CHARLOTTE'S MENTOR free porn video

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Charlotte's Mentorbymikeperk©
With a surge of warm expectation he heard the car pull onto the drive. From this point there would be no turning back and his new life would be formally launched tomorrow.

Joe's existence during the two years since his wife had succumbed to breast cancer had been pretty miserable, but his imminent marriage to her sister promised a return to a comfortable, if not particularly exciting, future.

Pauline had been their young bridesmaid when he'd married Brenda more than twenty four years ago. The two girls were close then, but the bond between all three of them had grown even stronger as the years had passed.

It had been a happy marriage, marred only by their inability to have c***dren. Ironically, Pauline had given birth to a daughter less than a year after her own wedding, just six months before her husband was killed in a road accident.

Baby Charlotte, perhaps due to the lack of a father's discipline, had grown into a rebellious adolescent, frequently leaving her mother at the end of her tether. Eventually Joe had intervened and tactfully nudged the youngster away from most of the potential catastrophes that threatened to transpire and, as a result, had built up a tremendous rapport with the girl.

She had a lot to be grateful for, even though it had been some considerable time before she admitted it.

He had bought off the irate shopkeeper and persuaded him not to report it when she'd tried her hand at shop lifting at the tender age of twelve.

By f******n she'd been taught that swearing was only a sign of immaturity and that being polite often achieved more than her previous rudeness.

At sixteen her hormones had become a physiological time bomb. Her wish to pierce her nose and lip was negotiated down to a minor ring in her belly button where it wasn't so obvious to potential employers. Similarly, the tattoos intended for her arms were eventually talked down to a single, tasteful rose on her left buttock.

All this, and much more, had been achieved without reference to her mother who, Joe guessed, was happier in her ignorance.

Pauline had been brought up as a Catholic and tended to see life through rose tinted glasses. She loved her daughter but felt God would provide all the direction necessary to enable a proper upbringing. After all, she'd conceived her baby without any formal sex education and Charlotte could, she felt sure, expect the same celestial guidance throughout her life.

Joe realised his intended second bride was relatively inexperienced and, apparently, had little interest in sexual matters, but loved her enough to settle for the promise of companionship and the remote hope of some occasional intimacy.

He opened the front door before Charlotte rang the bell.

After tomorrow's ceremony he would reside at Pauline's address and, at his suggestion, her daughter would take over his bungalow. He'd argued that, as the youngster was now eighteen, she needed her independence while the parental couple could benefit from being alone to settle into their new life.

She hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"I'll leave my stuff in the car for now," she said quietly. "Give me a quick conducted tour around what you're leaving and then I'd like to talk."

Joe gave her a quick look, sensing another counselling session was at hand.

"Have you got a problem?" He asked tentatively.

"Not really," she murmured, "it's nothing we can't work out between us."

Now apprehensive about the possibility of further, untimely demands being put upon him, he quickly whisked her around the property that was to become her home and then steered her back to the small conservatory.

"Sit down," he instructed, "and I'll go and mash some tea."

"I'd rather have a scotch," she murmured unexpectedly, "and it might be a good idea if you had one as well."

"I'm not sure I approve of you drinking spirits..." Joe observed hesitantly.

"I don't usually, but today I think we may both need a little Dutch courage."

He chose not to argue any longer and made for the drink's trolley, watching her carefully while pouring the whisky.

She was clearly agitated about something. Her fingers kept flicking the long hair back over her right ear while she crossed and uncrossed her bare legs.

Her eyes were everywhere except on him.

"Okay," he muttered when passing the glass, "perhaps you'd better get it off your chest?"

She sipped the amber fluid, took a deep breath and finally locked her huge green eyes to his.

"I want you to show me how to fuck."

The words bounced repetitively around Joe's brain as he sat gawping at her.

Incapable of speech, he couldn't believe what he'd heard.

The silence seemed to go on for ever as he consciously attempted to grapple with the implications of her request and stared at the girl as if seeing her for the first time.

Charlotte appeared to relax now that her wish was revealed, leaning back in the armchair to await his response.

As beautiful as her mother had been at the same age, but a damned sight more provocative.

