AshesChapter 1 Ashes Cover Everything
- 2 years ago
- 26
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June 26
‘We missed it.’ Majorly. Entirely. The train is gone, and has been for an hour.
‘I tried to wake you,’ Leo says, throwing my clothes and other knickknacks into my duffel. My head’s pounding, the light of the sun might as well be laser beans, and I’m tasting guava. Why am I tasting guava?
‘Come on, Rai. We might be able to catch another one if we hurry.’
Stumbling out of the room, we hand in our key cards and leave the building. I slip my sunglasses on and clutch Leo like a lifeline. The man is a saint, carrying my duffle and half-carrying me to the Termini station.
‘You act like you’ve never had a hangover before.’
‘I haven’t.’
I nod and quickly regret it as bile crawls up my throat and I swallow it down. ‘Whenever I drink, I make sure to have water. I know my limit, and if I want to go over that I make it up by eating.’
‘But we ran out of money—’
‘And Signe and Valter kept buying us drinks.’ I groan, ‘Fell to shit then and there.’
Ten minutes later we make it to the train station and get in line for Customer Service. It takes half an hour before we speak to someone and manage to get a ticket for the next train. We leave the line and hit up a restaurant that has wifi. While I eat, Leo checks over his work email in between bites of a breakfast sandwich. Eventually a waiter comes and clears our table and I grab my phone to call my mother.
She picks up on the fourth ring. ‘Hello?’ her voice is sleep filled and raspy.
‘Raiqah?’ In an instant she goes from half-asleep to fully awake. ‘Hey, habibti. Where have you been?’
She snorts and I hear rustling in the background along with a male groan and my mother’s hushed words, ‘Go back to sleep, it’s my daughter.’ A door creaks, and then my mother’s addressing me again, ‘I still have your bank account information, so I know you’re in Italy. Might have told me you decided to go backpacking. You’re father is furious by the way. I’d call him after you finish with me.’
‘Sorry, Mama.’
‘You know I don’t mind, Raiqah. Next time just try to remember I spent nineteen hours pushing you out of my vagina when you don’t want to tell me something.’
‘Guilt tripping me? Really?’
I smile as she laughs and I can almost see her shrug. ‘How’s the trip so far? You were in Switzerland, right?’
‘You know I’m changing my bank when I get back.’
‘Oh, come on.’ My mother dismisses my threat, ‘Tell me what you’ve been up to. I want to hear everything.’
I give her the highlights, locations and amazing food, but leave out Leo. Not because my mother wouldn’t be happy for me, but because like dessert, I want to save the best for last. ‘And I met someone.’
‘First,’ I say, remembering the male voice from the start of our conversation, ‘Who was that guy? In your bed?’
‘Damien. You’d like him. Hopefully when you get back you two can meet.’
I frown at her nonchalant tone. My mom doesn’t date, not since she divorced my father. The fact that she has a man in the house is huge and I don’t understand why her tone doesn’t express that. ‘How long have you been going out?’
She waits so long I think the phone call might have dropped. ‘Six months.’
‘What?’ I yell, freaking out Leo and the other patrons in the restaurant.
The man across from me smiles indulgently before returning to his work. ‘Try not to yell, Rai. I’m sure whatever Em is telling you is Earth shattering, but we reserve that kind of scream for when the Earth is actually shattering.’
‘Who’s that?’ my mom asks suspiciously, hearing as sharp as ever.
‘That is Leo, Mama,’ I say pointedly, casting him a look.
He raises a brow and mouths Your mother?
I nod.
‘And he is?’
‘The guy I’ve been—’ Dating? Fucking? Falling in deep like with? ‘—backpacking with. We met in Ireland.’
‘Why am I only hearing about this now?’
‘Really, Ms. Pot?’
‘Let me remind you, Ms. Kettle, that I’m 45 years old while you are 22. So answer the question.’
A motion out of the corner of my eye catches my attention and I see Leo tapping his watch. 15 minutes left. ‘Mama, my train’s in 15 and I still need to call baba.’
