Brother, Sister And Me free porn video

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What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

Well, to be precise, you've gotten into Kat. Even more precisely, you've gotten into her mouth, her pussy and her ass – and it's this last milestone that has you – worried? Nervous? Intimidated? What are you now, exactly?

A bit of all three, you decide. But it's your own damn fault. When Kat said -

“Hey Jim, have you ever been with a man? Sexually, I mean.”

“What? No, never.”

“Hmmmm. Well, give it some thought. Sometimes my brother and I share a guy – he's bi, by the way – and he gives even better blowjobs than I do.”

All you had to do was pretend to think about it for two or three days. Then you could have said “no” and that would have been the end of it. Kat might have been disappointed, but she wouldn't have pushed, and you'd have gotten points for being open-minded.

But aren't you open minded? You celebrated when gay marriage was made the law of the land – were you hiding bigotry, even from yourself?

No, that's not fair. You don't have to be a bigot to have no interest in a given activity. You don't watch baseball, but you don't hate people who do.

Your mind, having completed the cycle, now starts all over from the beginning. If you weren't interested, why did you agree to this?

And that's where things come to a dead stop, like a bumper car stuck in a corner. You have no answer, and it's too late to back out.

You let yourself in with the key Kat gave you after you'd been lovers for a month. Your mind heads down another tangent.

“Richard isn't actually my brother – he's my stepbrother. His parents were killed by a drunk driver when he was five. My parents adopted him, and I never thought of him as a stepbrother – just a brother. We were best friends forever. When I was nineteen, I seduced him – he was seventeen at the time – and we've been on-again-off-again lovers ever since. About a year later, he discovered he liked guys, too. Since then, we've shared the occasional guy – his lovers, my lovers, or just a guy we met and both liked.”

She fixed you with a steady look then. “You don't have to do this, Jim. Just think about it, and let me know what you decide.”

You said you would, and nearly a month later, you agreed to try the experiment. That's what's making you crazy now – why the hell did you agree to this? Especially since now your stomach's tied in knots just thinking about it.

You cast your mind back, trying to remember if you ever had any sexual interest in guys, or even in a specific guy. Your mind draws a blank.

Since the day you agreed to this, you've gone on the Net, looking at pics of naked men; reading gay porn, watching gay porn. Bottom line: it didn't repulse you, but it didn't do anything for you either.

Well, it's too late to back out. You'll have to just give it your best shot and hope Kat won't be too pissed if things don't work out.

Yet there's that one lingering doubt. What if things DO work out?

Then you're at the bedroom door, hearing voices from within. Time's up.

You open the door, and Kat and Richard are there on the bed.

Stark naked.

When you catch your breath again, you take a second look.

Okay... they're still naked.

Richard is like a slightly younger version of Kat – same golden tan, some dark blonde hair, blue eyes just a shade darker than hers. His cock is hard and thick, you notice - maybe eight, eight and a half inches.

They stand at almost the same moment. Richard extends a hand. “Hi, I'm Richard.” You take the proffered hand – strong grip, but not crushing – and shake it.

Meanwhile, Kat is saying, “Jim! I'm so glad you could make it! Ready to play?”

And that's when the truth comes out.

“Richard – I'm not sure about this. Fact is, my stomach is full of butterflies the size of 747s.”

Richard smiles. “I think better of you for admitting it. What man, having been straight all his life, is going to be able even to try something like this without being nervous? Hell, I'm surprised you didn't walk out – or change your mind before you got here.”

“It was a near thing,” you admit with a halfhearted smile.

“Well, now that you're here, how about a drink? Scotch?”

“That works.”

Richard turns toward the bar. Your follow him, scanning his body closely. Kat is smiling proudly. Which of us is she proud of?, you wonder.

Richard turns back to you with Scotch in hand. You take a sip, feel the fiery liquid scorch down your throat.

Richard gives you a good-humored yet lecherous grin. “Jim, it seems to me you're overdressed for this party.”

Kat steps forward, but you put out a hand, “No. Let me.”

You sit to take off your shoes and socks; it's always seemed ludicrous to you to see a guy undress to his socks – and then stop there. Standing, you take off your shirt, let it fall, then your pants. You finally let your briefs drop; to your considerable surprise, you're hard as stone.

Richard smiles. “Looks like those butterflies ran into an exterminator.” He steps forward, slowly and deliberately, while you stand motionless. “May I?”

When you say nothing, he takes a final step, wrapping you in his arms. The skin-to-skin sensation is electric, and you wrap an arm around his shoulders. Your cocks bump together gently – and it doesn't bother you. You don't have an immediate desire to drop to your knees and give him a blowjob – but it doesn't bother you.

Kat comes forward now, beaming. She kisses Richard and you watch their tongues tangle and play. His hand caresses her ass, squeezing, and your cock rises another notch at the sight. Then she turns and kisses you, her tongue searching, probing... you kiss back with equal enthusiasm, watching Richard cup a breast, thumb a nipple, utterly comfortable with his sister and with the situation.

You have to come up for air, and when you do, Kat says, “Richard wanted me to ask, though I think it's really pretty silly – would you like to kiss him?”

A moment ago, you might have said no. You remember the gay porn you're read recently, with guys who don't mind sucking cock, but don't want to kiss a guy. You thought it was silly then, and you think so now – but now, with Richard holding you close, you wonder why you might have hesitated.

“Let's see what happens.”

You bring your lips to his, just pressing lightly. Your tongue – your tongue, not his – makes the first move, teasing its way past his lips, meeting his... swirling, probing, teasing. You suck his tongue gently and your free hand moves to his groin, where his leg joins his thigh. He moans – just a little – and you glide your hand toward his center.

You grasp his cock firmly; next to you, Kat coos with delight. You stroke it, feeling its heat, its hardness, and Richard groans. Now Kat takes your hands and leads you both to the bed. She goes to the center, propped up against a pair of pillows. She opens her long smooth legs, giving you both an eyeful; strokes a finger between her swollen lips, parting them. You climb onto the bed – Richard on the left, you on the right – and the party begins. Your mouths are drawn to her breasts as if magnetized; you lick, suck, and bite and she moans delightedly.

Two men making love to the same woman at the same time – you wonder why you thought it strange before.

