Seduction of a Conservative Wife
- 2 years ago
- 47
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Finally, the rain let up enough for John and Thomas to finish their round. Despite all of their moaning and groaning, they finished in a tie. John volunteered to buy the beer. The two men talked for a long time until it was near time to go home. John ordered one last one for the road. Although, he had probably had too many drinks already, John needed the courage that the alcohol afforded him for the next part of the conversation.
"So, were you serious about what you said earlier?" John asked as if they had just had the conversation.
"Serious about what?" Thomas asked.
"What you said when we were waiting for the rain to stop." When he could see that Thomas didn't understand what he was saying he added, "You know... uh... about loosening Amy up." John was very nervous now but tried hard to keep Thomas from noticing. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest.
A shocked expression came to Thomas's face. Suddenly, he was concerned that John had taken his comments wrong. "Uh... listen man, I was only kidding. You know we joke all the time about that stuff."
"So you were kidding?"
"Well, yeah," Thomas said, shaking his head in confusion.
"Too bad because I think... uh... I think Amy could use some loosening up." Suddenly, John's palms were sweating.
Thomas was silent for a long minute. "What are you trying to say man? Are you saying you want me to hit on your wife?" He stared at John like he had three heads.
"Well, I'm not sure I would call it 'hitting on her'. Maybe a 'little attention' would be a better way to put it. Listen Thomas, I know Amy likes you; I can see the way she watches you. And, don't kid me, you like her too." John let that hang in the air for a few seconds.
"Well... uh... uh... yeah... yes, I like her as a friend," Thomas said, suddenly stuttering all over himself. "Hell man, you and Amy are my best friends."
"Sure we are but I know you like her more than that. Remember that time she bought that string bikini and came out to the pool to model it for us? I saw your eyes. They were so big that I thought they might pop out of your head."
"Sure, Amy's a gorgeous woman. I would have had to be dead not to react. What guy wouldn't?"
"Well, I'm giving you the chance to do more than look," John said and stopped, his words hanging heavily in the air. This was it, John thought, if he turns me down, I'll act like it's all a joke. John was nervously biting the inside of his mouth as he watched his friend's face.
"Let me see if I understand you. You're saying I can come on to your wife and you wouldn't mind?"
"Yep! That's exactly what I'm saying." John almost sighed with relief that it was out.
"Are you crazy man?"
"No... well maybe! Listen Thomas, you know that Amy has had a bad time over the last year and how much I'm worried about her. She needs something more. I truly don't believe that she would ever cheat on me but if she did, you would be my first choice." A smile came to John's face.
"This is nuts."
"Not really. Remember that time on New Years Eve when you two kissed?"
"Yes. I'm the one that told you about that, remember?" Thomas said with a guilty smile.
"Well, I never told you how hot Amy was that night. I knew that something had turned her on and it wasn't just the booze. I was worried that that pretty boy that used to live next door was coming on to her. However, it didn't make sense until you told me that you had kissed her. Truthfully, I was relieved that it was you. I never saw her so hot. She even gave me one of her rare blowjobs."
"Well, I'm glad I could be of service," Thomas said with a rueful smile.
"I know this sounds nuts... even to me. But, I'm desperate Thomas. I've talked to the doctor and even he has been worried about her state of mind. He wanted her to go on some type of anti-depressant but she refused. I'd love her to be a wild and sexy woman but I would settle for her just being like her old self again. I figure if you can heat her up from a kiss... well, it would be fun to see how far you could get."
Suddenly, Thomas finally realized that John was serious. "You're serious aren't you?"
"Never been more serious."
Thomas was silent for a long time, deciding how to answer. "Well, if I agreed to do this... and I said 'if', how far could I go?" Suddenly, he was getting excited at the possibilities.
"I don't know. I guess as far as she lets you."
"Are you sure about this? Something like this could end our friendship."
"We won't let it. The only thing that I ask is that you tell me everything."
"I don't know man. It might feel like I'm deceiving Amy," he said with concern in his voice. "I like her too much for that."
"I understand and I appreciate your feelings. However, think about this being therapy for Amy. It would be like you are helping her recover," John said, only half facetiously.
"And, what do you get out of all this?"