‘Alright. But we’re not done with this conversation.’ There’s a smile in her voice as she says, ‘Love you, Raiqah. Have fun with your . . . backpacking friend.’
‘Say hi to Damien for me,’ I return. ‘Love you.’
Leo’s computer is already in his bag as I quickly dial my father. ‘Hey, Dad.’ We speak in Arabic, not because he doesn’t know English, but to make sure I know Arabic. It’s one of many tactics my father uses to drive home the point that he is an Arab man. But like everything he does, I take it with a grain of salt.
His voice is cold, repressed anger, ‘Raiqah Muhammad Hussein. So nice of you to call your father after a month.’
So it’s going to be one of those conversations. I settle in for the inevitable fight, guards up. ‘I’m sorry, Dad. I was—’
‘Using the money I gave you for your education to frolic around Europe,’ he interrupts harshly, ‘Yes, I know what you’re doing, girl.’
I don’t say that the money he gave me went to last semester’s tuition and that I worked my ass off to raise all the money for this trip. There’s no point. ‘Mama thought it would be a good idea to explore—’
‘Your mother,’ he spits the words.’Yes, I’ve spoken to Kris already. But, Raiqah, you are my daughter. Your mother is a white American, I am not. Maybe you forgot that and I should send you back to Morocco so you can live with your grandmother.’
His words sear me. The memory of when I was seventeen and living with my über religious grandmother in Fez hits me hard. I worked as a slave for her and her extended family. At 17, living in a foreign country I wasn’t used to, I had no autonomy and no voice. The last weekend, my father came to get me and we went out to the desert where we picked seashells so my grandmother could make a lamp. I could still feel the grit on my fingers, the sting from a scorpion who’d hidden in the sand. How calm I reacted to it all, tying my finger and waiting until I returned to my grandmother’s house to take an aspirin and put ice on the wound. That cool, empty place of utter numbness, where I didn’t care if I lived or died. In that desert, I realized I never wanted to feel that way again.
‘And if,’ he surges on, voice rising, ‘I discover you’ve been with a man, you will never set foot in my house. Whores are not welcome.’
The line cuts before I can get another word in. Fifteen. I don’t know when I started, but in every conversation I have with my father I count the words he allows me to speak. Allows. Permits.
‘Rai!’ Leo is in front of me, hands on my arms shaking me. He’s wearing a new expression: terror. ‘Are you okay? Who was that? What did they say?’
He did it again. I swore I’d never feel that numbness again, but my father always draws it out of me. Curling my fingers and toes, I try to come back to myself, hear the world around me, smell the food wafting through the cafe, feel Leo’s hands on me. I realize I’m crying. Not sobbing or shaking, but my cheeks are wet, eyes open.
‘Sorry,’ I mutter, sliding from my chair and moving to grab my bags. ‘What time is it? Don’t we have a train to catch?’
Leo’s hand returns to my arm, squeezing warningly. ‘Don’t try to change the subject, Rai. You can’t just cry like that and then act like nothing happened. Who was it?’
Shrugging his hand off, I check my phone for the time. ‘Shit. We need to run.’
‘We’ll catch the next one.’
‘Leo, you’re being ridiculous.’ He’s not, but I don’t want to talk about my daddy issues. Not now, maybe not ever. ‘I’m not waiting another three hours for a tr
ain when it’s right here.’
Whatever he reads from my face tells him not to push me. With angry movements, he grabs his bags and we hurry to our gate. It’s a mad dash for the train before we sit down and settle in our seats. I sigh as Leo hefts our luggage into the overhead compartment and sits beside me.
I’m terrified he’s going to ask me what just happened at the restaurant. But he doesn’t. Only laces our fingers and holds my hand, murmuring that he has to make a few calls. My eyes turn to Rome as the train leaves the station and gives way to Italian countryside. Leo’s work voice washes over me and the painful memories of my father ebb away.
An hour later, Leo excuses himself to go to the bathroom and the lack of warmth from his hand leaves me cold. I decide to see if the train has wifi in lieu of thinking about how much Leo’s affecting me. It does, and notifications ping across my screen. A few from Em, some from Kate, a lot from Ji-hoon, and one from my mother. I read the one from my mom.
