A Charlotte Belle free porn video

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"A Charlotte Belle" PART 1: GOING HOME The flight home from my grandfather's funeral seemed like eternity as a sat in my seat, peering out the window into the darkness. Occasional dots of patterned light would pass below us every five minutes or so, signaling the small towns of the American south. As I reclined in my seat I thought of him and the bittersweet days following his death. My mother's family had not been together as a whole in over 15 years; Aunts, Uncles, cousins seeing each other again, some meeting for the first time. For four days we laughed, cried, drank, sang and played, celebrating the 83 years of life of my grandfather. He had been sick for several years and it was almost to the relief of my family when he passed away. We all knew it had been coming, for the last months of his life, his deteriorating body beckoned the family to Texas. He lay unconscious the week prior to his death. We knew it was close and it was on a Saturday evening that he passed. I received the call from my mom in Dallas that he had died and made my flight arrangements in haste. She had been at his bedside the entire last week of his life. She picked me up Sunday morning from the airport and drove me to her mother's house. I hated funerals. But this was my papa. The viewing was very nice with many of his life-long friends coming to see him for the last time. The uneasiness of viewing him in the casket seemed to dwindle as the hours of greeting relatives and strangers passed. He was at peace for the first time in many years. It was almost as though he was napping, able to pop right up from a deep sleep and play the guitar again. He was much of a father to me as any man could be and I grew up learning his quick discipline and his unyielding love. I missed him dearly. My mother and I had moved in with her family shortly after my father's quick exodus from our lives. I was only several months old. My Papa and my grandma tended after me during their retirement years while my mother went to work trying to save money for the both of us to live on our own. For ten years I stayed with them, from diapers to middle school, as my mother fought and clawed her way to a successful career in the financial industry. It was then, only two days after my 11th birthday, that we moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. My mom's career was progressing and she was being transferred and promoted within the corporation. It was a huge jump in her earnings and status, in addition to the long hours, business trips and responsibility. A driven career woman in the 80's was like a chief on the warpath and I would learn the fine art of entertaining and feeding myself many times alone in a quiet house. It was difficult for me being away from them and the few times during the years that we saw them was cherished. I graduated from UNC Chapel Hill a couple of years ago and have been working in Raleigh Durham as a financial advisor. Business wasn't a difficult major by any means, I damn near ate, slept, and breathed it during my growing up and it seemed to be the logical choice. I was single and living on my own at the time engrossed in work and making pretty good money. My mother, Barbara, was the head of her department for her company and anxiously awaiting a promotion to Atlanta. She hid her worrying about work well as she spent time with her family in Texas. Someone that may not have know her might have said she seemed somewhat cold, thinking about work during a loved one's death, but that's how she was. She wore a thick skin, her experiences in her past made it so. Turning to my right, I looked at her in her sleep. She seemed so rested, and I knew she'd be back to work within two days. She opened her eyes slowly as the plane began its approach into Charlotte. "Hey." I whispered. "How long was I out?" she mumbled, pulling her hair away from her face. "He he, bout the entire flight" She pulled her seat forward and closed the screen on her laptop, stowing her tray table away. "You still want to stay over for a couple of days?" she asked. I paused and thought for a second. I hadn't taken any vacation days in sometime and had cancelled all of my appointments prior to leaving. I would be a much needed break. I had friends in town and hadn't seen in sometime. I needed a couple of days. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that. It'd be nice to visit for a couple of days." "Good. I miss you being around." she smiled. We left the terminal after picking up our baggage and walked to the car. Her Jaguar's headlights flashed a twinkle as the horn chirped the alarm off signal. I sat in the cold leather seat as she got in a fired up the coupe, its engine purring as we pulled away from the parking garage. Immediately she pulled out her cell phone and started dialing the office. It must have been 20 minutes before she stopped conversing and put it down. "Shit." she grumbled, placing the phone back in her purse. "What?" "Oh the office. My boss, wants to see me tomorrow and I was planning to go to Atlanta for a day trip and a couple of meetings." "I, uh, thought you were going to stay around while I was home." She didn't say anything for almost 30 seconds and the she broke her silence. She turned her face to look at me and placed her hand on my arm. "I'm sorry sweetheart, it sounded pretty important. But I should be home around the early evening. Maybe we can go out to dinner or something?" "Sure." I managed, a hint of disappointment in my voice. She rubbed my arm and pulled it back up onto the wheel. The ride back to her home was silent. The only sound coming from the intermittent wipers brushing away the rain drops. I hadn't been back to the city in sometime and it was a good feeling to be back in town. We pulled into the subdivision as we passed my childhood friend's homes. Her home was lit up from the front floodlights shining onto the stucco exterior. The architecture was typical of the urban south. Stucco and brick for every other home. Gray Stucco, brick Jeffersonian, Cream Stucco, brick Jeffersonian. Each home's yard manicured perfectly with several tall trees adorning the front lawn. Pulling into the garage, I unloaded our bags and followed her into the house. "Would you mind and pick up the mail for me?" she asked. "Yeah." as I trudged out the front. Opening the door, I almost fell over a small box on the stoop. "Hmph." I huffed to myself. It was addressed to her and I laid it just inside the door and proceeded to get the rest of the mail. Coming back inside, I put the mail on the end table and opened a bottle of Merlot from the kitchen. I took a Marlboro and lit the cigarette outside with my glass of wine. I could here the rain pitter-pattering on the patio awning as I sipped my wine. Finishing my cigarette and wine and made my way in to talk with her. I found her on the couch fast asleep, her purse on the table and her shoes at the foot of the ottoman. It was late and I was tired too. I never heard her get up that morning and I made my way downstairs to make a pot of coffee around 10 o'clock that morning. It was nice to sleep late as the time difference had skewed my system somewhat. Taking the cup and morning smoke, I picked up the paper off the lawn just in time to see her car come screaming up the driveway. With a puzzled look on my face I walked back over to the garage only to be greeted with a slamming car door and an angry woman. "Mom?" I called out. She never turned around as she slammed the door to the garage. Her car was still running. I cautiously opened the car door and pulled the keys out of the ignition and proceeded carefully into the home. The first sight I saw, was my mother, arms resting on the kitchen island, one of my cigarettes between her fingers, puffing it quickly with her lips. It didn't dawn on me until after the fact that she hadn't smoked in five years. "Mom?" I asked again. "What's wrong?" She paused for a second and looked at me with anger. "What's wrong? I'll tell you what's wrong! You know that promotion that I was SUPPOSED to get? You know, the nice little position that I've been working my ass off for 20 years to get? Well, I didn't get it... You know who they gave it to? Huh? Huh? Steve Davis, Steve FUCKING Davis. That goddamn slimeball." "Mom..." "And you know the best part? This is good. This is real good. He said the reasoning behind it was because the company thought that a man would be better suited for the position. Some crap about the client base and the company's best interests. He actually stood there and told me this to my face, saying Bill has a proven relationship with the customers and the product. Here's Bill, who takes half of them out to nudie clubs when they're in town! No wonder they like him so fucking much! Dammit!" she screamed throwing her fist down on the cutting board. It was the first time I had seen her curse like that in years. "Mom?" She put the cigarette out in the sink and looked at me with tears in her eyes. Her shoulders dropped heavily in defeat, her mascara and eyeliner starting to run. I quickly ran to the bathroom and grabbed a couple of tissues for her. "Shhhhh. It's okay." trying to comfort her. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug trying to ease the sorrow. "No, it's not okay" she said through her sobs. "It's wrong... I'll... I'll be okay I guess." she said looking around. We stood there hugging from sometime as she began to compose herself. She sniffled and poured herself a cup of coffee. "I'm taking the rest of the day off." she remarked. "Well, I think you deserve it." She looked around the kitchen as she leaned back on the counter holding the cup of hot liquid against her chest. Looking down, she noticed the small package that I had brought in from the night before. Picking it up, she held it in her hands and read off the address. "Hmph. It's to me addressed by my father." She looked up at my eyes and back down at the small box. Carefully tearing off the brown paper, she held up a small note and a white jewelry box. Opening the note, she held it out and read it aloud. Dearest Barbara, If you've received this, then I must be walking in the clouds by now. This is a gift for you. If you ever are in a tough situation, just hold it tight. Think good thoughts and your problems will subside. Just be gentle with it, he he. ;) Love Always and Forever, Daddy Opening the box, she pulled out a small, gold chain with a small stone attached in a setting at the bottom. She admired the beautiful piece and held it in her hands. She held the necklace tight and whispered to herself, put the necklace back in the box. "What did you whisper?" I asked "Just hoping things to be alright." she said, managing a small grimace. All of a sudden she seemed to lose her balance slightly, almost spilling the coffee out of her hands. "Whoa. Oh, I just got a little light headed there." She said steadying herself on the counter edge. "Huh. That was strange." "You alright?" I asked. "Yeah, maybe I should go lie down for a bit." "You need anything mom?" "No no. It's been a tough day." she said touching my face. "I miss you. You should come home more often honey." "I know." giving her a big hug. "Go get some sleep, you've been working yourself too hard." As she turned the corner I could see her place her hand on the wall to steady herself again. I was hoping she was okay. PART 2: A STRANGER I finished my coffee while she lay in bed and read the paper at the kitchen table. It was another dreary day outside and I definitely didn't feel like getting out and about. It was only a couple of minutes later when I heard something from upstairs that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. "HOLY SHIT!" A deep voice rang out throughout the home almost throwing me out of my chair. My heart starting pumping hard as a sudden rush of adrenaline kicked in. Instinctively, I ran to the garage and grabbed my odd aluminum baseball bat from the corner and tip toed back inside. Creaking as quietly as I could across the hardwood floors, I made my way to the stairwell. "God, somebody's broke in the house. Oh Jesus, mom." One by one, I climbed each stair slowing making my way to my mother's bedroom. "OH Shit! I can't believe this!" screamed the voice once more. My heart quickened again, a huge lump in my throat. I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my chest. Climbing the last step, I turned the corner of the hallway and peered from a distance into the doorway of her room. It was then my body seemed to take over, rushing head-long into the room, the bat raised high in