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First of all, I want to thank everyone for reading my previous two stories. Your comments are always appreciated. As with the other two stories, this one is not a stroke story so if that’s what you’re after, it’s best you move on now This is a romance, a character study if you will and what I’ve always enjoyed reading about is people, even here on Literotica. As with most true romances, this one may take some time to develop so be patient. Here is my contribution. As always, this is a work of fiction. Only the bicycles are real.

Part One

‘I could never wear that. That’s sick. How could you even think to ask me that? I never want to see you again.’

With those words, the little world I had imagined for myself came to a crashing end. Susan stormed out of my life, out of the house I had bought for us, taking the clothes, (but not those clothes), I had bought for her, the jewelry and the BMW convertible I had put in her name, vowing never to return.

Luckily, we weren’t married yet, not even living together. I had wanted to and now was grateful she had told me she wasn’t ready. I wondered if she had somehow seen something I hadn’t but decided not. She certainly wasn’t that insightful. Perhaps she had just been in it for the money. I just didn’t know.

I heard from her lawyer of course, but there was nothing much to say. She had no case. There really had been no ‘ours’ just hers and mine. She had her job, her apartment and her own life as did I. It was just as well.

I had loved her, or at least thought I did and believed it when she said she loved me. Perhaps she did. She was no great beauty, hardly a ten, but neither was I. She was more like a five or six to be honest, but she was pleasant enough and I enjoyed being with her. I had no illusions about myself either. I was certainly not a ‘ten’ myself and was realistic to expect that I wasn’t going to get one. I was shorter than average (in more ways than one to be honest) and slightly over weight. Although only thirty, there was already a bald patch on the top of my head. My glasses were thick, my hair thin and I felt completely ill at ease around women. It was a miracle I had met Susan at all. I did not expect another.

With her departure early that summer, I threw myself into my work. I was a day trader, working out of couple of rooms in the house I bought with Susan’s encouragement. I know what you think. Most day traders fail, most, but not all. I had a knack for it, a talent if you will, for spotting trends before they became trends, sensing when stocks would slide or climb. I was hardly perfect. In fact I had some really bad days where I lost more money than most people make in a couple of years but then I had those days where everything I touched turned to gold, and I had enough of those good days that at the end of the year, they more than made up for the bad ones. At tax time my accountant informed me that I owed the IRS a huge amount of money. I wrote out the check, almost glad because I realized that if I owed them that much, it meant that I had made a hell of a lot more than that. That was all that mattered. It had become more a game to me. Money was how I kept score, nothing more.

That fall and winter the markets had absorbed me but as spring rolled around, they calmed down and I gradually got over Susan. I realized one morning that I needed to get out and get some exercise. It would do me good I thought. When I was a growing up in Chicago, I had liked to bicycle and I now lived a couple of blocks from a good bike trail. In fact, the area where I lived, the so called ‘North Shore’ suburbs just north of Chicago, seemed a great place to bike. There are quiet, safe streets, a couple of bike trails and limited traffic. It seemed ideal so I went to my local bike shop.

No thanks, the mountain bikes I tried were not comfortable at all, the road bikes were worse. I searched the internet and learned about recumbents, decided on one I liked and drove an hour to test ride it and a few others. ‘Now this is it,’ I smiled as I sat down on an eight foot long bike with a padded seat. It was called a Tour Easy and it had a twenty inch front wheel, a twenty seven inch rear wheel and it looked almost like a Harley Davidson motorcycle without an engine.

The bike shop owner and I somehow managed to squeeze it into my SUV but it was a tight fit. The next day I went and bought a used minivan and took out the seats. So, yes, I bought a twenty thousand dollar minivan to haul my two thousand dollar bike around. Go figure.

I loved the bike. In fact, I even started going out during the week, leaving my stocks to their own devices. It was such a joy to ride. I liked people’s comments about it too. It became a conversation piece almost every where I went. I had so much fun, I even joined a local bike club that spring and started going on rides with them.

Most weekends, the club had (or actually has, they are still around) several scheduled rides, some planned and others that were so called ‘show and go’ rides. Those who showed up decided where they would go. These were often shorter, slower, more informal rides than the planned ones and as I was still far from being in good shape, more to my speed and liking.