"Hopefully, I get the woman I married back and if I'm real lucky, she will open up sexually and do some of the things that I've always wanted her to do." John paused and let his words sink in before he continued. "Listen Thomas, you know I love Amy more than anything in the world and that I would never do anything to hurt her. If I thought this would cause her problems, I would never do it." John paused and let what he had said sink in. Then he continued, "The way I figure it, we can all have a little fun. Worse case, she rebuffs you and you go home with your tail between your legs." John sat back with a smug smile on his face. He knew that Thomas could never turn down a challenge.
"There's no chance of that," Thomas said confidently and then fell silent. He had to admit that the idea had appeal to him. It wasn't like he was going to be having an affair behind his best friend's back. If John was okay with it, who was he to question him? he thought. Finally, he said, "You have to let me have free access you know."
Suddenly, John felt like jumping out of his chair in excitement. However, he controlled his excitement and calmly said, "Agreed."
"I'm letting my libido control my brain but I would be a fool to turn such an offer down."
"Then you'll do it?"
"Against my better judgment, yes."
"Alright!" John said a little too loud.
Two days later, John was leaving for work and went in to kiss Amy goodbye. "Have a nice day sweetie," he said and kissed her briefly. "Oh by the way, Thomas is coming over for dinner tonight."
"Tonight? Why didn't you tell me we were having company?" Amy complained and stood up from the table. She hadn't seen Thomas in over a month.
"Thomas isn't company, he's family. See you later."
Amy stood for a moment until John was out the door. While she tried to be mad, she was secretly glad Thomas was coming over. She would have to get the roast out of the freezer and do some shopping. What about my hair? she thought as she walked out into the hall and looked into the mirror. Suddenly, she felt nervous and strangely excited. Maybe I can get an appointment at the beauty shop.
By 7 P.M., when the doorbell rang, Amy had everything ready. She stood in front of her dressing room mirror to take one last look. Her hair was freshly cut and curled. She had chosen to wear a low cut black cocktail dress that hugged her body like a second skin. It was a little too tight and far too short but she liked the way it emphasized her assets. A string of white pearls, a little dab of perfume and she was ready.
John smiled at Thomas as he let him in the house. He looked as dashing as ever. He had on a pair of gray slacks, a blue blazer, and a white mock turtleneck shirt. The white shirt emphasized his dark good looks.
"What a surprise to see you Thomas," John joked.
"I was in the neighborhood and thought I would stop in," he returned with a smile.
Both of the men were nervous and tried to cover it with jokes.
"Well, you're in luck because I think my wife has cooked your favorite meal," John said as he led Thomas into the living room and mixed him a drink.
The two were talking when Amy walked into the room. Both of them stopped in mid-sentence when they saw her. She looked radiant. Her blond hair and black dress gave her a glow that John hadn't seen in over a year. His plan was already working.
"Hi Thomas," Amy said as she walked over to him and stepped into his embrace. They hugged and kissed briefly.
"Wow... you... wow..." Thomas said, suddenly tongue-tied as he held her at arm's length and looked at her. His eyes scanned her face then automatically dropped to her ample cleavage. Her breasts were almost popping out of her dress. He could smell the sweet perfume she was wearing-the perfume that he had given her for Christmas.
Amy saw his stare and took a deep breath, causing the swells of her breasts to lift even higher. She could feel a little chill run up her spine. Suddenly, the images of Jill with her black lover crossed her mind. She felt her face flush. "Uh... thank you Thomas."
John handed Amy a glass of wine and the three of them sat down in the living room. Amy sat across from Thomas, casually crossing her legs.
"So, where have you been? I thought you didn't like me anymore," Amy said with her pretty pout.
"Been busy at work. However, now that I see what I've been missing, I'll make a point to come around more often," Thomas teased, his eyes glancing at her legs. This banter wasn't unusual but the deal between him and John gave it new meaning.
Amy could feel her face flush hot as she watched Thomas's eyes. In spite of her prudish nature, she uncrossed her legs and allowed her legs to open slightly.
John didn't miss the movement. "I'm going to put another bottle of wine on ice," he said and excused himself.
"You're so far away, why don't you come over here," Thomas said, patting the sofa next to him.
Amy looked once toward the kitchen door, then got up, and sat next to Thomas. Normally, this situation would not have made her nervous. The only difference was what was in her head.
"So, anything new going in your life?" Amy asked. "Uh... Any girlfriends?"
"No, just the same old girls," he joked.
