A Flawed DiamondChapter 56 free porn video

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Brock spent three hours before the last preseason game with John Milton in left field. Milton gave him a crash course on fielding balls that hit the wall and caromed back – something Brock had never considered. A player had to take a different route depending upon where the ball was hit. The angles of the wall produced deflections in varying directions and the outfielder had to be aware of them. The first hour was spent with a batting coach slapping balls off the wall at various points so his new outfielder could get a look at what to expect before the game was on the line.

The next two hours were spent fielding fly balls and learning who was supposed to cut off throws. Brock knew where the shortstop and second baseman would be on balls hit to left field but he really had no firm concept of where the first and third baseman might be stationed.

"You have to know," Milton advised. "You can't field the ball, look up and make the throw. Know where they are supposed to be and throw to that spot. If they're not there, it's their fault, not yours."

"I'll still be the one who looks like an ass," Brock said with a smile. Milton had chewed him out the year before when Brock was slow to arrive at his cutoff position and the outfielder's throw had wound up in the dugout. To the world, it looked like Milton had fucked up the play. But those who knew baseball understood it was the shortstop that was out of position.

"Well, yeah," Milton said, returning the smile. "You're looking pretty good out here, actually. I'm impressed."

"You should be," Brock related. "I spent half the night going over tapes of our games. I watched how you set yourself for the throw and how you position yourself. I'm trying to do it just like you would."

"Damn," Milton replied. "I thought it looked familiar. I gotta tell you. You ain't as handsome as I am."

"No one is, John," Brock replied. "So you think this has a chance of working?"

"A good one," Milton said with a nod. "You're a good athlete. That helps. You get a good jump on the ball. I noticed that when you were in the infield. That's the hardest thing, picking up the ball off the bat. It's real hard during afternoon games. You have a bunch of shadows that screw up your vision. That's why I have you out here now. Our first two games are in the daylight. You'll be fine at night. Players are going to try to run on you. You can't hesitate. The infielder will be telling you where the play is. Listen to them. Now, one more thing: deep fly balls. You have to listen for DeLeon. He will call out the wall when you're near it. Sure, there is the warning track but if you wait until you feel it under your feet to figure out the wall is coming, you're already screwed. It's only seven more feet until you crash. Dude, you do not want to hit a wall at full speed. It will fuck you up in ways you don't even want to consider.

"At home games, the fans will help you out. On the road, you're on your own. You have to be able to pick DeLeon's voice out of a crowd. You have to trust him. If he yells, 'Wall, ' you stop. You don't have enough experience to jump up and pull one back. Skip would probably skin you alive if you tried. Just stop and play the carom."

Brock frowned, which his teacher noticed.

"Dude, do you know how many times I've pulled a home run ball back?" Milton asked. Then he answered his own question. "Twice. Once in rookie ball and once two years ago. Do you know how many times I've bruised my ribs or dinged up my elbow trying it? A dozen. In our situation, the risk isn't worth the reward. Yeah, if you find yourself out here in the seventh game of the World Series, give her hell. Until then, play the carom. If it goes over, it goes over. But unless you're standing still and can jump without running, do not try it. We'll work on it as the year goes along – maybe."

"Yeah, makes sense," Brock said grudgingly, realizing he was perhaps the team's last option in the outfield for eight more weeks.

"OK, I saved the most important lesson for last because I think you'll understand it best," Milton said.

Brock nodded and waited.

"Every ball hit into the air belongs to the centerfielder as soon as it leaves the bat," Milton said firmly. "I don't care if it is in the infield or 20 rows into the seats behind home plate. It belongs to him. If he calls you off, you stop. I don't care if you think you have a better read on it. I don't care if you have a better angle for a throw. I don't care if you are already standing underneath. If he calls the ball it is his to catch. We have a system here. He will yell 'I go' if he is going to make a play on it. He will not yell anything if he wants it to be caught by someone else.

"You do not yell anything unless an infielder is coming out. If you want him to make the play, you stay silent. If you are going to make an attempt, you yell, 'I go.' We have not had an outfield collision in four years, Brock. Al put this system in place after he and I hit head-on one afternoon in Chicago. I wound up with a concussion and missed half a year. One player makes the decision. As you know, infielders may call off other infielders but not an outfielder. If you call off Josh or Matt, go get it. Trust they'll be out of your way. If DeLeon calls you off, trust he will get it. Stay out of his way. Got it?"