Kat reaches out, takes a cock in each hand. You watch as she strokes both, fascinated by the sight of her stroking another man. Her pussy is glistening with her juices. Her voice is soft and sweet. “Jim... I know you're only here because I kind of insisted - and I can tell you're still kind of nervous. All the same – would you let Richard suck your cock? I love watching two guys get it on; it makes me really horny.”

“No pressure, man”, Richard says. “If you don't want to do this, then we'll just fuck Kat – no harm, no foul.”

“Give me a minute to think.” - which is kind of lame, 'cause you've had more than a month to think.

Your mind races in circles. How awful can it be? A blowjob is a blowjob, right? Richard's kinda hot for a guy...

Then you look at Richard again – really look – and you make up your mind. Your voice is firm when you say, “Let's see how it goes.”

Richard smiles, changing places with Kat. He looks surprised when you kiss him, take his dick in your hand and stroke it.

You smile in your turn. “If this doesn't work out, it's not going to be because I went into it half-hearted. I'm ready when you are.”

Richard kisses you then, stroking your dick, teasing your balls. He licks your lips, strokes his tongue over yours, sucks it. You moan into his mouth – and beside you, from the corner of your eye, you watch Kat finger her pussy. She moans quietly as you begin to respond, stroking Richard's dick with more enthusiasm.

Richard responds with a smile – here, too, he looks like Kat. No wonder people took them for brother and sister!

Richard bends lower... lower. Your heart races in anticipation. His lips just graze the head of your cock in the lightest kiss possible. You jerk in his hand. He looks up, concerned. “You okay?”

Your voice is shaky, but you answer. “We're good.”

Kat moans loudly, her fingers going deep... You turn to look – and Richard engulfs your cock. It jerks in his mouth and you let out a cry yourself.

Kat is grinning when you meet her eyes again. You smile back – it's a legitimate trick. It's not like you were ever going to get any more relaxed.

But you're relaxed now – and you enjoy – enjoy! - the feel of Richard's mouth on your cock. Kat might have exaggerated a bit, but Richard's really good at this. His fingers tease your balls lightly as his mouth glides slowly up and down your swollen shaft. Your hips jerk and suddenly you wonder what you were so nervous about.

Kat taps him on his shoulder. “Hey, that's my boyfriend you're suckin' ”

“What, you're out of things to suck?”

“No, just wanted to remind you.”

“Put that mouth to work somewhere else.”

You watch as Kat takes her brother's cock in her hand and slowly engulfs it in her mouth. Your own cock jerks at the sight. She's sucked your cock many times, but it's not like you could watch it (well, okay – maybe with a webcam). Richard moans as Kat licks up and down his shaft, licks his balls, plunges her mouth deep, her lips tight against his balls. This is obviously something the siblings have done a lot.

Kat moves her mouth off Richard just long enough to say, “I want you to fuck me. Both of you.” Then she takes Richard in her mouth again – licking, sucking, deep-throating while your own cock gets harder in her brother's mouth.

Speaking of – Richard is really, really good. His fingers are teasing your balls while he swallows your prick down; then he moves up slowly until his tongue is teasing the head of your cock. Then slowly down again, licking all the way. You watch while Kat moves her mouth up and down his dick, one finger teasing lightly against his asshole. Really, you're not sure what turns you on the most – Richard's mouth, or Kat's.

Your balls are drawn up tight – almost there, almost – and you manage a strangled “Stop.”

Kat looks up, unbelieving. “What's the matter? Don't you like it?”

You give her a shaky smile. “Maybe a little too much. If you'd continued” - looking at Richard - “I'd have cum pretty fast.”

“That's kind of the point,” Kat says.

“Oh, I'm willing to cum, no problem there,” you say. “But maybe not quite so soon. I can see us stretching this out a bit longer.”

Kat shrugs. “Works for me. So now what?”

You meet Richard's eyes dead-on. “Richard, I know we didn't discuss this, and I know I have no experience – but if you're willing, I'd like to try sucking your cock.”

Richard smiles, and it's like the sun rising. His cock flexes, and Kat looks stunned. “Do you mean it, Jim?”

“I said I want to try it; I never said I'd be any good at it. But we're all here for a reason, and I want to give it my best shot. If it doesn't work out like we hoped – well, at least we – I tried.” You turn to look at Kat. “Thank you for making this possible.”

She blinks quickly a couple of times. “Jim, are you sure about this?”

You meet her eyes, no flinching. “I'm sure I want to try.”

You renew your grip on Richard's cock. You look at it – really look – you stroke it lightly, and you give Kat a quick look. You get a tremulous smile in return, and you lean forward, letting your tongue come out, licking just the head of Richard's cock.

Nothing happens. You don't explode, you don't burst into flames. Apparently nothing bad is going to happen, so you do it again. This time the lick is longer, slower; you take time to actually taste him. He tastes like skin with a hint of salt, nothing more. Kind of disappointing... you were kind of hoping for a chocolatey taste.

You move down again, and this time you take the whole head of his cock into your mouth. You lick all along the soft skin there, sucking lightly. Richard makes a sound you can't quite give a name to, but it's encouraging.

You lift your mouth off him just long enough to ask, “Is this okay?”

Kat says, “You're doing fine.”

Just as Richard says, "You're doing great.” Approval both ways, yay!

You take his cock in your mouth again, three or four inches this time. His cock is hard as stone, but the skin is so soft... You swirl your tongue along the underside of his shaft, sucking now, gently. Kat moves up next to you, smiling. “I'm so proud of you.” She cups Richard's balls, stroking them the way she strokes yours, raking lightly with her nails... You take another inch or two and your mouth is mostly full – maybe half an inch more, and he'll be at your throat. What will I do then?, you wonder, but you dismiss the thought. Whatever happens will happen.

Kat nudges your arm, gives you a look. Some part of you understands, and you move over. You watch intently as she takes Richard's cock in her mouth, sucking so lovingly... three or four strokes and she relinquishes her prize back to you. There's almost no hesitation left now; you take him in your mouth and suck, letting instinct guide you, moving your mouth up and down his pulsing shaft. He moans and shivers, his cock throbbing. “Oh God,” he whispers, barely audible. Kat comes back and you pass Richard over to her expert mouth. You lick at his balls, making them wet, sucking gently. You stroke your fingers along them, the barest of caresses; then, as Kat moves back, you capture his cock again.

