SynergyChapter 7 free porn video

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He awoke a few hours later to find the three of them had shifted to a different position. He was now on his back with a girl resting her head on each of his shoulders. Straining to look down he saw dark blonde hair on one side and dark brown on the other. They were facing each other and very quietly whispering to each other. When they felt him move they stopped talking and looked up.

"Now this is something I could get used to," he sighed happily. "A beautiful woman on each arm ... What more could any man ask for?"

"You are such a pig," Melody giggled. "If you really had both of us to satisfy you'd be dead within a week."

"Ahhh, but what a way to go," he sighed just as his stomach let loose with a ferocious growl.

"It sounds like the top hog needs to be fed," she giggled again and rubbed his stomach.

"I'll get it," Malinda said jumping up and rolling off the bed.

"I'll help you," Melody added pushing herself up.

"What? You don't think I can do it?" Malinda frowned.

"Of course you can," Melody soothed her sister. "But you don't know where we keep everything."

"Mmm, true I suppose," Malinda's eyes narrowed. "Well, okay, you can help, but only help." Saying that she turned around and left.

"She is the worst cook in the world!" Melody whispered into Marlin's ear once her sister was out of earshot. "She can burn water without even trying. I'd better get out there or God only knows what awful stuff we might be trying to eat for dinner."

"No matter what it is I will put it in my mouth, chew and swallow with a smile," he assured her. "She's finally trying to do something around the house and that is no small thing."

"True," Melody admitted. "But still I should be getting out there before her offer of assistance becomes our sacrifice."

"You do that," he grinned and drew her down for a quick kiss. "I'll start outlining my new report. I have the feeling it's going to be magnificent!"

"That was wonderful!" Marlin exclaimed as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. Maybe wonderful had been a slight exaggeration but it certainly hadn't been the total disaster Melody had predicted. Of course he had no idea how much his lover had guided her sister in the preparation.

"Thanks," Malinda muttered even as she blushed. "I'm sure Mel would have done better."

"Possibly," he admitted. "But then Melody has a touch with food that I believe borders on the magical. We all have things we're better at that others just as others are better at certain tasks than we are. Now Melody does best at, well let's see, cooking, cleaning, laundry, planting, taking care of the animals and fixing up the house while my strengths lie in more ... shall we say, the more intellectual pursuits?"

"You liar!" Melody laughed and hit him on the chest then flopped down in his lap. "You do more around here than I do, you bag of hot air."

"I'm not sure what I'm good for," Malinda sighed. "I haven't done anything useful for years except stripping and I don't think I want to do that again."

"That probably wouldn't be a good idea," Marlin agreed.

"But maybe I can dance for you," she grinned evilly as she stood up grinding her hips and moving her torso in a sinuous weave.

"That is also probably not a good idea," Marlin gulped. "Unless after about two minutes you want to see me drag your sister back to her bedroom and have my wicked way with her."

"Oh! Oh! I want to see you dance! I want to see you dance!" Melody clapped and bounced up and down on Marlin's lap. Both Marlin and Malinda burst out laughing as Malinda collapsed back into her chair.

"You don't need me to get him all riled up," Malinda smiled sadly.

"Maybe not," Melody admitted. "But why take any chances?"

"I just wish there was something I could really do around here," Malinda sighed again. "I don't have a job now so I guess I'm just one of those parasites I'd been complaining about and it's not like anyone around here would trust me enough to hire me even if they didn't think I was a witch." Melody nodded sympathetically.

"Well, you know I was thinking," Marlin began and suddenly two sets of eyes bore down on him. "Hey, I told you my strengths were more toward the intellectual, didn't I? Anyway, this place has the potential of becoming a lot more self-sufficient and maybe even earning a few extra crowns with just a few changes. Now Melody couldn't do it all by herself and of course I'm completely useless..." This earned him another smack on the chest. "But with two of you, or maybe the three of us, it could work. That orchard back there is essentially going fallow and with a few chickens and maybe another cow or two ... I think it could work."

