Changed Ch. 02 free porn video

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This is the continuation of the “Changed” story, I recommend that you read chapter One first. This is a work of fiction and all the characters and events are fictional. If you are under the age of 18 or are in an area that prohibits erotic fiction then leave now. This story depicts lesbian sex and mind control, if that’s not your thing then leave now. You’ve been warned…

I awoke the next morning to the sound of running water and female singing. Julia was in my bathroom taking a shower and singing something but I couldn’t tell what the song was. The thought of her naked in the shower made a fresh surge of arousal surge up in me and I savored the feeling.

My nipples became almost painfully stiff and I felt myself becoming wet again. This new sexuality was something. And being attracted to women was wonderful. No sex I had ever had with any man, and there had been quite a few, had ever been as good as what I had experienced last night with Julia. That had been incredible. I didn’t know I could feel anything as strong as that. It was more pleasure than I had ever dreamed possible.

I looked down at the ring on my finger, such a simple little thing, and it had done that to me. It made me desire Julia in a way I never had before, sexually. The idea of girl/girl sex had never done anything for me before. I had made out with a friend of mine once at a party on a dare, I was drunk and it I thought it might be fun. It had been pretty good, very different from kissing a man, much more soft and tender but it didn’t really do anything for me. I still only desired guys in that way. But now…

The thought of that lesbian kiss at the party years ago set me on fire with desire. I could have had that girl between my legs that night! Her name had been Christie and she would have, she was so drunk I could have done anything with her. I had been so stupid! If I had known then how good it was… but I didn’t. But now I did.

I could have any woman I wanted with the ring. The ring would make it happen, I could do anything I wanted with them. But how did it work? I had made Julia into my lover yesterday and I had given her a longer tongue to better please me but I wasn’t really sure how I had done either of them. How do I control it?

I will respond to your thoughts.,. Came a clear feminine voice, not spoken aloud, but in my head.

“Marcellene?” I asked quietly to the empty room. Marcellene had been the sorceress whose soul was bonded to the ring. She had told me of the ring’s power yesterday before we had bonded, but I had not heard from her since. “Marcellene, is that you? Where did you go yesterday?”

I did not go anywhere. I cannot. I had to regain my strength after the bonding yesterday. I draw my strength from my master while he… sorry, force of habit, she, is sleeping. I am sorry for the pain you felt during the bonding yesterday, it is not normally like that but because it has been so long I was very weak and had to draw a lot of you life force into me to complete the bond. I am so sorry master, or would you prefer mistress?

Hearing that soft feminine voice call me ‘mistress’ gave me another little thrill. “I like the sound of Mistress.” And it was very true. “So are you always going to be with me now?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

Yes. I can never leave you. I am here to serve you in any way I can. Is there anything you wish of me?

“Well, you can start by explaining exactly how this ring, or you, or… whatever, how it works. I changed Julia yesterday. I altered her mind to make her my lover and I made her tongue longer to please me better but I don’t really know how I did either of them.”

Aaahhh, Julia. Yes she is very beautiful, I can see why you took her. And that long tongue you gave her was wonderful. Marcellene said in a lusty tone.

“Wait a minute! You can see her? And what do you mean ‘her tongue was wonderful’, you felt that? How?”

We are bonded, I see and feel everything you do. She said simply.

Hmmm. This would take a little getting used to. “OK, we can come back to that later, tell me how you work.”

I make your thoughts and desires happen. When you want something from a woman or desire a change in a woman I make it happen.

“So all I have to do is think something and it will happen? What if I’m out shopping and I see a beautiful woman. What if I think ‘I’d like to see her naked’, will she strip for me right there? What if I really didn’t want her to do it, it was just a dirty thought that crossed my mind. How do I control it?”

You have to actively want it to happen, you must push your thoughts to her, you must make her do it. It is difficult to explain, to put in words. It is like moving your hand, you can think ‘I want to move my hand’ but not move it or you can think ‘I want to move my hand’ and then you move it. It is the same thing. You must use your mind to move your thoughts. It is all learned through doing, you must practice and you will see.

