CousinChapter 5 free porn video

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Dan awoke the next morning with sunlight streaming through the window. The air was already hot and he guessed it must be nine o'clock or later, judging from the angle the sunlight made coming across the window sill. He looked over at Lisa who was still sleeping. His eyes slid slowly over her naked form. With her wrists and ankles tied to the bed she was completely exposed, especially since her pubes were shaved bare. "She's lovely," he thought. "But even better I couldn't begin to dream up someone more fun sexually and, yes, just to be with." He continued to caress her with his eyes, but held his hands in check so as not to awaken her. The patches of sunlight falling on her shifted as her breathing made her shapely breasts rise and fall. Her body was lean and hard, but her curves appeared soft and feminine. Her blonde hair lay around her head like a halo and her legs looked almost too long for her five foot nine inch height. There were still a couple of lines left from the whipping last evening, but most had disappeared.

Again Dan found it almost too much to believe that the last three days had been real. He had expected to spend the time after that last load of hay was stacked in the loft just lying around reading or maybe watching some of those videos and jerking off. But he never dreamed that not only would he find a real, beautiful woman, but one who wanted him, who loved sex, and even truly enjoyed the type of games he had played only in his fantasies. But she did! They had had more sex and had enjoyed it more than either of them would have thought possible. And she really liked being tied, teased, and whipped. Incredible!

Lisa's breathing changed slightly and then her eyes blinked open and stared at him looking at her. "Hi," she said. Her gaze swept down from his face and when she encountered the sight of his cock, already hard and sticking out, added, "I see you seem to have recovered a little with some sleep. Am I to be ravished again, Captain?"

Dan smiled. "Hi, yourself. And I don't think I could ever tire of ravishing you, my lovely captive." With this he leaned forward and took first her left and then her right nipple inside his mouth. He alternated licking and sucking both and almost immediately her nipples became long and hard. He then ran his tongue down her body and began to lick and suck at her now wet pussy. Soon Lisa was fully aroused, gasping and struggling against her bonds.

Lisa began to speak in short gasps, "Now! Dan, I want it now. Come on, I need it now."

Dan stopped for a second. "Just what is it that you need now, Lisa?" he asked.

"Damnit, you know what I need. I need you inside me. I need you to fuck me, to fuck me hard and deep."

"Oh, why didn't you say so?" Dan laughed. But he stopped licking and, moving up her body, shoved his cock all the way inside her with one smooth motion. She was so wet he met almost no resistance. But once inside there was definitely resistance. Not to keep him out, but squeezing him, clamping down, trying to hold him inside of her as long as possible so that the eventual slide out and back in delivered a maximum of pleasure.

Within a couple of minutes both Dan and Lisa came in long, hard, and loud orgasms. As her breathing calmed, Lisa sighed, "I believe that makes forty two, but don't feel you have to quit when you get to fifty, Captain."

Dan finally pulled his softened member from her hot body. He leaned over and kissed, first each nipple and then her mouth. "Don't worry, Beautiful. I have no intention of stopping." He then untied her and, with their arms around each other, the couple headed into the bathroom for a quick shower and then, both still naked, downstairs for some breakfast.

While they were eating, Dan asked, "What do you want to do today? Besides getting laid, I mean."

Lisa stopped eating. "You mean there are other things to do? Well, OK, I'd like a chance to work the kinks out of my arms and legs a little. Maybe we can go swimming again. But this afternoon and tonight I want to explore Aunt Mary and Uncle Tom's playroom some more. I expect you would like to try out some of the other stuff they have down there."

Dan grinned. "That sounds just fine with me. I want to see you tied over that vaulting horse while I work over your pretty ass. Among other things. But a swim first sounds nice. I started to say this afternoon will probably get a lot hotter out and the basement might be cooler. But the more I think about getting you in that dungeon, the more I think it might actually be hotter downstairs."

As they headed out across the grass and down the hill towards the pond with its swimming area and float, Lisa said, "You know, it's going to be hard to start wearing clothes again. I've never been naked longer than overnight before, but it's been almost four days now. Of course, if this weather ever breaks, I might want something a little warmer, but for now I like the freedom. What about you? Do you think you might want to become a nudist?"