"You mean start having a real farm just like when daddy was with us," Melody smiled dreamily. "That would be nice."

"So I go from stripper to farmhand," Malinda snorted. "Not such a big difference, I suppose. I'd still be working with dumb animals. At least I wouldn't have to shake my tits at them."

"I don't know," Marlin began, knowing he shouldn't. "If we had a bull he might appreciate it. In fact he just might think he'd been plopped down in the milk-producing capital of the world." He ended up being pummeled by two women and just barely escaped from the kitchen with his life.

"Hey, there!" Marlin called out. Malinda was perched halfway up a ladder with her head in the branches of an old apple tree cussing up a storm and sawing away. Numerous dead limbs littering the ground around her testified to amount of work she'd already put into the job. "Just wondering if you needed a little help." The cursing stopped and Malinda backed down the ladder. She was sweating profusely and had on a sleeveless shirt tied at the bottom of her swinging breasts, skin tight shorts and big rubber boots that came up to almost her knees. There were a multitude of scratches on her arms and legs.

"You know, just a suggestion," he continued. "You might want to dress in work clothes instead of something you'd wear on a date Saturday night."

"You'd want your date wearing this when you take her out?" Malinda demanded.

"Heck yeah," Marlin grinned. "Those boots are sexy as hell."

"Asshole," Malinda grinned back at him.

"True," he replied. "But as much as I'll probably be thrown out of the he-man club, you should wear long sleeves and long pants if for no other reason than to protect the delectable delicacies beneath them."

"It's too fucking hot," Malinda growled.

"Then you're working too hard," he countered. "Remember slow and steady gets the job done. The quick little bunny just wears herself out and drops dead from exhaustion."

"Yeah, well, did Mr. Slow and Steady finish all his chores all ready?"

"Yep, that's why I'm out here seeing if you needed a hand," he nodded.

"Really? That was quite a list Mel gave you this morning," Malinda gaped at him in disbelief.

"Yeah she was in a bit of a mood this morning but being lazy pays dividends," he responded,

"Yeah, we Hawking women can get a bit bitchy around our time of the month. But run that one by me again. How does being lazy help get any job done?" she asked.

"That's easy," he answered. "The first thing I do is sit down and think about the job. Mostly about what would be the easiest way to get the job done. Amazingly enough it turns out the easiest way is usually the quickest way so they're done and here I am."

"And it has nothing to do with avoiding one little prickly pear back in the house..." she teased.

"Almost nothing," he said with a straight face.

"Yeah right," she scoffed and sat down on the log of an old fallen tree. "You know I've been thinking..." He started to open his mouth but her suddenly narrowed eyes caused him to clamp it shut again and smile. "Wise man," she snickered. "I may not be sleeping with you but I can make you walk funny all day if I wanted to and don't you forget it."

"I have no idea what you are talking about," he replied innocently.

"Uh-huh, I'll just bet you don't," she harrumphed. "Anyway I was thinking about those animals you talked about buying. Do you have any idea how we're going to pay for them? How much cash do we have now?"

"A small flaw in my plan, I will admit," he sighed sitting down beside her. "I put my meager pay in the jar in the living room and I think Melody does the same with what your sister and mother send. She buys what we need and when it's gone we don't buy anything until we get some more. I don't know exactly how much we have but it's probably not much."

"It's almost nothing," Malinda stated. "Certainly not enough to buy what we want. However I do have some money saved. But ... but it's in the bank in Brighton and I have to go get it in person. Marlin, I don't think I can go there alone!"

"Whoa there! To begin with you certainly don't have to spend your money..."

"What? This isn't my home too?" she demanded.

"Of course it is..."

"You and Mel aren't married yet and until you are I can still live here and if I want to put my money into the family farm I can do it if I damn well please!" she exclaimed.

"Again, whoa!" he said putting his hands up. "Melody and I haven't even talked about marriage although I suppose it's not ... beyond the realm of possibility," he gulped. "But even if that were to happen I'm sure you would be welcome here as long as you wanted to stay."