Long, red hair down her back, thick and burnished by brushing. An oval face with a sprinkling of freckles on high cheek bones. A snub nose and large mouth below the glinting green orbs that were her eyes. She wore a white halter top over unrestrained breasts, revealing several inches of bronzed skin between it and the short skirt that hugged her slim hips. Her lean legs were long for someone of such short stature, terminating with tiny, c***dlike feet.

She was sensational, the very essence of a sensuous young woman, he thought, as a stonking great erection threatened to burst through his pants.

"I don't understand," he finally managed to reply in a strangled voice. "Try reading the sex manual I gave you."

"I know the theory, almost off by heart," she murmured, wrinkling her nose with impatience, "but if I'm old enough to be independent, it's time I got some practical experience."

"Oh, come on," Joe exploded. "If you've succeeded in keeping men at arm's length all this time, I'm amazed. However, if it's true and you've now decided the time is right, lower the defences and give the boyfriend a treat."

"I intend to," she said, pouting before going on, "but I don't want an amateurish fumble with him, so please teach me how to do it properly."

"I can't," he gasped desperately. "How can I possibly make love to you the day before I marry your mother. For Christ's sake, I'll be your stepfather tomorrow!"

"That's why it must be today," Charlotte grinned disarmingly. "Right now you're free to make it with who you wish, but once married, I suspect your principles will get in the way."

"But, why me? I'm old enough to be your father!"

"Because I trust you, because you understand me, because you'd never hurt me and because, in a funny sort of way, I love you," the youngster gushed. "Is that enough reasons? Besides, I believe if you're honest, you'll admit you'd like to do it and I think I owe you the opportunity."

"Your mother would never forgive me...," Joe continued to put up a half hearted fight.

"She'll never know about it from me," the girl interrupted earnestly. "I know you're not intending to see her between now and the ceremony, so I could stay the night without anyone being the wiser."

"That wouldn't make it right," he snapped before gulping the contents of his glass, "I'd still have to live with the fact that I'd taken advantage of you."

"Rubbish, it's not as if you're enticing me out of my knickers," she giggled. "If anybody can be accused of seduction, it's me!"

Joe's mind was in turmoil. He felt the situation was morally unacceptable but, by God, he'd give his back teeth to get between her thighs and, he realised, he no longer wanted to find an excuse to avoid the experience.

"Just think of me as a wanton wench who's got the hots for you," Charlotte continued to wheedle. "Let me take the lead until your libido overcomes your conscience. If I can't turn you on, then I don't get my way. How's that for a compromise?"

"Okay," he squeaked, accepting his scruples were about to evaporate.

"Thanks," Charlotte whispered as she stood up and kicked off her sandals. Then, with a smile and a pirouette, she whipped off her top, dropped her skirt and stepped out of her minuscule panties.

Joe's head spun with excitement as he goggled at the vision before him.

Slim and lithe, her body looked perfect. The skin was evenly tanned all over, obviously the result of several sessions of nude sunbathing.

Her breasts were small, firm and upturned, with pert little nipples sitting proudly at the top. The belly was flat and enhanced by the ring through the button.

Then, with a start, he nearly shot off in his pants as his eyes ran over the smooth, depilated groin.

Now he knew he was lost! The one and only fetish he could admit to was his delight with a bald fanny.

She sidled up to him, slowly turning to display the rose on her shapely posterior and then reached for his hands to pull him out of the chair.

Within seconds she'd unbuckled his belt and slipped off his shirt. Before he realised what she was about, his pants were around his ankles and she was on her knees with his over excited cock deep within her mouth.

He felt her tongue move against the pulsating member as her hands slid up the back of his thighs and immediately lost control, spurting semen directly into her throat.

Gulping down his juice, she continued the oral massage of his softening penis for several minutes, causing him to gasp with the excruciating sensation emitting from its head.

Finally, she was done.

"Decision time," Charlotte whispered quietly. "Lead me to the mattress and complete my education or tell me to get lost, in which case I'll masturbate and go, leaving you in peace."

Joe reached down, lifted her into his arms and made for the bedroom.

