At Risk free porn video

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At Risk By Cal Y. Pygia Diane was proud to be a shemale. She loved having a beautiful face; long, silken hair; fabulous breasts; a firm, flat tummy; functioning male genitals; long, shapely legs; and firm, compact buttocks. She loved wearing makeup and dressing in fancy, frilly clothes. She also loved the way men ogled her and women--some women, at least--envied her. A few, she was sure, were even attracted to her sexually. Most of all, she liked the incongruity of having a woman's body except for the starkly contrasting cock and balls she possessed in lieu of a pussy. Most of the time, she told men that she was a shemale before their first date. It was dangerous, after all, to let a man find out her secret for himself, especially if he'd voiced and shown his attraction to her with a few kisses and caresses or she'd performed oral sex on him without getting naked. Occasionally, though, she didn't tell a man. Sometimes, she did let him find out for himself that she was a chick with a dick. The potential danger was too much, sometimes, for her to resist, because Diane found an adrenaline rush every bit as exciting as an orgasm. She also enjoyed the shock on the guy's face when he found that the person to whom he was attracted had a cock and a pair of balls! She never knew in advance when such an urge would occur to her. The impetuosity of her decision to let the man find out for himself that his chick had a dick was a large part of the rush that she experienced at such times. She didn't know how or why she chose one guy among others, either, but she suspected that her decision was, in part, at least, based upon his physique. The bigger and brawnier the guy, the more likely it was that she would not tell him her secret. After all, the point in letting him discover for himself what was between her legs was the potential violence and possible danger, which increased with the man's physical size and strength. By selecting big men, she maximized the potential risk to herself, and she found this sexy. With Daniel, she'd taken a hell of a risk. He was her first, and he'd been unhappy, to say the least, at his discovery of Diane's little secret. They'd been involved in some hot and heavy petting. His mouth had been all over hers, and he'd licked her face, her ear, her neck. He'd given her a hickey, and he'd caressed and licked and sucked her nipples. Then, his right hand had strayed downward, over her firm, taut tummy, through the downy fuzz of her blonde pubes, and found her erect penis and the small, tight clump of her balls. His hand had jerked away as if it had encountered a red-hot flame, his eyes widening, his mouth gaping, and his whole contorted face expressing shock, followed by outrage. He'd cursed her, calling her every nasty name he could think of, and hit her twice, hard, in the face. One blow had blackened an eye; the other had split a lip. "You're lucky I don't kill you, you freaky bitch!" he'd thundered as Diane lay weeping on her bed. He grabbed his clothes, almost jumped into his pants, threw on his shirt, and, barefoot, stalked from her bedroom. A few moments later, she heard her front door slam, and he was gone. Diane had been hurt, physically and emotionally. Her eye and lip swelled, becoming sore, and, she would discover, when she looked in the mirror later, that she was quite a sight. She also felt betrayed and abandoned, humiliated and abused. On a deeper, more satisfying level, however, she was also turned on. She liked the pain that throbbed in her eye and lip. She liked feeling betrayed, abandoned, humiliated, and abused. Most of all, she liked the shock and revulsion and rage she'd seen on Daniel's contorted face immediately upon his discovery of her secret. At first, it had bothered Diane that she enjoyed such feelings, because she knew that the enjoyment of pain and suffering, like the enjoyment of feeling victimized, wasn't normal. She knew that such things marked her as a masochist, just as her enjoyment of the shock and disbelief that she inflicted on men by withholding her secret identified a sadistic streak within her character. She wasn't a sadist, but she was sadistic. She wasn't a masochist, but she was masochistic. She was, she supposed she'd have to call herself, sadomasochistic. She liked to hurt men, but she also liked to be hurt by them. Most of all, though, she liked the adrenaline rush of putting herself at risk. Since Daniel, there had been a handful of others--Jim, Bill, Todd, and Donald. Like Daniel, they'd been shocked and outraged, but only Todd had resorted to violence, shoving her away from him and backhanding her across the face as he screamed, "You fucking freak! Get the hell away from me!" Like Daniel, he'd thrown on his clothes and fled from her house. The others had merely cursed her and reprimanded her for her dishonesty in withholding the truth of her sexuality, as if she were a young, wayward girl rather than an adult shemale who knew her own mind. Last week, at a bar, Diane had met Eric, and she'd known, at once, that she must lure him into bed, where he could discover her secret for himself. A professional bodybuilder, Eric was huge. His shoulders were broad, his chest deep, rippling with chiseled pectoral muscles. His belly was firm and tight, with the six-pack abdominal muscles common to those whose passion was keeping fit and building their bodies. He had a narrow waist. His thighs bulged into enormous columns that tapered to only slightly less massive calves. His back was a sculpture of muscle, suggesting strength, stamina, and power. His hands were the size of hams. Like every other feature of his body, his cock and balls were also massive. His penis was about nine inches, flaccid, and his scrotum was three times the size of Diane's. Admittedly, her