“What do you mean practice? Who should I practice on?” I asked, knowing the answer.

Julia, of course. She is right in the next room. Change whatever you want on her, If you don’t like the change, change her back.

“But won’t the changes scare her?”

You can make it so she doesn’t even know that she has been changed or you can make her know of the changes and accept, love or even hate them. You control her mind as well as her body, completely.

Just then I heard the shower turn off. Julia would be out in a few moments. “What about physical changes? Do I change her body in the same way?”

Yes it is the same. You must actively think of what you want her body to look like, how you want her to change.

The door to the bathroom opened and Julia stepped out. Her short, firm body was wrapped in a bright blue towel. She had a brush in her hand and was running it through her still wet, black, shoulder length hair. She looked at me with those dark Asian eyes and smiled.

“Good morning beautiful! I thought you were going to sleep all day.” She said in her bright cheery voice.

OK, here goes. I thought of Julia stripping off her towel and going out to make me breakfast, naked. I couldn’t figure out how to get the thought to her. I envisioned an invisible hand pushing the thought to her, into her head.

She put down the brush, unfastened the towel and let it drop and headed for the kitchen. She called over her shoulder, “What do you want for breakfast?”

I smiled as I watched her tight little ass swaying as she walked down the hallway to the kitchen. “Surprise me!” I called out to her retreating backside.

That went quite well. You picked it up very quickly. Some men took months to be able to do that.

“Maybe it’s because I’m a woman, I think like a woman, not like a man. The thought patterns are the same or something.”

That could be true, but I do not know. Are you going to try to manipulate her physically?

Physical changes, hmmm. “I guess I could try it. But I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to hurt her.”

It is true that you could permanently damage her or even kill her with a poorly chose change. Just start small and be cautious, you will do fine, I will help you. Just don’t try to change her into a dragon or something silly like that on your first day.

“I could really do that? Change her that much?” I asked in wonder. I hadn’t really thought about what the possibilities were for the physical changes.

Yes, you can change her into almost any organic form you want, but be careful, you may not be able to change her back from all forms without destroying her mind. For example, you could change her body into a tree, it is a living thing, but a tree had no brain, no mind, no soul. So her mind would be lost
in the transformation. You could then change her from the tree back into her human body, but her mind would not come back, it would have been destroyed. You would simply have her body, an empty, soulless vessel.

But small alterations of her form are harmless and easily changed back if you do not like them. Things such as skin color, height, length of the hair, body shape, and facial features. These are all very minor changes, very easy.

This was all a little scary but the thought of small alterations made a little thrill go through me. What could I change?

Sounds of sizzling and the smell of bacon were coming from the kitchen. I got up, threw my bathrobe on and headed after Julia.

“Marcellene, I’ll talk to you later.”

As you wish mistress, I will be waiting.

Julia was in the kitchen making bacon and pancakes. Julia actually was a very good cook and really enjoyed playing around in the kitchen. The sight of her tight little body walking around the kitchen naked was quite a turn on. I sat on one of the counter stools to watch.

She was expertly moving around the kitchen like a short order cook, flipping the pancakes, frying the bacon and setting two places at the counter.

As she moved around I studied her naked body and wondered what I should change. She didn’t have an ounce of fat on her so I couldn’t change that. She was so beautiful that I didn’t want to play with her facial features. What then? Better make it something small to start.

As she turned around I found myself looking at her crotch. The thin, soft dark hair that covered her pussy. There wasn’t very much down there but she didn’t seem to trim it very much at all. From eating her last night I remembered that it tickled my nose and got stuck to my tongue. I bet eating her would be better if she was hairless between her legs. Well, here goes nothing.

I concentrated on her pussy hair, imagined it getting shorter and shorter until it was gone and she was completely bald between her legs. Her back was to me and I couldn’t tell if it had worked. I watched her tight bottom wiggle as I waited for her to turnaround. I was getting impatient and was just about to order her to turnaround and spread her legs for me when she turned towards me with a stack of pancakes on a plate.