I saw Carol there for the first time one Sunday morning. She seemed a regular, knew a couple of others and rode with them, not saying more than a polite ‘hello’ to me. I wasn’t sure if I cared or not either. I hadn’t got completely over Susan and to be honest, wasn’t sure if I found Carol attractive or not. I certainly don’t mean to be cruel (those who live in glass houses etc) but it just seemed as if she was made up from pieces that didn’t seem to fit together too well, leftovers perhaps. She was tall, perhaps taller than I was, and very angular. The nose and eyes didn’t seem quite right, and her hair, tucked underneath the helmet, was of an uncertain and indeterminate color. It was a most awkward look and not at first a pleasant one either.

She rode her mountain bike that morning with almost the zeal of someone out to prove something. Like many of the others as I referred to them ‘gear heads’, she seemed so serious in her riding, never smiling, barely looking up at the trails and streets around her. I was delighted to be leaning back on my recumbent. I smiled. I laughed. I looked around as I rode not being bent over. I had fun and it seemed that most others did not.

Her bike and clothes both seemed used but serviceable. I didn’t, and still don’t know one mountain bike from another. They seem so cookie cutter to me now, so ordinary, much like her that morning. She wore little if any spandex and her cycling shoes, while the clipless style, had probably also seen better days.

As we rode through streets, she barely talked, chatting only once or twice to the lone other woman in the small group of seven that morning. My advice to men is don’t join a bike club thinking you’re going to meet up with some cute young woman. You’ll be far out numbered and if you are like much like me and hardly a ‘ten’ you’ll just be wasting your time. Me, I didn’t bother even trying to talk to her. I was there to enjoy the ride and I did.

I saw her again the following Sunday. Another show and go ride as I’d decided against the main ride. Eight of us showed up including her. We decided to ride north to the Botanical Gardens, make a quick stop and then south along another trail and return back to our starting point in Evanston.

At our stop in the Gardens, she, along with several others who were there, stopped to look at my strange contraption. ‘Mind if I sit on it?’ she asked out of the blue.

Of course I didn’t mind. I offered to let her try riding it but she was not that ambitious that morning. I suspected that she could have ridden it, the seat being not too far back for her to peddle but she declined and smiled and said it was comfortable but strange. Exactly.

Our group made its way back and began breaking up once we hit Ev
anston. She split off before I did and I left and took a short cut home, and thought nothing of her.

Two weeks later and another small group rode north to Lambs Farm and back. It was my longest ride so far and on the way back, there was a McDonalds right on the way. We stopped as we were all hungry.

We locked our bikes and all went in except her. ‘Aren’t you coming in?’ I asked politely.

‘I’m broke,’ she said quietly.

‘I’m not. Had a good week myself. Let me get you something.’

‘It’s not necessary.’

‘I know,’ I smiled. ‘That’s why I’m making the offer. Besides, I was always brought up to be a gentleman and when a gentleman sees a lady who is too broke to eat at McDonalds, then he always offers to treat,’ I half laughed. ‘Besides, it’s not like we’re talking zillions of dollars here. Not only that, I like this group here today, so why not come in, let me get you something and join us? It really is OK, you know.’

So, she went inside with the rest of us and I got her some fries and a Coke which seemed pretty good to myself and she sat and ate them pretty much alone as did I and I wondered why.

I didn’t see her again for three more weeks. I’m not sure why really and wasn’t sure it mattered either. Big deal, so I had bought her fries and a coke and talked for half a minute. It was hardly a start.

That morning in August it would all change, oh would it ever. The cloud filled sky was threatening rain yet the Weather Channel insisted it was not going to happen. I looked out the door and decided on the show and go ride, and stashed my rain jacket into the bag that was over my rear wheel and took off to the starting point.

I was the only one there at nine in the morning and I wondered if I had made a mistake. Were my clocks not working properly? Was I still asleep and only dreaming? No, I suspected the threat of rain was keeping everyone away.

Suddenly, she showed up.

‘No one else?’ she asked.

I shrugged and mentioned the forecast.