The next few hours were a maelstrom of sexual activity. Nearly out of his mind with desire, he buried his head between her thighs, placed a hand under each soft buttock and lapped with his tongue, taking her straight through two separate orgasms before she pleaded for him to bury his restored cock within her throbbing vagina.

They started in the missionary position. He slipped in up to the hilt and began a rhythmic motion, in and out, thrusting hard against her pubic bone. Despite the plentiful lubrication it was tight, with the friction quickly bringing them both to a conclusion. Charlotte smiled as she climbed the stairway to her zenith just seconds before Joe surrendered to her rippling spasms and jetted his second donation of the day.

Their recovery was rapid, aided by her constant massage of his body with fingers and lips.

When she felt his penis bounce back, Charlotte rolled over onto her hands and knees, offering her rear towards him. He took her doggie fashion, hanging onto her pendulous breasts while ramming against her bum. This time it lasted a little longer, with the youngster gasping through an awesome climax when Joe eventually discharged his spunk.

Again, her lips encouraged his manhood to swell, but Joe's stamina was visibly flagging. Sensing she needed to take the initiative, Charlotte straddled his hips and sank slowly down onto the tumescent member. Joe laid still, content to leave her in control as she dictated the action, up and down, inside her dripping vulva. Twice she shuddered through a high spot of pleasure while grinding the root of his tool against her clitoris before leaning back to allow her fingers to encroach between the inflamed button and his shaft.

Raising his head to view the change of tactics, Joe took one look at the smooth thighs spread open across him and his rod buried within the hairless hole, felt her fingers fidgeting around the perimeter and ejaculated more fluid into the pleasure pot.

Now he was exhausted.

Charlotte tried everything to revive him, but had to admit defeat as he fell asleep.

Joe awoke at dawn, still feeling physically fatigued.

Charlotte had gone.

Lethargically his mind drifted back, remembering the action of yesterday that had led to him climaxing so many times. No wonder he felt below par, he reasoned with himself. No sex for two years and then a bout like that, it's surprising I survived at all!

Then there was the dream. Well, at first, he thought it was a dream. Charlotte had persuaded his cock to regain its maximum size and was trying to coax him to insert it into her backside. He'd prevaricated at first, explaining he was too tired, but the youngster had insisted and he'd capitulated, poking a well greased shaft deep within her buttocks. He remembered it was hot, very tight and sensational as her anus clenched his tool like a vice and her internal muscles rippled with the invasion. His orgasm had been an explosion that left him panting as he'd collapsed onto her soft body - but did it really happen?

The mental debate and vivid memories excited him into an aroused state and, as he grasped his shaft to progress the pleasure, he grimaced with discomfort from the bruises along the length of his member. That settled it, Charlotte had clearly enticed him beyond his normal endurance.

Gingerly, he held his foreskin between thumb and forefinger, moving it just enough to seek gratification with a carefully controlled balance between delectable sensitivity and pain. The ejaculation was bliss, accompanied with a graphic recall of the youngster's shaven slit, while the languorous after effect quickly slipped his reverie into slumber.

By nine he was eating breakfast and looking forward to the wedding. Champing on crisp bacon, he smiled to himself as he again read the note from Charlotte that he'd found propped up against the teapot.

Dearest Joe,

I guess you were right after all. My instincts are strong enough to guide my body to physical pleasure without any special tuition. However, thank you for allowing me to use your body to seek that reassurance and I'm now anxious to seek further practice from elsewhere, without bothering you again.

I will always remember our wonderful night together and look forward to the privilege of being your step-daughter. Mum is a lucky woman, I'm almost jealous, but hope you'll find happiness together.

See you later.

Yours affectionately,

'C' xxx. P.S. Whatever you do, don't breath a word to Mother about last night, she could never understand you were doing me a favour!

At noon he was walking down the aisle with Pauline, having just exchanged their vows. Charlotte smiled and winked as they passed her, standing against a pew with a well groomed lad of her own age.

At eleven the party was over. Joe had sent Pauline ahead to the bedroom and was tactfully waiting a moment before following.

He found her sat up against the headboard avidly reading a book.

"Hello darling," she greeted him. "I found this among a heap of stuff that Charlotte left behind, apparently discarded as no longer required."