Mama: Call me. Just spoke to your dad 12:44PM
No point in waiting. I call my mother and she picks up on the second ring. ‘Hey.’
‘So you talked to baba?’ I ask, settling into the seat while keeping a lookout for Leo, no reason he needs to hear my family drama.
‘Yes,’ she answers slowly. ‘I’m guessing you’re alone.’
She sighs before plunging in, ‘First, tell me exactly what you said to him and what he said to you.’
‘Didn’t he already give you all the juicy details? About how I’m the worst daughter to ever walk the earth and also a whore.’
‘This is exactly why I didn’t tell him to begin with,’ I seethe, ‘Or you. Love you mom, but you always tell him shit that you know he’ll hate.’
‘So I shouldn’t tell your father you’re backpacking through Europe? Alone?’ She mirrors my tone, ‘And don’t try to blame this on me, Raiqah. This is between you and Ali. The fact that you neglect to tell him the amazing stuff you’re doing isn’t my fault. He deserves to know.’
‘I can’t understand how you can take his side after you divorced the bastard!’
‘I’m not taking sides. This isn’t even a war. When you get back, you and your dad need to sit down and have a conversation because I’m sick of being the referee.’
‘Well fine. You suck at the job anyway.’
‘Raiqah,’ she reprimands sharpley, making me feel like a five year-old. Tears sting my eyes because I hate fighting with my mother. And every time we do it seems to be centered around my father. For whatever reason she won’t let me break off ties with the man, instead, I force a relationship that drives me crazy and makes me feel like shit. Why? All so I can fight with my mother an ocean away.
‘Look,’ she sighs, tired. ‘You’ve only got one dad and he’s only got one daughter. You’re 22 now and I’m not going to keep forcing you two to have a relationship. You want to burn this bridge? Fine by me. But think about what you’re giving up.’
Blonde hair catches my eye as Leo moves down the aisle toward me. ‘I will, Mama. I have to go.’
‘And don’t let your father ruin this amazing trip for you, Raiqah,’ she adds, a smile in her voice. ‘Have the time of your life and don’t let anything or anyone stop you.’
‘I won’t.’
‘I love you, habibti.’
‘I love you more, Mama.’
We arrive in Venice with the Adriatic Sea and a flock of seagulls. The terminal is jampacked sweltering, leading straight into the city and its complicated waterways. Boats dock in front, while boys ride circles around tourists with their bikes. For a second, I regret not staying in the heart of the city with its narrow streets and canals. But then I remember how much a shitty hostel cost in comparison to the very nice hotel I booked and I shrug off my concern.
Leo and I follow signs to the bus depot where he uses his Italian to find out exactly where we need to go. After half an hour on a bus with no air conditioner and little breathing room, we get off in the middle of a residential neighborhood. I don’t even bother to look at the directions I screen shot, just wait for Leo to pull it up on his phone.
The streets are wide, but quiet. Thick grass sprouts out of small gardens and parks as heat rises in waves from the sidewalk. I take in everything through sleep heavy, still-slightly-hung over eyes.
Eventually we arrive at the hotel, dripping sweat with our clothes soaked. The t-shirt and jean shorts I’d thrown on this morning make me feel completely out of place in the stylish entryway. Their color scheme is black and chrome: European sophistication. Too bad I’m slumming it American student hostel style.
‘Hello, Miss,’ the poised, black dressed receptionist greets with a polite smile. ‘How can I help you today?’
My skin cools as the air conditioner blows and we check in. Leo takes the key cards and our luggage as the receptionists unfolds a map, takes a pen, and marks various places we should visit. I thank the woman as I run to catch the elevator Leo is holding and head up to our room.
‘Why a hotel again?’ Leo asks as the doors shut.
‘Because the hostels were more expensive.’
He smirks and looks down at me incredulously. ‘It’s because you wanted a hotel bed isn’t it?’
His laughter fades as the elevator stops and we shuffle to our room. A moment later we’re standing in the biggest room to date, staring at a king-sized bed. Nice.