After awhile you realize you're no longer thinking about sucking Richard's dick - you're just doing it. Something - call it instinct for lack of a better term - is guiding your actions, and based on Richard's reactions, guiding them pretty damn well.

On the other side, Kat is licking, sucking and caressing Richard's balls and occasionally - when you come up for air - sucking his cock. Between the two of you, Richard is vibrating like a tuning fork, letting out harsh, ragged moans and sighs.

From your position - your face next to Richard's groin, your groin next to his face - Kat can reach your cock (with a bit of effort), so from time to time she leans over to take your cock in her talented mouth.

It suddenly hits you as you're experimenting with various techniques - you're enjoying this. You like sucking cock! The revelation is like a wallop upside the head.

When you recover, you redouble your efforts - and your efforts are rewarded. Richard lets go with a strangled cry, filling your mouth with hot cum, cumming again and again. For your part, you take his gift greedily and go back for more. The taste of cum is like an aphrodisiac; you want more, more! You keep your mouth glued to his dick until you collect the last trickle of his cum.

"Hey!" Kat cries indignantly. "Some of that was mine!"

You laugh, lean over and kiss her - and she finds the cum you hadn't yet swallowed. You kept it in reserve so you could savor the taste; now you share it with your lover.

After every drop has been shared and swallowed, you look down at Richard. "Well? How was it?"

He smiles lazily. "Just like a guy - gotta have a performance review."

Kat smacks his ass. "Don't be a dick, Dick. How was it?"

"Well, sis, you known you're never less than amazing. As for Jim here" - his expression goes contemplative - "are you sure you've never done this before? 'Cause you were beyond-belief fucking incredible."

You snuggle together... kissing, caressing, whatever comes to mind. After an especially long wet kiss, Kat smiles wickedly and says, "Well? Would you like to watch me fuck my little brother?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!," Richard cries. "I appreciate the vote of confidence, sis, but your boyfriend just blew my mind - among other things. It's gonna take me a wee bit longer to recover from that." He grins suddenly. "On the other hand, I know a wonderful way to pass the time..."

"Oh! Oh! Ohmigod! Oh fuck, that feels so fuckin' good! You guys are - oh! - you guys are amazing! Ohmigod don't stop, don't ever stop except to fuck me!"

The cause of this clamor? You and Richard are eating Kat's pussy, rimming her pretty round ass.

"You know, your sister has a gorgeous ass. I think micro-minis were designed just to show it off."

"I find it hard to disagree with you." He strokes Kat's ass and she moans. "Still, you've got a pretty nice ass yourself. Have you ever - "

"Stop right there," you say, smiling. "I can't think of anyone I'd rather have be my first, but you might recall that I've seen your dick up close and personal, and it's gonna hurt if we don't do some prep work."

"Ummm, guys? Horny pussy here..."


Some time later...

Between the two of you, you managed to satisfy Kat's horny pussy without actually fucking her. Then you sucked Richard's cock again (with Kat's able assistance), but didn't let him cum. Then Kat and Richard took turns sucking you, leaving you with a throbbing prick and a huge load of cum aching to explode.

Your mind reels; so much has happened in the last few hours, it's hard to wrap your mind around it. You agreed to a threesome, you met (and were attracted to) your lover's stepbrother. You kissed him, you groped each other, he sucked your cock and then you sucked his cock until he gave you a huge load of cum, which you (mostly) swallowed. You both brought his sister (your lover) to a screaming orgasm, you sucked his cock - again! - seemingly addicted to the feel of his cock in your mouth. Now you're catching your breath, preparing to double-team your lover - and you've practically guaranteed that Richard can fuck your ass somewhere down the road. That's a helluva lot of changes in just a short time!

Was bisexuality always within you, just waiting for an outlet? Is that why you agreed to this encounter? You know, beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt, that you're going to suck Richard off again and savor the taste of his load and swallow every drop (unless Kat insists on sharing again).

Might as well face it; you're addicted to cum.

Three minds with but a single thought... you and Richard are stroking your respective cocks while Kat strokes her pussy. It's pretty obvious you're building up to something, and equally obvious what it is.

The tension in the room is so thick you can cut it with a knife, drizzle it with pizza sauce, pop it in the microwave and eat it. From time to time someone will kiss or caress someone else, just because. That's another thing - you can't believe how quickly you got used to kissing a man, not just accepting his kisses but actively craving them.

Kat sighs. "Okay, you guys, I can't wait any more. Flip a coin or draw straws or whatever to decide who gets my pussy and who gets my ass."

"I don't know that it matters that much, we'll both fuck her in both holes before we call it a day," Richard says. "You have a preference?"

"If it's all the same to you, I'd like to start out in her ass."

"Done." He extends a hand. "C'mon, sis, hop on."

Kat sinks down on Richard's dick with a long heartfelt sigh; she squirms for a bit, making sure she's taken every possible inch. Then she leans forward, presenting that awesome ass to you. You muse as you lube her up... this is the most almost-incestuous thing you've seen the siblings do, yet it seems natural, even inevitable.

You can see that this relationship is going to require some major realignment of your moral values...

Your cock glides into Kat's ass on a cushion of lube. She hisses, "Oh God, so full... feels so good..."

You begin to move together, finding a rhythm... your cock hardens even more as you watch your lover fuck her brother. You smile. Somewhere down the road he'll be fucking you, too, and you expect to thoroughly enjoy it. An image pops into your mind unbidden: you on hands and knees, ass in the air while Richard's gorgeous hard cock fucks you hard and fast.

You thrust harder, faster and Kat cries out, her ass clamping tight on your shaft. "Oooh God lovers, feels so good, don't stop, don't EVER stop, fuck me hard, make me cum all over those thick fucking cocks... oh my sweet lovers, fuck me!"

She moans as you fill her, pussy and ass. You can feel Richard's cock, just a thin membrane away, and you resolve to find a way to stretch out your ass sooner rather than later so you can enjoy his cock in your ass.

Kat slams down hard, fucking your cocks in a weird syncopated rhythm, fucking so hard it seems it should be painful for her; but if it is, she shows no sign if it. "Harder, Jim, harder, make it hurt, wreck my ass!"