"Got it," Brock nodded. "Believe me; I do not want a full-speed collision with Josh or Driesbach. I would get the worst of that deal."

"Josh is who you'll have to worry about," Milton said. "He wants to prove he can be a good defensive third baseman. He will chase any ball down that he can get to. I had the same problem with you last year. Driesbach? Well, his range isn't that great. I doubt he'll try for many pop ups that are in question."

Brock frowned but again nodded his agreement.

"I'm going to pull both of those clowns aside and read them the Riot Act," Milton said. "In fact, I'm going to tell Josh that if he hears you call him off, I want him to head straight for the fucking dugout. I saw a guy last year who stopped when the outfielder called for the ball. Unfortunately, he stopped right where the ball was coming down. The outfielder hit the guy like a blitzing safety hits a stationary quarterback. There were broken bones and lost teeth all around."

"Shit," Brock said. "I didn't see that."

"It was in Double-A," Milton said, offering a smile. "I get some sort of perverse kick out of watching that shit. I Google 'Outfield collisions' probably 30 times a year. Come on, let's get back inside. We've done all we can do for today and I want you to rest a while."

Brock didn't bother to shower before the game. He knew some guys who showered after batting practice before they put on their game jersey. Brock just stripped out of his practice gear and pulled on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. He had two hours before the game started and the players wouldn't arrive for another 30 minutes or so.

He was thinking about slipping up to the stadium level to see if he could convince one of the vendors to fix him a hot dog when a head poked through the doorway next to the manager's office.

He recognized the woman as one of Steve Morris' staff. He had only met her once before and he didn't know her name.

"Hey, I heard you were down here," she said. "Got a minute?"

"Sure," Brock answered.

"Out here," she said. "I don't want to be overheard."

Brock walked through the doorway and into the hallway that led to the team's executive offices.

"What's up?" he asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about your contract," she began.

"My agent is handling that," Brock cut her off.

"I know but this is private," the woman began again. "Just hear me out. Please? I'm taking a big risk here."

"I can't discuss particulars," Brock said.

"And we won't," the woman said. "I'm Julie Archer. I work in the GM's office."

"I remember," Brock replied.

"OK, good," Julie said, looking around nervously. "I know the sticking point is a no-trade clause and I know it's causing some hard feelings. Don't let it."

"Julie, this is getting close to discussing particulars," Brock pointed out.

"I know it and that is as close as I'm going to get," she said. "In February, you'd have had a no-trade clause. At the end of the season, we'll add one without hesitation. But there are reasons we can't do it at this point."

"Reasons?" Brock asked. "Like what?"

"I can't tell you," Julie admitted. "Look, we have a written and stated policy that we do not discuss riders or addendums to contracts. We took a lot of crap for paying for Cerutti's mistress to accompany him on road trips. So I can't tell you specifically why it can't happen now. I can only tell you that we can't in good conscience put that in your deal at this point. Steve has been tearing himself apart over this. He can't violate our club policy though."

"So he sent you?" Brock asked.

"God no," Julie replied. "I'd probably be fired if he knew I was here."

"Are you trying to trade me?" Brock wondered.

"Not even listening to offers," Julie said, shaking her head. "We've got some. When we got Driesbach – when there were rumors you wanted to leave – we got some doozies. Pittsburgh offered us half their minor leagues, I think. They offered their top two prospects and the No. 2 pick in the draft last year as a player to be named. He can't be traded until June. We turned them down. We'd turn them down tomorrow if they offered even more."

"Then I'm still not sure I see the problem," Brock admitted.

Julie nodded.

"We have taken on a rather unique contract in the past few months," she said. "There is a clause that says if any player on the team is given a no-trade clause; he gets one too, along with a two-year vested option. That means he can decide to come back here and we have to pay him $18 million a year. His former team does not give no-trade deals. They refuse and they refused him when he insisted. This was their way of placating him. But now we have that contract and we do not plan to bring him back again. But we'll have to if we give you what you want and what we want you to have."

"Seriously?" Brock asked. He had never heard of a rider like this but he wasn't a contract lawyer by any stretch of the imagination.