my hands ready to strike. It was then I saw it. I large figure stood across the room, his back facing to me. "You better get the fuck out NOW!" I yelled, drawing the bat back into a hitter's stance. The startled figure spun around in place and looked wide-eyed at me. Time seemed to stop for a moment as I surveyed the room and the figure before me. A large man stood naked 15 feet in front of me. He easily stood over me by two good inches and probably 30 pounds and at 6'1'' I wasn't exactly a small guy. His large and seemingly powerful frame stood rigid, his hands at his side. The salt and pepper hair on his head was thick and neatly trimmed. His features angular and handsome and even from a guy's standpoint, he was a pretty good looking man. In my best estimation, I would have guessed him to be in his early 50's. "Kevin, don't! Don't hit me!" pleaded the man in the room. I drew the bat back again further. "You better leave right the fuck now!" "Kevin please! It's me!" "What!? Who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing naked in my house?!" "Oh God, it's... it's me Kevin." "How do you know my name asshole and where's my mother?!" "Kevin look. Look at me. Look what's happened." He said looking down at a pile of clothes on the floor. I looked at his feet the see a set of shredded and ripped clothes, what looked to be a T-shirt and pink sweatpants. I stared back at him in disbelief. "Where is she?!" I demanded "It's me, your mom Kevin! Look! Look at my eyes, please." the man pleaded. "I changed... I'm a man now. I've somehow become male. Look at me! Something, something must have happen with that, that thing! That rock." "Yeah right. How do I know it's you?" The man was slightly taken back at the question and paused in thought for a moment. "You have a small mole right on your right cheek when you were born." "Yeah so?" "Ummmm. Oh God. Um, you fell into the window when you were two and that's how you got the scar over your right eyelid." "Somebody could've told ya that." "Kevin please! It's me!" "Keep trying asshole." Suddenly the man starting singing in an off key and terrible singing voice gesturing with his hands. Singing: Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half crazy all for the love of you. It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two. And it was then the bat dropped out of my hands and onto the floor with a thud. "Oh my God. Mom?" "Ye...Yeah. It's me." "Wha... what happened to you?" my voice stuttering. "Well..." she said looking down at a rather large package, "Looks like I be part of the good ole boys club after all." he whimpered "Oh, oh man." I stammered. "Are you okay?" "I think so." "But how? This is impossible, shit like this can't happen." "That thing. The necklace my father gave me, it must have done this to me." "How?" "I have no idea and the strangest thing is I don't feel weird at all. It's like one second I'm a woman, and the next a man and it feels natural. Oh man this is whole thing is too strange." The clothes that were at his feet seemed to disappear into thin air, slowly dissipating in front of the two of us as we looked on in disbelief. I heard a small ruffle and looked behind me to find a set of men's clothes lying on the edge of the bed. What was once my mother, walked to the bed and pulled up the pants and found a wallet in the rear pocket. He pulled the leather wallet out and examined it. He looked at the driver's license in amazement. "What?" I asked. "Oh my lord." "What?!" "Here look." as the man handed it to me. I started reading aloud. "Brent Frederick Andrews, age 53, birthday 5/8/49, 2718 Riverside St. NE, 6... foot... 4... oh shit. This, this is you, you in the picture. Who the heck is Brent Andrews?" "I guess this is me now or who I've become I reckon," a thick Texas draw in his voice. "Oh God, did I just say reckon?" "Yeah. You just did and you sound like a cowboy and you've never had an accent before." "Ah man, I don't believe this." My knees felt shaky all of a sudden my vision suddenly went black. I awoke a couple of hours later in my bed. The room was dark and I could hardly make out any details. The bedroom door was open and that's when I saw him again for the second time. I tried to get up but felt extremely weak. "Shhh. Don't get up." the man said. "Ma, mom?" "Well, sort of. Take it easy son, you passed out about a couple of hours ago." "Oh God, it wasn't a dream was it?" "I'm afraid not." shaking his head. "Here I brought you some water." Leaning up, I could see that he was fully dressed now. He was wearing a nice starched cotton shirt and tie and the slacks of a business suit. I took a sip of water and set it back down on the nightstand. "Well..." he said. "I got my wish didn't I?" "What do you mean?" "When I was whispering to myself after opening that box with the rock?" "Uh huh." "I, uh, wished that I had gotten that promotion." "And it did this to you?" "Well, I wasn't exactly suited for the job. Quote, unquote. Was I?" "You're... you're the VP of the sales division?" "Yep." he said looking down. "Well, can't you just wish it back. I mean, wish yourself to be a woman again?" "No... no. I tried several times while you were asleep." "And nothing?" "Nothing." "Jesus..." "It's okay Kev. I'm starting to get a little used to this. I, um, went to work to see what things were like and I started learning things." "Things? Like what things?" "Like what I, as Brent Andrews, am like" "Huh, I don't get it?" "Well, the easiest way I can put it is that memories that are not my own keep popping up in my head. Like for instance, I discovered I used to play left tackle for Oklahoma in 1969 and 70. I just stared at the college diploma on the wall in my office." "In your office?" "Yeah... other things like my car too." "What about the Jag?" "You mean the Mercedes?" "You've got to be kidding me? A Mercedes?" "Go look for yourself." "Oh man." "Here take these." "What are they mom?" "Just something to help you sleep, you've had a rough day and it'd probably be a good idea if you call me Brent from now on. I don't think I'm your mom anymore." "Okay BRENT. That'll take some getting used to. Well... you're still the same Barbara in mind right?" "Well sort of I guess. I'm still able to remember everything as Barbara from before. But it's thought patterns and personality that are changing I think and Brent's memories coinciding with my own." "Weird." "Yeah tell me about." "Goodnight buddy." "Night... BRENT." I slept harder that night than any in recent memory. PART 3: CHANGES I awoke the next morning to hard rain pounding on the windows in my room and thunder in the background. Turning over in my bed, I looked at the clock. 9:37am. Throwing back the covers, I moved to get out of bed and use the bathroom. Dragging my feet as I walked to the bathroom I could feel something not right. The pajamas bottoms I had been wearing seemed to be feeling much looser than usual. It was then that I looked in the mirror in disbelief. A hairless body stared back at me. My hairy chest and arms seemed void of any hair. A strange feeling, a tingling, seemed to race through my entire body, turning to pain. Holding onto the counter, my body shuddered, shaking uncontrollably. My spine cracked with every movement I made. It was then that I could look up and see what was happening to me. Arching my back seemed to only compound the problem as I watched the figure in the mirror shrink before my eyes. My backbone wasn't breaking it was becoming smaller. The audible cracking of my bones filled the bathroom, echoing off the 10 foot ceilings. My muscles burned with each passing second as I watched them atrophy. Each of my limbs were becoming smaller versions of themselves. I watched the reflection in the mirror grow shorter, losing possibly three inches in height the first minute. Mass seemed to vanish from my body at an alarming rate. 10,20,30,40 pounds lost rapidly as I could see the weight melt away. My neck compressing as the bones compacted. I couldn't cry out. My breathing quickened, gasping for air as my ribcage heaved and shrank with every breath. Another minute passing, another 3 inches in height lost. I was whittling away. Another 30 pounds lost. In an instant the pain subsided as I tried to steady my ravaged body. I looked up again into the mirror in shock. Staring back was a much smaller version of myself. My skin felt smooth to the touch, radiant and creamy. My jaw just dropped to the floor. I couldn't tell exactly how tall I was but guessed it to be around 6 inches shorter. Ripping the scale away from the bathroom floor, I threw it next to me and hopped on. "147 pounds!" I blurted out. "Jesus I can talk again." I thought to myself. "Oh God what's happening to me?" My pajama bottoms had fallen to my ankles in the chaos and I could see now the smooth and hairless portions of my lower body. Even my pubic hair was gone leaving a bare and very strange looking phallus. "Okay... Jesus okay. I still look like me." My facial features remained the same, but more pronounced since I had lost so much weight. My light-brown hair still on my head. "Oh nooooooooooooooo. The rock, stone, whatever the hell that thing is!" I said to myself. "Oh God, I don't have her, his, shit his number. Dammit just call the office." I raced downstairs, nearly tripping over my pajamas to get the phone. Dialing the old number, I just asked to be connected to Brent Andrews. 30 seconds later. "Mr. Andrews office, this is Patty speaking." "Patty, I need to talk with Brent please?" I stammered. "I'm sorry can I ask whose calling please?" "Yeah this is Kevin, his son." "Did you say son?" "Yeah his son KEVIN!" "I'm sorry, Mr. Andrews is in a meeting right now. Can a take a message for you and have him call you back?" "No. No, that's alright." I flew upstairs into my room and grabbed my black slacks off of the floor and button up shirt. I pulled up the pants and cinched the belt down on the last hole. I must have rolled up my pants about halfway to counter the inseam. Throwing my shirt on and running downstairs I grabbed my car keys and sprinted out the door. The Honda's four- cylinder engine strained against my foot on the pedal as I prayed there were not police on the way to his office. Driving through the parking lot to find a space, I stopped and doubled over the steering wheel in pain as the same familiar feeling as the morning seemed to move through my body again. I could feel my butt soon cramping up badly. My cheeks seemed to swell as new fatty tissue seemed to push outwards against the sides of my body and the rear of my pants. Finding a parking spot was difficult and I was forced to park a hundred yards away from his building. I ripped the keys from the ignition and got out of the car in severe discomfort. Looking down, I could see the sides of my hips pushing and straining the fabric. My spine spasmed once more, pushing the small of my back inwards. It was soon apparent my rear end was fuller and rounder, filling up every inch in the seat of my pants and pushed outwards. Running for the front entrance of the building, I soon become conscious of very shapely butt swaying as I ran. "Sir, excuse me, Sir! You can't go in there! Security!" the receptionist hollered as I darted past her and into the office heart. Taking the stairs, I ran to the third floor of his office. I remembered that's where the VP was. "Conference room, conference room???? There!" As I burst through the doors, I could see him at the front speaking to about half a dozen people. A surprised look on his face as his gaze met mine. "Would y'all excuse me for a moment please." he asked of his audience. I quickly marched right up to him. "Brent, what the hell is going on?!" "Look at me!" I blurted out. "Oh man, okay Shhh. Calm down and come to my office." he remarked "Waddaya mean Shhhh?!" "Kevin... come with me and keep it down." It was just then two security personnel showed up to confront me. "Don't worry guys, he's with me." explained Brent. "Uh, right, Mr. Andrews. Sorry bout the problem." "No problem Larry, you're doing a great job." Brent smiled back. He led me to his office and shut the door behind me. "BRENT. What the hell is happening with me?!" His silence proved that whatever was happening to me was directly connected to him and the necklace. "BRENT?!", I asked again. He began to speak slowly. "Kevin. You're changing." "Well no shit! You don't say BRENT. Look at me! I look like a prepubescent kid with a lot of curves huh?" "Kevin, please don't be mad at me." "Mad? I'm not mad BRENT, I'm fucking furious." "It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better Kevin and I can't change what's happening to you." "No... no, no, no, goddammit no Brent!" It was then that his powerful hand reached out and grabbed me by the arm. "Listen Kevin, you're going to go home and stay there until I get home. Do you understand?" The fear in my eyes must have made him let go of me. With a twinge of pain I could feel the sensations coming on again. "Oh God Brent, it's happening again!" I could see his eyes widen and draw drop as he watched the transformation occurring before his very eyes. I seemed to lose another inch in height within moments and felt something constricting, digging into my waist. The cuffs around my slacks straightened out and crept upwards. I could feel my feet being compressed as my calves tightened and my ankles suddenly lifted off of the ground. Looking down, I could see my feet encased in three-inch black fabric pumps. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I repeated in rapid succession. Each leg of my slacks began to fuse together creating a single sheath around me as the hemline continued creeping upwards. Brent could only watch in amazement at the sight before him. My clenched fists could feel each fingernail suddenly digging into the palm of my hands. Bringing my hands forward, each finger was now long and tapered; my hands much thinner and smaller. I watched as each newly French- manicured nail grew outwards in succession, becoming long and very feminine. "Help me please, I'm..." I gagged slightly as my throat seemed to close up, silencing my pleas for help. As the hemline passed over my knees I looked down in shock at my nylon encased legs. What had been digging into my waist were very opaque, black pantyhose. My throat closed tighter and tighter. Brent watched as my slacks slowly melded into a pleated black skirt that came to rest two inches above my knees. I could feel a tugging below the small of my back as a new zipper was formed. The cuffs of my shirt began to pull upwards towards my hands and the fabric turned from a pale blue to black. The material began to become thicker, softer and heavier on my torso. Pads suddenly appeared underneath the fabric and I could feel something tight wrapping around my torso and shoulders. The shirt was now a nicely cut jacket, a small flower fit next to the lapel. What was once a man's outfit was changed into a smart and very feminine woman's suit. "Oh God!" my voice cracked into an unfamiliar tone. "Pleeeeeeeease Brent, get me out of here!" My voice was no longer recognizable as male. With each moan and whimper, the voice coming from within my body registered higher and higher. "Okay! Let's go, let's go now." Brent said trying to soothe me. He grabbed all of his belongings and threw his jacket over my head to conceal the fact that I still looked somewhat male. "Patty, I'm taking off, no calls, none and let my staff go. Understand?" "Yes, yes Mr. Andrews." She said stunned. He didn't even stop to excuse himself from his meeting. We both raced to the stairwell as it was the quickest way in and out. I found myself staggering and trying to maintain my balance while running in heels. "Here, my car." he said placing me in the passenger's seat of his Mercedes. I could feel more pressure coming on as he raced out of the parking lot. "It's still happening." I squeaked. "Just hold on sweetheart. We're on our way home." he blurted out. "OH gawd, ohhhhhhhh Mommmmmmmm." I bent over in the seat in pain. My guts felt as if they were churning and twisting within me as all I could do was hold onto my left leg and door handle. I moaned in pain and if I had to go to the bathroom extremely bad. It was then that I felt a sharp tug and a feeling that could only be described as being kicked in the nuts. I gasped as each testicle was yanked upwards and into my pelvic cavity. My penis felt as if being smashed downwards into its base, and then another sharp pop as it too was drawn upwards and into my body. Unbeknownst to me, my male organs were being reformed from deep within my pelvic cavity. I could feel the squirming between my legs as tissue was lining the hole left at the base of the shaft forming new folds around it. I arched in the seat as suddenly the new orifice and urethra were pulled downwards closer to my anus. An intense itching as new pubic hair was sprouting from a flattened, featureless groin. My hands pulled my skirt up and covered my crotch in a vain and futile attempt to try and save my genitals. My fingers slipped past the edge of a black slip as my privates were now protected by a pair of panties under the control top waist of the pantyhose. "Oh my God it's gone, my penis... it's gone!" "I know baby. I know." "Oh Christ." I screamed in a new female voice. My ears suddenly burned as each lobe was pierced, the weight of a large diamond earring dangling from the bottom of each ear. "Please make it stop! I can't take this any longer!" I blurted "We're almost home." he said trying to comfort me. Within moments, my scalp started to tingle as I reached for the vanity mirror. In several short seconds I could see small darker hairs sprouting through my brown hair. The tingling grew more intense as I watched in the mirror my hair turn from light brown to deep auburn. A thickening head of hair was growing longer and longer as I felt it stop at the nape of my neck and over the tops of my ears. Bangs were growing rapidly as they rested just beneath my newly colored eyebrows. The part in my hair shifted from one side to the other as I could see the growing cease and form a shorter hairstyle. Running my fingers through my new mane of feminine hair, I could see the house coming up on the right. I threw open the car door and very unladylike, stepped from the car and bolted into the house. I found myself in the kitchen unable to catch my breath. My ribcage moved in and out in quick movements as I caught a glimpse of Brent walking in and take sight of me. He leaned up against the wall and stared at my form. "Uh... uh... oh... my... my chest." I cried. From beneath my skin, tissue was beginning to form and grow behind each nipple. Each areola began to stretch in diameter, increasing to three times their size. Nipples grew larger and small bumps began to form on my chest. Milk ducts and fatty tissue were forming rapidly in front of the muscles. "Uh. God." I moaned as each mound of flesh pushed outwards, beginning to fill the bra underneath my jacket. With each passing second their weight increased 2 fold, spilling into the cups of my brassiere. "Oh please, I'm growing breasts and they won't stop!" They didn't stop at an A or B. Each nipple turned slightly upwards and outwards as they started pulling on my chest. My feminine hands clutched at the front of my jacket as it extended outwards. Instead of staring at my toes, I was looking down through the cleavage of my large, new breasts. I put my head into my hands in terror and felt the bones in my faces shifting and morphing into a new form. The cheekbones in my face shifted upwards, becoming more prominent. Eyes burned as each iris became green in color. Lips became thinner. My body tingled for the last times as facial bones settled, estrogen flowed through my veins, DNA and blood type conformed. Small wrinkles began to appear around my eyes and hands. And then it stopped and my transformation was complete. Brent stood against the wall. Pulling my eyes up, I met his gaze. "What? What's wrong?" I asked in a heavy Texas accent as it flowed from my lips. My eyes widened as my hands covered my mouth. "Jesus. Well, Nothing except the fact you're a woman." I gulped hard and quickly walked to the mirror in the foyer, my heels clicking on the floor with every step. I could feel my boobs jiggling, pulling on my chest under the bra, my butt swaying. I gasped at the sight before my very eyes. My hair was perfectly done up and makeup done flawlessly. The scent of perfume weighed heavily in the air. The reflection staring back was that of a very attractive, middle-aged woman. "Oh dear Gawd, Oh dear Gawd." I repeated. My hands touched each cheek to confirm the person staring back was really me. "I'm... a woman..." It was then that I noticed my left hand and ring finger, the wind almost taken out of me as I realized what it was. A large carat diamond, set atop the fourth finger on my left hand. I finely detailed band, laden with smaller diamonds nestled next to it. "You're every bit a fully functional woman sweetheart," he said matter of a fact. "What do you mean?" I pleaded. "Here, take a look." he said handing me a black leather purse from the counter. Dumping out the purse onto the counter, my heart leapt into my throat as a tampon, compact, tube of lipstick, breath mints, wallet and car keys spilled out. Opening the wallet, I took out the North Carolina Driver's license and looked at quickly. The picture was definitely me as I looked back at the reflection and read the information aloud. "Susan Marie Andrews, birthday 2/19/51, 5'6" 135 lbs. Sex... Female. 2718 Riverside St. NE... 2718 Riverside St. NE? Susan ANDREWS? No... No... no no no no no no no. This can't be! I can't, I can't be..." Brent looked down at the floor in almost embarrassment. "Brent tell me we're not married, please tell me. Please tell me I'm not your wife." I pleaded. "I can't Susan. I can't take it back. I tried to fix it and it backfired on us." "I wouldn't exactly call this a backfire! Let's see here. I've lost 25 years of my life, um, changed sexes to become a woman, have a pussy and big tits, and to top it all off, am married to my mother who is now a man. I'd call this pretty fucked up Brent!" "It won't be like this for long Susan. Remember how I said things will get better? They will be, you have to trust me." "Please don't call me that." I sniffled. "Oh shit, shit, shit, shit." I hung my head in my hands as tears began to well up in my eyes and ran upstairs into his bedroom. Now our bedroom. In the span of one morning, I had become a 51-year old, married woman. PART 4: DISCOVERY I almost twisted my ankle as I staggered into the bedroom. Throwing off my shoes and looking around, I could see that the belongings within the space had changed too. The neutral bedding and furniture was now highly ornate and beautiful. Draperies and treatments adorned the windows of the room, new paintings hung from the walls. The incredibly large four- post bed dominated the middle of the bedroom with mounds of pillows and exquisite sheets. A sitting area now sat next to a fireplace at the opposite end flanked with two large chairs and coffee table. "Oh my lord." I thought to myself. I quickly tiptoed around the corner and into the bathroom as stood fixated at a sea of marble tile. A huge whirlpool tub with open windows was the focal point of the room, his and her sinks lining the wall, jutting outwards from the detailed wainscoting. I spun around and was met by a grand dressing table opposite of the sinks. The large mirror hung over the dark table as I stepped closer. Sweet smelling perfumes and lotions filled the air as I stepped forward in shock. It seemed to ooze of femininity with a large assortment of makeup items, brushes, curlers and small pictures. Out of the corner of my eye, a floor length free standing mirror stood catching my reflection. I walked, stocking- footed over to it and touched the reflection. My mind ran wild in bewilderment of the sight before me. I ran my hands through my hair and felt the thick locks between my fingers. Touching my cheeks with hands, I raised and lowered my eyebrows, opened and closed my lips. Every move I made, she made. My nails fumbled at the buttons of my jacket as I had forgotten that women's clothes had buttons opposite that of men's. Slowly slipping off the top, I placed it gently over the arm of the chair in the bathroom. Pulling my hands to my rear, I found the zipper along the rear of my skirt and pulled it down, letting the pleated skirt fall around my ankles. Stepping out of it and placing it too on the chair, I lifted the bottom of the satin slip and pulled it upward over my head. Two large breasts were suspended within the lace and satin of my brassiere. Reaching behind my back with both hands, I felt the clasp and with a little tugging and squirming, managed to release it. I could feel their weight immediately as I let the bra fall off of my shoulders and onto the floor at my feet. My delicate hands could barely contain them as I squeezed together my breasts. "Holy lord." I said to myself as each nipple began to stiffen. I gulped hard at the image in the mirror and it was then I noticed something along the undersides of them. Lifting up each breast I could see a small, linear scar running underneath each