"That thinking about being married kind of stuck in your throat, didn't it?" she teased.

"It's ... a new concept I'll admit," he shivered. "But not without merit. However that's for a future discussion and not one between you and me. As for your money ... Of course you can do whatever you want with it I was just saying it wasn't expected. As for going to Brighton alone ... Well I'm sure the two of us can go with you and if not then at least I can."

"I won't be welcome there," she whispered softly.

"We can get there early in the morning and be back by the afternoon," he assured her. "You're not wanted for anything, are you?"

She hesitated for a moment. "No," she finally said. "But the last time I was there there was a fight over me, and a man was killed. I didn't really have anything to do with it but I won't be welcome. Oh, Marlin, I've been so bad!" She started sobbing and leaned against his shoulder. With one arm around her back he reached under her legs with his other arm and pulled her onto his lap where she continued to cry grabbing onto the front of his shirt fiercely. A few minutes later he heard someone walking up behind them.

"And just what is going on here?" Melody demanded. "What is my sister with her tits hanging out and painted on pants doing sitting on your lap?

"You can discuss proper working attire with her if you'd like; I already tried," Marlin replied then as an aside he whispered, "I did tell her the boots were sexy, though."

Melody frowned for a second and then smacked him in the arm, hard. "You goof! All right now what is this all about?"

"Malinda needs to return to Brighton and retrieve the money she has in the bank and I assume also what possessions she might have left. Unfortunately she is scared to go back so I told her that either we or I would go with her. She's a little distraught thinking about some of the reasons she might not be welcome back there."

"Oh. Sorry," she said blushing. "Well, good. You two can go tomorrow. It will get you out of the house and keep you from being under foot. Although I will say there has been a whole lot of lap sitting going on around here that I haven't been involved with. Mandy, you do remember that you're just borrowing that lap and not homesteading it, don't you?"

"Yes," came a tiny voice from beneath Marlin's chin. "Thank you."

"Mmm," Melody huffed. "Well I suppose someone ought to take advantage of it and it might as well be you. Right now I can barely stand the sight of him let alone think about sitting on his lap.

"Good Lord, Mandy!" Melody exclaimed. "What did you do to your arms and legs? You really are an idiot. Come on; let's get those taken care of right now." Grabbing her sister's hand she pulled her upright. "I swear sometimes you act like you have more brains in your boobs than you do in your head."

"If I did then I'd be a genius," Malinda smiled and then sniffed. Melody rolled her eyes and dragged her sister off.

"It will be all right," he assured her for the tenth time as the coach pulled into the Brighton coach terminal and the hissing air brakes jarred them to a stop. She held his hand in a grip that was practically crushing. Like she was a drowning woman and he was her only lifeline.

Their first stop was the bank where she closed out her account taking two hundred crowns in cash and the remainder as a bank draft. Marlin did his best not to see how much that draft was for. Next was her apartment where she fretted about what to take.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with all this shit," she said waving at the spangled, stretchy and mostly tiny costumes from her dancing days. "I suppose I should just throw them all away."

"If you want," he shrugged. "But I'm guessing that someday there will be a man who you will want give a private showing to and he is going to be very, very appreciative. Besides, they don't take up much room and can't weight anything." Her shoes were actually the biggest problem but they managed to fit them all in. The jewelry was another problem.

"These were all 'gifts' from my admirers," she sighed. "I guess I really was a whore."

"A gift is just that, Malinda," he soothed her. "Just because a man gave you something hoping it might ... ah, make you more inclined to spend time with him, it's still just a gift."

"Well, there were times I might have inferred that this little trinket or that one might make me more amenable to his advances," she responded with a crooked grin.

"A gray area," he admitted, "but not one you should worry about now. Take them and if you don't want them you can sell them and be done with it."

After they had taken everything down to the street, she contacted the landlord. Her rent was paid up till the end of the month so that wasn't a problem and she informed him anything she had left he could have. They called a cab and hauled it all down to the coach terminal.