own scrotum had shrunken, along with her testicles, as a result of long-term estrogen use, but, still, Eric's pouch was larger than that of most men his height, which was over six feet. He had a handsome face, too, although the skull was shaped rather oddly. He had dark, wavy hair with short bangs that fell across a thick ledge of brow beneath which small, deep-set blue eyes peered, bright as blue diamonds in a dark mine. His nose was broad and powerful, with large nostrils, and his lips were thin. He had high cheekbones, a massive chin, and a firm, well defined jaw line. His ears were small and close to the bone. If the truth were to be told, although attractive in his own way, Eric had a rather Neanderthal appearance. Despite the fashionable, modern clothes he wore, he might have stepped out of a cave only a few hours ago. It was odd, Diane thought, upon first having seen Eric seated at the bar, how one seemed to form one's opinions about people based on their appearances. Eric looked like a caveman, so she'd assumed that he'd behave as one. That was what had attracted her to him. His primitive appearance had made her think that he was likely to be an aggressive brute with a fragile ego and, despite his obvious physical prowess, a weak and uncertain sense of his own masculinity--just the sort of man she liked to surprise with her little secret on occasion. Yes, she'd told herself, upon first laying eyes on Eric, here was a man who might hurt her. She'd sidled up to him at the bar. He'd bought her drinks. After the obligatory small talk, she'd brought him home with her, and, well, here they were, together in her bed, him naked and her with her blouse and bra off but her surprise still hidden inside the silk panties she wore beneath her black leather mini-skirt. Eric was gentle. He was tender. He was considerate. Instead of manhandling her, he caressed her softly. Instead of mauling her tits, he felt them lovingly, his huge hands moving like doves in flight over the smooth mounds topped with rigid nipples surrounded by swollen areolas. His fingers didn't pinch and tweak; they circled lightly, flicked gently, stroked delicately. Diane smiled. They were all gentle at first, but that changed as soon as they became excited; as their blood began to fill and swell their penises, men like Eric lost control, and the animals they were, beneath the semblance of compassion that they initially displayed, flashed their teeth and claws. Eric, she was sure, would prove no different. With a face and form like his, how could he be? In kissing her, Eric had noticed the faint, almost-vanished bruise that circled her left eye. Lovingly, he traced it with a huge, thick forefinger. "Who did this to you?" he asked. Diane repressed another smile. It wouldn't do, she told herself, to suggest that she was aware of his duplicitous pretense at caring about her or anything she'd endured. She shrugged, "Someone who liked rough sex." She paused, watching his face. It was stern. She raised an eyebrow. "Do you like rough sex, Eric?" He gave her an odd look. "Of course not." His forefinger touched the bruised flesh. He was so gentle that she hardly felt it. "I would never do this to you." This time, she did smile. He was some actor, she thought. To him, she said, "I'm glad." He kissed her bruised eye. Then, he kissed her mouth. She kissed him back, hard, sliding her tongue through his lips. Their kiss deepened. Diane writhed, rubbing her breasts against Eric's chest. Her breath was warm against his face. She moaned, for his benefit, and rolled her hips against his. That would be all the encouragement he'd need, she thought. Any moment, her tender lover would become a wild, raging animal. Eric broke off their kiss. He gazed into her eyes. Here it comes, Diane thought. He'll yank my skirt down my legs and rip my panties off, and, then-- "You're beautiful," Eric said, his voice soft and warm and full of wonder. Oh, he was good, Diane told herself. The bastard sounded as if he really meant it. He could hurt a girl with his words as well as his blows. "Thanks," she managed to mumble, thinking, Bastard! "I guess you hear that all the time, though," he said, sounding embarrassed. Yeah, Diane thought, she heard it all the time, all right--whenever some fucker was about to beat the crap out of her. Well, like the assholes who'd pretended to care about her, she'd learned to act, too. She knew what they wanted to hear from her. "A girl never gets tired of compliments," she said, keeping her voice coy. "You could be a model," he said. "You should be one." She chuckled. "Seriously." Just get on with it already, she thought. "Thanks." She let her hands follow the firm, tight flesh covering his ribcage. They traveled to his waist. She brought them up and around, to cup his buttocks. She gave the compact globes a soft squeeze. "You're pretty gorgeous yourself." He blushed. "I look like a Cro-Magnon." Or a Neanderthal, Diane thought. "Nonsense. You're sexy as hell." "Am I?" He seemed to want--to need--reassurance. What the hell kind of game was he playing? Diane wondered. None of the men she'd been with before had needed to be reassured about their appearance. They'd all been full of themselves. They'd been vain, arrogant bastards who had no doubts at all that they were studs built like Adonis. If anything, they'd implied that it was she who was lucky to be in their company; it was she who was fortunate enough to be beaten unconscious by them and left for dead. Inwardly, she shrugged. If Eric wanted to pretend he needed her reassurance, she could pretend to give it. "You're an Adonis. I didn't sidle up to you at the bar because you reminded me of a caveman." He smiled, reflecting on her words. Then, he kissed her again. Diane was tiring of the foreplay, the game of cat and mouse. She needed sex, rough and raw and