‘Could go home,’ I suggested.

‘No, I need to ride. Let’s try for the Gardens.’

I merely nodded and tried to keep up with her pace. It was almost a struggle for me but I managed it quite nicely thank you. We hardly spoke at all, even stopping at the Gardens for a quick turn around and as we say politely ‘pit stop.’

The sky opened up in Glencoe along the side streets. I was a mile or less from my home and said so. ‘You can dry off and either wait it out or I’ll drive you home,’ I offered.

She was very undecided until a clap of thunder shook us both. Already soaked to the skin, my rain jacket now attempting to cover her too late, I dashed along the familiar streets, up to the gate and found the garage door opener in my bag and prayed it would work. It did and I skidded inside beside the Mini Cooper and van. She had followed.

‘Come on in,’ I offered leading the way. ‘Mind the two cats.’ She followed me up the stairs and I showed her the guest room. Washer and dryer were located up there as well. I found a seldom used robe she could wear and offered a pair of clean sweat pants and sweat shirt if she wanted.

‘I’ll be down stairs in the kitchen once I change,’ I announced.

‘This place is huge,’ she stated. I was in the kitchen looking out at the monsoon rains and hadn’t seen or heard her. ‘You live alone?’

‘Bought it with the idea that someone else would be with me. We broke up over a year ago. Now it’s just the cats and I.’

She merely sat down. She was in the robe then. I assumed the sweat suit too small perhaps or whatever. I decided not to assume. ‘Can I offer you something? Beer? Pepsi? Donut? Sandwich?’

‘Pepsi will be fine.’

It suited me too. Ice and a couple of glasses and an awkward gap in the conversation, neither of us knowing quite what to do next.

My black cat Lucky saved us. She jumped up on the table beside her and checked Carol out. ‘She and the other one just moved in after I bought the house. I thought they might have lived here before but I asked the neighbors and they told me the last owners had dogs so I don’t know.’

‘And you’ve let them stay?’ she asked.

‘Of course. Even I know that people don’t adopt cats, they adopt you. Odd that they never liked Susan. Perhaps that should have told me something.’

Emma, the other cat, a calico, also found Carol and showed her as much attention as she ever showed me. Carol just smiled perhaps for the first time. I too smiled.

We sat and talked about meaningless things as the rain continued. Her clothes in the dryer upstairs until the buzzer sounded. I hated the sound as she went up and changed. ‘Still a bit damp,’ she smiled. ‘Another ten minutes I think should do it.’

I had a flat screen TV in the kitchen. It was where I often ate anyway and turned on the Weather Channel. Radar had more rain heading our way. ‘They lied to me this morning,’ I said. ‘I took the risk anyway though.’

‘I thought it would rain but I didn’t want to stay in my apartment. My roommate and her boyfriend are there. Mind if I stay a little while longer?’

‘Why in the world would I?’ I said quite honestly. I was slowly beginning to like her.

She shrugged and said no more. ‘Do you take lots of risks?’

‘Don’t we all?’ I asked. ‘I’m a day trader and very good at it if I do say so myself but I never risk it all, never more than I can afford to lose. No matter what happens, this house is mine.’

‘But it wasn’t supposed to be, was it?’

‘No, it wasn’t.’

‘May I ask what happened?’

‘It was not be,’ I replied not offering to give any more details, not sure I could to such a stranger, hadn’t really told anyone, even myself exactly why.

The buzzer sounded and she stood up and we both bounded up the stairs and I asked politely ‘and you don’t have a boyfriend yourself?’

Now it was her turn to be silent. ‘No, not now.’ She grabbed her dry clothes and dashed into the guest room.

We left serious discussion behind and talked of bicycles and rides and music and art and movies and all manner of somewhat superficial things (except perhaps to my mind the bicycles) and the rain slowly let up and then almost stopped.

‘I think I can make it home now,’ she announced.

‘I’m sure I can fit your bike in my minivan,’ I insisted.

‘You don’t have to.’

‘I made an offer. The offer still stands.’

‘Ok then.’

As predicted, her bike fit right inside the van. How could it not? She navigated me to her apartment in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago, though I already knew the area quite well, about a five mile bike ride from the club’s starting point.