mound of flesh, the telltale sign of a boob job. I was artificially enhanced. "Oh God, I have fake tits." I said to myself. The control top of my pantyhose seemed to hug every curve of my lower extremities as it extended partly down my thighs. The thick nylon and spandex encased my featureless and flattened groin, shaping my rear end. Peeling off the hose and panties, I stood in front of the mirror naked as a woman for the first time. My heart pounded rapidly from within my chest as I stared at the dark patch of hair between my legs. For 51 years old, my body had more curves than the average women. My child bearing hips, so rounded and shapely. Slender legs and calves, narrow waist and full hips, tapered feminine fingers and hands, the striking facial features. If I had seen this woman in public, I definitely would have taken a long second look at her and how she was put together. That woman was now me. My fingernails grazed the course patch of hair between my legs and trembled. An alien and queer feeling ran up my spine as my hand moved further south exploring for the first time. Squatting down slightly with knees bent, I found the long, soft slit that was my new sex and ran my index finger down its side until the tip of my fingernail touched my anus. Bringing my shaking hand forward, I found my new womanhood, my vagina. A warm and very soft feeling cradled the fingertip as it touched my opening. Pulling it further forward, it ran across the hood covering the female sex organ, my clitoris. Pulling my hand away quickly, I shook at the new sensation, many times more sensitive than my old equipment. I looked back at the reflection and ran my hand across my tummy, realizing that deep within my pelvis lay new organs. Within my pelvic cavity rested a new uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes connected to a new womb contained within me. "My period." my mind interjected. "At this age how much longer will I even have it?" I thought. "Oh God, menopause." the sudden realization occurred. "I can't even imagine at this point." I picked up the intimates from the floor and tossed them on the chair containing my suit. "I have find something to wear besides that foo foo get up." I said as I made my way into a massive walk-in closet. Separated down the middle, I found what was apparently my side of the room. Huge beautiful shelving and organizers separated everything from suits and dresses to shoes and handbags. Rifling through the drawers, I found a suitable pair of plain panties and sweats, forgoing a bra. I trudged out into the bedroom and laid down onto the left side of the bed, curling up into a fetal position. My eyes welled up with tears at the sudden realization that life for me would never be the same ever again. I was happily employed, I was successful, I was single and enjoying life, I was young, I was handsome, I was once a man. My whole world as I knew it had suddenly, in the span of just hours, been turned completely upside down. The tears came harder as I pulled my hands to my mouth and shook, sobbing uncontrollably. I lay on the bed and cried for several hours and never heard a sound from downstairs. The sun was setting from behind the trees as I lifted my head up to look at the clock. It was almost 5:30 as I slowly tried to get up. Hearing footsteps enter the room, I turned to see Brent walking towards my side of the bed. He sat down on the edge next to me. "Are... are you okay?" "I don't know yet." I whimpered wiping the tears from the corners of my eyes. My eyeliner and mascara had run giving me the appearance of a raccoon. He got up and went to the bathroom, returning with a couple of tissues for me. "Thank you." Several seconds passed by and then he spoke to me about the ordeal we had just gone through. "I'm so sorry about all of this." his voice cracking with sadness. "I didn't do this on purpose... Please please forgive me. I was only trying to right what had gone so wrong." A single tear streamed down his cheek as he turned his face in embarrassment. "I'm sorry Kevin. I'm so sorry." "It's... it's not your fault", I said trying to comfort him. "What happened... what did you say?" "I just held it in my hand and I... I wished for things to be normal. I wished to be happy in my life as a man. I wished for you to stay longer to be with me." "It was the wording of it wasn't it?" "Yeah... yeah it looks that way." he sniffed. "I never meant to hurt you Kevin." "I don't hurt Brent, I just feel really weird right now." I said managing a small grin. "Yeah... yeah me too." He put his hand on my knee and looked at me, managing a smile. "It's probably best if you call me Susan from now on. You can't exactly call me Kevin in front of others now can you?" "Okay." "What are we going to do? You know... about this?" I asked, extending my ring finger. "I don't know just yet honey. Oops sorry." he said, hanging his head. "Um... heh. Get some sleep kiddo, you've had a rough day." He pulled a blanket over me and closed the door behind him as I my eyes felt heavy, straining to stay open. "I'll... I'll sleep in the other room tonight." I nodded slightly falling into a deep sleep not long after. I tossed and turned most of the night in a restless dream state; things in my dreams that were so real I could almost reach out and touch them. One came right after the other like a bombardment, each one vibrant and serene. I dreamt of a small girl in a beautiful brick home, twirling in her tutu as adults stood and watched, smiling, laughing and photographing. A young majorette as she twirled a flaming baton before a grandstand, the lights above her gleaming. Airports around the world appeared throughout my dreams. Men, women, faces, names filling my head. A young man, a football game, a young woman, a kiss. I was dreaming the past of a life that was now mine. The sun broke through the curtains early the next morning as I threw back the covers. Still dressed in my sweats, I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Taking a cigarette from a pack of cigarettes, I slowly walked around the home to survey my new surroundings. As with the bedroom, much of the interior of the home changed as well. Pictures now seemed to reflect Brent and I, friends who seemed vaguely familiar and far away places that touched on d?j? vu. I walked around some more and found the home very inviting and cozy, full of formal furniture and antiques. It was very apparent that Brent and I had a lot of money. A picture of me and Brent at the beach hung on the wall. Taken several years ago, I noticed that I was flat as a board. "No wonder I had a boob job." I thought to myself. Making my way back to the kitchen to pour a cup, I noticed a small note with a flower picked from the garden laying on top of it. Picking it up, I read it to myself. Susan, I'm sorry to give you such short notice, but we were invited to a small dinner party this evening at Larry & Kathleen's home (my boss). You were asleep last night and I didn't want to wake you. I hope that we can go as they are anxious to see us again. Please call me later at the office. Love Brentby P.S. It's at 7:00 :) I picked up the phone and dialed his work number, as if I had always known it by heart. "Good morning, Mr. Andrews office." I heard Patty say on the other end. "Morning Patty, it's Susan, is Brent in please?" "Just a moment Mrs. Andrews." My heart stopped somewhat upon hearing the formality of my name for the first time. "Hey there." "Hey, I didn't know anything about a dinner invitation." "Of course you didn't silly, how would you have?" "Um, you're right..." "It'll be a good time to meet some of our friends." "Friends?" my mind flashed. "Like the Hamiltons and Stanleys?" "Yeah, how'd ya know?" "I don't know." I said stunned. "It just kind of came to me." "Well, it's a little dressier but not formal by any means if you're curious." "Attire?" "Yep." "I, I don't know what to wear?" I explained. A small lump welling up in my throat. "Well, why don't you just go into your closet and try a couple of things on?" "Are you serious?" "You ARE a woman honey and a very striking one at that." "Thanks... I don't need reminding." "So do you want to go?" "Brent, I dunno." "You're going to have to get out in the world and socialize sometime ya know." "Fiiiiine." "Listen, I gotta run but I'll be home bout a quarter till to pick you up okay?" "You're not coming home to change?" "Nope. Brought an extra shirt and jacket to work and I'll just change here." "Alright then." "Great! See you then sweetheart." I could have sworn I heard him say, "I love you." as I hung the phone back onto the receiver. "Great, second day as a woman and I'm already having to get dolled up." I mumbled. I spent much of the morning and afternoon in my bedroom closet, taking inventory of my new wardrobe. Most of the time was spent cursing at all of the items of clothing. Each drawer in the closet system was for a specific item of clothing. Five drawers were for lingerie, another five for tops and knits, sweaters and pullovers. "Jesus Christ, I must have a hundred pair of shoes, pantyhose and handbags." My head suddenly began pulsing with a bad migraine as I sat Indian- style on the floor. Holding my head with my hands, it felt as if something was pushing its way into my skull and for thirty seconds my mind pounded. "Oh, owie." I groaned. "What the hell was that?" Suddenly my eyes looked upwards onto the racks of clothing within the closet. Standing up, I walked a couple of feet and began thumbing through the clothes, stopping on a certain outfit. I pulled it off the rack and held it up. "This seems appropriate for the evening." I said aloud to myself. Walking over to the full-length mirror, I held it up against my body. The khaki knit set consisted of a long-sleeved, button-down top with a v-neck and shorter khaki, form-fitting skirt. "This'll look cute on..." I said and caught myself mid-sentence. "I can't believe I just said that?" my hand covering my mouth in shock. "How'd I know to pick that outfit? Oh this is too weird." Again my eyes ran around the racks of shoes on the wall and stopped 3/4 of the way up. I pulled out the shoes and studied them. "Perfect." I commented. "Shit... I did it again. How the hell could I just waltz right over and pick out a pair of three inch, chocolate, alligator skin heels? Amazing." Laying the outfit out on the bed and shoes at the foot board, I needed to take a shower and wash my face of caked black makeup. Using the bathroom as a woman seemed so much more of a headache now. Back in my college days it was just fine and convenient to get drunk at a fraternity party and take a wiz outside on the chimney side. Now it was going to be a little more of a hassle. As I pulled down my sweats and panties and sat down on the seat, I let me bladder go for the first time. On the bright side, no more aiming and missing, no more possible zipper nightmares, but on the downside you had yucky toilets, skirts and purses and a balancing act to contend with along with the typical long lines of women waiting to use the ladies room at any crowded event. It was a strange feeling to sit on a toilet and not have to adjust any equipment. But having to wipe my privates each and every time seemed like a pain. I started to undress to take a shower, when the thought of a hot bath seemed a lot more appealing to me. Turning on the faucets, I let the hot water fill the tub. "Hmmm. Lavender." I commented. "Let's try some of this." Again as I said it, my mind hiccupped at what I was saying. "Bubbles? Sure why not? Seems my mind is hell bent on making into little Miss Molly Prissy Pants." I said sarcastically. I stripped down and tested out the water with my toe and slowly sunk myself down into the tub. "Oh God this really feels good." My body still hurt badly from yesterday's event as I stretched out in the tub. I scrubbed my face with a cleanser that was sitting next to the tub, not even reading the label as I picked it up. The weight of my breasts lessened as I sunk deeper in the water and it was a relief to only feel the warm water over them, not their mass pulling down on my chest. I dunked my head underneath the water to wet my hair and used what looked to be a very expensive shampoo and conditioner on my hair. Lifting my head out of the water and slicking back my hair, I looked over at the dressing table that sat across the room. "Umph..." I groaned. "Not another one." The familiar feeling of the migraine racked my head again and ceased after several seconds. "Thank you thank you." I said softly. I found that I had suddenly picked up the pink razor from the small dish next to the tub and proceeded to shave