brutal. "Fuck me, Eric," she whispered into his ear. "Please fuck me." Eric smiled. His hands unbuckled the thin belt at her waist. He unzipped the black leather mini-skirt. Diane raised her hips, and he tugged the skirt down, over her sleek thighs, past her delicate knees, and down her shapely, smooth calves. She drew her legs up as he slid the skirt over her dainty feet. Carefully, he set the skirt aside. Diane could hardly repress a giggle as she thought of the surprise she had in store for Caveman Eric. He wouldn't be much of a gentleman after he discovered her little secret. Already, she could almost feel the blows, like hammers, against her face, and she shuddered, both with fear and with desire. Beat me, she thought, but don't kill me. Eric paused. He shook his head as he studied her shapely, tapering legs. His hand glided up and down the sleek skin that covered the well-formed limbs. "Beautiful," he whispered. "There's more of me to see," Diane prompted, concealing her impatience with a smile. His hands slid back up her thighs. He grasped the waistband of her panties and slid the red silk fabric down, over the tight ringlets of her blonde pubes. Diane watched his face, studying his features intently. She focused on his eyes and mouth. Her heart beat fast, and she shivered, anticipating his reaction to his discovery of her secret. In a moment, he'd discover the truth about her. Then, he'd doff the mask of kindness and the costume of compassion and reveal his actual, bestial self, and the blows would begin to fall, mallets of his malice. He'd paused. What now? Diane asked herself, wanting the pretense to end and the beating to begin. "You are gorgeous, so gorgeous," Eric murmured. He kissed the tight curls of her pubic hair. Diane sighed, rolling her eyes, confident that, since he was scrutinizing her pubes, he wouldn't see her exasperation. "Thanks," she said, rather more curtly than she'd intended. If he'd heard the brusqueness in her reply, he showed no sign. He gave her pubic tresses another kiss, and then finished sliding the panties down, past her crotch. Diane had, of course, tucked her penis up, between her thighs, and back, against her perineum, but the small organ had swelled and stiffened with her excitement at Eric's imminent discovery of her secret, and enough of her penis and her scrotum were visible for them to have the effect on Eric that Diane had anticipated. His eyes snapped wide, and his moth gaped. Diane stiffened, expecting the outrage, the cursing, and the blows to follow at any moment. Instead, Eric took her genitals in one of his huge hands, toying with them as gently as he'd caressed her breasts. "Beautiful," he said. Shocked, Diane stared at the huge muscleman who tenderly stroked and massaged and fondled her stiff-standing penis. What the hell was this? she demanded of herself. "You're beautiful," he said, masturbating her. "Above and below, you are gorgeous." Diane remained tense, expecting the rage, the violence, the pain, but none came. Eric was as tender in bringing her to a climax as he was gentle, afterward, in fucking her, showing consideration and kindness in the gentle thrusts he made into her ass with his monstrous organ. He never assaulted her, sexually, physically, or otherwise. Diane thought that, surely, the violence and the pain would follow on their second date. Eric was, despite his appearance, a far more sophisticated sadist than anyone she'd dated previously, she told herself. He was biding his time, setting her up, getting her to trust him, to care about him, to love him. Then, when he let the beast out, her fear and suffering would be all the more intense and enduring. If anything, on the second date, Eric was even more tender and gentle and solicitous of her comfort and pleasure than he'd been before. The violence didn't occur on the third date, either. Finally, after they'd been together for a year, Diane decided that Eric truly did love her. He would never harm her. He would always be tender and gentle, sweet and kind. Eventually, she confided in Eric, explaining how she'd relished pain and suffering until, with his gentle, tender love, he'd made her realize that she could trust him and that love and trust were far better than humiliation and torment. On their first anniversary, along with wine and roses (and some fantastic lovemaking), Eric presented Diane with an insight into the innermost depths of her soul: In all the years that she'd sought rough sex at the hands of violent bad boys, he told her, she'd been "at risk" of learning that falling in love with a goodhearted and caring man was superior by far to seeking violence and, quite possibly, death at the hands of an uncaring bastard with a penchant for hurting others. In meeting Eric, her worst fears had come true, and she had fallen in love. "Sometimes," he added, "we should be careful what we wish for, but, other times, we should wish for what we truly want more than anything else; we should wish to love and be loved by someone who is worthy of our love." Diane became teary eyed as she kissed her man, hugging Eric close. "I love you," she said. Her voice was tremulous with gratitude, love, and need. They made love twice more, and, in the morning, Diane was sore, but from lovemaking, not violence. She'd found her salvation in the arms of a strong, virile, tenderhearted man who loved her for herself, and she knew that she was luckier than millions of others who settled for less because, like her, they feared that there was no one else for them but some loser who would rather beat them than to love them. Really, truly loving a woman, whether she was a genetic girl or a shemale, took a strong man who was sure of his own manhood and who loved women, whether the woman was equipped with a cunt or a cock and pair of balls. Diane had been at risk, but she wasn't anymore.