She was hairless between her legs! It worked! I squeezed my thighs together and wiggled my ass on the stool, this was all such a turn on I was having a hard time controlling myself. As I looked at her I couldn’t see any signs of hair, not even a little change of skin color or texture like shaving would leave. The hair was completely gone. She looked so smooth… smooth and sexy!

“Ready to eat?” she asked with a smile.

“Yes. Everything looks delicious, absolutely delicious.” I said with a sly grin.

We sat down side by side at the counter, I was still in my bathrobe, Julia was still naked. As we ate we talked about different things. Work, friends, lots of things. I was studying Julia for any other signs of change as we were eating, wondering how much I had altered her mind last night. I hadn’t heard her mention her boyfriend or any man for that matter during the whole meal. Usually talk about men took up about ninety percent of Julia’s talking. So it seemed she was still changed, I hoped she was but I couldn’t be sure.

Julia’s next words confirmed my hopes.

“Do you know the girl who just moved into the condo at he end of the row, I think it’s number 24? You know, she’s that hot redhead with the great set of tits. Did you know that she has a sister?” Julia asked this last bit with a wicked gleam in her eye.

“No, I didn’t know that, what about it?” Hearing Julia describe another woman as hot and talking about her tits was really kinky. I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to control myself.

Julia, still with that wicked smile, swirled her finger in the maple syrup on her plate, lifted the finger to her mouth and slowly licked the syrup off. “Well it seems that her sister is her twin. Picture that, their are two of those sexy little numbers walking around.” She slid her finger into her mouth and sucked the remaining syrup from her finger.

“Seems to me we should take a walk down to her condo some day and introduce ourselves.” Julia dipped her finger in into the syrup again and raised it up, the syrup ran down her finger and down the back of her hand. “She is new around here and he might need some new friends. We might get to know her a little more…” she pushed the finger covered with syrup between my lips, it was warm and sweet “intimately.” The last word came out as a soft purr.

With Julia’s last work the lust finally took over and I completely lost all control. I grabbed Julia and practically threw her onto the couch. I leapt on top of her and planted my lips on hers. We wrapped our legs and arms around each other as frantically kissed and clutched at each other. I felt Julia’s long tongue slide into my mouth and eagerly sucked on it. Her grasping hands ripped off my bathrobe and grabbed hold of my ass, pulling my hips tight to hers. She held me tight and we ground our hips together, crushing our pussies together as hard as we could. I was moaning loudly into Julia’s mouth and she was moaning into mine.

Julia broke our kiss and pushed me up so I was kneeling over her, she slid down and latched onto one of my nipples, one of her hands wet up between my legs and she slid a finger inside me.

“Oooohhhh, Julia, that’s soooo goood! Oh Julia, make me cum! Please, Make me cum!” I was delirious with pleasure, moaning uncontrollably, my mind was immersed in a hazy fog of pleasure.

Julia started furiously rubbing my swollen clit. Already on the edge of ecstasy, my pussy exploded with pleasure and I came in an intense rush. I screamed as my cunt convulsed, my juices dripped out onto Julia who continued to rub my incredibly sensitive love button.

Wave after wave of mind numbing pleasure surged through me. It was even more intense than last night, it was soul shattering, it was heaven. I looked a Julia’s beautiful face, still sucking on my hard nipple, a look of blissful pleasure on her face and thought she looked so beautiful last night when she was in the throws of passion. The thought came to me that she should be cumming too, she should cum whenever I do. Without realizing what I was doing I pushed that thought into her.

As another orgasm struck me, I cried out with the hot pleasure of it. I was delighted to see Julia cum at the same time. She screamed loudly but it was muffled because her mouth was still latched to my breast. She writhed underneath me with the intensity of her passion as I continued to enjoy the pleasures her body was giving me.