‘Let me carry your bike up then,’ I offered.

‘Are you always such a gentleman?’

‘I know of no other way to be,’ I replied most sincerely.

She looked at me in disbelief as if I was a Martian and suddenly I half thought I knew something more about her. ‘I meant what I said.’

I took the bike up the narrow stairs of the run down apartment building. ‘I enjoyed this, really and I’d like to see you again,’ I half stammered as we got to the door.

‘My roommate and her boy friend are still here,’ she said at the door.

I had taken a small risk and lost as she went inside. After she slipped the bike inside, while the door still open, she smiled at me at least and said her thanks and closed the door.

Part Two

I left her apartment and drove back home as the rain let up and wondered if I hadn’t made another stupid mistake, wondered if I should have just kept my mouth shut instead of saying that I’d like to see her. What in the world was I thinking? Why was I setting myself up to be crushed again, crushed as Susan had done to me, crushed by who I was and what I liked and wanted.

I could not take the words back. The damage was done. There was little I could do about it. At the same time, we had
not exchanged phone numbers. Mine was unlisted. I was certain hers was, assuming she even had one.

Back home, I sat down and half wondered what she would look like, dressed up in the clothes I had bought for Susan, hoping against all hope she would wear them. Carol would indeed look quite good I decided.

I snapped back to reality. I would not risk being hurt again like that. I found the packages, found those clothes she had found so disgusting that she had stormed out of here almost in a rage, found them and bundled them up and tossed them into the garbage. I should have done it long ago but I could not. No one would ever wear them. No one.

Certainly not Carol I realized over a microwave dinner. She wasn’t Susan’s size, not even close. Did I like her, I wondered? I really wasn’t sure. She was intelligent when she chose to be and witty or so it seemed and not as superficial as most young women appeared or was it that I was just reading what I wanted into her? I did not know. I just did not know.

The following weekend, the club had a fifty-mile ride. I decided to go and skip the show and go, partly as a challenge and partly as a passive-aggressive way of avoiding dealing with Carol, hoping she would not show up. She didn’t and I was both happy and depressed that she didn’t.

A week later was the North Shore Century — a huge daylong ride – which the club organized and ran so I did not ride. Instead, I helped man a check in booth at the start and end of the ride.

A show and go was scheduled for the following weekend, one of the very last as it was now the end of September. I was deliberately late, arriving a good ten minutes after I knew the group would be gone.

A solitary bike was there. Hers. I could have turned around I suppose and so could she but there we both were.

‘You’re late,’ she smiled, ‘or were you lying about wanting to see me again.’

‘I honestly wasn’t sure.’

‘Fair enough. Neither was I. I’m not who you think.’

‘Nor am I. That’s why people date. To find out about each other.’

‘So I’ve been told. Is this a date then?’ she asked.

‘I guess it is,’ I agreed.

‘Then where are you taking me?’

‘Lunch at the Gardens? My treat of course. We can take the long way or the short way.’

‘It’s a nice day. Let’s take the long way. My roommate and her boyfriend are there.’

We zipped along the quiet Sunday side streets that run through the middle class neighborhoods, chilled by the crisp fall air. I kept pace with her easily. Either I had gotten stronger and faster — quite likely actually — or she was going slower on my account or perhaps a bit of both. The talk was casual and easy and when it permitted, we rode side by side. We’d never done that before and she would look down on me from her mountain bike and smile at times.

I chose not to pry into her life but mentioned my own. I too had lived in Rogers Park. Long ago I had grown up there. Three children and a single mother lived in the two-bedroom apartment. Father dead, we made the best of it I suppose.

‘I was the one everyone laughed at in school,’ I said aloud for perhaps only the second time in my life.

‘You’ve done quite well though it seems.’

‘In some ways, in others no. I found I have a talent. I can work long hours and sense stock trends very early on. By no means perfect, but I do better than most,’ I explained as we coasted to a stop by the bike rack in the Botanical Gardens. We locked our bikes together and made our way inside.