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A visit from the girls

One of my early sexual encounters that I remember best was when I was eighteen or nineteen at a church youth weekend away. Two or three times a year a bunch of the teenagers at the church my parents took me to went away for a weekend of games, country walks and uplifting talks. After all these years I’ve forgotten some of the detail so in places I’ve added details which being a sex mad teen boy I’m sure would have happened.There would be about four of us boys in a dormitory. I still remember...

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Risque Pictures

Note: This incest story as all others listed in this site is completely fictional! NEVER try same things in real live!!! Natalie decided to have some pictures taken when she saw an ad in the community paper. The ad offered any picture with cheap prices. It also mentioned that the photographer was a college girl trying to make extra money for school. So she called the photographer, even though it was quite late, and was told that she could come right over if she wanted too. So, with her two...

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It's late into the night when Alvin awakes drenched in his own sweat. Thinking that it must be a sudden fever or cold, he thinks it's best to go pour a glass of water and run his temperature. But as he moves his body, he feels an intense itch between his thighs. Which forces him to stop moving from the overwhelming amount of ecstasy he feels as a result of even the slightest movement. At this moment, he understands the situation. There was no illness, he was just extremely horny. Taking one of...

Mind Control
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Lust for my Grandsonrsquos friend

My feelings and lust for my new young friend surprised me. I had never beeen with another man before, never even considered it. Maybe it was because it had been so long since I had had sex, maybe because it was just so thrilling to have such a young person interested in me. Whatever the reason, I now found myself thinking about his firm, slim body, his tight asshole wrapped around me, his fat dick cumming. More than just thinking about it actually, I craved it.I found myself now so looking...