‘Dibs on the shower!’ I squeal, shedding my clothes as I race to the bathroom.
I toss my panties around the shower curtain and flip on the hot water. It comes out icy cold and I jump, my sunglasses tumbling from my hair and onto the uneven rock tile of the shower floor. By the time I pick my glasses up, the water’s turned burning hot and I scramble to maneuver the temperature.
‘It’s like you’ve never showered,’ Leo laughs, stepping behind me and covering my hand with his. He turns the dial an inch to the right, and it’s perfect.
‘Thought I called dibs on the shower?’
‘What are dibs?’ he asks, snagging a small shampoo bottle and squirting some in his hand. I sigh when he massages it into my hair.
‘Dibs possess, meaning the shower was all mine the second I called them.’
‘If that’s the case, I call dibs on you. And since you’re in the shower, I’m in the shower.’
‘That’s not how dibs work.’
Of course, Leo doesn’t listen and I forget all about who called what when his hands reach between my legs. We don’t have sex though, the tiles too slippery to risk breaking our necks for a few moments in heaven. But there is heavy foreplay, and a lot more cleaning of certain parts than there needs to be.
Sometime later, we make it out, get dressed, and decide to try one of the restaurants the receptionist circled on our map. It’s a hole in the wall, surprisingly low key, with that Italian atmosphere I’ve come to covet from movies. We’re seated inside, but the floor to ceiling windows are pushed aside, letting the outdoors in. Leo begins to order a red wine, but I stop him.
‘Can we get white instead? Red gives me a migraine like you wouldn’t believe.’
He reverses the order, and when the waiter leaves, Leo turns to me, ‘I never asked what you might be allergic to.’
Shrugging, I watch him over the rim of my water glass. I like him with his hair down, pushed behind his ears, ends still damp. It makes him look younger, freer. The blue of his eyes is brighter, smile wider. I’m so focused on Leo, I don’t realize the look on my face until the mirror behind his head catches my attention.
There it is. Clear as fucking day for the world to see and me to stop ignoring. I’m in love with Leo. Not in like or lust or any of the other bullshit excuses I’ve fed myself over the weeks. Weeks. I can’t even
remember when it started, when I didn’t just let my guards down but gave them up. When I stopped setting useless boundaries between us and tracking how many times we crossed a relationship line. There are no more lines, and I’m pretty sure there never were.
Why does he have to say my name like that? Ji-hoon playfully calls me his ‘Rai of sun’ but Leo makes me feel it. Single parent. Fourteen year-old daughter. Ex-wife. 30 years old. Backpacking trip. I try to remember all the reasons I shouldn’t fall in love, especially with a foreigner abroad. Did I learn nothing from my mother’s failed marriage? How must my father have looked to her? The way Leo looks to me?
His fingers brush the inside of my wrist. I start, only to feel his hand curve around my own, thumb rubbing circles over my pulse. ‘What is it, kultaseni?’
‘My father,’ I croak, the words coming out of nowhere. ‘I was talking to my father.’
‘A-At the restaurant.’ I can feel myself shaking, molting maybe. The only person who’s seen this side of me is my mother. Vulnerability. Fear. Emotions I loath the most because they all stem from my family bullshit—my father’s bullshit. My mother raised me fearless, my father raised me fearful of everything, most of all him. ‘You asked who I was talking to at the restaurant in Rome. Who made me . . . act the way I did. It was my father.’
Leo doesn’t look at me, and I wonder if that’s more for my sake than his. If I focus on the mirror I can see my face, but I don’t look.
He doesn’t press me further, and his quiet is what allows me to speak. I don’t count words with Leo. ‘He’s an abusive asshole who thinks women are gifts from God to serve men. I think my mother put up with it for as long as she did because she thought he really loved her. I think he must have, in his own way. But she left him, and all that bitterness and warped sense of a woman’s place in the world transfered to me. I was—am never good enough for him. And he was just reminding me of that.
‘He threatened to send me back to Morocco to work as basically a slave for his family. Then he called me a whore, and said if I sleep with someone abroad I’m not allowed back in his house.’ I give Leo a watery smile when he grimaces. ‘I fucking hate his house anyway.’