They were sitting on a bench talking quietly waiting for the next coach when they were interrupted by a gruff voice in front of them.

"Mandy Hawking, you bitch!" They looked up to see a large, angry man scowling down at them. "I think you owe me some one-on-one time, you little slit. I've been looking for you for a while now and I heard you were in town."

"I'm sure it must be nothing more than a misunderstanding," Marlin said standing up. Malinda tried to pull him back down but he refused to budge. He stood directly between the man and Malinda. "You see the lady and I were just getting ready to leave town..."

"Get out of my way, you little shit," the big man hissed.

Marlin looked up and cocked his head and tapped his cheek as if thinking. "No, I don't believe I will."

"And what are you going to do when I splatter you all over this sidewalk? Huh, big man?"

"Well, considering I'll be splattered I probably won't be able to do much but the constable walking up behind you might take exception," Marlin stated reasonably.

The man looked back over his shoulder quickly and indeed there was a uniformed officer standing not three feet behind him a nightstick swinging in his hand.

"And what might be going on here?" the constable asked as he walked around and stood between them.

"This gentleman thought he had some business with my lady friend but I'm sure he realized he was mistaken," Marlin answered evenly.

"Ah, Rufus," the officer tapped the big man on the chest with his stick. "It's not often we see you out this early. Maybe you should go home and hide for awhile."

"This ain't got nothing to do with the law," Rufus grunted. Suddenly the nightstick was jammed up under his chin tilting his head back.

"If I say it has to do with the law, then it has to do with the law," the officer hissed. "Now get moving before I run you in for littering."

Rufus scowled and turned around but grumbled back over his shoulder, "I'm waiting for you, bitch; you just remember that! Ouch!" he shouted when the constable smacked him hard in the kidney.

"Now unless you want me to be calling for assistance and to add resisting arrest to the beating we'll be giving you, you'd best be on your way." Rufus grumbled but quickly made his way down the street.

"Now who do we have here?" he asked turning around and firmly pushing Marlin to the side until he could see Malinda. "Ah, Malinda Hawking, and I thought it was going to be such a nice day. What are you doing back here, girl? You know you're not welcome here in Brighton."

"Officer," Marlin interrupted gently. "We just came back this morning to retrieve her belongings. We'll be leaving on the next coach."

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Alice and Terri followed Angie into Eric and Angie's bedroom. "You've been avoiding us all morning," Terri accused. Angie turned to the girls, looking from one to the other. "No, I haven't ... uh, well, maybe a little bit..." "We want to know how they can have orgasms while just sitting at the table," Alice blurted. When Angie hesitated, "Oh, come on, Mom. I'm almost thirteen." With a sigh, Angie plopped down in a chair. "Pull a seat over," she said, stalling. Both girls did...

3 years ago
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Salad Dressing

At the age of eighteen I got involved with Pierre, a man almost twice my age. Given the history of his former relationships I should have seen the writing on the wall, because by the time I was twenty-six, I had become too old for him. I was replaced by a nineteen-year-old, who was twenty-three-years younger than Pierre. Pierre only liked young meat. The bust-up was disappointing but not particularly traumatic, and my generous settlement assuaged my disenchantment.I moved to a small town where...

Gay Male
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My First Time

strongly based on my first experience of "dressing" and the consequences. I think of it as "enhanced truth", for as the Irish say "a good tale should always improve in the telling". For the record I spent several years as a child with a house full of Irish navvies, and great Back in the late 1960's I came home on leave from the Army to find my mother was away looking after her younger sister who ...

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First Time With My Daughter Penny Two

My green eyed beauty and I had been having sex just over two months and I think that Penny is even happier now than I have ever seen her. She kind of tricked me into noticing just how amazingly sexy she truly is but now that I know, I can’t get enough of her beautiful body. She came home from school this afternoon with her best friend Jill, who is also an extremely good looking young woman and also in her late teens, like my Penny. Jill is shorter than Penny’s 5’4” frame, being only 5’, but she...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Unsatisfied Neighbor

Hey guys! How are you all? This incident happened 10 days back in my life and her name is richa(name changed). She looks super hot and sexy and I’ve got to fuck her. And guess what..She is right beside me now watching me write this story. Coming to the story. Richa is a very horny girl (28 year old) and was dying to get her pussy fucked harder than ever.She was married 3 years back with a dumbo who cannot satisfy her sexual needs so she was searching for a guy and found me. She stays in our...