Too early for lunch, we wandered into the manicured gardens, Carol telling me that like myself, she had ridden there many times but never stopped to walk. This time we walked. Somewhere along the path, she touched my hand and held it. It felt just so natural, so right to do I thought nothing of it.

She paused beside some flowers whose name I’ve long since forgotten and caught me looking at her with a very pleasant smile on my face, as if I had seen something wonderful. Perhaps I had.

‘You see something?’ she asked.

‘A very beautiful woman.’

She looked around and seeing no one. ‘I don’t see anyone,’ she said. She was not joking either.

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The Education of Mrs Jones Part 3

Lydia arrived at her third massage appointment with a sense of determination. She had decided that this would be the day when she would discover, finally, if Olivia was purposefully manipulating her to orgasm. She planned to flirt a little with the massage therapist; either Olivia would respond in kind, or the therapist would be professional and put an end to it. Lydia wasn’t sure which would be more embarrassing, finding out another woman had the hots for her, or potentially being escorted...

2 years ago
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Park after Dark

I grew up in your typical Midwest small town. Very conservative, sheltered life growing up there. We lived just across the street from the city park. The park closed at 10pm every night. Being a normal k**, that never stopped my friends and I from exploring it after dark. We used to play being ninjas hiding in the woods and jumping out to scare each other. For years it seemed harmless and fun. It was later in my youth that all changed one night in late July. I was by myself in the woods just...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Aubrey Black Ass Eating MILF Milks 2 Loads Of Cum Out

Aubrey Black is an experienced, mature, woman with a huge set of tits and one of the filthiest minds you’ll ever encounter. This Australian slut loves younger cock and she is here to test its stamina. After a hot oily titjob, sensual throat fucking and kinky ass eating, Aubrey black gives an intense cum countdown till a load is released all over her chest. But just when you think it’s over…it’s not. She expresses her disappointment that the experience is ending without a second cumshot. The...

3 years ago
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Someone once said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." My mind wandered as I sat in the 24 hour dinner. I had been sitting in the booth near the window since 2:00am. It was now 5:00 am. My mind was turning over and over and I just couldn't sleep, so I sat in the dinner drinking coffee. In my brief case was the private detective's report. It detailed all the times my loving wife had cheated on me in the last 6 months. It also contained video and 8x10 photos of these events... It was a...

3 years ago
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Taking a Monster Cock

A few months ago I was asked to head up to a friend of mines family farm to help out with some bush fire mitigation. They were afraid of a fire spreading and taking out their property. In the end, their property wasn’t effected by the fire but I enjoyed helping out in the bush for a week and they are good friends. I could tell you some fun stories about hanging out on the farm but that isn’t what I really want to share with you guys. On the drive up to the farm, I spent a night at a cheap...

4 years ago
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Goodbye GloriaChapter 2

As Gloria lay next to Rachel on the night after her third fight she stroked that smooth soft warm skin. Her own skin was roughened these days. That winter on the island had wrought havoc with it. She looked healthy, but she had lost some of the soft feminine smoothness that she so loved in Rachel. Using skin creams would restore her to her former state, of course. But Gloria liked herself the way she was. She'd long given up on shaving her legs, armpits or pubic thatch. Rachel didn't mind...

3 years ago
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A date with a straight college student

I had been chatting with this boy for a while when he finally told me his parents were out of town and he had his father's car. So we set up a date in the evening. I told him to pick me up by his car from somewhere. I was pretty excited, this jock was a very good looking guy with a slender athletic body type, brown hair/blue eyes. I always had a thing for blue-eyed boys. I was thinking about those whilst putting on make-up in front of the mirror and combing my hair.I was a lil bit nervous when...

3 years ago
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Project ManagerChapter 7

Standing at the airport watching people coming out of the customs area Scott couldn’t help but feel excited. It was close to three weeks since he had last seen Sandi. He still was amazed that she had offered to come here and live with him. To say he had an itch that Sandi could help scratch was a nice way of saying he was anxious to make love with her. They had exchanged phone calls, text messages and some emails but they only served to increase the feelings he had of missing her. He saw her...