‘I’m sorry.’
‘Seriously,’ I wave my hands and a huge weight lifts off my chest. ‘Don’t be. If anything, you being sorry would make me feel worse. You are one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. So don’t be sorry for that.’
A man clears his throat and I look up to see our very uncomfortable waiter holding a bottle of white wine. I try to tug my hand out of Leo’s but he holds on. The waiter speaks in rapid fire Italian, pouring a splash of wine in both of our glasses. Leo translates his words, which are just explanations about the wine and their specials for the night. I nod my head, affirming that I like the drink, and the waiter pours a larger glass.
I order squid linguine and Leo settles for a cheese pizza. The mood is too heavy for me. ‘So I can’t drink red wine. I’m also allergic to coconut.’
He smiles, and lets the conversation flow. ‘But didn’t I see you eat coconut gelato?’
‘Mild allergy. I usually take a Benadryl afterwards.’
‘I think so.’ I pause for a heartbeat. ‘Is there anything you’re allergic to or don’t like eating?’
‘Pork. Kills my stomach. And I’m allergic to most berries.’
He nods and opens his mouth to say something else, but our food arrives, steaming and fragrant. The conversation comes to a screeching halt as Leo carefully slices his pizza into sixteen pieces. I have no clue how he plans to eat the whole thing, but I’m sure they’ll be left overs. The linguine is cooked to perfection, but the squid is very . . . squidy. Since I’ve never had it, I’m not sure what to make of the chewy sea creature.
But the wine helps. And soon, I’m enjoying the hell out of my meal. We don’t talk again, but that’s fine. The air is warm, the atmosphere inviting, and every so often Leo’s knee brushes mine.
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Hi ISS readers this is me Arvind again.Hope u would have read my earlier stories.If not,then plz read them.I am sure after reading those stories, all the boys would start to stroke their lunds and all the girls would start fingering their pussies.This story will be continued by my mosi.That is,this story is from the view point of my mosi.She has written the story in Hindi and it will be more fun than the previous one’s.Over to my mosi now. Hi dosto main Arvind ki mosi hu.Mera naam Sarita...
Hi It's me again Jane, and here's the third part of my story. After my sister and I had gotten each other off in her room a couple of times that day we didn't do it again until that following weekend. I had to wait two dam weeks for her to lick my pussy again! I was so hot for it too! But, what I wanted was to suck Danny's cock and taste it! It was because Joann had told me about the time she and her boyfriend have had oral sex and we both masturbated each other as she told the story. Read part...
IncestI have a confession to make. You’ve read my story about my online seduction? The one I called short and sweet? Yes, that story. So now that I have your attention, I’ll ask your indulgence, as I tell you the rest of the story, or at least what I know so far. My confession? I was wrong. So very wrong. But now I have a chance to correct my errors. I thought the online seduction had been short and sweet. Wrong. I thought that what was left unsaid was actually more evocative than what we had...
A lawyer and a senior A lawyer and a senior citizen are sitting next to each other on a long flight. The lawyer is thinking that seniors are so dumb that he could get one over on them easily. So, the lawyer asks if the senior would like to play a fun game. The senior is tired and just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and tries to catch a few winks. The lawyer persists, saying that the game is a lot of fun...”I ask you a question, and if you don’t know the answer, you pay me...
I was shaking as I stood looking out the kitchen window, a freshly poured glass of wine in my hand as I heard the soft footsteps behind me.“Did you enjoy the show, Mrs T?” the quiet voice said as she entered the room.“Wh… what?” I stuttered as I turned to see Julia, my son’s girlfriend, enter the room dressed in one of his rugby shirts. On her diminutive frame it was almost a dress.“The show… what was it you went to see again?” she asked as she stepped up to the cabinet beside the sink and...
TabooIn the days they had spent in Beziers, there was a welcome familiarity Jack and Fay felt with the place. The old town was almost a stereotype of provincial France and the people, unlike Parisians, were friendly and warm. Their French had improved markedly and whilst they would not be discussing Camus or Sartre in their mother tongue, it was passable. The weather was edging slowly towards autumn but even in early September, it was on par with a rare warm July day back in England. Jack looked...