"Oh, what is it?" Joe replied nonchalantly, not at all prepared for the response.

"An illustrated sex manual," Pauline murmured without looking up, "and it's pretty hot stuff. Some of the pictures are so explicit they leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. I can't think what Charlotte wanted with a book like this."

"Why not?" The question was posed as he recognised the publication as that he'd provided some time ago. "Surely it's reassuring that she is prepared to educate herself about such matters?"

"I 'spose," her voice trailed off as she turned the page and studied the next illustration. "My God, that's disgusting...Well, some would say so...but, it might be interesting to try it... Joe, what are you hanging about for? Please get yourself in here this minute... I can't wait to try some of this!"


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The state baseball playoffs began in earnest after school let out for the summer. Centerville had made the playoffs and we were favored to go deep, but not win it all. One of the fortunate side effects from splitting shakes was how strong it made my wrists. I started putting a natural dive on the one pitch they let me throw. My fastball had a nasty habit of dropping off the table as it approached the plate, like a sinker only with more movement. Those wrists also gave me a little more...

4 years ago
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Sex Lessons From Hot Office Girl In Mumbai

Hello everyone, My name is Tejas and I am from Mumbai. I started working with an MNC in which I joined as a trainee. As I was new to the company, I was very shy and introvert. I use to only look and admire girls but never had the guts to approach them. Every Friday after work, we friends would go to a bar next to our office. I saw a girl in that bar from my office and the first sight of her made me go crazy for her. She looked fucking hot in a black one-piece with big nice tight boobs and a...

3 years ago
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Bad Girl

"Flight 555 now leaving for Albuquerque," the loud speaker announced. Bag and briefcase in hand, I joined the throng at the gate. The woman I'd been watching was a few passengers behind me. She was an attractive woman but not unusually so. In fact, nothing was unusual about her except her body language. That spoke volumes. Eyes glued to the laptop in front of her, she'd squirmed in her seat. Her mouth would slowly open. Her eyes would widen and she'd blush furtively before glancing up to...

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Late Night TV with Daughter

This is a story about a father's growing lust for his maturing 17 year old daughter. I know what I write about is against the morals of most people but I cannot help but share my most secret sexual fantasy with others who also struggle to contain these feelings.Any man with a gorgeous sexy daughter, sister, aunt or even mother is lying if he says he has never had sexual thoughts or fantasies about them. Most dare not act out on those fantasies in fear of rejection or being caught in the act of...

3 years ago
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Harvest of Expectations Ch 10

Chapter 10 — Let’s Have a Party May 1974 They arrived late, but not too much. The fraternity house parking lot had always been undersized so Jim had a difficult time wedging the Rustmobile into a space. ‘I’m glad we took this car instead of the Duster,’ Jim said. ‘The old Rustmobile can take a few more dents and no one would notice, but the Duster doesn’t have any yet. He turned off the motor and they were about to climb the back steps of the fraternity house when a pick up truck towing a...

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How I became The Volleyball Teams Slut Part 7

What was inside our lockers made us think that none of our slut lives were over… I opened the locker door and my expression turned to that of horror. My pussy tingled from memories of yesterday in a slutty uniform. I pulled out a corset that was more suited for a playboy mansion than college. The corset was black with ribbon lace-up back and zip up side closure. I reluctantly slipped it on. My cleavage was accented, the half-breast cuffs barely covering my nipples, which were erect and...

1 year ago
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Widows Hot FamilyChapter 10

The escaped convict and Mary slept about half the night, until Holmes woke up to find the girl's soft, full lips wrapped around his stiff, throbbing cock. Her tongue was swirling around his leaking piss-slit and her hands were jiggling and kneading his big balls. Jane and Danny also slept for about half the night, until she woke up to find her son straddling her chest and sliding his cock through the tunnel formed by her held-together tits. Danny's hands were on the outside curves of both...

2 years ago
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Husband Made Her Hot

Hi friends and I am Reema After a long time I felt of writing my real incident after very good response for my story how my brother made me Hot. I have been receiving various mail appreciating the write up, today I would like to narrate one more real incident which happened around 4 years back. I had been happily married and blessed with baby, this story is about how I got hot with my hubbies Friend. I am staying with a Joint family after marriage, life of the girl Changes drastically after...