2 years ago
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Bahamas Vacation 2

(Summary of previous story: I had flown to Nassau for a 2-week vacation to get away from things back home and the death of my fiancee, Debby, a little over a month earlier. The woman at the front desk at the hotel, Cinnamon, invited me to her apartment for dinner and it had turned into an overnight invitation.) NOTE: This occurred over 30 years ago so some of the landmarks and places mentioned may have changed since that time. The next morning, Monday, the first thing I remember was the...

1 year ago
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A Strange Night

She was on my bed naked. I handed the wine glass to her... I lay in bed thinking. What the fuck happened last night. I look at the side of the bed where it all started. Wait… no it didn’t start here. it started at the club. Now I have to go over every detail to see if I missed something. I went to the club around six to meet Tony and Tony. Alright, one I call Anthony. We meet every Friday at the same time for their prime rib dinner special. We don’t have to even order. Our...

1 year ago
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Dont Fall In

********************************** Copyright Oggbashan November 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. Edited July 2006 ********************************** I should have known that I was out of my depth. Brian had more sense. He chickened out of the challenge but I...

1 year ago
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DDFBusty Angel Wicky Sexy Toy Action With Buxom Blonde

Glamour porn sex goddess Angel Wicky stars in this salacious solo seduction production that you’ll definitely want to have a rag handy for. The busty bombshell is in the mood to tease and appease your cock’s lustful cravings. And as the voluptuous blonde tempts you to come in close to your screen you’ll be instantly put under her spell and unable to take your eyes off of her while she juggles her size 32DDD jugs and fingers her shaved slit. With a sleek toy within arms reach,...

2 years ago
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Biggest Cock Ever Diary of a public Faggy Slut

It was just another day at work, selling cellphones , staring at people passing by and having them ask about phones and stuff like that. So there was this one guy that I kept staring at, he was one of the salesman from the store…but he had something interesting… and that was a big bulge between his legs. For some reason, each time I stare at it, he would look back at me like he knews what was I looking at. He was on his 20’s , average size, his color was brownish since most of the people here...

3 years ago
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A would be Heroine

The cold night air kisses my young porcelain skin as I silently make my way through the empty park. A tiny girl of only 18, scans the darkness before quickly making her way to the public restrooms. I've heard the rumors of the sex crazed packs of horny men that have been gang raping girls in the area. It's always been my fantasy to struggle against several large, horny men, while they violate me against my will. That is why I have chosen such a revealing outfit. A small white top with a...

3 years ago
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The After Seeding a Second Wave Book 2Chapter 5

John, Mitch, Helen, Millie and little Mica were all somewhat worried though it had been 2 weeks, they knew that a major confrontation wasn't far away. John had been through all of the 6 oldest daughters, 3 had turned up pregnant, surprisingly Ava, Canella and Elly the first 3 hadn't, even blasting and filling Elly twice in the same day. Glory, Ida and Kelly had (though they were wanting their second turn) all would have had a second try had it not been for Glory being gone for over a week....

2 years ago
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Accepting my feelings for my son

I was doing dishes in the kitchen. It was quite late that night; I don’t usually stay awake late at night but that day, I got busy with some office work after the dinner so didn’t get time to do dishes. I was thirty-nine years old, living with my nineteen year old only son Edward, but I called him Ed. Life was not going really well; I was working hard and so was Ed. He was studying and doing part time jobs to help me. Ed was a good son, he loved me and respected me, but there was one thing that...

2 years ago
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My Hermaphrodite Girl Friend Part 2 of 2

The story continues.Given the small size of our valley in the dunes they spread out their towels right next to ours. Christine told Mark that given they’d watched our show it only seemed right that they do something in return for us. To emphasise her point she knelt on the towel and waggled her backside in front of him. He knelt behind her and guided his large erection between her thighs into her gaping gash. I glanced at Kat. Her expression showed avid interest and lust. I reached out my hand...

4 years ago
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How my sister made me cum without knowing it

Or actually, there is some further ado. I promised I would tell every detail, and to understand those details, there are a few things one ought to know. The first thing is Evelyn. Evelyn is my sister, and at the time of the events, she had just turned eighteen years of age. Some may say it is hard, or strange even, to say this of one's sibling, but I can safely say that Evelyn is a beautiful girl. Like most in my family, she is slightly above averagely tall. She has a thin shape, however, and...