Dan shook his head. "No. I haven't been undressed quite as much as you have the last few days, and I do like the feeling. But nudists want to be naked to 'commune with nature' or some such. I like being naked with you, but I'm not all that interested in communing with nature - I want sex. If it's a choice between hugging trees and fucking you, there's no contest."

"Yeah, really I agree with you. I like being naked because of the feeling of freedom but also because it means I'm not free. I'm your captive and sexual plaything and being nude keeps me turned on and ready for you. That might sound confusing, but what it really means is I love sex with you. Even rough sex. I want to play the captive, to be bound and tortured - well, play torture, anyway - and to have you use me the way you want. The last four days have been like a dream - a wonderful, incredible, sexy dream. And I'm not ready to wake up yet."

The couple swam out into the pond well beyond the float and back several times. Several times they stopped and treaded water while kissing and feeling up each other. When they arrived back at the float the last time, Lisa started to climb out of the water onto it. "Wait a second," Dan called. "Just grab hold of the ropes and hang here in the water a minute."

Lisa took the rope which ran around the side of the floating wooden platform with her left hand. Dan swam across in front of her and she turned to face him with her back to the float and used her right hand to grab the rope on her other side. Dan approached and embraced her, clamping his mouth over hers and letting his tongue begin to explore. Her tongue quickly joined his and she shifted back and forth a little to rub her nipples against his chest.

The water was warm, not too much below body temperature. And when Lisa wrapped her legs around Dan she felt his cock, already hard, against her stomach. Dan slipped one hand down to her ass and used the other to pull himself harder toward the float and thus tightly against her. Both of the young people were becoming very aroused and before long Lisa helped Dan to slide his cock inside her. This, too, was a new experience for both of them. Ever since he had seen an early James Bond film, Dan had wondered if it was really possible to fuck under water. Now he was finding out. Just as they were both about to come, Dan gasped out, "Deep breath!" and drew in one himself as Lisa followed suit. He then clamped his mouth over hers and pulled at her hands. She got the idea quickly and, keeping her legs wrapped tightly around him, let go. They both slid beneath the water, making a real effort to try not to and breathe as their orgasms hit.

When they surfaced again, gasping for breath and giggling, Lisa said, "Wow! That was unlike anything I've ever felt. Have you done that before?"

"No, but I saw James Bond do something like that in a movie once and I figured if he could then..."

"Well," Lisa said, trying to imitate Double O 7's voice, "I hope we didn't frighten the fishes." With this both of them burst into laughter again.

They pulled themselves up onto the float and lay in the sun for awhile. Then swam again and finally went ashore to lie on the grass sunning themselves and drying off.

Before too long they began to feel hungry. "After all," Lisa thought, "we are burning an awful lot of calories." Hand in hand they went back to the house and found some soup and sandwich materials for lunch.

Afterwards Lisa wanted to go immediately downstairs to the playroom, but Dan insisted they had better let the food settle a little. "Then how about another video?" Lisa suggested.

Dan quickly agreed and soon the couple was settled in the large leather chair, Lisa's hands once again bound behind her, watching as a couple of young, naked women were whipped, tortured and otherwise abused by the evil count in his castle.

"Not much for plot," Lisa giggled, "but those whip marks do look real this time. And I think that the redhead is really being stretched there, don't you?"

"Looks like it," Dan replied, but I know of one captive who will be stretched pretty soon. As he said this he let his fingers slide up the inside of Lisa's bare thighs and across her pussy and she shivered in delicious anticipation.

After the video was over, they moved downstairs and unlocked the secret door once more. As they turned on the lights and looked again at the various devices in the room, Lisa found herself becoming wet. "Dan," she said, "before we start I want to say a couple of things. I loved what we did yesterday. I know you'd never really hurt me, but I want you to really work me over today. No real damage. No blood or broken skin or such, remember, but I want to see what it feels like. I've got the safewords if it gets to be too much, but otherwise let me cry or scream or whatever and treat me like the captive who needs to be punished. OK?"

Dan looked at her. "Are you sure about that?" he asked.

"No," Lisa responded. "But I want to find out."

"All right, but don't be afraid to use your safewords. I promise to slow down or stop immediately if you do. Remember, I'm not an expert at this either, but I'll try not to really hurt you, but you're probably going to be kind of sore tomorrow."