"Seriously," Julie confirmed. "When the season ends, we'll do it your way. The numbers work for us – well, most of us. Steve thought you'd come in lower than you did. I probably shouldn't say this but I'm already in deep enough. If you want me fired, all you have to do is say the word so I might as well tell you everything. We were thrilled when we got your numbers. We had figured you'd only want a short-term deal, maybe three years but no longer. When we saw you were looking for six years at a reasonable amount, we signed off on it immediately. The kicker was the no-trade. We just couldn't do it, not without screwing our budget for two seasons. If we gave you the no-trade, we'd probably lose Wade and Cesar after next season. We'd surely lose one of them."

"The numbers work though?" Brock asked. "I was never sure. Stan said the front office came back with something that wasn't workable."

"We wanted to keep the negotiations going," Julie admitted. "We didn't think you'd give us a drop-dead offer. Truthfully, now that Jim seems to think he can simply play you anywhere in the field, we'll probably have to raise our deal. You're more valuable to us now than even after you agreed to play second base for a season. You saw how the fans treated your replacement."

"I thought it was a little much," Brock said with a frown.

Julie offered a half shrug.

"It shows you how popular you are with our fans," she said. "You should also know that Steve and Jim got into a screaming match this afternoon. Steve about had a coronary when he saw you in left field last night. I was pretty sure I was going to have to get the defibrillator out when Jim told him you thought it might be a ploy to lower your value. I decided then that I would find a moment to explain this to you – even if it cost me my job."

Brock's frown deepened.

"Can I tell Stan?" he asked. "You know, my agent. He's in the same spot as Steve. This has become more stressful for him than he thought it would be."

"Obviously, I'd prefer you don't tell him where you got the information," Julie said. "But if you do, you do. I knew what I was risking by coming down here. I decided to come anyway."

"I'll keep your name out of it," Brock said. "I'll just tell him I heard a rumor. He can probably confirm it with a call to Seattle."

"Thanks," Julie said, not bothering to deny where the unusual contract had originated.

"Thank you," Brock replied. "This takes a lot off my mind."

"That was the main reason I did it," Julie said. "Now if I can find a way to get Steve to relax before he keels over."

"I've never heard of such a thing," Stan said when Brock called him to fill him in. "Where did you hear this?"

"Just a rumor," Brock said. "It's pretty reliable though."

"Did your friend Tara pick it up in Chile?" Stan wondered. "I know there are a couple of players on the National Team with ties to baseball."

"I can't say," Brock insisted. "Can you check it out? I know you have a couple of guys on the Mariners."

"I'll try but they wouldn't want word of this getting around," Stan said. "God, what a stupid clause. The Blue Jays once signed a deal with a guy that made them send a limo to Maryland to bring his family up eight times a year. I thought that was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard. This one tops it – a no-trade and a vesting clause."

"I don't think I've been lied to," Brock said.

"No," Stan agreed. "It makes sense. When we first started to talk with them, I didn't think anything we wanted would be an issue. You probably could have had the team pay to pick up a random family in Maryland and drive them to Toronto eight times a year. Then when it got to brass tacks it was messy. Really, the offer they came back with was insulting."

"I've been told the numbers weren't the problem," Brock replied. "It was just a matter of keeping us at the table until they could figure a way out of the mess they found themselves in."

"I'll bet it was a day or two before legal gave them the news," Stan agreed. "OK, I buy it. If they're screwing with us, what have we lost? We can always let arbitration set the standard. I'll call Steve tomorrow and tell him we're still very interested in a long-term deal but we'd rather table things until later in the season."

"Tell him it has nothing to do with the position switch," Brock added. "Just let him know that we understand he has bigger things on his plate right now. Tell him we'll still be here when he has the bigger problems straightened out."

"That's a good plan," Stan agreed. "OK, I'll keep you informed."

"Nah," Brock said. "Just do what you think is best. I'm going to be spending a lot of free time with John Milton over the next couple of days. Plus, we've got the World Cup final on our off day. We're planning a big party. J.C. is opening in Anaheim this year. He's coming. We're off that day. You and your wife should come out."

"I've got two college football players with their pro day that morning," Stan lamented. "I'd rather be there. I can tell you that. But these kids didn't get much press. I'll have to be in Boston instead."