4 years ago
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A Story Of Colleagues Ch 02

At this point, the other three girls slowly and quietly backed out of the room, closing the door behind them. Fortunately, Rochelle was still too lost in pulling the rest of the cum out of my cock that she didn’t notice the click of the latch. I pulled her back up to me and kissed her, and then sat up with her. “You may want to go clean up, the other girls are back.” “Oh? How do you know?” “They, um…” I paused, and watched the color drain from her face. “What did they see?” She asked quietly....

Straight Sex
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My sex life with my parents

My mother and father had always enjoyed sex together in their bed with me in with them from as long as I can remember. They had no inhibitions about what they did together with me watching or involved. If my father was having sex with my mother I would be on his back – ‘riding the horse’ as he rode my mother. I often sat on his chest as my mother had sex with him in the dominant position as well and he would kiss my lady lips as they were called. It wasn’t until I was about 4 or 5 as I...

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MommysGirl Cory Chase Leah Lee Nadia White Our Girl8217s All Grown Up

Leah Lee is in her bedroom writing in her diary. It’s her 18th birthday and she’s excited. Meanwhile, her two stepmoms, Cory Chase and Nadia White, are adorning the living room with lots of balloons and other decorations for the occasion. Cory asks if they’ve gone overboard with the decorating, but Nadia insists it’s fine, because this is an EXTRA special birthday for Leah. When Leah sees the decorations, she is thrilled that Cory and Nadia went through so much effort....

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Androgyny Rising

Balls float Breasts soar I am left behind Deaf And dumb And blind My cock wets itself My cunt becomes tense Its clitoris erect And semen launches itself From my loins Again Proving me a male It thinks But men may have But do not need The nipples that make me Bleed And feed

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A RoseChapter 3

It’s true what Consuela said about having little to do except listen to Nick’s Tales. Most women had days before giving birth, and it took a lot out of them. Unlike those times months before when work had been relentless with rehearsals, writing, and receiving and editing Tales, the last of those things only remained. Along with our enthusiastic reuniting in bed, Lindy enthusiastically returned to working on the Tales. Both Helena and Tash had lessened their involvement in it as their...

1 year ago
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Hezekiahs Choice

Hezekiah's Choice She quickly but quietly entered my room and came up to my bed. It seems I am incapable of getting out of my bed without assistance. She has a razor in her hand as she tells me she will be removing my hair from my legs, chest and abdomen. I have no choice but to allow her to proceed. I have no choice because I am laying in a hospital bed being prepped for quadruple open heart surgery. The doctors told my wife and me that surgery shouldn't wait as I would probably be...

2 years ago
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Twiddling My Thumbs And Clit At Work

I spent the morning bored out of my skull at work. I just couldn't focus on anything and wasn't getting anything done, so after chatting with various waves of coffee-breakers for about an hour, I ended up back in front of my computer, answering messages and browsing porn.It didn't take long for me to get a little wet and I could feel it start to soak through my panties. I started stroking along my pussy lips under my skirt, through the thin fabric, my eyes shut tight, enjoying every sensation....

4 years ago
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A Wifes Birthday Surprise

My wife’s 30th birthday was approaching, and I planned a special surprise for her birthday present. It was a very kinky surprise. Something that we had only talked about after a bottle of champagne and an evening of watching adult videos.  I wanted to do something extra special for the woman who has always gone above and beyond to make me happy. So, I made reservations at a resort a fair distance away from home, packed an overnight bag for the two of us, and made extra arrangements for an extra...

2 years ago
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Exciting first time as gay bottom

It was during that time i was bored of jacking off to porn magazines. I wanted to try something but i never could find some girl to have sex with. I was discussing this with a friend that he said there was a massage parlor with happy ending. He told me to go there, he said there i could have sex with the masseuse. He never been there he just heard stories. Now i asked where i could find it. He told me area where i could find it. Now i went there. It was not able to find the place, i didnt...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Tina Kay Passionate 69 And Anal Gaping

Aroused brunette Tina Kay fingers herself and licks up her delicious pussy juice. She sucks David Perry’s big cock, letting it slide down her throat. David shoves his boner into her sensitive cunt. He pulls his thick meat from her vag and stuffs it up her tight asshole, expanding her sphincter with every stroke. Tina gobbles his balls, and they share passionate 69. David gives her a rim job, and she masturbates while his meat pummels her rectum. See butthole gaping and an ass-to-mouth...