Lisa smiled. "By tomorrow we'll probably both need to rest and recover a little."

After placing cuffs on her wrists and ankles, Dan led Lisa over to the leather covered vaulting horse and positioned her at one end. "Spread your legs," he commanded. Lisa spread her legs and Dan attached the cuffs to either side of the horse supports. He then made her lean forward along the length of the padded leather with her breasts hanging down on either side. He pulled her hands wide and down to the supports on the other end and after he had attached them he stood and looked at her. She was pulled very taut and her ass was sticking up making a very inviting target. The height of the horse made her knees bend a little and with her legs spread, both her pussy and anus were exposed and unprotected. Her breasts hung down and her hair fell along side her face.

Lisa was breathing rapidly in anticipation of the whipping she now expected. But Dan wasn't quite ready for that yet. He walked over to the set of drawers and picked up a black silk scarf. As he approached Lisa he folded the scarf into a narrow strip and wrapped it over her eyes as a blindfold. Removing her sight caused Lisa to become even more excited. She could hear Dan moving around and retrieving more items, but she had no idea what.

Suddenly she felt the leather tails of a cat being pulled gently across her thighs, buttocks, and back. She sucked in her breath sharply, but the expected blow didn't come. Instead the lashes were drawn across her bare flesh several more times and then stopped. She held her breath, waiting. She jumped against her bonds as Dan's fingers rubbed lightly across her already hard nipples. He continued to rub and pull at them, making them even harder. Then, suddenly, she felt the sharp pain of a nipple clip at her left tit. This was followed by a matching pain on her right nipple. The small, spring mounted weights were soon swinging from the clips, causing unexpected tugs at her sensitive nipples.

Dan's fingers continued to trail lightly across her ribs, around her breasts, down her back and along the crack of her ass. He let them stroke lightly over her puckered anus causing another sudden jump which set the weights swinging even more. A second later she felt his finger return to her brown rosebud, but this time it was covered with a slick lubricant. He began to slowly work it in and out, finally pushing all the way inside, twisting it around and bringing incredible stimulation to this sensitive area.

Lisa wasn't sure if he was getting ready to fuck her rear hole or not. A couple of days ago she had tried anal sex for the first time and found she loved it. But now she expected some other activities before sex, anal or otherwise. After all, they had the dungeon to play with and she had asked him to work her over really hard. What did he have in mind? Just then he pulled his finger from her rear causing her to clinch her muscles in an effort to keep him embedded. But the finger withdrew, leaving an empty sensation and making her anus twitch. But in a few seconds she felt something else at her small opening. This something seemed smooth and not much bigger than his finger, but was made of plastic. He worked it in and out of her, adding a little more lubricant as it went in deeper. It was definitely longer than his finger and as it entered more deeply, Lisa felt it begin to widen and stretch her opening. Dan continued to push the object in farther and farther until finally the wide area - it felt like a little ball about an inch across - popped inside and the object narrowed once more. The object was now well up into her rectum. It was not uncomfortable, but the enlarged portion would keep it inside unless he pulled on it.

Dan wiggled the object several times, each time sending shivers up and down her spine and making her pussy wetter still. Then she felt him doing something - she couldn't tell what - to the end of the object sticking out of her ass. What she must look like! Dan moved around a little rolling something closer to her. Then all at once she begin to feel liquid running into her bottom. "Oh, no. He's giving me an enema!" she thought. Lisa hadn't had an enema since once when she was about eight. and she couldn't remember much about it. But the sensation of the warm liquid filling her bowels now was actually turning her on even more. Lisa realized she was experiencing more new sensations in the last couple of days than she had in the last several years. And so far all of them seemed more than pleasant!

Dan asked, "Have you ever played with enemas before?"

Lisa shook her head. "No. I haven't had one since I was a little kid, and not many then. But it actually feels pretty good."

"Don't worry," Dan said. "I'll see that it gets a little more uncomfortable in a couple of minutes. You've had about a quart. We'll see if you can take a couple more."