my legs like any other woman would do before a night out. Drying off, I put my hair up in a towel like I had seen many women do before, and thought that it's got to work. Walking into the closet, I opened the "brassiere drawer" and pulled out a beautifully made cream- colored bra and found the pair of matching panties in the top drawer. On the back of the bathroom wall was a very beautiful robe with the initials SMA embroidered onto it and threw it around myself as I walked downstairs for a cigarette. Looking down at the pack, it had somehow changed to and suddenly a menthol sounded a little more appealing to me. Looking over at the clock, it read a little after 5:30. "Shit!" I mumbled. "Talk about time flying." After quickly putting out the cigarette, I made my way back into the bathroom and sat down at the vanity. "Okay," I said to myself, "you can do this." One by one I picked up different items and began the process of becoming a more beautiful woman. One by one in sequence, lotion, concealer, foundation, powder, shadow, liner, pencil, mascara, blush, and powder. "I don't believe it. I don't believe I just did that." I sat back and admired my handy work. "Never in my life could I do anything remotely like this. The headaches... That's what it's got to be." By some twist of reality I was beginning to learn the daily rituals of womanhood effortlessly. Pulling the towel off my head, I went to work on my hair, my hands working themselves with a voodoo that I had never even imagined. Blow dry, brush, sculpt, spray. Looking into the mirror I gazed in amazement at the image in front of me, not only for what she looked like but what she had been able to do to get to this point. My long lashes blinked quickly in approval as my lips pushed out in a very feminine pout. "Unbelievable." I remarked. As I stood up from the vanity chair, I untied my robe, hanging it back onto the wall as I walked into the closet. "Legs." I commented to myself. "Third one down." Gently thumbing through the unopened and segregated pairs, I pulled out a pair of off-white pantyhose from the drawer. "Wow, they better be nice for 20 bucks a pair." I sat on the edge of the dressing room chair and opened the package, letting the legs dangle from the control panty in front of me. Ever so gently, I gathered up the leg and pulled my foot up close to me. Guiding the scrunched up nylon onto my toes, my leg flexed forward as my hand gently pulled the very taut and silky leg up to my knee. Again I repeated the same for the right. Standing, I gathered up the waistband and pulled each leg upward along my thighs, around my rear end and hips. Smoothing out each leg, I turned around to face the mirror. The sight took my breath away, as my hands ran along my incredibly silken sides. I pulled a cream-colored slip from the drawer and slid my arms through the delicate straps as it came to rest along the top of my bust line. The satin moved effortlessly along my body as I tried to ignore the fact that the feeling was pleasurable. Stepping into the skirt I pulled the elastic waistband around my body and adjusted the slip beneath it. I picked up the top off of the bed, pushing each arm through the soft fabric and buttoned it up against my body. Pulling each sleeve up, I let the elastic cuffs rest just below my elbows. There was no denying the clothing against by body felt very good and I thought to myself why men never get the chance to experience the touch of items so soft. Finding my jewelry box, I picked up the gold and diamond earrings and placed each one through my pierced ears ever so gently. A beautiful gold watch on my wrist and necklace to match. As I walked to the vanity, I picked up the liner and began to trace the outline of my lips. Picking up the lip brush, I carefully opened the lipstick and picked up the color onto the brush, filling in the area within the line around my lips, blotting as I finished. A few dabs of perfume on my neck and wrists and I was almost ready. I picked up the heels from the floor and sat at the edge of the bed and pushed each shoe onto my stocking feet. Standing up and walking over to the full mirror, I could feel my balance compensating, each foot step right in front of the other, my hips swaying with every stride, my breasts moving up and down slightly. Standing in the mirror was an incredible looking woman, her shapely legs extending from a very classy outfit. She was the kind of woman that every man turned to look at when entering a room. I had become that very object of desire and it unnerved me somewhat to know that I was capable of creating this image. PART 5: DESIRES Gathering up a couple makeup items, I carefully made my way down the stairs and stowed them into my purse. At the same moment, I looked up to see Brent open the garage door and stand motionless, his eyes drawn to me. He looked me up and down several times, as his mouth seemed agape. "Wuh... wow." he said in a stunned tone. "What?" I asked trying not to notice his stare. "You look incredible." "Well, this..." my hand motioning up and down my side, "Took me a while." "Damn, if you don't mind me saying... you make a better looking woman than I ever was." "Thanks for the reassurance." "Well..." he said smiling. "You about ready?" I turned around to grab my purse and suddenly bumped into Brent as I went to turn back. "You really look stunning this evening Susan, I'm simply amazed. I'm glad you decided to go this evening." he complimented as his hand rested on my arm. "I'll be playing the part for the rest of my life." I replied looking down at his hand. I pulled out the long coat from the front closet as Brent followed behind me out into the garage. We both got in the car and left for the party. There was an uneasy silence between us for several minutes as I peered out the window, my hands folded across my purse in my lap. It was he who spoke first. "Feel any better today?" "Somewhat. Things kept happening to me today that were so strange." "Like what?" "Well, I would get these really bad headaches out of nowhere that would last only about 30 seconds. Suddenly they'd be gone and I'd be able to do something as Susan." "What kind of things?" "Well, like my makeup and hair. I could have never done this as a man, I wouldn't have known where to even begin. So, I get this throbbing migraine in the tub and suddenly I'm Picasso and Jose Eber wrapped into one. I had another one earlier in the morning and went from total clothes frustration to being able to immediately pick out an outfit and shoes in a heartbeat. Brent?" "Yeah?" A sat silent for a moment and turned back to him. "You do anything with that necklace again?" He didn't say anything for a second or two and I immediately knew he was guilty again. "Well, I though you'd need a little help being that you're new to womanhood and all." I was taken back somewhat but not angry with him. I was almost appreciative of the fact he was looking out for me. "I'm not mad at you. I almost want to thank you." I said with a small laugh. "I couldn't even come close to looking like this if you hadn't of done that." "I just felt bad for you." "Thank you Brent." "Your welcome." he said as he patted my knee. "How are you doing with this whole deal?" I asked him. "I'm pretty good with it actually. I love my job, my staff is great, the pay is incredible." "With being a man?" He paused for a second to think about his answer. "I think you and I aren't in the same predicament Susan." "What do you mean?" "Right after I had changed, I felt confident Susan, on top of the world, and in charge. It felt as if I had been Brent Andrews for a long time. My memories of being Barbara are still very there, but it's Brent who I am now. I mean look at the way I walk, talk, mannerisms. It's strange that it's second nature to me and after only a couple of days." He paused to collect his thoughts again. "I've been coming to terms that I will never be a woman again, but on the other hand it's an incredible thing for anyone to experience the other side of life and to walk a mile in another's shoes. It was a strange feeling when I had my first heterosexual thought. Looking at another man didn't turn me on, nothing." He moved off the subject and didn't want to make me uncomfortable. He continued about me. "I don't know why your mind and my mind are not at the same level as me. I used the necklace to try and make it less difficult for you in the world given your new life. I wanted you to be Susan Andrews, who can live in peace and harmony, easing the struggle between two thought patterns and personas. I have the luxury of almost being complete. I have the luxury of knowing that Brent and Susan met along the sidelines of the..." "Oklahoma Texas game, 1969." I finished. "You are remembering things aren't you?!" "I... I just blurted it out after it popped into my head." I said in amazement. "Huh!" He laughed. We sat again in silence as we passed by many large homes of the affluent section of town. "How... how have you been holding up?" he asked, breaking the silence. "I don't know, I mean yesterday morning I'm a single and successful young man and the by midday, I'm a 51 year old woman with more curves than a racetrack. For cryin' out loud, I look like Raquel Welch's lovechild." My voice remained calm, a 'matter of fact' tone as I spoke to him. "I thought I would go mad after having this new equipment, staring at a stranger. The sensations and feelings were completely foreign at first. Every time I look down, I'm staring between my boobs, the absence of my former, you know, equipment when I use the bathroom, it's a constant reminder of what I've become. Yes, things in my mind have started to compensate for the fact that I am female, like for instance the whole clothes and makeup thing today, but I've lost half of my life because of this. My young, adult life was taken from me and for all I know, I could be dead from natural causes in twenty years." "Most people would give up anything to have an opportunity like this and see what the other side of life is like." "But I didn't ask for this. I'm just having to deal with it the best I can right now." "I know." As we approached the large home, I was nervous and almost shaking. I felt his arm in the small of my back as he escorted my up the flight of stairs to the front door. Giving the door a knock, we stood outside together and waited. "Your nervous aren't you." "I'm shaking." "It'll be just fine dear." I heard the door bolts unlocked as the large red door swung inward. It was Kathleen that greeted us first. "Ohhhh! So glad you both could be here!" The immaculately dressed woman said in a thick old-southern account. "Wouldn't miss a dinner party with you Kat." Brent laughed. "Oh come in, come in out of that cold you two. Oh Susan you look simply smashing as usual. Here let Robert take your coats." the butler quickly whisked the two garments and my purse away and disappeared into a room. "Mwoi." she said kissing the side of my cheek giving me a big hug. "Come on back and sit down please!" I followed in her footsteps in the back great room with Brent behind me. I caught a glimpse of him looking down at my legs as we passed a mirror through the maze of hallways of the Manor. "Excuse me Susan, I'll be back in just a moment." "Mrs. Andrews? May I get you something to drink?" asked a servant "Yes. Cabernet please." I said to the young lady. "And for you sir?" "Scotch on the rocks." Sitting and looking around, it seemed we were the first guests to arrive at the party. Brent sat perpendicular to me on an opposite love seat. It was the first time I had crossed my legs and they seemed to act on their own as I sat upright on the leather sofa. Brent caught a glimpse of his boss, Larry, and proceeded to get up to greet him. They both shook hands in ritual and started to chat about work. "Here you are ma'am." she said, handing me the glass of wine. "Thank you." I replied and took a sip I heard Kathleen's footsteps on the hardwood floors as she entered the room and sat down next to me on the sofa. "So, how is Brent and the new promotion? Congratulations to the both of y'all by the way." "Oh thank you Kathleen. Um, like a little boy with a new toy." I smiled back. "How have you been lately? It's been several months since I've seen you, ya know?" "Well... wonderful as always and nothing but the usual." Of course I lied. "Yes, well did you hear about Carolyn?" Kathleen began to converse with me about things and people who I had never met before, but I nodded my head and went along with the occasional "uh huh." Such a social butterfly she was. I would have called it gossipy if I didn't know any better. Guests started