Unable to hold myself up anymore, I collapsed on top of Julia. She immediately rolled me over and we fell off the couch onto the floor in a heap. She turned around and spread her legs, sliding down between my legs so that out pussies touched. She grabbed hold of one of my legs, pulled our pussies tight together and started grinding herself against me.

It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. The feel of her soft hairless, cunt lips rubbing against my own swollen twat was so incredibly perverted, so naughty. “You’re such… a little… slut!” I managed to get out between my grunts of pleasure.

“I know… but I’m…Oooohhh….I’m… your little slut!” Julia said back between her own grunts and groans of ecstasy.

Hearing Julia say she was my little slut put me over the top. I grabbed hold of one of Julia’s legs and pulled our cunts tight together as I approached my climax. Finally with another loud moan I came as I frantically rubbed my pussy against Julia’s.

Julia cried out “I’m cumming again! Oh, your little slut’s cumming! Ooohh, ooohhh, AAAAHHHH!” She kept grinding against me as I
felt her hot pussy juice squirt out onto me. Out hot fluids mixed together as we continued to hump and grind.

She’s cumming so hard I thought, I want her to keep cumming, one long orgasm till I make her stop, I pushed the thought into her.

Julia screamed louder and she continued to thrash against me only more violently. “Oh GOD! I’m still CUMMING! I can’t stop… don’t stop… cumming! OOOOHHHH!!! It’s soooo gooood! AAAAAHHHH!” she continued to scream. Her juices continued to flow out of her cunt and were soaking us and the floor.

I needed a breather and watching Julia having one continuous orgasm was so erotic that pulled off of her to watch. I backed up and leaned against the couch to rest for a moment. Even with out me touching her she continued to scream and writhe on the floor. Her beautiful body covered with sweat and girl juice as her own hands wandered her body, pinching, pulling, rubbing and stroking. After a few minutes of watching I began to get a little worried.

“Oh, I can’t… take much… oooohhhh…. aaaahhhhh!!! Can’t… stop…. soooo fucking goood! Oooooohhh! I… I… oooohhhh!” She was still moaning and panting but Julia’s movements were starting to become slower and her words were a little slurred, I thought I may have done a little too much to her so I pushed on her mind to make her stop cumming.

She immediately stopped moving and just lay still on the floor. A little more worried I went over to her and lifted her head into my lap. She looked up at me with a blissful smile and slurred out “I love you…” and then she fell asleep.

I picked her up, set her on the couch and covered her with a light blanket. I gave her a light kiss on the lips and went into the bathroom to wash up.

That had been incredible. Julia was an absolute animal in bed. Well actually we hadn’t had sex in the bed yet, just the couch… and the stools… and the floor. But the bed would come soon enough I was sure.

I stepped into the hot shower and fantasized about what I could do to Julia. What else could I change? I thought about our talk during breakfast. She had talked about the new girl in unit 24. Was Julia having fantasies about other women? Apparently. Well I thought, if she wanted to fantasize, thinking about the new redhead wasn’t a bad start. She was about our age, maybe 26 or so, red hair, pretty face, lots of freckles, nice ass and huge tits. Quite a combination.

But first I had to master my control, which meant practicing. And Julia was my practice girl. I just had to take it easy on her and not hurt her. The problem was that I got horny so easily now! Every time I’m around her I want to have sex with her. And this morning it had actually been her who seduced me, so I had apparently made her as horny as I was. How could I practice if I couldn’t stop having sex with her?

I would just have to resist the urge to have sex until I couldn’t hold out any longer. I had to master my new powers, and to master them I needed to practice.

I got out of the shower, dried up and put on a tanktop and shorts with nothing under them. Then I spent the next few hours cleaning up place. Made myself lunch and generally just tried to keep my mind occupied. Julia continued to sleep and it was hard to keep working while she lay only a few feet away, the blanket pulled down, exposing her small, firm breasts.

At last she woke up. She sat up stretched languidly and smiled when she saw me looking at her. The blanket had fallen away and she sat there naked, her body exposed to me again.

“Like what you see?” she asked with that mischievous smile again.