4 years ago
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Care Home AbuseHow close to the truth

As I said I long for a society where people are more open and acceptable about nudity and nakedness in general. I think that is part of what is so bad with society at present, people are so suppressed with rules and regulations and crazy laws dreamed up by often overpaid under worked politicians, many who are or have been proven to be living a lifestyle in a protected world where they can abuse people and through the system they create. They have allowed a society to be created where sectors...

3 years ago
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Lucky Josh

Introduction: giving credit where credit is due, this story is from a person that goes by the name Lowlandriders his currently stopped the continuation of this series and I want people to see how good of a writer he is if you enjoy the story send me a message and I'll give you the origial place where you can contact this person. It was late in the morning when Josh woke to the sounds of workmen plying their trade.Still sore from the 16 hour flight despite travelling first class, he yawned and...

1 year ago
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Bobbies Special Halftime

It was day one of the new NFL season and the boys and I were set to watch some football. I had just put in a big screen TV and naturally all my friends wanted to watch the first big Giants game on my new set. The Giants were playing the Packers this afternoon. It was with great irony that before half-time was over the only Giants we cared about were those packing our shorts. The boys showed up about 12:30 with beer and munchies in tow. It was the least they could do, since I was providing the...

2 years ago
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Wiccan Rites

The Beginning Incendiumaeger Obscurus Dominusluna was his given name, but Lynx Atratus was his Wiccan Name . He was only seven when his parents died by the hands of the Church. The Clan Ducere, Arg Lunaris, then adopted him. Lynx knew the arts of Juudoo; Kendoo; Jiu Jitsu; Aikidoo; and Nihontsu. He was also trained in the style of fighting that the Romans used, called Genus Hyades. Lynx knew only the Spells of Protection and that of Regeneration. He was Norwegian, and was raised by...

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a planned hook up part one

His wife was working on her second glass of white wine in an attempt to gain liquid courage. Kelly was nervous and there was no mistaking it. It could be seen in the way she continuously tapped her foot on the floor or the way she kept glancing at her watch.Don would be arriving shortly and we would finally be making our fantasy a reality.You walked to the couch and knelt before her, smiling. Placing your hands on her soft white thighs and sliding upward until you feel her silk panties. She...

1 year ago
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A Temp Comes to the Office Revised

Let me introduce myself. I’m Sam, I’m 5’3, decent rack, slim fit, and a redhead, through and through — in case you were wondering. At 20 I found myself in the only career I could ever want: a temp. I know that sounds ridiculous, and I know it’s probably not a good long term plan, but I just think you, and anyone who feels that way are simply temping wrong. Each office I walk into is a brand new experience, an opportunity to reinvent myself, and explore my identity… Did I say identity? I meant...

1 year ago
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Better Than Any Dream

Gentle fingers trap my ankles and pull gently, separating my legs and leaving me wide open. You kneel between my thighs. Licking your lips, anxious to devour the woman before you. You’re bending over me, stretching my arms above my head. ”Stay,” you whisper as you emphasized the soft command by pressing my hands into the mattress. I shiver and my tummy flips as you describe in detail all the things you want to do to me. I can feel your erection against my mound as you gently rock above me....

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Such a Tease

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I walked across the car park on my way to work. I knew before I opened the message who it would be from and what it was likely to say; we'd been playing this game for weeks now, teasing back and forth. We both had long term partners, and he was married, so flirting at the office was as far as it had gone until now. But instead of the usual flirty text I was expecting, I found myself looking down at a picture of the man who'd played the leading role in all of...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Girl in men locker room

But when I was already more than two month relaxed in the morning swims at pool and sauna, then suddenly happened. I was earlier there, but noticed accidentally, that father with quite big daughter entered to the pool through men’s dressing room door. I realized quickly, that girl had to be at least fifth-grader (11-12yo). I was not sure, that I really saw correctly – maybe girl was only waiting father at door and they were not coming together. I wanted to be convinced and therefore stayed...