Me ek btech student student hun. Me mere papa aur mummy k saath rehta hun. Mere chachi, chachi aur meri dadi issi sheher me alag ghar me rehte hai. Toh time naa karte hue direct topic par aata hun. Mere college ki chuttiyan chal rahi thi. Me ghar pe chuttiyon ke dauran bohot boor ho raha tha. To me ek din subaha apne chacha chachi ke ghar chala gaya. Mujhe bohot dino se chachi acchi lagti thi. Uss din jab me unke ghar gaya to chachi khana bana rahi thi. Ghar me kuch kaam chal raha tha to dadi...
Brooke was the oldest of three children. Her two brothers were three years and four years younger than her. She was born when her mother was fourteen. Until a year ago there was never a father in the house. Her mother never married any of the fathers. She did not even know who the father of her youngest was as she knew that the night she had gotten pregnant, she had a gangbang with three guys. Her mom had finally married a year ago and her stepfather wanted all the kids to call...
So, it wasn't like Lisa and I hated each other, but we just weren't compatible in a relationship. We got our little cottage in the village we wanted. We were two minutes from everything on foot and loving where we lived....just not, each other. Lisa wanted everything to be Kath k**ston and nice. She'd cook my meals every day and do the laundry and fuss about the place. Looking back, it was a nice problem to have. At the time I missed my independence. Lisa was a pretty girl. Brunette and...
"You know there is one thing we have overlooked. Probably not the cops, but we don't know why this got reported. If I'm the nanny, and I'm in on it, just as soon as I get somewhere safe I have the bad guys call mommy and say no cops or the kid dies," I said to Vlad and Anya. "So, if that is the case, who reported the kid missing?" Vlad asked. "She was grabbed at noon and the cops were on it by 12:30. I agree who reported it." "Let's find out before we go all redneck on the...
Katherine and Ricks first meeting continues… Read part 1 and 2 for introduction to the characters. Thank you to Americancumslut for the inspiration. * Katherine reached for Ricks stiffening cock, she couldn’t wait to get it into her mouth. She was looking forward to really pleasing him with the blowjob she had been talking about with him over the phone and via email and private messages online. She wanted to spend an hour at least bringing him to the verge and then calming him, before...
Luckily it wasn't long before I got some good news from Kate. We had plans that Friday night with some friends to go bowling and Kate suggested we invite Ali. I didn’t want her to suspect anything on my end so I pushed back. “Umm.. well idk, we kinda had plans with Devin and Ash, are you sure we should invite her? “ I replied. “They always invite other people when we go, you know that, remember last time it ended up being like 10 of us.” She fought back. That was more than enough to...
I didn't know what was going on between Nat and Sheila, but I planned on finding out tonight at dinner. I knew Nat had been trying to warn me away from Sheila. His body language practically screamed MINE. Luckily, I didn't give a rat's ass what Nat's body was trying to tell me. I didn't believe in poaching, but Sheila didn't act as if there was anything romantic between her and Nat. That made it an open race as far as I was concerned. It had been a very long time since any woman had...
Today’s Friday and I’m out at the pub after work with some colleagues as you said you were working late. It’s about 6pm and I’m on my second pint; we finish early on Fridays so we’ve been here since 4pm. I check my phone and see I have a message from you. I open it and I nearly choke on my beer, coughing and spluttering over the table, one of my friends patting me on the back asking if I was okay; I nod my head, choking out a “yes” but move from the table to get some fresh air. Once outside, I...
LesbianHi, If you guys follow me you must have read my last story “My friends wife on a holiday” with me and Sasha my friends wife. Sasha is damn hot a girl I love her to the core.She has 36 size boobs she is very very fair and pink I love her underarms her short skirts she looks amazing her long black hair her black eyes her eyebrows she is true beauty. After our trip Sasha called me up one day she wanted to have oral sex with me that was her fantasy I told her sure baby I too love you so much that...