"Well, if you change your mind," Brock said.

He closed the call and headed back into the locker room. The place was starting to fill up, guys getting their ankles taped or just sitting back and thinking of the upcoming game (or not).

"Miller!" Jim LaCross yelled. "My office."

Brock rolled his eyes when he saw Wade and Josh give him the "naughty, naughty" signal.

"Hey, Skip," Brock said when he came in.

LaCross looked at him over the reading glasses he wore when working on the lineup. Brock stood there waiting for the man to speak but LaCross just looked at him.

"What?" Brock asked. "Do I have a booger?"

"This outfield thing," LaCross said. "Now's your chance to get anything you want to say off your chest."

"Uh, OK," Brock told him. "I guess it's going OK. John and I worked on angles this afternoon and taking correct routes to pop ups. I went over some film last night of him playing the position. Most of the fundamentals aren't any different than anywhere else. Is that what you're looking for?"

"So you're not pissed that I'm yanking you all over the field?" LaCross asked. "You're not going to hold a press conference or some shit like that?"

"I hadn't planned on it," Brock said. "Sure, in an ideal situation, I'd be back at shortstop. Guerra wouldn't have been shot. Al and John would be healthy. Cerutti won't have been an asshole and world hunger would end. It's not an ideal situation so we do the best we can. That's what we're doing, isn't it? I know you'd probably rather have someone out there with a little more skill. Right now, you can't find him. So I'm it. I'm good with it."

"I haven't scuttled the team's plans for a long-term deal with you?" LaCross asked. "I was accused of that this very afternoon. In fact, I was told that if I had, I would probably be looking for a new job next year – if not sooner."

"No, Skip," Brock said. "This won't affect that in any way. If things don't work out with us this year, we'll try again. You're stuck with me for at least four more years anyway. We have plenty of time to deal with a contract. Right now, we need to focus on winning games. Hell, if I suck out there, we might both be looking for work in November."

Jim shook his head.

"Steve is worn to a frazzle," he said. "He does OK when things are good. But he's coming unglued right now. The press is battering him for shipping our only Show-ready prospect for a No. 3 starter. The owners are upset because of some unique language in Driesbach's contract. Now he's worried that his plans for the next six or seven years are screwed because of the deals he's made."

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Mark worked for the Downside antique furniture store for the last six years, while still trying to earn enough money for college, when something happened. The store often received furniture from estate sales and what arrived was a strange lot to behold. The Stanworth estate was owned by a collector of items thought of as rare, different, and plainly weird. Mrs. Arthur Stanworth had recently passed away, but just after the nightly news noted to her having married twenty times during her...

4 years ago
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Under the Moonlight

* based on a true story.i am Jessica woman 30 yrs I was siting home when aunt kim Came in the house. Of course she doesn’t knock. I was reading in bed when she came siting by me. Whispered..’ hi,,’ softly rubbing me between m legs. Kissing me softly. I gave her a hug. And a kiss. She was happy to see me. We talked about the past and future. A good talk. She was really emotional. I a favourite neice. I hugged her tight., kissing her on her breast, leaving cool breaths on her nipple. She got...

3 years ago
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Max and Trent in Love Part 2

Trent and I had just gotten done with a 2 ½ hour drive from the airport to his house. The drive over was the best one ever; I lost my virginity to my baby’s tight boy pussy! The whole deed was in full view of Trent’s parents, too… I think they enjoyed the show! When we walked into their house, we all stripped, as their family is nudist (Trent hates clothes with a fiery passion… more skin for me  ) When we got inside, Trent’s sister, Jamie, was sitting near the entrance, with her legs spread...

2 years ago
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Handy Guide to Threeway Sex

Written by Michael My Personal Opinions: It is my firm belief that when a man looks at a woman he is always imagining her as a sex partner. This may be a subconscious act, but it's still happening. The male of the species was designed to be the aggressive partner in procreation and genetically he can't help having those thoughts. Because the male is the way he is, he will usually be the instigator in any sexual experimentation, while his female partner will usually be reticent or...