"I've never seen you with an 'old' girl," Amy returned and laughed, placing her hand on his thigh. Suddenly, a thrill rushed through her as he felt the strength and warmth of his thigh.
Thomas put his arm around Amy's back and pulled her to him. "You've always been my favorite 'young' girl," he said seriously. His eyes glanced down at the soft swells of her breasts. The combination of that and her hand on his thigh began to have an effect on Thomas. He felt his penis begin to lengthen down his thigh.
Amy looked down and saw movement just inches from where her hand lay passively on his thigh. Almost imperceptibly, she moved her hand slightly higher until her finger grazed the protrusion in his pants. Her hand began to shake and the room started to spin.
Thomas felt the slightest touch of her finger. His penis pulsed and grew stiffer.
Amy's mouth was suddenly very dry. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she lifted the little finger and gently rubbed it across the covered head of Thomas's penis. She felt it pulse, and suddenly, her finger became wet as a clear liquid began to seep from the cloth. Amy looked down and gasped when she saw the large tent in Thomas's pants.
"Alright, the wine is cooling," John said as he walked back into the room.
Thomas and Amy jumped as if they had been struck by lightening. Amy pulled her hand away from his thigh and stood up abruptly.
"I'll... I'll get dinner on the table," she said breathlessly, her face flushed. She hurried out of the room, rushing past her husband
"Man, your timing couldn't be worse," Thomas said with a sigh.
"Really?" John said excitedly. He hadn't figured that anything would happen so soon. He hadn't seen anything since the entrance to the living room was behind the sofa. "Sorry man. I'll make up for it later."
Dinner was cordial if not tense. Amy could feel Thomas's eyes on her throughout the meal. Whenever she would look at him, he would smile and her face would suddenly become hot. Then she would look guiltily over at John who seemed to always have his face down, looking at his food. When dinner was over, Amy got up and said, "I'll clean up the dishes and you two can go into the living room and watch the baseball game." She was almost relieved to be able to get out of the room and get her thoughts together. However, Thomas had other ideas.
"I'll help," Thomas said. "I can watch baseball anytime."
"Well, I guess I'll watch the game alone," John said and yawned. "Man, I'm getting tired." He got up from the table and went into the living room.
Thomas and Amy carried the dishes into the kitchen. When the table was cleared, they stood side by side; Amy rinsed the dishes and Thomas placed them into the dishwasher. Amy stood at the sink stiffly. However, her heart was beating rapidly in her chest. She could almost feel Thomas's eyes on her as he stood by her side. She could see John sitting in the living room, through the large cut out window over the sink.
"You look especially great tonight Amy," Thomas said sincerely as he looked at the pretty woman standing next to him. She had put on a bib apron but it barely covered her sexy dress. With his height, he could see down her dress, almost to her navel. When she leaned forward, he would catch just a glimpse of her brown areola. He could feel his still firm penis begin to pulse in his pants.
"Thank you!" Amy responded. She didn't look up at Thomas. She could feel her face turning red.
"Did you get your hair done just for me," he teased.
"Uh... no... uh well, I needed a new style," she answered nervously, almost letting a plate slip out of her hand.
"It fits you," he said and leaned a little closer to her until their thighs were touching. "You know I love that perfume too."
"You should, you bought it for me," Amy said and then paused. God, am I being that obvious, she thought. Suddenly, she gasped and looked at John in the living room. Thomas had placed his hand on her backside. "Thomas," she whispered as she trembled, "behave." Yet, she made no move to push his hand away.
Thomas could feel her warm and soft flesh under her thin dress. He squeezed her cheek gently and felt her tremble. "I'm pretty sure your finger touching me earlier was no accident," Thomas whispered.
Amy blushed and then she went back to rinsing the dishes without answering.
Thomas took her silence as an okay to proceed and began to move his hand around the soft contours of her ass. Slowly, he grew bolder until he was kneading the flesh of her ass. He could feel his penis pulsing in his pants again. Slowly his hand drifted down until his fingers skirted the hem of her dress. He held his breath as he gradually moved his hand underneath and onto the back of her nylon-covered thigh. He felt Amy tense but still she made no move to stop him. When he lifted his hand one-inch, he heard a sharp intake of breath from Amy. His fingers felt the soft and warm flesh of her bare thigh above the nylon.
"Thomas," Amy hissed again, her hands on the sink for support. Almost without her control, her legs moved apart.