Her words inflame you and you slam into her ass harder than ever. You pound into her so fast it's almost a continuous sound - poppoppoppoppop! Her asshole clutches you tight; you grab her hips and fuck her harder, harder, HARDER! She wails and moans and screams, tears leaking from her eyes. Beneath her, Richard maintains the same hard punishing rhythm, slamming hard into her swollen cunt, wrenching inarticulate cries from her lips. "Oh baby give it to me, give me those big hard dicks, God, just like that... I want your cum, lover, fill me up with that hot cum, give it to me, give it to me YES!"

The final word is ripped from her throat raw and bloody. You give a wordless cry and give her your hot load cummingcummingcumming, blasting her ass full of scalding-hot cum; at almost the same moment Richard's face contorts and you know - you know - that he's cumming, cumming in his sister's tight hot pussy, filling her cunt with cum, making a sound like one of the big cats, a roar...

You want to make him make the same sound someday soon.

Reality goes away for a while, then...

When it returns, you're part of a boneless three-way pile. You reach out languidly, caressing and kissing, not caring which of your lovers you're ministering to. You find yourself clutching Kat; she's caressing your balls lazily, her tongue probing your mouth. "God, Jim, I've dreamed of something like this for years... truly unselfish lovemaking, just giving pleasure... thank you, thank you for helping me make it happen!"

"Seems to me I owe you, love. If you hadn't introduced me to Richard, I might never have tried sex with a man; and even before that - you were so uninhibited, so open to new experiences - I think some of that must have rubbed off on me, and I'm so glad it did!"

You pull Richard over for a passionate kiss, pressing your naked skin to his, cupping his tight round ass and squeezing. "And you - you turn me on something fierce, or is that obvious?" You caress his balls, smiling. "I can't wait till I can take that big thick cock up my ass - and I'm going to work on getting to that point every chance I get."

Richard's eyes are wet and he draws you closer. "I wish you could realize what that means - not that you're offering your ass, that's common enough - but that you're offering friendship, affection - that kind of acceptance is hard to come by, even these days."

You grin wolfishly. "Oh, I'm not quite that selfless... I plan to fuck your sexy ass, too, and you..." - you turn to kiss Kat - "I want you to be there, too, to watch it all go down."

Kat grins and kisses you, then kisses her brother for good measure. He turns and kisses you; you see his kiss and raise him a nip on the neck.

Kat grins broadly. "I've created a monster."


Still later -

When you all can think about sex without twitching, you begin with a no-holds-barred grope-a-thon, punctuated by lots of kisses. You're determined to get Richard's cock back in your mouth, which is kind of astounding when you think about it.

Bisexuality seems like a good bet, given that you're really looking forward to sinking your cock into Kat's tight pussy. You suspect that your current obsession with sucking Richard's cock is that it's still new to you - and like any new toy, you want to play with it. A lot.

Is it possible you've been bisexual all this time and never knew it? You can't remember ever having felt sexual desire for a man... Sure, you've seen some good-looking guys and your mind absentmindedly recorded the data, but you've never seen a guy that gave you a boner. Not until Richard, anyway - but Richard has a pretty amazing body, just like his sister.

Fuck it. You'll figure things out later.

Kat does a model's stretch, then smiles at you and points to the bed. I can take a hint. You lie down, face-up. Kat moves to climb aboard, but Richard forestalls her with a lifted hand. He kneels above you, takes your cock in his mouth. He licks and sucks for a minute or two, then slides his cock into your mouth. You lick and suck in your turn - you're beginning to learn the rudiments of deep-throating - then he pulls away.

He bows to his sister with a courtly gesture. "All abooarrddd..." She grins mischievously as she climbs astride you, facing you. She lowers her pussy onto you an inch at a time and you shiver as she slowly, ever so slowly, sinks down on your throbbing cock. Once her labia are up against your groin, she gives a little wriggle - making your cock stiffen even more - to make sure she's taken every inch. She tightens her pussy all along your length, then waits for Richard to make his move.

It isn't long in coming. He moves to stand in front of his sister - concepts like "stepbrother" and "stepsister" have ceased to have any meaning as far as you're concerned - and murmurs, "Suck my cock, sis."

And she does, opening that luscious mouth and taking him in. You flex inside that tight cunt as you watch her suck his dick. The look on her face is pure love, pure pleasure.

The blowjob ends after maybe four slow, lingering strokes - you weren't exactly counting - and Richard moves behind Kat. He lubes her ass - and she tightens her pussy around your cock, just in case you were getting bored. The angle is bad, but you can almost see Richard slowly sink his long thick cock into her tight slick ass.

"Ah-h-h-h..." Kat sighs and her eyes close as she feels her brother take her ass. You can feel his cock, and the sensation makes your cock flex again.

You take her hips in your hands and begin a slow up-and-down motion. She moans, her pussy clenching - and then Richard begins to move.

You fuck as one entity, everyone making love with everyone else - and there is love here. Not just the love for one sibling for another, nor merely the love between boyfriend and girlfriend. In some way that you don't understand fully, there's also the beginnings of love between you and Richard, and your heart rejoices in it.


Ohmigod, that tight wet cunt!

Kat has incredible muscle control; she doesn't just tighten around you, she can do something like a shivery light caress... hell, you don't know how to describe it, only that it feels amazing. You can feel Richard's cock almost as if it was rubbing against yours. Hmmmm, you think. I wonder how that would feel? At this point you're ready to try just about anything.

Meanwhile, Kat is keeping up her usual running commentary.

"Ohmigod, this is amazing... oh yes, little brother, fuck my ass, stretch me out with that ginormous prick! Oh, oh, oh, I'm so full, stretched so tight, feels so good with your big dicks in my tight little holes! I want you to fill my pussy and my ass, yes, fill me till I overflow, hot cum dripping out of me. Oh God, fuck my mouth and cum all over my face, all over me..."

And so on.

Throughout this erotic monologue, she continues to clutch and clench on your pulsing shaft. Richard is making low, feral sounds deep in his throat as he pounds his sister's ass. You wonder what it would feel like to have that hard thick cock up your ass, stretching you...

The orgasm catches you almost completely by surprise. Almost as one, you and Kat let out cries of release as you gush your boiling cum deep into her tight clutching cunt. You empty your balls just a second before Richard lets out a full-throated bellow and explodes in his sister's tight ass. He hammers her ass and she makes little whimpering cries as she feels him flexing within her.