Oh no, not again. “You know I do, but no more fooling around just yet. Now go take a shower, you smell like sweat and pussy.”

She walked slowly up to me and in a sexy, almost careless manner, traced the side of my breast with one fingertip. “I thought you would have liked the smell of my pussy. You ate enough of last night.” The finger made it’s way to my nipple and she gently rubbed the fingertip around my hard little nub in small slow circles.

“Ooohhh.” I couldn’t help myself and let out a soft moan. She was seducing me again, my cunt was on fire already. I had to regain control. “Go take a shower.” As I said it I desperately pushed on her mind, knowing that if I didn’t get rid of her now, we’d be going down on each other again in just a few seconds.

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Here you are...another night spent here in front of your PC.Reading another erotic fiction about gender bend,your already 21 years have no job.your not good at studies,your a useless NEET living day by day on your parents fortunes.You don't go out of your house,you stay in your all day while everyone looks down on you and keeps giving you lectures to get your life together.You're tired of think "man,women have it easy..all they need to do is use their body get whatever they...

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So I was sitting there between Phil and Bob , when Lisa told them me to help them get undressed . One by one they rose, first Bob, and I pulled his shirt offer his head, then I undid his belt, un snapped his jeans, and pulled them down. I saw his hard cock pushed his undershirts out, and as I pulled them down, releasing him I looked towards Lisa who nodded to me. I took that as encouragement and cupped his sack in one hand, then kissed the head and slowly took it in my mouth. I alternately...

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It was a lot of little things that first made me suspicious that my beautiful, sexy wife of just three years had found other avenues of expression in her life. Things continued to be great at home. We enjoyed everything together, especially sex. Both of us had been in our late twenties when we decided to get married. Neither of us were strangers to robust sex when we met. Then we had lived together for a year prior to taking the step. We shared so many common interests together that we never...

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KUMBH MELE ME SAADHWI KI CHUDAI Mera naam anil hai mai ek teacher hu age 25 y. hai maine apne bare me aaplogo ko kuch sachchi ghatnae batai hai aap logo k mujjhe achche jawab mile aap sab ko meri stories bahut pasansd aai thanks aaj mai aaplogo k liye taja kahani lekar aaya hu Jaisa ki aaplog jante hai ki allahabaad me kumbh mela laga hua hai mai kumbh mele me nahane gaya hua tha waha maine bahut maja kiya waha par lakho log jute theladke ladkiya aurte aadmi sab waha ganga k tat pen aha rahe...

4 years ago
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Dear Dirty Diary part 1

Dear Dirty Diary I turned forty-seven in December and for the first time in my life, felt a need to record my most personal thoughts and actions. My husband told me it would put everything into perspective and pointed out that someday when I'm old and gray, I'll have these memories to cherish. Of late, I have been hopelessly preoccupied with matters of the heart. In particular, urges of a sexual nature have bordered on becoming an obsession. I'll be the first to admit that my desire had waned...

1 year ago
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The Offering

The janitor was far from surprised to see light streaming from beneath the door bearing the placard Cameron Baxter, Curator Antiquities, despite the late hour. With a smile and a shake of his head, he continued down the hall, planning to return at the end of his shift – as usual. Inside, Cameron tucked an errant lock of curly, walnut brown hair back behind her ear and sighed. Though she’d expected the result, the email confirming her suspicions about the small collection of late period Egyptian...

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i found this offline message wating for me

this is another very conservative (small c, conservative... dresses plain, and is a firm and tough professional in the office where she manages a team of professionals. THe young people that work for her thing she is a no-nonsense, tough, a-sexual matron. my last message to here was that i had to leave, because i was snowed in, and had to shovel my way out... and also i had some popcorn cooking... when i came back a couple of days later, i found this waiting for me:(the pics i'm including...