Thomas smiled as he felt her subtle movement. The movement gave him the room to move his hand higher.
A little moan escaped Amy's lips and then she whimpered, "Please."
But still, he heard no reprimand in her voice, so he slid his fingers gently up her warm thigh until he could feel the gusset of her panties. This time Thomas let out a little moan as he encountered the wetness that had soaked through the material. He could feel her swollen lips under the thin cotton. The lips felt positively huge and bulged from her panties. When he started to use his index finger to pull the material aside, Amy grabbed his hand. However, she seemed to have no strength to push it away.
"Thomas! John's right there," she whispered through clenched teeth as she felt a shiver of pleasure rush through her.
Thomas whispered, "I know." Then his hand started to move again. He slid his fingers under the material to touch the swollen lips and felt Amy shiver
"Oh God Thomas, please," Amy gasped as she felt his large finger touch her sex. Then, Amy went up on her toes as Thomas slowly slid his finger into her wet and pulsing hole. In spite of her protests, Amy's hips settled down, taking Thomas's finger deep into her body. "Thomas... Thomas, oh God," Amy gasped as her body began to tremble. Amy was on the verge of climax and her knees felt like they were about to buckle. Finally, from somewhere, Amy found the strength to pull Thomas's hand from her throbbing sex lips. When the tip of his finger finally left her, she sighed in self-imposed frustration. She leaned forward on the sink; trembling and mentally chastising herself for letting it go so far. Yet her body continued to betray her. She could feel her juice soaking through her panties as it began to run down her thighs.
By : Sateesh2348 Hi to all ISS readers, his is Satish again. My introduction to the new readers I am Satish with fair skin, 5’11” tall having a strong body other descriptions can be found out personally. It was great feeling to get lovely remarks from ladies for my earlier submissions please feel free to send your remarks on my e-mail Id please meet me on Read my earlier submissions mission and Seduction of Young Lady in the train and please comment on the incidents I enjoy the sex with ladies...
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SeductionHi, this is Kevin once again. I am back with a bang with a seduction story. Hope you guys liked my previous post about . So many comments from you guys thank you, especially girls. For my new readers, please go through my previous post from . You will enjoy it. Now let’s get into the story. This is going to be my 9th story. Days passed me, and my gang was feeling bored. So we decided to have a small drinking session. The cognac was ready, and we were having a good time. Suddenly the doorbell...
Hi all Indian hot story readers, this is Madhan here. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the first part. was very much appreciated, by mainly male readers. Lots of my male fans have requested me to write the continuation, with a fear/responsibility of meeting the expectations of my readers let me start. About me: I am a Madhan, 27 years old, 6 ft. tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulders, and a well-built body. I basically belong...
Hi everyone, thanks for your responses for the first part. If you haven’t read please read, ‘Seduction Of ISS Female Author – Part 1 – Sex Game’. To brush up for who have already read it, this is me a young 22-year-old guy who works in an MNC, telling how he got lucky with an ISS author Geetu. After the seducing has been done enough to make sure Geetu wanted a fuck, we fixed a Saturday to meet at her place. I planned each and everything on how to start until the end. So the destined day came. I...
Hi all Indian hot story readers, this is Madhan here. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for my previous story. Please share your views and corrections if any. About me: I am a Madhan, 27 years old, 6 ft tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulders and a well-built body. I basically belong to one of the cleanest city in India – Mysuru. But I am currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of chicks and aunties). Guys, this is...
After few days, about a fortnight of seduction and sexual subtle signals as detailed in my first story (my real life experience), my husband and I planned various methods by which our milkman will be sexually aroused and compelled by the situation to fuck me. First of all for 2 consecutive days, my husband hid himself below our bed and I faking a try to take out the milk pot from the shelf kept at a height in dining space, by standing on my toes, stretching my hands extremely upwards, thereby...
Hi… this is Ajai agan, I’m from Vijayawada… good looking and athletic body.By god’s grace I have capacity to fuck 5 times a day. The heroine of the story is Swetha who is our neighbor, her age is 28, not yet married due to dowry issues as they are poor. Coming to her figure, she was the most hottest and wildest woman …. her structure is 8th wonder and her cum is the sweetest nectar which i came to know the day i tasted her cum…. i took a lot of time and energy to squeeze her 36 sized boobs, to...