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Charlotte Sometimes Chapter 4 A Night Like This

Charlotte had never felt so alone since she’d arrived in Northern Ireland. It had been three days since the party and there had been no word from Emma. Charlotte had contemplated calling around but given how Emma had told her to fuck off, she wasn’t sure of the reception she might get.Deirdre was still in Spain for another week and Fergal was helping his Dad for a few days and said he was too knackered in the evenings to do anything but sleep.The only high note on the horizon was that she was...

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Charlotte part 13

"To Viks!" The five of us toast, clinking our glasses of champagne (or in Charlotte's case, non-alcoholic champagne) together. "Seriously, you guys," Viks complains, "my birthday isn't until tomorrow!" "Yeah, but we've got to share you with a BOY tomorrow," Hannah giggles. "Tonight it's all girls, girls, girls!" "And on that topic," Mary giggles, "Jamie, where the hell did you get those amazing nails?" I laugh as I wave my extra-long fingernails for the girls, highlighting the...

2 years ago
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Charlotte part 23

"Wake up!" I hear a voice shout, startling me out of my slumber. "Huh?" I ask, blinking my eyes to try to focus them in the glare of the late August sun. "We've still got plenty to do," My husband says softly, waking me further with a gentle kiss before helping me lift my bikini-clad body off the sun lounger. "You know most 25 year olds DON'T spend their free time dozing off in the garden?" "Oh- shut up, you," I moan, before giggling as Stuart wraps a strong arm around my tanned...

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Charlotte part 5

"Beautiful, Jamie," the photographer calls to me as I turn my head and look off into the middle distance, giving the photographer a perfect view of the necklace and earrings I'm wearing- not to mention the exquisite white wedding dress! The dress is strapless, but doesn't show off too much cleavage, and hugs my curves beautifully. I have incredibly long fake nails- extending over an inch from my fingertip- attached to each digit and my make-up is applied flawlessly. My long blonde...

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Charlotte part 6

"Tighter," I order, eliciting a cry of exasperation from the person behind me. "It's already closed at the back, it won't go any tighter!" Charlotte sighs in desperation. "Are you sure?" I ask, gripping my dresser for support as I gasp for air. "Positive," Charlotte replies. "If it went any tighter you'd probably faint mid-meal! Of course, if that's what you're going for..." "This is date number three," I explain as Charlotte ties off the laces on my tightest under bust corset....

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Charlotte part 16

"I am the resurrection and the life,' says the Lord. 'Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die." I take a deep breath through my nose and stare over at my mother's tear-stained face as the priest continues speaking. "We are gathered here today to pay our last respects," the priest announces, "and to celebrate the life of Joan Mary Woodgate, beloved wife, mother and grandmother." I smile as I feel Stuart grip my...

4 years ago
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Charlotte Sometimes Chapter 2 Just like Heaven

Charlotte’s mind was a whirl for the next few days. She found her thoughts drifting between Dortz, the guy she’d met in the bar and Fiona, Emma’s older sister who had kissed her and made her cum later that night. On Monday morning, she sat in the school art room with her two new friends, Emma and Deirdre, and relived the weekend with them. Occasionally, they did some sketches of the stuffed duck that stood forlornly on the desk in front of them. Deirdre was describing how she’d had to sneak a...

2 years ago
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Charlotte Sometimes

‘This is officially the worst day of my life.’ Charlotte paused and lifted her pale blue eyes from her diary. She looked around her room, Robert Smith staring down at her from every wall. She smiled slightly as the opening bars of ‘Fascination Street’ began to reverberate around the room.Charlotte had not taken the news that her dad had got a new job well. She was pleased until she heard it involved uprooting her from her school, her friends and her life in Liverpool to go and live in some...

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Charlotte part 4

SEVEN AND A HALF MONTHS LATER... "Let's just do this, okay?" Charlotte sighs as she wraps her arms around me and moves her body closer to mine. Nodding stoically, I take a deep breath and lean into my BFF, kissing her as deeply as I've ever kissed my boyfriend. "Sixty seconds start now!" Paul laughs from behind me as I close my eyes and turn my head in toward Charlotte and away from the videophone that is inevitably recording my embarrassment. I should also point out that the only...

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Charlotte part 18

My hands shake with nerves as I- and everyone else in the vast room- watch the action unfolding on the television with baited breath. "Come on," I whisper. "I know you can do it..." "The winner," the blonde TV presenter announces in her refined northern accent, "of Strictly Come Dancing 2015 is..." A long, agonising pause fills the room as everyone holds their breath, waiting for the inevitable announcement. "...Hannah and Robin!" the presenter says in a happy voice, prompting...

2 years ago
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Charlotte part 20

"Try and relax!" Stuart urges me as I stretch my bikini-clad body on the sun lounger. "It's a nice hot day, you've got a VERY nice, VERY hot body..." I snort a laugh as Stuart takes off his loose t-shirt and sits down next to me, rubbing sunscreen into his hands. A genuine smile creeps over my face as I roll onto my front and Stuart unties the back of my bikini top, before smearing the cool liquid into my back. "Mmm... Soft," Stuart laughs as I remain silent. "Jamie... Please try and...

4 years ago
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Charlotte Sometimes Chapter 3 Close to Me

Fiona parked outside Charlotte’s house when they got back from their trip across the border. Charlotte longed to lean across and kiss Fiona but knew that sort of thing was never going to happen. Not in broad daylight with her mother watching through the living room window.“Thanks for being my model.”“I loved it. And I’ll drop the dress round later.”“There’s no rush. Drop it round any time. I’m heading back to Belfast this evening. Need to get into the darkroom to develop these pictures, and...