Then there is silence while you try to catch your breath.

Kat's voice is just above the threshold of audibility. "Ohmigod, ohmigod you guys, you're so good... oh, I love your hot cum filling me up..." She moans. "Ohhhh Richard, I love the way you pound my asshole with that giant dick..." She hitches in a long, indrawn sigh.

"Mmmmm, that big cock splitting my cunt wide open, filling me... my pussy is so sore, I love it... my sweet, sweet lovers..."

The next half-hour or so is devoted to kissing and hugging, bringing you down. You snuggle up in a happy exhausted pile - and you sleep.


Later, when you wake -

Richard gathers you into his arms, holds you close and gives you a soul-searing kiss.

"Kat, you picked a winner this time... you should keep him." His brow furrows. "Are you going to introduce him to Cyn?"


Kat grins. "C-Y-N, short for Cynnamon. Hmmm, maybe I should..."

"And just who is Cynnamon?"

Kat's grin is wicked. "Cyn? She's my girlfriend."

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sister brother Summer Lover

sister, brother, Summer Lover by SizeXIntroduction: It is fair to say that in many ways Gary and Jan were sister, brother, Summer Lover -------------------Prologue - RISE-------------------If you had asked him how it had started, he wouldn't have been able totell you.That was partly because Gary didn't understand exactly what hadhappened... but mostly because he was distracted, gazing down at hissister's moist red lips sliding up and down his teenage prick.The feeling was like nothing he'd ever...

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brothers erotic pictures of sister turn to m

This story involves i****t between a brother and sister. It begins with erotic photographs but ends where most stories do, with a couple of good orgasms. I love feedback, especially hearing how it made you feel. Please rate this story and give me comments.*In high school, the majority of guy's actions are largely influenced by the floods of testosterone raging through their bodies. The only difference for Jude was that he turned his passion into a hobby. Ever since he opened a professional...

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Sister Helps Her Brother

Tyler came rushing through the living area cursing as he went to his room. Kimber felt concern for her twin brother and went to see what was wrong.Their 18th birthday had been a few months ago, and they had decided to share an apartment. She knocked on his door and asked if she could come in. He replied yes and she entered his room and sat on the bed next to him.What's wrong?” she asked.“Just my girlfriend.”“What did Lori do? I've only met her a few times, but she seemed nice.”“Yea she is,...

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Innocent Sisterrsquos Indecent Request By Brother2

If you have not read my first part, please read it, else you will miss a nice background. Shall not give anymore background here, let me directly come to the story.. Rakesh was dreaming of fucking off his innocent sister like a slut. He wanted to fuck her ass in front of her mother in-law. Along with his sister, he wanted to seduce her MIL and fuck them both together.But all these were in his dream only, he was not that talented to plan and execute it. But everything was coming on his way by...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 15 Brother and Sister Cross the Line

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fifteen: Brother and Sister Cross the Line By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 10th, 2027 – Pam Elliston I watched Isaac and Catherine through the living room window, She held the DVD in one hand while her other clutched to her brother. I smiled. The odds of them having sex tonight was great. I had them on a fast course towards incest; a lot faster than I would at my therapy session. But they had moved...

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Innocent Sister8217s Indecent Request For Her Brother 8211 Part 1

This is my first real story. Please bear with my english and the screen play of the story. There was a family with 4 members, father avinash (45), mother rashmi (40), daughter kavya (23) and son (20) rakesh. Kavya had nice structure, very hot and she resembles kajal agarwal, she just finished her eng and her parents searching groom for her marriage.Rakesh was very friendly with his elder sister, she was sharing most the things with her bro like about proposals she got and about affairs of her...

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Innocent Sisterrsquos Indecent Request By Brother3

Please read my previous parts else you’ll miss a lot of jerks. Most of you got disappointed that Rakesh didn’t fuck his sister yet. But surprisingly he got lucky to fuck her mother in law first. Now his dick is expecting his sister’s pussy desperately. The next day morning, it was around 8am . he was still sleeping nude, next to him his sister’s MIL sleeping nude, both under same blanket. He saw other side of MIL, his sister was not there. MIL was sleeping like a whore who had came to him for...

2 years ago
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Brotherly Love Sisterly Love Part One

Brotherly Love, Sisterly Love - Part One RICHARD My brother and I were especially close, as twins often are. We shared everything, including all our thoughts, feelings, experiences and desires. Even though we were eighteen, we still shared a bedroom too. It wasn't like there were things that we kept private from each other, it was the two of us wanting privacy from the rest of the world. This closeness and togetherness was often particularly valuable to us as neither of us had...

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My Brother My Sister

Mr. Dirk had done a good job on cousin Danny. Both Curt and I agreed on this point. The mortician hadn't had much to work with, either. Danny had tipped his motorcycle over, sideways, at 70 miles per hour. He'd skidded nearly 100 yards on the side of his face before coming to a sudden stop against a railing alongside a culvert. His bike was just twisted metal, and Danny's face was pretty much human hamburger. One of the cops on the scene is rumored to have puked, sick to his stomach from...

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Breed Me Big Brother Chapter 3 Little Sister Bred and Loved

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Little Sister Bred and Loved By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled as I trudged behind President Carver through the halls of my college. All the pleasure, the delightful rapture of my naughty sex with my big brother had died into trembling terror. My stomach writhed and swirled, and a cold sweat broke out across my skin. My heart palpitated in my chest. How could I be so stupid? Why did...

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Village brother sister

Hi, readers. This is Mukesh. This is the true story(little bit fictitious) of me and my sister. It describes our love life. I have written this story in English for readers’ universal convenience. I used Tamil(mother tongue) to express my feelings and stance in my own language which may excite the Tamil readers. I have plans to write more if you people love it. The story is bit long, so please tolerate and am damn sure this story will wear your briefs and panties. Here it goes….I am Mukesh 23...

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Breed Me Big Brother Chapter 1 Little Sister Begs to be Bred

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Little Sister Begs to be Bred By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I was so bored. It was Sunday and my book wasn't holding my attention. I lay on my bed in my bedroom, my Kindle resting on my naked stomach, my small breasts rising and falling. They were little mounds, small handfuls of titties that had barely sprouted. It kept me looking girlish and childish, younger than my nineteen years. Which...