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Suducing Ryan

I realized that I liked boys at an early age playing house with my neighbor friend I always pretended to be his wife and I believe I may of even kissed him at one point. As I got older I would wear my older sisters panties and skirts when no one was home and dance around the house. It wasn't until my junior year in highschool I had my first gay sexual experience and loved it even know I was extremely inexperienced. Now I'm nineteen and very experienced but still very much in the closet when one...

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From Lonely Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 11 reposted

True Story, Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Fri 4th of January 2013 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified by Geo.Venereal as editor...

4 years ago
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The Sailing Weekend

worked from home and only visited the office once or twice a week. It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager's secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single I was forty six. She used to dress well and demurely but she obviously didn't wear petticoats under her long summer dresses and skirts. It was a real treat when she was standing in front of the windows...

2 years ago
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It Iswritten Episode 01

Jake sat under an oak tree on the mall, his windbreaker a telltale sign that Southern Januaries were a treat for him. A clear sky let the afternoon sun light his copy of "Euclid's Geometry". So engrossed was Jake in his tome, that he didn't notice Kim until she tapped him on his back. Jake nearly ejaculated from the surprise. "That's the book you picked for our midterm assignment?" the vixen asked with a condescending smile. Jake blushed at the criticism, although he did not know why. "Yes," he...

2 years ago
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Rachels New Life with a Loving Master

Rachel is meeting her Internet master today, after two years of just cyber roleplaying. They started when she was eighteen and he was twenty-five, so they are now twenty and twenty-seven. He is a muscular man of five foot six inches and she is thick and sexy. He likes her confident, bold attitude and doesn't want her to lose that. He wants them to have equal respect in their relationship, but he is the boss for sexual purposes. She has decided that, if he asks her to live with him, she will....

2 years ago
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My First Visit at a Swing Club Part 1

My First Visit at a Swing Club: Part 1 - IntroductionDuring one of our holidays the things we did was visiting a swing club, only a few km's away from the naked resort in Croatia where I had my first experience in “running around without textile all day”... One day I saw the board with that name along the road when we passed it while riding bike.My boyfriend told me it was a swing club but he honestly needed to explain me what it was coz I never heard of it. When he told me in short that...

2 years ago
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Finding ShelterChapter 2

I was surprised when Monica admitted me to Hope Haven. The front door led down a long passageway to another door. Behind the door was a glass-in entryway. She wasn't kidding when she said that forced entry would be difficult. I guess you can't be too careful when dealing with men who would strike a women or a child. I didn't comment on the security as much as I wanted to. I was led through an office into a large kitchen. I was surprised at the size of everything. The building didn't...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 264 Matched Pair

The party, the drumming, and the dancing lasted well into the night. The friends who had come from far away were the first to leave, and we were glad there was enough open parking in the new development that they could get their cars out. The parents of the tribe had a little more difficulty, but as soon as the other guests were out, we started lining up their cars in the drive with the keys in them. We finally got things loosened up enough that when people got tired and decided to leave,...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 56

“Am I a genius or what?” Liz asked as we cuddled up together on the cool sheets in the hotel room. “I was worried that it would be a disaster,” I admitted. “You have to admit that you’re happy to know that Skye has a tattoo,” Liz giggled. Indeed, Skye Bennett had an image of Smurfette (her childhood nickname) tattooed just beside her pubic hair. “And you got to flash your boobies to the world again,” I said. “It’s Dom and Brian,” Liz said. “I knew you wouldn’t be mad. I could have shown...

3 years ago
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My First Time

I was   wetter than I thought was possible as I waited in bed with my legs open, as if I did this all the time. My nipples were hard as little rocks as my lower body moved in a way I did not know was possible. Just this morning I was traveling to New York with my new husband and this evening here I am lying flat of my back feeling feels I never knew any one person could feel. He starts off by massage my tense body with oils and lotions making me as limp as a wet noodle. As the scented candles...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity To A Stranger

The following story is a real story based on my life. I had recently turned 18, and while all of my friends were having sex I was still a virgin. I didn’t know any gay guy except for this one guy in my school but I wasn’t interested in him. I was into older, hunky guys. So summer began and as a gift for doing well in high school, my parents bought me an iPhone. Within the first few hours, I had downloaded Grindr and I was already chatting with six different men, deciding which dick pic I liked...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The sassy young BBW pt1

My divorce was finalized nearly 2 years ago, but I had no luck getting back into the dating scene. Friends would occasionally set me up with someone, saying 'you two would make the perfect couple!' LOL, those never worked out. The well-to-do divorced women my age expected a lot more than I had to offer, both financially and in the bedroom.I tried online dating sites without much success either. The one time I finally clicked with someone, it turned out to be a guy catfishing me. I wasn't...