Introduction: Daugher needed her father for so long Seduction in the Shower The first time I did it, I had waited until the shower was running, and I could hear the water begin splashing from my bedroom. My father was taking a shower. I had already stripped off my clothes and was in my robe. Quickly, but quietly, I moved down the short hall and paused briefly outside the door, having a last minute reluctance to carry out the plan I had formulated for weeks. Ever since I had come back from...
Hello friends this is John 24 years writing my first sexual encounter with my cousin sister.Let me describe about myself I am 5.7 ft with average body and 6 inch penis size.Coming to my cousin sister she is also 23 years black completion with nice boobs of 36. Let’s get in to the story it all happen my cousin sister failed in tenth standard and due to which my aunt(cousin sisters mother) requested my mom to teach her for maths and this should be thought by me.So my mom agreed and my cousin came...
IncestA big help to the ISS fraternity. Like most of you, I have been a silent reader of this site for over a decade now. There is a need that these stories fulfill, and I respect each authors contribution towards the common cause. This is my first story submission to ISS. I hope the response is encouraging. My name is R and I am forty. I am single and live in Secunderabad. I work as a senior HR professional in a mid tier firm and live my single happy life. From a very early age, I have been a bit of...
Hi. This is Prathib again. My earlier story didnt have proper response and hence I have dropped my idea of continuing the second part of it. May be the way I wrote the story in a wrong way and failed to evoke ur sex hormones. Let me move on this story. Myself Prathib 27 Male , Chennai and working in an ITES sector as TL. I was virgin for all these years and never ever dared of speaking something naughty with any woman. However my first experience has made me believe that with little smartness...
Hi this Is Dhritish, I am from Udaipur and I am straight by my sexual orientation. I look forward to a bunch of mails on my email id dhritish¬¬ although not getting my hopes too high considering myself a first timer. The protagonist of the story are me and my friend Vaishali and how I seduced her and we had the best sex ever. I am a guy with very normal sized dick and not those mammoth everyone talks about here but physique wise I am on the sexier side. Vaishali here is a girl with a dusky...
This is a work of fiction about a woman i know and one of her fantasies Hope you enjoy it and if so may post some more.The Seduction of KimKim sat in the bar of the hotel. She was sad her husband had not been able to join her on this trip but their work schedules had not allowed it. This conference was worse than all others she had been on as she was not able to get out and enjoy the sites as she usually did. She had been in New York for 3 days had not been out of the hotel and was horny as...
Hi guys and gals. This is your friend Tania Garg with the second part of the story Seduction of Dad. Your comments have forced me to write my experience with my dad so soon. But again I would like to clarify that I don’t want any relationship with guys. I can help you guys and gals seducing there loved once but no relationship. So a brief details about my last story for those who have not read the first part. I used to seduce my dad in small clothes. Once my mom decide to go to her parent’s...
IncestHi to all ISS readers. This is Sateesh again. I had posted my life time incident in”MISSION” earlier, which happened when I was 26 years. Now I am 45 years, happily married guy with a 10 years old son, staying in Goa. I am 5’10” tall with a muscular body weighing about 85kg. Ok! Let me come to the incident which happened recently, while going to Mumbai from Goa in KARWR- CST holiday express. My berth was lower berth in second A/C bogie HA1, which has First A/C cabins also. You may know, the...
Hi, This is Seenu, Dear ISS readers. I am back with a bang, I think so. It’s a long time since I ventured into sharing my sex experiences with you all. This again is a true incident? Yes, you all have to believe and here we go to the actual incident. Yes, from Hyderabad, I was transferred to madras in 2005 and I came, settled in Chenglepet, which is at the outskirts of madras as my factory in located in tambaram. Chenglepet is a sleepy little town where the cost of living is very cheap and i...
Hi iss readers. my name is Sameer and I’m 19yr boy live in Gwalior. if u like this story plz email me on or or comment or plz rate this story, its a story about seduction of a neighbor. i have already written my 3 experience in this gay sex. but enjoyed only the fucking of my frnd’s big brother. Now in this story i m introducing me and my neighbor. first i should tell u that he is 6ft gr8 personality white guy but not having gym body, but looks was 1yr before one dat i saw him...