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Sister and brother seduce their parents to save th

This story is about a elder daughter who seduced her dad and asked her younger brother to seduce her mom in order to stop their parents from separating who were headed for divorce.Shanaya returned to her home which was on the outskirts of Bangalore in Karnataka, India, when she learned that her parents had filed for divorce after 20 years of marriage. She was studying 1st year commerce degree in Mangalore University, was 19 years old and had good body with statistics of 34C-28-36. Her dad Anand...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister

StoreFraternity Brother To Sorority Sister Trouble At The Frat Ken knew he was in trouble and he couldn't hide much longer. He was hiding in a friend's house who was away and had told him he could stay there for a couple of weeks. He was thinking about his actions over the last few years that led him to his current predicament. It started three years ago with the access of easy credit. He had accumulated several credit cards with a combined credit line of $30,000. Which was...

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real sister brother

ISS Live Cam model online now! This story is being narrated by my real sister Pooja. Send me your opinions on sislover_ [email protected] My Aarti bhabi died in an accident and my Man Bhaiya refused to remarry. I am Pooja, and my husband Kiran works in a big company in Dubai. Man is just 30 years old and I am 32. My brother is handsome. He had suffered a huge loss when my bhabi died. It left him a broken man. I was also suffering from the long absences of my husband from home and I missed my...

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Real Sister Brother

This story is being narrated by my real sister Pooja. Send me your opinions on My Aarti bhabi died in an accident and my Man Bhaiya refused to remarry. I am Pooja, and my husband Kiran works in a big company in Dubai. Man is just 30 years old and I am 32. My brother is handsome. He had suffered a huge loss when my bhabi died. It left him a broken man. I was also suffering from the long absences of my husband from home and I missed my regular supply of hard cock. I was a lonely and horny woman....

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Camping with my little Brother and Sister

sister should be getting we have been playing with each other and fucking each other almost every day before and after school even after everyone in the house is asleep we would sneak into each other’s bedroom and sleep together and wake up with a pussy and ass full of cum and pee, Ned never really had to use the toilet I was his personal toilet and cum bucket and his little slut and I loved every moment of it. My mum sister brother and i were all sitting to have dinner i could see Ned...

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Confession Of Brother And Sister

Hi everyone, after a yearlong of silence, I hereby reveal our secret – my own elder sister and I are having consensual sex for over a year now. It is such a relieving experience to share my dirty secret with you all. I have mixed feelings about my relationship with my sister sometimes it haunts me as being immoral whereas sometimes it gives me immense sexual pleasure which is incomparable it words, perhaps the thrill of breaking the social norms by ‘doing’ the ‘undoable’ and even at the thought...

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Sweet Sandi

The story you are about to read is a complete work of fiction.  None of the events depicted here actually happened.  Any similarity to any actual person, place, or event is entirely coincidental.I promised I’d deliver the story about what happened between my daughter’s friend Sandi and myself.  Well, here it is.  Ah, memories…The summer afternoon of Kimberleigh’s 16th birthday party was a hot one.  The sun was blazing overhead and made me thankful for the cool shade of the trees in the...

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brother and sister make a porn movie part 2

I wrote this some time ago, I just forgot to publish it, have fun. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a month since my sister Kathy and I had sex, it was for financial gain of course or we told ourselves that, we fucked on camera got paid and that was the end of it, our financial situation was still very bad, but that money had helped, we managed to pay some of our bills however we...

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Frustrated Brother And Sister Fuck Furiously

I am sisfucker and you must have understood what my passion is. Yes, my sisters are my passion. If any sister is interested in me as her brother, please write to me at I did not know how to keep my cock in control. My girlfriend Meena and I were naked and I was about to fuck her when the bell of her house rang. Meena’s bitch mother returned before her time and I had to jump the wall of her house. This is what KLPD mean, khade lund pe dhoka losing chance to fuck when all was ready. I came back...

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Village Brother Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi, readers. This is Mukesh. This is the true story(little bit fictitious) of me and my sister. It describes our love life. I have written this story in English for readers’ universal convenience. I used Tamil(mother tongue) to express my feelings and stance in my own language which may excite the Tamil readers. I have plans to write more if you people love it. The story is bit long, so please tolerate and am damn sure this story will wear your briefs and panties. Here it goes…. I am Mukesh 23...

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sister gets to know her brother better

I spent the hottest day of the summer sitting by my pool with my friend Stacey. We spent the afternoon working on our tans and talking about nothing in particular. At some point, I had noticed the curtains in one of the windows was pulled back slightly.“Don’t look now Stace, but I think my brother is watching you.”She raised her eyebrows slightly and peered up at the window.“Oh my God! What’s with him? Not only is he weird, but he’s a total perv!”“Hey that’s my brother! He’s not a perv, and...

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Brother and Sister Bonding

It had only been recently that they had discovered the desire to share their bodies with one another. Meg had held back her incestuous thoughts for fear of offending her bother who she'd loved only to find out that he was interested in her as well. Meg stood at the end of Chris' bed and felt the wetness growing between her legs in her young cunt. A warm flush started in meg's belly and spread through her whole body to her young tight wet hairless cunt. Chris' eyes were closed while...

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Brother Watches Live Sex Of His Virgin Sister

I have a cousin brother who was working abroad. He used to come back every year and stay for 2-3 months. When he was home, we used to go and spend time with him. He was 29 years old. One day my cousin brother messaged me that he would come back to his home for a few days. We planned accordingly and I asked my dad permission to go there. He agreed and me, my mom, and my sister went to his home after a few days of his arrival. Dad had to stay at my home to take care of his business. My cousin...

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Brother and Sister Go Too Far Ch 01

It was so long ago. They were both so young. Yet, she’ll never forget how her brother made her feel wanted, loved, and special. He was as horny as she was. The relationship she had with her brother was the closet she ever felt to a man. With nothing to hide, with her brother knowing her as he did, she felt a freedom from playing games that she never felt since with other men she dated. There she was naked for the first time and vulnerable to a man who accepted her for who she was and she...