Lisa's head jerked up. A couple more!?! She was already beginning to feel full, her stomach expanding against the leather horse. But the flow went slowly on. Several times Dan slowed or stopped the flow and rubbed her stomach to shift things around a little and then opened the valve once more. He told her when she had taken two, then two and a half, and finally, despite the cramps beginning to torment her belly, the last of the third quart. Dan did something to disconnect the hose, but left the nozzle embedded deep within her taut bottom.

"Now, Winch," he said, "we'll see about really punishing you." Lisa immediately felt the sharp siting of the cat across her bare ass. Now the whipping she had anticipated began in earnest. Dan laid twenty strokes across her bottom, each leaving its pattern of bright red lines. Then he dropped the whip and quickly entered her pussy. The feeling of her blocked and full bowels, of the pain of the stripes across her ass, and the pressure of both his cock inside her and his pubic bone pressing against the nozzle in her rear combined to make her orgasm almost immediately. But Dan lasted a little longer, pounding into her and tweaking the clamps on her nipples until he too finally came, bringing her along with him once again.

For a minute he stayed inside her and then slowly withdrew. He removed her blindfold and then untied her from the horse. "I expect you need to make use of the corner," he said, indicating the exposed toilet next to the shower stall. Lisa started to stand up straight but then bent back over a little as the cramps in her full belly hit. She began to shuffle over toward the toilet.

Lisa wasn't really embarrassed about using a toilet in front of Dan. Maybe because when they were kids around here in the summer going to the bathroom was considered as natural as eating. They didn't bring anyone in to watch, but no one was embarrassed by leaving to go or even ducking behind a tree if they were out in the woods. But, Lisa thought, the enema would probably have made her forty shades of red except that she was too turned on to think about it.

As she crossed to the corner with Dan beside her, she started to remove one of the nipple clamps. "No. Leave that on until you finish," Dan said.

Lisa dropped her hand and went on to the tiled area in the corner. "Here," Dan said. "Get over the toilet and lean forward a little." He then pulled the nozzle from her rear and as soon as the ball passed the round ring of muscle, the rest popped out and Lisa began to release the water.

Dan let her empty, but all the while kept up caressing her breasts and sometimes tugging at the clamps. When she had finished Dan took her hands and led her into the shower stall. He tied her hands over her head: There were various rings in the shower, probably for this purpose. He took a hand shower and adjusted the water temperature and then suddenly unclipped both of the nipple clamps along with their weights. Lisa screamed as the sharp pain of returning blood struck her and before the scream even ended, Dan was turning a hard, fine, hot spray from the handheld shower onto her sore tits. He played the water over her entire body, being sure to clean her ass well. Finally he shut off the water, released her, and helped dry her with a large, soft towel.

"Well, what did you think of that? Dan asked.

Lisa put her arms around his neck and kissed him. "I don't know where you're getting your ideas, but so far everything you've done has turned me on. I would never have thought an enema would be sexy, but it definitely was. Especially being tied down during it."

"In that case," Dan said, "we'll have to try some more of them. I even saw a couple of Bardex nozzles over there." Lisa looked questioningly at him. "I've read about them," he said. "They're nozzles with an inflatable collar inside - sometimes one outside too - that lets you seal it in so you couldn't push it out if you wanted. I'll try one on you next time. But right now I think we need to find some different tortures to use on you, don't you?"

Lisa smiled to herself. That was exactly what she wanted. To be tied up, teased, hurt - but not badly - and used sexually. She was looking forward to spending all the rest of the day down here in delightful torment.

Dan put the cuffs back around her wrists and ankles. "I think maybe we need to open you up a little," he said as he led her over to the padded table. He had her lie down on her back and then fastened her hands to the end of the table above her head... A leather belt was then buckled around her waist holding her down to the table. Dan reached down to the sides of the table and unfolded something. Lisa looked down and gasped. There were stirrups just like at her doctor's. Only these had straps to fasten around her ankles which Dan did. He then adjusted them in such a way that her knees were bent and her legs spread almost impossibly wide, opening her pussy lips and clearly exposing her anus.

Dan stepped back and looked at her. Lisa was becoming more aroused by the second and Dan could clearly see the moisture coating her inner lips. "I see you like having all your charms exposed," he said, and began lightly running his fingers across her skin. For several minutes he continued to stimulate her and then began to get a little rougher, pinching and pulling at her nipples and clit and penetrating her pussy and ass with his fingers. Lisa's breathing was coming faster and faster now and she was struggling against her bonds.