2 years ago
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Hi Beautiful

Note to the Reader: This is a romantic short story about plus sized woman and the man who thinks she is beautiful. It’s the first non-erotic story I’ve posted, and the first story I’ve posted in a long time. I hope you enjoy it. Please send feedback. ______________________ ‘Hi Beautiful,’ Bill said, watching Caroline’s shapely calves climb the steps of the bus before meeting her gaze. Her dark brown eyes peeked up at him from behind her long, thick lashes. A blush crept onto her cheeks and...

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My Humiliation0

A large crowd of older boys stood around the room watching and laughing. They drank their beers and cheered him on. "You going to take that?" someone said. I heard another voice say, "Yeah man don't let that little bitch handle you like that. Show her who's boss Cody." and he laughed. "Well, hold her down for me so I can do this!" Cody commanded. I screamed as I felt the boy sitting behind me on the bed grab my wrists and pin them down behind my head. "Scream all you want.I...

1 year ago
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Dave Feeds Me My First

When the internet finally reached us here in Africa, it was slow and exorbitantly expensive. Nowadays it is only a fraction less expensive, but still frustratingly slow. Because of this, the only time I could check out hot and exciting porn on the net was when I finally was alone at work after everyone else had gone home. Like so many other inexperienced surfers, I battled to find the right sites. Most were paysites and there was no way I was giving my credit card details away on the net. There...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Quinn Wilde Penelope Reed Here For A Friend

Masseuse Quinn Wilde greets Penelope Reed, who is sitting waiting, thinking she’s a client ready for her massage. Penelope says that she’s actually waiting for her friend. When Quinn asks if she’s talking about Emily, Penelope smiles and says yes. Quinn informs her that her friend actually left just 10 minutes earlier with a guy, which annoys Penelope. Quinn asks if she wants a massage since she has free time now… on the house since the masseuse feels bad. Penelope...

2 years ago
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The Inn Kisa and Randall

The Inn: Kisa and Randall By Mr. Pec A young, armored, weary female entered the empty Inn and was instantly recognized by the owner. "Hello Kisa! how've you been?" he bellowed. "G'day, Keep. I'm well, and you?" she responded as she stepped up to the bar. "As good as could be expected. Business has been slow with the war in Tyrin, but we make due on the weekends. What brings you back to the Capital?" "Business. I'm following a lead on a band of bandits in...

2 years ago
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Caught Part 2

Caught. Part 2. I did eventually fall asleep despite the throbbing pain in my ass and the cramped cage. I was shocked out of my sleep by the loud noise of Charlotte hitting a shoe against the cage. My eyes shot open and for a few seconds I was confused as to where I was. The confusion soon left as I looked through the bars of the cage into Charlotte's smiling face. "Drink some water piggy," she ordered. I obeyed and the next few minutes were spent with my head bobbing up...

1 year ago
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Spanked on National TVChapter 3

The concept that Hyacinth presented to the board of review for a reality show called, "Domestic Discipline Exposed in the Midlands" met with mixed reviews. Some of the more conventional minded older women who represented a significant portion of the board were opposed to it because it cast females in a degrading light not matter how much they appeared to enjoy the entire process. One of the male members of the board disclosed he felt it slighted the male audience because no males were in...

3 years ago
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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 3 Barbaric PassionChapter 8 Necromantic Dangers

Thrak – Ruins of Murathi, The Federation of Larg “Are you sure you’re okay?” Faoril asked as she rubbed at my shoulders. “That stone looked heavy.” “Fine,” I sighed, savoring the way her fingers massaged into my shoulders, easing the tension. “It was only a glancing blow. The bruise hardly throbs at all.” “You need to be careful,” Faoril continued. Her fingers dug deep into the muscles of my neck, easing the pain of the dislodged stone that struck me. I leaned back into her naked breasts...