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A brother and sister

At first I didn’t know it was her. Just a brilliant spill of bright blonde hair and a small slim body in a pink blouse and snug faded blue jeans, standing in line at the coffee shop. I was behind her and I looked her over, admiring her lovely hair and her cute little ass. But then I heard her order a tall mocha and recognized her voice. “Make it two,” I said, sliding a ten dollar bill over the counter to the barista. For a fraction of a moment the beautiful little...

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A Brother And Sister On Holiday

Their parent’s holiday in Spain is ruined when their father breaks his leg. So 18 year old Ryan and his 17 year old sister Clare go instead. Although they intended to enjoy the holiday in their own way, the two find that they want to spend all the time with each other. (MF-teens, inc, 1st, mast, oral, anal, rom) *** “Wow, Clare, this is some apartment,” gasped Ryan as he unlocked and pushed open the door of the timeshare apartment, between Malaga and Marbella on Spain’s...

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Between Brother Sister

Hi friends, Rinku once again with new story. This is my 19th story on this site. This story is between one brother and sister sex. Situation was created on sudden change. Hope you all enjoy this story very much. Sister Name is “N” in short. Her figure was 32-30-32. She is very fair in color. Her age was 19. And the brother name is “R”. His age was 22. His height was 5’11” and sister was 5’6”. The length of brother’s penis was 7 inches and 2.25 inches wide. N was quite innocent. She always hugs...

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brother AND sister

VOYEURISM AND DISCOVERYAllan Meyers had just arrived home from the local community college that afternoon. When he entered his home he heard voices coming from the kitchen. He assumed that his 18 year old sister had brought a friend home with her. His sister Bonnie attended a private high school and sometimes she would have a girlfriend over after school. There was also the smell of popcorn coming from the kitchen. Allan heard the voices again but this time they sounded like male voices. Bonnie...

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Twin brother and sister fill little brother in

A note: I am aware this story exists in this site however the person who posted it wasn't me. I've reported it. Twin Brother and Sister Let Little Brother InBy: Antaeus When I was at the wild and crazy age of s*******n, I thought of myself as anything but wild and crazy. But honestly I didn’t have time, what with an over achieving brother and sister. My older siblings were twins just a single year older than me. The two of them had graduated a full year early and in my family, you just don’t...

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The Brother and Sister Next Door r

The Brother and Sister Next Door r This is a fictional story of a brother and sister sneaking sex in their parents the back yard. Next door, another brother and sister were watching them from an upstairs window. —- Lisa, and her brother, Brad, continued to watch the brother and sister next door in their back yard, kissing and feeling each other up behind a lawn shed. Brad had surprised his sister when he saw her standing hidden by her bedroom window. She was peeking thru the blinds at...

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Brother Fucks Sister Before Her Marriage

My name is Manu, 19 years old, studying in Bsc first year. My sister Charu is 23 years old and is getting married next week. Charu is a sex bomb, 5 feet 2 inches, small woman but with big tits and a round ass. Her hair is cut like a boy’s. If she had small tits, you would think she was a boy. I have seen my friends stare with lust at my sister. I confess that I too lust after her. Since she is my sister, it is a sin for me to lust after her but what can I do if my sister is as sexy as Charu...

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brother AND sisterJACK AND JANIE

Jack parked his bicycle on the back porch of the house he shared with his sister, Janie, after spending most of the evening working on a term paper at the campus library.After two years of junior college, Jack was getting the hang of life at a big university. But the work was a lot more than he'd experienced at junior college, and that hadn't left much time for a social life. Still, he was looking forward to kicking back with a cold beer and a hot doobie with his sister, who was a year ahead of...

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Brother Loves Married Sister8217s Big Lactating Boobs

Recently, I started reading stories on this site and became a fan of them. This is going to be my first story writing here and every single incident that happened in my life with my sister will be portrayed. Since these are real incidents, I am going to change the names of the persons involved in their privacy. This series of stories is going to be a little long. Please be patient while reading them. Please bear with my writing skills as I am new to writing stories. The family consists of daddy...

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Breed Me Big BrotherChapter 3 Little Sister Bred and Loved

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled as I trudged behind Principal Carver through the halls of my high school. All the pleasure, the delightful rapture of my naughty sex with my big brother had died into trembling terror. My stomach writhed and swirled, and a cold sweat broke out across my skin. My heart palpitated in my chest. How could I be so stupid? Why did I think having sex with my brother in the middle of my high school’s cafeteria was a good idea? I just wanted...

2 years ago
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Protective Brother Ensures Sister Gets Good Care

It’s been a while since my sister Pushyami(19) was being harassed by a lunatic at college. Although I had, warned the guy to stop bothering my sis, he doesn’t seem to get the idea of staying away from my Sis. One day when I came home, Pushyami was crying sitting in between mom and dad talking about how she got scared when the guy had come along with his friends to give her a threat that if she didn’t accept him, he would rip off her face. When I heard it, I went to my sister and grabbed her...

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brother sister

brother and sister: An Unexpected Get TogetherMy sister Vanessa and her husband Michael were probably the most idyllic couple I'd ever met, they positively glowed whenever they were in each other's company, and both being naturally happy, vivacious people, it was always a delight to be around them, although as I lived a few hundred miles away, that didn't happen all that often, so when I got the call from Vanessa inviting me to come and stay the weekend with them, I jumped at the chance. I was...

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While the mom and dad are away the brother and sister will play

"OK, we're leaving," Our mom Sally said loudly. I came to the front door where our mom and dad were, and they were getting ready to leave. "Well, we're gonna be out late tonight, so don't wait up," Frank, our dad said. "OK, we'll be here," I said. They were getting ready to walk out, but then they stopped and turned around. "We know you are a young 18-year-old woman now. So, if you do find yourself with someone, just be safe. Use condoms or birth control, we're not...

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Brother and Sister

Allison is older my sister – being 23, six years older than me, a natural blonde, about 5ft4 in stocking feet. She has blue eyes, a cute nose, and really pretty lips. 32C-23-33! I'm 17, a natural blond as well, 5ft9 with blue eyes. My name is Terrance, but everybody calls me Terry. While the family lives in Casper, Wyoming, she goes to school, three hours away, at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley Colorado. Besides being beautiful, she's very smart and is about to get her...