Same as Cousin
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Qex'Ull's unused limbs coiled with anticipation in its home dimension. It could feel the crack closing slowly, but was completely unconcerned. There was plenty of time for it to complete its work and enjoy the immediate results. Still, it didn't hurt to hurry things along a little bit. Never could be too careful when it came to great art. Tracy's clothing again underwent a big shift that left an increasing amount of skin showing. Tracy was suddenly sporting a low-cut midriff length belly...

2 years ago
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Mom And Dad Enjoying 8211 Part 2

Hey this is my second story about my mom and dad enjoying together Since our last encounter I was really scared that mom might might tell something to dad, but she didn’t. And I was really happy about it. As my dad was in town so my parents decided to have a small get together, so they invited few of their friends for dinner. During the party I saw many of the men were checking mom out. Mom was wearing a sari which exposed her navel and it was very sexy. I was in the bathroom when when I heard...

4 years ago
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Eating at the Y

You spread the blanket out on the floor, and lay back. Let me place the blind fold gently over your eyes to heighten your other senses. Touching every inch of your body as I slowly undress you down to your panties. Leaving the room, you can hear me searching the ice box for just the right size cube. Rattling it in the glass as I return. But silently I've also grabbed the warming oil. I'm planning on taking you from one extreme to the other.   Removing your panties with nothing but my teeth...

Straight Sex
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Christies tale or The third leg of the triangle The End

Not long after Christie’s relationship with Eddie imploded, Hailey called her with exciting news. The guy she had met the previous year wanted to make their relationship exclusive. Hailey was sure that she had found her future husband. Christie was pleased for her, but at the same time felt a slight twinge of envy. Hailey always seemed so lucky at love, while she seemed to keep finding the wrong guys. Hailey, ever the optimist, was just sure that Christie would meet the right guy...

1 year ago
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Just the Tip Part 1

It had been the worst fucking shift. Customers had been rude and mostly leaving shit tips. One asshole actually had the nerve to write on his receipt that my “big rack” had made him “forget his wallet” and he’d dashed without paying at all. Then, because the universe hates me apparently, one of the buttons on my shirt popped off and zinged across the room, rubbing in the fact that yes, I do in fact have a big huge stupid rack. To add insult to injury, I had already been trying to show them off...

Straight Sex
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Double date

Let me start by saying this is a true story. It's kinda longSo my best friend and I had plans to go out one night. She called me earlier in the day to tell me she was going to hang out with this guy she was interested in and that he had a friend that could also come over.I really wasn't interested in a blind date, especially if its only purpose is to justify my friend from ditching me for the night. I told her that i really didn't want to have some guy i wasn't into trying to grope me and fuck...

4 years ago
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Taken By MistakeChapter 4

Sally propped herself up, reached down between them and started rubbing. At first I thought she was rubbing her clit until I heard Mary say "Hmmm, that's nice." Sally looked at Mary laying back with her eyes shut and moaning softly, then she looked over at the camera. She then said "tell me Mary, how do you feel right now, I mean have you ever been this turned on before in your life?" Mary softly said "no" Sally then said, "have you ever felt this sexually turned on before in your...

1 year ago
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BrutalSessions Kylie Le Beau First Time Fucked in Bondage

Kylie Le Beau is quickly becoming a Kink favorite. Paired up with Tommy Pistol in this brutal display of domination, you’ll see why. Kylie has recently started exploring her masochistic side, and it’s a side that we all love to see. She begins tied to a steel rack, kneeling like a good slut. Tommy gets straight to work, playing with her nipples, slapping, and fucking her throat. Next, Kylie is on her back with her legs spread wide and bound to steel pipes to ensure she can’t resist Tommy’s very...

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Whiskey JackChapter 9 New Healing

An hour later the four of them gathered in the living room. Zelda, Gordy and Melissa cleaned up the cluttered mess created by the pair of Creel's men. They had a garbage bag full of broken trash. Gordon waved his bottle of beer in the air. "Okay, now I've seen the DVD of your ambush. God, what a mess. What I don't understand is why Creel thinks you have that mini disc as well. You never were in contact with anyone who would have access to kind of material that clown said was on the...