4 years ago
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Unknown Amir Aunty Ko Diya Sukh

You can call me hunter mail id aur mai ahmedabad ka rehne wala hun agar koi lady gal ya aunty ko mei company chaiye ho to can mail me too to yeh incident tabka hai jab mai ek raat sg highway Ahmadabad par ek raat aise hi tehel raha tha to maine dekha waha kafi cars ake mere age slow hojati and koi mirror se jhank k chala jati.To mai wahi khada hogya and achanak se ek black sedan car mere age ake khadi hogyi. By the way I forgot to tell I look.Handsome as I height of 6ft fair skin and muscular...

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Movie Time Gone Wild

Hey, Everyone, This is JJ and I am a regular reader of ISS for the past 7 years and This is the First experience that I am gonna share so if there are any mistakes kindly adjust. My name is Siddharth and I am from Coimbatore. I am 5’6 ft tall and have a decent 6.5-inch cock. The story is about my Classmate, Her name is Disha and Her stats are 36-32-34. Yeah, she’s a curvy busty girl with muskmelon sized boobs, you can’t have them in one hand. We started talking in the first year casually and we...

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A Perfect Weekend Getaway With My Iss Reader

Hey, everyone! I’m back again with an experience that occurred just today :) Having been a regular and an avid Indian sex story reader, I tend to share my sex experiences with you guys. After my last sex story was published, I got a lot of emails asking you know what. But there was this one reader’s mail that particularly caught my attention. She just wrote saying how she enjoyed my sex story and got wet and ended up fingering herself to multiple orgasms. She didn’t ask for any sexual favors or...

2 years ago
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Iam a Cuckold Now Blacken

My current way of life started 3 years ago when I met my future wife. I was teaching 12th grade history when the most stunning girl I had ever seen walked into my class. Her name was Lynn and she had just turned 18. To say she was beautiful would be an understatement. She was 5 feet tall and weighed only 90 lbs. Her long blonde hair rested just above her perfect ass and she had just the right amount of curves. Besides being beautiful she was also incredibly sweet and kind which I found unusual...

3 years ago
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Moms Summer Camp SwapChapter 4

Mavis Richards lay in the darkness of her own bedroom with her mind confused, her nipples hard, and her pussy dripping wet. This was unreal! Being this horny twice in one day? Horny enough the first time to... to do what she had done that afternoon, and so horny this time from hearing her own children actually balling in their bedroom! She should have been outraged. She should have gone storming in on them and given both of them the whipping of their young lives. But she hadn't. She...

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The Meeting 1

I am not the author, a friend of mine isThere is a knock at my front door. I open it and find you standing there in uniform my heart skip’s a beat. You look so sexy and edible. You step inside, no words are exchanged. You pull me close and kiss me sucking on my tongue. Long deep kisses taking my breath away. You slowly move your lips down and around my neck sucking, tasting my soft skin. I moan quietly as the warm feeling moves to my pussy. We pull apart and say “hello”. I then take your hand...

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Orgy Island

Somewhere on the South American islands of the Parovian Atoll, a party was underway. It was New Years day, but like any other day on the island paradise of Parovia, every day was a party day. The beaches were full. The clubs were loud. The pools crowded with scantily clad tourists. Huge skyscraper hotels, entire villages of bungalows and tiki styled villas filled to the brim with excitement, souvenir stands and sun tan oil. Luxury yachts and jet skis neatly lined across all of the island's...

2 years ago
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Sissy to Be Chapter One

Sissy to Be - By: Beverly Taff List of characters: Me: Robert/Robbie Wendy: My twin sister. Angela: Our younger half sister by my mother's second boyfriend. Doris: My drippy mother who lets everybody walk all over her. Aunty Janet: My mother's pushy domineering sister. Harriet: Our friend from the next farm. Jessica: Harriet's older sister. Chapter One - The Appearance of Robbie "Robert! Come here this minute!" It was my mother shouting again. My...

