first wanted to know who her father was, or brothers; marital status ― he wisely avoided fucking around with married women or ones with steady boyfriends especially since the boys around those parts seemed to come in two general sizes, big and huge. He had observed over the years that a man interested in a woman, even if the interest was only from his side, tended to get a bit perturbed by a stranger "poaching" in his territory.

Marlin wanted to know what in the hell he was getting into before he started sampling the local cuisine. Besides, the local ladies might be a little less tolerant of his buffet-style dating techniques and the last thing he wanted was to get tied down to only one woman no matter how pretty or big-titted she was. As much as he liked sex he wasn't going to let his cock get him into a position of having his ass kicked or even worse, married.

"You just let me know," Shasa would say patting him on the arm and then almost always would come up on her toes to whisper in his ear, "and if you want an over-night guest, well, we'll just look the other way."

The relative openness to premarital sex did kind of surprise him. He was ashamed to admit even to himself that he had expected a more puritanical attitude from his rustic cousins concerning the sport. True, the skirts were a little longer here in the country, not many of them shorter than mid-thigh and the women tended to wear the same sturdy, dull brown work pants the menfolk did almost as often as they wore a dress, but it wasn't like they covered themselves in grain sacks. Other than the more robust nature of the clothing, most of the women in Lands End Shire would have passed as unremarkable in any working-class neighborhood in the capital.

"Watch your feet, young feller," Tom warned him one day as they sat on the steps of the coach station one afternoon playing a board game Marlin had never seen before. Deceptively easy to learn, it was devilishly hard to play and consequently the old man continually beat his ass up one side and down the other but honestly Marlin couldn't care less; he enjoyed the conversation. Old Tom was not only one of the leaders in Pigsford; he was also one of the foremost gossips. If there was any safe snatch to snitch in the area, here was the place to find out about it.

Besides it helped him avoid his principal duty which he dreaded. He could honestly tell a truth-teller that he was looking for the Talented by sitting at the Coach Station/Post Office. Everybody seemed to come by there at one time or another. He knew that soon he would actually have to go out into the countryside and start beating the bushes, but that was for later.

"Watch my feet?" Marlin asked staring at the board trying to figure a way out of another untenable situation he found himself in.

"That's right," Tom chuckled. "One of them little bitches you got sniffing around you is going to stick her foot out, trip you up and be under you before you hit the ground."

"Well, that's not all that bad, now is it?" Marlin looked up with a grin and then looked down at the board and sighed.

"Nope, least wise not until you put a baby in her belly and daddy comes looking for you to make an honest woman of his virgin daughter." Then he snorted, "Like you could find a virgin around here with an imperial search warrant."

"That's not exactly what I had in mind," Marlin admitted. "But I wouldn't mind a little company now and then. I take it it's not frowned upon too much."

"Hell no! Frankly we've been surprised you haven't bedded a half dozen or so by now," Tom laughed. "Some people been wondering if maybe you're one of them funny fellows who doesn't enjoy female company."

"Oh I enjoy the ladies just fine, exclusively. I'm just trying to be careful is all," Marlin stated. "I'm just not ready to be tied down to any particular one right now, if ever."

"Or two or three," Tom cackled. "Put a bun in a couple of them and you may end up with two for the price of one."

"More than one wife?" Marlin looked up incredulously. "Ah, I'm as a bit of a loss for words. Where I'm from, its pretty much one to a customer and honestly, right now that seems like one too many as far as I'm concerned."

"Knew I liked your attitude there, boy," Tom said. "Don't happen real regular but often enough; there ain't a law against it. Kind of needful sometimes, in fact. Most of the boys around here get bored and take off for the city or get volunteered for the Emperor's levees. Ain't a lot of them come back, you know." The propensity for the Emperor to play war with his army and its conscripted levees was just a fact of life. The minimum term for service in the army was fifteen years, five shorter than Marlin's, but the chances of serving the full enlistment were one hell of a lot less.