2 years ago
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Repossessed Chains of Debt

This story takes place in an alternate timeline where slavery has been reinstated as a means of lessening losses from defaulted debts. This is written from a male POV. The rain is icy cold, and relentless as the hunters you've been evading for the past month. It seems almost to mock you, threatening to douse the meager fire you managed to build in an alleyway.Your frayed, sodden windbreaker does nothing to ease the chill that permeates your bones. It's hard to remember the time before all...

3 years ago
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A sexual favour for a good career

Hi guys let me narrate another experience which I had and though to narrate after receiving several request to share my other real experiences to all ISS readers after I had narrated an incident. Just to get you a bit of the right imagination, I am a 35 year old guy 6ft 2 tall, fair ,78 kgs and work for an MNC as a business head at Delhi and travel all over places. This incident had happened about 2 months back ,when there were lots of changes in my organization and I had a secretary who was...

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I He stands behind me, gently pressing his body against mine. Slowly he explores with his hands, beginning at my hips and following the curve of my body until his hands find my breasts. I feel my flesh tingling, my breath coming faster, deeper. His caresses increase in intensity, becoming more urgent. He moves us forward against the wall, suddenly before us, and I feel his hardness pressing into me through our clothes. As if reading my mind, his hands move from my breasts and begin pulling at...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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A Birthday for Spalding

A BIRTHDAY FOR SPALDING?So you’re excited about your birthday?? Maisie Tyll asked as she stroked her brother’s cock. Spalding and Maisie had a nightly ritual—they’d watch TV together, and she’d tease Spal’s dick as he sat next to her, but just during commercials. Then, of course while they were watching ?American Idol? and the commercial wasn’t on, he was totally focused on her putting her nasty little hand on his dick again.Spalding was so out of it, man. His twenty-second birthday should have...

2 years ago
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Battlemage Book 4 the Red DragonChapter 6

The next morning Matt threw himself into his early morning training and his work on the Mansion viciously. Rayne let him go for the first few days, but called him on it soon after a couple of days about how poorly he was taking care of himself. Matt thought to argue, but Rayne had been a drill instructor for armed troops, and Matt could see that he didn't stand a chance of wining the argument and he knew it. But Rayne knew that she had to get his sense of humor back, but that wasn't...

4 years ago
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Tales From the Leather Nun

With a soft whoosh, the screen in the confessional slid open. “I have sinned since my last confession of two days ago.” “Continue,” the faceless voice from the other side of the confessional screen intoned. “I have had impure thoughts -” there was a pause. “Of you.” The slightest sound of a person clearing their throat sounded like thunder in the silence. “And?” “Last night, I couldn’t help myself. I touched my sexual organ and became aroused.” I have sinned, there was the sound of regret...

3 years ago
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The IITians8217 Hard Group Sex Story

Hello friends! This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) once again to share my new experience. This is a continuation of my last story, . Please read it and also my college sex life experiences because it will be more exciting when you know about Anvesha and Surabhi. As I had told in the last story that because of Surabhi, Anvesha and I broke up. Actually, I was fucking Surabhi almost every time after office time. So I haven’t done phone sex with Anvesha for a long time. She understood that...

1 year ago
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Saw Neighbour Girl Fingering Pussy Watching My WorkOut

Hi, horny readers and ISS fans, this is Arjun and I am sharing my experience here for the first time. I have been a huge fan of the ISS site for more than 7 years and visit the website daily. I have read every story posted on a daily basis. After a huge thought, I decided to pen down my stories and experiences here and also connect with like-minded people. About myself: My name is Arjun and I am from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am currently 25 years old. I am 6 feet tall and 65...

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A day at 6 Flags

It's a hot summer day, and you've just gotten a break from high school. As you head back to your home, you wonder what's on the agenda for the first day of summer for you. You're pondering this when you reach a particularly bad stretch of traffic, so you pull out your phone. After checking up on the latest sports news and laughing at some videos you've been sent, you see an ad for Six Flags. "Finally, I really should have thought of this first!" You say to yourself. As you look at the prices...