Gay MaleSeduction: but who was seduced By sexy thermometer Hi friends this is a story even i would rather like to skip because even I m still confused as to who seduced whom. Well I m a regular reader of ISS now but for the first time … ok not for the first time if it is story but sure first time if I m narrating an actual incident. Well I m ……call me rakesh if u so like. and I really don’t want to go into those details of me my figure, cock size and the figure of my gal. but sure she was sexy and I m...
All of my stories are based on events that I've actually lived. Some are totally true and others are true up to a point. It's your challenge to figure out where reality ends and fantasy begins! With that being said…read on!After Amy had wiped my cum on her face, she said, “Where’s that lotion? I need to put some on my legs; this climate is making them really dry.” Then she turned around and walked around me, into the bathroom, to look for the lotion. My heart rate shot up again as I began...
You have been with your girlfriend, Ava, since you were in high school. She is fairly tall, thin, and has long, blonde hair. She was and is your first love, and you experience everything together. This story is about your sexual conquests as a couple. You love to seduce innocent virgins, usually those aged 18 or 19, and give them a great "first time." Your typical plan of seduction: Ava befriends a high school senior/college freshman, and gets to know them. You and Ava pretend to not know each...
BDSMMy name is Paul, and I have worked at GMAF for about five years. I am 28, and have worked my ass off trying to get ahead. There is an opening for a junior vice- president, and I intend to have it. There are others in line for the same position, but I believe that I am the most qualified. If not as qualified, at least, more determined. I earn a very good wage, but since I was married a year ago, we could certainly use the extra money. A fourteen hundred dollar a month mortgage, and two car...
Seduction was hardly ever my forte; I was not very good at it. Most women laughed at my attempts. I was usually the plain, straightforward man with an obvious need who seldom took a woman’s refusal seriously until she hit him a couple of times. I will have to admit to a rape or two in the line of duty, but I am truly ashamed of those, although I may well have enjoyed them. When the old lady with the fan told me she wanted me to go into the city and seduce a woman, a girl really since she was...
It was eleven at night and the Christmas party of our friends Ruth and Alan was in full swing with everyone having a great time. My wife Brenda, never a great drinker at the best of times, was well gone after three hours of partying and I knew she would suffer for it the next day, but what the hell. Sipping my drink I looked around the room eyeing up the women and comparing them to my gorgeous wife, I may be biased, but there was no comparison, Brenda was the most attractive women in the room....
Arlene tried to pretend her husband was merely away on business, but her mind refused to be tricked. She felt empty and lonely. Hal was in jail. She couldn't imagine how he was coping with the situation. Such a proud, upstanding man. Did he exchange friendly talk with the other prisoners? Or did he simply keep his eyes cast low and never speak at all? These thoughts pained Arlene so much that she forced her mind to wander to images less disquieting. She forced herself not to worry about...
Arlene stood in the shadows beyond the wide beam of light that came from the open door of her son's bedroom. Never had she felt so lost and alone. Fucking side by side on the bed were Bill and Barbara, and Judy and Jack! Her own son! Her own daughter! None of the four was naked. Obviously they didn't intend to spend much time on the bed. They were fucking fast and hard-fucking for release only. A choking sob of self-pity flared from deep within Arlene. Only a few months ago her life had...
She had taken pills to make her sleep, and now it was morning. Bill and Judy had fixed their own breakfast and left for school without waking her. The emptiness of the house seemed only to compound the tangled state of her emotions. Last night she had seen her teen-age son and daughter fucking each other. Yet it didn't seem to shock her as much as she felt it should. Perhaps so many things had happened lately that she was becoming stupefied. But she wouldn't, she couldn't let last...
The following day, and for the rest of the week, Amy was walking on air. She felt a euphoria within her that had been missing for a very long time. Yes, she was guilty and ashamed of what she had done with Thomas, but she chose to think more about how it had spiced up her relationship with John. Twice during the week, she had initiated sex, having John once in the bedroom and once in the living room. However, during each encounter, her mind had flashed back to Thomas and his kisses. Amy was...
Amy awoke the following morning with a start. At first, she was confused; there was a black man lying next to her. Suddenly, it all came back to her and she almost jumped out of bed. As she stood on shaking legs, she felt the remains of three loads of Thomas's cum pouring out of her. She rushed to the bathroom and into the shower. Guilt began to pour over her like the warm water of the shower. God, what have I done? she thought. I've just cheated on my husband with his best friend,...