4 years ago
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Nina and Makalea Meet the Step Daughters

Makalea was staying with Nina again, hoping to renew her acquaintance with Nina’s Mum, Mrs Lynn, but instead found Ella and Nicole in charge of their step mother and her. So 38 year old Nina and 20 year old Makalea were under the disciplinary control of 18 year old Ella and 17 year old Nicole. Whilst initially Makalea thought it ridiculous that the two younger girls had control over her that didn’t stop them spanking her. Nina was also right, of course, that the younger girls knew how to spank...

2 years ago
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The Mom

Cher and her mom lived together. There was no father. Her mom was very attractive and had many men over for sex at night. Cher would peek and listen to them. She was a teen and sex interested her a lot. She was just developing a great body like her mom. One night she was surprised because a woman came home with her mom instead of a man. They sat in the living room and drank a few drinks and the woman began to kiss her mom and unbutton her blouse. She reached in the moms bra and pulled out a tit...

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Sharon does the neighbours

“Bugger,” Sharon tilted her laptop backwards and checked underneath, half expecting to see its innards hanging out. “Piece of shit computer.”Marcus finished chopping the onions and through teary eyes checked out the computer.“What did it do?” he asked. “Did any message pop up?”“Nothing,” she said and forlornly pressed the power button. “And yes it’s fully charged.”She mashed at the keyboard before slamming down the lid and pushing it across the kitchen bench.“Why do they always shit themselves...

1 year ago
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Kaylies lust

A slim shaft of silver light cast over her waist from the moon coming through the open window, still but for the curtain gently twitching in the silent warm evening breeze. She lay on her back and stretched like a cat. As she arched into the air, showing the smooth lines of her body, she sighed communicatively and tugged at the bars on the iron bedstead taking the last bit of satisfying stretch, breathed out slowly with a blissful murmur and ran her hands softly down her neck. Slowly she...

1 year ago
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The Homecoming

The Homecoming By Ricky When he arrived home he was greeted by the blinking red light on the answering machine. Shrugging out of his coat he thought, 'Probably some damn salesman.' It had been a tough day, details nagging and pecking at his soul until his spirit sagged as deeply as the lines on an old man's face. With a weary shrug he pressed the button on the machine. A low, quavering voice broke the stillness of the room. "Peter... Peter it's me. Please... Peter you have...

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The Self Bondage Punishment Website Chapter 1 D

The Self Bondage Punishment Website - Chapter 1. DiscoveryDave came across his dream website. He couldn't believe it was true, but sure enough, there it was. The url was: selfbondageenforcement dot com, and it had everything Dave had ever dreamed about. Once one signed up, they could download, for a fee, everything needed to put yourself into inescapable bondage. And what made this special, was that the site sold a local transmitter that was installed into your home, and connected to the...

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Little adventures searching for cocks part 2

Sexy neighbor I see every evening minding his business on the balcony opposite to mine. I find him adorable with his short swimming suit red color, no shirt, his body shines with the sun reflection. Every few minuets he pulls his cock like messaging it with one hand, every time make me drip in my pants. It seems that he was single no much visors, same as me. One day I got drunk and I got dressed as a lady, I had my sexy lingerie red, and a silky rob above it almost transparent rose color, a red...

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The Family Whore0

My wife and I have four of the nicest kids in the world. Mandy is the light of my life at fourteen years old. She is absolutely adorable. She has straight light brown hair to her waist, she is five feet two inches tall, and she weighs one hundred and five pounds. She has just gotten into her first B-cup bra and is very proud of her tits. She is also an A-student and reads all of the time. Our boys Tom, Dick, and Harry are thirteen, twelve, and eleven respectively. They are active boys to...