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The Principal Paddles Me Once a Week

There were tears in my eyes, but I wasn’t upset. There was pain on my face, but my head was spinning with delight. My teeth were clenched as I happily waited for the next strike.He liked to slide the paddle around my ass for a few seconds between hits. And I’d get squirmy and squirrely waiting for it.Then he CRACKED it down on me, and I cried out as my knees buckled. I couldn’t imagine how red my ass was getting.It would’ve helped to spread my legs more, I think. But I couldn’t. He insisted I...

4 years ago
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A Boring Job Becomes Even Less Boring

So, three months had passed since my ‘encounter’ with Suzy, the hot girl in the apartment complex I managed who was often delinquent with her rent check. I know it’s awful, but I’d been hoping like crazy she’d run into similar financial trouble the next month, so that she’d be forced to pay me some, er, alternative way, but no dice. She’d been paying her rent on time, and the few times we passed each other entering or leaving the complex, she completely ignored me, as if my dick had never been...

4 years ago
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Days With My Girl My Wife My Life

The sun rose. It was an awesome feeling. I was lying on the bed. The sun rays were glittering. I can hear the voice off water droplets from the bathroom. There she takes bath. She is my wife, Neethu. She came out from the bathroom in churidar and with a shy smile she gave me a good morning. She came and sat on the bed. I hold her head and brought it forward near my face and we had a long kiss. It was a month ago, I was compelled for a marriage and started and account in a web portal. I got many...

3 years ago
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His special secretary 1

I'm a 35 years old man, white with a quite small and slim body, I'm very ashamed by the size of my cock but at least it seems to satisfy my wife. I work in IT but am currently looking for a job and broadened my search to any office work due to difficulties in finding one. Regarding this, I have an interview today for a position as office assistant for the vice president of a finance company.I arrive to the office and I'm asked to wait by the receptionist, she tells me that Sir Vatier will be...

1 year ago
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Sarah Wins the Meet

Sarah Michelle was a Princess. Not a make-believe princess like the kind you find in books or theme parks, but a real live princess descended from a long line of notable royalty. She did not like to advertise the fact that she was nobly born because it caused her friends in school to tease her ceaselessly about being “stuck up”. Her entire family had to leave the kingdom of Moranovia because of the tiresome feud between the members of the royal line and the young and newly elected members of...

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Master Bator Jorge the Masseur

"...ooohh Darling, this feels sooooo smooth.... You have never shaved me before, and got me all slimy! Now baby... while you fuck me good, you can tell me about that surprise you have been telling me since we arrived to this resort...."Full of lust, the hot woman was getting in all fours to show her husband her new clean look, when a clear KNOCK - KNOCK - KNOCK ! came from the door. She barely had the time to grab one of the diminute towels to half-cover herself, as her husband opened the door...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Jennifer White Second Appearance

Jennifer White. What a total slut! Just look at her!! Standing in the adult bookshop, sending out a “dog whistle” that any second, she’ll take the stroll back to the video arcade to make herself available at “the hole”. Shaking her ass (that barely fits in her tight, skimpy shorts) so much the clerk finally comes over to reprimand her! Once in the infamous Booth Number 5, Jennifer will take on any and all…unless a white pee-pee pops up. Ignore. Giggle....

2 years ago
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Blond Boy Gets Lucky in Puerto Rico

The Story Behind: “Blond Boy Gets Lucky in Puerto Rico”by: Billy xHamster - Blondk** 2020 *****************************************************************(Please check the photographs in the album “Blond Boy Gets Lucky in Puerto Rico” which are not shown in their proper order, but at least you can see some of the characters in this story.)Sean McAdams arrived in his freshman dorm room to find his roommate was already settled in. His roomy was an overweight, balding 19 yo with glasses, not...

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The Beauty Of Japan fragile and innocent

It's winter here in Korea. If you look out the big picture window in the loft area you see a blanket of snow covering the ground. The smell of hot chocolate and pine fill the house. My daughter loves Christmas. We celebrate it every year together. It doesn't snow much here and she's excited. But this year i have to go to japan on a business trip. She's upset that she has to spend Christmas with the elderly women who lives downtown. A women who was very kind to me through my harsh...