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Circle Jerk at the Gay Bar

This is a work of fiction. However, the bar mentioned is real. And it's cool. You should check it out if you ever find yourself in Corpus Chrisi.While traveling for business (I do that a lot) I wound up in Corpus Christi, Texas for a night. Naturally I wanted to hang out in a dark and slightly sleazy (in a good way) gay bar. A quick Google search told me The Hidden Door was the place I wanted. After work that night I Ubered to the bar. By the time I got there it was around 11:00 or so, and,...

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Former NZ teacher struck off for Penthouse picture

A former Auckland teacher has been deregistered after posing nude in a pornographic magazine.Rachel Whitwell was investigated by the New Zealand Teachers Council (NZTC) after a member of the public complained her actions had brought the profession into disrepute.Ms Whitwell was featured in the New Zealand and Australian editions of Penthouse in "various states of undress, including totally naked".One picture showed her d****d over an old fashioned school desk.The magazine quoted Ms Whitwell as...

3 years ago
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Love can be in plain sight 4

“Do you not want me to sleep with you just yet?” I asked. “No, it's not that, we'd definitely be at boyfriend and girlfriend status then, are we sure we wanna move to that already?” Ray asked. He had a good point, but I loved him and I wanted it. “Well, maybe it's a little fast, but I think once you find that person, why wait?” I asked. “You mean you wanna be with me?” Ray asked. “Yes, so why wait? We know we love each other and are gonna start sleeping together sooner or...

1 year ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 255 Toward a New Age

(The prosperous-looking dojo. Yahiko enters the front gate.) Yahiko: Acting master Myoujin Yahiko coming in... (A little boy, the spitting image of Kenshin, is sitting on the roof bawling his eyes out.) Yahiko: Not again, Kenji. You climb up and get too scared to climb down? (He hooks his sword on the back of Kenji's robe and swings him down. Kenji goes limp, relieved.) Yahiko: You may look like a little Kenshin, but you're really just a little idiot... I don't know how you're going...

3 years ago
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Got My Sister In Law And Mother In Law

Hi to all and I am Rahul, working for an MNC in Bangalore. I’m aged 29 with tall, dark built in the last story I had told you guys how I got my MIL and drilled all her holes after I started drilling my MIL and my married life became normal. I was getting restless having a virgin at home. I wanted her too but since, my SIL did not have big boobs and a curvy body I did not get into her much. She was too skinny for me and we all were a well knit unit. My SIL was to finish her MBA and it was her...

1 year ago
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The Exhibit Part 2 Six Months Later

Synopsis: At the inn in Her Realm, MzDominica demonstrated Her glass-covered sensory deprivation chamber, showing how a recording with Her Voice as a subliminal soundtrack could be used to program slaves' minds, so very deeply, to obey Her. mistress Black, who owns a chain of spas, made a deal with Dominica, to use the "relaxation chambers" to expand her business, getting chambers at a discount, in exchange for using them to recruit more slaves for Dominica. * * * * * Part 2: Six Months Later...

3 years ago
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The Art Of Wu

My mom has always been old fashioned even after leaving China behind for a better life. My dad ran the local mini mart in town and after his death it was just mom and I running things. He once told me I would own the business one day but this was not the life I wanted. After high school I went on to college, only to have mom making me feel bad for leaving her alone, especially since the university I attended was miles away from home. In time she got over it and let me know how proud she was of...

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Spizoo Briana Banks Private Meeting

Finally I got to meet the super star bombshell BRIANA BANKS. A dream come true. After that I saw she was in town I booked her immediately . She looked amazing in person and my cock got hard immediately . After a little chat Briana went in the bathroom to change in something more ” kinky ” . She got back in my room and it was on. Miss Banks Sucked and fucked my cock like the best PSE that I ever had. I pounded like was my last fuck session of this life until I busted a fat load all...

3 years ago
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Craigslist crossdresser

It finally happened. I got a response! I’d been corresponding with him on Craigslist, but then suddenly Craigslist personals were banned. I tried to reply to the Craigslist generated email that I thought was his, but I’d deleted all of his email’s in a moment of weakness. Now I had no way to get in touch with him. He’d posted about hosting crossdressers and providing a safe, relaxed place for us to fulfill our fantasies. He said he would be gentle. I’d told him who I was, that I liked to wear...