1 year ago
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Mother in Law and Sister and Law and me in a 3 way

Note : This story is completely fictional! I have already told you about fucking my sister in Law and my Mother in Law but now I got to fuck them both at the same time. It happened like this: I live in the same area as my in Law and my sister in Law lives with her family a couple of hundred miles away. My SIL came to visit her mom and since they were both going to be in town together I decided to risk it and let them know about how I had fucked them both. When my SIL got to town I got them both...

2 years ago
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You are what's known as a Guide. Some may call you a conscience, others instinct, others a voice of God. Your basically that voice in that back of people's heads that tells them what to do. You're job this week, is to build someone's confidence. You can do this by influencing someone's actions, until bit by bit they achieve the level of confidence they need to do what they want to do. So who are you going to help?

4 years ago
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The Apocalypse Chapter 1

There is not much sexual content in this part but there will be later on. I love stories that have a plot to them. Most characters have not had much physical descriptions to them yet and for that I am sorry. Please help me out in the comment on then and please tell me what you think! This is my first time writing a story like this, but I like it so far and have the next part in Progress. Sorry for any issues in the writing like misspellings. --------------------- Sam is 16,...

2 years ago
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Aphrodisia Ch 06

In the abyssal darkness of a long forgotten tomb wherein an ancient treasure lay buried next to a broken altar, a nineteen year old boy named Jamie Sloane opened his eyes. He was still sprawled upon the hard stone floor where he had fallen unconscious the previous night and still entangled in his arms was the beautiful girl who he had been so vigorously pleasuring at the time. Her steady slow breathing was the only sound that filled the room, though Jamie felt the beat of his own heart...

2 years ago
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New Order New OpportunityChapter 10 Service With A Smile

James struggled to sit up, trying to make sense of his situation. Across the room, silhouetted in the light of the doorway the women that had brought him here were talking to a thin, short man. He showed every conventional respect to the women; nodding and barely speaking as they made their points forcibly, gesticulating and using a commanding tone. "You will put this one with the others," the one that had snatched him said. "But my client, Mistress... "Whose client?" "Yours,...

4 years ago
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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 13

“Well, this is just overkill,” the Hegemonic Knight said. Techne shook her head, her arms tucked over her chest as she stood next to Meetra, with Rossk and Mal both crouched over a set of controls. The controls were all analog – and they were of Mal’s design, which was why several of them were located considerably lower than many humans would have put them. The control system, via simple copper cables and vacuum tubes that had been fabricated for this purpose, would send the command to fill...

3 years ago
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Piano Man

[There is no explicit sex in this story. My intention is to elicit an emotional response from the reader. Please let me know with votes and comments how well I succeeded.] * When Josh’s Mom decided her boy needed to learn to play the piano he was seven. She found and bought a used upright, installing it in the family living room. Over three months she stripped the old finish off the wood, sanded and used steel wool to get the surface prepared and then used a marine grade polyurethane to make...

1 year ago
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Lunch Break In Office

Hello ISS readers,Here I am with another story, this story is all fiction none of the characters are real in this story, sorry if there are any mistakes. I am Raj Sharma 37 years married working as a chief analyst in a reputed financial company, I live with my wife Shweta 35 years a amazing personality very social like all modern women are but too has very little time for me, anyway this story is not about Shweta it’s about Sonia my personal secretary, she is working as my asst. from past 2...

4 years ago
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    "You're kidding, right," Becky said incredulously to her best friend Dana!?! "I'm telling you the truth," Dana said with a giggle, "just take a look at this," as she shoved the tape into the VCR and hit the play button!!! Both girls stared at the screen while waiting for the first images to come to appear, which turned out to be part of a bedroom!!! "See," Dana whispered, "there's dad, he's gettin' into bed!!!" They watched a little longer and Becky offered, "He's just reading...