"Lots of widows and young single girls," Tom continued. "Feel sorry for them I do, not that I feel sorry enough to marry one again myself you hear, but it ain't easy for them. Not sure what most of them feel about it but there's plenty that don't seem to have a problem sharing a husband. Jest wanted to let you know that if you decided to spread your joy around a bit and think getting two or three in the family way is going to get you out of the knot, it won't."

"Getting pregnant wasn't a reason for getting married back in the capital," Marlin mused as he tipped one of his few remaining pieces on the board on its side in resignation. "The contraceptives are free and even if it does happen, the Emperor takes care of his citizens when they need it."

"Same here, for the most part," Tom shrugged. "But out here land is passed down by inheritance and marriage is one of the few legal ways to enforce it. We can't buy or sell the land even if we're supposed to own it. Being or having a bastard ain't such a big thing but you can't inherit unless there's a marriage. Stupid law but it does make us a kind of marriage-minded folk. I'm guessing you city people don't have the same sort of problem."

"Too true," Marlin admitted. "There are probably less than a hundred families that actually own land in the capital and most of them are in the royal family. Everybody just rents from them. Just ought to let you know the shrewd intelligence you've been hiding under that country-bumpkin façade is starting to show through. You wouldn't want the city slicker to guess you know a bit more about the wide world than you want to let on, now would you?"

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 21 Deceptions

When I got home, I saw where Lori had done all of the dishes from our meals, and put them away, and not only done my laundry, but hung it out on the line, and then bought it back in and folded everything up. She had been busy that morning. She had left a note on the kitchen counter: Dearest Will, I wanted to thank you so much for a wonderful time yesterday, last night and this morning, and everything you said to me about us. I know we are just pretending, and soon reality will be back with...

3 years ago
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With Daddy Away Holly Sets Her Sights On Mommy

It had been a week since Holly and her Daddy had their last sexual encounter. Mommy had been off from work , leaving Holly no time to play with Daddy. Even worse was the fact that he had a business trip this weekend and Holly wouldn't be able to tease him for at least three more days. She could always have fun with one of her girlfriends or even a guy, although most of them were too immature for her liking. Ever since she began her seduction of her father Holly could think of little else. It...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 10

Friday 27 August to Thursday 22nd October 1970 Harriet had always been going with Kieran when we were playing Bridge with Colette and Zena. She and I never actually interacted very much. She always seemed rather aloof. Now I was sitting in a pub at six in the evening waiting for her to turn up. I had been set up, or rather we both had been set up by our two friends. I wondered if she would resent it. I had no idea what sort of TLC was wanted. My plan was to let her take the lead this...

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ConvergenceChapter 2 State of the Union

President Scott McGowan marched through the wide, double doors, into the House chamber. Politicians from both sides of the political aisle lined his path, waiting to shake his hand. They were all smiling, but very few smiles reached their eyes. Scotty sighed, as he began shaking hands and thanking men for their false well wishes. It looked like most of the Congressmen had read the advance copy of his speech, and they weren't happy about it. That was okay. They weren't meant to be happy...

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There Wasnt Any Alternative 2

Norman: “Alright Catherine. Go into the ladies’ room and clean yourself up. You’ve got 10 minutes. I’ll be in my car. Don’t MAKE me come in here to get you!” He pulled his now limp and sticky cock from my mouth and put it away in his pants then went to his car. Still on my knees, I looked over at Damon. Catherine: “Damon, what happened to Paul?” Damon: “Damn man, this mother fucker is crazy! Don’t be talkin’ to me. If he sees….” Catherine: “Did they kill him?” Damon: “Naw man. He just...

1 year ago
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Aging Well 2 the SequelChapter 16

[Sandy writes] Jack drove us home. As we went home, we shared what little information the other might not have. I went upstairs and gathered Joyce's things to wash them for tomorrow. The doorbell rang and Jack ushered Gretchen and Mack inside. He went into the laundry room to start the wash. Gretchen said, "May Mack drop me by here in the morning? He has an early surgery in the morning. I will run with you and pack clothes for Chastity." I smiled widely. "Wouldn't it be easier for you...