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Charlotte part 17

"Remember when these lessons used to be just for the two of us?" I ask Charlotte as we tie our shiny satin pointe shoes to our feet. "Barely," my BFF giggles. "Then again, who is it who's always saying 'you can never have too many friends'?" "Yes, yes, okay," I laugh as I return to the barre, flanked by over a dozen of my friends. As we run through the remainder of our steps, I smile as I muse on what Charlotte said, and how right she is, especially at this time of year. In exactly...

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Charlottes reluctant threesome

Charlotte and I had been married for a few years, we had both been marriedbefore to very boring and straight laced people, neither of whom had been very adventurous with sex. Charlotte was a really hot curvy woman with large firm breasts and when she got turned on her nipples were like hard bullets, her ass was a sexy round shape. Since meeting we had been making up for lost time becoming more sexually adventurous as trust built between us. Whatever fantasy or sexual adventure either of us...

3 years ago
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Charlotte part 10

My heart is racing and my palms are clammy. My mouth is bone dry from not having eaten in 24 hours and I'm shaking like a leaf. "Okay Miss Burke," the doctor says as he injects a syringe into my IV drip. "I want you to count backwards from ten. Can you do that, please?" "Ten," I whisper hoarsely. "Nine, e-eight, um, seven..." My head starts to spin as I find it harder and harder to keep my eyes open. "Six, um, six?" I ask as my brain fogs over and my entire body feels like it's...

2 years ago
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CHARLOTTE'S WEBCHAPTER 1.Charlotte was a big girl. No........... not fat. She was what most red blooded men wanted................... A nice big healthy girl with plenty of curves to admire and get hold of. After having two k**s a few years ago she still had plenty of milk to feed them, and liked the way her tits looked and felt when they were full and solid with milk.Short dark hair and with sexy glasses and a cum fuck me smile, she was also a fun person to be with. She liked to party with...

4 years ago
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Charlotte part 19

"So... Yeah," I say as the professional make-up artist applies a layer of adhesive to the tops of my ears. "Why, exactly, again?" "It's his favourite show," Charlotte explains. "He's done so much for us over the years, it's only fair we throw him a party for once." "And he's 55 this year, it's as good a time as any," Hannah says. "And the show's celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, it just makes sense, really." "Oh, I get that," I say as the make-up artist applies latex...

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Charlotte part 21

"I'm Jamie-Lee Burke, on behalf of Infemme- THE fragrance for women, exclusive to amazon.co.uk!" I grin widely as I place one hand on my hip whilst another holds up a bottle of expensive, branded perfume for the video and still cameras that are recording me. Naturally, my look is perfect. In addition to professionally-applied make up and nail polish, I'm wearing a chic, tight top, a cute black skirt with wavy pleats, opaque black tights, and my long blonde hair has been teased and...

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Charlotte part 14

"Jamie?" the young man asks with confusion as he answers his front door. "What are you doing here this early?" "I'm here," I tell the expectant young man, "Because I love you... Stuart." Stuart closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "You love me... But?" Stuart asks, making me smile and roll my eyes at the handsome transman's paranoia. "No buts," I say. "Plenty of ANDs, though. I love you AND I want to be with you. I love you AND I'm IN love with you. I love you... AND I...

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Charlotte Sometimes Chapter 6 The Funeral Party

Charlotte was in her room. She watched the 12” disc of black vinyl spinning on the record player as Robert Smith’s voice sang the chorus of ‘The Funeral party.’ She picked up the postcard again. The front showed a group of punks with spiky mohicans in front of a red telephone box with ‘Welcome to London’ written in red, white, and blue below it.  She flipped it over and read it again even though she had already committed the three sentences to memory. Hey Charlotte, sorry I didn’t write sooner....

3 years ago
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Charlotte In Stitches

Charlotte In Stitches Introduction: Now, that their lives were finally free of his work and all their family entanglements, Belle and Charles were free to explore the wonders of BDSM slavery within their Master's Heinleinien Line-Poly-Marriage; grandiosely titled: "The Leather Freehold". Within the Freehold Belle was finally willing to let her husband Charles pursue his life long dream of living 24/7/365 as a Woman, and, more importantly; as her sister slave, and hopefully sister...

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Charlotte part 7

SIX WEEKS LATER I blink my eyes awake and roll over in bed, only to be stopped by an unexpected face full of blonde hair that isn't my own. Turning my head to the other side, another long mop of blonde hair- again, not my own- blocks my view. Once I've blinked the early morning tiredness- and a moderate hangover- out of my eyes, the previous night's events return to my memory. "Kris," I whisper, gently nudging the sleeping woman on my left-hand side. "Han, wake up!" I whisper to...

2 years ago
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Charlotte Part 1

I've never been the world's most masculine man- at 5' 5" and a slender 8 and a half stone- but this is just ridiculous. When I went to bed last night, I was wearing my boxer shorts. When I wake up this morning, things are quite different. The first thing I'm aware of is the smell. Like a bomb had gone off in a perfume factory, the sweet floral scent seemed to surround me. Then came the taste of cherry on my lips, and a tingling sensation over my whole body. I open my eyes and reach...

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Charlotte part 9

SIX WEEKS LATER "Vive La France!" Krystie happily exclaims in my ear, over the noise of the crowded Parisian nightclub. "This is so cool!" I happily reply as I dance with my friend, the two of us attracting the attention of virtually every boy in the club in our tiny clubbing dresses and extra-high heels- not to mention our voluminous hair and heavy make-up! "Yeah, who needs BOYS anyway?" Krystie asks. "I'll try not to take that personally!" Stuart yells over the noise of the...

3 years ago
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Charlotte Takes Charge

“Mum, I don’t need Nellie to check up on me,” Daniel bleated.Maggie looked steadfastly at her sixteen-year-old step-son. “Yes, you do. Your sister will phone daily and pop-in a few times a week just to check you are Ok.” After a moment she added firmly, “And that the house is Ok. Understood?”Maggie was actually Daniel’s step-sister and both had been adopted when under a year-old, but the whole family ignored that fact and saw themselves as mum, son, and daughter.Daniel said a reluctant, “OK,...

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Charlotte part 12

As the classical music reaches its crescendo, I lower myself from pointe and dip into a perfect ballerina's curtsey, spreading my voluminous tutu beneath me as the crowd roars with rapturous applause. "Three cheers for the birthday girl!" Stuart yells from the audience, making me blush as I stand back up. "Hip hip!" Stuart yells. "Hooray!" The crowd enthusiastically responds. "Everybody, please," I say, cringing with embarrassment. "Hip hip!" Stuart yells again. "Hooray!"...

4 years ago
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Charlotte part 22

I take a deep breath as I pin the translucent white veil to my elaborately-styled hair, before draping it over my immaculately made-up face. I fidget a bit in my dress, causing the voluminous strapless creation to rustle, especially as I adjust the low-cut sweetheart neckline. I nervously tap my feet in my low-heeled shoes (Low-heeled as my fianc? is only a couple of inches taller than me), before a call from the next room tell me that it is, at long last, showtime. I grab the bouquet of f...

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Charlotte Sometimes Chapter 5 Disintegration

Charlotte stared out the bus window as the rain pelted against the glass. As the blue and white Ulsterbus trundled its way up the hill from the Ballygawley roundabout, she thought of her weekend with Fiona.They’d spent most of the rest of the weekend in bed once they got home from the shopping and drinking trip. She blushed at the memory of having left the room to go for a pee and, wearing only a tee-shirt, she’d met Tara in the hall with a boy she’d brought home. She’d felt the boy running his...

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As she walks in the front door, the chef glances up at her, and returns to cooking. It's a fast paced style of cooking called "teppenyaki", where the chef is surrounded on three sides by a very hot table to cook on, which are surrounded by another table for the customers to eat at, which are, in turn, surrounded by stools for the customers to sit on. Adam needs to add a lot of style and flair to his cooking to keep the customers entertained while listening for the customers to tell him what...

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Many thanks to Dawnj for editing and general advice. Any mistakes are mine. ***** December 24. As usual, the firm was about to close for the festive season. The presses would be stopped for the time being and even the proofreaders went home without a text and a deadline. The entire staff had gathered in the canteen, and Mr March, the big boss himself, handed out the Christmas boxes to all staff. To all staff present, that is – Charlotte Tenson, his secretary and general dogsbody, wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Charlotte And Her Parents

Biology was the one subject that Charlotte,a straight A student at the city's most reputed convent loathed. She had a very important exam the next day, and all Charlotte could think of was her long distance boyfriend,Adam. It was already midnight, and she hadn't studied a single thing,so she considered asking her father for some help. Leaving her pen on the table, Charlotte walked to her parents room, paying no heed when her pen rolled off the table and onto the ground with a thud. Stopping...

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Charlotte Part 2

Hoofdstuk 3. Voor de toiletspiegel maak ik mij op met de make-up spullen van Charlotte. Ik heb gezien hoe zij zich opmaakte, ik kijk op de foto van haar paspoort en maak mij net zo op. Het valt niet mee, maar na wat vruchteloze pogingen lukt het toch vrij aardig. En ik vind een pruik in dezelfde kleur haar als dat van Charlotte. Dan haal ik de lak van mijn nagels en lak ze dan in dezelfde kleur als ik mijn lippen heb gestift. In de spiegel zie ik nog maar weinig mannelijks. En met...

4 years ago
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Charlotte 1883

"Lottie," Minnie Brown told Charlotte Larson, "I've seen the new preacher." As Minnie's father was an important man in the Oriskany Methodist Episcopal church, Minnie had helped the new preacher's family move in every July for the past three years. "So?" "He's young. And single. And he looks dreamy." Charlotte wondered what a single preacher would do in the parsonage. It was larger than the house which accommodated her family of six and their maid of all work. Rev. Woods had shut...