This this story I want to tell is something big in my chest I never told anyone before. Now I can write it here because I can feel safe.My chi hood neighbourhood was a bit busy. But because it was in high class area in town our free time mostly spent inside houses, our house , friends or sometimes families. I had three vey close friend and 2 of them were our next doors( x right door y left door) . I was a taller boy as my same ages my skin was white very soft no hair in body and face and I...
Hi, I have been reading Indian sex stories for quite a while and thought of posting my story here. I am 28 years old, 5’8, working and staying alone in a rented flat in Andheri, Mumbai. This is story my encounter with a woman next door who is 30 years old and unmarried. She is 5’2 wheatish, 32-30-34 with a great ass. She is staying with her younger brother. Whenever she used to pass the parking area may people used to stare at her figure. We used to cross each other many a times while leaving...
Marie remained kneeling on the floor with her body rest of the couch. It was obvious that she wanted more. Angela pressed her for an answer. “Goldie will mount you again honey but I need to know if you want it”. Marie turned her head around and looked at Angela. “Yes I want it Angela. As soon as he is ready I want him to fuck me again”. Angela smiled and I looked shocked. Marie had obviously enjoyed it so much she wanted it again. It was long before Goldie started looking at Marie bent ready...
Must be 18+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, I got my Exam results last week for my Biology class, I scored an A+ of course keeping my GPA at a steady 3.8. Laura will be back tomorrow so I can finally finish my business with her. From my last story, you've learned that I wasn't perfect. But guess what; no1's perfect. Not me, or you, or your role model who you look up to. We all are destined to make mistakes. That's how God made us. But it's...
"That's it baby! You are such an amazing cock sucker!" I moan around the cock in my mouth as I bob up and down quickly. I feel hands on the back of head grab my hair to stop me from moving up and down the amazing 10 inch black cock. I've been kneeling for almost twenty minutes slowly working this monster. I've only been able to take just over half of the cock so far. "You are doing very well sucking your first dick. Though a good cock whore needs to learn to deepthroat and feel what it's like...
I had just started my new job in the police service and was trying to settle in and get to know all my new colleagues. After a few days, I was paired with a guy called Fitz, who I took an instant like to. He was tall with an athletic build, short dark hair, and a beard.There was just something about him: He was funny, cheeky, confident, and really good looking. I couldn't help but let my mind wander throughout our shift, thinking about us meeting up outside work and doing things that I, as a...
CheatingIntroduction: Superheroine Trophy Wile Lets The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot And Grunt The Dwarf Cuckold Her Husband M & M Rape Bait 2 Chapter Two Cuckolded By The Governor, The Democratic Partys Official Donkey Mascot & Grunt The Dwarf DISCLAIMER: The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should...
I decided to head to town while Joe was away and happened to bump into a man while shopping. He looked really great and he smiled at me as I slowly walked around him. I decided to take a chance and see if he might be interested in some afternoon delight. "Hi' I said softly "My names Carmen" I added "Calvin's mine" he replied "You're looking mighty good to me" I then told him. "You're not so bad yourself" he answered back. I was dressed in a short black dress with black hose and ankle strap...
Isabelle My Daughter, Ludivine My Young Girl Friend and Me Alix§ § § Introduction § § §My name is Alix, I'm 40, I'm a father of a gorgeous blond Isabelle being now 25 years old. My wife left me and I now have a girl friend of 18, Ludivine, a beautiful brunette.We all like the cool sporty look and don't mind to wear torn clothes because we are so careless. Being grunge-like excites us a lot. This is one of the many reasons why my former wife quitted me.This morning I'm on the sofa watching a...
It was a Friday evening and the couple that I had met in a lifestyle room a few weeks earlier. We had talked everyday since we met, started talking about meeting, so we decided to meet at a park in there town. I traveled there to meet them and was extremely nervous about the meeting. Since I am new to the lifestyle and especially have never done a threesome. when they arrived ,we walked through the part and talked for awhile and made sure there was a comfort zone for both parties. Since we did...