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Finding Bathsheba Book 2Another Interruption

She was so beautiful, it made Jack's heart hurt. Even after being with her so many times, gazing on her, she was still stunningly beautiful in his eyes, maybe more so now. Jack noticed Sharon watching the visual interplay between the three. She snuggled her newest grandchild under her chin and turned to the others in the room. "I'll go help him with the grill. I'm not sure two men are better than one, in this case." She left the room, kissing the baby's downy hair as she...

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her husband at night his bitch by day

I am her husband at night and black man bitch in the daytime I am white male from the south in my 40s self-employed carpenter last year I let a black man turn me into his bitch. It all started last year when I received a call from Bobby about doing work for him. The job turns out to be hanging cabinets for his kitchen. After getting the bottom set and top in place I covered, it went to hanging the top cabinets I got the first two hung no problem. Bobby asked me how much longer I had I told...

2 years ago
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Thrilling Sexperience In A Theater With A Heart Broken Girl

I happened to meet this girl Nisha (name changed), through our office chat. I had some important work with her. She is 3 years elder to me but looks a lot younger because of her height 5’2″ (maybe) and a dimpled smile. I’m 5’10”! So since our office collaboration work was a long one, we started knowing each other personally, too. I got to know that her boyfriend took her for granted. He started avoiding her and even hiding from her. So she was in that phase of a dilemma where everything seemed...

3 years ago
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An Internet Encounter Turned to Romance

I have never met anyone like him before, everything about him was pure perfection. I often wondered what he saw in a girl like me? I’m not tall or thin, but none of this seemed to matter. He was in it, to win it. Although I have always had self esteem issues as soon as my clothes came away my worries and thoughts would go away. I was always a bit of a freak in the bedroom…or anywhere else for that matter, and up until this year I have never met anyone who was able to keep up with my sexual...

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My mates wife

I had been to a Christmas party with a number of friends and we all had to much to drink so my married friends Ann and Paul said I could use their spare room so we walled back taking about fifteen minutes. On arrival Paul got me a beer and Ann and he opened more wine. I should say Ann was a great looker but nothing had ever taken place between me and her. I was sitting opposite them and Paul was well away with the drink and he started playing with her tits she was drunk but told him not to do...

Cheating Wifes
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Need Insurance

Introduction: Selling insurance has never been so much fun Im only in my early thirties, but I have already experience so much as far as job employment. Not that I cant hold down a job, but I like to explore my options. When I find something I like, I tend to stay with it for many years. One road led me to insurance sales. I worked my ass off preparing myself for the state exam, spent many long hours training with my managers to prepare me to go out on my own one day and make a living. Our...

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Julie Fords First Time

Julie Ford was glad to have left school and started her first job. Whilst not the most gifted of children she had always been a model pupil as far as her behaviour. She was rarely in trouble and gained a reasonable number of basic qualifications. Her time at school was not without its traumas though. Being slightly small for her age and of average looks she had been teased and bullied a little. Consequently she was a little shy and often lacked confidence. Julie was not an unattractive...

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How I Fucked My Girlfriend And Her Friend Like A Bitch

Hi friends, I am Hardik from Kota and this is my first story on ISS I am a regular reader of ISS. This is my first story on ISS. So please forgive for any mistake This story is about my girlfriend and her hot friend how I fucked them like a bitch. My gf name is Riya she is a 18 year old girl and her friends who is Vandana who is also 18 years old and myself also 18 years old and studying in Kota and lives in hostel and even my gf and her friend lives in a hostel nearby me. This incident took...

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SandcastlesChapter 62

During the renovation of the new house, Sally had suggested restoring the basketball court that I had practiced on growing up. I had played endless games of one-on-one with Mac on that old broken concrete slab and it held many fond memories. It felt good to have Janey and Simone using it now. They had chipped in their own money to get a fancy backboard and a new hoop and net. They got a book of rules that had the specifications for the lines for the key and the baseline and had painted the...

2 years ago
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3 Gay Guys Part 6 A New Beginning

It was the first day of the 10th Grade. Everyone was extremely happy to see their friends and find their classes. I found Matt and Dom sitting at a picnic table in the courtyard. I joined them and we compared schedules. We had all the same classes except me(Honors Science, Honors English, AP Global) from this you can see that i was the smarter one out of my friends. So the first bell rang and we reported to homeroom where we were assigned lockers, All three of us put our lockers right next to...

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