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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 2

After a couple of minutes of lying with my cock pulsing inside Charlotte’s gorgeously tight pussy, I drew my prick out of her and rolled over to lie on the bed. The two girls arranged their bodies either side of me, and Ellie moved up the bed and stroked my chest and offered her mouth to be kissed. She kissed me gently, and then whispered, “I am so excited, Tom, but promise me that you won’t be gentle with me, will you?” she said, grinning at me nervously. I laughed and said, “I promise to...

1 year ago
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Charlottes sexual awakening

Charlotte is a strong minded career woman with extensive experience in the property market. For the last five years she worked for the same high profile property company working her way up the ranks in quick succession where she was now one of the senior managers there.On the home front, she's married to Andrew where they have a three year old son. Such was her strong minded independence out in the employment field she endeavoured to get herself back into work shortly after her son's birth. Due...

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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 3

I slept the sleep of the sexually exhausted, with the delicious knowledge that I was in bed with two lovely young nymphomaniacs who were expecting to be fucked for the whole weekend - awesome and a little intimidating. Every so often during the night I would feel one of them stroking my cock, and occasionally Ellie would kiss me and whisper, “I love your magnificent cock so much!” Luckily my room had old fashioned shutters fitted which kept out nearly all the light, and so it must have been...

1 year ago
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Charlotte and Alice Part I

I met Charlotte when I had just turned twenty and she was in her early fifties. I had started dating her daughter, Alice, but I'd be lying if I said Charlotte didn't have my full attention from the jump. Charlotte was a heavy-set woman, red hair that flowed down to her shoulders, with round DD breasts that hung down over her belly, thick thighs, wide hips, and a fat ass. Despite being a redhead, her skin was a light tan complexion from her Italian heritage. Her face was nicely aged, light...

2 years ago
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Charlotte's Mentorbymikeperk©With a surge of warm expectation he heard the car pull onto the drive. From this point there would be no turning back and his new life would be formally launched tomorrow.Joe's existence during the two years since his wife had succumbed to breast cancer had been pretty miserable, but his imminent marriage to her sister promised a return to a comfortable, if not particularly exciting, future.Pauline had been their young bridesmaid when he'd married Brenda more than...

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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 7

Once Maxine and Greg had published their review on their swingers website the next day, the requests for attendance at SO went right off the meter. However, we knew that having one Orgy a month with no more than six paying couples, would make us a good income for doing something that actually pleasured us without being onerous. So we kept it exclusive, together with the rule that non-acquaintances had to be vetted personally by Charlotte. But so great was the demand that before long we had to...

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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 10

Once Maxine and Greg had published their review on their swingers website the next day, the requests for attendance at SO went right off the meter. However, we knew that having one Orgy a month with no more than six paying couples, would make us a good income for doing something that actually pleasured us without being onerous. So we kept it exclusive, together with the rule that non-acquaintances had to be vetted personally by Charlotte. But so great was the demand that before long we had to...

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Charlotte and her friends

Let me start with some background information. Charlotte grew up in the Northwest. By the time she was 16, she was 5'7, blonde, 120lbs. She always wore yoga pants and tight shirts to show off her DD's and amazing ass. Her sex experiences were limited, always being relatively mild unless she had been drinking. Charlotte would always get a bit crazy after a few drinks, guess that plays into the guys advantages. She would give head, but hated cum so she never enjoyed it. When the occasioned called...

2 years ago
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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 6

The Orgy could not have gone better, and Charlotte was praised by one and all from start to finish for her organisation. She was planning on helping Ellie serve drinks on arrival, but I stopped her – she was my partner and the joint host and so I wanted her to behave as such. Luckily Sylvie stepped in and volunteered – she was so thrilled at my offer to help her start her agency that she was delighted to help out. Dress code was dinner jacket and best frocks, and by 7.45pm the lounge was full...

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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 9

The Orgy could not have gone better, and Charlotte was praised by one and all from start to finish for her organisation. She was planning on helping Ellie serve drinks on arrival, but I stopped her – she was my partner and the joint host and so I wanted her to behave as such. Luckily Sylvie stepped in and volunteered – she was so thrilled at my offer to help her start her agency that she was delighted to help out. Dress code was dinner jacket and best frocks, and by 7.45pm the lounge was full...

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Charlotte takes her first female sub

On Saturdays I like to go to the city to shop for all the essentials; specifically shoes. Christen Louboutin black patent leather pumps to be precise. Truth be told, I love to get pumped while wearing these pumps. It’s just so sexy to me and heightens my orgasms. I believe every woman deserve heightened, intense orgasms, especially me. Shopping is an activity that I enjoy, I love to dress up sexy and strut from store to store. While doing this, I notice that I receive more than my share of...

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Charlotte part 11

"Godddd..." I moan as I prop myself up on my elbows on a towel on the floor of the converted London taxi. "Why does it have to take this long?" "It'll take as long as it takes," Hannah replies from the driver's seat of the taxi. "Not 'that'," I say. "I mean my damned dilation..." I stare down at the thick orange tube poking out of my vagina and sigh again. "Do you want me to get you a pillow, or something?" Hannah asks. "No, I'll be fine," I say, trying to sound at least...

4 years ago
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Charlotte part 24

"Which hospital is she in?" I ask as I get into Stuart's car and fasten my seatbelt. "Queen Charlotte's," Stuart says, before a wide smile spreads across his face. "So... Did- did they, you know, say anything? About the kid?" "You're the one who Mikey texted," I retort, before my eyes go wide as I realise what- or rather, who- Stuart's referring to. "Oh, oh you- you meant-" "Yeah," Stuart nervously giggles. "Nearly put the baby seat in the car before setting off, I'm getting so...

4 years ago
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Charlotte Was Bad

It was my busy season and I had been putting in long hours trying to meet deadlines and finish projects. As a result I had been neglecting my wife and she finally reached a point where she let me know it. "I've been stuck in this house for a month now and it is time that we go out and do something. I was talking to Stacey (her best friend) and she invited us to go to a party with her and her new boyfriend. I told her that we would be happy to go." I had brought a ton of paperwork home with...

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charlottes needs

First time writing a story... also new here... enjoy!Charlotte's needsnote: dialogues will be started with a -, a -- or // and assigned to specific characters.it will help recognize who is talking.Charlotte, a nice lady in her late 40s. She was married for 22 years; but the spell had warned out. it was 10 years ago when she found out that her husband was having an affair. she decided to sign a separation note; but they decided to stay together for the sake of the c***drens, and the financial...

3 years ago
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Charlotte Has a Gun

I write this story about my Aunt Charlotte with mixed emotions. In a certain sense, I guess it would be honest to tell you that I have always harbored some feelings for my Aunt Charlotte that were not of a familial nature. It seems like a long time ago but for some of us oldsters with hearts still ticking, the danger and excitement of a global war was the height of non-boredom. Charlotte, in retrospect, was probably the most beautiful and sexy woman I have ever met in my entire life and she...

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Charlotte The Pirate Ch 01

The following story is going to be at least a 10-parter, with each chapter in a different category. If you enjoy this story, I’m afraid you’ll have to go find each part. Hope it’s worth it. Charlotte D’Ormond was the daughter of Francois D’Ormond, Comte de Filleaux. She was 19 years old, and her father had finally arranged a marriage for her. It shouldn’t have been difficult to find a husband for the daughter of a count, but Charlotte’s father wanted the very best for his daughter. So, it had...

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Charlotte takes her first female sub

On Saturdays I like to go to the city to shop for all the essentials, specifically shoes. Christen Louboutin black patent leather pumps to be precise. Truth be told, I love to get pumped while wearing these pumps. It’s just so sexy to me and heightens my orgasms. I believe every woman deserve heightened, intense orgasms, especially me. Shopping is an activity that I enjoy, I love to dress up sexy and strut from store to store. While doing this, I notice that I receive more than my share of...

4 years ago
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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 5

It was early afternoon on the Sunday when I woke up to find my arms wrapped around Charlotte’s soft body, her firm buttocks pressed into my crotch. The house was generally still, except for the unmistakeable sound of Ellie in a state of orgasm, the sound coming from the next room. As I lay there listening, Charlotte stirred in my arms, rolled over and slipped her tongue into my mouth and we kissed gently for a few minutes. Then she said, “She is such a noisy lover!” and we laughed. I took...

1 year ago
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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 8

It was early afternoon on the Sunday when I woke up to find my arms wrapped around Charlotte’s soft body, her firm buttocks pressed into my crotch. The house was generally still, except for the unmistakeable sound of Ellie in a state of orgasm, the sound coming from the next room. As I lay there listening, Charlotte stirred in my arms, rolled over and slipped her tongue into my mouth and we kissed gently for a few minutes. Then she said, “She is such a noisy lover!” and we laughed. I took...

3 years ago
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Charlotte Sometimes

Charlotte Sometimes. By Tanya H. From the moment I walked into the shop my eye was caught and held - just a skirt, you might have said if you had seen where I was looking. You've already got plenty. True enough; but not one like that. Kayla Ormond, my secretary - of the long legs and enigmatic smile, had been wearing such a skirt over the summer, I had been very envious, and this wonderfully displayed version was the first of the style I had come across in a shop. One of the...

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Charlotte The Pirate Ch 08

The following story is going to be at least a 10-parter, with each chapter in a different category. If you enjoy this story, I’m afraid you’ll have to go find each part. Hope it’s worth it. Part 1: Non-Erotic. Part 2: First Time Part 3: Loving Wives Part 4: Exhib & Voy Part 5: Lesbian Part 6: Interracial Part 7: Letters and Transcripts William was beside himself. How could that bastard do that to Charlotte? And poor Charlotte. Her last entry had been in March. It was now mid-September. That...

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