3 years ago
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Learning The Ropes Arrival

The day finally arrived. I was excited and a little stressed. Early in the morning when I checked my email as instructed, I was informed to get ankle and wrist restraints from the local adult toy shop. I had to make sure I could take this detour without being late. I knew lateness would not be tolerated. Fortunately the location I needed to be at was less than an hour away even with the extra stop.Fortunately everything went smoothly at the store. In casual conversation the clerk asked, “Who...

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German MILF meets British BBC part 1 of 3

Inspired by http://xhamster.com/photos/view/292344-4363335.html#imgTopI work in a London based bank that is planning to merge with a German Bank. As part of a due diligence exercise, auditors from Munich came over to review our IT systems, culminating in a Friday morning presentation and a “get to know you” dinner on the Friday evening.I came in Monday morning and was greeted by my boss, Melinda. "Hey Steve, I'd like you to meet Louise from xxx Bank, She’ll be co presenting with you on...

4 years ago
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Paper Route

Saturday mornings was when I collected the money on my paper route. I came across allsorts of strange people, but some..or one in particular; I learned to love. The old man in apartment4B seemed to always answer the door wearing only his T-thongs. He would invite me inwhile he searched for his money, and I grew to enjoy seeing him walkingaround with the "T" shape thongs in the front swaying from side toside and his hairy ass out in the back. I was young and jacking every day with boys at my...

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Sweet Emily

I love large old American cars. Yeah, sure, they’re gas guzzlers. But on the flip side, they’re dirt cheap, easy to repair, extremely spacious and comfortable like no other ride. And they are heavy, I mean really heavy, which is a plus when you live in snowy New Hampshire.Years ago my wife and I opened a ski shop in a small town near a resort in the White Mountains. I built our home on a twenty-acre lot located at the end of a dirt road half an hour outside of town. Do you know the saying when...

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MylfXMandyFlores Mandy Flores Wonder Woman Cumplosion

Wonder Woman has not been been careful and has allowed Missa, FBI Agent, to slip her a mickey. Missa has Wonder Woman tied to the table with duct tape and chains, and she wakes up with her eyes rolling in the back of her head. Missa rejoices in tricking Wonder Woman, she’s been trying to capture her for a very long time. Missa makes fun of Wonder Woman’s vulnerable position when Wonder Woman spits venom into Missa’s eyes! Missa hunches down tries to wipe the poison out while...

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The Stranger5

The first thing that caught his attention, the first time he saw her, was the way she walked; she stood straight with her shoulders back, proudly showing off her body. But also hesitant, every few seconds she would glance downward as if unsure of herself. It was like there were two different sides to her, fighting for control; she wanted to be confident but at the same time she was submissive. She was beautiful; she had long, smooth, tan legs leading up to a small, sexy butt. Her stomach...

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Mall Urinal Masturbation

Mall Urinal with a stranger.I was shopping at the mall and had to take a pee bad, but do not like mall washrooms! oh well gotta go gotta go. Upon entering washroom a short olderman was at a urinal. I took a urinal 2 away from him and proceeded to release the hot, warm yellow pee , I had been aching to release. Such a build up of pressure and now release, was causing my cock to start to grow. I glanced over at the olderman and he just seemed to be standing there holding his penis ,but I could...

2 years ago
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CuffsChapter 2

I woke in my bed alone. It was that time of the morning where the dim light suggested the day was about to start, but you could still go back to sleep for a bit first. I wasn’t sure what woke me up, but as I lay there, I started remembering some of what happened last night. I could not quite tell what parts were a dream rather than reality. Did I really run into me ex-girlfriend? Tie her up? That confusion ended when I heard the toilet flush. I finished waking up all the way, wondering who...

1 year ago
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Amy and Mr A

A for AmyAmy looked at the clock at the back of the room. 20 minutes to go until the bell. She sighed, exhausted by the long day. She couldn't wait until after school. She was going to visit her boyfriend and they were going to fool around at her parents place while they were away working at their Chinese restaurant. She closed her eyes and imagined her boyfriend sucking on her nipples. She let out a little moan. "What was that Amy?" she heard someone say as her eyes flashed open. Mr A, her...

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