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Sweet Brother And Cute Sister

My sister Saranya (21) was about to go to the USA for her higher studies in few days. I and my parents were really happy about it. Although my mom was a little worried, I and Dad assured her that it would be good for my sister. I am Vikram (26), working in a small law firm. My Dad is a bank manager and mom’s a teacher. Our family was a close knit one, always been there for each other when required. Even though our parents were away from office, they always ensured me and my sister got all the...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 35 Brother and Sisterrsquos Naughty Dialogue

Kurtis – The Treasure Box As the Treasure Box sailed from Ankush and the damned Queendom of Naith, I headed to the cabin with my harem. After the fete thrown by Queen Athirmi, I was exhausted. I wanted to relax and recover before the inevitable orgy on the ship. The halfling and human women would be eager for me. It had been a few weeks of them waiting for us to depart while Queen Athirmi created one excuse after another why we couldn’t leave. But I had the ambassador papers. I had a...

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Brother and Sister finally become close

Gary was a simple guy, 18 years old, and just finished high school. Gary had received a new Chevy Suburban for his graduation, and now he was a free man. Gary was 5 foot 11 inches, and had a nice build, nothing exciting, but he had a certain swagger. Gary was the life of parties in his school, and everyone knew it. No one could drank him under the table, or hold in hits of weed as long as Gary could. Kaylie was his younger 16 year old sister. Kaylie was a drop dead gorgeous girl. Kaylie...

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While the mom and dad are away the brother and sister will play

Here is one special night my brother Mike and I had together."OK, we're leaving," Our mom Sally said loudly.I came to the front door where our mom and dad were, and they were getting ready to leave."Well, we're gonna be out late tonight, so don't wait up," Frank, our dad said."OK, we'll be here," I said.They were getting ready to walk out, but then they stopped and turned around."We know you are a young 18-year-old woman now. So, if you do find yourself with someone, just be safe. Use condoms...

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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 3

As she lied there in bed, she started thinking of the past two weeks that lead to things she never thought in her life would happen. She never thought that she would ever be in a sexual relationship with her own brother, but she was and she was thoroughly enjoying it. It had been the best two weeks of her life. She was looking forward to more time with him. And, tomorrow morning when she woke up, was Thursday.He began thinking about his sister more often as he tried to fall asleep just down the...

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Breastfeeding Sister And Her Brother 8211 The Mistaken Dick

This is the actual story of my intimate friend who told me about this. With her permission, I was sending this for publication. Read and enjoy. As my friend belongs to a conservative family, I am not giving her email. All your comments can be sent to me. I am 21 years, doing my B.Com final. I am a hale healthy person, with good physique and a charming face. I am 5’10” in height. Now coming to my family, all together we are 4 members. Me (Kishore) and my elder sister Anusha. Anusha is a cute...

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Sister Visits Her Brother in Campus

My name is sameer and I live somewhere around the Hyderabad. I’m tall and I play basketball at my school. Both my parents are also tall as well as my sister and so whenever we go out to places people look at us somewhat awkwardly. Anyway, I was just heading back to school. Since I’m on the basketball team we are usually pretty busy but since it was the first couple of weeks I didn’t really have much to do. One day my sister, hanisha, called and asked if she could come down to see me. Now I had...

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Brother and Sister Home Alone

Hello dear readers, my name is Young, and, i want to share a secret that i have kept from my parents for a year now. I'm 22 year old and my sister is 19 years of age. We both live with our parents, which helps out alot in this economy. The following story is what happened in December of 2010, while me and my sister where home alone for two weeks before Christmas. Our parents run a business oversea, and they are barely home at all. Just to start, i wanna say, i have always loved my...

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tutoring a sisterbrother love story

story starts under the line, I don't usually write taboo stuff, I don't even read it, but like an hour ago, when I decided I should write a new story(this whole thing was written edited and submitted in less than an hour, and I sure as hell won't revisit it) this brother sister thing just came to me, and if you don't like that kind of thing, I'm sorry, please don't read this story.Here we go:------------------------------------------------Ted was masturbating in his room, looking at some porn...

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BrotherInLaw8217s Sister Spreads Her Legs

A few months back, one day, I was feeling horny, with vague desire to have fun with an old woman, a really mature woman. I was wondering where to look for one, as I was away from my native place. I searched my memories of all the mature women I know of. First I thought of a close friend’s mother, whom I had fucked, when I was regular visitor to her house, years back. I came to know that she is not in Kerala and is with her daughter in Bhopal. So that was not an option. Then my search stopped at...

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Evolution of a Brother and a Sister Love

Specific and detailed descriptions of the people mentioned in the story were left vague on purpose. This will allow the reader to imagine the characters in way most pleasurable to his or her tastes. Read, enjoy and please feel free to send comments. I enjoy hearing how my readers feel about my stories. I answer all emails. The Evolution of a brother and sister Relationship Let me introduce myself, my name is Kenneth Strong, but all my friends call me Ken. I have a wonderful sister, Sally, who...

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Village Brother Sister 8211 Part 2

Hi, this is Mukesh again with the continuation of the story. It starts right from where the Part I ended. Before that, thank you so much for your kind and motivating response regarding the story. Guys and girls, if you need any help regarding incest, feel free to ask me. Also, unsatisfied girls and ladies near Chennai, Trichy, Karaikal can contact me through my mail id to have secret fun. Safety and privacy guaranteed. I and Pooja fell in deep love with each other. We were so intimate and...

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BrotherSister Pool Party Chapter 6

Melanie had all the plans in place. To keep with the tradition of Thursday, she had plans of a barbecue after Justin cleaned the pool. She had already written the list of items she needed in order to make it a very successful cookout. Well, not just a successful cookout, a successful sexual endeavor. There were no friends invited. Somehow, Melanie knew it would just be her, her brother Justin, and their new sexual find, the neighbor’s daughter, Allison. Justin was cleaning the pool when Melanie...

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Breed Me Big BrotherChapter 2 Little Sisterrsquos Breeding Plan

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The cramps squeezed my guts. I groaned as my eyes opened, staring at the fuzzy walls. I sucked in a deep breath and bit my lip, feeling so bloated. I squirmed, not wanting to be awake yet. I closed my eyes, snuggling up against my brother’s muscular body. He pulled me to him automatically, his arm so strong. I rested my head on his chest, closed my eyes and... Another cramp writhed through me. I let out a whimpering groan. My toes curled as I...

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