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Surprise Referral

For those who follow my posts (everyone of them is factual, not fantasy), you know I've been a long-time sexual mentor of newbies and youngers. You also know that, as a mature bi guy, I share my experience - knowledge - patience - creativity without restriction (as long as prospective newbies/youngers are legal age of consent).Today, I had a visitor who showed up out of the blue. Most often, lately, my playmates/students have been male. Most are either university students or faculty. I do my...

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Angeliques experience with cock size

My wife and I recently were talking about dick size. She said she didn't understand why guys were so hung up on size. "Size doesn't really matter" she said. I said, really guys weren't the ones hung up on the size of a damn cock, but it was the women who were fascinated with it. I said "the women not hung up on size are the one's that haven't had a really big dick yet." "What do you mean?" she said. I said, "Angelique if you ever had a bigger dick, you would probably go wild as shit." "I think...

3 years ago
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Computer repair

I was fixing your computer and all was quiet in the apartment, you were sitting there asking me questions about what i was doing....... you got up and told me I had a little over an hour left before I had to leave for work, and if I finished up soon, to come find you when I was done. I was almost finished doing what needed to be done when you walked back out to me, wearing a sexy white negligee. The sight of you took my breathe away and I was speechless. It was high cut thong bottom pulled up...

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Introduction of Katie

It was another Friday night at happy hour at our local bar. The place was crowded this evening and it was the weekend before another group session. I had met Jennifer and Jerry there, as well as a lot of regulars. Holly and Nick arrived a little later than normal. Holly had relatives in town and brought them along for dinner in the restaurant section of the bar before wandering over to the bar side and the music. Our group was feeling fairly descent by the time Nick, Holly, and her family had...

Group Sex
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Fun With A UK Couple

FUN WITH A UK COUPLE I was browsing the messages on an adult contact site when one ad caught my eye. It read “Mature UK couple looking for well endowed male to join us on our holiday for sexy fun. Preferably white, fifty plus straight male. For more info e-mail us with picture.” The message was signed M & H. As I fitted all their criteria I decided to send them an e-mail with a 'regular' picture attached and the next day got a reply complete with pictures of themselves. The picture I'd...

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The Reluctant Papa

One for the Nude Day contest. Here we have Daniel, Craig’s father, struggling with his son’s recent arrival at the London apartment. Daniel is also having difficulty in coping with Craig’s Ukrainian girlfriend parading around in just her underwear. I hope you enjoy the following effort. Feedback is welcome. I had a beta-reader with this, so any errors that remain aren’t my fault. …Okay, a joke, of course any glitches in the text are down to me. Thank you for reading. GA — Koh Samui,...

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Yummy mummy

My name is Pamela, known to my sexy friends as Auntie Pam. I’m 44, single and a size 14, and have been told I’m a yummy mummy. I’m bi, love giving and receiving oral, playing with toys and enjoy both anal and vaginal fun. Roll play is something I really enjoy, some may say my tastes are a little perverse being a mature woman who loves having sexy fun with younger men and couples. I’d also like to be in touch with other mature women that like having fun with young men too. How it all began. It...

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RayChapter 5

It was another beautiful day in paradise as some of the retirees in the neighborhood were fond of saying. With it being a Friday afternoon, Ray was wondering what he would be doing this weekend - better yet, who would he be doing it with when his phone rang. Ray picked the phone up and introduced himself. He heard, "Ray, this is Beth Simpson. We met at Peg's wedding two weeks ago and I hope you remember me." Ray responded, "How could I forget that sexy, beautiful lady who goosed me when...

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Bea has some unusual experiences 2

The drive to Denton the next day took us about an hour. It was a warm October day, the temperature well up in the seventies. My appointment with the breeder was at ten o’clock, and we had allowed for plenty of time. Helen had taken my suggestion and not worn a bra. As I watched her at the wheel, I could see how the material of the jersey she was wearing hugged the firm shape of her breasts. The least little rocking motion of the car caused them to bob deliciously. I had worn a skirt and...

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