2 years ago
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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

1 year ago
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The Knight and the Horny Mage Chapter 2

"Ugh..." Groaned Jack as he woke up. He felt something wet in the bed on his hand. He groaned and lifted his hand. "Did I have a wet dream AGAIN?" He opened his eyes and looked at his hand. He saw Sally's blood on his hand. "Oh, my god. I bled while I was asleep?" Sally walked in the room and stated, "No, stupid. You fucked me last night. You came like, TWICE." "Oh... I was hoping it was a dream... Ah fuck, why did you do that?" "1. I was horny. 2. I promised my previous master that I...

3 years ago
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The Dark Side of Chocolate

Prelude: The Box of Assorted Chocolates: There are reasons women never get what they want. Hey…hey don’t give me that look. If anyone has the right to lecture you, it’s me. Trust me when I say that its nature’s way of protecting us from ourselves. (And yes, male audience, I’m sure you’re loving this.) Nature is seeking to preserve us, the progenitors of humanity, even at the cost of a chocolate covered depression. In the end, we’re supposed to ended up with something better, safer, and less...

3 years ago
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Your Package Has Arrived Part 2

Your Package Has Arrived Ch. 02 A couple of weeks had passed since the UPS man caught me looking at gay porn while delivering a package to my house and made me suck him off by threatening to tell my wife and neighbors, and in spite of the fact that he had said he’d be back in a week, I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him. To be honest, while I liked the taste of his big black meat and liked being forced to swallow his cock, the fear of being caught or having this spiraling out of control was...

Gay Male
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Sexcrazed Zombies vs the Human RaceChapter 2

After my own personal experience with the covert sodomy practiced by the hybrid zombie population, I directed my attention to the insidious nature of the sex-crazed zombie development. There was no doubt that the entire affair was more complex than we first suspected because a new crop of female sex-crazed zombies added to the confused state of circumstances. My team had isolated a coven of the creatures in an area just south of “Old Las Vegas” out in the Nevada desert living like a sacred...

1 year ago
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I Know What You Did With My Panties Daddy

Hey, daddy. I know it’s late.I... I just needed to tell you something. It’s been on my mind for a while now.I thought it might go away when I went off to college, but… it’s only gotten more intense since I’ve gone.At nights, especially, I toss and turn and try not to wake my roommate. Some nights, I can’t sleep because I’m obsessing over it.Like tonight. I couldn’t sleep. And then I thought… if I could never bring myself to talk to you about this face-to-face, well… maybe I could tell you like...

3 years ago
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Teenager of the Year Book one

Authors Note: "Teenager of the Year" is actually the first sequel to my original series "Adam's Song - A tale of Delacroix High." I've written this story so that the original is not required reading: Everything important that transpired in the original is explained, so new readers won't feel left out. Having said that, if you get a chance, please feel free to check out the original story to flesh out the world and characters a little more. I was hoping to post this story with several...

3 years ago
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That Crazy Redhead

How on earth do I describe Mark? He had to be one of the strangest yet most interesting guys I ever dated if you could call what we did date. All he wanted to do was hang out and party. Never wanted to go anywhere or do anything except party. Mark was a tall red head with even less inhibitions than myself and I didn’t have very many so I should have figured he’d be trouble. I first met him at Tim my friend and co-worker’s house. I  was attracted to his intellect and I loved how tall he was at...

Straight Sex
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My first time with an older woman and man

When I was a senior in highs school I used to work for them , doing odd jobs around the house, move the lawn clean out the attic etc, one day it was hot and he and I was working in the attic and he told me dam it is out isn't it , I said yes sir it is, well take off some of these clothes and it will feel better, so we got down to our shorts and I looked at the bulge in his and man I wanted to see it and he looked at me and told me we are both man now take off all of it and I did, I was hard and...