2 years ago
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5Day 1Month

It's a day unlike any other. The air is fresh, and a little chilly. Suddenly, you feel pain. Waves of pain radiate from your center throughout your body. Opening your mouth, you try to scream for help only to choke out. You double over, and you see the bystanders react and scream for help. Your vision starts fading. People have gathered around you. Is this really the end? There are so many things you wanted to do. This is so unfair. The pain is too much, and your body becomes numb. "Stop!" you...

1 year ago
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SAGN Chapter SevenThe Lie on the Table

Chapter 7: The Lie on the Table ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometime in the night the rain had waned and then abruptly ceased. Just when that had been Jim wasn't quite sure. As he lay in the darkness with his mind slowly shifting into gear, he was pretty sure that he dimly remembered waking up when the steady drumming of the falling water slackened and petered out, but he hadn't stayed awake then. Not that time, waking up then was more a...

3 years ago
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Todd Sullivan sighed and leaned over his steering wheel. He was frustrated. He was exhausted. He was bored out of his skull. The traffic was backed up further today than it had been yesterday. At any other time of day, he could have been home 15 minutes ago. He clenched his fists over the steering wheel. The fucking Camaro in front of him moved half an inch, then came to a stop. The worst part of this whole mess was he knew Trudy was home by now, and God only knew what trouble she was getting...

2 years ago
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Very first time my wife was shared

This is a long true story about the very first time my wife was shared with a friend of mine many years ago.I had a friend that worked with me many years ago we will call him Mark.Mark lived in Indiana and all our work was in Illinois so after a few weeks of him driving back and forth I told him you know this is crazy you driving from home everyday why don't you just stay at our house during the week he said that would be great as long as my wife was okay with it, now I knew that Mark had a...

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DaughterSwap Megan Hughes Riley Star Daughters Dad Medicine

Megan Hughes and Riley Star are a couple of cute teens who like to play around, a little too much sometimes! But when Megan covers her dads eyes while he is driving, things go over the edge. The whole group gets into a car accident that leaves Megan and Rileys dads on their asses. Luckily, the mischievous girls have a plan. They are going to make each others pops feel better by fucking them! They suck each others dads dicks, making sure to cover every inch of their boners in spit. Then, they...

3 years ago
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Learning CurvesChapter 78

Ted Billings smiled broadly when a carload of women pulled up to drop off his first-round draft pick. “They’re staying, right?” he asked. “Stacy will murder me if they don’t. I told her that she wouldn’t be the only one in the stands this year.” “They’re just going to park,” Phil assured him with a laugh. “I asked them to watch for Stacy and invite her to sit with them. I had some classes with her last year. I didn’t know you two were dating.” “Engaged,” Ted said proudly. “We’ve been...

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The New StartChapter 38 Eggs

Tes stood in the shadows and watched as one carload after another arrived keeping careful count of the number of women. When the cars had not shuttled back for more passengers for some time she slipped away unnoticed. Tes retuned to the computer building and sat down in front of the terminal. She brought up a private account that only she could access and made an entry. Two weeks later, she set up a meeting with the other elders, Mark, Steve, Dawn, Mist, Maj, Mika, and Naomi. They had become...

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Moments in a LifeChapter 14 Greta

The first semester of law school had come to an end. Bob Lacy looked back on it and thought law school was tough and required a lot of study which translated into a lot of time. He had done what was required and had been rewarded with good grades. Now he had the summer break before school started up in the fall. His Dad's friend had secured a job for Bob working with the State Highway Department this summer so he could earn some money. Bob was taking out a loan to handle the school tuition....