3 years ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 6

I guess at some point she pulled the thing from my ass and took her finger away from my clit but I just lay there, my body wracked by convulsive spasms that just wouldn't stop. I felt her cleaning my anus with a cool cloth, but other than that, I can't remember what happened for several minutes. She rolled me to my back and crawled up to me to kiss me over and over while I learned to breathe properly again. I knew that whatever she'd used on me took me out of action for the foreseeable future...

1 year ago
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Wet Dream part 3

Wet Dream part 3 @2020 by Brenda Goodwin Gayle finished ordering items on line and checked the cam to be sure Georgia was asleep. The wetness in her panties told her what she needed to do. The payback for all those years that bastard cheated on her and how he had no idea what was coming to him, just made her pussy so wet. She was soon in bed enjoying her favorite toy. "I can't believe I slept so late Miss Gayle. Thanks for waking me." "Well now that you are no longer working, why...

3 years ago
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Hotel room with Krystal my slut

Two weeks had past since I broke Krystal's anal virginity. She was back at school and I was back at varsity with my studies. Krystal and I exchanged a number of messages as we planned to see each other again. I was still coaching her brother cricket on weekends and the school took me on to help coach some rugby in the afternoons. So thankfully I still had some good money coming in and I could afford to book a hotel room for a Saturday night again. Krystal and I planned this Saturday carefully...

2 years ago
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Annie and Me Our Early DaysChapter 5

Annie had got the following day off as well, although we had to be up at a reasonable hour as the engineers were coming to install the phone, So when we got home, we had our tea and settled down in front of the television, Annie was enthralled by it but I found it mind numbingly boring and fell asleep with my hand up between her legs. I awoke in darkness, no lights, no television, nothing except that she'd covered me with an old overcoat, so I undressed, slipped in beside her and snuggled...

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Why do fools fall in loveJack

Jack used to go to his best friend Jacie’s house, every evening to pick her up before they went out with the rest of their friends. They were as close as brother and sister; innocent in their way, yet always together in whatever mischief would arise. Her parents were always working, so she would look after her two kid brothers. Simple enough, the youngest would always be at his friend’s house next door, and the middle brother had his own life to lead. Jacie was your average tomboy; they had...

Oral Sex
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Stephanie part 21

Not for the first time this week, I'm woken up by the sound of loud music emanating from the living room. As I have for the last few days, I yawn, stretch and swing my tired body out of bed, pulling on my fluffy dark red dressing gown before padding through to the living room to find my girlfriend gently swaying to Three Times a Lady. I let out a gentle sigh as I encircle her tiny waist from behind and gently sway along with her, which elicits a contented sigh from the petite blonde...

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Caught in the Act

Anna had only been living with Lincoln for three months, one week and five days when he walked in on her masturbating. He’d originally left with an overnight bag swinging from his clenched fist and a casual comment thrown over his shoulder to let her know he’d be spending the weekend at a friend’s place. Ten minutes after he’d walked out the door she’d stripped down to her tank top and panties, feeling the urgent need to relieve some of the tension that being around him regularly caused. In...

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HILLBILLY HEAVEN From where I stood on the mountaintop overlook I could see hills and hollers far off to the horizon. A ‘smoky’ haze blanketed the early morning hilltops. This ethereal haze gave its name to these Great Smoky Mountains. The tranquility and beauty before me masked the tumultuous times rocking the outside world. Newspapers had labeled these years as ‘The Great Depression’. I’d just reached my 17th birthday and I knew damn-well that times were hard. Even back...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 23

We've had some staff changes at work recently. Two people have left and a new person has arrived. Sandeep Bhatti has moved on to another branch. My relationship with her was somewhat cool when she left. I can't blame her. Also Penny Croucher has retired from her position as Chief Cashier, and Marie Doyle has been promoted to her post. A new girl has arrived, Evelyn (Evie) Ross, and is doing Marie's job. Evie is already part of my sexual fantasies; she's in her late twenties, and rather...