2 years ago
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Office Ki Sexy Ladki Sonam

Hello dosto, Ye meri pehli chudai story hai, main ISS ka regular reader hoon par maine kabhi socha nahi tha ki main khudki kahani likhunga, par itne stories padhne ke baad mujhe laga ki mujhe apni story bhi share karni chaiye.Iss kahani mein maine saare real name use kiye hai kyunki sirf naam pata reh ke sonam ko ya mujhe koi haani nahi hogi. Iss kahani mein main aur mere office ki colleague sonam dono shamil hai. Pehle main aapko apne baarein mein bata du, main 26 saal ka punjabi ladka hoon...

3 years ago
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Party girl

I love wring my stories here. I always try to tell the deep emotions I feel, when I am a party slut. I am a nympho and love to get fucked by several men. I can have many orgasms and enjoy letting men see how much pleasure I get from pure naked sex. My Daddy is such a cool guy. He takes such good care of me. Always so thoughtful and so much fun. I would do anything for my Daddy. He loves to give me orgasms and watch me just melt with pleasure. He provides me lots of sex in more ways than one. I...

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Express Action The Pool Guy

College girls get bored so easily on hot afternoons. Relief is only a pair of shorts away....I was lounging by the pool after school killing time, still in my uniform, full on lazy, typical winding down senior college girl, checking Facebook on my phone, responding to girly tweets, posting a snap of myself adding to my nice leg tan. I really should have changed into my bikini or got topless for a more even look. Mmm it was a long summer afternoon, maybe later. It had been a while since I’d...

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strapon spitroast with 2 busty Filipino babes

so i finally had a 3some with Jessica and Jenny. not how i originally planned it but it was still fucking amazing. so last night I'm laying in bed and i look up and i see them both standing there. i immediately get hard cuz theyre both wearing lingerie and their bodies look fucking incredible. then my eyes wander down and i see a 10" strap on dangling between each of their legs. i suddenly realize what kind of 3some this is going to be. I'm going to be in the middle, but like a pig on a spit...

4 years ago
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My Son Becomes My Master Chapter 1

My name is Robin Perkins. I have to tell you a story that happened to me that completely changed my life.You see, I grew up in a normal middle-class family. My father was a banker, and my mom stayed home and took care of us kids and the house. We had the "ideal" life; a nice three bedroom/two bath home, two cars, we even had the white picket fence! You couldn't ask for a more average American family!The problem is that I didn't fit into that mold very well. I was the youngest of three kids - I...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 180

The kitchen sent up breakfast to go with the pot of coffee. I looked at the updates that were on my desk. The CIA had a folder of satellite pictures - the Chinese were sending one of their carrier task forces into the Indian Ocean. The intercepted messages indicated it was on a port call to its base in Djibouti. It would arrive in the area in a couple days. It was probably going there to monitor how effective multi-carrier operations were run. They were far too late to help Iran. At 0730...

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Summer of 93rsquo Borrow Him Part II

Summer of 93’ Borrow HimPart III was stretching in the swim spa, Maggi and Natalie came out both naked and giggling. Nat seemed much more comfortable being naked while walking around our home. Even though she had been intimate with Maggi for over 18 months in our home, she never reveled herself to me before. Nat sat on the edge of the spa and spread her legs, Maggi sat next to her and did the same, Nat said, “Pete, I want to ask you a question and I want a serious answer”. She Continued, “what...

1 year ago
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Mom Ko Papa Ke Dost Ne Choda

Dear readers I am Prashant here, I am reader of ISS and also want to share my mom’s real hot story with u that I seen in her bed room my mom’s description is name  -Ranjana age – 42 height – 5.5 mummae – 40 kamar – 38 gand – 42 Moti hai par bhaut sexy hai, uske andhar sex koot koot ke bhara hura hai, kapde bhi sexy pehnti hai…… ghar mein to kabhi kabhi lehnga, skirt nhi pehnti hai mere papa tour par gaye hue the, dopahar ka time that mein so raha thatabhi phone aya aur mom ne uthaya maine bhi...

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The Black Magician Part 2

The Black Magician Part 2 You have to read "The black magician" before in order to understand the following story. After 15 minutes of driving we reached the city centre and parked the car. Playing the perfect gentleman the wizard walked around the car and opened the door for me. By my tight skirted suit I was again forced to get out off the car in a very ladylike fashion, which means I had to squeeze my legs together and swing them out. After closing the door he walked away. I...

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