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DDFBusty Sofia Lee Big Titties Bounce On BBC

Busty brunette Czech sex goddess Sofia Lee can’t get enough of her man Charlie Mac’s big black cock, so when he comes home and wants to take her in the middle of the afternoon poolside, she’s delighted to take him deep inside of her. The blue-eyed curvy assed big titted temptress bounces on his big shaft in reverse cowgirl in this interracial scene and then takes a hardcore pussy fucking in doggystyle and all of their other favorite go-to positions. See Charlie eat the glamour...

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December holidays part 11 New years eve

Waking up Thursday morning around 9am I got up and had a cool shower to freshen up and get ready for the day. Once dry and standing naked in my room,  checking my phone I saw that I had a message from Claire the sexy MILF. She said, " Hey handsome young man, I'm terribly sorry but I'm going to have to cancel with you for tomorrow night. I'm really really sorry but I have a bad dose of flu and don't want to ruin your day by me being all depressed and in bed. Hope you still have enough time to...

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awesome surprise

genuine true story not made up but beleve what you want. this happened quite recently ill start by telling you how this came about im 38 and my wife is 36 known each other for 15 years married for 8 i have a normal family life i work in construction im no greek god by any means and my wife is good looking with a good shape after dropping 3 chavies. her mother jill is about 59 good body and a good looker as the father roy is 58 slightly over weight rugby fan works the normal job jill took early...

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Average Joe Ch 07

This is the conclusion of my Average Joe series. Thank you to all who followed it through. A special ‘Thank You’ to WanderingScot for taking the time to edit this story for me. Chapter 7: The conclusion When I last left off I had Ariel lying on my bed naked. To me she was the most beautiful girl in the world and I told her so, ‘I feel funny lying here naked and you staring at me,’ Ariel responded. ‘If I didn’t love you and trust you so much I might be a bit worried.’ ‘Just give me a sec....

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I was really young and was just a junior in high school. I had never had sex before and although I had been masturbating to my dad's porn magazines, I had never had the chance to get laid.I was straight but was always attracted to one magazine he had that feature bi couples. I was curious to know what it would be like to have a guys cock in my mouth and what I never realized at the time was that something was about to happen that would change my life.After football practice, I went home and...

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Dees Naughty Descent Chapter 04

Dee stepped out of her Mercedes and hurried into the backdoor of Club Iridium. The music covered her ears like a blanket. The rhythm and familiar sound made her tremble. She had been dancing for three months now. She entered the dressing room, leaving the door open. She slipped off her skimpy halter top and let her denim mini skirt fall to the floor. She wasn't wearing panties or bra. Her hand trembled as she picked up the brush to apply her mascara. She thought back to this morning when she...

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TeenPies Elena Koshka Unexpected Good Fortune

When something great happens unexpectedly, its hard not to let it play out to see just how good the end result will be. This is exactly what happened to Karlo, and he couldnt have been luckier. As he is finishing up some chores around the house, he hears a knock at the door. When he opens it, he reveals a gorgeous russian girl named Elena. Karlo has no idea why she is there, but apparently him and his wife have been talking to her for the past few months and agreed to have her stay with them...

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Hot Sex with my friend8217s wife

Hi! Readers I’m Vineeth from Hyderabad back again. I was really glad to get a good response to my previous experience. This is another real experience I want to share with you guys. My friend Srinivas wife Priya occurred a couple of years ago. She was about 28 yrs old married to my friend, who is business man. After so many months of his marriage he met me accidently and he told me to come to his house. I told ok and left to his house. He welcomed inside the house & told me sit in sofa. After...

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The Saga of Marcus C Elliot revised

by Vegan Brie (Prologue) To whom it may concern, I embrace constructive criticism. I’m writing a great adventure, both sexually awakening, emotional expressive, and captivating. It is a sex story yes but there will actually be substance to the story, so there might be some slow spots at first, i suggest drinking lots of liquids this is a marathon not a sprint. Beginning of Act (1) Chapter {One} Roller-Coasters of Emotion It was a bright crisp day in May, and the clocks were...

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