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ChatLine Romance

Time and meet up place was arranged, and I saw Tony in his car. All I could say abt him was just amazing great looking! He's rather compatible to my height, standing at 1.85, well bulit, top of all, he had really charm me with his mature yet cute looks. "Hello, nice knowing you, this is Melisa" I said. "Hi! you are just gorgeous"! He replied. "Thanks for that!" I replied again. He bought some drinks and drove me to the seaside. The place is rather dark and I suppose no one would be...

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Lizs First Taste Of Pussy

Liz enjoyed men. She liked them to charm her knickers off, and they were often charmed on a regular basis.Being slim, blonde, attractive and very busty (34E), she was constantly the centre of attention. And even when she was in what she would call a steady relationship, it was difficult for her to avoid attention from the other men.Liz had never ever given women a thought, she was heterosexual. There were plenty of men after her, plenty of cock to fulfill her needs, so women just did not play a...

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My Wonderful Obsession 35

My Wonderful Obsession Part 35: Shocking News I case you'd hadn't already figured it out for yourself, that spring of 1999 was the absolute craziest time of my young life. Where do I start? Well, there were all the scheduled activities like school and work, doctor visits, voice training and dance lessons, and there were also important responsibilities to juggle, like housework, Mom's accounting, and looking after myself with proper diet and exercise ... and at the same time I had a...

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Naked Confession

I like to get naked.I especially like to get naked outdoors.Just typing these words gives me a warm, wet, tingly feelingI have had this naked outdoor addiction since I was very young girl. Our family lived at the base of a small mountain. My brother and I and the neighborhood k**s loved to play in the woods above our house. We devised all sorts of imaginary games, although none involved taking our clothes off.I was ten the first time I climbed the hill by myself. My favorite spot was a little...

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Pop Stars Brother

Bryan Spears stared at the computer screen and made a fist. How could anyone be putting fake naked pictures of his sister Britney all over the internet? He went from one website to the next looking at countless numbers of fake Britney pictures. "Damn assholes," he said under his breath. He stepped away from his computer and went to lie down on his bed. It was going to be yet another long lonely night alone. It'd been so long since he last had sex. He had recently had a huge fight with his...

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BlacksOnCougars Chanel Preston 02082020

Chanel and her husband have been married for a ong time. They have to be creative to keep the marriage going. Gotta spice things up. Sometimes he surprises her with jewelry, vacation and the occasional mystery role playing that ends in her getting fucked sideways by strangers. Well, one day., while her hubby is at work, he calls her and tells her he has a surprise. She loves surprises, especially if it means fucking some strangers. Just as she gets off the phone, two big menacing black fellas...

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Paying her bills with her pussy part4

Right hope you read part 3 this is following on from there .After Alan and Micky had fucked Tracy in front of her husband they drove back to his office where they were to met Sandra who was coming to pay more off her loan .Sandra who was a vicars wife said a pray to help her get though this next few hours she hated having sex to pay her loan off as she walked down the street she thought to herself im a 47 year old vicars wife with 2 k**s and a grandaighter and im selling my body to pay my loan...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Ch03

Chapter: March “Between the Bars” *** There are moments so uncomfortable that you wish you could be anywhere else, like being face to face with someone calling you an asshole, or a post-sex confrontation with your girlfriend’s shrieking sister. An invitation to meet your sweetie’s father shouldn’t be one of those, of course, but when her daddy just happens to be locked up in a prison with a reputation for its inmates, just what is the right response? Staring at you with eyes that practically...

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School of Deceit Pt 4

School of Deceit Part 4 - Come Dine with Me, and I Fall in Deeper. Next morning, I spotted Linda in the smoking shelter as I arrived and joined her for a cigarette. "We are on for the dinner party." "Oh fantastic," she said excitedly. "We will do a little draw at lunch to see who does what night it will be Wednesday to Friday so you will still get the weekend free." I nodded and thought oh well at least that's something I can get back to being Chris for the...

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