3 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 53

Julie cried softly against my chest for a minute. I felt bad for her. This was one of the sweetest, most serious, most dedicated, precious girls in the world, and to watch her hurt like this was not acceptable. I had to comfort her, even if I had to lie to do it. The other girls, except for Sarah and Lisa, looked on in shock. It had all happened so fast, and was so unexpected and shocking, that Amy and Cindi had not even activated as Protectors and Guardians. I wasn't worried about that....

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Heart of Service

(This is a sequel to the story 'Evil Life, Evil Wife. In order to get the full experience and understand the story and setting properly, please read the prequel first. Thank you!) Every little thing of the past few hours had been a heated blur. Blood. Fire. The smell of ashes. The nasty grasp of frostbite. Hands, tensed up into fists so tightly that they threatened to obstruct the flow of blood to his fingertips. Echoes of screams, ringing through his ears. His own voice, the voices of...

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Cumming Clean

"No, I don't know what you mean." "How can you say that?", I asked. "I'm trying to tell you something about our sex life, and you don't understand?" "I just don't know what you're asking me to do." she replied a little guardedly. "I'm not asking you to do anything. It's simple," I continued, trying hard not to sound pissed off or exasperated. "I want to be desired, wanted, sexy... to be what I used to be with you, someone who made your pussy wet, someone who made you ache for a mouthful of me...

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The Invasion

Introduction: In the future two brothers find a lost record of an alien invasion where large men like creatures take over the women population to control the earth. This story is only fiction. This author does not condone in anyway the actions of rape or non-consensual sex. The Invasion – What have you got there? Luke asked his older brother John. I just finished cleaning out grandpas house that he left us in the Will. I found this large box tucked away in the attic marked Top Secret. I...

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Movie Night at Home

Movie Night at Home My wife and I have been married now for over 15 years, and dated for 2 years before that. So, keeping our sex life lively and exciting can sometimes take a back seat to raising our k**s. My wife, with the best intentions in the world, tends to focus more on the family responsibilities, so I have to take the lead on our sex life, although I must say that when I can get her attention, she is a very talented lover.On this particular Saturday night, I had made reservations at a...

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Goodnight My Love 2

Goodnight My Love 2 Part 2 Previously – On impulse, I kissed her ear. Sandra sighed contentedly and settled back into my arms. The thunderstorm continued unabated. After a couple of minutes, she leaned her head back onto my shoulder, enjoying the storm and my embrace. Sandra turned her face slightly, pressing her cheek against mine and wiggled her buns against my insanely exhibitionistic boner. She had my full attention, so I heard her when she said, sotto vocce, “I’m having very naughty...

1 year ago
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The Watcher part 2

Just a reminder. UK = caravan. . . . . USA = trailer The Watcher (part 2)I had just told the elderly man who'd been watching my wife and me fucking for the last 3 nights, that I had an idea that would get him up close and personal to her. I explained my plan and watched as his eyes lit up and a smile came to his lips.We'd only got 2 more days of our holiday to go so it would have to be today. There were a few woodland trails close to our caravan site and late that afternoon I suggested to Karen...

2 years ago
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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 8 Picnic in the Park

"So, are we going to the mall tomorrow?" Christy asked as Stephanie reached out to unlock the door. Both women were in their workout gear, having just arrived from the gym. "I don't think so," Stephanie said, pulling at the envelope that was taped to the door. "Not another one of those fantasy date things?" "Well, it is Darren's weekend." "I can't believe you are doing this. You know he's setting you up." The two women stepped into Stephanie's kitchen. This argument was...

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Oru Naal Iravu Kaamam 8211 Part 2

Itharku mel enaku ival kedaipala endru theriyathu athanal oru nimidam kuda veenakamal avalai ananuvaga anubavaika vendum endru thondriyathu. Engal iruvarin echugal parimaarina, nandrga urinthu avalin vaayai nakki suvaithu kondu irukum pozhuthu aval thidir endru niruthinaal. Tv matrum dvd yai off seithaal ennai bedroomku kondu sendraal. Angu irandu bed irunthathu, athu nandraga suthamaga irunthathu ennal itharku mel kathu iruka mudiyathu. Naan avalai irukamaga kattipidithen pinbu avalai mirugam...

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