2 years ago
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Armis IoChapter 26

All in all, the financial doings took about six months and didn’t involve Armis or her team of SEALs or her mercenaries. While the billionaires around the world were being stripped of money, Armis toured the planet, handing out two meter³ boxes. They were pretty heavy and bulky so she made only symbolic appearances, and her security team didn’t want to risk her in what were after all ‘just deliveries.’ The magbottles and replicators were mostly delivered by air: planes, then helicopter. There...

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Its My PartyChapter 62

Time: Sunday, March 3, 2019 12:24 PM Carla estimated they had come almost a kilometer into the deep forest, with perhaps two kilometers to go before reaching their intended rendezvous point at the river. Parni was leading her spear team at the point of the party, followed by Amy and Margaret who were on either side of Sandra and helping her with the breakneck pace of the travel. Behind these three was Thara, who in her former life played softball at the University and was their best team...

1 year ago
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My First Date

Thank you to xHamster for giving me the platform and opportunity to pursue my inner girly-gurl! Also a special thanks to my handful of friends, who each in their own way helped me uncover a little piece of myself, and gave me the necessary encouragement I needed to explore all the different possibilities of being a slutty little CD! In a relatively short amount of time, I discovered a lot about myself. Things that turn me on, and a few that don't, but I wanted to experience them all on my path...

3 years ago
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Sean comes back for more

Garry and Susan had a long lie-in the following day.  They made slow, lingering love all morning until it was time to stir.  Susan had never felt so sexually alive as she did right then.  Garry had always been a great lover, had always satisfied her in every way.  But her time with Sean had given her a deeper satisfaction than ever before.  She loved Garry and loved having sex with him.  But she couldn’t get Sean out of her mind.  She wanted him again. She knew that he was planning to visit...

Wife Lovers
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Kirayedar ko pela

We have rented the upper portion of our house to a family. They were newly married couple. Husband and wife and some times her cousin use to visit them. Wife’s name was Saroja. She looks very beautiful , i used to masturbate thinking of her. When they moved in I was in bangalore studying engineering, and after my engineering final exams, I was rather free most of the time, i used to go for coaching (master science,gre)for only 2-3 hours. Her husband Kishan was a employee who has to go for camp...

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The Houseguest

The Houseguest By Tyjord Based on an original drawing by Augustine?Hey, sis.? ?Cody,? the dark-haired girl shouted upon opening the front door. She grabbed the young man standing outside and pulled him to her. The embrace lasted a full minute before the two separated, the woman’s hands remaining on the boy’s shoulders. ?God, let me look at you. It’s been so long.? She looked him up and down, taking in every inch of the brother she hadn’t seen in almost a year. ?Too long,? he answered,...

2 years ago
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Ronnie B Good

I you ever happen to frequent the Hyperboard you may find a sweet and wonderful girl there by the name of Veronica. She always has a kind word for you and will often share her images with you. Most of the time she likes to be called Ronnie, and I dedicate the song below to her. The link to the midi I used to listen to only seems to be working for "Firefox" and not "Explorer." (Just letting people know). Well Ronnie, I do hope you like this song. The moment I heard I did think of you....

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Mi Amor

It had been four months since my ex had broken up with me. I admittedly had a hard time getting over being so unceremoniously dumped so those four months had passed without a date and without any female company outside of my close female friends. One Friday night after work I decided to ‘get back out there’ as my friends had recommended so frequently. I was going to a dance club that I always saw advertised in the weekly arts and entertainment newspaper but I was going alone with no friends to...

3 years ago
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MMB The Great Deptment Store Robbery

Prelude Robert Thomas Claymore, the owner of the T.C. Claymore Department Store chain was dead. He had died quite peacefully in his sleep on a cold winter's night in the middle of December. His heirs, Thomas Claymore Jr. and Thomasina had inherited his entire fortune which included his country estate, the department store chain itself and his private penthouse suite. A reclusive man in his later years, Robert Claymore chose to spend almost all of his time at the penthouse suite which...

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