I have always been a lover of really hairy women. So much so that I decided that when I met the right female, who turned out to be the gorgeous 50 year old, brunette Sheena, who had extremeley large and very droopy and saggy breasts, whose company I enjoyed and who enjoyed my company too I would, as soon as possible in the relationship, tell her that if she wanted to be with me I did not want her to shave any of her body hair off AT ALL, EVER. I told her two days after we met that my...
Chapter 11Ross was almost done organising the pictures that he had taken of his latest session with his mother when the door opened and in walked Cathy and Vicky. Not knowing who was entering his room his hand shot down to cover his hard cock on hearing the door open. Relieved it was just the girls for if it had been anyone else there would be little chance that he could explain why his shorts were down at his ankles.“Knock before you come in” he barked at Cathy“Well Soreeee…”Ross’s anger...
There was a knock on the door. Natalie stood and answered it, her long brown hair twirling around her. She wasn't expecting anyone important, so she assumed it was a door-to-door salesman or something. So she was very shocked to see the tall, dark haired woman in the sunshades standing there. She looked vaguely familiar. "Hi, do you mind if I come in and use the phone?" "I'm not really supposed to let anyone into the house..." "It'll just be for a minute. My car has broken down. And besides......
LesbianI went into the shop and got 8 Bacardi breezers and 4 cans of Stella to go on top of the 4 I had already necked down me. I also bought 40 malbourgh lights and gave those 20 between them. I also got some fag papers as I had about £10 bag of weed left super skunk from earlier on. I was feeling pretty good about myself the weather was great and here's me good old Joe got myself a new hot young piece of teen ass into the mix and had a few hundred in my pocket and Shelly and Gina seen this too ,...
Dallas looked forward at the back of the chair in front of him, having finished his level 2 of his course, he was ready to move onto level 3 and as a congratulations for managing to pass he was allowed to go on holiday with his friends, he had long dark brown hair with a grey patch dyed in on his left side, his goatee was barely visible as his bear grew out, "you still with us" said a voice as a hand waved in front of his face, Dallas turned and looked towards one of the people he considered a...
TeenIn 2007 I met this sultry, widowed shopkeeper. At the time I was 40 and I later found out that she was 50 yrs old. She was a very rude bitch who liked to swear at people. I bought my daily paper from her shop every morning before work.She was quite sexy, had small tits and a big ass. When she walked, her ass would jiggle. A person could see the thong sticking out around her hips. I just though "damn, a 50 yr old with lacey thongs" I decided I just had to see her in just the thong. I decided to...
Why did life have to be so hard? That question kept running through Rhiannon’s head as she walked by the McClintock Cemetery. She kept asking herself this as her witch senses went into overdrive. ‘Did you just realize I was standing here? I thought you were the best vampire hunter around. People need to get their stories in order,’ she heard behind her. Natasha jumped from her ledge. ‘And you need to know when to learn that I don’t want to deal with you tonight,’ Rhiannon retorted, as she...
When one door closes ... Being a father is an incredible thing. You fall in love with this red- faced squalling baby, and as they get older, you only love them more, even when they surprise you. And boy, did I ever get a surprise from my child, born Emily. The signs were there young, if I had only been able to see it. She always was a rough-and-tumble tomboy, always trying to "be like daddy" every chance she could. But it was when she was turning twelve that I finally realized...
I get my first swingers experience by be introduced by a good friend of I call Pedro (see my profile about him). So Pedro was at this time with a friend with advantage name Sylvie who were members of swingers clubs and it’s where they met. This situation happened just before I met El Chatogne (see my first story)I made my first boys vacation with Pedro in South Carolina US. We left Montreal at 1 o’clock in the morning straight to our destination which is a 17 hour drive. So to make the whole...
The planet and the system had many names, but to most it was known as Summit Peak. Like the Planet of Universal Peace, this world was also famous for being a place for important meetings between space-faring societies. It was almost forgotten during the height of the First Galactic Council, as such trans-society meetings took place on the Planet of Universal Peace. However when the Original Galactic Council became a farce to most because of the Kermac demanding sole control and the rise of...